[css-d] Nav not positioned right in IE

2007-12-14 Thread Amy Drayer
Dear CSSers:

I am about to pull out the gun and shoot myself over this mess.  Any
and all help GREATLY appreciated.  A note: The invalidation errors
should not cause this problem (it's a CMS, I cannot fix them).
Please see:

In Firefox I am able to get the navigation to center on the page using:

#linklist {

#optnav {

For IE 6, I was able to write a conditional to move it back into the
box and stop breaking the layout using:
!--[if lte IE 6]
 #linklist {

But I CANNOT get it to work across the board (and I'd rather not use
the conditionals). The navigation just won't stop pushing the body
outside of 100%. It shouldn't be this hard. I need my global
navigation (JoCoBusiness ... JoCoTeenScene) inside the box as well as
the search to the right side of the box and the navigation right below
the logo. Does anyone have any time to tell me what the heck I am

In peace,

Amy M. Drayer
Web Interface Designer
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Re: [css-d] Nav not positioned right in IE

2007-12-14 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Amy Drayer wrote:

 I am about to pull out the gun and shoot myself over this mess.  Any 
 and all help GREATLY appreciated.  A note: The invalidation errors 
 should not cause this problem (it's a CMS, I cannot fix them).


Well, you seem to have some clear options :-) Either it's that gun, or
you can pull the page together in one - common - width-restricted and
centered container, before adjusting the problematic pieces into place.

I think you have a suitable container in there, but it _is_ a mess so I
added one - #wrapper - in this example...
...just to show you how it _might_ work for a start, without any hacks.

If you can't alter the source-code enough to get a common container,
then I'm afraid you have to battle A:P default-differences between
IE/win and the other browsers for quite a while, as you are literally
positioning in thin air at the moment. At least make sure that _all_
browsers do get a horizontal position on those A:P elements - left: ???
or right:???, as you'll only hit horizontally by chance otherwise.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Nav not positioned right in IE

2007-12-14 Thread Amy Drayer
 It looks like some of the elements that are using absolute positioning are
 being positioned relative to the viewport and not the parent div as you
 desire. If the parent div is static the absolute positioned div will  seek
 the next higher parent that is not static. In this case, the body.

Dear Jim:

Fantastic!!  I didn't even realize I forgot that piece. Muchos muchos
gracias! :D

In peace,

Amy M. Drayer
Web Interface Designer
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Nav not positioned right in IE

2007-12-14 Thread Jim Davis

It looks like some of the elements that are using absolute positioning are
being positioned relative to the viewport and not the parent div as you
desire. If the parent div is static the absolute positioned div will  seek
the next higher parent that is not static. In this case, the body. Be sure
the containing divs are position: relative; or anything other than static.
It would be best to avoid absolute positioning if possible and have you menu
be part of the flow of the document.

If you find it necessary to use conditional comments to fix IE problems they
should be placed in the html as the last lines just before the /head tag.

Also, an element that you want to center within the parent is usually
written margin: 0 auto; This says there is no top or bottom margin. The
results of using margin: auto; could cause variable results.


On Dec 14, 2007 6:12 AM, Amy Drayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear CSSers:

 I am about to pull out the gun and shoot myself over this mess.  Any
 and all help GREATLY appreciated.  A note: The invalidation errors
 should not cause this problem (it's a CMS, I cannot fix them).
 Please see:

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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