Ysgrifennodd Bill Brown:
> Hi Peter,
> The DL.DT.DD family is a rare and unique jewel in the family of HTML 
> tags and the only one I know of with such a relationship between the 
> three elements in the sub-family. I've used it many times and been 
> pretty happy with it. That being said, it doesn't fit in this case and 
> there's already a set of tags for this.
> I can understand Jukka's suggestion to use tables to achieve the desired 
> effect and I've looked at his page, but I'd like to offer an 
> alternative. One thing that is commonly overlooked is that the label 
> element is permitted to wrap around it's associated input element such 
> that instead of this:
> <label for="thing">Label Text:</label><input name="thing" id="thing">
> ...we're also allowed this:
> <label for="thing">Label Text:<input name="thing" id="thing"></label>
> When we make the label element display:block, we then get a row we can 
> work with. Throw your label text into a span, add a little float and 
> negative margin magic and we can very closely emulate what we could 
> achieve with tables.
> I've prepared a snippet of your form using this method and published it 
> at this URL:
> http://theholiergrail.com/cssd/spanish-intensives-form.html
Heck!  You guys are good.  From being without a solution I now have four
of yours to pick from and one of my own.

Whilst playing around with the form at work (don't tell my boss, as this
is not a for-work project), I discovered that if I used an ordered list
rather than a definition list, I got something much easier to handle. 
I'll mess about with all the solutions now, and probably pick the one
that I feel most comfortable with for maintenance and re-use.

Many thanks for all your help.  It's much appreciated.



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