Re: [css-d] The css-d wiki REBORN!

2010-03-11 Thread Steve Clason
Eric A. Meyer wrote:
>  Ladies and gentlemen, the new CSS-D wiki:

A deep bow to all the volunteers. (Bows, deeply.) And the logo is great.

Steve Clason
Boulder, Colorado, USA
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[css-d] The css-d wiki REBORN!

2010-03-11 Thread Eric A. Meyer
Ladies and gentlemen, the new CSS-D wiki:

Thanks to the stellar efforts of the wonderful people at Incutio, 
the content was moved over from the old TaviWiki to MediaWiki with an 
automated script that did its best to preserve formatting along with 
the content.  In the vast majority of cases, this happened without a 
hitch.  However, there may be pages where things got a little wonky. 
There is a small cadre of volunteers working on cleaning up the 
problems we know about, which are listed at .
Moving forward, editing the wiki will require that you create a 
wiki account.  I know this is a change from the old wiki, where 
anyone could edit any page, but the spamfiltration that kicked off 
this whole migration vividly illustrated why that's a bad idea.  It 
may be that as time goes on we'll loosen up the editing policy, but 
no promises one way or the other.
Please do NOT try to fix the pages listed on the Migration page. 
If a ton of people rush in, we'll step all over each others' edits. 
If you find pages with problems, please let us know on the Migration 
page's discussion page 
(  Doing so will, 
as I said, mean you need to create a wiki account.  If that's simply 
unacceptable, then please e-mail me personally (that is, off-list) 
and I'll make notes on the discussion page.
One consequence of migrating to MediaWiki is that all the URLs 
changed.  Not to worry!  Incutio has set up permanent redirects from 
the old URLs to the new ones.  If you have sites that point to the 
old wiki URLs you should update them, but the old links will not 
break.  Again, if you find an exception, please note it on the 
Talk:Migration page or let me know off-list.
Please do NOT report broken links, whether they're internal to the 
wiki or pointing externally.  Link repair will be a whole separate 
effort, and not one we're ready to tackle just yet.  We'll get there. 
Just not yet.
That's about it for the moment.  Thanks for bearing with me 
through this whole saga, and please join me in applauding the 
volunteers who are helping restore the wiki to its former, 
pre-spammed stature.
Oh, and on a final, slightly whimsical note:  we have a new logo, 
as seen on the wiki.  I'm rather proud of it.  Enjoy!

Eric A. Meyer (, List Chaperone
"CSS is much too interesting and elegant to be not taken seriously."
   -- Martina Kosloff (
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