I'm currently working with code that has a table based layout. It's also 
templated such that peices of a page are in seperate physical files. Its 
difficult for me to do things like "widen" a column because the width of 
the column is specified 3 or 4 times, like this (pseudo-code):

table width=200px
        cell width=200px
                table width=200px
                        div width=200px

...and so on.

Now it seems that the innermost width takes precedence. So that if the 
outermost table width were to be changed to 100px, the rendering would 
not change.

So I guess I have two questions: first, is it true that the innermost 
width always takes precedence, or is there a more subtle rule that my 
tests have not revealed? Second, what is the best policy to specify 
widths to avoid redundancy - specify only the innermost width, or only 
the outermost width?

- Josh

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