
I'm not sure what this is called and I was unsuccessful in finding
anything about it in google.

I have a column that is 'float: left; width: 220px;' and a table that is
'margin-left: 220px;'. In Fx the table looks as expected, directly
adjacent to the floated column. But in IE the table is positioned to the
bottom right of the floated column, just below the bottom edge of the
floated element.

If I take off the 'float: left;' the table stays exactly where it is
when looking at it in IE. In Fx the table moves down to below the
floated element (as expected). In other words both browsers look the
same with the 'float: left;' commented out.

I tried floating the table to the right but that didn't do anything. I
also decreased the width of the table thinking it was a wrapping issue
but that didn't help either.

What am I missing?


p.s. I'd provide a link but the site doesn't have an external ip
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