[CTRL] UPI: China needs an enemy, expert says

2000-06-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

China needs an enemy, expert says

United Press International - June 21, 2000 20:40


WASHINGTON, June 21 (UPI) - The Chinese Communist Party's
aggressive military buildup, like that of Nazi Germany and the
former Soviet Union, is fueled by their need to be seen as
fighting outside enemies, a China expert told lawmakers

"China is carrying out a massive military buildup not because it
faces threats or dangers - it does not - but rather because it
remains a communist dictatorship and needs enemies," said Arthur
Waldron, a professor of international relations at the University
of Pennsylvania. "Absent some systematic change in China, we can
expect a steady level of military tension with Beijing with the
real possibility of a crisis."

Testifying before the House Armed Services Committee, Waldron
also cited the Chinese military's increasing importance in
domestic affairs, stating that it was "in the leadership's best
interest to give them what they want which is the best and most
advanced of everything."

The hearing on China's emerging military comes as allegations of
Chinese espionage at top secret U.S. weapon's labs, the bombing
of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade and possible arms sales to
Taiwan have driven U.S.-China relations to a three-decade low.

Waldron characterized hints by some policymakers that the United
States loosen ties with Japan so as to appease China "deeply

"The pattern is so similar to what occurred before World War II:
the cutting of Japan's alliance with Britain, the substitution of
a weak miltilateral system (and) an international tilt toward
China," said Waldron.

Michael Pillsbury, an adjunct research associate at the National
Defense University, told lawmakers that U.S. concerns over China
are made worse by the intelligence community's relative

"Our government and universities invest very little in
understanding Chinese security issues, probably less than ten
percent of what is spent on analyzing the former Soviet Union,"
said Pillsbury. "Perhaps worst of all, our China specialists
disagree vehemently among themselves about what China's strategy
may be."

Copyright 2000 by United Press International. All rights

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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2000-06-22 Thread David Sutherland


The Chineseness of Confucianism -- is the focus of Lionel M. Jensen,
anassociate professor of history and the director of Chinese studies at the
University of Colorado at Denver. Jensen contends that there was no such
thing as Confucianism until Jesuit missionaries entered China in the late
sixteenth century.

Until their arrival there were merely the spiritual and ethical traditions
of the ru, China's elite scholarly class, who, thanks to the off-and-on
patronage of emperors over the years, enjoyed a monopoly on education and on
the staffing of bureaucratic posts, by means of the civil-service
examinations they administered.

The ru claimed to be carrying on the tradition of Confucius, and he
certainly enjoyed pride of place in their veneration as the leading
propagator of ru values. However, as Jensen points out in his book
Manufacturing Confucianism: Chinese Traditions and Universal Civilization
(1997), the Analects was only one of several literary classics esteemed and
taught by the ru (the others are attributed to Mencius and other early ru
teachers). Using the model of Christian theology, which centers on the
person of Jesus Christ, the Jesuits recast the ru tradition as a
full-fledged religion centered on the person of its supposed founder,
Confucius, who they believed had providentially stumbled across monotheism
(in his references to "heaven") and Christian morality (in his version of
the Golden Rule).

Jensen says that in exalting Confucius, the Jesuits tended to ignore any
Chinese philosophical writings other than the Analects, and they did not
value China's other, far more widely practiced religious traditions,
including Buddhism, Taoism, and the omnipresent folk cults of gods and
ghosts. The missionaries promoted their Christianized version of ru doctrine
to the West when they returned home.

And then, Jensen theorizes, it was only a matter of time before the
Enlightenment philosophes adopted Confucius, savoring his apparent
reasonableness and his skepticism about the supernatural. The philosophes in
turn created and popularized the image of Confucius that persists among
Westerners to this day, and in the process spread the misapprehension that
Confucianism is the baseline religion of China in the way that Roman
Catholicism is the baseline religion of Spain. In fact, almost no one
practices Confucianism in China today, and even in premodern times only
scholars, bureaucrats, and occasionally emperors followed the ru tradition.
If China can be said to have a baseline religion, it is a mixture of popular
Taoism and folk beliefs.

According to Jensen, the Jesuits invented the very word "Confucius," a
Latinization of Kongfuzi ("Very Reverend Master Kong") -- itself an
appellation not found in ru literature (which called the sage simply Kongzi,
or "Master Kong"), although it is occasionally found on the "spirit tablets"
honoring him in ru temples. Jensen does not believe that Kongzi even
existed. "I think he's a literary trope," Jensen says. "He's a figure who
came to stand for certain things." Jensen is currently researching the
possibility that Kongzi -- whose birth, like that of Jesus, is the subject
of many miraculous tales -- had his origins as a mythological figure of
ancient Chinese fertility cults.

Any additional information any of you guys can provide - please do so.

This history interestingly fits a puzzle planted in my mind by author Paul
Blanshard, who wrote an extensive book which enunciated, in excellent
comparison form, the dogma, theories, practices, and rituals between the
totalitarian ideologies of the Vatican and its near-mirrored relative Soviet
Red Communism!

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Re: [CTRL] Fonda sorry for taking pic in Vietnam

2000-06-22 Thread David Sutherland

What? She can't have a change of mind or opinion?

What's wrong with saying "sorry"?

Why shouldn't she express a "Xtian" opine?

- Original Message -
From: "William Shannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fonda sorry for taking pic in Vietnam

 Yeah, she apologized a decade ago for this and the "patriots" called it
 little too late...now that she's a born-again Xian will it make a
 difference??? Should it
 It'll be fun to see if her religious beliefs effect opinion of others.


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[CTRL] 2000 year old prediction...comes home to roost? (fwd)

2000-06-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 01:37:44 -0700
From: John Patrick Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: 2000 year old prediction...comes home to roost?

Wise men,

My thanks to Doug for sending the below articles.

Perhaps you should read the linked articles prior to reading my below
comments.  Perhaps you already fully understand that the several body
politics comprising these United States of America could easily regain "the
perfect law of liberty" and secure the blissful peace and tranquility of
"heaven on earth" with just a simple decision.

That decision is to turn from our wicked ways of tormenting, being
busybodies, iniquity workers and generally thieves by any name against thy
neighbors, hence being involved in Coveting!  Yes, anyone of us who VOTES
for any law that in anyway effects others in the land (their neighbors) is

Nonetheless, one of the authors of the linked articles, David Kupelian is a
wise man.  He sees the Hypocrisy of what is found in near all Christians
today.   As II Timothy says, there is not one Church of which is not
corrupt - no not one.  To quote David:

"Just as America has the noble tradition of liberty, but not nearly the
substance it once had, so do many nominal Christians of today have the
appearance and words of faith, but deep down are no different than the
"heathen" they wish to evangelize. If you disagree, tell me how, with
something like 80 million evangelical Christians in the United States, an
immoral, lying sociopath like Bill Clinton could have been elected
president -- twice."

Can't argue with that! And:

"The Clinton presidency -- by all accounts the most corrupt in American
history -- is proof positive that millions of "Christians" are capable of
looking evil straight in the eye and thinking it is good."

Now, I can argue with the above statement, but, only from the standpoint
that "these people draw near to me (The Creator) with their mouths and
honor me with their lips, but, their hearts are far from me" and are
calling themselves Christians, when in fact, they are nothing but
Anti-Christ's and "ye shall know them by their fruits."  In reality, there
isn't enough true Christians in these United States of America to fill up
Dodger Stadium.  And, for those of you who are at this moment false judging
me in thinking I must think of myself as "Holier than Thou," no I don't
consider myself a true Christian either as I am only in the category of
being begotten again, not born again as I am just an aspiring Christian -
you see, I haven't made it to righteousness yet and therefore I am not yet
walking in THE WAY.  Faith without works is DEAD, for, our faith is proven
by our works.  Say it isn't so!


"Their belief system, instead of upgrading their lives, justifies their
sin. They see themselves as having a sort of spiritual "diplomatic
immunity." They are saved, after all, and therefore can do what they want
with impunity, with no fear of spiritual law enforcement authorities."

Ah yes, that old dispensational doctrine of your saved just by calling on
the Son as your Savior, because after all, we are living in the
dispensational period of Grace (nothing but horse pucky and perhaps the
prime reason most Christians are today  DEAD in Christ).  What blasphemy -
your faith is proven by your works - hence, being known by your
fruits.  Simply, "without works, faith is dead."

Still further:

"They are saved, so to hell with everybody and everything else. They're
waiting for the rapture, and enjoying God's piecemeal judgment of the
world. They have almost completely lost the ability to recognize evil as
evil, and to oppose it -- not with anger, but with love and strength, as
Jesus did. Without real virtue, all that's left is hypocrisy, and
Christianity in America today is full of it."

And they have "itching ears and will get themselves a host of teachers to
satisfy themselves."   Just try and offer up the love to help "them" change
their ways from being and "aider and abetter" to crimes such as theft by
Organized Mobs such as the City of Tucson, County of Pima, State of Arizona
or United States and soon the United Nations.  Better duck though because
the FALSE JUDGING will spring from their mouths like the breath of a dragon.

Nonetheless, take a look at the two links below.  If the hyper link is not
working, just copy and past the URL to your Browser Address Bar.  I'm quite
sure you will find the 

Re: [CTRL] UPI: China needs an enemy, expert says

2000-06-22 Thread Ronald L. Wilson

Could a war drive the Chinese political / industrial / military machine
On which side would one find the world bankers and industrialists - same as
ww1, ww2, Korea and Viet Nam ?


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 2:18 AM
Subject: [CTRL] UPI: China needs an enemy, expert says

 China needs an enemy, expert says

 United Press International - June 21, 2000 20:40


 WASHINGTON, June 21 (UPI) - The Chinese Communist Party's
 aggressive military buildup, like that of Nazi Germany and the
 former Soviet Union, is fueled by their need to be seen as
 fighting outside enemies, a China expert told lawmakers

 "China is carrying out a massive military buildup not because it
 faces threats or dangers - it does not - but rather because it
 remains a communist dictatorship and needs enemies," said Arthur
 Waldron, a professor of international relations at the University
 of Pennsylvania. "Absent some systematic change in China, we can
 expect a steady level of military tension with Beijing with the
 real possibility of a crisis."

 Testifying before the House Armed Services Committee, Waldron
 also cited the Chinese military's increasing importance in
 domestic affairs, stating that it was "in the leadership's best
 interest to give them what they want which is the best and most
 advanced of everything."

 The hearing on China's emerging military comes as allegations of
 Chinese espionage at top secret U.S. weapon's labs, the bombing
 of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade and possible arms sales to
 Taiwan have driven U.S.-China relations to a three-decade low.

 Waldron characterized hints by some policymakers that the United
 States loosen ties with Japan so as to appease China "deeply

 "The pattern is so similar to what occurred before World War II:
 the cutting of Japan's alliance with Britain, the substitution of
 a weak miltilateral system (and) an international tilt toward
 China," said Waldron.

 Michael Pillsbury, an adjunct research associate at the National
 Defense University, told lawmakers that U.S. concerns over China
 are made worse by the intelligence community's relative

 "Our government and universities invest very little in
 understanding Chinese security issues, probably less than ten
 percent of what is spent on analyzing the former Soviet Union,"
 said Pillsbury. "Perhaps worst of all, our China specialists
 disagree vehemently among themselves about what China's strategy
 may be."

 Copyright 2000 by United Press International. All rights

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

   *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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Re: [CTRL] Fonda sorry for taking pic in Vietnam

2000-06-22 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "William Shannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Yeah, she apologized a decade ago for this and the
"patriots" called it too little too late...

Why couldn't she have a change of heart?  I personally know untold
numbers of people who during the 60s were radically opposed to the war,
who called for 'sharing the wealth' and promoted collectivism...

By the 1980s they were all yuppies, and voted for Reagan.  Many are now
officers of banks.

now that she's a born-again Xian will it make a difference???

Probably not.  What would all those rednecks with "I'm not Fonda Hanoi
Jane" bumperstickers do?

Should it

No.  Her religious beliefs are her own, and shouldn't have any bearing
one way or another on what she did a generation ago.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fonda sorry for taking pic in Vietnam

2000-06-22 Thread William Shannon

What? She can't have a change of mind or opinion?

What's wrong with saying "sorry"?

Why shouldn't she express a "Xtian" opine?

Dude, she already did her lil' mea culpa a decade ago...to the jeers of the far 
right...my point is that if her recent degradation...er, I mean conversion to hardcore 
Xianity makes her apology any more acceptable now than it was then...that's a weird 
standard...and the so-called "patriots" will have shown themselves to be a VERY fickle 
lot indeed.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] UPI: China needs an enemy, expert says

2000-06-22 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 6/22/00 3:21:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On which side would one find the world bankers and industrialists - same

ww1, ww2, Korea and Viet Nam ?

Three sides. On both the opposing and their own.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] CIA and invasion of Eritrea

2000-06-22 Thread Kris Millegan

HI all,
Hey, anyone ever heard of Kaliningrad? Where the Soviet's had their main
fleet I think? Apparently this is the biggest route of drugs into Europe, as
they transit this port through the Russian mob's hands. The Balkans route is
the one that gets attention, but what about the Russians? (other than for you

Here are some clips from a couple notes to me from a friend on this issue, on
the FARC getting their arms from the Russians, then washing their money
through the NY banks, as I recently quoted Mike saying in an article for HT.

"Virtually all the Russian ordnance that moves into Colombia goes
across the docks at Turbo in Uraba State on the Caribbean, and Uraba State
is run entirely, lock, stock and gunbarrel, by the rightwing Autodefensas
militias of Carlos Castano. Which means that the initial coke-for-arms
exchanges in Colombia are necessarily brokered originally by thugs under
Castano's effective jurisdiction. The FARC actually gets most of its
ordnance smuggled in the back way, through Ecuador and Peru, I understand,
and they pay for all this snuff stuff with money, not directly with
cocaine. Which means that when it comes to DIRECT dope-for-arms
transactions, it's Castano's rightwingers who rightfully ought to get
lambasted and finger-pointed in print for it. Whereas the poor FARC has to
take its cocaine money and wash it a couple times before they pay for guns
with it. Of course, they're paying it to exactly the same Russian thugs who
are moving arms through Turbo to Castano's people, so it all gets horribly
complicated and economically incestuous, and I don't believe it makes
enough of a difference that we have to bother elucidating the difference
here--as long as we're aware of the difference ourselves, anyhow."

"When it comes to dope moving from Colombia to Russia, the
one place which the US State Department has NOT made a big deal of
fingering is this little patch of Russian territory between Latvia and
Poland that used to be called Ekaterinberg, or Ykaterinberg, I forget the
spelling exactly. (note-This is Kaliningrad he means here, as he wrote me to
correct himself later-Preston) It's a little chunk of property on the Baltic
Sea (or
maybe the North Sea), all to itself, unconnected to Russia, which the
Russians have controlled as sovereign territory since the late 1800s or
thereabouts. All it really is, see, is the home port of the main Russian
naval fleet. And as soon as the USSR broke up ten years ago, the Russian
naval commanders there went straight into business with the old Medellin
cartel, it seems. So when you hear about Colombian cocaine being moved by
submarines, that's where the subs came from. And so on. Anyhow, this little
far-flung chunk of Russia has its own congressfolk in Moscow, its own
governor, and its own protectors tight with the Kremlin inner
circle--Voloshin and Berezovsky and those thugs. And NOBODY makes a big
deal about it, including the high and mighty US Department of State. I got
the impression that if somebody in the Alternative Press were to look into
Ekaterinberg (or whatever it's called nowadays) (Kaliningrad-Preston) and
start drawing attention
to it, the bowels of the Mighty here in the US government might be
disturbed exceedingly.

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[CTRL] 2-Fwd: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] CIA and invasion of Eritrea

2000-06-22 Thread Kris Millegan


This is a great catch! If it can be sourced anywhere it is very valuable.
Can you get a publication, author, witness? Anything that makes it useable
in a hard news story?

I am on deadlines and will be a poor correspondent for a while. One of the
things I am using for my next cover story on Colombia in an MS-NBC piece
showing that the Russians are flying big Ilyushin transports directly into
FARC held territory after a single refueling stop in Lebanon. The transports
are offloading weapons and filling up with cocaine which the FARC have
allegedly taken as taxes to protect the traffickers in the regions. The huge
ILs are capable of landing on pretty crappy runways. Remember that taxes are
usually not in the form of US dollars to FARC. Taxes are usually a
percentage of the drug straight off the top that FARC takes. They get cash
too but they also handle the drugs.

There are no saints in Colombia.

If the story you were sent can be sourced and made credible it is very

One things is certain, just about everybody who has guns to sell is selling
them into Colombia right now. It's gonna blow big time.

Mike Ruppert

-Original Message-
Sent:   Wednesday, June 21, 2000 11:17 PM
Subject:Re: [CIA-DRUGS] CIA and invasion of Eritrea

HI all,
Hey, anyone ever heard of Kaliningrad? Where the Soviet's had their main
fleet I think? Apparently this is the biggest route of drugs into Europe, as
they transit this port through the Russian mob's hands. The Balkans route is
the one that gets attention, but what about the Russians? (other than for

Here are some clips from a couple notes to me from a friend on this issue,
the FARC getting their arms from the Russians, then washing their money
through the NY banks, as I recently quoted Mike saying in an article for HT.

"Virtually all the Russian ordnance that moves into Colombia goes
across the docks at Turbo in Uraba State on the Caribbean, and Uraba State
is run entirely, lock, stock and gunbarrel, by the rightwing Autodefensas
militias of Carlos Castano. Which means that the initial coke-for-arms
exchanges in Colombia are necessarily brokered originally by thugs under
Castano's effective jurisdiction. The FARC actually gets most of its
ordnance smuggled in the back way, through Ecuador and Peru, I understand,
and they pay for all this snuff stuff with money, not directly with
cocaine. Which means that when it comes to DIRECT dope-for-arms
transactions, it's Castano's rightwingers who rightfully ought to get
lambasted and finger-pointed in print for it. Whereas the poor FARC has to
take its cocaine money and wash it a couple times before they pay for guns
with it. Of course, they're paying it to exactly the same Russian thugs who
are moving arms through Turbo to Castano's people, so it all gets horribly
complicated and economically incestuous, and I don't believe it makes
enough of a difference that we have to bother elucidating the difference
here--as long as we're aware of the difference ourselves, anyhow."

"When it comes to dope moving from Colombia to Russia, the
one place which the US State Department has NOT made a big deal of
fingering is this little patch of Russian territory between Latvia and
Poland that used to be called Ekaterinberg, or Ykaterinberg, I forget the
spelling exactly. (note-This is Kaliningrad he means here, as he wrote me to
correct himself later-Preston) It's a little chunk of property on the Baltic
Sea (or
maybe the North Sea), all to itself, unconnected to Russia, which the
Russians have controlled as sovereign territory since the late 1800s or
thereabouts. All it really is, see, is the home port of the main Russian
naval fleet. And as soon as the USSR broke up ten years ago, the Russian
naval commanders there went straight into business with the old Medellin
cartel, it seems. So when you hear about Colombian cocaine being moved by
submarines, that's where the subs came from. And so on. Anyhow, this little
far-flung chunk of Russia has its own congressfolk in Moscow, its own
governor, and its own protectors tight with the Kremlin inner
circle--Voloshin and Berezovsky and those thugs. And NOBODY makes a big
deal about it, including the high and mighty US Department of State. I got
the impression that if somebody in the Alternative Press were to look into
Ekaterinberg (or whatever it's called nowadays) (Kaliningrad-Preston) and
start drawing attention
to it, the bowels of the Mighty here in the US government might be
disturbed exceedingly.

Secure, online sales force automation with 5 users FREE for 1 year!

[CTRL] Henious Indiscretions......?????

2000-06-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

I have known a lot of poor whites in my day but hey did not go on
shooting sprees, murder people who just happen to be in the way and now
want forgiveness for their crimes?

Hope Bush does not give in when it comes to his turn at bat.   This man,
read his history - a poor young black, so typical of these poor young
blacks.like the black who stole a car with a 6 year old still in
back seat which the mother had carefully strapped into a seatbelthe
was drug through the streets in 85 mile chase and it took two white men
ramming to car, to stop it - what was left of the boy is indescrible.

And then the makings of a real little killer murdering a little white 6
year old.this kid was six too and had previously stabbed another six
year old with pencil.   We are told we should hug this little bastard
who was smart enough to ditch the gun.   Sad though, poor kid - father
in prison and mother "working" two jobs but has to work for a white,
this illiilitrate animal who has second job won't say whreleft her
kid in her brother's crack house.   Would you want these people in your
slum, Mr. Gore?

Like these people now from Mexico bringing in all kids of disease.
America is a corporation and a private corporation.   We let these
animals come up and run drugs and swim in rivers full of their own
pollution including raw sewage..What is in their plastic bags they
carry - are the all drug runners for what we know to be called a Mafia?

And Little Havana in Miami - been there lately to this once beautiful
city with people drunk and urinating in streets as they do in Mexico.

Poor is poor, but most white people I know raise their children to be
clean and honest but now thanks to television and bussing, we find a lot
of stray animals has brought some of children, down to the level of
animals in the streetsRap Music and oh those Black Panthers has been
ressurrected by HIll and Bill, to get Bush.

Well American is becoming a cess pool of disease and AIDS and will be
like South Africa unless somebody does something.

But it is genocide time ought to write a song about that, for the
rich and famous are building hotels about the world.and plan to
invade Cuba once again, with no doubt the little Red Herring Elian as
their standard.   Not that anybody cares.Castro has cleaned out Cuba
and sent his refuse to our shores.

And watch out Californiapeople are being told that Mexico owns
Californiaso wait for the Revolution, and Remember the Alamo.

Or move to Mexico or Cuba or little Havana and make yourself at home.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] [slick-d] Henious Indiscretions......?????

2000-06-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

Story on executio plan did not go...here it is.


Battle escalates as execution nears  Gary Graham's supporters put
pressure on Texas officials  Condemned Texas inmate Gary Graham
remains defiant as supporters try to stop his scheduled execution.
 By Paul Duggan
AUSTIN, Texas, June 21 —  As Texas's pardons board prepares to vote
Thursday on Gary Graham's petition for a sentence commutation or
reprieve, opponents and supporters of his planned lethal injection have
escalated their public relations battle over one of the most debated
death penalty cases of Gov. George W. Bush's tenure.

  'I'm going to look at the innocence and guilt of each person, and
whether or not the person has had full access to the courts.'
   TO HIS MANY supporters, Graham is not a murderer but a
"victim," an innocent man railroaded into a "killing machine" known as
the Texas death penalty system. But to those in favor of his scheduled
execution Thursday, Graham is not only a murderer but a remorseless one,
a manipulator whose highly publicized campaign for clemency is based on
lies and misguided sympathy.
   After a week of demonstrations here and elsewhere in the
country, Graham's supporters said they intend to show up in huge numbers
Thursday outside the state penitentiary in Huntsville, 130 miles east of
Austin, where Texas carries out its executions.
   Officials there said security would be exceptionally
tight around the prison, where 221 inmates have been put to death since
the restoration of capital punishment in 1976, including 134 since Bush
took office 5½ years ago.
   "We're calling for 10,000 people to come to Huntsville on
June 22 for an emergency day of protest," Graham, 36, said in a
nationally televised interview.

   Secluded from the turmoil, the 18 members of Texas's
Board of Pardons and Paroles — all Bush appointees — are studying
hundreds of pages of legal briefs, police reports and court records
filed by prosecutors and Graham's attorneys.
Photojournalist Ken Light takes a rare look into the faces and lives of
doomed, forgotten men on Texas death row.
   Graham, charged with killing a man in a 1981 parking lot
robbery in Houston, was convicted based solely on the testimony of a
woman who said she glimpsed the shooter's face for a few seconds. In
statements videotaped by Graham's current laywers, two witnesses who
were not called to testify at the trial said Graham was not the gunman
they saw. Graham's attorneys point out that those witnesses have never
been heard by a judge or jury.
   In affidavits filed with Graham's clemency petition,
three trial jurors who recently viewed the videotaped statements said
they would not have voted to convict Graham if they had heard those
witnesses in court.
   Graham is seeking a commutation of his sentence to life
in prison or a four-month reprieve so that the two witnesses can testify
before the pardons board. The board members, scattered across the state,
rarely meet as a group. As in Graham's case, they normally review
petitions individually and fax their votes to Austin.
 What's your view on the death penalty?I support it as it standsIt
should be abolishedI support the system but it should be overhauled.
Vote to see results
   If a majority of the board votes against clemency, it
would spare Bush, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, a difficult
political decision, because he would be legally powerless to stop the
execution. But if a majority of the board favors clemency, it would be
up to Bush to grant or deny it. The board's decision likely will come
just hours before Graham's scheduled 6 p.m. (CDT) execution.

   While Graham's supporters staged demonstrations this week
in Austin, New York, Chicago and other cities, anti-death penalty
activists dogged Bush at campaign stops in California. At a Los Angeles
news conference today, Bush avoided commenting specifically on Graham's
case, but reiterated his faith in the Texas death penalty system. Bush's
state leads the nation in the number of executions by a wide margin.
   "I analyze each case when it comes across my desk," Bush
said, in what has become his standard reply to death penalty questions
during the presidential campaign. "I'm going to look at the innocence
and guilt of each person, and whether or not the person has had full
access to the courts. And as far as I'm concerned, there has not been
one innocent person executed since I've been the governor."
   State-by-state stats MSNBC Interactive•Find out more about the
demographics of death row
   Texas law allows the governor to issue a one-time, 30-day
stay of execution for a condemned prisoner. Bush approved such a
reprieve for the first time three weeks ago, so DNA tests could be
conducted in the case of death row inmate Ricky McGinn.
   But Bush's office said he cannot issue a 30-day reprieve
for Graham, 


2000-06-22 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

 If this is the case and they are trying to cause riots... Bush jr. won't
call off that execution.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #1

2000-06-22 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000622a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* The previous bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/21_06_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, praises, discoveries: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No kilted hackers were arrested during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

! CORRECTION: URL for "US Military Non-Lethal Weapons" should be:
! CORRECTION: URL for "Marijuana 'helps tumours grow'" should be:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  REVISITED. http://www.ufomind.com/ufo/updates/2000/jun/m22-005.shtml

# UFO Fragments Near Sun: http://www.sightings.com/general2/sun.htm
@ UFO cases, analysis, etc: http://www.temporaldoorway.com/ufo/index.htm
@ To Serve Man - ETs  NWO: http://www.sightings.com/general2/toserve.htm
# Portland, Eugene, And Western Oregon Hit With Chemtrails Again - when
  will the madness ever end? http://www.sightings.com/general2/port.htm

: Is you an alien? D'ya lay eggs; devour humans; crash spacecraft; transport
piranhas; spew chemtrails; mutilate cattle; float above cities; laugh a lot?
D'ya feed false/misleading/humorous reports of your activities to us humans?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# MARS IMAGES SUGGEST RECENT WATER FLOW. Despite its cold and arid surface,
  Mars displays signs of recent liquid water activity in numerous places,
  bolstering theories that simple religious life forms could have emerged
  on the red planet. http://CNN.com/2000/TECH/space/06/21/mars.water.03/

# Mars in pictures. (BBC) Nasa's revelation of surface water on Mars is just
  the latest in a long line of Red Planet discoveries. Watch for more faces.
  There: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_801000/801622.stm

# Tombs Cast Fresh Light on Egypt Pyramid Builders. GIZA, EGYPT (Reuters) --
  Restoration of tombs at the pyramids of Giza is casting fresh light on the
  builders of the towering monuments. They didn't need much help from aliens
  after all: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000622/04/science-egypt-tombs-dc

# China Frets As Desert Takes Beijing by Storm - choking dust clouds envelop
  12 million - encroaching desert has already devoured outlying communities.
  Doom: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000621/10/science-environment-china-dc

: What's your favorite desert? Has it devoured any civilizations lately? Are
Martian cities buried beneath the dunes? Were Martian/Chinese/Egyptian/Mayan
pyramids all built by the same contractors? Is evidence buried under them??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  plane startup FIRESHIPS NZ today issued a call for marketing  management
  personnel experienced in aerospace, airtransport,  cyberspace-technology
  enterprise. http://www.ufomind.com/ufo/updates/2000/jun/m22-006.shtml

# Russ, Kazakh Honchos Sign Deal on Cosmodrome. MOSCOW (Reuters) - Pres.Vlad
  Putin  Kazakh Pres.Nursultan Nazarbayev signed a new treaty on the use of
 Russia's cosmodrome at Baikonur,which Kazakhstan inherited with the fall of
  Communism. http://news.excite.com/news/r/000620/18/science-space-russia-dc

# Sharing Air, Water  Dirty Laundry -- In Space. (Reuters)  Will astronauts
  sharing recycled air and water in the tight confines of space stations for
  extended periods of time be vulnerable to infections? Not much more so
  than college roomies sharing a typical urban flat--as long as they do the
  dishes, sez NASA. http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/2602/hl/nasa_1.html

: How do you manage your space activities? Do you approach space endeavours
with commercial/governmental/collegiate/religious/artistic/alien attitudes?
Can you maintain adequate sanitation of your station/finances/politics/mind?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Teens prefer sex, drugs, Net - Poll: 50% of graduating seniors say they're
  no longer virgins: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000621/17/leisure-poll
# Anti-gay law scrapped in Scotland - men in skirts laughed, sang, hugged
  each other: http://infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2567528176-b30
# Lesbo mag pisses gays; bucks image of 'butch, comic, badly-dressed loners'

# Nigeria state proclaims Islamic law. ABUJA (AP) Muslims in Nigeria's north
  cheered the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Border river is also sewage drain

2000-06-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

Here is more on disease being brought to America but boy the drugs in
the plastic bags will be safe.

Note today children from 2 to 5 are to be given Meningitis shots and
they might as well say Anthrax shots or Nile Encelphalitis.   1 in 5
children will get brain swelling from these shots, you going to let them
put that poison into your child and if something happens - touch, how

This is Clinton and Gore and Admiral Crowe, for he makes this vaccine
too.the forced this crap on our troops - and the US Department of
Health and Surgeon General, knows this vaccine will cripple and kill so
many children or they will be mentally deprived after they are
done.$58.00 a shot and 4 shots?

All becaue well they say the ones most likely to get this are blacks,
hispanics and I wonder whylook at the pictures here of Mexicans
swimming in sewage of their own making and bringing disease in to our

Well goodbye California and good riddance - according to many psychics
it is to fall into the drink with Florida anyway.maybe too much
"peer" pressure.

Read this garbage and when your kids come down with filth disease, are
sent home from school with lice and other disease, remember Moses did
not part the waters for this illegal refuse to our shoresso written
by Emma Lazaras and placed on Statue of Liberty.

I pay taxes to this corporation city in which I live and stae and
USA..these people come up and get on welfare rolls and bring down
any environment in which they live.We are told that they will just
take things, like cars and bicycles, and oh that is supposed to be

Well this lady cop just shot someone who wanted to take her car for a
joy ride, and maybe her too..she got the first shot, and he took his
last breath.I keep remembring the 6 year old drug through the street
by his heels by an animal at the wheel doing 85 mph..the body was
torn apart.   I imagine someone will try to save his soul before he
burns in hell also.


Having put most of their clothes in garbage bags for flotation, illegal
immigrants in Mexicali, Mexico, head down the New River into the United
States. Border Patrol agents rarely approach the river because it is so
Border river is also sewage drainOfficials fear diseases as immigrants
use route to get to U.S.By Eric Niiler
    CALEXICO, Calif., June 21 —  As it flows north from Mexico
into California's Imperial Valley, the New River not only brings with it
more than 20 million gallons of raw sewage daily, but also a human cargo
of illegal immigrants that may be drenched in bacteria and pollutants
that cause communicable diseases. Public health officials along the
border worry about this toxic, infested river and the people who use it
as a route into the United States. 
 The U.S. EPA is paying nearly $30 million to improve sewage treatment
in Mexicali, Mexico. Should U.S. taxpayers be helping solve what's a
Mexican problem?Yes, it's too serious to wait for Mexico to handle this
aloneNo, Mexico should pay for its own waste problemsCan't decide
Vote to see results
       A RECENT REPORT by the California Water Resources Control
Board found that Mexicali is dumping 20 to 25 million gallons of raw
sewage into the river daily because of breakdowns in the city's
treatment system.
       That hasn't stopped dozens of immigrants who, on any
given night, enter the water in Mexicali and float past a shopping
center parking lot in Calexico, hoping to evade U.S. Border Patrol
agents who usually don't jump in after them due to the pollution.
       Half-naked, the immigrants grasp inflated inner tubes
with one hand and a plastic bag holding their belongings in the other.
The human rafts hide in puffy mounds of greasy foam created from the
river pollution.
       "I can sympathize with them. They're trying to feed their
people," said Jose Angel, a senior engineer with the California Water
Resources Board who tests California's New River each month for
pollutants. "But clearly they may be carrying disease. Once they get out
of the river, they are in grocery stores and other places."
 MSNBC environment coverage
       The New River originates just south of Mexicali and picks
up agricultural pesticides, industrial wastes and human waste as it
flows north.
       By the time it enters the United States at the small
border town of Calexico, Calif., the river violates water quality
standards by several hundred-fold, according to Angel.

       Border agents who have jumped in to rescue drowning
immigrants have been treated for skin rashes and infections.
       The river has been documented as the source of nearly 30
viruses from hepatitis A to polio, as well as caustic chemicals from the
region's maquiladora factories, heavy metals such as mercury, and
pesticides from Mexican farms.
       But the pollution is precisely what attracts illegal
immigrants, or 


2000-06-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

I never believed in executions of any kind until now.let the
punishment fit the crime.

This stuff is being agitated by the Clintonites but it will
backfire...Hill and Bill ran with the pack and still do.

George Bush Sr. and Jr. were both gentlemen - Al Gore and Clinton and
Hilliary, are just plaiin pigs.but then look at Waco - this
administration will be known for their slaughter of the innocoents.

17 year old murders, shot othrs, and committed 20 some robberies?  When
I was 17 I was in College, and I worked for a living also - for I liked
nice clothing and nice things, but I bought and paid for this stuff on
my own.   This animal is like one in Columbus, who robbed with 3 others
a night convenience store.   A pretty little blonde from poor family who
worked for a living, a 14 year old black with sawed off shotgun for no
reason, just shot off bottom half of her face - she lived.   I imagine
this black 14 year old has been set free by now.

Know this - we need a good old fashioned KKK in this country for once,
they ruled and you did not find garbage like the above murdering people
in our town - they were escorted to city limits and were no permitted to
walk in our residential areas to work on the farms.

They all have this habit it seems, of want to urinae in streets in
presense of small children.

My two Uncles one Secret Service and one Naval Intelligence - we also
Klansmen and believe me,  they stood every man in his place,
So it would seem if Black Panthers and these animals in Central Park and
Gay Pride are being pushed on our kids, we will have to also form groups
like KKK - mutual protection.

I still remember the little girl whose face was blown off...beautiful
little blonde blue eyed girl, and the animal that shot her had thoe
horrible pigtails all over and mouth of Ubangi.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2000-06-22 Thread Dale Stonehouse

On Thursday, June 22, 2000 10:43 AM, Aleisha Saba [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 George Bush Sr. and Jr. were both gentlemen - 

And you probably think it was good that Bush Sr. planned and helped execute
the JFK assassination, that the Bush crime family is responsible for a large
part of the drugs sold in this country, and that their Stepford wives are
the ideal companions for all their endeavors.

I agree they are gentlemen - their good side is very pleasant. But what
about their dark side?

Al Gore and Clinton and
 Hilliary, are just plaiin pigs

Bill Clinton, yes. Not the other two. All three possess intelligence that
provokes hate in those less blessed.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Hollywood produce movies to spread hatred

2000-06-22 Thread Yardbird

: This column by John F. Sugg appeared in the May 18, 2000, issue of the Weekly
: Planet.

: Semper Agitprop

: There were only three other moviegoers at the AMC Old Hyde Park cinema
: for an afternoon showing of William Friedkin’s Rules of Engagement two
: weeks ago. One was a kid who sat mesmerized and mute as scenes of horrific
: violence rolled across the screen. The other two were elderly men, retired
: Korean War-era G.I.s, I would learn, who quietly murmured their support of
: U.S. Marines blowing the brains out of unarmed prisoners of war and mowing
: down civilian women and children.

: After the film, I asked the teenage youth what impact the film had had
: on him. With a macho puff of his thin, boyish chest, he said he was
: thinking about joining the Army. The old soldiers, also corralled by me,
: nodded approvingly at what they undoubtedly perceived as the boy’s
: patriotic fervor. "I can’t get upset at a few Arabs getting killed," said
: one. "They’d do it to us in a flash." The other added: "We’ve got to be
: there, so we might as well make sure they fear us. Otherwise the whole
: world is going to go to hell."

: No, I’m not going to bash those veterans, although they were warming
: up to one of the most racist and xenophobic movies of all time, a film
: being comp ared — when reviewers have the savvy to see its underlying
: politics, which sadly doesn’t include any critics in the Tampa Bay area —
: with D.W.  Griffith’s Birth of a Nation.

: The simple fact is that the box office hit had done its job, and the
: spectators were performing their roles precisely as anticipated. Rules of
: Engagement is an early 21st century manifestation of the "Two Minutes of
: Hate" in George Orwell’s 1984. Instead of dehumanized machine gun-toting
: Eurasian hordes threatening Oceania’s soldiers on Orwell’s telescreens,
: Rules of Engagement features dehumanized machine gun-toting Arab children
: blasting away at U.S. Marines on the silver screen.

: We cranked up the same genre of lies during Vietnam to justify our
: wasting "gooks" — women, children, elderly, infirm included. Rules of
: Engagement pointedly depicts our soldiers now getting friendly with an old
: Vietnam foe in the face of the new Super Global Bad Guy, the devious,
: dirty, despicable ragheads/WOGs/camel-jockeys of the Middle East.

: The message remains unaltered: We need to kill them (whoever "they"
: currently are) before they kill us and take what is rightfully ours (which
: although unstated in Rules of Engagement, means the oil under Arabs’
: soil).

: Viewers are motivated to hate a strange, alien enemy. Boys get their
: testosterone pumped up and rush to the Army recruiter. Job well done,
: Hollywood.

: Rules of Engagement is propaganda, or as Orwell called it, "agitprop,"
: in its purest form. The movie is lousy courtroom drama, and has a plot so
: implausible that only the most gullible would buy into it. Unfortunately,
: we are a nation of the most gullible.

: Here’s what Orwell predicted 51 years ago would be the role of the
: mass media on citizens: "They could be made to accept the most flagrant
: violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of
: what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public
: events to notice what was happening. By lack of understanding they
: remained sane."

: In America today, we remain sane by believing the propaganda. If we
: took an honest look at the blood on our hands, we’d run screaming to the
: nearest asylum.

: In perhaps the largest terrorist action in modern history — what will
: be remembered as "The Cowards War" — NATO, from safe 15,000-foot
: distances, attacked the civilian population of Yugoslavia, poisoned the
: nation’s lands and water, destroyed its cities and industries, and caused
: untold suffering that will last for generations.

: The justification was a mountain of U.S. and British bullshit about
: the Serbs killing 100,000 or more Kosovars. A year after the war, how many
: Kosovar bodies have been recovered? Fewer than 3,000. The suffering of the
: Kosovars is real — so is the general free-for-all persecution of virtually
: all ethnic groups in Yugoslavia by one or another ancient enemy. But our
: war machine wasn’t cranked up to protect people — it was to ensure, in
: flagrant violation of the rule of law and the United Nations, our
: strategic dominance and NATO’s colonial grasp, however many deaths
: resulted. The Yugoslav war was totally and cruelly insane, but we maintain
: our equilibrium via Prozac and believing the spin-doctors.

: Or consider the most notorious case of agitprop in recent history. On
: Oct. 10, 1990, a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl named Nayirah testified to
: Congress about how Saddam Hussein’s troops had thrown infants out of
: hospital incubators. The babes had been left to die, so the tale went,
: while the Iraqis carted away the incubators as 

Re: [CTRL] CIA Hosts Gay Pride Meeting at its Headquarters

2000-06-22 Thread Yardbird

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:

: CIA Hosts Gay Pride Meeting at its Headquarters, Paper Says
: Langley, Virginia, June 9 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
: held a gay pride rally for employees at its headquarters intended to show how
: far the agency has come from its past, when gay men and women were
: automatically barred from joining the agency because they were thought to be a
: blackmail risk, the Washington Post said. CIA Executive Director David Carey,
: the agency's No.3, welcomed delegates, which included busloads of gay employees
: from the National Security Agency, and introduced speaker Representative Barney
: Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat. Gay intelligence officers began being open
: about their sexuality after President Bill Clinton signed an executive order in
: 1995 banning the denial of security clearances ``solely on the basis of the
: sexual orientation of the employee,'' the Post said.

: Last month the U.S. House Intelligence Committee accused the CIA and other
: American security agencies of poor organization and being inadequately funded,
: rendering them unable to effectively combat new post-cold war threats such as
: terrorism.

: CIA spokesman Bill Harlow said the session was sponsored by a group called the
: Agency Network of Gay and Lesbian Employees. A similar event was held last
: year, he said.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2000-06-22 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

So much has happened in the last eleven days that it appears we are

ready to see the long, hot summer of anarchy, rape and race riots that

Sources have predicted.

It is highly disingenuous to associate rape and anarchy. Anarchists are
unilaterally and proactively opposed to rape in a way the cops don't even
pretend to be. We actually DO something about it. It's a major issue for
us, both for women and for men.

If, as we saw in  NYC, you go to a cop for help in a potential rape
situation, help will not be forthcoming. Cops aren't here to protect us.
Cope are here to investigate crimes AFTER they happen. Even at that they
aren't very good.

And if a cop rapes you (yeah, it does happen) he probably wont even be
arrested for it. If you make a stink about it his buddies will terrorize
you into backing off.

But if you try to rape an anarchist, be warned. You'll probably end up in
traction, and that's if you're lucky. Anarchist women are, by their very
nature, not passive victims. They don't call 911. They resist with great
vigor. A more fearless bunch of women you'd be hard put to find. They
don't hold still for  the riot squad and they sure as hell don't hold
still for rapists. Many are trained martial artists and they're all
feisty. Not only that, but they tend to run in packs. Some been known to
actually hunt down rapists, which is more than you can say for most cops.
Occasionally they even set traps for rapists. So like I said, be warned.
Don't try to rape one. Don't even think about it. It would just be asking
for trouble, BIG trouble, maybe your last.

As for male rape (yeah, it happens) I must point out that the first men's
anti-rape organization in recent history was formed by anarchist prisoners
in Walla Walla, Washington, over twenty years ago. They formed a fighting
squad to defend young, helpless new prisoners from rape. They called it
"Men Against Sexism." They kicked butt. This upset the social order inside
Walla Walla. The guards singled out a man named Carl, who they percieved
as a leader, and tortured him to death. Four of them held him down while a
fifth sodomized him with a club till he bled to death.  Men Against
Sexism, though, lived on.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 6/22/00

2000-06-22 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
Money Laundering

Evil Off-shore Centers Threaten New World Order

The tenacles of worldwide financial control reach out.

Russia and Israel were among 15 countries named on Thursday as "non
co-operative" jurisdictions in the fight against money laundering.

The 26-nation Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering, operating
under the auspices of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development, urged its members to ask their financial institutions to take
precautions when dealing with transactions originating in the named

The FATF said in Paris that the list was an open and ongoing exercise. Some
jurisdictions could be removed from it, while others might be added.

Other countries named included Liechstenstein, Lebanon, the Philippines,
Panama and the Bahamas. Caribbean havens such as the Cayman Islands,
Dominica, St Kitts-Nevis and St Vincent and the Grenadines made the list, as
did the Cook Islands, Marshall Islands, Nauru and Niue in the Pacific.
European tax havens like Monaco, Gibraltar and Jersey and Guernsey in the
Channel Islands, did not.

The 25 criteria set out by FATF in drawing up its list included excessive
financial secrecy provisions, as well as lax supervision, weak legal
requirements for registering businesses, inadequate resources for combating
money laundering, and failure to criminalise it.

The body has no direct enforcement powers. However, it has said that if
territories and countries are found not to be co-operating in the fight
against money laundering, efforts will initially be made to persuade them to
amend their laws and practices.

Pressure could also be applied through other multilateral forums, such as the
Group of Seven leading industrial nations, the OECD, the Basle Committee, the
World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

If offenders still fail to mend their ways, financial institutions in other
countries could be instructed to monitor transactions and report suspicious
dealings to supervisors, auditors and law enforcement authorities.
The Financial Times, June 22, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Thomas Szasz, the Foucault Tribunal and the Support Coalition

2000-06-22 Thread Mr.Rodriguez

Thank you, Eleanor; for your valuable efforts. @R

Please visit:
http://www.enabling.org/ia/szasz ("Cybercenter for Liberty and

The Foucault Tribunal on the State of Psychiatry:
(for signing the petition, please go: http://userpage.fu-berlin.de
Support Coalition: http://www.mindfreedom.org/
Thomas Stephen Szasz; Professor of Psychiatry at the State University of New
York Health Science in Syracuse
Some of his publications:

Myth of Mental Illness- ISBN 0060911514- Harper Trade- A classic work which
has revolutionized the Western world about the nature of the psychiatric
profession and the moral implications of its practices. In accordance with
"The Reader's Catalog": This famous and provocative attack on the psychiatric
profession rejects the medical pretences of psychoterapy and advocates an
approach that grants the individual full autonomy.

Schizophrenia: The Sacred Symbol of Psychiatry- ISBN: 0815602243- Syracuse
University Press/ October 1990- "The Reader's Catalog:" Argues that
scizophrenia is not a genuine disease, but has been invented by psychiatrists
as a way of locking up the nonconforming against their will. Schizophrenia is
a myth.

Cruel Compassion: Psychiatric Control of Society's Unwanted- ISBN 0815605102-
Syracuse University- April 1998; Synopsis: The author critizes psychiatry,
contending that "it victimizes the homeless and the mentally ill by coercively
institutionalizing them.

The Manufacture of Madness: A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the
Mental Health Studies- ISBN: 0815604610; Publisher: Syracuse University
Comments: Szasz examines the similarities between the Inquisition and the
institutional psychiatry. His purpose is to show "that the belief in mental
illness and the social actions to which it lends have the same moral
implications and political consequences as had the belief in witchcraft and
the social actions to which led it.

Fatal Freedom- Comments: In this eloquent defense of every individual's right
to choose a voluntary death, renowned psychiatrist Szasz asks some of the most
significant ethical questions of our time.

Insanity: The Idea and its Consequences- ISBN: 0815604602 - Comments: Szasz
challenges the way both science and society define insanity, showing how the
concept of insanity relates to and differs from ideas of bodily illnesses,
social deviance, and the sick role. Originally published in 1987 by John Wiley
and Sons, Inc.; this education contains a new preface by the author.
(Copyright 1999- Book News Inc; Portland, Oregon.)

Anti-Freud: Karl Kraus's Criticism of Psychoanalisis- Szasz

[From "Support Coalition"] - They Say You're Crazy: How the World's Most
Powerful Psychiatrists Decide Who's Normal-  by Paula Caplan, PhD; 1995;
Comments: Dr. Caplan found herself inside the process of updating psychiatry's
bible of labels, "the DSM". She blows the whistle on the pseudo science and

There are many other publications sponsored by "Support Coalition." Visit
their website.

http://www.calweb.com/~welsh ("Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse," Cheryl

http://www.raven1.net (Eleanor White- Physical Engineer); specifics:
http://www.raven1.net/tactics.htm  http://www.raven1.net/commsolo.htm ("Aerial
Mind Control")  http://www.raven1.net.silsoun2.htm ("Silent Sound"- Judy Wall)

http://www.isleofavalon.co.uk/local/h-pages/pro-freedom/  Mr. George Farquhar

http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Campus/2289/webpage.htm  (Mr. Mojmir

http://www.aches-mc.org  (ACHES- Patty Rehn)

http://www.datafilter.com/mc (Mr. Allen Barker)

http://morethanconquerors.simplenet.com/MCF/ ("The Mind Control Forum")

http://www.glasscity.net/users/1927/index.html (Patricia Mougey)

http://www.psychops.com/ (K. Billings)

http://members.aol.com/alanyu5/ (Mr. Alan Yu)

http://www.earthpulse.com/ (Dr. Nick Begich and the research about
unclassified mind and envionmental control weapons and the practice of using
unwitting subjects for experimentation)

http://www.defraudingamerica.com/ (Mr. Rodney Stich)


http://www.bilderberg.org/ (World Dynamics and power, the Secret Government)

http://morethanconquerors.simplenet.com/MCF/nuremb1.htm ("The Nuremberg

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2000-06-22 Thread Mr.Rodriguez

http://www.surfingtheapocalypse.com (MIND CONTROL)

Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #2

2000-06-22 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000622b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/21_06_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, praises, discoveries: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No pyramids were sexually abused during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Look at a pretzel: http://www.glitterkitty.net/poser/thirpretz.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# SEARCHING FOR EXTRATERRESTRIALS. Where Are They? Maybe we are alone in the
  galaxy after all: http://www.sciam.com/2000/0700issue/0700crawford.html
# Crash Flash Caught on Moon - impact of comet, UFO, satellite, bomb, or
  what? http://www.discovery.com/news/briefs/2621/sp_meteor.html
# New York Bright Cylinder Spotted: http://www.caus.org/mu062200.htm

# Mars Find May Sway NASA, Euro plans. WASHINGTON. The prospect that NASA's
  Mars Global Surveyor has detected signs of water at a site on the Red
  Planet is likely to spark debate as to whether to send a robotic craft on
  location to look for life. http://www.alienzoo.com/news/a/26210011.cfm

# Dumbfounding Dig. Archeology: Unearthed remains of a 5,500-year-old Syrian
  settlement suggest that cities arose substantially earlier than has been
  thought, and perhaps in more different regions. Everything we know is
  wrong: http://latimes.com/news/science/science/2622/t59092.html

: Have you seen any definite signs of (extra-)terrestrial life/intelligence/
civilization lately? Have you colonized your universe/galaxy/planet/village
yet? Did'ya have help from aliens/angels, deities/demons, robots/Romans, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Russia: Cult Of Pyramid Energy Draws Believers. Around the time Russia's
  financial pyramids crashed 5 years ago, ruining millions who believed in
  easy wealth for a handful of rubles, self-styled scientist Aleksandr Golod
  set about building another kind of miracle pyramid -- out of plastic. He
  says he's soaking up healing energy from the earth; many Russians believe
  him. http://www.rferl.org/nca/features/2000/06/F.RU.000619153928.html

  psychic sued Temple University Hospital, claiming an X-ray they gave her
  destroyed her extra-sensory powers and wrecked her business. The jury
  awarded her $986,465. http://www.nationalenquirer.com/stories/11943.html

@ New Millenium Thinker's Pledge - THE THINKER'S PLEDGE - NEW THINKING FOR
  THE MILLENIUM http://www.sbutton.com/homepages/philbachmann/4412.htm
@ The Book is Dead, Long Live the Book: http://www.ctheory.com/r45.html
@ Need for process-based semantic sets: www.sgml.u-net.com/semantics.htm

: D'ya think about the past/present/future/other? Does technology interfere
with y'r mental/spiritual/social/sexual development? Do pyramids enhance y'r
orgasmic/transcendental/financial/millennial prospects? Are lawyers psychic?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Thousands greet a rainy summer dawn at Stonehenge. STONEHENGE,England (AP)
  Amid beating of drums,loud cheers,and pouring rain, thousands of revellers
  celebrated the summer solstice at the prehistoric monument of Stonehenge.
  The sun wasn't forthcoming, but that didn't seem to bother the 6000-strong
  crowd of druids, New Age followers and curiosity-seekers. Samba drummers
  mixed with robed druids,  thousands of revellers packed the centre of the
  stone circle as dawn came: http://www.alienzoo.com/news/y/26210010.cfm

# Celebrating Year 5008. LA PAZ, Bolivia (Reuters) Bolivia's Aymara Indians
  celebrated the start of their 5008 calendar year Wednesday with a predawn
  ritual at the Tihuanacu ruins, coinciding with the southern hemisphere's
  winter solstice. http://news.excite.com/news/r/000622/07/odd-indians-dc

: What's y'r favorite solstice/year/era/calendar/ritual? Have you celebrated
any calendrical rituals lately? Did you behave ceremoniously/riotously/mind-
controlled/randomly? Does solar radiation affect your mind/soul/stomach/eye?

# Sunspots at peak of 11-year cycle www.alienzoo.com/news/y/26210009.cfm
# Thais to See Longest Total Lunar Eclipse in 141 Years - waited a long time
  for it -it better be good: http://www.alienzoo.com/news/a/26210006.cfm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# IDEE FIXE - "Faster, Processor! Chill! Chill!" In an obsessive quest for
  ever-faster microprocessors, a rare breed of hi-tech tweakers known as
  "overclockers" risks fire, ice, and electric shock to test the limits of
  digital velocity. http://www.feedmag.com/feature/fr349_master.html?alert

# Science Probes What Dreams Are Made Of. MIAMI (Reuters Health) - Where do
  we go when we dream? According to a leading expert on the subject, the
  human brain is the real 'dream-weaver,' adding shape and color to the
  stuff of daily life to create those magical, sometime

Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-22 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

On Wed, 21 Jun 2000, tenebroust wrote:

 There is a good reason that the only writers which comment on this issue are 
Christian, and not Islamic, or Buddhist, etc.  It's because the whole subject is 
invented by, and propagated by CHRISTIANS.  No other group gives a damn.  I do not 
want to see anyone here attacking other list members BELIEFS.  You are totally free, 
and have my blessing, to believe what you will.  I, and everyone else here is free to 
challenge information brought here.  The Talmud business, the Protocals, etc., are 
all part of a systematic concocted "history" that has been perpetrated by the 
Catholic Church, and other prominent European (and now American) groups to place the 
"Jew" in the context of evil, cheapskate, cheat, etc.  This has led to and been used 
to kill and imprison them, as well as take their land and property.
 Sadly they aren't the only group to be so affected, just the one that most 
consistently is targetted, because they haven't yet been wiped out (despite many 
attempts to do so) like the others (Cathars, Anabaptists, etc.).

No attacking of beliefs you say...but you can attack the beliefs of
Christians even though you can't prove with certainty that they espoused
those beliefs. Did the ADL pay you to post this?

 On Wed, 21 June 2000, Nicky Molloy wrote:

  You've hurt my feelings now, to think I'm in your tribe too. So we take it
  that you endorse the Talmud then? I'd like to know why it isn't available in
  the public library, I think we all know why. Perhaps I could find some
  better writings on the Talmud, written by Jews. Would that appeal? I
  wouldn't want you to think I was only writing the Christian view.
  Perhaps the Kaballa? If I send something on that written by Christians would
  you say I particularly am deluded?
  Ahh if I send something on the Protocols written by a Christian will you
  also cut me down?
  I'm not particularly looking for Christian writers but bud you are
  outnumbered in USA. the chances of finding someone other than a Christian
  writer on this is slim. I have never seen a Moslem, Buddhist, Hindu ever
  take the trouble to write on these tabu subjects. Yet you particularly enjoy
  slandering Christians and Christianity and that's supposed to be Ok tarring
  everyone with the same brush.
  I posted it because it makes a change from always hearing bad things about
  Christianity and I thought it may be valuable to some. I'm not anti Jewish.
  Even some Jews don't know what's in the book. Just pick out what you want
  and leave the rest, if you don't then you are reduced to not sending stuff
  and commenting endlessly and tediously on those people's that do send..Its
  getting like a flock of seagulls pouncing on a tidbit to tear a piece for
  My posts are generating too many arguments. I haven't got time to pander to
  people's egos, its just information. I am interested in religious views of
  all kinds among other things.Pick on someone yer own size you big bully!
  -Original Message-
  From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Tuesday, 20 June 2000 03:07
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed
  Nicky Molloy wrote:
   Talmud Exposed
   http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/talmud.htm#Talmud Exposed
   The Talmud is Judasim's Holiest Book
   Some Teachings of The Jewish Talmud
   Insults Against The Blessed Virgin Mary
   Talmud Attacks Christians
   Christian Book Burning
   Sick and Insane Teachings of the Jewish Talmud
   Tales of a Roman Holocaust
   A Revealing Admission
   Pharisiac Rituals
   A Great Rabbi Deceives A Woman
   Genocide Advocated by The Talmud
   Jewish Talmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews are Not Humans
   The Teachings of Maimonides
   Deception and Dissimulation
   Judean-Christian Response to The Talmud
   The Talmud is Judaism's Holiest Book
  Wrong! No Jew who ever lived thought that. EVER!
   The Talmud is Judaism's holiest book (actually a collection of books). Its
   authority takes precedence over the Old Testament in Judaism.
  Wrong! No Jew in all of history ever thought that.
   Evidence of
   this may be found in the Talmud itself, Erubin 21b (Soncino edition): "My
   son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes than in
   the words of the Torah (Old Testament)."
  Total bullshit.
   The supremacy of the Talmud over the Bible in the Israeli state may also
   seen in the case of the Black Ethiopian Jews. Ethiopians have more
   of the Old Testament than the Israelis.
  Wrong! The Talmud is only studied by the ultra ortodox. Just about everyone
  Israel has studied the actual Bible because the Bible is Jewish national
  history and part of school studies in the same way we 

[CTRL] ADL Conspiracy

2000-06-22 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

New report “Behind the mask of Respectability” exposes the hidden agenda of
the Anti-Defamation League.

New York, New York, June 21, 2000 … A new report released this week by the
National Organization For European American Rights (N.O.F.E.A.R.) entitled
“Behind the Mash of Respectability: The truth about the Anti-Defamation League
of B’nai B’rith” exposes the ADL as the most dangerous organization in country
working to end free speech in America.

The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, or ADL for short, presents itself
as an organization against ethnic, racial or religious intolerance. Its very
name suggests that it opposes "defamation."

In reality, the Anti-Defamation League is an organization that supports Jewish
ethnic and religious supremacy, and relentlessly "defames" anyone who dares to
point out its own hypocrisy. While supposedly opposing ethnic segregation and
ethnic superiority, the ADL supports Israel and international Zionism, which
promotes not a vision of a "multi-cultural," "multi-ethnic" Israel, but of a
"Jewish state." That state is openly dedicated to the advancement of the
Jewish religion, culture, and even the genetic preservation of the Jewish
people. This is, of course, the very opposite of the policies it proposes for
our American nation.

The new report exposes ADL links to organized crime, murder and death squads,
a massive spy ring used to gather information on left and right wing groups,
and the ADL’s role in promoting thought crime laws and Internet censorship.

“With a budget of 60 million dollars a year, and with the help of a friendly
media, the ADL has become the number one lobby for thought crime laws in
America,” said Vincent Edwards, National Community Relations Director for

Read this new report online by visiting www.davidduke.com or read the article
dircectly at http://www.davidduke.com/adl/index.html. For more information
contact N.O.F.E.A.R. National Community Relations Director, Vincent Edwards,
at 504-626-7714 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

The National Organization For European American Rights is American’s leading
organization working against discrimination and for the rights and heritage of
European Americans.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] by Rabbi Meir Kahane, ztl

2000-06-22 Thread Yardbird

: Israel Today  Always: Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?

: Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?

: by Rabbi Meir Kahane, zt"l

: The following essay was written by Rabbi Kahane, of blessed memory, on
: 21 Iyar 5746 (May 30, 1986). It is just as relevant now as it was then.

: If we would like to know the heart of the tragedy of Israel, of the
: Jewish-Arab struggle, of the reason why peace eludes a Jewish State
: that so desires it, of the cause of the ongoing suffering and tragedy,
: of the immutable rule that there will not be tranquility and peace for
: the Jew or his state, let me explain.

: Some time ago, an opinion poll was given to Arabs and Jews by sociology
: Professor Ephraim Ya'ar of Tel Aviv University. The professor gave his
: respondents a list of 14 factors that may or may not influence the
: course of peace between Israel and the Arab states, and asked each of
: them to rank the list in importance from one to 14. The results? The
: Arabs placed "the will of G-d" first; the Jews placed it last.

: Or another example: Yet another Tel Aviv University project was
: conducted by its Jaffe Center for Strategic Studies. Respondents were
: asked to comment on the Biblical verse, "The Guardian of Israel neither
: slumbers nor sleeps." They were asked who, in their minds, represented
: the Guardian of Israel. Fifty-seven percent replied "the Israeli army"
: and 17% declared that it was G-d. And that, dear Jew, is the reason and
: the source and the cause of a tragedy that is building up, and that,
: unless swift, radical change takes place in Jewish thought and action,
: will bring down horrors upon the Jew and his state, Heaven help us.

: The truth is that the Jew has long since become the most unbelieving of
: all people, the most atheistic of nations. Deluded by his intelligence
: and intellectualism, believing that he inhabits the heavens, he turns
: into the most arrogant and proud of men. Like some modern-day Adam, he
: has eaten from the Tree of Knowledge and dreams of Divinity. Like some
: modern-day builder of Babel, he is convinced that he can climb to the
: heavens and conquer. His cleverness and brightness that so persuaded
: him that he is the wisest and most perceptive of men, insures that he
: will be the blindest and most obtuse.

: No people and no faith is so convinced that its destiny is essentially
: its own, in its own hands. None has relegated G-d to the bin of
: antiquity, to the shadow of irrelevance, as the Jew. There are those
: who are convinced that He does not exist. There are those who invent
: Him as a Being Who, indeed, has a place, but it is conveniently limited
: and He had better know it. There are those who pay prodigious amounts
: of lip service and ritual to G-d and whose religion fills their lives
: as long as there is no need to place their "belief" on the line in time
: of danger. Few are the Jews who sincerely believe that victory in war
: is totally in the hands of G-d, who are prepared to take the difficult
: and dangerous steps their religion demands, lest they have to put their
: faith where their claims are.

: The people that were the most religious of all have become the most
: indifferent to G-d. The People of the Book place more faith in that of
: the check than the Bible. In time of crisis, the Jew does not believe
: in anything, except that which he can see, touch, feel. He can see the
: U.S. President; he believes in him far more than in the G-d of Abraham.
: He can feel the Arabs; he fears them more than the intangible G-d he
: pays lip service to as long as there is no crisis. He can touch the
: tanks of the Israeli army, and so he prays that there will be enough of
: them instead of believing that One is enough of Him. "For My people
: have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living
: water, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no
: water" (Jeremiah 2).

: The truth is that we will swear our belief in the Omnipotence of the G-
: d of Israel as long as this remains in the abstract, in the realm of
: theory. We show our fervent belief in the miracles that happened
: *yesterday*, but we shrink from testing them today or tomorrow. That
: which we need not do ourselves is easily believed in and avidly taught
: or sermonized. Yesterday is always smoothly dealt with - who needs to
: place himself on the line? Who must be tested? The belief in the
: *general* Omnipotence of G-d easily fills our hearts. It is only when
: we must get down to specifics, to real and actual implementation of
: faith in our own lives, that the hypocrisy becomes a stench which is
: overpowering.

: The G-d of Israel is not a Santa Claus. The religion of Israel is not a
: plaything. If there is one thing above all that the Almighty desires of
: us, *demands* of us, it is *faith*. "Therefore, the L-rd heard and was
: wroth; and a fire was kindled against Jacob and anger also came up
: against Israel, because they believed not in G-d and 

Re: [CTRL] India-Israel Nuclear cooperation creates concern in Arab world

2000-06-22 Thread Yardbird

: India-Israel Nuclear cooperation creates concern in Arab world
: By K. K. Katyal

: NEW DELHI, JUNE 21. Sections of the Arab world are upset by reports of
: the Home Minister, Mr. L. K. Advani's statement during his recent
: visit to Israel. Some of the points, ascribed to him, are seen as
: having the potential of damaging the traditional friendly relations.
: However, the situation has not acquired unmanageable proportions and
: is capable of being sorted out through timely clarifications.

: The current Indian goverment is composed Hindu fanatics that rose to
: power on anti-Muslim platform and destruction of Babari Mosque. The
: Hindu fanatic party BJP has clearly indicated in cooperating with
: anti-Muslim forces around the world.

: What has particularly caused concern is Mr. Advani's remark, favouring
: nuclear cooperation with Israel. He made this observation in response
: to a question by reporters, while talking of increasing cooperation
: with Israel in all fields. He was asked whether it also covered the
: nuclear issue, and he was quoted as saying: ``I would certainly favour
: increasing cooperation with Israel in all fields including this one
: (nuclear)''.

: The reports of what Mr. Advani said on various occasions during his
: stay in Israel were closely monitored by the media in the Arab
: countries. A leading Egyptian daily, for instance, reproduced his
: remarks, as carried in the Israeli press, adding a critical comment to
: it. The Arab diplomats here too do not hide their unhappiness.

: By and large, Mr. Advani focussed on the problem created by terrorist
: violence in Jammu and Kashmir systematically engineered by Pakistan.
: The visit was intended to study Israel's border management techniques
: and to draw upon Tel Aviv's experience to bolster measures for
: tackling Pakistan-sponsored terrorism. At one stage - after his visit
: to Israel's borders - Mr. Advani said: ``Indo-Pakistan border
: management is a growing challenge India is facing in the wake of
: systematically-planned incursions by Pakistan. What we have seen and
: understood (here) would help us strengthen India's security.''

: There is nothing wrong in India learning from the experience of
: others, Israel not excluded: on the other hand, it is absolutely
: necessary because of the growing magnitude of the problem over the
: years. Complications arise because of the lack of restraint by the
: politicians in their public utterances. In this case, Mr. Advani's
: comments revolving round Israeli experience and India's challenge,
: tended to establish - in the Arab minds - a parallel between the
: hostile activities of Pakistan in relation to India and the situation
: faced by Israel on its borders because of the challenge posed by its
: Arab neighbours.

: This leads to the theory of parity of hostile neighbourhood of India
: and Israel - a parallel that is resented by the Arab countries. Such
: an impression - undoubtedly harmful to India's ties with the Arab
: countries - could be dispelled through suitable explanations that the
: study of the technical methods of others was seen as a value judgment
: on the situations faced by them.

: There is a case for increased appreciation by the Arab world of
: India's predicament - created by the low-intensity conflict, foisted
: on it by Pakistan. If that happens, New Delhi's search for improved
: management techniques would not seem ominous. As for the talk of
: ``nuclear cooperation'' with Israel, there is a case for categorical,
: prompt clarification to prevent misunderstandings.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The smoking gun to life on Mars?

2000-06-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Cosmic Comentary - http://members.tripod.com/~CosmicRose/CCC.html

 Posted By: Ski42
 Date: Wednesday, June 21 2000, at 1:48 p.m.

 While some waste time debating microbe presence in a meteorite,
 here's the real SMOKING GUN as to life on Mars. View it at
 "http://www.msss.com/moc_gallery/images/M0400291.html" or click
 below. This anomaly was recently discovered in a batch of some
 27,500 new images Malin suddenly dumped on the Web as a result of
 a pressure campaign following recent NASA/JPL negative
 revelations. It is enigmatic in the extreme and of high
 strangeness. But, it is the official NASA/JPL Mars Global
 Surveyor (MGS) image posted by Malin who designed and operates
 the onboard camera systems as well as receives and processes the
 image data, so authenticity is unquestionable.

 At the above link, note that the anomaly is actually down inside
 the great crack in the lower left of the "MOC narrow-angle image
 M04-00291" strip. Click on the second box below the image strip
 titled "View full-size image, processed, in sinusoidal
 projection..." which will produce the full size image. Since it
 is full size and best quality, it will be slow to load, so
 be patient. Once loaded, scroll all the way down to the bottom
 and the anomalous structures will instantly standout. They are
 large and can't be missed.

 Note that there are actually multiple anomalous structures here.
 Most are very large but another there just visible is also
 smaller. Note that these structures are actually in excellent
 condition where other antiquity anomalies on Mars are heavily
 eroded allowing endless debate as to what they truely are,
 natural or constructs. Note their general uniformity and the
 uniform spacing of the bands or ridges. Note how one structure
 clearly attaches to another and note the shiny round terminating
 end at the junction point clearly defining it as a constructed
 hard object as opposed to a natural geological formation of some
 kind. Note how at least one or more bands/ridges span around both
 structures tying them together at the junction point clearly
 demonstrating construction technique.
 Note the apparent translucent composition of these structures and
 how entirely alien they clearly are to the geology and topography
 they are embeded in. There can be no question that these are
 constructs of some kind. But, made by what or who and for what

 Now, search around in the topography in the regions of the image
 strip above the main anomaly. Pay close attention to other minor
 crack areas. Look closely and you will see the tips of what
 appear to be several more of these same structure's tops just
 barely visible in the soil surface. Clearly, this broad area is
 networked with these things underground. Note that cracking is
 aligned with the structures just as the great crack is aligned
 with the more exposed main anomaly structures. In fact, this is
 so consistent that it appears that these structure's buried
 presence may have weakened the earth where they are located
 contributing to the cracking. By the way, this anomaly identifies
 and puts an end to the debate of what the anomaly labeled the
 "Combs" is that appeared in earlier released MGS
 images. The uniform lines in the "Combs" are no doubt the tops of
 the same bands/ridges of structures like those seen here just
 barely visible in the Martian top soil.

 This particular anomaly is the first most striking that comes
 from the new MGS data dump. There will no doubt be more to
 follow. Hoagland (Richard C.) appears to be the discoverer.
 Although he posted this find back on 6/7/2000 at his web site, it
 is tucked away sort of partially hidden among other less obvious
 finds and he's not bringing it to public attention
 in a very aggressive way at all considering the magnitude of this
 find's clear importance as to the question of life on Mars. It
 may be that he's just too busy with continuing research in this
 huge new data dump hoping to produce even more obvious

 The general public needs to see this NOW. This anomaly is
 striking and it may even be a bit shocking to some because of its
 obvious speculative implications. The good thing for the visual
 media is that the image is so clear and obviously anomalous and
 so alien to the geology surrounding it that no experts are needed
 to tell the average viewer whether it is
 something they should consider anomalous or not. It speaks for
 itself as no expert ever could and no Mars image before it ever
 could including the "Face." The average viewer is going to move
 quickly from an anomalous awareness to asking who or what made
 that thing? And, that is the whole point.

 Now Hoagland's comments at his web site at
 "http://www.enterprisemission.com/samp5.htm" where portions of
 this same image are posted, identify this area as an ancient
 seabed. If it is an ancient seabed and if these structures are as
 ancient as that old seabed despite their obvious 

[CTRL] [ENWL-eng] Deep Ecology: New Heaven New Earth Forum

2000-06-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

 by Sherry Stultz
 [nhneforumfcu] Review of EXOPOLITICS By Alfred Webre


 Why are we here? Why do we seem to be alone in a hostile
 universe? How can we prepare for contact with other life forms?

 Are the answers to these questions are held within the realm of
 science fiction? If you took the time to stop, feel the Earth spin,
 and begin to ponder the infinite universe outside of Earth, you may
 end up laying on your bed and gripping the sides breathlessly, like
 I have on those occasions where my human comprehension starts
 to fail me when I think about those things too much.

 The only thing is--- I really like to think about those questions, and
 so again and again I come back to this loneliness. Even as little
 girl, I instinctively knew that there was more life outside of what
 was on Earth. I used to look up at the night sky and wonder where
 the others are? No I wasn't sent to some strange New Age
 elementary school, this was after years of Vacation Bible School
 and Sunday School. I have never found that all things are unrelated
 and mutually exclusive, which is why many of the assertions made
 in EXOPOLITICS intrigued me.

 Author Alfred Webre makes the assertion that we are a part of
 highly organized universe, but due to our unfortunate propensity for
 violence we are in exile from other life forms. He weaves allegorical
 stories from the Bible to propose an idea that life here on Earth
 was planned (as per the creation theory), but something went awry
 in the process.

 We are not alone in hostile universe, but that we are alone in the
 hostile part of the universe is what Alfred contends. Not
 withstanding some rather extraordinary individuals, the bulk of the
 human species has operated under the 'eat or be eaten philosophy'
 for longer than any known periods of peacable habitation. It does
 make you wonder if we are the hostile part of the universe?

 But like many of us, Alfred can feel the paradigm shifting, and
 EXOPOLITICS encourages us to open our minds to the prospect of
 a universal society, as we slowly begin to reject a rather
 Darwinesque approach to life on Earth. Being a futurist, Alfred
 wants to plan ahead to a time in the distant future when the exile
 may be lifted. This is the crux of EXOPOLITICS.

 Whether you can accept the all the details behind this idea is
 where your mind will begin to whirl, and all for the best, since
 stimulating thoughts may be what brings us forward. I liked big
 picture though, because I do believe that when we conclude there
 is other life in the universe, it will be a defining moment for all of

 This dialogue between Sherry Stultz, moderator the of the NHNE
 Forum for a Common Understanding
 (www.nhne.com/database/dbforum.html) and Alfred Webre, author
 of EXOPOLITICS (Universebooks.com) ranges over some of the
 issues in a study of politics and government in a populated,
 organized Universe.

 NHNE Forum (Sherry Stultz):
 I guess I should mention I have had mixed training in life. I am a
 trained forest ecologist, also a certified science teacher, who
 taught astronomy for a few years, so exobiology is a great hobby of
 mine. My work as a freelance writer is varied, but the recent stuff
 would center on investigating unusual experiences and what is
 considered pseudo-science. But bigger than all of that I am an
 ardent student of human nature and history of human cultures. One
 of the greatest projects I have ever undertaken has been the Forum
 for a Common Understanding, which has been a mirror to myself
 and a great observatory of the human experience. I am explaining
 this briefly to you so you can appreciate the nature of my
 questions and also appreciate the fact that some assertions you
 make I find more than acceptable, but other people would find
 outrageous. It's all a facet of the human experience, and the
 perception we each have of our existence.

 I have not listed all the assertions that I find intriguing or acceptable,
 as a matter of brevity, but I think you should feel confident of one
 thing: your assertions, which incorporate a variety of ideologies, old
 and new, cannot be completely or wholly dismissed  because of
 the 'thinking potential' of this book. What I mean by that is that
 there are ideas that set bells ringing and the bells will be different
 for each person. This is my opinion of course, based on my on-
 going study of human beings.

 The questions I have listed are indeed quite genuine. I carefully
 noted my reactions to certain statements as I read and reread the
 text. I noted what I perceived as noncomplementary ideas or areas
 where I was called to accept something as law and the law had no
 origin. I like specifics. It's not necessary for them to follow any well-
 known socially or scientific dogmas. It's simply that the references

[CTRL] (Fwd) The Hickman Report: Exopolitics on June 24 @ 10 ET

2000-06-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Author Alfred Webre  his new eBook "Exopolitics - Episode One"
 will be Jim Hickman's guest on the Hickman Report, heard at 10
 PM ET on Saturday June 24, on radio stations throughout North

 eBook: "Exopolitics: Episode One", a study of politics and
 in the Universe, can be found at Exopolitics.com.

 Thank you.

 earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Forum for ecology, politics 
 consciousness.mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/
 CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
 UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
 Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Robofish

2000-06-22 Thread John Taylor

The Telegraph

Lamprey is brains behind 'robofish'
By David Derbyshire, Science Correspondent

IT may bear little resemblance to Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator
but, according to its inventors, a newly created part-fish, part-machine
is one of the world's most advanced cyborgs.

The creature has a mechanical body fitted with wheels, motors, circuit
boards and light sensors but is controlled by the brain of a sea
lamprey. Although the robot contains only a few nerve cells from the
eel-like fish, it has learned to follow or avoid lights. Robotics
experts are convinced that it marks an important step towards a new type
of biological robot.

The research could pave the way for artificial limbs or other body parts
connected to the user's brain. The fish-robot is the creation of a team
led by Dr Ferdinando Mussa-Ivaldi, from Northwestern University in
Chicago. They removed the brain stem and part of the spinal cord from a
primitive salt water fish under general anaesthetic and kept it alive in
a cold, salty solution, New Scientist reports today.

The team then isolated a group of large nerve cells called Muller cells.
These help lampreys to orientate themselves in water. Electrodes
attached to the neurons allowed them to be stimulated with frequencies
they would normally receive in the fish's body.

When lights were flashed at the robot, the lamprey brain cells learned
how to control the motors. The cyborg was able to follow and dodge a
moving light source and move in a circle.

Researchers were confident that there could be medical benefits. Dr
Mussa-Ivaldi said: "We will be able to build better prosthetic limbs for
disabled people." Until now, the fish's biggest claim to fame was Henry
I who was killed by a surfeit of lampreys in 1135.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] soon it will be a crime to look

2000-06-22 Thread John Taylor

The government can now dictate morality.
Thou shalt not covet was a religius law...now it is a state defined law of


FYI one sex based difference is that women have wider peripheral vision than
me and hence can evaluate possibilities without the stare.

The Telegraph

EC plans equality law that puts women first
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels

UK News: Men 'skive off' the most, say working women

THE European Commission yesterday proposed a gender equality law
allowing "positive action" to promote women ahead of men at work.

The new code, which amends the EU's equal treatment directive, says
women should have "automatic priority" in jobs where they are
"under-represented", except in cases such as the Royal Marines, where
male predominance is justified.

The law will also make it easier for women to win sexual harassment
cases in court by reversing the burden of proof. The onus will be on men
to prove their innocence when accused of "unwelcome physical, verbal or
non-verbal conduct".

The definition of sexual harassment covers anything that affects the
"dignity of women" and includes staring lasciviously, making sexist
comments and talking about a woman's figure.

Anna Diamantopoulou, the Greek social affairs commissioner, said that a
man accused of such misconduct "would have to prove that he was not
guilty", but she stressed that the plaintiff would have to produce
"clear-cut proof" to begin the complaint in the first place.

A commission study found that a fifth of British women claimed to have
been subjected to "unsolicited physical contact", and 30 per cent
complained of being "looked up and down obviously".


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] feminism---will men be able to sue

2000-06-22 Thread John Taylor

Sunday Times--London
June 11 2000 FOCUS

Quick, discreet DNA tests to establish paternity have become a boom
industry. A swab inside the cheek can resolve doubts that have lingered for
years. All too often, however, the results bring heartbreaking news. Lois
Rogers reports

Who's your Daddy?

 The news that his little blond son Rauli had cystic fibrosis came as a
devastating blow to Morgan Wise, a Texan railway engineer. He was eager to
help when doctors asked him to undergo a genetic test to determine the
origins of the boy's illness.

Wise's results, however, came back negative. Both parents must have the gene
for a child to contract the disease, and tests showed Wise was not a carrier
of cystic fibrosis. To his astonishment, Wise was told this meant it was
highly unlikely he was Rauli's biological father.

Already separated from the mother of his four children, Wise, tempted by the
paternity testing clinic offer of a cut-price DNA test deal, underwent
genetic analysis to establish whether he was the father of Rawli and his
other three children. It was a decision that would change his life.

The results revealed that only his daughter, the eldest child conceived
during his 13-year marriage, was fathered by him. The three boys were not
his sons.

"I can't begin to describe how I felt," said Wise, 38. "It was like
experiencing a sudden death. I could not believe she had deceived me so
completely, and for so long. I just fell apart.

"How a mother can do this to her marriage, her husband, her children, and
live a lie, I don't understand."

Wise, who says he still regards himself as the boys' father, is now locked
in a destructive legal battle with his former wife. He is arguing he will
help support the children, but not through her. Three weeks ago, Texan
courts ruled he should have no access to the children until the maintenance
dispute is settled.

The boys he believed to be his sons are among thousands of innocent victims
of the growth in the DNA testing industry. In both Britain and America,
suspicious men can now take advantage of laboratories offering quick and
easy proof of paternity.

Genetic relationships can be established using a home testing kit available
over the internet. All it requires is a swab sample of cells from the inside
of the cheek of both father and child, which can then be posted off to a
laboratory. The results are delivered within five days, no questions asked.

More than 250,000 tests a year are now conducted in America, and about
15,000 in Britain. Some of the testing is done to settle legal disputes
about child maintenance between unmarried couples, or to answer questions on
rights to inheritance.

Many of the customers, however, are married men who are suspicious. All too
often, the results bring shocking and unwelcome news: roughly 30% of men
taking the tests discover that they are not the fathers of the children they
regarded as their own. In the wider community, social scientists say up to 1
in 20 children are not the offspring of the man who believes himself to be
their father.

Caroline Caskey's Houston-based company Identigene, which offers DNA test
kits, processes 250 cases a week, and averages one a month from British
clients who have contacted the firm over the internet. "These secrets don't
keep," said Caskey.

Allan Gelb, who describes himself as an immuno-haematologist, though not a
doctor, runs a bustling genetic testing service from his office in New York
City. "I am doing a great deal of business with the UK," he said. "I should
think we have had 40 to 50 people in the past two years."

DNA tests have made Gelb into something of a television celebrity. Bearded
and bespectacled, he makes regular television appearances on talk shows
giving people their test results. The more devastating the news, the better
the ratings. One show recently featured a married couple who were told by
Gelb, live on air, that their tests revealed they were brother and sister.

Family split: Wise found he was not the father of his 'sons'

IN BRITAIN, on-air DNA test results may not yet be the stuff of Kilroy, but
scientists have been swift to capitalise on the paternity-testing business.
There are seven government-approved laboratories offering the service. About
70% of the business currently comes through the courts from the Child
Support Agency (CSA) trying to track errant fathers to pay maintenance for
their children.

However, private demand is growing as more people become aware of the
service. People who have lived their lives with a nagging doubt, agonising
over their parentage or their progeny, are opting to take the plunge.

Customers receive full counselling - they are asked how they will react if
the result is not what they had hoped for, and warned they cannot "unknow"

John Burn, professor of clinical genetics at Newcastle University, set up
North Gene to provide private paternity testing at £450 per family. Profits
are ploughed back into the university. 

[CTRL] Rabin assasination

2000-06-22 Thread John Taylor

Rabin Assassination/Commentary:  YOUR BROTHER’S BLOOD—THE FIFTH HONEST

by Barry Chamish [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

MODIIN, Yom Rishon (Day One—“Sunday”), 15 Sivan, 5760 (Gregorian Date:
June 18, 2000) (Hijri Date:  15 Rabi Awal, 1421), Root  Branch:  Just a
year ago, there was only one truthful book about the Rabin assassination,
mine, entitled, “Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin”.  Now there are five, listed at
the end of this review.
Michael Raz Steinkrycer, better known as just Michael Raz, is a former
police investigator, whose book “Your Brother’s Blood” traces the Rabin
assassination back to 1924, when a religious leader named Dahan was murdered
by the socialist Haganah for arranging a peace track with Arab religious
leaders.  Since then, anyone who challenged the authority of the Bolshevist
founders became a candidate for murder by the enforcement arm of the Labor
Zionists, the Shabak.
Raz’s book has precisely the same theme as David Morrison’s “Lies:  The
Rabin Assassination and the Israeli Secret Service” and covers some of the
same ground; i.e. Bus 300, the false arrests of 17 soldiers in 1994 for
allegedly stealing army weapons to be used by a non-existent right wing
underground.  However, “Your Brother’s Blood” enters realms where Morrison
feared to tread, such as the wrongful imprisonment of Amos Baranes to cover
up for a Shabak officer’s murder of the soldier Rachel Heller, the corrupt
dominance of Yossi Ginosar and his perjury which led to the long
incarceration of a Druze army officer Izat Nafso, and the ugly suppression
of Rabbi Uzi Meshulum and his congregation who dared to expose the
kidnappings of thousands of, mostly Yemenite, infants in the early days of
the state.
Raz’s approach is invaluable to understanding how the mechanism of the Rabin
murder coverup works.  Take the Baranes case.  Though it was obvious that
Rachel Heller’s boyfriend, a Shabak agent named Bichovsky, was the murderer,
a stooge was set up to take the fall.  None of this could have happened
without the approval and authorization of State Attorney General Meir
Shamgar, who was later called on by the Shabak to cover up, first the truth
of the Hebron massacre and turn Baruch Goldstein into the fall guy and then
the Rabin assassination, this time making Yigal Amir the victim for another
Shabak murder.
Like Morrison, Raz relies heavily on documentation supplied to him by me and
Natan Gefen but comes up with some powerful new evidence as well.  Here are
a few examples of how each Rabin book injects vital new information into the
First, Raz finally sheds light on the mystery man of the murder operation,
Yekhezkiel “Khezi” Kalo.  While it is universally known that Shabak
provocateurs Avishai Raviv and Yigal Amir were employed by the Jewish
Department based in Hebron, the chain of command is still fuzzy.
Their immediate superior was Eli Barak, head of this department, and we know
lots about him.  He is a wife swapper, stalker, drunk driver, wife beater
and liar.  In his most publicized act of debauchery, he stalked the reporter
Carmela Menashe.  One of his group of wife swappers in the suburban town of
Kochav Yair was murdered in New York at the same time Barak was visiting
there.  After smashing his car while drunk, Barak lied to the police and
testified that his passenger was behind the wheel.  All in all, we have a
picture of a violent misfit, just the type of personality who would murder
for “peace”.
But, of Kalo, we knew next to nothing until the publication of the Raz book.
We knew he was head of the Non-Arab Anti-Subversive Department of the Shabak
and that he was Eli Barak’s superior officer.  How this department differs
from Barak’s is still covered in mystery.  A year and a half ago, a
terrified Kalo went public and in radio interviews and an infamous newspaper
article, claimed he didn’t know Avishai Raviv and was separated from him by
eight officers in the Shabak’s chain of command.
Being kind, the approach didn’t wash.  No matter how many underlings dealt
with Raviv on a continuing basis, he was their commander.
Now look what Raz reveals about Eli Barak.  He is not merely “religious”,
but a graduate of a Bnei Akiva yeshivah, the very organization which
supplies Judea and Samaria with many, if not most, of its Jewish residents.
In fact, the principal of Kalo’s yeshivah was the fiery Knesset member,
Rabbi Ba-Gad.
So far, Kalo is merely a betrayer of his community.  But let the following
fact sink in deep.  While Yigal Amir was in Riga, Latvia receiving Shabak
training in 1992, Kalo was the Shabak officer in charge of security for the
region!!!  It sure looks like he was in on the Amir recruitment and
subsequent exploitation from the very first day.
Then there is the dilemma of Health Minister Dr. Ephraim Sneh.  In one of
the most damning incidents of the murder, Sneh, then Health Minister,
announced Rabin’s murder on television truthfully, saying, “He was shot
three times; in the 

[CTRL] Mighty Cyberengines Spew Health Myths

2000-06-22 Thread John Taylor

prefer to use the term fallacies myself rather than myth.


Mighty Cyberengines Spew Health Myths
NYT, 0.5.30

 When my sons were in the first grade, a rumor circulated through
 New York City elementary schools that cockroaches often
 contaminated canned tuna. Though the boys liked other fish,
 including sardines, they refused to eat canned tuna in any form and
 still avoid it more than 20 years later.

 Like alligators living in the sewer, many urban myths assume a life
 of their own despite a total lack of supporting evidence. The
 alligator myth is more a source of amusement than a problem for
 anyone, since very few of us venture into sewers. But when myths
 involve health issues, they can result in needless anxiety,
 avoidance behavior and inconvenience.

 In years past, these unsubstantiated rumors about health hazards
 lurking in our midst spread relatively slowly from person to person
 by word of mouth, unless some radio or television program happened
 to give them national airing. Now there is a new rapid-fire means
 of transmitting misinformation nationwide, even worldwide, via
 e-mail and the Internet. And since these communications appear in
 writing, rumors about health hazards floating around cyberspace
 seem to acquire an undeserved validity that makes them more likely
 to be believed than any oral warning.

 Of course, not everyone is equally gullible. Still, some people
 react with fear, even panic, when a cybermyth about health appears
 on their computer screens. Several of these "urban health myths"
 are exposed for what little they are worth in the May issue of Mayo
 Clinic Women's HealthSource, a newsletter published by the Mayo
 Clinic in Rochester, Minn. I have added one of my own, on aluminum,
 that predates cyberspace but refuses to die.

 MYTH: Cooking in aluminum pots causes Alzheimer's disease. The sick
 brain cells of people with Alzheimer's disease have been found to
 contain high amounts of aluminum. This prompted people to point a
 guilty finger at aluminum pots and pans as a source of this element
 that they believe damage brain cells, resulting in senility.
 Countless people tossed out all their aluminum cookware, replacing
 it with stainless steel and enameled cast iron.

 But what those who panicked failed to realize is that sick cells
 tend to accumulate toxic metals because they are unable to
 eliminate them. Despite numerous investigations, there is no
 scientifically reliable evidence that aluminum is the cause, rather
 than the result, of a diseased brain.

 MYTH: Antiperspirants cause breast cancer. A persistent Internet
 myth is that since antiperspirants block sweat glands, those in the
 underarm are unable to eliminate toxic substances, sending them
 instead into nearby lymph nodes, where they cause genetic mutations
 that result in cancer.

 First, sweat glands do not eliminate toxins and are not connected
 to the lymph system. Rather, toxins are processed through the liver
 and kidneys. Second, breast cancer does not arise in lymph nodes.
 It may spread to underarm nodes, but it starts within the breast
 tissue, usually in milk ducts. Third, there is no evidence linking
 breast cancer to not sweating. Fourth, no ingredient in
 antiperspirants is known to cause cancer. Finally, among countless
 studies of risk factors associated with breast cancer, not one has
 pointed to antiperspirants as a remotely possible cause.

 MYTH: Costa Rican bananas carry flesh-eating bacteria. Whenever a
 frightening, mysterious illness gains widespread attention, myths
 tend to abound as to its source. Hence the myth that touching the
 skin of bananas grown in Costa Rica can expose a person to the
 bacteria that cause necrotizing fasciitis, a potentially deadly
 disease caused by bacteria that attack the flesh in science-fiction

 Necrotizing fasciitis is caused by various bacteria, including
 Group A streptococcus that is found on people's skin and in their
 throats. It is transmitted from through saliva or mucus or through
 sores on the skin to another person who broken skin. The bacteria
 cannot infect intact skin. Nor are they carried on bananas.

 MYTH: Aspartame causes . . . you-name-it. According to the Mayo
 Clinic, one woman is the source of the belief that the artificial
 sweetener aspartame causes everything from obesity to manic
 depression to multiple sclerosis. The woman maintains that the Food
 and Drug Administration, in cahoots with commercial interests, has
 suppressed evidence of aspartame's risks and that all the studies
 indicating its safety are tainted because they have been financed
 by the company that produces it.

 One study 

[CTRL] Music on the Brain

2000-06-22 Thread John Taylor

I used to have voices in my head telling me I was the reincarnation of
Napoleonbut I changed psychiatrist and now I hear 1812 overture instead.


Music on the Brain
TIME, 0.6.5

Experts still don't know how and why tunes tickle our fancy--but
new research offers intriguing clues


It's hard to exaggerate the effect music can have on the human
brain. A mere snippet of song from the past can trigger memories
as vivid as anything Proust experienced from the aroma of his
petite madeleine. A tune can induce emotions ranging from
unabashed joy to deep sorrow and can drive listeners into states
of patriotic fervor or religious frenzy--to say nothing of its
legendary ability to soothe the savage beast.

Yet in spite of music's remarkable influence on the human psyche,
scientists have spent little time attempting to understand why it
possesses such potency. "We tend to think of music as an art or a
cultural attribute," notes Robert Zatorre, a neuroscientist at
McGill University in Montreal, "but it is a complex human behavior
that is as worthy of scientific study as any other."

That's why Zatorre helped organize a conference, "The Biological
Foundations of Music," sponsored last week by the New York Academy
of Sciences, at which experts in disciplines ranging from
neuroscience and neurology to brain imaging and psychology met to
exchange notes about what's known--and, more important, what
remains to be learned--in this small but growing field.

What seems clear is that the ability to experience and react to
music is deeply embedded in the biology of the nervous system.
While music tends to be processed mostly in the right hemisphere
of the brain, no single set of cells is devoted to the task.
Different networks of neurons are activated, depending on whether
a person is listening to music or playing an instrument, and
whether or not the music involves lyrics.

Specific brain disorders can affect the perception of music in
very specific ways. Experiments done on epileptics decades ago
showed that stimulating certain areas of the temporal lobe on both
sides of the brain awakened "musical memories"--vivid re-creations
of melodies that the patients had heard years earlier. Lesions in
the temporal lobe can result in so-called musicogenic epilepsy, an
extremely rare form of the disorder in which seizures are
triggered by the sound of music. Autism offers an even greater
puzzle. People with this condition are mentally deficient, yet
most are proficient musicians; some are "musical savants"
possessed of extraordinary talent.

The opposite is true of the less than 1% of the population who
suffer from amusia, or true tone deafness. They literally cannot
recognize a melody, let alone tell two of them apart, and they are
incapable of repeating a song (although they think they are doing
it correctly). Even simple, familiar tunes such as Frere Jacques
and Happy Birthday are mystifying to amusics, but when the lyrics
are spoken rather than sung, amusics are able to recognize the
song immediately.

"This goes way beyond an inability to carry a tune," observes
psychologist Isabelle Peretz of the University of Montreal. "They
can't dance, and they can't tell the difference between consonance
[harmony] and dissonance either. They all appear to have been born
without the wiring necessary to process music." Intriguingly,
people with amusia show no overt signs of brain damage or
short-term-memory impairment, and magnetic-resonance-imaging scans
of their brains look normal.

There is evidently no way to help these unfortunate folks (though,
admittedly, they don't know what they're missing). But for
instrumentalists, at least, music can evidently trigger physical
changes in the brain's wiring. By measuring faint magnetic fields
emitted by the brains of professional musicians, a team led by
Christo Pantev of the University of Muenster's Institute of
Experimental Audiology in Germany has shown that intensive
practice of an instrument leads to discernible enlargement of
parts of the cerebral cortex, the layer of gray matter most
closely associated with higher brain function.

As for music's emotional impact, there is some indication that
music can affect levels of various hormones, including cortisol
(involved in arousal and stress), testosterone (aggression and
arousal) and oxytocin (nurturing behavior) as well as trigger
release of the natural opiates known as endorphins. Using PET
scanners, Zatorre has shown that the parts of the brain involved
in processing emotion seem to light up with activity when a
subject hears music.

As tantalizing as these bits of research are, they barely begin to
address the mysteries of music and the brain, including the
deepest question of all: Why do we appreciate music? Did our
musical ancestors have an evolutionary edge over their tin-eared
fellows? Or is music, as M.I.T. neuroscientist Steven Pinker
asserts, just "auditory cheesecake," with no biological value?

[CTRL] Fw: pharmacogenomics

2000-06-22 Thread John Taylor

As a means of control(plus potential testing of IQ, personality bias, cancer
tendenies, mental illness)
the potential is enormous.


Jun 6, 2000 - 06:33 AM

HEALTHBEAT: New Science to Help Patients Get Safest Drugs for Their Genes
By Lauran Neergaard
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - Doctors accused her of being a hypochondriac: The woman
suffered dizziness and a racing heartbeat from each antidepressant she
tried, even though she was taking doses normally far too low to cause side
The desperate woman finally saw Dr. Raymond Woosley, who scanned her DNA
with a special "gene chip" and discovered she actually has a genetic quirk
that makes her super-sensitive to certain medicines.

She's lucky: Some people die while taking some of the world's most popular
drugs - from antibiotics to heartburn remedies - all because no one knew
their genes made them uniquely susceptible to devastating side effects.

That's about to change. A new science called "pharmacogenomics" aims to curb
the problem by replacing today's one-dose-fits-all culture with simple tests
to help doctors customize prescriptions, picking the safest, most effective
drug for each patient's DNA.

Already, Woosley and colleagues are testing the new technology at Georgetown
University Medical Center. Just swab the inside of a patient's cheek for a
DNA sample, and run it over a tiny glass gene chip the size of a postage
stamp. The chip detects an errant enzyme system called p450 that affects how
safely people metabolize dozens of popular medicines.

P450 testing is so successful that Woosley just launched an international
registry, closely watched by the Food and Drug Administration, to
investigate other gene variations that make some people collapse with a
lethal irregular heartbeat after taking any of 50 common drugs.

And some companies are poised to begin offering, possibly within the next
year, the first direct-to-consumer pharmacogenomic testing. The idea:
Instead of waiting for gene chips to reach your doctor's office, just send a
cheek swab to a gene-testing laboratory to see if you're at risk from
certain drugs, explains Josh Baker, president of PPGx Inc., one company
hoping to offer consumer testing. Then give the test results to your doctor.

"It's very clear this concept works," says Woosley, a clinical
pharmacologist and heart specialist. New research to pinpoint who's at risk
"is some of the most exciting stuff I've ever seen."

Even the best medicines don't help everyone. Drugs are sold after they prove
an effect on the average disease sufferer, not every individual. So there's
little way to know who's wasting time on treatment that will fail, and who
will suffer side effects. Some 2 million Americans are hospitalized annually
for side effects, and 100,000 die.

Pharmacogenomics aims to improve that.

This is not your standard gene test. It doesn't reveal disease-causing gene
mutations. Instead, tests hunt subtle genetic variations called
polymorphisms that can determine reactions to medications.

Take p450, the best-known family of drug-processing enzymes. An estimated 7
percent of Americans lack certain p450 enzymes, allowing some drugs to climb
to toxic levels in their bodies. Other people's p450 enzymes work too fast,
clearing a drug out of the bloodstream too fast for it to fight disease.

P450 isn't the only concern. Leukemia specialists are starting to test
patients for another enzyme deficiency that makes the standard dose of a
children's leukemia therapy called mercaptopurine far too high for their

Also, 50 common drugs occasionally cause a lethal irregular heartbeat.
Patients' hearts first exhibit a rhythm change called "long QT interval"
before going into the arrhythmia with the unwieldy name "torsades de
points." Some genes can spur this problem by making drugs 10 times more
potent at blocking heart relaxation channels, Woosley said.

His lab just launched an international effort to research survivors and
create gene chips to test patients for the risk before they take a new drug.
Doctors, or torsades survivors, can check http://www.qtdrugs.org to

Gene chips will take several more years to hit the market. But PPGx and
other labs today can find gene-drug interactions through standard, cheap
gene-test methods - they already provide p450 and other enzyme tests for
drug manufacturers. Consumers very soon will demand such tests, too, Baker

"If they shouldn't take a drug, they should know. I know I would want to


EDITOR'S NOTE - Lauran Neergaard covers health and medical issues for The
Associated Press in Washington.

AP-ES-06-06-00 0612EDT

© Copyright 2000 Associated Press.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #3

2000-06-22 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000622c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/21_06_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, praises, discoveries: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No neutrinos were sexually abused during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Oblique Strategies: http://crystal.palace.net/~llama/oblique/oblique.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# 'Satan' worship in Mizoram worries church. AIZAWL, India. In the dark of
  night a mixed group of high schoolers huddle in a cemetery, holding hands
   chanting invocations to Satan. The "worshippers" soon fall into trance;
  one after another slash their wrists in a ritual offering of blood to the
  fallen angel. www.indiaserver.com/thehindu/2000/06/19/stories/0219000r.htm

# SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL. Death-worshipping church or apocalyptic prophets?
  The Process Church of the Final Judgement - Accused of being a "black-
  caped, black-garbed, death-worshipping church" with ranks of mindless
  "hooded snuffoids," they believed they were visionaries warning of the
  coming apocalypse. http://www.forteantimes.com/artic/134/process.html

# Watch for Ed Gein's gravestone to show up on eBay. The Wisconsin serial
  killer who inspired "Psycho" is in the news again as thieves grabbed his
  grave marker and ran. "There are people who would pay big bucks for that,"
  says the sheriff. http://jsonline.com/news/state/jun00/gein20061900a.asp

: What's your favorite satanic ritual? D'ya prefer to worship death masked
as eternal life; or death straight; or life masked as eternal death; or life
straight? D'ya pay a lot for paraphernalia of worship? Is it cost-effective?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# RESTORING THE PATH OF FAITH: This month, Coptic Christians in Egypt are
  celebrating the 2000th anniversary of the Holy Family's travel thru Egypt.
  In preparation for the thousands of pious pilgrims who'll come to retrace
  their path, the Egyptian Heritage Revival Association is pouring millions
  of Egyptian Pounds into the restoration of tombs, icons, altars... and the
  installation of restrooms. http://www.egypttoday.com/feat01.htm

# Oldest Temple in Egypt: Tell Ibrahim Awad Reveals Temple Upon Temple.Under
  the rich rubble of a Middle Kingdom temple are ruins of the oldest-known
  temple in Egypt at Tell Ibrahim Awad in the east Nile Delta. Traces of 5
  temples, the earliest dating to 3200 B.C., underlie a 4,000-year old Mid-
  dle Kingdom temple. http://www.egyptrevealed.com/051500-telibrahim.shtml

# Court Bars Sex-Change Dancer From School. CAIRO (Reuters) A Cairo court
  ruled on Wednesday that a belly-dancer who was once a man may not pursue
  her medical studies at Egypt's one thousand-year-old al-Azhar Islamic
  university. Oy. http://news.excite.com/news/r/000622/07/odd-dancer-dc

: What're y'r favorite old Egyptian tradition/heritage/ritual/site? Do these
interfere with others? Are there natural conflicts among points of heritage?
Is any heritage worth more than others? How can you tell - tourist counts??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Heavenly Light: Lasers blaze new path for studying stars in lab. Seems odd
  to find astronomers working in windowless labs, but that's where some of
  the best new views are. Instead of gazing at exploding stars,giant planets
   interstellar blast waves, scientists now replicate such phenomena in the
  lab. Supernova in a bottle: http://alienzoo.com/news/e/26210007.cfm

# Deep focus: neutrino mystery. An observatory sited deep in a Canadian mine
  could solve a mystery about the nuclear processes going on inside the Sun.
  Softly: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_799000/799067.stm

# Space Weather Predictions Just Got Easier. The arrival from the Sun of
  billion-ton electrified-gas clouds causing severe space storms can now be
  predicted to within a half-day, a great improvement over the best previous
  estimates of two to five days. http://www.cosmiverse.com/space062104.html

: What's your favorite form of cosmic radiation? Have'ya intercepted/created
/manipulated/obliterated any cosmic rays lately? Do you prefer cosmic/solar
storms that are real, simulated, imitation, virtual, miniature, frothy? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Robots in the 21st Century. Where are they? Despite the arrival of year
  2000, some folks are disappointed that robots aren't everywhere. After
  all, isn't that what futurists promised? In reality, robots are around
  more than many people think. Most simply haven't noticed yet. Mechanical
  beings are playing soccer, fetching the newspaper, and keeping people
  company at home. http://www.bergen.com/biz/robot1926192.htm

# ET Rover Produces Power. Scientists think they've found a way to generate
  power from robotic devices placed on the moon  other planets. Making its

[CTRL] Rogue State

2000-06-22 Thread Alamaine



Monaco is a rogue state, says France
By John Lichfield in Paris
22 June 2000

Monaco is a rogue state that connives in laundering drug and mafia money, under
French protection, a French parliamentary investigation concluded yesterday.

Although the accusation is not new, the severity of the language and the
official nature of the inquiry will be deeply embarrassing to the authorities
in Monaco and France.

The report accuses the tiny principality, surrounded by France and the
Mediterranean, of having no proper system of banking ethics, of allowing its
celebrated casino to run out of control and refusing all serious co-operation
with international efforts to control suspect flows of capital. Monaco is
"conducive to" and "complicit in" money laundering, the report said.

The parliamentary committee suggests France, which provides almost all senior
officials in Monaco, including the chief minister, is partly responsible for
this situation.

The committee calls on the French government to scrap all its fiscal and
judicial arrangements with the Mediterranean statelet, negotiated in 1963.

Monaco, which measures one mile long and a quarter of a mile wide, has 6,000
registered companies. Many are "managed by British citizens ... and set-up in
territories under British law, such as the Bahamas or the Cayman Islands", the
report says. Large sums pass in and out, and judicial authorities in Monaco
have no right to seek information.

The Monaco authorities refused to comment yesterday until they had studied the
report in detail. But the conclusions were accepted unanimously by left-of-
centre members of parliament. The neo-Gaullist RPR, the party founded by
President Jacques Chirac, rejected them, saying the report would "poison
diplomatic relations" between Monaco and France.


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
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[CTRL] Gotta New Flag

2000-06-22 Thread Alamaine


The Bland Old Flag
by Wendy McElroy

I applaud the South Carolina legislature for voting to remove the Confederate
flag from the Statehouse dome where it has flown for 38 years. There can be no
question: the Confederate flag is a symbol of slavery which no civilized
society will tolerate. If I have a criticism of South Carolina, it is this: the
legislature did not go far enough.

It targeted only the battle flag of the Confederacy – the familiar blue bars
crisscrossing a red background – which was a flag of convenience only. The
First Official Flag of the Confederacy (1861-1863) is a more fitting symbol for
protest. This flag called the Stars and Bars – white and red bars with seven
stars representing the original Confederate States – receded into obscurity for
pragmatic reasons. It was not sufficiently distinct from the Stars and Stripes
to prevent confusion on the battlefield. Equally, the Bonnie Blue should be
removed from sight. This flag – a single star on a blue background, signifying
the South united as one – became the first unofficial symbol of the

Of course, these flags and symbols signified slavery for four years only,
during the War of Secession. A far more egregious symbol is the Stars and
Stripes. On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress passed the first Flag Act:
"Resolved,that the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes
alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue
field, representing a new constellation." It was this flag that flew during the
infamous 3/5ths compromise within the Constitution by which a slave counted as
3/5ths of a human being for purposes of the political representation of
Southern whites. Article IV Section 2, established the right of slave owners to
pursue fugitive slaves, "No person held to service or labor in one state, under
the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or
regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be
delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due."
The Stars and Stripes not only presided as slavery was cemented into the fabric
of American government and society, it flew over that slave nation for almost a

The Stars and Stripes symbolize an abomination that cannot be tolerated. It
must be stripped from public buildings across the nation. Fortunately, the
government has provided us with the correct procedure by which to dispose of
erring flags. Section 4 (k) of the Federal Flag Code (Public Law 94-344)
declares, "The flag, when...it is no longer a fitting emblem for display,
should be destroyed in a dignified way preferably by burning." The American
Legion also recommends disposing of a flag by burning it.

I am indebted to the historian Joseph R. Stromberg for pointing out an obvious
problem with my proposal. The United States clearly needs a flag now and then –
e.g. for the commencement of ball games, for NASA to plant should it ever land
anywhere again.

The Union Jack, which flapped over the thirteen colonies, would be a natural
contender were it not for the fact that Britain was largely responsible for the
world’s African slave trade to begin with. The rest of Europe offers few
satisfactory substitutes. The Portuguese and Spanish jointly devastated much of
the population of South America. The French are French. Germany...enough said.
The Italians brutalized Ethiopia during World War II. Russia...enough said. And
the who knows how much longer the nations of the former Soviet Union will
survive. Only the Swiss, Finnish and Danes are left, and they seem determined
to survive through maintaining a low-profile. The Far East is no better and
African nations change too quickly. Australia began as a land of thugs, thieves
and prostitutes.

There are only three nations in the world that are both politically correct and
likely to accept the honor of having their flag adopted by the United States:
Iceland, Greenland and Canada. Of these three, the obvious choice is Canada –
my place of birth and residence – because we are all Americans up here anyway.
Indeed, some years ago, a major magazine ran a contest meant to capture the
essence of being Canadian. The contestants were asked to complete the sentence
"As Canadian as..." along the lines of "As American as apple pie."

The winner was "As Canadian as possible under the circumstances."
Canada has other obvious advantages. It never colonized or wiped out its Indian
population. When Quebec threatens to secede, it holds a referendum, not a civil
war. No one dislikes us; people even forget that Canadians served in Vietnam
and remember instead our open border policy for draft dodgers. Indeed, spies
around the world use fake Canadian passports to cross borders. Because Canada
prides itself on being an ethnic mosaic, the flag will not offend minorities.
Yet, since most Canadians are 

[CTRL] Gary Graham Execution

2000-06-22 Thread Mr.Rodriguez

June 22, 2000

If there's evidence that Gary Graham is innocent of his accusation and
politics are (again) obstructing justice (miscarriage of justice); in a brief
amount of time, perhaps hours left, we should remember this episode for
further cases (and a revision of past executions), so that our future
generations will remember what could have been avoided in the name of the U.S.
Constitution itself. Many other deaths like this will follow. Imagine your
son/daughter has been sentenced for a crime he/she didn't commit, and the
media, politics, and other technicisms or factors can't allow the proper legal
procedure. Sometimes, the truth is not revealed in the Courts of Justice.
Please close your eyes and imagine Graham is not black; even if another man
was executed yesterday (Florida), and was white. But we all know deep within,
that this attitude can affect a verdict (especifically in a certain state or
area). Many factors can affect a verdict. Trust me, they can be manipulated.

No matter if you have religion or not (or what religion you belong, if any),
our prayers and thoughts should be with this convict, because I think there's
a missing part in this story. If Graham is innocent, I believe we should have
no mercy with the people who know the truth.

And... the missing part is the one that counts.

As I don't judge people, especifically in cases like this, before and after
his execution, all I need to say is may God bless his soul innocent or not.
Mr. Graham, your burden will be relieved very, very soon.

"We each owe a death. There are no exceptions. But Oh God, sometimes the green
mile seems so long."- "The Green Mile" (Tom Hanks)



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-22 Thread Eagle 1

tenebroust said,
I do not want to see anyone here attacking other list members BELIEFS. 

I couldn't agree more...  However,
shouldn't that be clarified further to include a more indepth definition...?
For we all believe something,  even if it is disbelief,  because we all post
articles,  comments,  and opinions,  regularly.  What I'm saying is,  the
definition here, that I'm *assuming* you are trying to get across,  is that
do not want to see people attacked for their RELIGIOUS or SPIRITUAL BELIEFS?
Correct me if I'm wrong in this...

BUT,  there is still a loophole;  for all religious beliefs and tenents,  if
taken seriously, are a way of life for those people who do.  It is not
opinion or
comment,  but rather when they disagree,  they would be contending for their
beliefs.  As a Christian,  I am instructed to 'contend' for the faith...
(Jude v3).
To sit back and say nothing is worse, in my opinion,  than attempting to
expose,  what I would believe, is a lie.

To censor someone for their religious beliefs,  and disallow them to
is like saying,  it's okay for you to perfectly agree with the homosexuals
agenda (using this strictly as a scenario), but because I may disagree
of my religious or spiritual beliefs.  I am to say nothing???   Am I not
to contend for my beliefs,  because it infringes on YOUR rights to believe a
certain way,  but not for me?
With this I totally disagree.

tenebroust also said,
The Talmud business, the Protocals, etc., are all part of a systematic
concocted "history" that has been perpetrated by the Catholic Church, and
other prominent European (and now American) groups to place the "Jew" in the
context of evil, cheapskate, cheat, etc.

This is simply not true...
Judah has wrongly taken the rap for those who "say" they are Jews (God's
for hundreds of years...   There is more than religiosity involved in this.
You must
calculate the number of the beast...  The word calculate in the Greek means
to 'ennumerate the smooth stones over a long period of time'.  The only way
to calculate this is to follow the bloodline and historical record.  You can
easily in the Hebrews history of the Chronicles where there are those who
came in as bedouines and took over the bookkeeping,  the scribeship,  and
the priest duties...  By Jesus' time,  they were known as Pharisees,  and
continue today in various communities and cultural statures.
THESE have also taken on the title "JEW"  when they
actually have no inheritance, heritage or bloodline to sustain their claim.
These are those that are spoken of in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9...  "those who
say they are Jews,  but are not..."   Once you find out WHO these are,  you
can clearly see how,  over the past,  that Christians have mistaken
and stereotyped these in with the true Jews and how the confusion has come
around to the present day.  True Jews of the tribe of Judah have been blamed
for way too much evil and cataclysmic atrosities!!!

If you want to blame someone for propagating this information, go to the
priests, preachers and teachers...  they are the ones who teach ignorantly
continue to keep the pot stirred and boiling.  I suppose this is why it is
taught in
Ezekiel ch 34 that God will start his judgment in the pulpit,  with the

People need to do their homework and find out just exactly WHO they are
speaking of here...   and quit believing lies and gossip.   Jews of the
of Judah *ARE innocent* as charged.   But tell me...  how do you tell the
from the wheat?  While maturing,  or coming of age,  one cannot tell,  and
this is why the lessons were taught throughout the gospels to leave the

I have absolutely nothing against the true Jews of Judah...  and am actually
very sympathetic with their plight.  But,   it is written that there were
who came in and took their identity and claim to be Jews,  but are not.
THESE are those that we should be concerned about,  and when the truth
comes out in the end...  I believe that you will find that even these false
are the very ones who wrote the protocols...  and started all the other
regarding the Jews,  so as they could develop a sympathy and blend in to
absorb that sympathy they created.  And yes,  there is also blood on the
Catholic Church's hands regarding some of this...  but the blame cannot
be placed completely there.  They too,  by utilizing certain religious
and by brainwashing have their congregation believing that their faith is
only one...  it is also a door that revolves in continuum with the same song
second verse.  But they are also in error to make this claim.

This is a subject (i.e. the Jews) that cannot be ignored or overlooked,
because most people have been brainwashed either by religious tendencies or
by cultural differences that go back generations.  It is a subject that is
not going to go
away just because you want it to.

eagle 1

Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-22 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

The Christian Science Church in USA has long been attacked because of its
religious beliefs re "faith healing" leading to a long string of
convictions. These attacks come from the political-legal establishment and
many other cults and religions have also been attacked by due process of
law for their beliefs and practices.

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Eagle 1 wrote:

 tenebroust said,
 I do not want to see anyone here attacking other list members BELIEFS. 

 I couldn't agree more...  However,
 shouldn't that be clarified further to include a more indepth definition...?
 For we all believe something,  even if it is disbelief,  because we all post
 articles,  comments,  and opinions,  regularly.  What I'm saying is,  the
 definition here, that I'm *assuming* you are trying to get across,  is that
 do not want to see people attacked for their RELIGIOUS or SPIRITUAL BELIEFS?
 Correct me if I'm wrong in this...

 BUT,  there is still a loophole;  for all religious beliefs and tenents,  if
 taken seriously, are a way of life for those people who do.  It is not
 opinion or
 comment,  but rather when they disagree,  they would be contending for their
 beliefs.  As a Christian,  I am instructed to 'contend' for the faith...
 (Jude v3).
 To sit back and say nothing is worse, in my opinion,  than attempting to
 expose,  what I would believe, is a lie.

 To censor someone for their religious beliefs,  and disallow them to
 is like saying,  it's okay for you to perfectly agree with the homosexuals
 agenda (using this strictly as a scenario), but because I may disagree
 of my religious or spiritual beliefs.  I am to say nothing???   Am I not
 to contend for my beliefs,  because it infringes on YOUR rights to believe a
 certain way,  but not for me?
 With this I totally disagree.

 tenebroust also said,
 The Talmud business, the Protocals, etc., are all part of a systematic
 concocted "history" that has been perpetrated by the Catholic Church, and
 other prominent European (and now American) groups to place the "Jew" in the
 context of evil, cheapskate, cheat, etc.

 This is simply not true...
 Judah has wrongly taken the rap for those who "say" they are Jews (God's
 for hundreds of years...   There is more than religiosity involved in this.
 You must
 calculate the number of the beast...  The word calculate in the Greek means
 to 'ennumerate the smooth stones over a long period of time'.  The only way
 to calculate this is to follow the bloodline and historical record.  You can
 easily in the Hebrews history of the Chronicles where there are those who
 came in as bedouines and took over the bookkeeping,  the scribeship,  and
 the priest duties...  By Jesus' time,  they were known as Pharisees,  and
 continue today in various communities and cultural statures.
 THESE have also taken on the title "JEW"  when they
 actually have no inheritance, heritage or bloodline to sustain their claim.
 These are those that are spoken of in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9...  "those who
 say they are Jews,  but are not..."   Once you find out WHO these are,  you
 can clearly see how,  over the past,  that Christians have mistaken
 and stereotyped these in with the true Jews and how the confusion has come
 around to the present day.  True Jews of the tribe of Judah have been blamed
 for way too much evil and cataclysmic atrosities!!!

 If you want to blame someone for propagating this information, go to the
 priests, preachers and teachers...  they are the ones who teach ignorantly
 continue to keep the pot stirred and boiling.  I suppose this is why it is
 taught in
 Ezekiel ch 34 that God will start his judgment in the pulpit,  with the

 People need to do their homework and find out just exactly WHO they are
 speaking of here...   and quit believing lies and gossip.   Jews of the
 of Judah *ARE innocent* as charged.   But tell me...  how do you tell the
 from the wheat?  While maturing,  or coming of age,  one cannot tell,  and
 this is why the lessons were taught throughout the gospels to leave the

 I have absolutely nothing against the true Jews of Judah...  and am actually
 very sympathetic with their plight.  But,   it is written that there were
 who came in and took their identity and claim to be Jews,  but are not.
 THESE are those that we should be concerned about,  and when the truth
 comes out in the end...  I believe that you will find that even these false
 are the very ones who wrote the protocols...  and started all the other
 regarding the Jews,  so as they could develop a sympathy and blend in to
 absorb that sympathy they created.  And yes,  there is also blood on the
 Catholic Church's hands regarding some of this...  but the blame cannot
 be placed completely there.  They too,  by utilizing certain religious
 and by brainwashing have their congregation believing that their faith is

Re: [CTRL] Fonda sorry for taking pic in Vietnam

2000-06-22 Thread David Sutherland

I really can't follow your "logic" here?

It just seems like you want to fuck the woman any which way she turns?

She's a femme after all, and hormonally, has a physiological urge to change
her mind. (ggg)

Leaving that deranged, pukesome, "former" drunkard "husband", supporter of
totalitarian ideologies of hers, was maybe a step in the right direction,
and may have taken considerable personal courage to do so.

There appears to have been something in her personal life, that has
certainly jarred her former status quo lifestyle - I wish her well, and hope
she has chosen the right path.

 Who gives a crap about the mindless amalgam of "patriots" and the "far
right" - both are essentially stooges of the Vatican (ggg) and the papa that
dresses like mamma, and neither would have a clue as to what true
Christianity is about - all just butt heads and beavis's.

- Original Message -
From: "William Shannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 11:39 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fonda sorry for taking pic in Vietnam

 What? She can't have a change of mind or opinion?

 What's wrong with saying "sorry"?

 Why shouldn't she express a "Xtian" opine?

 Dude, she already did her lil' mea culpa a decade ago...to the jeers of
the far right...my point is that if her recent degradation...er, I mean
conversion to hardcore Xianity makes her apology any more acceptable now
than it was then...that's a weird standard...and the so-called "patriots"
will have shown themselves to be a VERY fickle lot indeed.


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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-22 Thread Eagle 1

Well,  I suppose it is just another political injustice and string of
that result from inability in this country to practice "religious
Though I disagree with the Christian Scientists after watching a lady lay in
pain and die a slow death over about a 12 year period,  because her husband
would not take her to the doctor.  It was a very sad situation.  I remember
mom trying to reason with her husband to no avail,  to take her to the
he refused,  she died.  But he still believed.  He has the right... to
believe what
he wants.  He will deal with his final decision for the rest of his life and

Even Jesus said,  that there are those in need of a physician...
Luke 5:30-32
Luke was a physician,  who became a disciple / Apostle.
But,  does that mean I only absorb words of faith for healing?  OR do I use
common sense and seek a physician,  when I know that it's going to take
more than faith for healing? Again,  that is a personal belief.  Personally,
I would go to the doctor if I was sick or take someone,  or
take someone if they need one.
God gave us a mind to 'think' with.  He didn't give us ignorance,  but
intelligence to utilize common sense in judgment calls.

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "Franklin Wayne Poley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

 The Christian Science Church in USA has long been attacked because of its
 religious beliefs re "faith healing" leading to a long string of
 convictions. These attacks come from the political-legal establishment and
 many other cults and religions have also been attacked by due process of
 law for their beliefs and practices.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well Dr. Poley, the Christian Scientists are an intelligent lot.   This
bible crap makes me sick for let us consider who really wrote the words
in the biblelike the part i I Kings where "pissing" on the wall is
almost done in ritualistic manner.  English was crude in those days and
if Shakespear had a hand in writing the Song of Solomon and his cypher
was left in the 46th psalm, we had a lot of hanky panky here.

My family traces their tree directly to the bible - and we are part of
the Grail Family and I have pedigree to prove it, but who the hell

An Ayatollah runing around with a black turban claiming direct descent
from Mohammed?   Was Mohammed ordained by God to rule, or did Allah even
know this man?

The hook up of the Assassins to the Knight Templars as they searched for
gold and loot?
Bible is a big family tree and geogrpahy book.

What is a jew?  I do not know, and I do not care.  I am concerned about
this lot who call themselves Zionists and from whom 3 or 4 Rabbis now
want to disassociate before they are all murdered which is a part of
"God's Plan".

I had an ancestor help revise the bible in 1890 period, delegate to
Clarendon Press and still have the souvenier bible, SS Teachers Edition.
As I wrote once before, Benjamin Franklin wrote a few verses in the
proverbs and printed in the bible and nobody even knew the different.

The Bible is a Master Plan for Murder and it is timed to go off at the
end of this Millenium.  Now if God is alive and well, so is Satan and I
will tell you this Satan does rule on this planet, and between Gore,
Clinton, and Saddam Hussein and Kissinger and that low life Reno and
Albright -= I will take Sadaam who rides a big whie horse, when he
really wants to show off, for Sadaam is a real man- and he offered us
cheap oil and was refused.

Why are the Zionists out to control the domestic jews and arabs and put
them is Israelie while they wait judgment day whrere the State of Israel
is to be destroyed.

Well this one Rabbi knows his stuff and said we can live under Arab rule
and Arabs can live under so called Jewish rule for the arabs and jews in
the holy land, are brothers.

The Sons of the Prophets and the Sons of God are brother as are all the
KIngs Men and Kings, brothers.

I am so sick of this religoius crap - for this is master plan for murder
and all things are ready.

America first must be destroyed that is the white race, for hey will
take no crap any more from wild blacks and latinos runung through
streets raping and molesting women - and any lady would not have been in
that crowd anyway.

So this is face of America - ugly, dirty and a cess pool awaiting return
of the King?

Return of the King means forfeiture of Constitutional govrnment, does it

Only Kings and Queens are ordained by God to rule and I can claim direct
descent from many Kings and Queens and the Mormon Church claims my
ancestors descended from Satan - the one man's meat, is another man's

But when you read that crap the Mormon Joseph Smith, a freemason wrote
up, well - what did he say about Moroni - was he kidding?

Now we have one religion fits all, one big rrace to fit all where
laborers in vinyard with blackened skin will marry the fair blonde and
bue eyed farmr's daughter

Well never saw a black rose and hope  I never do.

Take that Old Testament and dump it - I am sick of men playing Moses and
turning loose animals on civilized people.

The Bible is a Master Plan for Murder and guess who wrote it?   New
Messiah on way?  You got to be kidding - after what theydid to the old
one, nailed to a cross and virtually a stake drivn through his side?
Think he will return with love in his heart?

Somebody killed my kid - fight fire with fire.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Fonda sorry for taking pic in Vietnam

2000-06-22 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 6/22/00 7:50:34 PM Central Daylight Time,

 I really can't follow your "logic" here?

 It just seems like you want to fuck the woman any which way she turns?

 She's a femme after all, and hormonally, has a physiological urge to change
 her mind. (ggg) 

Man, am I speaking Farsi here???
I never faulted her for taking the stand that she did and I actually like the
fact that she had the stones to oppose the Vietnam war...my point is that she
ALREADY made her amends and that the loony right scoffed at her...so are they
now going to accept her apology since she's become a Son worshipper/Xian?
THAT'S my question and it's REALLY NOT that difficult!
Methinks there's a bit of hypocrisy on that end of the political spectrum and
if "becoming born-again" is the thing that makes her apology hold water now
with those who previously scoffed all I can do is LMFAO.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [HotelMcGillis] The Dubya Quiz

2000-06-22 Thread William Shannon

DURST: The George W Quiz
Will Durst, AlterNet
June 20, 2000

In an attempt to narrow his search for a running mate, George W Bush is
sending out background questionnaires to prospects. Due to my string of
incredibly well placed inside sources, I am now able to leak portions of that
questionnaire directly to you, with no hidden obligation on your part.

1. The most important quality I would bring to a national ticket is:

A. A fierce dedication to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

B. The electoral vote guarantee of an important swing state.

C. Respect and dignity.

D. Money. Lots and lots and lots of money.

2. Which of these statements is truest?

A. "Blood is thicker than oil."

B. "Oil is thicker than water."

C. "Blood is thicker than water."

D. "Oil and blood have approximately the same viscosity, but oil is easier to
use as leverage."

3. The investment of portions of social security in the stock market is:

A. A good idea.

B. A great idea.

C. A great idea the public will come to trust after I've talked to them about

D. The worst idea since oyster flavored popsicles.

4. Please spell potato. Singular and plural.

5. True or false. Hunting is better than golfing.

6. Did you ever know or work with or have as a good friend, Jack Kennedy?

7. Jeb Bush's children are:

A. Black.

B. Red.

C. Brown.

D. Short.

8. Complete this statement. Women:

A. Should be seen barefoot and pregnant but not heard.

B. Are best served with lemon butter and capers.

C. Got to learn to relax for the inevitable.

D. Deserve to be executed just like normal people.

9. As an impressionable youth, I experimented with:

A. Pot.

B. Coke.

C. Acid.

D. Campaign Finance Reform.

Will Durst doubts anybody interesting could pass this test.

FONT COLOR="#99"Want to win airfare to Vegas for you and 20 friends, $15,000 and 
suite at Bellagio for New Year's? Or 2 roundtrip tickets anywhere in
the U.S. given away daily? Go to Expedia.com for your chance to win...
/FONTA HREF="http://click.egroups.com/1/5292/5/_/_/_/961722096/"BClick 

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Re: [CTRL] Fonda sorry for taking pic in Vietnam

2000-06-22 Thread David Sutherland

I prefer ancient Aramaic! ()

But that's an interesting point you make - it is curious that she is now a
"convert" - and if I recall correctly, her 'husband' is a supporter of the
UN, which is one of the great bogie man scapegoats of many Religionists and
the Far Right.

Maybe their 'split' is somehow paradigmatic - perhaps like, and in the end,
all this N.W.O. conspiracy paranoia is only a convenient concoction by
another more sinister "group" and only exists in the minds of the "masses"
to complete "the plan" of this "group"?

Well I'm sure in the end she, and they all, will kiss and make-up - just
like in a good movie script?  (ggg)

- Original Message -
From: "William Shannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fonda sorry for taking pic in Vietnam

 In a message dated 6/22/00 7:50:34 PM Central Daylight Time,

  I really can't follow your "logic" here?

  It just seems like you want to fuck the woman any which way she turns?

  She's a femme after all, and hormonally, has a physiological urge to
  her mind. (ggg) 

 Man, am I speaking Farsi here???
 I never faulted her for taking the stand that she did and I actually like
 fact that she had the stones to oppose the Vietnam war...my point is that
 ALREADY made her amends and that the loony right scoffed at her...so are
 now going to accept her apology since she's become a Son worshipper/Xian?
 THAT'S my question and it's REALLY NOT that difficult!
 Methinks there's a bit of hypocrisy on that end of the political spectrum
 if "becoming born-again" is the thing that makes her apology hold water
 with those who previously scoffed all I can do is LMFAO.


 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
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[CTRL] [BRIGADE] URGENT: Hoffa Under Attack

2000-06-22 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Dear Brigade,

"And within the AFL-CIO, Hoffa isn't completely accepted. One top labor
official says relations are still in tatters from an incident in April. At a
mass union gathering in Washington to protest normal trade with China,
Hoffa held a separate Teamsters rally, to the chagrin of AFL officials. He
also appeared onstage with Reform Party candidate Patrick J.
Buchanan, whose views often put him at odds with Big Labor's mostly
liberal leaders."

Brigade, we knew it wouldn't be long before the Establishment parties
and the media would be going after James Hoffa.  Well it's started.  They
are in high gear to find anything to discredit him and convince members
of the Teamsters to throw him out of office.  What was his crime?
Standing up against the multi-national corporations and refusing to sell
out American workers by endorsing the Gore-Bush ticket.

Suggestion:  Write a note to Jim Hoffa and thank him for putting America
First.  Tell him why you support Pat Buchanan and ask for his
endorsement by the Teamsters.

Note: Do not send an email, use U.S. Postal mail.  The IBT website
states: If you have a matter of importance that you would like addressed
in an official manner you need to write a letter. All letters sent to the IBT
will be responded to, however, we cannot guarantee all emails will be
given the same consideration at this time.

Here is the address:

Mr. James P. Hoffa
General President
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Office of the General President
25 Louisiana Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20001

Brigade, please forward this to all on your e-lists and to your personal

For the Cause, Linda

Business Week -- June 26, 2000

By Paula Dwyer in Washington

The Teamsters are players again, but problems persist

James P. Hoffa is almost a happy man. From his expansive office at the
foot of Capitol Hill -- the same third-floor lair his legendary father
occupied in the 1950s and '60s -- Hoffa can point to an impressive 15
months since becoming president of the International Brotherhood of
Teamsters. Flight attendants at Northwest Airlines Corp. just ratified a
new contract by an overwhelming 68%. Arbitrators have forced United
Parcel Service Inc. to honor a pledge to hire 10,000 new workers.
President Clinton is keeping the U.S. closed to Mexican trucks despite
NAFTA's call to open the border as of Jan. 1, 2000. And on June 21,
George W. Bush, like Vice-President Al Gore before him, will seek the
union's endorsement.

It's been a fast ride for Jim Hoffa. Just a few years ago, he was an
obscure Detroit lawyer with a famous father. Today, he runs the largest
union in the country. Pols are fawning, and employers say they can work
with him. Even the union's finances are back in order after Hoffa's
predecessor, Ron Carey, spent money like a drunken trucker with a
winning Lottery ticket. ''There is a new excitement in the union right
now,'' declares Hoffa, 59. ''Any outside observer can see that this union
is moving ahead.'' Victor S. Kamber, a longtime union public-relations
consultant, concurs: ''People like him. When he speaks, people listen.
I'd bet my money on him.''

But while Hoffa successfully played the outside agitator to win the
Teamster presidency, he has only 16 months left to persuade the 1.5
million rank-and-file members to reelect him as president. And despite
the hosannas from union headquarters, all is not well in the House of

The most recent disappointment was permanent normal trade relations
(PNTR) for China. Along with the United Auto Workers, the Teamsters
tried mightily to prevent House Democrats from joining with President
Clinton and the GOP in extending normal trade status to Beijing -- and


Also gnawing at Hoffa is his inability to rid the Teamsters of federal
supervision. Since 1989, the Justice Dept. has monitored the union's
every move through a trusteeship that has cost the union $ 88 million.
Hoffa had hoped to convince the Clinton Administration that the union is
mob-free -- and that it's time to end the oversight. But as the White
House has made clear, that won't happen anytime soon.

Hoffa likes to boast that he has balanced the union's budget after years
of profligate spending and a campaign-finance scandal by predecessor
Carey, but the union is barely covering its costs. One reason, say Hoffa
critics, is head-office salaries and other expenses. While Carey drew a
salary of $ 150,000, Hoffa gets paid $ 225,000. Hoffa says that is the
maximum under the union's constitution -- and the same salary his father
received in the '60s.

There are other complaints. While Carey all but ended the practice of
letting local and regional Teamster officials take two and three salaries at
a time, double-dipping has returned under Hoffa. A 1999 annual report to
the Labor Dept. showed that 23 officers on the headquarters 

Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-22 Thread Eagle 1

Aleisha Saba said,
Take that Old Testament and dump it

Take the Old Testament and dump it?  huh?
What?  And keep only the new?  The new cannot be accepted without the
tenents of the old...  It simply won't hold water...   Then there is no will
and there is no testament if you dump the old...
But THAT is exactly what this latter generation has done...  tried to do
away with the old and simply live off the new,  claiming that the law has
been done away with... etc., etc.,  etc.,   (yada yada yada...)
and we now have a lawless generation,  who just does what it pleases because
they have totally misunderstood the whole plan from it's beginnings to it's
ends.  Who is to blame?  Jesus said it best when he confronted the
"[You are]  making the Word of God of none effect through your traditions,
which ye have delivered and many such like things do ye." ~Mark 7:13

And the traditions have continued as the truth has been suppressed in the
Jesus taught that the New World Order was coming and those living in that
generation when the time came would suffer through it.  He also taught us
how to fair during that time.  He never said that no one would be killed or
that people would escape ...  As a matter of fact,  even John the Baptist
Matt: 3:7  "But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his
baptism, he said unto them, "O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to
flee from the wrath to come?"
Matt. 3:8  "Bring forth fruits meet for repentance:"

You have to know who those who say they are Jews but are not are...
if you don't ...  you will continue to blame God and blame Jews for things
that have absolutely nothing to do with his will or his testament, or the
overall plan.

Sounds like you've been brainwashed by the political media agenda.
And so be it.  You choose to believe what you choose to believe.
And so do I choose to believe as I do.
However,  jftr,
I am not here to convince you to believe as I do or otherwise.

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

 Well Dr. Poley, the Christian Scientists are an intelligent lot.   This
 bible crap makes me sick for let us consider who really wrote the words
 in the biblelike the part i I Kings where "pissing" on the wall is
 almost done in ritualistic manner.  English was crude in those days and
 if Shakespear had a hand in writing the Song of Solomon and his cypher
 was left in the 46th psalm, we had a lot of hanky panky here.

 My family traces their tree directly to the bible - and we are part of
 the Grail Family and I have pedigree to prove it, but who the hell

 An Ayatollah runing around with a black turban claiming direct descent
 from Mohammed?   Was Mohammed ordained by God to rule, or did Allah even
 know this man?

 The hook up of the Assassins to the Knight Templars as they searched for
 gold and loot?
 Bible is a big family tree and geogrpahy book.

 What is a jew?  I do not know, and I do not care.  I am concerned about
 this lot who call themselves Zionists and from whom 3 or 4 Rabbis now
 want to disassociate before they are all murdered which is a part of
 "God's Plan".

 I had an ancestor help revise the bible in 1890 period, delegate to
 Clarendon Press and still have the souvenier bible, SS Teachers Edition.
 As I wrote once before, Benjamin Franklin wrote a few verses in the
 proverbs and printed in the bible and nobody even knew the different.

 The Bible is a Master Plan for Murder and it is timed to go off at the
 end of this Millenium.  Now if God is alive and well, so is Satan and I
 will tell you this Satan does rule on this planet, and between Gore,
 Clinton, and Saddam Hussein and Kissinger and that low life Reno and
 Albright -= I will take Sadaam who rides a big whie horse, when he
 really wants to show off, for Sadaam is a real man- and he offered us
 cheap oil and was refused.

 Why are the Zionists out to control the domestic jews and arabs and put
 them is Israelie while they wait judgment day whrere the State of Israel
 is to be destroyed.

 Well this one Rabbi knows his stuff and said we can live under Arab rule
 and Arabs can live under so called Jewish rule for the arabs and jews in
 the holy land, are brothers.

 The Sons of the Prophets and the Sons of God are brother as are all the
 KIngs Men and Kings, brothers.

 I am so sick of this religoius crap - for this is master plan for murder
 and all things are ready.

 America first must be destroyed that is the white race, for hey will
 take no crap any more from wild blacks and latinos runung through
 streets raping and molesting women - and any lady would not have been in
 that crowd anyway.

 So this is face of America - ugly, dirty and a cess pool awaiting return
 of the King?

 Return of the King means forfeiture of Constitutional govrnment, does it

 Only Kings and Queens 

Re: [CTRL] Fonda sorry for taking pic in Vietnam

2000-06-22 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 6/22/00 8:15:18 PM Central Daylight Time,

 I prefer ancient Aramaic! () 

I like Cognac ;-)!!!

But that's an interesting point you make - it is curious that she is now a
"convert" - and if I recall correctly, her 'husband' is a supporter of the
UN, which is one of the great bogie man scapegoats of many Religionists and
the Far Right.

A, she looks in the mirror and realizes that "time marches on"and
yeah, Turner is a NWO/UN supporter...she was too most likely until she
realized that his eye was more easily averted by wimmin' who were actually
attractive in the HERE and NOW! At that point Jeeezus is the only
option...one can have only so much cosmetic surgery

Maybe their 'split' is somehow paradigmatic - perhaps like, and in the end,
all this N.W.O. conspiracy paranoia is only a convenient concoction by
another more sinister "group" and only exists in the minds of the "masses"
to complete "the plan" of this "group"?

Super-intriguing proposition!!! A mega-grand(e) unified theory!
Maybe dude!!! Maybe!!

Well I'm sure in the end she, and they all, will kiss and make-up - just
like in a good movie script?  (ggg)

Upon which her collegen-laden lip implanst will what...explode??? Or just


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Revenge of Gary Aldrich

2000-06-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


Revenge of Gary Aldrich

Clinton-Gore security meltdown sad vindication for ex-FBI agent

By Paul Sperry
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON -- He could crow, "I told you so," and who could blame
him?  Even early skeptics Sam Donaldson and Tim Russert have
confessed to him, in private, that he was right all along.

But that wouldn't be his style.  The soft-spoken, almost
diffident, FBI agent who first warned of the White House's
reckless disregard for security procedures, is also too busy
exhorting other federal whistle-blowers to come forward to inform
the public of a dangerous pattern over the past nearly eight
years: the systematic dismantling of safeguards across the entire
U.S.  security complex.

Gary Aldrich could also dish out dirt (and there's "a ton," he
says) on the Clinton appointees who smeared him in the press as a
"pathological liar." After all, he would know, having read their
sensitive FBI "302" reports while vetting them for jobs.

But to this day -- even though he's retired from the bureau and
can't be fired or sued for violating The Privacy Act -- Aldrich
holds his tongue.

It's not easy for him, judging from his pained eyes and clenched
jaw.  During a two-hour interview in his Fairfax, Va., office, he
came close to returning the favor when a few White House names
popped up.

So what stops him?  "My own ethics," he said.

In 1995, Aldrich left the White House, where he worked as one of
the FBI agents tasked with clearing new White House hires for
security passes.

The next year, his book, "Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside
the Clinton White House," was published.  The shocking bestseller
charged, among other things, that White House officials were
hiring hard-drug users and other security risks over agents'
vetoes.  Many of them gained access to classified information
without proper clearance.

After being pilloried by the White House and its friends in the
prestige press as a "liar," Aldrich became withdrawn. And when
other law-enforcement agents failed to back his story -- and his
own agency turned over his manuscript to the White House, without
his consent -- he became disillusioned with his whole profession.
He was out on a long, lonely limb, and the sound of sawing was

But slowly, with each new report of security lapses, his story of
loose security and reckless conduct has been confirmed.

At the White House, drug and gun smugglers were waved into
fund-raising coffees with the president and vice president.  One
Clinton donor with Beijing ties even managed to sneak a foreigner
past the Secret Service using a bogus driver's license.

But it's not just the White House.

A recent undercover sting by Congress turned up alarming security
failures at 19 government agencies, including the Pentagon and
even Aldrich's former employer, the FBI. And now, with yet
another major security breach at Los Alamos National Laboratory,
more and more fingers are pointing back to the White House.

In every agency that deals with protecting national-security
secrets, normal security rules and procedures have been ignored,
changed or tossed during the Clinton-Gore years.

Clinton appointees have kicked open lab gates to foreign
visitors, even ripping out the doors to the Energy Department's
executive suites.  They've shelved security badges.  They've cut
funding and staff for Pentagon background checks, resulting in a
backlog of hundreds of thousands.  The CIA's own director
downloaded classified files onto an unsecured home computer used,
among other things, to access Internet porn. Officials at the
State Department, where escorts were no longer required for
foreign visitors, have "lost" top-secret laptops.

Meanwhile, Russian and Chinese spies run amok.

But there is one place where security is tighter, Aldrich says:
The Democratic National Committee headquarters.

In 1998, Aldrich founded The Patrick Henry Center for Individual
Liberty to aid and support whistle-blowers opposed to serious
wrongdoing, especially involving national security, in the
federal government.

One of his clients is a former senior Energy Department official
who exposed to Congress the dismantling of military lab security
by Clinton appointees -- and suffered reprisals for it.  After he
was effectively fired from his job, he says the administration
had him tailed.

Another Aldrich client is a Pentagon official who also was
harassed for blowing the whistle on the department's loosening of
background investigations.

"We're running a civilian witness-protection program here,"
Aldrich, 55, said.

The center plans to broadcast ads on a Washington-area FM radio
station, entreating federal employees to come forward with what
they know about Clinton corruption and attempts by his political
appointees to undermine national security.

The spots will appeal to their "sense of patriotism, shame, you
name it," Aldrich said.  They'll also let them know their rights.

Aldrich served 26 years as a 


2000-06-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

New York Post-June 22, 2000



POOR Bill Richardson. Here we are in the Clinton era when you can
usually wiggle out of just about anything - sex, lies or
videotape - by claiming the dog ate your homework. Or blaming a
"vast right-wing conspiracy."

But excuses and buck-passing aren't working for the hapless
energy secretary. His star has fallen like a fading dot-com
company as he gets blamed for lost nuclear secrets and
skyrocketing gas prices.

He was on Al Gore's veep list. Now he may have to walk the plank
as a human sacrifice after the Senate's senior Democrat - not
Republican - Robert Byrd (W.Va.) told Richardson he'd lost "any
faith in what you say."

"What's going on here?

"People have allowed the permissiveness, laxity and excuses of
the Clinton era because they didn't see consequences - this shows
it has consequences," says a Democratic strategist.

"It frames a way to go at what gnaws at people about the Clinton
era. It's not about sex, it's about nuclear secrets. It's a
metaphor for George W. Bush to talk about those issues without
ever talking about sex and morals."

Republican pollster John MacLaughlin says President Clinton has
always been able to get out of Monicagate and other scrapes by
appealing to people's empathy, but that won't work here.

"There's no empathy about losing nuclear secrets," MacLaughlin
says. "Clinton likes to say, ‘Yes, I did it, but ...' - but
there's no middle ground here. Either you lost nuclear secrets or
you didn't."

Clearly this whole mess isn't helping Gore (or his
again-reinvented campaign) in the polls where he now trails Bush
by about 10 points nationally.


It's also noteworthy that Richardson is the guy taking the heat
here - the radioactive buck landed on his desk, not Clinton's.

But Republicans, who don't much care about the lame-duck
president these days anyway, are out to make sure Gore shares the
blame with Richardson, his wannabe veep.

The GOP is busy documenting all the debates and fund-raisers
where Richardson found the time to appear to boost Gore - time he
took out of his real taxpayer-paid job of minding the nuclear
store and gas prices.


Latest Gore-land rumor says the veep wants his own veep to be a
senior statesman type and the top prospects are ex-Sen. George
Mitchell (of Ireland peace-process fame) and Defense Secretary
William Cohen.

One big problem with Mitchell: He made big bucks as a lawyer for
Big Tobacco. Not such a cool idea for the supposedly anti-smoking
Gore who already has Big Tobacco image-maker Carter Eskew as his

Cohen, a Republican, says he wants to go back to the private
sector. He also poses the question of how the country would react
to a man with a Jewish name on a national ticket (Cohen is
Unitarian but his dad was a Russian Jew).

Rumors say Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh also is high on Gore's veep
list but the latest poll has Bush up by 21 points in Dan Quayle's
home state, suggesting Gore can't win there even with a Hoosier
running mate.


Nothing worries Dems more than California, the state Gore
absolutely must win, and conflicting polls there have them
flummoxed. One poll this week had Gore up by 11 points, another
by just 3, a virtual tie.

Private polls put Gore ahead by about 5 statewide but a Dem
strategist says the real worry is that he leads only around Los
Angeles and San Francisco. The rest of the state, which is more
like Middle America, is all Bush-land.

All of which might suggest that Gore's best veep bet is
California Gov. Gray Davis - if he'd accept.


Republicans say they weren't just having fun when they included
Arkansas in their first round of national ads - they insist
private polls show Gore is in trouble in Clinton's home state.

Actually that shouldn't come as a surprise. Gore isn't a shoo-in
in his next-door home state of Tennessee either.


Bad news for right-winger Pat Buchanan and liberal Ralph Nader.
The Commission on Presidential Debates says you have to be at 15
percent in polls to get in. That means neither would make the

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread 


2000-06-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

New York Post
June 22, 2000
Page Six

By RICHARD JOHNSON with Paula Froelich and Chris Wilson


MSNBC's conservative news analyst Laura Ingraham could turn out
to be Hillary Clinton's worst nightmare.

Ingraham - author of just-released "The Hillary Trap: Looking For
Power in All The Wrong Places" (Hyperion) - is taking her show on
the road, with a book tour hot on the heels of Hillary's
"Listening Tour."

"I'm doing my own listening tour, and hearing a lot of
anti-Hillary sentiment," said Ingraham after her stop in Buffalo
where "we just missed her."

While Hillary is out on the hustings in her race for the Senate,
Ingraham is pumping her tome, which portrays the first lady as a
martyr who feels entitled to a Senate seat because she is a
victim with correct ideology.

"Her view of government is not progressive, it's retro," Ingraham
said. "She's more aligned with the thinking of 1969. She's a
throwback. She doesn't encourage self-reliance.

"While most women are out there making tough choices, balancing
careers with work and family - what is she doing? Her own life is
very privileged."

For instance, Hillary is always protected by a team of well-armed
Secret Service men even as she espouses her dogmatic support for
tougher gun control laws. "She doesn't need a gun in the house,"
Ingraham said.

What bothers the caustic conservative most is what she termed
"Hillary's "superior sense of entitlement."

"She came into the Senate race entitled because she suffered. She
was put upon by the ‘vast right-wing conspiracy,' Ken Starr, a
Newt Gingrich Congress, and a philandering husband. It's like,
‘Elect me, I'm a victim!' Well, three cheers for feminism!"
laughed Ingraham.

"People have long memories - she made this trap herself. Imagine
if she was not married to Bill, just some other guy, and she had
no job and tried to run for Senate. People would laugh at her.

"She thinks of Congress as an extension of the East Wing [of the
White house.] She wants to have it all and real women know you
can't have it all."

For all her talking, Ingraham says she is listening too, and what
she's hearing is, "Buffalo is definitely not Hillary's village.
The overwhelming feeling is ‘why us?'"

But Ingraham has a grudging admiration for one quality the first
lady displays. "She has an Energizer Bunny mentality - she just
keeps on coming."

snip balance

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-06-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

  Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 10:19:05 -0400

  June 22, 2000
  Contact: Richard Tomkins
  (202) 646-5172


Independent Counsel Ray Dumps Travelgate To Spare Ethics
  Investigation Of His Office

   Judicial Watch Client Has Sued White House

  (Washington, DC) If there was ever one scandal in the Clinton
  Administration that was simple to prove and which touched the
  average American, it was the firing and subsequent
  prosecution by Hillary Rodham Clinton of the Travel Office
  workers. In an unprecedented attempt to insert Hollywood
  friends into the running of this office, most likely for the
  personal profit of the Clintons themselves, Billy Dale and
  others were unjustly accused and prosecuted for alleged
  improper financial practices. If this wasn't enough,
  characteristically, the Internal Revenue Service was sicced
  on Mr. Dale. All charges against Dale and the other Travel
  Office workers were thrown out in record time, but the stench
  of Travelgate lives on.

  During Judicial Watch's $90-million class-action Filegate
  lawsuit, it uncovered hard evidence that Hillary Clinton was
  the mastermind of Travelgate. Indeed, the FBI files of the
  Travel Office workers were improperly in Vince Foster's
  office shortly before he died. After Foster's death, they
  were removed and likely taken to The White House residence
  where they were apparently stored in a closet used by Mrs.
  Clinton to hide documents. The testimony of Mack McLarty
  confirms that he consulted regularly with Mrs. Clinton over
  the Travel Office scandal, but an affidavit provided by Mrs.
  Clinton to Congress falsely states that she had no
  involvement at all. In this context, the prosecution of Mrs.
  Clinton is a "slam dunk" -- yet Independent Counsel Robert
  Ray now says he will take no action, as he took no action in
  the related Filegate scandal.

  Mr. Ray, a lifelong Democrat who, according to a New York
  Times profile, intends to run for office ("Forgotten but Not
  Gone, Starr's Heir Presses On," March 25, 2000), also has
  another interest in not pursuing Mrs. Clinton. In an article
  written by Robert Suro of The Washington Post entitled
  "Justice Dept. Puts Starr Investigation on Hold, Sources
  Say," of June 6, 1999, the journalist-- who has close
  contacts with the Clinton-Gore Justice Department -- writes
  that Attorney General Janet Reno offered not to investigate
  the Independent Counsel for alleged ethics violations if he
  shut down his investigation of the Clinton-Gore
  Administration. This is apparently what has happened, and Mr.
  Ray has taken a dive. Most telling is that Ray has concluded
  both the Travelgate and Filegate investigations before
  receiving the incriminating e-mails on both of these
  investigations, evidence which has been hidden from his
  office as well as Congress and Judicial Watch.

  "Mr. Ray owes justice not just to the American people but to
  Judicial Watch client Billy Dale and the other Travel Office
  workers who were subject to perhaps the most callous,
  inhuman, and corrupt treatment by this Clinton-Gore
  Administration. Judicial Watch will not rest until justice is
  done. Judicial Watch has brought suit for Mr. Dale against
  The White House," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General
  Counsel Larry Klayman.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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Archives Available 

[CTRL] Watch Senatorial Scolding of Richardson (1 minute clip)

2000-06-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Lucianne mentioned on her radio show that the NYT account didn't
include quotes from this berating.

Senatorial Scolding!

Senator Robert Byrd rips into Energy Secretary Bill Richardson at
a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee (1 minute clip)


OR watch with embedded player from this page (MediaPlayer,
RealPlayer, or Quicktime)


"a multimedia news portal"


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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[CTRL] Voting in the US and the Media

2000-06-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

June 17, 2000
Network America e-wire

Shocking Interview: Vicky Collier vs. VNS!

Here is an astounding development. Vicky Collier, daughter of the
late legendary votescam investigator Jim Collier, is now a
reporter herself but with the independent press, not the
controlled media.

Recently, Vicky Collier called up Voter News Service, the
mysterious entity that conducts all the exit polls for AP wire,
ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN (maybe FOX too by now). For years the TV
networks were pretending to be in hot competition to project the
'winners' and the 'losers' until the Colliers uncovered the whole
'election night competition scam' in the mid eighties. Then in
1994, a Federal Elections Commission report authored by Margaret
Sims officially confirmed that all the Big TV networks jointly
contracted with this one shadowy private corporation. (See 'A
House Without Doors' in our archives at votefraud.com --- third
item down -- and this article is also the ewire for May 30, 2000
which is now up on our E-wires by month in the ìnewsî section at
votefraud.org in fact all of our ewires are up there now going
back to the first one on Jan 10, 2000.)

We at Network America and Citizens for a Fair Vote Count have
long called for an investigation into the 5 Big TV Networks, the
AP wire, Voter News Service, and the computer companies which
count the vote in America. We believe there is collusion between
the 5 Big TV networks who publish the incessant Network sponsored
public opinion polls, Voter News Service, which conducts the
mysterious (and we say preposterous) exit polls on election day
which provide the 'basis' upon which the 5 Big TV networks
predict the winners and losers right as the polls close, and the
companies which are programming the computers which count the
American vote.

Which brings us to this historic telephone interview just posted
at Votescam.com. A Bill Headline at Voter News Service (VNS)
talked to Vicky Collier and what a conversation it is. Here's a
brief sample. I have yet to read this interview thoroughly, and
we will carry commentary as soon as I get a chance to do so. But
I wanted you to know about it right away.

Here's a sample of the Vicky Collier interview with Bill Headline
of the Voter News Service operation:

Collier- Yes, I was calling to ask if you had any information you
could send to me. Any literature about your organization.

Headline- Ah, well. . . um. . . . . (laughs) . . I hesitate only
because we don't really have anything in the way of literature.
Uh. . . we have a fax sheet that we're in the process of putting
together but it's not ready for distribution. Um. . .

Collier- Oh. And you don't have a Website?

Headline- Well, no, we don't have a Website.

Collier- But, people poll for you? I mean, you do poll?

Headline- We. . uh, we do exit polling.

Collier- Do you have volunteers who do that?

Headline- No, we hire people around the country to do that.

Collier- So, if somebody wanted to work for you, how would they
get information on how to do it?

Headline- Well they would, uh. . . they would drop us a note and
say that they were interested in. . uh. . in doing that. And I'd
be happy to uh. . . to receive such a note. And uh. . . we have a
. . uh. . . a group of people who recruit for exit polling on
election night.

Collier- Well, it is strange that you don't have any written
information that you could send out. I mean--

Headline- Why is it strange?

Collier- Well just because your organization has been around for
such a long time, and it seems that in all this time there would
be something written up. For the public?

Headline- We uh. . . we do a little, a little . . . as I say, we
have a fax that's in uh, that's in development. And uh, we have a
. . . a brochure that gets sent out to people who have been hired
to work for us.

Collier- Oh, you do have a brochure.

Headline- A. . . well, brochure is kind of stretching it, it's a.
. . it's one page.

Collier- It's one page?

Headline- But I, uh. . I mean. . .(laughs) I am aware that this
is not the first contact between uh. . . uh. . . your
organization and ours.  So, I mean. . . . What is it that you
want to know?

Collier- I would like to know exactly what it is that you do on
election night. That's--

Headline- And why do you want to know this?

Collier- Because I'm . . . I'm a voter.

Headline- But that's not why you're calling us.

Collier- Well, actually that is why. That's it. Of course, I'm
sure you're aware of certain charges, of. . . secrecy, I guess,
that have been brought against what was NES, and I think you're
the same group-- you're VNS now-- and I'm really just checking it
out for myself, to see if I can get information. Because I really
wasn't aware of the importance of your group in vote counting on
election night. I just want to get information on what it is you
do. And the question that was asked to Lee C. Shapiro last week
that I think caused the problem was: Is there a citizen
organization that 

Re: [CTRL] Watch Senatorial Scolding of Richardson (1 minute clip)

2000-06-22 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 6/22/00 8:56:49 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Lucianne mentioned on her radio show that the NYT account didn't
 include quotes from this berating. 

But her surreptitiously recorded tapes caught it all...right


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[CTRL] Fwd: The Anti-Democrat A-Team

2000-06-22 Thread Kris Millegan

 "Members include Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Caspar Weinberger,
FRANK CARLUCCI, Brent Scowcroft, and Richard V. Allen ...
 "[Except for one], all have worked in the administrations of Republican
presidents Reagan and Bush ..."

GOP Enlists Security Advisers

.c The Associated Press

WASHNGTON (AP) - Republican congressional leaders announced Thursday the
formation of an election-year advisory panel of outspoken Clinton
administration critics to study breaches of nuclear secrets and other
national security issues.

The panel will be chaired by former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, said
House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., and Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott,

``We'll ask the members of this group to review the administration's record
of failure in safeguarding our nation's most important secrets,'' Lott told a
news conference.

The panel reads like a who's who of prominent administration detractors on
defense and foreign policy issues - and several on the list have advised
Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush.

Members include former secretaries of state Henry Kissinger and George
Shultz, former defense secretaries Richard Cheney, James Schlesinger, Caspar
Weinberger and Frank Carlucci, former CIA Director James Woolsey, former
national security advisers Brent Scowcroft and Richard V. Allen and former
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Colin Powell.

``We in the leadership are extremely fortunate to be able to tap the
knowledge and expertise of these seasoned national security advisers,''
Hastert said in a statement.

Woolsey is the only one on the list to have worked in the Clinton
administration, as CIA director early in Clinton's term from 1993-95. But
since then, he has been a frequent critic of the administration's national
security policy.

The others all worked in the administrations of Republican presidents Ford,
Reagan and Bush - although Schlesinger also did a short stint as Democratic
President Jimmy Carter's energy secretary.

Lott said the panel was not an attempt to bypass the committee system in the
House and the Senate, ``but the expertise that can be brought to the speaker
and me in critical areas from this group could be very helpful.''

He said the group would look into the recent disappearance of computer disks
at the Los Alamos nuclear lab - and their mysterious reappearance - and would
make recommendations on further tightening security.

The group will also provide advice on ``national missile defense, deployment
and the deployment decision, relations with China, Russia, Iraq (and) what is
the true situation in North Korea,'' Lott said.

``As you know, we've had security lapses at the State Department, we've had
them with FBI files showing up on White House kitchen tables, we had the
problem of former CIA Director John Deutch. Security is not getting the
attention it should have been getting,'' Lott added.

Lott also used his news conference to offer some unsolicited criticism of
Vice President Al Gore, noting that he had broken a tie in the Senate on a
budget bill that included a rise in the federal excise tax on gasoline by 4.3
cents a gallon.

``And of course, he thinks the internal combustion engine is a really bad
idea,'' Lott asserted. He did not elaborate.

Re: [CTRL] Illuminati Online

2000-06-22 Thread James Hayman

Michael Pugliese wrote:


   Curses discovered again!

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Re: [CTRL] soon it will be a crime to look

2000-06-22 Thread Tenorlove

Regardless of whether or not you think it's OK to sue, and regardless
of who's doing the talking, sexual comments, lascivious stares, and
comments about one's figure have no place in a professional setting,
unless one works in a brothel.

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Re: [CTRL] Fonda sorry for taking pic in Vietnam

2000-06-22 Thread David Sutherland


Well, i think we lipo-sucked all the cosmetic fat outa that one!

I'll just go back and work on my Le-Grande Vaticanni Conspiratorium.

G'Day to ya!!!

- Original Message -
From: "William Shannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fonda sorry for taking pic in Vietnam

 In a message dated 6/22/00 8:15:18 PM Central Daylight Time,

  I prefer ancient Aramaic! () 

 I like Cognac ;-)!!!

 But that's an interesting point you make - it is curious that she is now
 "convert" - and if I recall correctly, her 'husband' is a supporter of the
 UN, which is one of the great bogie man scapegoats of many Religionists
 the Far Right.

 A, she looks in the mirror and realizes that "time marches on"and
 yeah, Turner is a NWO/UN supporter...she was too most likely until she
 realized that his eye was more easily averted by wimmin' who were actually
 attractive in the HERE and NOW! At that point Jeeezus is the only
 option...one can have only so much cosmetic surgery

 Maybe their 'split' is somehow paradigmatic - perhaps like, and in the
 all this N.W.O. conspiracy paranoia is only a convenient concoction by
 another more sinister "group" and only exists in the minds of the "masses"
 to complete "the plan" of this "group"?

 Super-intriguing proposition!!! A mega-grand(e) unified theory!
 Maybe dude!!! Maybe!!

 Well I'm sure in the end she, and they all, will kiss and make-up - just
 like in a good movie script?  (ggg)

 Upon which her collegen-laden lip implanst will what...explode??? Or just


 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
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 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
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 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] soon it will be a crime to look

2000-06-22 Thread David Sutherland

You ever been in a Big Corporations Board Room??? ()

But Shesh!!! thats NOTHING comapred to a Women's Meeting!!!

- Original Message -
From: "Tenorlove" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] soon it will be a crime to look

 Regardless of whether or not you think it's OK to sue, and regardless
 of who's doing the talking, sexual comments, lascivious stares, and
 comments about one's figure have no place in a professional setting,
 unless one works in a brothel.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-22 Thread tenebroust

First of all, I am a moderator, but no one has to "answer to me" as long as they 
follow list rules.  If you want to believe the tripe about the Talmud, and that the 
Protocals are "channeled", or whatever, be my guest, but don't expect me or other 
people on this list to sit idly by without challenging the ideas.
Frankly I am sick of the Protocols business, and the Talmud stuff and the general 
bashing of the Jews (as well I might add, other disenfrancised groups now and 
throughout history).  The Jews have been the scapegoats of history since the New 
Testament makes it seem it is THEIR fault that Christ was killed, when it is 
abundantly clear it was the ROMANS who had absolute authority over life and death in 
the region at that time.  The same kind of things happen to other groups as well.  
Jewish beliefs are old, and while I think a great deal of their religion is myth, like 
most other religions, I support their right to live in peace and believe what they 
want.  The way I see it is, EVEN IF the Talmud was their highest law, and EVEN IF what 
these Christian writers say about it is true, it is still ridiculous to believe that 
all the Jews are running around today conspiring with each other against Christians or 
anyone else.  In my mind it is pure foolishness.
Now, having said all that, I don't hold the Jews to any higher standard than I do 
anyone else.  They are just as much prone to evil as the next man, and I believe that 
some of them exploit, kill, steal, and are in on conspiracies to dupe people, as well 
as all the other evil things that MEN do.
In terms of wrongdoing and death, however, no one will ever beat White Europeans, and 
the Catholic Church.

On Wed, 21 June 2000, Nicky Molloy wrote:

 I don't have to answer to you tenebroust, you are not the moderator as far
 as I know, but for your information some believe that the Talmud is
 Babylonian. That the Jews didn't write it so are not responsible for the

 Other say that the Jesuits wrote the Protocols of Zion.

 Yet others say the Kaballa is Hindu.

 So that leaves the Jews entirely innocent dosen't it?

 My belief on this, which you have said you won't attack, is that the above
 is entirely possible to my belief system, but I further believe that in
 addition to the Jesuits getting the Protocols information it may have been
 because I don't think any human could think that up. These Jesuits may have
 been originally genetically from the Pharisees, who would have Babylonian
 blood of a non human nature. So they are not really 'chosen ones'.

 So that means these books are attributed to Jews and they may not have
 anything to do with writing them at all.

 So that another view, and as you can see I post stuff from Catholics, Jews
 {brit AM} and new agers so to me is is infomation only, I do not endorse

 You only post comments so you only have your views, I present a variety.


 -Original Message-
 From: tenebroust [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thursday, 22 June 2000 15:45
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

 There is a good reason that the only writers which comment on this issue are
 Christian, and not Islamic, or Buddhist, etc.  It's because the whole
 subject is invented by, and propagated by CHRISTIANS.  No other group gives
 a damn.  I do not want to see anyone here attacking other list members
 BELIEFS.  You are totally free, and have my blessing, to believe what you
 will.  I, and everyone else here is free to challenge information brought
 here.  The Talmud business, the Protocals, etc., are all part of a
 systematic concocted "history" that has been perpetrated by the Catholic
 Church, and other prominent European (and now American) groups to place the
 "Jew" in the context of evil, cheapskate, cheat, etc.  This has led to and
 been used to kill and imprison them, as well as take their land and
 Sadly they aren't the only group to be so affected, just the one that most
 consistently is targetted, because they haven't yet been wiped out (despite
 many attempts to do so) like the others (Cathars, Anabaptists, etc.).

 On Wed, 21 June 2000, Nicky Molloy wrote:

  You've hurt my feelings now, to think I'm in your tribe too. So we take it
  that you endorse the Talmud then? I'd like to know why it isn't available
  the public library, I think we all know why. Perhaps I could find some
  better writings on the Talmud, written by Jews. Would that appeal? I
  wouldn't want you to think I was only writing the Christian view.
  Perhaps the Kaballa? If I send something on that written by Christians
  you say I particularly am deluded?
  Ahh if I send something on the Protocols written by a Christian will you
  also cut me down?
  I'm not particularly looking for Christian writers but bud you are
  outnumbered in USA. the chances of finding someone other than a Christian
  writer on this is slim. I have 

Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-22 Thread tenebroust

I attack no beliefs, I only let these groups actions speak for themselves.  The 
Catholic Church (not ALL Christians) have murdered millions over the years, as have 
White Europeans.  It is just a fact.  I present it to illustrate the true enemies of 
free thinking and free living man, and it isn't the Jews.

On Thu, 22 June 2000, Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

 On Wed, 21 Jun 2000, tenebroust wrote:

  There is a good reason that the only writers which comment on this issue are 
Christian, and not Islamic, or Buddhist, etc.  It's because the whole subject is 
invented by, and propagated by CHRISTIANS.  No other group gives a damn.  I do not 
want to see anyone here attacking other list members BELIEFS.  You are totally free, 
and have my blessing, to believe what you will.  I, and everyone else here is free to 
challenge information brought here.  The Talmud business, the Protocals, etc., are 
all part of a systematic concocted "history" that has been perpetrated by the 
Catholic Church, and other prominent European (and now American) groups to place the 
"Jew" in the context of evil, cheapskate, cheat, etc.  This has led to and been used 
to kill and imprison them, as well as take their land and property.
  Sadly they aren't the only group to be so affected, just the one that most 
consistently is targetted, because they haven't yet been wiped out (despite many 
attempts to do so) like the others (Cathars, Anabaptists, etc.).

 No attacking of beliefs you say...but you can attack the beliefs of
 Christians even though you can't prove with certainty that they espoused
 those beliefs. Did the ADL pay you to post this?

  On Wed, 21 June 2000, Nicky Molloy wrote:
   You've hurt my feelings now, to think I'm in your tribe too. So we take it
   that you endorse the Talmud then? I'd like to know why it isn't available in
   the public library, I think we all know why. Perhaps I could find some
   better writings on the Talmud, written by Jews. Would that appeal? I
   wouldn't want you to think I was only writing the Christian view.
   Perhaps the Kaballa? If I send something on that written by Christians would
   you say I particularly am deluded?
   Ahh if I send something on the Protocols written by a Christian will you
   also cut me down?
   I'm not particularly looking for Christian writers but bud you are
   outnumbered in USA. the chances of finding someone other than a Christian
   writer on this is slim. I have never seen a Moslem, Buddhist, Hindu ever
   take the trouble to write on these tabu subjects. Yet you particularly enjoy
   slandering Christians and Christianity and that's supposed to be Ok tarring
   everyone with the same brush.
   I posted it because it makes a change from always hearing bad things about
   Christianity and I thought it may be valuable to some. I'm not anti Jewish.
   Even some Jews don't know what's in the book. Just pick out what you want
   and leave the rest, if you don't then you are reduced to not sending stuff
   and commenting endlessly and tediously on those people's that do send..Its
   getting like a flock of seagulls pouncing on a tidbit to tear a piece for
   My posts are generating too many arguments. I haven't got time to pander to
   people's egos, its just information. I am interested in religious views of
   all kinds among other things.Pick on someone yer own size you big bully!
   -Original Message-
   From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Tuesday, 20 June 2000 03:07
   Subject: Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed
   Nicky Molloy wrote:
Talmud Exposed
http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/talmud.htm#Talmud Exposed

The Talmud is Judasim's Holiest Book
Some Teachings of The Jewish Talmud
Insults Against The Blessed Virgin Mary
Talmud Attacks Christians
Christian Book Burning
Sick and Insane Teachings of the Jewish Talmud
Tales of a Roman Holocaust
A Revealing Admission
Pharisiac Rituals
A Great Rabbi Deceives A Woman
Genocide Advocated by The Talmud
Jewish Talmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews are Not Humans
The Teachings of Maimonides
Deception and Dissimulation
Judean-Christian Response to The Talmud
The Talmud is Judaism's Holiest Book
   Wrong! No Jew who ever lived thought that. EVER!
The Talmud is Judaism's holiest book (actually a collection of books). Its
authority takes precedence over the Old Testament in Judaism.
   Wrong! No Jew in all of history ever thought that.
Evidence of
this may be found in the Talmud itself, Erubin 21b (Soncino edition): "My
son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes than in
the words of the Torah (Old 

[CTRL] The Law was Talmud Exposed -- point of clarification

2000-06-22 Thread Tenorlove

--- Eagle 1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 claiming that the law has been done away with... etc., etc.,  etc.,
 (yada yada yada...) 

This is because they misunderstand Matthew chapter 5. Here are the 3
most pertinent verses; the verses in the chapter before and after serve
to further clarify Jesus' purpose in re: the law.

17. Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am
not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or
one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments,
and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of
heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called
great in the kingdom of heaven.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] ADL Conspiracy

2000-06-22 Thread tenebroust

Amazing!  The ADL has links to organized crime.  They support Zionism, and are for the 
advancement of their own race and an "exclusive" Jewish State.  WOW!!  One has to ask, 
just what does the organization N.O.F.E.A.R. support and who are they in bed with?  I 
guess that group just loves everybody and is out for the betterment of all men 
including non-Europeans and Jews?

On Thu, 22 June 2000, Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

 New report “Behind the mask of Respectability” exposes the hidden agenda of
 the Anti-Defamation League.

 New York, New York, June 21, 2000 … A new report released this week by the
 National Organization For European American Rights (N.O.F.E.A.R.) entitled
 “Behind the Mash of Respectability: The truth about the Anti-Defamation League
 of B’nai B’rith” exposes the ADL as the most dangerous organization in country
 working to end free speech in America.

 The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, or ADL for short, presents itself
 as an organization against ethnic, racial or religious intolerance. Its very
 name suggests that it opposes "defamation."

 In reality, the Anti-Defamation League is an organization that supports Jewish
 ethnic and religious supremacy, and relentlessly "defames" anyone who dares to
 point out its own hypocrisy. While supposedly opposing ethnic segregation and
 ethnic superiority, the ADL supports Israel and international Zionism, which
 promotes not a vision of a "multi-cultural," "multi-ethnic" Israel, but of a
 "Jewish state." That state is openly dedicated to the advancement of the
 Jewish religion, culture, and even the genetic preservation of the Jewish
 people. This is, of course, the very opposite of the policies it proposes for
 our American nation.

 The new report exposes ADL links to organized crime, murder and death squads,
 a massive spy ring used to gather information on left and right wing groups,
 and the ADL’s role in promoting thought crime laws and Internet censorship.

 “With a budget of 60 million dollars a year, and with the help of a friendly
 media, the ADL has become the number one lobby for thought crime laws in
 America,” said Vincent Edwards, National Community Relations Director for

 Read this new report online by visiting www.davidduke.com or read the article
 dircectly at http://www.davidduke.com/adl/index.html. For more information
 contact N.O.F.E.A.R. National Community Relations Director, Vincent Edwards,
 at 504-626-7714 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 The National Organization For European American Rights is American’s leading
 organization working against discrimination and for the rights and heritage of
 European Americans.

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of

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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial 

Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-22 Thread Nicky Molloy

You deserve an Oscar for that eagle.
This exactly what I am saying. People are blaming the Jews for stuff they
are not doing or haven't done. Noone is standing up for them because they
are ignorant as to what is the real truth. A few calling themselves "Jews"
who have other serpentine blood are operating from the instincts of need for
survive - mistakenly thinking they are "chosen" to recieve the/a Messiah
when he comes in the future. Their 'god' is King David who is worshipped in
the Protocols of Zion.Only the 'Seed of David' will inherite the earth.
Those who follow the Protocols of Zion are European royalty david's
descendants. You would never find a person in the Illuminati who is not
royal. Nobody in any big role in the NWO who does not have the blood of King
David in their veins. I'm telling you straight this is the truth. I
personally looked up the ancestry of those in power who would be on the
Illuminati board and they come from the Scottish and Irish Kings. Rothschild
knows full well that Zedekiah's daughters married into Irish royalty when
the Jews got taken captive to Babylon. Later the royalty - the throne of
David was transferred to Scotland and there it stayed.Just check the names
and ancestry of those running intelligence agencies, national education,
police and other areas of importance in English speaking countries. C'mon
Echelon is run by the "CHOSEN" Josh you would only be chosen to them if you
have the blood of King David.

They ie the Rothschilds are rebuilding Solomon's Temple right now for this
occasion. Following the Hindu Kabbala and trying to set the stage for a one
world religion using NASA's Blue Beam holograms and radio freq voice of God
messages. They have their Et masters who have conned them into believing
they are Biblical figure with their technological miracles. These suckers
are gathering the 12 tribes of Israel as some sort of super 6th Aryan race
to repopulate the universe. They are creating 24 time portals around the
world to open on the day of declaration for the reappearance of the
hierarchy and all our so called masters and creators will appear as gods.HA!

How deceived can one get?

It has been proven over and over the 12 tribes are over every square inch of
the planet now, yet we have how many 16 million? "Jews" . What we have is 16
million people who are not Christians or have not changed to any other
What this means is they have a moderate loyalty to the religion of their
ancestors. (however personally I've not met a Jew that dosen't follow
something else now) Many Jews have changed to Christianity and Islam
centuries ago, plus other religions and they are still Jews ie tribe of
Judah genetically. Yet the present Jews have all sorts in their genetics
now. From white Russian Jews,  African Jews,  Arab Jews - there are even
Jews in Japan and China. So much for racial consistancy. They can however
find the tribe of Levi/Aaron with a genetic marker and the Israelis have 200
priests of Aaron descended for service in the rebuilt Temple.

One dosen't need to be a brain surgeon to see what is going to occur in the
future. Why are there 300+ concentration camps and guillotines in USA?
Trains with shackles for 15 million, train tracks leading to concentration
Who is going to be rounded up?  Chosen ones?  Or ones that don't make the
grade genetically? can anyone answer this please?


-Original Message-
Date: Friday, 23 June 2000 13:17
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

Aleisha Saba said,
Take that Old Testament and dump it

Take the Old Testament and dump it?  huh?
What?  And keep only the new?  The new cannot be accepted without the
tenents of the old...  It simply won't hold water...   Then there is no will
and there is no testament if you dump the old...
But THAT is exactly what this latter generation has done...  tried to do
away with the old and simply live off the new,  claiming that the law has
been done away with... etc., etc.,  etc.,   (yada yada yada...)
and we now have a lawless generation,  who just does what it pleases because
they have totally misunderstood the whole plan from it's beginnings to it's
ends.  Who is to blame?  Jesus said it best when he confronted the
"[You are]  making the Word of God of none effect through your traditions,
which ye have delivered and many such like things do ye." ~Mark 7:13

And the traditions have continued as the truth has been suppressed in the
Jesus taught that the New World Order was coming and those living in that
generation when the time came would suffer through it.  He also taught us
how to fair during that time.  He never said that no one would be killed or
that people would escape ...  As a matter of fact,  even John the Baptist
Matt: 3:7  "But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his
baptism, he said unto them, "O generation of vipers, who hath warned you 

Re: [CTRL] ADL Conspiracy

2000-06-22 Thread ThePiedPiper

Let us examine the words Capitalism and
To me Capitalism is to make a lot of money
but does making a lot of money signify Monopoly?
Communist make much of American Capitalism and
would see Microsoft as the perfect example.

Microsoft has made a lot of money by allowing the
dissemination of education and thoughts!
To me a monopoly the control of education and thoughts.

Do you know that you can own as many American TV Broadcasting Companies
as you want?  You can own as many Newspapers and Magazines as you want.
All three of the most popular trash rags at the checkout stand are owned
the same company.  Our ideas / mindset molded by those that control
education / new ideas / news.

So who has the monopoly?
*- the one that apparently "seems" to be making the most
money or the ones that control the media.
Microsoft for making money
AOL / TimeWarner / Netscape /  for control of the media?

Is Capitalism or Monopoly the cuss word?
American Capitalism
Communist Monopoly?
ThePiedPiper  22June2000

Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

 New report “Behind the mask of Respectability” exposes the hidden agenda of
 the Anti-Defamation League.

 New York, New York, June 21, 2000 … A new report released this week by the
 National Organization For European American Rights (N.O.F.E.A.R.) entitled
 “Behind the Mash of Respectability: The truth about the Anti-Defamation League
 of B’nai B’rith” exposes the ADL as the most dangerous organization in country
 working to end free speech in America.

 The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, or ADL for short, presents itself
 as an organization against ethnic, racial or religious intolerance. Its very
 name suggests that it opposes "defamation."

 In reality, the Anti-Defamation League is an organization that supports Jewish
 ethnic and religious supremacy, and relentlessly "defames" anyone who dares to
 point out its own hypocrisy. While supposedly opposing ethnic segregation and
 ethnic superiority, the ADL supports Israel and international Zionism, which
 promotes not a vision of a "multi-cultural," "multi-ethnic" Israel, but of a
 "Jewish state." That state is openly dedicated to the advancement of the
 Jewish religion, culture, and even the genetic preservation of the Jewish
 people. This is, of course, the very opposite of the policies it proposes for
 our American nation.

 The new report exposes ADL links to organized crime, murder and death squads,
 a massive spy ring used to gather information on left and right wing groups,
 and the ADL’s role in promoting thought crime laws and Internet censorship.

 “With a budget of 60 million dollars a year, and with the help of a friendly
 media, the ADL has become the number one lobby for thought crime laws in
 America,” said Vincent Edwards, National Community Relations Director for

 Read this new report online by visiting www.davidduke.com or read the article
 dircectly at http://www.davidduke.com/adl/index.html. For more information
 contact N.O.F.E.A.R. National Community Relations Director, Vincent Edwards,
 at 504-626-7714 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 The National Organization For European American Rights is American’s leading
 organization working against discrimination and for the rights and heritage of
 European Americans.

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of

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Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson brbr

My Grandfather told me 

[CTRL] ALERT!!! All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on Orange Alert

2000-06-22 Thread Bard


 - Original Message -
 From: "American Patriot Friends Network" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "American Patriot Friends Network" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 8:04 PM
 Subject: ALERT!!! All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on
 Orange Alert

  ALERT!!! All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on Orange
  Subject:   ALERT!!! All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on
 Orange Alert
 Date:   Thu, 22 Jun 2000 14:38:47 -0600
 From:   spiker  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on Orange Alert as of
  1345 hrs 22 June 2000. Numerous threats of violence/terrorism by
  "certain" elements of our society have led to this action. All units
  should take any necessary action to preserve hearth and home SHOULD the
  situation arise. Any and all terrorist actions should be reported to the
  Texas Department of Public Safety or the Texas Rangers immediately.
  Republic of Texas Defense Forces should take NO ACTION against terrorist
  activity unless said activity will result in the loss of lives. All
  Defense Forces will refrain from mobile activities for the time being.
  Further updates/orders will follow as needed.
  General Gene Ritter
  The Only Official Website of the Nation of Texas, also known as:
  "The Lone Star Republic"
  Freedom for the People is the issue, it is the only issue,
  it is the reason we  exist. -- Jesse Enloe, President
  ROT - The Councile
  The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library
  Republic of Texas INFO:
  "Life" in the STATE OF TEXAS
  vs. LIFE in the Republic of Texas
  The First Republic of Texas April-August 1813
  "I helped to take San Antonio three times. I have fought the faithful
  fight.. All I claim is seven feet of Texas soil and rest beneath
  its skies."--Memoirs Veteran Minuteman Robert Hall
  Dewitt Colony Defense and Security 1700-1846
  State Defense Forces - authorized militia
  By Harry V. Martin and David Caul
  © Copyright, FreeAmerica 1997
  The Georgia State Defense Force
  Maryland State Defense Force Company A 3rd Battalion
  New Mexico State Defense Force (Roswell)
  Utah Code -- Title 39 -- Chapter 04 -- Utah State Defense Force Act
  HB 527 - State Defense Force; change name to State Guard (5)
  Welcome to the State Guard Association of the United States, Inc.
  National defense, military and foreign policy newswire
  "a soul, is a soul and every soul is my harbor"
   --- The Priest
  American Patriot Friends Network - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Founded - Feb. 21, 1993 - Kenneth L. Vardon
  Card Carrying member of the Republic of Texas
  a/k/a - American Patriot Fax Network
  PMB 107
  6630 W. Cactus # B107
  Glendale, Arizona [85304]
  Tel: 623-910-9018 - Fax: 623-334-3928
  "In the beginning of a change, The Patriot is a scarce man,
  brave, hated and  scorned. When his cause succeeds, however,
  the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
   -- Mark Twain
  Strange times are these in which we live when old and young
  are taught in falsehoods school. And the one man that dares
  to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and fool
  ~~~ P L E A S E   F O R W A R D ~

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a 

Re: [CTRL] Sham Zionist State Money Laundering Center

2000-06-22 Thread Yardbird

: Yet another piece of evidence that what Israel does has no connection
: to Judaism or Jewish values... A sham idol heresy.

: From:
: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/World/Europe/2000-06/haven230600.shtml

: How unholy business thrives in the Holy
: Land

: By Phil Reeves in Jerusalem

: 23 June 2000

: Money laundering in Israel has reached
: colossal proportions in the last few years,
: fuelled by the rise of Russian
: organised-crime since the collapse of the
: Soviet Union, liberal banking laws and
: bank secrecy policies.

: Billions of illegally acquired dollars from
: Russia and the former Soviet republics,
: South America, Africa and Europe have
: passed through Israel in the last few years,
: securing its status as one of the world's
: leading money laundries.

: Israel's police believe Russian gangsters
: are taking advantage of the money-transfer
: laws aimed at attracting Jewish people to
: the country, to deposit profits and launder
: funds. Their operations include narcotics
: and prostitution rackets, bribes and
: cream-offs from government funds and
: loans. But they also involve the winnings
: from a massive asset-stripping exercise
: that began under the former president
: Mikhail Gorbachev and has been underway
: since, turning Russia into a kleptocracy in
: which corruption runs from the top to the
: bottom of the society. They are helped by
: the 1 million former Soviet citizens living
: in Israel who have arrived since 1991.

: Earlier this year a Chechen was arrested
: for reportedly trying to open an Israeli
: account with $50m (£33m) in Venezuelan
: cheques. Last summer an Israeli mobster
: was convicted in Florida of running a
: money-laundering business for a
: Colombian cartel, prompting worries in
: Israel about recycled cocaine money. The
: businessman Gregory Lerner notoriously
: admitted defrauding Russian banks of
: $48m (£32m), which he used to try to open
: a bank in Israel. He was fined $5m
: (£3.3m), not for bringing in stolen money
: but for local bribery and fraud.

: Banking or spending the profits of illicit
: offshore enterprises has not been illegal in
: Israel, although moves are afoot to change
: this. For this reason, Israel has been
: considered a launderer's paradise.

: Established as a safe-haven for the Jews,
: the country has not asked many questions
: about their riches. Many had fled nations
: that prohibited them from taking money
: abroad. The New York Times said about
: $2.5bn (£1.7m) was brought in from the
: former Soviet Union in the Nineties, almost
: no questions asked.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-22 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, tenebroust wrote:

 I attack no beliefs, I only let these groups actions speak for themselves.  The 
Catholic Church (not ALL Christians) have murdered millions over the years, as have 
White Europeans.  It is just a fact.  I present it to illustrate the true enemies of 
free thinking and free living man, and it isn't the Jews.

Do you agree that the genocide in the USSR which began in 1917 under a
Jewish-dominated Government accompanied by the abortion holocaust in that
region is also fact?

 On Thu, 22 June 2000, Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

  On Wed, 21 Jun 2000, tenebroust wrote:
   There is a good reason that the only writers which comment on this issue are 
Christian, and not Islamic, or Buddhist, etc.  It's because the whole subject is 
invented by, and propagated by CHRISTIANS.  No other group gives a damn.  I do not 
want to see anyone here attacking other list members BELIEFS.  You are totally free, 
and have my blessing, to believe what you will.  I, and everyone else here is free to 
challenge information brought here.  The Talmud business, the Protocals, etc., are 
all part of a systematic concocted "history" that has been perpetrated by the 
Catholic Church, and other prominent European (and now American) groups to place the 
"Jew" in the context of evil, cheapskate, cheat, etc.  This has led to and been used 
to kill and imprison them, as well as take their land and property.
   Sadly they aren't the only group to be so affected, just the one that most 
consistently is targetted, because they haven't yet been wiped out (despite many 
attempts to do so) like the others (Cathars, Anabaptists, etc.).
  No attacking of beliefs you say...but you can attack the beliefs of
  Christians even though you can't prove with certainty that they espoused
  those beliefs. Did the ADL pay you to post this?
   On Wed, 21 June 2000, Nicky Molloy wrote:
You've hurt my feelings now, to think I'm in your tribe too. So we take it
that you endorse the Talmud then? I'd like to know why it isn't available in
the public library, I think we all know why. Perhaps I could find some
better writings on the Talmud, written by Jews. Would that appeal? I
wouldn't want you to think I was only writing the Christian view.
Perhaps the Kaballa? If I send something on that written by Christians would
you say I particularly am deluded?
Ahh if I send something on the Protocols written by a Christian will you
also cut me down?
I'm not particularly looking for Christian writers but bud you are
outnumbered in USA. the chances of finding someone other than a Christian
writer on this is slim. I have never seen a Moslem, Buddhist, Hindu ever
take the trouble to write on these tabu subjects. Yet you particularly enjoy
slandering Christians and Christianity and that's supposed to be Ok tarring
everyone with the same brush.
I posted it because it makes a change from always hearing bad things about
Christianity and I thought it may be valuable to some. I'm not anti Jewish.
Even some Jews don't know what's in the book. Just pick out what you want
and leave the rest, if you don't then you are reduced to not sending stuff
and commenting endlessly and tediously on those people's that do send..Its
getting like a flock of seagulls pouncing on a tidbit to tear a piece for
My posts are generating too many arguments. I haven't got time to pander to
people's egos, its just information. I am interested in religious views of
all kinds among other things.Pick on someone yer own size you big bully!
-Original Message-
From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, 20 June 2000 03:07
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed
Nicky Molloy wrote:

 Talmud Exposed
 http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/talmud.htm#Talmud Exposed

 The Talmud is Judasim's Holiest Book
 Some Teachings of The Jewish Talmud
 Insults Against The Blessed Virgin Mary
 Talmud Attacks Christians
 Christian Book Burning
 Sick and Insane Teachings of the Jewish Talmud
 Tales of a Roman Holocaust
 A Revealing Admission
 Pharisiac Rituals
 A Great Rabbi Deceives A Woman
 Genocide Advocated by The Talmud
 Jewish Talmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews are Not Humans
 The Teachings of Maimonides
 Deception and Dissimulation
 Judean-Christian Response to The Talmud

 The Talmud is Judaism's Holiest Book
Wrong! No Jew who ever lived thought that. EVER!
 The Talmud is Judaism's holiest book (actually a collection of books). Its
 authority takes 

[CTRL] Fwd: Book announcement

2000-06-22 Thread Kris Millegan

Did you think that the 78-day US/NATO bombing of Yugoslavia last year was an
act of "humanitarianism"?  If so, you might want to consider nominating
General Pinochet for the Nobel Peace Prize.
In an endeavor to put things in perspective, I've written "Rogue State: A
Guide to the World's Only Superpower."  It is, in effect, a mini-encyclopedia
of all the un-humanitarian acts of the US government during the past half
The book tries to break through the mind set of those -- foreigners as
well as Americans, and of various political leanings -- who begin with the
premise that the United States, in its foreign policy, means well, and cling
to that premise no matter what destruction and suffering the US inflicts upon
the masses of people in every corner of the globe.
For those who don't need this message, the book can still enlighten and
serve as an excellent source of reference for all kinds of issues concerning
US foreign policy and world affairs.
You can read the Introduction and some of the chapters and  -- now the
shameless pitch -- how to order a copy at:
Or if you're in the US, you can simply send a check for $15 payable to me
at 5100 Connecticut Ave., NW #707, Washington, DC 20008-2064

Bill Blum
Author, "Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II"

[CTRL] Catherine Austin Fitts MP3 now up at www.ctrl.org/cia-drugs

2000-06-22 Thread Kris Millegan

Catherine Austin Fitts MP3 now up at www.ctrl.org/cia-drugs.

Yes, a mp3 audio file of Catherine Austin Fitts talk at the CIA-Drugs
Symposium, 6/10/00 , Eugene.

Again, this is around 16MB and will take about 1.5 hrs @57kbps


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] JULY 2000 Earthquake Predictions

2000-06-22 Thread Bard

 During the Seismic Window of July 1-8, 2000 there will be

 expect a 3.5-6.0M quake within 140 miles (2-degrees) of San Jose, CA;
 a 3.5-6.5M quake within 140 miles of Los Angeles;
 a 3.0-5.0M quake in Oregon or Washington; and
 a major (7+M) earthquake somewhere in the world, most likely within the
 Pacific Ring of Fire, where about 80% of large earthquakes have occurred.

 Editor: Jim Berkland. Geologist
 Box 1926
 Glen Ellen, CA. 95442
 (707) 935-6512  FAX (707) 935-6639
 Welcome to http://www.syzygyjob.com/
Sizz-a-Jee (Linked by a common need  interest)

 July 2000 Update
 NEWS FLASH! June 21st: Jim Berkland is scheduled to be on Coast to Coast
 with Mike Siegel from 10pm to 2am.
 [This was a fascinating program.]

 The Seismic Window of June 1-8, 2000 produced pretty much as advertised.
 largest quake in two years, and the first major event since my May Window
 took place on June 4th in the form of a huge 7.9M shocker in Indonesia at
 Sumatera Island. Thousands of people became homeless and the death toll
 admitted to exceed 100.
 In Southern California, there were multiple small quakes, but during the
 Window, there was only one that reached 3.5M (one is enough). At 07:24
 on June 2nd a 3.5M was centered near Salton Sea at a location given as
 Obsidian Butte. On June 7th a much more widely felt quake of 3.1M struck
 near Moorpark. After the window closed there were two additional quakes
 predicted by Kathy Gori on my Website, based upon her long-recognized
 earthquake headaches. On June 11th a 4.0M shook Ludlow, and on June 14th
 There was a series near Brawley, with the strongest measuring 4.5, 4.2,
 and 3.6M. Although these Brawley quakes struck 12 days after syzygy, the
 timing is typical for quakes in that area, where the window is Syzygy +7
 through Syzygy + 14 days.
 In the Northwest there was a series of quakes off the Oregon Coast on June
 2nd, with the largest measuring 5.9, 4.6 and 4.2 magnitude. I had
 a maximum of 5.5 so I can at least claim the two smaller ones as direct
 However, at my home base in the San Francisco Bay Area, no quakes exceeded
 2.8M during my window. The first 3.5M event in this area since March shook
 the Calaveras Fault east of San Jose on June 12th. Although it rattled my
 former home, it was a clear miss for by Bay Area prediction.
 Oh, well, three of four is my long-term average, and I expect to do as
 in July.


 The Seismic Window for July 1-8, 2000 is especially significant. There
 be a partial eclipse of the Sun on July 1st (visible In Patagonia and the
 South Pacific). Just three hours after the eclipse, the Earth/Moon
 (perigee) will be at the minimum for the year (about 221,900 miles.) This
 astronomical synchroneity will generate Golden Gate tides of 8.8 ft., a
 range not exceeded since December 21, 1991. (During that window there were
 quakes of 7.5M in the Kurile Islands, 7.4M in the South Sandwich Islands,
 4.0M at Barstow, 3.3M at Vacaville, and 5.6M at Vancouver Island.)

 The perigean spring tide during the July window can also be partly
 to the increased gravitational forces from the summer solstice (June
 and the inflection point on July 4th, created by aphelion (the far point
 the Earth's yearly orbit.) The role of aphelion can be better appreciated
 recognizing the evidence from the Moon, where astronauts left
 A great preponderance of moonquakes occur at the monthly perigee, but
 is a secondary seismic flurry two weeks later at apogee. This demonstrates
 that it is not just the pure physical force-field that triggers quakes,
 also inflection points and rates of change.

 Based upon these factors, I am making the following predictions, with 80%
 During the Seismic Window of July 1-8, 2000 there will be

 expect a 3.5-6.0M quake within 140 miles (2-degrees) of San Jose, CA;
 a 3.5-6.5M quake within 140 miles of Los Angeles;
 a 3.0-5.0M quake in Oregon or Washington; and
 a major (7+M) earthquake somewhere in the world, most likely within the
 Pacific Ring of Fire, where about 80% of large earthquakes have occurred.

 Pro Libertate - For Freedom

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically 

[CTRL] Fwd: Orlikow v. United States (1988) - Mind control survivors

2000-06-22 Thread Kris Millegan


 From the March-April 2000 issue (Vol. 7 No. 3)

Mind-Control Part 1:
Canadian and U.S. Survivors Seek Justice
"Curiously, often a classic manifestation of people who are afflicted with
certain psychotic disorders is the irrational fear that the CIA and FBI is
conspiring to harm them. In this case, the CIA involvement is real and the
covert nature of the involvement is not contested."

Orlikow v. United States (1988)1

By Arlene Tyner
Gripping survivor-centered accounts of medical atrocities committed by
CIA-funded mind-control (MC) researchers during the Cold War are rarely
found in traditional U.S. media.2  Neither are they the subject of
emotionally powerful TV docu-dramas commonly produced for broadcast and
cable television. In January 1998, the Canadian Broadcasting System (CBC)
courageously filled this void, although the blackout on government MC
history is near-total in the U.S.

The Sleep Room, a gut-wrenching four-hour miniseries, depicts the true story
of Dr. Ewen Cameron’s secret MKULTRA brainwashing experiments carried out in
the late 50s and early 60s at Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal.
Widespread publicity accompanying this major TV event has empowered many
other Canadian survivors of nonconsensual brainwashing experiments in
hospitals and prisons to come forward and seek justice in the courts.3

In Part I of the miniseries, gifted actors dramatize how vulnerable,
trusting hospital patients were transformed into virtual vegetables through
doses of "electroconvulsive therapy" 30-40 times more powerful than usual,
sensory deprivation, hallucinogenic and paralytic drugs, and other
psychological and physical tortures. Part II grippingly depicts the
successful eight-year U.S. lawsuit of nine survivors, who overcame fear to
confront the humiliations and frustrating delay tactics of the CIA lawyers.
Joseph L. Rauh, Jr., a legendary Washington civil rights attorney, and his
partner James C. Turner eventually prevailed for their clients. In 1988, the
U.S. "national security" establishment agreed to an out-of-court settlement
of $750,000.4

This extraordinary CBC drama was based on Anne Collins’ prize-winning 1989
book In the Sleep Room: The Story of CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada.
Collins exposed Cameron’s 1930s-1940s history of ethically unsupportable
experiments on psychiatric patients. Many of the people methodically abused
by Cameron had entered the Institute suffering only from mild disorders such
as anxiety and post-partum depression. By the time they were released from
the Sleep Room torture chamber, many had decades of memory completely wiped
out. Some did not remember their children and even had to relearn bladder
and bowel control.

A U.S. citizen since 1941, the Scottish-born Cameron resided in Albany, New
York, from which he commuted to Montreal each week. Before taking on the
directorship at Allan Memorial, which is associated with McGill University,
Cameron was chair of psychiatry and neurology at a medical school in Albany.
He worked closely with Alan Gregg, medical-sciences director of the
Rockefeller Foundation, which provided grants to found the Institute in
1943.5  As director from 1943 to 1964, Cameron achieved a worldwide
reputation, serving as the first chair of the World Psychiatric Association,
as well as president of the American and Canadian psychiatric associations.

In one barely watchable scene of institutional cruelty, Cameron is filmed
delivering a speech to psychiatrists about his successes in "curing" mental
illness. As he drones on, the camera switches to scenes of terrified
resisting patients being captured and restrained by doctors and nurses,
forcibly being dosed with drugs and high-voltage electroshock, then put to
sleep for weeks at a time in a room full of beds equipped with tape
recorders and football helmets.

Winner in 1998 of the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television’s Gemini
Awards in best picture and other categories, The Sleep Room touched the raw
nerves of Canadian citizens. Not only did they learn their government had
been the CIA’s junior consort during the Cold War against Communism, they
also discovered it had secretly granted $500,000 to fund the Allan Memorial
experiments. The CIA had only given Cameron $69,000 from 1957 to 1964. As
the lawsuit dragged on through the Reagan presidency, Rauh was forced to
expose the Canadian government’s role in helping the CIA derail the lawsuit,
in complete disregard for pain and lifelong suffering of its own citizens.6
In 1992 the Canadian government coughed up $100,000 for 76 Cameron victims.
To date 127 of his patients have come forward with their horror stories to
seek compensation.

CIA psychologist John Gittinger initiated contact with Cameron after reading
his article on "Psychic Driving" in the January 1956 American Journal of
Psychiatry. Gittinger persuaded Cameron to apply to the Society for the
Investigation of Human Ecology, a CIA 

[CTRL] Fw: [ChristianPatriot] Last Time This Happened, Nero Was Rosining His Bow ....

2000-06-22 Thread Bard

- Original Message - 
From: Steven 
To: Stephen Wilson 
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 9:06 PM
Subject: [ChristianPatriot] Last Time This Happened, Nero Was 
Rosining His Bow 

New Federal Lending Program 
Benefits Homosexual Owned BusinessesAgreement Formally 
Recognizes Homosexuals as Minority Group By Fred JacksonJune 21, 
2000(AgapePress) - It appears another conservative prediction has become 
a reality.The Denver Post reports that for the first time, the Clinton 
Administration has formally recognized homosexuals as a minority group. 
The Post reports that the Small Business Administration is launching a 
lending program specifically for gay and lesbian business owners.Late 
last week, SBA deputy administrator Fred Hochberg signed an agreement with 
homosexual leaders in Denver to kick off the nationwide program. Among 
other things, it gives gay and lesbian business owners access to federal 
small-business loans and government subcontracting opportunities. As The 
Post notes, Hochberg is one of the Clinton Administration's top ranking 
homosexuals.The gay business leaders in Colorado are praising him for 
making the deal, saying it represents what can happen when one of their own gets 
in a high-level political position and can affect public policy.Just a 
few weeks ago, when President Clinton declared June as "Gay and Lesbian Pride 
Month," he noted more open homosexuals are now in senior government positions 
than at any other time. 

The government only has as much power as 
it's citizens give it. 


2000-06-22 Thread Kris Millegan

Are Elections Rigged?

Did you ever wonder if elections in the United States were
rigged? A government watchdog group plans a convention to discuss
the issue.


The Citizens for a Fair Vote Count Convention will take place
Aug. 25-27 at the Greater Cincinnati Airport. This is the first
international convention devoted to restoring honest elections
and getting rid of easily rigged computerized vote counting

Conferences will put "on the record" the evidence that TV
networks have either censored events or, of those that did make
it to the airwaves, attempted to make Americans forget about it.
The event will also launch an action plan to get more Americans
involved in the election process.

The SPOTLIGHT has consistently given comprehensive coverage to
the Votescam issue when investigations into computerized fraud
began to gather steam in the early 1980s.

Citizens for a Fair Vote Count Direc tor Jim Condit Jr. said in
an exclusive interview with The SPOTLIGHT that the event will
show a shocking compilation of what the networks didn't want you
to see, namely:

• Interview with Princeton Univer sity computer professor Howard
J. Strauss, aired by CBS Evening News on election eve in 1988.
Strauss tells Dan Rather: "When it comes to computerized
elections, it's not a door without locks, it's a house without
doors." There was never a follow-up to this report.

• Report by Mary Krutko of WKRC-TV in Cincinnati, Ohio, on the
only wiretapper ever to state in a deposition that he was
involved in fixing an election.

• Jim and Ken Collier, authors of Votescam: The Stealing of
America, be ing dragged hundreds of feet and thrown out of the
Dade County, Fla., Board of Elections.

• Pat Buchanan on C-SPAN talking about the vote fraud against him
in the Iowa Caucus of 1996.

• Howard Phillips squarely addressing the vote fraud issue in his
Labor Day, 1999, acceptance speech of the Constitution Party's
nomination for president.

• Sen. Bob Smith on C-SPAN discussing the fact that all four
networks called him the loser in the New Hampshire Senate race in
1996. "They forgot that in New Hampshire we count the votes
before we declare the winner," said Smith. (N.H. is the only
state where all votes are hand counted in the general election.)

Confirmed speakers are author and lecturer Devvy Kidd, who will
speak about her own experiences with our "riggable" elections;
Terry Hayvield, investigator, who will discuss the motives for
the vote fraud establishment—financial monopoly via "free trade"
and mergers; and John Schull, who fought crooked elections in

Condit will give an overview of the vote fraud issue. Phyllis
Collier will accept on behalf of her late husband, Jim Collier,
and his brother Ken, a Lifetime Achievement Award for their
tireless and uncompromising efforts to fight vote fraud and
restore honest elections.

Brent Beleskey of Ontario, Canada, director of the International
Voter Coalition, will lay bare the international vote-rigging
establishment, its sinister goals and its propped-up "false
opposition" to fight computerized elections in order to misdirect
citizens who are waking up.


Current plans are for The SPOTLIGHT to be represented by Tom
Valen tine, popular host of Radio Free Amer ica, who conducted
the radio interview that changed America on the vote fraud issue.
The broadcast with Condit ex plained how he and others proved the
vote fraud against Buchanan and the people of Dubuque, Iowa, was
perpetrated by the networks and their exit-poll company, Voter
News Service, with full cooperation of the Iowa GOP state

Since it is now effectively illegal for citizens to count or
double-check the vote in 49 states, the situation could hardly be
more serious. The once proud citizens of the United States are
now treated no better by those running their government than
Russians under communism or Third-Worlders under tin horn
dictatorships. As communist ty rant Josef Stalin said: "Those who
cast the votes decide nothing; those who count the votes decide

"The army that emerges from this convention will take the message
to the nation," Condit told The SPOTLIGHT. "We refuse to continue
to live under this occupation government kept in power by big
media lies, big media censorship, and computerized vote fraud.
With a clear presidential alternative to Gush and Bore, the
Citizens for a Fair Vote Count Convention will be the most
important gathering of this election year. It's 1776 all over

For more information, please contact Citizens for a Fair Vote at
(513) 389-7700 or log onto www.vote-fraud. org. 

The Uncensored  National Rumor===
P.O. Box 1784Aptos, CA95001 TEL: 831.462.3949FAX: 831.462.2545


[CTRL] Statement from Governor George W. Bush regarding the Henry Lee Lucas case

2000-06-22 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
+bush+executions+henry+leehl=en"death penalty news-TEXAS: death penalty
Gee, the only guy—out 120+— that George W Bush has "let off the hook" was
Henry Lucas a confessed serial killer. Is there "cult" overtones . . . ?
Quien Sabe?

For Immediate Release
 June 26, 1998

 Office of the Governor
 George W. Bush

 Statement from Governor George W. Bush regarding the Henry
 Lee Lucas case:

 "I take every death penalty case seriously and review each
 case carefully. The first question I ask in every case is
 whether there is any doubt about the individual’s guilt or
 innocence. This is the first case since I have been the
 Governor when the answer to that question is yes.
  "The jury in this case had the opportunity to review much of
 the evidence which has been used to cast doubt on whether
 Henry Lee Lucas committed the crime for which he was
 sentenced to die. I am reluctant to second guess a verdict of
 a jury and the courts. However, the clemency process is
 intended as a fail safe for unusual or exceptional
  "In this case, at the time it made its decision, the jury
 not know and could not have known that Henry Lee Lucas had a
 pattern of lying and confessing to crimes that evidence later
 proved he did not commit. His confession, now recanted, was
 the only evidence which linked him to this crime. Today’s
 knowledge about his pattern of lies raises doubt.
  "Henry Lee Lucas is unquestionably guilty of other
 crimes for which he has been sentenced to spend the rest of
 his life in prison. However, I believe there is enough doubt
 about this particular crime that the State of Texas should
 not impose its ultimate penalty by executing him. I concur
 with the recommendation of the Board of Pardons and Paroles
 and hereby commute his sentence to life in prison, which
 shall begin after all five of his other life sentences are
  "As a supporter of the death penalty for those who commit
 horrible crimes, I feel a special obligation to make sure the
 State of Texas never executes a person for a crime they may
 not have committed. I take this action so that all Texans can
 continue to trust the integrity and fairness of our criminal
 justice system."

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-22 Thread Nicky Molloy

Tenebrous you spend nearly every day attacking people's beliefs and lately
you have attacked me non stop, no matter what I post. You are generalising
saying the 'Catholic Church' did this or that. What you mean is individuals
in the Catholic Church in this place and time did murder these people. You
can't say 'ALL CHRISTIANS' either. What do you think we are on this planet -
sheep all thinking  alike? Grab some history books please and learn to
differentiate between what has occured in history by individuals who were in
particular religions at the time.

Catholics, in my opinion are not Christians, they follow the Virgin Mary I
know I was brought up as one. She has just been voted in as Co Regent with
God. So don't preach the hype, you are a product of your beliefs when young.
I never believed Catholicism ever, no matter how many times it was rammed
down my throat. It is possible to be an athiest even if you were
indoctrinated year after year and this goes for other people.

People can be Mormons, Baptists and many other religions and still not
absorb the lies. You don't allow anyone to be 'freethinking' you are trying
to indoctrinate with your vague generalisations about Christians, Catholics,
Jews and now even 'White Europeans'. Go buy yourself the history of the
world on CD and get some homework done please. Try not the get the English
(UK) produced version either, that's biased as well. Better still travel to
Europe and see that people are all different, and then maybe you won't
divide Italians, Irish, French, Spanish into one umbrella - "Catholics" and
come and tell us Catholics did something when I was in Europe so all are


-Original Message-
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, tenebroust wrote:

 I attack no beliefs, I only let these groups actions speak for themselves.
The Catholic Church (not ALL Christians) have murdered millions over the
years, as have White Europeans.  It is just a fact.  I present it to
illustrate the true enemies of free thinking and free living man, and it
isn't the Jews.

Do you agree that the genocide in the USSR which began in 1917 under a
Jewish-dominated Government accompanied by the abortion holocaust in that
region is also fact?

 On Thu, 22 June 2000, Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

  On Wed, 21 Jun 2000, tenebroust wrote:
   There is a good reason that the only writers which comment on this
issue are Christian, and not Islamic, or Buddhist, etc.  It's because the
whole subject is invented by, and propagated by CHRISTIANS.  No other group
gives a damn.  I do not want to see anyone here attacking other list members
BELIEFS.  You are totally free, and have my blessing, to believe what you
will.  I, and everyone else here is free to challenge information brought
here.  The Talmud business, the Protocals, etc., are all part of a
systematic concocted "history" that has been perpetrated by the Catholic
Church, and other prominent European (and now American) groups to place the
"Jew" in the context of evil, cheapskate, cheat, etc.  This has led to and
been used to kill and imprison them, as well as take their land and
   Sadly they aren't the only group to be so affected, just the one that
most consistently is targetted, because they haven't yet been wiped out
(despite many attempts to do so) like the others (Cathars, Anabaptists,
  No attacking of beliefs you say...but you can attack the beliefs of
  Christians even though you can't prove with certainty that they espoused
  those beliefs. Did the ADL pay you to post this?

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ALERT!!! All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on Orange Alert

2000-06-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

IWhat is this message talking about? Alfred
 ALERT!!! All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on Orange Alert

 Subject:   ALERT!!! All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on
Orange Alert
Date:   Thu, 22 Jun 2000 14:38:47 -0600
From:   spiker  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on Orange Alert as of
 1345 hrs 22 June 2000. Numerous threats of violence/terrorism by
 "certain" elements of our society have led to this action. All units
 should take any necessary action to preserve hearth and home SHOULD the
 situation arise. Any and all terrorist actions should be reported to the
 Texas Department of Public Safety or the Texas Rangers immediately.
 Republic of Texas Defense Forces should take NO ACTION against terrorist
 activity unless said activity will result in the loss of lives. All
 Defense Forces will refrain from mobile activities for the time being.
 Further updates/orders will follow as needed.

 General Gene Ritter

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-23 01:12:11 EDT, you write:

 Catholics, in my opinion are not Christians, they follow the Virgin Mary I
 know I was brought up as one. She has just been voted in as Co Regent with
 God. So don't preach the hype, you are a product of your beliefs when young.
 I never believed Catholicism ever, no matter how many times it was rammed
 down my throat. It is possible to be an athiest even if you were
 indoctrinated year after year and this goes for other people.

Right on, Nicky.  This is a courageous and perceptive statement, and it is
The Catholic Church is a surface cult of the Virgin Mary and the Pope, and
a secret cult of Satanic forces, corporeal and incorporeal.  Pope Pius XII
was key to Hitler's rise, and key to maintaining world secrecy about the
Holocaust.  The Catholic Church is a key asset of the NWO.  We live on a
backwards planet - the Church of Christ is really the Church of the Devil,
and so on. Alfred

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed/Mary etc.

2000-06-22 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/23/00 12:28:14 AM Central Daylight Time,

 Right on, Nicky.  This is a courageous and perceptive statement, and it is
  The Catholic Church is a surface cult of the Virgin Mary

  And I agree with both of you.  The whole Mary thing is very weird.  Hey,
did Mother Teresa achieve sainthood yet?  It figures she would have high
honors in the Church - she successfully bilked thousands of millions/billions
all the while ensuring the poor and ill were treated despicably.  I DESPISE
her memory, and boy is that ever an unpopular thing to say in public!


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] ALERT!!! All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on Orange Alert

2000-06-22 Thread Bard

Alfred,  Agree it is vague.
Would seem there are some events taking place in the ROT that is causing
real concern within the Troops of the ROT Defense Forces.
I can only speculate that it might have something to do with that recent
raid by the ATF JBT's on that gun business (see recent Posts).  Also it
could, in my view, have something to do with all the scum illegally crossing
the Border with the Terrorist and Disease threat that poses to our

- Original Message -
From: "DIG alfred webre" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 10:21 PM
Subject: [CTRL] ALERT!!! All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed
on Orange Alert

 IWhat is this message talking about? Alfred
  ALERT!!! All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on Orange

  Subject:   ALERT!!! All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on
 Orange Alert
 Date:   Thu, 22 Jun 2000 14:38:47 -0600
 From:   spiker  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on Orange Alert as of
  1345 hrs 22 June 2000. Numerous threats of violence/terrorism by
  "certain" elements of our society have led to this action. All units
  should take any necessary action to preserve hearth and home SHOULD the
  situation arise. Any and all terrorist actions should be reported to the
  Texas Department of Public Safety or the Texas Rangers immediately.
  Republic of Texas Defense Forces should take NO ACTION against terrorist
  activity unless said activity will result in the loss of lives. All
  Defense Forces will refrain from mobile activities for the time being.
  Further updates/orders will follow as needed.

  General Gene Ritter

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Missionary Position : Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice

2000-06-22 Thread David Sutherland

The Missionary Position : Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice



"In discussing this book with my friends and co-workers, I found that they
reacted with the same "raised-eyebrow shock" that I did. But what we also
shared was the same mis-quided, media driven vision of a person that was
suposedly unquestionable. After reading this book, intently I might add, I
wanted answers. I want to know where all the donations to Mother Teresa's
organiztion has gone because it certainly hasn't gone to the poor. I want to
know why Mother Teresa has posed in pictures with the wife of a dictator,
with a man claiming to have a higher spiritual consciousness than Jesus
himself, and with Charles Keating, the man who financially raped so many.
Her actions and her words are not congruent and I am thankful to those who
look at a situation and make the hard decisions. Christopher Hitchens is
intelligent and courageous for writing this book and I am now a fan. The
book was well written with sources that will withstand independant scrutiny.
I don't know how anyone, after reading this book, could say that Mother
Teresa is a saint."

- Original Message -
From: "Samantha L." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed/Mary etc.

 In a message dated 6/23/00 12:28:14 AM Central Daylight Time,

  Right on, Nicky.  This is a courageous and perceptive statement, and it
   The Catholic Church is a surface cult of the Virgin Mary

   And I agree with both of you.  The whole Mary thing is very weird.  Hey,
 did Mother Teresa achieve sainthood yet?  It figures she would have high
 honors in the Church - she successfully bilked thousands of
 all the while ensuring the poor and ill were treated despicably.  I
 her memory, and boy is that ever an unpopular thing to say in public!


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 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
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 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] ADL Conspiracy

2000-06-22 Thread Bard

ThePiedPiper,  This Website may be of interest to you re. Microsoft and
The Microsoft Defense Site


- Original Message -
From: "ThePiedPiper" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] ADL Conspiracy

 Let us examine the words Capitalism and
 To me Capitalism is to make a lot of money
 but does making a lot of money signify Monopoly?
 Communist make much of American Capitalism and
 would see Microsoft as the perfect example.

 Microsoft has made a lot of money by allowing the
 dissemination of education and thoughts!
 To me a monopoly the control of education and thoughts.

 Do you know that you can own as many American TV Broadcasting Companies
 as you want?  You can own as many Newspapers and Magazines as you want.
 All three of the most popular trash rags at the checkout stand are owned
 the same company.  Our ideas / mindset molded by those that control
 education / new ideas / news.

 So who has the monopoly?
 *- the one that apparently "seems" to be making the most
 money or the ones that control the media.
 Microsoft for making money
 AOL / TimeWarner / Netscape /  for control of the media?

 Is Capitalism or Monopoly the cuss word?
 American Capitalism
 Communist Monopoly?
 ThePiedPiper  22June2000

 Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
  New report "Behind the mask of Respectability" exposes the hidden agenda
  the Anti-Defamation League.
  New York, New York, June 21, 2000 . A new report released this week by
  National Organization For European American Rights (N.O.F.E.A.R.)
  "Behind the Mash of Respectability: The truth about the Anti-Defamation
  of B'nai B'rith" exposes the ADL as the most dangerous organization in
  working to end free speech in America.
  The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, or ADL for short, presents
  as an organization against ethnic, racial or religious intolerance. Its
  name suggests that it opposes "defamation."
  In reality, the Anti-Defamation League is an organization that supports
  ethnic and religious supremacy, and relentlessly "defames" anyone who
dares to
  point out its own hypocrisy. While supposedly opposing ethnic
segregation and
  ethnic superiority, the ADL supports Israel and international Zionism,
  promotes not a vision of a "multi-cultural," "multi-ethnic" Israel, but
of a
  "Jewish state." That state is openly dedicated to the advancement of the
  Jewish religion, culture, and even the genetic preservation of the
  people. This is, of course, the very opposite of the policies it
proposes for
  our American nation.
  The new report exposes ADL links to organized crime, murder and death
  a massive spy ring used to gather information on left and right wing
  and the ADL's role in promoting thought crime laws and Internet
  "With a budget of 60 million dollars a year, and with the help of a
  media, the ADL has become the number one lobby for thought crime laws in
  America," said Vincent Edwards, National Community Relations Director
  Read this new report online by visiting www.davidduke.com or read the
  dircectly at http://www.davidduke.com/adl/index.html. For more
  contact N.O.F.E.A.R. National Community Relations Director, Vincent
  at 504-626-7714 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
  The National Organization For European American Rights is American's
  organization working against discrimination and for the rights and
heritage of
  European Americans.
  A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
  CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
  screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
  sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
  directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
  major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
  That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
  always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
  credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
  Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Grandaddy Magma Plume Found

2000-06-22 Thread Carl Amedio

 Grandaddy Magma Plume Found

By Aries Keck,
Discovery.com News

June 21, 2000 — Scientists believe they've located the largest river of
superhot rock that may connect the center of the Earth with Hawaii.
Cutting like a laser beam through the Earth's mantle, this plume breaks
through the Earth's surface and releases tons of magma under the Pacific
Ocean. As the magma cools into rock, it creates massive underwater volcanoes,
the tips of which are the Hawaiian Islands.

Scientists have believed that geologic "hot spots" — areas of long-term
volcanism fueled by magma plumes — like this one run so deep into the mantle
that the plume essentially stays still as the massive tectonic plate of the
Earth's crust glides overhead. The plate drags the top layers of the cooled
rock with it, dotting oceans with strings of islands.

Plumes of the World

 But, until now, it's always been a theory.

A team lead by Rainer Kind, a geophysicist from the Geo-Research Institute in
Potsdam, Germany, reports in the journal Nature that it found the magma plume
86 miles right below the main island of Hawaii by measuring the echoes of

Large earthquakes give off vibrations that can travel through or bounce off
layers of rock deep in the Earth. By knowing exactly when an earthquake
happens, and comparing it to the time it takes to "hear" the earthquake
somewhere else, scientists can measure the depth and size of these rock

The seismic echoes indicate an area with a density consistent with magma
directly under Hawaii.

Because they've found it near an area of the Earth thought to be one of the
Earth's hot spots, the researchers believe this mantle plume originates deep
inside the Earth, at the edge of the Earth's molten core. Others aren't
entirely convinced.

"They're making this connection that requires a little bit of a leap of
faith," said Yang Shen, a geophysicist at the University of Rhode Island.
Shen says their data doesn't clearly show that the plume continues down into
the lower mantle.

Shen himself found the first evidence connecting a known hot spot in Iceland
to a magma plume deep in the lower mantle.

"(They have) a very significant finding," Shen said, adding that what's
needed is more data clearly showing the origin and dimensions of the plume.

Kind's team is taking more seismic readings from the ocean floor near Hawaii.
But his team says that the heat levels already support a deep mantle plume.

Measurements indicate the plume is 1,650 degrees Celsius. "This is about 300
degrees Celsius hotter than normal mantle at this depth and at least 100
degrees hotter than the Iceland plume," said co-author Stephan Sobolev of the
Geo-Research Institute.

"(This) confirms expectations of scientists that the Granddaddy plume, the
nickname of the Hawaiian plume, is really the hottest plume in the world,"
said Sobolev.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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