[CTRL] NYT: Judge Orders U.S. to Turn Over Data in Secrets Inquiry

2000-08-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Judge Orders U.S.  to Turn Over Data in Secrets Inquiry


ALBUQUERQUE, Aug.29 -- A federal judge today ordered the
government to turn over what could amount to thousands of pages
of classified internal documents to help him determine whether
there is evidence that the former Los Alamos nuclear scientist
Wen Ho Lee was unfairly singled out for prosecution because he is

The judge, James A.  Parker, also rejected government efforts to
impede or add new restrictions to his decision last Thursday
ordering the Dr.  Lee's release on bail.  The scientist was
arrested and indicted last December on charges that he had
illegally downloaded a virtual library of nuclear weapons
secrets.  Dr.  Lee, who has spent more than eight months in close
to solitary confinement, could be released to a form of home
detention as early as Friday afternoon, after a three-day period
in which prosecutors can seek to file an appeal.

The decision on the documents indicates that Judge Parker at
least believes there are some grounds for the defense's
assertions that Dr.  Lee was a suspect because of his ethnicity,
not because of the facts, and that others who violated or were
suspected of violating security laws were not prosecuted.

Although Dr.  Lee is not charged with espionage, he was initially
investigated for years on suspicions that he had given highly
sensitive nuclear weapons secrets to China.  Dr.  Lee was born on
Taiwan and is a naturalized American citizen.  Although
government officials have said they have no evidence that Dr.
Lee spied for anyone, they have claimed in court that Chinese
spies routinely seek out Chinese-Americans in their clandestine
recruitment activities.

Selective prosecution motions very rarely lead to the dismissal
of a case and the judge's decision represents only a small
victory for the defense. Once the documents are handed over, by
Sept.  15, the judge would inspect them privately and decide
whether they should be handed over to the defense.  The defense
could then use them to argue that the case should be dismissed.

In its motions, the defense provided statements from two former
senior counterintelligence officials, Robert Vrooman of Los
Alamos National Laboratory and Charles Washington of the
Department of Energy, asserting that Dr.  Lee might have been a
subject of racial profiling and that he had been pursued at least
partly because of his Chinese ancestry. Such concerns have led a
number of civil rights groups, from the American Civil Liberties
Union to the Asian Law Caucus, to take up Dr. Lee's cause and
file briefs on his behalf.

The judge ordered that the government provide several categories
of documents that the defense has been seeking.

He ordered the release of some secret testimony provided to
Congress about the investigation, classified material that the
Department of Energy collected last year for a report on whether
the agency had engaged in racial profiling, State Department
records on security breaches by employees that were not
prosecuted and a counterintelligence training tape that the
defense says encourages racial profiling.

He also sought statements by a former counterintelligence
official at the Energy Department, Notra Trulock, that the
investigation should focus on ethnic Chinese and Mr.  Trulock's
full list of suspects.

In addition, he sought F.B.I.  reports on the number of people
who had access to information about the advanced warhead that the
government believes may have been leaked to China, as well all
reports on administrative inquiries by the Energy Department or
the Los Alamos National Laboratory on improper handling of
classified data from 1987 to the present.

The issue of bail, which Judge Parker granted on Thursday after
two earlier denials, was crucial in the minds of many of Dr.
Lee's supporters today, as well as to the government, which
continued to argue that Dr. Lee presented a grave threat to
national security.

Dr.  Lee is charged with downloading weapons test and design data
onto 10 portable computer tapes, 7 of which are missing.  Dr.
Lee has indicated through his lawyers that he destroyed the
tapes, but the government maintains that if he spirited them away
to a hostile power after his release they could alter the global
balance of power.

By granting bail, the judge appears to have accepted the
defense's claims that those assertions are exaggerated.  And
while the judge also rejected the government's request for a
seven-day stay of Dr.  Lee's release on $1 million bail, he did
grant a three-day stay to give prosecutors time to prepare an
appeal and receive permission to file it from the United States
solicitor general.

The judge reversed his denial of bail to Dr.  Lee after receiving
new information at a hearing two weeks ago, including an F.B.I.
agent's admission that he had provided incorrect testimony on
several critical issues, which made Dr.  Lee appear deceitful
when he had not been.


[CTRL] WT: Woman who questioned Gore now faces IRS inquiry

2000-08-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Woman who questioned Gore now faces IRS inquiry

By Bill Sammon


 The woman who sharply questioned Vice President Al Gore at a
town-hall meeting about Juanita Broaddrick's rape accusation
against President Clinton has become the subject of an inquiry by
the Internal Revenue Service.

 "I find it very suspicious," said Katherine Prudhomme, who
subjected Mr. Gore to several long, uncomfortable minutes of
questioning about the Broaddrick case in December. "I feel like
I'm being harassed."

 Mrs. Prudhomme said she was notified of the IRS inquiry on
Aug. 18, one day before she delivered a long-planned speech about
Mrs. Broaddrick outside Hillary Rodham Clinton's Senate campaign
headquarters in New York.

 After the speech, she walked into the headquarters and gave
a videotape of Mrs. Broaddrick's NBC interview to a campaign
aide, asking that it be forwarded to Mrs. Clinton.

 Although the IRS did not initiate a formal audit of Mrs.
Prudhomme, the tax agency has demanded expense forms pertaining
to her daughter's schooling in 1998.

 "My taxes are far too simple for them to audit me," she told
The Washington Times. "So they said I owe them $1,500 if I don't
come up with these forms from my child's school that I sent in
two years ago and that they must have lost. It doesn't make

 Mrs. Prudhomme, a homemaker in Derry, N.H., is doubly
suspicious because in June she accused the IRS of auditing Mrs.
Broaddrick's nursing home business "for political reasons."

 The accusation was contained in an op-ed newspaper column
that also questioned audits of Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers and
Elizabeth Ward Gracen, all of whom have accused Mr. Clinton of
sexual affairs or advances.

 "We certainly don't target people" for political reasons,
said an IRS spokesperson who asked to remain anonymous. "The IRS
strictly adheres to a standard of reviewing cases only when there
are questions involving tax law. No other factors enter into our

 Gore spokesman Jano Cabrera said: "We have nothing to do
with the IRS or its activities."

 The Prudhomme case recalls the case of Glenn and Patricia
Mendoza, who were attending a festival in Chicago in July 1993
when they encountered Mr. Clinton, who staged an impromptu visit
to shake hands with voters. Mrs. Mendoza was the first person the
president approached, but she refused to shake his hand.

 "You suck, and those boys died," Mrs. Mendoza told Mr.
Clinton, referring to the June 1993 truck-bombing at a U.S.
barracks in Saudi Arabia that killed 19 U.S. servicemen.

 After the president departed, the Secret Service apprehended
the Mendozas, who were accused of unruliness. They were arrested
by Chicago police and later investigated by the IRS. After the
tax agency's inquiry was publicized by The Times, the IRS dropped
the matter, blaming it on a "computer error."

 Yesterday, Mr. Mendoza said he was not surprised that Mrs.
Prudhomme has been targeted.

 He said he sympathizes with her plight because IRS secrecy
makes it impossible to prove the tax agency is motivated by
reasons of politics rather than finance.

 "Nobody believes you — that's the hard part," he said. "It
sounds like you're a nut case. And so they're really in a quite
unique position to keep doing this to people."

 In an effort to find concrete evidence of political
motivation, Mrs. Prudhomme has enlisted Judicial Watch, a
conservative legal foundation that has long been a thorn in the
Clinton-Gore administration's side.

 Yesterday, Judicial Watch invoked the Freedom of Information
Act in requesting any documents pertaining to Mrs. Prudhomme that
might exist in the offices of Mr. Gore, Mr. Clinton, the IRS, the
Secret Service and the FBI.

 "We blanketed everybody," said Judicial Watch chairman Larry
Klayman. "There's an eerie symmetry here in that our client,
Juanita Broaddrick, gets a tax audit after she sues the White

 The Clinton-Gore IRS has targeted the National Rifle
Association and numerous conservative organizations and
individuals who have crossed the administration.

 The audits sparked the first congressional inquiry of
accusations of political abuses by the IRS since the Nixon era,
although the tax agency has steadfastly denied political

 Mrs. Prudhomme, a self-described "rape survivor," flummoxed
Mr. Gore during the town-hall meeting by asking him if he
believed Mrs. Broaddrick's claim that Mr. Clinton once raped her.
Last year's interview of Mrs. Broaddrick by NBC's Lisa Myers
electrified the nation, 80 percent of whom told pollsters they
believed her story.

 "My question to you is not a question about you being a
presidential candidate, but a question to you as a husband, a
father and a student of Christianity," Mrs. Prudhomme told the
vice president. "When Juanita Broaddrick made the claim, which I
found to be quite credible, that she 

[CTRL] LT: Winning is bottom line for Lazio

2000-08-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

London Times-August 30 2000

Winning is bottom line for Lazio


TO UNDERSTAND fully the difficulty that Hillary Clinton faces in
trying to launch her political career, one had to see the way in
which the macho baseball star slapped her opponent's bottom.

Rick Lazio was hanging out with the New York Mets, the team he
has supported all his life. He was chatting and joking with Bobby
Valentine, the famously loudmouthed team manager, when he was
honoured with the kind of special moment that New York baseball
fans dream about.

Baseball players are a tactile bunch and one of their trademark
gestures - particularly between a manager and one of his star
players - is the gentle pat on the backside.

Mr Valentine treated Mr Lazio like one of his best sluggers.
"Hey, y'know you look tired," he told the Congressman as his hand
moved casually cheekwards.

Mr Lazio, surrounded by cameramen, looked delighted. "Yeah,
y'know, you gotta keep goin'." Pat-pat. "We gonna put these caps
on, or are you worried you'll mess yer hair up?" Patty-pat-pat.

Mr Lazio's trademark boyish grin was wider than ever. And the
point was made; Mr Lazio is a real New Yorker who gets a warm
reception at baseball games.

Mrs Clinton, a recent arrival in New York via Illinois, Arkansas
and Washington, cannot go to a New York ballgame, let alone have
her bottom patted there (even if anyone was brave enough to try).

Her hamfisted attempts to adopt the Mets' archrivals, the New
York Yankees, have earned her ridicule. She invited the team to
the White House, was photographed looking uncomfortable in a
Yankees cap and even said she had "always been a Yankees fan",
when everyone knew she has always been a Chicago Cubs fan.

This out-of-towner status has become one of Mr Lazio's chief
lines of attack. The other prong of his offensive is simply to
carry on not being Mrs Clinton. There is a hard core of people
who will never vote for the First Lady - her negative rating
remains solidly around 45 per cent - and Mr Lazio, a 42-year-old
Italian-American with a conspicuously happy marriage and an
impish smile, is counting on shifting that number up enough to
clinch the race.

To that end, he is as happy to play hard ball as he is to be seen
following baseball. This week, for example, claiming that Mrs
Clinton had launched a negative attack on his record, he aired
what looked very much like a negative television advert, which
concluded: "Hillary Clinton: you just can't trust her."

Mrs Clinton's campaign screamed: "Hypocrisy." On the baseball
field, Mr Lazio chuckled - "Clinton campaigns seem to survive on
taking the cheap hit," he said - before retiring to the owner's
box, where a "Hillary doormat" was on the threshold. It bore the
legend "I've always been a Yankee fan" above a picture of Mrs
Clinton. Mr Lazio wiped his feet extravagantly. "I've got to get
this dirty," he said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] WSJ: Joe Lieberman, Radical Historian

2000-08-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


Joe Lieberman, Radical Historian

The senator's 1970 book is a masterpiece of Cold War moral

BY IRA STOLL Wednesday, August 30, 2000 12:01 a.m.  EDT

So you thought Al Gore's book "Earth in the Balance" was flaky?
Check out his running mate Joseph Lieberman's little-noticed 1970
volume on arms control and the origins of the Cold War, "The
Scorpion and the Tarantula." It's a masterpiece of moral
equivalency in which Mr. Lieberman draws a parallel between
Soviet domination of Eastern Europe and the American Monroe
Doctrine of maintaining influence in the Western hemisphere.

The book's title comes from a quote from Cold War historian Louis
Halle, who contended that the Cold War "is not fundamentally a
case of the wicked against the virtuous.  Fundamentally, it is
like the case of the scorpion and the tarantula in the bottle,
and we may properly feel sorry for both parties, caught as they
are, in a situation of irreducible dilemma." In the preface to
his 1970 book, Mr.  Lieberman wrote that "this is the spirit in
which I have recorded what my research has revealed."

The only problem is that, as most Americans have by now
realized--and as those stuck behind the Iron Curtain at the time
knew all too well--the Cold War was a case of the wicked against
the virtuous.  The Soviets were the wicked ones, depriving the
Russian people and those in their puppet states of freedom of the
press, of religion, of emigration.

Mr.  Lieberman interpreted the communist talk of international
domination as mere bluster, and he wrote that Americans should
have known better than to take it seriously: "One of the primary
causes of the failure to achieve international atomic control and
the concurrent failure to prevent the cold war was the inability
of America's statesmen and people to see through the avalanche of
Communist rhetoric and deal with Soviet foreign policy as
something shaped by Russia's unique history and guided by the
Russians' conception of their national interest.  In this more
accurate light, Russia's goals are seen to be more limited and
less in conflict with America's."

When it came to American activity in Latin America, Mr.
Lieberman sounded like a campus radical, or at least George
McGovern. "Consistency was not one of the characteristics that
marked America's side of the argument over the fate of Eastern
Europe," he wrote.  "While protesting the creation of a Soviet
sphere of influence in Eastern Europe on the theory that it would
constitute a return to the evil days of international power
politics that has caused two world wars, the United States
nevertheless zealously protected its own sphere of influence in
the Western Hemisphere.  From the earliest enunciation of the
Monroe Doctrine right down to the twentieth century, America has
proved itself willing to resort to arms to keep anti-American
governments out of power in Latin America."

Has Mr.  Lieberman reassessed his views, or does he still see the
Cold War as a battle between a scorpion and a tarantula, a war
that America shared equal guilt for starting and in which
American calls for democracy and Soviet talk of world domination
were each merely rhetoric?  After I inquired about the matter,
the senator issued a statement that distanced himself from the
book without totally disavowing it.

"Few of us view the world through the same lenses in our 50s as
we did in our 20s," the senator said.  "The Scorpion and the
Tarantula was written more than 30 years ago and certainly does
not reflect my thinking about foreign policy or our national
security today.  As the Cold War progressed, and the actions by
the Soviet Union to subjugate the people of Eastern Europe
intensified and the Soviet military build-up increasingly
threatened the United States and the free world, I became a
strong advocate of military readiness and of using our military
power when necessary to oppose any such tyranny.  My voting
record since I have been in the Senate much more accurately
reflects my positions than does this 30-year-old book."

Mr.  Lieberman's statement is somewhat reassuring.  But rather
than admitting he was wrong at the time he wrote the book, he
tries to explain it by suggesting that the Soviets somehow
worsened their behavior after 1970.  In fact, the crushing of the
Prague Spring, the construction of the Berlin Wall and Stalin's
forced collectivization campaign all happened before Mr.
Lieberman wrote his book.  The Soviet Union threatened the free
world from the very inception of that totalitarian state in a
coup by a group of Bolshevik thugs, not as a result of some
post-1970 increase in aggressiveness imagined by Mr. Lieberman.

The Cold War is over, and there are other issues to vote on in
November.  But there are still plenty of scorpions and tarantulas
out there on the international scene.  And when it comes time to
deal with them, you get the sense that the Bush-Cheney team, with
their cowboy boots and Reagan-era foreign policy 

[CTRL] WW: Republican Senators Subverted the Rule of Law

2000-08-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

We're entitled to a trial. Why are we being sold out? You're
double-crossing us. We've done our duty; it's up to you to do
your duty. We are all Republicans. You are going to let them make
fools out of us." - James Rogan, House Manager

Republican Senators Subverted the Rule of Law



Many Americans were angered by the hypocrisy and cowardice
displayed in public by U.S. Senators during the Impeachment of
William Jefferson Clinton. But it is nothing compared to the
hypocrisy and cowardice they displayed behind closed doors. David
Schippers, Chief Investigative Counsel for the House Impeachment
Committee, now reveals what happened behind those closed doors.

His new book "Sellout" [1] leaves one with contempt for
Republican Senators and for the mainstream media which in this
case as in all others was used as a propaganda instrument by the
White House.

Republican Senators had the majority to set the rules of the
Impeachment, but were so afraid of the White House and the
Democrats that they let the Democrats set the rules:

 "You know," Lott said, "we've been discussing this with the
 Democrats, and everybody wants a fair hearing but we don't
 want to spend weeks on this. We can't just shut down the
 Senate. We have important matters to address."

The House managers fought the Republican Senate leadership to get
a fair shot at a trial in the Senate. Congressman Jim Rogan of
California said to Lott:

 We're entitled to a trial. Why are we being sold out? You're
 double-crossing us. We've done our duty; it's up to you to do
 your duty. We are all Republicans. You are going to let them
 make fools out of us."

Senator Stevens of Alaska expressed an even greater contempt for
the rule of law:

 "After having just been told by the Senate leadership that in
 effect the trial was over before it began, [Chairman Hyde]
 said: "I doubt if you would want to get the Senators on
 record, before a trial, stating they would never vote for

 Senator Stevens interrupted, "We could get them for you

 "Then do that and let America see who has prejudged this case
 before trial."

 That shut Stevens up, at least temporarily.

Indeed, none of the Senators ever took a single look at the
evidence that convinced House members to vote for Impeachment.
Shippers' staff kept a log of who entered the secure room in the
Ford building to look at the boxes of secret evidence gathered by
Kenneth Starr against the president.

No Democrat member of Congress ever took a look at the evidence
before the vote on impeachment. Of the 65 congressmen who saw the
evidence, 65 were Republicans, and 64 voted for Impeachment.

The evidence included a clear pattern, or modus operandi, of
intimidation of witnesses: Dolly Kyle Browning, Juanita
Broaddrick and other "Jane Does" received the same package from
White House lawyers. The package included a false affidavit, a
motion to quash the motion to be deposed, and a memorandum of law
supporting the motion.

The evidence also included Shippers' staff's interview of Juanita
Broaddrick in which she related that she was raped twice, not
once. After the first rape Clinton said "My god, I can do it
again!" And he did.

When Juanita's husband approached Clinton later and said "Don't
go near her or near her home; don't you even so much as look at
her," Clinton responded: "I didn't know she was with you when
that happened."

Other revelations

Among the other revelations made in the book:

 (*) The Bureau of Prisons covered up the murder of an inmate
 by a prison official.

 (*) The Department of Justice ignored criminal referrals from
 the Healthcare task force led by Hillary Clinton, and from
 serious campaign abuses in New York.

 (*) The jogger who threatened Kathleen Willey before her
 deposition by Jones' lawyers threatened her lawyer as well.

 (*) After Kathleen Willey's deposition with White House layers
 present, the skull of a small animal was left in front of her
 door. Willey's cat had been missing for a few days. The M.O.
 of Clinton's Mob friends.

In fact, David Schippers refers to the large amount of evidence
against the president that remains under seal for the next 50

 "A great deal of evidentiary material remains under seal or in
 the executive protection of the House Judiciary Committee.
 While I cannot discuss that evidence, except in general terms,
 I am free to reveal other evidence and testimony that my staff
 developed independently, both during the oversight
 investigation of the Justice Department and while engaged in
 the impeachment inquiry. Some of that material is discussed in
 this book. In the telling, neither political party will be
 happy. But so be it."

If the United States recovers from this wholesale subversion of
the rule of law, we fortunately do have a very accurate 

Re: [CTRL] [6] Preserving the legacy - New Orleans

2000-08-30 Thread Samantha L.

  I found this info and posted it and I should have known better.  The
time-line is way off.  Ferrie didn't die in 1964, he died in 1967.  Sorry for
the crappy sourcing.


In a message dated 8/30/00 12:31:02 AM Central Daylight Time,

 On February 22, 1964, three months to the day after the
  assassination in Dallas, David Ferrie permitted an interview in his
  New Orleans apartment with Washington Post reporter George Lardner.
  During the interview, Ferrie told Lardner that unknown men had
  contacted him early in 1963. They requested that he transport a
  team of foreign assassins into and out from the United States.
  Ferrie said that when he discovered that the target was to be the
  president, he turned down the proposal.

   Later that day, February 22, Ferrie's landlord found his body
  in his apartment, naked and dead.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] WT: Army training centers get failing grades

2000-08-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Army training centers get failing grades


More than half of Army combat and support training centers have
plunged to the lowest possible readiness level, with some
commanding generals warning they risk not being able to turn out
qualified soldiers, internal documents say.  The sensitive Army
reports show that of 20 schools for such critically important
skills as field artillery, infantry and aviation, 12 have dipped
to a C-4 rating, the military's lowest.

"In the three-year period since the time I was assistant
commandant to now, I have never seen a resource picture so bleak.
And as we know, it will get worse," said a report from Maj. Gen.
Tony Stricklin, commander of the Army Field Artillery School at
Fort Still, Okla.

The documents paint a disturbing picture of training within the
very system designed to teach basic combat skills and prepare
soldiers for real-life operations.  The skills include artillery
and missile firings, helicopter aviation, land combat and
intelligence. Some of the lowest-ranked training sites include
the Army Aviation Center at Fort Rucker, Ala.; the Army
Intelligence Center at Fort Huachuca, Ariz.; and the Army Field
Artillery School at Fort Sill, Okla.

"Let me clearly state the U.S.  Army Field Artillery School is
nearing an unready state for training artillery soldiers," Gen.
Stricklin wrote.

A spokesman for Army Training and Doctrine Command, which
oversees the training centers and collected the readiness
reports, declined comment yesterday. "We have no comment at all
about leaked material," said spokesman Harvey Perritt.

Generals who run the centers complain of inadequate funding,
equipment and instructors.  Their stark messages are contained in
memos to Training and Doctrine Command in the latest readiness
reports available for this year.  Final reports are due after the
fiscal year ends Sept. 30.  All schools were projected to
continue operating at low levels.

Maj.  Gen.  Anthony R.  Jones, who heads the Army Aviation Center
for pilot training at Fort Rucker, Ala., said, "Shortages in
personnel and funding are significantly impacting the scope of
active projects."

The Army Signal Center at Fort Gordon, Ga., where soldiers learn
combat communications, reported similar problems. "Insufficient
personnel and training equipment, use of obsolete training
equipment, and a lack of funding have continued to plague our
ability to accomplish our training mission for more than two
years," wrote Maj. Gen.  Peter M. Cuviello, then commander, who
is now stationed at the Pentagon.  "We are barely meeting the
requirement, and in fact, we are graduating soldiers from
Advanced Individual Training, noncommissioned officer courses,
and officer courses who have not received the comprehensive
training we owe them in order to be successful in their jobs."

The documents show that of 20 schools, 12 were classified C-4.
Six were rated C-3.  The highest rating, C-2, went to chaplain
training and special warfare.

The 12 C-4 grades were for training in air defense, aviation,
chemical weapons, combined arms, engineering, field artillery,
infantry, military intelligence, military police, signal corps
and transportation.

The Army Training and Doctrine Command defines C-4 this way: "The
school/installation/command requires additional resources to
undertake the mission(s) for which it was designed.  It may
undertake portions of its mission(s) consistent with resources
available.  Training deficiencies will have a significant impact
on Army readiness."

The Army readiness documents were provided to a reporter by a
retired officer.  He said his motive is to shine light on the
problem and to bolster Republican presidential nominee George W.
Bush's contention that military readiness is declining. The
retired officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the
shortfalls stem from declining Army budgets and an ongoing effort
to transfer soldiers from support jobs to fill out the service's
10 active divisions. He said C-4 ratings mean the Army is
graduating soldiers whose quality "is not where it should be."
"The whole picture is alarming," he said.

Army special operations, an elite force thought to be immune from
readiness woes, is also feeling the pinch at its John F.
Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg, N.C.

Maj.  Gen.  William G.  Boykin, the commander, talked of
shortages of radios, night-vision equipment and weapons systems.
"This mode of operation cannot be sustained another year without
incurring unacceptable safety risks and severe training quality
degradation," he said.  "We must be resourced to a level that
will allow us to meet current and planned course requirements."
Mr.  Bush, the Texas governor, has accused President Clinton of
letting readiness slip while the administration deployed troops
on a record number of peacetime missions in the 1990s.  Vice
President Al Gore, the Democratic nominee, counters that the U.S.

Re: [CTRL] [6] Preserving the legacy - New Orleans

2000-08-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

SamanthaAnd who all worked for Washington Post?

Gordon Novel, the last person alive who knows I believe what happened,
and the ONLY man who worked for Guy Bannister not mentioned in JFK
Movie...he survives only because of a project called EVERGREEN.

He watched the last person to  visit Ferrie and it was alleged to have
been, Jim Garrison?   But who do you believe?

Novel has survived this long, through no fault of his own.   February 22
I might and February 21, using date pattern, is a very, very bad
date.used to be a Holiday as I recall?

David Ferrie had connections here in this area.he was also
experimenting in cancer research as I recall - this one detective who
visited me told me he thought some kind of germ warfare, or something
but never had the means to check this out.and New Orleans just ain't
my cup of coke?

Oh would I love to have looked at Ferrie's bible?   He room was full of
trinkets and good stuff.no place thouogh for someone living in
fear, which according to some he was.

But why was Gordon Novel watching David Ferrie's place when they were
alleged friends?  And as I recall this is why Garrison went after
Gordon, and I think it was to shut him up.

For he, was a surivorby the skin of his teeth and the wit of his
more than adequate brai power.

He also used movie star look alikes, as did this Mitich
Werbell.wonder what this man they call Bo Gritz thinks?   Or as
former Green Beret.the Green Beret was JFK's man, right

It was said Jack Ruby hung out at the cheap motels where you would find
the "Gideon Bible"...so what was Rocky the Racoon doing there?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Re: [CTRL] WSJ: Joe Lieberman, Radical Historian

2000-08-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

So who was going to loose the scorpions and tarantulas at the Republican
Convention?   Talk of - well, forget that one.

One thing I note - 30 years ago Lieberman writes a book?   Ever note how
all these candidates for President start out by wrting a book, even JFK
did that one.Something about a book in a library,  people used to
believe and kids always believed, what they read in a library.

Now I never heard of his book...but I wonder, how would Mr.
Lieberman write of the Israelie and Arab problem - Zionist level, and
how would he write about the Jewish/Arab problem, domestic level - over
there and over here.

I do know this.when the ADL is worried about Lieberman using the
word God,  I hope this man truly has the faith of his convictions for
now, we separate the men, from the boys.

Imagine - all my life I was taught in a school where God was always
present - and we didnot have to reaffirm our allegiance to the flag
everyday for "show and tell".

Is this why we have the Littletons because it is said when you take away
all that a person has, his faith and convictions - one should leave
something of value.

What is Joe Lieberman without the  faith and courage of his convictions?

Well, he would be another Bill Clinton maybe???

Now I hope he does get that bible, and bring it with him to the podium
and say ..Okay Satan, here I are..come and get it.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Re: [CTRL] LT: Winning is bottom line for Lazio

2000-08-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

As I read this I thought, well behind every man is a woman.

We now see the woman, for the man.

What they need are two door matsone for Hill and one for Bill - how
appropriate was it for the First Lady (using the word loosely of course)
to put the weight of her influence, on a baseball team?

Any federal violations here?   Did she honor them, or did they honor
her?Well to tell the truth, you could tell those baseball guys were
mad as hell, and it is a wonder one of them did not give her the boot,
not the pat, off the floor.

It is true - behind every man, is a woman - now Barbara Bush would kill
for Georgie.and Hilliary would kill Bill if she thought she could be
First Lady President.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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[CTRL] [Fwd: A Vote for Gore is a Vote for Bush]

2000-08-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 Original Message 
Subject: A Vote for Gore is a Vote for Bush
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 21:23:51 -0500 (CDT)
From: Dave Steele [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ITServices, University of British Columbia
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Ithaca Todayhttp://ithacatoday.com/ August 27, 2000

A Vote for Gore is a Vote for Bush

by Paul Glover

During his U.S. Senate career (1985-93), Al Gore voted to approve
conservative anti-abortion justice Scalia to the Supreme Court. At heart
a "pro-lifer," Gore received an 84 percent approval rating from the
National Right to Life Committee for anti-abortion votes he cast while
in the House (1977-85). By contrast, the National Abortion and
Reproductive Rights Action League rated Gore's House career decidedly
anti-choice. Among the 30 votes the group scored against Gore was his
"yea" in 1984 to define the word "person" under four existing civil
rights laws to include "unborn children from the moment of conception."
NARAL characterized that as a move toward an "all-out prohibition on

This year, Gore has NARAL's endorsement only as a presumed lesser evil,
because his "position has changed." Indeed, the abortion issue has seen
many surprising turnarounds. The Senate's Democratic majority on the
Judiciary Committee approved anti-abortion justice Clarence Thomas.
Democratic President Clinton appointed anti-abortion justice Breyer,
Democratic President John F. Kennedy appointed anti-abortion justice
White, while Roe v. Wade was written by Republican President Nixon's
appointee Blackmun, with concurrence of Nixon's appointee Burger.
Republican President Bush appointed Souter, one of the most liberal
current justices, who wrote the reaffirmation of Roe v. Wade in 1992.
Republican President Eisenhower appointed liberals Brennan and Warren.
Democratic President Truman appointed conservatives Burton, Vinson,
Clark and Minton. And so on.

Voters cannot be assured Gore will protect the Supreme Court. However,
were Al Gore elected, you can be sure we'd have Executive endorsement of
(or acquiescence to) GATT, NAFTA, WTO, death penalty, Star Wars, nuclear
arsenal, arms sales, prison-industrial complex, "50,000 more police on
our streets," fat cat elections and ever-greater lesser evils,
clearcuts, mining of public land, oil spills (Occidental), Oil Wars,
crackdown on legal protest, no national health plan, tax breaks for
rich, higher taxes for middle class, welfare repeal, ever-more children
in poverty, War on Drugs, union-busting, corporate-sponsored education,
Iraq embargo, the School of the Americas.

By now, Clinton's presidency should have taught progressive voters that
a cute smile can mask bitterly conservative willingness, after
elections, to sell out environmentalists, labor, middle-class taxpayers,
small businesses, African-Americans, and women.

Had progressives begun twenty years ago voting our own platforms
(ecology, social justice, nonviolence, grassroots control) rather than
fearing greater evils (which we got anyway), then today we'd have a
strong electoral challenge to the devastation noted above.

Your choice is not whether this devastation will continue, but whether
it will continue with the Green Party established as a national party
(needing 5% of total vote), with federal matching funds, helping to
raise stronger challenges to corporate government.

Editor's Note: For more information contact:

Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader:

Nader vs. Gore debate: write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[CTRL] Bush Campaign To Return Blacks For Refund

2000-08-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research


Bush On Crack

August 12, 2000

Bush Campaign To Return Blacks For Refund

Ontario, CA -- Saying "we only used them once", the Bush
campaign today tried to return the blacks they purchased for
their Republican National Convention in Philadelphia for a
full refund.

The blacks, who could be seen on the convention podium
looking confused and bewildered, were hired by Republicans
to make the party look more "inclusive". With their job now
completed, the Republican Party hopes to get back the money
spent on the blacks and devote it towards other campaign needs.

These blacks done good, real good", exclaimed an ebullient
George W. Bush, "and I'm sure they'll do just as good when
they go back to wherever it was they came from."

Experts say the Republicans will have a hard time returning
the blacks, however, due to the fact that they have since
lost their receipt.

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Re: [CTRL] Alex Constantine v. David Horowitz

2000-08-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research

flw wrote:

  flw wrote:
   Subject: Alex Constantine v. David Horowitz
   A nonevent between Dueling Drivelers.
   Horowitz = Corporate Shill
   Constantine = Sophomoronic Statist.
  flw = Libertarian Loony

 Ha Ha.

 Anyone who doesn't embrace Statism (the most murderous theology
 masquerading as political thought of the 20th century) is "loony" to these
 strange folks. Poor J2 still thinks there is a "difference" between Nazism and
 Communism -  between Hitler and Stalin. Earth to J2. There is a difference!
 Hitler only killed 10 million, Stalin killed 50 million...because he was around

 I have to give credit its due though. J2 does make some (limited) sense
 when he exposes Corporatism. However like all Leftists, he suffers from
 terminal Cognitive Dissonance.


Ha ha ha ha.

I have to give you credit too flw. Terminal Cognitive Dissonance are bigger
words than I thought you capable of. Where did you learn them? Not in
a statist school I hope.


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Re: [CTRL] Some day, you may have to EAT THE RICH.

2000-08-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research

nessie wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
 GOOD! Now, gimme mine back!

 Wouldn't it make more sense to buy down the debt, now, while times are
 good?  Good times don't last. Capitalism is enherently cyclical.

 Of course I personally favor abolishing the whole money system, but short
 of that, doesn't fiscal prudence make the most sence?

Who do you think OWNS the debt?

Fuck em'


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[CTRL] RS interview with Nader. Very good.

2000-08-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research


September 14, 2000CRASHING THE PARTY

Ralph Nader is so fed up with corrupt beltway politics that he is
willing to sacrifice Al Gore.By Charles M. Young

FROM 1965 TO 1980, RALPH NADER WAS ONE OF the most influential
people in the United States. By sheer force of moral argument, he
got Congress to pass a vast array of legislation that improved bad
cars, bad water, bad air, bad working conditions, bad banks and
... well, you name it. He can take credit for spurring the passage
of such landmark laws as the Freedom of Information Act and the
Clean Air Act.

Since 1980, Nader's career has followed an arc similar to the first
half of a Popeye cartoon. Bluto showed up in the form of President
Ronald Reagan. His administration refused to enforce laws Nader
had inspired and turned the regulatory agencies into tools of
industry. During Clinton's tenure, the signing of NAFTA and the
U.S. entry into the WTO meant that labor and environmental groups
could be slighted in trade negotiations. For twenty years, Washington,
D.C., crusted over into a giant Blutocracy.

Nader fired shots across the bow of the two-party Titanic by
introducing himself as a presidential candidate in 1992 and again
in 1996. Reluctant to siphon off enough progressive votes to defeat
the Democrats, Nader gave a few good speeches and otherwise didn't
do much. Still, the White House watched closely.

"Clinton was very concerned with Nader's candidacy" in 1996, says
Dick Morris, Clinton's former adviser and pollster. "He kept raising
it with me and asking whether I thought it would cost him California.
He could not understand how Nader would not draw votes from him.
I don't know that he actually tried to knock Nader off the ballot,
but he was deeply concerned."

This year, Nader is campaigning for real on the Green Party ticket.
The Blutocracy has finally dumped one too many loads of toxic waste
on his head. "That's all I can stand," was the message when he
announced his candidacy in February. "I can't stands no more."

Nader's stated goal is to get five percent of the vote, in which
case the Greens would get federal matching funds in 2004. With his
campaign just gaining momentum, he now rates six to seven percent
in the polls, three times as much as Pat Buchanan. He and Buchanan
are suing to be allowed into the presidential debates. If they
succeed a highly unlikely prospect the entire nation could go into
the same sort of political flux that rearranged Minnesota when
Jesse Ventura was allowed to debate.

A number of ordinarily Democratic celebro-Americans are supporting
Nader: Willie Nelson, Bonnie Raitt, Eddie Vedder, Susan Sarandon,
Paul Newman, Phil Donahue, Jackson Browne. "There's a widespread
assumption that candidates in the two major parties can't say what
they believe or they won't get elected," says Browne, one of the
most active of activists in the musical community. "So the people
end up voting on the basis of spin and then hoping that in a few
years the candidate might have done something that they assumed he
believed in but couldn't actually say. It's time to stop this.
Ralph Nader says what he thinks, he can discuss any issue without
a scriptwriter, and he's the only candidate talking about government
handouts to corporations."

RS: How serious are you about running for president this time?

N: We're trying to get on the ballot in all fifty states. We're
going to show that citizen power can overcome business dollars in
election campaigns.

RS: Why didn't you run in the Democratic primaries?

N: Because the party is not capable of internal reform anymore.
It's too far gone into the corporate pits.

RS: What are the first five things you would do as president?

N: First, I would declare a pro-democracy initiative -- that means
public financing of election campaigns, urge the states to have
same-day registration, make voting day a holiday and a celebration
of the democratic process, develop a binding "none of the above"
proposal. People could check "none of the above" on their ballots,
and if that wins, there would have to be another election. Second,
I would push to remove restrictions that hamper workers from forming
trade unions in the private sector. Third, I would press for citizen
channels on cable and over the air as a condition of broadcast
licensing. The people should have their own television channels
and their own radio and television networks, because the people
own the airwaves. Four, I would announce tough enforcement of
consumer health, safety and economic-justice laws throughout the
federal government. Crack down on corporate crime, fraud and abuse.
And I'd put all federal contracts and grants above $100,000 on the
Internet: the coal leasing, the gold leasing, the oil leasing, the
NIH giveaways, the defense contracts. Five, I would press immediately
for universal health care. Can I list more than five?

RS: Go for it.

N: I think that all students should learn citizen skills in how 

[CTRL] Brutal Capitalism

2000-08-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research

GUARDIAN (LONDON)  Thursday June 29, 2000

This is a war of all worlds
BY George Monbiot

Fuss about the human genome just hides the brutality of global capitalism

Nearly everyone debating the mapping of the human genome now agrees on one
thing: that the identification of our genes invokes an unprecedented
danger, as it might assist a handful of companies to seize something which
belongs to all of us. I wish this were true.

Terrifying as the impending capture of the essence of humanity is, it is
far from unprecedented. The attempt to grab the genome is just one of many
symptoms of a far graver disease. We are entering an age of totalitarian
capitalism, a political and economic system which, by seizing absolute
control of fundamental resources, destitutes everyone it excludes.

On Saturday I met a campaigner from Kerala, in southern India, who told me
that, to the tribal people he works with, the ownership of land is as
inconceivable as the ownership of air would be in the northern hemisphere.
I told him the bad news. In several American cities, blocks of air, which
(once legally transferred to a suitable site) allow their owners to build
skyscrapers, change hands for tens of millions of dollars. There have been
a number of legal disputes over the ownership of clouds, as firms battle
for the right to make them drop their rain where they want it. Companies
are now claiming they own asteroids and landing spaces on the moon.

None of these presumptions is any more absurd than the claim to possess
exclusive control over part of our own planet. But, as property rights
proliferate, almost everything which once belonged to all of us is being

In Britain, for example, despite repeated pledges by the government,
playing-fields and allotments are disappearing faster than ever before.
Public squares are being turned into private shopping malls. Traditional
stopping sites for travellers, some of which survived for five millennia,
have nearly all disappeared during the past 15 years.

Knowledge is rapidly becoming the exclusive preserve of those who can
afford to buy it. Intellectual property companies are monopolising image
banks and picture archives, while academic publishers, concentrated in
ever fewer hands, are able to charge outrageous prices for access to the
work they publish. Companies are asserting ownership in perpetuity of the
material in their electronic databases. A firm called West Publishing has
tried to insist that it owned the entire archive of US federal law.

The biotech companies have been empowered to seize the human genome by the
very people - Tony Blair and Bill Clinton - who are now begging them not
to do so. Blair's government helped drive through the European directive
on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions, which enables
private companies to claim not only human genes, but also plant and animal
varieties and even human body parts.

Every asset, once secured by the new totalitarian regime, is surrounded by
a Berlin wall equipped with border guards. There are ranches in the United
States in which you would be shot on sight if you tried to take a walk.
Disproportionate responses to the feeblest threats are assisted by the
private prison and security industries now seizing control of another
fundamental asset: human freedom. We cross the economic frontiers at our

The worst global inequality in history is a direct result of this
totalitarian capitalism. Two hundred people now own as much wealth as half
the world's population, for the simple reason that they have been
empowered to steal it from the rest of us.

This empowerment emerges from an unwholesome union of neoliberal economics
and feudal law. Our legal framework, which pre-dates democracy, protects
property above individuals and individuals above society. We can't expect
our governments to address this inversion of democratic priorities. The
three men who could begin to reform our legal system - the home secretary,
the lord chancellor and the prime minister - are all lawyers, and all
wedded (literally in the prime minister's case) to the profession which
benefits from its iniquities. Property-based law favours the interests of
the rich, which, in turn, favours the interests of its practitioners.

The walls rising around us are beginning to look impregnable. But before
we can decide how they might best be demolished, we must first recognise
that the enclosure of the human genome is just a single cell in the
privatised global prison the new regime has built.


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[CTRL] The perfect ( desert ) storm.

2000-08-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research


  AS EVERY SAVVY mass manipulator knows, it is the
  propaganda that does not appear as such that
  works the best. Too obvious a pitch can only fail.
  Consider, for example, the GOP's recent show of
  multicultural diversity -- "It Takes a Potemkin
  Village." That burst of pseudoamity was such a
  patent sell that it gave all the op-ed wits and cable
  clowns an easy opening, which was then exploited
  by the Democrats in their quadrennial miniseries.
  The Bush convention was an "inclusion illusion," said
  Jesse Jackson, and Joe Lieberman cracked wise
  about Tom Hanks in Philadelphia, and a good time
  was had by all.

  But while it failed to make Bush/Cheney seem as
  mellow as the Grateful Dead, the show succeeded
  brilliantly at glorifying the main accomplishment of
  Bush the Elder -- and at identifying his son with
  that amazing tour de force. Dick Cheney's role as
  ready understudy, the feisty testimonials of
  Generals Powell and Schwarzkopf, and the many
  blustering allusions to Saddam Hussein were broad
  reminders of the momentary glory that was
  Operation Desert Storm. At such belligerent
  theatrics no one laughed -- no pundits or
  comedians or Democrats -- because that
  "operation" still exerts a certain magic. The GOP's
  politically-correct charade no doubt distracted us
  from thinking critically about the party's celebration
  of that war.

  By apt coincidence, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait took
  place exactly ten years prior to the show in
  Philadelphia, and a little over ten years prior to Al
  Gore's choice to run with Senator Lieberman, who,
  in concert with Dick Cheney, Norman Schwarzkopf,
  Colin Powell, and George Bush, did his utmost to
  arouse enthusiasm for the war. (Al Gore, too, was a
  supporter.) In the anniversary spirit, then, we
  should revisit the original Bush/Cheney production,
  to get a sense of what a propaganda masterpiece it
  really was.

  Lest we forget, the invasion of Kuwait had been
  tacitly green-lighted by April Glaspie, our
  ambassador in Baghdad, who reassured Saddam
  Hussein that "we have no opinion on the Arab-Arab
  conflicts, such as your disagreement with Kuwait."
  Whether such encouragement was her mistake or
  State Department policy is still an open question.

  Iraq's dictator had enjoyed immense Republican
  support. Under Presidents Reagan and Bush, the
  U.S. government was most receptive to the
  lobbying efforts of the U.S.-Iraq Business Forum --
  a grand consortium of corporate powers established
  in 1985, that wanted access to the Iraqi market.
  The Forum lobbied heavily against congressional
  sanctions on Iraq, despite her leader's grisly record.
  The Forum (with the aid of Henry Kissinger) also
  worked to help Iraq out with her debts -- and the
  Reagan and Bush administrations pitched right in:
  underwriting loans from Italy's infamous Banca
  Nazionale del Lavoro, quietly facilitating aid through
  the Department of Agriculture's Commodity Credit
  Corporation, and pressing the Commerce
  Department to allow Iraq to purchase various lethal
  goods from U.S. companies.

  Thus did the Bush team help to arm the tyrant
  whom they would soon demonize to shattering
  effect. Such facts were missing from the pro-war
  propaganda churned out during the months of
  Operation Desert Shield; and the issue vanished
  after 1992, when a Justice Department inquiry went

  Inside the White House and the Pentagon, there
  was no doubt that we would stomp Iraq, a
  third-world country mangled by eight years of
  inconclusive war against Iran, and -- unlike Vietnam
  -- ruled by a gangster largely feared and hated by
  his people. But despite their confidence, from early
  August 1990 through the next five months, the
  Bush team and the Pentagon expertly jolted the
  American people, suggesting often that Iraq might
  win. War always being "a terrible thing with
  unpredictable consequences" (as General Powell put
  it scarily), we might be facing an ordeal in which
  (as another, unnamed general put it) "many, many
  people are going to die. And it's important for
  people to understand that it's not inconceivable we
  could lose." Far from helping to 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Turner Attacks Christianity at U.N. 'Peace Summit'

2000-08-30 Thread Marilyn Wright

On 30 Aug 00, at 1:02, Aleisha Saba wrote:

 You see the popular communist/NWO plan in order to take over,
 Catholic/Protestant Church must die.to destroy the Church without
 leaving something of valuelook at America today and see the truth
 and the consequences of a society who desires our children to self
 destruct...AIDS, Homosexuality - and the UN - well, Turner has a
 big mouth especially when a few drinks or other aids of a different

There may be no point in trying reason with someone like yourself
but you've got the problems all wrong.

The homosexual "issue" revolves around several problems. One
being the tendency of too many young people who find they are
homosexual or have trouble with their sexual identity to commit
suicide in their teen years. Acceptance of differences is essential
to prevent this tragedy. How much do you really know about
anyone else's sexuality. It's a complex issue. Many teens who
ultimately find they are heterosexual try to commit suicide during
the years of uncertainty because there is such a taboo and so
much harassment in the high school years of those who appear to
be in any way "different."

In later years the problems have to do with discrimination in jobs
and housing. I think that all most homosexuals want is the same
rights other people have but in today's political arena, these issues
must be presented as a "special interest" to have a voice and be

I have never heard anyone "promote" homosexuality as a lifestyle
better or superior to the mainstream. Yet it does require
acceptance in a democracy or in any pluralistic society. Do you
really want the government watching you in your bedroom? Who
knows what you do that the government might find unacceptable.
Homosexuals are a very small percentage of the total population, in
spite of the practices having been around since the beginning of
time. Do you really think everyone would be homosexual if it wasn't

The churches are so powerful both politically and financially,. that
they seem to be able to take care of themselves quite nicely, thank
you. If they are "dying" it is because what they are offering their
congregations and the public is not really helpful or consonant with
the times we live in and people are not finding them relevant to their
lives. Perhaps it is time for some new traditions and concepts that
really help people negotiate the times in which they find
themselves. Morality and ethics need not be irrevocably tied to
religious beliefs--unless you view humans as inherently savage and
in need of stern controlsin which case you do not believe in

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Turner Attacks Christianity at U.N. 'Peace Summit'

2000-08-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

Do you really want government watching you in the bedroom - that is your
question Marilyn?

Marilyn go feed your songbirds, all singing out of same songbook
warbling sweet tunes - I prefer my Blue Jay that alerts when the cat is
on the prowl, or the Cardinals who warn sometimes of danger.as for
the crows and the blackbirds - each segregate peacefully.

Only time my birds fought and tried to kill, was when I brought home a
little mourning dove I found in front of the Luthern Church - headed for
refuge, and no wonder.for I took this little bird, put in a box and
put in my rose garden only to return to see it being attacked by robins
and  the litle song birds and sparrow - no crow, blackbird, or blue jay,
came near...but this bush holds many different varieties one at a
time, but now two at same time.   They killed the mourning dove.it
was an outsider, something wrong with itmaybe it carried a disease?
This is what I was told.

The only birds my dogs chases are Mourning Doves who love to wallow in
self pity and are not as clean maybe?

Used to be we called by law acts of this sodomy...but only when
someone was caught molesting a child or someone else without
consent..sodomy is sodomy.

Do I care what people do in their own bedrooms? Why should I care -
you want that Marilyn, turn on your television or some of the X Rated
movies or buy Larry Flynt for he started the trend for garbage to be fed
kids and not good literature.

Look at South Africa Marilyn2/3 will be dead of AIDS.the you go
cry in public which I am sure you will, on a corner somewhere.and
not in the closet for by that time this crap will be swept back where it

I do not know or care what people do in their bedroms, but when a group
of sick, perverted twisted creeps are permitted to fly the Gay Pride
Flag over State Capitol in Ohio, to exclusiong of confderate in the
South.well guess yu made your pick already?

Rosie, Barney, and this little cuties pooh all aiming and targeting the

Barney Frank with his male prostitut8ion which Mrs. Clinton would
legalize - prostitution?

As ths one Judge said to this one prostitute, in Court and old question,
but Your Honor she just had a physical yesterday.and the Judge said,
yeh but who was she with shortly thereafter?

You want your kids to die from AIDS?Probed and check at school after
having this obscene act taught to thm in school?

You need a new songbook Marilyn...nightingale sings lovely song, but
is an ugly little bird who lures many to thorn of the rose.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Inslaw history

2000-08-30 Thread Kris Millegan

http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#INSLAW'S EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:

Thanks to Nato Wife for the tip here.

The following information has been given to each member of the House
Judiciary Committee and was placed on the Internet in electronic form by
Bill Hamilton of Inslaw Corporation. The complete document with supporting
details may be obtained from: Inslaw 1125 15th Street, NW Washington, DC
20005-2707 Telephone (202) 828-8638

Eleven years ago, the Justice Department's PROMIS Project Manager arranged
for an Israeli Government official to visit INSLAW for a PROMIS briefing and
demonstration. The Justice Department told INSLAW that the visitor was a
prosecuting attorney from the Israeli Ministry of Justice who would be
overseeing a project to computerize the public prosecution offices in
Israel. Three months after the visit, the Justice Department secretly turned
over to a representative of the Israeli Government a copy of the PROMIS
software, according to a contemporaneous internal Justice Department
memorandum made public by the House Judiciary Committee in its September
1992 Investigative Report, The INSLAW Affair.

INSLAW followed up on this disclosure by the House Judiciary Committee by
contacting the Israeli Ministry of Justice in Tel Aviv about the
"prosecuting attorney" who had visited INSLAW ten years earlier in February
1983. After obtaining information from the Ministry about the current
location of the prosecuting attorney, INSLAW consulted with two journalists
in Tel Aviv. One journalist interviewed the now-retired prosecuting attorney
at his home in Jerusalem. The prosecuting attorney bore no resemblance to
the visitor to INSLAW and was unfamiliar with some important aspects of the
visit to INSLAW, although he claimed to have been the February 1983 Israeli
visitor to INSLAW. The other journalist told INSLAW that the prosecuting
attorney's name has been used in the past as a pseudonym for Rafi Eitan, a
legendary Israeli intelligence official.

INSLAW employees who had met with the Israeli visitor in February 1983
attempted to identify the visitor from a police-style photographic line-up.
The process was videotaped in the studio of a national television network.
The photographic line-up confirmed that the visitor to INSLAW was neither a
prosecutor nor an attorney, but Rafi Eitan. At the time of the visit to
INSLAW, Rafi Eitan was Director of LAKAM, a super-secret agency in the
Israeli Ministry of Defense responsible for collecting scientific and
technical intelligence information from other countries through espionage.

Rafi Eitan became well known in the United States, several years after his
visit to INSLAW, when Jonathan Pollard, a U.S. Navy civilian intelligence
analyst, was arrested and charged with spying for Rafi Eitan and Israeli
intelligence. During the interim between Rafi Eitan's visit to INSLAW and
the delivery of a copy of PROMIS to an Israeli official, the Government's
PROMIS Project Manager and others in the Justice Department pressured INSLAW
to deliver to the Justice Department, without any protection for INSLAW's
property rights, the proprietary version of PROMIS that was not required to
be delivered under INSLAW's PROMIS Implementation Contract.

The particular proprietary version of PROMIS that was the object of this
Justice Department pressure was the version that INSLAW had demonstrated to
the Israeli Government visitor and that operates on a VAX computer. INSLAW
was operating this proprietary version of PROMIS on a computer at INSLAW's
offices and using it to support each of the 10 largest U.S. Attorneys'
Offices, via telephone lines. Under its three-year contract, INSLAW was to
provide this PROMIS computer time-sharing service on an interim basis until
each of the U.S. Attorneys' Offices acquired its own computer, and INSLAW
thereafter was to install an earlier, public domain version of PROMIS on
those computers.

The Justice Department explained this pressure to obtain immediate delivery
of a copy of the proprietary VAX version of PROMIS by a suddenly-professed
concern about INSLAW's financial viability. In response to this professed
concern, INSLAW offered to place a copy of the VAX version of PROMIS in
escrow in a local bank; that would have been the accepted industry remedy
for the professed problem. The Justice Department, however, rejected
INSLAW's escrow offer and insisted on immediately obtaining physical custody
of a copy of the proprietary VAX version of PROMIS. The Justice Department
eventually accomplished its objective of physical custody of a copy of the
VAX version of PROMIS through a bilateral modification to the contract in
which the Government committed itself, inter alia, not to disseminate the
proprietary version of PROMIS outside the U.S. Attorneys' Offices.

This was the April 11, 1983 Modification #12 to the PROMIS Implementation
Contract. None of the U.S. Attorneys' Offices had a VAX computer, without

[CTRL] Fwd: Inslaw and Mind Control

2000-08-30 Thread Kris Millegan

The Inslaw/PROMIS theft is part and parcel of the New World Order plan to
control the hearts, minds and souls of the people of this country.  The
following series of links shows that what Casolaro was about to connect was
the criminal-tracking technology to a massive mind-control enterprise using
"non-lethal weapons.

http://www.newsmakingnews.com/#INSLAW'S EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:

Although these allegations are profoundly disturbing, there is significant
circumstantial evidence that bears on the plausibility of the allegations.
As reported in INSLAW's July 11, 1993 rebuttal, Casolaro was scheduled to
have his final, follow-up meeting with two sources on INSLAW in West
Virginia the night before he died, and one of those sources was connected to
the Justice Department's PROMIS Contracting Officer. As reported in this
addendum, the meeting between Casolaro and those sources had allegedly been
brokered by a covert intelligence operative for the U.S. Government, an Army
Special Forces Major. This individual appeared in Casolaro's life during the
final several weeks and introduced himself to Casolaro as one of the closest
friends of the Government's PROMIS Contracting Officer. Finally, during the
final week of his life, Casolaro told at least five confidants something
that he had never told a single one of them at any other time during his
year-long, full-time investigation: that he had just broken the INSLAW case.

Although the NSA is quoted in the Bua Report as claiming that it
internally developed its PROMIS, the Toronto Globe and Mail reported in May
1986 that the NSA had purchased a PROMIS software system from a
Toronto-based company. As shown in Exhibit A to INSLAW's July 11, 1993
rebuttal, Earl Brian's Hadron, Inc. sold INSLAW's PROMIS to the same Toronto
company in 1983, in a transaction that also allegedly involved Edwin Meese,
then Counselor to the President. 

The INSLAW affair was a premeditated, cynical and deceitful taking of
INSLAW's software property by the chief law enforcement agency of the United
States without due process of law and without compensation to INSLAW in
violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.


The Department of Justice has long recognized the need
for a standardized management information system to assist
law  enforcement  offices across the  country  in  the
recordkeeping and tracking of criminal cases. During the
1970's, the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA)
funded   the  development  by  INSLAW1
  of  a  computer  software system called  the  Prosecutor's
Management  Information System or PROMIS.  This  system  was
designed to meet the criminal prosecutor workloads of  large
urban  jurisdictions;  and  by  1980,  several  large   U.S.
attorneys  offices were using the PROMIS software.  At  this
time,  INSLAW  (formerly called  the  Institute for Law and Social
Research)  was  a
nonprofit   corporation  funded  almost   entirely   through
Government  grants  and  contracts.  When  President  Carter
terminated the LEAA, INSLAW converted the company to a  for-
profit  corporation in 1981 to commercially  market  PROMIS.


The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 created LEAA
in, as one commentator noted, "an environment of social turbulence.
Crime rates were climbing, the incidence of drug abuse was on the rise,
riots and disorders were becoming commonplace, and America's political
leaders were targets for assassination attempts."
In this climate, LEAA sought to spur the computerization of policing. The
big push started in the early 1970s. It is uncertain how much LEAA spent
on police computerization, but police agencies began to acquire
computers. However, many departments with access to computers in the
1970s and even into the 1980s seemed reluctant to use them for more than
routine tasks. Why were many police agencies not making more effective
use of computers? Leading police chiefs blamed the complexities of the
new technology, the cautious, conservative nature of many police officers,
and citizens' "fear of Big Brother." Lack of funds for computer training
and equipment maintenance also played a part.
The Law Enforcement Assistance Administration paid for big ticket
technology items such as computers, software, and crime laboratories, but
the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), an agency for many years under the
LEAA umbrella [2], was the designated federal source of research and
development in law enforcement technology. In its review of its first 25
years, the Institute made special note of two accomplishments in
technology -- the development of lightweight body armor and support for
DNA analysis to improve evidence used in investigating crimes.
In a time of rapidly advancing technologies, NLECTC serves as a one-stop
technology education, assessment, and referral 

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Clinton Colombia TV ad invokes legalization author

2000-08-30 Thread Kris Millegan

On Eve of Destruction...

August 29, 2000
Tonight's Press Briefing

Clinton Colombia TV Ad Hides Behind Drug War Opponent

Clinton Speech Mentions "Gabo" -- Author Gabriel García Marquéz -- in
defending Plan Colombia. Gabo says legalization is the only solution.

US President also admits: "Profits from the drug trade fund civil conflict.
Powerful forces make their own law, and you face danger every day..."

Meanwhile, Nobel Peace Prize winner and former Costa Rica president -- also
an advocate of legalization -- Oscar Arias condemns Plan Colombia

Click Here to enter the briefing room:


Translations from the Latin Américan press of what is really happening with
the US-imposed Plan Colombia

The Narco News Bulletin

Colombian reaction and more updates later tonight on Clinton's
cynical visit tommorow to Cartagena, Colombia
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[CTRL] OEN 8/30/00

2000-08-30 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin

Fifth Column

Robbing Internet Banks

"Trojans" open online accounts.

An investigation into online banks has revealed how vulnerable they are to
malicious hackers looking to steal the identity of customers.

Working with former hacker Gary Chapman, the BBC's Newsnight revealed the
methods that computer criminals could use to commit an internet bank robbery.

Mr Chapman planted a snooping program on the computer of presenter Sue Nelson
and used the information it gathered to assume her online identity.

The banks say they are already beefing up security to limit the risk to
consumers and make it harder for hackers to steal passwords and identities.

Newsnight presenter Sue Nelson set up online accounts at four banks—Barclays,
NatWest, Egg and Lloyds—to test their security.

She found that it was possible for a determined hacker to steal her password
and login details for three of the four accounts.

Password no protection

Former hacker Gary Chapman helped her show up the weaknesses in online
security by sending Ms Nelson an email message which contained a "trojan" or
hidden program.

Like the legendary wooden horse of Troy that concealed a dangerous payload,
the seemingly innocuous e-mail message contained a hidden malicious program.

Almost any type of computer program can be used as a trojan and many computer
viruses spread themselves in this way.

But for Newsnight Mr Chapman concealed a program that logs every key- press
made on a computer's keyboard and sends it to the malicious hacker.

When the legitimate bank account holder goes online and types in their
password the trojan sends the information to the hacker who can later pose as
the customer and steal all the money.

Key logging programs are available on the internet.

"Anyone with a GCSE in computer science could use these tools to hack into a
bank account," said Mr Chapman.

Called to account

Already malicious hackers are trying to use these techniques to collect
passwords and pillage accounts.

Earlier this month security experts warned of a variant of the Love Bug virus
which targeted those who have online accounts with Swiss Bank.

Thankfully the badly engineered program, known as VBS/LoveLetter.bd, seems to
have failed to harvest any login details and no accounts are believed to have
been rifled.

The hardest part for hackers is getting users to open the e-mail message
containing the trojan.
Outbreaks of computer viruses have made people wary of opening messages they
are not expecting and has led many to turn off the systems that let trojans
install themselves.

Peter Sommer, a expert on computer evidence and security at the LSE, said:
"If customers want to protect themselves they have to learn rather more about
computer security and that tends to become rather complicated."

In the wake of the revelations banks are keen to reassure customers that
their finances are in safe hands

A spokeswoman for Barclays said it was introducing new security measures
later this year which would make it harder for a trojan-type attack to

"We have been a bank for a long time," she said, "There have always been
fraudsters and we are always working to be one step ahead of them."

BBC News, August 24, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Politics in America, Part 15, by Robert L. Koch

2000-08-30 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V4.35/politics_amer15.htm"Polit
ics in America, Part 15, by Robert L. Koch…/A
Politics in America

Part 15: Parties, Subcultures, and Structures
Within the American Political System

by Robert L. Kocher

This is not a dissertation on American Republicans and Democrats, although it
begins with them. It is an examination of political reality and needed
direction for reform and survival. It's worth a doctoral degree in political
science that is guaranteed to get you barred from entering, or expelled from,
any university department on earth.

A study was done in 1998 as a joint project of Harvard University, the Henry
J. Kaiser Foundation, and the Washington Post. It was published in the
October 4, 1998 Washington Post. It showed the following well-defined
subgroups within the major political parties and how those voted in the 1996
presidential election. The study found four Republican subcultures and five
Democrat subcultures. The Democratic and Republican subcultures, and their
voting patterns, are those identified by statistical analysis in the study.
The analysis here will incorporate, but is not limited to, information found
in that study. My descriptions of these subcultures incorporate and parallel
the defining features found and described in the study, but are my own words,
observations, and analysis.

Democrat Subcultures

1) The Determined Liberals.

These are 30 percent of democrats. Sixty-three percent are women. Eighty-six
percent voted for the Clintons. Four percent voted for Dole. Four percent
voted for Perot. The remainder voted for splinter party candidates.

This subculture believes entitlement to everything is a personal right.
Government is to guarantee jobs, medical care, economic equality.
Concurrently, most of these people believe government is inefficient and
intrudes into people's lives. That means they want unconditional government
support and funding without accountability. Accountability is relabeled
intrusion. Basically, they want a blank check given to them with no questions
asked and no demands for responsibility. They want a government that is a
wealthy permissive parent surrogate.

They support same-sex marriage, unrestricted abortions, out-of-wedlock
childbearing, unlimited welfare or social service benefits. They believe in
confiscation of other people's earnings and redistributing it so they can
coast through life with their primary concerns being their sex lives and
personal problems.

2) Helping Hand Democrats.

They are 22 percent of Democrats. Sixty-seven percent are women; 84 percent
voted for the Clintons. Six percent voted for Dole. Seven percent voted for

These are people who have bought into liberal sociology and selectively
combined it with the most socialistic aspects of religion. They are
essentially religious socialists. They inhabit a form of soft religion that
emphasizes forgiveness, but is deficient on demanding responsibility from
both themselves and others. They are Jimmy Carters.

My personal observation over the years is that there is a class of Christians
who live in a bland separation from emotional reality. They have attained a
type of pathological dissociated state through religion and are willing to
browbeat anyone who doesn't share it. A type of unrealistic all-forgiving
all-understanding emotional euphoric stupor is, in their eyes, attainment of
sainthood. They are dangerous to themselves and dangerous to others in their
emotional unreality and in their judgments made within that unreality. The
type of government and social environment they advocate requires someone as
emotionally neutered, repressed, or sublimated as they are to live in it.
Many in this political subculture are of that condition.

The idea of sainthood is to be in such a state such as to look up at The Lord
in oblivious forgiveness when people stick pins in you. The problem is, when
you have attained that mental condition, the world has a serious number of
sadists who will stick pins in you, and more, for amusement if they can get
away with it. Those of us who are less emotionally detached from reality
regard this sadism as a danger signal impelling us to make war rather than

This subculture is a difficult group of people to explain. They have
classical religious moral values. Fifty percent strongly disapprove of
abortion. Eighty percent strongly reject homosexuality. Eight in 10 strongly
agree that America should return to traditional family values. But socialism
is more important to them than traditional morality, which is why they are
Democrats. Most believe welfare benefits should continue indefinitely. They
believe America should become some sort of compulsively imposed religious
economic commune, and that that would end all problems.

Their religious values terminate at, or emphasize, selected socialistically
oriented words of Jesus at the 

[CTRL] The Great Kiddie Porn Panic, Part 2, by Jim Peron

2000-08-30 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V4.35/kiddie_porn2.htm"The
Great Kiddie Porn Panic, Part 2, by Jim Per…/A
The Great Kiddie Porn Panic

Part 2: Government Enters the Child Porn Business

by Jim Peron

With the demise of the kiddie porn industry, the US government was faced with
a problem: no one was breaking the law — or at least very few were. By
changing the rules of the game midterm, the federal government was able to
create entire new classes of criminals. One substantial change made was that
individuals were now regularly solicited by various police agencies to
purchase the newly banned items.

The government created dozens of phony companies and began soliciting people
to purchase the material. Often the government would use mailing lists of
regular porn sellers, or they collected names and addresses from address
books of people they had investigated. In other cases they would run
ambivalently worded advertisements in magazines targeted toward swingers,
porn consumers, or gay men. In one case they confiscated the mailing list of
Award Films, a video company, which distributed mainstream films with gay
themes. The list of purchasers of films such as Suddenly Last Summer or Taxi
Zum Klo was then distributed to various police agencies for use in their
sting operations.

Government agencies would send brochures under a phony company name to the
individual they targeted. In some cases the brochures made it clear that the
items being offered were sexually explicit material of individuals under the
age of 18. In other cases the brochure used terms like "youthful" or "girls"
and assumed that anyone reading it knew that the reference was to an
underaged individual. In still other cases they would send personal letters
claiming that a "mutual friend suggested I write you." If the individual
ordered anything, they were arrested with great publicity. Some of the people
arrested had no idea that so-called child porn was being offered. Others
continually refused to purchased but were solicited over and over until,
perhaps out of curiosity, they sent in an order. It made no difference to the
law officials.

In some cases the police would place ads in adult publications pretending to
be a woman with a young daughter. This "woman" would solicit correspondence
from men. The letters the police sent were sexually explicit and, after
gaining the confidence of the man, the "woman" would mention that she had a
younger daughter who was planning to become sexually active. She would claim
to be concerned about what her daughter's first experience would be like and
began suggesting that this man might help her out. Finally, she would solicit
him to have sex with this imaginary daughter. If the man agreed he was
arrested and charged with "child endangerment" even though no child, in fact,

These "sting" operations were quite successful and the police authorities
managed to create criminals on a grand scale. Without these operations it is
highly unlikely that the bulk of the individuals arrested would ever have
committed a "crime" by purchasing child porn, especially since the only
source for the material was the US federal government. Attorney Lawrence
Stanley points out, "the line between law enforcement and inducing
law-breaking has become highly blurred, as undercover ‘friends’ encourage the
forbidden fantasies of their targets and sell or send them child pornography
after a great deal of prodding. In some cases, the forbidden fantasies are
those of the investigating agent."

O'Malley's Legacy

One of the largest sting operations in American history was conducted by a
customs agent named Jack O'Malley. O'Malley was absolutely hysterical when it
came to alleged child porn. He was convinced that tons of the material was
being distributed throughout the United States. He claimed that 20 million
copies of child porn tapes were sold or rented in the United States each year
and that on a world-wide basis the number would exceed 250 million. He
claimed that child porn produced larger profits than all the US TV networks
and Hollywood film studios combined, and estimated that child porn was a $3
billion a year business in the States.

Now with millions and millions of child porn tapes being distributed one
would think that O'Malley would have been able to find some. But he couldn’t.
According to Newsweek: “O'Malley and his colleagues noticed that the volume
of child porn seized by customs agents at O'Hare International Airport and
other points of entry for overseas mail was dropping off." In fact, such
shipments did drop off but from very low numbers to begin with. O'Malley,
instead of seeing the obvious fact that child porn was a very small business
that was in decline, "concluded that foreign distributors had found ways to
circumvent U.S. interceptions. The only way to find the customers then,
O'Malley decided, was to have Uncle Sam go into 

[CTRL] Government Theft of Religious Copyrights

2000-08-30 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector
-Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:638972"Government
Theft of Religious Copyrights/A
Subject: Government Theft of Religious Copyrights
From: A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] "Anonymous-Remail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /A (Public Research Foundation)
Date: Mon, Aug 28, 2000 10:19 PM








A chronological investigative analysis of once-classified intelligence
reports, corporate papers, copyright and trademark records, court
documents, and other public records has exposed a massive and pervasive
co-ordination of the Executive and Judicial Branches in order to effect
a cover-up, since at least 1972, of copyrighted Scientology technologies
being illegally utilized in United States strategic intelligence. The
study shows that the cover-up has reached all the way to the Oval
The timeline of events documents that an employee of the National
Security Agency (NSA), Dr. Harold Puthoff, infiltrated Scientology,
completed its confidential upper-level courses, and almost immediately
secured a top-secret contract with the Central Intelligence Agency to
set up the CIA-initiated "remote-viewing" intelligence program. The
evidence is that the program secretly utilized Scientology techniques--
intellectual property of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard--without
Hubbard's or any Scientology organization's knowledge or permission,
and without compensation.
The study also shows that Scientology's Guardian's Office
(GO)--headed by Hubbard's wife Mary Sue--had province over the
intellectual properties being illegally used by the federal government.
The GO became embroiled in protracted litigation, via the churches, of
numerous Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) suits against NSA, the CIA,
the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Department of Defense, the
Secret Service, and other Executive Branch departments and agencies.
The FOIA suits sought the release of documents related to
Scientology and to L. Ron Hubbard that were known to exist, but were
being withheld by the federal intelligence agencies and the Defense
Department, among others, on grounds of NATIONAL SECURITY.
One ruling against the Scientologists even went so far as to justify
withholding of documents about Scientology on the grounds that the
Director of CIA is "responsible for protecting intelligence sources AND
METHODS from unauthorized disclosure...[emphasis added]." Neither
Hubbard, his wife, nor the Guardian's Office knew the exact nature of
the documents, nor about Hubbard's copyrighted materials being illegally
used by the federal intelligence agencies.
Scientology's FOIA suits spanned the very time when the top-secret
Scientology-based remote viewing program and budget were not only being
expanded, but were being utilized by the Department of Defense, the
President's National Security Council (NSC), and the Joint Chiefs of
Staff. But the documents being sought by the Guardian's Office were
never released; the FBI raided the church's offices in July of 1977, and
the federal government filed criminal charges accusing Mary Sue Hubbard
and the Guardian's Office of "criminal spying"--a strange irony.
The sensational case resulted in Mary Sue Hubbard and 10 Guardian's
Office co-defendants being sentenced to jail without a trial by federal
Judge Charles R. Richey, which led to the ultimate disbanding of
Scientology's Guardian's Office.
This opened the way for a new senior corporation, "Church of
Spiritual Technology" (CST), doing business as the "L. Ron Hubbard
Library." It was set up in 1982--right after the Supreme Court had
upheld Mary Sue Hubbard's conviction--for the express purpose of gaining
receivership and control of L. Ron Hubbard's copyrights. But it was in
the founding of this corporation that the first hint of the cover-up by
the federal government lay buried.
that Meade Emory--former Assistant to the Commissioner of the Internal
Revenue Service and former Legislation Attorney, Joint Committee on
Taxation--had been a co-founder of CST, Scientology{s most senior
coporation. That corporation now controls the copyrights for all of L.
Ron Hubbard{s intellectual properties, once valued at close to $100
million. CST also enjoys ultimate authority over all Scientology-related
trademarks, including even the name "L. Ron Hubbard."
But the discovery of Emory, a non-Scientologist, in such an unusual
position raised red flags, since Emory's involvement in setting up the
corporation had been hidden 

Re: [CTRL] Alex Constantine v. David Horowitz

2000-08-30 Thread flw

Ha ha ha ha.
I have to give you credit too flw. Terminal Cognitive Dissonance are bigger
words than I thought you capable of. Where did you learn them? Not in
a statist school I hope.

No. Although Government Schools surely are an exercise in Cognitive Dissonance.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-08-30 Thread Kris Millegan

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From the Rumor Mill News Forum



Posted By: Rayelan Allan

Date: Wednesday, 30 August 2000, 11:29 a.m.


  RMNews coverage of Press Conference given today at the National Press Club in 
Washington D.C. by John MacNamara, Chief of Security for Mohammed Al Fayed, and Mark 
Zaid, Al Fayed's United States lawyer.

  August 30, 2000

  By Rayelan Allan, Publisher RMNews

  I just watched the press conference that Mohammed Al Fayed gave at the National 
Press Club in Washington D.C. The conference went on for well over an hour. Mohammed 
Al Fayed charged that "evil, racist forces working through British Security Services 
murdered my son and Princess Diana."

  The press conference was given to announce that Al Fayed was suing the CIA, DIA, 
NSA, FBI, the United States Justice Department, various United States government 
offices, and three people who have never been prosecuted by the United States 
government for the attempt to extort money from Al Fayed for "forgeries" of CIA 

  The three people were involved with Oswald LeWinter who is currently serving a four 
year sentence in Austria for attempting to defraud Al Fayed. Le Winter claims that the 
CIA documents he gave to Al Fayed, while being "forgeries", were indeed copies of 
actual CIA documents.

  LeWinter told RMNews "I had a choice at the time of my arrest to identify the 
documents as genuine or as fakes. If I said genuine I would face charges in the U.S. 
of high treason ... so I said they were forgeries and was arrested for Fraud."

  Many articles regarding LeWinter have been published on Rumor Mill News. You can use 
the search engines on the front page of Rumor Mill News or on the Forum to find them. 
There are also letters from LeWinter which are published on the Diana, Queen of Heaven 
webpage -


  Mohammed Al Fayed has asked for help from the American people. He wants the American 
people to write letters to their Congressmen and Senators requesting that they urge 
the CIA, FBI, DIA, NSA etc. to release all documents that are pertinent to the 
unraveling of the mystery behind the murder of Diana and Dodi.

  RMNews has already contacted FOXNEWS and asked them to put the video of the entire 
press conference on their webpage. If they do, it will be at http://www.foxnews.com

  Knowing that they might not show the entire press conference, RMNews has also spoken 
with John MacNamara, Al Fayed's chief of security, and the main presenter at today's 
press conference. RMNews asked him to put up the entire press conference. He said they 
are planning to do so. As soon as RMNews is given one or the other of these links, it 
will be posted on the RMNews webpage.

  RMNews is still awaiting the official transcripts from the press conference. As soon 
as they are received, they will be posted on RMNews.

  A lot of information that was presented by John MacNamara, Al Fayed's Chief of 
Security and Mark Zaid, Al Fayed's United States lawyer, were presented in my article, 
Diana Was Not the Target, published this month in Paranoia Magazine. There is a link 
to this article on the front page of


  The following is from Mohammed Al Fayed's official webpage. It is very similar to 
his letter that was read at the conference and to his comments that were presented via 


  Mohammed Al Fayed: "Most people are profoundly shocked, and rightly so, by the idea 
that Dodi and Diana were murdered. Yet it is my firm belief that Britain's racist 
establishment found their relationship utterly unacceptable, and so conspired with the 
intelligence services to have them killed.

  My repeated appeals for a full public inquiry in Britain into the Paris tragedy have 
been rejected out of hand by the prime minister, Tony Blair and the home secretary, 
Jack Straw but I shall never abandon my fight for
  disclosure of the full facts. The following open letter explains why."



  Since the 31st August 1997, the terrible day that my son Dodi and Princess Diana 
died in Paris, I have tried by all means that I know to get answers to the many 
questions left hanging in the air. I have been thwarted at every turn. The official 
French investigation has so far failed to resolve many key questions. The British 


2000-08-30 Thread Kris Millegan

As always, . . .

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Note from Rayelan:

The Source who gave me the original version of this story stated that I did
not "get it right" -- here is the new "authorized" version of this story.

Rumor Mill News Read Only Forum


Posted By: Rayelan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, 30 August 2000, 12:06 p.m.

From Rumor Mill News:

What if there is another reason behind the 700,000 Chinese being in the

(The factory in the Sudan was an aspirin factory as far as I know)

+ What if all the people in the African war zone that are missing and
assumed to have been kidnapped by slave traders acutally end up as body
for wealthy
elite who need body parts or are forced into prostitution and slavery?

+ And what if the DNA from the local body parts supply wasn't good enough???

A Rumor Mill News Source has supplied us with an alternative version as to
why the 700,000 Chinese are in the Sudan. The following article was pieced
together from a dozen or more emails that were exchanged over the weekend.
It is not always easy to get in contact with RMNews Sources to ask them to
clarify or explain things.

Possibly if this is posted on the Forum, our Source will be able to correct
any mistakes that may have inadvertantly been put there.

RMNews Source:

Do you want to know the real reason the 700,000 Chinese are in the Sudan?

Yes, the Chinese are taking the oil fields.

But moving 700,000 people is difficult to keep secret. Especially if they
military personel. What if some of them are medical personel? China makes a
great deal of money from pharmaceuticals and bio-engineered medicines and
even OTC meds. Most of the Chinese have been there for a while .

The Chinese are 98% genetically homogenous. Their organs and biological
products are the most usable because they genetically a known quantity.
are 1.8 Billion Chinese not 1.3 Billion according to sources inside China.

But what if drug companies need products from diseases not found in large
populations is China? These would be conditions such as sickle cell,
AIDS. The Chinese concerns would have to go somewhere outside of China.

Sources in Africa and China say that Africa has Chinese camps in the Sudan,
Rwanda, Burundi, Zaire, for human harvesting and experimentation.The camps
have been in operation for at least 6 years. US and European companies have
experimented on Africans far longer.

You all remember the "Truth and Concilliation" trials in South Africa that
spoke of human experimentation? The market for human guinea pigs and human
tissue did not end with those admissions. Pharmaceutical companies and
military complexes still needed the products and the experiments. Where do
you think they went that would be outside the eyes of the press?

China is in the forefront of bio engineering. It is not illegal in China to
experiment on humans if the people are prisoners, or better yet, it is done
outside of China.

Who are the clients of these products? The US and Europe. China has no
to keep people alive. By and large it is not Chinese who need these
medicines. But China makes them. Check out Ribavirin sometimes. Who makes
it? China from "volunteers"? Who are the "volunteers"? Falun Gong? Africans?

It takes thousands of fertilized ovums to make one transgene
forcancer therapy BTW.

Also there are uses for human bio products in some kinds of chip burning.

RMNews posted a story about child prostitution on the forum. What it does
not state is that
the primary clearing house for children used as drug mules is in Cambodia on
the Thai-Cambodian border and in Siem Reap. That was the camp Diana was at.
You all saw her with the mine sweeper.Hillary Clinton was there too. You
never heard about it again except in Diana's landmine crusade. The camp is
surrounded by land mines.

Once children cannot be used as prostitutes for whatever reason they can be
shipped by traders to labs. (Rule of 16 is a usual reason- after the age of
16 some kids are all used up and no one wants to buy them)

I will also send a story about troop vehicles. There are factions in China
attempting to get children out of the slave camps. The Company investigated
was GDNT. It is possible a drug lord named "Changing Man" is importing troop
vehicles to evacuate the kids. What was seized was meant to be seized.

In other words, these 700,000 people are no more than cattle being sent to a
slaughter house.

RMNews Source:
The Chinese and Africans do it for money. The US and European
pharmaceuticals demand it. The IMF makes $60 Billion dollars in profit from
LEGAL sales. 


2000-08-30 Thread Robert F. Tatman

The more likely explanation for the Chinese "invasion" of Africa is the one
Stratfor put forward last week: this is a ploy by the Beijing oligarchs to
divert the attention and energy of the PLA to activities outside of China
proper, to make either a coup d'etat or further bureaucratic imperialism by the
essentially autonomous separate elements of the PLA less likely in the near
term.  How much of this is tied in with increased Chinese trade with the U.S.,
and whether there's any connection to Clinton's Africa trip, God only knows...

- Original Message -
From: "Kris Millegan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 1:42 PM

 As always, . . .

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Network of Stolen Consciousness

2000-08-30 Thread Smart News

Hi !

The following url discusses allegations of mind control.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

PS This may be very triggering for survivors of abuse. Please use caution
when reading.


"The Network of Stolen Consciousness

Part I and Part II

by Beth Goobie

I am a survivor of intelligence cults that operate across Canada and are
connected internationally. In 1959, I  was born into an intergenerational
CIA-connected cult that continues to operate in central Ontario. I was first
subjected to calculated torture sessions in the womb, and have been able to
integrate fetal selves as an adult. I was an experienced dissociater at
birth, an accomplished prostitute before kindergarten, and was being
circulated on an elite international circuit by grade school."

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Accidents ...

2000-08-30 Thread BB

Number of physicians in the US = 700,000
Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year = 120,000
Accidental deaths per physician  = 0.171
(U.S. Dept. of Health  Human Services)

Number of gun owners in the US  = 80,000,000
Number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups) =1,500
Accidental deaths per gun owner = 0.188
(U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco  Firearms)

 Therefore, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous
 than gun owners.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Australia threatens to pull out of UN committee system]

2000-08-30 Thread BB

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Check out the following URL. Seems our Aussie Brothers are  rejecting
attempts by U.N. "Human Rights" investigators to negate democratically
legislated laws of a sovereign country. Way to go guys!


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[CTRL] Sen Burns reply re Senate Bill: SB-2099]

2000-08-30 Thread BB

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Dear xx

I have received a number of inquiries concerning a
piece of pending legislation on gun control, sponsored
by Senator Jack Reed, a Democrat from Rhode Island. A
copy of this message was cc'ed to Gary and JJ as well.

The bill, S. 2099, is known as the Handgun Safety and
Registration Act of 2000.  This legislation would
amend chapter 53 (Machine Guns, Destructive Devices,
and Certain Other Firearms) of the Internal Revenue
Code to, among other things: (1) require the
registration of
handguns in the National Firearms Registration and
Transfer Record; (2) provide for the sharing of
registration information with Federal, State and local
law enforcement agencies; and (3) provide for the
imposition of the five dollar transfer tax on handguns
and a $50 tax upon the making of each handgun.

The bill was referred to the Senate Finance Committee
because of its provisions involving the Internal
Revenue Service and the taxes levied against gun
manufacturers. Chairman Roth has assured me the bill
will not be passed and I completely agree with him.

This bill is just another example of the misguided
gun-control advocates who erroneously think that
placing restrictions on law-abiding citizens will
somehow have an influence on crime and violence in
this country. Additionally, this bill is flawed
legislation initiated in the Senate cannot be used to
raise taxes without violating the Constitution.

As always, I will continue to monitor legislation such
as this that seeks to violate our 2nd Amendment right
to keep and bear arms.

Thanks again for contacting me.  Please don't hesitate
to call or write with any other questions or concerns
you may have.  If you have an opportunity, please
visit my web site at http://burns.senate.gov for
updates on this and other issues of importance to


Conrad Burns
US Senator


"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you 
will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the 
moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious 
chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no 
chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." -- Winston 

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[CTRL] Violence Against Gun Rights Supporters

2000-08-30 Thread Kathleen
{HYPERLINK "http://www.co-freedom.com"}The Colorado Freedom Report--www.co-freedom.com
Anti-Gun Caller Threatens Freedom Report Editor
by Ari Armstrong, August 29, 2000
At about 10:05 pm today, I appeared on 9 News to discuss a legal challenge in which I'm involved against the gun show (background check) initiative. I had recorded the interview earlier in the day. Apparently, my peaceable, lawful action is too much for some supporters of the S.A.F.E. initiative to bear. The anti-gun lobby group Sane Alternatives to the Firearms Epidemic, the name of which likens gun ownership to a disease, is the sponsor of the initiative which seeks to expand background registrations to private sales at gun shows.
At about 10:07 pm today, I received an anonymous, threatening phone call. When I answered the phone, a male voice said, "Hey Nazi back off," then hung up.
The invective is particularly offensive since I'm a civil libertarian opposed to fascism in all its forms. The term "Nazi" is short for "National Socialism," the German form of fascist socialism led by Adolf Hitler in mid-century. The Nazis were racists as well as fascists and murdered millions of innocent Jews and other persons. Recently, I published an {HYPERLINK "http://www.co-freedom.com/2000/08/neveragain.html"} by Bob Glass about the horrors of the Nazi holocaust which stole the lives of Glass' family members. Leon Uris records many of the Nazi atrocities in his novel Mila 18, in which a brave group of Jews take up arms in a desperate fight against the Nazis. (My first name is taken from another of Uris' novels.)
The invective is ironic since the gun show initiative itself could be considered a fascist proposal. The Austrian economists define fascism as type of socialism in which the state controls nominally private property. The gun show initiative seeks to put private property -- in this case firearms -- under the direct control of state and federal authorities. Thus, it is a step toward fascism, and that is precisely why I oppose it.
Because of incomplete and inaccurate records, background registration checks usually deny lawful citizens their rights to purchase a firearm for self-defense. This violates the civil rights of property ownership, self-defense, and due process.
So what did I say that resulted in a gun opponent threatening me? Adam Schrager of 9 News did his usual excellent job of putting together a fair, well-researched piece. In addition to selecting opposing comments by a S.A.F.E. lawyer, he and the 9 News team used three of my quotes on air:
The anti-gun lobby S.A.F.E. claims they collected 108,000 signatures. But it's easy to collect a lot of signatures if you do it illegally.
We're going to use every means at our disposal to protect individual rights. [The context of this comment was partially lost in the cut; the line was a response to the question of why we're pursuing legal action as well as public education to fight the background registration check initiative.]
If the Supreme Court follows Colorado law then we have a good chance of succeeding on this level.
Directly after those lines aired, my phone rang. Unfortunately, that's not the first time I've been threatened by an opponent of gun ownership. (Of course I assume the S.A.F.E. leadership condemns such threats. We can't know if the anonymous caller is a member of the group or simply supports its initiative.) On {HYPERLINK "http://www.co-freedom.com/2000/05/unsafe.html"}May 3, one S.A.F.E. member told me, "I ought to bash you over the head."
Recently in Fort Collins, a woman who opposes the right of self- defense struck a member of the Tyranny Response Team with a clip board. At a rally in Boulder earlier this year, Robert Howell, vice president of the anti-gun Boulder Bell Campaign, attacked Shariar Ghalam, bloodying his nose. (Ghalam was carrying a concealed handgun but never drew it, not believing his life was in danger.) This summer, supporters of the anti-gun Million Mom March stole supplies from the Second Amendment Sisters and vandalized SAS property. For people supposedly advocating safety, some gun opponents display a surprising level of violent tendencies.
But "back off" is exactly what I won't be doing. Instead, I will redouble my efforts to defend the civil liberties of every individual, including the minority of gun owners. (Fortunately, I am kept safer by gun ownership in my neighborhood, which deters assaults.)
Freedom is not a loophole. The S.A.F.E. background registration check initiative would empower criminals and violate the civil rights of law-abiding citizens. I will help fight it until it no longer threatens our safety and our liberties.
{HYPERLINK "http://www.co-freedom.com/"}Main Page


The homicidal state shares one trait with the
solitary killer--like all murderers, it trips
on its own egoism and drops a trail of clues
which, when properly collected, preserved,
and analyzed are as damning as a signed
confession left in the grave.


2000-08-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


  The German intelligence service took the highly unusual step
yesterday of confirming a report that it had found a secret
missile-production facility in Iraq.

For complete story:


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] From Bad to Worse

2000-08-30 Thread John Szocik

I realize thisis a late response, however I feel this has to be said.
I agree 100% that it does not matter which of the main 2 get elected. The
"inner circle" will run the country no matter who's in office.
This being said; I feel the only option left for the voters of this country
is to vote for the "other" candidates as a form of protest, as well as
sending a message to the "powers that be!"
Most sincerely,

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WP: Wearing A Secret On Their Sleeve

2000-08-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Wearing A Secret On Their Sleeves

By Vernon Loeb
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 30, 2000 ; A23

As security incidents go, the case of the National Reconnaissance
Office (NRO) shoulder patch may lack the intrigue of a Russian
bug planted in a State Department conference room or the mystery
of missing tapes loaded with nuclear warhead secrets from Los
Alamos National Laboratory.  But for pure guilelessness, the NRO
patch may be in a class by itself.

Amateur satellite observers who track the orbits of classified
U.S.  intelligence satellites say the embroidered patch,
distributed to NRO employees to commemorate the Aug.  17 launch
of a Titan IV, clearly revealed the rocket's secret payload--a
radar-imaging Lacrosse spy satellite.

"This is most extraordinary," said retired CIA scientist Allen
Thomson.  "It appears that the NRO has given away significant
information in advance of the current Titan IV mission in, of all
things, a shoulder patch."

One need not be a spy to figure this out:

A Lacrosse radar-imaging satellite, unobstructed by clouds or
nighttime, uses radar beams to image objects on Earth.  The patch
includes a slogan, "We own the night."

With the latest launch, four Lacrosse satellites are believed to
have been deployed, with Lacrosse 1 deorbited in 1997 after nine
years of service. The patch shows four satellites circling the
globe, including one that is black.

A distinctive feature of the school bus-sized Lacrosse is the
wire mesh that covers its antennas.  The patch depicts an owl,
the launch mascot, wearing what appears to be wire mesh glasses.

But the most revealing detail in the patch is the approximate
inclinations--the angle at which an orbit crosses the equator--of
the embroidered satellites.

Before the launch, Ted Molczan, a leading satellite tracker from
Canada, guessed the Titan IV would be carrying a Lacrosse, given
the size of the shroud covering the payload.  But he didn't know
whether the satellite would be launched into an orbit with a 57
degree inclination, the same orbit as Lacrosse 1 and Lacrosse 3,
or an orbit with a 68 degree inclination, the same as Lacrosse 2.

After he happened to see the patch on Florida Today's Web site,
his quandary was resolved: The patch clearly showed the new
satellite at the 68 degree inclination.  So Molczan put his
prediction out on the Internet before the launch: "If this
interpretation [of the patch] is correct, then I believe that the
available clues now point more strongly to a 68 degree

And wouldn't you know: The Titan IV lifted off and put its
payload into orbit_with a 68 degree inclination.  Molczan and his
fellow satellite trackers have been eyeing it ever since, racing
through the night sky at thousands of miles an hour, more than
500 kilometers above Earth.  And now they're certain: It's a

"If they're overhead, they're clearly visible to the naked eye,"
Molczan said.  "Lacrosse is about as bright as the stars that
make up the Big Dipper."

Art Haubold, an NRO spokesman, seemed faintly annoyed by
Molczan's predictions.  "I'm not going to get into whether or not
I felt [the patch] went too far," Haubold said.  "As I say, there
are explanations for all parts of the patch.  People are always
speculating about what our classified missions are, and this
launch is no different.  The payload is classified, and
obviously, we don't discuss it."

For those interested in viewing a government secret as it zooms
through the sky over Washington, satellite trackers using
software available on the Internet calculate that what they say
is Lacrosse 4 will orbit the Washington area, 42 degrees in the
sky at a west-northwest bearing, at 4:36 a.m. Thursday.

Unraveling a Mystery

Amateur satellite observers say a patch distributed by the
National Reconnaissance Office revealed the secret payload of a
Titan IV launched Aug.  17.

Besides representing owl eyes, the image symbolizes a Lacrosse
spy satellite's mesh antennas.

Slogan refers to the spy satellite's radar imaging, which works
at night or through clouds.

Four bird shapes represent the four Lacrosse satellites believed
to have been deployed so far.

The black one refers to Lacrosse 1, deorbited in 1997.

Two of the birds are shown flying with a 57 degree inclination,
the same as Lacrosse 1 and Lacrosse 3.  The other two are shown
flying at a 68 degree inclination, the same as Lacrosse 2 and,
apparently, Lacrosse 4, the secret payload.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.


[CTRL] NM: Clinton Disbarment Defense Overlooks Battalino

2000-08-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Wednesday August 30, 2000; 7:59 AM EDT

Clinton Disbarment Defense Overlooks Battalino

President Clinton's lawyers argued Tuesday that disbaring him for
lying under oath about sex would be "excessively harsh,
impermissively punative and unprecedented in the circumstances of
this case."

Tell it to Dr. Barbara Battalino, a federal employee who was not
only prosecuted by the Clinton Justice department for lying about
sex, but lost both her medical and law licenses.

 It was a case with stunning parallels to the president's, where
Battalino, a Veteran's Administration psychiatrist, had oral sex
with a patient who later sued. She denied the sex act, but her
own words, taped without her knowledge, revealed otherwise.

 Here's how Battalino explained her predicament in a December 1,
1998 statement to the House Judiciary Committee:

 "The falsehood centered around my reticence to acknowledge the
one act of consensual oral sex which occurred between myself and
an unmarried male adult on Veterans Affairs premises. A civil
suit was filed, complicated by the male party having secretly
recorded phone conversations he and I had during the months an
intimate relationship between us developed. These very tapes were
instrumental in having the civil suit dismissed in September of
1998, with no monetary award or settlement being made by myself
or the Veterans Affairs Administration.

 "So how is it I am a convicted felon? In early 1998 my attorney
received word that the U.S. Department of Justice planned to
indict me for perjury based upon an untruthful response I gave to
a question regarding whether anything of a sexual nature had
occurred between myself and that individual on June 27, 1991. "

 Battalino's case has been largely forgotten since the president
was acquitted on impeachment charges by the Senate. But her
situation has a direct bearing on White House claims that
disbarment would be unfair to Clinton.

Again, in her own words:

"I am neither a historian nor a Constitutional scholar. I am an
American who worked hard to complete both a medical and law
degree, and have practiced in public and government service for
over 20 years until I became a convicted felon in April of 1998.
I am presently fulfilling the consequences imposed on me as a
result of this conviction."

Battalino explained those consequences to NBC News before she
testified to the House:

 "It has been very devastating for my life and my family's life.
I don't have the ability anymore to practice medicine, I have a
law degree that I cannot use, I've suffered humiliation and
people have been bringing up my name that people who don't even
know me and who have distorted the actual facts of the case, and
so it has been very disturbing for myself and my family."

 For Battalino, lying about sex cost her both her job and her
future. Contrary to what Clinton's lawyers have argued, she
doesn't think his punishment has been at all "excessive."

 "I hope that justice will be for all and that Mr.Clinton will
somehow or another have to have a similar degree of punishment
that I have had," she told NBC.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] NM: Clinton Monuments Assailed in Court

2000-08-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Clinton Monuments Assailed in Court

August 30, 2000

Conservative land-use groups have challenged President Clinton's
constitutional authority to create national monuments by a stroke
of his pen without consulting Congress.

 The Mountain States Legal Foundation and the BlueRibbon
Coalition filed suit Tuesday in federal court in Washington to
cancel half of the 10 monuments Clinton designated this year.

 The five contested monuments in Arizona, Colorado, Oregon and
Washington contain 1.5 million acres, where off-road vehicle use,
mining, logging and oil drilling were suddenly banned or

 According to the Associated Press:

 William Perry Pendley of the Mountain States Legal Foundation
said, "The bottom line is, the president doesn't have the
authority to do what he's done."

 He said the president violated the provision in the 1906
Antiquities Act that national monuments "shall be confined to the
smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of
the objects to be protected."

 Pendley said that Clinton "has no authority to close these areas
because they are pretty, because they have endangered-species
habitat, because they have wild and scenic rivers or because they
have 800-year-old trees."

 A president's power under the Antiquities Act, he said, is only
to protect historic, archaeological or scientific sites.

 Traditionally, federal courts have rejected legal challenges to
national monuments.

 However, Congress also has authority over federal land use, and
Republican members have condemned Clinton's declaration of so
many national monuments, covering some 4 million acres, as an
election-year gambit to toady up to environmental groups.

 Dick Cheney, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, said if
George W. Bush is elected president in November they might
rescind some of the Clinton monuments.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OT: THIS is a Chain Letter

2000-08-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


This chain letter was started in hopes of bringing relief to
other tired and discouraged men.  Unlike most chain letters, this
one does not cost anything. Just send a copy of this letter to
five of your friends who are equally tired and discontented.
Then, bundle up your wife or girlfriend and send her to the man
whose name appears at the top of the following list, remove his
name from the list, and add your name to the bottom of the list.

When your turn comes, you will receive 15,625 women. One of them
is bound to be better than the one you already have.  At the
writing of this letter, a friend of mine had already received 184
women, 4 of whom were worth keeping.

REMEMBER: this chain brings luck. One man's pit bull died and the
next day he received a Playboy swimsuit model. An unmarried
Jewish man living with his widowed mother was able to choose
between a Hooters waitress and a Hollywood super model.

You can be lucky too, but, DO NOT BREAK THE CHAIN! One man broke
the chain and got his own wife back again.

Let's keep it going, men! Just add your name to the list below!


Bill Clinton
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC

William Jefferson Clinton
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC

W. J. Clinton
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC

William Clinton
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC

W. Jefferson Clinton
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC

William J. Clinton
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Vice Presidential Candidate Lieberman's Campaign Mixes Politics And Religion

2000-08-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


DETROIT (AP)—Mixing his religion with politics as never before,
vice-presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman yesterday told
members of a black church that he hopes his candidacy as an
Orthodox Jew will reinstate "a place for faith in America's
public life."

By the time Mr. Lieberman left some 500 congregants of the
Fellowship Chapel, he had been feted as a civil-rights freedom
fighter, sheathed in African kente cloth as if he were one of
their own, and embraced as a man of faith—never mind from a
different faith.

"As a people, we need to reaffirm our faith and renew the
dedication of our nation and ourselves to GOD and GOD'S
purposes," said Mr. Lieberman, the first Jew to run for national
office on a major party ticket.

"Let us break through some of the inhibitions that have existed
to talk together across the flimsy lines of separation of faith,
to talk together, to study together, to pray together, and
ultimately to sing together His holy name," Mr. Lieberman told
Fellowship Chapel, affiliated with the United Church of Christ.

In his recent book, "In Praise of Public Life," Mr. Lieberman
wrote that he sees religion as a way to rebuild "what has come to
feel like a crumbling moral framework in the life of our nation,"
but he had never before campaigned on the issue.

Speaking from the pulpit in a speech littered with biblical
references, Mr.  Lieberman said the nation has lost its moral
foundation in part because the constitutional guarantee of
freedom of religion has been confused to mean "freedom from

He said he hoped his candidacy would change that.

"I hope it will enable people, all people who are moved, to talk
about their faith and about their religion, and I hope that it
will reinforce a belief that I feel as strongly as anything else,
that there must be a place for faith in America's public life,"
he said.

He made no mention of the effects on the nation of President
Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky. Instead, he celebrated the
strong economy, more jobs, and low crime rate as accomplishments
of Mr. Clinton and Vice President Al Gore over the last eight
years. He likened them to Moses.

"In some sense, you might say the Red Sea finally parted and more
Americans than ever before walked through behind President Bill
Clinton and Vice President Al Gore," Mr. Lieberman said.

Mr. Lieberman, who supports a moment of silence in public
schools, though not necessarily a moment of prayer, also gave a
nod to nonbelievers. He said people of faith must "reassure them
that we share with them the core values of America, that our
faith is not inconsistent with their freedom and our mission is
not one of intolerance, but one of love."

Before Mr. Lieberman took to the pulpit, the Reverend Wendell
Anthony, pastor of the chapel and president of the largest
chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People in the country, recalled for worshippers how Mr.
Lieberman in the 1960s had marched on Washington with Martin
Luther King and went into Mississippi to register black voters.
And he criticized Republican rivals George W. Bush and Richard B.
Cheney in the process.

"It does mean something," said Mr. Anthony, shouting in a lyrical
cadence, "for I ain't read nothing about no Bushes in
Mississippi I ain't seen no Cheneys on no freedom buses."

In a poke at Michigan's governor, Mr. Anthony added, "John Engler
ain't pass out no voter registration cards."

Later, Mr. Lieberman recalled how he had spoken at a civil rights
rally in Bridgeport, Connecticut, in the 1960s just before Mr.
King, and that the civil-rights leader had remarked, "very good,
young man."

"I had actually thought I heard the voice of Moses," Mr.
Lieberman said.

Nurse Renee Walls, 44, a member of the church, said she didn't
care that Mr.  Lieberman was of a different faith. "He spoke from
the heart. It doesn't matter what the religion is. It's about
unity," she said.

Later, Mr. Lieberman spoke to about 1,300 people at a campaign
rally in Southfield, Michigan, and he met with about two dozen
members of the local Arab-American community. Abed Hammoud,
president of the Arab American Political Action Committee, said
afterward that he felt reassured that Mr.  Lieberman's religion
will not cloud his judgment about Middle East peace but said he
believes Mr. Lieberman must state that more publicly.

This article was mailed from The Washington Times
(http://www.washtimes.com). For more great articles, visit us at

Copyright (c) 2000 News World Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy 

[CTRL] SNET: Australia threatens to pull out of UN committee system (fwd)

2000-08-30 Thread William Bacon

Yes Autralia led the way get out of the uninted NationS

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 12:49:36 -0700
Subject: SNET: Australia threatens to pull out of UN committee system

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Check out the following URL. Seems our Aussie Brothers are  rejecting
attempts by U.N. "Human Rights" investigators to negate democratically
legislated laws of a sovereign country. Way to go guys!


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Top Ten Lies About West Nile Virus And Anvil Insecticide

2000-08-30 Thread William Shannon

Top 10 Lies About West
Nile Virus and Anvil
Insecticide Spray
By Robert Lederman [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Exactly like an allergic reaction to pollen, these responses to the toxic
ingredients of Anvil are an attempt by a person's immune system to flush the
substances from the body. Mucus nasal secretions, tears and coughing to expel
the irritant from the lungs are not the harmful effects of exposure but are
simply proof that the body recognizes Anvil as something it wants to get rid
of immediately. The symptoms of a disease are not the effects of a disease.
If you have emphysema from cigarette smoking you may feel tired and have
difficulty breathing. In response, you might use an inhaler and temporarily
breath better, but that would hardly mean you had recovered from the disease
or from permanent damage to your lung tissue.

The suspected and in many cases already proven long term effects of exposure
to Pyrethrins like Anvil include immune system and liver damage, endocrine
disruption, proliferation of breast cancer cells, lowered sperm count and
cognitive difficulties. The latest science concerning this finds that at even
the most minimal exposure serious health effects and endocrine disruption
have been observed. The real damage from exposure to these chemicals won't be
manifested until long after the itching, runny nose or coughing have stopped.
By then, few people will remember or be able to prove the connection between
exposure and their illness. Chemical companies, just like cigarette
manufacturers, depend on this time lag between exposure and illness to
prevent them from being found liable.


The Mayor and the media keep referring to WNV as a deadly disease transmitted
by killer mosquitoes. Yet, they qualify these claims by saying that WNV is
very hard to become infected by and that most people who do get infected
recover without any treatment and without experiencing any symptoms. So which
is it, a deadly infectious disease, or very mild and hard to become infected
by? It can't be both.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) the largest known WNV
epidemic in history occurred in Romania in 1996. Approximately 100,000 people
allegedly became infected. About 400 of those people became ill with symptoms
of encephalitis. Only 15 of those people, all of whom were over 65, died.
Considering the level of health care in that country and the poor nutritional
status and immune health of its senior citizens, these statistics indicate
that the virus is much less dangerous than the common cold. See:
(www.naba.org/wnvirus.html). In NYC according to the Department of Health's
own study, of the four NYC residents who they claim died last year from WNV,
three were taking immunosuppresant cancer drugs and the fourth was
HIV-positive...meaning that only people with severely compromised immune
systems die from WNV and that even in those cases death is rare. [See: New
York City Department of Health, West Nile Virus: A Briefing, City Health
Information Vol. 19, No. 1 (May 2000)


Every Giuliani press release and every news report prominently mentions that
seven people died in the general NYC area last year from WNV. Like the
Mayor's crime statistics or the Federal government's claims that the economy
has never been better these statements are unverifiable. No name, blood
sample or tissue sample of any person who allegedly died from WNV has been
made available to independent scientists for confirmation and testing. Every
claim of an infected bird, mosquito or human is based on reports by the NYC
Department of Health or scientists that work for the CDC or receive funding
from them. These are also the same exact source of the spray policy, creating
a perfect loop of "proof" justifying their own decision to spray. In science
an outside independent source verifying the conclusions and reproducing
experimental results is always necessary before any statement can be taken as
a fact. The same is generally true in law, in journalism and in business. See
the end of this report for an analysis of the reliability of the CDC in this


Anvil is a synthetic imitation of a naturally occurring substance found in
Chrysanthemums. The natural version, which is considered much safer than the
synthetic, is far more expensive and is not being used anywhere in NYC. This
information is plainly stated in the Mayor's press releases yet he stands up
at press conferences directly contradicting it-a good indication of his
truthfulness on the entire WNV issue. Most of the numerous other ingredients
in Anvil are synthetic derivatives of petroleum-based chemicals such as
Benzene and 

[CTRL] Elian in the hospital?

2000-08-30 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Elian in the hospital?
U.S. mayor says lad 'OK,' but
doctor challenges Castro to 'show him'


By Charles Smith
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Countering reports that Elian Gonzalez lays injured in a Cuban hospital with
a broken jaw, a U.S. mayor said yesterday that he met with Elian Gonzalez
last week and that the boy is "OK."

Reports have circulated widely, particularly on the Internet, about a
Miami-based doctor who claimed that Elian was recently beaten by his father
and is in the hospital.

Indeed, David Hoech, a retired doctor living in Miami with extensive
connections inside the Cuban and diplomatic community, said: "We heard news
that Elian was being treated for a broken jaw in a Cuban hospital. The next
day, we established communication with humanitarian service entities and were
told that he was in a Children's Hospital in Cienfuegos."

But the dire reports about Elian brought a rebuttal from Oakland, Calif.,
Mayor Jerry Brown. On ABC's "Good Morning America" yesterday morning, the
former California governor said he met Elian last week, during a visit to the
communist country aimed at enhancing relations between his California city
and the eastern Cuban city of Santiago. Saying Elian is "OK" and not injured,
Brown also discussed his views for improved trade relations with Castro and

"The battle over trade with China has ended," said Brown in a recent
interview published by the Associated Press, noting the recent congressional
vote to grant "permanent normal trade relations" status to the Asian
communist nation. "There is not a fig leaf to cover the lack of logic of the
Cuba trade embargo," added Brown.

Yet, Cuban government sources would not comment on Brown, trade issues or
Elian. Attempts to confirm or deny the allegations with the official Cuban
diplomatic U.N. mission in New York were unsuccessful, as the Cuban
representatives refused to answer questions.

Sources inside the American intelligence community are also dubious about
stories of Elian's injuries. One Pentagon source noted that Castro would
"love" to discredit U.S. media such as WorldNetDaily with a disinformation
story on Elian. On the other hand, the source did confirm that U.S. military
monitoring of Cuban propaganda ministry outlets noted there was no news on
Elian for a number of days.

In Miami, Dr. Hoech stands ready with a Lear jet and X-ray machine in hopes
the U.S. and Cuban governments will give in to his request. Hoech noted that
the recent absence of Elian in Cuban propaganda only serves to support his
suspicion that the boy has been injured.

"Why not show him now, Comrade Fidel?" asked Hoeck.

"If the child is OK, then it is in the best interests of Cuba to show him,"
concluded Hoeck. "The father had a history of beating Elian. Elian had to
have an eye operation after a beating from his father. The violence was one
reason why Elian's mom left Cuba."

"I have sent a letter to Janet Reno and no comment," added Hoech. "I am
asking to get permission for three doctors to fly to Cuba and examine Elian
Gonzalez at no expense to our government or the Cuban government. If this
report is not true, then Castro would have trotted little Elian out in front
of the TV cameras to prove to the whole world that the boy is all right."

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be 

[CTRL] Buchanan accepts debate invite Agrees to attend Judicial Watch forum

2000-08-30 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Buchanan accepts debate invite
Agrees to attend Judicial Watch
forum in wake of Gore's nod


By Julie Foster
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Presidential hopeful Pat Buchanan, the Reform Party nominee, yesterday
officially accepted Judicial Watch's invitation to participate in a
presidential debate about restoring ethics to government -- the same debate
invitation Vice President Al Gore accepted last week.

Buchanan is the latest to give notice of his intention to participate,
joining Gore and Constitution Party candidate Howard Phillips. The debate is
tentatively scheduled to take place Friday, Oct. 20, at the Ronald Reagan
Building, three blocks from the White House.

However, as reported last week, Gore's attendance is dependent upon Gov.
George W. Bush's agreement to three televised, prime-time debates in the
model of the presidential debate forum, according to the vice president's
campaign office.

Buchanan said he looks forward to participating in the Judicial Watch debate
"and the questioning of the integrity and honor of the Clinton-Gore White
House in the last eight years. That will be the central focus of the debate,"
he said. "It is a central issue of this campaign, even though both parties
may wish to forget it or ignore it."

Staff at the Bush campaign, as well as staff of Green Party candidate Ralph
Nader and Libertarian Harry Browne, confirmed to Judicial Watch that they are
favorably disposed to participating in the debate, but have not yet sent in
their formal acceptances.

John Hagelin was also extended an invitation to participate in the event, but
he has not yet responded. Hagelin is running as the "Third Party Coalition"
candidate, under the banners of both the Reform Party and the Natural Law
Party. He is currently embroiled in a dispute with Buchanan over which
candidate will receive federal campaign funds.

"Now that Vice President Gore, Patrick J. Buchanan, Howard Phillips and
others have accepted or are about to accept Judicial Watch's invitation, this
makes it all the more likely that George W. Bush will do so as well,
particularly since he could not be seen to be dodging a debate of how to
restore ethics to government, given his party's criticism of the Democratic
Clinton-Gore White House over the past seven-and-a-half years," stated
Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

Phillips was the first to respond to the invitation, sending his letter of
acceptance on July 31.

"I commend Larry Klayman for being the first, of whom I'm aware, to invite
all of those candidates who are going to be on the ballot. ..." said
Phillips. "I think this could very well be important in breaking the media
blackout" on third party candidates, he continued, saying the media has kept
its focus largely on the Republican and Democrat candidates.

Phillips noted that he and Browne had "managed to get on the ballot without
taking the king's schilling." Some candidates believe they ought to be
included in presidential debates based on their eligibility and acceptance of
federal campaign funds, he added.

"Patriots did not seek subsidies from King George, and neither will we," he
said. "If anything, that should be a disqualification."

The Constitution Party candidate also said he looks forward to the debate and
is glad Buchanan accepted Klayman's invitation.

Gore's positive response to the debate is noteworthy, given the pending legal
action taken against the vice president by Judicial Watch. Klayman praised
Gore last week for the Democrat's willingness to participate in the forum,
calling the vice president "gutsy" and "courageous."

Following the Friday night debate, on Saturday, Oct. 21, Judicial Watch will
continue its "Ethics in Government 2000" conference at the Hilton Washington.
Among the featured speakers will be Joseph Farah, WorldNetDaily.com's editor
and CEO. The Washington, D.C., event is open to the public; the registration
phone number is 1-800-790-9065.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!

A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon 

[CTRL] Clinton Monuments Assailed in Court

2000-08-30 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clinton Monuments Assailed in Court

August 30, 2000

Conservative land-use groups have challenged President Clinton's
constitutional authority to create national monuments by a stroke
of his pen without consulting Congress.

 The Mountain States Legal Foundation and the BlueRibbon
Coalition filed suit Tuesday in federal court in Washington to
cancel half of the 10 monuments Clinton designated this year.

 The five contested monuments in Arizona, Colorado, Oregon and
Washington contain 1.5 million acres, where off-road vehicle use,
mining, logging and oil drilling were suddenly banned or

 According to the Associated Press:

 William Perry Pendley of the Mountain States Legal Foundation
said, "The bottom line is, the president doesn't have the
authority to do what he's done."

 He said the president violated the provision in the 1906
Antiquities Act that national monuments "shall be confined to the
smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of
the objects to be protected."

 Pendley said that Clinton "has no authority to close these areas
because they are pretty, because they have endangered-species
habitat, because they have wild and scenic rivers or because they
have 800-year-old trees."

 A president's power under the Antiquities Act, he said, is only
to protect historic, archaeological or scientific sites.

 Traditionally, federal courts have rejected legal challenges to
national monuments.

 However, Congress also has authority over federal land use, and
Republican members have condemned Clinton's declaration of so
many national monuments, covering some 4 million acres, as an
election-year gambit to toady up to environmental groups.

 Dick Cheney, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, said if
George W. Bush is elected president in November they might
rescind some of the Clinton monuments.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!

A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2000-08-30 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Readiness in the News
Ed.: Equipment and personnel readiness are down and taking a severe toll on
training and rapid deployment capabilities.
From multiple sources

A. USMC: MV-22, CH-53E, AH-1W Fleets Grounded

Mechanical problems led the Marine Corps to ground 374 aircraft Sunday,
including all 11 of its MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotors.

The decision to suspend flight operations for Ospreys, CH-53E Super Stallion
transport helicopters and AH-1W Cobra attack helicopters was made late
Friday. The most significant of the three actions was the grounding of the
workhorse CH-53E Super Stallions.

The Corps' 198 AH-1W Cobra attack helicopters were grounded after it was
discovered this week that some older rotor blades may be susceptible to
cracking. Each Cobra will undergo a one-time inspection to identify and
replace, if necessary, the suspect blades.
B. ARMY: NTC Battle Postponed

A training battle scheduled for last Friday at the National Training Center,
Fort Irwin, CA was delayed because of severe maintenance problems with the
deployed tank fleet. According to our sources, only 8 of 44 M1A2 tanks from
Fort Hood, TX were fully mission capable at exercise start time. This
recurring maintenance and parts supply issue has cost deployed troops many
valuable training days and must be addressed from two angles. One is the
funding fore sufficient repair items, two is the replacement of equipment
that cannot be repaired on station but requires depot overhauls.
C. The Washington Times reports (excerpts from a 29 Aug 00 report): Army
Training Centers get failing Grades

By Rowan Scarborough

More than half of Army combat and support training centers have plunged to
the lowest possible readiness level, with some commanding generals warning
they risk not being able to turn out qualified soldiers, internal documents

The sensitive Army reports show that of 20 schools for such critically
important skills as field artillery, infantry and aviation, 12 have dipped to
a C-4 rating, the military's lowest.

"In the three-year period since the time I was assistant commandant to now, I
have never seen a resource picture so bleak. And as we know, it will get
worse," said a report from Maj. Gen. Tony Stricklin, commander of the Army
Field Artillery School at Fort Still, Okla.

The documents paint a disturbing picture of training within the very system
designed to teach basic combat skills and prepare soldiers for real-life
operations. The skills include artillery and missile firings, helicopter
aviation, land combat and intelligence.

Some of the lowest-ranked training sites include the Army Aviation Center at
Fort Rucker, Ala.; the Army Intelligence Center at Fort Huachuca, Ariz.; and
the Army Field Artillery School at Fort Sill, Okla.

"Let me clearly state the U.S. Army Field Artillery School is nearing an
unready state for training artillery soldiers," Gen. Stricklin wrote.

A spokesman for Army Training and Doctrine Command, which oversees the
training centers and collected the readiness reports, declined comment

"We have no comment at all about leaked material," said spokesman Harvey

The documents show that of 20 schools, 12 were classified C-4. Six were rated
C-3. The highest rating, C-2, went to chaplain training and special warfare.

The 12 C-4 grades were for training in air defense, aviation, chemical
weapons, combined arms, engineering, field artillery, infantry, military
intelligence, military police, signal corps and transportation.

The Army Training and Doctrine Command defines C-4 this way: "The
school/installation/command requires additional resources to undertake the
mission(s) for which it was designed. It may undertake portions of its
mission(s) consistent with resources available. Training deficiencies will
have a significant impact on Army readiness."

Ready - Aim Waste!
Comments on the Army's Monster Assault Rifle
Ed.: Common sense comments by a senior Special Forces NCO. Why don't we
involve these guys in the decision-making versus leaving it to generals who
buy anything that looks good or briefs well? We know Frank is right!

Frank Antenori, SFC, USA
Special Forces

What do you get when you recruit trekkies and techies from the Nintendo
generation? You have to outfit them with something similar to those lunar
plasma rifles in the 40 watt range they used in the latest version of Duke
Nuk'em. How many of the guys designing this 18 pound weapon actually hump a
ruck on the ground? 


2000-08-30 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


The Navy's Attempt to keep the Enlisted Uneducated

Ed.: Our Navy is advertising educational benefits as main bait for young
recruits. But are these benefits really accessible and do they contribute to
retention? A young sailor offers some insights.

By AT1 Eric Schauer

For years, the military has used educational benefits as a selling point to
draw new recruits. The benefits haven't always been the best, but they have
historically been better than those offered by most civilian companies. From
the Veteran's Educational Assistance Program (VEAP), which was popular when I
joined, to today's Montgomery GI Bill, the military has seemingly always
provided help for those who wanted to further their education.

It seems though that there is something different about today's Navy and the
education of young Sailors, specifically the enlisted ranks. The mixed
message we are receiving is "get an education, but do it on your own time,
with your own money." VEAP and the Montgomery GI bill have always been
recommended to be used after one leaves the service, since there are other
programs to use while on active duty.

True, there is Tuition Assistance, which covers 75% of one's tuition to
attend college and vocational classes. That program has a $3500 annual cap
and covers only tuition. The money cannot be used to pay for books or any
other college costs. The $3500 cap leaves very few options of higher
education other than community colleges. Anything higher than that and the
money runs out after just a few classes.

Compare Tuition Assistance to the Navy's Tuition Assurance program that is
available only to officers in pay grades O-3 through O-6. This program gives
$20,000 annually for officers to pursue a second bachelor's degree or a
master's degree. The money from this program is not limited to tuition alone,
and can be used for books and any supplies needed. This program is offered
not only to those who already have a degree, but who make up to four or five
times the salary of their enlisted counterparts.

There's also the Program for Afloat College Education (PACE) courses. These
college courses are offered free of charge to Sailors when stationed or
serving aboard ship. The only cost is for books. For years these courses were
offered during normal working hours, but that policy has changed. Master
Chief Petty Officer of the Navy James Herdt during a command visit to the USS
Carl Vinson was asked by a sailor about the policy that PACE courses be taken
during off shift hours. MCPON Herdt replied that their goal as junior sailors
should be to put in a full day's work first, then, if time permits, to go to
school. Most junior sailors, especially the less educated in the most
physically strenuous jobs, are already putting in ten- or twelve-hour
workdays. After a full day for them, most have neither the time, nor the
energy left to pursue an education. Even if Sailors do find the time to
attend PACE courses, the classes offered are usually the most basic, and
could never result in a degree, unless combined with outside, formal

Many colleges, like the University of Phoenix, are now offering courses
online. Since most of the Navy's ships are linked to the Internet, one would
assume that this would be a viable alternative for sailors seeking a degree.
However, this is not the case. Even after expensive upgrades of ships'
satellite and LAN systems, many Commanding Officers are restricting Internet
access to only officers and senior enlisted personnel. This means that any
junior enlisted personnel at sea will not have the same opportunity to attend
online courses that the senior enlisted and officers have. Internet
connections at sea are extremely sporadic, so chances of the connection being
shared with junior enlisted personnel when it is up are extremely slim.

The educational benefits that the Navy keeps advertising are becoming harder
and harder to cash in on while serving on active duty. A former USS Carl
Vinson Executive Officer, Commander Wren, once told a group of sailors that
"a person's ability to make ethical decisions is directly proportional to
that person's formal education". So why wouldn't the Navy want
better-educated enlisted personnel? Perhaps the Navy's leaders don't really
want the junior enlisted making sound, ethical decisions. Perhaps they know
that knowledge is power, and are unwilling to give their subordinates any
more power than is necessary to "get the job done".

Yes, knowledge is power. When this sailor gets his degree, in spite of
obstacles put in place by my own Navy, it will make me feel very powerful
indeed. Coincidentally, that will be just about the time I get out.


2000-08-30 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


30 August 2000

"When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."
General George Washington, New York Legislature, 1775

"Our militia will be heroes, if we have heroes to lead them."
Thomas Jefferson

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO

SITREP from the President

Hack's Column:
Is the US Army Following the Soviet Army?

"From Zimm's Position" -- On the way!"
Article 1 - Quality People make for High Readiness

Big Picture:
Article 2 - Army: 2 Divisions Unprepared for War
Article 3 - Admiral Warns On Navy Budget
Article 4 - Readiness in the News

Voices from the Field:
Article 5 -- Comments on the Army's Monster Assault Rifle
Article 6 -- Total Army readiness - Fix the Guard!
Article 7 -- Silly Danes are Ready to Fly
Article 8 -- Air Force - A Reservist speaks out!
Article 9 -- The Navy's Attempt to keep the Enlisted Uneducated
Article 10 -- Navy Specialty Badges - a Sailor's Perspective
Article 11 -- But then, our Army was once like that too!
Article 12 -- Quality of Life Update: How low will they stoop?

G.I Humor:
Article 13 -- GI HUMOR - The Polish Virus

Medal of Honor:
Article 14 -- VARGAS, M. SANDO, JR., Vietnam 1968.


1. Main topics: 1) Readiness in political debate 2) Guard and Reserve
readiness 3) New equipment 4) Awards and Badges 5) Quality of Life/Healthcare

2. Hot Buttons:

A. THIS IS AN ABBREVIATED SFTT NEWSLETTER. It consists of the full table of
contents, our SITREP and the first two articles. You can obtain the rest of
the newsletter from our website at www.sftt.org.

B. The political debate.

- Readiness and Morale are great in accordance with the current SecDef and
his generals.

We want the Truth! We need your feedback to tell us what YOU experience.

- The Question of the week by one of our readers - makes you think!

"I have asked people who consider themselves to be significant players in the
DoD arena and they couldn't come up with rational answers. There are many
countries that are NOT superpowers, who enjoy a very high standard of living
and who have an excellent military (for example, Sweden). I'm not saying we
should be like Sweden. The question of why to be a superpower makes people
question everything from whether we should be in Kosovo to how large our
military really needs to be."

!!! NOTE: We will NEVER reveal your true identity unless you give us your
approval. We know how vindictive the system can be.

3. Flash

!!! Credit Card donation via our WEBSITE at www.sftt.org -- IT IS UP and

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received over 50 donations over the last two weeks.

!!! If you are one of our almost 22,000 readers who believes we stand for you
and tell it like it is on pertinent defense issues, support us! Just like any
small business, we can't forever produce website, newsletter and personal
advice for free and survive. Remember that the Pentagon outspends us by $289
billion and AUSA by $ 20 million.

!!! If you cant get through to me via the website, send me your mail direct
at [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you have something to be published, send it in Word
Format if possible.

!!! If you think we HIT a target, forward the newsletter to TV, radio and
your locale papers. YOU are our best recruiter and intel gatherers.

4. Other Methods of Support

Check or Money order: Send to and make payable to: Soldiers For The Truth
Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO 80962-3840.


Your donation is tax deductible! SFTT is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit educational
foundation, IRS # 31-1592564.

If you send us an E-MAIL address with your donation we can immediately mail

Multiple contributions: Please remind us when you submit your donation. We
will send you a cumulative statement.


R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT

Hack's Column
Is the US Army Following the Soviet Army?

By David H. Hackworth

I grew up in a very tough Army. My sergeants had slugged their way across
Africa into Sicily and then up that bloody spine of Italy fighting a
tenacious German defender on killer ground.

Those noncoms cut no slack with fresh cannon fodder. They'd seen too many
rosy-cheeked recruits who were unprepared for battle turned into purple mush.
They taught: Learn it the right way or die. These iron sergeants' tough
training -- their exacting demand for unblinking discipline and perfection in
all things big and small -- allowed me to avoid the 

[CTRL] Iran's Militants Latch on to Student Cause

2000-08-30 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Iran's Militants Latch on to Student Cause


The Iranian government has begun to draw links between Iraqi-
supported militants and Iran's own student protestors. Formal
cooperation between these groups is unlikely - but the threat gives
Iran's security forces a golden excuse for a crackdown.


The Iranian leadership faces internal dissent and an external
military threat. It has identified possible connections between
student protestors and the Iraq-based People's Mujahadeen (MKO).
While any formal links are unlikely, the threat of MKO involvement
provides justification for increased crackdowns on protesters.

Student protestors and the MKO both present challenges to Iranian
security - but they are separate issues. Most protestors want the
regime to change. The MKO wants to change the regime. The MKO is a
40-year-old resistance group - founded on a mixture of Marxism and
Islam - which opposes Iran's current clerical regime and the pro-
Western government of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, which preceded
it. Many of its current fighters held positions within the Shah's
internal security apparatus and now cooperate with the Iraqi

Would you like to see full text?

Iran's protestors are a mixture of students, political activists,
unemployed and ordinary workers. The students and political
activists are organized in a loose coalition. Most of the larger
protests involving ordinary citizens are spontaneous and motivated
by basic issues such as overzealous security crackdowns or a lack
of water and electricity.

A series of incidents provide a tenuous link between the MKO and
the student protestors. State-run Iranian television reported on
Aug. 19 that Iranian security forces found forged student identity
cards on two MKO members who were critically injured in a border
clash earlier this month. The militants also reportedly carried
explosive devices and maps of Tehran, consistent with Iranian
claims of MKO infiltration attempts into Iranian cities.

The MKO has been extremely active this month. It claimed to destroy
three security bases in western Iran on Aug. 12, according to Al-
Sharq al-Awsat. The group claimed responsibility for ambushing and
killing a Brigadier General as his security convoy drove through
northwest Tehran on Aug. 29. And the group battled Iranian military
units in three border provinces last weekend, killing hundreds
according to an MKO spokesman.

The MKO is also trying to link itself to Iran's student
demonstrators. The militant group claimed responsibility for an
Aug. 28 mortar attack in Tehran and told Agence France-Presse the
attack was carried out "in the name of the people of Khoramabad and
their heroic uprising in recent days." Khoramabad was engulfed by
political clashes between students and conservative militias in the
middle of August.

For more on Iran, see:

The riots were sparked when volunteer Islamic militia stopped two
Iranian reformers from addressing a student meeting. The resulting
conflict left one policeman dead and 20 people injured.
Demonstrators at the policeman's funeral reportedly beat the
provincial governor-general until police intervened.

The Khoramabad riots and the MKO attack took place at roughly the
same time, both in Iran's western provinces. However, coordination
between the two groups is unlikely. The students aren't that
organized, and they risk their credibility by allying with Iraq-
loving militants. More likely, the MKO may have used the riots as
cover to attack pre-arranged targets. And dedicating a mortar
attack to the people of Khoramabad is likely an attempt to gain
legitimacy and support from everyday Iranians.

The MKO members may very well have carried student identity cards,
or the entire story could be a fabrication by Iranian security
forces. In either case, a link has been established between the
protestors and the militants.

The risk for the Iranian government - and for the students - is
that the MKO will infiltrate the protest movement and attempt to
instigate unrest. Police can argue that further demonstrations
might be organized by the MKO, or at least used as cover for
infiltrations or sabotage. Security forces now have a legitimate
reason to prevent protests from taking place - or immediately crack
down once they start.

For more on the Middle East  Africa, see:

(c) 2000 Stratfor, Inc.


[CTRL] Ted Turner Attacks Christianity at U.N. 'Peace Summit]

2000-08-30 Thread BB

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GET A NEXTCARD VISA, in 30 seconds!  Get rates
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On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 17:47:49 -0600, spiker [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:


Turner Attacks Christianity at U.N.  'Peace Summit'

Austin Ruse
Wednesday, Aug.  30, 2000

Any pretense that the "World Peace Summit" is anything other than a cover
for a left-leaning agenda was stripped away as American media mogul Ted
Turner addressed nearly 1,000 hooting delegates Tuesday in the
U.N.  General Assembly Hall.

New Age billionaire Maurice Strong introduced Turner by saying he had done
more for peace, the environment and the United Nations than any other person.
Turner bounded toward the podium as the cheering crowd seemed to welcome a
conquering hero.

Immediately Turner denounced his own childhood Christian faith.  The
crowd+IBk-s laughter turned to approving whoops as Turner explained he turned
away from Christianity when he discovered "it was intolerant because it
taught we were the only ones going to heaven.  That confused the devil out
of me since that would have left heaven a very empty place."

Turner+IBk-s meandering, off-the-cuff speech praised "indigenous" religious
faiths and then wandered through a paean to the things all humans have in
common +IBM- "culture, language, love of birds, butterflies, wives and
flowers." In his spiritual search Turner realized that there was one God
and multiple ways he manifests himself and that it makes little difference
which one is chosen.  This approach is precisely what evangelical
Christians fear about the World Peace Summit.

Among a small group of conservative Christians monitoring the event, Darren
Logan, foreign policy analyst for the Washington-based Family Research
Council, called Turner+IBk-s speech "the most blasphemous thing I have ever
heard in my life."

Logan said Turner advanced the notion of "reductionism," which suggests
that all religions are essentially the same.  "Turner believes true
tolerance means doing away with the uniqueness of all faiths and
marginalizing all faiths that profess an exclusive component, like
Christianity and Islam," said Logan.

Contrasted with the enthusiastic reception for Turner+IBk-s left-leaning
remarks, the delegates gave an icy reception to the Patriarch of Ethiopia,
who urged protection for unborn children.  The same reaction greeted the
assistant secretary general of the Muslim World Congress when he urged
delegates to recognize only marriage between "a man and a woman" and
denounced all "abnormal sexual activities."

Minutes later a Buddhist "master" received a standing ovation when he
condemned all attempts at religious conversion, something at the heart of
Islam and Christianity.

As it is, the summit is taking place under a cloud for excluding the Dalai
Lama under pressure from the government of China; and evangelical
Christians have pointed out that only one representative from their ranks,
the Rev.  Billy Graham+IBk-s daughter, has appeared at the podium.

The reaction of the delegates fuels the growing suspicion that the
permanent advisory to be established here will simply rubberstamp the
agenda of Ted Turner, Maurice Strong and other powerful leftists working
within the U.N. system.

Also see Three U.N.  Summits Alarm Conservatives.

Please keep replies trimmed. That includes that annoying advertisement above - chas

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Turner Attacks Christianity at U.N. 'Peace Summit'

2000-08-30 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Do you really want government watching you in the bedroom - that is your
 question Marilyn?

No, she asked YOU if YOU want government in your and everyone else's bedroom.

 Used to be we called by law acts of this sodomy...but only when
 someone was caught molesting a child or someone else without
 consent..sodomy is sodomy.

Sodomy as defined by law does not make a differentiation regarding the age of the 

Many states still have anti-sodomy laws on the books, which means a husband having 
anal intercourse with his
legal wife is breaking the law if the act occurs in one of those states.

Is that what you want, 'Aleisha', the state peeping in everyone's bedroom?

 Do I care what people do in their own bedrooms?

You obviously do, especially when the people are adults of the same sex...else you 
wouldn't be obsessing so
much about it on this list.

Why SHOULD you care what adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom?  Why should it 
matter whether the
couple is heterosexual or homosexual?  Or if the sex act involves one person, a 
couple, or a group?


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Turner Attacks Christianity at U.N. 'Peace Summit'

2000-08-30 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 8/30/00 8:47:18 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Many states still have anti-sodomy laws on the books, which means a
husband having anal intercourse with his
 legal wife is breaking the law if the act occurs in one of those states. 

It ALSO encompasses oral sex between men/woman, woman/woman or man/man...do
we REALLY want to see this silly law enforced?

As June stated, we need to grow up and stop worrying about what 2 adults do
consensually in their own bedrooms (or kitchens,living rooms, or garages).


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What Ted Turner omitted

2000-08-30 Thread Justine Blake

Gee, I just *hate* it when world leaders and influential persons don't say
what they REALLY mean, don't you? If the article below is true (I haven't
seen it verified by any other media so far, other than the Internet, and we
all know disinformation floats around on it every which way), but if the
article is true, I'm sure everyone has noticed what Turner OMITTED in the
second paragraph below. Now, why do you think he omitted it?

Below is not the full article, but I'm addressing one aspect of it. Anyone
care to alert Turner to his omission, so that he doesn't make the same ummm
"mistake" again? Letters to the editors, anyone? Hello?

Turner Attacks Christianity at U.N. 'Peace Summit'
Austin Ruse
Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2000

Any pretense that the "World Peace Summit" is anything
other than a cover for a left-leaning agenda was
stripped away as American media mogul Ted Turner
addressed nearly 1,000 hooting delegates Tuesday in
the U.N. General Assembly Hall.
New Age billionaire Maurice Strong introduced Turner
by saying he had done more for peace, the environment
and the United Nations than any other person. Turner
bounded toward the podium as the cheering crowd seemed
to welcome a conquering hero.

Logan said Turner advanced the notion of
"reductionism," which suggests that all religions are
essentially the same. "Turner believes true tolerance
means doing away with the uniqueness of all faiths and
marginalizing all faiths that profess an exclusive
component, like Christianity and Islam," said Logan.

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Re: [CTRL] Top Ten Lies About West Nile Virus And Anvil Insecticide

2000-08-30 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld


 Every Giuliani press release and every news report prominently mentions that
 seven people died in the general NYC area last year from WNV. Like the
 Mayor's crime statistics or the Federal government's claims that the economy
 has never been better these statements are unverifiable. No name, blood
 sample or tissue sample of any person who allegedly died from WNV has been
 made available to independent scientists for confirmation and testing.

About a month ago, my local cable access channel broadcast a workshop held at a local 
community college about
'emerging health issues' here in Connecticut, and much of the lecture was devoted to 

A spokesman from the CDC was there, and gave statistics regarding the NYC victims; as 
pointed out previously
in this post, when looked at closely the brouhaha over WNV is much ado about nothing.

Almost everyone who displayed symptoms of WNV was over the age of 65.  All those who 
died were over the age of
70.  According to the CDC spokesman, almost all of the 7 victims were in good health 
before being stricken
with WNV.  But it still seems to be a disease that is only worrisome for the aged and 
the infirm -- the same
thing could be said of the common flu.

This CDC spokesman confirmed what was stated elsewhere in this post, namely most 
people who are bitten by a
mosquito infected with WNV won't even display any symptoms, and of those that do, most 
will display minor
flu-like symptoms and will recover with no need of medical intervention.

 claim of an infected bird, mosquito or human is based on reports by the NYC
 Department of Health or scientists that work for the CDC or receive funding
 from them.

Connecticut's own state-run health department (no tie to CDC), has also been reporting 
finding infected birds
and mosquitoes throughout the state.  But here they're trying 'natural' measures; last 
summer and early this
year it was a spraying program with a spray the guv touted as 'organic' and 'natural'; 
but after the
lobstermen in the state started the ball rolling to sue whomever they can over their 
claim that NYC's
aggressive spraying was the root cause for the massive lobster die-off in Long Island 
Sound late last year,
lasting through this year, the state has backed off of any type of spraying and 
instead is relying on
educating the public to remove standing pools of water, use lots of insect repellant 
when outside, and if
necessary they place larvacides (billed as 'natural') in the sewers, ponds, swamps, 


 Anvil is a synthetic imitation of a naturally occurring substance found in
 Chrysanthemums. The natural version, which is considered much safer than the
 synthetic, is far more expensive and is not being used anywhere in NYC.

This was what was being used in Connecticut last year and early this year, but as I 
said, right after that
health conference where the CDC guy spelled out how much WNV is NOT a major threat, 
and after the lobstermen
started their lawsuit, the state immediately stopped all spraying and has not resumed.

 information is plainly stated in the Mayor's press releases yet he stands up
 at press conferences directly contradicting it-a good indication of his
 truthfulness on the entire WNV issue. Most of the numerous other ingredients
 in Anvil are synthetic derivatives of petroleum-based chemicals such as
 Benzene and Piperonyl Butoxide. Many of these ingredients are on the EPA's
 list of dangerous, toxic and cancer causing substances. They are about as far
 from natural as you can get.

The lobstermen are suing not only NYC, but the manufacturers of the synthetic Anvil, I 
believe...should get
interesting when and if their case ever gets nearer to going to trial...

 It is illegal in NY State to describe any pesticide as safe.

Unfortunately we have no such law here in Connecticut, where our guv waxed eloquently 
last year and early this
year about how 'safe' the 'natural' insecticide being used was...

 Much of the spraying was done on damp, even rainy days-in direct
 violation of the manufacturer's instructions. Much of the chemical is
 deposited in shady areas, on leaves, in cracks and crevices, in A/C filters,
 in heating vents and in countless other places where there is no direct

Here in Connecticut, people residing in neighborhoods where spraying was planned were 
told to close all
windows and doors and not use a/c.  The spraying occured in the overnight hours, which 
meant these poor people
had to try to sleep in the excessive heat of last summer's heat wave/drought in houses 
completely closed and
without a/c.

How many do you think really did that, or decided to risk either opening their windows 
or running their a/c?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic

[CTRL] Aspartame: Methanol-Formaldehyde Toxicity 8.29.00

2000-08-30 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Aspartame: Methanol-Formaldehyde Toxicity 8.29.00
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 8:58 PM

From: Rich Murray [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 17:41:05 -0600
Subject: Aspartame: Methanol-Formaldehyde Toxicity 8.29.00

Aspartame: Methanol-Formaldehyde Toxicity   8.29.00

Rich Murray, MA   Room For All
1943 Otowi Drive, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
505-986-9103   505-920-6130   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

M.I.T. (physics and history, BA, 1964), Boston U. Graduate School
(psychology, MA, 1967): As a concerned layman, I want to clarify the
aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, Canderel, Benevia) toxicity debate.

Many scientific studies and case histories report:
headaches, all kinds of body and joint pains
(or burning, tingling, tremors, twitching, spasms, cramps, or numbness);

"mind fog", "feel unreal", poor memory, confusion, anxiety,
irritability, depression, mania, insomnia, dizziness, slurred speech,
ringing in ears, sexual problems, nausea, seizures, poor vision,
hearing, or taste; fatigue; red face, itching, sweating, rashes,
burning eyes or throat, dry mouth or eyes, mouth sores; hair loss;
obesity, bloating, edema, poor or excessive hunger or thirst, anorexia;
coldness;  diarrhea or constipation; breathing problems; racing heart,
high blood pressure, erratic blood sugar levels; birth defects;
brain cancers, and addiction.   Almost all are typical of chronic,
cumulative methanol-formaldehyde toxicity.

"The Dangers of Aspartame" discussion forum: many long reports by
Rich Murray:  http://www.bevnet.com/bevboard/

Excellent 5-page review by H.J. Roberts in "Townsend Letter", Jan 2000,
"Aspartame (NutraSweet) Addiction": http://www.dorway.com/tldaddic.html
Sunshine Sentinel Press  http://members.icanect.net/~sunpress/index.htm
6708 Pamela Lane  West Palm Beach, Florida 33405   800-814-9800
561-588-7628  561-547-8008 fax

Dr. Woodrow C. Monte, "Aspartame: Methanol, and the Public Health,"
Journal of Applied Nutrition, Volume 36, No. 1,  pages 42-54, 1984.
This study is available at:  http://www.dorway.com/wmonte.txt   .
Woodrow C. Monte, Ph.D., Professsor of Food Science
Director of the Food Science and Nutrition Laboratory
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona  85287
6411 South River Drive  #61 Tempe, Arizona 85283-3337
602-965-6938 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lennart Hardell, M.D., PhD, in 1999 reported in Sweden that both
cell phone use and heavy aspartame use correlate with increased
brain cancers:  www.medscape.com/MedGenMed/braintumors
[EMAIL PROTECTED]+46 19 602 15 46

Users who quit often experience much immediate healing, but some
symptoms may last for weeks. Heavy users may suffer weeks of painful
withdrawal symptoms.  Also avoid all forms of MSG (glutamate),
legally mislabeled as "hydrolyzed vegetable protein" or even
"natural flavoring".  Some versions of RC Diet Rite Cola use Splenda
(sucralose) and Acesulfame-K, far less hazardous than asp., but
so far available only in a few areas. It's fun to mix club soda with
juices. A long-used herbal sweetener, stevia, is entirely safe and
widely available.  A corrupt FDA has refused to attest its safety:

Read all labels!-- aspartame is in almost all diet sodas, many drink
mixes, instant breakfasts, cereals, cake mixes, cookies, yogurts,
puddings, jellos, chewing gums, breath  mints, candies, toothpastes,
laxatives, even vitamins and medicines. Absorption through the skin in
the mouth may be especially strong, close to the brain.

In the USA alone, about 200 million use this ubiquitous product of a
billion-dollar industry, first approved by a corrupt FDA in 1974 and
1981.  In 1985, Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle, and made Searle
Pharmaceuticals and The NutraSweet Company separate subsidiaries.
In 2000 Monsanto sold off all its aspartame units.

If 1% of users have a problem with aspartame, that is two million in
the USA alone. Thousands of people complained to the FDA since 1981,
and in recent years on the Internet.

Ralph G. Walton, MD, Prof. of Clinical Psychology, Northeastern Ohio
Universities, College of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry, Youngstown,
OH 44501, Chairman, The Center for Behavioral Medicine,
Northside Medical Center, 500 Gypsy Lane, P.O. Box 240  Youngstown,
OH 44501  330-740-3621  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Seizure and mania after high intake of aspartame," 1986,
Psychosomatics, 27: 218-20:

An age 54 woman with 20 years of depression had been stable for 11
years with medication.  She had a 

Re: [CTRL] What Ted Turner omitted

2000-08-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

What did Turner Omit?Judaism?Well Lieberman is the only moral
candidate running? Father drove a bakery truck, to owned a liquor store,
and sent his poor hardworking son to what was it, Yale?   Another Rhodes
Scholar with a book he wrote in 1970.who rode with Martin Luther
king?   Only moral man in America who takes money from let us see -
Larry Flynt still hanging around?

Turner says destroy Christianity and ISLAM.boy that guy has not
sobered up yet, the man who married Hanoi Jane

Now I say this, and I know what I am talking about.

Exxon Oil brought over King Tuts stuff, and within a yeara, two were
dead and not from the Mummy's Cursewhat happened to them, virtually
happened to the USS Liberty, and the little Princess of Wales and her
Egyptian lover and boy I am glad I did not drive a white
Fiat..Avengers of Blood?   Moslem style?   Straight out of Old

This Godly Sainted Man Lieberman, only man fit for President for that is
what he will be and that is the plan.

So Tuts stuff came over in 1963 and Pope John and JFK both
diedstraight out of Daniel in the bible, all planned to a bible code
and not that stupid cabbalitic crap that Bob Woodward'
s henchman put out with the Israelie.Woodward refused to return my
stuff and my attorney wanted to sue himreally that that sleaze
looks like Robert Redford, who played 3 Days of the Condor.and that
book, well the real coded book is the bible and it is only an allegory.

So we had murder in 63 with Tut, and murder in 1979 was it, and Reagan
shot.CFR got him, and it was not any fault of George Bush for you
see systematically they are destroying the giants and placing Jewish
Mafia in quietly, and jail the Italian Mafia.they are respectable
now,money in big foundatioans..like Klebolds family through the
grandfather...oh so respectable, money does that you know.

Today I had a wakeup callfor example, I had a Chinese tea set,
Singh dydnasty, worth a fortune.Park Bernet told me years ago, hold
onto it, market coming soon Chinese stuffhad new Chinese gallery
going in. Well I had to sell it  and only got $ 3,000 and the lucky
rich doctor who bought it also bought my 700 year old Chinese incense
burner..today worth a lot more, but I needed the money then more
than the art...market big now.

So today Toscano's sent out their new magazinefull of King Tut stuff
and Neferiti.sgn of times..Valley of Hamon Gog equates to Valley
of Tut Ank Hamonvalley of death, valley of the
Presidents.Arlington Cemetary.read Ezekia. 38 and 39 key to JFK
murder and Daniel.they even built a wall in Daniel, and was torn
downgreat China Wall and we prepare for war in two theatres...Asian
and European?

Zionism?   Is this what it is all about.this sainted holy man
running but let us see now what kind of a man he really is.

Talk big, but beter have big guns for backup for the old Jewish stories
about big mouth and no guns just doesn't work, when we are arming the
rest of the world for war, while we let down our defenseslike they
did in Dallas, that day in 1963...did a little side step and a
typical ritualistic mafia murder, keyed to stars and the TESTAMENTS

Always remember, for where there are witnesses there must by necessity
be death, of all testatorsor kill the witnesses, dead men tell no

Ted Turner, that drunken bum no doubt had a few belts before he came up
with that garbage.   How much did he give to UN to destroy America, that
alcoholic bastard THINKS

Look at the MEN in Australia..they even murdered Dundee, a

Wait till that bunch gets going in Australiawhat is that song
Waltzine Matilidy"you'll never take me alive said he".

Watch real men in action.they are going to throw the bums out and
die trying...enough, is enough.

He gave billion dollars in pledge and money to UN..this alcoholic,
front for organized crime, and he wants to bring down Christianity and
ISLAMget the picture.

Hey, right now - better dead, than Ted that alcoholic bastard.

All that money he is still a bum, and his wife Hanoi Jane, is still a
traitor who may have caused the death of how many soldiers?

Remembr Viet Nam?   Spies in Georgia used to report UFO's when our
planes took off and night before ships would arive, Viet Kong wwaited to
kill our pilots..

Ted Turner and CNN..a drunken front for 2nd rate reporting.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, 

[CTRL] Front Man for Whom? Nobody really ever checked...

2000-08-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

Organized sports, organized crime, and organized UN...with a bum
like Turner trying to call the shots?

August 31, 2000

Ted Turner's Nine Commandments
by: Candice Atherton

Ted Turner brought down the house during a speech to the National Family
and Reproductive Center, an organization which supports abortion rights
and contraception.

He received applause for not only his jokes, but his introduction of a
policy for international family planning. Unfortunately, his jokes were
at the expense of several special interest groups and his advocacy could
be viewed as hypocritical at best. During the speech, Turner made three
comments that invoked laughter from his audience but sparked a series of
criticisms and requests for apologies:

Regarding Pope John Paul II's upholding of Catholic values, Turner
suggested that he "get with it - welcome to the 20th Century."

Regarding the 10 Commandments, Turner belittled them saying they are "a
little out of date. If you're only going to have 10 rules I don't know
if (prohibiting) adultery should be one of them."

Regarding what he would say to the Pope (who is Polish), Turner kicked
his foot up in the air and said "Ever seen a Polish mine detector?"
And finally, he made a policy suggestion that the world adopt an
international standard of one child per family. This coming from a man
who between he and his wife, has eight children.

Turner was quickly rebuked by the objects of his offense, including
Polish officials and religious leaders who demanded apologies for the
brash remarks. Because bad reputations eventually come to rest in
opposition with one's career, it's not surprising that Turner did
eventually apologize to both groups. The apologies came in the form of
public statements released by his office in Atlanta, not personal
declarations of his regret.

For someone who has a history of offending, this pattern of disrespect
has sadly become something to expect from Mr. Turner. In 1990, he said
that Christianity was "for losers," but apologized at a church soon
after. Once he suggested in a speech that unemployed African Americans
be used to haul mobile missiles "like Egyptians building the pyramids."
The subsequent criticism resulted in his telling civil rights leaders
that he was kidding.

What are we to make of a man whose words are so blatantly intending to
harm and whose perfunctory apologies are motivated by reputation-saving
rather than repentance? The tendency for us to be angered should be
tempered by the notion that his words are simply a reflection of a heart
that is equally bitter.

In cases like this, Janet Parshall, a well known and respected national
talk-radio host, has suggested the idea of a "most wanted" list.

Most wanted for the Kingdom, that is. Perhaps the best reaction we can
have to people who bash the values we hold sacred is to pray that their
hearts be transformed. That is the one proactive step that the Bible
teaches in response to those who mistreat us: "But I tell you: Love your
enemies and pray for those who persecute you," Mathew 5:44.

And while the tendency to retaliate in oral judgment may be our first
reaction, remember that judgmental words are what got Turner into
trouble in the first place.
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