[CTRL] Fwd: Nader & Greens Call For Suspending U.S. Aid to Israel

2000-10-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\10/27 http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   Heavy clashes took place today throughout the West Bank and Gaza with at
   least 250 Palestinians injured and 4 Palestinians killed.  A strict internal
   Israeli-imposed closure remains in place throughout the West Bank and Gaza.

   The Israeli military attacked Palestinian residential areas in Beit Sahour,
   Beit Jalla, and Ramallah with tanks, heavy machine gun ammunition, and grenades.
   More than 5000 Palestinians have now been shot by the Israeli occupation army
   in the past month.  Taking into consideration population sizes, this would
   the equivalent in the U.S. of nearly the entire population of Washington,
   being shot in just the past month alone.


MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 10/19:
   The world of politics is a complicated place.  Vying for attention as their
poll numbers slip Ralph Nader and the Green Party have taken an usual public
stand in the U.S. by calling for "suspension" of aid to Israel.  It's clearly
a move designed to appeal to Arab and Muslim groups, even though there has been
considerable "liberal" Jewish support for Nader around the country.  The Green
Party's goal is to achieve a 5% national vote as that is the threshold which
would put the party on the ballot nationwide four years from now and provide
millions in public finance money for the campaign.
   The largely undiscussed aspect of all this is that Ralph Nader has been in
public life since the 1960's, is of Arab Lebanese ancestry, but has throughout
most of his life nearly totally avoided issues involving the Middle East.  Lebanon
went through a terrible civil war, was invaded and occupied, but Nader was not
involved and did not speaking about these major historical developements at that
time.  The same can be said when it comes to the Gulf War and to the original
Intifada -- no one remembers any significant statement or action taken by Nader
when these issues were the major ones involving the U.S. and the Middle East.
   In short, the whole Middle East political thicket is one it appears Ralph
Nader has spent most of his life carefully avoiding.  Some say it was a calculated
decision by Nader not to draw attention to his Arab ancestry and not to run the
risk of being targeted by the powerful Jewish organizations and Israelis interests,
thus freeing Nader to pursue his public safety, environmental, and anti-corporate
   Of course Nader has no chance of winning the Presidency, and few if any Green
Party candidates are expected to actually come to Washington as elected officials.
 But even so, by pushing forward the basic issue of "suspending aid to Israel",
the subject itself has been to some degree further legitimized.
   A few isolated American Jews have at times called for a serious re-examination
of the U.S. relationship with Israel, and a "suspension of aid" to Israel, but
this has not been done in recent years in a coherent, credible, or sustained
way.  Back during the first Palestinian Intifada, a group of American Jews --
mostly professors, journalists, and professionals -- did organize as "The Jewish
Committee on the Middle East".  During the years of the Intifada, from 1988 through
1991, JCOME did take out dozens of full page ads in THE NATION, THE NEW YORK
REVIEW OF BOOKS, THE PROGRESSIVE, and other intellectual publications.  A series
of about 20 creative ads and Statements opposing Israeli policies and calling
for a suspension of aid to Israel were published by JCOME during these years
and a one-hour video titled "We Dare To Speak", whose theme was suspending aid
to Israel, was shown throughout the country on local cable access TV Channels
in 1992.  But the organization has not been active since that time.
   The small country of Israel receives about 20% of all U.S. foreign aid to
countries throughout the world.  Aid to Israel, Egypt, and Jordan -- the two
Arab countries that have signed a peace treaty with Israel -- makes up about
35% of all U.S. foreign aid.




THE FORWARD - 27 October:  Ralph Nader's Green Party called this week for a suspension
of United States aid to Israel and blamed the Jewish state for the current violence
in the Middle East.

The statement paralleled a series of recent declarations by Mr. Nader, i

[CTRL] REU: Clinton Has Not Yet Made Decision on N.Korea Visit

2000-10-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Friday October 27 2:06 PM ET

Clinton Has Not Yet Made Decision on N.Korea Visit

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Clinton said on Friday he still
had ``substantial concerns'' about North Korea's missile program
and had not yet decided whether to visit Pyongyang as part of an
Asian trip next month.

``We still have substantial concerns in the missile area,''
Clinton told reporters. ``We are working on it and I haven't made
a decision.''

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright held talks in Pyongyang
this week with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, who according to
a senior U.S. official gave her a personal pledge not to launch
another long-range missile.

U.S. officials have hinted that Clinton may wait until U.S.
Assistant Secretary of State Robert Einhorn talks with North
Korean officials about its missile program next week before
making a decision on a visit. Clinton will travel to Brunei and
Vietnam next month.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] REU: Vietnam Decries Call for Clinton to Meet Dissidents

2000-10-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Friday October 27 7:34 AM ET

Vietnam Decries Call for Clinton to Meet Dissidents

HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam's police newspaper on Friday described
a call for U.S President Clinton to meet dissidents when he
visits Vietnam next month as unreasonable and irrelevant.

The Cong An Nhan Dan (People's Police) newspaper said the call
had been made in an overseas Vietnamese newspaper Ngay Nay

``That request is unreasonable and irrelevant,'' the Hanoi paper
said adding that all those in jail or under surveillance in
Vietnam had been charged and convicted according to the law.

They included people who had plotted against the Communist regime
and undermined national unity ``under the guise of religion or
'free intellectuals,''' it said.

The article was the latest to appear in the state press slamming
calls for Clinton to press for an improvement in Hanoi's human
rights record during his mid-November visit.

Earlier this week Hanoi, described such a call by five U.S.
senators, including Vietnam veterans John McCain and Charles
Robb, as interference in its internal affairs.

Human rights groups say that while Vietnam's rights record has
improved in recent years, with the release of tens of thousands
of political detainees and re-education camp inmates, dissidents
were now subjected to less overt harassment.

This includes constant surveillance and controls on freedom of
movement or ability to work and an ever-present threat of
imprisonment for those who go too far in challenging the
authority of the ruling Communist Party.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Price Of Bad Memories

2000-10-27 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

The Price of Bad Memories
Elizabeth F. Loftus


After hundreds of articles on recovered memory therapy, one might have
thought there was not much left to say. But a November 1997 front-page
article in the New York Times headlined '"Memory' Therapy Leads to a Lawsuit
and Big Settlement" suggested that the repressed memory controversy had
broken new records (Belluck 1997).

The article reported on the case of Patricia Burgus, whose family had
accepted a $10.6 million settlement, the biggest to date in any lawsuit
accusing mental health professionals of implanting false memories into the
minds of patients. Burgus had been referred to a large Chicago hospital for
severe postpartum depression. Burgus alleged that while she was undergoing
psychiatric therapy from 1986 to 1992, she was persuaded that she had been
part of a satanic cult, had been abused by numerous men, had abused her own
children, and had had sex with John F. Kennedy. Drugs and hypnosis helped her
"recall" that she had cannibalized people. At one point, her husband brought
in some hamburger meat from a family picnic, and the therapists agreed to
test the meat to see if it was human.

Burgus was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder (MPD) and developed
numerous "alters" (alternative personalities). Even today, Burgus has trouble
remembering what they were, in part because her therapist would get her
alters mixed up with those of his other patients.

On the fourth day of her deposition, in December 1996, Burgus was trying to
recall some of the alters for the attorney who was questioning her (Burgus v.
Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center):

Q: Who did he ask to come out?

A : Little - Little One.

Q : Little Little One or just Little One?

A : I'm sorry. I stuttered. Little One. He - oh, just a second. There was . .
. something called - let me think - guardian keeper or - I later found out
that was someone else's personality, a different patient.

Q : Oh, he was mixing other people's personalities in with yours?

A : Yes.

She went on to explain that this would happen a couple times a month. Then
she relayed the following unusual therapeutic activity:

A : Well, there was one where he played a tape recording to me of someone
else's session, and it was a woman speaking in a child's voice. And later in
the session that I was listening to, the person switched back to a voice that
I recognized on the unit and realized that that was not me on the tape.

Burgus eventually realized that she did not have MPD after all. She had not
been an abused devil-worshipping cannibal. She had not abused her young
children, who had also been hospitalized for nearly three years because
doctors thought her disorder might be genetic. She sued her former
therapists, or mind "hackers," as they were called in a recent New Yorker
piece (Andersen 1997). The case was settled on the day that the trial was
expected to commence, six years after the case had been filed, and eleven
years after Burgus began her questionable therapy. Of the $10.6 million, the
medical center agreed to pay approximately $3 million and the psychiatrists
agreed to pay the remainder.

Within weeks of the Burgus settlement, there was another "first" in the long,
dreary repressed memory controversy. A federal grand jury in Houston, Texas,
returned an indictment against the administrator and four caregivers at the
former Spring Shadows Glen Hospital. The criminal charges accused the mental
health professionals (psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists) of
exaggerating diagnoses and overstating the need for expensive treatment in
order to unjustly collect insurance payments.

The accusations are that the professionals convinced patients that they had
participated in satanic cults and that they had MPD. In the words of the
indictment: "It was further part of the conspiracy that the defendants and
others would and did fraudulently treat the insured patients for MPD caused
by unsubstantiated and unrealistic allegations and abuses, including satanic
ritual abuse and cult activity, while at the same time creating medical
records to substantiate such treatment" (United States v. Peterson et al.,

Moreover, the indictment alleged that the defendants "did fraudulently elicit
statements of satanic ritual abuse and cult activities from the admitted
patients, through nontraditional treatment modalities, including the use of
leading or suggestive questions during therapy sessions while the patients
were: under hypnosis; under the influence of a drug or combination of drugs;
isolated from their families, friends, and the outside world . . ." (United
States v. Peterson et al., 8).

While the case against the Spring Shadows Glen professionals is believed to
be the first federal indictment involving allegations that therapists
instilled false memor

[CTRL] Creating False Memories

2000-10-27 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Creating False Memories

Elizabeth F. Loftus


In 1986 Nadean Cool, a nurse's aide in Wisconsin, sought therapy from a
psychiatrist to help her cope with her reaction to a traumatic event
experienced by her daughter. During therapy, the psychiatrist used hypnosis
and other suggestive techniques to dig out buried memories of abuse that Cool
herself had allegedly experienced. In the process, Cool became convinced that
she had repressed memories of having been in a satanic cult, of eating
babies, of being raped, of having sex with animals and of being forced to
watch the murder of her eight-year-old friend. She came to believe that she
had more than 120 personalities-children, adults, angels and even a duck-all
because, Cool was told, she had experienced severe childhood sexual and
physical abuse. The psychiatrist also performed exorcisms on her, one of
which lasted for five hours and included the sprinkling of holy water and
screams for Satan to leave Cool's body.

When Cool finally realized that false memories had been planted, she sued the
psychiatrist for malpractice. In March 1997, after five weeks of trial, her
case was settled out of court for $2.4 million. Nadean Cool is not the only
patient to develop false memories as a result of questionable therapy. In
Missouri in 1992 a church counselor helped Beth Rutherford to remember during
therapy that her father, a clergyman, had regularly raped her between the
ages of seven and 14 and that her mother sometimes helped him by holding her
down. Under her therapist's guidance, Rutherford developed memories of her
father twice impregnating her and forcing her to abort the fetus herself with
a coat hanger.The father had to resign from his post as a clergyman when the
allegations were made public. Later medical examination of the daughter
revealed, however, that she was still a virgin at age 22 and had never been
pregnant. The daughter sued the therapist and received a $1-million
settlement in 1996.

About a year earlier two juries returned verdicts against a Minnesota
psychiatrist accused of planting false memories by former patients Vynnette
Hamanne and Elizabeth Carlson, who under hypnosis and sodium amytal, and
after being fed misinformation about the workings of memory, had come to
remember horrific abuse by family members. The juries awarded Hammane $2.67
million and Carlson $2.5 million for their ordeals.

In all four cases, the women developed memories about childhood abuse in
therapy and then later denied their authenticity. How can we determine if
memories of childhood abuse are true or false? Without corroboration, it is
very difficult to differentiate between false memories and true ones. Also,
in these cases, some memories were contrary to physical evidence, such as
explicit and detailed recollections of rape and abortion when medical
examination confirmed virginity. How is it possible for people to acquire
elaborate and confident false memories? A growing number of investigations
demonstrate that under the right circumstances false memories can be
instilled rather easily in some people.

My own research into memory distortion goes back to the early 1970s, when I
began studies of the "misinformation effect." These studies show that when
people who witness an event are later exposed to new and misleading
information about it, their recollections often become distorted. In one
example, participants viewed a simulated automobile accident at an
intersection with a stop sign. After the viewing, half the participants
received a suggestion that the traffic sign was a yield sign. When asked
later what traffic sign they remembered seeing at the intersection, those who
had been given the suggestion tended to claim that they had seen a yield
sign. Those who had not received the phony information were much more
accurate in their recollection of the traffic sign.

My students and I have now conducted more than 200 experiments involving over
20,000 individuals that document how exposure to misinformation induces
memory distortion. In these studies, people "recalled" a conspicuous barn in
a bucolic scene that contained no buildings at all, broken glass and tape
recorders that were not in the scenes they viewed, a white instead of a blue
vehicle in a crime scene, and Minnie Mouse when they actually saw Mickey
Mouse. Taken together, these studies show that misinformation can change an
individual's recollection in predictable and sometimes very powerful ways.

Misinformation has the potential for invading our memories when we talk to
other people, when we are suggestively interrogated or when we read or view
media coverage about some event that we may have experienced ourselves. After
more than two decades of exploring the power of misinformation, researchers
have learned a great deal about the conditions that make 

[CTRL] "All" About HAARP

2000-10-27 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Timothy Leary Wuz Right!

2000-10-27 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

LSD guru Timothy Leary made fun of abductees
By Paul Davids
Date: 10/27/2000
URL: http://www.alienzoo.com/features/o/200010270001.cfm

Paul Davids
It’s "Smash an Icon Week" here at FLYING SAUCERS OVER HOLLYWOOD, and so
we’re decapitating Timothy Leary again. In 1997, Strand Releasing distributed
a feature-length documentary film I directed (and produced with Todd Easton
Mills) about the "Turn on, Tune in, Drop out" psychedelic 1960s leader that
ended with a notorious scene of post-mortem decapitation for cryogenic
preservation of the brain. That ending has now been video-streamed as a
Halloween spectacular at www.ilooks.com. The film is called TIMOTHY LEARY’S
DEAD, a title that comes from a line in the famous Moody Blues song about
Leary called "Legend of a Mind."

In the last year of Leary’s life, I conducted many hours of videotaped
interviews with him, dressing him up in a stylish and appropriate green Nehru
jacket for the occasion, as well as an elegant white suit. Leary, or "Dr.
Tim" as his friends called him, abandoned a commitment to dressing cool long
before that point, and for 365 days out of the year (and for almost all of
his interviews) he basically wore one rumpled black and white jacket that had
a psychedelic pattern. I changed that. In the interviews, we covered many of
the nooks and crannies of his rabble-rousing life, from his Fighting Irishman
youth and days as Harvard’s most eccentric and risk-taking psychology
professor, through his days leading the League for Spiritual Discovery (LSD)
at a mansion in Millbrook New York. Remember, Dr. Tim was on "the wrong side"
in the Drug War - he advocated the responsible use of Psychedelic Vegetables,
as he referred to them - and Richard Nixon declared him "The Most Dangerous
Man Alive." We journeyed through his magic mushroom days in Mexico, his
incarceration as a political / philosophical prisoner - and in one session we
got around to the subject of flying saucers.

Though Leary had blown his own mind countless times and could imagine
infinite possibilities in our vast universe, he somehow still clung to the
negative attitudes of orthodox, skeptical psychology regarding the subject of
extraterrestrial flying saucers. Like most psychologists of his generation,
he believed that life exists throughout infinite space. However, he stated in
my film that he DOES NOT believe that extraterrestrial beings would "package
alien beings in spaceships and send them hundreds of light years through
space so that they could land in farm pastures and rape little old ladies in
Iowa." That seemed to be the extent of his understanding of the alien
abduction enigma. He was no Dr. John Mack of Harvard, that’s for sure. And
then he took a drag on his cigarette, paused for reflection and added: "But
those little old ladies . . . they’d LIKE to be raped by space aliens,
wouldn’t they? THAT’s the point!" He actually didn’t use the word "rape." He
used another four-letter word for sex that begins with an "F" and ends with a
"K" and which we can’t print here at AlienZoo because we’re PG-13.

TIMOTHY LEARY’S DEAD is a VERY irreverent movie. Timothy lived to blow
people’s minds, and I realized that my film would never be seen by more than
a handful of people if I didn’t blow a few myself. I may have over-done it.
Not only did the movie invite the wrath of the Establishment (the folks who
were SUPPOSED to hate it), that mind-blowing final scene made me persona non
grata with more than a few of Dr. Tim’s most loyal followers. It seems they
decided they loved me about as much as they loved G. Gordon Liddy the night
he invaded Millbrook with a small army of narcs and arrested Leary for
possession of a geranium plant (that Liddy thought might be marijuana). I
took my unpopularity in stride. In the movie business, you learn to take your
licks. And speaking of licks, our movie poster had a star on it that said
LICK THIS POSTER. A few people did, thinking there was acid on it, and in
Berkeley, the police methodically removed every single poster from the
billboards and telephone poles. That is, every poster that was left after the
Aging Hippies and gang-bangers swiped a bunch of them to eat.

Dr. Tim's head
To dramatize Timothy’s statements about alien abductions, I actually rented
an alien costume from Sony Pictures’ Props department and went to the home of
the publisher of UFO Library, who agreed to dress up like a little old lady.
She put her hair up in curlers, powdered her hair gray and climbed into bed,
where she read a UFO magazine. We then filmed a scene of me (as the alien)
jumping on top of her in bed and (CENSORED) as we (CENSORED) up and down, the
camera capturing every lurid instant of (CENSORED), while the bed springs
squeaked and (CENSORED). We then showed me as the alien with the old Iowan
lady in bed after sex, smoking a cigarette. So much for Dr. Leary on the

[CTRL] Fwd: Conspiracy Journal

2000-10-27 Thread William Shannon

Conspiracy Journal - http://www.conspiracyjournal.com

* Conspiracy Journal *
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Welcome to another spky issue of your scariest dreams and weirdest
fantasies - The Conspiracy Journal!  This week we look at such unnerving
stories as - weird water monsters in China - A strange blue glow at a
nuclear processing plant in Kentucky - and the second part of C.A. Honeys
"Miscellaneous Commentary" For those of you interested in other
fascinating things by C.A. Honey, please email him at this address for
more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ALSO!!! This is your LAST CHANCE to get the new book from Conspiracy
Journal: "The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla-HAARP, Chemtrails, and the
Secret of Alternative 4" at our special price of only $12.95, plus $4.00
for shipping.  So don't be left OUT!  Get your copy TODAY - Before it is
TOO LATE!  Simply go to our secure order page at:
and order your copy - DO IT NOW!

~ And Now, On With the Show! !

Blue Glow' Reported At Paducah Plant - Nuke Criticality May have been

A "blue glow" reported by workers at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
could indicate nuclear reactions occurred underground in a top-secret
burial pit for atomic-weapons parts, according to an internal memo
obtained by The Courier-Journal.

The memo, written by a health physicist employed by the plant operator,
says "a 'blue glow' that looked like 'blue fire' above the ground" was
first observed in the early 1980s over the southwest corner of the C-746-F
classified burial yard and was  reportedly seen a number of times after

Ray Carroll, a health physicist for the U.S. Enrichment Corp., wrote that
the "blue glow" could be a type of radiation resulting from nuclear
fission processes, and added, "If the cause is a fission source, personnel
entering the area could potentially receive a lethal dose of radiation."

But the U.S. Department of Energy's site manager at Paducah, Don Seaborg,
said, "We don't have any indication" that a fission reaction occurred. He
said that after receiving the memo last week, he had not been able to find
supporting data, such as elevated radiation readings on the landfill's
surface or worker exposure measurements.

"That's the concern, if you have a blue glow, then that's indicative of a
criticality and of course a major safety concern," Seaborg said. "My
background experience tells me that it was  unlikely something was going
on of a criticality (nuclear reaction) nature. I'm bringing in the right
people with the right certifications to verify that."

The plant has been in the news since August 1999 when three employees
filed a whistleblower lawsuit alleging that contamination and conditions
were much worse than had been disclosed by former operators. A cleanup
effort is underway.

The Energy Department leases production facilities to the U.S. Enrichment
Corp., a publicly traded company, but still owns the burial pit and other
areas where radioactive and hazardous waste was dumped or stored during a
half-century of enriching uranium for weapons and power plants.

According to the memo, the burial yard was covered with five to nine feet
of dirt at an undisclosed time after the first observations of a "blue
glow." But it notes that there was another reported sighting in 1996, long
after the earthen cover was applied. The glow has only been seen
immediately after a heavy rain, when there was a mist or moisture in the
air, the memo said. Carroll wrote that the glow could be Cerenkov
radiation, a phenomenon in which charged radioactive particles from a
fission reaction give off a blue glow in water.

On the chance that a fission reaction is occurring, Carroll recommended
barring employees from within 1,000 feet of the site and installing a
continuous radiation monitor with an audible alarm and "a red warning
light that can easily be read from a distance."

Carroll also recommended taking core samples in the burial yard to
determine if radioactive products of fission are present. "If these
radio-isotopes are present, a much more extensive environmental
remediation of the whole area will be required," he wrote.

But GeorgAnn Lookofsky, a USEC spokeswoman, said yesterday that Carroll's
safety recommendations had not been put into effect, because in radiation
surveys of the area, "we haven't found anything to raise our concerns."

She said Carroll wrote the memo after a plant employee raised concerns
about the glow. There could be other explanations for the glow,  according
to Kimberlee J. Kearfott, a professor of nuclear engineering at the
University of Michigan.

For the glow to be from a fission reac

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Victory over secret searches bill!

2000-10-27 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> The overall bill passed, but without giving the government new

>power to subpoena your electronic records -- or force third parties to

>turn over that information.

And now our records are all safe because we can trust the government to
never to do anything to us not authorized by law?

Well, maybe.  But don't bet your life on it. Don't even bet the farm.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] Alex Constantine's web site

2000-10-27 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find the url for a webstie with info and links.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This contains information on the CIA, False Memory, politics, etc.


(You might want to turn off cookies before going to this site.)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] From the " Strange bedfellows " dept: GOP Group To Air Pro-Nader TV Ads

2000-10-27 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Friday October 27 11:59 AM ET
GOP Group To Air Pro-Nader TV Ads

By LAURA MECKLER, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Hoping to boost Ralph Nader
in states where he is threatening to hurt Al
Gore, a Republican group is launching TV ads
featuring Nader attacking the vice president.

The ads by the Republican Leadership Council
will begin airing Monday in Wisconsin, Oregon and
Washington, all states that are part of Gore's
base and where Nader is polling well. The group
plans to spend more than $100,000 at first and
hopes to raise more over the weekend.

While the ads boost Nader, they are a clear attempt
to help Bush.

Gore's supporters fear that Nader, who is more
liberal than either Bush or Gore, will throw the
election to the Texas governor if voters who might
otherwise vote for Gore vote for Nader
instead. In a tight national race, one or two states
could make the difference in who is elected

The ads feature clips of Nader from a National
Press Club speech on Tuesday, where he laid into
both Bush and Gore, though the ad only includes
his criticism of Gore.

``Al Gore is suffering from election year delusion
if he thinks his record on the environment is
anything to be proud of,'' Nader says. An announcer
interjects: ``What's Al Gore's real
record?'' Nader says: ``Eight years of principles
betrayed and promises broken.''

Nader has been equally critical, if not more so,
of Bush, calling him ``a big corporation running
for president disguised as a person.'' But the
RLC ads are a clear attempt to help Bush, not

A Gore spokesman suggested that the ads may backfire.
``Voters are going to ask why these
shadowy groups are running attack ads on behalf of
George Bush,'' said Doug Hattaway.

He added that there are stark differences between
Bush and Gore on abortion and the
environment, and ``people who are thinking about
voting for Nader care deeply about those
issues and would not want to see them put at risk
by George Bush.''

Nader, running a low-budget campaign, is not
airing any television commercials of his own and
it's possible that the RLC will end up spending
more on pro-Nader media that Nader himself.

A spokeswoman for the Green Party nominee said
that his campaign had no control over what
other organizations do with Nader's speeches.

``The tactics of the other two parties are not our
concern,'' said spokeswoman Laura Jones.

Asked if the campaign welcomed the outside help,
she added: ``Not really because they (the
ads) are misleading in that they don't indicate
that we are campaigning against Al Gore and
George W. Bush.''

Nader has had to repeatedly defend himself against
people arguing that his candidacy will help
Bush. He has responded that it makes little difference
whether Bush or Gore is elected and has
said he is running to give voters an alternative.

``We're building a progressive political movement.
That's the most important thing,'' Nader said
Friday on ABC's ``Good Morning America.'' ``Whether
Gore or Bush gets into the White House
doesn't mean that much, because the permanent
corporate government in Washington is really
determining policy.''

The Republican Leadership Council, a centrist GOP
group, has been helpful to Bush before, airing
ads during the Republican primaries critical of
challenger Steve Forbes. Several members of the
RLC board were early Bush supporters.

The RLC ads will run initially in four markets:
Eugene and Portland, Ore.; Madison, Wis., and

Mark Miller, the group's executive director, said
the ads are partly a response to commercials
being run by the National Abortion and Reproductive
Rights Action League, which argue that a
vote for Nader is a vote for Bush.

``Ralph Nader doesn't believe that,'' Miller said.
``Ralph Nader and his supporters are not
backing down because they believe Al Gore has had
numerous broken promises.''

Miller added that some of Nader's supporters have
bragged that Nader has never had help from
``soft money,'' the unrestricted donations used by
parties and interest groups.

``We'll put an end to that,'' Miller said.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] A well-organized campaign of fear and loathing

2000-10-27 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Do it with joy!!

John  C. Stauber
3318 Gregory Street, Madison, WI 53711
Phone(608)238-7376 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


John Stauber *
*John Stauber is the co-author of the book Toxic Sludge Is Good
For You: Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry

A well-organized campaign of fear and loathing is attempting to
frighten people from voting their own consciences.  Democratic big
business lobbyist Toby Moffett, a Monsanto vice president until recently
and now a consultant, is one of the so-called progressives coordinating
the effort to attack Nader and his supporters.

Moffett and the rest of Monsanto's lobbyists love Al Gore because,
while Gore did not invent the internet, he is the techno-pol responsible
for shoving Monsanto's inadequately tested, possibly dangerous and
definitely unlabeled genetically engineered foods down the throats of
American eaters.  Now Toby is trying to shove Al Gore down voters' throats
but that's going over about as well as milk from Monsanto's
hormone-injected cows.

Unfortunately others less identified with corporate power are also
hammering away at the venerable Green Party candidate as a "spoiler,"
although just days ago Ralph Nader was too marginal to debate.  Prominent
middle-aged figures obviously much too wedded to the Democratic party and
its contributors, well-known names from Hollywood and the labor, minority,
feminist and environmental NGO world, are furiously stumping for Gore.
One hopes that as they barnstorm from Madison to Seattle to Eugene to San
Francisco they grab some of those airplane barf bags, because for true
progressives to defend the Clinton/Gore record  is indeed a queasy

I agree that a Bush/Cheney administration would be bad news for
most of what I personally hold sacred.  However, voting for Al Gore is
absolutely not the answer.  Every four years there comes the less
reprehensible corporate candidate.  This year it's Al Gore playing the
role.  If he wins, in four years he would star in a repeat performance,
and then maybe the esteemed senator of the insurance and prescription drug
cartels, Joe Lieberman, would step up from his understudy position.  No
thanks, its time for change.

I'm working and voting for Ralph Nader because he is giving voice
and leadership to the growing pro-democracy movement needed to bust the
stranglehold that corporations have over our lives and our system of
government.  If Nader were running as the DemocratBut of course,
that would never happen because the system is so rigged that only a
candidate beholden to corporate special interest money can today win
either party's presidential nomination.

Even if Bush wins the White House there is some light in that dark
cloud.Nader has certainly galvanized the grassroots to confront and
blunt either candidate's pro-business agenda, and if voters reject the
Democratic ticket it might inspire some inside that party to re-think its
partnerships with big business.

Bush in the White House would also guarantee that four years from
now we will not have to endure the apologists' excuses about how 'Yes,
President Gore has been a disappointment but he had to compromise to win a
second term.  Re-elect him and he will move in our direction.'

I'm joyfully working and casting my vote for Ralph Nader and the
growing movement to reclaim American democracy.  No matter who wins I will
celebrate what the Nader/LaDuke campaign has accomplished in forcing the
single biggest issue of our time -- corporate domination -- to the front
burner of citizen awareness and action.  Nader/LaDuke has succeeded in
this despite a pittance of money,  hostile news media awash in political
advertising lucre, the enforced censorship that kept them out of the
debates and now desperate outpourings of fear and loathing courtesy of
corporate lobbyists for Gore such as Toby Moffett.

Be warned of course that merely voting for anyone is not enough.
Commit yourself to the understanding that the growing pro-democracy
movement sparked by Ralph Nader's candidacy is just the beginning, and you
are part of it.  Commit yourself to personally helping it succeed with
your time, sweat and contributions in the months and years ahead long
after November 7th.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL 

[CTRL] RadTimes # 83

2000-10-27 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 83 October, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
  "What we have is not a market economy. It is a corporately planned and
controlled economy."
"We have a world in which a handful of corporations, detached from any link
to any place or community, have extended their power beyond the reach of
most governments."
"The U.S. has a centrally-planned economy, in many ways more tightly
controlled than any state-planned economy that we have seen."
"The political system ... [is] enormously expensive. The only way you can
raise the money to win an election is by appealing to corporate interests,
which then means you're in their debt and have to focus on their agendas."
--David Korten, economist and internationalist
--Protest the Inauguration of the Next President
--TV's Mr. President arrested at Vandenberg protest
--Directory of Transnational Corporations
--Extravagant Evil and the I.M.F.
--Gun Control Refresher Course
--Chumbawamba Sample Metallica, Madonna, Dre on Free Download
--Anarchist Question And Answer
Begin stories:
Protest the Inauguration of the Next President

A CALL TO: Protest the Inauguration of the Next President

On January 20, 2001, the next president of the U.S will be
inaugurated in Washington D.C. Whether it's George W.
Bush or Al Gore, one thing is certain: executions will not
stop. Whichever politicians come or go, police brutality and
racial profiling remains. Thirty years after the Attica
prison rebellion, the racist prison-industrial complex will
continue to grow.

More than 2 million people will observe Dr. Martin Luther
King's birthday in U.S. prisons-including political prisoner Mumia Abu-
Jamal, who waits with 4,000 others on death row. The people must
make it clear to the next president that the death machine must stop.
No more executions. Mumia Abu-Jamal must be granted a new trial or
set free.

We must stop the U.S. death machine around the world. The
bullets & bombs that have murdered and maimed hundreds of
Palestinians are made in the USA. Ten years after the
bombing of Iraq began on Jan. 16, 1991, the U.S. still
maintains economic sanctions that have killed more than 1.2
million Iraqis.

The Pentagon continues to plot another Vietnam war in
Colombia, and to bomb the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico.
Along with NATO, the U.S military machine forces colonial
subjugation of the Balkans, and elsewhere in the world.
We must stop capitalist deathonomics. U.S. transnational
corporations and banks, along with their puppet
institutions--the International Monetary Fund, World
Bank and World Trade Organization-- continue to impose
the death machine of globalization on the world, reaping
super-profits from their exploitation of the planet while
more than a billion people go hungry, and at least 2 billion
live in abject poverty.

Hundreds of millions of people throughout Africa, Asia,
Latin America and right here in the U.S. will continue to
die because capitalist greed has denied them healthcare,
shelter, jobs and other human needs.






Only the people can stop it - Fill the streets of D.C.

Call issued by: International Action Center, International Concerned
Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal; the MOVE Organization;
Millions for Mumia; Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition, NYC; Refuse and
Resist; Korea Truth Commission; The Palestine Right To Return
Coalition ( NY-NJ Based Al-Awda) and a growing list of endorsers.

International Action Center
National Peoples Campaign/Millions for Mumia
39 West 14th Street, #206
New York, NY 10011
212 633-6646 212 633-2889 FAX


TV's Mr. President arrested at Vandenberg protest

October 7 2000

By Rick Tuttle
Lompoc Record Staff

America's television president, Martin Sheen, was among 23 peace activists
arrested Saturday during a non-violent but tense standoff at Vandenberg Air
Force Base's main gate - the culmination of local protests against a
developing national missile defense system and the perceived "militarization
of space."
Sheen, the veteran actor who plays t

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Chernomyrdin to sue Dubya...

2000-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan

There's got to be alot behind all of this..

David Goldman

Chernomyrdin to sue George W. Bush

 Friday, 27 October 2000 0:59 (ET)

 Chernomyrdin to sue George W. Bush

  MOSCOW, Oct. 26 (UPI) -- Former Russian Prime Minister Viktor
 Chernomyrdin, accused by U.S. Republican presidential candidate Gov. George
 W. Bush of pocketing IMF loans to Russia, intends to take the matter to
 court, his aides said Thursday.

  Chernomyrdin had dismissed the allegations and demanded a formal apology
 from Bush, who made the damaging statement during a televised debate on Oct.
 11 with Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Al Gore.

  Chernomyrdin said he intends to take the matter to court to clear his name
 and business reputation. Aides to the ex-premier said Chernomyrdin was
 consulting lawyers and will press legal action, regardless of the outcome of
 the Nov. 7 U.S.  presidential election.

  The ex-premier's aides said Chernomyrdin had written to Russia's
 Prosecutor General regarding the allegations, which threaten to turn into a
 diplomatic headache between Moscow and Washington.

-- eGroups Sponsor -~-~>
eGroups eLerts
It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

[CTRL] Fwd: Victory over secret searches bill!

2000-10-27 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

From:   "Privacy News Update" 
Subject:Victory over secret searches bill!
Date sent:  Fri, 27 Oct 2000 02:25:30 -0400
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Privacy News Update: House strips out language
allowing police to issue "administrative subpoenas"

* DefendYourPrivacy supporters achieve big win on Capitol Hill

Earlier this week we asked for your help in killing a proposal
contained in The Presidential Threat Protection Act (HR 3048) that
would have given police broad new powers to issue "administrative

Almost immediately, Capitol Hill offices were flooded with
thousands of angry phone calls from privacy advocates around the
country. On Wednesday afternoon, the offending provisions were
from the bill.

The overall bill passed, but without giving the government new
power to subpoena your electronic records -- or force third parties to
turn over that information.

Thank you for your help, and please stay posted for further
privacy updates.


Steve Dasbach
National Director
Libertarian Party



The press is the hired agent of a monied system
and set up for no other purpose than to tell
lies wherever its interests are involved.
-The Letters of Henry Adams, Vol. II, p. 99. p244

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Moscow Times: WND: [Russian] Deputies Want to Save U.S.

2000-10-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Deputies Want to Save U.S.

By Anna Badkhen
Staff Writer

Vote fraud alert! U.S. democracy is in danger!

But Americans need not worry: A group of vigilant Russian
lawmakers is determined to ride to the rescue.

Saying they are alarmed by "deep concern with the possible
falsification" of upcoming U.S. presidential elections, nine
State Duma deputies have cobbled together a two-page resolution
to that they say will help keep the vote fair.

The resolution, which is expected to be voted on by parliament
Friday, calls for the government to send a group of observers to
monitor the Nov. 7 vote and to set up a foundation to protect
U.S. democracy. It also envisions a Voice of Russia radio station
transmission to the United States "to provide for the freedom of
alternative information sources for American citizens."

"Why do Americans always teach everyone democracy? Why don’t we
go and see what kind of democracy they have?" Deputy Georgy
Tikhonov, one of the resolution’s authors, said by telephone

Other authors of the resolution include hard-core Communist
Vasily Shandybin and seven other deputies from the Communist
Party and the Regions of Russia faction.

Tikhonov said the resolution was inspired by the United States’
conduct during the disputed parliamentary elections in Belarus
earlier this month.

The U.S. government called those elections unfair and refused to
send observers to Belarus. The Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe and the European Union, which sent only a
low-level team of observers to the poll, agreed that the election
did not meet international standards.

However, Russia backed the elections as fair and democratic, and
the Foreign Ministry said the vote has been carried out "calmly
and in an organized fashion."

"We have never seen more democratic elections" than those in
Belarus, Tikhonov said.

Washington’s behavior was "boorish" and "made us wonder just how
democratic the elections are in the U.S.," he said.

He added that the deputies are particularly concerned about
elections in Texas and California where "the forces that vote for
larger autonomy … suffer from pressure that violates their
inalienable democratic rights."

The Washington-based League of Women Voters, one of the principal
U.S. election watchdogs, declined to comment on the resolution.
The OSCE also refused to comment.

But other observers expressed disbelief.

"They [the deputies] are quite mad," said Ariel Cohen, a Russia
and Eurasia expert with the Heritage Foundation in Washington.

"But having seen the list [of the deputies behind the resolution]
it doesn’t surprise me," he said by telephone from Washington.
"These are the people who will gleefully vote to return Stalin’s
national anthem ... to the democratic Russia. These are the
people who inhabit the world of their own, the world of evil CIA
spies and heroic Russian intelligence officers."

Yury Dzhibladze, president of the Moscow-based Center for the
Development of Democracy and Human Rights, said Russia had to
prove itself democratic before considering monitoring elections.

"How can a country that allows multitudinous violations during
elections honestly state anything like this?" said Dzhibladze.

"This project is reminiscent of the Soviet diplomacy of the 1960s
and 1970s — no, even of Stalin’s time," he said. "It may be
funny, but it is also sad that these politicians couldn’t care
less about Russia’s reputation."

Fellow Duma lawmakers, who say the resolution won’t pass, are
giving it little thought.

Yuly Rybakov, head of the Democratic Russia movement, called the
resolution "a mocking parade of idiots" and said the deputies
behind it "simply wish to travel to the States at their voters’

Asked whether he is concerned about the legitimacy of the U.S.
presidential elections, Rybakov chuckled and said: "Oh, I am
extremely concerned about it."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as 

[CTRL] WND: Lieberman excommunication making waves

2000-10-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Lieberman excommunication making waves

Reaction to rabbinical court decision mixed among orthodox Jews

By Tom Ambrose
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

A week following the excommunication of Democratic vice
presidential candidate Sen.  Joseph Lieberman by a rabbinical
court in New York, one thing is becoming clear: Reaction to
Lieberman's views among Orthodox Jews is volatile and

Lieberman, who has been under fire from various religious groups
for his views on issues such as abortion and homosexuality, is
finding himself increasingly at the center of a polarizing
dialogue within his own religious community, Orthodox Judaism.

The excommunication is the strongest statement yet in a series of
criticisms of Lieberman by Orthodox rabbis and others.  The
decision by the New York Torah Court -- also known as a "beth
din" -- was handed down by three rabbis who listened to evidence
concerning Lieberman's recent statements regarding his faith.

According to a statement on the website of Jews For Morality -- a
grass-roots organization which claims to represent the views of
"tens of thousands" of Orthodox Jews in New York and elsewhere --
the reason for the excommunication was that Lieberman had caused
a "grave scandal" by desecrating God's name since, "...  while
claiming to be an observant Jew, Lieberman has been
misrepresenting and falsifying to the American people the
teachings of the Torah against partial-birth infanticide, against
special privileges and preferential treatment for flaunting
homosexuals, and against religious intermarriage of Jews."

Since the announcement of the excommunication on Oct.  18 by Jews
For Morality, Gore-Lieberman campaign press officials have
remained unwilling to issue a statement regarding the decision
despite repeated requests for a response from WorldNetDaily and
other publications.

However, a public relations representative of the Union of
Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, Betty Ehrenberg, stated
that the "Orthodox Union is proud to have Sen.  Lieberman" on its
board of directors.  She went on to state that Jews For Morality
and other Jewish groups critical of Lieberman were "neither very
large nor very influential." When asked what size she thought
these organizations actually were, she admitted that she didn't

Yet controversy over Lieberman's views exists even within the
Orthodox Union -- a group that promotes itself as "the world's
largest and most effective Jewish organization of its kind" and
claims to speak nationally for "1,000 synagogues." Dr.  Mandell
I.  Ganchrow, president of the Orthodox Union, has been cited in
recent press accounts defending Lieberman, but at the same time
has also acknowledged that he "may disagree" with Lieberman on
various issues and reportedly has made statements critical of the
senator's pronouncements on Jewish law.

But the Orthodox Union is only one voice among Jewish
organizations.  In recent months, representatives of other Jewish
organizations such as the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United
States and Canada, the American Board of Rabbis and the
Republican Jewish Coalition have made strong public statements
against Lieberman's positions on matters of Jewish law.

When asked why he thought so much controversy exists within the
Orthodox Jewish community, Rabbi Yehuda Levin with Jews For
Morality speculated that many Jews are embarrassed by Lieberman's
comments but are unsure of what to think or do since he is part
of their community.  He went on to acknowledge that, while there
was not a central authority that could enforce the
excommunication decision, Lieberman would not be able to hold a
place of honor in synagogues that support the rabbinical court's

According to Rabbi Levin, Lieberman will now have to contemplate
his dishonor until he repents from wearing "his Judaism on his
lapel" as a way to "get himself elected."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


2000-10-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

October 25, 2000
Contact: Press Office
(202) 646-5172


Big Defense Contractor Asserting Privilege in Apparent Effort to
Help Clinton-Gore White House

Northrop Grumman Officials Expected to Have Information About
Hidden Clinton-Gore E-Mail and Threats

(Washington, DC) A federal court judge, The Honorable Royce
Lamberth, authorized this week the subpoenaing of fourteen
Northrop Grumman officials and employees for testimony in federal
court concerning the burgeoning Clinton-Gore White House e-mail
scandal. Evidence shows that Northrop Grumman knew that White
House officials threatened Northrop Grumman employees with jail
in order to keep the e-mail from the courts, independent
counsels, and Congress. Rather than turn over to the Court
certain documents about the scandal which likely show the White
House is lying about the threats its officials made, Northrop
Grumman is asserting attorney-client and other privileges.

The Clinton-Gore White House has refused Judge Lamberth’s
requests to ask Northrop Grumman to waive any privileges and
release the documents so all the facts can come out about the
e-mail scandal. The scandal was uncovered by Judicial Watch
through White House whistle blowers and is being pursued in its
ongoing Filegate civil lawsuit on behalf of those Reagan and Bush
staffers and others whose FBI files were taken and misused by
this White House. (Hillary Clinton is a defendant in the

Among the Northrop Grumman officials that Judge Lamberth
authorized Judicial Watch to subpoena is Kent Kresha, its
Chairman, President, and CEO.

“Northrop Grumman’s computer contract with the Clinton-Gore White
House is worth, according to testimony, $5-$6 million per year.
It is no surprise then that they are asserting bogus privileges
to keep key documents and testimony from the public about White
House threats and intimidation. We look forward to getting
information from Northrop Grumman witnesses in court,” stated
Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] WND: Al Gore's secret deal with Russia

2000-10-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Recent reports in the New York Times and the Washington Times
show that in 1995 Vice President Al Gore signed a secret arms
deal with Moscow. The deal reportedly allowed Russia to sell
weapons to Iran and included illegal kickbacks, intended to bribe
individual politicians inside Moscow.

However, documents forced from the Clinton administration by the
Freedom of Information Act show that part of the secret 1995 Gore
agreement with Moscow included more than weapons for Iran. One
hidden point inside the vice president's pact with Moscow sought
U.S. access to advanced Russian weapons technology.

In September 1995 U.S. Vice Admiral W. C. Bowes wrote a letter to
Russian Navy Commander Adm. Felix Gromov, informing Gromov of the
U.S. Navy's intention to purchase the SS-N-22 Sunburn anti-ship
missile. The letter was written after U.S. defense contractor
Vector Microwave toured the Sunburn missile plant and inspected
the deadly weapon at close hand, all at the invitation of the
Russian defense contractor Arsenjev Aviation.

U.S. Navy admirals do not write Russian admirals with intentions
of buying nuclear-tipped missiles unless someone at the top on
both sides has given the OK. Admirals in both services are not
known to take such risks without orders. The decision to allow
Vice Adm. Bowes and Adm. Gromov to work together on
"Missile-Gate" originated with Al Gore and his 1995 secret pact.

The Clinton-Gore administration changed the joint Russia/U.S.
military program to fill its politically correct needs. In 1995,
the Clinton administration balked at the Sunburn price tag of
over a million dollars a copy. Instead, the administration
selected favored defense contractor McDonnell Douglas, now
Boeing, to purchase a smaller, lower-cost missile from Russia
called the Zvezda MA-31 "Krypton."

McDonnell Douglas, according to the official U.S. Navy
documentation, proceeded under orders to help Russia improve the
Krypton missile. U.S. Navy and McDonnell Douglas engineers
suggested a series of "P3I" or "pre-planned product improvements"
to extend the range of the Krypton, improve its flight
performance, and enable jet fighters to safely fire the weapon.

"The MA-31 (Krypton) target will need (pre-planned product
improvements) P3I in order to meet the range and ground/surface
launch requirements for the Supersonic Sea Skimming Target
program (SSST). The range of the MA-31 target in its FCT
configuration is approximately 15 nm (nautical miles) at low
altitude," states the 1995 review document.

According to the 1995 McDonnell Douglas review, one "extended
range option" given to the Russian contractor "adds an auxiliary
fuel tank, a reduced drag nose cone, changes the fuel to JP-10
(which has a higher specific energy content than the Russian
fuel), and modifies the ramjet nozzle. The extended range
modification is intended to increase range to approximately 42 nm
at 10m (meter) altitude."

Another more crucial design improvement given to Russia, involved
"Ground Jettison Testing" done by the U.S. defense contractor
against the Russian missile. According to the 1995 program review
document, the Russian built AKY-58M missile launcher for the
Krypton was fatally flawed and could destroy the firing plane.

"Two jettisons were planned; four completed," states the 1995
review document. "An anomaly was encountered during testing of
the emergency jettison sequence. The lanyard which, during normal
launch, remains with the launch rail and pulls the Booster
Safe/Arm Plug which arms the booster for ignition, is supposed to
remain with the target during Emergency Jettison. In three
emergency jettison tests, the lanyard stayed with the launch rail
instead of with the target. In all cases the booster would have
been armed, and ignition could have occurred for any of several

"(McDonnell Douglas) MDAC has determined that use of a longer
lanyard and slower separation velocity would allow proper
operation of the emergency jettison sequence. The problem has
been turned over to the Russians for resolution," states the 1995
review document.

The problem that plagued Krypton project has also been dogged by
allegations of improper financial activity. In 1999 Janes Defense
reported that each MA-31 missile purchase also includes a 28
percent "fee" given directly to Russian generals.

Navy documents show that each Krypton missile costs $910,000. The
28 percent fee paid directly to the Russian generals amounts to
over a quarter million dollar fee per missile. In addition, the
extremely high price for the Krypton is almost twice the price of
similar U.S. weapons and nearly equal to the original Sunburn
missile offer.

Russia has already benefited from the Krypton deal. In 1999,
Russia negotiated billion dollar arms sales to both India and
China for the newly improved Krypton. In fact, according to the
new Russian weapons pact with Beijing, China will 

[CTRL] NM: New Law Could Jail Whistleblowers

2000-10-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

New Law Could Jail Whistleblowers

NewsMax.com Wednesday, Oct.  25, 2000

Honest government employees who blow the whistle on corruption
and other

illegal acts could face prison terms once a new bill is signed
into law by President Clinton.

The law, critics say, will have a chilling effect on
whistleblowers and could deter them from coming forth with
information the public has a right to know.

Moreover, under the new intelligence law sure to be signed by
Clinton, reporters could face being jailed for refusing to
disclose their sources who leaked information to them.

The bill, the fiscal 2001 Intelligence Authorization Act,
contains a so-called anti-leak provision that makes leaking
"properly classified" government information a criminal act
punishable by as much as three years in prison.

It was backed by Attorney General Janet Reno, who has been
plagued by leaks coming from her own department revealing her
adamant refusal to appoint a special counsel to investigate Vice
President Al Gore's 1996 campaign fund-raising abuses.

It split GOP ranks, with top leaders such as House Judiciary
Committee Chairman Henry Hyde opposing Rep.  Porter J.  Goss,
R-Fla., chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence, and the provision's author, Sen.  Richard C.
Shelby, R-Ala., chairman of the Senate Select Committee on

Hyde was joined by Rep.  John Conyers Jr., D-Mich., the Judiciary
Committee's ranking Democrat.  The two sent a letter to Goss, the
House sponsor of the bill and a former CIA official, in which
they insisted that extending criminal sanctions to leaks of all
"properly classified information" was a matter that House rules
mandated be addressed by their committee.

"It has profound First Amendment implications, and goes to the
very heart of the ability of the public to remain informed about
matters of critical public interest, which often relate to
governmental misdeeds," they wrote.

"Moreover, since the Executive Branch asserts unilateral
authority to define what information should be classified, this
extension would grant the administration a blank check to
criminalize any leaking they do not like."

Joining Hyde and Conyers in fighting the provision, Rep.  Robert
L. Barr Jr., R-Ga., a former CIA official and U.S.  attorney,
told the House: "This legislation contains a provision that will
create - make no mistake about it, with not one day of hearings,
without one moment of public debate, without one witness - an
official secrets act.

"It has been broached many times.  ...  But our regard for
constitutional civil liberties ...  has in every case in which an
effort has been made to enact an official secrets act beaten back
those efforts.

"Currently, if an individual discloses certain categories of
important national security information, he can and should be
prosecuted," Barr added.

"This provision, though, would silence whistleblowers in a way
that has never before come before this body and which has never
before been enacted."

During the House debate Goss said, "Leaking classified government
information is not a right or a privilege of U.S.  officials or
employees who have access to that information.

"Too often over the past few years, we have significantly risked,
and sometimes lost, fragile intelligence resources because those
employed by the government ...  have chosen to leak that

Goss told the House that the anti-leak provision was adapted to
conform with language suggested by Reno and Justice Department
lawyers, who wanted criminal sanctions to apply to the
unauthorized disclosure of "properly"

classified information, so that in any criminal case, the
government would have to prove not only that the information was
stamped classified but also that its release actually injured the

Despite protests from media organizations that reporters are
threatened by the bill's anti-leak provision, Sen.  Shelby told
the Senate, "I can assure this body that in passing [the
anti-leak provision], no member of the Select Committee on
Intelligence intended that it be used as an excuse for
investigating the press."

A memorandum prepared by Shelby's staff and obtained by the
Washington Post asserts that the Justice Department "rarely seeks
to interview or subpoena journalists when investigating leaks."

The memo adds that there has never been a prosecution of a
journalist under existing laws - even the statute covering
unauthorized disclosure of the

identities of intelligence operatives, which criminalizes the
release, and the receipt, of such information.

That may be true, but under the bill's provisions it could
change, media

groups charge.

Prosecuting leakers, said Lucy Dalglish, executive director of
the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, will inevitably
lead prosecutors to subpoena journalists to identify their
sources, which journalists will inevitably refuse to do.

"I could therefore see more journalists going to jail f

[CTRL] WND: Experts fear Russia to blackmail Gore

2000-10-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Experts fear Russia to blackmail Gore

VP 'owes his personal fortune to a fully recruited Soviet agent'

By Charles Thompson and Tony Hays
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Russian intelligence operatives have fanned out across America
hoping to dig up the same kind of dirt on George W. Bush and his
aides that they have apparently used to influence President Bill
Clinton and Vice President Al Gore in the past, according to
several Russia experts in the nation's capital.

"The Russians apparently haven't found anything, but it's their
standard operating procedure," said J. Michael Waller, vice
president of the American Foreign Policy Council. Waller, who is
also editor of the Russia Reform Monitor, an executive editor of
Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization and
a contributor to Insight magazine, holds a Ph.D. in international
security affairs from Boston University.

In fact, Waller revealed that a Russian diplomat recently had
lunch with him and asked him probing questions about Gov. Bush
and his closest advisers.

"The Russian wasn't making idle conversation, and I fed him
mostly disinformation," Waller said. "I wasn't shocked, because I
knew that's how the Russians do business."

According to Waller and other intelligence specialists, the
Russians are primarily interested in defeating Bush, because they
already have a wealth of derogatory information about Clinton and

For example, in early 1996, when Clinton was in the midst of his
affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, he warned
Lewinsky that they had to use code words when they engaged in
phone sex since foreign embassies, most likely the Russians, were
bugging their conversations. This was a year before Lewinsky
began spilling her secrets to Linda Tripp, who secretly taped
their conversations.

In his book, "Sellout," David Schippers, chief investigative
counsel for the Clinton impeachment, wrote, "Another issue with
possible security implications was the president's reported phone
sex. Almost every phone line in the White House is totally
secure. But as Lewinsky testified under oath, the president was
engaging in tawdry phone sex, on an unsecure line, opening the
question of whether a foreign power might have intercepted and
recorded these calls which was a chilling possibility given the
potential for blackmail."

A top former CIA intelligence analyst, who has advised several
presidents, including Clinton, told WorldNetDaily that the
Russians were the ones who did the bugging. They proved they had
the capability in 1998 when Russian diplomat and intelligence
office Stanislav Borisovich Gusev placed a sophisticated bugging
and transmission device in the wooden molding of a wall of a
conference room inside the U.S. State Department. Fifty to 100
meetings were held in the conference room before the device was
discovered. Gusev was expelled.

According to former White House FBI agent Gary Aldrich, who was
assigned to conduct background investigations for Clinton White
House appointees, as late as two years into the Clinton
administration the General Accounting Office found that only 24
White House employees had been cleared to handle thousands and
thousands of pages of classified material. The other employees
told the FBI that they could not be bothered with getting a
clearance from the FBI.

Aldrich notes that his partner, agent Dennis Sculimbrene, once
complained to him that "'I'm having a heck of a time getting
these Clinton people to grant interviews. I call people up, tell
them who I am and what I need to do, and they tell me they're too
busy to talk to the FBI!'"

Kenneth Timmerman, another expert on Russian espionage methods,
said that compared with the State Department, the White House was
packed with amateurs who weren't interested in security.
Timmerman and Waller both pointed to the case of a woman from the
Dominican Republic who was assigned to the White House by Hillary
Clinton, even though she was a dedicated Cuban intelligence
officer. She rebuffed all attempts at getting her to submit to a
background investigation, saying she was a close friend of Mrs.
Clinton and shouldn't be bothered. She was later nominated to be
ambassador to the Dominican Republic, but had her nomination
blocked by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee due to her
subversive background.

"Bugging the White House wouldn't cause the Russians to break a
sweat," Timmerman said.

In his recent book, "Midnight Diaries," former Russian president
Boris Yeltsin revealed that Russian intelligence sent him a coded
report in 1996 that Clinton was embroiled in an affair with a
young woman and that the Republican Party was going to use that
weakness of the flesh to destroy the president's reputation.
Yeltsin said he considered giving Clinton a copy of the coded
dispatch, but thought better of it.

Yeltsin amended this account during an Oct. 9 interview wi

[CTRL] TSO: Secret new evidence halts [Lockerbie] trial

2000-10-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-



Secret new evidence halts trial

Tanya Thompson

MYSTERY new evidence in the Lockerbie trial could have "the
greatest conceivable effect" on the proceedings, a defence lawyer
warned yesterday.

The defence has been granted a week-long adjournment to give time
for worldwide investigations triggered by the latest information.

William Taylor QC, representing one of two Libyans charged with
the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie in 1988, said
that a further adjournment might be necessary because of the
scale of the inquiries.

Reasons for a dramatic halt to the Lockerbie trial remain
shrouded in secrecy. It follows revelations by the Crown that a
foreign country had supplied new information.

The prosecution team has already spent two weeks investigating
claims made in the material, which arrived unexpectedly from "a
foreign source" - believed to be a government - on 4 October.

The contents are "of some complexity and considerable
sensitivity" according to Lord Advocate Colin Boyd QC, leading
the Lockerbie prosecution.

He passed the full details to the defence on Monday, telling the
court at Kamp van Zeist in the Netherlands that the information
"points to a number of individuals who had to be seen by the
Scottish police force".

Mr Boyd said there were five names of people "in another European
country and one in the United States of America".

Mr Taylor, representing Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, said:
"The information we have received, if true, is of the greatest
conceivable effect on this trial."

He gave no further clues to the court, but said it was likely he
would be seeking a further adjournment when the court reconvened
next Tuesday.

A senior legal source said that the key players involved in the
trial were sworn to secrecy.

He said: "I cannot remember a case where secrets were so closely
guarded. It ’s all very dramatic stuff."

Earlier this month, the Lord Advocate revealed that a foreign
country had supplied fresh information at the eleventh hour.

Mr Boyd told the Scottish court in the Netherlands that inquiries
were being made at a very senior level, but he would not divulge
further details until the investigations are completed.

He said that the information related not to the Crown case, but
to the defence of incrimination being put forward by the two
accused Libyans. They blame Palestinian terrorists for the

Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah are
accused of being agents of the Libyan intelligence service and of
being responsible for the placing of the bomb on Pan Am flight
103 which killed 270 people in December, 1988. The pair deny
conspiracy to murder, murder and a breach of the 1982 Aviation
Security Act.

The presiding judge, Lord Sutherland, has said that he expects to
be given more information about what is going on before accepting
the need for a further delay. He has already warned that the
trial was "beginning to grind along rather slowly" but has agreed
that the new evidence needs full investigation by both sides
before the trial, which began last May, can continue.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WP: Pentagon to Add 450 Experts to Protect Defense Secrets

2000-10-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Pentagon to Add 450 Experts to Protect Defense Secrets

By Walter Pincus and Vernon Loeb
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday , October 27, 2000 ; Page A02

The Pentagon is hiring 450 counterintelligence specialists to
protect defense secrets after learning that China has obtained
classified U.S. missile technology, including critical
information about the heat shield that keeps America's most
advanced missiles from burning up as they reenter the atmosphere,
senior defense officials said.

While applauding the attempt to boost security, members of
Congress said it was long overdue, coming more than five years
after the Defense Department was told of the suspected Chinese

A trove of Chinese military documents, given to the CIA in 1995
by a former Chinese missile specialist, showed that Beijing had
gathered some classified data about U.S.  nuclear weapons and a
great deal of secret information about America's ballistic
missiles, according to officials familiar with the material.

The Energy Department reacted quickly to the apparent loss of
nuclear secrets, launching a probe that focused on Los Alamos
National Laboratory and scientist Wen Ho Lee.  But the Defense
Department has been slower to respond to what officials now say
was the far more substantial evidence that China had obtained
significant missile technology.

Over the past two years, Congress has pressed the Energy
Department to take drastic measures to tighten security at the
national laboratories, such as requiring polygraph or "lie
detector" exams for thousands of employees.  But little
congressional pressure has been applied to the Pentagon, which
now is moving to tighten its control over missile technology at
military installations and private defense contractors.

Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon said this week in response to
inquiries from The Washington Post that it will take until 2002
to bring on board all 450 counterintelligence specialists,
roughly the same number eliminated since the end of the Cold War
for budgetary reasons.

"All the new specialists will work to protect technical secrets
at the Defense Department laboratories and defense contractors,"
Bacon said, adding that "other procedural techniques and
monitoring tools" will be used to improve security.

The counterintelligence officers are being hired through the
Pentagon's civil service procedures and are expected to come
primarily from the military, local police forces and the ranks of
former government employees, according to a Pentagon official.
Some will work in Washington and others at defense facilities
around the country.

Sen.  Richard C.  Shelby (R-Ala.), chairman of the Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence, said in an interview that his
committee staff has been urging the Pentagon to add
counterintelligence positions since 1997.

Shelby called the Pentagon's failure to investigate the loss of
missile technology "a big concern." China's apparent theft of
missile secrets from the Defense Department or its contractors is
at least as troubling as the Energy Department's alleged loss of
secrets related to nuclear warheads, he said.

Rep.  Porter J.  Goss (R-Fla.), chairman of the House Permanent
Select Committee on Intelligence, said the slow response reflects
broader security problems at the Pentagon, including a backlog of
about 1 million people awaiting routine re-investigations of
their security clearances.

"It is such a huge problem," Goss said.  "They are whittling away
at the pile there."

Most of the approximately 60 espionage cases in the Defense
Department over the past 20 years have involved people who had
been cleared to handle classified documents.  Top-secret
clearances are required to be re-investigated every five years,
secret clearances every 10 years and confidential clearances
every 15 years.

Rep.  Christopher Cox (R-Calif.), chairman of a House select
committee that investigated Chinese espionage at the national
laboratories, said he believes the CIA and the entire U.S.
intelligence community share responsibility for the Defense
Department's failure to conduct a prompt investigation of the
loss of missile technology.

"The problem could have been alleviated if any member of the
intelligence community had shown special initiative," Cox said.

In 1995, according to senior intelligence officials, a Chinese
missile specialist approached the CIA with an unsolicited offer
to provide secret Chinese military documents.  Over a period of
months, this "walk-in" agent handed over about 13,000 pages, The
Post reported last week.

One of the first sections to be translated contained physical
data about the W-88, a nuclear warhead on U.S. submarine-launched
missiles.  This triggered a 1996 probe by the Energy Department
and the FBI, which the Justice Department later concluded had
focused too narrowly on Lee.

The government never charged him with espionage, and he was freed
last month after nine months in jail when he pleaded guil

Re: [CTRL] MP child rapist

2000-10-27 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>It was pretty clever of them to arrange for this guy to molest his
students decades ago,

That's assuming he is guilty, which is far from clear as yet. seeing as
how this guy is a politico, it's just as likely he is being framed by
other politicos as it is that he's guilty. Unfortunately, the chances of a
court sorting this out correctly are probably slim.

> Hey, maybe it's the people who complain about whacky out-of-this-world
postings with no evidence who are actually disrupting things, as they seem
to generate far more bandwidth noise.

You're absolutely right about that. All these unsubstantiated allegations
about shape shifting reptiles, benevolent space brothers, and the
communist Jewish bankers conspiracy are red herrings that distract us from
our real work. We would do well to concoct effective countermeasures.

>>Uh huh. Who was it that said they really detest those liberals who are
all in favour of free speech, whatever it is, except for...(usually Nazi
propaganda and topically enough child pornography).

This is a non sequitur. What are you talking about?

>And I don't see what your alleged foul mouth has got to do with anything.
As it happens I almost never curse, even when I stub my toe, break
something expensive or whatever. It's called self control and maturity.

No it's not. It's called cultural values. Some cultures speak and act one
way while other cultures speak and act differently. My daily use of
vernacular is an expression of my culture (or, if you insist, subculture).
 That's how we do it. Among the majority of my peers and comrades it is
not considered abnormal or offensive. When among those to whom it is
offensive, I bite my tongue. It is little effort.

I find the whole notion that the dialect of the ruling class is "proper"
English and other dialects are not, to be classist and repulsive. What
makes "good" English good is when it effectively communicates.
Nevertheless, I recognize that most people don't feel that way, so I try
to accommodate their beliefs. I won't sacrifice relevant truths to do so,
but where a brief summation will suffice in place of lurid, graphic
descriptions I go with the summation. I've taken the time to learn
"proper" English even though I find it stilted and awkward compared to
vernacular. I use it as a sign of respect for those to whom I speak. For
the same reason, I eschew lurid, graphic descriptions of sex except in
circumstances in which I am sure none present will be offended. This goes
against my grain, but I do it anyway because it is more important that we
all get along and work constructively together than it is that I get my
own way.

I do find it disconcerting that people, any people, should be offended by
the truth and yet let the lies, atrocities and war crimes of the powers
that be not bother them. Talk about sex and they get all excited. The Prez
has sex at the office and they nearly have apoplexy. But talk about the
half million dead Iraqi women and children the Blockade has produced and
their blood pressure scarcely registers a change. This is very wrong. but
that's another topic, and until they learn to get over it I see no reason
to get bogged down in arguing over sex while innocent civilians are dying
at taxpayers' hands.

>Uh huh. So we shouldn't post things you don't like/find disturbing
because you don't swear on the list anymore? Sounds perfectly reasonable
and logical to me.

Indeed it is. What I'm saying here is that behooves us all to show respect
for each other's cultural values, at least here, at least enough as to
facilitate cogent and topical discourse. If I can do it, you can do it.
It's not much to ask.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] AlGorithm

2000-10-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

KIng Hussein of Jordan, the son of an English Lady killed in the
heliocopter crash, born February 5, 1962 when the stars in the sky were
in place is alleged to be the anti Christ.but then we have so many
walking around,  some on this list...

So - some say the star of Bethleham was a Lantern carried by a Jesuit to
the manger..now I never believed that one.]

Only know God was an Englishman they say, and maybe he was half Persian
for the Garden of Eden supposedly was located in Iraq

Guess we need to kow who the snake in the grass was

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Konformist: Gore the homophobe (fwd)

2000-10-27 Thread Yardbird

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 13:32:43 -0700
From: Russ Kick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Konformist: Gore the homophobe

Gore Sought Help from Anti-homosexual Group
During his 1988 run for the presidential nomination, Gore sought and
received help from Fred Phelps Sr., the Baptist preacher who started the
notorious God Hates Fags Website. This article is accompanied by pictures
of Gore getting chummy with Phelps and members of Phelps' family.

Gore Said Homosexuality "Abnormal" and "Wrong"; Vowed Not to Take Money
from Gay Groups
Old newspaper articles catch Gore spewing homophobia.

Re: [CTRL] AlGorithm

2000-10-27 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/26/2000 3:21:29 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< When I give a speech about the big-picture political and cultural ideas in
 book The Future and Its Enemies, the question and answer period almost always
 starts with a  down-to-earth query: "What do you think of George W. Bush and

 "Well," I say, "Bush is a mixed bag. But I think Al Gore is the  devil."
 This line always gets a laugh, but it’s not really a joke. Don’t get me
 Unlike some Clinton haters, who have the same opinion of his boss, I don’t
 Gore is literally the Prince of Darkness. I simply mean that he operates
 according to  core principles that work to erode the freedoms of individuals
 and the progress of the  open society. >>

Funny.  I always say that Gore is nothing special, but Bush is the
anti-Christ.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hackers Break Into Microsoft's Computer

2000-10-27 Thread Carl Amedio

-Caveat Lector-

Hackers Break Into Microsoft's Computer Network
Blueprints to Latest Versions of  Windows and Office Software May Have Been
Get Quote, Company Info: MSFT
.c The Associated Press

SEATTLE (Oct. 27) - Hackers broke into Microsoft Corp.'s computer network and
may have stolen blueprints to the latest versions of the company's Windows
and Office software.

Microsoft confirmed the electronic break-in late Thursday night and said it
was working with law enforcement to investigate.

Microsoft spokesman Rick Miller would not confirm whether the hackers may
have accessed any of Microsoft's source code, the blueprints for such
products as the Windows operating system.

``We're still looking into it. We're still trying to figure out how it
happened,'' Miller said. ``This is a deplorable act of industrial espionage
and we will work to protect our intellectual property.''

Miller said there was no evidence that any source code for Windows or other
commercial software made by Microsoft had been modified or corrupted since
the company's computer system had been broken into.

The break-in was discovered Wednesday by the software giant's security
employees, according to The Wall Street Journal, which first reported the
story, citing people familiar with the situation.

Security employees discovered that passwords used to transfer the source code
behind Microsoft's software were being sent from the company's computer
network in Redmond, Wash., to an e-mail account in St. Petersburg, Russia,
the Journal reported.

The identities of the hackers are unknown. They are believed to have had
access to the software codes for three months.

A person familiar with the break-in told the Journal that it appeared the
hackers accessed Microsoft's system by e-mailing software, called QAZ Trojan,
to the company's network and then opening a so-called back door through the
infected computer.

In hacking terms, a ``trojan'' is quite similar to the Trojan Horse of Greek
mythology. It looks like a normal attachment in an e-mail, such as a Word
document or picture, but contains a hidden code that can, in effect, take
limited control of the recipient's computer.

Once inside, the hacker software can be used to deliver passwords from one
computer to another or even destroy files.

Microsoft is making sure the hackers cannot use the stolen source code to
change commercial software used by businesses, governments and consumers. The
risk is said to be remote.

Microsoft was planning to investigate the break-in without help from law
enforcement authorities, the Journal reported, but the company contacted the
FBI on Thursday.

The FBI declined comment when contacted early Friday by The Associated Press.

AP-NY-10-27-00 0833EDT

Copyright 2000 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news
report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed
without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.  All active
hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rogue's Gallery

2000-10-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

The Games People Plan Now - White Knight vs. Black Knights - here they
are, the whole tribe and lot of them - see how treacherous they are -
Albright playing innocent, but George Schultz is one who realized what
Jonathan Pollard, the Navy Top Secret Emp;loyee, when he sold secrets to
Israelies and prevented peace with Sadaam Hussein and as a resut how
many children have died

Can anyone honestly believe that Barak, Ehud the Thug (aka Ehud Brug the
Thug( and Arafat and Sharon, whom they call the "fat slob" now, and Gore
and Clinton and all the rest of these people with the exception of those
who really tried to keep the peace - can you honestly say they are

Billions of dollars being spent on munitions, submarines, uzzies,
nuclear weapons - and Sadaam Hussein and the PLO is to sit back and just
let their boots wall on them - say like the boots of Waco and Littleton
and Ruby Ridge.these killers from Ruby Ridge to Waco to the Holy
Land all using same war tactics.

Ashkenazi (love that nazi ending) European Jews?   It was King Faisal
and his son young Prince Turki Faisal who in 1967 warned of
Zionism.the young prince told me that the Zionist was causing all he
trouble in the Holy Land for the arabs and jews wanted to live in peace,
for both are semites...but the
Ashke-Nazi Jews of European decent of which Ehud the Brug Thug Barak is
one - these people will not let them live in peace, for they want the

Nice story here...Rogues Gallery..Gallery of the slaughterers of
the innocents 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fwd: "Experts Aghast at Gore's Russia Deal"

"...and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them,
and drew near unto Jesus to kiss himbut Jesus said unto him, Judas
betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?"   Luke 22

<< NewsMax.com: Article ArchivesNewsMax.com

  Experts Aghast at Gore's Russia Deal
   Thursday, Oct. 26, 2000

  Former American defense, national security and diplomatic
officials have combined to express alarm over Al Gore's secret agreement
allowing Russia to slip arms to Iran.
  It is unprecedented that a high-level bipartisan critique of a
sitting vice president, involving such a delicate national security
development, would be made publicly.
  According to the Washington Times, which uncovered the furtive
back-channel 1995 deal Gore made with his close friend, Viktor
Chernomyrdin, then the Russian prime minister:
  A bipartisan group of 11 leading national security officials and
former secretaries of defense and state has issued a scathing report
denouncing the agreement Gore made in secret with Chernomyrdin to keep
Russia's arming of Iran from being revealed to Congress and the American
  In their joint statement, issued through the office of former
Secretary of State George P. Shultz, the American experts said:
  "The military balance in regions of vital interest to America and
her allies â€" including the Persian Gulf, which is a critical
source of the world's energy supplies â€" is the essential
underpinning for a strong foreign policy.
  "That is why we are deeply disturbed by the agreement made between
Vice President Gore and then-Russian Premier Chernomyrdin in which
America acquiesced in the sale by Russia to Iran of highly threatening
military equipment such as modern submarines, fighter planes and
wake-homing torpedoes.
  "We also find incomprehensible that this agreement was not fully
disclosed even to those committees of Congress charged with receiving
highly classified briefings â€" apparently at the request of the
Russian premier.
  "But agreement to his request is even more disturbing since the
Russian sales could have brought sanctions against Russia in accordance
with a 1992 U.S. law sponsored by Sen. John McCain and then-Sen. Al
  In addition to Shultz, the signers included former defense
secretaries Caspar Weinberger, James R. Schlesinger, Donald Rumsfeld and
Frank C. Carlucci; former national security advisers Zbigniew Bzezinski
and Brent Scowcroft; former secretaries of state James A. Baker III,
Henry Kissinger and Lawrence S. Eagleburger, and former CIA Director R.
James Woolsey.
  Those men, coming from both the Democratic and Republican parties,
served in the highest levels of leadership positions dating from the
current Clinton-Gore administration as far back as that of President
Richard M. Nixon.
  Their statement was issued shortly before a Senate hearing
Thursday on Gore's covert agreements with Chernomyrdin that made it
possible for Russia to sell conventional arms as well as nuclear weapons
technology to Iran in secret, thus avoiding American sanctions.
  The Clinton-Gore administration tried, without success, to get the
Senate to hold this hearing behind closed doors.
  Under the secret agreement with Chernomyrdin, Gore committed the
United States not to impose on Russia the sanctions required by the
United States law, which he had co-

Re: [CTRL] MP child rapist

2000-10-27 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

>>why do you seem determind that there was a disruptive motive in the
>>of the original mail?
>I'm not determined, but I am suspicious. The powers that be have a long,
>thick, rich history of disrupting conspiracy research. It happens a lot.
>Sometimes it's just somebody's hobby. Sometimes it's the work of paid
>psy-war ops. Either way, the research suffers.

Well I hope that cheque from MI5 arrives soon, as my reward for disrupting the list. 
It was pretty clever of them to arrange for this guy to molest his students decades 
ago, then for it to be in the news KNOWING that I would be drawn to post it to the 
Internet (which hadn't been invented then). It was also clever of them to arrange for 
these delicate souls who are being protected to also be on the list to complain about 
it. Hey, maybe it's the people who complain about whacky out-of-this-world postings 
with no evidence who are actually disrupting things, as they seem to generate far more 
bandwidth noise.

>>that aside, you comments below indicate that you want censorship to be in
>>place on the list for the sake of harmony sheesh- tell us what the
>>boundries are for posting then!
>I'm not talking about censorship. I'm talking about manners. Look, in real
>life I curse often. Seldom do a go ten minutes without a curse. I'm a blue
>collar guy. I ride motorcycles. I sling wrenches. That's how guys like me
>talk. To each other. Not to people  who are offended by it. When I'm in my
>garage, I spit on the floor. You don't mind because it's my garage. If I
>do this in your kitchen, it's a whole other matter, right? Same with this.

Uh huh. Who was it that said they really detest those liberals who are all in favour 
of free speech, whatever it is, except for...(usually Nazi propoganda and topically 
enough child pornography). And I don't see what your alleged foul mouth has got to do 
with anything. As it happens I almost never curse, even when I stub my toe, break 
something expensive or whatever. It's called self control and maturity.

>I used to curse fairly frequently here. I wrote like I talked because it
>felt more honest to me. But people pointed out that I was being rude to
>some people. I was. I was invading their personal space with something
>they found offensive. I thought they were silly to be offended by mere
>words. I still feel that way. But it costs me little, and hurts me not at
>all, to express myself with different words. And it gives them such
>pleasure. And it makes them a lot more cooperative. be nice to these
>people. They can't help being the way they are. They grew up like that.
>They think that's how they're supposed to be. They think you're not
>supposed to curse in public because it's bad manners. When I'm posting on
>a list I'm in public. So I figure, when in Rome, shoot Roman candles. So I
>quit cursing in front of them. If I can do this, anybody can do this. Is
>it so much to ask that we try to get along, or at least to stay focused?

Uh huh. So we shouldn't post things you don't like/find disturbing because you don't 
swear on the list anymore? Sounds perfectly reasonable and logical to me.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] MP child rapist

2000-10-27 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

nessie wrote:

> I'm not talking about censorship. I'm talking about manners. Look, in real
> life I curse often.

I haven't had time to really follow CTRL in detail lately, but I would
like to clarify a few things.  First, I agree with nessie about
'manners' - manners are simply making all people feel comfortable, it is
about being polite.  Those are old fashioned words in our society -
manners and being polite.  What is wrong with that?  Nothing.  It is
just respecting other people from other cultures.  For people to get
along, you have to be able to some common ground.

Another point is that somebody thanked me for 'supporting' them on this
thread.  I was writing from what was in my heart, and what I wrote was
my personal opinion about how media, although I believe in freedom of
speech, can sometimes cross the boundary of what is necessary in terms
of getting a point across.  I was attempting to debate here the good,
the bad, and the ugly in media reporting.  I was not 'supporting' any
other person's position.

In addition, I found the comment that perhaps 'reptiles' ate the two
school girls who were kidnapped, raped and tortured to death appalling.
Sorry, I failed to see the humour in that comment. Or, if the poster was
serious, perhaps they should look at life and realize that humans are
capable of the most atrocious activities.  Blaming the most horrendous
of human actions on 'reptilans' is an easy way out for absolving the
darker side of humans.

So!  1. I think communities need to know what is happening and it is
vitally important to have a free press, or media, to monitor happenings
for us.

2. Good taste doesn't cost anything and by that I mean, is it truly
necessary in the interest of justice to have the videotapes of two young
girls murdered in the most horrendous of ways, aired on TV?

What I failed to mention in my previous post on this issue, is that,
although the judge banned the airing of the videos of the girls rape and
torture, he allowed the 'sound' to be heard by all: so the girls
pleading for their lives is now public, along with young Leslie, who
asked that she be allowed to live long enough so she could say goodbye
to her 10-year-old brother.

I don't know the answers to huge questions either, but in this
particular case, I am at least glad that, in general, the judge buried
the videotapes with the girls.

It was the decent thing to do.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Fwd: Open House: Alex Constantine Web Site

2000-10-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 The site is an ongoing project, with new information posted regularly.
The permanent location of the core "Alex Constantine Political Conspiracy
Research Bin" is at:

‹ Alex

Re: [CTRL] MP child rapist

2000-10-27 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>why do you seem determind that there was a disruptive motive in the
>of the original mail?

I'm not determined, but I am suspicious. The powers that be have a long,
thick, rich history of disrupting conspiracy research. It happens a lot.
Sometimes it's just somebody's hobby. Sometimes it's the work of paid
psy-war ops. Either way, the research suffers.

>that aside, you comments below indicate that you want censorship to be in
>place on the list for the sake of harmony sheesh- tell us what the
>boundries are for posting then!

I'm not talking about censorship. I'm talking about manners. Look, in real
life I curse often. Seldom do a go ten minutes without a curse. I'm a blue
collar guy. I ride motorcycles. I sling wrenches. That's how guys like me
talk. To each other. Not to people  who are offended by it. When I'm in my
garage, I spit on the floor. You don't mind because it's my garage. If I
do this in your kitchen, it's a whole other matter, right? Same with this.

I used to curse fairly frequently here. I wrote like I talked because it
felt more honest to me. But people pointed out that I was being rude to
some people. I was. I was invading their personal space with something
they found offensive. I thought they were silly to be offended by mere
words. I still feel that way. But it costs me little, and hurts me not at
all, to express myself with different words. And it gives them such
pleasure. And it makes them a lot more cooperative. be nice to these
people. They can't help being the way they are. They grew up like that.
They think that's how they're supposed to be. They think you're not
supposed to curse in public because it's bad manners. When I'm posting on
a list I'm in public. So I figure, when in Rome, shoot Roman candles. So I
quit cursing in front of them. If I can do this, anybody can do this. Is
it so much to ask that we try to get along, or at least to stay focused?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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