[CTRL] Test-Please Ignore

2000-12-15 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: GOP News Views - December 15, 2000

2000-12-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

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Great Symbolism

"The thing I would very much like to see is for President-elect George W.
Bush to ride his horse into the White House on Jan. 21 and announce that
this was the first time in eight years that a complete horse had been in the
Oval Office.  I cannot think of a better way to start the new presidency."

- Charles Jacob, La Junta, (Colo.) Tribune-Democrat

Ain't Buyin' the Victim Act

(Regarding Gore's "concession" speech)  "Just like a liberal would be, Gore
is delighted to be seen as a victim in all of this. If he cared as much for
this country as he does for himself, he would have sent a clear message to
Jesse Jackson to stop his rhetoric. He should have publicly condemned
Jackson's divisive statements along with his calls for future protests.
Tonight Gore acted just as sincere as Clinton at a funeral."

- Bridgette Roncone, President, Palomar College Republicans, San Diego, CA,

For You Kumbaya Republicans

Wasn't Al Gore just LOVELY in his magnanimous concession speech?  Remember
how he told all his supporters that now was the time to unite in support of
President George W. Bush.  Well, his unity call certainly didn't last very
long.  Here's the "conciliatory" instructions Democrat Party boss and
all-around weasel Joe Andrew released to his party faithful yesterday:

"Now, for the first time in 48 years, the Republicans are going to claim
that they control our entire government. So, what do we do now?  We start by
remembering that our Party speaks for the dreams, hopes and aspirations of
millions of Americans. We will not quit on our values, our principles and
our commitments. We will not quit at all.  Republicans will be counting on
us to step to the sidelines, tend to our wounds and mourn our defeat. But
they will be wrong.  That is why we must keep our Party strong. And you can
help by making a secure, online, credit card donation to the DNC today...
We must be prepared to advance our Party's values in a tough political
environment. We must also be ready to react at a moment's notice when
initiatives surface that will take America in the wrong direction."

Oh, yeah.  We can work with these vipers.  Surely, they'll work with us in a
bipartisan fashion for the good of the country.  In a pig's eye.

- Chuck Muth, Editor

This Is What D's Mean By "Unity"

"(Nevada) Senate Democratic leader Dina Titus ... said (Gore's) speech was
'so grounded in history, so gracious' that it surpassed her expectations.
When people see that speech, they're going to think:  'Damn, I wish I had
gone and voted for him,' Titus said.  Bush's speech was 'extremely
simplistic,' Titus said.  'There was no word in it over two syllables.'  She
was totally unimpressed and called it 'just some kind of political pabulum,
like lines you'd see in a mailer.'"

- Las Vegas Review Journal, 12/14/00

Don't Blink ... Or You'll Miss the "Honeymoon"

"Mr. Bush won't enjoy the traditional honeymoon granted presidents.
Democrats won't wait long to unsheath the long knives.  Egged on by their
trial lawyer and union allies, they may begin by trying to block Bush
cabinet choices for the Justice and Labor Departments.  His tax cut will be
declared dead on arrival, at least until a recession becomes obvious."

- Columnist John Fund, Wall Street Journal, 12/14/00

Media Double Standard ... Again

"Watching the news channels for the past 36 hours has been fascinating.  The
Professional Chattering Class is abuzz about what George W. is going to have
to do to placate the Democrats in the Congress.  Listening to them, if Bush
doesn't adopt - verbatim - the Democrats' Congressional agenda then there's
going to be some big trouble, boy.  Imagine, for a moment, that the roles
were reversed and President-elect Al Gore had to deal with a Congress this
closely divided.  Do you really think there would be a constant media
drumbeat of  'What does Al Gore have to do to appease the Republicans?'  Me

- Rich Galen, "Mullings," 12/14/00

Getting Off On the Wrong Foot

"Gore's gone.  Clinton's on his way.  So now it's time to focus our
attention on the policies of the future. Last night I saw the future. I did
not like what I saw and heard. And I think it's time for the American people
to tell President-elect George W. Bush that he's headed down the wrong road.
... What was wrong with this first speech by the president-elect?  Most of
all, what I find repugnant is the fact that he is saying what he thinks
Americans want to hear. In other words, he is pandering. Haven't we had
enough pandering in the 

[CTRL] Fwd: {slick-d} Intolerance Identified Morris Dees The Southern Poverty Law Center, by Karen

2000-12-15 Thread Aleisha Saba


Intolerance Identified
Morris Dees  The Southern Poverty Law Center

by Karen De Coster

"Hate-watching" has become an enterprising sport in America. As so-called
hate-watch groups and organizations spring up all across the country, they
are venerated for their courage and unwavering defense of minority classes.
They are touted as the great overseers of the civil rights granted to
minorities by government.

For persons and organizations that wish to become powerful and recognizable
to mainstream America, hate-watching is a clever way to earn a secure
living. They can do so under the false flag of protecting minority identity
and opportunity, though crying hate has become the call to arms for the
protected classes against traditional culture.

Who are the true intolerants? Are they fervent Christians? Or is it the
so-called watchdog groups that profit from the anger and backlash of
protected classes who are themselves strangled by government policies?

The most notable of such prevaricators is the not-so-impecunious Southern
Poverty Law Center, headed by lawyer Morris Dees. Mr. Dees is a leftist icon
of sorts. He manages to reap gorgeous profits from his not-for- profit
business through website terrorism and hyper-emotional junk-mail campaigns.

The SPLC is the lead aggressor against right-wing organizations that are
ideologically unappealing to Mr. Dees and his fellow intolerants. What SPLC
does is use its government-approved coercive powers to ruin businesses,
smear reputations, and try to force people to participate in their farcical
diversity movement through "monitoring," while exposing alleged fascists,
white-supremicists, and even (gasp!) pro-Confederates.

These accusations are gathered in the SPLC's Intelligence Report, a
scuttlebutt rag that generates severe intolerance against any ideological
group that doesn't agree with its pinko views. One of the latest hits from
the Intelligence Report has been directed toward the Ludwig von Mises
Institute of Auburn, Alabama, an educational organization dedicated to
Austrian economics and classical liberalism. Such dedicated passions toward
education and the advancement of intellectual spirit apparently are not
sanctioned by the SPLC's intolerant bunch.

Another organization that has come under fire is the League of the South, an
organization inspired by the political theory of self-government, especially
with regard to local rule. As if smearing the Mises Institute and the League
of the South weren't enough, the SPLC attempts to link the two, in effect,
implying that any educational institution in the South with libertarian-like
views must be composed of Confederate sympathizers, and therefore, is racist
and hate-filled.

Victimology is an art at SPLC. The past deeds of Morris Dees sensationalize
race relations and patriotic uprisings, while encouraging deep fear in
individuals who see themselves as victims of an unfair political system.
Without producing this fear and victimological thinking, the center could
not possibly raise the huge funds necessary for such a tireless spy machine.

The SPLC is exactly such a contrivance, in fact. It is also a newspeak
machine that does not use logical reasoning or philosophical arguments to
make its case, but rather, emotional attacks that bait the weak-minded, and
seduce those looking for monetary "justice."

Organizations like the SPLC are empowered by government agencies in the
civil rights sector, and they are supported by a leftist media that allows
them unchallenged on-air exposures of purported right-wing intolerance

HBO recently ran a cable special entitled Hate.com: Extremists, which
focused on Internet groups that don't fall within the tolerance guidelines
set forth by hate-watchers. Of course, Mr. Dees and his Intelligence Report
editor Mark Potok took center stage in this documentary, pointing out how
extremist, right-wing America, with the famed Turner Diaries as its bible,
advances the cause of white people and terrorizes oppressed minorities.

The SPLC seems to take special pride in the fact that it can use tolerance
education as the carrot, and draw upon its Northern liberal junk-mail base
for its attack on all the evils of "extremist" America. It's interesting how
the National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP) gets
flagged for hate, while the NAACP is a perfectly legit organization.

Throughout the HBO piece, Messrs. Potok and Dees appear against an
impressive backdrop of stately bookshelves in fancy offices. However, when a
self-styled racist appears on screen, his backdrop is the SPLC's favorite
target: the Confederate flag. This is a purposeful attempt, of course, to
smear the symbol of the noble causes of Southern secession and personal

The HBO documentary treats religious-based organizations in such a way as to
propagate the notion that all hardcore religious activism is "Aryan" in

[CTRL] WP: For Government, Wen Ho Lee Mystery Deepens

2000-12-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

For Government, Wen Ho Lee Mystery Deepens

By Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 15, 2000 ; Page A02

FBI crime laboratory and Energy Department experts have
determined that none of more than 10 cassette tapes retrieved
from the Los Alamos County Landfill are the infamous tapes of
U.S.  nuclear weapons secrets made by Wen Ho Lee, Clinton
administration officials said yesterday.

The finding raises fresh doubts about the Taiwanese American
scientist's assertion that he tossed the tapes into the trash at
Los Alamos National Laboratory in January 1999.  But, officials
were quick to point out, they have no physical evidence to
disprove Lee's story, either.

When federal prosecutors agreed to a plea bargain that let Lee
out of jail in September, they thought they were trading his
freedom for answers.  But the mysteries of the case have only
deepened, and investigators from the FBI and Energy Department
are reluctantly concluding that they may never know what
happened, officials close to the investigation said.

After questioning Lee under oath behind closed doors for 10 days
in recent weeks and after digging through a giant pile of trash,
the FBI still is not sure why he made the tapes or exactly what
he did with them.

Moreover, investigators have determined that Lee made at least 10
trips to Taiwan over the past 25 years, many more than they had

They also have raised their estimate of the number of tapes he
made from the classified computer system at the laboratory's X
Division, where Lee worked and where most of America's nuclear
weapons were designed.

Originally, there were said to be seven missing tapes, based on
notations found in Lee's notebooks.  Now, the FBI believes there
may be several times that number; Lee has said he cannot remember
exactly how many he made, according to officials familiar with
the investigation.

Efforts to reach Lee's lawyers for comment were unsuccessful.

Under the terms of Lee's plea agreement, the 10 days of
questioning granted the government are over; the only step left
for the government is to administer a polygraph or "lie detector"

"If he shows deception" on the fundamental questions of why he
made the tapes and whether he destroyed them, a senior official
said, "we are right back where we were when we first discovered
what he had done."

Over 40 hours on 70 days in 1993, 1994 and 1997, Lee downloaded
1.4 gigabytes of data, the equivalent of about 400,000 pages,
from the secure computer system at Los Alamos, according to the
FBI.  Often working on nights and weekends, and circumventing
security safeguards, he moved the data to his office desktop
computer and to pocket-sized tapes that look like 8-mm
videocassettes, a bit thicker than conventional audio cassettes.
He then made copies of some of those tapes.

In the recent FBI questioning, sources said, Lee has steadfastly
maintained that he made the tapes as a safeguard against computer
failures.  Other scientists at Los Alamos have questioned the
plausibility of that explanation, noting that there were simpler,
authorized ways to protect data from computer crashes, such as
backing up the files on hard drives.

Lee also has assured investigators that he never removed any of
the tapes from the laboratory or showed them to anyone.  A few
days after losing his security clearance in December 1999, he has
reportedly said, he threw the tapes into a Dumpster outside the
lab's X Division.

Based on that information, FBI agents began searching the county
landfill in late November.  Using records of when trash was
dumped into various parts of the landfill, they isolated a
section of the site and combed through tons of garbage with
rakes.  By last Friday, the agents had found more than 10
computer tapes, which were sent to the forensic laboratory at FBI
headquarters for analysis.

Officials said yesterday that the tapes were not the ones Lee

Lee was investigated by the FBI from 1996 to 1999 as a suspect in
the loss of some data about America's latest nuclear warhead, the
W-88, to China.  But he denied ever passing information to any
foreign country, and he was never charged with espionage.

The discovery of his downloading came later, after he had been
fired from the laboratory for security violations in March 1999.
At the time, Capitol Hill was in a political furor over
allegations of Chinese espionage.  Lee was indicted and held in
solitary confinement on 59 felony counts, including alleged
violations of the Atomic Energy Act that carried the threat of
life imprisonment.

The case against Lee collapsed even before trial, however.
Expert witnesses questioned whether the information he had
downloaded really represented the "crown jewels" of the U.S.
nuclear program, and defense lawyers showed that the lead FBI
agent on the case had given faulty testimony.  When Lee pleaded
guilty in September to a single felony count, a federal trial
judge not only freed him, 

[CTRL] [Fwd: [Activist_List] New Study on Global Corporate Power]

2000-12-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [Activist_List] New Study on Global Corporate Power
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 09:10:15 -0500
From: "Jay Moore" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: "Activist Mailing List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:@sunshine.hcr.net;

Activist Mailing List - http://activist.cjb.net

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This is a press release I picked up from the Institute for Policy Studies
Web site: www.ips-dc.org  It has some extremely staggering statistics that
ought to be spread around to the more general public.  The full study can be
read (and printed out) at their Web site in PDF format with an Adobe Acrobat

best wishes,


Research Institute Releases Study on Corporate Power on 1st Anniversary of
Seattle Protests
Study Reinforces Public Distrust of Corporations

On the first anniversary of the Seattle protests that shut down negotiations
of the World Trade Organization, the Institute for Policy Studies is
releasing a study that shows:

Of the world's 100 largest economic entities, 51 are now corporations and 49
are countries;
The world's top 200 corporations account for over a quarter of economic
activity on the globe while employing less than one percent of its

According to study co-author Sarah Anderson, "The Seattle protestors
expressed their anger at institutions like the WTO for elevating the
interests of large corporations over everyone else.  We analyzed just how
powerful the world's biggest firms are and our findings are staggering."

Other key findings include:
The Top 200 corporations' combined sales are bigger than the combined
economies of all countries minus the biggest 10. --The Top 200s' combined
sales are 18 times the size of the combined annual income of the 1.2 billion
people (24 percent of the total world population) living in "severe"
Between 1983 and 1999, the profits of the Top 200 firms grew 362.4 percent,
while the number of people they employ grew by only 14.4 percent.

A full 5 percent of the Top 200s' combined workforce is employed by
Wal-Mart, a company notorious for union-busting and widespread use of
part-time workers to avoid paying benefits.

U.S. corporations dominate the Top 200, with 82 slots (41 percent of the
total).  Japanese firms are second, with only 41 slots.

Of the U.S.corporations on the list, 44 did not pay the full standard 35
percent federal corporate tax rate during the period 1996-1998. Seven of the
firms (including the world's largest, General Motors) actually paid less
than zero in federal income taxes in 1998 (because of rebates).

Between 1983 and 1999, the share of total sales of the Top 200 made up by
service sector corporations increased from 33.8 percent to 46.7 percent.

To receive a paper version. contact Sarah Anderson, tel: 202/234-9382 or

To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The most absurd economic system ever invented.

2000-12-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Bob Stokes wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 12/11/00 3:17:04 PM Mountain Standard Time,

  Farmers can't earn a living. Nurses and trash collectors, can't earn a
  wage even though your health depends on them doing their jobs. Teachers
  to keep their families afloat.

  Then you have CEOs who get million dollar bonuses even though their company
  looses money. Mediocre actors like Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, and Arnold
  make 20 million per picture. And then you have this obscenity... 

 Managers make the big bucks.

  Managers who can't do your job.

  Managers who spread the false information that you can't see the big

  Managers who manage to steal a portion of your earned wages and make your
 job harder.

 The higher up they are the more money they steal.

  The higher up managers know even less about your job.

 Manager = thiefPoliticians = Manager   Politicians = thief

 Bob Stokes

You go girl!


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Dangers of the New Age movement

2000-12-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

I saw the same kind of drivel come from the Fundamentalist Christians.
Once you're superstitious and paranoid, there no limit to what nonsensical
drivel you can find believable.

What's interesting to me me is how fearful people become when someone
threatens their belief system. No matter how stupid and ridiculous and
impossible that belief system is, you don't wan't to lose it. Pretty sick.

Thank god I'm an atheist.


T Nohava wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Amen Duncan!

 I could really "go off" on this one but I've seen too many narrow minded
 people here in the 3-4 years I've been on this list and don't care to engage
 in any debate here. There's no question though...this broad has some serious
 toys in her head!

 Great Magazine!!! Not subscribed anymore but never fail to pick one up while
 I'm at Barnes  Noble.

  -Original Message-
  From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
  Behalf Of nexusmagazine
  Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 5:51 PM
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Dangers of the New Age movement
  -Caveat Lector-
  This is an excellent site for those who know nothing about the
  dangers to our
  society coming from the New Age movement and those who wish to learn more
  about this very extensive topic.  Hannah Newman, a Jewish researcher who
  lives in Israel, recently sent out a notice about her site as follows:
  "My new, greatly expanded and updated research on New Age antisemitism is
  now on line.
  Go to:
  This is some of the most unbelievable crap I have ever read.
  This is on a par with the 2 + 2 = 5 Jewish Conspiracy theories out there,
  except now we are expected to believe that the 'new age movement' is a
  coherent, organised plan.
  I feel qualified to comment here, as I helped push the new age movement
  in Australia.
  I am not anti-semitic, anti-jewish, or anti-anything.  I believed that
  the Christian option was lacking, and I wanted to explore yoga,
  meditation and other philosophies.
  This bimbo is expecting us to believe that virtually all non-mainstream
  religions are part of a sinister plan to wipe out Jews.  Talk about
  paranoid - it would be funny if it weren't so scary that people out there
  believe such drivel.
  I put to you all that this woman is part of an evil plan to isolate and
  vilify anyone not part of an 'established' religion.
  Established religions control their followers via their belief systems,
  but the rest of us are now 'new agers', to be isolated and vilified for
  our crime of not 'belonging' to a major belief system.
  I have been to Findhorn Community, I have lived on communes, I have
  organised festivals and activities, conferences, and published magazines,
  all promoting peaceful ideology via diet, attitude and environment.
  I KNOW the new age movement.  It is totally disorganised, incoherent, and
  until Shirley Maclaine and Oprah Winfrey came along, it was lacking in
  credibility and viability.
  There are certainly sinister elements that come along and wave their flag
  under the new age movement's banner.
  In a world facing fragmentation and uncertainty, the last thing we need
  is more rubbish of this calibre.
  Hannah, there is no Jewish conspiracy to wipe out non-Jews, and there is
  no New Age conspiracy to wipe out Jews.  You should go out and smell the
  roses and get a life!
  Duncan M. Roads
  Editor, NEXUS Magazine
  PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
  Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381
  http://www.nexusmagazine.com  ICQ#62399259
  "The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
  On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
  (Aldous Huxley)

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] This list should be warned

2000-12-15 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "nexusmagazine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 David is a zionist.  When he makes anti-semitic or anti-catholic
 statements, he is merely drawing out any sympathisers lurking on the
 list.  Their names, email handles etc are dutifully noted down and
 reported to whoever he runs to for lollies.

 When he attacks NEXUS, those who rush to my defence are also duly noted.

 This phenomenon happens on many many lists.  Your comments, sexual
 preferences, political leanings, downloaded files, sites visited, emails
 sent are ALL duly logged onto your file.

Big Brother has had me on his list way before the advent of the internet, so I'm not 
duly worried that I
continue to be put on one list or another...   ;-)

But you are correct in your assessment that many of these cockroaches are trolling for 


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Jesus was a Liberal (dose of shrooms)

2000-12-15 Thread pmeares

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 The fact of the matter is that thinking for oneself is the very core of
 what it means to be an anarchist. You, on the other hand, let dead men
 think for you. My recomendation: give it up; think for yourself.

Excuse the intrusion, but the anarchist principles you've
argued in this thread were also of "dead men" -- and fellow
anarchists -- Lysander Spooner for one. Simply because one
quotes "dead men" doesn't mean they haven't thought it out
for themselves, (only later to find that they have come to
similar conclusions as "dead men"). Nice fallacy, though.
I've seen J2 effectively use it here on occasion as well.

BTW, Jesus (of Is-Ra-El) was about as "liberal" as Horus and
Osiris of Egypt, Mithra and Zoroaster of Persia, Krishna of
India, the Buddha, and so on and so forth. All seem to be
cast of the same (concealed) astro-theological/entheogenic
mold. The name may have changed, the song is still the same.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Massive Voter Fraud?

2000-12-15 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Congress to establish
voter-fraud task force
Nationwide investigation will 'put
people in jail,'

By Kenneth R. Timmerman
© 2000 Western Journalism Center

House Speaker Dennis J. Hastert is putting together a task force to investigate 
of voter fraud in the November 7 election that will be nationwide in scope and will 
people in jail," according to a top member of the Republican leadership.

Hastert initially asked outgoing Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde, R-Ill, to
chair the task force, but Hyde says he turned it down. Hyde is the leading candidate
to become the new chairman of the House International Relations Committee, in front
of two moderate Republicans, Jim Leach and Doug Bereuter.

Republicans will be looking at allegations of voter fraud from across the country,
not just in Florida.

"In Madison, Wisconsin, we had homeless shelters with 20 beds where 200 people
voted," said a top member of the leadership, who asked to remain unnamed for this
 report. "In Wisconsin, you can just show up at the polls on election day and vote
without being registered by saying that you have just moved into the precinct. In some 
Democratic precincts in Texas, we had 125 percent of registered
voters cast ballots."

The voter-fraud task force will also examine allegations that the Department of
Defense shut down mail call for U.S. military vessels on overseas deployment two
weeks before the election, to prevent absentee ballots from being delivered to U.S.
Navy personnel or returned by them to their home districts.

Sam Wright, a retired U.S. Navy captain and lawyer who advocates a major
overhaul of the military voting system, believes that 200,000 members of the
military and their family get systematically disenfranchised.

"That's based on the survey that DoD does after every presidential election,"
said Wright. "I am now coming to believe that the 200,000 figure is a gross
understatement. The DoD survey only shows what military members know."

Motor voters

And in Baltimore, Chicago and Los Angeles, allegations are surfacing of roving
bands of voters who were taken in buses from precinct to precinct to vote in place
of registered voters who had moved away or who had never voted before.

"We are relatively certain people were being taken from polling place to polling place
and allowed to vote," said Republican national committeewoman from Maryland,
Ellen Sauerbrey.

How can someone vote in place of another? Actually, it's fairly simple -- for the
fraudulently inclined.

In many states, including Maryland, it is illegal to ask voters to present
identification, on the pretext that would be construed as voter intimidation.
Election officials in Maryland and in many other states are allowed to ascertain
a voter's true identity by asking only for their name, address and date of birth.

"But in practice, there's no check whatsoever," Sauerbrey said. "The election
judge will prompt you by asking if you live at such and such address, if you were
born at such and such date. This makes it easier for one person to vote in the
name of another, simply by mimicking the signature on the voter card."

Repeated attempts by Republicans in Maryland to pass legislation that would
require voters to present identification at the polls have been blocked by the
Democratic majority in the state's House of Delegates.

No citizenship checks

The motor voter rules (known officially as the National Voter Registration Act of
1993) went into effect in January 1995, and required states to allow anyone applying
for a drivers license to register to vote at the same time.

The problem, admitted board of election officials in several Maryland counties, is that
no proof of citizenship is required, thus inviting non-citizens to vote by fraud.

An elections-board official in Montgomery County, Md., who declined to be
identified, acknowledged there was "no cross-checking" to see if people who registered
to vote at the Motor Vehicle Agency are U.S. citizens. "We don't require them to
present ID to vote."

When individuals register to vote at the Motor Vehicle Agency, they are required
to sign a form stating they are U.S. citizens "under penalty of perjury." However,
those forms are only delivered to the MVA in English, whereas many non-English
speakers regularly apply for drivers licenses and, by extension, register to vote.

Spanish-language voter registration forms are sent out with state recruiters, who
sign up new voters through a wide variety of state welfare agencies, the official
added. She could not explain why Spanish-language voter registration forms would
be needed for naturalized U.S. citizens, who are required to pass an English-language
test as part of their naturalization examination.

Maryland has "no way to check" if non-citizens are voting, state supervisor of
elections Linda Lamone said. "We 

[CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Attacks Escalating - Arafat Agrees To More Negotiations with Barak

2000-12-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\   http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]




MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 12/15:
   Israel's war against the Palestinians may be leading to the end of the Arafat
Regime, "the Palestinian Authority" may be ended in Gaza and calculated leaks
to the media to this effect have be used to put still further pressure on Arafat
to agree to something or find himself exiled for what would in all likelihood
be his final time.  The situation as it is developing could even result in large
numbers of Palestinians being pushed out of the West Bank and Gaza if and when
the excuse presents itself, or is manufactured.  The old strategy of Jordan becoming
"the Palestinian State" remains lurking, especially should Ariel Sharon's power
continue to increase.  This is the military option.
   At the very same time the Israelis are preparing this greater war option,
they are also furiously pursuing an opposite strategy to see if they can entice
(i.e., force) Yasser Arafat into some kind of political deal and to use Bill
Clinton in his last weeks in office to engrave this whole Oslo/Camp David arrangement
on the world's consciousness.  This is the diplomatic option.
   Of course lying behind all the manuevering at this point is a desperate attempt
to keep Ehud Barak as Prime Minister.  Everyone, Arafat, the Arab "client regimes",
the Americans, and the Europeans are all lining up to bring about this outcome
when the Israelis vote in just a month and a half now.
   Arafat himself is in a political vice that is being twisted and turned more
and more distorting his legitimacy even further and creating the potential for
even greater violence and destruction ahead.
   As reported in today's Ha'aretz:  "In his diplomatic contacts in recent days,
foreign minister Ben-Ami sought to examine the Palestinian willingness to advance
beyond the positions the sides reached at the end of the Camp David talks. One
of the formulations is "Jerusalem in return for the refugees," another Israeli
attempt to set Jerusalem's boundaries among Arab and Israeli neighborhoods, which
would in fact involve a declared Israeli concession of all Arab neighborhoods,
alongside Arab recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the other parts of greater
Jerusalem, in return for a Palestinian agreement not to insist on the full and
immediate implementation of the right of return of Arab refugees from 1948.
   "Military Intelligence takes the view that among Arafat's list of priorities,
Jerusalem indeed takes precedence over the refugee issue, but that a solution
in Jerusalem must include Palestinian control over the Temple Mount. From this
assessment, it can be understood that attaining a settlement in the few weeks
remaining to both Barak and Clinton is mainly dependent on an Israeli decision
to make significant concessions beyond previous positions, in addition to giving
up the demand that the renewal of negotiations must be conditional upon the cessation
of Palestinian violence and incitement.

[Ha'aretz Bulletin - 15 December]


 By Aluf Benn,
   Ha'aretz Diplomatic Correspondent and agencies

At the close of a four-hour meeting, Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami and
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat agreed to restart next week
negotiations on a final status agreement between Palestinians and Israel.
Ben-Ami called the meeting "exceptional, considering the current situation."

Both sides agreed on a joint effort to both implement the Sharm al-Sheikh
understandings reached in a summit in October, and to bring a stop to the
wave of violent clashes and attacks that have continued since late

Though no joint statement was made after the meeting, held at the Erez
checkpoint between Israel and the Gaza Strip, Palestinian Authority
Information Minister Yasser Abed Rabbo, a participant in the meeting, said
all issues were discussed, including the situation on the ground, where
violence continues.

A Palestinian statement made at the end of the meeting said Arafat is ready
for U.S. involvement on the highest levels, and is interested in reaching an
agreement before the White House changes its administration in January,
though Palestinian Minister for Planning and Cooperation Nabil Sha'ath said

Re: [CTRL] Massive Voter Fraud?

2000-12-15 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/15/00 8:14:47 AM Central Standard Time,

 Republicans will be looking at allegations of voter fraud from across the
  not just in Florida.

I feel so reassured now.


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[CTRL] Supreme Court for Dummies

2000-12-15 Thread Mulva

-Caveat Lector-

this is a forward I have cross-posted from another
list...I am interested in opinion on this.

By Mark H. Levine, Attorney at Law

Q: I'm not a lawyer and I don't understand the recent
Supreme Court
decision in Bush v. Gore. Can you explain it to me?

A: Sure. I'm a lawyer. I read it. It says Bush wins,
even if Gore got
the most votes.

Q: But wait a second. The US Supreme Court has to give
a reason, right?

A: Right.

Q: So Bush wins because hand-counts are illegal?

A: Oh no. Six of the justices (two-thirds majority)
believed the
hand-counts were legal and should be done.

Q: Oh. So the justices did not believe that the
hand-counts would find
any legal ballots?

A. Nope. The five conservative justices clearly held
(and all nine
justices agreed) "that punch card balloting machines
can produce an
unfortunate number of ballots which are not punched in
a clean,
way by the voter." So there are legal votes that
should be counted but
can't be.

Q: Oh.  Does this have something to do with states'
rights? Don't
conservatives love that?

A: Generally yes. These five justices have held that
the federal
government has no business telling a sovereign state
university it
steal trade secrets just because such stealing is
prohibited by law.
does the federal government have any business telling
a state that it
should bar guns in schools. Nor can the federal
government use the
protection clause to force states to take measures to
stop violence
against women.

Q: Is there an exception in this case?

A: Yes, the Gore exception. States have no rights to
have their own
state elections when it can result in Gore being
elected President.
decision is limited to only this situation.

Q: C'mon. The Supremes didn't really say that. You're

A: Nope. They held "Our consideration is limited to
the present
circumstances, or the problem of equal protection in
election processes
generally presents many complexities."

Q: What complexities?

A: They don't say.

Q:  I'll bet I know the reason. I heard Jim Baker say
this. The votes
can't be counted because the Florida Supreme Court
"changed the rules
the election after it was held." Right?

A. Dead wrong. The US Supreme Court made clear that
the Florida Supreme
Court did not change the rules of the election. But
the US Supreme
found the failure of the Florida Court to change the
rules was wrong.

Q: Huh?

A: The Legislature declared that the only legal
standard for counting
vote is "clear intent of the voter." The Florida Court
was condemned
not adopting a clearer standard.

Q: I thought the Florida Court was not allowed to
change the
Legislature's law after the election.

A: Right.

Q: So what's the problem?

A: They should have. The US Supreme Court said the
Florida Supreme
should have "adopt[ed] adequate statewide standards
for determining
is a legal vote"

Q: I thought only the Legislature could "adopt" new

A: Right.

Q: So if the Court had adopted new standards, I
thought it would have
been overturned.

A: Right. You're catching on.

Q: If the Court had adopted new standards, it would
have been
for changing the rules. And if it didn't, it's
overturned for not
changing the rules. That means that no matter what the
Florida Supreme
Court did, legal votes could never be counted.

A: Right. Next question.

Q: Wait, wait. I thought the problem was "equal
protection," that some
counties counted votes differently from others. Isn't
that a problem?

A: It sure is. Across the nation, we vote in a
hodgepodge of systems.
Some, like the optical-scanners in largely
Republican-leaning counties
record 99.7% of the votes. Some, like the punchcard
systems in largely
Democratic-leaning counties record only 97% of the
votes. So
approximately 3% of Democratic votes are thrown in the
trash can.

Q: Aha! That's a severe equal-protection problem!!!

A: No it's not. The Supreme Court wasn't worried about
the 3% of
Democratic ballots thrown in the trashcan in Florida.
That "complexity"
was not a problem.

Q: Was it the butterfly ballots that violated Florida
law and tricked
more than 20,000 Democrats to vote for Buchanan or
Gore and Buchanan.

A: Nope. The Supreme Court has no problem believing
that Buchanan got
his highest, best support in a precinct consisting of
a Jewish old age
home with Holocaust survivors, who apparently have
changed their mind
about Hitler.

Q: Yikes. So what was the serious equal protection

A: The problem was neither the butterfly ballot nor
the 3% of Democrats
(largely African-American) disenfranchised. The
problem is that
less than .005% of the ballots may have been
determined under slightly
different standards because judges sworn to uphold the
law and doing
their best to accomplish the legislative mandate of
"clear intent of
voter" may have a slightly opinion about the voter's

Q: Hmmm. OK, so if those votes are thrown out, 

[CTRL] Fwd: [FredOnEverything] Anxiety

2000-12-15 Thread Mulva

-Caveat Lector-

So everyone is tired of talking about Jesus' possible
political association.

Here is an interesting forward that could open a whole
new can of worms from Fred (Washington Post Guy I

Are women starting a whole new rash of conspiracies
like Fred claims?

--- Frederick Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: "Frederick Reed" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 10:55:50 -0500
 Subject: [FredOnEverything] Anxiety


   The Man Beneath The Bed
   When Shadows Twist Through Medieval Twilight

 Hooboy. I'm trying to understand the
 truculence toward men that is now the default
 position of American women -- the chip on the
 shoulder, the blisterish sensitivity, the vigilant
 search for litigable slights. It's tiresome. It's
 unwholesome. It approaches medieval dementia. What
 did men do?
 Nothing, I submit.

 Ponder the following phenomena:

 To begin with, there is the hysteria on
 campus about rape. Across the country, college girls
 hold nocturnal processions to "Take Back The Night."
 Overwrought co-eds tell each other to applause that
 sexual assault waits around every corner, under
 every tree. Rape, they insist with enormous
 satisfaction, is a constant danger. All boys are to
 be feared.

 Princeton among other former institutions of
 learning has blue rape-lights to illuminate any spot
 on campus where a bogey-rapist might lurk. College
 boys are often forced to go through anti-rape hazing
 resembling the brainwashing engaged in by religious
 cults. College girls apparently live in a
 demon-ridden mental landscape drawn by Hieronymus

 And yet the actual incidence of rape by
 Caucasian males -- who are uniquely the targets of
 the hysteria, despite being far less inclined toward
 rape than are various minorities -- is very low. As
 we will see, most of the distaff hysteria involves
 (a) beliefs that are demonstrably false, and (b)
 profound sexual anxiety.

 Next, consider the plague of eating
 disorders -- anorexia and bulimia -- that seem
 common among women, but hardly existed forty years
 ago. These are imagined to be the fault of men, who
 are thought to want emaciated women, and therefore
 in some way to force women to starve themselves.
 Again, the false premises -- men do not want stick
 figures, nor force women not to eat -- and again,
 sexual anxiety.

 Then there's the recent wave, finally being
 slapped down by the courts, of "repressed-memory"
 lawsuits ("induced memory" is more accurate) in
 which women, usually in their thirties, decide that
 they were raped by their fathers. They supposedly
 repress the memories until a therapist helpfully
 recovers them. Typically there is no corroborating
 evidence, no reason to believe that incest actually
 occurred, or that memories in fact are repressed. As
 always, the false premise, and the undercurrent of
 sexual anxiety.

 Closely related are the reports, usually by
 women, of suddenly remembrance of being forced to
 engage as children in satanic rituals. In these they
 recall being forced to sacrifice babies, or being
 sexually violated in strange ways. There is never
 any supporting evidence. Like the incest stories,
 these mental aberrations are statistically rare, but
 based on falsehood, and rife with sexual fear.

 Next consider the widespread notion that
 women are unremittingly victimized by men --
 sexually harassed, underpaid, abused, denigrated,
 stalked, beaten, undervalued, everything but stuffed
 and mounted over the fireplace. But in fact American
 women are not oppressed. The charges are just
 ritualized paranoia.

 The preoccupation with sexual harassment is
 salient. As with the nonexistent rapists on campus,
 nonexistent harassment is seen everywhere. Did the
 guy in the next desk have a photo of his girlfriend
 in a bathing suit? He's demeaning women. Did Bob use
 the "F" word, which women haven't heard and never
 use? He's creating a hostile environment. An
 off-color story? Virtual rape. Harassment must be
 detected everywhere and suspected everywhere else --
 rooted out, punished, exorcised.

 This is nuts. Somebody needs to say it's

 We tend to think of feminism as asserting
 that women are as strong and able as men. The more
 profound current beneath the bravado is that women
 are weak, helpless, and threatened. They aren't, of
 course: As a matter of everyday observation, women
 function perfectly well, show no signs of fear, and
 seem quite able to take care of themselves. The
 entire enterprise of radical feminism, like its
 component sub-hysterias, is based on beliefs that
 are easily discovered to be foolish. And on sexual

 What is going on?

 A guess: Women have just undergone, as men
 have not, a profound change in their relation to
 society and to men. The change has 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Mining Web article publicizes GATA lawsuit

2000-12-15 Thread Kris Millegan

4:47p EDT Thursday, December 14, 2000

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Our lawsuit with Reg Howe against the collusive suppression
of the price of gold is becoming the sensation of the gold
world. An article at www.theminingweb.com does not predict
our success, but it describes the lawsuit in detail and has
some nice things to say about GATA, so it may help spread
the word.

You can find the article here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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[CTRL] Fwd: expect heroin this time....thats what happened in FL after Jebby

2000-12-15 Thread Kris Millegan

well if the coke will not work for them to grow their law enforcement now,
expect heroin this timethats what happened in FL after Jebby the mutt
its a matter of public recordsome straight up government were watching
for the coke because they had the warnings and all of a sudden heroin became
the problem I think thats what they will do this time cause they sure can't
do the coke too many people know...but we know they have the smack connex in
a big way too


[CTRL] Fwd: A CIA Nazi Recruit in Jewish Drag

2000-12-15 Thread Kris Millegan

London Times


SS killer was given new life as a Jew

Alan Hall on the death camp officer who was recruited by the CIA

THE secret life of a former Nazi war criminal, who spied for America¹s
Central Intelligence Agency after the Second World War in return for a fake
Jewish identity, was disclosed yesterday.
The story of how Günter Reinemer, an S.S. lieutenant who commanded death
squads at the Treblinka concentration camp, escaped the death penalty
because of the CIA is told in a documentary to be screened in Germany next
Reinemer was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Jews at Treblinka,
the first concentration camp in Poland. More than a million Jews from the
Warsaw Ghetto were killed at Treblinka.
Given the identity Hans-Georg Wagner by the CIA, he later married a Jewish
woman, lived in Israel and was buried in a Jewish cemetery. His story might
have been buried with him had he not felt the need to confess in 1988,
shortly before he apparently committed suicide. His statements form the
basis of the documentary Wagner¹s Confession.
The role of the American intelligence service in the days after the war has
still to be fully explained. With the Third Reich vanquished, America sensed
that it needed every ally available to fight the coming Cold War and was not
too particular about its recruits. The CIA recruited Nazi scientists and
much smaller fry, such as Reinemer, by offering the choice: work for the US
or almost certainly forfeit your life at a war crimes tribunal.
Reinemer¹s journey from war criminal to respected Jewish businessman was
exposed only in the final days of his life because of suspicions over his
financial trustworthiness. In 1988, as Wagner, he was living in Caracas,
Venezuela, when he secured a job as consultant engineer to the Jewish-owned
Venergia submarine battery manufacturer. There were some on the board who
doubted the motives, and the fiscal propriety, of Wagner, as money went
missing. That led to the appointment of Klaus-Dieter Matschke of the KDM
company in Frankfurt, which specialises in the prevention of industrial
Wagner was arrested by the Venezuelan secret service in August 1988 and
tortured with electrical cattle prods after the company voiced its
suspicions about him. Herr Matschke persuaded the authorities to let him
take over. At first Reinemer stuck to his story that he was a Jewish
businessman. ³Then, after about a week of questioning him, I threw a thick
bundle of files on to my desk and just shouted at him: ŒName, rank, last
military assignment.¹
³Perhaps the tone of command, perhaps the weariness from the past few days,
perhaps a need to break with the past ‹ I don¹t know what it was, but he
looked up and said: ŒReinemer, SS Death¹s-Head Division, Treblinka.¹ It was
the start of a comprehensive confession.²
For the next week Reinemer agreed to dictate his story to Herr Matschke.
Reinemer, born in Dresden in 1918, told how he joined the Nazi party and
later the SS and was attached to Treblinka in 1942. He said that later he
commanded a squad which clubbed prisoners to death after a failed uprising
and later led more prisoners into a forest to be executed.
³I recalled the camp commander¹s order to the SS guards,² he told Herr
Matschke. ³ ŒRestore calm with no regard to the consequences.¹ I went into
the forest with a detachment of 110 Jews. I lined them up and gave the order
to fire.² 
At the end of the war he put on the uniform of an ordinary German soldier
but was recruited by the CIA after being discovered in a prisoner of war
He spent several months at a US military base at Frankfurt-Höchst, where he
learnt rudimentary intelligence techniques and was circumcised. He was given
a Jewish identity and sent as a Holocaust survivor to Calbe, East Germany,
where he was to spy on old Nazis and new communist technologies at the local
power plant. He went with his second wife, a Frenchwoman, and stayed until
1957 when he abandoned his family and fled West. According to intelligence
files examined in German archives, the CIA forgot about him and no further
action was taken against him. He stayed in West Germany until 1969, when he
moved to Israel. In 1972 he moved to Venezuela with a Polish-Jewish woman
whom he had married.
His widow, Rosa, said: ³He fooled me for more than two decades about his
past. Imagine, me, a Jew, living with a Jew-killer. I would have killed him
myself had I known.²
After confessing his identity he was found dead two days later. Herr
Matschke said: ³You have to ask yourself: how many other Reinemers did
America spirit to safety?²
Copyright 2000 Times Newspapers Ltd.

Alex Constantine Political Conspiracy Research Bin:

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] South African financial program interviews GATA's Murphy

2000-12-15 Thread Kris Millegan

1:29a EDT Friday, December 15, 2000

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The Moneyweb radio program in South Africa did a nice
interview this week with GATA Chairman Bill Murphy.
A transcript of it appears here:


Word IS getting around. Help us spread the word.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] GATA lawsuit makes front page of Toronto Globe and Mail

2000-12-15 Thread Kris Millegan

11a EDT Friday, December 15, 2000

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here's a story from the front page of today's
Toronto Globe and Mail, Canada's leading

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *


By Peter Kennedy
Toronto Globe and Mail
December 15, 2000

Vancouver -- As the price of gold has slumped over
the past couple of years, a theory has developed in
some quarters that powerful forces are working to
hold it down. Now the allegation has become the
basis of a U.S. lawsuit.

A Texas group that says it has received financial
backing from major gold producers has accused top
Wall Street investment firms of conspiring with the
U.S. Federal Reserve Board, among others, to depress
the price of gold.

In a complaint filed last week in the U.S. District
Court of Boston, Mass., the Gold Anti-Trust Action
Committee (GATA) is seeking compensation for an
alleged price-fixing scheme it says involves J.P.
Morgan  Co. Inc., Chase Manhattan Corp., Citigroup
Inc., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., and Deutsche Bank

GATA, whose contributors have included Canada's
Placer Dome Inc., is alleging that the five Wall
Street firms conspired with the U.S. Federal Reserve
Board, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the
U.S. Treasury Department and the Bank of
International Settlements to depress the price of
gold between 1994 and 2000.

By doing so, GATA says they have prevented huge
losses by financial organizations that borrow gold
from central banks at low interest rates to resell
on the open market.

Banks that borrow gold lose money when prices rise
because they must buy more gold to repay the loans
at prices higher than what they got on the open

Because of that, the complaint alleges, "over the
past two years, Goldman, Chase and Deutsche Bank
have regularly appeared as heavy sellers of gold on
the New York Commodities Exchange whenever necessary
to kill any significant rally."

While the alleged scheme is said to have generated
billions of dollars in profits for banks, the
resulting downward pressure on gold prices has
forced mines to close and pushed gold producers like
Ashanti Goldfields Ltd. to the brink of bankruptcy,
the suit alleges.

"We think this will turn out to be one of the
biggest financial scandals in U.S. history," GATA
chairman Bill Murphy said.

During an interview from Dallas, Mr. Murphy
described himself as a 54-year-old financial
newsletter writer who has decided to "do something
about" what he sees as manipulation of the gold
market, rather than just write about it.

A GATA statement of claim names U.S. Federal Reserve
chairman Alan Greenspan and Federal Reserve Bank of
New York president William McDonough.

According to the claim, the alleged scheme's
objectives included preventing the gold price from
signalling a warning of future U.S. inflation, which
would have affected the international standing of
the U.S. dollar and called further attention to the
huge and unprecedented U.S. trade deficits.

That in turn would have embarrassed the U.S.
government, the lawsuit alleges.

"Mining companies, their employees and shareholders,
and developing countries have been ruined by the
manipulation of the gold market, and it has prompted
ordinary investors around the world to put their
savings at greater risk than they would have done
otherwise," Mr. Murphy said.

He said GATA has taken legal action after receiving
$285,000 (U.S.) in donations from some of the
world's largest mining firms, including Placer Dome,
Anglo American Gold Investment Co. Ltd. (Amgold) of
South Africa, Gold Fields of South Africa Ltd. and
JCI Gold Inc.

Placer Dome spokeswoman Brenda Radies confirmed that
the gold miner provided GATA with a $10,000 donation
last year, prior to the resignation in February of
its former chief executive officer John Willson.

However, she said the company is not playing an
active role in the affairs of GATA or its lawsuit.
"We are neutral on the whole thing," she said.

"I don't know what Mr. Willson's thinking was when
he gave them the money."

A spokeswoman for Goldman Sachs declined to comment
on the price-fixing allegations which gold industry
analysts and officials say are not new.

"This has been kicking around for a couple of years
now," said Roman Shklanka, a Vancouver gold-mining
consultant and former chairman of Sutton Resources
Ltd., which was swallowed two years ago by Toronto-
based Barrick Gold Corp.

Martin Murenbeeld, a Victoria-based gold analyst who
publishes the Gold Monitor newsletter, said some of
his clients believe in the conspiracy theory. "But I
personally don't think there is much to it," he
said. "The data available today and my own analysis
[of gold pricing trends] suggests there is no

Meanwhile, Reginald Howe, a former Boston lawyer and
gold analyst who is acting as a consultant to GATA,
said the lawsuit has been timed to coincide with a

[CTRL] FWD:Hired Guns Fuel Fundraising Race (etc.)

2000-12-15 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 14:31:00 -0800
  From: x
  X-Accept-Language: en
  To: x
  Subject: Re: Energy Chief Steps In
  ++One wonders if Bush would have beat up on Enron (or the
  others), to force them to supply power.
  That's a cruel joke, right?
  Enron CEOs are among Bush's biggest backers, his platinum
  They bought this election, and damn well want their money's
  from the washington post:
  Hired Guns Fuel Fundraising Race
  By Susan B. Glasser Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday , April
  30, 2000 ; A01
  When Christian Coalition executive director Ralph Reed set up
  shop as a consultant in 1997, Bush's political team, sources
  said, helped Reed land a major account from Enron Corp., a Texas-
  based energy company that has been the largest contributor to
  Bush's campaigns over the years. With energy deregulation looming
  in state legislatures and Congress, Reed's job was the same sort
  of grass-roots politics he had been practicing for years. The
  only difference was the client.
 edited by alexander cockburn and jeffrey st. clair
  Shrub's Money Tree
The media has widely reported that George W. Bush has put
  together a startlingly successful money-raising machine. At last
  report, Bush had pulled in more than $40 million. Much of the
  money has been raised through a network of Bush allies called the
  Pioneers. Each Pioneer pledged to recruit at least $100,000 for
  the Texas governor's presidential campaign. Campaign finance laws
  require candidates to disclose the names of individual
  contributors, but not the names of the Pioneers, who promised to
  bring in at least 100 checks for $1,000 each. On July 19, Texans
  for Public Justice, a fiesty watchdog group in Austin, wrote Bush
  demanding that his campaign release the names of the Pioneers.
  Two days later Bush complied. Here's the list of names.
Joe Allen Houston TX Attorney, Vinson  Elkins LLP
Alfred Austin, Tampa FL President, The Austin Companies
Joe Barton Ennis TX Congressman, U.S. House of Representatives
Lee M. Bass, Fort Worth TX President, Lee M. Bass, Inc.
George Bayoud Dallas TX former Secretary of State for Texas
Louis A. Beecherl investor, Texas Oil  Gas; Beecherl
Dennis R. Berman Dallas TX president, Denitech
Wayne L. Berman, Washington DC Lobbyist, Berman Enterprises Inc
Roland Betts, NY, NY Executive, Chelsea Piers Mgmt former
  parnter with Bush in the Texas Rangers
Teel Bivins Austin TX State Senator, State of Texas
James Blosser Ft. Lauderdale FL Government Relations, Poole 
Michael Boone, Dallas TX Attorney, Haynes  Boone LLP
Rudy Boschwitz, Plymouth MN Chairman, Home Value
Katherine Boyd Burlingame CA owner, Katherine Boyd Interior
Dan Branch Dallas TX Attorney, Langley  Branch
Stephen Brauer Bridgeton MO Executive, Hunter Engineering Co
Nancy Brinker Dallas, TX housewife, Brinker International
William Brisben, OH Home Builder, W. O. Brisben Companies
Christopher Burnham, CT Asset Mgmt, Columbus Circle Investors
 Jonathan Bush, Killingworth CT Chairman, J Bush  Co Inc/Riggs
  Bank George W. Bush's uncle
William H. T. Bush St. Louis MO Chairman, Bush, O'Donnell  Co.
Joe Canizaro New Orleans LA CEO, Joseph Canizaro Inc
A. R. "Pete" Carpenter Jacksonville FL CEO, CSX Transportation
Claiborne Carrington San Antonio TX
Bill Ceverha Dallas TX State Lobbyist
James Click, AZ Executive, Jim Click Automotive
Herb Collins, Boston MA Chair, Boston Capital Partners
Peter Coneway Houston TX Investment Banker, Goldman Sachs  Co.
Jim Culbertson, Winston-Salem NC Executive, Financial Computing
Robert Dedman Jr. Dallas TX CEO, ClubCorp International on
  National Center for Policy Analysis's Board
Bob Devlin Houston TX CEO, American General Financial
Bill DeWitt Cincinnati OH Private Investor, Reynolds, DeWitt
  Securities Company
Jennifer Dunn, Seattle, WA US Representative, Congress
Patrick Durkin Greenwich CT Managing Director, Donaldson Lufkin
Dick Egan Hopkinton MA EMC Corporation Contributions to Bush's
  Gov. Races: $0
Gov. John Engler, Lansing, MI Governor, State of Michigan
Marty Fiorentino Jacksonville FL VP of Communications, CSX
Tom Foley Greenwich CT Executive, The NTC Group
Sam Fox St. Louis MO CEO, Harbour Group
Jim Francis Dallas TX President, Francis Enterprises
Bradford (Brad) Freeman Los Angeles CA General Partner, Freeman,
  Spogli  Co.
David Girard-diCarlo Philidelphia PA Attorney/ CEO, Blank, Rome,
  Comisky,  McCauley LLP
D. Stephen Goddard Houston Tx Managing 

Re: [CTRL] We support Malaria! and other FoE conspiracies

2000-12-15 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Frederick Curran  

Is he a hired gun, or a lone nut? 

Inquiring minds want to know.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: president Bush 12-15-2000

2000-12-15 Thread Kris Millegan

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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

US Election 2000 
Civil rights leader calls for protest 
JESSE JACKSON, the civil rights leader, called for massive non-
violent demonstrations yesterday against the US Supreme Court ruling 
that handed George W. Bush the presidency. 
The black leader, who spoke to Al Gore daily during the battle over 
Florida, had said that if the court ruled against the Vice-President 
it would "create a civil rights explosion". 

"People will not surrender to this tyranny. We will fight back," he 
said. Often the loudest and most incendiary voice in the dispute, Mr 
Jackson provided the most vivid evidence yesterday of polarisation in 
the country. 

"In Third World countries when democratically cast votes are not 
counted or the person who most likely lost wins in a highly 
questionable manner, we usually refer to that as a coup d'etat," he 

"I see this decision as a potential threat to our democracy and 
potentially destabilising to our democratic institutions. I see it as 
undermining the legitimacy of a President Bush." 

Mr Jackson, who had led calls for an investigation into allegations 
that thousands of blacks were impeded from voting Democrat in 
Florida, had argued that Mr Gore should not concede until the last 
legal option was exhausted. He accused Mr Bush of stealing the 
election and cautioned that he would mobilise protests against him. 

"We will take to the streets, we will delegitimise Bush, discredit 
him, do whatever it takes, but never accept him," he said, adding 
that the holiday in honour of Martin Luther King, five days before 
the inauguration on January 20, should be marked by street 

"We will not surrender our franchise," he said. Mr Jackson has also 
pledged that his Rainbow/Push coalition would challenge the election 
by obtaining the disputed ballots through Florida's open records law 
and count the votes themselves. "We will know before January 20 that 
Gore got most of the votes," he said. 

Resentment looked certain to linger longest in Florida, where many 
will remain convinced that Mr Gore was deprived of a rightful 

"I saw hundreds of votes not counted from Miami-Dade," Ion Sancho, a 
Leon County election supervisor in charge of recounting ballots from 
Leon and Miami-Dade counties before the count was supended on 
Saturday, said. "We examined 4,000 of those undervotes and I'm 
convinced we had a massive failure in the punch-card ballot system. I 
believe we have not had an accurate count of the vote in the state of 

Democrat leaders refused to condemn Mr Jackson's words directly, 
angering Republicans. "Anyone in a position of leadership in this 
country would have to repudiate remarks like that," a spokeswoman for 
Dick Armey, the House majority leader, said.
Copyright 2000 Times Newspapers Ltd.


It worked 
Bush's tarnished prize 
By Eric Alterman

  Dec. 13 —  Let's not mince words: George W. Bush, aided by a 
narrow conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court willing to 
invent new legal theory out of whole cloth specifically for these 
purposes, has stolen the 2000 election. Al Gore indisputably won the 
popular vote. He almost certainly would have won the tally in the 
Electoral College had Florida's vote ever been subjected to a full 
and fair manual count as mandated by Florida law.  

 Bush owes his victory not to voters, but to a network of 
conservative hacks who managed to run out the clock on a fair count 
of the votes. 

 HOW DO WE KNOW? Just look at the lengths to which Bush, and 
his allies in the Florida Governor's office, the Florida Secretary of 
State's office, the Florida legislature, the U.S. House of 
Representatives, and now, the U.S. Supreme Court were willing to go 
to prevent it. The Bush forces realized they had no chances of 
winning a fair count, so they were forced to employ a scorched-earth 
policy to prevent one. Congratulations, it worked.
   George Bush will become president on Jan. 20 as the most 
tarnished individual to take the oath of office in more than a 
century. He owes his victory not to the majority of the voters, but 
to an informal network of conservative political and legal hacks who 
managed to successfully run out the clock on a fair count of the 
votes. The degree to which the U.S. Supreme Court was willing to make 
itself a party to these tawdry 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: president Bush 12-15-2000

2000-12-15 Thread Carl Amedio

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/15/00 10:43:38 AM Central Standard Time,

 "I see this decision as a potential threat to our democracy and=20
 potentially destabilising to our democratic institutions. I see it as=20
 undermining the legitimacy of a President Bush."=20 

the anti Semetic and fascist rhetoric of Mr. Jackson is nothing new to
Chicagoans.  remember liberty has a price--VIGILANCE

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Dangers of the New Age movement

2000-12-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Duncan has read this list and has been in archives until he begins to
sound like certain people on this list.

There are numerous Nexus Magazines - but Duncan, you sound like many
different people.
Who and what are you really Duncan - home brewed stuff in disguise -
however, you do spell organization "organisatio" which is indicative of
possible Australian extraction?

You standing on your head a gain Duncan.a Prince, a true prince of
Saudi Arabia who was to be King until they murdered his father in 1968
personally told me at a dinner party, and others at our table, that the
European Zionist in Holy Land caused all the problems - that the jew and
moslem and christians could live in peace if they would leave them
aloneEhud Barak aka Brug, is Ashkenazi Zionist - look at the body
bags containing bodies of many different varieties, primarily children -
and then say Barak, a Standford man, is not a chief conspirator in the
NWO conspiracy - like a Chess Board - many pawns - but as G. Gordon
Liddy said, hey "they got your Queen".

So it is all in the game, Duncan.you called this lady a Bimbo for
expressing her views?   What is a Bimbo, for recently an asshole called
me a Bimbo on line, which I ignored

Who and what are you really Duncan - but I sitll like to read your
magazine and you sure as hell - well one could say you are self
serving..now I see why this one woman was virtually run off this
list, because she liked Ickes2 and 2 - 4; many people who preferred
to reac Ickes seem to get kicked at with railing accusations?


So there are several Nexus Magazines - do you pubish and sell yours at
Barnes and Noble as this one man so believes?

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Jesus was a Liberal (dose of shrooms)

2000-12-15 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Excuse the intrusion, but the anarchist principles you've argued in
this thread were also of "dead men" -- and fellow anarchists -- Lysander
Spooner for one. 

Anarchism is a dynamic, evolving philosophy. We continue to grow, by
synergistically integrating the wisdom of the past, the experience of
our elders, and the innovation of our youth.

Simply because one quotes "dead men" doesn't mean they haven't thought
it out
for themselves, (only later to find that they have come to similar
conclusions as "dead men"). 

I'm not talking about the use of quotations. I'm talking about thought
processes, and said so quite clearly and literally. The religious
mindset is based on the principle  of doing what some dead guy said
another dead guy said some supernatural being said to do in order to
avoid punishment. Whether this is valid or bogus is a matter of opinion.
But whatever it is, it is not thinking for oneself.

BTW, Jesus (of Is-Ra-El) was about as "liberal" as Horus and Osiris of
Egypt, Mithra and Zoroaster of Persia, Krishna of India, the Buddha, and
so on and so forth. All seem to be cast of the same (concealed)
astro-theological/entheogenic mold. The name may have changed, the song
is still the same.

It is important to distinguish between the historical Jesus, who was
(probably) a human being, and the supernatural Jesus, who is a figment
of religious imagination.  

There are no supernatural beings. There are no supernatural any things.
By definition, nothing is beyond Nature. However, some of Nature we do
not understand (yet). Some of Nature we do not even perceive (yet). 

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Fwd: DavidIcke2000 Fwd: [Armageddon-or-NewAge] TAKE BACK THE COUNTRY on 1.20.01 in Wash, DC//Bush, Top BushMobsters WILL Be Arrested At Enthronement Ceremony]

2000-12-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

So this Night Hawk or News Hawk - seems to hate the monarchy...why?
Some of these Americans fall on all fours when they meet a Prince or a
Queen - even when not in Rome, they do as the Romans.

George Washington and Robert E. Lee were cousins to the royal family -
and so am I - a lot of of are, and I can still prove my pedigree.

Now comes this astrologers mark of doom and thank god, the "scientists"
came down on the "astrologers" way back during late 60 period but too
late for JFK, Teddy, and RFK - for even Teddy was almost murdered, two
times..and these guys had taken on Mafia and KGBHoover just
called them Communists for he feared the Zionists would destroy the
FBIhve they not done so under Clinton?

FBI men I have known the old line, were gentlemen an above reproach - my
attorney headed up the Detroit office for 25 years - he was an honorable
man, and the last think one would know about him, was he was retired FBI
- that is until some kid hating cop got out of line, they they got the
works.in a quiet, dignified manner, he would oppose anything corrupt

J. Edgar Hoover I am sorry I misunderstood him for I know now, he nailed
that old bat Jean Dixon twice - once using IRS and the other time
getting on her Children to Chilldren Board and suddenly this divine
prophetess got :

IRS Audit for stealing money from Children to Children or using

IRS nailed her in phoney art donation deal where she calimed a painting
was worth over $100,00 which she donated, and was only worth a pittance.

Columbia University told how Ted Kennedy had writting King Syndidate to
say keep her big mouth off my family and myself or else...but alas, too

Ancient Kings and Queens who caught anyone deciding for themselves when
a King or Queen should die - they met death, for the secret of prophecy
is propaganda - as the old King in I Kings said

"Did I not tell  you he would prophecy no good to me, only evil?".

Romans 12 speaks of Gift of Prophecy which I call the Gift of Propaganda
backed up with a gun and big bucks?

Romans 12 says "vengance is mine".God is to take vengance, not the
people who read this chapter.God said "I Will Repay", so here we
have the role of a Godfather taking a lot of authority which is not his
tto take.

This Mafia uses the bible as its Master Plan for Murder keyed to the
STARS and the Testaments.

Always liked that "dreamer of dreams SHALL be slain"...Catholics
teach hey - that does not mean to take the law into your own hands and
in the 68th psalm spend lots of time worrying about my little yellow
bird explaining - well signs of the times, we had RFK and Icarus -
remember Icarus the asteroid coming for collisoin right when RFK was
murdered by a star crazed, Christian arab - a Rosicrucian who looked
into dark mirrors, who had a mentor and was under hypnotic control who
said he would receive his money as per instructions in the bible?

Code World was Poll that month.

Rosicrucians and Masons come in many different colors - like chameleons,
blend in as in when in Rome do as Romans.

This is how that Trojan Horse pulled by Kissinger and the likes, and
Clinton, got into our Oval Office.

So Cry Havoc and turn loose the dogs of War?  Note, Clinton could have
won the presidency for Gore - all he had to do, was resign as President
and let Gore take over...so Gore got a lesson in loyalty, if nothing

Gore like Clinton would rather make love than war?Well that Clinton
sure turned into a war monger when little Monica got through with
him...hope he has a food taster when someone bring him a pizza pie
in the future  but he is destroyed and all the time the Mossad was
tapping and taping his phone lines using Monicans..

So much for peace, in our time...and so much for the astrologers and
their phoney astro,ogers mark of doon, which is Job 7, verse 10 as I
recall - order to Hit the president was
"neither shall he return to his house anymore"..as Clinton said when
he climbed the hill to the Lee Memorial day or two before he died, which
overlooked Arlington Cemetary - "I could stay here forever".and he
did after being gunned down in the Streets of Laredo but thank heavens,
he did not wear the white cowboy hat he had been given, and the limosine
as cluttered with red roses -

So if anything happens to our President, look to the Astrologers and the
Chaldeans.and this thing called Mafia...they destroyed Kennedy,
our last President..they tried to murder Reagan and gunned down
George Wallace - and they tried to get George Bush by sending a dump
truck after him as warning...like these conspirtors stole John
Glenns golden medals - as a warning for he did not vote as he was
supposed to vote..Glenn was not acceptable to these big crooks.

So so much for the three Presidents...you wonder why Clinton took an
army with him

Maybe because Gore had married into the Jacob Schiff family?

He walked into 

[CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] Massive Voter Fraud?

2000-12-15 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

I think this is a very good idea.  With congress equally divided, I doubt it
will be conducted behind closed doors or by divination.  If people REALLY
want to know about voter fraud, this will give them the opportunity.
Unfortunately, I think most of those crying "foul" the loudest are only
interested in finding so-called facts to support their intractable point of
view that is also half wishful thinking.

Changing the emphasis from electoral to popular vote is another form of
changing the rules after the game.  I know many, many people who are saying
they knew this state was going for Bush so heavily that they did not bother
to vote.  As Madeline Carville (forgot her maiden name) stated, Bush could
have drummed up more popular votes but that was not the game.

The results of this committee's findings should be interesting at the very
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 8:11 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Massive Voter Fraud?

 -Caveat Lector-

 Congress to establish
 voter-fraud task force
 Nationwide investigation will 'put
 people in jail,'

 By Kenneth R. Timmerman
 © 2000 Western Journalism Center

 House Speaker Dennis J. Hastert is putting together a task force to
investigate allegations
 of voter fraud in the November 7 election that will be nationwide in scope
and will "put
 people in jail," according to a top member of the Republican leadership.

 Hastert initially asked outgoing Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde,
R-Ill, to
 chair the task force, but Hyde says he turned it down. Hyde is the leading
 to become the new chairman of the House International Relations Committee,
in front
 of two moderate Republicans, Jim Leach and Doug Bereuter.

 Republicans will be looking at allegations of voter fraud from across the
 not just in Florida.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] This list should be warned

2000-12-15 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Thank you for reminding us of this fact.  I think most of us are aware of it
but forget from time to time and in the heat of the moment.  I think this
sort of concern may have contributed to the scrutiny to which you have been
subjected.  I hope you will not be offended with us and look forward to your
posts.  As soon as time permits, I shall check out your publication.

I do not know if it is peculiar to 'spirators in general or just this list
but we bicker a great deal.  Notice how all research stops and is dropped
instantly when the opportunity to squabble arises!  It seems to be a test or
trial of sorts and I sometimes think the list is comprised of those with the
toughest skins.  Most who have been around for very long have come under
fire at one time or another.  Please don't let it get to you and do not feel
the need to respond to every detractor.  It uses up your number of posts and
is probably some sort of "survival of the fittest" or least sensitive
endurance test.

Lots of us are curmudgeons but there are some true gems of articles that
come shining through from time to time.  I hope you will stick around for
them.  As June said, your posts will stand on their own merit and just don't
worry about anything else.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-12-15 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

I think this sort of thing and claims that deity belong to one group or
another tell the lack of integrity some posters have.  If they have no faith
themselves, they could refrain out of respect for the faith of others.  It
is tasteless and not even humorous.  It is a sad commentary on the low level
to which our society has sunk.  I certainly do not desire to see Joe
Lieberman get leprosy nor Al Gore be "smitten" over a darned election, even
in jest.  I, too, do not remember such sick humor and lack of honor
following any precious election, including the one stolen from Nixon.

To his credit, at least publicly, Gore did not behave in such a manner.  I
am just as outraged as the liberals over the antics I saw tried during this
election but I am trying to control myself and not dwell on them. Hopefully,
more will be learned about what actually happened with time.  Just because
they lost does not make the wrongs committed by the Democrats any less
offensive.  This has taken the inability to accept defeat to an extreme and
amazing level.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 11:46 PM

 -  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

 I do not recall anyone ever writing about God cursing Clinton,
 or Gore, or any other democrat when they were elected,
 with destruction of their lives, and physical afflictions.

 I wonder what God thinks about the stalwart who presumed to
 write in HIS behalf.

 Steve Wingate wrote:

  -  SNETNEWS  Mailing List
  --- Forwarded message follows ---
  Date sent:  Thu, 14 Dec 2000 23:13:29 -0500
  From:   Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Send reply to:  Conspiracy Theory Research List
  - Original Message -
  Bush to be smitten later today
  In a stunning development this morning, God invoked the "one nation,
  under God" clause of the Pledge of Allegiance to overrule last night's
  Supreme Court decision that handed the White House to George Bush.
  "I'm not sure where the Supreme Court gets off," God said this morning
  on a rare Today Show appearance, "but I'm sure as hell not going to lie
  back and let Bush get away with this bullshit."
  "I've watched analysts argue for weeks now that the exact vote count in
  Florida 'will never be known.' Well, I'm God and I DO know exactly who
  voted for whom. Let's cut to the chase: Gore won Florida by exactly
  20,219 votes."
  Shocking political analysts and pundits, God's unexpected verdict
  overrules the official Electoral College tally and awards Florida to Al
  Gore, giving him a 289-246 victory. The Bush campaign is analyzing God's
  Word for possible grounds for appeal.
  "God's ruling is a classic over-reach," argued Bush campaign strategist
  Jim Baker. "Clearly, a divine intervention in a U.S. Presidential
  Election is unprecedented, unjust, and goes against the constitution of
  the state of Florida."
  "Jim Baker's a jackass," God responded. "He's got some surprises ahead
  of him, let me tell you. HOT ones, if you know what I mean."
  God, who provided the exact vote counts for every Florida precinct,
  explained that bad balloting machinery and voter confusion were no
  grounds to give the White House to "a friggin' idiot."
  "Look, only 612 people in Palm Beach County voted for Buchanan. Get
  real! The rest meant to vote for Gore. Don't believe me? I'll name them:
  Anderson, Pete; Anderson, Sam, Jr.; Arthur, James; Barnhardt, Ron..."
  Our Lord then went on to note that he was displeased with George W.
  Bush's prideful ways and announced that he would officially smite him
  today. In an act of wrath unlike any reported since the Book of Job, God
  has taken all of Bush's goats and livestock, stripped him of his wealth
  and possessions, sold his family into slavery, forced the former
  presidential candidate into hard labor in a salt mine, and afflicted him
  with deep boils.
  Dick Cheney will reportedly receive leprosy.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Fwd: Pinochet's Secret Police Flooded US with Cocaine

2000-12-15 Thread Kris Millegan

Guardian Weekly

Pinochet's drug link comes to light

By Hugh O'Shaughnessy
Thursday December 14, 2000

The Chilean army and secret police have spent almost two decades secretly
flooding Europe and the United States with cocaine.
The trafficking began during General Augusto Pinochet's 17-year
dictatorship, and continues to this day, a year-long investigation has
established. Twelve tons of the drug, with a street value of several billion
dollars, left Chile in 1986 and 1987 alone.
The drugs, destined for Europe, have often been flown to Spanish territory
by planes carrying Chilean arms to Iraq and Iran. Distribution to European
nations has been controlled by secret police stationed in Chilean embassies
in Stockholm and Madrid.
There can be no doubt that Gen Pinochet, whose power was absolute between
the 1973 coup and 1990, when he stepped down, was a party to trafficking. He
declared in October 1981: "Not a leaf moves in Chile if I don't move it -
let that be clear."
The secret police - originally known as the Dina and from 1977 as the SNI -
was staffed by service personnel, and helped Gen Pinochet to torture and
kill opponents. The general kept a close, day-by-day check on all secret
police operations. The Dina's former director, Gen Manuel Contreras, told
the Chilean supreme court in 1998 that he undertook nothing without Gen
Pinochet's permission.
The huge profits from the drug deals went to enrich senior figures in Chile,
with some going to finance the Dina/SNI operations.
Gen Pinochet, who is fighting arrest on kidnapping and murder charges in
Santiago, has not clarified how he and his wife, Lucia, had more than $1m in
their account in the Riggs Bank in Washington in March 1997. As
commander-in-chief of the Chilean army his annual salary at that time was
New evidence of Gen Pinochet's collaboration with Colombian drug dealers,
first sketched out last year in my book, Pinochet: The Politics Of Torture,
has emerged in The Thin White Line, a new book by Rodrigo de Castro, a
former international civil servant in Chile, and Juan Gasparini, an
Argentine journalist.
It quotes US court documents, Chilean police files and depositions by a
former US marine, Frankell Ivan Baramdyka, who was involved in the
trafficking. Baramdyka was extradited from Chile in May 1993 and convicted
in California of narcotics offences. He worked for US intelligence in the
early 80s, and was encouraged to traffic in drugs on condition that some of
the profits went to the Contra terrorists in Nicaragua, who were supported
by President Ronald Reagan.
After the US authorities raided his home in Los Angeles in 1985, Baramdyka
fled to Santiago, where he set up a new trafficking operation. Later that
year he was recruited by the Chilean secret police, and was soon overseeing
the army's drug-export activities. The Observer
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2000

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [FredOnEverything] Anxiety

2000-12-15 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

So everyone is tired of talking about Jesus' possible
political association.

Apparently not.

Here is an interesting forward that could open a whole
new can of worms from Fred

 women want men to . . . 

What kind of fool takes a man's word, any man's word, on what women

What kind of fool thinks women all want the same things?

If you want to know what women want, ask women. And don't expect the
same answer from, all of them. Anyone who assumes they all want the same
thing, clearly hasn't been asking around. Ergo, he doesn't know what
he's talking about.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [FredOnEverything] Anxiety

2000-12-15 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

Mulva wrote:

 Here is an interesting forward that could open a whole
 new can of worms from Fred (Washington Post Guy I

Fred, Fred, Fred.  Alas, I bet you don't have a sister, a mother, a
girlfriend or a wife that you are close to.  If you had some women
friends, you wouldn't have written such shite.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2000-12-15 Thread Jayson R. Jones

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:52:41 -0700 BB [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
-Caveat Lector-

I wonder what God thinks about the stalwart who presumed to
write in HIS behalf.

When I channeled him last night he said it was funny 8-)

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Commiserations

2000-12-15 Thread Jayson R. Jones

-Caveat Lector-

Mostly, the people have bought into the propaganda put out by the two
ruling parties: "A vote for a third party is a wasted vote."  I find it
remarkably funny that when I talk to people on a one to one basis, they
agree more with Libertarians than with either of the Republicrats.
However, when I suggest that what they actually want will not come about
unless they actually vote for the man who espouses their ideals, they
parrot the line "But I don't want to throw away my vote."  Very
frustrating.  It seems that, to many
Americans, voting is like betting; they want to bet on who they think
will win, not who they want to win.  To me, if you don't vote you have no
right to bitch about how things are going.

On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:33:27 EST Bob Stokes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/14/00 7:59:33 PM Mountain Standard Time,

 If we want to send a protest message to the big two in
 power, we vote for an independent or someone the partys in power like
to attack. 

Unfortunately here in the US most people are too busy voting against
the person they consider the "bad guy" rather than making their vote
by showing their disapproval of the ruling party and voting for one of
the "third" parties.  Either that, or they are just too afraid of
because they have been sucking the tit of government handouts so long
think they can't make a living by themselves.  I belong to the majority,
the 50%
that didn't vote for Bush or Gore.
Bob Stokes

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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Will of the People?

2000-12-15 Thread Jayson R. Jones

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 16:11:34 -0500 "M.A. Johnson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-
Will of the People?
by Thomas J. DiLorenzo
The state needs to invent an endless series of
myths about its powers and importance in order to
exist, and there is no bigger myth than the notion
that democratic governments are mere expressions
of "the will of the people." No matter how heinous
the deeds performed by democratic governments,
no matter how much property they steal or people
they kill at home and abroad, the basic institutions
of the state are almost never challenged because
they supposedly enjoy the support of "the will of
the people."

The will of the people was last best expressed in 1776.  You are correct
about the rest of the 224 years since then.

This means that what little the average, rationally
ignorant citizen does know about government tends to
be mostly lies and statist propaganda.

We only recognize what affects us directly.  We have been placed in water
and the heat has bee turned up incrementally.  Most do not realize that
the precious Constitution no longer applies.  As long as the people, in
general are fat, dumb and happy, they don't care.

 What all of this means is that government at all levels devotes
enormous energy and resources to manufacturing the
will of the people, not merely responding to it.
Government has become the master, not the servant, of
the people, even under democracy. Unless we want to
live our lives as serfs, working for half the year or
longer to feed the voracious appetites of the tax
collectors, the powers of the state need to be scaled
back as much as is humanly possible.

There is only one way to accomplish this: take the lesson the founding
fathers taught us and repeat it till we get it right.  They, too, found
themselves living under a represive government which overtaxed them, was
not in any way responsive to their needs or wishes, and used armed men to
enforce the dictates handed down from on high.   It may be happenstance
that our new "leader" is George II, or it may be a"sign".

 The free market is the only institution about which it can be said
that the will of the people is satisfied.

That depends on what you mean by a "free market".  A very big part of our
problems stem from the power of Big Corporations and the wealthy 1%.  If
you mean that corporations and wealthy people should have free reign, I
would agree only if all of the power is vested in the people, with state
and federal governments having only very limited power in very narrow
areas.  I would much prefer doing away with capitalism entirely, and
replacing it with a better way.  However, that is entirely too long a
dialogue to go into, and is mostly beside the point in this discussion.
Suffice it to say that we have the knowledge, technology and resources to
provide a good life for everyone IF we share things fairly.
Jayson R. Jones

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2000-12-15 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:

 I think this sort of thing and claims that deity belong to one group or
 another tell the lack of integrity some posters have.  If they have no faith
 themselves, they could refrain out of respect for the faith of others.  It
 is tasteless and not even humorous.  It is a sad commentary on the low level
 to which our society has sunk

A word of advice Amelia - don't read the Onion!  You may find it very
upsetting indeed!


I thought it was brilliant and hilarious!  Whoever posted it - do you
know who wrote it?  Thanks,


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Want a Myotron?

2000-12-15 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


As the military continues its search for nonlethal
weapons, one device that works on contact has already
hit the streets.
It is called the "Pulse Wave Myotron." A sales video
shows it in action. A big, thuggish-looking "criminal"
approaches a well-dressed woman. As he tries to choke
her, she touches him with a white device about the size
of a pack of cigarettes.
He falls to the floor in a fetal position, seemingly
paralyzed but with eyes open, and he does not recover
for minutes.

"Contact with the Myotron," says the narrator, "feels
like millions of tiny needles are sent racing through
the body.
This is a result of scrambling the signals from the
motor cortex region of the brain," he says. "It is
horrible," says William Gunby, CEO of the company that
developed the Myotron. "It is no toy."

The Myotron overrides voluntary--but not
involuntary--muscle movements, so the victim's vital
functions are maintained. Sales are targeted at women,
but law enforcement officers and agencies--including
the Arizona state police and bailiffs with the New York
Supreme Court--have purchased the device, Gunby says.

A special model built for law enforcement, called
the Black Widow, is being tested by the FBI, he says.
"I hope they don't order a lot soon," he adds. "The
Russian government just ordered 100,000 of them, and I
need to replenish my stock."


The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.~ Tacitus (A.D. 55?-130?)

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2000-12-15 Thread Jenny Decker

-Caveat Lector-

Love it!! Kelly, is there a website address to go with this, do you
Jenny Decker
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 8:13 PM

 -Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -

 Bush to be smitten later today

 In a stunning development this morning, God invoked the "one nation,
 under God" clause of the Pledge of Allegiance to overrule last night's
 Supreme Court decision that handed the White House to George Bush.

 "I'm not sure where the Supreme Court gets off," God said this morning
 on a rare Today Show appearance, "but I'm sure as hell not going to lie
 back and let Bush get away with this bullshit."

 "I've watched analysts argue for weeks now that the exact vote count in
 Florida 'will never be known.' Well, I'm God and I DO know exactly who
 voted for whom. Let's cut to the chase: Gore won Florida by exactly
 20,219 votes."

 Shocking political analysts and pundits, God's unexpected verdict
 overrules the official Electoral College tally and awards Florida to Al
 Gore, giving him a 289-246 victory. The Bush campaign is analyzing God's
 Word for possible grounds for appeal.

 "God's ruling is a classic over-reach," argued Bush campaign strategist
 Jim Baker. "Clearly, a divine intervention in a U.S. Presidential
 Election is unprecedented, unjust, and goes against the constitution of
 the state of Florida."

 "Jim Baker's a jackass," God responded. "He's got some surprises ahead
 of him, let me tell you. HOT ones, if you know what I mean."

 God, who provided the exact vote counts for every Florida precinct,
 explained that bad balloting machinery and voter confusion were no
 grounds to give the White House to "a friggin' idiot."

 "Look, only 612 people in Palm Beach County voted for Buchanan. Get
 real! The rest meant to vote for Gore. Don't believe me? I'll name them:
 Anderson, Pete; Anderson, Sam, Jr.; Arthur, James; Barnhardt, Ron..."

 Our Lord then went on to note that he was displeased with George W.
 Bush's prideful ways and announced that he would officially smite him
 today. In an act of wrath unlike any reported since the Book of Job, God
 has taken all of Bush's goats and livestock, stripped him of his wealth
 and possessions, sold his family into slavery, forced the former
 presidential candidate into hard labor in a salt mine, and afflicted him
 with deep boils.

 Dick Cheney will reportedly receive leprosy.

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: Billy James Hargis [Christian Crusade] His Choir Boys

2000-12-15 Thread Kris Millegan

SCANDALS IN EDEN, Selected Tales Of Religious Misbehavior, part 1

We're going to look at a class of people with an unbroken history of doing
absolutely anything they want, and getting away with it.
SCANDALS IN EDEN, Selected Tales Of Religious Misbehavior,

part 1: Billy James Hargis
by Kevin Lambert

Of all the seven deadly sins, avarice and greed are the hands down favorites
of the priestly classes. Robbing the flock, in fact, is as much of a
religious tradition as burning incense. In the medieval church, the popes
trimmed their pillows with gold and ermine. One cardinal required 10 stables
for his horses and 51 houses for his entourage. A wealthy sinner could buy
dispensation to receive stolen goods, marry a cousin or sister, legitimize
children, or (my personal favorite) divide a corpse so it could be buried in
two different places. One Franciscan monk made his fortune selling pieces of
the burning bush that spoke to Moses.
The reformist, splinter groups were generally worse. In 1534, when a group
of radical Anabaptists took over the German town of Muenster, they stripped
all the Catholics and Lutherans of their money, property and clothing, and
sent them into exile during a blinding snowstorm. During a famine, they
snatched up all the available food and strolled through town munching on
snacks while everybody else slowly starved to death. Anyone who complained
was beheaded, and the rest of the townsfolk were forced to look on, singing
In other words, we're going to look at a class of people with an unbroken
history of doing absolutely anything they want, and getting away with it.
Their other great excess is sex. There's nothing wrong with sex, and it's
certainly preferable to hustling people's life savings, but religious people
are very excitable about it. They find it so repellant that they have
appropriated the word "Moral" to describe someone who doesn't partake of it.
In fact, the only reason that society thinks that sex is wrong is through
the mouthings of the very men who get caught doing it. And, even though the
names change and the trysting spots vary, they keep on doing it, almost as a
class. A holy roller might even be described as a man who can't keep his lip
or his fly buttoned.
Like country music, evangelism produces a lot of limited living legends.
They can get rich, found dynasties, get whole towns named after them, but in
New York they'd still wait an hour and a half for a table in a 3 star
restaurant. They almost need a murder trial to get really famous, and even
then I tend to get my Billy Rays mixed up with my Jimmy Bobs. Not only do
all their names sound alike, they all preach the same Babylonian political
agenda and they all talk like guys you'd meet in the army stockade. The FBI
might even keep a "Holy Roller Profile", the same way they do with serial
killers. And if they do, Billy James Hargis fits it like a designer condom.
Billy James Hargis, now in his 70's, built a career howling against the
usual things that irritate the umbrageous right; sex, permissiveness, drugs,
communism. A flat faced Oklahoman with the porcine eyes of a prison guard,
he went from nowhere to top billing on 140 tv and 500 radio stations. He
founded a Christian college and a newspaper which attained a circulation of
200,000. He got rich, of course, but as the bible tells us, money isn't
In the mid-seventies, two students from his Bible College testified that the
Reverend had officiated at their wedding ceremony, gone along on the
honeymoon, and took his turn with the bride. And then with the groom. Then
it came out that Hargis had been bringing college choir boys to his farm.
Exhorting them with the biblical passage about David's friendship with
Jonathan, and threatening them with blacklisting if they talked, Billy took
them into his bed and did his devilish business with them. (The name of the
choir was the "All American Kids.")
Confronted with these accusations, Hargis admitted it all, blaming it on
"Genes and chromosomes." That confused his critics for a moment. Billy James
had never been the kind of guy to trot in scientific arguments, so he
stepped things up. He withdrew his confession and bounded back to the
college. He claimed that the Lord had forgiven him, and, just in case He
hadn't, held on to the mailing lists. He blamed his barnyard buggery on
"Liberal subversion" and "The forces of Satan out to silence
anti-communism." Before you laugh, bear in mind that this sort of Christian
logic has elected more than a few American politicians.
The youngsters that he'd coaxed into his bed weren't laughing. By the
standards of urban America they didn't do anything wrong, but out there, in
their barren little world, they are scarred for life. Unlike Billy James,
who has been "Forgiven" by the legions of potato heads and dimwits he's been
suckering for so long. He is currently sitting around 

[CTRL] Fwd: Conspiracy Journal

2000-12-15 Thread William Shannon

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"I would urge consumers who have any concerns - or just interest - to ask
retailers where the meat they buy comes from" - Food Standards Agency
Deputy Chair Suzi Leather

Consumers are being urged to check if corned beef and other meat products
come from France after research found about 100 French cattle with BSE
were killed for human consumption this year.  Britain has imported nearly
two and half  thousand tonnes of corned beef from France in the last 12

And because it is produced in France it is not covered by the British BSE
controls banning the sale of meat from cattle over 30  months old - those
most likely to be infectious.  Imported salami and pate produced from
French beef also escape these controls.

The Food Standards Agency said the risk was still too small to demand an
outright ban - but consumers should have the right to choose.

Food Standards Agency deputy chair Suzi  Leather said: "We are pressing
the UK government very hard and also pressing Brussels very hard for
country of origin labeling.

"I would urge consumers who have any concerns - or just interest - to ask
retailers where the meat they buy comes from."

It is up to the makers to label the cans, and under present European law
they do not have to specify the country of origin.  Research published in
the science journal Nature shows that in France an estimated 100 cattle
carrying BSE have been wrongly slaughtered for human consumption this

And in Britain local authorities are tightening controls on imported beef
after spot checks ordered by the Food Standards Agency showed a fifth of
consignments were not properly documented.

The loophole allowing corned beef from older animals to be sold in the UK
will be partially closed next month when a ban on meat from cattle over 30
months old is imposed throughout Europe. However, there are no plans to
withdraw millions of cans already on the market.

PA Nuke Plant Shutdown After Reactor Coolant Leak

FirstEnergy Corp. said late Monday it moved the 820-megawatt (MW) Beaver
Valley 2 nuclear unit in  Pennsylvania to cold shutdown earlier this
afternoon following a leak in the reactor coolant system.

It was too early to tell how long the outage might last, according to
plant spokesman Todd Schneider.   He blamed the shutdown on a leak in a
valve on a two-inch pipe used to drain the reactor coolant system. The
pipes in the reactor coolant system were 31-inch (78.74 cm) pipes.

The steam, radioactive when it was leaked, condensed into water and was
captured in the containment system, the spokesman said.

There were no injuries to the public or employees and no radiation was
released into the environment.  The NRC's daily-events report said at 3:20
a.m. EST on Monday unit 2 received  indications of a primary leak in
containment that exceeded allowable values.  At 4:00 a.m., the unit began
a plant shutdown from full power at 2 percent per minute.

At 5:36 a.m., FirstEnergy reported an unusual event due to unidentified
leakage exceeding 10 gallons per minute. That unusual event was ended
later Monday morning.

As of 5:43 a.m., when the leak rate was estimated at between 12 and 20
gallons per minute, the plant was at 22 percent power.  The situation is
under control, but there is thousands of gallons of slightly radioactive
water on the floor 


2000-12-15 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

The person who wrote this is well known for his satire. You take this MUCH
too seriously, BB!


On 14 Dec 00, at 21:46, BB wrote:

 I do not recall anyone ever writing about God cursing Clinton,
 or Gore, or any other democrat when they were elected,
 with destruction of their lives, and physical afflictions.

 I wonder what God thinks about the stalwart who presumed to
 write in HIS behalf.

 Steve Wingate wrote:

  -  SNETNEWS  Mailing List
  --- Forwarded message follows ---
  Date sent:  Thu, 14 Dec 2000 23:13:29 -0500
  From:   Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Send reply to:  Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  - Original Message -
  Bush to be smitten later today
  In a stunning development this morning, God invoked the "one nation,
  under God" clause of the Pledge of Allegiance to overrule last night's
  Supreme Court decision that handed the White House to George Bush.
  "I'm not sure where the Supreme Court gets off," God said this morning
  on a rare Today Show appearance, "but I'm sure as hell not going to lie
  back and let Bush get away with this bullshit."
  "I've watched analysts argue for weeks now that the exact vote count in
  Florida 'will never be known.' Well, I'm God and I DO know exactly who
  voted for whom. Let's cut to the chase: Gore won Florida by exactly
  20,219 votes."
  Shocking political analysts and pundits, God's unexpected verdict
  overrules the official Electoral College tally and awards Florida to Al
  Gore, giving him a 289-246 victory. The Bush campaign is analyzing God's
  Word for possible grounds for appeal.
  "God's ruling is a classic over-reach," argued Bush campaign strategist
  Jim Baker. "Clearly, a divine intervention in a U.S. Presidential
  Election is unprecedented, unjust, and goes against the constitution of
  the state of Florida."
  "Jim Baker's a jackass," God responded. "He's got some surprises ahead
  of him, let me tell you. HOT ones, if you know what I mean."
  God, who provided the exact vote counts for every Florida precinct,
  explained that bad balloting machinery and voter confusion were no
  grounds to give the White House to "a friggin' idiot."
  "Look, only 612 people in Palm Beach County voted for Buchanan. Get
  real! The rest meant to vote for Gore. Don't believe me? I'll name them:
  Anderson, Pete; Anderson, Sam, Jr.; Arthur, James; Barnhardt, Ron..."
  Our Lord then went on to note that he was displeased with George W.
  Bush's prideful ways and announced that he would officially smite him
  today. In an act of wrath unlike any reported since the Book of Job, God
  has taken all of Bush's goats and livestock, stripped him of his wealth
  and possessions, sold his family into slavery, forced the former
  presidential candidate into hard labor in a salt mine, and afflicted him
  with deep boils.
  Dick Cheney will reportedly receive leprosy.
  --- End of forwarded message ---
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[CTRL] Suicide, Homicide Or Accident ?

2000-12-15 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Is there something very *odd* about this incident ?


Friday December 15 3:44 PM ET
Woman Disappears From Airplane in Mid-Flight

SAN JOSE, Calif. (Reuters) - A high-tech company employee apparently plunged
to her death when a door on a chartered airplane mysteriously opened in
mid-flight -- but nobody reported her disappearance until almost an hour
later, after the plane touched down, officials said Friday. Federal Bureau of
Investigation spokesman Nick Rossi said the woman ``apparently fell or
jumped'' from the aircraft, but the circumstances remained unclear.

``The FBI ... has been involved in interviews with potential witnesses and
associates,'' Rossi said, adding that the agency had been asked to
investigate because it has jurisdiction over potential crimes aboard aircraft.

The woman, an employee of computer and printer maker Hewlett-Packard Co.,
boarded the company-chartered twin turbo-prop airplane Thursday for a regular
shuttle run between Roseville and San Jose, California.

Officials said pilots on the 15-seat DeHavilland DHC-6 aircraft, which
carried five passengers, reported that a warning light in the cockpit first
indicated a door on the plane was unlocked shortly after takeoff, prompting a
precautionary landing in Sacramento.

With the door re-secured, the airplane took off again bound for San Jose.
About three minutes later, as the plane was climbing, the pilot radioed that
the door had opened again. Authorities believe the woman ``exited the craft''
at that point.

``About five miles southeast of Sacramento, at 2,000 feet, a female
reportedly jumped or fell from the aircraft,'' Nelson told Reuters in a
telephone interview.

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[CTRL] Fwd: {slick-d} Gore's speech Drafts

2000-12-15 Thread Aleisha Saba


I don't mean this in a mean spirited way. Honestly I don't. I can all too
easily imagine such thoughts really going through his mind. Well all but the
last one anyway. Please take this in good fun. I really don't see any
meanness in it. Maybe I'm just too sympathetic, or perhaps just pathetic?
(;- Please enjoy it if you can.


Al Gore Concession Speech :  1st Draft

Good Evening, my fellow Americans: Tonight we come to the end of a long
road and the start of a new one. Having exhausted all avenues of appeal in
the US and Florida, my legal team has filed a claim in World Court seeking
over turn the Florida elect.

crumple crumple crumple


Al Gore Concession Speech : 2nd Draft

Good evening, my fellow Americans; Tonight, in the spirit of national
unity and despite being the undisputed winner of the popular vote...
crumple crumple crumple


Al Gore Concession Speech : 3rd Draft

Good Evening Everyone. Many of you no doubt know what it feels like to
get  royally shaf...

crumple crumple crumple


Al Gore concession Speech: 4th Draft

Good Evening my fellow Americans; Although it is the opinion of my attorneys
and myself that I do not fit the legal definition of "loser,".
crumple crumple crumple


Al Gore Concession Speech: 5th Draft

I can't do this. I just can't do this,

crumple crumple crumple


Al Gore Concession Speech: 6th Draft

Hello, my fellow Americans. It's been a long and difficult month for me and,

indeed, for the entire nation. But the time has come for us all to throw
our enthusiastic support behind our next president, George W. Buhh...Bbb
..bahoo. (laugh) Pardon me. Let me try that again: President George W. Buh,



crumple crumple crumple


Al Gore Concession Speech: 7th Draft

My fellow Americans, in light of recent unfavorable court decisions, it has

come to my understanding that a majority of you want to turn the country
to a recovering alcoholic and functional illiterate...

crumple crumple crumple


Al Gore Concession Speech: 8th Draft

Good Evening, my fellow Americans. Have you ever known someone who took
something from a store without paying for it? That's called "stealing,"  and

in America stealing is a cri,

crumple crumple crumple


Al Gore Concession Speech: 9th Draft

My fellow Americans; most of you probably know how to count. One, Two,
And so on. See? It's not that difficult. (smile). So can someone please
explain to me why the state of Florida,

crumple crumple crumple


 Al Gore Concession Speech: 10th Draft

Good evening Everyone. Generally speaking Civil War is never a good thing.
But there are times...ah, forget it

crumple crumple crumple


In the spirit of goodwill and to show there were no hard feelings,
President-elect Bush announced he would appoint Al Gore as Ambassador to

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2000-12-15 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-



By Lee Feigon.

(Lee Feigon is a professor of Chinese history at Colby College.)
December 8, 2000

As a sinologist I can't help but think that if the events of election
eve had transpired not in the United States but in a place like China,
voters and TV viewers would not have been surprised by the results. As
confusing as things might appear to Americans, the explanation would
have seemed obvious to anyone used to a more authoritarian tradition
of leaders: The Bush family rigged the results.

Consider the family's background. George W. Bush's father is not just
the former president of the United States but also the one-time head
of the CIA. As secretary of defense in Bush's administration, Dick
Cheney was responsible for the National Security Agency, a spook
organization more powerful than the Central Intelligence Agency. Jeb
Bush, the Republican candidate's brother and governor of Florida,
spent years living and working in South America, where elections
routinely have been manipulated by  American-trained operatives.

Now remember what happened on the evening of the election. Every
television network called Florida for Gore about 8 p.m. The Bush camp
quickly protested, arguing the returns from absentee ballots and rural
counties might yet be different from what the networks had declared.
Jeb Bush, we were told, was on the phone with Florida desperately
trying to find extra votes.

Many of us wondered: "What was Jeb Bush doing? The votes have already
been cast."

Then the votes the Bush people had predicted suddenly began to appear.
By 2 a.m., the networks were calling the election for Bush. In a twist
that many Chinese might be able to appreciate, this result was also
not to remain in place for long. If clever operatives had fiddled with
the election returns they would want the predictions to change back
and forth a few times so it would look like the problem had been
caused by the experts at the networks not by someone playing with the
results? The focus on uncounted and difficult to use ballots in Palm
Beach, Miami-Dade and Broward Counties would be the perfect
smokescreen to keep the attention off chicanery elsewhere in the
state. Couldn't this explain why the Bush side didn't want to accept
Vice President Al Gore's offer of a statewide recount, even when
it appeared in their interest to do so?

"Nah," I think. "These kind of things don't happen in America."

But the sinologist voice in the back of my head keeps working. If this
were China I would look for indications that the family had used their
spook connections to manipulate other events. Didn't someone do a
pretty good job covering up George W. Bush's absenteeism from his
National Guard duty? For years the record of his drunk-driving
conviction remained suppressed. He even got out of the rehab program
everyone convicted of drunk driving in the state of Maine was supposed
to attend.

There's also that supposedly determinative first presidential debate.
Shortly before this debate, videotapes of George W.'s preparation
sessions suddenly arrived in the office of Gore's debate coach. Rather
than run the risk of appearing tainted, the coach removed himself from
Gore's debate preparations. Gore's performance suffered. The story was
that a disaffected worker in the Bush camp probably sent the tapes,
but the person still hasn't been found.

All this doesn't add up to a hill of beans. This isn't China. Only
someone like me would even think about how after the elder George Bush
lived in China in the 1970s, he restarted a previously dead-end
political career. Even I won't make anything of the fact that not long
after that his once good for nothing elder son made a fortune, got
elected governor and then became a candidate for the presidency. It's
a good thing we don't live in some country where all this would be
looked on with suspicion.

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[CTRL] Natural protein may defend from HIV, study finds

2000-12-15 Thread Carl Amedio

-Caveat Lector-

Want to send this story to another AOL member? Click on the heart at the top
of this window.

Natural protein may defend from HIV, study finds

WASHINGTON, Dec 15 (Reuters) - A natural body protein usually associated with
cystic fibrosis might be enlisted in the fight against AIDS because it shuts
down the HIV virus, researchers said on Friday.

The protein, called alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT), seems to prevent the AIDS
virus from infecting cells, the team at the University of Colorado Health
Sciences Center reports.

"In the laboratory, we confirmed the surprising observation that the AIDS
virus did not grow in blood," Dr. Leland Shapiro, an assistant professor of
medicine who led the study, said in a statement.

"This suggested that there was at least one substance in the blood that
blocked the virus. We believe we have identified one of the substances as

In a study to be published in the Federation of the American Societies of
Experimental Biology (FASEB) Journal, Shapiro and colleagues said AAT works
in several ways against the virus.

Looking at blood donated to the American Red Cross, Shapiro and colleagues
saw the HIV virus did not proliferate when added to blood from healthy
volunteers, but it did when added to blood from patients who had genetic
defects that caused them to have low levels of AAT.

They also found, working in the laboratory, that AAT blocked the ability of
the virus to infect previously healthy, uninfected cells.

And in cells infected with HIV, adding AAT to the lab dish virtually stopped
the virus's ability to spread out of the cell.

Shapiro said it may be that the virus reproduces in areas naturally low in
AAT. They think it might be possible to give extra AAT to HIV-infected

"These findings are preliminary but promising," Shapiro said. "If clinical
results are as promising as what we have seen in the laboratory, methods of
increasing AAT or use of an AAT 'mimic' might be an effective form of AIDS

He said he would propose running tests in humans.

AAT is used to treat patients with cystic fibrosis and other genetic defects.
It is being grown in the milk of genetically engineered animals by PPL
Therapeutics, the Scotland-based company involved in cloning the first
mammal, Dolly the sheep, in 1997.

17:03 12-15-00

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[CTRL] Fwd: Richard Grossman on Nader + election battles

2000-12-15 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Paul Cienfuegos" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Recipient List Suppressed:;
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 11:36 PM
Subject: ** Three new articles by Richard Grossman regarding Nader, +
theongoing election Supreme Court battles


The election is "over" supposedly, but there sure is alot of good
debating and discussing going on across this broken democracy of
ours. Perhaps all of those millions of democratic conversations
taking place nationwide will help to energize all of us to stay
active. I present below three new essays by Richard Grossman,
Co-director of the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy
(POCLAD), a 12-member think-tank / affinity group based in
Massachusetts. Richard continues to be one of the most provocative
thinkers in the country today on the critical topic of democracy and
corporate rule. And his organization's analysis continues to be
instrumental in the work of my local non-profit, Democracy Unlimited
of Humboldt County (Arcata, CA). I encourage all of you to learn more
about POCLAD http://www.poclad.org.
Paul Cienfuegos

PS. Look for one more large email from moi in the next few days re
the 2000 elections.

PPS. OK...but first.a few election tidbits.
1.  Did you know that Supreme Court Justice Scalia's son is an
attorney in one of the law firms representing Bush before the Supreme
Court today! And that Scalia recently stated that if Bush didn't win
the presidency, that he intended to resign from the court because he
would then have no chance of becoming the Chief Justice? Ahhh...thank
goodness for a non-partisan judiciary!!!

2.  Here are two archives of all the election irregularities reported
in Florida thus far:


First, a piece he wrote for a series of Guest Editorials intended for
informal syndication in papers around the United States.
This piece addresses the response to the Nader campaign. You are
welcome to forward this article to local media as a Guest Editorial.

Ralph Nader and the Apoplectics
Copyright 2000
By Richard Grossman

Richard Grossman is co-director of the Program on Corporations, Law 
Democracy (POCLAD). He can be reached at P.O. Box 246, South Yarmouth,
MA 02664. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: (603) 473-8637.
Fax: (603) 473-8657.

November 17, 2000
1600 Words

What's with all this apoplexy over Nader? What barbarous,
villainous, and depraved acts did he commit that labor leaders and heads
of national liberal groups denounce him as the enemy of minorities, the
poor, women, and the environment? That Senator Joseph Biden says that
Nader will not be welcome in Senate corridors? That James Carville vows
on TV to walk out of the room should Nader enter? That the First Lady
jokes about killing him? That NY Times Corporation editorial writers
label him "beyond the reach of reason," "a political narcissist"?

For heaven's sakes, what did this man do?

It appears that he and the Green Party gathered signatures to
qualify for the ballot in 43 states plus Washington, D.C. He encouraged
hundreds of Green Party candidates to run for local and state offices.
He barnstormed the nation, speaking in living rooms, village squares,
universities, and even huge sports arenas. Despite being kept out of
televised Bush-Gore dialogues, Nader and the Greens encouraged millions
to get involved in the gritty work of self-governance. Isn't that what
high school civics books teach is the life blood of democracy?

But then an inconclusive election launched an extraordinary
educational experience. Just look what people are talking about now:

*  Machines vs. humans.

*  The electoral college, that left-over contrivance concocted by slave
state politicians to establish their domination (slave-holding
Virginians served as president for 32 out of the nation's first 36 years).

*  Local-state-federal jurisdictional struggles over who's in charge;
legislative, executive, and judicial branches crossing paths and swords:
It's U.S. Constitutional theory in action!

*  Hitherto obscure constitutional offices of state attorney general and
secretary of state.

*  The will of the people.

Not a bad list.

What if people were to pursue these topics? Let's explore the
"will of the people."

As Nader and many others have been pointing out, U.S. law
regards basic decisions affecting jobs, wealth, communities, commerce,
life and death as beyond the will of the people. Democratic and
Republican free marketers do not exactly put it this way, but that's
what they mean. Over and over again, the courts have so affirmed. Joe
Lieberman echoed this on the campaign trail when he insisted that it is
the private sector - corporations - that We the People must depend upon
for jobs.

So is anything else private? What else is beyond the authority
of the American people?

*  the money supply, which is set by one unelected man at the Federal


2000-12-15 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

Steve Wingate wrote:

 The person who wrote this is well known for his satire. You take this MUCH
 too seriously, BB!

Steve!  Who wrote it?



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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2000-12-15 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Wonderful article.  Thank you.


In a message dated 12/15/00 4:18:00 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  By Lee Feigon.
  (Lee Feigon is a professor of Chinese history at Colby College.)
  December 8, 2000
  All this doesn't add up to a hill of beans. This isn't China. Only
  someone like me would even think about how after the elder George Bush
  lived in China in the 1970s, he restarted a previously dead-end
  political career. Even I won't make anything of the fact that not long
  after that his once good for nothing elder son made a fortune, got
  elected governor and then became a candidate for the presidency. It's
  a good thing we don't live in some country where all this would be
  looked on with suspicion.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Legal to use illegal DNA samples in Britain.

2000-12-15 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

This is from the latest http://leviathan.weblogs.com. I hope the HTML works, if not 
the link is embedded in there somewhere.

DNA confusion. England's highest legal authority, the Law Lords, have ruled that a 
 is legal under some circumstances /afor the police to use DNA samples in criminal 
trials which were required to be destroyed but were not. A man was acquitted of rape 
after DNA evidence was excluded from his trial. The DNA sample was taken in relation 
to an earlier charge of burglary, on which he was also acquitted upon which the sample 
should have been destroyed.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2000-12-15 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Kelly, Sorry, I got it mixed up with another article. I do not know the identity.


On 15 Dec 00, at 17:51, Kelly wrote:

 Steve!  Who wrote it?



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Researchers: Child abuse, neglect can trigger permanent brain damage

2000-12-15 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find an article on research that may show the connection between
abuse and permanent brain damage.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

quotes from :

"Researchers: Child abuse, neglect can trigger permanent brain damage - By
Troy Goodman - CNN.com Health Writer -  Child abuse and neglect can "rewire"
the nascent brain, scientists have found, which may lead to psychological
problems throughout adulthoodThe report confirms smaller studies showing
that the brain "rewires" itself in response to traumaOther doctors were
quick to point out that positive parental support -- and sometimes even
psychotherapy -- can help normalize brain function researchers found
between normal brains and the brains of those abused or neglected in
childhood is a condition called limbic irritability. The brain's limbic
system controls many of the most fundamental emotions."

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Passenger Plunges From Calif. Commuter Plane

2000-12-15 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Friday December 15 3:55 PM ET

Passenger Plunges From Calif. Commuter Plane

SAN JOSE, Calif. (Reuters) - A high-tech company employee plunged
2,000 feet through an open door of a flying commuter airplane after at least
one fellow passenger struggled vainly to hold on to her, officials said on

The Federal Bureau of Investigation officials told reporters they were ruling
out foul play in Thursday's horrific incident in the California skies, attributing
the woman's disappearance to either suicide or a bizarre accident.

Sacramento police were preparing to search the area with ground vehicles
and a helicopter for a body, officials said.

The woman, an employee of computer and printer maker Hewlett-Packard
Co., boarded a company twin turbo-prop airplane on Thursday for a regular
shuttle run between Roseville and San Jose, California.

Officials said pilots on the 15-seat aircraft, which carried five passengers,
reported that a warning light in the cockpit first indicated a door on the
plane was unlocked shortly after takeoff, prompting a precautionary landing
in Sacramento.

With the door re-secured, the airplane took off again bound for San Jose.
About three minutes later, as the plane was climbing, the pilot radioed that
the door had opened again.

What exactly occurred within the plane cabin was still only partially clear.
But FBI (news - web sites) spokesman Andrew Black said interviews with
fellow passengers revealed that at least one had engaged in a desperate
struggle to hold on to the woman when he saw her standing in the aircraft's
open doorway.

``The moment he felt the door open and the increase in noise and breeze
he turned around and he saw her half way out of the plane,'' Black told
KTVU television.

``He had to reach over his seat, and he's holding on to her with his arms
partially outside the plane, trying to pull her back in,'' Black said. ``He
clearly jeopardized his own safety and made a very, very extraordinary
effort to rescue this woman. Unfortunately he was only able to hold on for
several moments.''

Authorities declined to speculate on why the crew or other passengers
aboard the plane failed to notify authorities of the woman's disappearance
until well after the airplane landed at San Jose about an hour later.

``That's being investigated,'' San Jose Airport spokesman Jim Peterson
said. ``There are a lot of unknowns, and they're looking at everything to
determine what happened.''

Hewlett-Packard declined to disclose the passenger's identity, saying only
she worked in its purchasing department.

``We are deeply concerned and are helping authorities to determine what
happened,'' the company said in a statement. ``Out of respect for the
individuals involved, we are not providing additional information at this

Federal Aviation Administration (news - web sites) officials said
preliminary inspection had revealed no obvious problems with the plane.

``In the initial inspection, it does not appear to be any mechanical
malfunction of the rear door,'' agency spokesman Jerry Snyder told
reporters, adding that pilot error had also been ruled out.

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2000-12-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Press Office


Judicial Watch Warns President-Elect To Stay Away

(Washington, DC) Yesterday, President-elect George W. Bush, in a
telephone conversation with Bill Clinton, embraced Hillary Rodham
Clinton by telling her husband, Bill Clinton, that he “looked
forward to working with the Senator from New York.” This has been
reported widely in The Washington Post and in other written and
television press.

During the campaign, Governor Bush showed little interest in
ethics issues and, in fact, stated:

“While it’s clear that Al Gore engaged in a number of
questionable fund raising activities and gave the FBI statements
that continue to raise the issue of credibility, the American
people are sick and tired of all these scandals and
investigations. The best way to put all these scandals and
investigations behind us is to elect someone new. I’m running to
uphold the honor and dignity of the White House.”

William Safire, in an article entitled “Exegesis of Acceptance”
of August 7, 2000, wrote:

Running against Washington. The Yale graduate and child of
privilege assumed, Jimmy Carter style, a hardscrabble pose to
assert that his ‘background may lack the polish of Washington.’
And then, following a focus-group distaste for controversy;, he
dissociated himself from all investigations into Clinton-Gore
scandals, including illegal fund-raising: ‘I have no stake in the
bitter arguments of the last few years.’ Republicans on the
unpopular ramparts of the rule of law were coolly informed he
preferred ‘civility and respect.’

While Mrs. Clinton has thus far escaped criminal proceedings by
federal prosecutors, she is a defendant in seven Judicial Watch
lawsuits and, in particular, the prime defendant in the ongoing
$90-million Filegate class-action case. Testimony from a number
of sources shows that she was the mastermind of Filegate and,
indeed, has smeared a number of political and other perceived
adversaries with information from their U.S. government files.
In this regard, she and her husband, Bill Clinton, along with
others, engaged in criminal conduct, as found by the Court, when
she released information from Kathleen Willey’s official White
House file to smear and destroy her. In addition, the
award-winning author, Christopher Anderson, in his book Bill and
Hillary: A Marriage, has reported that Mrs. Clinton hired private
investigators to dig up dirt on and smear two of Judicial Watch’s
clients, Gennifer Flowers and Dolly Kyle Browning.

“For these and other reasons, and even to further his professed
goal of bi-partisanship, President-elect Bush should not ‘get
into bed’ with an individual such as Mrs. Clinton, who lately has
been attempting to extort millions of dollars from book
publishers, with interests before the U.S. Senate, to publish her
memoirs and line her pockets further,” stated Judicial Watch
Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.  Click Here

“Judicial Watch will not rest until Mrs. Clinton is brought to
justice, pays large damages to Judicial Watch clients, and is
thrown in jail where she belongs,” added Judicial Watch President
Tom Fitton.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] NM: No Volunteers for Clinton Secret Service Detail (fwd)

2000-12-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Friday, Dec. 15, 2000 12:21 a.m. EST

No Volunteers for Clinton Secret Service Detail

Usually when a sitting president leaves the White House, the
Secret Service agents fall all over themselves to get the coveted
assignment of guarding their former boss and his family.

 No so with the Clintons, a source close to the elite protection
force tells NewsMax.com.

The Clintons, in fact, had no takers as of a few weeks ago, a
source close to the Secret Service said.

Sources say members of the Secret Service may have had several
reasons to avoid working for the Clintons.

The Clintons have not had a good track record with their
bodyguards. Several went public after Clinton became president,
revealing intimate details of the Clintons' lives.

While Clinton himself has gotten along well with some of the
Secret Service, apparently Hillary is a big turnoff.

Another reason is that agents enjoy working for former presidents
because the job has many of the same perks, without the same
frenetic pace. The problem is no one thinks Bill and Hillary plan
to slow down their busy social and political schedules.

Clinton isn't the first recent president to get a thumbs-down for

Secret Service personnel never liked Carter. Carter solved the
problem by being the first recent president not to take Secret
Service protection after he left office.

But soon after leaving the White House, Carter reversed himself
and took the protection - largely to get the benefits of having
Secret Service agents. These include being ushered to the front
of the line attending functions and getting free First Class
upgrades on airlines.

 President Nixon kept Secret Service protection for years after
he left office, but said taxpayers shouldn't foot the bill. He
hired his own bodyguards.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] NM: No Volunteers for Clinton Secret Service Detail (fwd)

2000-12-15 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 15 Dec 00, at 17:46, Newsmax wrote:

  President Nixon kept Secret Service protection for years after
 he left office, but said taxpayers shouldn't foot the bill. He
 hired his own bodyguards.


But what a great example to set by one of the greatest heros of the
Republicans and ultra-rightwing mouthpiece Newsmax. ;-|
Nixon = Criminal
Newsmax = Newspeak

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Pilot May Have Meant to Crash Silk Air Jet

2000-12-15 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-


}}} ANOMALOUS RADIO {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Talk (33k+)

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Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Scientists study threat of huge volcanic eruptions

2000-12-15 Thread Carl Amedio

-Caveat Lector-

Want to send this story to another AOL member? Click on the heart at the top
of this window.

Scientists study threat of huge volcanic eruptions

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 15 (Reuters) - Scientists said on Friday they were
stepping up research into the global threat posed by massive volcanic
eruptions -- devastating and inevitable explosions of magma, ash and gas that
promise to have severe and lasting impact on the world's climate.

"The risk of volcanic eruptions to human populations is not very well
defined," William Rose, a geologist at Michigan Technological University,
told a news briefing at the American Geophysical Union.

"But the probability of very large eruptions is probably significantly higher
than that of meteor impact."

At a symposium held at the AGU meeting, volcanologists, atmospheric
scientists and other specialists have launched an effort to begin modeling
the impact of severe volcanic eruptions, which potentially could be many
times larger than the worst experienced in recorded human history.

The most powerful recent eruption, Philippine volcano Mt Pinatubo, exploded
with astonishing force in 1991 killing 800 people and forcing thousands to

Pinatubo blasted rock and dust 12 miles (20 km) into the atmosphere --
leading to measurable changes in world weather patterns.

Other volcanoes have been even more destructive. Tambora, in Indonesia, blew
its top in 1815, killing more than 90,000 people and venting so much material
into the atmosphere that Europe effectively lost its summer growing season.

And historical records indicate that earlier eruptions were many times more
powerful than that.

Hans Graf of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany,
said a drive was underway to establish a clearer understanding of the effects
of volcanic explosion on the atmosphere, which range from venting huge
amounts of ozone-damaging chlorine and bromine compounds to filling the skies
with aerosol droplets that can absorb solar heat.

"This leads to dynamic consequences, like the warming of continents," Graf

While researchers are only beginning to understand the potential lasting
impact of volcanic explosions, scientists are growing more confident of their
ability to forecast the deadly explosions more accurately.

"It's not so much that we expect one technical breakthrough ... there's a
confluence of a lot of things going on that should improve our ability to
make predictions in the next 10 years," Stanford University geophysicist Paul
Segall said.

Volcanologists say the increasing use of satellites to monitor volcanic
activity on Earth will help to refine measurements indicating the build-up of
magma -- often the precursor to a volcanic eruption.

This satellite observation system, which scientists say may develop into a
permanent volcano early warning system covering some 600 potentially active
volcanoes around the world, will help deliver earlier and more precise notice
of volcanic activity -- like the warning delivered before Pinatubo, which
enabled the safe evacuation of tens of thousands of residents.

"Unlike earthquake prediction, we can actually do something about volcanoes,"
Segall said.

21:01 12-15-00

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2000-12-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 00-12-15 01:22:52 EST, you write:

 All of the members of the controlling communo-socialist elite are

My point is that the eco-movement should not allow itself to be derailed
by the misleading "unity" mantras of Bush.  Alfred

BTW, I think you are pushing the commo-pinko label a bit too far.  One of the
sponsoring organizations was founded by a former US Attorney
General, Ramsay Clark


The other sponsoring organization was put together in 1995 in response to the
Republican Contract on America.


These are both legitimate political organizations in the USA.

EcoNews Service - Always online for Exopolitics  a Universe Ecology.
EcoNews http://www.ecologynews.com/
Prague  http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2000-12-15 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Yeah, we, the great unwashed masses, are just s tired of the scandals that
we will be 'protected' from further investigation and discussion of them.  It's
for our own good  — really!

Not surprised, it's biz-ness as usual, with the elites closing ranks and
protecting their own.

~ /\/\



 Judicial Watch Warns President-Elect To Stay Away

 (Washington, DC) Yesterday, President-elect George W. Bush, in a
 telephone conversation with Bill Clinton, embraced Hillary Rodham
 Clinton by telling her husband, Bill Clinton, that he “looked
 forward to working with the Senator from New York.” This has been
 reported widely in The Washington Post and in other written and
 television press.

 During the campaign, Governor Bush showed little interest in
 ethics issues and, in fact, stated:

 “While it’s clear that Al Gore engaged in a number of
 questionable fund raising activities and gave the FBI statements
 that continue to raise the issue of credibility, the American
 people are sick and tired of all these scandals and
 investigations. The best way to put all these scandals and
 investigations behind us is to elect someone new. I’m running to
 uphold the honor and dignity of the White House.”

 William Safire, in an article entitled “Exegesis of Acceptance”
 of August 7, 2000, wrote:

 Running against Washington. The Yale graduate and child of
 privilege assumed, Jimmy Carter style, a hardscrabble pose to
 assert that his ‘background may lack the polish of Washington.’
 And then, following a focus-group distaste for controversy;, he
 dissociated himself from all investigations into Clinton-Gore
 scandals, including illegal fund-raising: ‘I have no stake in the
 bitter arguments of the last few years.’ Republicans on the
 unpopular ramparts of the rule of law were coolly informed he
 preferred ‘civility and respect.’

 While Mrs. Clinton has thus far escaped criminal proceedings by
 federal prosecutors, she is a defendant in seven Judicial Watch
 lawsuits and, in particular, the prime defendant in the ongoing
 $90-million Filegate class-action case. Testimony from a number
 of sources shows that she was the mastermind of Filegate and,
 indeed, has smeared a number of political and other perceived
 adversaries with information from their U.S. government files.
 In this regard, she and her husband, Bill Clinton, along with
 others, engaged in criminal conduct, as found by the Court, when
 she released information from Kathleen Willey’s official White
 House file to smear and destroy her. In addition, the
 award-winning author, Christopher Anderson, in his book Bill and
 Hillary: A Marriage, has reported that Mrs. Clinton hired private
 investigators to dig up dirt on and smear two of Judicial Watch’s
 clients, Gennifer Flowers and Dolly Kyle Browning.

 “For these and other reasons, and even to further his professed
 goal of bi-partisanship, President-elect Bush should not ‘get
 into bed’ with an individual such as Mrs. Clinton, who lately has
 been attempting to extort millions of dollars from book
 publishers, with interests before the U.S. Senate, to publish her
 memoirs and line her pockets further,” stated Judicial Watch
 Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.  Click Here

 “Judicial Watch will not rest until Mrs. Clinton is brought to
 justice, pays large damages to Judicial Watch clients, and is
 thrown in jail where she belongs,” added Judicial Watch President
 Tom Fitton.


  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] [FredOnEverything] Anxiety

2000-12-15 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 By contrast, women have left the secure
 role, if subordinate and perhaps boring, of being
 wives and mothers, to enter into self-conscious,
 avowed competition with men. So far as I know, this
 has never happened before, anywhere. A lot of women
 aren't sure they like it. Many don't seem suited to

Yes. Biology rules...but don't complain ladies...you will
outlive us by years. Dying last is the best revenge.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Staffers quit firm over attempt to switch electors

2000-12-15 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Analysis: Staffers quit firm over attempt to switch electors
Friday, 15 December 2000 17:43 (ET)
Analysis: Staffers quit firm over attempt to switch electors
By PETER ROFF, UPI Political Analyst
 WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 (UPI) -- Two top staffers in a Democratic
consulting firm have resigned in a disagreement over a plan to
contact Republican presidential electors in an effort to sway them
to vote for Al Gore when electors cast their ballots on Dec. 18.
 Ben Chao, one of two men who resigned from the firm of Bob
Beckel and Associates, told United Press International Friday that
"Beckel is compiling a report he will send, or may have already
sent, to Republican electors on voting patterns, allegations of fraud
in the election" and other political and demographic information
about the 2000 election.
 His letter will include "an editorial comment from him reminding the
electors they have the option of abstaining from voting in the
Electoral College."
 "I did not think it was in my best interests or those of my clients to
be associated in any way with this activity, so I resigned," Chao
said, adding that it was an amicable separation
 Beckel, who heads the firm and managed Walter Mondale's failed
presidential race in 1984, is well-known as a frequent guest on
political chat shows and as an occasional substitute host on
CNN's Crossfire.
 He did not return telephone calls to his office Friday seeking
 "He is not doing background checks or opposition research on
electors," Chao said. "The report he is going to send them is the
only communication he has had or will have with electors."
 "I think there are any number of people out there with any number
of schemes.
 "It is probably a lot more talk than it is reality," Chao said. "I think
Beckel is doing something completely different" from what other
people are said to be doing, "and he is working alone."
 Chao says that any efforts to disrupt the electoral process as it
goes forward would be ill-advised. Electors meet in their state
capitals Monday to cast their ballots, which are counted in a joint
session of Congress Jan. 6. The other staffer who resigned is Bud
 "We Democrats need to be talking about what we are about, what
we are for, not what we are against," Chao said.
 Shortly after the Nov. 7 election, United Press International and
other news outlets reported on efforts by Beckel to, using his word,
"kidnap" Republican electors who are not bound by law to
Republican Texas Gov. George W. Bush and to switch them to Al
 After a barrage of publicity and with Gore campaign chairman Bill
Daley and recount advisor Warren Christopher publicly disavowing
his effort, Beckel softened his tone, saying he was merely
compiling information to send to some of the Bush electors.
 "The simple fact of it (is) that when the Supreme Court decision
came down, I got the sense that if three electors flip giving Gore the
presidency, he would not accept it," Chao said. "If by some fluke,
Al Gore wins a vote in the House, he would not accept it.
Therefore, I saw no reason to instigate potential trouble with this
 "I urged [Beckel] not to send the report. He told me 'Ben, this is
something I have to do.' At that point, I figured I am a young guy in
the business, I make my living working for political candidates, and
so I quit."
 Chao said he still considers Beckel a close personal friend.
Copyright 2000 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.


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Re: [CTRL] NM: No Volunteers for Clinton Secret Service Detail (fwd)

2000-12-15 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-


 No Volunteers for Clinton Secret Service Detail

Ya DON'T supPOSE it would have anything to do with the Klinton Body


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2000-12-15 Thread Carl Amedio

-Caveat Lector-

X DRUDGE REPORT X FRI DEC 15, 2000 13:08:21 ET X



Radio sensation Howard Stern has signed a new five-year multilayered deal, it
was revealed on Friday, valued just shy of $100 million, according to

Just as Rush Limbaugh's earnings in 2000 will top Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw
and Dan Rather -- combined, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.


Radio's top stars continue to set the payday pace in the media industry.

"Howard got everything he wanted," said a well-placed source with direct
knowledge of the deal. "Everything."

"The only question, really, was whether he wanted to continue with a 5-day a
week early morning routine," said the insider. "It was a serious issue."

Stern continues to rewrite all compensation records for morning radio.
Stern's new deal with VIACOMCBS places him near the top of all media money

"There is no one that works for a living at CBS that will make more money
than Howard Stern," said a top source. "The new package is worth more than
even those given to CBS's primetime TV stars!"

The DRUDGE REPORT revealed last summer that Stern's deal would tip the scales
at $100 million.

Stern announced the deal on his show Friday just moments before leaving on a
three-week celebration vacation.


While Stern's deal is breathtaking in scope, Rush Limbaugh still remains the
King of Cash.

Limbaugh's earnings in 2000 will top Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw and Dan
Rather -- combined, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.

Limbaugh has become the highest-paid information broadcaster in history,
after pulling in nearly $30 million this year, according to sources.

Limbaugh receives no salary, rather he keeps a percentage of all revenue he
generates on his syndicated show. And Limbaugh's hours continue to be the
most lucrative in radio. [ARBITRON ratings trend for November 2000 shows
Limbaugh hitting a 5 year high on WABC in New York City.]


Limbaugh earned $968 a minute, based on nearly 31,000 minutes of Limbaugh
programming this year.

Filed By Matt Drudge
Reports are moved when circumstances warrant
http://www.drudgereport.com for updates
Not for reproduction without permission of the author

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: president Bush 12-15-2000

2000-12-15 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

 I see it as undermining the legitimacy of a President Bush

What legitimacy?

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[CTRL] Political Prisoners poisoned in Sierra Leone?

2000-12-15 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Just an example of the fine material I post daily to


(From Mathaba.Net)


Adjustment of UNAMSIL and other Travel Restrictions


13 December 2000.  Sierra Leone.  General Sesay, who is in regular
communication with his website has, today, ordered us to issue the following
statement to take effect immediately:

"Effective immediately I am ordering that the UNAMSIL 'observers' be
barred from entering RUF fields of operations until certain conditions have
been met.  The conditions, which are nonnegotiable, are as follows:

1.  That our leader, Foday Saybana Sankoh, be released from the
British/Kabbah political imprisonment and that he be provided safe escort to
a location to be mutually agreed upon in advance.

2.  That all of the political prisoners of the Revolutionary United Front
Party presently being held in British/Kabbah solitary confinement,
incommunicado, be released and be provided safe passage to their appropriate
destinations to be mutually agreed upon in advance.

3.  That our leader, Foday Saybana Sankoh, and all of his political party
presently imprisoned, immediately before their release have appropriate blood
samples drawn under proper supervision for the purpose of establishing that
they have not been injected with life-threatening chemicals during or just
prior to their release from prison.  The Kabbah government prisoner  The
Honorable Susan Lahai died shortly, unexpectedly and mysteriously, after
being released from the custody of Johnny Paul Koroma.

4.  That the British/Kabbah government state and reaffirm that the Lome
Peace Agreement is the active document which binds both the Kabbah government
and the Revolutionary United Front together; and that immediate steps will be
taken to provide for appropriate quarters-mutually agreed upon-to be restored
to the Revolutionary United Front in the unity government as agreed in Lome,
July, 1999, but not later than 25 January, 2001.

Our leader, Foday Saybana Sankoh, and we in the RUF do not want to
prolong this conflict.  We have been and continue to be committed to the Lome
Peace Agreement and see it as Sierra Leone's last, best hope for peace and
stability.  This peace and stability can only come about if government
officials keep their word (both written and spoken) and end the treachery,
deceit, attempts to destabilize, and attempts to marginalize our partnership
as defined in the Lome Peace Agreement.

RUF continues to believe that the Lome partnership can be honored by both
sides, forgetting that UN Secretary General Annan did not schedule a meeting
with RUF on its recent visit to our land.

RUF believes that permitting UNAMSIL and other 'observers' behind our
lines will serve no purpose if no equal action of goodwill is made by
releasing our leadership, both military and political.

If the British government will allow President Kabbah to keep his word to
RUF (both written and spoken) progress toward peace, stability and resumption
of the implementation of the Lome Peace Agreement is possible.




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[CTRL] Radio Havana on our election

2000-12-15 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 13 December 2000

  *Viewpoint: DEMOCRACY ... US STYLE
 The magnitude of the political scandal that has hit the world's
 only super-power has sent reverberations around the world. The nation
 that lectures the world on how to run a democracy -- including
 elections -- has been shamed into admitting that its problems are
 similar if not worse than those of many of the Third World countries
 whose electoral systems it criticizes. Tuesday's decision by the US
 Supreme Court took a full month after the nation's presidential
 elections took place. It has effectively put an end to the political
 battle, opening the way for the Republican candidate George W Bush to
 enter the White House in January. But it also helped put an end to
 any notion that the system was "Democratic."
 This is not the first time in the history of the United States that
 a candidate has won the election without gaining a majority of the
 popular vote. This time, however, the very credibility of US so-
 called Democracy is on the line.
 Democracy that involves a national voter absentee rate of 50 percent.
 Democracy that, consequently (and given the vote that Al Gore
 received), allows the man who takes over as president in January to
 do so with the support of less than 25 percent of the electorate.
 Democracy that refuses to allow a serious alternative contender for
 the presidency to publicly debate the other two principle candidates
 on national TV.
 Democracy that allows a state legislature such as Florida's to ignore
 the vote of its people and decide for themselves who will or will not
 be given the electoral votes so essential to win this election. Thus,
 for the first time in its history, a state legislative body of a
 little over 100 representatives has effectively elected the US
 Democracy that allows two US Supreme Court justices to vote on such
 an important issue when they both have clear conflicts of interest in
 doing so. Justice Thomas's wife being directly involved in the Bush
 campaign, and Justice Scalia's two sons hired as attorneys for two
 law firms representing the Bush campaign in its arguments to the
 Supreme Court (and thus, their father) itself.
 Hardly the notion of the true democratic representational system
 Washington pundits and politicians are forever lecturing the rest of
 the world about.
 Most of the countries that Washington roundly criticizes for not
 having "democratic" elections have a second round of voting when the
 first is contested so closely -- but not the self-proclaimed champion
 of Democracy. The U.S. Supreme Court is the country's highest
 judicial body and an appeal against any of its rulings has little
 chance of success. The electoral votes of the state of Florida have
 been stolen from the people by their so-called representatives and
 apportioned along strictly partisan lines in a winner-take-all system
 that defies every notion of Democracy.
 A new chapter of U.S. electoral history will begin with Bush's
 inauguration on January 20th 2001. It is too early to say if the
 status quo that passes for US Democracy will be maintained in the
 light of this election scandal, but most experts say that once the
 dust settles everyone will get back to living the same routine.
 However, there will be many who will nonetheless recall that the man
 in charge of what he calls the "Greatest Democracy on Earth" for the
 next four years, will have to come to terms with the fact that he won
 the election on the political whim of the legislature of his
 own brother's state without the support of the vast majority of his
 (c) 2000 Radio Habana Cuba

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Re: [CTRL] Radio Havana on our election

2000-12-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

What a friend they had in Clinton.

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[CTRL] Isolationism is hardly the problem

2000-12-15 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-


Isolationism is hardly the problem

Charley Reese

December 14, 2000

I was disappointed to hear the president-elect say that the main problem facing
America was isolationism and then issue a silly, macho warning against terrorism.

Isolationism is hardly our problem. We are entangled in so many treaties and
alliances, and we have American armed forces posted in 100 foreign countries,
almost without exception on missions that have nothing to do with either
national interests or national security.

As for warning terrorists, let's get real. Most terrorist acts are suicidal. So
whom is this tough talk supposed to scare?

Certainly not men who are prepared to die as long as they can take a few of us
with them.

I already fear that I will have to adopt a sort of secular prayer in which, from
time to time, I will repeat, "Well, at least he's not Al Gore."

Terrorism is neither a police nor a military problem. It is a political problem.
The new president ought to shut down that cottage industry on the beltway of
so-called terrorism experts and concentrate on developing a foreign policy that
will not give people just cause to hate us.

I hope that no one is so naïve as to think that we are going to escape some kind
of payback for having killed 500,000 Iraqi children with the cruelest embargo in
human history. It isn't the government of Saddam Hussein we have to fear. We
haven't harmed it. It's the Iraqi people whom we have mercilessly tortured.

I don't know why it seems so difficult for politicians in Washington to
understand. We have no reason on God's green Earth to harm the people of any
country on this planet. If we have a quarrel with a government, then let us
confine our actions to that government, not to innocent people. Nor should we
ever support, in any way, another government that is harming innocent people.
When we do, we become accessories, and then their enemies become our enemies.

We also ought to stop committing war crimes by bombing or shooting missiles at
countries when we are not in a state of war. Reprisals are war crimes. When we
respond to an act of terrorism by bombing a country, we are doing exactly what
the German army did in World War II when it
would killed 50 or 60 civilians in reprisal for an attack on its soldiers.

Some Americans have this kooky idea that if you kill innocent people with a bomb
or a missile, instead of a rifle, it's not a war crime. It is. The choice of
weapons makes no difference. It's just more cowardly to kill at a distance than
it is up close.

I would like to see some of these politicians who profess to be Christians start
acting like Christians instead of decadent and pagan Romans. We should be
helping people live better lives rather than destroying them.

We should, as George Washington suggested, be extending the hand of friendship
and commerce to all the nations of the world while not getting ourselves
involved in their internal affairs or regional quarrels.

As Americans, we have many, many domestic problems that require our full
attention -- aging infrastructure, rampant immorality, a failed government
education system, a shrinking agricultural base, a too-expensive medical-care
system, polluted air and water, usurpation of power by various government
entities, uncontrolled immigration.

You probably can add others to my list.

Mr. President-elect, isolationism is not the problem; it's part of the solution.

Let's dump the aging Cold Warriors and bring some new thinking to our problems.

Copyright © 2000, Orlando Sentinel

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Re: [CTRL] Jesus was a Liberal

2000-12-15 Thread Vera Harper

-Caveat Lector-

Exactly as I said, Jesus did Not preach these things as God-given rights. Actually 
Jesus did preach against these things. Don't fornicate and do unto others...I wouldn't 
want my child to kill me, so I shouldn't kill my child. Is it that hard to figure out?

From CBNnow web-based E-mail, part of the growing CBNnow web presence. CBNnow, your 
source for news, information, and inspiration in the new millenium.

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Re: [CTRL] Jesus was a Liberal (dose of shrooms)

2000-12-15 Thread Vera Harper

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:
There are no supernatural beings. There are no supernatural any things.
By definition, nothing is beyond Nature. However, some of Nature we do
not understand (yet). Some of Nature we do not even perceive (yet).

That is so ironic, Nessie, that you could say that about "Nature" and yet not 
understand that you are referring to God. Can't you see your own hypocrisy? Don't you 
realize that there are aspects of God we don't yet perceive? I urge you to read the 
bible in its' entirety, from front to back(I did it in 3 weeks, surely you can beat 
THAT!) with an open mind. There is nothing but wisdom to be gained, and I assure you 
that you will be the better for it. If I could get my hands on an anarchist's writings 
I would read it, as I've read any literature given to me.  Mormons come to my door and 
I read their book and discuss it with them. The same with Jehovah's Witnesses. I am 
willing to look at other people's beliefs and then use my MIND to distinguish the 

From CBNnow web-based E-mail, part of the growing CBNnow web presence. CBNnow, your 
source for news, information, and inspiration in the new millenium.

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