Re: [CTRL] McVeigh reveals details of Oklahoma blast (fwd)

2001-04-03 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- Yardbird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 McVeigh reveals details of Oklahoma blast
 By Ellen Wulfhorst
 NEW YORK (Reuters) - Oklahoma City bomber
 Timothy McVeigh says he always expected to be
 caught, convicted and executed...
 In prison, he became acquainted with Unabomber
 Ted Kaczynski, and the book contains a letter in
 which Kaczynski said he liked McVeigh but found
 the Murrah bombing "unnecessarily inhumane."
 Copyright © 2001 Reuters Limited.
"While being held in a federal high-security prison,
McVeigh met Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski, who told
authors Lou Michel and Dan Herbeck he found
McVeigh likable  "
Nakano comments:
It's interesting and perhaps more than coincidence
that Ted Kaczynski, (aka the "Unabomber") and
Tim McVeigh would meet and find something "likable"
in each other.
Ted Kaczynski was a brilliant young math and science
student at Harvard when he was sucked into the
dark and dangerous world of the CIA's MKULTRA
mind control experiments. There is scant little
information about what happened to him during
that time. What is know, is that he underwent a
profound personality change. After graduation, he
moved on to teach at Berkley California, but he
became more and more withdrawn and isolated from
regular society. Finally he chose to live alone in
near isolation and write about his anti-techno-society
viewsand occasionally put bombs in the mail.
As a young man, his life held so much promise.
But something happened to that young man, something
that warped him in a terrible way.

Consider the early years of Tim McVeigh
and his outstanding record in the U.S. Army.
Then something happened. Something changed him.
He family, friends, and co-workers have spoken
about this in interviews.  Tim went through the
same sort of personality change as Ted Kaczynski.
Perhaps they sensed this about each other.
Perhaps that's why they became friends of a sort.

My own instincts tell me these two men are both
victims of very dark forces.


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Re: [CTRL] Anyone Have Any Articles on the Federal Reserve?

2001-04-03 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

John Cone wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> --- "Stopforth, Jamie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I'll check out that book... Thanks for the
> > information Michael.
> > From: michael pugliese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Eustace Mullins? PUH-LEEZE!
>  Wanna read something factual on the Federal Reserve
> > read, "Secrets of the Temple, " by William Greider,
> Nakano comments:
> WRONG!  Greider's book is a cheap imitation of
> Mullin's book.
> Many people were coming into regular bookstores
> and asking for "Secrets of the Federal Reserve"
> which these stores refused to carry.
> Someone saw an opportunity to write a book and
> give it a sound-alike title.
> I have read both books.
> Greider's is a shallow whitewash that pretends to
> be a serious investigation.
> Whatever you may think of Eustace Mullins he is
> an amazing researcher.  His book is heavily footnoted
> and referenced.
> I don't know what all he may be doing now, I don't
> keep up with his activitiesbut his book on
> the Federal Reserve is the standard against which
> all others are measured.  It is a very solid piece
> of work and I highly recommend it.
> In fact, I have given away several copies over the
> past 15 years.
> Nakano

Very solid piece of work eh? Grieder vs Mullins and
you claim that Mullins is the standard?

Losing credibility buddy.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Remnants of Secret Society Pose a Mystery Across the U.S

2001-04-03 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find info about this article.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

Remnants of Secret Society Pose a Mystery Across the U.S. Skeletons found in
old lodges of Odd Fellows - Maria Glod, Washington Post "In recent years, the
discovery of Odd Fellows skeletons has sparked police investigations in
Missouri, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Nebraska. In Oklahoma, the remains
prompted a work crew to flee in terror." ", a longtime Odd Fellow from New
York, still remembers his initiation more than 50 years ago. He hesitates to
reveal too much but speaks of passwords and a skeleton that "wasn't to be
seen by anybody until you take the degree." "The Independent Order of the Odd
Fellows dates to 17th-century England... The first American lodge opened in
Baltimore in 1819."
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Palestinian news about infant shooting.

2001-04-03 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Text: Voice of Palestine claims Shalhevet murdered by her mother

Aaron Lerner  Date:  2 April 2001

The Foreign Ministry has provided IMRA with the Hebrew version of the
following excerpt from the radio commentary of senior Voice of Palestine
commentator Youssef al-Kazaz, broadcast on the Palestinian Authority
flagship radio station, Voice of Palestine, on 2 April 2001 at 8:39 AM:

"On the matter of the baby settler who was killed in Hebron a few days ago,
we already said that her death was a fishy action and there is information
according to which this baby was retarded and it was her mother who killed
her in order to get rid of her."

Senior Voice of Palestine commentator Youssef al-Kazaz
Voice of Palestine, on 2 April 2001, 8:39 AM">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Commission predicts a direct attack on the United States

2001-04-03 Thread Butch

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
To: "Mark Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 9:49 PM
Subject: SNET: Commission predicts a direct attack on the United States

> The commission predicts a direct attack on the United States.
> Hart-Rudman Calls for Homeland Defense
> By Keith J. Costa
> The warning was nothing if not blunt. "A direct attack against American
> citizens on American soil is likely over the next quarter century. The
> risk
> is not only death and destruction but also a demoralization that could
> undermine US global leadership."
> Moreover, "in the face of this threat, our nation has no coherent or
> integrated governmental structures."
> The act of guarding US territory from foreign depredations should be
> made
> "the primary national security mission of the United States." Preventing
> or
> deterring attacks against US soil or responding to them if preventive
> measures fail will require a comprehensive strategy and new government
> structures.
> Such was the principal conclusion of the US Commission on National
> Security/21st Century, better known as the Hart-Rudman Commission after
> co-chairmen Gary Hart, a former Democratic Senator from Colorado, and
> Warren
> Rudman, a former Republican Senator from New Hampshire. The panel was
> chartered in 1998 by Defense Secretary William S. Cohen. It has now
> reported
> to both Cohen and to President Bush's Pentagon leader, Donald H.
> Rumsfeld.
> In late January, the group issued its third and final report. The
> commission
> released its Phase 1 and Phase 2 reports in September 1999 and April
> 2000,
> respectively, setting out a threat environment over the next 25 years
> and
> outlining what the panel viewed as a realistic new national security
> strategy.
> The Phase 3 document called for dramatic changes to the US national
> security
> apparatus itself, including a proposal to create a new homeland security
> agency. Titled "Road Map for National Security: Imperative for Change,"
> the
> report built upon the group's previous work and raised stark concerns
> about
> US vulnerability.
> The Focal Point
> One striking recommendation: Convert the Federal Emergency Management
> Agency
> into a "National Homeland Security Agency." The new agency would be
> chartered in law to provide a focal point for government response in
> "all
> natural and man-made crisis and emergency planning scenarios."
> The NHSA director would enjoy Cabinet rank, undergo Senate confirmation,
> and
> serve as an advisor to the National Security Council--as is the case
> today
> with the director of central intelligence. The panel believes the
> proposed
> structure would ensure that one person is accountable to the President
> for
> homeland defense policy-making and implementation.
> The NSC, though, would still play a role in planning and coordinating
> homeland security missions involving other federal agencies like the
> Defense
> Department, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the
> Department of Health and Human Services.
> "Through the commission's proposal for a National Homeland Security
> Agency,
> the US government will be able to improve the planning and coordination
> of
> federal support to state and local agencies, to rationalize the
> allocation
> of resources, to enhance readiness in order to prevent attacks, and to
> facilitate recovery if prevention fails," the report stated.
> "Most important," it added, "this proposal [places] the problem of
> homeland
> security within the broader framework of US national security strategy.
> ...
> We are mindful that erecting the operational side of this strategy will
> take
> time."
> The report said NHSA's planning and coordination activities would be
> carried
> out by three components:
> *Directorate of Prevention, to oversee border-security activities.
> *Directorate of Critical Infrastructure Protection, to head up the
> agency's cyber-security operations.
> *Directorate of Emergency Preparedness and Response, to set training
> and
> hardware standards, give resource grants, and promote information
> sharing by
> DOD, FBI, and state officials.
> The new agency would also feature a National Crisis Action Center, led
> by a
> two-star National Guard general, responsible for coordinating the
> federal
> response to crises.
> The commission said the NHSA structure, consolidating today's disparate
> homeland security activities, would focus the government's attention on
> preventing terrorist attacks against American citizens and critical
> infrastructure. Prevention activities would include a commitment to
> verifiable arms control and nonproliferation and establishing "vigilant
> systems of border security and surveillance" carried out by the Border
> Patrol, Customs Service, and Coast Guard, all three of which would
> become
> NHSA components.
> An increased number of people and a 


2001-04-03 Thread Linda Minor

-Caveat Lector-

MIND CONTROL, WORLD CONTROL by Jim Keith, (ISBN 0-932813-45-3),
Published by Adventures Unlimited Press 1997.
pp. 43-51
Chapter 5--TAVISTOCK

The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, known by insiders as the "Freud
Hilton," has been a major nexus for the worldwide psychological manipulation
that has taken place over the last 50 years. The Tavistock story--at least
the public version of it--begins immediately after World War II, when
members of British military intelligence created the Institute.  In its own
literature Tavistock is described as an organization of "dynamic psychiatry"
which was intended to practice what they term 'societry" on the planet as a
whole--and what I term world mind control.

British military intelligence itself, in the persons of many of its chief
players, has been aimed at a one-world government since its inception.
British Secret Service directors on an almost one-for-one basis have been
advocates of Fabian socialism. [1] It is alleged that Tavistock was set up
much earlier than its announced inception, over 20 years prior in 1921, by
Major John Rawlings Reese, on the orders of the Round Table's Royal
Institute of International Affairs (also known as Chatham House). The RIIA,
along with the American Council on Foreign Relations, had been founded in
1919 during the Versailles Peace Conference, both being early New World
Order executive arms.

Reese was the man who dreamed of "building a society in which it is possible
for any member of any social group to be treated [psychiatrically], without
resort to legal means, and even if they do not desire such treatment."  At
the end of World War II, Reese called for the creation of "psychological
shock troops" who would fan out from the Tavistock Institute to engineer the
future direction of society. [2]

In 1932 Tavistock was put under the directorship of the German psychologist
Kurt Lewin. Lewin was a founder of the National Training Laboratories and
director of the Harvard psychological Clinic, and--an odd qualification for
a psychiatrist, I think--one of the key players in the original creation of
the OSS in America.

Lewin is credited with much of the original Tavistock into mass
brainwashing, applying the results of repeated trauma and torture in mind
control to society at large. If terror can be induced on a widespread basis
into a society. Lewin has stated, then society reverts to a tabula rasa a
blank slate, a situation where control can easily be instituted from an
exterior point.

Put it another way: By the creation of controlled chaos, the populace can be
brought to the point where it willingly submits to greater control.   Lewin
maintained that society must be driven into a state equivalent to an "early
childhood situation. He termed this societal chaos "fluidity."

Tavistock's focus in the early days was on strategic warfare studies, in
particular of Germany, with emphasis on the reeducation of that errant New
World Order colony. During World War II many of the Institute's members,
including its founder, Reese, ran the British Psychological Warfare
Directorate and subsidiary organizations based in the United States. After
World War II Tavistock can functionally be considered to have become a part
of Britain's Psychological Warfare Bureau, now working on projects dealing
with the brainwashing of populations. [3] Tavistock is governed by what it
calls an invisible college, echoing antique occultist terminology and
reminding one that British intelligence was founded by Freemasons and
remains deeply Freemasonic to this day. The original use of the term
"invisible college," prior to the announced creation of Tavistock, was
Reese's reference to an informal association he had created of all the
psychiatrists then working in the British military.

For funding, the Tavistock Institute relies on large grants from anonymous
benefactors--with no doubt a substantial portion coming directly from the
Crown--along with grants from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford
Foundation, the Carnegie Institute, the World Health Organization, and the
British Home Office.  Tavistock is also interlinked worldwide with a vast
network of other organizations and think tanks, including UNESCO, WHO, the
World Federation for Mental Health, and the Rand Corporation. Tavistock is
simply a front group for the psychological imp05ition of the New World Order
on the planet, and its main philosophic tool is the Hegelian dialectic
framed in the terms of Lewin.

The Rockefellers have always been prominent in deciding the course of
Tavistock. According to the official chronicler of the group,
"The Rockefeller Foundation, before making us a grant, would need to be
satisfied, not only by our policies.., but also with the persons to carry
them out." [4]
  In a Tavistock-funded profile of the group, it is stated that the role of
the institute has been:
"(a) The invention of the command psychiatrist as a medical-social role
carrying out reconnaissance

Re: [CTRL] (en) Canada, MEDIA: More than 80 arrested at Ottawa protest

2001-04-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Who elected these people to do anything?

Like UN and CFR etc., these self appointed dictators have set themselve
on high over and above the American flag and constitution..but I
keep remember this one line I read years ago - the Mafia had taken over
everything BUT the government.

Imagine this bunch if they get their hands on your Social Security?
This is what they are afteryour tax dollars.

How is it Clinton can continue to rip off the American people and not a
thing is done; as it stands now, his treasonous acts in office - he
should be put before a firing squad.and take Hill with him.

Real 21 Gun Salute.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Bush-China monologues

2001-04-03 Thread William Shannon

The Bush-China monologues
The White House takes questions: A drama in multiple acts.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Jake Tapper, with White House transcripts
April 2, 2001 | WASHINGTON --

The Characters:
Scott McClellan, the kid-brother-like White House deputy press secretary
Mary Ellen Countryman, spokesperson for the National Security Council
Reporters, ravenous
The Setting
It's 1:35 p.m. EST in the in the James S. Brady briefing room in the White
House's west wing, and the boyish White House deputy press secretary (played
by the understudy, McClellan) comes before the press corps to discuss
President George W. Bush's meeting with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.
But that feisty press corps instead wants to talk about something else: the
fact that American diplomats had been refused permission to visit the 24
American crew members of the U.S. Navy spy plane who have been detained by
Chinese officials for more than 32 hours -- not to mention reports that
Chinese officials have boarded the plane.
They want answers. But are they going to get them from McClellan? Does he
have them, but prefer a droll game of cat-and-mouse instead? Such questions
come alive in the uniquely enjoyable thrust-and-parry of the Bush White
Act 1 "No it wasn't, Scott" (McClellan leads a discussion as to whether the
U.S. plane was boarded.)
McClellan: Good afternoon. I only have one announcement today. At 3:15 p.m.,
here in the press briefing room, a senior administration official will give a
readout on the meeting between President Bush and President Mubarak. It will
be a background briefing.
And with that, I am happy to take questions.
Reporter: Scott, does the president have a reaction to the fact that the
Chinese have apparently boarded the spy plane?
McClellan: I don't have any information on that.
Reporter: Well, U.S. officials say it happened, so does the president not
know that that's the case or --
McClellan: I'm not aware of that.
Reporter: Scott, the president said further, when he talked about the matter,
he referred to further tampering, which indicated that he knew something had
Countryman (jumping in): No, he said, "further damage."
Reporter: Pardon?
Countryman: He said, "further damage."
Reporter: No. No.
Reporter: No, he said, "further tampering." Scott, has the plane been
tampered with? Or, to what extent has the plane been tampered with?
McClellan: Well, I think the president's statement was very clear.
Reporter: No, it wasn't, Scott. He didn't even address this.
McClellan: Again, I have no information on whether or not the plane has been
boarded by Chinese officials ...
Reporter: I'm sorry, do you not have information about whether the plane was
boarded, or does the United States not have information about whether the
plane was boarded?
McClellan: I do not have that information.
Reporter: You're not saying it doesn't exist, you just don't have it?
McClellan: I have no information to that effect. So I think I've addressed
it. I think I've addressed it, though.
Reporter: But you're not disputing it?
McClellan: Well, I don't know where your reports are coming from. I'd refer
you to State Department or the Pentagon on that.
Reporter: Well, can't we get some reaction from the president on this?
McClellan: Well, again, I think what he said earlier was that it's very
troubling by the lack of speed in allowing us the diplomatic access to the
Reporter: That's not the issue, Scott.
McClellan: I understand that, but I think I addressed it --
Reporter (interrupting): No, you haven't.
McClellan: -- that I have no information about what you're referring to.
Act 2 "You said that the president was fully engaged." (An exploration of the
larger foreign policy implications)
Reporter: Did the plane fly on a special mission? It was reportedly on a
routine flight.
McClellan: This is a routine mission over international airspace, as we
indicated earlier.
Reporter: Scott, in any of the conversations that the administration has had
with Chinese officials, have they indicated that the Chinese response to this
-- I don't want to call it a foreign policy crisis, but foreign policy
challenge -- may impact the U.S. decision to sell four Arleigh Burke class
destroyers to Taiwan?
McClellan: I think right now the focus is on getting access to the crew. And
that's the focus, and that's the issue we're focused on right now, immediate
access to the crew.
Reporter: Right. But in those conversations, has anybody from the
administration said to the Chinese, how you respond to this, how quickly you
give us access to the crew, how quickly you let the crew go may have some
impact on our decision to sell these arms to Taiwan?
McClellan: I'll see if I can find out more for you ...
Reporter: Scott, does the United States have an obligation toward the
Chinese, who was downed, reparations or apology or anything of that sort?
McClellan: Well, I think the president addr

[CTRL] Back to the Cold War?

2001-04-03 Thread William Shannon

Back to the Cold War?
As Bush rattles his saber -- and China rattles back -- tensions rise around
the world.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Ben Barber
April 3, 2001 | WASHINGTON -- The diplomatic furor over the American spy
plane forced to land on China's Hainan Island Sunday after bumping into a
Chinese warplane appears to confirm that the U.S. is drifting into a time
warp that's recreating the grim old days of the Cold War.
Just last month, 50 Russian diplomats were expelled from Washington for
spying. Fifty U.S. diplomats got the boot in return by Moscow's president
Vladimir Putin, a former KGB spy master. Days earlier, Bush administration
officials called North Korea's bizarre Stalinist leader Kim Jong-il nasty
names and threatened to break a 1994 nuclear pact with that country.
Nor has George W. Bush spared his allies, pushing them to swallow the
National Missile Defense system which Europe detests as unnecessary,
expensive and destabilizing. And less than a week ago, Europe was shocked by
Bush's withdrawing the U.S. from negotiations over the Kyoto protocol on
climate change -- a move that had little to do with defense policy, of
course, but one that foreign leaders have widely perceived as a throwback to
a unilateral, Cold War superpower approach to global problems.
So far no one is sure what's going on. Are the conservative advisors to the
inexperienced president trapped in the rhetoric of the past? Are they seeking
to advance what they see as America's national interests by taking tough
stands that seemed to work during the Reagan years, the Cuban missile crisis
or perhaps old westerns like "High Noon?"
Or is this simply a new team finding its way over some bumps in the road --
such as the legacy of genuine Russian spies, an intense Chinese fear of U.S.
hegemony and North Korea's habit of nuclear blackmail?
Critics blame a backward-looking Bush team. "The Bush administration comes to
power with visions of a world akin to that when the Cold War was still
going," says former senior Clinton White House policy official Ivo Daalder,
now at the Brookings Institution. "They see a world divided into black and
white, good and evil. The bad countries are led by despotic, evil or confused
people. Russia is led by spies, China by communists, North Korea by a
despotic dictator. They believe you have to deal with these people firmly. No
pussyfooting. Stand up, respectful but firm."
Other analysts agree that the spy plane impasse is more worrisome against the
backdrop of Bush rhetoric about China. "The actual interdicting of U.S.
aircraft by the Chinese goes on all the time; it has been for decades, but
the current heightened tension began after Bush became president," says
Rodger Baker, a senior analyst for "Bush's team has labeled
China as a particular area of concern for Asia, and U.S. leaks of what our
new foreign policy and military posture will look like have heightened
Still, there's no evidence in this specific instance that saber-rattling will
take precedence over problem-solving as the Bush team tries to get the
plane's crew back safely and resolve the incident.
"I certainly don't think we're entering a new Cold War," says a senior State
Department official, speaking on condition of anonymity. "You have a moment
where the new administration has not fully formed its ability to carry out
our own policy and let us put our own stamp on things. To some extent, we've
got to deal with things as they happen. Some are difficult, like the plane
thing in China or the spy scandal with Russia.
"Don't think it's the entire policy. If people give it a couple of months
they will see a more rounded and more positive policy. There is a desire not
to reenter Cold War scenarios."
With or without a Cold War mentality, the United States has enemies and
rivals, if not for strategic preeminence then for power and influence and
wealth in the smaller theaters of the world. France covets its control over
former colonies in West Africa; Russia wants to keep NATO from expanding
eastward into the Baltics; India bristles at any outside rival within South
Asia; Iran and Islamic terrorists oppose any Western presence in the Persian
Gulf region.
But those sizable tensions don't explain the seismic shift between the Bush
foreign policy of the campaign trail and the statements made by the White
House since President Bush took office. During the campaign, Bush promised a
"humble" foreign policy which would not humiliate the less powerful nations
of the world -- that is, all of the rest of them. The talk was comforting --
until Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and National Security Advisor
Condoleezza Rice seized control of the dais, and pushed Secretary of State
Colin Powell aside. Now, they say, U.S. policy will be based on "national
interest," and there's much less talk about humility than during the campaign
-- in fact, there's none.
The latest mo

[CTRL] W's Brave Old World

2001-04-03 Thread William Shannon

W's Brave Old World

By Sam Parry
April 3, 2001

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd – who made endless fun of Al Gore for 
his earth-tone sweaters, his Palm Pilot and his connection to the book style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal">Love Story – isn't one for making 
apologies. But she's come close to admitting that her election-year ridicule 
of Gore might have helped put a dimwitted reactionary in the White House. 
“Forgive me, Al Gore,” Dowd wrote in a column on Bush’s drive to turn back 
the clock on the environment and foreign policy. “I’m going hungry for a 
shred of modernity.” [NYT, April 1, 2001] 
With her second thoughts about making a mockery of Al Gore and his interest 
in the future, Dowd might not be alone. As George W. Bush and his elders 
chart a course for the United States back to the black-and-white days of the 
Cold War and to an era when corporate chieftains knew best, many Americans 
might be wondering why they voted for this guy. 
Did they really want Bush to weaken the protections against arsenic in 
drinking water or to cut the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency? 
Did they vote for him to eliminate new ergonomic or repetitive-stress 
standards in work places? 
Did they expect him to talk down the economy to build support for his $1.6 
trillion tax cut? Did anyone out there vote for him so he could nominate a 
former Iran-contra figure – Otto Reich – to head the State Department’s 
Latin American office? 
Did they expect that he would irk close allies on issues from missile defense 
to global warming? Did voters want him to block negotiations with the North 
Koreans -- over the protests of the South Koreans -- and to stoke up the 
tensions with China and Russia? 
For someone who lost the national popular vote by more than a half million 
votes and was handed the Oval Office by five political allies on the U.S. 
Supreme Court, Bush seems oblivious to his fragile claim on legitimacy. 
Instead, he is acting like a man with radical right-wing mandate.   
In pursuing this agenda, Bush also has shown contempt for voters who 
supported him believing he was a "compassionate conservative" who would 
replace Washington's partisanship with cooperation.
Within his first 100 days, Bush has dropped all pretense of governing from 
the center, effectively calling those who believed he would "suckers." style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal">The Wall Street Journal’s 
ultra-conservative editorial page openly praised Bush for building an 
administration that is to the right of Ronald Reagan’s. 
Bush’s early moves and appointments have made his more extreme right-wing 
base giddy. Paul Weyrich, a prominent conservative who two years ago wrote a 
despondent public letter to fellow conservatives in which he stated his view 
“that politics itself has failed” and that conservatives have “lost the 
culture war,” is now gushing over Bush’s early decisions.
Weyrich told the Washington Post that 
Bush’s attention to the right wing has eclipsed Reagan’s and has been 
“something that I've never experienced before.” [WP, March 25, 2001]
While Bush's right-wing supporters are experiencing a revival of mind and 
spirit, his political spokesmen are spinning the press away from the notion 
that Bush snookered the public with his talk of bipartisan moderation. The 
administration's new line is that conservative appointments and policies 
should come as no surprise given the fact that Bush is himself a 
During the 2000 race, however, Bush didn’t run as a conservative, but as a 
likable, affable, moderate whose contradictions drew little attention from 
the national press. Many political analysts believe that Bush outmaneuvered 
Gore for the political center as Bush's stump speeches blasted Gore as a 
big-government liberal, a message that resonated with many voters.
Bush's political strategy worked so well that in spite of Bush's conservative 
moves as president, polls show many Americans still are expecting him to show 
his political centrism. Yet, Bush’s rightward march on the environment has 
irked other prominent Republicans.
As reported in the Seattle 
Post-Intelligencer, Republican President Theodore Roosevelt’s granddaughter, 
Edith Williams, is “fighting mad … about what Bush is doing to the 
environment and to the environmental legacy of the Republican Party.” 
Williams told columnist Joel Connelly, “I'm desperately disappointed. ... I 
am deeply distressed at this administration.” [Seattle Post-Intelligencer, March 28, 2001]
In the first two months of the Bush administration, two prominent moderate 
Republican administration officials, Secretary of State Colin Powell and EPA 
Administrator Christie Whitman, have stood by loyally as their boss undercut 
their public positions to please his right wing-base. Powell was embarrassed 
on Iraq and North Korea. Whitman had the rug pulled out from under her on 
carbon dioxide emission

[CTRL] (en) Canada, MEDIA: More than 80 arrested at Ottawa protest

2001-04-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

   A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

 More than 80 arrested at Ottawa protest
 WebPosted Mon Apr 2 19:40:24 2001
 OTTAWA-- Police arrested 87 anti-globalization activists during a noisy but
 peaceful protest in front of the Foreign Affairs building in Ottawa Monday.

 About 450 people waved banners and sang songs to demand the government take

 BACKGROUND: Trade talks: The Summit of the Americas

 The demonstrators were arrested after they came forward in pairs to read
 statements out loud, before climbing over barricades to sit on the
 building's grounds.

 One by one they were dragged away by police.

 They want the government to release the draft text of the proposed Free
 Trade Area of the Americas agreement in advance of this month's summit in
 Quebec City.

 International Trade Minister Pierre Pettigrew said Canada can't release the
 details unilaterally because there are 34 countries involved. But he said
 the government has released what it can so far.

 "This is the most transparent international trade negotiation we've ever
 had," he told CBC Newsworld.

 Foreign Affairs has closed the building for the day and told staff to stay

 Protesters say the government must make sure that environment and labour
 rules as well as human rights and democracy are respected in any new

** The A-Infos News Service **
   News about and of interest to anarchists
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[CTRL] Canada Calls on U.S. to Stick With Kyoto Accord

2001-04-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

Canada Calls on U.S. to Stick With Kyoto Accord

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Prime Minister Jean Chretien called on the United States
on Tuesday to stick with the Kyoto accord to combat global warming, and
reiterated Canada's intention to honor its commitment to cut greenhouse
"We think we have to continue with Kyoto and we think the Americans should do
the same," Chretien told reporters after a weekly cabinet meeting.
The White House last week announced an end to U.S. support for the 1997 Kyoto
pact, which calls for the reduction of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gas emissions to try to lessen further warming of the world's climate.
"I'm disappointed by it (the U.S. decision). We intend to respect our
commitment," Chretien said, speaking in French.
He noted Canada's position that any international agreement needed to give
industrialized countries credit for carbon dioxide absorbed by forests and
farmland. He said Canada also wants credits for selling to other countries
energy or energy projects such as nuclear power or natural gas, which produce
fewer emissions than fuels like coal or oil.
But his stance on the United States appeared to go further than that of his
environment minister, David Anderson, who last week blamed the Kyoto treaty's
troubles largely on the European Union, which strongly resists allowing the
sort of emissions credits that Canada and the United States seek.
Canada agreed at Kyoto to cut its greenhouse gas emissions to 6 percent below
1990 levels. But as of 1998 its emissions were 13 percent above the 1990

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: [ParanoidTimes] New tools hatch for sniffing out Web bugs

2001-04-03 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] FW: Anti-Gravity Fighter Disc - LockHeed X-22A

2001-04-03 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 3:21 AM
Subject: Anti-Gravity Fighter Disc - LockHeed X-22A

   By Simon Gray
Information has come into the public's attention which suggests that
Lockheed has been working in the "black" on a discoid-shaped aircraft.
Not only does this aircraft utilise anti-gravitic propulsion, but the discs
believed to be equipped with highly advanced particle

beam weaponry.
Lockheed does hold the patents on disc-shaped passenger aicraft, so it is
not unreasonable to assume they have also (successfully) investigated the
possibility of creating such craft as military platforms.
Colonel Steve Wilson, USAF (deceased) stated that black military
astronauts trained at a secret aerospace academy and later would operate
out of Beale and Vandenberg Air Force Bases in California.
>From those bases, these military astronauts regularly fly trans-
atmospherically and out into space. One of the aerospace craft they use,
Colonel Wilson reported, is the X-22A, Lockheed's two-man anti-gravity
disc craft.
Evidence for the existence of the X-22A first came to light during Operation

Desert Storm when American soldiers (and most likely Iraqi soldiers as
well) made sightings of disc-shaped craft in the desert hovering near to
U.S. officers. People also made claims of seeing these craft fire intense
beams of light that removed any trace of what previously sat at the
apart from a circular charcoal-like burn mark on the ground.
A Desert Storm soldier stated the following: "In the first days film footage

and especially Video-cams which a large number of G.I.s had were
impounded so they wouldn`t capture any sensitive material."
Dr. Richard Boylan states the following about the X-22A:
"The described disc was clearly an antigravity levitating aerial weapons
platform in the U.S. arsenal, possibly a Lockheed X-22A two-man discoid
craft, the real DarkStar, (of which the unmanned drone X-22 DarkStar is a
front "cover" aircraft program to disguise this manned antigravity fighter
disc.) Further, it appears that the real DarkStar manned discs come
equipped with the latest Neutral Particle Beam weapons, which take apart
the target at the molecular level. ET craft do not incinerate humans. Only
human military fighters are so deployed. So this report does not deal with
any extraterrestrial event.
It has been said that if the American people knew what the military had in
their arsenal today, they wouldn't believe it, and would think someone was
fantasizing about a Lucas Star Wars movie episode."

Dr. Richard Boylan:
"You're saying that the Lockheed X-22A antigravity fighter disc fleet,
equipped with Neutral Particle Beam directed-energy weapons, and
capable of effecting optical as well as radar invisibility, is deployed for
worldwide military operations from the new U.S. Space Warfare
Headquarters, located in hardened underground facilities beneath 13,528'
King's Peak in the High Uintas Primitive (Wilderness) Area of the Wasatch
Mountains, 80 miles east of Salt Lake City?"
NSA Informant:
"Yeah, man!"
Article From Above Top Secret
Web Site At;
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Re: [CTRL] FC: Forget geeks: Pew survey says most Americans like Carnivore (fwd)

2001-04-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well his is what you call "molding" public opinion; for one thing, see
who was behind this so called "survey".

Some people say they would not object to having their medical files
invaded by anybody for profit?   Some do not mind profitting from the
sale of baby body parts?  Has anyone ever really taken a look at this?

RecentIy looked up my contract with WEB TV as I was having problems; and
read if.   In part they do not claim any responsibility for
eavesdroppers on the web, which they claim exist.

So proves one thing - only thing standing between what they now promote
is a court order?

So if something like this would happen it willnot take long for the
hackers (you know the ones they tried to blame for stealing nuclear
secrets wihch Clinton gave away).but hackers and a bunch of smart
kids can return the favors - you spy on me, I spy on you for equal
protection of the laws give me the right.

Nothing secret or confidential should ever be sent in the mail or put on
the web unless with a KGB Agent sitting in the FBI
headquarters for 16 years unobserved - you mean they are really
concerned about taxpayers e mail - especially when they have had Henry
Kissinger at the public trough all these years - KGB Agent Code Name Bor
- and the President's telephone tapped through Lewinsky's - for the

Who would profit by this system?   What we have the makings of another
Admiral Crowe?

One thing for sure there would be libraries all over this country
invaded by pranksers sending out phonoey e mail bombs or something.

The more our government promotes crap like this - well they should be
investigating themselves i.e., who placed the bombs in the Murrah
Building and was it inside job?

These people are unbelievable.">
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Re: [CTRL] FC: Forget geeks: Pew survey says most Americans like Carnivore (fwd)

2001-04-03 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

On 3 Apr 2001, at 12:17, Yardbird wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> Monday, the Pew Internet & American Life Project released a survey on
> public attitudes in regard to online crime & governmental attempts to
> combat it.
> Methodology (unlike the implications of the results) looks acceptable.
>  >From the summary:
> "Some 54% of Americans approve of the idea of FBI monitoring of suspects'
> email, while 34% disapprove."

I would be willing to bet a doughnut that very few of those approving
realize that we are all "suspects" in the eyes of Big Brother.

Best wishes

Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force;
like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master.
Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible
action.   -- George Washington">
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[CTRL] FC: Jim Bell trial starts today in Tacoma, Washington (fwd)

2001-04-03 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Jim Bell's trial begins in about one hour here in lovely downtown Tacoma.

Bell is best known for being the author of "Assassination Politics," but he
is charged with stalking federal agents. He says, and a good number of
observers agree, that the Feds are prosecuting him for doing what an
investigative reporter does: Compiling information from publicly available
databases, documenting what's happening, and so on. This case could set a
precedent that affects the First Amendment privilege of journalists.

You can find his recent motions here:

Original complaint:

Photo of Jim Bell:

Still unclear is who will be representing Bell. Bell has tried for months
to fire his court-appointed attorney, saying his attorney has been so
negligent in filing motions that Bell's case has been damaged beyond
repair. So the judge will have to decide whether Bell or Bell's attorney,
Robert Leen, will be conducting his defense.

U.S. District Judge Jack Tanner also will rule on my motion to quash my
subpoena from the Department of Justice. He has the option of (1) saying I
don't need to take the stand, (2) limiting my testimony to only what's in
my published articles, (3) allowing both sides to ask me any questions,
including about unpublished information.

My motion to quash subpoena:


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[CTRL] Comments on America

2001-04-03 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Augustin Cebada (Head of the Brown Berets, a Hispanic activist organization
at a July 4, 1996 rally)  "We're here today to show L.A., show the minority
people here, the Anglo-Saxons, that we are here, the majority, we're here
to stay. We do the work in this city, we take care of the spoiled brat
children . . . we are the majority here and we are not going to be pushed

Augustin Cebada "Go back to Simi Valley, you skunks! Go back to Woodland
Hills! Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We
are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave
like beaten rats. You old white people, it is your duty to die. . . ."
[Quoted in Barbara Coe, Reconquista, The Takeover of America, California
Coalition for Immigration Reform, 1998, p. 20.]

Art Torres (former chairman, California Democratic Party)  "Remember,
[Proposition] 187 [the measure to cut public benefits to illegal aliens] is
the last gasp of white America." [The Social Contact, Summer 1998, p. 290.]

Prof. Jose Angel Gutierrez (University of Texas, Arlington) "We have an
aging white America. They are dying. They are shitting in their pants with
fear! . . . I love it!"  [Speech of Jan. 1995, quoted in Coe, Reconquista,
p. 16.]

Mario Obledo  (1998 Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient and former head
of Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund  MALDEF) "California
is going to be a Mexican state, we are going to control all the
institutions. If people don't like it they should leave." [Tom Leykis Radio
Show, June 7, 1998.]">
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: GOP News & Views - April 3, 2001

2001-04-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

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Tales From the Left Side

Welcome to the good, the bad and the ugly of American politics.  Liberal
excesses, conservative successes.  Clowns on the left; jokers to the right.
Catch ‘em all right here in GOP News & Views ... a daily Internet
e-newsletter for Republican activists, supporters, political leaders and
elected officials.  If you know someone who does not receive our FREE GOP
News & Views briefings, send their e-mail address to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Babs Skewers Bush

“We have a President who stole the presidency through family ties, arrogance
and intimidation, employing Republican operatives to exercise the tactics of
voter fraud by disenfranchising thousands of blacks, elderly Jews and other
minorities. ... Look at his ratings - how could such a destructive man be so
popular with the American people? Not only is he poisoning our air and water
by withdrawing his promise to enforce emissions standards and arsenic
regulations, but he's poisoning our political system as well. Bipartisanship
only works if you can trust the other side. As we have learned in the past
weeks, we cannot trust George W. Bush."

- Limousine-liberal and Clinton groupie Barbra Steisand in a blistering memo
to Democrat leaders whining about them not doing more to oppose President
Bush and Republicans, The Drudge Report, 4/2/01

The Incumbent Protection Act of 2001

“From its inception, the McCain-Feingold campaign finance bill has been
about imposing rigid government controls over election campaigns,
independent political activity and free speech.  This is not just a very bad
bill. It is a dangerous bill, one that would rob us of our political
freedoms under the guise of reform. At its very core, it is an
incumbent-protection bill that would keep certain advocacy groups, labor
unions and for-profit corporations out of the most critical period of an
election by banning their campaign ads, if they mention a candidate for
federal office, in the last two months of an election. And that´s just for
starters. ... The late Sen. Barry Goldwater, that principled defender of our
freedoms whose seat Mr. McCain now holds, must be rolling in his grave.”

- Columnist Donald Lambro

Coming Soon:  McCain’s Plague of Pests

“The campaign finance reform measure poised to pass the Senate today aims to
curb something Americans often lament: the influence of big money in
politics.  But it will almost certainly worsen an affliction they complain
about even more: the proliferation of junk mail, dinner-time phone calls and
e-mail spam from parties and candidates seeking donations. ... (I)f the bill
becomes law, every campaign and party official in the country is going to
set his or her sights on the only source of funds left: the four- and
five-figure checks to parties and candidates that individuals will still be
able to write.  Virtually all of that money comes in response to mail or
phone solicitations, meaning the most tangible consequence of campaign
finance reform for millions of Americans is likely to be increased

- Los Angeles Times, 4/2/01

Reagan vs. Johnson

“Columnist E.J. Dionne has joined the chorus of those who think there are
too many buildings and public works being named in honor of Ronald Reagan.
He recently proclaimed that the nation should celebrate only those
presidents whose achievements ‘transcend ideology.’ He wonders, though, why
Americans so unappreciate presidents like (hyper-ideologue) Lyndon Johnson.
The answer is simple. Mr. Reagan´s ideas worked. Johnson´s didn´t.”

- Columnist Alvin Felzenberg

Reinventing Amerika

“He was alive for barely two years of the Clinton administration, but
somehow in the new book ‘The Irrepressible Rothbard’ the late Libertarian
economist Murray N. Rothbard nails the previous decade from the first page
to the last, as reflected in this preview of Mr. Rothbard's essays:  ‘In the
1990s, the culture became a tool of coercion. Using affirmative action,
discriminatory taxation, hate-crime laws, bribes to states and localities,
selective investigations, military adventures, and armed federal cops, the
Clinton administration was doing far more than interfering in the economy.
It was attempting to reconstruct American life.’ "

- John McCaslin’s “Inside the Beltway,” 4/2/01

Selective “Ferocity”

“For the past six weeks, Mary Jo White, the U.S. attorney for the Southern
District of New York, has been in control of the investigation into the
questionable pardons and commutations that Bill Clinton approved on his last
day in office. That´s bad news for Mr. Clinton, a

Re: [CTRL] "No Whites Need Apply" (fwd)

2001-04-03 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>If it was the other way around, he most definitely would be referred to
as a racist. 

And in all likelihood this article would never have been written. The
right only groans when it's their ox who's getting gored.
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [news] W's Brave Old World

2001-04-03 Thread Kris Millegan -

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As George W. Bush dials the clock back to the black-and-white days of the
Cold War -- when corporate chieftains knew best and real men didn't give a
hoot about the environment -- even some of Al Gore's worst critics are
having second thoughts. New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, who made
endless fun of Gore's earth-tone sweaters, went so far as ask his

But what did the American people get in this unelected president? And
what's the real explanation for Bush's radical right-wing agenda? For a
story looking at W's Brave Old World, go to at

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Re: [CTRL] "No Whites Need Apply" (fwd)

2001-04-03 Thread Stopforth, Jamie
Title: RE: [CTRL] "No Whites Need Apply" (fwd)

 If it was the other way around, he most definitely would be referred to as a racist.  And Jesse Jackson would hop off of his latest mistress, get dressed and make his way to the location of racial lawfirm using blackmail to get what he wants just as he's done in the past. 


-Original Message-
From: Yardbird [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 9:56 AM
Subject: [CTRL] "No Whites Need Apply" (fwd)

-Caveat Lector-

Civil Wrongs
By Mark Trapp | March 30, 2001

JUDGE THERESA CISNEROS of Colorado's Fourth District has
a nifty new way to increase "diversity" among her summer clerks:
only African-American law students are allowed to apply.

Judge Cisneros, in conjunction with the El Paso County (CO) Bar
Association Diversity Committee and the Sachs Foundation, has
approved two summer judicial clerkships limited solely to black
law students. Indeed, the advertisement for the positions states
that "you must be African American." Only if you meet this
"requirement" may you contact Judge Cisneros for an application
to "study and learn with experienced judges in the 4th Judicial
District in Colorado Springs, Co."

Apparently, the Sachs Foundation is supplying the $18,486 to
pay for these two clerkships. According to its website, the Sachs
Foundation "was incorporated as a Colorado, non-profit
corporation in 1931 and since that time has helped over 6,670
black Colorado residents obtain a college education." The group
provides grants to about 250 black students per year.

Interestingly the Sachs Foundation has various ways of
determining whether an applicant is truly an African American.
Their website states that the group considers "a person to be an
African-American if they are a member of the African-American
race. Applicants with mixed racial and ethnic backgrounds must
demonstrate their racial identity to be predominantly
African-American and the Trustees will interview and make a
determination as to qualification in those cases which are
uncertain. Information as to philosophy, commitment to the
African-American race and self-identity may also be considered
in such cases."

Wow. Commitment to the African-American race? Philosophy?
Apparently, for this group, one's race can be determined by their
ideology. Just how does one demonstrate their "commitment to
the African American race?" By dating a black person? By voting
a certain way? By wearing a Malcolm X t-shirt?

Who would have thought that a sitting judge could be so ignorant
as to entangle herself, her court and her county in such a
blatantly racist and illegal scheme? To illustrate how outrageous
this is, imagine the following:

A sitting judge, in, say, Birmingham, Alabama advertises for two
summer clerkships in his court, and states in the ad that the
applicant "must be white." Imagine further that the clerkships are
to be sponsored and paid for by an Alabama non-profit
corporation which provides money solely to "white" students.
Next, imagine that in "uncertain cases", this non-profit group
determines who is "white" by reference to their "philosophy" and
their "commitment to the white race." Sounds like something
straight out of a KKK recruitment brochure, doesn't it?

Can you imagine the pandemonium such a state of affairs would
cause? Jesse Jackson and his mistress - oops - I mean
minions would descend on this judge so fast his head would
spin. Al Sharpton would be comparing this judge to David Duke,
and the NAACP, the ACLU and Johnnie Cochran would be filing
a lawsuit faster than you could say "Orenthal James Simpson."
And they would be right in doing so. But don't expect the same
reaction when the shoe is on the other foot. After all, America's
new commandment, "Thou shalt be diverse" is at stake.

The strangest part of all of this is the blatant lack of knowledge
shown by Judge Cisneros. Apparently, she has never heard of
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits
employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin. It doesn't take much of an education to figure out
that limiting the applicants for these government jobs solely to
African Americans blatantly violates this law. You would expect a
judge to know this.

You would also expect that at least one of the lawyers in the El
Paso County Bar Association would have realized the legal and
political problems with these race-based clerkships, and not
allowed their group to sponsor them. However, according to the
group's website, the chairperson of the Association's "diversity
committee" is - you guessed it - Judge Cisneros. Surprise,

The very idea that a judge and indeed, an entire county's bar
association would allow this ad to pass unnoticed demonstrates
how screwed-up our society has become in matters dealing with
race. Ca

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Night Lights from the Sun

2001-04-03 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

>Actually, my husband said it's because I spend too much time on the
>Internet. But I think he's being sarcastic.. after all, he wants to
>know: why is it, if they charge dues, do they call it FREE Masonry?

The same reason you call the person you entrust your savings to your 'broker'. It's 
obviously a Satanic black magic backwards-linguistics they're using to perpetuate mass 
mind control.

Or maybe just irony.">
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] FC: Forget geeks: Pew survey says most Americans like Carnivore (fwd)

2001-04-03 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Monday, the Pew Internet & American Life Project released a survey on public
attitudes in regard to online crime & governmental attempts to combat it.

Methodology (unlike the implications of the results) looks acceptable.

 >From the summary:

"Some 54% of Americans approve of the idea of FBI monitoring of suspects'
email, while 34% disapprove."

"Among the relatively small number of Americans (21%) who have heard about
the FBI's email sniffing program called "Carnivore" or "DCS1000," there is
much more evenly divided opinion. Forty-five percent of people who have
heard of it say Carnivore is good because it will allow the FBI a new way of
tracking down criminals. Another 45% say Carnivore is bad because it could
be used to read emails to and from ordinary citizens."


Ethan Ackerman
Senior Research Fellow, Center for Law, Commerce & Technology
University of Washington School of Law
1100 NE Campus Parkway
Seattle, WA 98105
Tel:  206.440.0853/Fax: 206.616.3427

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] NM: Clinton's Chinagate Chickens Come Home to Roost

2001-04-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

China is still Red China and the communists are our enemy..when
Chinese Chickens come home to roost - watch outlay bigge eggs than
Oklahoma chickens.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] "No Whites Need Apply" (fwd)

2001-04-03 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Civil Wrongs
By Mark Trapp | March 30, 2001

JUDGE THERESA CISNEROS of Colorado's Fourth District has
a nifty new way to increase "diversity" among her summer clerks:
only African-American law students are allowed to apply.

Judge Cisneros, in conjunction with the El Paso County (CO) Bar
Association Diversity Committee and the Sachs Foundation, has
approved two summer judicial clerkships limited solely to black
law students. Indeed, the advertisement for the positions states
that "you must be African American." Only if you meet this
"requirement" may you contact Judge Cisneros for an application
to "study and learn with experienced judges in the 4th Judicial
District in Colorado Springs, Co."

Apparently, the Sachs Foundation is supplying the $18,486 to
pay for these two clerkships. According to its website, the Sachs
Foundation "was incorporated as a Colorado, non-profit
corporation in 1931 and since that time has helped over 6,670
black Colorado residents obtain a college education." The group
provides grants to about 250 black students per year.

Interestingly the Sachs Foundation has various ways of
determining whether an applicant is truly an African American.
Their website states that the group considers "a person to be an
African-American if they are a member of the African-American
race. Applicants with mixed racial and ethnic backgrounds must
demonstrate their racial identity to be predominantly
African-American and the Trustees will interview and make a
determination as to qualification in those cases which are
uncertain. Information as to philosophy, commitment to the
African-American race and self-identity may also be considered
in such cases."

Wow. Commitment to the African-American race? Philosophy?
Apparently, for this group, one's race can be determined by their
ideology. Just how does one demonstrate their "commitment to
the African American race?" By dating a black person? By voting
a certain way? By wearing a Malcolm X t-shirt?

Who would have thought that a sitting judge could be so ignorant
as to entangle herself, her court and her county in such a
blatantly racist and illegal scheme? To illustrate how outrageous
this is, imagine the following:

A sitting judge, in, say, Birmingham, Alabama advertises for two
summer clerkships in his court, and states in the ad that the
applicant "must be white." Imagine further that the clerkships are
to be sponsored and paid for by an Alabama non-profit
corporation which provides money solely to "white" students.
Next, imagine that in "uncertain cases", this non-profit group
determines who is "white" by reference to their "philosophy" and
their "commitment to the white race." Sounds like something
straight out of a KKK recruitment brochure, doesn't it?

Can you imagine the pandemonium such a state of affairs would
cause? Jesse Jackson and his mistress - oops - I mean
minions would descend on this judge so fast his head would
spin. Al Sharpton would be comparing this judge to David Duke,
and the NAACP, the ACLU and Johnnie Cochran would be filing
a lawsuit faster than you could say "Orenthal James Simpson."
And they would be right in doing so. But don't expect the same
reaction when the shoe is on the other foot. After all, America's
new commandment, "Thou shalt be diverse" is at stake.

The strangest part of all of this is the blatant lack of knowledge
shown by Judge Cisneros. Apparently, she has never heard of
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits
employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin. It doesn't take much of an education to figure out
that limiting the applicants for these government jobs solely to
African Americans blatantly violates this law. You would expect a
judge to know this.

You would also expect that at least one of the lawyers in the El
Paso County Bar Association would have realized the legal and
political problems with these race-based clerkships, and not
allowed their group to sponsor them. However, according to the
group's website, the chairperson of the Association's "diversity
committee" is - you guessed it - Judge Cisneros. Surprise,

The very idea that a judge and indeed, an entire county's bar
association would allow this ad to pass unnoticed demonstrates
how screwed-up our society has become in matters dealing with
race. Can there be any doubt that if the ad limited applications
solely to whites that someone would have objected? Certainly,
Judge Cisneros would never become involved in anything so
obviously racist. Surely the bar association would have objected.
And yet, an ad stating that to apply for the job "you must be
African American" apparently met with both the judge's and the
bar association's approval.

Martin Luther King, Jr. once stated "I have a dream that my four
little children will one day live in a nation where they will not 

Re: [CTRL] Anyone Have Any Articles on the Federal Reserve?

2001-04-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Might do well to remember that Charles Lindberg a National Hero who had
his baby kidnapped and murdered, was labeled  a NAZI for taking on this

And further this Anti Defamation League - it sure looks right now,
formed also in 1913 and anyone who opposed the Federal Reserve System
has been labeled by this pile of crap as Nazisput on hate lists by
FBI based on the word of these hoodlums - note this bribe they took from
Marc Rich in order to bribe the President of the United States?

So who finaced WWI and WWII and cui bono.

Why has this ADL been permited to put Militias, Christians, and Islam
Moslems on hate lists and hit lists?

Boy Americans were sure suckered in on this Federal Reserve who are
nothing more than big time pawn brokers?

The enemy has been withing for a long, long time..and militias and
any Christian groups should sue this ADL for all it is worth - as Dees
does of this so called Southern Poverty Stricken Law Center who is now
worth over 100 million?

Time to take out country the flood gates.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Jews and Mexicans on Collision Course (fwd)

2001-04-03 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


La Raza and Jews
on Collision Course in Alta California

There are now significant signs of an impending collision between La Raza
and Jews in California. The signs were first manifested during the state's
1998 election primary when a Mexicano defeated the Jewish candidate Richard
Katz in the state's 20th Senate District and when the wealthy Jew, Ron Unz,
was successful in having an anti-bilingual education initiative approved by
the state's electorate. The battle lines between Mexicanos and Jews in
California have been drawn and they have been drawn most clearly in the City
of Los Angeles.

La Raza's battle for the 20th Senate District is a perfect example of how
the Jews will fight tooth and nail to maintain their dominance in state
government. The victorious battle by La Raza in the 20th S.D., which is
located in the middle of the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, was only a
small skirmish of a larger battle that is about to occur as we seek more
equitable proportional representation in state and local governments.

The Jews of California, about 3% of the state's population, have an
overwhelming and disproportionate share of the state's wealth which they
utilize effectively to wield immense influence on the state's political
apparatus principally through dominance of the Democratic Party. Both U.S
Senators of the state are ladies of Jewish descent and there is no sector of
California society, either private or public, in which Jews are not
significant policy makers. Whatever sector they can not control directly,
they will do it indirectly through the purchase of influence and through
cunning manipulation of ethnic and other minorities.

La Raza's victory in the 20th Senate District has been a turning point in
the relationship between Mexicanos and Jews. It was the very first time that
a significant clash for political control, at the state level, has taken
place between the two ethnic groups.

Political representation in Los Angeles County is presently determined along
racial and ethnic lines. For example, the Congressional Delegation of the
county is presently divided between Mexicanos, Afro-Americans, Jews and
Whites. There are four Congresspersons of Mexican descent (Becerra, Solis,
Roybal, Napolitano) , three of African descent, two of Jewish descent
(Waxman, Berman) and the rest are Whites. They each represent districts
where the majority of the population are of the same racial or ethnic group
as they are. The same is true with state assembly and state senate

The 20th Senate District was one in transition where Mexicanos were at the
time barely outnumbering Jews. The race became wide open when Herschel
Rosenthall, a Jew, could not run for re-election because of term limits. A
very popular Mexicano by the name of Richard Alarcon, then a Los Angeles
City Councilman, decided to challenge the Jewish domination of the senate
district by declaring himself a candidate against the Jew Richard Katz . He
won by a mere 29 votes but the bloody battle between the Jews and La Raza
left a bitter aftermath that has had negative repercussions to this day.

The Jews are sore losers and they did not take the defeat graciously. They
insinuated that Mexicans were racists and anti-semitic simply because we
challenged them and beat them politically. They criticized Senator Richard
Alarcon because he publicized, during his campaign, a very nice picture of
himself and Catholic Cardinal Roger Mahoney. . . never mind that various
Jewish publications in Los Angeles campaigned and had photographs of Richard
Katz wearing Jewish kippahs while praying at Jewish synagogues.

The battle for the 20th Senate District in California should provide a very
valuable lesson for La Raza. In our political struggle for
self-determination, we can not assume the certain groups will be our
friends. Jews have catered for our vote in the past but when it comes our
turn to share in real political power, they will turn their face and become
our enemies.

Since they are actually a very small percentage of the overall population,
they are forced to utilize strategies, other than mere numbers to maintain
control. A principal strategy is to utilize their vast supply of funds to
manipulate the political system as they are presently doing in the race for
mayor of Los Angeles. They are very adapt at manipulating the varied
political interests as well as the interests of racial, ethnic and sexual
preference minorities.

They have formed alliances with, for example, the Black community in order
to put in check the rightful political emergence of La Raza as they did when
a Jew/Black coalition elected Tom Bradley, the first Black mayor of Los
Angeles. Later they formed an alliance with Republicans to elect Richard
Riordan as the mayor. Jews are very good at formimg alliances with anyone as
long it serves their interests . They play all sides of a fence, this way

[CTRL] Straight Pride

2001-04-03 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Student Sues School Over Ban of 'Straight Pride' Sweatshirt
by Melanie Hunter

03 Apr, 2001
( - A St. Paul, Minn., teenager is suing his high school after school 
officials told him his sweatshirt, with the trademark logo ...

Go to\Culture\archive\200104\CUL20010403a.html 
to view the full story.">
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Anyone Have Any Articles on the Federal Reserve?

2001-04-03 Thread Gavin Philips

-Caveat Lector-

Worldnetdaily are pushing a lengthy investigative
piece in their magazine. Info below. Gavin.

Coup d'état in 1913

© 2001

Few Americans realize how radically America was
changed in 1913 with the passage of the Federal
Reserve Act.

Maybe most Americans don't even care.

"How does the Federal Reserve Board affect my life?"
they think. "What do I know from Alan Greenspan? He's
the guy who decides what interest rates are, right?"

The truth is the Federal Reserve, created in 1913, is
a wholly unaccountable, private institution that
affects the lives of every American -- probably more
directly and profoundly than does the president of the
United States. That's why Greenspan is often referred
to as the most powerful man in America.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was an attempt to take
advantage of popular opinion in the United States for
banking reforms. In effect, however, it was not reform
at all. It was a power transfer -- a coup in which a
small group of bankers got a blank check to set
monetary policy, and, thus, all policy, for the entire
nation. No watchdogs. No guardrails. No
accountability. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

Perhaps Rep. Charles A. Lindberg Sr. said it best at
the time: "It is common practice of congressmen to
make the title of acts promise a right, but in the
body or text of the acts to rob the people of what is
promised in the title."

The very name "Federal Reserve Bank" was designed to
deceive. It is not federal. It is not a government
agency. It is privately owned. In short, it is nothing
more than a group of private banks charging interest
on money that never actually existed.

"Oh, Farah," you're probably saying right now. "Whoa,
fella. This is too much for me to absorb. Are you sure
about this? This sounds like conspiracy stuff? Why
isn't anyone talking about something so amazing?"

Well, the good news is that is about
to launch a major salvo to wake up Americans about who
really owns their country -- or, at least, who acts
like they own it.

In the current issue of WorldNet magazine, being
mailed to subscribers this week, an expert on the
subject of the Fed and a top-notch journalist, Anne
Williamson, will break the bad news in clear,
understandable, accessible terms that even your child
in high school will be able to comprehend.

Williamson has written for the Wall Street Journal,
the New York Times, Spy magazine, Film Comment and
Premiere. An expert on Soviet-Russian affairs, she is
currently working on a book, "Contagion: The Betrayal
of Liberty; Russia and the United States in the
1990s." She has so much expertise on Russia, the Fed
and the International Monetary Fund that she has been
asked to testify to Congress, so that those ladies and
gentlemen can get a better understanding of the
institutions Williamson has covered most of her adult

Her exhaustive report in WorldNet will be promoted in
TV and radio appearances this week. Don't miss them.
And don't miss her report in the magazine. If you are
not yet subscribing, order it right now. This may be
America's last best chance to learn who is pulling our

In a nutshell, here's how this Fed scheme works,
ladies and gentlemen. Are you sitting down? Are you
ready for this?

The government prints $100 billion in interest-bearing
U.S. bonds and takes them to the Federal Reserve. The
Federal Reserve places the $100 billion in a checking
account and the government writes checks against the

In other words, we -- the American people -- allow
this private banking system to create money out of
thin air. And the bankers get interest on it --

It's a legalized counterfeiting operation -- pure and

Way back in 1931, Louis T. McFadden, chairman of the
House Banking and Currency Committee, saw the problem:
"The Federal Reserve Board and banks are the duly
appointed agents of the foreign central banks of issue
and they are more concerned with their foreign
customer than they are with the people of the United
States. The only thing that is American about the
Federal Reserve Board and banks is the money they

"Mr. Chairman," he pleaded on the House floor a year
later, "we have in this country one of the most
corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer
to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve
Banks. … Some people think that the Federal Reserve
Banks are United States government institutions. They
are not government institutions. They are private
credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the
United States for the benefit of themselves and their
foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators
and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders.
In that dark crew of financial pirates there are those
who would cut a man's throat to get a dollar out of
his pocket; there are thos

[CTRL] One of McVeigh's Last Requests

2001-04-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Forgo to reproduce this poem for you - sounds more like Tales from the
Dark Side or Crypt.

For McVeigh may have been a good soldier just like Gideon who did
exactly as he was told, and never questioned an orderGideon and his

McVeigh would do well to consider Suffer Little Children and wonder -
why did they leave the babies in the cribs and BATF and FBI and one
Judge stayed home that day - these cowardly bastards left them there to

And remember the book writiten in advance for profit - who was that that
creep Sessions brother?


OUT of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll

I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Russian gold producers express interest in GATA

2001-04-03 Thread Kris Millegan

4:10p ET Monday, April 2, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The Russian news agency Interfax today reported interest
in GATA among Russian gold producers. Its story is appended

GATA came to solicit support in Russia only recently, and
some Americans have been critical of this, assuming that
Russia's hostility toward the United States remains from
the Cold War.

But Russia and the United States are no longer enemies.
And Russia is just like all the other developing countries
GATA has sought to help in their need to exploit their
natural resources and get fair prices for them.

If it isn't quite dead, Russian imperialism is a far cry
from what it once was. But Wall Street's imperialism is
as rapacious as ever.

So greetings to our Russian friends. We'll be talking with
them soon and will invite them to the GATA African Gold
Summit in Durban, South Africa, next month.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

Russian producers may join
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee

MOSCOW, April 2 (Interfax) -- The Russian Union of Gold
Producers is considering joining the Gold Anti-Trust
Action Committee (GATA), an organization set up in the
United States in 1999 fight the manipulation of world
gold prices.

Union chairman Valery Braiko told Interfax that "if
union members understand that the committee can raise
the price of gold on the world market, the union will
join it."

GATA's website states that the committee was set up
"to advocate and undertake litigation against illegal
collusion to control the price and supply of certain
financial securities, particularly securities involving
gold." The committee aims to bring the gold price up to
$600 per troy ounce from the current average of about


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[CTRL] Fwd: INVICTUS-William E. Henley

2001-04-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

Thought it not too strange McVeigh picked this poem by Henley;  but he
is not the master of his fate nor was he the captain of his soul.

This poetry is something else - for instance, remember Clinton sent
little Monica Leavaes of Grass, which was Lee Harvey Oswald's or one of
his favorites.could be some of this stuff contains more than just
special personal meaning?

The movie Dead Poets Society - the poem by Whitman My Captain, My Capain
had very special meaning; further this Dead Poets Society was a take on
the old Hells Fire Club - who met in caves into which Benjamin Franklin
had been initiated - some said a devil's cult, for they also dwelled in
drugs and pornogoraphy - in fact John Wilkes Booth, the one who murdered
Lincoln - and of course a Shakespearian Actor - his great etc.
grandfather John Wilkes, was initiated into this Hells Fire Club and
when exposed for his terrible writing of pornography - well he was
portrayed by Hogarth, also Hells Firre Club, as a devil...

So McVeigh in this book states he deliberately left the literature to be
found; of course this is one thing I have believed and the same goes for
little Buford and others who carefully paint the little red arrows to
their literature - but who and what really prints some of this stuff?

Now Clinton with his Leaves of Grass - and Oswald with his Leaves of
Grass; take Arthur Bremer with the first line in his diary being first
line from Moby Dick - Call Me Ishmael (symbolzing great white

The shot heard around the world - occured on April 19 - 1775 - often
wondered if there was a connection to that date for the Minutemen the
symbolism comes right from the bible - Nixon had his bible open to
Isaiah day he was inaugurated "and they shall beat their swords into
ploughshares"a time of peace but in a time of pending war - "they
shall beat their ploughshares into swords"...and in a minute the
original minutemen were ready to go to war, as today we have the
Minutemen Missile System, etc.

So I think McVeigh viritually was involved in an excution and does not
know it; he too like an Oswald was a Patsy..big question, why did
ADL tell BATF, FBI, and one Judge to stay home that day?   Protecting
their own?

One thing certain, McVeigh had no connection to a militia though he
evidently attempted to get inside - like Oswald, leaving false trails

Oklahoma?   Well look that up in your Gideon the
story of Gideon and his 300.and wonder?

If McVeigh felt so bad about WACO why would he pemit innocents in the
Murrah Building to be killed - in particular the children?   Oh I
believe Gideon and the 300 engineered that bombing for obvious reasons
and found a good little Patsy in McVeigh.

Here is story of othe minutemenand you put misiles in Silos or
S(h)ilos?Still belie we are looking for a little bit more than a
small town boy who would have been happier living on a farm or ranch

Note reference to Patriots and Minutemen - the former we have the
Patriot missiles and the Minutemen Missiles..we also have the enemy
within who blew up the Murrah Building and if this seems far fetched
consider the enemy sitting in FBI taking diamonds from KGB and paid
agent for KGB sitting next to Freeh for how long in the FBI building?
Consider Freeh going to Russia to meet with KGB and was oh so thrilled
to be with them and so impressed.

Consider Freeh and what really happened at WACO - silencing of more
lambs?   Slaughter of the innocents - cover ups?   And now they look for
more scape goats.

Well the bombing at Oklahoma was like the shot heard around the
world.but consider this - Waco should have been the first shot fired
and Oklahoma a delayed reaction to the first - but who chose this date
of April 19.

>From my bible calendar I made one prediction  to a man (Jewish) who said
the Gulf War when  Papa Bush was President would go on for at least a
year, some press said so..I gave him exact date it ended looking for
one key ine in bible timed to bible calendara code "proclaim liberty
through the land" which is written on the original Liberty
Bell...based on Papa Bush's words "we are going to liberate
Kuwait", now that was the word heard around the world.

So all answers are found coded or right before your eyes, in the King
James Bible.stranger yet, the Wasteland by Walt Whiteman - he
took this title from the bible..Ezekial is a very interesting
chapter too, full of masonic symbolism and Ezekial 38 and 39 is key to
JFK Murders?

Put this all together and to me, it speels KGB and it might do well to
remember the Navy Walker spies who formed a KKK for the KGB while KGB
sent out KKK literature and got caught.

Cute?   Remember the USS Liberty.   For things are just not as they seem
to be, in particular when you looked through Clinton's dark mirror (and
he stole that line from the bible too).

So goodbye McVeigh - he was right about one thing, his trial was a


2001-04-03 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 04/02/2001 10:07:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Yeah, like Roger (her brother) had none, either;-) >>

Well, I hope you have a brother.  I know you'll be a good brother, because
you'll pay his debts, clean his house and apologize to his wife if he has
indiscretions.  He'll be so grateful when you drive his children to their
various destinations and attend the teacher conferences for him.  Alas my
brother has not done these things, nor has he advised me as to his business
ventures or his capital investments.   Of course I am not the wife of an
individual whose family reputation has been put through a shredder; no one
has recommended that my daughter be killed recently and my husband didn't
fire Billy Dale thus incurring the wrath of every journalist in the United
States, so perhaps my brother  doesn't think I have enough "pull" to help him
in his business  ventures.  There is also the fact that my husband has a mind
of his own and never asks me to make his decisions for him.  I understand
that your experience has been different.  Prudy">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] NM: Clinton's Chinagate Chickens Come Home to Roost

2001-04-03 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 04/02/2001 9:55:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< It looks like Bill Clinton's Chinagate chickens are coming home
 to roost. >>

Odd, I've been thinking that since the Republican congress made every effort
to brand China as an enemy, and since our FBI tried to blame
Chinese-Americans for China having gotten some information that wasn't even
secret any longer and made such a fuss about how awful Chinese-Americans were
and how it was certainly pardonable for others to take all the classified
home to their home computers, but that the Chinese were all against us,
they've finally convinced China that we really are enemies.  Now that we've
added the 2001 version of the U-2, I guess there's something coming to roost
all right, but I don't think it can be attributed to Clinton.  As for an
immediate "demand," well, I guess we'll probably have the usual Republican
war.  I'll admit that China might be more of a handful than the Gulf, Panama,
and Grenada, but think of the profits our arms manufacturers will reap.
It'll completely revitalize our economy.  Prudy">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] McVeigh reveals details of Oklahoma blast (fwd)

2001-04-03 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

McVeigh reveals details of Oklahoma blast

By Ellen Wulfhorst
Tuesday April 3, 04:01 AM

  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh says
he always expected to be caught, convicted and executed for the
deadly 1995 blast, which he claims sent a powerful anti-government
message like a "shot heard around the world," according to a new

  Awaiting his scheduled May 16 execution, McVeigh says he looks
forward to his death as a relief but regrets never having a family
and once asked if his sperm could be sent from prison to impregnate a
woman, according to "American Terrorist" (HarperCollins) by Lou
Michel and Dan Herbeck.

  He later reconsidered, deciding the life of his child "would be

  Of his death, McVeigh said in the book: "I'll be glad to leave
this ... world. Truth is, I determined mostly through my travels that
this world just doesn't hold anything for me.

  "I knew I wanted this before it happened," he added. "I knew my
objective was a state- assisted suicide."

  At his execution, McVeigh said he plans to quote from
"Invictus" by William Ernest Henley, which reads, in part: "I am the
master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul."

  The two authors of "American Terrorist," both of whom work at
the Buffalo News in western New York, held days of interviews and
exchanged hundreds of letters with McVeigh, who was raised outside
Buffalo in Pendleton, New York.

  McVeigh was convicted in 1997 of bombing the Alfred P. Murrah
federal building in Oklahoma City and sentenced to death. Saying he
had expected to be caught, McVeigh said he purposely left
anti-government literature in his car.


  He told a prison psychiatrist: "I expect to be convicted for
the bombing, and I expect to receive the death penalty."

  The bomb, which he describes in detail assembling in the back
of a rented truck, killed 168 people, including 19 children.

  In quotes released last week from the book, McVeigh said he
considered the children's deaths "collateral damage" but regretted
they may have soured the public response to his act.

  Markedly stoic during his federal trial in Denver, McVeigh
revealed he was frequently furious during the proceedings.

  "There were times when I felt like jumping to my feet and
screaming, 'Knock it off! Everyone here knows I'm guilty! Let's get
on with it!'" he said.

  McVeigh said he was angered by his defence team, led by
attorney Stephen Jones, whom he felt was disorganised and
publicity-seeking and who would not let him mount his "necessity
defence" -- that he bombed the Murrah building because America was in
imminent danger at the hands of its government.

  McVeigh also said he grew angry when prosecutor Joseph Hartzler
called him a coward.

  Sparking his anger, according to McVeigh and to prosecutors,
was the 1993 government siege and raid in Waco, Texas, that led to
the deaths of Branch Davidian cult members.


  "To these people in Oklahoma who have lost a loved one, I'm
sorry but it happens every day," he said. "You're not the first
mother to lose a kid, or the first grandparent to lose a grandson or
granddaughter. It happens every day, somewhere in the world. I'm not
going to go into that courtroom, curl into a foetal ball, and cry
just because the victims want me to do that."

  McVeigh did reserve sympathy for Terry Nichols, convicted for
helping plan the bombing, and Michael Fortier, who admitted knowing
about the bombing and reached a plea deal with the government in
exchange for testifying against McVeigh.

  "There was no big conspiracy. It was mostly me. The few friends
who helped me were acting under duress, and none of them had any
control over when I was going to blow up the Murrah building,"
McVeigh said.

  He said Nichols helped him buy ingredients and assemble the
bomb only after McVeigh threatened him and his family.

  Filling in gaps prior to the bombing, McVeigh said he slept in
the truck the night before, parked near a roadside motel in northern

  He said he originally planned to blow up the building at 11
a.m. but moved the explosion two hours earlier because he did not
want to risk staying by the motel any longer.

  Had he not been caught, McVeigh considered a campaign of
murdering individual government officials, the book said.

  In prison, he became acquainted with Unabomber Ted Kaczynski,
and the book contains a letter in which Kaczynski said he liked
McVeigh but found the Murrah bombing "unnecessarily inhumane."

  "A more effective protest could have been made with far less
harm to innocent people," Kaczynski wrote. "It is safe to assume that
many antigovernment people who might have accepted violence that was
more limited and carefully directed were repelled by the large loss
of life at O