[CTRL] Iraqi Alternatives

2002-04-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



Cover Story

Hands off Iraq
Neil Clark says that the agitation against Saddam shows there are no limits to the
stupidity of liberal imperialism   They are at it again. Despite the unfinished 
in Afghanistan, the Iraqiphobes have lost little time in trying to whip up support for
their long- desired cluster-bombing of Baghdad — or nuclear bombing, if our
‘humanitarian’ Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon is to have his way.

‘Unlike Peter Rabbit, Easter Bunny felt quite at home in Mr McGregor’s garden.’

In the countdown to military action we must brace ourselves for the usual round of
Saddam scare stories which inevitably signal that an attack on Iraq is imminent.
Super-guns, killer agents and anthrax in our reservoirs: whatever it is, rest assured
that those dastardly Iraqis will be planning it in the weeks and months ahead.

Before the B52s set off and the propaganda war goes into overdrive, it is surely
worth considering a little more closely why on earth all this is happening. Why is a
‘regime change’ in Baghdad considered so desirable, even at the extent of risking a
major Middle East war ?

Not even the most hardline hawks now bother to argue that Iraq has to be attacked
because it was somehow behind the events of 11 September. Instead the
Iraqiphobes have fallen back on their favourite casus belli: Iraq has to be dealt with
because it possesses weapons of mass destruction that threaten not only the Middle
East but also the whole of Western civilisation.

‘Iraq has a whole cocktail cabinet of chemical and nerve agents,’ claimed the
ubiquitous former UN weapons inspector Richard Butler in a recent interview, despite
not having set foot in the country for more than three years. Butler’s allegations 
quite radically from those of his erstwhile fellow-inspector Scott Ritter, who rates 
Iraqi threat as ‘zero’. The British government’s dismissive reaction to the Iraqi’s
recent offer of immediate access to a British weapons inspection team only adds to
the suspicion that the Iraqiphobes would rather bomb first than see Ritter’s analysis

With the powerful interests ranged against it, it is of little surprise that Iraq 
to get a fair hearing. Opec members are desperate to see Iraqi oil reserves, the
second biggest in the world, stay off the world market indefinitely. Yet strong reasons
exist why Britain, far from bowing to such interests, should instead be radically
rethinking its policy towards Iraq. The moral argument that in lifting sanctions we
would be saving the lives of about 600 children a month is surely reason enough. But
even leaving this aside, there are sound realpolitik reasons why Britain should
change course.

Iraq is a country with umbilical links to Britain. It was Britain who helped free the
peoples of Mesopotamia from the Ottoman yoke, and Britain who gave the country
its modern name. The Baghdad funeral of the traveller Gertrude Bell, who had
dedicated her life to the creation of an independent Iraq, was attended by thousands.
Generations of Iraqi politicians, government officials and civil servants have been
educated in Britain, and for years English was the compulsory foreign language for
all Iraqi university students. These factors put Britain in pole position when it came 
developing commercial interests in Iraq, something successive trade secretaries, up
to and including Alan Clark, were not slow to exploit. Weapons sales were admittedly
part of the trade, but so too were medical supplies, school and university textbooks,
and hospital equipment.

Ten years of slavishly following the Washington line on Iraq has seen all these
advantages vanish. Britain is now universally despised in Iraq, and it is the French
and the Russians who are the first in the queue for reconstruction rights and oil
concessions. Unless Britain changes course quickly, the enormous commercial
opportunities in helping to exploit the second largest oil reserves in the world will 
gone for ever.

Broader still, by restoring diplomatic links with Baghdad, Britain would be
acknowledging at long last the key role that Ba’athist governments have to play in
Middle East security as a bulwark against Islamic fundamentalism. Like it or not, the
most likely alternative to the secular regimes of Assad in Syria and Saddam in Iraq
would be militant Islamic ones. For all its lack of ‘Western freedoms’, Iraq has had 
the last 20 years a practising Christian as its deputy prime minister. In no other
Islamic country in the region has a non-Muslim risen to such prominence. If Lady
Thatcher sincerely believes militant Islam to be the ‘new Bolshevism’, then she has
chosen a rather strange target in Iraq.

While certain sections of the Labour party seem to understand the need to build new
relationships with Syria and Iraq, the Conservative party 

[CTRL] Guilty by Association ?

2002-04-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,3-276281,00.html


April 23, 2002

Right puts pressure on Bush to support Sharon
From Richard Beeston in Washington

THE BUSH Administration, already struggling to mediate an end to hostilities
between Israel and the Palestinians, came under renewed pressure yesterday to
soften its criticism of Ariel Sharon and even consider boosting military assistance to
the Israelis.

While the Israeli Prime Minister faced a barrage of international protest for his
military offensive in the West Bank, in Washington the talk yesterday was restricted
to how the US could help him.

The pro-Israeli sentiment was expressed at the annual conference of the American-
Israel Public Affairs Committee, the main Jewish lobby group and one of the the
most powerful forces in American politics.

Senior Republicans, including members of the Administration, and leading
congressmen from both parties have pledged unwavering support for Israel. The
public declarations could limit Mr Bush’s room for manoeuvre, particularly since
some of the most strident pro-Israeli voices are coming from the right wing of his own
Republican party.

The support goes far beyond simple rhetoric. There are moves in Congress to boost
aid to Israel, which at present receives $3 billion (£2 billion) a year in military and
economic assistance, the largest slice of US overseas aid.

Originally Israel was supposed to receive additional military assistance, along with
other countries in the frontline of the War on Terror. But the White House removed
Israel from the list after Mr Sharon’s incursion. The assault led to angry complaints
from the Arab world that the Israelis were using American hardware, such as Apache
helicopter gunships and armoured personnel carriers, to attack the Palestinian

In the short term, the public show of support for Israel in Washington this week could
damage Mr Bush’s attempts to mediate. Later this week he is hosting a visit at his
ranch in Crawford, Texas, by Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, the author of a
peace plan. The meeting is being watched closely by moderate Arab states, who
want proof that the US leader is serious about becoming engaged and prepared if
necessary to get tough with the Israelis.

But the Arabs may be disappointed. Mr Bush has to temper any criticism he makes
of Israel with domestic reality in America, where public opinion polls still show broad
support for the Jewish state.

In an editorial last week, The Wall Street Journal savaged Mr Bush for his criticism of
Israel. It said: “Suddenly the President who soared by standing on principle seems to
have been replaced by an impostor who lost his foreign policy bearings.”

Mr Bush ignores the warning at his peril. His father, President Bush Sr, infuriated the
Right when he went back on a promise not to raise taxes. He also angered the
Jewish lobby when he froze loan guarantees to Israel because of the building of
Jewish settlements.


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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


[CTRL] Barabbas I

2002-04-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/james_still/absurd.html

The Absurd Life: Barabbas and Christ

James Still

There is a certain Faustian conflict in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus says,
Blessed are they who have been persecuted within themselves. It is they who have
truly come to know the father.[1] Just as Mephistopheles tells Faust that the
darkness gives birth to the light,[2] Jesus must deal with his dark side in order to
determine his own identity. Like Meursault in Camus' The Stranger,[3] Jesus wrestles
with the tension of absurdity at the end of his life. When mob mentality and Roman
legal machinations set themselves against him, Jesus seems as strangely distant
from this confrontation as Camus' hero was from his own trial. In the mind of Jesus,
the commotion seems to be about someone else; seditious crimes that another must
have committed, not him. The other is Barabbas, who exists within Jesus until the
realization of absurd existence forces him out. The Passion--Jesus' arrest, trial, and
crucifixion--portrays the strain and eventual split of Jesus' transcendental ego (the
dark side) from his conscious self; the former released to the mob while the latter is
given up to the cross. Two figures emerge from the lost personal identity of Jesus:
the Christ and Barabbas.

What we do know of Jesus and Barabbas tell us how remarkably similar the two men
were. Jesus was arrested as a rebel[4] by a Roman cohort[5] (600 soldiers) and
additional temple police suggesting that he had many more than just twelve
followers. Prior to his arrest, Jesus had engaged in the Temple Cleansing,[6]
disrupting bankers and merchants and threatening to destroy the temple.[7] The
night of Jesus' arrest he had equipped his disciples with swords[8] in anticipation of
trouble; he and his followers always left Jerusalem for nearby Bethany before it got
dark to avoid arrest or assassination.[9]

Barabbas was likely a Zealot; a lestes or robber[10] (if you were pro-Roman) or a
revolutionary hero if you were a fellow messianic Jew. Like Jesus, Barabbas was
also involved in an insurrection in Jerusalem and was caught and arrested as a rebel
on charges of sedition.[11] Also, like Jesus, Barabbas had many hundreds, perhaps
thousands, of followers who were likely to riot in support of him. The Zealots were
patriots for Judaea. They desired to rid their country of the Romans and the corrupt
temple cultus whose high priests were pro-Roman collaborators and mere puppets
of state. By attacking the temple infrastructure, Jesus and those of his disciples who
were also Zealots[12] displayed their affinity for Barabbas' cause. The Zealots carried
their nationalistic struggle into the temple itself in an attempt to topple the
collaborating high priests. The Jewish historian Josephus (himself pro-Roman and
from a priestly family) tells us of one successful assassination in the temple writing
that the Zealots had daggers under their garments, and, by thus mingling
themselves among the multitude, they slew Jonathan [the high priest].[13]

Barabbas is from the Hebrew bar (son) and Abba (Father), which is to say son of
the Father because the term Abba was a sacred name of God.[14] Origen and other
manuscripts refer to Jesus Barabbas and the translators of the Scholars Version now
include Jesus Barabbas as probably the original reading of the biblical texts.[15]
Later manuscripts drop Jesus from Barabbas perhaps to alleviate Origen's
confusion over how a sinner could share the Son of God's name. Thus, Jesus Son
of God who prays to God as Father[16] was imprisoned alongside Jesus Son of the
Father. Both men would have had much in common to talk about while languishing
in prison. They had led nearly identical lives in their days leading up to their 
both were enemies of the Roman-controlled temple cultus and both were arrested
and awaiting crucifixion, a punishment reserved for rebels alone. Indeed, it is
possible to imagine that Jesus Barabbas and Jesus of Nazareth are actually one and
the same man.[17]

The transcendental ego of Barabbas and the consciousness of Jesus combine to
form a single, psychologically-coherent, personal identity. Within Jesus is Nietzsche's
Dionysian self, Jung's shadow, who longs to break free of the constraints of the
consciousness and escape his prison to enjoy the freedom of life once again. Having
been imprisoned as a rebel, Jesus begins to confront his demonic dynamism,[18]
the shadow which has led him to his fate. Like Meursault's monster within, who fires
his revolver at the Arab while Meursault himself watches in complete surprise,
Barabbas leads Jesus to the brink of destruction. The process of identification with
that shadow begins in his dank cell and builds toward the crucial focal point of the
crowd scene. While Pilate pleads desperately with the crowd on Jesus' behalf, Jesus
himself must have felt completely horrified at his predicament. Wishing to be their

[CTRL] American Can Persuade ... : Jimmeh Cahtuh

2002-04-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


April 21, 2002

America Can Persuade Israel to Make a Just Peace


ATLANTA — In January 1996, with full support from Israel and responding to the
invitation of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, the Carter Center helped to
monitor a democratic election in the West Bank and Gaza, which was well organized,
open and fair. In that election, 88 members were elected to the Palestinian National
Authority, with Yasir Arafat as president. Legally and practically, the Palestinian
people were encouraged to form their own government, with the expectation that
they would soon have full sovereignty as a state.

When the election was over, I made a strong effort to persuade the leaders of
Hamas to accept the election results, with Mr. Arafat as their leader. I relayed a
message offering them full participation in the process of developing a permanent
constitutional framework for the new political entity, but they refused to accept this
proposal. Despite this rejection, it was a time of peace and hope, and there was no
threat of violence or even peaceful demonstrations. The legal status of the
Palestinian people has not changed since then, but their plight has grown desperate.

Ariel Sharon is a strong and forceful man and has never equivocated in his public
declarations nor deviated from his ultimate purpose. His rejection of all peace
agreements that included Israeli withdrawal from Arab lands, his invasion of
Lebanon, his provocative visit to the Temple Mount, the destruction of villages and
homes, the arrests of thousands of Palestinians and his open defiance of President
George W. Bush's demand that he comply with international law have all been
orchestrated to accomplish his ultimate goals: to establish Israeli settlements as
widely as possible throughout occupied territories and to deny Palestinians a
cohesive political existence.

There is adequate blame on the other side. Even when he was free and enjoying the
full trappings of political power, Yasir Arafat never exerted control over Hamas and
other radical Palestinians who reject the concept of a peaceful Israeli existence and
adopt any means to accomplish their goal. Mr. Arafat's all-too-rare denunciations of
violence have been spasmodic, often expressed only in English and likely insincere.
He may well see the suicide attacks as one of the few ways to retaliate against his
tormentors, to dramatize the suffering of his people, or as a means for him,
vicariously, to be a martyr.

Tragically, the policies of Mr. Sharon have greatly strengthened these criminal
elements, enhanced their popular support, and encouraged misguided young men
and women to sacrifice their own lives in attacking innocent Israeli citizens. The
abhorrent suicide bombings are also counterproductive in that they discredit the
Palestinian cause, help perpetuate the military occupation and destruction of villages,
and obstruct efforts toward peace and justice.

The situation is not hopeless. There is an ultimate avenue to peace in the
implementation of United Nations resolutions, including Resolution 242, expressed
most recently in the highly publicized proposal of Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince
Abdullah. The basic premises of these resolutions are withdrawal of Israelis from
Palestinian lands in exchange for full acceptance of Israel and Israel's right to live 
peace. This is a reasonable solution for many Israelis, having been accepted in 1978
by Prime Minister Menachem Begin and ratified by the Israeli Knesset. Egypt,
offering the greatest threat to Israel, responded by establishing full diplomatic
relations and honoring Israeli rights, including unimpeded use of the Suez canal. This
set a pattern for what can and must be done by all other Arab nations. Through
constructive negotiations, both sides can consider some modifications of the 1967
boundary lines.

East Jerusalem can be jointly administered with unimpeded access to holy places,
and the right of return can be addressed by permitting a limited number of displaced
Palestinians to return to their homeland with fair compensation to others. It will be a
good investment for the international community to pay this cost.

With the ready and potentially unanimous backing of the international community, the
United States government can bring about such a solution to the existing imbroglio.
Demands on both sides should be so patently fair and balanced that at least a
majority of citizens in the affected area will respond with approval, and an
international force can monitor compliance with agreed peace terms, as was
approved for the Sinai region in 1979 following Israel's withdrawal from Egyptian

There are two existing factors that offer success to United States persuasion. One is
the legal requirement that American weapons are to be used by Israel only for
defensive purposes, a premise 

[CTRL] Barabbas II

2002-04-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.pbc.org/dp/dorman/4450.html

The anointed one? 

 Two Sons of the Father, one of whom died to set the other free.
 Thank God that the innocent one died so that all the rest of his
 Father's children could be set free by believing in him.

by Dorman Followwill

In this message we are commemorating the enormity of the cross of Christ. We need
such a remembrance because most of us stand before a cross that is too small, one
that is on the margins of our lives. If you are like me, the cross of Christ is made
small by distance, partly because we shrink back from remembering that ancient rite
of gory execution. Its violence is scandalous. But the cross is also made distant and
smaller for us because it is enshrouded in foggy theological terms. For example,
many of us know the theological significance of the cross: It was on the cross that
Jesus made his substitutionary atonement for us. But it is difficult for each of us to
know what substitutionary atonement means for us personally, as a man or woman
before God. The only way we can know this is from the vantage point of the guilty
criminal sentenced to death. Until we stand in the place of the condemned and watch
while Jesus Christ takes our scourging, and go free while Jesus Christ goes to our
Calvary, we cannot discover for ourselves the personal relevance of this
substitutionary atonement.

Fortunately, our Lord knew how he could engage us in learning about our
atonement---he gave us the gift of Barabbas. The story of Barabbas appears in all
four gospels, so it is not a minute detail in a larger story. It is a crucial detail. 
Let me
tell you the story of Barabbas and Jesus Christ, based on close readings of each
gospel account and on the best historical information I could uncover.

Our story begins with a man alone in a cave. It was late at night, and he was sitting
against the smoke-blackened limestone wall of an underground dungeon. It was
totally dark. A hero of sorts among the Jews, he was a zealous patriot who had led a
desperate insurrection against the Romans. He is described as a murderer and a
robber in the gospels, but the murder and robbery had been carried out in the cause
of Jewish freedom. He was in fact a freedom fighter. His formal charge, written on
parchment and posted on a wall near his cell, might have read as follows:

Name: Barabbas
Alias: Possibly Jesus Barabbas
Location: Cell #6, lower level

Charge: Leading an insurrection against Imperial Rome, resulting in the deaths of
several soldiers and collaborators

Verdict: Guilty
Sentence: Death by crucifixion

Barabbas, whose name means Son of the Father, sat brooding about his past
failures and wondering how painful his impending crucifixion would be. In the
stillness of the night, rest eluded him.

Suddenly a striking sound broke the stillness: Marching on the stone pavement
above, marching that took many minutes to die down. By the sound of it, an entire
cohort of Roman soldiers had just passed by---a tenth of a legion, six hundred men.
Barabbas paused in his musings. Where were six hundred soldiers going at this time
of night?

They were led by a man whom Barabbas might have known, given that they were
both revolutionaries---a Zealot named Judas Iscariot. Judas was leading six hundred
armed men to apprehend one man who was praying in a garden just across the
Kidron valley. The man prayed so intently that drops of blood beaded up on his
forehead. Three times he made the same request about the cup passing from him,
and three times his ears were met by a silence deeper than the night. At the end of
the third prayer he resolved to accept his Father's will and drink the cup of God's
wrath. Almost in answer to his resolve, he began to hear the soldier's footsteps
descending the valley. He looked over at his friends, who had traded sleep for
prayer. His name was Jesus, and he was the Son of the Father. For a few moments
he sat alone in the darkness of the garden, nodding his head slowly in agreement
with his Father, as the sound of the soldiers' steps grew louder and nearer.

Soon Judas arrived, followed by the Roman soldiers with swords drawn. A few thugs
from the chief priests and elders were also tagging along, waving heavy clubs. Jesus
stepped forward to meet them. He stood between the olive branches, a man of
peace facing the men of violence. He asked whom they were seeking. They told him
they sought Jesus the Nazarene. He said in reply two words that have reverberated
through history: I AM. The statement Moses heard Yahweh utter from the burning
bush, and the statement that inflamed the Pharisees' hatred of Jesus in John 8, was
made again in that hour of darkness. His word was so powerful that the entire cohort
of six hundred and the others gathered against him were flattened by its force. When
they got up, Jesus repeated his question, they repeated their answer, and then Jesus
spoke more quietly and let them 

[CTRL] Gov't. Sues to Halt Kennedy Map Sale

2002-04-23 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-


Gov't. Sues to Halt Kennedy Map Sale
Tue Apr 23, 2:21 AM ET
By LARRY NEUMEISTER, Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - It is an intriguing document: A map of Cuba with former
President Kennedy's handwritten notes apparently scrawled during the hectic
early days of the Cuban missile crisis.

The map - along with civil rights documents - is at the center of a legal
tussle between a Web-based memorabilia collector and the federal government,
which claims the documents were improperly removed by Kennedy's personal

U.S. District Court Judge Robert Ward on Monday temporarily blocked the sale
of the map until a hearing scheduled for next week. The collector had been
seeking $750,000.

Gary J. Zimet, operator of the memorabilia site, has advertised being the
exclusive seller of a map and its original envelope identified as, Cuban
Missile Crisis Map With JFK's Handwritten Annotations Indicating Locations
of Russian Missile Sites October 16, 1962.

A message left for Zimet was not returned Monday.

In its arguments, the government said Evelyn Lincoln - the personal
secretary who worked for the White House on Kennedy's papers until July
1964 - also compiled annotated and handwritten notes for the President
Kennedy Library Corp. until at least 1972.

The map and civil rights documents were donated to the United States in
February 1965 for deposit in the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, the
government said.

It appears that Evelyn Lincoln improperly removed the map from the custody
and control of the United States and later gave, sold or bequeathed it to
Robert L. White, a private collector of Kennedy memorabilia, the lawsuit
states. It did not suggest that Lincoln, who died in 1995, had done anything
criminally wrong.

Whatever path the map may have traveled, it nevertheless falls squarely
within the deed of gift and rightfully belongs to the United States, the
government wrote.

In February, Moments In Time Inc. began advertising the map, prepared by the
CIA (news - web sites), as having been given to White by Lincoln. The
document features rows of Xs indicating presumed missile sites.

Zimet posted on his Web site a copy of a letter signed by White that reads:
This was saved, in its original envelope, by the personal secretary to the
president and my close friend Mrs. Evelyn Lincoln. I acquired it from her in

The lawsuit also demands the return of nine documents, six with notes by
Kennedy, all related to the 1962 enrollment of James Meredith at the
University of Mississippi. He was the first black student admitted into the
school, sparking rioting in which two people were killed.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Aerial Photos of the Destruction of Jenin

2002-04-23 Thread Edward Britton

(*if* you can get it to load)

Oh, and Andrew, I will respond to your post as soon as you send *evidence* as opposed to book reviews. Nevertheless, you have succeeded in re-piquing my curiosity in Forbidden Archaeology. I plan to order/purchase the book the next time I'm at the mall. I don't use credit cards and never order anything online.

Edward +

If you have fifty problems and one of them is government, you have only one problem.

[CTRL] Fwd: HOT NEWS: KAREN HUGHES RESIGNING! The Gal Says She's Homesick!

2002-04-23 Thread Samantha L.



BuzzFlash Can't Wait to Learn the Real Story Behind This One.

Top Bush Aide Hughes Resigning 
Tue Apr 23,10:12 AM ET 

WASHINGTON (AP) - White House counselor Karen Hughes said Tuesday she's resigning from 
White House to return to Texas, but will continue advising President Bush (news - web 
sites) from afar.

Hughes has worked for Bush since his days as Texas governor and is one of his closest 

Later this summer, I'm going to be changing the way in which I serve the president. 
My husband and I have made a difficult but we think right decision to move our family 
home back to Texas, Hughes said in a surprise announcement in the White House 
briefing room.

Our roots are there, she said. I guess we're a little homesick.

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Le Pen is mightier than the ...

2002-04-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.thetimes.co.uk/printFriendly/0,,1-2-276508,00.html

You know ... it really doesn't matter after all how much hoopla and how much
money and how much manpoer and how many resources are applied to solving a
simple problem like getting people to live together in a spirit of mutual respect, the
wolf with the lamb, i.e.   I have followed to some extent the plights of the original
diasporans, the quintessential vagabonds, the gypsy Gypsies (my tie to interest in
holocaustS) and no matter where they are, trouble seems to follow them.  Sure
they may have some not so mainstream habits and tnendencies but they are part of
the human experience no less than I and my troupe are.

And I think you know that not matter what, people will always find a reason to pick on
the most accessible of the human kind in order to attack them and remove them
from the fringes of the flock.  Gerry Spence has a very good description of this, the
wolves against the flock, in his book *From Freedom to Tyranny*.  The wolves are
always on the lookout for those who might be most easily singled out.  And, what's
more, the more secure of the flock depend on the wolves to save them from
destruction.  The grow to find the wolves respected in an exhalted way, in a revered
manner, as the focus of religious devotion.  This is the pity of the human kind.

April 23, 2002

British leaders urged to fight racist advance
By Tom Baldwin and Russell Jenkins

An anti-National Front demonstrator in Marseilles yesterday with a message for
French voters

BRITAIN’s political leaders will hold emergency discussions today to decide how to
fight right-wing extremists seeking to emulate the success of Jean-Marie Le Pen in

Gurbux Singh, the chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality, has arranged
talks with Charles Clarke, the Labour chairman, Charles Kennedy, the Liberal
Democrat leader, as well as Iain Duncan Smith, the Tory leader, or Oliver Letwin, the
Shadow Home Secretary. He will present them with an open letter calling for a
“united front against racism, xenophobia and the politics of disunity”.

The talks follow Sunday’s shock defeat of Lionel Jospin, the French Prime Minister,
at the hands of M Le Pen and the National Front in the country’s presidential

Nick Griffin, chairman of the British National Party, predicted a “knock-on effect”
yesterday that could secure a breakthrough in next week’s local government
elections. He said he was convinced that his party was ready to “follow the same
trajectory” as the French National Front. He hopes to win council seats in northern
towns like Burnley or Oldham where there was racial violence last summer.

David Blunkett, the Home Secretary, signalled that the French National Front’s
success was the “most dramatic representation yet” of the far Right’s advance
across Europe. He believes that centre-left governments, including that of Lionel
Jospin in France, have allowed extremists to prosper by failing to adopt policies on
street crime and asylum that command the confidence of the public.

The Home Secretary is expected to drive home his message tomorrow in the
Commons during a debate on his Asylum Bill, which proposes the establishment of a
series of accommodation and detention centres for would-be refugees. The Tories
are launching a local election campaign today on law and order with a clutch of
Shadow Cabinet members touring police stations in London to highlight street crime.

Mr Clarke told a local government press conference that while the French result was
a cause for concern he did not believe that the BNP was on the brink of a
breakthrough in Britain. “There are particular circumstances in each country which
have to be taken into full account before we can draw comparisons of that type,” he
said. “We do take the threat of the BNP seriously. We think it is a highly localised
threat in the case of a small number of authorities.”

Mr Singh’s letter to Tony Blair, Mr Duncan Smith and Mr Kennedy described the
French election as “a salutary wake-up call for Britain’s political leaders”. He
suggested that Britain was no different from other countries in Europe, saying: “We
too face the threat of far right- wing groups trying to seize the political momentum,
capitalising on ordinary people’s dissatisfaction with mainstream politics.

“Next week, at the local government elections, mainstream political parties must
work together to make sure Britain does not suffer the same outcome as France.
The alternative will lead to a fracturing of our society, further dissatisfaction and
unrest, and at worst, mayhem and chaos on our streets.”

He calls on the parties to “put aside their differences and work for a common goal” by
building bridges between communities and engaging voters on issues such as poor
housing, unemployment, education and crime. “The first step has to be the main
parties working together to present a united front against racism, 

[CTRL] Electrical Stimulation Of The Brain [ESB]

2002-04-23 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-


[From: Jose Delgado's Physical Control of the Mind]


Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB)
The master control for the whole body resides in the brain, and the new
methodology of implanted electrodes has provided direct access to the
centers which regulate most of the body's activities. The brain also
constitutes the material substratum of mental functions, and by
exploring its working neurons we have the possibility of investigating
experimentally some of the classical problems of mind-brain
correlations. In addition to new answers, implantation of electrodes has
introduced new problems: Is it feasible to induce a robotlike
performance in animals and men by pushing the buttons of a cerebral
radio stimulator? Could drives, desires, and thoughts be placed under
the artificial command of electronics? Can personality be influenced by
ESB? Can the mind be physically controlled?

In scientific literature there is already a substantial amount of
information demonstrating the remarkable effects induced by ESB. The
heart, for instance, can be stopped for a few beats, slowed down, or
accelerated by suitable stimulation of determined cortical and
subcortical structures, illustrating the physiological reality that it
is the brain which controls the heart, and not vice versa. Respiratory
rate and amplitude have been driven by ESB; gastric secretion and
motility have also been modified by brain stimulation; the diameter of
the pupil can be adjusted at will (Figure 7) from maximum constriction
to maximum dilatation, as if it were a photographic camera, simply by
changing the intensity knob of an electric stimulator connected with the
hypothalamic region of the brain (61). Most visceral functions have been
influenced by ESB, as have sensory perceptions, motor activities, and
mental functions. Rather than examine each type of finding in detail, we
have selected a few typical examples to illustrate the main aspects of
electrical control of the brain and its behavioral consequences.


M. F. Abernathy -- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] -- 04/23/02

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Klez -- No Hoax

2002-04-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storyu=/zd/20020420/tc_zd/5106468

Klez worm's on the loose again
Sat Apr 20, 3:43 PM ET

By Robert Lemos, Special to ZDNet

A new variant of the Klez worm managed to squirm into computers in some parts of
Asia on Tuesday and appeared to be spreading in the United States as of

Remainder of article @ site


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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] How Torture/Control Implants Were Developed

2002-04-23 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Chuck has mentioned that this research was among the information that he
read in the CIA files [aka the Don Bolles Papers] in 1977...

Science fiction has already imagined men with intracerebral electrodes
engaged in all kinds of mischief under the perverse guidance of radio
waves sent by some evil scientist. 



Toward a Psychocivilized Society
Jose M. R. Delgado, M.D. 1969

Characteristics and Limitations of Brain Control
The possibility of man's controlling the thoughts of other men has
ranked as high in human fantasy as the control over transmutation of
metals, the possession of wings, or the power to take a trip to the
moon. Our generation has witnessed the accomplishment of so many nearly
impossible tasks that today we are ready to accept almost anything. In
the world of science, however, speculation and fantasy cannot replace

There is already abundant evidence that ESB can control a wide range of
functions, including motor activities and mental manifestations, in
animals and in man. We know that by electrical stimulation of specific
cerebral structures we can make a person friendlier or influence his
train of thought. In spite of its spectacular potential, ESB has
practical and theoretical limitations which should be delineated.


When we get into a car and press the starter, the motor will almost
certainly begin to run in a few seconds. The brain, however, does not
have the simplicity of a machine. When electrodes are introduced into a
cerebral structure and stimulation is applied for the first time, we
really cannot predict the quality, localization, or intensity of the
evoked effects. We do not even

know that a response will appear. This is especially true for complex
structures, like the amygdaloid region, which have great functional
multiplicity; but it is also the case in relatively simple areas like
the motor cortex. The anatomical and functional variability of the brain
are factors which hinder prediction of ESB results (53). The importance
of these limiting factors is compounded by alterations in regional
activity related to changes in local, general, and environmental
circumstances. We know that certain functions are represented in
specific cerebral structures, but the precise location of a desired
target requires careful exploration, and implantation of only a few
contacts may be rather disappointing. After repeated explorations of a
selected area in several subjects, predictability of the observed
responses in that area for that species can be assessed with a higher
degree of confidence. Present information about functional mapping in
most cerebral areas is still rather incomplete.

Functional Monotony

Electrical stimulation is a nonspecific stimulus which always activates
a group of neurons in a similar way because there is no coded neural
message or feedback carried to the stimulating source. The responses,
therefore, are repeated in a monotonous way, and any variability is
related to changes in the stimulated subject. This functional monotony
rules out the possibility that an investigator could direct a subject
toward a target or induce him, like a robot, to perform any complex task
under remote-controlled orders.

Science fiction has already imagined men with intracerebral electrodes
engaged in all kinds of mischief under the perverse guidance of radio
waves sent by some evil scientist. The inherent limitations of ESB make
realization of this fantasy very remote. The flexion of a limb can be
radio controlled and an emotional state could also be set remotely, but
the sequences of responses and adaptation to the environment depend on
established intra-cerebral mechanisms whose complexity cannot be
duplicated by ESB. Even if we could stimulate different points of the
brain through twenty or thirty channels, it would be necessary to have
sensory feedback and computerized calculations for the programing of
simple spatiotemporal sequences. Induced performance of more complex
acts would be far beyond available methodology. It should be clarified
that I am talking about directing each phase of a response, and riot
about complex behavior such as lever pressing or fighting, which may be
triggered by ESB but develops according to individual experiential
circumstances which are beyond electrical control.

Skillful Performance

Many of the activities elicited by ESB certainly can be categorized as
skillful. Pressing a lever, climbing a cage wall, and looking for a
fight require good motor coordination and suitable processing of
information. Walking on two feet, which has been repeatedly elicited in
monkeys dorm- stimulation of the red nucleus (Figure 12), is another
example of refined coordination and equilibrium seldom observed in
spontaneous behavior.

These facts demonstrate that ESB may result 

Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-23 Thread Don S. Brown
In a message dated 4/22/02 1:25:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hammurabi, you are so sure of yourself. Every statement is a major
pronouncement of "The Truth." You have come as a messiah to save us from our
lives based on ignorance of "The Truth" or at least that is how your writing
appears to me. All of the scholars of the past in the area of religion were
just ignorant, superstitious peasants compared to you and your peers. How

Well, Hello.
I appreciate the compliment and your perception of my self confidence. I presume you have some point to make?
When you say that all of the scholars of the past in the area of religion were just ignorant, superstitious peasants compared to me and my peers you undermine whatever point that you have by descending into ridiculous simplification and obfuscation.
For the most part, in religious scholarship of the past, it was done with the forgone conclusion that the studies would verify the "Christian" view of things. Also, it was not a privilege to the non clerical, as most of the peasants as you called them were illiterate.
Sadly, many great minds were never unleashed on this subject due to oppression from the church.
Fortunately the domain of God is getting smaller and smaller. New knowledge and science keep pushing out the trite explanations of old. Disease is the product of sin. The Earth is flat. The stars and Planets revolve around the earth. Adam, Eve and Alasaurus all lived here together with all of the other happy creatures in a world of bliss and no violence. The sun was made to stand still and seas parted.
Ah, those were the days.
I am presuming by your tone that if I had stated that the Lord God the Son and The Holy Spirit are one and I know that because the bible told me so that I would be more rightly proclaiming true knowledge and insight?
I do not believe in Messiah's and have come to save no one. I have made serious attempts to expand the reasoning powers of some people and free some people from ignorance and superstition. Guilty there.

You said you would answer questions, so let me ask youof all of the areas
of knowledge in this wide world, past and present, that need debunking, what
made you feel the world needed your efforts in the area of the history of

Because of the piss ignorant actions of a lot of people affiliated with organized religion, mostly. Because 2600 years after the beginning of the Jewish Old Testament people are still blinded by absurd myths, superstitions and dogma that affect our lives today. Lobbying for prayer in school, teaching the quaint myth of Genesis as truth in school, legislating morality based on religious beliefs and generally a tremendous amount of rude, ignorant and simple minded folks that go door to door on quite Saturday mornings asking if one has been saved. I really do not like that last part. Oh, did I mention the absurd war in the middle east with rival religious factions killing each other in droves and the fundamentalist terrorist here in the USA that bomb abortion clinics and assassinate doctors, harass clients and staff and set bombs off at the Olympics in Atlanta where I live.

To those who might question the need for the exchange, exploring conspiracy
is not just exploring the communicated word, but understanding why something
has been communicated.

Umm, well are you just practicing with your keyboard or trying to say something?
The propagation of Christianity was a conspiracy to keep people ignorant, enrich the powerful elite that controlled the church, confiscated land, fortunes and spirits of those that disagreed. Of course, even Torquemada's mother loved him.
You see, I took the time in my spiritual quest to look outside of scriptures to find deeper, truer answers. I have an opinion based on research not blind faith.
Thank you for your comments, it is always a pleasure to converse with educated people that have a thesis.


2002-04-23 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

BOB'S NOTE: Brings to mind a bumper snicker I saw a few years back when the
sheople still thought for themselves.

From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Beaver Cole)

BOX 76082, WASHINGTON D.C. 20013 - PHONE 202-260-2383
INTERNET A HREF=http://www.nteu280.org/;http://www.nteu280.org//A  E MAIL


The following documents why our union, formerly National Federation of
Federal Employees Local 2050 and since April 1998 Chapter 280 of the National
Treasury Employees Union, took the stand it did opposing fluoridation of
drinking water supplies. Our union is comprised of and represents the
approximately 1500 scientists, lawyers, engineers and other professional
employees at EPA Headquarters here in Washington, D.C. The union first became
interested in this issue rather by accident. Like most Americans, including
many physicians and dentists, most of our members had thought that fluoride's
only effects were beneficial - reductions in tooth decay, etc. We too
believed assurances of safety and effectiveness of water fluoridation. Then,
as EPA was engaged in revising its drinking water standard for fluoride in
1985, an employee came to the union with a complaint: he said he was being
forced to write into the regulation a statement to the effect that EPA
thought it was alright for children to have funky teeth. It was OK, EPA
said, because it considered that condition to be only a cosmetic effect, not
an adverse health effect. The reason for this EPA position was that it was
under political pressure to set its health-based standard for fluoride at 4
mg/liter. At that level, EPA knew that a significant number of children
develop moderate to severe dental fluorosis, but since it had deemed the
effect as only cosmetic, EPA didn't have to set its health-based standard at
a lower level to prevent it. We tried to settle this ethics issue quietly,
within the family, but EPA was unable or unwilling to resist external
political pressure, and we took the fight public with a union amicus curiae
brief in a lawsuit filed against EPA by a public interest group. The union
has published on this initial involvement period in detail.\1 Since then our
opposition to drinking water fluoridation has grown, based on the scientific
literature documenting the increasingly out-of-control exposures to fluoride,
the lack of benefit to dental health from ingestion of fluoride and the
hazards to human health from such ingestion. These hazards include acute
toxic hazard, such as to people with impaired kidney function, as well as
chronic toxic hazards of gene mutations, cancer, reproductive effects,
neurotoxicity, bone pathology and dental fluorosis. First, a review of recent
neurotoxicity research results. In 1995, Mullenix and co-workers \2 showed
that rats given fluoride in drinking water at levels that give rise to plasma
fluoride concentrations in the range seen in humans suffer neurotoxic effects
that vary according to when the rats were given the fluoride - as adult
animals, as young animals, or through the placenta before birth. Those
exposed before birth were born hyperactive and remained so throughout their
lives. Those exposed as young or adult animals displayed depressed activity.
Then in 1998, Guan and co-workers \3 gave doses similar to those used by the
Mullenix research group to try to understand the mechanism(s) underlying the
effects seen by the Mullenix group. Guan's group found that several key
chemicals in the brain - those that form the membrane of brain cells - were
substantially depleted in rats given fluoride, as compared to those who did
not get fluoride. Another 1998 publication by Varner, Jensen and others \4
reported on the brain- and kidney damaging effects in rats that were given
fluoride in drinking water at the same level deemed optimal by
pro-fluoridation groups, namely 1 part per million (1 ppm). Even more
pronounced damage was seen in animals that got the fluoride in conjunction
with aluminum. These results are especially disturbing because of the low
dose level of fluoride that shows the toxic effect in rats - rats are more
resistant to fluoride than humans. This latter statement is based on
Mullenix's finding that it takes substantially more fluoride in the drinking

[CTRL] Disturbing the Grave

2002-04-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.civnet.org/journal/issue5/revwart.htm

january–february 1998 • vol 2. no. 1

Alona Wartofsky on the
resurgence of fascism.

The Beast Reawakens
By Martin A. Lee
Little, Brown $24.95; 560 pages

in the desolate German city of Hoyerswerda, a crowd of angry young Germans
throws rocks, bottles and Molotov cocktails at a hostel housing people considered to
be ethnic undesirables. The young hooligans then march along the city's streets,
waving Third Reich flags. Some of the undesirables try to escape but are beaten
mercilessly by the mob. Days later, as the victims of the attack are evacuated by
officials, townspeople throw stones at their departing buses. In another German
town, the Baltic seaport Rostock, police stand by and watch as a group of thugs sets
fire to a shelter for unwanted outsiders. As the shelter burns, the crowd sings
Tannenbaum and Deutschland Üuber Alles. Within days, the government orders
all outsiders to leave Rostock.

The sharp escalation of neofascist activity constitutes one of the most dangerous
trends in international politics, writes Martin A. Lee in The Beast Reawakens

These events did not take place under the auspices of the Third Reich. The
Hoyerswerda pogrom, directed toward Asian and African guest workers, occurred in
the fall of 1991. Rostock's victims, Romanian Gypsies, were attacked during the
summer of the following year. More recently in the news, a grainy homemade video
broadcast on German television revealed that such exercises in Nazi nostalgia are
not limited to fringe groups. The footage recorded German army troops preparing for
deployment to the Balkans in 1994; some of the soldiers raised their arms in Nazi
salutes and made disparaging remarks about Jews.

The sharp escalation of neofascist activity constitutes one of the most dangerous
trends in international politics, writes Martin A. Lee in The Beast Reawakens, his
instructive survey of the post-World-War-II fascist and neo-fascist landscape. The
growing clout of far Right political parties in Europe; the emergence of a Red-Brown'
alliance' in Russia; the rise of the U.S. militia movement; the mounting pattern of
violence against refugees, immigrants, guest workers, asylum seekers, and racial
minorities throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere–all are manifestations of a
widespread neofascist resurgence.

a vibrant democratic culture is not conducive to the growth of fascism

Fascism is generally defined as a political movement embracing rigid one-party
dictatorship, private economic enterprise under government control, and belligerent
nationalism, racism, and militarism. Generally defined, because historians and
academics have failed to agree on its precise definition, in part due to the protean
quality of fascism itself. Mussolini's fascism differed from Hitler's, and as The Beast
Reawakens reminds us, while some contemporary fascists shave their heads, wear
swastikas, and engage in paramilitary and terrorist training, others present
themselves as ordinary politicians, toning down their racist views and recasting
themselves as national populists in order to establish themselves within the political
mainstream. It is, of course, part of the burden of democracy to withstand–to some
degree–odious views as well as benevolent ones. Indeed, Lee quotes Frankfurt
School philosopher Theodor Adorno, who viewed the continued existence of
fascism WITHIN democracy [as] more threatening than the continued existence of
fascist tendencies AGAINST democracy. Yet as Lee also argues, A vibrant
democratic culture is not conducive to the growth of fascism.

like their predecessors, today's neo- Nazis resort to jumbled distortions of history to
suit their purposes

The Beast Reawakens documents how, during the Cold War, unrepentant Nazis
campaigned both covertly and openly to stoke the fires of fascism, bequeathing it
and its accordant hatreds and irrationalities to a new generation in countries
throughout the world. In later chapters, Lee notes that recent global
developments–particularly the reunification of Germany and the collapse of Soviet
Bloc Communism– have resulted in the kind of uncertainties that right-wing
extremists have successfully manipulated to their advantage.

Like their predecessors, today's neo- Nazis resort to jumbled distortions of history to
suit their purposes. Various permutations of far-right extremists deny that the
Holocaust ever took place; others believe that it did, and that it was a glorious 
In the words of one American neo-Nazi, When the people can no longer tolerate the
Jews, those people who don't believe in the Holocaust will want one; and those who
do believe in the Holocaust will want another one.

As the violent incidents at Hoyerswerda, Rostock, and in dozens of other cities from
Seattle to Moscow have demonstrated, contemporary far-right extremists hardly limit
their rancor to apocalyptic predictions. Remarkably 


2002-04-23 Thread William Shannon

Title: **Globe-Intel**



Editor-in-Chief  Number

  Carol Adler   April 23, 2002


  Gordon Thomas

  Martin Dillon


  Mark DankofDavid
McGowanJoseph Ehrlich

  Takashi Thomas Tanemori



by Gordon Thomas

wave of anthrax attacks mimic similar ultra-secret trials carried out by the
CIA using what are described as harmless bacteria. Targets
included San
  Francisco and New York.

trials followed the CIA discovery that Japanese military biologists had
performed horrific experiments on Allied prisoners, including British women and
children in World War Two. They had been subjected to anthrax, bubonic plague,
smallpox, typhoid and cholera.  All had
succumbed to excruciating deaths. But under the deal, nineteen of those leading
Japanese biologists were granted immunity from their crimes in return for
secretly helping the U.S.
scientists to understand how the viruses had worked.

on what the Japanese had provided, the CIA launched a Pandoras Box of
experiments. Working closely with Porton Down  Britains
chemical-biological warfare facility  germ warfare exercises, code-named
Operation Ozone and Operation Negation, took place in the winter of 1953/54.
Several thousand animals were secretly shipped on U.K. Royal Naval transporters
to the Caribbean. They were then tethered to rafts near the Bahamas. Upwind,
clouds of bacteria were released over the animals. They included tularemia,
brucellosis and anthrax. After being examined by scientists from Porton Down,
the corpses were cremated at sea.

the CIA had wanted to know how easy it would be to attack human targets.  No fewer than 200 experiments in the United
States in which military and civilian targets including entire cities were
attacked with imitation biological weapons. 
The tests were carried out in the utmost secrecy.

such attack  the first of six  was launched against San Francisco. Two U.S. navy
ships sailed back and forth near the Golden Gate Bridge. Crewmen
released clouds of spray contaminated with Bacillus globigi
and Serratia marcescens. Described as
supposedly harmless, the bacteria had been developed at Porton

800,000 people were exposed to the spray over 117 square miles of the Bay area.
Many became ill; there was one death following a number of cases of
serratia-related pneumonia.

CIA next chose another city to attack, again in the strictest secrecy. The
target was New

agents posing as industrial contractors positioned themselves
over the manholes above the city subways and poured harmless
bacteria into the openings.  One
of the CIA agents monitored what happened. He wrote: The particles fell onto passengers waiting for trains. They brushed it
off their clothing and walked on. The turbulence caused by trains coming and
going from stations carried the bacteria into the tunnels. In that way the
entire subway system was quickly infected.

mock biological tests used RAF aircraft to pour zinc cadmium sulphide into the
atmosphere. Scientists from Porton Down  Britains
germ warfare facilities  established monitoring stations around the
country to assess the quantity of chemicals in the air.

CIA biochemist who had a central role in the U.S. trials,
Dr. Frank Olson, was later officially said to have committed suicide by jumping
from a tenth floor window in a New York hotel.
It was claimed he had become depressed by his work. Olsons specialty was
designing aerosols to launch anthrax.

his son, Dr. Eric Olson, a 56-year-old Harvard graduate and a clinical
psychologist, said he had been told by a close colleague of his father that
Frank Olson was murdered by the CIA to ensure Americas
involvement in biological warfare, going all the way back to the Korean War,
remains a state secret.

that the CIA was involved in mass-scale trials will create new shock waves in America.

the 1950s, when the trials took place, Frank Olson was a senior biochemist
employed by the CIA to develop a biological arsenal.

of his work involved making secret trips to Britains
Porton Down.

also made trips to post-war Germany 
and witnessed the CIA conducting experiments on so-called expendables,
said Eric Olson at his home outside Washington.

his last trip to England, Frank Olson met Dr. William Sargant, then a psychiatrist at St. Thomas
Hospital in London. Sargant was also employed by MI5 and MI6 to assess and debrief
agents.  Sargant is now dead.

appears that my 

Re: [CTRL] Evidence 101 for Andrew

2002-04-23 Thread andrew hennessey

hi edward,

nice to hear from you -
ever heard of the saying 
you can take a horse to water .. but you can't make 
it drink.
sure I'll send you what I have when I find it - no 
problem, but you seem a bit slow in coming forward to follow up the recommended 
You appear to be asking me to scan whole libraries 
of copyrighted books and post the scans to you - which is really verging on 
taking liberties in the defence of your skepticism.
It isn't reasonable to expect me to go to these 
extra lengths
aside from sending you what I already have 
I didn't purchase gardners book genesis of the 
grail kings which really has the evidence you and any other skeptic would want 
in its photo section.
any cheap alternative would be to search the net 
for the dogon tribe, sirius and ther eyou have your evidence - but you seem to 
be laying a labour intensive wild goose chase on me whilst attempting to sound 
like you're being reasonable.
Say I spend the 8 days scanning and visiting the 
library and researching and I amass the widely available evidence - from the 
book refernces with which I have already supplied you - whats to stop you saying 
that all digital images are fakes etc etc etc
so I suggest that we compromise - I send you the 
evidence I have - which is only part of the small library I quoted from - and 
you go and do some rational spadework anew yourself - because you clearly seem 
to have missed the whole point of modern archaeology and its global 

and in the end - if you canot be bothered checking 
refernces with a view to falsifying them - why do this 'rational trip thing' on 
a conspiracy list anyway.

take my information at face value or delete it - or 
make my time worthwhile with a research fee - but I'm not so into point scoring 
that I can afford to spend a week attempting to give you the education that you 
have missed out on.

I've provided research leads to the whereabouts of 
for a reptilian presence on this 
I will send you the photos I currently 
maybe gardners book is in the library ?? but any 
research into the history of sumeria is probablygoing to turn up the same 
photos - its up to you edward -

best wishes,


[CTRL] VeriChip's National Rollout Begins in Palm Beach County, Florida

2002-04-23 Thread William Shannon

Monday April 22, 8:27 am Eastern Time

Press Release

SOURCE: Applied Digital Solutions

VeriChip's National Rollout Begins in Palm Beach County, Florida

Jacobs Family to ``Get Chipped'' May 10, 2002

Local hospitals and physicians to participate in initial rollout of VeriChip(TM) and the GVS Registry

PALM BEACH, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 22, 2002-- Sales and registration of VeriChip to begin May 13, 2002 

Applied Digital Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: ADSX - news), an advanced technology development company, announced today that the Jacobs family will be the first in the world to ``get chipped''(TM) with VeriChip's personal verification microchip. 

The historic ``chipping'' procedure will take place in the first Authorized VeriChip Center in Palm Beach County, Florida, on May 10, 2002. 

VeriChip is a miniaturized, implantable, radio frequency identification device (RFID) that can be used in a variety of security, emergency and healthcare applications. On April 4, 2002, the company announced that it had received written guidance that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not consider VeriChip's personal verification device to be a regulated medical device, enabling the company to begin sales, marketing and distribution of VeriChip in the United States. The company believes its first-mover advantage will enable it to gain significant market share in the emergency information and verification market that is estimated to exceed $15 billion. 

Each VeriChip is composed of FDA-accepted materials and contains a unique verification number that can seamlessly integrate to the Global VeriChip Subscriber (GVS) Registry. This Registry program will enable VeriChip subscribers to store pertinent personal verification and healthcare information in the company's secure database. The GVS Registry is hosted and maintained by Digital Angel Corporation's (Amex: DOC - news) state-of-the-art, FDA-compliant operations center in Owings, Maryland. 

Information provided by the subscriber will be stored in the GVS Registry database. Only information authorized by the subscriber will be available for access via VeriChip's proprietary scanner. Instant access to such vital information as allergies to medications, medical device implants, pre-existing medical conditions and emergency contact numbers could save lives in an emergency and enhance the peace of mind of subscribers and their loved ones. 

VeriChip System Affiliates such as hospitals, healthcare clinics, search and rescue units, and EMTs will be able to use proprietary VeriChip scanners to read a subscriber's VeriChip and gain access to the subscriber's Registry information if authorized to do so by the subscriber. 

Scott R. Silverman, President of Applied Digital Solutions, first announced the May 10, 2002, event during a recent interview on MSNBC and said: ``On May 10th we'll make history with the first-ever `chipping' procedure and the launch of VeriChip and the GVS Registry into the U.S. market. We're delighted that we've been able to bring VeriChip's life-enhancing technology to market in record time. We announced VeriChip less than six months ago and now we're about to launch the product into the U.S. market.'' 

Silverman continued: ``We're very pleased with the excellent cooperation and excitement we've received from the healthcare community in Palm Beach County. The active involvement of VeriChip System Affiliates like hospitals and EMS units who will use VeriChip proprietary scanners and link into the GVS Registry is critical. In addition, we've identified a well-respected medical practice in Palm Beach County to become the first Authorized VeriChip Center. In conjunction with this Center, we're launching the first ChipMobile(TM) - a state of the art, medically equipped mobile unit that will deliver VeriChip to initial target markets such as elder care centers, critical care facilities and Generation Y events. This initial rollout in Palm Beach County will last until June 30, 2002, at which time we will explore other geographic market opportunities and nationwide distributor alliance programs.'' 

The historic chipping procedure on May 10th will be followed by a press conference and an invitation-only brunch for business partners and community leaders. During the press conference and the business brunch, Applied Digital executives will unveil more details about VeriChip's rollout plans. 

About VeriChip(TM) 

VeriChip, first announced on December 19, 2001, is a miniaturized, implantable, radio frequency identification device (RFID) that can be used in a variety of security, emergency and healthcare applications. On April 4, 2002, the company announced that it had received written guidance that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not consider VeriChip's personal verification device to be a regulated medical device, enabling the company to begin sales, marketing and distribution of VeriChip 

[CTRL] Le-Pen- Populist Anti-NWO Hero

2002-04-23 Thread William Shannon

Le Pen says he would guide France out of EU 

Jean-Marie Le Pen says he will guide France out of the EU if he is elected president.

He says he is the candidate of the French people and they voted for him to overturn the political system.

He calls his clash against Jacques Chirac a fight between the "candidate of the French people and the candidate of the system".

He told reporters: "We are witnessing the end of a cycle that spurned a decadent and corrupt system."

Mr Le Pen added: "The French think they are electing a president, but they are wrong, they are electing a kind of governor" who answers to Brussels.

He then pledged to bring a halt to the immigration into France. "This constant foreign immigration will - if a barrier is not erected - eventually submerge our country," he said.

Mr Le Pen believes his success in qualifying for the May 5 run-off against incumbent President Jacques Chirac shows French voters want radical change.

As thousands of protesters took to the streets across France to denounce his success, Le Pen, flanked by eight bodyguards, appealed for calm. "Change must be carried out peacefully," he said.

Le Pen accused his opponents of "fuelling civil disorder" by appealing to the people to rally against him.

But when asked if he had softened his normally fiery tone to appeal to a broader electorate, Le Pen said: "I held myself back during the campaign, but now I am really looking forward" to confronting Chirac. "I will not disappoint you," he added.


2002-04-23 Thread William Shannon

A Military Man Speaks Out
April 23 2002 at 6:10 PM


A Letter to US Secretary of State Colin Powell:

It seems that the latest capture by the Israeli government of an arms
shipment supposedly intended for the Palestinian Authority has caused
all kinds of concern by both the Israeli government and the United States.

It seems that the Israelis have been pounding Palestinian villages on a
weekly basis, killing hundreds of innocent Palestinians, including a
majority of children, with a wide variety of weapons supplied by the
United States.

The Israelis have used F-16 fighter jets, Apache and Cobra attack
helicopters, 155mm howitzers, M16 automatic rifles, M60 machine guns and
many other weapons and ammunition supplied by the US government. 
Moreover, the Israelis have used American-supplied bulldozers to
demolish thousands of Palestinian homes.

Just yesterday, the Israelis demolished 70 Palestinian homes.
These home demolitions have caused thousands of Palestinian men, women,
and especially children to remain without food or shelter. This is a
sin against mankind and yet we see no action from you or the State
Department, especially since these weapons and ammunition are being used
in offensive operations.

These crimes would never be tolerated if they were similarly conducted
by any other nation. How can you call this a balanced Middle East policy
when you deny the Palestinians weapons and ammunition to defend
themselves from a brutal occupation?

Stones are not much protection against a tank. If the United States is
concerned about the violence in the Middle East, then your priorities
are aimed in the wrong direction.

If you're going to deny the Palestinians weapons to defend themselves,
then you must stop all military and economic aid to Israel. I make this
request, not only because of budgetary constraints, but because Israel
continues to disregard US foreign aid policy.

There are two important conditions for receiving US military aid that
Israel has violated repeatedly. Under the Arms Export Control Act,
military hardware provided by FNS funds can be used only for defensive
purposes or to maintain internal security. Israel violates both
conditions and therefore should be withdrawn from receiving further aid.

Just last week Israeli soldiers killed three Palestinian teenagers with
a tank shell for no reason whatsoever, other than their assumption that
the teens looked suspicious. No spin of the tongue can describe this
crime as a defensive measure or to maintain internal security.

I make this request and recommendation, not only because of Israel's
repeated violations of the Foreign Aid Arms Export Control Act, but as a
means of bringing peace to the Middle East. The United States' generous
handouts to the Jewish state have done nothing but bring more turmoil
and violence to the Middle East and to the soils of the United States.

If America wants peace in the Middle East, and is serious about fighting
world terrorism, then it's time to get tough with Israel, and end all
military and economic aid to the Jewish state.

James J. David, Brigadier General, retired,
Georgia Army National Guard,
Marietta, Georgia, USA  

[CTRL] AIG calls for stock probe

2002-04-23 Thread William Shannon

AIG calls for stock probe 

U.S. insurer asks NYSE, SEC to investigate "considerable short selling in the stock."
April 22, 2002: 2:16 PM EDT 

NEW YORK (Reuters) - American International Group, the world's leading insurer, on Monday said it had asked the New York Stock Exchange and the Securities and Exchange Commission to look into heavy short-selling of its stock. 

Short-sellers look to make profits by selling stock they don't own, in the hope of buying shares later at a lower price. 

"AIG (AIG: down $0.94 to $69.85, Research, Estimates) stock is trading down significantly," the company said in a statement. "We have observed considerable short selling in the stock and have requested that the New York Stock Exchange and the Securities and Exchange Commission investigate this activity," it added. 

Shares of the firm, the largest underwriter of commercial and industrial insurance in the United States and the second-largest U.S. life insurer, were $1.19 lower at $69.60 in afternoon trading on the New York Stock Exchange. 

[CTRL] Israel's Iron Heel

2002-04-23 Thread William Shannon

Israel's Iron Heel
by Stephen Gowans
April 22, 2002 

While Zionists and many Jews cheered the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, for the Arabs who fled their homes in what became Israel, it was a disaster. They were never allowed to return. UN Resolutions demanding Israel respect the right of return guaranteed under international law were ignored, the Zionist state shielded from censure and sanctions by a United States prepared to exercise its Security Council veto. Today, any Jew can immigrate to Israel. Arabs who fled what became Israel can't. But some can gaze upon their former homes, or what might have been their homes, from squalid, crowded refugee camps only miles from where they, or their parents, or grandparents once lived, exiled for who they are, never to return for the demographic threat they are. 

While diaspora Palestinians continue to demand they be allowed to return to their homes, commentators dismiss the demand as unreasonable. It would change the ethnic face of Israel, they say, threatening the ascendant place of Jews in the country's political and social structure. Palestinians are expected to live with their dispossession, quashing their demands for justice in the face of the indifference -- if not open hostility -- of the two powers in whose hands their fate resides: Israel and the United States. 

In 1967, more Palestinians fled, often to refugee camps, with names like Sabra and Shatilla. Ariel Sharon, directing Israeli operations in occupied Lebanon, looked the other way as Israel's ally, the Christian Phalangists, ran rampant through the camp, slaughtering men, women and children -- an earlier operation to root out the Palestinian terrorist infrastructure. Terrorism finds fertile ground in dispossession, injustice, humiliation. 

The Oslo Peace Process promised a Palestinian state, in return for Yassir Arafat and Palestinians renouncing violence. The state would amount to three parcels of land, unconnected, with no international borders. Control over borders would be retained by Israel. Jewish communities built on Palestinian territory -- the provocative settlements -- would not be dismantled. East Jerusalem -- its annexation by Israel declared null and void by the UN -- would remain in Israeli hands, and the right of dispossessed Palestinians to return to their homes would be forever denied. Give up your claims to justice, the Palestinians were told, and we'll let you live in slums. 

Worse, while Israel claimed to want peace, what it really wanted was Palestinian quiescence, and its iron heel was prepared to grind Palestinians into submission. The settlements, long an irritant, and a brazen raspberry blown at international law, continued to expand on Palestinian territory, peopled by fanatical orthodox Jews who believed they had an historical right to other people's homes. Dispossessed Palestinians would have to continue their harsh, unforgiving lives in squalid refugee camps without complaint, without protest, without violence. Israel wanted peace, but on its own terms, above all. And backed by F15s and F16s, by Apache helicopters and tanks and armoured personnel carriers, paid for by US taxpayers, Israelis deluded themselves that if they were brutal enough, the most militant Palestinians would be exterminated, while the rest would be imprisoned, would submit, or, better yet, would turn tail and flee. 

When Ariel Sharon lit the match to touch off the dry kindling of simmering Palestinian resentment over decades of injustice, a spark that would ignite the al-Aqsa Intifada, Palestinian stone throwing was met by sniper bullets, attacks by helicopter gunships, missile attacks on crowded intersections, houses razed by bulldozers, blockades, collective punishment, torture and extrajudicial assassination, all illegal, all straight from the Nazi's handbook on how to handle occupied people who resist. If it seemed the IDF (Israeli army) had borrowed from the Nazis, they had. Haaretz, the liberal Israeli newspaper, reported that a top commander in the occupied territories had recommended the German army's methods of operating in the Warsaw Ghetto as a model for the IDF to follow. 

Some Israeli army reservists, disgusted by what the IDF was doing in the occupied territories, began to call their colleagues Judeo-Nazis. A refuseniks group emerged, IDF reservists who refused to serve in the occupied territories. Among them is Assaf Oron, an infantry sergeant. "You get used to it in a hurry," he says, recalling his tours of duty in the West Bank. "Many even learn to like it. Where else can you go out on patrol -- that is, walk the streets like a king, harass and humiliate pedestrians to your heart's content, and get into mischief with your buddies -- and at the same time feel like a big hero defending your country?" 

"Without thinking, I turned into the perfect occupation enforcer," he continues. "I settled accounts with upstarts 

[CTRL] Caution--Planetary Traffic Jam Ahead!

2002-04-23 Thread William Shannon

Release No.: 02-10 
For Release: April 3, 2002 
Back to Planetary Alignment 2002 Website 

Caution--Planetary Traffic Jam Ahead!
Cambridge, MA - Comet Hale-Bopp dazzled us for weeks. The Perseid meteor shower thrilled us for one night. But the world hasn't seen anything like the planetary traffic jam that's going to occur the last week of April and the first two weeks in May! 

Inching across the sky like bumper-to-bumper commuters on their way to work, a rare planetary alignment will allow sky observers to see every planet in our solar system in a single evening! "There will be other opportunities in the future to see the planets in different configurations," says Philip Sadler, Director of the Science Education Department at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) in Cambridge, MA, " but it won't be anything like this for at least another 70 years. This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience." 

Even more amazing, two very special events will occur during this planetary line-up. On May 10, the planets Mars and Venus will appear to pass so close to one another that, to the naked eye, the Roman God of War and the Roman Goddess of Love will become one. 

Earlier, on May 5, something even more spectacular will happen. The bright planets Mars, Saturn and Venus will group together to form a perfect equilateral triangle in the western sky. This dazzling configuration will be visible almost everywhere on Earth. In the Middle East, this pyramid-shaped specter will hang directly above Bethlehem. 

Oddly enough, more than 2,000 years ago, this same grouping of planets may have caught the attention of the Biblical Magi. On April 1, 2 B.C., the planets Mars, Saturn and Venus came together to form a perfect equilateral triangle over the city of Bethlehem. Now, in the 21st Century, amid the turmoil taking place in the Middle East, the ancient Roman gods of Love, War and Agriculture/Wisdom, are coming together to look down upon this war-ravaged landscape once again. 

In the past, many different configurations of planetary alignments have been seen from Earth. They occur due to the random positions of the planets in their eccentric orbits around the Sun. In the early 1980s and in May of 2000, the planets stacked up directly behind the Sun. Many people thought the combined gravitational pull might create havoc here on Earth resulting in giant earthquakes, sweeping tidal waves or erupting volcanoes. But, the collective gravitational pull was so insignificant, nothing happened. What was the reason? The other planets are simply too small or too far away in space to affect us back on Earth. To see just how insignificant the gravitational pull of the planets can be, let's do what many good, red-blooded Americans like to do. Let's go shopping! 

Imagine if we stood in the produce section of a grocery store and held up a big yellow grapefruit representing the Sun. The planet Mercury would be the size of a small grain of salt orbiting around it 18 feet away. Venus would be somewhat larger, like a grain of sugar you get in those little brown packets at the coffee shops, 34 feet away. Earth, also a grain of sugar, would be located 50 feet away. Mars also would be the size of a grain of salt 75 feet away. As for the rest of the planets: Jupiter, a cherry-sized tomato, would be found at 240 feet; Saturn, the size of a green grape, at 420 feet; Uranus, a frozen green pea, at 300 yards; Neptune, also the size of a frozen pea, at 470 yards; and Pluto, represented by a speck of dust, would orbit our grapefruit-sized Sun at a distance of 475-600 yards. As you've probably guessed, not much gravitational pull is exerted on the Earth by these grocery store lightweights! 

In late April and early May, when the planets line up, they will not be arranged behind one another or the Sun. Instead, they will present a beautiful line across the sky from horizon to near zenith. For a period of a little more than three weeks, anyone looking west at sunset will be able to see the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. A few hours later at 4 A.M., armed with a large-size amateur telescope, they can continue their grand tour by observing Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, a few wandering asteroids and maybe even Comet Ikeya-Zhang in the east. Finally, by quickly glancing down at the ground, they will have completed their grand tour of the solar system. "Seeing nine worlds in just one night is something few astronomers can say they've accomplished," waxes Sadler. " I can't wait to do it myself!" 

Looking at the planets spread out across the sky during this alignment also demonstrates, better than any book, how our solar system formed 4 billion years ago; something astronomers just recently have begun seeing around other distant stars in space. "Our solar system condensed out of a nebular dust cloud that flattened down into a giant disk that resembled a big pizza pan," says CfA astrophysicist 

Re: [CTRL] Evidence 101 for Andrew

2002-04-23 Thread Edward Britton


to hear from you -
ever heard of the saying

you can take a horse to water .. but you
can't make it drink.
sure I'll send you what I have when I
find it - no problem, but you seem a bit slow in coming forward to follow
up the recommended evidence.

I haven't seen any yet. I would have thought you'd have URL's or
would have uploaded some material to your own site (?).

appear to be asking me to scan whole libraries of copyrighted books and
post the scans to you - which is really verging on taking liberties in
the defence of your skepticism.

ROFL! No, but a few pertinent references or photos would be nice.

It isn't
reasonable to expect me to go to these extra
aside from sending you what I already
have -

Hay! That would be fine! At least I'd know why you believe
this so adamantly. Hell, if you convince me, I'll be more than
willing to post an open retraction to the list.

I didn't
purchase gardners book genesis of the grail kings which really has the
evidence you and any other skeptic would want in its photo

I did a search on both books, and even saw the abstracts on Amazon, but
all the pages I could find dedicated to the Grail reference were UFO and
New Age sites. Hardly what one would consider objective

any cheap
alternative would be to search the net for the dogon

Done. Lot's of anecdotes about precocious knowledge of astronomy,
etc. before it's advent in other cultures, but nothing solid--and no
references to reptilians.

and ther eyou have your evidence - but you seem to be laying a labour
intensive wild goose chase on me whilst attempting to sound like you're
being reasonable.

No, like I said, if you convince me otherwise, I'll say so to the
world. I may, however, be harder to convince than most with whom to
normally converse.

Say I
spend the 8 days scanning and visiting the library and researching and I
amass the widely available evidence - from the book refernces with which
I have already supplied you - whats to stop you saying that all digital
images are fakes etc etc etc

Honesty in research for one. If it's there, I'll say it's
there. Your job is half way done already. I do believe
that there's enough evidence to show that the earth has been visited by
extraterrestrials in times past. Even my own belief system refers
to such episodes. That, however, is a long way from saying that
there's an elite line reptilian beings still extant on earth. Sure
they may have been here before, but the evidence that they're still here
is missing.

so I
suggest that we compromise - I send you the evidence I have - which is
only part of the small library I quoted from - and you go and do some
rational spadework anew yourself -

It's a deal. You can send whatever you want to this address off
list. I'll review it and tell you one way or other whether or not I
think you've got a case.

you clearly seem to have missed the whole point of modern archaeology and
its global museums.

What part of modern archaeology (a contradiction in terms? :-)) have I
missed? I've been to some of the finest museums in the nation (the
Fern Bank Museum of Natural History is about half a mile from my house)
and I have yet to see anything even remotely suggestive of either extant
or extinct humanoid reptilian beings.

and in
the end - if you canot be bothered checking refernces with a view to
falsifying them - why do this 'rational trip thing' on a conspiracy list

Curiosity, my friend: conspiracies and conspiracy theorists
fascinate me.

take my
information at face value or delete it - or make my time worthwhile with
a research fee - but I'm not so into point scoring that I can afford to
spend a week attempting to give you the education that you have missed
out on.

Don't chicken out now when you're so close :-)

I will
send you the photos I currently have

That'd be good.

Edward +

If you have fifty problems and one of them is government, you have only
one problem.

Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-23 Thread Xxx Yyy

-Caveat Lector-

Well Hammurabi, if the history of Christianity and Judaism was as simple as
you make it out to be, it probably wouldn't have taken thousands of years for
it to be debunked by you and your peers.  They say a good academic is one who
learns more and more and less and less.  You appear to have taken on the task
of knowing all that was learned over such a long period of time and debunking
all of it.  Well, my friend, more power to you.  It's a big job and should
keep you out of trouble for the rest of your life.

As far as self-confidence, anyone who has put a few years on begins to be
unsure about many things, including the extent of their own brilliance.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clintonometer (Polls)

2002-04-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.zogby.com/news/ReadNews.dbm?ID=571

Released: April 23, 2002

Bush job performance rating drops to 69%;
Gore soars into strong lead for
2004 Democratic nomination;
Democrats take lead in 2002 race for Congress;
58% say Israel should leave
occupied Palestinian territories;
83% believe Mideast bloodshed
will spread to other nations,
Latest Zogby America Poll reveals

President George W. Bush's job performance rating continues to decline among U.S.
voters, latest Zogby America results reveal.

In the latest Zogby America poll, conducted of 1002 registered voters nationwide
between April 19-22, voters now give Bush a (69% positive, 30% negative), job
performance rating, a new low in job performance since September 11th.

Bush's previous low mark in job performance after Sept. 11th was in March (73%
positive, 25% negative). On September 4th, one week before the terrorist attacks,
Bush's job performance rating was 50% positive, 49% negative.

The latest Zogby America poll has a margin of sampling error of +/- 3.2%.

While views about the President's job performance declines, voters are more
encouraged (63% positive, 35% negative), about the President's handling of the
crisis in the Middle East. Two weeks ago, voters gave Bush a 54% positive, 44%
negative rating, for his handling of the Middle East conflict.

Complete Question Crosstab Results

2004 Democratic Nomination

Former Vice President Al Gore has greatly expanded his lead for the 2004
Democratic nomination as the top choice among Democratic voters. Gore now leads
New York Senator and Former First Lady Hillary Clinton 36% - 18%. In March, Gore
led Clinton 27% - 22%.

Clinton is followed in the race for the 2004 Democratic nomination by Senate
Democratic Leader Tom Daschle (6%), former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley
(5%), and Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman (4%), with House Minority Leader
Richard Gephardt and Massachusetts Senator John Kerry both at (3%).

Others receiving support for the 2004 Democratic presidential nomination include
California Governor Gray Davis and Civil Rights Leader Al Sharpton, both at 2%, and
North Carolina Senator John Edwards, at 1%.

Without Clinton as a candidate, Gore leads Daschle 46% - 7%.

Complete Question Crosstab Results

2002 Congressional Generic

Democrats have assumed a strong lead among voters in the 2002 race for
Congress. Democratic candidates are the choice of 36% of the respondents, with
Republican candidates the choice of 30%. Another 4% choose neither party's
candidate, and 31% are not sure.

In March, the race for Congress was a dead heat , with Democratic candidates the
choice of 33%, and Republicans candidates the choice of 32%. Another 4% said
neither and 32% were not sure.

Middle East Conflict

Results show nearly three-in-five Americans (58%) agree that Israel should end its
current occupation of all Palestinian territories, including much of the West Bank and
Gaza Strip. Another 29% disagree that Israel should end its current occupation, while
14% are not sure.

A majority (53%) agrees that Palestinian Chairman Yasser Arafat has the power to
halt terrorist attacks against Israel, including the suicide bombings. In contrast, a
significant 40% do not believe Arafat has the power to halt terrorist attacks against

Also, an overwhelming 83% believe it is likely that the bloody conflict in the Middle
East will spread beyond Israel and Palestine resulting in military actions by other
nations, including the U.S. Only 15% believe such a military expansion of the Middle
East conflict is not likely.

Pollster, John Zogby: The laws of politics and gravity converge. It is very hard for
any President to sustain stratospheric job approval ratings. On the international side,
where does he go from here with the Middle East and the war? And the economy will
still be a major issue.


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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

[CTRL] West Bank Waco Story

2002-04-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.hcef.org/news/news/newsview.cfm?itemid=632nType=News

What Is The Real Story Around The Church Of Nativity?

Ghassan Andoni

It is amazing how much one can twist facts. But more amazing is how much people
can be influenced by twisted facts. In relation to the Church of Nativity, two stories
are being widely circulated.

The Israeli story: a large group of armed terrorists entered the Church of Nativity.
They took dozens of civilians including Christian priests and monks as hostages and
are using them as human shields to launch attacks on the Israeli army, which is
surrounding the place. Therefore, Israel is attempting to rescue the hostages and
capture the terrorists.

The Palestinian story: As the Israeli army invaded Bethlehem and Israeli tanks
approached Manger Square, around 240 Palestinians including some armed
Palestinians entered the Church seeking a safe shelter. Armed Palestinians laid
down their arms and are seeking the protection of the Christian clergy inside the

Who are the people inside the church?

All resources from inside the church including Father Ibrahim Faltas, Christian
Lawyer Tony Salman, and the governor of Bethlehem Mohammad Almadani
confirmed repeatedly that: the vast majority of the people inside are innocent 
who ran into the church to save their lives. The armed Palestinians who entered the
church were mostly members of Palestinian Authority tourism Police, policemen from
the adjacent Palestinian police station, and some Palestinians who decided to fight
against the Israeli invasion of their city.

The Vatican repeatedly announced that all people inside the church are non-engaged
and only seeking a shelter that the church is welling to provide. The Vatican
repeatedly affirmed that there is no hostage- taking situation.

As the siege of the church continued, Israel employed a continued pressure to force
the people inside the church to surrender. Some methods used are:

Preventing any supplies of food. Currently people inside the church are starving.

Prevent evacuate dead bodies from inside the church. (Two bodies are still inside)

Prevent any medical help for scores of injured people (nuns are dealing with the
situation with primitive first aid means)

Positioning snipers all over the place and shooting at any moving target. So far two
people were killed inside the church and two more wounded including an Armenian

Shooting randomly inside the church. This random shooting resulted in a fire that
destroyed three rooms inside the church. A Palestinian was shoot dead by a sniper
while attempting to extinguish the fire.

Throwing rounds of sound grenades into and around the church. This is going on all
daytime and especially at night.

Transmitting, through loudspeakers, sounds that are beyond the threshold of pain
into the church.

Attempted twice to burst into the church from its eastern entrance. In one attempt
they destroyed one of the church gates using explosives.

So far, and aside from the suffering of people inside the church, considerable
damage have been done to the church itself. With the little protest and concern from
the side of the Christians all over the world and from the side of the international
community, it is likely that Israel will upgrade its assault and might cause more
substantial damage.

All attempts to negotiate a settlement to this situation failed. Israel insists on 
complete surrender without conditions or a deportation outside the country. They are
refusing the involvement of any third party in such efforts.

It is extremely worrying that with the increased pressure on Israel to leave the PA
areas, Israel might attack the church in an attempt to kill or arrest people inside. It
can happen, it might result in a massacre taking place inside the church, and it might
destroy the Church. Something urgent must be done to prevent this from happening.

Ghassan Andoni (a Christian who lives 100 meters away from the Church of Nativity)

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