[CTRL] The Menacing Menace

2002-05-13 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.onlinejournal.com/Commentary/Scott051202/scott051202.html

The Judeo-Christian menace

By Frank Scott
Online Journal Contributing Writer

May 12, 2002—We are supposedly in a struggle with an Islamic world bent on taking
over the West. This, according to pundits, government figures and other bigots who
use the worst racial and religious slanders, reducing more than a billion human
beings to hordes of terrorist madmen. But where does the madness originate and
which religious doctrines are at the root of the savagery that grips our world?

It is the political economics of capital that drive the global engines of the market 
power its killing machines. But religion plays an important supporting role, by
preaching divine goodness to rationalize earthly evil. Individual words of Judeo-
Christian piety and love, spoken by sincere believers, rarely match its institutional
deeds of greed and hate practiced on millions of people under its rule. Calling Islam
a threat to this kind of Western civilization is a charge empty of context and full 

Influenced by our mind managers, many accept that they are evil and that we are
good . Of course, most humans are inherently decent, if given the chance to act that
way. But it is Judeo-Christianity, propelled by its western capitalist motor, that is 
worst killer, molester and polluter the world has ever known. Islam, in its most
extreme forms, is the equivalent of a mob armed with pistols , while the Judeo-
Christians are the Crusades, World Wars, nuclear and biological weapons,
colonialism and racism, all rolled into one.

The Koran is cited by those who condemn all Muslims for the excesses of some, but
it is the older Bible that contains the seeds from which the murderous policies of the
West take root. Rejecting the moral message of justice that some find in its
scriptures, its institutional lust has been to dominate , slaughter and pollute , while
depicting itself as superior, divinely chosen, and when aggrieved, righteously
vengeful in acting on the will of God. Who are the real fanatics?

The present horror in Israel-Palestine is an example of this religious bigotry.
Palestinians are deemed fanatic when they are driven to suicidal despair by their
plight, and blow themselves apart to kill their invaders. But the brutal, colonial 
of Israel is depicted as a nation of persecuted souls, seeking shelter and besieged by
suicidal madmen corrupted by their evil parents. It is as if rich young Palestinians 
about on chaise lounges, and suddenly their wicked parents say, Go blow
yourselves up and kill some innocent Jews. The lack of context given these bloody
actions could lead simpletons to conclude that Arabs hijacked four airplanes, killed
themselves and thousands of Americans , because Western women hide their
identities behind cosmetics and hair coloring, instead of burqas and chadors.

In the wholesale terror of Judeo-Christian war and the retail terror of Islamic
retaliation, victims are mostly innocent, and tragically so. They are pawns of policy,
and complicit only through ignorance and subjection to propaganda. Despite tales of
how misinformed they are, it would be hard to find people more confused about the
material world than we are. The corporate West has the most powerful weapons of
mass destruction ever created, but it also has media weapons of mass confusion. It
uses both, and without mercy.

The tongue-twisted twit in the White House, who makes Reagan look quick-witted by
comparison, is transformed by media into a bold, wise wartime leader. Congress
follows this line and alternates between being lapdogs and bootlickers. Whether
snuggling at his crotch or groveling at the Israeli lobby's feet, this disgraceful mob 
bought and paid for politicos has defamed democracy . With few exceptions, it
praises the occupying military force in Palestine, and supports our war on everything
labeled terrorist. It demands that the world treat the USA as chosen people of the
planet, above the rule of any law, save that of its own Judeo-Christian interpretation.

Our commissars of consciousness identify social realities only in caricatured
individuals. Whether these are ancient religious icons, as in the Moses or Jesus
legends, or contemporary figures, as in a heroic Bill Clinton or Eli Weisel or a
demonized Yasir Arafat or Ariel Sharon, they misrepresent the material world,
oversimplify complex issues, and distort the humanity at the core of most religious

We meddle in the lives of millions who never invited us into their world. We
disrespect their cultures, empower their dictators, and murder them at will, all to
maintain an energy system that endangers the planet. Religious fables about people
returning to a place where they've never been, to collect real estate given them by
God, and of a virgin giving birth to God's son, blend with political fables about
democratic societies protecting the 

[CTRL] Carlyle Group cashing in again on IPO

2002-05-13 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 12 May 2002 19:39:09 -0700
From:   Joshua Tinnin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] Fw: [Big-Medicine] Carlyle Group cashing in again
on IPO

Not exactly a new article, but I do believe it's relevant considering the
current clash of ideas. Not only that, this is in ... CBS Marketwatch.
Although the link to the original article is dead, it is on

- jt

- Original Message -
From: Joshua Tinnin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

from -

Carlyle Group cashing in again on IPO
Commentary: U.S. Marine Repair is latest offering

By Steve Gelsi, CBS.MarketWatch.com
Last Update: 1:17 AM ET March 17, 2002

NEW YORK (CBS.MW) - Conspiracy theories abound on the Internet. And the
involvement of the Carlyle Group in yet another military contractor IPO
should provide some good fodder, not to mention tales of insider deals that
rival the payoffs from the dot-com era.

Chaired by former Regean administration defense secretary Frank Carlucci,
The Carlyle Group - http://www.thecarlylegroup.com/ - is a $13 billion
private equity firm based just a few blocks away from the White House on
Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington.

Founded in 1987 by two executives hailing from MCI, Marriott and a corporate
merger attorney, it's attracted the most high-ranking officials in
Washington on their way out of jobs in the Oval Office or elsewhere in the
upper echelon of government.

Principals include former British Prime Minister John Major, former
secretary of state, James A. Baker III, not to mention former chairman of
the Securities and Exchange Commission, Arthur Levitt. Former President
George Bush holds the official title of senior advisor to the Carlyle Asia
Advisory Board and gives speeches at events.

Eyeing companies for investment, the Carlyle Group has taken part in several
IPOs over the years including VarsityBooks.com, orthodontic firm Align
Technology and high speed Internet firm NorthPoint Communications.

In October of 1997, The Carlyle Group purchased a majority stake in United
Defense Industries (UDI: news, chart, profile) in the midst of a slowdown in
U.S. military spending following the end of the Cold War.

After Sept. 11, President George W. Bush proposed huge increases in military
spending now pending before Congress.

The languishing defense sector has heated up and with it military-flavored
IPOs have surfaced from several players including Tuesday's Anteon
International (ANT: news, chart, profile), Integrated Defense Technologies
(IDE: news, chart, profile), ManTech International (MANT: news, chart,
profile) and upcoming information technology specialist Veridian.

The $400 million United Defense Industries IPO was the first to debut in the
latest salvo of weapons debutantes.

When the maker of military vehicles went public in December, Carlucci owned
40,000 shares at an average strike price of $4.71, according to the
company's IPO filings. The IPO debuted at $19 per share and has since risen
to more than $27 per share.

Carlucci is showing a tidy paper profit of $892,000 on his stake in United
Defense Industries - pretty respectable. Granted, there are lockup periods
governing when insiders can sell their shares, but in this time of post
dot-com meltdowns and a barren IPO landscape, it's amazing to see that such
big profits are still possible.

On Wednesday, Carlyle filed a $160 million IPO for U.S. Marine Repair, a
Norfolk, Va. specialist in maintaining and refurbishing Navy ships.

Although the IPO market may soon tire of all these military deals, this one
should do fairly well and provide another nice payday for The Carlyle Group.

With access to folks like Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Vice
President Dick Cheney, Carlyle seems to have the defense game rigged as one
of the biggest military contractors in the country.

Sure it's just good business to buy low and sell high, but the Carlyle Group
seems to be a bit too well connected.

The company practically evokes classic conspiracy theories about a shadow
government run by entities like the Rockefeller-founded Trilateral
Commission of the 1970s, or the bizarre gatherings of wealthy white men
dressed in robes at California's Bohemian Grove.

The tales continue with the annual Bilderberg conference or the World
Economic Forum at Davos -- events where the world's elite gather to ponder
the direction of Western Civilization.

While it's illegal for former government officials to lobby directly for
private firms, there's nothing on the books right now to keep ex-officials
from helping to raise money for investment ventures sponsored by companies
like the Carlyle Group.

The debate over apparent conflicts of interest will likely continue, but in

Re: [CTRL] HR 3598 was ... Wonder if they'll reinstate the draft...

2002-05-13 Thread Kristine S.

-Caveat Lector-

--- Samantha L. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 5/10/02 4:17:20 PM Central
 Daylight Time,

  Although I endorse nonviolent means to provide
 solutions to most if not all
   arising among the various factions of humanity, I
 also endorse (almost)
   military training.

   As a mother I am opposed because our kids then
 become guinea pigs for
 whatever vaccines the military wants to throw at
 them.  That is my primary
 concern.  These young people lose their rights as
 individuals when they
 become part of the military machine.  Boot camp -
 okay, weapons training -
 okay, vaccines NOT okay.  IMO.


As a mother of a 16 year old, I say no to all of it.
No son of mine will fight for the greed of the global
elite.  If they care to send THEIR sons to fight, fine
by me.

The military machine is nothing but the global greed
machine and I want no part of it.  If that means I
can't drive me fricking car anymore, so be it!
 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list.
 Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not
 soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many
 half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically
 by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the
 spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the
 validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you
 read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2002-05-13 Thread Samantha L.



Fear of Embargo Behind US Move Against Populist President
by Greg Palast
The Guardian (UK), Monday May 13, 2002

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was warned of the likely coup against him in advance 
by the Secretary General of OPEC, Ali Rodriguez, allowing Chavez to prepare an 
extraordinary plan which spared both his government and his life, an investigation has 


Newsnight will broadcast and webcast Palast’s report from Caracas tonight, Monday, 
during the programme which begins at 10:30pm.  Meirion Jones, Producer.  See 
www.bbc.co.uk/Newsnight/ or www.GregPalast.com.  The webcast remains accessible for at 
least 24 hours.


Mr. Rodriguez, a former leftist guerrilla, called Chavez from OPEC headquarters in 
Vienna several days before the attempted overthrow in April.  He tipped off his ally 
that OPEC had advance word that some Arab nations, later revealed as Libya and Iraq, 
planned to call for a new oil embargo against the United States over Palestine.

OPEC's chief warned Chavez that the US would have to prod a long-simmering coup into 
action to break the back of any embargo threat, likely April 11, start of a general 
strike.  It was Venezuela which shattered the first oil embargo of 1973 by replacing 
Arab oil with its own huge reserves.

The warning - revealed by an investigation for BBC2's Newsnight to be shown tonight - 
explains the oddly swift and safe return of Chavez to power within two days of his 
April 12 capture by military officers under the direction of coup leader Pedro 
Carmona.  Until now, there remained a mystery as to why Carmona, who declared himself 
president, and Venezuela's military chiefs, most of whom backed the coup, simply 
surrendered without firing a shot.

The answer, Newsnight was told by a Chavez insider, is that several hundred pro-Chavez 
troops were hidden in secret corridors under and leading into Miraflores, the 
Presidential Palace.  Juan Barreto, a leader of Chavez' party in the National 
Assembly, was with Chavez when he was under siege.  Barreto said that Jose Baduel, 
chief of the paratroop division loyal to Chavez, waited until Carmona was inside 
Miraflores.  Baduel then called Carmona and informed him that, with troops virtually 
under his chair, Carmona was as much a hostage as Chavez.  He gave Carmona twenty-four 
hours to return Chavez alive.

Escape from Miraflores was impossible for Carmona.  The building was surrounded by 
hundreds of thousands of Chavista demonstrators who, alerted by Chavez' Minister of 
Foreign Affairs, had marched on Miraflores from The Ranchos, the poorest barrios.

Despite the warning and his preparations, Chavez was forced to surrender to coup 
leaders on April 12 because his first line of defense, Plan Avila, failed.  Under 
Plan Avila, made public shortly after the coup, the Presidential Palace would be 
surrounded with tanks.  However, the tank battalion commander stunned Chavez by 
refusing the president's orders to act.

Chavez himself told Newsnight that upon receiving the warning from OPEC, he hoped to 
stave off a coup entirely by issuing a statement meant to mollify the Bush 
Administration.  Chavez pledged that Venezuela would never join, nor tolerate, a 
renewed oil embargo.  But Chavez had already incurred America's wrath by slashing 
Venezuelan oil output and rebuilding OPEC, causing oil prices to nearly double to over 
$20 a barrel.

Chavez opponents made clear they would not abide by OPEC production limits and would 
reverse Chavez' plan to double the royalties charged foreign oil companies in 
Venezuela, principally, US petroleum giant Exxon-Mobil.

The American government's panic over the looming calls for an oil embargo, made public 
by Iraq and Libya on April 8 and 9, also explains the US State Department's 
ill-concealed and clumsy support for the coup attempt.  Chavez told Newsnight, I have 
written proof of the time of the entries and exits of two US military officers into 
the headquarters of the coup plotters - their names, whom they met with, what they 
said - proof on video and on still photographs.  Last month the Guardian reported a 
former US intelligence officer claims that the US had been considering a coup to 
overthrow the elected Venezuelan president for nearly a year.  Wayne Madsen, a former 
intelligence officer with the US navy, told the Guardian that American military 
attaches had been in touch with members of the Venezuelan military to examine the 
possibility of a coup.

Trying to restore diplomatic channels to the US, Chavez has played down the importance 
of the American meddling which nearly ended in his death.  But Guillermo Garcia Ponce, 
a key Chavez advisor, charges that US funding was behind three simultaneous plots to 
assassinate Chavez.  Garcia Ponce, who holds the title of Political 

[CTRL] Kapos in the Kongress

2002-05-13 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://sptimes.com/2002/05/12/Columns/Israel_shows_its_musc.shtml

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Israel shows its muscle dealing with Congress

By SUSAN TAYLOR MARTIN, Times Senior Correspondent

© St. Petersburg Times, published May 12, 2002

During the 2000 election campaign, pro-Israel groups were among the biggest
contributors to U.S. Rep. Peter Deutsch of Florida. The Fort Lauderdale Democrat
got $23,400, more than he received from groups representing education and health
care interests.

During the 2000 election campaign, pro-Israel groups were among the biggest
contributors to U.S. Rep. Peter Deutsch of Florida. The Fort Lauderdale Democrat
got $23,400, more than he received from groups representing education and health
care interests.

But Deutsch says the pro-Israel money had nothing to do with his May 2 vote for a
controversial House resolution expressing unequivocal support for Israel.

Nor, he says, did the money affect his decision to join three other members of
Congress in flying to Israel that day to hand-deliver the resolution to Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon.

I honestly have no much idea how much money I was given, Deutsch said. And it's
irrelevant in terms of anything.

Others aren't so sure.

Clearly the giving by the pro-Israel interests has an impact in Congress, says Larry
Noble, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics, a Washington, D.C.,
organization that monitors campaign financing. You can't say it's the only thing that
impacts Congress in terms of the resolution, but it clearly does have a lot of impact.

According to the center, pro-Israel groups have contributed $41.3-million to federal
candidates and political party committees since 1989. In the same period, pro-Arab
and pro-Muslim interests have given $297,000.

Of course, congressional support of Israel is neither new nor surprising. The United
States has been Israel's closest friend since 1948, when President Harry Truman
became the first world leader to recognize the new Jewish state. Despite its small
size and scarce natural resources, Israel absorbed hundreds of thousands of Jews
from around the globe and built a thriving country -- with the help of billions in U.S.
aid -- that is the only democracy in the Middle East.

But critics say Israel's continued occupation of land seized during the 1967 Middle
East War has stymied peace and contributed to the violence that has claimed the
lives of 489 Israelis and more than 1,500 Palestinians since September 2000.

The latest crisis came in late March when Israel, in response to a suicide bombing
that killed 28 Jews, invaded several Palestinian cities. President Bush found himself
caught between Arab demands to stop the incursion and Israel's insistence on
destroying the infrastructure of terrorism.

It was amid Bush's attempts to end the crisis that the House passed the resolution
expressing solidarity with Israel and condemning Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

Although 352 members voted yes, there was enough concern about the measure
that 82 others voted no or didn't vote. Some opponents said the resolution would hurt
America's ability to act as an evenhanded broker in Mideast peace negotiations.

This one-sided resolution will only fan the killing frenzy, charged Rep. Marcy
Kaptur, D- Ohio. It offers no encouragement for the Arab states to have a place at
the peace table. . . . Israel cannot make peace alone. This resolution envisions no
Palestinian state. At its worst, I fear it represents crass domestic politics in this
election year.

Rep. Nick Rahall, D-W.Va., argued that the resolution failed to take into account that
neither Israelis nor Palestinians had fully honored the 1993 Oslo peace agreement.

Let us get that straight, he told his House colleagues. Neither side is an angel.

Florida's Deutsch countered that Israel's fight against Palestinian attacks and
America's fight against al-Qaida are one and the same.

There is no Yasser Arafat exemption to the war on terrorism, said Deutsch, who is
Jewish and has many Jewish voters in his state.

Hours after the resolution passed, Deutsch and three other House members flew to
Israel aboard a U.S. Navy plane. At least one Israeli newspaper called the trip a
fact-finding mission although any facts gathered came from the Israeli side.
Deutsch said he and his colleagues asked to meet with Palestinians but were told
that was impossible unless they agreed to see Arafat. They declined.

The consensus is that it's a post-Arafat era and he's a terrorist, Deutsch said in a
phone interview after his return last week. The four also asked to go to the West
Bank and Gaza Strip but were warned by the U.S. Embassy in Israel that it would be
too dangerous, Deutsch said.

Instead, the delegation met with Israeli leaders and visited victims of terrorism. One
of the most constructive parts of the trip, Deutsch said, was seeing the large
amount of weapons Israel seized 

Re: [CTRL] Could the Poles Flip?

2002-05-13 Thread magnetic field

 I have been 
thinking on this subject since 1972.
 Can the poles 
try in our life time. 
My own theory.. What scientists call a 
ice age is just the ice cap breaking down and re-forming 
 What triggers 
this I am not sureI am still thinking about this. When I come up 
with a theory I will post it. 
Velikovsky had some interesting theories on this subject as well as other 
people. He said it was possible to have "mini reversals". He was sure these had 
indeed happened in historic time and the man and animal life has been deeply 
affected by them. He considered the fact that many of the life forms destroyed 
in catastrophies were more physically adapted to survive than the creatures that 
replaced them. In other words, there was nothing wrong with the animals, they 
were just SUDDENLY WIPE OUT. Take the mastedons for instance. Scientists found 
undigested plants in their stomachs and between their teeth. Plants that now 
grow nowhere near where the animals died (like currently hundreds of miles 
away). They died and were flash frozen in the blink of an eye (as they did not 
have time to putrify or decay). It is said that sled dogs ate the meat with no 
Take fossils for instance. There are no new fossild being made. The majority of 
plants and animals died and rot and are gone in days. Fossils formed under great 
heat and stress causing the plants and/or animals to die and be covered up so 
quickly and under such heat that they just got sealed and fossilized. Another 
subject Dr. Velikovsky tackled was the idea of where petroleum came from. Or 
coal either for that matter. Coal and oil where created under great stress and 
heat. What caused the great fift valley in Africa for instance. where 
the earth looks like alarge tennis ball that some giant twisted until the 
surface cracked and tore. Look at a geological (surface feature map). The Andes 
Mountains and the Himalayas have been thrust up higher in historic times. Dr. 
Velikovsky had the personal opinion the the time frame of history is all wrong. 
That many old religious documents including the Old Testament are recordings of 
such events. Look at the east coast of the United States around the Carolinas 
especially, there are a series of "blue holes" out in the ocean and depressions 
all along the U.S. east coast that look like a train of meteorites had rained in 
a path left to right. 
 Has the sun always 
risen in the east and set in the west Not according to many ancient 
documents and legends. In one of the pyramids is a mural of the sky the way it 
would look if if the sun rose in the west and set in the east. It was considered 
very sacred. Ancient temples were always oriented to the sun rising on the 
solstice. That is the main reason temples were abandoned and rebuilt. The old 
testament temple was even rebuilt for this reason. The day has not always been 
24 hours long. The year has not always been 365 days long. Historically this is 
a "recent" occurance. What we read in the Old Testament is a historical record 
of earth changes (the exodus for instance). Why does the Old testament insist on 
stating "in the east at the sun's rising" if this were not something different 
or out of the ordinary
Yes...The earth would survive a pole shift. The planet would survive and 
quite possibly the creatures on it. 


  - Original Message - 
  William Shannon 
  Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 7:54 
  Subject: [CTRL] Could the Poles 
  Magnetic Anomalies - Could the Poles Flip?by Linda Moulton 
  HoweApril 27, 2002 Cambridge, Massachusetts - Deep beneath 
  our feet as we walk around  in fact, 4,000 miles down  is the center 
  of the earth where an iron core is so hot it is liquid and boils around like 
  cooking porridge. That moving, melted iron also produces the magnetic fields 
  that surround the earth and upon which much of earth's surface life, 
  satellites and space technology depend upon for orientation, and for 
  protection. If magnetic fields did not trap highly energetic particles racing 
  from the sun, all kinds of damage could be done to living organisms and space 
  technologies. For nearly a million years, magnetic field lines have been 
  coming out of the south pole and entering the north pole of the earth. That is 
  called the magnetic dipole.Now a science team from Paris, France led 
  by Gauthier Hulot at the Institute of Earth Sciences in Paris - working with 
  other scientists such as Harvard University's magnetic field expert, Dr. 
  Jeremy Bloxham - have compared satellite measurements of the earth's magnetic 
  field strengths 25 years ago and today. Their discovery was published in the 
  April 2002 science journal Nature and it boils down to 

[CTRL] Colombian Tribe Topples Mighty Oil Giant

2002-05-13 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 13 May 2002 04:45:33 +
From:   robalini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Konformist: Alternet News

Colombian Tribe Topples Mighty Oil Giant
Gabrielle Banks, AlterNet
May 6, 2002

There's not much good news coming out of war-torn Colombia these
days. Friday was a notable exception. With no great fanfare,
Occidental Petroleum, the multinational giant that has gained infamy
in environmental circles, announced at its annual shareholder meeting
in Santa Monica, Calif. that it was relinquishing control of Siriri,
the oil block in Colombia on the ancestral land of the U'wa people.

The official line was that after exploratory drilling came up dry
last summer, Occidental geologists concluded it was not
scientifically wise to carry on the project. This was a high-risk
well from a technical standpoint, said Occidental spokesman Larry

But environmentalists had a different take. It just shows that
drilling for oil in ancestral territories of indigenous communities
in a tropical rainforest region is an unviable and untenable business
plan, said Michael Brune of the Rainforest Action Network.

According to one activist who has closely followed local
developments, when the U'wa realized Occidental intended to proceed
with the drilling, the tribe prayed for the oil to move. Maybe the
dry well was simply proof that the universe is the best arbiter in
matters of such consequence.

However you spin it, this was a colossal victory for the U'wa, a
tribe of just 5,000 souls, whose scrappy, grassroots struggle against
Occidental began nearly a decade ago. The U'wa said the oil operation
threatened the basic welfare of civilians who would be caught in the
cross-fire of Colombia's civil war.

The battle over power and resources -- perpetrated by the Colombian
military, leftist FARC guerrillas, right-wing paramilitaries and drug
traffickers -- has ravaged any semblance of normalcy for Colombians.
People are kidnapped and murdered in what amounts to a perpetual,
surreal chess match. (Staking its own territorial claim in the war,
the Bush Administration is pushing the U.S. Congress to authorize $98
million in military aid to defend another Occidental venture, the
Caño-Limon pipeline, a private enterprise which runs through U'wa

At great odds and at great risk to their survival, the U'wa have
taken a non-violent tack toward self-determination. When Occidental's
plans in Siriri became clear in the early 90s, U'wa tribal leaders
diligently filed lawsuits, lobbied at corporate headquarters, and
mobilized peaceful blockades at well sites to block Occidental. When
the magnitude of the multinational's political muscle proved
insurmountable, the U'wa took their struggle to sympathetic
progressive groups in United States and around the world where it
galvanized an overwhelming response.

In one of the best-covered protests, demonstrators outside the 2000
Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles denounced Al Gore's
insensitivity to the U'wa people. At the time, Gore was a major
stockholder in Occidental and the U'wa had threatened a mass suicide
if the company went forward with its plan to drill.

Occidental -- which banked $14 billion in sales last year -- probably
didn't lose much sleep over the bad press. After six months of
drilling, the company says it decided it was no longer fiscally
worthwhile to continue to explore this wildcat well, where the
likelihood of striking oil was one in 12.

We may never know why Occidental pulled its operations out of the
Siriri block, but this rare, non-violent triumph of the few offers a
powerful lesson to the mighty armed masses at war in Colombia (and in
many places throughout the world). No matter how daunting the
opponent, true victory can never be attained through bloodshed.

Gabrielle Banks is Activism Editor for AlterNet.


Bush 'Unsigns' War Crimes Treaty
Jim Lobe, AlterNet
May 6, 2002
The Bush administration Monday formally renounced its obligations as
a signatory to the 1998 Rome Statute to establish an International
Criminal Court (ICC). Critics say the decision to unsign the treaty
will further damage the United States' reputation and isolate it from
its allies.

Driven by unfounded fears of phantom prosecutions, the United States
has hit a new nadir of isolationism and exceptionalism, said William
Schulz, executive director of Amnesty International's U.S. section

A simple three-sentence letter to U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan
formally ended U.S. participation in an agreement to create the
world's first permanent tribunal to prosecute war crimes, genocide,
and other crimes against humanity. In the letter, Undersecretary of
State for Arms Control and International Security, John Bolton,
asserted that Washington does not intend to become a party to the
(Rome Statute 

[CTRL] Spies, or students?

2002-05-13 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Despite the article casting aspersions to contrafute the existence of spies as
art students, it gives up little things like:

 There is also an explanation for the military background of the
 arrested Israelis: every Israeli has a military background, often
 in the various intelligence units.

This may become relevant when considering how the Israelis categorise their
citizens, as one-time military, now civilians -- or -- as all soldiers of varying 
of reserve component.  

w w w . h a a r e t z d a i l y . c o m

Spies, or students?

Were the Israelis just trying to sell their paintings, or agents in a massive espionage

WASHINGTON - It could be the biggest espionage scandal of the century, or the
greatest journalistic non-starter in many a decade, but it's clear that the story of 
Israeli art students in New York - dozens of alleged spies living in the United States 
refuses to die down. Anyone who believes the story says that everything is accurately
documented and confirmed, and that only a conspiracy on the part of the U.S.
administration - which is desperate to keep the affair quiet, partly out of shame and
partly because of its warm relations with Israel - is keeping the affair out of the
spotlight of public discussion. Those who repudiate the affair say it is baseless, just
another unfounded urban legend that has taken on a life of its own on various
marginal Internet sites.

Either way, the story of the Israeli spies is alive and kicking. The most recent 
of the affair came last week in the highly respected Internet magazine, Salon.com,
which recapped the main points of the scandal and even added some new details of
its own. The official Israeli response was the same as ever: Nonsense, they say.
The outline of the scandal is the same wherever it is published, with the more
respectable journals taking more care over the details and relying more on reports
and documented evidence, while the more marginal publications pile on spurious
details and compare the scandal to the great conspiracies of the past.

According to reports of the scandal, around 120 young Israeli citizens, posing as art
students and selling paintings door-to-door, have been arrested and deported from
the United States. The door- to-door sale of art works, it is claimed, was a front for 
sophisticated spy ring: the students would turn up at homes and offices - especially
at buildings housing federal authorities and military bases, and even went to the
homes of those employed in these offices. The students attempted to form
friendships with federal employees, photograph their offices, tap their phone lines
and infiltrate their databases.

It is also claimed that the spy ring kept tabs on Arab targets inside the United 
including Arab Americans who were in contact with the Al-Qaida network. According
to some speculations, the Israelis' intelligence work enabled the spy ring to know in
advance of the planned terror attack on September 11, without lifting a finger to
prevent it.

Beware students selling art

There is one source for all these stories and it is not an unreliable one. The source 
the 60-page draft of an internal report by the intelligence division of the Drug
Enforcement Agency (DEA). Thedraft was leaked to the media and its existence was
confirmed by spokesmen from the DEA and the Justice Department, which is
responsible for running the DEA. But confirming that the report exists is not the same
as verifying its contents.

According to the report's author, whose identity has never been published, DEA
officials identified an increase in the number of incidents in which young Israelis,
claiming to be art students, tried to sell them works of art. It is entirely 
possible, said
the report, that this is an organized intelligence-gathering activity.

A warning was sent out by the federal anti-espionage office to other federal agencies
in March 2001,warning them to be wary of students trying to sell them art works and
gain entry to federal facilities. The document records several encounters between
DEA officials and Israelis all over the United States. In one incident, the report
documents an attempt to gain entry to the Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City,
where the AWACS spy plane and the B-1 bombers are serviced.

What is really keeping this story alive is the claim of a link between the Israeli
students and Israeli intelligence. The original report, as well as subsequent media
reports, say that many of the young Israelis arrested served in the IDF's Intelligence
Corps and were involved in operating electronic bugging equipment; one even said
he was the son of a senior Israel Defense Forces officer. It took just one small leap
to turn this into a conspiracy, whereby all the Israelis arrested were in the pay of 


[CTRL] Iraqi Oil

2002-05-13 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://fiot.1accesshost.com/iraqioil.html

 If that means I can't drive me fricking car anymore, so be it!
[ Kristine S]

This will be something to watch.  You may be prescient!  Oh!  Change best happens
from the inside out.  AER

US Again Becomes Top Consumer of Iraqi Oil; Congress Considers Ban

DUBAI, May 11 (AFP) - The majority of Iraq's oil exports since shipments resumed
May 8 after a month-long embargo will again go to the United States, the Middle East
Economic Survey (MEES) reports in its Monday edition.

MEES soundings indicate that Iraq's State Oil Marketing Organisation (SOMO) has
already confirmed sales and scheduled liftings for around 850,000 barrels per day
(bpd) and may be able to export as much as 1.4 million bpd, the industry newsletter

MEES further understands that most of the exports are destined for the US with
some to Europe, Morocco, South Africa, India and Taiwan.

Major buyers include Valero, Chevron, Arcadia, Petrola, Glencore, TotalFinaElf,
Sinochem, Vitol and Cepsa, the weekly adds.

The US Senate in April voted overwhelmingly in favor of an amendment to an energy
bill that would prevent the United States from buying oil of Iraqi origin.

The House of Representatives now has to vote on the amendment.

In 2001, the United States imported some 10.6 million barrels of oil per day,
according to official figures. Most of that came from Canada, Saudi Arabia and
Venezuela, but around nine percent was from Iraq.

Iraq has an export capacity target of 2.2 million barrels per day, and most of the
shortfall is due to the loss of exports during the first week of the month before
President Saddam Hussein ended an embargo in support of the Palestinians.

The United Nations estimated Iraq's loss from the embargo at 1.2 billion dollars.

Iraq is allowed to export oil under a UN-supervised oil-for-food program introduced to
alleviate the suffering of the population from crippling sanctions slapped on Baghdad
for invading Kuwait in 1990.

A vote in the Security Council to reform UN sanctions and free up the flow on non-
milltary goods to Baghdad has been delayed for a few days at the request of Russia.


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--- Ernest Hemingway

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[CTRL] Venzuelan oil

2002-05-13 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.guardian.co.uk/oil/story/0,11319,714504,00.html

Why shoot only one foot with the Iraqis?  Get both feet via the Venzuelans!!!

Opec chief warned Chavez about coup

Greg Palast
Monday May 13, 2002
The Guardian

The Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, had advance warning of last month's coup
attempt against him from the secretary general of Opec, Ali Rodriguez, allowing him
to prepare an extraordinary plan which saved both his government and his life, an
investigation has revealed.

Mr Rodriguez, who is Venezuelan and a former leftwing guerrilla, telephoned Mr
Chavez from the Vienna headquarters of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting
Countries, of which Venezuela is an important member, several days before the
attempted overthrow in April.

He said Opec had learned that some Arab countries, later revealed to be Libya and
Iraq, planned to call for a new oil embargo against the United States because of its
support for Israel.

The Opec chief warned Mr Chavez that the US would prod a long-simmering coup
into action to break any embargo threat. It was likely to act on April 11, the day a
general strike was due to start.

It was Venezuela which shattered the oil embargo of 1973 by replacing Arab oil with
its own huge reserves.

The warning - revealed by a Newsnight investigation to be shown on BBC2 tonight -
explains the swift and safe return of Mr Chavez to power within two days of his April
12 capture by military officers under the direction of the coup leader, Pedro

Until now, it was unclear why Mr Carmona - who had declared himself president -
and the military chiefs who backed the coup surrendered without firing a shot.

The answer to the mystery, Newsnight was told by a Chavez insider, is that several
hundred pro-Chavez troops were hidden in secret corridors under Miraflores, the
presidential palace.

Juan Barreto, a leader of Mr Chavez's party in the national assembly, was with Mr
Chavez when he was under siege.

Mr Barreto said that Jose Baduel, chief of the paratroop division loyal to Mr Chavez,
had waited until Mr Carmona was inside Miraflores.

Mr Baduel then phoned Mr Carmona to tell him that, with troops virtually under his
chair, he was as much a hostage as Mr Chavez. He gave Mr Carmona 24 hours to
return Mr Chavez alive.

Escape from Miraflores was impossible for Mr Carmona. The building was
surrounded by hundreds of thousands of pro-Chavez demonstrators who, alerted by
a sympathetic foreign affairs minister, had marched on it from the Ranchos, the
poorest barrios.

Mr Chavez told Newsnight that, after receiving the warning from Opec, he had hoped
to stave off the coup entirely by issuing a statement to mollify the Bush
adminstration. He pledged that Venezuela would neither join nor tolerate a renewed
oil embargo.

But Mr Chavez had already incurred America's wrath by slashing Venezuelan oil
output and rebuilding Opec, causing oil prices to nearly double to over $20 a barrel.

His opponents had made it clear that they would not abide by Opec production limits
and would reverse his plan to double the royalties charged to foreign oil companies in
Venezuela, principally the US petroleum giant Exxon-Mobil. The US government's
panic over the calls for an oil embargo, made public by Iraq and Libya on April 8 and
9, also explains what Venezuelans see as the state department's ill-concealed and
clumsy support for the coup attempt.

Mr Chavez told Newsnight: I have written proof of the time of the entries and exits of
two US military officers into the headquarters of the coup plotters - their names,
whom they met with, what they said - proof on video and on still photographs.

Last month the Guardian reported a former US intelligence officer's claims that the
US had been considering a coup to overthrow the Venezuelan president for nearly a

Newsnight is on BBC2 at 10.30pm

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002


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believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama 

[CTRL] More Terror Groups for the List

2002-05-13 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,2763,714484,00.html

Israel thwarts Jewish bomb attack on school

Suzanne Goldenberg in Jerusalem
Monday May 13, 2002
The Guardian

Israel has thwarted a Jewish extremist plot to blow up a Palestinian hospital and a
girls' school in Arab East Jerusalem, arresting the bombers as they attempted to
install their high-powered explosives.

The plot came to light two weeks ago when police in Jerusalem stumbled on two
men unloading their bomb on the pavement between a girls' high school and the
Mukassad hospital, the main health centre for the Palestinians of East Jerusalem. It
was due to explode when the 1,500 pupils arrived at school. Two other men were
arrested later.

News of the attempted bombing - which was withheld by a court order until the
weekend - was greeted with considerable horror in Israel, and the men were
condemned by both the left and the right.

These fellows, if successful, could have created a major disaster, and with all due
respect to the Israeli agony about suicide bombings, this would have just contributed
another incredible atrocity that we don't want to see, said Ehud Sprinzak, dean of
the Lauder School of Government, and an expert on Jewish extremist groups.

However, several rabbis from small and hardline illegal Jewish settlements in the
West Bank criticised the arrests. Outside the Russian compound in Jerusalem,
where the men are being held, a small group has kept a vigil for the last few days,
and Kahane Chai, a Jewish extremist group outlawed in Israel and included on
America's list of international terrorist organisations, called for the release of the

I think the government should put bombs in hospitals but unfortunately the
government doesn't do it, so it is up to the people to do those things, Noam
Federman, a spokesman for Kahane Chai, said.

The hospital bombing plot is the latest sign of a resurgence among Jewish 13
extremists, who have constantly accused the prime minister, Ariel Sharon, of going
soft on the Palestinians.

In March, a bomb exploded at a Palestinian boys' school in another part of Arab East
Jerusalem, injuring seven children and a teacher. It was claimed by a group called
the Revenge of the Children.

A police spokesman yesterday said investigators were looking for links between that
attack and the attempt to bomb the hospital. They are also seeking connections
between the attacks and the killing of at least seven Palestinians who were shot
dead on West Bank roads by another shadowy extremist group.

There have been no prosecutions in connection with any of these incidents, but Mr
Sprinzak said he hoped the arrest of the four men would lead to a breakthrough. He
also predicted that the arrests would scare off other extremists who might be
contemplating similar action.

But there was little sign of that at the weekend in Bat Ayin, a small Jewish settlement
in the West Bank, and home of three of the detainees. According to the Israeli press
yesterday, the settlement is particularly insular - banning entry to Palestinians and 
non-Jews. There are no televisions, and male residents are required to grow beards.

The discovery of the plot has fuelled speculation in Israel of the re-emergence of a
highly sophisticated network of Jewish extremists. During the 1980s, a group known
as the Jewish Underground planned attacks on the Al-Aqsa mosque, a Muslim holy
site in Jerusalem, and struck at Palestinian political figures.

However, Mr Sprinzak dismissed those fears. That underground is long gone, and
those people have been freed. When people in Israel speak of an underground they
have in mind a sophisticated group, with very well trained operatives. This is nothing
like that.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002


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not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your 

[CTRL] (Fwd) PHARISEE WATCH: Lobby for Taxpayers' Dollars

2002-05-13 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

AIPAC Meeting Features Senator Jon Kyl Who Pledges Support to Israel

C. E. Carlson

Up to 450 Israeli patriots, guests and picketers attended the

American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) meeting at the

Scottsdale Arizona Hilton Hotel on Sunday morning, May 5.   AIPAC

describes itself on its website as America's Pro-Israel Lobby and

quotes the New York Times in what calls it The most important

organization affecting America's relationship with Israel.

The meeting format was decidedly more Israeli than American. It began

with the standing singing of the Israeli National Anthem.  The

American flag was present, but was not deployed in a superior

position to the Star of David.  The Star Spangled Banner was not

offered, nor was there a pledge to The American flag.  One verse of

God Bless America was sung as a consolation offering.

Keynote speakers included Israeli Patriot Arizona Senator Jon Kyl,

Member of Congress Jane Harman, AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr

and Israeli former bureaucrat and now Stanford Professor Ariel

Levite.  The reoccurring theme was that Yasser Arafat

controlls terrorism and the Palestinian people, that he is guilty

of acting in bad faith so the Palestinian people must be further

punished.  Thus, Arafat was pictured as sort of a backwards proxy for

the people.  He is guilty but they must suffer.

AIPAC inconsistency indicates it has a love hate relationship with

Mr. Arafat; they love to denounce him but they don't want him to go

away.  Dr. Ariel Levite, who has served in the Defense Ministry,

provided his version of the history of the intifada where he

repeatedly fixed the blame on Arafat.  He stressed that the Israeli

people want peace.  The writer got the impression that Dr. Levitt

considers Arafat far too useful to get rid of.

Kyl and Harmon competed for which could do the most for Israel.

Both in their strident anti-Palestinian views, made the paid AIPAC

Director and the Israeli agent appear moderates by comparison.   Kyl

stopped just short of saying all Palestinians should be ejected, as

his friend, retiring Congressman Dick Armey recently publicly

demanded.  Kyl proudly stated he had had taken a military jeep tour

around the West Bank, and said he agreed with Israel that it needed

to appropriate a buffer zone between the west bank and Syria before

a treaty is signed.  He called for the cessation of funding to the

PLO, which he said was upward to $170 million, and he indicated

confidence congress would comply.

Kyle's agenda mirrors the wish list of AIPAC Director Kohr, who also

said he favored de-funding certain United Nation's investigative

agency unfriendly to Israel.

Representative Jane Harmon stated that she plans to co-sponsor a

measure calling for adding Syria to the terrorist state list, and Kyl

hastened to announce he would add his support.

Several notes of concern played, and several admissions damaging

leaked out of the meeting.  Howard Kohr, stated that AIPAC is

troubled by the widely held view since Day911 that the hatred would

not be there were it not for (US) unique relationship with Israel.

Jane Harmon stated that the US should continue to support

Israel even if we have to go it alone without any other country in

the world with the US.  She seems to understand this may be the


Harmon also stated her support for Israeli action in the West Bank,

but she cautioned that she did not want to see us convert every five

year old into a suicide bomber.

Much of the meeting was consumed by a carefully monitored Israel

friendly panel discussion with friendly written questions supposedly

from the floor.  However, several written questions from the floor

about the use of US Foreign aid to end the live of Palestinian

civilians were not read.

AIPAC Director Kohr stated in his opening remarks, only one country

stands with Israel.  This was a surprising admission.  As the crowd

broke for lunch, Kohr acknowledged the presence of the pro-

Palestinian pickets in front of the building, of which he said

constitutes a growing worldwide problem. Mr. Kohr's speech delivered

at the previously held April 22 conference can be read on AIPAC's

website (www.aipac.org/policy2002hak.html).

A substantial picket of men, women and children organized by Friends

of Palestine rotated on the line steadily from 9:00 AM to 12:30PM

with signs critical of foreign aid, Israeli atrocities, and AIPAC's

influence on Congress.  Several signs were directed at Senator Kyle

of Arizona.   Some picketers carried red, white, black and green

Palestinians flags on busy Scottsdale Road in front of the hotel.

Several counter picketers stationed themselves across the street,

waving Israeli flags.

According to a study by the Washington Report for Middle East

Affairs, Senator Jon Kyl has already been the recipient of $77,000.00

in direct campaign 


2002-05-13 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 This is being sent on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 List: emperorsclothes
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 If you get this message twice, please bear with us.  We'll have a new
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 Please feel free to re-post our material, but please quote our words
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 the documentation.

 www.tenc.net * [Emperor's Clothes]

 BBC Monitoring Central Asia Unit Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring
 December 19, 2001, Wednesday LENGTH: 1420 words FROM:
 Interfax-Kazakhstan news agency, Almaty, in Russian 19 Dec 01 [Posted
 26 January 2002]
 Note: The following text contains no commentary from Emperor's
 Clothes. For related reading, see end.- EC]

 by Jared Israel

 Below is a report on the testimony of Elizabeth Jones, US assistant
 Secretary of State for Eurasian Affairs, before the US Senate last
 December. It comes from Kazakhstan courtesy of BBC. I could find no
 mention of Jones' Senate testimony in any US newspaper. Fortunately,
 we have Kazakhstan which is only about 6547 miles away and so it is
 possible for US citizens like me to find out what our leaders
 (so-called) are doing.

 People in the US - and all over the world - were originally told it
 was necessary to launch a military attack on Afghanistan to get rid
 of the Taliban and to arrest Osama bin Laden.

 Remember him?

 But as far back as December, Undersecretary Jones said something
 quite different in the media-free privacy of the U.S. Senate.

 She explained that no matter what happened in Afghanistan, the US and
 its allies would stay and assist the Central Asian Republics.

 that assistance was conditional on economic and democratic reforms
 and the observance of human rights. Jones outlined US priorities in
 the region: combating terrorism; reform; the rule of law; Caspian Sea
 energy resources.

 Many who oppose US policy will see the phrase Caspian Sea energy
 resources and think, Aha! It's oil! They're after oil.

 I don't think that's useful for understanding US policy. If the US
 Establishment needed oil then, as Mr. Castro has argued, they could
 buy it. Or they could buy the oil wells. Or the local oil companies.
 There really is nobody interested in standing in the way of the US
 having a reasonable supply of oil.

 Rather, the US establishment, and the Empire of which it is a leading
 part - perhaps we should call it the New World Empire - is very much
 interested in protecting its current hegemonic position in the world
 from possible future challenges coming from Eurasia - namely, from
 the still-nuclear-armed former Soviet Union.

 Hence the drive into Central Asia.

 In her Senate testimony, Undersecretary Jones made it clear she
 wishes to transform the Central Asia Republics into US protectorates.
 She didn't say it outright, of course, but she used easily
 decipherable code:

 The USA believes, Jones said, that certain countries in the region
 should noticeably step up their economic reforms and democratic
 processes, the observance of human rights and the formation of a
 strong civil society.

 Ahh, a strong civil society. This phrase has a definite meaning in
 the New World Empire. Civil society is strengthened when USAID, the
 National Endowment for Democracy and other government agencies in the
 U.S., Norway, Holland and Germany, as well as seemingly private
 groups, like the CIA-connected Open Society Foundation of George
 Soros, move in.

 What do these agencies do?

 They fund people who work for the Empire in the guise of democratic
 this and human rights that and institutes for economic reform and
 independent media.

 In the words of Allen Weinstein, the man who conceived the National
 Endowment of Democracy:

 'A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the
 CIA,' agrees Weinstein.
 -- Washington Post, September 22, 1991

 To strengthen civil society these fake democracy-funding agencies
 set up NGOs, newspapers and TV stations and political parties as a
 Fifth Column to destabilize local societies along vulnerable lines of
 conflict. Or they inflame regional conflicts in the guise of peace
 and mediation groups. Ultimately these Fifth Column groups stage,
 or attempt to stage coup d'états, always under the guise of
 democratic reform, thus putting US operatives in power.

 This happened in Yugoslavia and Philippines. It was attempted in
 Belarus and Venezuela. The basis is being 

[CTRL] Native America Wisdom?

2002-05-13 Thread Damon Amaeous

-Caveat Lector-

Much homage is paid to Native Americans and their wisdom.  Is the wisdom
deserving of such reverence?

I give you this:

In the beginning, the Cherokee believed that the earth was covered with water
and that beavers came from the sky to drag the mud from the oceans bottom and
bring it to the top.  The beavers then attached it to the sky and created the
land.  The great buzzard now flew to the ground where he flapped his wings
while the valleys and mountains were formed.  It was on one of these flights
that the great buzzard created the land on which the Cherokees lived.



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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Bush Ranch Potemkin Village

2002-05-13 Thread RoadsEnd



PHONY TO THE CORE: The Ole Family Ranch in Crawford is a Set
Completed the Same Day the Election was Stolen

By Cheryl Seal

Have you seen all those article and pictures of Bush at home on the
ranch in Crawford - the ones that imply that he is just an ole
ranch hand more comfortable on the family homestead than in the Big
City, be it Austin or D.C.? Well, if you bought this image, you've
been royally snuckered. The Bush family homestead in Crawford is
nothing more than an elaborate set. The house, built in 2000, was
designed to be ready for Bush to step into - like a set awaiting an
actor - during the 2000 presidential election. Not only was
the ranch created in 2000 - so, essentially, was the town of
Crawford! Before then only about 400 people lived in the area. The
Crawford Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture were formed shortly
after the ranch was finished.

The 1,600 acres on which the ranch sits was purchased in 1999 for
an undisclosed price, but it was a helluva lot less than the current
real estate agents' appraisal of $1.2 million. Yep, worth $1.2
million, but G.W. has a sweet deal at the tax appraiser's office,
where the property is valued at about $988,000. Oh, and that homey
ole ranch house? It's actually a 10,000-square-foot single level
mansion/compound that won't even be 2 years old until this November!
The compound features a swimming pool for daughters Jenna and
Barbara, who apparently loudly demanded it - the Bushes call it the
girls' Whining pool. Btw - we hear Bush got a sweet deal on the
house construction, (the cost, of course remains undisclosed): the
builders came from a religious community in El Mott, Texas. The
original completion date of the house was November 7 - election day
2000. In other words, the curtain went up on the set on schedule
for show time. The very timing of this event indicates that Bush
was absolutely confident that the election would be successfully
engineered in his favor.

The whole idea behind the ranch set, of course, was so that the
public could be treated to footage of Bush seeking a quiet retreat
at the family ranch. Americans would thus assume that the ranch was a
rooted family homestead or compound like the one Kennedy's had in
Martha's Vineyard or FDR had at Campobello. But when Bush retreated
into his homestead in November, 2000, he was merely walking onto a
prepared set upon which the paint had barely dried, let alone even
the barest of roots put down! When we see photos of Bush bombing
around the ranch in his leather jacket in his ole pickup,
supposedly knowing every tree and bush - it's all pure fantasy! If
Bush knows every tree and bush after actually spending, all told, a
total of about 2 months on the ranch (if you put the odd days end to
end) since it was bought, then I''d like to know when he found time
to hold all those endless Crawford press conferences! Seems to me
he'd be way too busy introducing himself to trees and bushes.

Until Bush and handlers decided that a rural ranch would be a slick
bit of PR for the presidential campaign, Bush had no interest in
a home on the range. Instead, his preferred weekend retreat was to
the Rainbo Club, an exclusive lakeside hunting club in Henderson
County, about an hour south of Dallas, much closer to the comforts of
Austin. When a Bush run for president began to look like a pretty
good bet, the 1,600 acres were bought and the Bushes started making
weekend trips to a 60-year-old ranch house that existed on the
property - not of course, before refurbishing it! - so they could
build the lore that would take in the American public, hook, line
and sinker.

In an interesting side note - while Bush is anti-conservation in his
presidential policies to please his corporate pals, in his OWN home,
he has installed several conservation/energy saving features,
including solar panels for heating water, rainwater collection for
landscape irrigation, an air conditioning system that uses
groundwater and a gray water recycling system. The obvious impression
here is that Bush, being all PR show and no substance or real
convictions, wants to cover all the bases. Block conservation when it
is expedient, but have some conservation stuff to show off when
that is expedient.

So, in short, we have a president who, ON THE SAME DAY - November
7, 2000 - stole an election and had the last nail driven into a phony
ranch set. But with a completely snuckered press corps, we also have
had a completely snuckered public. And a platoon of completely
snuckered world leaders, chief among them Blair and Putin, who have
been hosted at the ole ranch set and completely taken in. Alas, the
Crawford ranch is a symbol of the utter corporate phoniness of this
administration. The whole scenario reminds me of those type of
sophisticated con artists (like the ones who recently convinced
several investors they could turn sand into gold! ) who blow into
town, rent an upscale office 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Moonie Rag Denies 9-11 Inside Trading

2002-05-13 Thread RoadsEnd


Spin from a spook-haunted journal owned by the Rev. Moon. Enough said?



Not Much Stock in 'Put' Conspiracy
Posted May 13, 2002
By Kelly Patricia O'Meara

There has been a great deal of talk about alleged insider trading of
airline stocks by associates of Osama bin Laden prior to the Sept. 11
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Government
investigators remain tight-lipped about a Department of Justice (DOJ)
probe of possible profiteering by terrorists with advance knowledge
of the attacks despite data that show trading activity on at least
two of the most obvious stocks don't support the premise.

In fact, based on financial information almost immediately available
to investigators, even the most febrile conspiracy theorists would
have to agree that this dog don't hunt. For instance, much of the
speculation involves put options ? a bet that a stock will go
down ? on American and United airlines, the two carriers whose planes
hijackers seized for the attacks. Yes, there was a spike in puts on
those airlines just days before, but the data show such spikes
weren't anomalous.

On Sept. 6, 2001, the Thursday before the tragedy, 2,075 put options
were made on United Airlines and on Sept. 10, the day before the
attacks, 2,282 put options were recorded for American Airlines. Given
the prices at the time, this would have yielded speculators between
$2 million and $4 million in profit ? hardly what any analyst would
call a killing in the options markets. Based on historical data for
both airlines, the put options just prior to Sept. 11 neither were
dramatic nor unprecedented.

For example, there were repeated spikes in put options on American
Airlines during the year before Sept. 11, including June 19 with
2,951 puts, June 15 at 1,144 puts, April 16 at 1,019 and Jan. 8 at
1,315 puts. United Airlines puts were a little more during the prior
year, including Aug. 8 at 1,678 puts, July 20 with 2,995, April 6 at
8,212 and March 13 at 8,072. Since such relatively small spikes in
options occur frequently and in a random pattern, why would respected
financial analysts and government investigators cry foul?

That is the mystery. Because the matter still is under investigation,
none of the government investigating bodies ? including the FBI, the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and DOJ ? are speaking to
reporters about alleged insider trading. Even so, suspicion of
insider trading to profit from the Sept. 11 attacks is not limited to
U.S. regulators. Investigations were initiated in a number of places
including Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Luxembourg,
Hong Kong, Switzerland and Spain. As in the United States, all are
treating these inquiries as if they were state secrets ? which, given
the known financial information about trading in the equities of the
two airlines used in the attacks, seems curious.

Lynne Howard, a spokeswoman for the Chicago Board Options Exchange
(CBOE), tells Insight that information about who made the trades was
available immediately. We would have been aware of any unusual
activity right away. It would have been triggered by any unusual
volume. There is an automated system called 'blue sheeting,' or the
CBOE Market Surveillance System, that everyone in the business knows
about. It provides information on the trades ? the name and even the
Social Security number on an account ? and these surveillance systems
are set up specifically to look into insider trading. The system
would look at the volume, and then a real person would take over and
review it, going back in time and looking at other unusual activity.

Howard continues, The system is so smart that even if there is a
news event that triggers a market event it can go back in time, and
even the parameters can be changed depending on what is being looked
at. It's a very clever system and it is instantaneous. Even with the
system, though, we have very experienced and savvy staff in our
market-regulations area who are always looking for things that might
be unusual. They're trained to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
Even if it's offshore, it might take a little longer, but all
offshore accounts have to go through U.S. member firms ? members of
the CBOE ? and it is easily and quickly identifiable who made the
trades. The member firm who made the trades has to have identifiable
information about the client under the 'Know Your Customer'
regulations (see Snoops and Spies, Feb. 22, 1999), and we share all
information with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Given all of this, at a minimum the CBOE and government regulators
who are conducting the secret investigations have known for some time
who made the options puts on United and American airlines. The
silence from the investigating camps could mean any of several
things: Either terrorists are responsible for the puts on the airline
stocks; others besides terrorists had 

Re: [CTRL] Native America Wisdom?

2002-05-13 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 Much homage is paid to Native Americans and their wisdom.  Is the wisdom
 deserving of such reverence?
 I give you this:
 In the beginning, the Cherokee believed that the earth was covered with
 and that beavers came from the sky to drag the mud from the oceans bottom
 bring it to the top.  The beavers then attached it to the sky and created
 land.  The great buzzard now flew to the ground where he flapped his
 while the valleys and mountains were formed.  It was on one of these
 that the great buzzard created the land on which the Cherokees lived.

Hmm. Almost as ridiculous as the Old Testament / Torah.

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Re: [CTRL] HR 3598 was ... Wonder if they'll reinstate the draft...

2002-05-13 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/13/02 1:50:42 AM Central Daylight Time,

 As a mother of a 16 year old, I say no to all of it.
  No son of mine will fight for the greed of the global
  elite.  If they care to send THEIR sons to fight, fine
  by me.

  The military machine is nothing but the global greed
  machine and I want no part of it.  If that means I
  can't drive me fricking car anymore, so be it!

  Yeah.  My son could handle boot camp and he'd probably like weapons
training, and if that's all it was, I could probably go along with it if he
could.  But fighting and killing for sick military/industrial monetary
purposes - I cannot see that.   Our sons in the US will face the choice
between jail and the military if HR 3598 passes?  The Canada option is
closing.  And without money to leave the country and go elsewhere, I don't
know what can be done to protect these young men from either jail or the

  According to HR 3598 all young men who graduate before Jan 2003 will be
exempt.  We did the math and our son can't graduate in or before Jan 2003
even with summer school.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Uncivil Wars

2002-05-13 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Likud party defies Sharon, says no to a future Palestinian state

May 13, 2002, 04:30 AM

TEL AVIV (AFP) - Israel's right-wing Likud party voted a resounding no to a
Palestinian state in brazen defiance of their leader Prime Minister Ariel Sharon,
already politically vulnerable after his army put on hold a threatened military strike 
the Gaza Strip.

The hardline stance by Likud's 2,600 person central committee late Sunday was sure
to damage Sharon's ability to direct Israel's fragile national unity government, torn
between right and left.

Likud ministers are now bound to block any peace initiative that could lead to the
establishment of a Palestinian state.

Sharon warned the crushing vote would damage Israel's vital ties with its top ally the
United States, which advocates the establishment of a Palestinian state and has
exerted heavy pressure on Sharon to curb Israel's military forays in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip.

I respect all democratic decisions of the central committee, but I will continue to 
the country according to the principles that I have always held: security for Israel 
aspirations for peace, Sharon declared after his party's stunning snub of his

Sharon was feeling the heat from former premier Benjamin Netanyahu, his rival for
power, who engineered Sharon's humiliation by the Likud, just as the White House
had started to demand Sharon move the peace process forward.

Sharon, a hardline former general, first tried to head off Netanyahu's manoeuver with
his own motion to stop the vote. But the party rejected his motion by 59 percent.

In a sign of US influence, the army began Sunday standing down reservists called up
for an operation against the largely Gaza-based Islamic group Hamas, which claimed
Tuesday's deadly suicide bombing outside Tel Aviv, state radio said.

The report was the latest indication the Jewish state had put on hold the threatened
attack in retaliation for the pool hall blast that killed 16 Israelis and wounded 

Sharon, who was having talks in Washington with US President George W. Bush just
as the explosion went off, cut short a US trip and flew home vowing to avenge the
deaths. But the tough talk soon became muted.

A Sharon spokesman denied the reports that Israel's decision had been made under
heavy pressure from Washington, which wanted to keep chances for peace talks

But David Maguen, head of the Israeli parliament's foreign affairs and defense
committee, told state radio the decision was part of a political calculation.

Israel is reaping the results of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's recent visit to
Washington and there were very positive developments, particularly at Sharm el-

He was referring to Saturday's summit of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Syrian
President Hafez al-Assad and Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz
that ended with a new appeal for peace.

The three key Arab leaders restated the Arabs' sincere determination to achieve
peace and their rejection of all forms of violence, according to a statement issued
after the gathering.

But Sunday's political bust up in Israel threatened to dash any fresh momentum for
Middle East peace.

Before the Likud vote, King Abdullah II of Jordan said: It would be an extremely
negative reaction, because what we're talking about is a crisis of violence that 
side can get themselves out of.

Leading Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat slammed the right-wing Israeli Likud
party's landslide rejection.

What we have seen tonight is a major and severe blow to all efforts being made to
revive the peace process, Erakat told CNN.

I hope this vote will be an eye opener for President Bush who calls for the
establishment of a Palestinian state, he said, adding it showed what kind of people
we are dealing with in the Likud party and the Israeli government.

The revival of Israel's peace movement had also piled pressure on Sharon's brittle
coalition government.

More than 60,000 people demonstrated Saturday in Tel Aviv to demand an end to
the occupation of Palestinian territories in Israel's largest peace rally since the 
conflict erupted 19 months ago.

Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, meanwhile, told the Italian newspaper La
Repubblica that a proposed peace conference could be held in June, possibly in Italy
or Turkey.

In Bethlehem, Greek Orthodox Patriarch Irineos I celebrated the first mass to be held
inside the sixth-century Nativity Church complex after Friday's end to the 39-day
standoff between Israeli forces and Palestinian gunmen.

But politics also weighed at the holy site as a senior clergyman celebrating a special
mass at an adjoining church blasted Israel's occupation of Palestinian territory as
the root of evil in the Middle East.

As long as the root of evil is there, the violence will stay. The root of 

Re: [CTRL] Native America Wisdom?

2002-05-13 Thread iggy

-Caveat Lector-

makes about as much sence as a burning bush and a virgin mother..

Damon Amaeous wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Much homage is paid to Native Americans and their wisdom.  Is the wisdom
 deserving of such reverence?

 I give you this:

 In the beginning, the Cherokee believed that the earth was covered with water
 and that beavers came from the sky to drag the mud from the oceans bottom and
 bring it to the top.  The beavers then attached it to the sky and created the
 land.  The great buzzard now flew to the ground where he flapped his wings
 while the valleys and mountains were formed.  It was on one of these flights
 that the great buzzard created the land on which the Cherokees lived.



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 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Native America Wisdom?

2002-05-13 Thread Don S. Brown
I think a much more real sense of wisdom is the unflinching belief in a son of God that was executed and then resurrected days later only to become, well something, after that.
Of course getting the sun to stand still and several foot thick walls to come tumbling down with the blowing of trumpets is certainly a much more civilized belief. Then again a good old Red Sea parting or the casual walk on water befits the cerebral capacities of a civilized culture and people much better than falling beavers from the sky for crying out loud.
Did I mention a virgin giving birth?

In a message dated 5/13/02 1:17:54 PM !!!First Boot!!!, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Much homage is paid to Native Americans and their wisdom. Is the wisdom
deserving of such reverence?

I give you this:

In the beginning, the Cherokee believed that the earth was covered with water
and that beavers came from the sky to drag the mud from the oceans bottom and
bring it to the top. The beavers then attached it to the sky and created the
land. The "great buzzard" now flew to the ground where he flapped his wings
while the valleys and mountains were formed. It was on one of these flights
that the "great buzzard" created the land on which the Cherokees lived.


[CTRL] Mark Twain's Americanism

2002-05-13 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.positiveatheism.org/tochtwai.htm

Mark Twain's Americanism
by H.L. Mancken
The New York Evening Mail

Index: Mark Twain
Index: H.L. Mencken
Index: Biographies
Home to Positive Atheism

November 1, 1917

When Mark Twain died, in 1910, one of the magnificos who paid public tribute to him
was William H. Taft, then President of the United States. Mark Twain, said Dr. Taft,
gave real intellectual enjoyment to millions, and his works will continue to give such
pleasure to millions yet to come. He never wrote a line that a father could not read to
a daughter.

The usual polite flubdub and not to be exposed, perhaps, to critical analysis. But it
was, in a sense, typical of the general view at that time, and so it deserves to be
remembered for the fatuous inaccuracy of the judgment in it. For Mark Twain dead is
beginning to show far different and more brilliant colors than those he seemed to
wear during life, and the one thing no sane critic would say of him to-day is that he
was the harmless fireside jester, the mellow chautauquan, the amiable old grandpa
of letters that he was once so widely thought to be.

The truth is that Mark was almost exactly the reverse. Instead of being a mere
entertainer of the mob, he was in fact a literary artist of the very highest skill and
sophistication, and, in all save his superficial aspect, quite unintelligible to Dr. 
millions. And instead of being a sort of Dr. Frank Crane in cap and bells, laboriously
devoted to the obvious and the uplifting, he was a destructive satirist of the utmost
pungency and relentlessness, and the most bitter critic of American platitude and
delusion, whether social, political or religious, that ever lived.

Bit by bit, as his posthumous books appear, the true man emerges, and it needs but
half an eye to see how little he resembles the Mark of national legend. Those books
were written carefully and deliberately; Mark wrote them at the height of his fame; he
put into them, without concealment, the fundamental ideas of his personal philosophy
-- the ideas which colored his whole view of the world. Then he laid the manuscripts
away, safe in the knowledge that they would not see the light until he was under six
feet of earth. We know, by his own confession, why he hesitated to print them while
he lived; he knew that fame was sweet and he feared that they might blast it. But
beneath that timorousness there was an intellectual honesty that forced him to set
down the truth. It was really comfort he wanted, not fame. He hesitated, a lazy man,
to disturb his remaining days with combat and acrimony. But in the long run he
wanted to set himself straight.

Two of these books, The Mysterious Stranger and What Is Man? are now published,
and more may be expected to follow at intervals. The latter, in fact, was put into type
during Mark's lifetime and

privately printed in a very limited edition. But it was never given to the public, and
copies of the limited edition bring $40 or $50 at book auctions to-day. Even a pirated
English edition brings a high premium. Now, however, the book is issued publicly by
the Harpers, though without the preface in which Mark explained his reasons for so
long withholding it.

The ideas in it are very simple, and reduced to elementals, two in number. The first is
that man, save for a trace of volition that grows smaller and smaller the more it is
analyzed, is a living machine -- that nine-tenths of his acts are purely reflex, and 
moral responsibility, and with it religion, are thus mere delusions. The second is that
the only genuine human motive, like the only genuine dog motive or fish motive or
protoplasm motive is self interest -- that altruism, for all its seeming potency in
human concerns, is no more than a specious appearance -- that the one unbroken
effort of the organism is to promote its own comfort, welfare and survival.

Starting from this double basis, Mark undertakes an elaborate and extraordinarily
penetrating examination of all the fine ideals and virtues that man boasts of, and
reduces them, one after the other, to untenability and absurdity. There is no mere
smartness in the thing. It is done, to be sure, with a sly and disarming humor, but at
bottom it is done quite seriously and with the highest sort of argumentative skill. The
parlor entertainer of Dr. Taft's eulogy completely disappears; in his place there 
a satirist with something of Rabelais's vast resourcefulness and dexterity in him, and
all of Dean Swift's devastating ferocity. It is not only the most honest book that Mark
ever did; it is, in some respects, the most artful and persuasive as a work of art. No
wonder the pious critic of The New York Times, horrified by its doctrine, was forced
to take refuge behind the theory that Mark intended it as a joke.

In The Mysterious Stranger there is a step further. What Is Man? analyzes the
concept of man; The Mysterious Stranger boldly analyzes 

[CTRL] Controlling the Human Spirit

2002-05-13 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/ellerbe0.htm

Controlling the Human Spirit
The Inquisition and Slavery
by Helen Ellerbe
from The Dark Side of Christian History

Index: Historical Writings (Various)
Home to Positive Atheism
See also: The Witch Hunts: The End of Magic and Miracles by Helen Ellerbe
See also: History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe by
W. E. H. Lecky

There has been no more organized effort by a religion to control people and contain
their spirituality than the Christian Inquisition. Developed within the Church's own
legal framework, the Inquisition attempted to terrify people into obedience. As the
Inquisitor Francesco Pena stated in 1578, We must remember that the main
purpose of the trial and execution is not to save the soul of the accused but to
achieve the public good and put fear into others. The Inquisition took countless
human lives in Europe and around the world as it followed in the wake of
missionaries. And along with the tyranny of the Inquisition, churchmen also brought
religious justification for the practice of slavery.

The unsubmissive spirit of the Middle Ages only seemed to exacerbate the Church's
demand for unquestioning obedience. The Church's understanding of God was to be
the only understanding. There was to be no discussion or debate. As the Inquisitor
Bernard Gui said, the layman must not argue with the unbeliever, but thrust his
sword into the man's belly as far as it will go. In a time of burgeoning ideas about
spirituality, the Church insisted that it was the only avenue through which one was
permitted to learn of God. Pope Innocent III declared that anyone who attempted to
construe a personal view of God which conflicted with Church dogma must be
burned without pity.

Before the inquisition was fully underway, the Church welcomed heretics back into its
fold under terms it considered reasonable. The following is an example of such

On three Sundays the penitent is to be stripped to the waist and scourged by the
priest from the entrance of town ... to the church door. He is to abstain forever from
meat and eggs and cheese, except on Easter, Pentecost, and Christmas, when he is
to eat them as a sign of his abnegation of his Manichaean errors. For twoscore days,
twice a year, he is to forgo the use of fish, and for three days each week that of 
wine and oil, fasting, if his health and labors will permit. He is to wear monastic
vestments, with a small cross sewed on each breast. If possible, he is to hear mass
daily and on feast- days to attend church at vespers. Seven times a day he is to
recite the canonical hours, and, in addition the Paternoster ten times each day and
twenty times each night. He is to observe the strictest chastity. Every month he is to
show this paper to the priest, who is to watch its observance closely, and this mode
of life is to be maintained until the legate shall see it fit to alter it, while for 
of the penance he is to be held as a perjurer and a heretic, and to be segregated
from the society of the faithful.

Few heretics returned to the Church of their own accord.

The Church turned to its own canon law to authenticate an agency which could
enforce adherence to Church authority. In 1231 Pope Gregory IX established the
Inquisition as a separate tribunal, independent of bishops and prelates. Its
administrators, the inquisitors, were to be answerable only to the Pope. Its
inquisitional law replaced the common law tradition of innocent until proven guilty
with guilty until proven innocent. Despite an ostensible trial, inquisitional 
left no possibility for the suspected to prove his or her innocence; the process
resulted in the condemnation of anyone even suspected of heresy. The accused was
denied the right of counsel. No particulars were given as to the time or place of the
suspected heresies, or to what kind of heresies were suspected. A suspected
friendship with a convicted heretic was also a crime, yet no information was given as
to which heretic the accused was to have adored. The names of accusing
witnesses were kept secret. One's only recourse was an appeal to the Pope in
Rome, which was so futile as to be farcical. The friar Bernard Delicieux declared:

... that if St. Peter and St. Paul were accused of 'adoring' heretics and were
prosecuted after the fashion of the Inquisition, there would be no defense open for

The inquisitor presided over inquisitional procedure as both prosecutor and judge.
While he was technically to arrive at his decision after consulting with an assembly of
experts of his choosing, this check to his power was soon abandoned. An inquisitor
was selected primarily on the basis of his zeal to prosecute heretics. He and his
assistants, messengers, and spies were allowed to carry arms. And in 1245, the
Pope granted him the right to absolve these assistants for any acts of violence. This

[CTRL] Annual Report 2000 - Toronto Police Service

2002-05-13 Thread iggy


Title: Annual Report 2000 - Toronto Police Service




of 32












Biker Gangs 

biker gangs and their criminal activities have existed in our city
for 40 years. The Toronto area gangs that have prospered in recent
years are reflected in their accompanying patches. 

in these gangs has fluctuated over the years but generally has remained
in excess of three hundred bikers. Their criminal activity has historically
centred on, but is not limited to, pursuits such as; the trafficking
of controlled substances and firearms, as well as property crimes
involving tractor trailer cargo theft and distribution. Bikers also
control the strip club industry through intimidation and extortion.
Although seemingly in direct competition for profits derived from
these various criminal enterprises, the gangs have co-existed in relative

Present Day Scenario 
The outlaw biker community in the Province of Ontario and specifically
in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), has very recently undergone a dramatic
re-organization, which will potentially have significant consequences
for law enforcement and for the community at large. 

This re-organization occurred almost overnight. It was initiated by
the Bandidos motorcycle gang who absorbed most of the Rock Machine
organization, as well as individual members from the Outlaws and the
Loners motorcycle gangs. 

Quebec-based Hell's Angels motorcycle gang responded with a swift
and unprecedented 'patch over' of the entire membership from the Satan's
Choice, Para-Dice Riders and Last Chance motorcycle gangs, as well
as individual members from the Loners, Rock Machine and the Outlaws
motorcycle gangs. 

The outlaw biker community in the GTA is now effectively controlled
by four outlaw motorcycle biker gangs, three of which have international
status. They are the Hell's Angels, Outlaws, Bandidos, and the Vagabonds.

Response by Law Enforcement 
The arrival into the Province of Ontario of the Hell's Angels outlaw
motorcycle gang in particular, as well as the Bandidos motorcycle
gang, has been predicted by knowledgeable biker investigators since
the early 1980's. As a response in part to this threat, the Provincial
Special Squad came into existence on June 1st, 1998. The squad is
a Joint Forces Operation, which includes membership from eighteen
police agencies within the Province and also includes the Criminal
Intelligence Service of Ontario (CISO). 

The primary mandate of this squad is to more effectively utilize province-wide
policing resources, by maximizing their collective law enforcement
efforts against the criminal aspects of outlaw motorcycle gangs. The
Toronto Police Service has been a dedicated partner within the Provincial
Special Squad from the inception of the unit. 

The Challenge 
The recent shifting and strengthening of allegiances within the outlaw
biker community has re-enforced the need for law enforcement to generate
a strong and sustained centralized response to this flourishing organized
crime problem. 






  of 32




[CTRL] Packing.org Concealed Carry (CCW), Concealed Weapon Permit, Concealed Weapon Law : all united states

2002-05-13 Thread iggy


Title: Packing.org Concealed Carry (CCW), Concealed Weapon Permit, Concealed Weapon Law : all united states

Concealed carry database, News tracking, Gun ranges, Events, etc.
The American Self-Defense InstituteIf you have guns...For self-protection...For peace of mind

Monday, May 13, 2002



State CCW Info: Select state
All of Canada
All United States
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
New York City
North Carolina
North Dakota
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Washington DC
West Virginia

Over 4,889 readers and contributors
1,545offsiteclick-thoughsonMay 12, 2002

Search stories:  


All United States: Laws and Summaries

General Notes:

Date updated: Thursday, April 4, 2002
The BATF has  FAQ's pages for all Gun related issues. To find these pages go to BATF and put "FAQ" in the search box. This should bring up a list of issues the BATF addresses on their web site. You should be able to find all the answers to your questions there concerning Firearms and the BATF.

How do I apply for a permit?


Documents required


Issuing authority


Permit term


Approximate cost


Places off-limits while carrying

All federal property
Federal parks
Post offices

Car/Gun law summary

Date updated: Wednesday, April 3, 2002
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 44 > Sec. 926A.
  Sec. 926A. - Interstate transportation of firearms 

 Notwithstanding any other provision of any law or any rule or regulation of a State or
 any political subdivision thereof, any person who is not otherwise prohibited by this chapter
 from transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport a
 firearm for any lawful purpose from any place where he may lawfully possess and carry
 such firearm to any other place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm if,
 during such transportation the firearm is unloaded, and neither the firearm nor any
 ammunition being transported is readily accessible or is directly accessible from the
 passenger compartment of such transporting vehicle: Provided, That in the case of a
 vehicle without a compartment separate from the driver's compartment the firearm or
 ammunition shall be contained in a locked container other than the glove compartment or

Must volunteer carry status to Law Enforcement


Carrying without a permit


Peaceable journey law summary:


State/local preemption law:


Offices relating to CCW licensing in All United States

Issuance of permits:
Resident permits:no

Non-resident permits:no

Shall-issue permits:N/A

Must apply in person:unk

Re: [CTRL] Native America Wisdom?

2002-05-13 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Damon Amaeous [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Much homage is paid to Native Americans and their wisdom.  Is the wisdom
 deserving of such reverence?

More than this post, which has nothing to do with conspiracy theory


- jt

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Native America Wisdom?

2002-05-13 Thread iggy

-Caveat Lector-

iggy wrote:

like organised religion isn't the biggest consperacy of them all?
born agains scare me
it's their way or the burning stake.

Joshua Tinnin wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -
 From: Damon Amaeous [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Much homage is paid to Native Americans and their wisdom.  Is the wisdom
  deserving of such reverence?

 More than this post, which has nothing to do with conspiracy theory


 - jt

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
  A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of

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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] church has paid out est. 1 billion, Iraq

2002-05-13 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Roman Catholic Church Shifts Legal Strategy Aggressive Litigation Replaces
Quiet Settlements By Michael Powell and Lois Romano - Washington Post Staff
Writers  - 5/13/02 the diocese charged in a countersuit that it was she
who was negligent for allowing her boys, then 7 and 10, to sleep over at the
sacristan's apartmentThe 194 Catholic dioceses in the United States,
Sweeney noted, do not possess limitless resources -- some estimates put their
net worth at about $15 billion. The church and its insurers have already paid
out an estimated $1 billion in settlements -- obtained from the sale of
assets and from special church abuse or molestation liability insurance
coverage. And officials expect insurance premiums and settlement costs to
mushroom.It's the largest Christian denomination in the world, with 63
million members in the United States.


The siege of Baghdad - May 11 2002
The US obsession with toppling Saddam Hussein is growing despite European
doubts and shaky justification, writes Gay Alcorn.  The last remaining
suspicion that Saddam Hussein was involved in the death of 3000 Americans on
September 11 seemed to be put to rest. ''US officials scotched the ''Iraqi
connection in a series of leaks this week, saying they no longer believed
the hijackers' ringleader, Mohammed Atta, held secret meetings with an Iraqi
intelligence agent in the Czech capital of Prague in April last year.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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