[CTRL] What Did 'Energy Dialogue' At Bush-Putin Summit Mean?

2002-06-16 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
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This article appears in the http://www.larouchepub.com/eirtoc/2002/eirtoc_2922.html";>June 7, 2002 issue 
of Executive Intelligence

Subject:  What Did 'Energy Dialogue' At Bush-Putin Summit Mean?

by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach

The summit meeting between U.S. President George W. Bush and Russian
President Vladimir Putin on May 23-24, was hailed as "historic" for the
strategic arms reduction agreement signed. But that agreement has little
substance, militarily or otherwise. Both sides maintain a devastating nuclear
capability, and some warheads "reduced" on the American side will be merely
stockpiled, not destroyed.

The significance of the summit lies in the far-reaching "energy dialogue,"
encapsulated in a joint statement issued following the talks on May 24. Even
prior to the agreement, speculation had been rife in Russian and other
international media, about supposed U.S. plans to build up Russia's oil and
gas production, to replace those from the Persian Gulf, in case of a crisis.

The statement begins, "Successful development of the global economy depends
on timely and reliable energy delivery. In this context, we welcome the fact
that the Russian Federation has confirmed its role as a major world energy
provider. In order to strengthen our overall relationship and enhance global
energy security and international strategic stability, we have agreed to
launch a bilateral energy dialogue." The aims are to:

* "Develop bilateral cooperation in the energy sphere on a mutually
beneficial basis in accordance with our respective national energy policies.

* "Reduce volatility and enhance predictability of global energy markets and
reliability of global energy supply.

* "Facilitate commercial cooperation in the energy sector, enhancing
interaction between our companies in exploration, production, refining,
transportation and marketing of energy, as well as in implementation of joint
projects including those in third countries.

* "Encourage investment aimed at the further development and modernization of
the fuel and energy sector of Russia, including expansion of oil and gas
production in Eastern Siberia, the Far East, and offshore areas.

* "Promote access to world markets for Russian energy, including through the
commercial development and modernization of Russia's port and transportation
infrastructures, the electric power and gas sectors, and oil refining

* "Foster science, technological, and business cooperation in the use of
unconventional energy sources, and energy-efficient and environmentally clean

* "Cooperate in elaboration and development of new ecologically safer nuclear
power technologies."

The statement also cites the Caspian Sea and implicitly Central Asia: It says
of the Caspian region, "We also welcome our commercial cooperation with the
United States and in other countries where our companies, and their
international partners' experience, technology, and capital can be joined to
provide the commercially reliable energy supplies which are essential to
fostering prosperity and global stability."

Who's Fooling Whom?

So much for the text. What the agreement actually means, is still an open
question. All any intelligent viewer could say, is: "Who in Hell-or, from Hell -is 
fooling whom?" Is Russia playing a deception game, waiting for America's
economic-financial and military-strategic problems to escalate further? Or,
is the "liberal" faction in Russia willing to make Russia "the West's energy
and raw materials supplier," with some nuclear weapons added as a "sweetener"
for having lost great power status?

Newsweek, in its May 27 issue, addressed this as a matter of how to make the
Great Game "look nice." Saying the "real news" of the summit was that "Moscow
and Washington aim to carve out a whole new relationship, particularly in
Central Asia," the magazine predicted the summit would yield a deal, whereby
Russia would make up for shortfalls in oil supplies from the Gulf-Middle East
region, in exchange for Western investments, and for integrating Central Asia
into world markets. Articles on this theme also appeared in Business Week,
the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Forbes magazine, Radio Free
Europe/Radio Liberty, and the German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,
among others.

During the summit, the Russian online publication Strana.ru published a piece
by its "Russian Observer," which outlined a nightmare scenario-at least for
the oil producers of the Persian Gulf. It said the intent was to make Russia
"an ally of the West in a vital Western economic security interest," and the
West an ally of Russia in the same terms. Author Ira Strauss, known for his
anti-Arab views, called the energy

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] re BREAKING - document is very probably a fake

2002-06-16 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

This just in from overthrow.com who are seeking to substantiate this latest

German Forger Living In US Under Assumed Name
By LSN Auto-Post  (The document given to LSN as a background report on
September 11 was produced )
13:00:08 06/16/2002
[ Respond to this Post ]

by a convicted counterfeiter Peter Stahl, who is an agent of the federal
government and currently living under the assumed name "Gregory Douglas" as
part of a federal witness protection program.

According to information given to LSN today, the man who read the report to
the Barnes Review conference has a lengthy arrest record including charges
of fraud and counterfeiting currency. He has also used the alias "Peter

LSN is currently working on getting the full story on Douglas, but it
appears the document we received may have planted into the "far right"
movement by outside forces, which did not expect it to receive such
wide-spread exposure. It may also have been a simply frogery made by Douglas
to get attention and have something to present.

The document may also be legitimate, but that is becoming increasingly

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Democrats.com Daily News for June 16, 2002

2002-06-16 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

amazing stuff in this one  fwd

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

___DEMOCRATS.COMThe Aggressive Progressives__

Democrats.com is the largest independent community of Democrats.
We publish the only Democratic daily news service - and it's free!
Our members make it possible through generous contributions.
Please help by clicking below!

___.COMPOSITION__In This Issue___

Anti-Bush Protests and Greg Palast Speaking Events

Support the Corporate Patriot Enforcement Act - Write Your Representatives

Families of 14 Victims of 911 Sue the Bush Administration for $7 Billion

'Tin Soldiers and Bush is Coming': Bush Again Orders the Arrest of Silent Protesters, 
This Time at Ohio State Graduation

Court-Martial Proceedings against Lt. Col. Steve Butler Are Dropped 24 Hours after 
Democrats.com Publicized His Case

Judge Smacks Bush for Rejecting First Amendment Rights of Former Government Official

South Carolina Gov. Declares Emergency to Block Plutonium Shipments

How Close Will Bush's Nu-ku-lar Waste Trains Come to Your House?

Cheney's Chief of Staff, 'Scooter' Libby Traded in Energy Stocks While Drafting the 
Energy Plan

On the Very Day He Fought for a $250,000 Cap on Lawsuit Damages, Bob Barr Sued 
Clinton, Carville and Flynt for $30 Million

GAO Vandalism Investigation Was Nothing More than Another Bob Barr Witch Hunt

Virginia's First Republican House Speaker Resigns Over $100,000 Sexual Harassment 

IRS Scrubs Soft Money Donation Disclosures; Katherine Harris's Reports Mysteriously 

With Bush 100% Behind Sharon and Rumsfeld, Powell May Quit

Documentary of US 'War Crimes' Shocks Europe

Al Qaeda and Bush are 'Playing With our Heads'

Smoking Gun Feedback: Seismologists Weigh in about Missing Waves, Readers Ponder 
Pentagon Crash

FBI's Anthrax Investigation Drags On, As Criticism Grows

Christie Whitman Pimps for Polluters Once Again, Promoting Dirty Coal-Burning Power 

Drug Companies are Gaming the Drug Patent System

__Anti-Bush Protests and Greg Palast Speaking Events

On 6/17, protest Bush in Atlanta, GA. On 6/21, protest Bush in Orlando, FL. On 6/23, 
protest Cheney in Portland, OR. On 6/24, protest Bush in New Jersey. On 6/27, protest 
Cheney in Charlotte, NC. See Greg Palast on his West Coast book tour promoting the 
"Best Democracy Money Can Buy." He will be speaking in Oakland on Saturday 6/15, and 
in SF on Sunday 6/16. Monday 6/17 he will speak at Sonoma State University; Tuesday 
6/18 in Portland; Wednesday 6/19 in Eugene; Thursday 6/20 in Vancouver, BC; Friday 
6/21 in Bellingham, WA and Bellevue, WA, and Saturday 6/22 in Seattle. For details, 
visit the link at the below Citizens for Legitimate Government page.

__Support the Corporate Patriot Enforcement Act - Write Your Representatives

"In recent years, corporate execs have been rushing to relocate their companies in the 
Caribbean, most often in Bermuda where there is no income tax. This practice deprives 
the Treasury of an estimated $70 billion a year - money desperately needed to fund 
critical programs in education and healthcare. To close tax loopholes exploited by 
corporate executives, Representative Richard Neal (D-MA) has proposed legislation that 
bans the unpatriotic practice of relocation for tax purposes. Indeed, what could be 
more unpatriotic than U.S. companies declaring themselves foreign to avoid paying 
taxes? Adding insult to injury, many of these formerly American companies enjoy 
lucrative government contracts... The aptly named, Corporate Patriot Enforcement Act, 
would make it illegal for companies to relo

[CTRL] Ex-Altar Boy, Mom Win $800G in Case, Minnesota law

2002-06-16 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors.

Ex-Altar Boy, Mom Win $800G in Case  6/15/02 By Joe Ruff Omaha, Neb. (AP) -
The Omaha Archdiocese will pay $800,000 in damages to a former altar boy and
his mother following a civil verdict involving a priest who has already been
convicted of sexual assault and making child pornography.


State of Minnesota in Supreme Court C8-00-2227 Court of Appeals "As a matter
of law, a reasonable child is incapable of knowing that he or she has been
sexually abused. Absent some other disability that serves to delay the
running of the statute of limitations, the six-year period of limitation
provided in the delayed discovery statute, Minn. Stat. § 541.073 (2000),
begins to run when the victim of sexual abuse reaches the age of majority."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] REVIEW: "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" [Antony C. Sutton]

2002-06-16 Thread ab
-Caveat Lector-

JUNE 11, 2001 
Reviewed: Antony C. Sutton's "Wall Street and the 
Rise of Hitler reviewed by Victor Thorn 
Published by: '76 Press - copyright 1976 

Have you ever seen news reports on TV that cover 
remote wars in Afghanistan or Sudan or Bumfuck Egypt, and the scenery is 
desolate - either sparsely-vegetative mountains or barren deserts? Then you see 
the residents who live in these areas, and they're gaunt, barely clothed, and 
look on the brink of starvation because the only thing they have to eat are rats 
or cactus or dogs or sand. But then the war footage begins, and these people who 
can barely clothe and feed themselves are sporting bazookas, anti-aircraft 
missiles, tanks, and hand-grenades. It makes ya wonder - where does the money 
come from? Sure, some of it is funneled through terrorist groups, but not all of 
With the above foundation in mind, let's hearken 
back to Germany in the 1920's. The country had been decimated by World War I, 
unemployment was rampant, and hyper-inflation virtually made the Deutschmark 
worthless. Then all of a sudden, an impoverished flophouse artist named Adolf 
Hitler emerged on the scene and built one of the most imposing war machines in 
history. By the time he rose to power, the Stock Market had crashed in '29 and 
the world was in the midst of The Great Depression. So, framed within this 
context, one has to ask themselves, where did the money come from? 
Antony Sutton's "Wall Street and the Rise of 
Hitler" answers this question in a startling fashion. On the inside dust jacket, 
the following overview is provided: 
"Professor Antony C. Sutton proves that World War I 
was not only inevitable, it was extremely profitable - for a select group of 
financial insiders ... Sutton conclusively establishes his thesis: "The 
contribution made by American capitalism to German war preparations can only be 
described as phenomenal. It was certainly crucial to German military 
It continues, "Not only was an influential sector 
of American business aware of the nature of Naziism, but for its own purposes 
aided Naziism whenever possible (and profitable) - with full knowledge that the 
probable outcome would be war involving Europe and the United States. 

Here is the thoroughly documented account of the 
role played by J. P. Morgan, T. W. Lamont, the Rockefeller interests, General 
Electric Company, Standard Oil, National City Bank, Chase and Manhattan Banks, 
Kuhn, Loeb and Company, and scores of other business elitists in helping to 
finance the bloodiest, most destructive war in history." 
With the above introduction in mind, I'd like to 
begin this essay by reinforcing the main point of a review that appeared in 
Babel # 14 (see "Adolf Hitler and Black Magic"). In that piece, Trevor 
Ravenscroft argued that the core of Naziism was founded on occultism and ritual 
magic. Well, in Professor Sutton's book, he confirms that the roots of Naziism 
were indeed based upon "neo-pagan societies, the Bavarian Illuminati, and the 
Thule Society." 
Another point that must be made perfectly clear is 
one involving the responsibility for the Holocaust, and how blame is often 
shifted away from American and European interests by passing the buck and 
claiming ignorance. Such claims are simply not true, as can be seen from item 4 
of the "Program of the National Socialist German Workers Party": 
# 4 - "None but members of the Nation may be 
citizens of the state. None but those of German blood, whatever their creed, may 
be members of the nation. No Jews, therefore, may be a member of the nation." 

The above document was published in 1920, more than 
two decades before the Final Solution began. Also, Mein Kampf is littered with 
anti-Jewish rhetoric. So, if you research this subject and come across 
individuals who say that they were unaware of Hitler's anti-semitism, it simply 
isn't the case. Those in control were well-aware of his leanings, intentions, 
and inclinations. 
With these two points of clarification in mind, I'm 
going to proceed by breaking this review into six sections: 
1) The Financial Octopus 2) The Dawes and Young 
Plan 3) I. G. Farben 4) American Industrialists 5) Henry Ford 6) 
I) The Financial Octopus 
The first point that Professor Sutton wants to make 
clear is that wide-scale wars and "movements" don't just happen. It takes a 
tremendous amount of preparation, planning, and behind-the-scenes string-pulling 
to get them underway. In this vein, he'd like his readers to know that the same 
group of financiers who funneled money to the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and 
also bankrolled FDR's "New Deal" campaign in the early 1930's were also the same 
one's to bankroll the Nazi's rise to power. Take a moment and think about the 
ramifications of this statement. A shadowy cabal of

[CTRL] Fwd: [NewPacifica] Re: Transcript of Mike Ruppert on KPFK 6/13/2002, Reformatted

2002-06-16 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---

-Caveat Lector-

from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Sun, Jun 16, 2002 at 12:09:07PM -

On Sun, Jun 16, 2002 at 12:09:07PM -, edix2001 wrote:
>--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Mark S Bilk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Michael Ruppert: There is a term from the
>> 60's Cointelpro, which many old-time activists remember well,
>> which was orchestrated attacks from within the Left on the
>> Left to fragment the Left...[interrupted]
>> SK:  Are you suggesting that David Corn has some links to
>> the FBI?
>> MR:  I am saying that his behavior is certainly consistent
>> with that kind of a pattern, yes, absolutely.
>Seems to me there may be a central author to this type of accusation
>in regards to Pacifica:
>Curt "Scooter" Schroell (a Ruppert supporter) accuses Dan Jones of
>being CoIntelPro

 1. The Web page says "COINTELPRO-**TYPE** Operation Against
Pacifica Network and KPFT -- Targets Progressive/Leftist
Broadcasters and Activists"

It doesn't accuse anyone of being a government agent, but
observes that what a small group in Houston has been doing
is similar to parts of COINTELPRO in its technique -- a smear
campaign unsupported by any evidence -- and in its target --
the Left.

 2. I wrote that page, not Scooter.

 3. The pages by Scooter and Hep Ingham starting at
http://www.acksisofevil.org, present the evidence from all
the witnesses to the "Jewish Voices" program on April 17,
and demonstrate once and for all that Professor Buzzanco is
innocent of the accusations of antisemitism made against him
by some members of this same anti-Left group and their radio
guest who heads a pro-Israel propaganda organization.

The purpose of the new page is to present the evidence
(a  sampling of the actual smear messages) of the
COINTELPRO-type operation against various leftist
broadcasters and Pacifica activists who freed the network
from the hijackers.  This will make clear the nature and the
timeline of this conflict that's been going on in Houston,
so that anyone in Pacifica, or outside it, can easily and
accurately understand who originated the attacks, and who
are their targets.  The content of the smear messages, as
well as the nature of the targets, make it clear that this
was not some personality clash, but rather a politically
motivated effort to remove Progressive/Leftist broadcasting
from KPFT and the other Pacifica stations.

In other words, this operation is a new attempt to accomplish
the same results as the hijacking -- getting rid of the
accurate, uncensored news and analysis that exposes the
exploitation and murder of people around the world for the
benefit of some wealthy Americans, and others who harm
people in order to benefit themselves.

 4. I'm revising the new page; in particular, color-coding the
descriptions of the smear posts differently from those of the
responses to them, to make them all easier to access.  Also,
some of the descriptions need editing.  So readers may want
to wait for the announcement that it's ready, which should
occur sometime later today (6/16).


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[CTRL] Fwd: Letter from Afghanistan -- June 16, 2002

2002-06-16 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Sorry I've been remiss. The last few months have been very, very busy, centered around two trips to Afghanistan -- a trip to Herat and the western parts of the country in early April, and a longer trip to Kabul and eastern Afghanistan in May. I'm working on something substantial about my five weeks or so in Afghanistan. In the meantime here's a piece I wrote that was published today. Below the story are links to some of the articles I worked on while in Afghanistan. 

Hope to talk to everyone soon.

Warm regards,

Mending Afghanistan: With the fall of the Taliban, it's time to fix the roads

By Borzou Daragahi
Special to The Star

SAFFEH-CHIR, Afghanistan

They play homemade instruments and use old buckets of yogurt for drums. They sing terribly and can't keep a beat. Plus, they're not very bright. 
"The neighbors don't like our music," says Aziz Khan, an 18-year-old would-be flute player. "We play loud anyway."

Call them the punks of the Panshir Valley. 

Following a grueling seven-hour drive along the dusty, bumpy unpaved road from Kabul, these youngsters' music is grating on the ears. But the bad tunes are important for the future of Afghanistan. The traditional folk music they play (badly) had been fading from the Panshir Valley until recently. Most serious musicians have long since fled abroad. 

And the people who remained had more urgent matters to attend to, like dodging Russian carpet bombings. Or fighting off Taliban putsches from the south. 
"We've known nothing but war," said Saifudin, a 21-year-old who plays a homemade tambura, a traditional string instrument somewhat like a guitar. "To the north of us there's been war. To the south of us there's been war." 

Before its troubles began in the late 1970s, Afghanistan was an impoverished, politically unstable Third World country. But at least ordinary Afghans had their own traditional lives, culture and language. The last 23 years of war have so devastated this country that even the millennia-old music must be rebuilt from scratch. 

A pair of trips to western and eastern Afghanistan over the last two months revealed a nation of shards, rubble and broken off pieces: shattered lives, amputated limbs, dilapidated roads, abandoned villages and war-ravaged city neighborhoods. The Loya Jirga - the grand council designated to create an 18-month government for Afghanistan - got under way this week. But rebuilding the country's political structure may be the easy part. The real challenge for Afghanistan is the massive social, economic and cultural reconstruction project at hand. 

The roads must be rebuilt. A 60-mile trip on Afghanistan's roads can take five hours. 

The schools must be resupplied. Though Afghans in the west are among the most educated of immigrants, Afghanistan suffers an estimated 90 percent illiteracy rate. 

Communications networks must be restored. There are no telephone land lines between cities. 

Basic municipal services must be restarted. Kabul residents currently toss their trash into streets. 

Most importantly and challenging, relations between Afghanistan's four major ethnic groups - Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras and Uzbeks - must be patched up. The Pakistani-supported Taliban, overthrown with the help of a U.S.-led bombing campaign late last year, were largely Pashto. The hated rule of the Taliban and ethnic reprisals against other groups have led to a severe backlash against Pashtuns. Mistrust and hatred between the Pashtuns and all else abounds. A Tajik friend in Herat called all Pashtuns Taliban. A Hazara friend in Kabul insisted on referring t

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] The Ongoing Anthrax Cover-Up

2002-06-16 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

http://www.news.scotsman.com/international.cfm?id=655812002   Scotsman   Sun 16 Jun 2002    War on terror: FBI ‘guilty of cover-up’ over anthrax suspect    NICK PETERS IN WASHINGTON    American investigators know the identity of the killer who paralysed the US  by sending anthrax in the post but will not arrest the culprit, according to  leading US scientists.    For several months the Federal Bureau of Investigation has claimed it has  few leads and little evidence about the group or individual who targeted  politicians and media organisations.    Their failure to arrest a suspect has compounded other failures of the  American security agencies to take action which could have prevented the  September 11 attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.    This week, the FBI and John Ashcroft, the attorney general, were at the  centre of controversy when they claimed that they had apprehended an American  citizen intent on detonating a ‘‘dirty bomb’’, a conventional bomb which would  contaminate a large area with radioactive material. Both were forced to admit  that there was no evidence that Jose Padile had done little more than associate  with suspected al-Qaeda agents in Pakistan.    Last week scientists at Fort Detrick, the US Army’s top secret biological  warfare research centre at Fort Detrick, Maryland said the FBI had looked at  ways in which anthrax could have been smuggled out of the complex.    At a time when the Bush administration is beefing up America’s Homeland  Security defences any indication of progress by the FBI should be good news, but  one prominent and well-respected biowarfare expert believes the FBI has not only  known the identity of the terrorist for months but has conspired with other  branches of the US government to keep it secret.    Dr Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, director of the biological warfare division at  the Federation of American Scientists, first accused the FBI of foot-dragging in  February with a scathing investigation that included a portrait of the possible  perpetrator so detailed that it could only match one person.    Rosenberg said she knows who that person is and so do a top-level clique of  US government scientists, the CIA, the FBI and the White House.    "Early in the investigation," Rosenberg told Scotland on Sunday, "a number  of inside experts, at least five that I know about, gave the FBI the name of one  specific person as the most likely suspect. That person fits the FBI profile in  most respects. He has the right skills, experience with anthrax, up-to-date  anthrax vaccination, forensic training, and access to the US Army Medical  Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (AMRIID) and its biological agents  through 2001."  Rosenberg’s profile suggests that the suspect is a  middle-aged scientist with a doctoral degree who works for a CIA contractor in  Washington DC. She adds he has to know or have worked closely with Bill Patrick,  the weapons researcher who holds five secret patents on how to produce  weapons-grade anthrax, that he suffered a career setback last summer that  embittered him and precipitated his campaign and that he has already been  investigated by the FBI.    Most crucially, she believes the suspect has in the past actually conducted  experiments for the government to test the response of the police and civil  agencies to a bioterror attack.    "It has been part of the suspect’s job to devise bioterror scenarios,"  Rosenberg said. "Some of these are on record. He is known to have acted out at  least one of them, in hoax form, perhaps as part of an assignment to test  responses. Some hoax events that have never been solved, including sever

[CTRL] Fwd: Newsletter #5

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Greetings from the Center for an Informed America! Please forward this
newsletter widely. If this was forwarded to you and you would like to
receive future mailings, e-mail a request to be added to this mailing

   The Center for an Informed America

 June 16, 2002

Greetings to all subscribers, and best wishes to all the fathers out

The chess moves being made by the Bush team are, with each passing day,
growing increasingly transparent, increasingly cynical, increasingly
contemptuous of the American people, and - perhaps most of all -
increasingly arrogant.

It is becoming more and more obvious that this administration doesn't
feel the need to even give lip service to justifying their actions to
the American people -- doesn't feel the need to tell lies with even a
modicum of credibility. For Bush & Co., no lie is too absurd to parade
out before the American people.

Now these people, with the rather obvious exception of George himself,
are not stupid. They simply don't care. They have elevated arrogance to
a level perhaps never before seen on the world stage. They know that
they can rely on all of their media whores to boldly repeat any lie that
rolls off their lips, and they really don't give a damn how thoroughly
ridiculous those lies have become.

In my mind's eye, I can picture them sitting in a smoke-filled back room
somewhere laughing their asses off at the willful ignorance and blind
patriotism of many of our fellow citizens. Yes, even as we wave our
flags and tell pollsters how much we admire the exemplary job that Team
Bush is doing, they are having a good laugh at our expense.

How could they not be?

They have taken a man who, if he hadn't had the good fortune to be born
with the name "Bush," would have had a hard time holding down a job
shoveling shit out of the stables, and they have installed him, against
the will of the electorate, in what is purportedly the highest office in
the land.

In a country where we are indoctrinated from the womb to believe that we
will be rewarded for hard work, talent, and intelligence - where we are
taught that the very best and brightest will naturally rise to the top -
they have chosen to install at the very top of the food chain a lazy
(intellectually and otherwise), talentless, functionally illiterate,
hollow shell of a man.

In a nation of better than 250,000,000 people, George Bush was declared
to be the best qualified applicant to represent to the country, and to
the world, the principles for which we claim to stand -- principles
which George Bush contradicts by his very existence.

And cynically installing Sir George was just a warm-up exercise for what
has followed.

If you listen carefully, you can almost hear the bellows of laughter
coming from that smoke-filled room.
Cheney: "Wait a minute guys ... how's this for an idea ... let's all
start talking about how he has really grown into the job."
(hysterical laughter follows)
Rumsfeld: "Wait ... I've got an even better one: let's compare him to
(even more hysterical laughter)
Ari Fleischer: "Oh my god, that's perfect!"
(riotous laughter)
George Bush: "Ha, ha, that's funny ... who are we talking about?"
Karl Rove: "Hey Rummy, are you going to pass that bong around or what?"
(high-fives all around the room)

If one has the ability to journalistically detach ones self from the
passing parade, the fools on the Hill put on a wonderfully surreal and
sublimely hilarious show. But the unfortunate reality is that the
actions taken by this administr

[CTRL] Fwd: [NewPacifica] Transcript of Mike Ruppert on KPFK 6/13/2002, Reformatted

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Reformatted for legibility, and corrected spelling of a few names.

>From: Joseph Wanzala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 19:01:08 -0700 (PDT)
>Subject: Re: [NewPacifica] Transcript of Mike Ruppert on KPFK

This is a rough transcript of the interview.  [SEGMENT BEGINS]

Sonali Kolhatkar:  "Due to the overwhelming interest that
government and military agencies have shown our website and
facilities, we are offering a special research package for
all U.S. Government and military agencies.  Normally the
on-line-only subscription is $35 per year, but for the
above-mentioned groups, we have a special for an on-line
subscription for only $25 per year."  That's a message for
U.S. Government and military agencies on the website of From the
Wilderness, edited and published by Michael Ruppert.  Ruppert is
also an investigative journalist and a former narcotics officer
at the Los Angeles Police Department.  But why are government
officials so interested in him and his website?  We'll find
out today as we bring you Michael Ruppert himself.  He's on
the line with us from Canada as he goes on his speaking tour
in Canada where he's speaking to packed audiences and he is
taking some time out to join us on the phone all the way from
Canada to share with us his insight, some of the research that
he's done, some of his theories and some of the controversies
that have surrounded Mr. Ruppert, going all the way from David
Corn to folks right here, to the community.  He has enjoyed a
lot of support as well as a lot of derision, so we are trying
to get him on the line right now, and bring him...bring him
on to talk about his information and some of the cutting edge
research that he is doing which is not really easy to find in
too many other places.  Michael is also involved in a website
that is going to be released, or was released, very soon called
www.unansweredquestions.org.  That's unansweredquestions.org.
And that is a site where a lot of other folks as well as Michael
Ruppert are going to be helping populate with information about
what happened during September 11th and before.  And welcome,
without further ado, welcome to the Morning Show, Michael.

Michael Ruppert:  Thank you.  It's good to be with you.

SK:  It's good to have you with us.  Now, let's begin by talking
about what...about that which makes you so interesting to
government officials, but also to the packed audiences who fill
your speaking halls and those who subscribe to your publication,
"From the Wilderness."

MR:  Well, primarily it is the fact that we've had an editorial
policy which I adhere to extremely strictly, that says that, in
our presentations, we do not use anything that is not verifiable
documented material that can't be replicated by anyone in the
audience or who looks at the website or any other means that
we publish by, and we do not focus on any ideological aspects.
Strictly, we follow the money, and we show how the money works
in any given situation, that liberates the mind to help analyze
what's going on.

SK:  Now there's been a lot of coverage of what the CIA possibly
knew about the terrorist attacks on September 11th last year,
but you had been talking about CIA involvement in the events of
9-11 well before.  And the "Truth & Lies of 911" is videotape
produced by you with hours of presentations on the events of
9-11, as well as an indictment of the CIA, and without any
advertisement, this tape is selling fast.  Can you describe
very briefly what the tape is intended to reveal?

MR:  Well, the tapes have historical context.  In other
words, mo

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Jared Israel Interview on 911

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"WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9-11?" - The Transcript
Jared Israel Interviewed by Mark Haim
KOPN 89.5 FM (Missouri) Evening Edition * 2 April 2002
[Posted 10 June 2002]

[Editor's note: to make the transition from speech to written word
more readable and useful I deleted repetition and side-comments,
mercislessly cut callers' questions or summarized them and condensed
or otherwise altered sentences for clarity. The resulting text is 40%
shorter. I have also corrected minor errors (e.g., Jared said the FAA
knew of the first hijacking at 8:25, but they actually said 8:20) and
added words where the meaning, in print, would be ambiguous.- John


It's a bit refreshing to hear that there are people asking questions
about 9-11. And Jared Israel, over this hour we're going to be
talking about those questions, taking calls from our listeners,
hearing your answers.




Before we get started though, can you give us a little thumb-nail
sketch of who Jared Israel is, what you do, where you're from.


Well, I'm from New York. I'm from the 60's generation. I'm an old
guy. During the 60's - what did you do in the 60's?


Don't say that, it makes me feel old.


You are; you are. You're not getting better; you're getting older.

I was active in the civil rights movement and the student movement
against the war in Vietnam. And then I did just regular life things.
I got back into activity in l998, dealing with media coverage of,
especially, Yugoslavia, and since then media coverage of 9-11.
Analyzing media distortion is a special interest of mine. I did a lot
of that during the war in Vietnam. So I have some experience.


Sort of an investigator of journalists.


Well, that's right. The thing that our Website, Emperor's Clothes,
does is look at how the media misrepresents information.
Frighteningly, we find it occurs in definite patterns, which are very
hard to explain in a nice way. But that's what we do. We study the


Very quickly, after the tragic events of September 11th you-all
devoted a rather extensive portion of your Website to a critique of
the information we were given. Do you want to share just a broad
outline of what your research has shown?


Well, the first thing that shocked me and a lot of other people too
because I've heard this from people in the military and the Customs
Department - was that no planes went in the air over Washington, D.C.
until after the Pentagon was hit.


You're talking about planes that might intercept incoming -


Yeah. Intercept doesn't necessarily mean an aggressive act. It means
a plane goes up and interacts with another plane.

There's a huge Air Force Base 10 miles from the Pentagon, Andrews Air
Force Base, that has two combat-ready fighter wings. The Air National
Guard Fighter Wing describes itself as being maintained in the
highest possible state of combat readiness. None of those planes went
in the air. But then, a few minutes after the Pentagon was hit, t

[CTRL] African Bishop Tutu Says Americans Afraid of Jewish lobby

2002-06-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

African Bishop Tutu Says Americans Afraid of Jewish lobby

"But you know as well as I do that, somehow, the Israeli government is placed on a pedestal (in the US), and to criticize it is to be immediately dubbed 'anti-Semitic,' as if the Palestinians were not Semitic. People are scared in (America), to say wrong is wrong because the Jewish lobby is powerful - very powerful. Well, so what? For goodness sake, this is God's world! We live in a moral universe. The apartheid government was very powerful, but today it no longer exists. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Pinochet, Milosevic, and Idi Amin were all powerful, but in the end they bit the dust." 

-Desmond Tutu, April 29, 2002, "The Guardian" (UK) 

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[CTRL] Fwd: [NewPacifica] Re: Conspiracy?

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"...Before returning to Clinton, it will help to fill out our spectrum a bit. So far we have Domhoff, Quigley, and Oglesby in a line, and Skousen off further on the pro-conspiracy end. On the anti-conspiracy end we should add Erwin Knoll, longtime editor of The Progressive. According to Knoll, "none of the conspiracy theories we have scrutinized meets the test of accuracy -- or even plausibility -- we normally apply to material published in The Progressive, so none has appeared in the pages of this magazine.[12] Knoll's advisory board includes three members of the Council on Foreign Relations, so this fits okay. There's also Chip Berlet, who berates unwitting leftists for falling prey to conspiracy theories that the devious right has conspired to foist on them. He isn't critical of conspiracy thinking on the basis of the evidence, but waits until the theorist can be shown to have incorrect political associations.[13] Berlet doesn't fit anywhere on our spectrum; he's running his own show. "

Clinton, Quigley, and Conspiracy: What's going on here?

by Daniel Brandt
From NameBase NewsLine, No. 1, April-June 1993
When Bill Clinton delivered his acceptance speech at the Democratic convention on July 16, 1992, it didn't contain any surprises, nor were any expected. There were the usual feel-good platitudes: he wanted to talk with us "about my hope for the future, my faith in the American people, and my vision of the kind of country we can build This election is about putting power back in your hands and putting the government back on your side It is time to heal America." Any speech writer could have pulled boiler-plate from the files and pasted together something similar. Speeches for occasions like this one aren't meant to be long on specifics.
Toward the end of the speech Clinton mentioned that "as a teenager I heard John Kennedy's summons to citizenship. And then, as a student at Georgetown, I heard that call clarified by a professor named Carroll Quigley, who said to us that America was the greatest country in the history of the world because our people have always believed in two things: that tomorrow can be better than today and that every one of us has a personal, moral responsibility to make it so."
This was not the first time that Clinton had paid tribute to the memory of his Georgetown professor. A few days earlier, a story on Clinton's background mentioned that he had never forgotten Quigley's last lecture. "Throughout his career he has evoked [this lecture] in speeches as the rhetorical foundation for his political philosophy," according to the Washington Post, which offered another Clinton quotation praising Quigley's perspective and influence.[1] A kindly old professor appreciated as a mentor by an impressionable, idealistic student? This is how it was interpreted by almost everyone who heard it, particularly since Quigley's name was not exactly a household word.
But in certain rarified circles among conspiracy theorists, Clinton's reference to Quigley was surprising. Now that Clinton had one foot in the White House, the conservative Washington Times soon ran an item that tried to clear matters up. Professor Quigley, according to the Times, specialized in the history of a secret group of elite Anglo-Americans who had a decisive influence on world affairs during the first half of this century. Quigley, in other words, was a conspiracy theorist -- but one who had an impeccable pedigree as "one of the few insiders who came out and exposed the Eastern establishment plan for world government." These words belong to Tom Eddlam, research director for the John Birch Soc

[CTRL] Fwd: [NewPacifica] Re: Chip Berlet's cameo appearance

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I though you were inviting debate Mr. Berlet? Here is what I posted, what strikes you as 'vitriol and rude and nasty comments'? How is that different from what you originally wrote in your original e-mail charactering somebody's writing as 'hyperbole'? In my world what I wrote is known as polemics. And again, it is up to you not to defame Ruppert and you should have no fear of lawsuits.
Firstly Mr. Berlet, the fact that Mr. Ruppert has threatened to sue you for defamation should not prevent you from criticising him - unless you agree that your criticisms of him are in fact defamatory. You, like any other journalist, are free to say what you want. If you defame people, however they might sue you. Mr. Berlet, whatever happened on September 11, 1999 was the result of a conspiracy. Any account of the events leading up to it will necessarily be 'conspiratorial' how could it be otherwise? What do you think happened, a natural disaster? The attack was evidently planned in secret by more than one person, ergo a conspiracy, and apparently, according to even the mainstream press, they received at least a little (inadvertent) help from US authorities. Whenever a crime takes place, law enforcement authorities develop 'conspiracy theories' to determine, frequently based on flimsy evidence, who committed the crime. If you were really concerned about the danger of conspiracy theories, you might want to spend your time critiquing the conspiracy theories of prosecutors that have contributed to the staggering number of people in jail, not to mention death row - on conspiracy charges. *You* are the purveyor of hyperbole, you cannot seem to complete a sentence without uttering the words, 'anti-semitic' and/or 'conspiracy'. You are not addressing the evidence. You have not, as far as I know, offered your own indenpent theory of what happened on 9-11 - but then I suppose you are not in the business of writing original stories about political phenomena, only taking scurrilous pot-shots at the work of others who dedicate their lives, unsupported by foundation grants, to tell the truth as they see it. I defy you to point out one instance of 'lack of evidence' for anything that Mike Ruppert, Cheryl Seal, Michel Chussodovsky, Jared Israel or any other independent journalist, researcher has written or said about 9-11. They have presented their interpretations of the large body of evidence in the public domain and some of it obtained through their respective intelligence contacts. You are welcome to disagree that they have made their case, as are their readers. What is odious about your role, is that you presume to act as the high priest of political reality, the gatekeeper of what people are allowed to think and hear. if you don't like Rupperts work, ignore him. It is an insult to the intelligence and political astutenesss of preogressives to suggest that they/we need you to tell us what to think.
Joe W.  
  chipberlet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi,The reality is that it is relatively inexpensive to file a lawsuit for defamation, but it costs anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000 to hire an attorney and defend yourself against a defamation lawsuit, no matter how frivolous. I have been sued for defamation several times. In each case the person suing me lost the case. In one case it cost the non-profit I worked for over $15,000 just to have a judge rule that I did not belong in the lawsuit. So your argument below is simply not true. It is not based on the real world of litigation. You might want it to be true, but it is not true. I felt that my criticisms of Mr. Ruppert were justified.  Have you read the statement posted on the website wh

[CTRL] Fwd: [NewPacifica] PRA's Bay Area Establishment Links

2002-06-16 Thread RoadsEnd

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Censorship of anti-establishment conspiracy researchers
by Pacifica editors and hosts whose editorial judgement is being
specially-influenced by Establishment Foundation-subsidized anti-conspiracy
buffs like Mr. Berlet does, in fact, constitute censorship.
In the late 1990s, the Massachusetts-based Political
Research Associates [PRA] was given a $120,000 grant by the San Francisco
Foundation.  The board of trustees and/or the investment committee of the
San Francisco Foundation has included the following members of the Bay Area
Establishment in recent years: 1. Levi Strauss Foundation Board Member Peter
Haas Jr.; 2. Advent Software Inc. Chair and U. of California-Berkeley Foundation
board member Stephanie Marco; 3. Equidex Inc. Chair and former U.S. Ambassador
to Luxemburg James Hormel; 4. Oakland Private Industry Council CEO Gay Plair
Cobb; 5. Brookings Institute Trustee Emeritus and U. of California-Berkeley
Foundation board member F. Warren Hellman; 6. Stanford University Trustee Leslie
Hume; 7.  Pacific Gas & Electric [PG&E] Chief Finance Officer Kent
Hardy; 8. Seneca Capital Management Founder Gail Seneca; and 9. Foundation for
Chinese Democracy Chair/President Rolland C. Lowe.
The San Francisco Foundation presently controls over
$695 million in assets and takes in about $15 million a year in investment
income from its corporate stock portfolio.

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'Save Our Stations!'

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Full English Text Of The German Intelligence Report We Have It!

2002-06-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Full English Text Of The German Intelligence Report
We Have It!

6/15/02 11:30:26 AM

Bill White

Internet Exclusive -- [Bill: I am currently at a Kinko's outside the conference trying to upload 
the .pdf's, but they are not letting me install FTP. These will go on in pdf 
form this evening. Here is the transcribed text. I apologize for typos.]

[Translation of BND Report on September 11, 2001]


Background Report on 9/11/2001


[page 2]

On Monday 6, August, 2001, at 17:50, [German] Ambassador Ischinger personally 
notified the President of the United States that information developed by the 
Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz [German domestic secret service] as well as the 
BND [Bundesnachreichtendienst, German foreign secret service] indicated that an 
attack by a radical Arab group partially based in Germany was to occur on 10-11 
September, 2001. The President was at that time in residence at his farm in 
Texas. Our [the German's] Ambassador was acting in direct response to 
instructions from Foreign Minister Fischer.

This information was developed from official surveillance of Arab extremist 
groups operating in the Federal Republic as well as from intercepted 
communications between the Embassy of Israel and the Israeli Foreign Ministry 
in Tel Aviv concerning this matter.

The information was "gratefully received" by the US PResident who stated at the 
time that he was also aware of the same pending assaults.

Subsequent to these attack, the office of the US President, through the US 
Department of State, made an urgent request to the government of the Federal 
Republic of Germany that no reference whatsoever should be made to the official 
warnings given by Ambassador Ischinger.

In order to clarify the background of this matter, this Gesamtubersicht 
[overall survey] of the events leading to the assault was prepared, basing on 
extracts of reports from our [BND's] foreign stations.

[page 3]

Overall, it is evident that the American authoritie were aware of the pending 
attacks. Why they did nothing, is explained in the following.

Background: General Overview

Because of the Bush family's involvement in oil (Zapata Oil Company), many 
important and wealthy individuals and corporations with oil interests 
financially supported the Bush political career. Today, the Bush 
administration is therefore strongly influenced by major American business 

The candidate for American Vice President, Richard "Dick" Cheney, had been the 
Chief Director of the Halliburton Company. This company, based in Dallas, 
Texas, where Bush was GOvernor, is the largest oil service company in the world.

Between 1991 and 1997, such important American oil companies as Texaco, Unocal, 
Shell, BP Amoco, Chevron and Exxon-Mobil became involved with the former Soviet 
state of Kazakhstan who holds enormous oil reserves. The government of 
Kazakhstan eas eventually paid over $3 nillions of corporate money to allow 
these companies to secure oil rights. At the same time, these companies agreed 
further to give the sums of 35 billion US Dollar in investments in plant and 
equipment to the Kazakhstan projects. Ac onfidential project report of said US 
firms announced that the gas and oil reserves in Kazaqkhstan would amount to 4 
trillion US Dollar.

[page 4]

The United States is not self-sufficient in oil and 50% of their supply is 
imported from various foreign sources. Some 80% of oil imported to the US 
comes from OPEC-Countries, the Arabian oil cartel. Because of the 
unconditional support by American political leaders of the state of Israel, 
these Arab governments hav a very strained relationship with the USA.

A further small percentage of oil imported to the US comes from Venezuela. 
Just recently, the US government has been attempting to overthrow the 
government of Chavez with the help of the CIA and replace it with a 
government "more sympathetic to American oil needs."

A position paper prepared by the office of the later-Vice President Cheney 
states that the Kazakhstan oil reserves would be "more than sufficient to 
supply US needs for at least a decade" and would further "reduce American 
dependence on OPEC."

Unocal Oil Company signed an agreement with the reigning Taliban forces as well 
as their opponents, the Northern Alliace, in order to ermit an oil pipeline to 
be built through Afghanistan direct through pakistan to the Indian Ocean. by 
this, the exorbitant rates charged by the Russian to use their pipelines would 
be avoided. Unocal then opened official offices in Uzbekistan, Pakistan, 
Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan to facilitate the construction of this oil pipeline.

In December of 1997, official Taliban representatives were in the United States 
to attend a conference at Unocal headquarters in Texas to discuss the 

[page 5]


[CTRL] Fwd: [911-Discussion] Class action lawsuit alleging Bush allowed 911

2002-06-16 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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San Francisco Examiner

Stanley Hilton now figures his case is stronger because
of a coalition of attorneys, victims' families and bipartisan
legislators who gathered in Washington on Monday to
condemn the government's lack of action in preventing the
Sept.  11 attacks.

Hilton is the San Francisco attorney who filed a $7
billion lawsuit in U.S.  District Court on June 3 against
President Bush and other government officials for
"allowing" the terrorist attacks to occur.

Among Hilton's allegations: Bush conspired to create
the Sept.  11 attacks for his own political gain and has
been using Osama bin Laden as a scapegoat.

Hilton said he has information that bin Laden died
several years ago of kidney failure.

"I hope it will expose the fact that there are numbers of
people in the government, including Bush and his top
assistants, who wanted this to happen," Hilton said.

His class-action suit named 10 defendants, including
Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Advisor
Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld, and Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta.
Hilton said he represents the families of 14 victims and
that 400 plaintiffs are involved nationwide.

White House spokesman Ken Macias and Department
of Justice public affairs officer Charles Miller each said
their departments were unaware of the lawsuit.

Hilton, Sen.  Bob Dole's former aide, has been publicly
critical of conservatives in books he has written about
Dole and the Clinton sex scandal.  Hilton, who said he has
sources within the FBI, CIA, the National Security Agency
and Naval intelligence, demands Bush's impeachment and
believes the truth will come out in trial.

Hilton claims the Bush administration ignored
intelligence information, refused to round up suspected
terrorists beforehand, and during the hijackings refused to
disable pilot controls and switch to a ground-based
remote system.

He claims the government benefited from installing a
puppet Afghan government friendly to U.S.  oil interests.

Hilton also says Bush used bin Laden's antagonist
image to create a public frenzy, which allowed the Bush
administration to tighten its political grip.



Today on The Alex Jones Show:

Stanley Hilton

Attorney who filed a $7 billion lawsuit
against President Bush and other
government officials for allowing the
terrorist attacks to occur

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2002-06-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


By: Ed Henry 

"Don't tread on me" has taken a new meaning. Today, it means don't accuse the government of anything evil or you'll pay for it.

Gaining momentum, the investigation into who knew what before 9/11 was effectively quelled by several swift moves from our leaders. First, the President told graduates at West Point that America would take the initiative by taking the battle to terrorists wherever they might be. Then he announced an overhaul and reorganization of government under "homeland security" as the scaffolding for a potential police state.

>From Russia, John Ashcroft told us about a Chicago derelict arrested more than a month ago creating fear of a "dirty bomb" because this American citizen had talked about it. No evidence of any such device mind you, but enough trips to the wrong parts of the world to classify him as public enemy number one or two, or somewhere in our list of terrorists and countries that harbor terrorists. It was certainly enough to get everybody worrying about their own neighborhoods.

All in all, it has left many of us wondering if our "lives were changed forever" by the events of 9/11 or what has happened in the last couple of weeks.

Once known for never starting wars, only finishing them, the land of the free and the home of the brave our President has now decided to strike first and ask questions later. Under the banner of "if you're not with us, you're against us" this should be enough to make everyone but China quake and submit to our will. After all, who has more "weapons of mass destruction," is constantly inventing more, and has demonstrated the willingness to use them? Cries of nuke 'em have always been frequent in this predominantly Christian country.

If other, older nations of the world, previously labeled us an upstart cowboy nation they've certainly got proof of it now. Quick draw is replacing diplomacy and reason.

Having immediately and successfully turned what was in all probability a direct attack on the New World Order's headquarters for international banking, military planning, and leadership in the District of Corruption, spinsters have the whole nation worrying about public gatherings, sports events, symbols of success, casinos, fast food franchises, pedophile priests, kidnapped children, mothers that kill their children, druggies, school shootings, corporate shenanigans, a falling stock market and our enviable "way of life" instead of the true target of the "evil doers."

It's even possible that our elected officials feel as much fear of their own citizens as they do from outside terrorists. And you've got to admit some of the scattered factions in this country are pretty frightening. Hence, the need for more law and order and the dissolution of prohibitions against the government—the Bill of Rights.

And all of this is happening at a time when the government dickers with an absolutely meaningless national debt limit and feels it must plague our children with another three-quarters of a trillion in debt. And why? Just ask any of them and they'll tell you—because it's the responsible thing to do.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Real Life Chemtrail Account

2002-06-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Real Life Chemtrail Account 
by Delinda Kemp 

Your chemtrail article on May 25, 2002 caught my attention mainly because this spring I feel my family's health has been compromised. My family and I reside in Glendora, CA (Los Angeles County). We have only been known to have allergies, but in May that changed. I experienced difficulty breathing for about 1-1/2 weeks where I thought I was also coming down with asthma. I didn't go to the doctor because of scheduling reasons and too much was going on. However, my 4-1/2 year old son was diagnosed with asthma. His first severe asthma attack occurred on May 1st. He was prescribed meds and we purchased a nebulizer for home use. He takes pills to control asthma and allergies now. What was unusual to me was that during the weeks of May 12th and 19th, both my sons (ages 4-1/2 & 3) had nose bleeds. The first occurrence was the morning I woke them up and noticed they both had small amounts of dried blood on their faces and bedding. 

My four-year old experienced this only one time and I had to talk to the school teacher about it because she said he had a nose bleed that same day. My three- year old came home and had another nosebleed and it was dried on his arm and shirt. He continued to experience this off and on during this two week period. I just want to make one thing clear - my boys are not regular nose pickers. I have seen the older one do it some time ago, but it never became a habit. However, on a regular basis I do see airplanes making skywriting (at least that's what I was told growing up), that isn't really writing at all. I remember many times lying out on the beach in my teenage years watching the sky writers and not being able to make any sense out of it. But what remains clear to my husband and me is that we always have noticed that the blue skies change to hazy overcast skies after the skywriters leave! 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] FDR and the Controllers: War-Time Traitors (part three - Russia and the Atomic B

2002-06-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

FDR and the Controllers: War-Time Traitors (part three - Russia and the Atomic Bomb) 
by Victor Thorn 

Without beating around the bush, let's lay it right on the line. Starting in 1943, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his administration, on orders from the Controllers, began giving the Soviet Union secrets to, and the materials for, building the atomic bomb. Now take a look again at the date I just provided - 1943. Yes, that's two entire years before we ever finalized and dropped the Bomb on Hiroshima in August, 1945. One of the key players in this outrageous act was Harry Hopkins, FDR's top advisor and Bolshevik admirer. This traitorous rat played an integral role in giving the Russians both the nuclear materials and blueprints to construct the Bomb. 

If you find this information hard to swallow, listen to what Major General John R. Deane said in "The Strange Alliance." "American aid to the Red Butchers was carried out with a zeal which approached fanaticism." 

Air Force Major George Racey Jordan, in his published 1952 diary, revealed even more. "There seemed to be no lengths to which American officials would go in aiding Russia to master the secrets of nuclear fission." 

The preeminent historian Anthony Sutton, in his book "Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development" wrote about this disturbing turn of events. "Stalin paid tribute to the assistance rendered by the U.S. to Soviet industry before and DURING the war. He said that about two-thirds of all the large industrial enterprise in the Soviet Union had been built with United States help or technical assistance." 

Finally, Harry Hopkins himself assured a group of Russians at a Madison Square Garden rally in reference to atomic secrets that he was, "Determined that nothing shall stop us from sharing with you all that we have." 

One of the primary sources of information in this matter was Air Force Major George Racey Jordan, who had his diary published in 1952. Major Jordan obtained this knowledge while working as a supply expediter and liaison officer from 1942-44 at both the Newark Airport and while serving at an air base in Great Falls, Montana. 

But talk is cheap, so let's get to some real proof. Major Jordan meticulously recorded all of the materials that were shipped to the Soviets during his employ - each of them crucial in building an atomic bomb. (It must be noted that most people in America, Major Jordan included, didn't even know what an atomic bomb was prior to 1945 (due, of course, to its implicit secrecy)). Anyway, here's what was shipped: 

- Graphite - $812, 430 worth 
- Aluminum tubes (used to cook or turn uranium into plutonium) - $13,041,152 
- 834,989 pounds of cadmium metal worth $781,472 
- Thorium - $22,848 
- In January, 1943 alone, we shipped 11,912 pounds of thorium from Philadelphia to Russia. 

Look at what we were shipping them! Why did the Russians need aluminum tubes to turn uranium into plutonium? But that's not all. We also delivered to the Ruskies 1,465 pounds of uranium chemicals; and 2.2 pounds of uranium metal (when our ENTIRE stock of uranium metal was 4.5 pounds)! We surrendered HALF of our entire supply of this crucial raw material to the Soviets! In addition, we also dispatched over 1,000 pounds of deuterium oxide (commonly known as "heavy water") to Russia in November, 1943. Plus, Major Jordan also wrote that an incredible amount of materials was being clandestinely shuttled from Alaska to Siberia. 

But the story doesn't end there. Thousands of Soviet military personnel and scientists traveled to the U.S. in large numbers to visit our labs and bases. This was DURING WWII! Major Racey also recounts how he came upon questionable briefcases delivered to the Russians that had road maps to industrial sites and also classified military bases. One of them was to the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, a highly sensitive locale that was crucial during WWII. Along with the maps were engineering and scientific papers, plus reports from HARRY HOPKINS with words like "uranium," "cyclotron," "proton," and "deuteron." Finally, their briefcases also possessed maps for "Oak Ridge, Manhattan Engineering District." Hmmm, do you think that had anything to do with the hush-hush "Manhattan Project?" Guess it wasn't so hush-hush after all. 

Below is the total aid we gave to Russia while we were in the midst of WWII: 

1942 - $1,422,853,332 
1943 - $2,955,811,271 
1944 - $3,459,274,155 
1945 - $1,838,281,501 

The total - $9.6 billion ... yes ... 9.6 BILLION dollars in aid to the Soviet Union! But once the war was over, did the aid end? Not by a long shot. General Leslie R. Groves relays the variety of items sent to post-war Russia: 

- 121 merchant ships - $123 million 
- 1,285 trains - $103 million 
- trucks and buses - $508 million 
- tractors - $24 million 
- telephone equipment - $33 million 
- generators - $222 million 

Well, lo and behold, on September 23, 19

[CTRL] Ohio State Fascism-What happened today

2002-06-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Ohio State Fascism - 
What happened today
[Editor's Note: The story printed here was posted on a message board called Democatic Underground.com. There were many hundreds of replies to this message and the vast majority of those expressed outrage and incredulity at the treatment afforded these peaceful, silent protesters. This article could be retitled A Tale of Two Stories, for the rendering of events described by the AP story which appeared in the mainstream corporate press (posted below) gives a decidedly different picture of what happened-with no mention of the arrest of the Turn Your Back on Bush protesters. It kind of reminds you of another rally in held in Munich, many, many years ago...Ken Adachi]  

By Tina Staik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  "Angry White Democrat" 
June 14, 2002    

As I sit here before you, I must admit I am truly exhausted from a full day. I've read the thread about Ohio State on LBN, and I am here to tell you it is true...and then some. I'll try to hit all the details.  And what happened to us is truly unbelieveable. 

We arrived at Ohio Stadium at 6AM. A rally was scheduled at the Jesse Owens memorial site for that time, and the graduates were to be at their places by 6:30AM. Family and friends were permitted to enter at that time as well. 

I didn't get close enough to the 6AM rally, but in my search for an organizer of Turn Your Back On Bush, I did indeed hear 
the announcement. Graduating students were told that they would be expelled and arrested if they turned their backs. They 
were alerted that dozens of staff memebers and police officers would be watching the stands, as well as the Secret Service. A few students asked for the definition of expulsiondid it mean removal from the stadium or refusal of their diplomas, or both? One of the persons at the front said "Both. And what will your parents do when they are paged from the crowd to bail out their son?" I do not know if this person had an official capacity with the Ohio State University or any police department. 

I must say, I did not hear that exchange. I was informed of it later when I found outside the stadium protesting. To tell these ADULTS that after 4 years and 80,000 dollars that they would be tossed aside if they didn't face a certain direction? 

I began to wonder how many of those students went to find their friends who were graduating pre-law. 

We entered the stadium later with family and friends, and similar statements swirled around the crowd. "Please make sure 
you stand and loudly cheer our President. Our graduates have been requested to do the same, and have agreed to give a loud cheer for Mr. Bush", etc. 

Once inside, we decided that it might not be a good idea to be too close to the front. We saw the lines of people waiting to 
get in the stadium.and yes, we saw the yellow buses that carted them all in. I asked one of them where they were from. 
The woman replied "Upper Arlington". However, she could not provide a zip code when I asked her for it (the main zip code 
for UA is 43221). Figuring on the masses of bussed-in people, we knew it might not be wise to be up front. 

We went behind the graduates and looked for peace signs on the mortar boards (a sign that was meant to ID the 
Turn-Your-Backers). It was really difficult to get an accurate count, but there were a LOT of peace signs. I was sure that we 
weren't the only ones counting peace signs. 

It didn't take long for our stomachs to turnthe first speaker (I believe the OSU President) began spouting about how 
proud they were to have Bush there. He said "We have a long tradition of inviting great men and women to speak at our 
commencements." I quickly responded "but since we couldn't get one, here's Georgie". 

That got the attention of the state trooper in front of us. His eyes were on me the rest of the time. 

The speech continued to mention that Chimpy was "a tireless worker in the field of education" and "a man who unified this 
country after the terrible events of 9/11". It was interesting to note that it took a LONG time for the 9/11 applause to turn into 
a standing ovationthey held out for that one, not continuing the speech intentionally. 

About 10 minutes later, Shrub was introduced to speak. Before he even got to the stage, we did our about-face. I looked 
over my shoulder to see how many graduates were doing the same. However, everybody was standing at that point, and in 
pure black robes, it was impossible to see who was facing what direction. Furthermore, over that same shoulder, I saw one 
of Columbus' Finest heading our way. 

We never got to see how many students participated. We were being led out of Ohio Stadium. To the officers' credit, he realized there was a 3-year-old in my arms and was not at all hostile. I asked him if I was under 

[CTRL] Will No-One Hear Their Screams?

2002-06-16 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Justice Depart. Reveals More Suspects
By The Associated Press | New York Times

Friday, 14 June, 2002

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The United States is still holding at least 147 people
rounded up as part of the investigation into the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks,
and 18 are not represented by lawyers, the Justice Department said Friday,
responding to a court order requesting the figures.

U.S. District Court Judge Gladys Kessler ordered the Justice Department on
May 31 to update and clarify data about people being detained after civil
liberties groups sued for more information.

The groups, which included the Center for National Security Studies and the
American Civil Liberties Union, demanded the names of all those being held,
information on where they are being held and more current numbers. Kessler
has yet to rule on whether the government's decision to keep secret the
names and locations of detainees is legal, but she ordered the release of
the current number of detainees.

In a court filing, the Justice Department said 74 people are being held on
immigration-related charges and are in the custody of the Immigration and
Naturalization Service. The filing also said that 56 of the INS detainees
are represented by lawyers, according to INS. It was unclear why the 18
unrepresented detainees did not have a lawyer.

Justice Department officials did not immediately return calls for comment.

Also reported in the filing, 73 people are being held in federal custody on
criminal charges or violations related to the government's investigation of
Sept. 11. All 73 are or were represented by counsel.

The Justice Department also revealed that 880 people have been held during
the course of the investigation on charges or violations; 129 by the INS and
751 by the federal criminal justice system.

The government did not reveal how many people had been detained or are still
being held without being charged. A Justice Department official said the
government can hold people as material witnesses to a crime without ever
charging them with an offense.

Government officials have estimated that the number detained in connection
with the investigation might have reached 1,100.

The Center for National Security Studies argues the government is ignoring
fundamental freedom of information laws by keeping the names and locations
of detainees secret.

Justice Department lawyer Ann Weisman has argued against releasing the
names, saying it would only help terrorists plan more attacks and avoid
detection by law enforcement.

"Terrorists may be able to map the progress of the investigation by
communicating with those detained and charting who has been detained and
where,'' Weisman said in court in late May. "Terrorist groups could decide
to switch to an alternate cell if one cell is proven to be compromised by a

Kate Martin, a lawyer representing the groups, said the government had no
reason to withhold numbers of detainees held or the names.

"This is just the government trying to unilaterally say it can arrest people
with no public explanation or documentation,'' Martin argued. "We know that
is not what the Constitution allows.''

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "Dare devil" show

2002-06-16 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


  About three weeks ago, I watched one of my regular programs on
Italian TV, to be specific on channel RAI DUE.
The show is called "SCIUSCIA", an exciting show that includes a 60
minute documentary as a "show opener", then it is followed by a
debate that lasts more than 90 minutes. The debate is between the
guests of the show which includes: Politicians, government officials,
newspaper writers/ editors, and special guests and live satellite

 In that particular night on Friday, the show's theme was about the
U.S. bombing of Afghanistan. It started as usual with the 60 minute
documentary. This time the documentary was shot in Afghanistan, and
it contained images of the horrible results of the U.S bombs, the
destruction whole villages, the murder of innocent civillians.
There was also inteviews with Afghan people who lost their loved ones
because of the U.S bombings. One man was repeating over and over: "
There is no Taliban here, no Qaida", "Why did the U.S bomb these
 Interviews were also conducted with the locals there, they kept
stressing that "Our religion is Islam, with Taliban or without them,
we are keeping our traditions" as the documentary pointed to the
women "still" wearing "Burqa", and most of the men didn't shave their
Another witness said that about 500 of the taliban died after the
bombing started, then about [40,000] men of the Taliban and Al-Qaida
ran away to unknown hideouts.
Also there was an interview with a former Taliban intelligence
official, he talked about Bin Laden, that he met him, and how Bin
Laden was a very influencial intelligent man, and that everybody
listened when "Sheik Osama" spoke.

 One of the interesting guests was Gino Strada, the surgeon heading
the Kabul based hospital "EMERGENCY". Gino kept sterssing to another
guest, American beauty, Clarissa Burt, that his hospital has
documented information on the thousands that were killed or wounded
because of the U.S bombs.

 Another special guest was Robert Fisk whom raised the question of
"Why did the Sep. 11 incident happen?" "Why does the Islamic/ Arab
world hate the U.S?"
Robert Fisk explained a lot of misunderstood facts about the Middle
East and the U.S injustice toward the Arabs.
He also mentioned the latest threats he has been getting from people
like John Malkovich.

 Anyway, the show was very interesting, because, unlike other western
news shows, this show "SCIUSCIA" dared to show images of the truth.

To show and say the truth is a very rare and daring trait that is
very uncommon in the U.S media.

Here is a link to the video exerpts from the documentary that
compares the bombed villages in Afghanistan to the ancient city of
POMPEI that was destroyed by the famous volcano in Napoli.

After the link there is an article by Robert Fisk on his experience
in that show.





Imagine if Blair tried to force Paxman off air. In Italy, that sort
of thing is about to happen

By Robert Fisk in Rome
05 June 2002


Sciuscia, in Neapolitan Italian, means "Shoeshine". It is the most
controversial, provocative, irritating programme on the second
channel of Italy's state television, RAI.
Silvio Berlusconi, the Prime Minister of Italy, would like to make
sure that last week's 33rd edition of Sciuscia – pronounced
'shiewsha' – is the last. In April, Mr Berlusconi claimed that
Michele Santoro, the anchorman of this crazy mix of brilliant
documentaries and That Was The Week That Was scorn, had "made a
criminal use of public television". Italian journalists are waiting
for blood to flow.
Last week's "final" programme of the season – in which I was invited
to take part – included a devastating documentary by the reporter
Corrado Formigli on the West's failure to help Afghanistan. It also
featured a long, angry and sometimes hilarious studio debate on the
folly of our involvement in the country between NGOs, defence
specialists, an American actress, a leftist Italian reporter, a pro-
Israeli journalist and Signor Fisk.
Sciuscia has been a plague on the Berlusconi administration, at one
point investigating the mafia-like background of one of the Prime
Minister's closest colleagues. In presenting the plight of
Palestinians under occupation, Mr Santoro was accused by the Italian
Jewish community – like so many journalists who dare to criticise
Israel – of "anti-Semitism". Leone Paserman, the president of the
Jewish community in Rome, also asked the RAI administration to fire
Mr Santoro. Mr Paserman was subsequently ordered by an Italian court
to pay €

[CTRL] Islands in the Clickstream. The End of Something. June 15 2002

2002-06-16 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

Subject: Islands in the Clickstream. The End of Something. June 15 2002

Islands in the Clickstream:
The End of Something

I thought it was just me, but after speaking with a colleague, I’m not so sure.

Something has happened.

It isn’t one of the obvious things – the end of the illusion of being safe on
the North American landmass, for example – but something more elusive.

Whatever it is, it’s the source of fluttering qualms of anxiety amplified by
those frequent vague useless alerts that make us question the identity of the
real terrorists.

It’s hard to pin down so let me try to approach it obliquely.

I recently attended a homeland defense conference. Lots of smart experienced
people were on the platform and in the audience. Periodically I turned to an
expert in biological warfare, say, or information security to see how people
were responding to the detailed but oddly disconnected presentations.

“How would you sum up the conference?” I asked an aerospace executive.

He thought for a long moment, then said:

“Where’s the beef?”

Maybe that’s part of it. There are lots of details but they don’t connect into
a coherent whole.

Here’s one detail:

During the conference I spoke with a friend who is an expert on corruption,
terrorism, and money laundering. She had written a book about an international
financier and his involvement in all of the above. She has published several
other books noted for their prescience and has a contract for a new one, but
not a single publisher would touch her account of that well-known figure’s
misdeeds. Nor would a single magazine print an article based on the material.

The financier has a lot of clout. One of his “employees” told my friend early
on that her book would never get anywhere. “We know how to keep people like you
quiet,” he said.

Maybe that’s part of it too. That quiet surrounds us, suffocating, blocking all
the exits.

Details pile up. Writers have the luxury of gathering a lot of information,
which most people have neither the time nor the inclination to do – what’s
happening with oil and gas fields in central Asia, that pipeline in
Afghanistan, the impending coup in South America, the cat-and-mouse game we
have played for years with Iraq, the flow of money from narcotics and weapons
sales through the largest banks in the United States. The official story we are
asked to believe, a simplistic tale of “us and them,” is at odds with the
complexity of the real multi-leveled game we are playing. What we’re told is
the signal is the noise and the noise hides the real signal.

We know how to keep the real signal quiet.

Meanwhile, quietly quietly, the strategy of decades is changed and we announce
that we are prepared to strike first anywhere anytime we perceive a threat. The
imperative to manage and control everything is finally articulated clearly, a
global doctrine analogous to the Monroe Doctrine, just a little bigger. At the
same time – quietly, quietly – basic rights are surrendered as I predicted they
would be when an event of sufficient magnitude justified the shift. Last time
around it took a Viet Nam, a Watergate, and Congressional hearings to get some
of them back.

In a recent conversation, Whit Diffie, who invented public key cryptography in
the seventies, made this remark about technology and its implications. “Someone
said that Hitler may have lost the Second World War, but Fascism won.”

The Third Reich went down, in other words, but the technological engines of its
efficiency, enabled by businesses like IBM whose data processing helped the
Nazis track and kill millions, have grown into engines of social and political
control of unimaginable depth and complexity. States, said Diffie, will use
that technology to ensure themselves, always.

Here’s another detail.

The Gulf of Tonkin resolution supporting the Viet Nam War ended the
constitutional requirement that Congress declare war. I recently discussed the
incident with Gene Poteat who was a go-to radar guy at CIA at the time. He
revisited Lyndon Johnson's lack of interest in the real explanation for the
report that American destroyers had been attacked. Johnson asked John McCone,
the Director of Central Intelligence, to evaluate the data and McCone asked
Poteat who said he would need forty-eight hours to do it right. He needed to
review weather and water conditions, ship's logs, and the like to say
definitely whether or not an attack had taken place. McCone told Johnson but
the president announced the following morning that the United States had been
attacked and began bombing North Viet Nam.

When he had all the data, Poteat said, it was clear there had been no attack.
He asked McCone, why didn't Johnson wait for our evaluation?

Because he didn’t want to know,  McCone said. He wanted to go to war.

# # # # #

The bigger question before us is whether or not we have the will and the desire
to know the truth, all of it, all the details, all the levels of 

[CTRL] Stolen Skies: The Chemtrail Mystery

2002-06-16 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:


Subject:  Stolen Skies: The Chemtrail Mystery
Jet Trails in the Sky Used to Disappear. Now they Linger.
by William Thomas

It was around noon on March 12, 2000 when S.T. Brendt, the late night reporter for 
WMWV Radio, entered the kitchen of her country home in Parsonsfield, Maine. Her 
partner, Lou Aubuchont, was puzzling over what he had seen in the sky a half-hour 
before. The fat puffy plumes arching up over the horizon were unlike any aircraft 
condensation trails ("contrails") he had ever seen.
Instead of dissipating like normal contrails, these intersecting sky trails grew wider 
and began to merge. Looking towards the sun, Aubuchont saw what appeared like "an oil 
and water mixture" reflecting a prismatic band of colors.
Ordinarily, contrails flare briefly in the stratosphere as hot moist engine exhaust 
flash-freezes into a stream of ice-crystals. These pencil-thin condensation trails are 
short-lived, evaporating into invisibility as exhaust gases cool quickly to the 
surrounding air temperature.
As National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) meteorologist Thomas 
Schlatter explains, the formation of condensation trails requires temperatures lower 
than about minus 76 F and humidity of 70 percent or more. Because the Federal Aviation 
Authority requires military tankers and transporters to cross continental airspace at 
altitudes below 30,000 feet, ensuring safe separation from airliners flying between 
35,000 and 39,000 feet, these military flights should leave no contrails at all.
But in late 1997, Aubuchont began to notice thicker trails extending from horizon to 
horizon. Hanging in the sky, these expanding white ribbons would invariably be 
interwoven by more thick lines left by unmarked Air Force jets, white or silver in 
As Brendt glanced out the window, it looked like another gorgeous, cloudless day. But 
not quite. She spotted two jets laying billowing white banners to the north. Turning 
her gaze due west, Brendt saw two more lines extending over the horizon. She called 
Lou. Within 45 minutes, the couple counted 30 jets. "This isn't right," Brendt 
thought. "We just don't have that kind of air traffic here." While Aubuchont kept 
counting, Brendt started calling airports.
Alerted by a call from Brendt, Richard Dean, WMWV's assistant news director and the 
WMWV news staff filed outside and counted 370 lines of persistent contrails in skies 
usually devoid of aerial activity.
Brendt phoned a number of Air Traffic Controllers. They all stated that nothing 
unusual was going on. After several calls, Brendt reached one ATC manager who offered 
a different story. He told Brendt that his radars showed nine commercial jets during 
the same 45-minute span. From her location, he said, she should have been able to see 
only one plane.
"What about the other 29?" Brendt inquired. The ATC official confided off-the-record 
that he had been ordered "by higher civil authority" to re-route inbound European 
airliners away from an airborne "military exercise" in the area. "They wouldn't give 
me any of the particulars and I don't ask," he explained. The controller (who insisted 
on being identified only as "Deep Sky,") subsequently repeated his statements on tape 
before witnesses at the WMWV studio.
'It's a Military Exercise'
On December 8, 2000, Terry Stewart, the Manager for Planning and Environment at the 
Victoria International Airport, responded to a caller's complaint about the strange 
patterns of circles and grids being woven over the British Columbia capitol. Stewart 
left a message on an answering machine tape - a message that later was heard by more 
than 15 million radio listeners. Stewart explained: "It's a military exercise, [a] US 
and Canadian Air Force exercise that's going on. They wouldn't give me any specifics 
on it."
Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Comox on Vancouver Island is Canada's biggest radar 
installation. CFB Comox is easily capable of tracking the US formations coming up from 
the south. When asked for a response to Stewart's statement, the base information 
officer at CFB Comox replied tersely that: "No military operation is taking place." 
Stewart later told the Vancouver Courier that his information had come directly from 
By the summer of 2001, pictures of contrails were being circulated by the Associated 
Press and the word "chemtrails" could be overheard in coffee shop conversations across 
the continent
'It's a Hoax'
In an April 20, 2001, letter to a US senator, Col. Walter Washbaugh, chief of the 
Congressional Inquiry Division for the Secretary of the Air Force in Washington, DC, 
called chemtrails "

[CTRL] invasion of immigrants

2002-06-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.observer.co.uk/worldview/story/0,11581,738548,00.html

Israel fears invasion of immigrants

Observer Worldview

Peter Beaumont, Jerusalem
Sunday June 16, 2002
The Observer

Israel is introducing stringent new measures to reduce dramatically immigration by
Palestinians from the occupied territories who marry Israeli Arabs.

The move threatens to deter thousands of couples planning marriages in which one
partner is an Israeli Arab and the other a Palestinian.

In some cases it threatens to split up existing marriages - where one partner is
seeking to join an Israeli Arab partner who is resident in Israel or to legitimise 
stay in Israel.

A new unit is to be set up in the Interior Ministry to conduct background checks on
all Palestinians applying for the right to reside in Israel on the ground of 'family
reunification' - mainly through marriage. Private detectives will monitor applicants.

The moves follow the Israeli claim that 'around 100,000 Palestinians' have migrated
to Israel since the Oslo peace accords were signed in 1993, as a result of marrying
Israeli Arabs.

The new moves have emerged amid a sense of panic in some sections of Israeli
society over demographic research that suggests Jews - as recognised by the
Orthodox rabbinate - could be in a minority in Israel within 30 years.

There is to be a freeze on all applications for residency and citizenship from
residents of the West Bank and Gaza, and a sixfold rise in the application fee for
'family reunification' from $100 to $600 - the equivalent of six weeks' pay for a
middle-ranking Palestinian civil servant.

That freeze will be challenged in court this week by the Association of Civil Rights in

Israel also froze all family unification requests following the discovery that a 
bomber who attacked a restaurant in Haifa two months ago had an Israeli identity

The introduction of the harsh new rules has caused alarm among couples who have
already married and where a partner is seeking permission to remain.

The Observer approached three married couples in the Jerusalem area in which
one partner was a Palestinian: all declined to be identified.

'We are in an absolutely critical position right now,' said a Palestinian man recently
married to an Israeli Arab woman. 'It is too dangerous. We cannot risk being
identified or drawing any attention to our case.'

Sergio Della Pergola, head of the Institute of Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew
University, published a report last week saying that more Jews would emigrate from
Israel this year than would arrive by immigration.

Although some 30,000 immigrants - largely from eastern Europe, the former Soviet
Union and South America - will arrive in Israel this year, down from 43,443 last
year, Della Pergola points out that over half of those arriving under the 1950 Law of
Return will not be Jewish according to halacha, or Orthodox rabbinical law.

In the past two years, since the beginning of the present intifada, says Della
Pergola, emigration by Jews from Israel has reached 15,000 to 20,000 annually.
The increase in immigration of those designated non-Jews is the result of a
provision of the Law of Return that guarantees automatic citizenship to anyone who
can claim Jewish ancestry up to the third generation. It also allows an immigrant
who meets these qualifications to bring a spouse and children.

A second report published last week calculates that 28 per cent of Israelis are now
'not Jewish'. Other demographers estimate that by 2020 a third of Israel's population
could be non-Jewish.

The chairman of Israel's National Security Council, Major-General Uzi Dayan,
claimed last week that by 2020 Arabs in Israel and the Palestinian areas would
outnumber Jews by 55 to 45 per cent.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002


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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

"Always do sober what you sai

[CTRL] Dark heart

2002-06-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.observer.co.uk/magazine/story/0,11913,738196,00.html

Dark heart of the American dream

It's the most polluted state in the planet's most powerful country. Ed Vulliamy goes
into George Bush's backyard to reveal how big oil got in bed with big politics and the
price paid by the little people

Ed Vulliamy
Sunday June 16, 2002
The Observer

There is a perverse beauty to the landscape arraigned below the iron bridge where
Highway 255 strides the Houston Ship Channel: great towers of light and fire as far
as the eye can behold; sinewy steel piping, plumes of smoke and flame twinkling
into a Texas twilight coloured by a shroud of pollution hanging from the sky. The
awesome prepotency of this smokescape is no illusion, for this is an epicentre of
power, oil capital of the Western world and the most industrialised corner of the
United States. It is also the capital of a power machine perfected in Texas, elevated
to rule the nation and now unchallenged across the planet. A machine that operates
in perpetual motion - an equilibrium of interests - between industry and politics.
LaNell Anderson, former Republican voter, businesswoman and real-estate broker
who lived many years in this land of smokestacks and smog, calls it 'vending-
machine politics: you puts your money in and you gets your product out'.

'We don't see ourselves as a dynasty,' said George Bush Sr as his son launched the
election campaign that won him the current presidency, raiding father's Rolodex to
do so. 'We don't feel entitled to anything.' And yet at no point in the past 50 years -
the half-century since 1952 which defines the modern age - has there not been a
Bush in a governor's mansion (in Texas or Florida), on Capitol Hill or in the White
House - and usually more than one of those at a time. The 'vending machine' is a
single family whose tango with the powers which illuminate this endless horizon of
light and flame is a dance around every corner in the labyrinth of Texan and now
national - indeed global - politics. 'Everything they learned when they started out in
west Texas,' says Dr Neil Carman, once a regulator of pollution in the state, 'they
applied to the governor's mansion, the nation and the world... Power in America is
not so much about George W Bush, it's about the people from Texas who put him

This is the dynasty's throne, the state whose highways are lined with the spirited
advice 'Don't Mess With Texas' (originally the slogan of an anti-litter campaign). As
if litter would make much difference: Texas counts the worst pollution record in the
US, top in the belching of toxic chemicals and carcinogens into the air, top in
chemical spills, top in ozone pollution, top in carbon-dioxide emissions, top for
mercury emission, top in clean-water violations, top in the production of hazardous
waste. Houston overtook Los Angeles for the coveted title of 'most polluted city' in
the early 90s.

'You are looking at the biggest oil refinery in the world,' indicates LaNell Anderson.
She refers to the edifice that is the 3,000-acre Exxon Mobil plant at Baytown, near
Houston, producer of 507,800 barrels a day. Here begins a story of both dynasty
and destiny, for it was on this spot in 1917 that the Bush family's oil connection was
forged - where the Humble Oil company, which struck black gold in the Houston
suburb of that name, took root, later to be- come the Exxon behemoth. Humble's
founder, William Stamps Farish, went on to become president of Standard Oil. His
daughter became a friend of George Bush Sr and his grandson William Jr was
taken in 'almost like family' (said Barbara Bush) while campaigning for George Sr's
entrée into Washington Senatorial politics in 1964. Farish Jr claims to have been
the first man to whom Bush Sr confided his ambition to be president one day, and
was last year named US Ambassador to London.

At first, Anderson welcomed the benefits to a community of the 200 oil-related
industries relocated to the Houston area by the time she and her second husband
set up home in a suburb wedged between Exxon and the Lyondell chemical plant.
Neither she nor he had any history of disease in their families. But in 1985, her
husband's daughter gave birth to a girl, Alyssa, with a rare liver disease - she died
aged six months. In 1986, Anderson's mother became ill and died of bone cancer a
year later. The following year, Anderson and her sister were diagnosed with
rheumatoid arthritis, as was a granddaughter in 1992, and an older sister with
Crohn's disease. In 1991, her father died from emphysema; a year later the mother
of Alyssa gave birth to a son immediately diagnosed with severe asthma. Anderson
connects the litany of disease with mishaps by her industrial neighbours. She
paraphrases their attitude thus: 'If someone doesn't like it, they can sue us if they
can - and since we have more money than God, we will win.'

A thumbnail sketch of politics and the environment in the Unit

[CTRL] Atomic Arms Capability

2002-06-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A54225-2002Jun14.html


Israel Has Sub-Based Atomic Arms Capability

By Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, June 15, 2002; Page A01

Israel has acquired three diesel submarines that it is arming with newly designed
cruise missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, according to former Pentagon
and State Department officials, potentially giving Israel a triad of land-, sea- and 
based nuclear weapons for the first time.

The U.S. Navy monitored Israeli testing of a new cruise missile from a submarine
two years ago off Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean, according to former Pentagon

One former senior American official said U.S. analysts have studied the nuclear
capability of the cruise missile. But, according to a former Pentagon official, "It is
above top secret knowing whether the sub-launched cruise missiles are nuclear-
armed." Another former official added, "We often don't ask."

The possible move to arm submarines with nuclear weapons suggests that the
Israeli government might be increasingly concerned about efforts by Iraq and Iran to
develop more accurate long-range missiles capable of knocking out Israel's existing
nuclear arsenal, which is primarily land-based.

Although developing a sea-based leg would preserve the deterrent value of Israel's
nuclear force, according to analysts, it would complicate U.S. efforts to keep other
countries in the Middle East and elsewhere from seeking to acquire nuclear arms. It
also could spur a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

Israel has long refused to confirm or deny it has nuclear weapons. U.S. analysts say
it has a modest arsenal of short- and medium-range nuclear-capable missiles,
nuclear bombs that could be delivered from jet fighters and Harpoon missiles that
could be launched from planes or ships.

Mark Regev, spokesman for the Israeli Embassy, confirmed that his country had
recently acquired three submarines from Germany but would not comment on
whether they were being outfitted with nuclear weapons. "There has been no
change in Israel's long-standing position not to introduce nuclear weapons in the
Middle East," Regev said.

A book published this week by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
reported that Israel was attempting to arm its diesel submarines with nuclear cruise

"Probably the most important nuclear-related development in Israel is the formation
of its sea-based nuclear arm," wrote Joseph Cirincione, director of the Carnegie
Endowment's nonproliferation project and a former staff member of the House
Armed Services Committee who served as chief author of the book.

The U.S. government "favors" Israel's preserving the ambiguity surrounding its
nuclear force, just as it has since the late 1960s, a former senior U.S. diplomat said.
"It gives it a strategic deterrence," he said, adding, "If [Israel] were being 
that would create problems with its neighbors like Egypt and Syria . . . whose
leaders years ago agreed that [ambiguity] did not pose an offensive threat to them."

Iraq and Iran, he added, are different because "they are destabilizing" countries and
could launch a first strike against Israel or U.S. forces in the region if they succeed
in developing and deploying nuclear weapons.

There have been published reports going back to 1998 that describe Israel's
acquisition of the diesel submarines and its testing of a cruise missile.

In an article two years ago in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, Reuven Pedatzur, a
former Israeli fighter pilot and director of the Galili Center for Strategy and 
Security, wrote that Israel was motivated by "the need to find deterrence solutions . .
. from the probability that during the next decade Iran, and maybe even Iraq, will
acquire the nuclear ballistic capability to hit Israeli targets."

Pedatzur said that faced with that threat, a submarine force armed with missiles is a
reliable deterrent because Israel's enemies would not be able to locate and destroy
them and thus "that it is impossible to avoid their lethal counterstrike."

The Carnegie Endowment book said Israel "is believed to have deployed" 100
Jericho short- range and medium-range missiles that are nuclear-capable. In
addition, it has nuclear bombs that could be delivered from U.S.-made F-16 jet
fighters and U.S.-built Harpoon missiles that could be launched from planes or

Israel's nuclear-capable, sea-launched cruise missiles were tested in May 2000, the
book said, and might have a range of more than 900 miles. With three submarines,
Israel could "have a deployment at sea of one nuclear-armed submarine at all
times," the book said.

"Such a survivable deterrent is perceived as essential because of Israel's unique
geopolitical and demographical vulnerability to nuclear attack, and one that no
potential enemy of Israel could ignore," it said.

Cirincione said Israel's