2002-09-21 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   fonebone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Fri, 20 Sep 2002 19:16:34 -0400
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IT is 6:45 EDT   in North West New Jersey
the chem trails are backlit by the setting sun
one of the duel chemical streams was partially clogged
and the right  stream was steady volume and expansion - the left
stream was emitting puffs that paralleled the steady stream
forming a pattern the emulated an Indian smoke signal
the two duel chem trails dispersed into the charactoristic
wispy cirrus type chem clouds  - all highlited by an intense
setting sun 's glare
astonishing !!!

--- End of forwarded message ---

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.
 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on their website

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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[CTRL] How the U.S. Helped Create Saddam Hussein

2002-09-21 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

How the U.S. Helped Create Saddam Hussein

By Christopher Dickey and Evan Thomas

Newsweek | MSNBC.com

America helped make a monster. What to do with him-and what
happens after he's gone-has haunted us for a quarter century.

Week of September 23, 2002

The last time Donald Rumsfeld saw Saddam Hussein, he gave him a cordial
handshake. The date was almost 20 years ago, Dec. 20, 1983; an official Iraqi
television crew recorded the historic moment.

The once and future Defense secretary, at the time a private citizen, had
been sent by President Ronald Reagan to Baghdad as a special envoy. Saddam
Hussein, armed with a pistol on his hip, seemed vigorous and confident,
according to a now declassified State Department cable obtained by NEWSWEEK.
Rumsfeld conveyed the President's greetings and expressed his pleasure at
being in Baghdad, wrote the notetaker. Then the two men got down to
business, talking about the need to improve relations between their two

Like most foreign-policy insiders, Rumsfeld was aware that Saddam was a
murderous thug who supported terrorists and was trying to build a nuclear
weapon. (The Israelis had already bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor at Osirak.)
But at the time, America's big worry was Iran, not Iraq. The Reagan
administration feared that the Iranian revolutionaries who had overthrown the
shah (and taken hostage American diplomats for 444 days in 1979-81) would
overrun the Middle East and its vital oilfields. On the-theory that the enemy
of my enemy is my friend, the Reaganites were seeking to support Iraq in a
long and bloody war against Iran. The meeting between Rumsfeld and Saddam was
consequential: for the next five years, until Iran finally capitulated, the
United States backed Saddam's armies with military intelligence, economic aid
and covert supplies of munitions.


Rumsfeld is not the first American diplomat to wish for the demise of a
former ally. After all, before the cold war, the Soviet Union was America's
partner against Hitler in World War II. In the real world, as the saying
goes, nations have no permanent friends, just permanent interests.
Nonetheless, Rumsfeld's long-ago interlude with Saddam is a reminder that
today's friend can be tomorrow's mortal threat. As President George W. Bush
and his war cabinet ponder Saddam's successor's regime, they would do well to
contemplate how and why the last three presidents allowed the Butcher of
Baghdad to stay in power so long.

The history of America's relations with Saddam is one of the sorrier tales in
American foreign policy. Time and again, America turned a blind eye to
Saddam's predations, saw him as the lesser evil or flinched at the chance to
unseat him. No single policymaker or administration deserves blame for
creating, or at least tolerating, a monster; many of their decisions seemed
reasonable at the time. Even so, there are moments in this clumsy dance with
the Devil that make one cringe. It is hard to believe that, during most of
the 1980s, America knowingly permitted the Iraq Atomic Energy Commission to
import bacterial cultures that might be used to build biological weapons. But
it happened.

America's past stumbles, while embarrassing, are not an argument for inaction
in the future. Saddam probably is the grave and gathering danger described
by President Bush in his speech to the United Nations last week. It may also
be true that whoever replaces Saddam is not going to be worse, as a senior
administration official put it to NEWSWEEK. But the story of how America
helped create a Frankenstein monster it now wishes to strangle is sobering.
It illustrates the power of wishful thinking, as well as the iron law of
unintended consequences.


America did not put Saddam in power. He emerged after two decades of turmoil
in the '60s and '70s, as various strongmen tried to gain control of a nation
that had been concocted by British imperialists in the 1920s out of three
distinct and rival factions, the Sunnis, Shiites and the Kurds. But during
the cold war, America competed with the Soviets for Saddam's attention and
welcomed his war with the religious fanatics of Iran. Having cozied up to
Saddam, Washington found it hard to break away-even after going to war with
him in 1991. Through years of both tacit and overt support, the West helped
create the Saddam of today, giving him time to build deadly arsenals and
dominate his people. Successive administrations always worried that if Saddam
fell, chaos would follow, rippling through the region and possibly igniting
another Middle East war. At times it seemed that Washington was transfixed by

The Bush administration wants to finally break the spell. If the
administration's true believers are right, Baghdad after Saddam falls will
look something like Paris after the Germans fled in August 1944. American
troops will be cheered as liberators, and democracy will spread forth and
push Middle Eastern despotism 

Re: [CTRL] Israel and the US Not One and the Same

2002-09-21 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 9/17/2002 8:36:39 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

(PC) - Here is something worth repeating: Israel is a foreign country. Israel is not an extension of the United States, not a state or a province: Israel is a foreign sovereign power, with its own military, its own intelligence services, its own economy, its own priorities and its own interests. 

I sort of thought we were a kind of extension of Israel. Glad to see it all set straight. Prudy
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Re: [CTRL] Freedom of speech (for Nazis?)

2002-09-21 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 9/20/2002 9:43:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It's not as if they were against Netanyahu because they didn't like the way he cut his hair and that's what the protest was about.

Had Netanyahu wanted to talk about men's tonsorial issues, they might have wanted to hear him. Prudy
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Re: [CTRL] Only 5 ?

2002-09-21 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
Don't worry, there'll be add ons. After all, it's supposed to be 50 to l isn't it? Prudy
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2002-09-21 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 9/20/2002 9:27:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Do you think the US has agents in Israel?

No. I don't think they do. They probably would like to have them, but I think they're too scared of Israel to try it. The Israeli do not suffer fools gladly, and they strike pretty hard. Remember the Liberty? Prudy
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Irony Bush

2002-09-21 Thread Euphorian

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Ironic if Bush himself causes jihad
September 10 2002

On September 5 and 6 the United States State Department held a high-powered conference
on anti- Americanism, an unusual step indicating the depth of US concern about this
increasingly globalised phenomenon.

Anti-Americanism can be mere shallow name-calling. A recent article in Britain's 
newspaper described Americans as having a bug up their collective arse the size of
Manhattan, and suggested that 'American' is a type of personality which is intense,
humourless, partial to psychobabble and utterly convinced of its own importance.

More seriously, anti-Americanism can be contradictory: when the US failed to intervene 
Bosnia, that was considered wrong, but when it did subsequently intervene in Kosovo, 
was wrong, too. Anti-Americanism can be hypocritical: wearing blue jeans or Donna 
eating fast food or Alice Waters-style cuisine, their heads full of American music, 
poetry and literature, the apparatchiks of the international cultural commissariat 
decry the
baleful influence of the American culture that nobody is forcing them to consume. It 
can be
misguided: the logical implication of the Western-liberal opposition to America's 
Afghan war
is that it would be better if the Taliban were still in power. And it can be ugly: the 
September 11 crowing of the serves-you-right brigade was certainly that.

However, during the past year, the Bush Administration has made a string of foreign 
miscalculations and the State Department conference must acknowledge this. After the
brief flirtation with consensus-building during the Afghan operation, the brazen 
return to
unilateralism has angered even its natural allies.

In the year's major crisis zones, the Bushies have been getting things badly wrong. A
Security Council source says the reason for the lamentable inaction of the UN during 
recent Kashmir crisis was that the US (with Russian backing) blocked all attempts by
member states to mandate the UN to act.

But if the UN is not to be allowed to intervene in a bitter dispute between two member
states, both nuclear
powers of growing political volatility, in an attempt to defuse the danger of nuclear 
then what on earth is it for?

Many observers of the problems of the region will also be wondering how long Pakistani-
backed terrorism in Kashmir will be winked at by the US because of Pakistan's support 
the war against terrorism on its other frontier.

And as the Pakistani dictator, Pervez Musharraf, seizes more and more power and does
more and more damage to his country's constitution, the US Government's decision to go
on hailing him as a champion of democracy does more damage to America's already
shredded regional credibility.

Nor is Kashmir the only South Asian grievance. The massacres in the Indian state of
Gujarat, mostly of Indian Muslims by fundamentalist Hindu mobs, have been shown to be
the result of planned attacks led by Hindu political organisations. But in spite of 
presented to a congressional commission, the Administration has done nothing to
investigate US-based organisations funding these groups, such as the World Hindu 

Just as Irish-American fundraisers once bankrolled the terrorists of the Provisional 
IRA, so,
now, shadowy bodies across the US are helping to pay for mass murder in India while the
US Government turns a blind eye. Again, the supposedly high-principled rhetoric of the 
against terrorism is being made to look like a smokescreen for a highly selective 
pursuit of
US vendettas. Apparently Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein are terrorists who matter;
Hindu fanatics and Kashmiri killers aren't. This double standard makes enemies.

In the heat of the dispute over Iraq strategy, South Asia has now become a sideshow. 
it is in Iraq that George Bush may be about to make his biggest mistake and to unleash 
generation-long plague of anti- Americanism that may make the present epidemic look 
a time of rude good health.

Inevitably, the reasons lie in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Like it or not, much 
of the world
thinks of Israel as the 51st state, America's client and surrogate, and Bush's obvious
rapport with Ariel Sharon does nothing to change the world's mind.

Of course the suicide bombings are vile but, until the US persuades Israel to make a 
settlement with the Palestinians, anti-US feeling will continue to rise; and if, in 
highly charged atmosphere, the US embarks on the huge, risky military operation 
by the Vice-President, Dick Cheney, then the result may well be the creation of that 
Islamic force which was bin Laden's dream.

Saudi Arabia would almost certainly feel obliged to expel US forces from its soil (thus
capitulating to 

[CTRL] U.S. Gift to Iraq

2002-09-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

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SEPTEMBER 20, 2002


A U.S. Gift to Iraq: Deadly Viruses

A 1995 letter from the Centers for Disease Control lists all the biological materials 
sent to

Saddam's scientists for 10 years
As the West Nile Virus spreads nationwide, some congressional leaders are asking 
the mosquito-borne illness could be linked to terrorism or to Iraq's bioweapons 
program. If
so, a more troubling question may be whether Iraq's weapons efforts were unwittingly
helped by U.S. scientists.

In a previously unreleased letter obtained by BusinessWeek, the Centers for Disease 
 Prevention admitted that the CDC supplied Iraqi scientists with nearly two dozen 
viral and
bacterial samples in the 1980s, including the plague, West Nile, and dengue fever. The
letter, written in 1995 by then-CDC director David Satcher, was in response to a
congressional inquiry.

The CDC was abiding by World Health Organization guidelines that encouraged the free
exchange of biological samples among medical researchers -- before Congress imposed
tighter controls on biological exports in 1995, says Thomas Monath, who headed the CDC
lab where the viruses came from during the period in which they were handed over. It 
a very innocent request, which we were obligated to fulfill, recalls Monath. Plus, in 
1980s, Iraq and the U.S. were allies.

Scientists say the West Nile strain that so far has killed 46 people in the U.S. is 
not the
same strain provided to Iraq, and they find it unlikely that it could have mutated. 
They also
question whether terrorists would even try to develop West Nile as a weapon when more
virulent viruses are available.

Still, some observers believe there should have been more prudence. We were freely
exchanging pathogenic materials with a country that we knew had an active biological
warfare program, says James Tuite, a former Senate investigator who helped publicize
Gulf War Syndrome. The consequences should have been foreseen.

The CDC's 1995 Letter to the Senate

In 1995, the Center for Disease Control  Prevention provided to then-Senator Donald
Riegel (D-Mich.) a complete list of all biological materials -- including viruses, 
bacteria, and fungi -- that the CDC provided to Iraq from Oct. 1, 1984 through Oct. 13,
1993. Among the materials on the list are several types of dengue and sandfly fever 
West Nile virus, and plague-infected mouse tissue smears. In his letter to Riegel, 
Director David Satcher wrote: Most of the materials were non-infectious diagnostic
reagents for detecting evidence of infections to mosquito-borne viruses.

Here's the complete letter and list of biological materials:


By Dean Foust and John Carey in Washington, D.C.
Edited by Sheridan Prasso

Copyright 2000-2002, by The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. All rights reserved.

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[CTRL] without any provocation

2002-09-21 Thread Euphorian

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In war, Israel retains the Samson option
September 21 2002

In biblical times, the Israelites relied on God to triumph miraculously over their 

Modern Israelis rely for protection on weapons with God-like powers that could destroy
entire nations.

The frightening possibility that Israel may unleash these weapons of mass destruction 
preoccupying strategic planners and analysts as the United States prepares to attack 
because Israel is a likely target for retaliation by Baghdad.

In the 1991 Gulf War Saddam Hussein hit Israel with Scud missiles. But he used only
conventional warheads, which did not cause significant casualties.

This helped the US to make a deal with Israel's then prime minister, Yitzhak Shamir, 
not to
fire back at Iraq.

Would both countries show such restraint in a future war?

Saddam has good cause to think twice about going a step further and using biological or
weapons against Israel, as the consequence could be that he and his country might cease
to exist.

Israel, of course, does not officially admit that it has nuclear weapons. Since 1965 
it has
refused to confirm or deny, although it has said that it will not be the first to 
them into the Middle East.

It has refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, saying it cannot rely on
international safeguards when it is in a permanent state of war with much of the Arab

In declarations to the United Nations, Israel has instead offered to negotiate a 
agreement involving all the nations in the region to transform the Middle East into a
nuclear-free zone.

Shimon Peres, the Foreign Minister, has offered the clearest public admission that 
has nuclear weapons.

We felt that the reason why Israel was attacked five times, without any provocation, 
because some of our neighbours thought they could overpower us, and we wanted to
create a situation in which this temptation would no longer exist, he said.

The rest of the world is in no doubt. In 1999 the US Department of Energy ranked 
one of the smallest countries on Earth, sixth among nations possessing nuclear weapons.

And many believe it would be prepared to use them.

As Israel's most respected military affairs commentator, Ze'ev Schiff, has put it: If 
strikes at Israel with non-conventional warheads, causing massive casualties among the
civil population, Israel could respond with a nuclear retaliation that would eradicate 
Iraq as
a country.

The possibility of Israel using its secret arsenal against Iraq was first raised in 
the Gulf War
by the then US defence secretary, Dick Cheney, who is now Vice-President.

This assessment has only been strengthened since then, because, according to all the
signs, Iraq now has biological weapons that could cause mass casualties, Schiff wrote.

According to one assessment, military-grade biological weapons could be almost as 
as a nuclear bomb.

Anthony Cordesman, a fellow at the Centre for Strategic Affairs, told the US Senate 
Relations Committee he believed Israel would respond with nuclear strikes against Iraq 
there was a lethal biological strike on an Israeli city.

The American journalist Seymour Hersh has referred to the Samson option, referring to
the biblical figure who pushed apart pillars to bring down a temple in Gaza, killing 
Philistines and himself.

Should any Arab nation fire missiles again at Israel ... a nuclear escalation, once
unthinkable except as a [last] resort, would now be a strong possibility, Hersh wrote 
than 10 years ago.

He also wrote at the time that the size and sophistication of Israel's arsenal allow 
such as Ariel Sharon to dream of redrawing the map of the Middle East, aided by the
implicit threat of nuclear force.

Hersh may not have foreseen that Mr Sharon would be Prime Minister today. But Mr Sharon
does not rule alone and he will have plenty of advice that the nuclear option is 
strictly a last

In particular, Mr Peres will be arguing that the weapon's greatest power is to bring 
leaders to the negotiating table, not to their knees.

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/09/20/

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[CTRL] Israel's nuclear capacity

2002-09-21 Thread Euphorian

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Personal Wars

2002-09-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

SEPTEMBER 20 - 26, 2002
Personal Wars
by Christine Pelisek

War, it seems, is one of those things that the more you know about it, the less you 
any part of it. With Iraq in the crosshairs, the leading voices to go to war belong to 
who have no military experience. More often than not, those against a war with Iraq 
served in the military. Here's a list compiled by CHRISTINE PELISEK, with an assist 
from the
New Hampshire Gazette's Chickenhawks database.


Title: President
Stance on Iraq: Pro-war
Military history: Bush signed up for the Texas Air National Guard for six years in May 
which allowed him to avoid the Vietnam draft. He became an F-102 pilot in 1970, making
his last flight in 1972 when he moved to Alabama to work on a GOP Senate campaign. 
returning to Texas the following year, Bush says he performed nonflying duty for the 
but during his presidential campaign there were repeated charges that he skipped the 
year and a half of his Guard obligation.

Title: Vice President
Stance on Iraq: Pro-war
Military history: Once mumbled to a reporter that he had other priorities in the '60s 
military service. Cheney received a couple of deferments to avoid service, first 
because he
was a student, then because he was married.

Title: Secretary of Defense
Stance on Iraq: Pro-war
Military history: Flew jets for the Navy between the Korean and Vietnam Wars but never
saw combat.

Title: Cheney's chief of staff and assistant for national security affairs
Stance on Iraq: Pro-war
Military history: Sat out the Vietnam War at Yale University and Columbia Law School.

Title: White House Chief of Staff
Stance on Iraq: Pro-war
Military history: None

Title: Deputy Secretary of Defense
Stance on Iraq: Pro-war
Military history: None. Went to Cornell University and University of Chicago instead.

Title: Chairs Pentagon's Defense Policy Board; Assistant Secretary of Defense
Stance on Iraq: Pro-war
Military history: Sat out the Vietnam War at the University of Chicago.

Title: White House Press Secretary
Stance on Iraq: Pro-war
Military history: None

Title: Director of the Homeland Security Office
Stance on Iraq: Pro-war
Military history: In his first year at the Dickinson School of Law, he was drafted 
into the U.S.
Army and served as an infantry staff sergeant in Vietnam, earning the Bronze Star for

Title: Senior Director, National Security Council
Stance on Iraq: Pro-war
Military history: None

Title: Senior White House Adviser
Stance on Iraq: Pro-war
Military history: None

Title: Attorney General
Stance on Iraq: Pro-war
Military history: He received a deferment during the Vietnam War and taught business
education at a Missouri college.â

Title: Secretary of State
Stance on Iraq: Anti-war
Military history: Powell served two tours in Vietnam. During the second, he survived a
helicopter crash landing, then went back into the smoking wreckage and saved his
commanding general and two other soldiers. Powell received two Purple Hearts, a Bronze
Star, a Soldier's Medal and the Legion of Merit. In 1973, he took command of a 
battalion in
South Korea. Later that year, he returned to Washington as a staff officer at the 
His career has encompassed the invasions of Grenada (1983) and Panama (1989), 1991
Gulf War, the 1992-93 engagement in Somalia and the crisis in Bosnia.

Title: Deputy Secretary of State
Stance on Iraq: Anti-war
Military history: U.S. Naval Academy grad and Vietnam veteran.

Title: Director of the Drug Enforcement Administration
Stance on Iraq: Pro-war
Military history: None

Title: Secretary of Health and Human Services
Stance on Iraq: Pro-war
Military history: National Guard.


Title: Retired General and Former National Security Adviser
Stance on Iraq: Anti-war
Military history: Commander in the Gulf War; 29-year military career.

Title: Retired General
Stance on Iraq: Anti-war
Military history: Schwarzkopf served two combat tours in Vietnam and later was 
the Deputy Commander of the Joint Task Force in charge of U.S. Forces participating in 
Grenada student rescue operation. He is most notable as Commander in Chief, United
States Central Command, and Commander of Operations of Desert Shield and Desert

Title: Retired General
Stance on Iraq: Anti-war
Military history: Gulf War logistics chief; later Schwarzkopf's successor at Central

Title: Former Navy Secretary
Stance on Iraq: Anti-war
Military history: Vietnam vet.

Title: Retired U.S. Marines major; former chief of the weapons inspection teams in Iraq
(until he 

[CTRL] OT: Glutton Bowl

2002-09-21 Thread Euphorian

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The eat is on as America's Glutton Bowl fills for the right stuff
September 21 2002

Eating is the latest sport in the United States. Not content with oversize portions and
bewildering varieties of doughnuts and ice-cream, the country that created the 
eat buffet has come up with the International Federation of Competitive Eating.

This involves a national tour circuit - similar to tennis or golf - trophies, cash 
prizes and a
television special on the Fox network called The Glutton Bowl.

The winners are those who can stuff down the most in a fixed time. Fifty hotdogs in 12
minutes - buns included - stands as the Blue Riband.

Doctors are appalled. Americans get fatter by the generation, and obesity is the 
growing cause of premature death. Official figures say 61 per cent of US adults are
overweight and 27per cent obese, while 13 per cent of children are overweight.

Despite the health warnings, public relations people, television producers, fast-food
companies and fairground competitors who have created Competitive Eating claim to have
discovered the soul of the nation.

The first television program attracted 7million viewers, and the sport is going 
global. In
Germany, Hamburgers will
compete next February with bratwurst; in Thailand in August with fish; in Japan with 
In Britain, the international federation has joined forces with the United Kingdom
Competitive Eating Association to stage tournaments involving chips, haggis and 

Critics see the contests as a grotesque metaphor for America's consumer society.

What have we come to? asked George Blackburn, head of Harvard School of Medicine's
nutrition department. Competitions sent the message to children that gluttony was
acceptable, medically and socially, he said.

The Telegraph, London

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/09/20/1032054963864.html

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[CTRL] Shrub Wars

2002-09-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Bush's real reasons for war on Iraq
By Carla Binion
Online Journal Contributing Editor

September 19, 2002—A recent Boston Globe article says the Bush war hawks want to
attack Iraq in order to reshape the Middle East, primarily for oil and domination of 
the Gulf
region, and not because of any actual threat from Saddam Hussein.

The Globe says certain Washington think tanks and hawkish hard-liners have wanted to
reshape the Mideast for years. Now that some of those hawks hold key positions in the
Bush administration—Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith in the Pentagon, John Hannah and
Lewis Libby on the vice president's staff and John Bolton in the State 
say the restructuring might happen.

According to the Globe, Raad Alkadiri, an Iraq analyst with PFC, a Washington-based
energy consulting organization, said: The goal is not just a new regime in Iraq. The 
goal is
a new Middle East. The goal has been and remains one of the main driving factors of
preemptive action against Iraq.''

Iraq is home to the world's second-largest oil reserves. Installing a U.S.-friendly 
would make Saudi Arabia's oil less important when it comes to setting oil prices. 
to the Globe, a new U.S.-allied regime would diminish the influence of OPEC, long
dominated by Saudi Arabia, over oil supplies and prices.

A senior US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the Globe, ''There are 
invested in this philosophy [reshaping the Mideast] all throughout the administration. 
of the strongest voices are in State.

Some of the hawks claim they want to create democracy in the region. However,
according to the Globe article: Jessica T. Mathews, president of Carnegie Endowment 
International Peace, a Washington policy group, said that installing a democracy in 
much less the rest of the Middle East, would be extraordinarily difficult, if not out 
of the
question. She contended that change in Iraq is more akin to building a wall brick by 
and will require the support of allies.

Matthews said, ''The argument we would be starting a democratic wave in Iraq is pure
blowing smoke . . . You have 22 Arab governments and not one has made any progress
toward democracy, not one.

After an ouster of Hussein, the article says, the United States will have more 
leverage to
act against Syria and Iran.

Let's take a look at what this news report means:

The Bush administration is lying to the American people, to Congress, to the UN and to 
rest of the world about its motives for attacking Iraq.

The real intention of the Bush administration hawks is to keep this country at war for 
years, attacking first Iraq and then possibly other nations, including Syria and
Iran—primarily to reshape and dominate the region and control the region's oil.

The Bush war hawks have no concern for the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands
of human lives these wars will cost. They don't care that many American soldiers will 
for oil or world domination, and they don't mind lying to those soldiers in order to 

The Bush administration will squander billions of dollars on their misbegotten 
that could instead be spent on a national health care system or other human needs.

Because this will be a war of aggression, and not a just war by any definition, the war
hawks' plans amount to premeditated, cold-blooded murder of many thousands of innocent
Iraqi civilians and American soldiers, and possibly the eventual murder of innocent 
Iranians and others. This nation has never before launched a preemptive attack on 

The Bush hawks' plans will likely cause large numbers of terrorists to retaliate and 
harm innocent Americans.

The administration's plans to keep this country at war for years, which will drain our
national treasury, murder Iraqi and other civilians, risk setting off a powder keg of 
East resentment against this nation, and send American soldiers into harm's way, all 
for oil
and world domination, should be denounced loudly and clearly throughout the world.

The world should realize this: If the Bush war hawks go ahead with their plans to 
Iraq and other nations without just cause, the Bush administration itself will be 
acts of terrorism against those nations.

Contact members of Congress. Protest. Stand up and oppose these acts.

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[CTRL] Dangerous Addiction

2002-09-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Clean Air  Energy: Transportation: In Depth: Report


Dangerous Addiction
Ending America's Oil Dependence

Contents page

Executive Summary

America's oil dependence endangers our national security. America consumes a quarter of
the world's total oil production, but has just 3 percent of its known reserves. We 
more than half of our oil from some of the most unstable regions of the world. At the 
of our heavy reliance on oil imports is the inefficiency of our cars, sport utility 
(SUVs), and other passenger vehicles.

This report presents practical solutions we can adopt now, using American technology 
know- how, to cut the oil needed to power America's cars and light trucks. We can cut 
oil demand in half by 2020 -- and provide American consumers with the best and safest
driving choices in the world -- by building better vehicles and making better fuels. 
We can
have better, cleaner transportation for less money while strengthening our safety, 
and freedom.

Fixing a Dangerous Addiction
The events of September 11 highlight the danger in continuing to turn a blind eye to 
our oil
dependence. While oil prices are down for the moment, the instability of the Middle 
makes for a situation that could change at any moment. New suppliers like Russia and 
Caspian region are hardly more stable.

Sixty-five percent of the world's known reserves lie beneath the Persian Gulf states. 
stark fact makes a supply-side strategy based on domestic drilling alone into a recipe 
continued dependence on these unstable regions. Drilling in the Arctic National 
Refuge would increase world reserves by less than one-third of one percent. To be sure,
we can increase production from existing oil fields. But no matter how much we try to 
for new oil at home, Persian Gulf producers will gain more and more of the American oil
market -- and limit our ability to conduct foreign policy in the best interests of the 

Our oil dependence threatens our environmental security as well. Smog and other toxic 
pollutants, constant pressure to drill in pristine wilderness, and growing emissions 
of the
heat- trapping global warming pollutant, carbon dioxide (CO2), all are effects tied 
directly to
the amount of oil we burn.

The best way to turn that around is to reduce our reliance on imported oil by building 
cars and making better fuels. The fastest, cheapest, most secure solution is a
comprehensive energy security strategy combining near-term fuel-economy improvements
in our cars and trucks with longer-term initiatives to develop the fuels of the future.

A Comprehensive Strategy for Cost-Effective Savings
This report offers a five-step solution to make better vehicles and better fuels that 
our oil dependence with no reduction in safety, performance, or choice. Together, these
measures could cut passenger vehicle oil use by nearly a quarter by 2012, by half in 
and by three-quarters over the next three decades, compared with business-as-usual
projections. That translates into big savings at the gas pump: a person buying a 40 
mpg car
in 2012 would save a net of $2,200 over the life of the vehicle. Total consumer savings
from these policies would equal nearly $13 billion per year in 2012, and almost $30 
by 2020.

Our action plan to curb oil dependence includes:

Improving the fuel economy of new vehicles powered by gasoline-engine technology.
Congress should ramp up standards for the combined fleet of cars and light trucks in
regular steps to 40 mpg by 2012 and 55 mpg in 2020.
Mass-producing gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles, which get double the mileage of 

cars. Toyota and Honda already have hybrids on the road, and more are coming.
Lawmakers should provide consumer tax credits to support the transition to new
Significantly expanding the use of renewable, non-petroleum fuels, such as ethanol made

from crop wastes, by steadily increasing requirements for renewable content in 
Putting hydrogen-powered fuel-cell vehicles onto the road using incentives and

requirements to ramp up production to 100,000 vehicles by 2010 and 2.5 million by 2020.
These vehicles will use one-third the energy of today's cars (none of it from oil) and
produce near-zero harmful emissions.
Encouraging smart growth instead of suburban sprawl, to increase our transportation

choices and make communities more livable with less driving.

The first step alone -- raising fuel economy standards -- would save nearly 4 billion 
of oil over the next dozen years. By 2012, we could save nearly 2 million barrels 
every day
-- a savings of 18 percent below business-as-usual projections. That is slightly more 
than we imported from Saudi Arabia last year, and three times our imports from Iraq. By
2020, savings would grow to nearly 5 

[CTRL] November Surmise

2002-09-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

The election score so far: Dems could win 6 Senate and 17 House seats
By Bruce S. Ticker
Online Journal Contributing Editor

And a regime that has lost its legitimacy will also lose its power —George W. Bush 
to the
United Nations

September 19, 2002—The Bush regime, which was illegitimate from the get-go, could lose
a serious chunk of its power on Nov. 5.

That would set the stage for a series of bitter conflicts with a Democrat-controlled 
which will make the current battles resemble a garden party.

Democrats have a reasonable chance of winning at least 17 new House and six Senate
seats this November. Nine of the House seats are sure winners.

The Senate seats might be seized in Oregon, Maine, Arkansas, Texas, New Hampshire and
North Carolina.

They could win the new House seats in New Jersey, Connecticut, Arizona, Kentucky,
Maryland, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Georgia, California and Colorado, and retain 
northern Maine House seat being vacated by Rep. John Baldacci, who is running for

This is the third election forecast so far from this writer. The number of 
sure-winners is
now at nine, but so far the total of likely new House seats (not all guaranteed wins, 
you) is up to 17 seats. A few seats which are now impossible to predict could move to 
sure-win category by late October.

The sure-wins result from a new district in California through redistricting; two 
seats each
in Georgia and North Carolina, partly through redistricting; Rep. Constance Morella's 
seat in
Maryland; Rep. Nancy Johnson, Connecticut; the seat being vacated by Rep. Marge
Roukema, New Jersey; a new district in Arizona; and retention of Rep. John Baldacci's 
in central and northern Maine.

This would be sufficient for a net gain to return control of the House to the 
Democrats, but
this review has not covered all possible upsets by either party.

Oregon and Maine remain sure-wins for new Senate seats while Texas and Arkansas have
been added as potential Democratic victories. New Hampshire and North Carolina could
likewise be won if Democrats run competent campaigns. Tennessee is likely to remain in
Republican hands.

There is a caveat to these predictions.

Defeat of any GOP incumbent could become reality with the combination of three factors:
voters displeased with George W. Bush's domestic policies and the right wing influence 
the federal government; the relationship of GOP incumbents or nominees to Team Bush;
and the ability of a savvy, aggressive challenger to skillfully frame the issues.

In some moderate states and congressional districts, voters were angry with Bush 
of the Florida recount and subsequent administration actions long before Sept. 11.

Of course, a crack in any of these three factors could swing the races in favor of the
Republicans. For example, GOP Rep. John Sununu is trying to portray himself as a
moderate in the New Hampshire Senate race and in North Carolina Democrat Erskine
Bowles makes one wonder how strong a contender he will be despite built-in strategic

Other factors which could help Democrats, especially in races where they are weak, 
corporate scandals, unemployment, coattails in gubernatorial elections, the terrorist
warning scandal, the Iraqi war and Bush's mismanagement of the Israeli crisis. Remember
that former and current airlines employees have probably compared the responsiveness of
both parties to their security concerns.

Here's the rundown:


Sure Democrat Winners

Arizona: Democrat Raul Grijalva will be the second Hispanic elected to Congress in this
state and the first person to represent the state's newly-created 7th District which 
from parts of Tucson to Yuma. Even the Republican establishment gave up on this 
the result of redistricting, a long time ago. We have no chance at it, state 
executive director Brian Murray told The New York Times. We're not in play. 
Grijalva, of
Tucson, faces Republican Ross Heib of Yuma. This election is tied for the top of the 
winner's list with new districts in northern North Carolina and California.

North Carolina: Democrat Brad Miller will be the first person to represent the new 13th
district in northern North Carolina. He chaired the state Senate redistricting 
committee and
the resulting remapping positioned Miller to win the Democratic primary on Sept. 10 (he
represents Wake County, the most populous in the district) and to coast to victory in 
general election on Nov. 5. The district is 54 percent Democratic, 17 percent 
and the remaining voters are unaffiliated. 'Nuff said.

North Carolina: Democratic attorney Chris Kouri this November will defeat incumbent GOP
Rep. Robin Hayes, who is endangered by redistricting and the loss of textile jobs in 
district near Charlotte. He cast the deciding vote last December for 

Re: [CTRL] Only 5 ? - J2

2002-09-21 Thread Nurev Ind

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Only 5 ?

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 9/20/02 4:15:06 PM Central Daylight Time,

  Someone check this out please...surely this cant be correct..only 5
  There must have been more than this.Someone has made a mistake here.
  The Mermaid
  The five Israeli victims of September 11
rassID=3subContrassID=0sbSubContrassID=0Alona Avraham/A
rassID=3subContrassID=0sbSubContrassID=0Leon Lebor/A
rassID=3subContrassID=0sbSubContrassID=0Shay Levinhar/A
rassID=3subContrassID=0sbSubContrassID=0Daniel Lewin/A
rassID=3subContrassID=0sbSubContrassID=0Haggai Sheffi/A

 Clearly this isn't counting dual-citizens!


What do you mean  clearly? There is no clearly.
And, it doesn't matter either. If there were dual
citizen victims, then it was still an American killed
by your boys.


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Re: [CTRL] Only 5 ? - J2

2002-09-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 9/21/02 9:06:12 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

If there were dual
citizen victims, then it was still an American killed
by your boys.

Not my boys Zev.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Freedom of speech (for Nazis?)

2002-09-21 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

(1) Yes. Thank you for your brilliant
insight. Of course it is the
 parent's fault, not the Israeli
soldiers who shoot live ammo
 into a peaceful demonstration
of school children. Poor
 Israeli soldiers - yes, of course,
they are the victims.
(2) Of course. Those all powerful
Palestinians have manuevered
 the 'one world antisemitic /
antichristian government' to make
 sure they live in misery amidst
rubble. Those all powerful
 Palestinians and their lacky
one world government have
 tricked those poor Israelis into
committing genocide against
 the Palestinians.

1. Did you take lessons in manipulative
emotional propaganda or 
do you really see things in this light? It sure would explain why 
many politicians have staff skilled
in mind control techniques. 
Orwell was sure right about 85 percent
of the population. The only 
way to respond to your comments would
be by posting emotional 
stories about Israel soldiers and
the victims of terrorist bombing. 
Want to hear about the bus driver
who was killed by the latest 
bomber and the family he left behind? It has nothing to do with the 
larger picture and is surely a diversion
from facing the larger

2. The funding and direction
for this operation comes top down. In 
Germany the potential and realization
of something for nothing kept 
many Germans working with the system. The same promises work 
over and over again. If I had
a say in the matter, I would make 
sure anything the Palestinians were
to take over would be leveled 
to the ground before they ever touched
any part of it and I would 
make sure they knew it was going to
happen. They would know in 
advance that noting good will come
of their actions now.

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Re: [CTRL] Only 5 ? - J2

2002-09-21 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

So has anyone secided then whether there 
were only 5 israelis killed in the 9/11?
Zukkie you said there was no real number 
killed and i read your post but i have to admit i didnt really understand what 
you meant.
If there were only 5 israelis killed then 
i would start to wonder why...wouldnt you?
The Mermaid x

  - Original Message - 
  William Shannon 
  Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 3:21 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Only 5 ? - J2
  -Caveat Lector- In a message dated 9/21/02 9:06:12 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  If there were dualcitizen victims, then it was still an 
American killedby your boys.Not my boys Zev.Bill. A 
  HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION  
  DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. 
  Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot 
  soap-boxingplease! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its 
  many half-truths, mis- directions and outright fraudsis used politically by 
  different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum 
  of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity 
  of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives 
  no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply. 
  Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. 
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] A terror attack described

2002-09-21 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

Add this to the images in your mind!
Jerusalem Post 09. 20, 2002
'I saw people jump from the windows'

When the smoke cleared from the
explosion, Jacob Heyn saw a
heart still beating lying on the sidewalk amidst the shattered
glass. There was no body, just a heart beating. I didn't think
such a thing could happen. But I saw it and others saw it, he
At about 1 p.m. yesterday the 87-year-old
had been standing
with his son in front of a bookstore his family owns on Rehov
Allenby in Tel Aviv. The store was filled with displays of
children's books. It was a normal day on a busy street. He
noticed nothing out of the ordinary until a suicide bomber blew
himself up while standing on the stairs of a No. 4 Dan bus as it
moved down the street. Five people were killed, including the
bus driver, and more than 60 were wounded. 
Glass shards fell on me,
Heyn said. I was covered with
smoke and dust. I looked to see what happened to me, but I
was not hurt. The bus continued to travel a short distance. A
body was lying on the sidewalk. Later someone told me the
man was dead. I saw a man walking covered with blood. Then
the ambulances came. I went into the store. People there were
frightened. They were hysterical and crying. 
Police suspect that the bomber blew
himself up upon entering
the bus because the driver became suspicious. One witness
who believes she saw the bomber said, I was surprised,
because he was wearing a long black blazer that was buttoned
up on a hot day. I said to myself, 'There is a suspicious man on
the bus.' And then there was an explosion. 
Zvi Rabinovitch who runs an electricity
store near by said, I
saw people jumping from the windows.
Devorah, who lives on the street, said, The bus driver was
slumped in his chair with his head against the front window,
there were pieces of flesh all around and people were
The blast scorched the bus and blew
out its windows. One man
with blood over his bare chest was wheeled away by
paramedics. Another man sat on the sidewalk, crying.
Roni Rejwan said he entered the bus and saw many of the
wounded and bodies. I took off my shirt and used it as a
bandage to help them, he said. 
Yaffa Avrahami, 56, said she had
taken a break from work and
was standing outside when she saw the bus. People yelled,
'Help me! Help me!' One woman was banging on the window
trying to get out. I wanted to help, but I couldn't. That is what
hurts me. I tried to move, I couldn't. It felt like my legs could
not hold me. All of a sudden I fainted, she said. 
She woke up in Tel Aviv's Ichilov
Hospital, where she lay on a
gurney, still shaking, waiting for her husband to call. 
Also lying on a gurney and wearing
a hospital gown, Carmit
Ovadia, 24, held up a silver Star of David her mother made for
her. This is what saved me, she said. God watched over me
because of the necklace. There were still streaks of blood on
her bare feet. 
She had been on the No. 4 bus for
several stops. I was getting
ready to get off, so I went to the front of the bus, she said. I
was standing near the door. The bus had stopped by the light.
Suddenly there was blood and glass everywhere. The bus was
black and smoky. I understood there had been a terrorist
attack. I was still standing. People were grasping at my arms
and legs. They were wounded. They didn't want to let me go. I
was trying to escape, but they held me back. A man outside
yelled at me to get out. I said, 'I can't, they won't let me go.'
He helped me escape through the window. 
She lay on the sidewalk. Someone
gave her water. She called
her mother and told her she had been in the attack. She was
wounded slightly from the flying glass.
On the table next to her, she kept an inch-long, thick green
shard. It was still stuck in my clothing when I got here,
Ovadia said. When her mother arrived at the hospital, she
immediately put her hand on Ovadia's necklace and said, This
is what saved you. 
Among those who raced to the scene
to help was Boaz Shabu,
who lost his wife Rachel and three of his sons in a terrorist
attack on Itamar in July. He had been visiting one of his sons,
who is still hospitalized at Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer,
when he heard of the attack. He immediately jumped into his
car and raced to the scene to help. 
I carry a first aid kit with
me, said Shabu, who volunteers
with the Judea and Samaria Rescue Service. I saw one man
who had been hit by shrapnel.
Shabu said he was initially concerned about going to the scene
of an attack after his own experiences. But at the moment I
heard about the attack all I could think about was trying to
save as many people as possible, he said. Afterwards there is
time for thoughts and soul searching. 
Back on the street, several hours
later, a crowd had gathered
by the site of the attack. Workmen were cleaning up the
bookstore, which had lost all of its glass windows. Holes and
cracks dotted the window of a nearby piano store. One man
stood by the metal police 

[CTRL] QQ: Bob Feldman and Brian Salter reply to a reader

2002-09-21 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-

new from questionsquestions:

Bob Feldman and Brian Salter reply to a reader

Hello, I saw and appreciated your essay on the foundational support for
Left orgs and writers that dismiss anything that smacks of

However, while I share with you the idea that such orgs and writers
should be critically evaluated, I do not think your evidence,
specifically, against Noam Chomsky is all that weighty. You don't really
present any evidence that Chomsky is a controlled person. You cite the
Inamori award from the Japanese Establishment, but that award was for
his achievements in the area of linguistics and cognitive science, not
his political writings. So what does the Inamori award have to do with
anything? The award is somewhat akin to the various Nobel prizes.

Also, you mentioned that Z magazine was perhaps named after the
Costa-Gavras film Z. My recollection is that Z magazine was originally
named Zeta magazine, billing itself the last word, as it were, in
political writing. When Sargent and Albert found out the name Zeta was
already used by someone else, they opted for the abbreviated form, 'Z'.

In any event, I fail to see how your charts, in general, necessarily
predict control of the sort you claim. However, I am eager to examine
more evidence of such if it exists.

Thanks, WiseSerpent

Bob Feldman replies:

Thank you for considering some of the possible institutional/political
reasons for censorship of 9/11 conspiracy journalists and researchers by
the foundation-sponsored alternative media gatekeepers.

Although MIT Profeor Chomsky has been on the payroll of the
12th-largest recipient of US Air Force war contracts in recent years,
the article isn't asserting that Chomsky is a controlled person. But
there is evidence that Z magazine was unwilling to print an article
about MIT's links to the U.S. Air Force's space warfare preparations and
to the Pentagon's think-tank, the Institute for Defense Analyses, a few
years ago.

Regarding the $350,000 award from the Inamori Foundation that was set up
by the chairman emeritus/founder of one of Japan's leading
telecommunications companies, DDI Corporation, that was given to
ALTERNATIVE RADIO's frequently featured guest: Generally, recipients of
such large grants from Establishment foundations are reluctant to
scrutinize or criticize a foundation world from which they've obtained
such a large sums of money. And, like the Nobel prize money (that was
initially obtained from Nobel's invention and marketing of dynamite
weapons), some of the Inamori Foundation money was originally obtained
from DDI's ownership of 75% of the AVX Coroporation--which is an
electronic company that (like MIT) is a key contractor in the U.S.
aerospace/military industry.

Regarding evidence that the alternative media gatekeepers are reluctant
to either air or publish criticism of the Soros/Open Society Institute,
the Ford Foundation, Bill Moyers' Schumann Foundation or the MacArthur
Foundation or encourage much fair of discussion of 9/11 conspiracy
evidence in their media: I don't think much evidence exists of any
foundation-sponsored gatekeeper eagerness to either scrutinize the
Establishment foundations or welcome 9/11 conspiracy discussion. Yet as
G. William Domhoff wrote long ago in his book Who Rules America?: The
foundation boards have the power to accept or reject various scientific,
educational, and culture ventures. They therefore have the power to
exert considerable influence over the noneconomic aspects of American
life. Refusing to acknowledge that the multi-billion or multi-million
dollar foundations possess great power to influence alternative media
editorial priorities through their funding policies, seems like an
illogical interpretation of current U.S. political/social reality.

Brian Salter replies:

To clarify, Mike Ruppert is of the opinion that the Left gatekeepers
phenomenon to which we are drawing attention is the result of a classic
COINTELPRO-style infiltration. Given his expertise and personal
experience in this area, he is more than justified in voicing that
opinion. In certain cases, the egregious and unconscionable behavior of
some Left media figures literally begs the question -- but again, one
should note that we have not made this type of claim, and the title of
Feldman's article itself says Sponsored by the Ford Foundation, not
Controlled by the Ford Foundation.

The burden of proof is not on us to verify the existence of a formalized
arrangement or quid pro quo in order to raise the issue of foundation
funding of Left media as a crucial concern. Instead, the burden of
proof is on those who receive foundation funding to demonstrate (against
all historical precedents and common sense) that they are capable of
providing unbiased and unfettered coverage on the most sensitive issues

[CTRL] McHugh, U.S. Gift to Iraq: Deadly Viruses, US war crimes, Rumsfield/PBS

2002-09-21 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

may be very heavy for survivors

Dubious choice for resolving church scandal Mara J. Math9/21/02 "McHugh's actions, however, that pose the deepest threat to the council's credibility. McHugh is the only therapist on the lay council. This makes his participation especially significant, because other members may rely on his presumed expertise. Because he frequently testifies on behalf of accused molesters, doubts may be raised about the council's desire to truly solve the problem. McHugh, after all, is the man whose report to the court in one case stated that a defendant's harassing phone calls were not obscene -- including the call that detailed a fantasy of a 4-year-old sex slave locked in a dog cage and fed human waste. At least eight men have been convicted of sexually abusing Maryland children while under treatment at the "sex disorders" clinic McHugh runs at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine -- abuse the doctors did not report, citing client confidentiality. When Maryland law was changed to require that doctors report child molestation, the clinic fought it and advised patients on how to get around the law. The memo to patients suggested that molesters report their pedophilic activities to their lawyers, who could in turn tell staff; attorney-client privilege would then protect the molesters from being reported. This memo was fully approved by the boss -- Dr. Paul McHugh..." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2002/09/20/ED175849.DTL

A U.S. Gift to Iraq: Deadly Viruses - A 1995 letter from the Centers for Disease Control lists all the biological materials sent to Saddam's scientists for 10 years As the West Nile Virus spreads nationwide, some congressional leaders are asking whether the mosquito-borne illness could be linked to terrorism or to Iraq's bioweapons program. If so, a more troubling question may be whether Iraq's weapons efforts were unwittingly helped by U.S. scientists. 

In a previously unreleased letter obtained by BusinessWeek, the Centers for Disease Control  Prevention admitted that the CDC supplied Iraqi scientists with nearly two dozen viral and bacterial samples in the 1980s, including the plague, West Nile, and dengue fever. The letter, written in 1995 by then-CDC director David Satcher, was in response to a congressional inquiry. The CDC was abiding by World Health Organization guidelines that encouraged the free exchange of biological samples among medical researchers -- before Congress imposed tighter controls on biological exports in 1995, says Thomas Monath, who headed the CDC lab where the viruses came from during the period in which they were handed over. "It was a very innocent request, which we were obligated to fulfill," recalls Monath. Plus, in the 1980s, Iraq and the U.S. were allies. Scientists say the West Nile strain that so far has killed 46 people in the U.S. is not the same strain provided to Iraq, and they find it unlikely that it could have mutated. They also question whether terrorists would even try to develop West Nile as a weapon when more virulent viruses are available." 

September 2, 2002
Flashback - US War Crimes During the Gulf War
by Francis Boyle
The following paper was presented to a symposium held by the Albany Law School. The symposium, held on February 27, 1992, was titled: International War Crimes: The Search for Justice. This paper documents the numerous occasions that international laws were broken and disregarded during the Gulf War.

Introduction 1. For the past year I have been working with the International Commission of Inquiry into United States war crimes that were committed during the Persian Gulf War. This Commission has conducted the largest independent world-wide investigation of war crimes in history. Since last May [1991], the Commission has held thirty hearings across the United States and in twenty countries across five continents to expose the war crimes that the United States government inflicted upon the People and State of Iraq.   

PBS Fails to Hold Rumsfeld Accountable
September 20, 2002

Asking tough questions of those in power is one of a journalist's most
important jobs-- especially when a country may be going to war. But PBS's
Jim Lehrer failed to challenge Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in a
September 18 interview on the "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer"-- even when
Rumsfeld made factually inaccurate assertions. For instance, Rumsfeld repeatedly referred to the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) weapons inspectors being expelled from Iraq, saying, "We have seen the situation with Iraq where they have violated some 16 U.N. resolutions and finally threw the inspectors out." Rumsfeld went on to say that "we have gone through... four years where they threw the inspectors out and there's been no one there."

[CTRL] The Two Bush Presidents Have A Heart To Heart

2002-09-21 Thread iNFoWaRZ

-Caveat Lector-

The Two Bush Presidents Have A Heart To Heart
By: Jim Moore

Regardless of how old a man gets he sometimes has the gnawing feeling that his dad is 
still the Man of the House. Father still knows best, and all that.

Every man, however, finally matures his way out of the Oedipus Complex (wanting to 
marry his mother) and discovers that he prefers girls more his own age. After that, a 
sense of normalcy with his father usually sets in. This, however, does not mean that 
the old man is totally out of the picture. Especially if he is a past president of the 
United States, and the son is the present president.

Obviously, there is no way to know for sure what the two presidents talk about when 
they get together. But we presume that, sooner or later, the conversation gets around 
to world events. Let's eavesdrop and see.

BUSH: Hi, Dad.

DAD : Hello, Mister President.

BUSH: C'mon, Pop, you don't have to be so formal.

DAD : After that UN speech...

BUSH: You liked it?

DAD : Loved it. You mentioned weapons of mass destruction eight times. And you said 
it without stuttering. You used to stutter when you were a kid, remember?

BUSH: No. By the way, congratulations on getting that medal for your campaign in 

DAD : Hey, that was ten years ago.

BUSH: Frankly, you were lucky to get it at all, Dad.

DAD : What do you mean?

BUSH: You didn't take the sonofabitch down when you had him. And still they gave you a 

DAD : I backed off purposely. Schwartzkopf wanted to take him out, but I left him 
there for you, sport.

BUSH: For me? Thanks a lot.

DAD : Saddam Hussein was going to be your legacy. But you blew it, kid.

BUSH: Blew it?

DAD : Instead of goofing around with the UN, you shoulda gone in there with guns 
blazing, Texas-style.

BUSH: Like you did, huh pop?

DAD : Don't smart off, kid. I'm still your father.

BUSH: And I'm the president, and you'll have G-men all over you.

DAD: Big deal. I know most of those guys personally.

BUSH: I could put your house under surveillance by Ridge's Homeland Security.

DAD : You do, and I'll tell Tom Brokaw you're still asking me for advice. The 
democrats would love that.

BUSH: And I'll leak it that you think Rumsfeld is gay.

DAD : And I'll.. oh hell, kid, this is no way for two presidents to talk.

BUSH: You mean one president and one ex-president.

DAD : Whatever. Anyway, as President of the United States, what's next on your agenda?

BUSH: A big slice of mom's apple pie.

DAD : Beats going to war, don't it?

BUSH : Only if she adds a scoop of ice cream.

As you can see, major political decisions are sometimes made in a casual, family 

What better way than in these personal, off-the-cuff conversations could critical 
plans for America's future be made?

I hope this presidential interlude has served to give Americans more confidence in 
their leaders' abilities, experience, and intellectual capacity.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and 
hyperlink intact.
-end article-
If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the 
streets and lynched.
-George Bush Sr., in an interview with Sarah McClendon, June 1992, regarding 

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Evidence Homosexuality Genetic

2002-09-21 Thread ab
-Caveat Lector-

Evidence Homosexuality Genetic 20-Sep-2002 

A change in temperature is all it takes for 
genetically- engineered male flies to switch from being heterosexual to 
homosexual. The change occurs within minutes and is reversible. This discovery 
will help scientists figure out how the brain may be involved in determining 
sexual orientation. Some of the neurons affected are involved in sensing 
pheromones, which play an important role in fly courtship behavior, but their 
influence in human sexual behavior is still unknown. Dean Hamer of the NIH says 
scientists should now try to find the genes that determine sexuality in mammals, 
since homosexual behavior is widespread among animals, suggesting a strong 
genetic influence. Hamer's team has published two highly controversial studies 
suggesting there’s a "gay gene" on human chromosome X, although a different 
group failed to reproduce their results. 

It has been previously suggested that some regions 
of the nervous system are connected to sexual orientation. Researcher Toshihiro 
Kitamoto genetically engineered flies especially to test the genetic theory of 
homosexuality. The mutation is temperature sensitive, meaning neurons carrying 
the mutation suddenly become inactive above 30°C. At the normal 19°C, males are 
heterosexual. But when they’re heated above the critical temperature, their 
behavior changes in about two minutes. 

Kitamoto doesn’t know why the flies change their 
sexual preference so quickly. When put in a chamber with virgin females, the hot 
males remain uninterested, but when the hot flies are added to a vial with other 
males, they pursue them vigorously. When the temperature is turned back to 
normal, the flies become heterosexual again. 

Think you’re being manipulated - sexually, or 

In areas of cold climate would it be fair to say 
there are fewer Homo's?

"A nation without borders is not a nation." 
--President Reagan 

Visit American Patrol Report at 

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Petition to End Partial-Birth Abortion *URGENT*

2002-09-21 Thread ab

-Caveat Lector-

GO TO:   http://www.cfra.info/43/petition.asp?PID=2291651
to Sign the Petition.
Please forward this MSG to your contacts.

- Original Message -
From: Center for Reclaiming America
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 12:14 PM
Subject: Pro-Life Update: URGENT


 Dear PETER,

 A few weeks ago you signed our petition to stop partial-birth
 abortion. Thank you so much!

 Now, I urgently need your help, because we have just a few
 weeks to see any action on this issue for the rest of this
 year! Senate leaders are avoiding the issue, and we are
 about to lose this battle once again.


 Thank you again for standing with me to end partial-birth

 D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


 Dear concerned friend,

 I am alerting you that we have just a few weeks to avoid
 another crushing defeat on the issue of partial-birth abortion.


 As you may know, a bill to ban partial-birth abortion has
 already passed the House. But, unless a vote is taken in
 the Senate on partial-birth abortion in the next few weeks,
 the House bill will die, and we will have to start all over
 again NEXT YEAR.

 This happened twice while Bill Clinton was president. That
 time, his veto pen defeated us. Now, the Senate stands in
 the way.

 I am urging you to take action with me.

 * * * * ACTION ITEM

 We have already gathered 32,328 petitions in our National
 Campaign to End Partial-Birth Abortion, but I feel I must
 deliver 100,000 petitions before the end of this month directly
 to the Senate to urge our senators to take action.




 My friend, partial-birth abortion is barbaric. No decent
 society should allow babies to be partially birthed, only to
 have their brains sucked out of their skulls.

 If you have any doubts, please click the link below and read
 how a nurse describes the horror she witnessed:

 a href= http://www.grassfire.net/43/testimony.asp Click here/a


 Unless tens of thousands of concerned citizens rise up and
 DEMAND that the Senate take action, we will lose this battle
 for the THIRD TIME!

 Please help.

 Remember, I want to deliver 100,000 petitions before the end
 of this month, but I need your help.

 Please sign. Then, alert all your friends.

 Thank you and may God bless you!

 D. James Kennedy, Founder

 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

 a href= http://www.grassfire.net/43/testimony.asp Click here/a

 Dr. D. James Kennedy, is an outreach of Coral Ridge Ministries
 to inform the American public and motivate Christians to defend
 and implement the biblical principles on which our country was
 founded. The CENTER provides non-partisan, non-
 denominational information, training, and support to all those
 interested in impacting the culture and renewing the vision set
 forth by our Founding Fathers.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Democrats Are Fined $243,000 for Fund-Raising Violations

2002-09-21 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


September 21, 2002

Democrats Are Fined $243,000 for Fund-Raising Violations

WASHINGTON, Sept. 20 — The Democratic National Committee
has agreed to pay civil fines and turn over to the Treasury a total of
$243,000 to settle accusations that it took more than $1 million in
illegal foreign contributions in 1995 and 1996, according to Federal
Election Commission records released today.

The documents also state that the election commission's general
counsel found in 1999 that there was reason to believe that the
People's Republic of China knowingly and willfully violated federal
election law. But the heavily redacted documents also state that the
commission voted unanimously to take no action at this time on
the general counsel's recommendation.

The documents detail efforts by the Democratic Party and the
Clinton-Gore campaign to build their war chest with help from
wealthy Asian donors before the 1996 election. In all, the election
commission disclosed $719,500 in fines today.

The largest fine, $120,000, was paid by the International Buddhist
Progress Society, which operates the Hsi Lai Temple in California,
the site of an April 1996 luncheon attended by Vice President Al
Gore. The national committee paid a $115,000 fine and agreed to
turn over to the Treasury $128,000 it had received in illegal
contributions. The Clinton/Gore '96 Primary Committee paid a
$2,000 fine, the records also show.

John Huang and Yah Lin Trie, two Democratic fund-raisers who
pleaded guilty to violating federal laws, agreed to pay fines
respectively of $95,000 and $7,000.

The commission also found probable cause to believe that Hogan
 Hartson, a Washington law firm, violated election laws in the
handling of $50,000 in donations that a client of the firm made to the
national committee in summer 1996. Two officials at the firm who
were involved in the handling of the donations have agreed to pay a
total of $67,500.

Representatives of the national committee and for former President
Bill Clinton declined to comment. Officials at Hogan  Hartson did
not reply to a phone message.

After the fund-raising scandal broke in late 1996, the Democratic
Party returned $3 million in questionable or improper contributions,
much of it from money donated or solicited by Mr. Huang or Mr.

Kent Cooper, a former election commission official who is now at
PoliticalMoneyLine.com, which tracks money in politics, said some
fines disclosed today appear surprisingly low. The election
commission, he said, limited the fines assessed to some people
based on their claims that they could not afford to pay more. Some
people will look at this and say the F.E.C. should have fined them
more, Mr. Cooper said.

He noted, for example, that the election commission waived fines
against a company called Global Resource Management based on
the assertions by the company's president about its present
financial circumstances, the documents show.

The election commission found that the company, which was
formed in Ohio in 1996 to resolve a construction-related contractual
matter in Saudi Arabia, decided to make a $100,000 contribution to
a national committee fund-raiser in New York on Aug. 18, 1996. The
event was also billed as a 50th birthday celebration for Mr. Clinton.

The company's officers made the contribution in order to meet with
Ray Mabus, the former Mississippi governor and ambassador to
Saudi Arabia, who helped plan the event, the election commission

But the money used to make the contribution was provided by Sheik
Mohammed Oboud Al-Amoudi, a Saudi citizen, who wired $150,000
to the company. The company used this money for the donation
even though its officers had been informed that foreign national
contributions are illegal, the election commission found.

Mr. Cooper said the documents provided further evidence of the
tactics Democratic operatives used to raise money before the 1996

Here, we're dealing with wire transfers and shuffling money to
accounts, he said. What is going on here is warning bells are
going off all over the place.


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A professional politician is a professionally dishonorable man. In
order to get anywhere near high office he has to make so many
compromises and submit to so many humiliations that he becomes
indistinguishable from a streetwalker.  ~~H. L. Mencken

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and 

[CTRL] The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK MLK

2002-09-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK  MLK 

By: Robert Galon Ross, Sr.
"So do not be afraid of them.
There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed,
or hidden that will not be made known.

What I tell you in the dark,
speak in the daylight;
what is whispered in your ear,
proclaim from the roofs."
St. Matthew, 10-26  27

The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK  MLK

This book not only tells who did the shooting, but why they were killed, who planned these terrible acts, and who wrote the checks to pay off the killers. Warning! This one will shock you!

And, the conspiracy facts are that Elite inner circle members of the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission are conspiring to politically and economically dominate the entire world under their New World Order, more recently called Globalization, or Global Union, Global Economy, Global Order, Global Environment, and like terms. The Elite plan to create the American Union by the year 2005. This will include all of North, Central and South America and the Caribian Islands, and will function just like the present European Union. The Elite have invented a new term for expanded NAFTA, which they now call FTAA, or Free Trade Area of the Americas. The Council of the Americas, at the Quebec City conference in March, 2001, have stated very clearly that they plan to complete the FTAA by the year 2005. 

Vice President Dick Cheney was thanked for his remarks at the Council of the Americas conference on May 6, 2002, by founder and Honorary Chairman, David Rockefeller. Cheney said that the FTAA would be completed by January, 2005.

It is obvious that they are really talking about the American Union which they plan to complete by 2005. 

On August 6, 2002, President Bush signed into law the Trade Act of 2002. This means that he can complete the American Union on schedule, because Congress will now only be allowed an up or down vote on treaties that he presents. The Elite will publicly shame and humiliate anyone in Congress who votes against their treaties. They have reduced their opposition greatly by making sure that Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and Congressmen Earl Hilliard, and Bob Barr were defeated in recent primaries. They had already ousted Jim Trafficant earlier. Congressman Ron Paul is next on their list.

A major obstacle to the completion of the American Union is the fact that we have the right to private ownership of firearms. No dictator has ever taken control of his country without first confiscating the citizens guns. The Elite know this, so they have created the organization called "The Department of Homeland Security", which was formed with the expressed purpose of defending this nation against terrorist attacks from the outside. In reality, this is the beginning of a "police state", which will be used to "handle" the militias that will protest the confiscation of firearms owned by Americans. Every time that a firearm is used in an incident, the mainstream news media, and several members of Congress, demand that we have much more restrictive control of weapons. They have already established "concentration camps" on military bases in the U.S. to house the militia members and other protesting citizens once they have outlawed private ownership of weapons. With this knowledge, you will be better prepared to interpret the government’s actions as time moves on toward the completion of the American Union.

Los Angeles Times, Wednesday, 14 August, 2002 

Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft's announced desire for camps for U.S. citizens he deems to be "enemy combatants" has moved him from merely being a political embarrassment to being a constitutional menace. 

Ashcroft's plan, disclosed last week but little publicized, would allow him to order the indefinite incarceration of U.S. citizens and summarily strip them of their constitutional rights and access to the courts by declaring them enemy combatants. 

There is now a proposal to open all snail-mail sent to Congress, digitize it, and make it available to the recipient by E-mail. The stated purpose of doing this is to protect members of Congress from anthrax, and to save their staff time in opening mail. The REAL reason is to snoop the correspondence to see what is inside. All electronic means of correspondence are now being monitored by NSA's operation ECHELON. 

Once they have digitized the snail-mail, there will be no secrets between members of Congress and their constituents.

Many of these leaders are members of the Bohemian Club, who meet annually at the Bohemian Grove in Northern California, where they worship their Moloch, in the form of a giant concrete owl, as they march around the sacrificial table in their medieval robes, uttering their pagan chants. There are several terms used to describe those in the inner circle who direct the Elite, such as central bankers, international banking 

[CTRL] Bush's war plans are a cover-up, Byrd says

2002-09-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

"Bush's war plans are a cover-up, Byrd says"
Sat Sep 21 22:00:18 2002

"Bush's war plans are a cover-up, Byrd says"
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 16:25:32 -0500

(Don't expect to see Senator Byrd on any Sunday morning talk shows.)

Noticed at http://www.buzzflash.com/ --
Bush's war plans are a cover-up, Byrd says
By Paul J. Nyden, STAFF WRITER
September 21, 2002

Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va., said President Bush’s plans to invade Iraq
are a conscious effort to distract public attention from growing problems
at home.

“This administration, all of a sudden, wants to go to war with Iraq,”
Byrd said. “The [political] polls are dropping, the domestic situation
has problems So all of a sudden we have this war talk, war fervor,
the bugles of war, drums of war, clouds of war.

“Don’t tell me that things suddenly went wrong. Back in August, the
president had no plans Then all of a sudden this country is going to
war,” Byrd told the Senate on Friday.

“Are politicians talking about the domestic situation, the stock market,
weaknesses in the economy, jobs that are being lost, housing problems?

Byrd warned of another Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Passed on Aug. 7, 1964,
that resolution handed President Lyndon Johnson broad powers to escalate
the war in Vietnam, a conflict that cost 58,202 American lives and
millions of Asian lives.

“Congress will be putting itself on the sidelines,” Byrd told the Senate.
“Nothing would please this president more than having such a blank check
handed to him.”

Byrd said his belief in the Constitution will prevent him from voting for
Bush’s war resolution. “But I am finding that the Constitution is
irrelevant to people of this administration.”

Sens. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., and Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., both praised Byrd
after he spoke.

“It is the height of patriotism to ask such hard questions,” Clinton
said. “No one exemplifies that more than the senior senator from West

Byrd said, “Before the nation is committed to war, before we send our
sons and daughters to battle in faraway lands, there are critical
questions that must be asked. To date, the answers from the
administration have been less than satisfying.”

Byrd repeatedly said Bush has failed to give members of Congress any
evidence about any immediate danger from Iraq. Byrd also criticized his
speech to the United Nations.

“Instead of offering compelling evidence that the Iraqi regime had taken
steps to advance its weapons program, the president offered the U.N. more
of a warning than an appeal for support.

“Instead of using the forum of the U.N. General Assembly to offer
evidence and proof of his claims, the president basically told the
nations of the world that you are either with me, or against me,” Byrd

“We must not be hell-bent on an invasion until we have exhausted every
other possible option to assess and eliminate Iraq’s supposed weapons of
mass destruction program. We must not act alone. We must have the support
of the world.”

Byrd said Congress needs solid evidence and answers to several specific
questions, including:
* Does Saddam Hussein pose an imminent threat to the U.S.?
* Should the United States act alone?
* What would be the repercussions in the Middle East and around the
* How many civilians would die in Iraq?
* How many American forces would be involved?
* How do we afford this war?
* Will the U.S. respond with nuclear weapons if Saddam Hussein uses
chemical or biological weapons against U.S. soldiers?
* Does the U.S. have enough military and intelligence resources to fight
wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, while mobilizing resources to prevent
attacks on our own shores?

Byrd said the proposed resolution Bush sent Congress on Thursday would be
the “broadest possible grant of war powers to any president in the
history of our Republic. The resolution is a direct insult and an affront
to the powers given to Congress.”

Byrd also criticized Bush’s request for power to carry out “pre-emptive
attacks” and send troops to Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, the West
Bank and anywhere else in the Middle East.

“I cannot believe the gall and the arrogance of the White House in
requesting such a broad grant of war powers,” Byrd said. “This is the
worst kind of election-year politics.”
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, 

[CTRL] War game shock.

2002-09-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

War game shock.
Sat Sep 21 07:10:32 2002

We have just held, last month, the biggest war games in history, the cost being slightly over 250 million dollars. This was, among other things, to promote Rumsfeld's Joint Forces Command. Parts of this function almost like the SS, in that to make a 'seamless military' a lower rank from one service can give orders to a superior in another. It hides true chain of command. In this game it is good guys vs. bad guys, or blue team vs. red team. They had to find a commander to play the red team, and found retired Lt. General Paul Van Riper, U.S.M.C. from Williamsburg, Va. (do a search on internet of that name to check on what I am saying) The game was rigged so the US, the blue team, the good guys would win. Low an behold, General Paul Van Riper won. He sunk, SUNK  , most of the US Navy in the Persian Gulf. The refs tried to continue the game. This General said "No way" and walked out. He gave the signal to attack in the broadcast of morning prayer from the mosques. From that point, knowing they would be jammed, he used no electronic communication, but things like mirrors and lights and motorcycles. Within a short time we lost most of our navy. However, this is the catch, what is comming out is that sea bed lauched missiles are very low tech, AND CANNOT BE COUNTERED. It is like the invention of the long bow, one simple change and suddenly a peasant can take out a knight. This, here in Norfolk, Virginia, the biggest military center in the world is the talk of the town. And it is felt by many that the war with Iraq was planned in detail, but now it seems like they are putting on some theater to save face because of this reality. My question here, (and again do a search on the name Lt. General Paul Van Riper), is how much this information is being passed around.

Michael Donovan, Norfolk, Va my web page is www.pavlita.com 
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2002-09-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


CHICAGO -- SKOLNICKS REPORT, Part 16, reports George W. Bush rump ranging with a fellow Skull  Boner who is now a "prominent mayor" There's only one prominent mayor that I know of who got Boned at Yale in the 1960s: Victor Ashe of Knoxville, Tennessee. Less than one week later, Knoxville gets hit by an Army train, forcing martial law and forced evacutaion of 30,000 residents AND, both Georges Bush visit Knoxville and their favorite Skull and Bones mayor, who was promoted to the federal board of Fanny Mae Saving and Loan in 2001...

SKOLNICKS REPORT, quoting sources in the Pentagon and in multinational news corporations, reported that Bush is thus being blackmailed by numerous governments, both "friendly" and unfriendly. So we at IDIOTBOX WARS will do our patriotic duty and save President Bush and his alleged boytoy from further blackmail! I have a lawsuit pending against the mayor, with a trial scheduled for October 5th, 2002 - maybe I'll ask him about it under oath, for the record 

Mr. Skolnicks names Bush's playmate as a prominent male mayor who attanded Yale Skull and Bones with him. 

I suspect our mayor is GWB's alleged buddy. 

This is not to say anything about any person's life choices, which are none of my business. But when one of my employees -- a president or mayor -- is being blackmailed with such information, and "forced" to harm me and my family's wealth or health, then I DO have a problem with it! 

Here's a little newsletter I emailed out this past week, as first reported on WBCR in Alcoa TN, by Alex Jones on Infowars. I've added a few things to fill in some gaps. Vice President (co-president) Bush Sr campaigned for his fellow Bonesman, Victor Ashe, who was described as "a wealthy Knoxville lawyer," when he ran against Al Gore for US Senate in 1984, after the "retirement" of Howard "The Firm" Baker, who became White House Chief of Staff during the White House's Iran-Contra convictions, and now the current ambassador to Japan (and member of Knoxville's Scarabbean Secret Society at UT, an apparent franchise of Yale's Skull and Bones). Ashe returned the favor when Gore was running for president: He joked that Gore "supported gays in the military", while WATE TV seriously joked that Ashe was a Democrat because he raised taxes so much (apparently hoping that foolish voters would actually believe the caption on their idiotbox). Ashe was a delegate to Bush's last Repub Convention. They party together with Bob Dole on election eve 1996 at the Knoxville TN nightclub Cotton Eye's Hos (Joe's) that is owned by an Arab under indictment for money laundering to the middle east. Ashe is looting our town and destroying our industry, apparently by master plan, on a consistently weekly basis. 

Within a 4 days, on Sunday, September 15, Knoxville was attacked by a derailed train from the US Army, loaded with poison gas. Then martial law was declared and 30,000 residents were forced to flee their homes. Those without another place to stay were provided a bed in one of the many local 'EMA refugee camps. After several days away from their homes and businesses, the locals were allowed to reenter their homes. On Friday, September 20, we were warned through the local TV talking heads, "Get ready for the next terror attack." (Strange - the public servants made it very clear, through the local news media, that this was NOT an example of "terrorism" but was merely an untragic accident) Perhaps the local terrorists were upset by Ashe's anf U.S. Conference of Mayors resolution in 2002, to the American Jewish Congress, condemning "Arab terrorism?" ("The resolution declared that, like terrorism in Oklahoma City, 'the deliberate killing of civilians is an abomination and cannot be rationalized or justified as the result of any situation or circumstance.") 

During this time, BOTH Georges Bush reportedly - and unexpectedly - visited Knoxville, along with Governor "The" Don Sundquist (alleged by a state employee to be the wealthy recipient of revenues from a "bootlegging" empire). 

For more insider news of Victor Ashe and his confessed criminal enterprises: 

* Class-action lawsuits under the RICO Act 

* Judgements for violating the Constitutional rights of "his" employees 

* Judgements for election fraud (Victor was "underage" - Victor Ashe was impeached by the public in 2001, but survived the Recall by hijacking its officers) 

*Sued by a city councilor for holding secret meetings 

*Named by Congress and GAO as responsible for secret meetings to land-grab National Parks and private property using the Billion Dollar Trust Fund of the President's Commission on Americans Outdoors and the United Nations (along with current guber-candidate Lamar Alexander, who President Bill Clinton reportedly alleged is "the sleaziest politician in America") 

*Criminal hit-and-run 


2002-09-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum 
Posted By: Rosalinda
Date: Saturday, 21 September 2002, 4:19 p.m. 

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. 
Friday, September 20, 2002 

Success in finding the right answer to this question, spells 
the difference between a hideous and foolish war, and a 
constructive global peace. Which do you prefer? The choice is, 
speaking collectively, up to you. The question is this: 

Did the circle of Jonathan Pollard left-overs, George 
"Mother" Shultz's so-called "Vulcans," create the current policy 
of Israel, or did Israel government of fascist Vladimir 
Jabotinsky's followers use those "Vulcans," to conduit the 
present war policy back into today's George W. Bush 
administration? Or, as in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Case of the 
Purloined Letter," does the truth of the of the matter lie, 
ultimately, in plain sight, rather than any of the murky 
hiding-places commonly worrying the usual official investigators? 

To add one Poe metaphor to another, the answer is, that the 
author of the offending policy in question, is not a human 
suspect, but what Britain's Thomas Huxley defined as a large, 
sexually depraved monkey of Huxley's own fabrication, Herbert 
George Wells. One might ask former Secretary of State, and 
publicly professed Wellsian, mad Madeleine Albright, about the 
meddling part played by the Wells monkey-business in U.S. 
foreign-policy practice, such as her own. 

Sometimes, as in the case of the bestial war-policies of the 
"Vulcans," or the mad Mrs. Albright and her famous salon, to 
discover the cure for the spread of a deadly epidemic, one must 
first identify the species of the infectious agent. The species 
in question is that of Britain's Wells, Bertrand Russell, and 
their accomplices, the authors of the policy of bringing about a 
utopian form of world government through the threat of use of 
nuclear weapons. Russell was THAT SORT OF PACIFIST; 
unfortunately, many people around the world, have been more or 
less fatally fooled by the fraudulently crafted, pacifist 
reputation of that madly mass-murderous Mephistopheles and his 
culpable followers. 

Notably, above all, Bertrand Russell, hated our United 
States. The authors of the Russellite utopian policies 
associated with the late Alfred Wohlstetter and the "Vulcans" are 
nothing but an extension of the stated Russell-Wells intention to 
destroy the United States. As our publications have quoted 
Russell own writings on this point two decades ago: 

"... when I first became politically conscious Gladstone and 
Disraeli still confronted each other amid Victorian solidities, 
the British Empire seemed eternal, a threat to British naval 
supremacy was unthinkable, the country was aristocratic, rich and 
growing richer For an old man, with such a background, it is 
difficult to feel at home in a world of ... American supremacy." 

This hatred of the kind of society the U.S.A. represented 
was expressed by him, typically, in the following excerpt from 
his 1953 {The Impact of Science on Society,} he wrote; 

"...At present the population of the world is increasing at 
about 58,000 per diem. War, so far, has had no very great effect 
on this increase, which continued throughout each of the world 
wars War ... has hitherto been disappointing in this respect 
.. but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If 
a Black Death could spread throughout the world once in every 
generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the 
world too full The state of affairs might be somewhat 
unpleasant, but what of it? Really high-minded people are 
indifferent to happiness, especially other peoples'" Russell 
typifies that oligarchical tradition of the Babylonian and Roman 
empires, which hates the principle of agape (general welfare) 
which is the essence which Benjamin Franklin breathed into his 
followers' crafting of the 1776 Declaration of Independence and 
1789 draft of the Federal Constitution. 

The essence of Russell's post-1928 policy to that effect was 
defined programmatically by Wells in his 1928 {The Open 
Conspiracy,} to which Russell immediately and loudly subscribed. 
Roots of that utopian policy by Wells and Russell, were expressed 
as early as 1913, when Wells proposed the use of radium weapons 
as sufficiently horrible to prompt nations to give up national 
sovereignty for world government. By the late 1920s, the 
prospect of developing uranium-based fission weapons was already 
under consideration, and confirmed by the accumulated work of 
Meitner and others. It was in this continuing context that 
Russell used two of his assets, Leo Szilard and Eugene Wigner, 
and others, to induce Einstein to adopt and sign that letter to 
President Franklin Roosevelt which set the 
Anglo-American-Canadian nuclear weapons program into motion. 

It was 

[CTRL] CFR Comes To Russia

2002-09-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Council On Foreign Relations Comes to Russia
Thursday, Sep. 19, 2002. Page 3

Russian Elite to Get Own Foreign Affairs Journal

By Andrei Zolotov Jr.
Staff Writer
The Moscow Times

The country's most influential foreign policy experts and most influential business lobbying group have teamed up to launch a Russian equivalent of the U.S. Foreign Affairs journal in November to educate Russia's elite about new global realities, the journal's founders said Wednesday.

The journal will be published in Russian as Rossia v Globalnoi Politike and in English as Russia in Global Affairs. It is a joint project of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, or SVOP, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, or RSPP, and the Izvestia newspaper.

SVOP chairman Sergei Karaganov, who will head the journal's editorial board, said he has raised an annual budget of $500,000 from sponsors which will allow a circulation of 7,000 copies -- an unprecedented amount for a Russian journal.

The journal, which is to eventually be published every two months, will be mainly distributed for free to decision-makers and students, he said.

The journal will also be sent to public libraries and universities, and a free access web site, www.globalaffairs.ru, will open in October.

"We realize that the circle of people who understand what is happening in the world is shrinking dramatically," Karaganov said. "In essence, we would like to help create a new intellectual elite who will be interested in international affairs."

About half of the journal's articles will be original and the rest taken from the influential Foreign Affairs journal, which has granted Russia in Global Affairs the right to use its logo and contents for the symbolic sum of $1 per year, officials said.

Vyacheslav Nikonov, one of the journal's co-founders and the director of the Politika think tank, said the journal's goal is to bridge a gap between the mentality of the Russian elite and the international elite that emerged in the isolation of the Soviet period.

"It will be a journal of patriotic internationalists," Karaganov said. "However, we will publish patriotic conservatives, if they submit quality articles.

" The editorial board includes prominent Russians such as Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, President Vladimir Putin's foreign policy adviser Sergei Prikhodko, former Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov and deputy speakers of the State Duma Vladimir Lukin and Irina Khakamada. From abroad, board members include former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl; Graham Allison, the director of the Belfer Center at Harvard University; and Foreign Affairs editor James Hoge.

The journal's editor in chief is Fyodor Lukyanov, former foreign editor for the Vremya Novostei newspaper.

Its board of trustees includes Transneft CEO Semyon Vainshtok and Sistema chief Vladimir Yevtushenkov and is headed by Vladimir Potanin of Interros.

Karaganov said the journal will revive a Soviet-era tradition of drafting secret "situational reports" for the country's leadership that are based on experts' brainstorming sessions. A declassified version of the reports will be published in the journal. Primakov will chair the first brainstorming session -- on his favorite subject, the Middle East -- next month.

"We hope the open version will not be much different from the closed one," Karaganov said. "We may omit phrases that might be offensive to some countries or some of our politicians." 

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[CTRL] Israel Shamir: Divide And Rule

2002-09-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Divide and Rule
By Israel ShamirI

The Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, a member for Georgia, was derailed by the Jewish Lobby, as she did not want to pledge blind support to the Jewish state. The blind support of Israel is a modern fealty oath, a promise given by a politician to obey the instructions of the Jewish Lobby, not only about marginal [for Americans] question of Palestine, but about the central question of power in the US. This power could not be sustained without some Black support.

A top Jewish official, Stephen Steinlight, Director of National Affairs at the American Jewish Committee[1], frankly called the Jews to maintain “our present privilege, success and political power” by undermining the meagre influence of Blacks, Latinos and other non-whites, as “they harbour no feelings of guilt and see the Jews only as the most privileged and powerful of white Americans”. He proposed to use “the Jewish power disproportionally concentrated in Hollywood, TV and news industry” in order to “divide and conquer” various communities of Americans.


This drive of “divide and conquer” was the motive of the long “special relationship” between the Blacks and the Jews. It began in 1950s and 60s, when the American Jews were the most important and powerful friends of the Blacks. Two-thirds of Freedom Riders, the young men from the North, who came down South to wake the Blacks up, were Jews[2]. It sounds like a fairy tale, for nowadays, the policies of the Jewish community are anything but egalitarian, but before 1968, Jewish activists inspired the Blacks of the South to fight for their civil rights, and brought unrest to the campuses. They were supported by very unlikely allies, by the crème of the Jewish community, New York bankers and newspaper owners.

It was unexpected alliance, for in the past, the Jews have been prominent slave-traders In West Indies, the slave trade was in the Jewish hands since Sixteenth century. The Jews in the US utilised their connections in West Indies and brought the Black slaves to the plantations of the South. An important Jewish leader, Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, opposed Lincoln and supported the right “to buy and sell black savages”[3] It is often said that the Jewish tradition stands by human dignity and equality, but Maimonides, the greatest Jewish religious authority, denied humanity of Blacks and approved of slavery[4].

The Jewish support of the Blacks’ rights could be conceived as a tactical move designed to promote the Jewish interests by using the Blacks’ anger and energy. In these days, the Jews were still a separate social body, outside of the traditional elites, ‘pariah elite’ in words of witty Lenni Brenner. Facing the assault of the Blacks led by Jewish activists, the old elites were forced to open the doors to the Jews. With integration of the Jewish elite into the new elite of America, the Jewish activism collapsed. The revolution of ’68 was betrayed. The previously liberal Jewish newspapers like the NY Times began to preach a new agenda: the bracing mix of neo-liberalism and Jewish supremacy. The activists disappeared, went into business, opened furniture shops, or were marginalized, as if they were satisfied to establish ‘meritocracy’, the foundation stone of the New World Order.

The Black foot-soldiers of the revolution remained without their partners, even worse: they were attacked by yesterday’s allies. Martin Luther King was assassinated when his movement for equality and integration of the Blacks went too far; as far as wealthy Jewish suburbs. When the Blacks started to move into the privileged areas in the North, King was killed and the civil rights movement was rolled back. The suburbs remained Jewish; the Blacks remained in their ghetto; I was told by a prominent Jewish American participant of the events.

Lenni Brenner[5] dates the Jewish volte-face by 1967, when the predominantly Jewish teachers and lawyers of New York went into action to stop Black children from receiving proper education and competing for jobs: ‘them niggers can’t even keep their cotton pickin’ hands off our graft’, as he put it.


An outsider would imagine that we Jews are professional double-dealers; that we preached the rights of the Blacks but planned just to use them and promote our own agenda. But I am not an outsider, and this sort of duplicity can not be imagined outside of fiction. The young Jewish activists of pre-68’ America were sincere people, but their success was partly due to support of their parents, of Jewish banking and media elite. When the elite made a full turn around, the revolutionaries were lost, as soldiers forgotten by their commanders far beyond enemy lines. It was a deep personal tragedy for many of them. A small remainder of the Jewish progressive forces survived the shift, but it was not reinforced by younger members of the 

[CTRL] Worthy and Unworthy Victims - Munich Matters, Sabra and Shatila Don't

2002-09-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

September 21, 2002
Worthy and Unworthy Victims
Munich Matters, Sabra and Shatila Don't


Between August 27 and September 10, 2002, the Los Angeles Times ran a well-written series of articles on the anniversary of the 1972 Munich Olympics. Entitled "Munich Olympics: Thirty Years Later," the series contained twenty articles totaling over 18,000 words, the equivalent of almost 500 column inches, or 41 column feet of text. At least eight articles dealt specifically with the event for which the 1972 Games are most remembered, the brutal kidnapping and murder of eleven Israeli athletes by Palestinian terrorists.

On the anniversary of the attacks, September 5, a 6352-word article appeared. Titled "Black September; Long Before The Twin Towers Fell, Dream Of Security At Games Toppled When Arabs Murdered 11 Israelis," the article was accompanied by a gruesome photograph of Yoseph Gutfreund, the Israeli wrestling referee, sitting in the helicopter seat at the airport where he was murdered by the terrorists. The image of Gutfreund's slumped, manacled, and lifeless body is juxtaposed with a current photo of his two daughters, each standing with one of their daughters, the granddaughters that Gutfreund never knew. The article described at length the sorrow experienced by the Gutfreunds, and their struggle to carry on after their father's ghastly murder.

To its credit the LA Times gave an account of the Israeli reaction to the terrorist attack, however brief. A 543-word article on September 6 described the tragedy of Mossad agents hunting down and executing the wrong man. Ahmed Bouchiki was gunned down on the street in Lillehammer, Norway on July 21, 1973 while waiting for a bus with his pregnant wife. The Israeli agents had mistaken him for one of the Munich terrorists.

Given this exhaustive (and entirely proper) coverage of the thirtieth anniversary of the terrorist crimes in Munich in 1972, a fair-minded observer would expect the anniversary of a terrorist crime with perhaps a hundredfold (if not more) of the deaths at the Olympics to receive at least equal coverage. Referred to here are not the horrific crimes of September 11, 2001; an enormous amount of (again, entirely proper) coverage of the first anniversary of those atrocities was featured in the Los Angeles Times. It is the twentieth anniversary of the terrorist killings at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps that one would think worthy of at least equal, if not significantly greater, coverage in the LA Times. The details of these attacks are easily available.

In a fair media culture, one would expect to see:

Lengthy and detailed descriptions of the events of September 16-18, 1982, including the tacit (or even overt) permission given by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) to the Christian Phalange and Haddad militia to move into the camps.

Statements that the Haddad militia (followers of a defector from the Lebanese Army who was set up as a puppet in the southern area of Lebanon occupied by Israel) was essentially an arm of the IDF.

Reports of IDF flares lighting the camps on the night of the 16th, to help the militia complete its "mopping up" of "terrorist nests," as then-Defense Minister Ariel Sharon described their mission.

Accounts of the brutal slaughter continuing until the 18th, with Israeli forces watching the carnage from a promontory that provided a clear view inside the camps.

Interviews with the survivors of the horrible acts of September 16-18, 1982.

Pictures showing the slaughtered corpses of the victims of these terrorist attacks, including photos of the living descendants of these victims, as well as an accompanying article talking of the emotional suffering of these descendants.

Given that the current leader of Israel was one of the principal actors in this pogrom, a detailed account of the Kahan Commission investigation, wherein the Israeli government declared then-Defense Minister Ariel Sharon indirectly guilty of war crimes for the deaths of anywhere between several hundred to several thousand Palestinian men, women, and children. 

Yes, one would expect. But what is found when we search the Los Angeles Times for the days surrounding the twentieth anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres?

A deafening silence.

Indeed, a researcher has to go back to June 27 of this year to find the most recent reference to the attacks on Sabra and Shatila in the LA Times, and then it is a report about a Belgian court dismissing a war crimes case against Ariel Sharon. The court argued that since Sharon was not physically in Belgium, he could not be prosecuted for war crimes in connection with the Sabra and Shatila massacres. A recent Belgian law allowed for the prosecution of any person for war crimes, regardless of the nationality of the accused or the place of the alleged crime. Thus, the only reference to the Sabra and Shatila massacre in the Los 

[CTRL] Lavon Affair

2002-09-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Lavon Affair
Israeli Espionage Operation

Taking its name from Pinhas Lavon, Israeli Defense Minister, this abortive espionage operation involved Israeli agents who bungled a spectacular mission aimed at bringing the U.S. into confrontation with Egypt. The mission was reportedly designed and ordered by Pinhas Lavon (1904-1976). 

Lavon, born in Warsaw to a merchant family, attended Lvov University in the 1920s, then departed for Palestine, working for Israeli independence as a dedicated Zionist. Upon Israel's recognition as an independent state, Lavon was appointed Minister of Agriculture by Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion in Israel's first cabinet (1948-1953), later becoming Minister of Defense. 

Lavon continued in that role when Moshe Sharett became Prime Minister in 1954. In that year, it appeared that the U.S. was beginning to favor Egypt over Israel. President Dwight D. Eisenhower seemed very friendly toward Egyptian strongman President Gamal Abdul Nasser. 

To counter this political situation, eleven Israeli agents living in Egypt, apparently under orders from Israeli military intelligence (headed by Colonel Benjamin Gibli) planned to blow up American buildings in Alexandria and Cairo, the blame for which would the be fixed upon Egyptian nationalists. This plot was designed to thoroughly rupture American-Egyptian relationships. It backfired when one the Israeli provocateurs-he is known only by his cover name of Paul Frank—proved to be a double agent working for Colonel Osman Nouri, the shrewd chief of Egyptian counterintelligence. Frank informed on the other agents, 

Except for their operational chief. Colonel Dar, who escaped, the spies were captured and placed on trial. Two were executed, one committed suicide and the rest were sent to prison. The responsibility for this fiasco was placed at the door of Pinhas Lavon, who immediately denied having ordered the mission. He insisted that the agents had been under the direction of Israeil military intelligence, the Mossad, and that he knew nothing of it. 

To protect his name, Lavon demanded an official inquiry. Sharett ordered a commission to investigate the matter but nothing could be determined. The investigation reported that Colonel Gibli testified he had received verbal orders to proceed with the mission and that Lavon had given him those verbal orders. Lavon denied ever giving any orders to Gibli. 

The Lavon Affair, as it was afterward called, left the Defense Minister in disrepute. He resigned in February 1955. His supporters openly accused Israeli Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan of conspiring against Lavon and that he was the real culprit in the bungled Egyptian mission. Another commission determined that Dayan was innocent of leading a conspiracy against Lavon. 

Still another commission was ordered to investigate the Lavon Affair in 1960 by David Ben-Gurion who had returned to power as Prime Minister. The commission, headed by Chief of Staff General Chaim Laskov, reported that Lavon had not issued the order and that it was most likely a directive from military intelligence, although the commission did not identify the person responsible. Ben-Gurion rejected the findings of the commission and refused to reinstate Lavon 

So divided was public sentiment that Ben-Gurion was forced to resign and reorganize his cabinet before resuming office in 1961. Pinhas Lavon gave up the attempt to vindicate himself and went into permanent retirement. The Lavon Affair remains today a subject of controversy. 
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[CTRL] The ADL Spying Case Is Over, But The Struggle Continues

2002-09-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The ADL Spying Case Is Over, But The Struggle Continues
by Jeffrey Blankfort via Moi
Wednesday September 18, 2002 at 10:42 PM

Critics of the Anti-Defamation League allege that the ADL has two primary functions: The unofficial arm of the Israeli propaganda ministry, and an intelligence gathering agency for the Israeli Mossad (equivalent to the US CIA).

The ADL Spying Case Is Over, But The Struggle Continues 
By Jeffrey Blankfort, Anne Poirier and Steve Zeltzer, Plaintiffs in the of ADL Spying Case 

In 1993, the District of Attorney of San Francisco released 700 pages of documents implicating the Anti-Defamation League, an organization that claims to be a defender of civil 
rights, in a vast spying operation directed against American citizens who were opposed to Israel's policies in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza and to the apartheid policies of 
the government of South Africa and passing on information to both governments. 

Under great political pressure, Smith later dropped the charges. One wonders what would have happened had an Arab-American or Muslim organization been caught spying 
with the names of 10,000 people and 600 organizations in their files. 

Not only were critics of Israel under ADL's surveillance,including thousands of Arab-Americans, but labor organizations such as the San Francisco Labor Council, ILWU Local 
10, and the Oakland Educational Association, and civil rights groups such as the NAACP, Irish Northern Aid, International Indian Treaty Council and the Asian Law Caucus were 
also found in the "pinko" files of ADL's undercover operative, Roy Bullock. 

Moreover, Bullock, who had worked, off the books, for the ADL for more than 25 years, admitted that he had been reporting on the activities of black South African exiles and 
American anti- apartheid activists for South African intelligence. 

Bullock, pretending to be sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, came to the founding meeting of the Labor Committee of the Middle in 1987 at the home of plaintiff Steve Zeltzer, 
having met Zeltzer at meetings of the Free Moses Mayekiso Defense 
Committee, a South African labor solidarity committee in which he also infiltrated under false pretenses. 

Having been responsible for exposing Bullock as an ADL agent to the media, we joined together with other Bay Area activists in filing a suit against the ADL for violation of our 
privacy rights as provided in California law. 

Almost a decade later the suit has been settled with a significant cash payment by the ADL and, we wish to emphasize, without our signing any agreement for confidentiality 
which the ADL had previously demanded. Our efforts to expose the organization's work in defending the policies of the Israeli government and stifling its opponents will continue, 
using new information gained in the pursuance of the suit. 

The ADL spent millions of dollars preventing this case from coming to trial through costly appeals and exploiting the judicial process but, at the end, it had to give up.. 

During the course of the suit we learned that: 

Bullock, the ADL's top "fact finder" had sold confidential information to a South African intelligence agent in San Francisco for $15,000. 

Ten days before he was assassinated in South Africa, Chris Hani, the man who would have succeeded Nelson Mandela as the country's president, was trailed by Bullock on a 
trip through California who reported on it to the South African government. 

ADL agent Roy Bullock was discovered to have a floor plan of murdered Los Angeles Arab American leader Alex Odeh and a key to his office. 

The ADL supplied confidential information to foreign governments that it obtained from police and federal agencies in the US, 

Having infiltrated the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the ADL's "fact finder" performed a COINTEL-type operation at the convention of the 
Holocaust-denying Journal of Historical Review when he put ADC's literature on convention tables as a way of smearing the committee for "working with anti- Semites." 

The ADL has organized to silence and eliminate all critical voices of Israel from academia and the media and has targeted professors , particularly those who are African 
American, and who are critical of Israel. 

That at least 51% of the activities of its San Francisco office were devoted to defending Israel. 

The ADL provided secret files to police agencies when these police agencies were prevented by law from collecting the files themselves, 

Many questions must still be answered about the activities of the ADL and it's non-profit status as an "education organization". The settlement offered by the ADL is recognition 
on its part that it could not afford to go to a trial in front of a jury and face the likelihood that more of its dirty secrets would be revealed. 

We call on all people to make sure that these practices on the part of the ADL are not allowed 

[CTRL] Mossad´s Record

2002-09-21 Thread William Shannon

Mossad´s Record 

In Victor Ostrovsky's book, "By Way of Deception: A Devastating Insider's Portrait of the Mossad" (Toronto: Stoddart, 1990) we discover many remarkable things about this "extreme right" organization. 

•Who is Victor Ostrovsky?

"Ostrovsky, a Canadian born of an Israeli mother and Canadian Jewishfather, spent most of his formative years in Holon, Israel. He was, at age 18, the youngest officer in the Israeli military. A weapons-testing expert, he was recruited by the Mossad and completed their extensive training program, becoming a katsa, or case officer, only to grow disillusioned with the organization's aims and operations and return to Canada."

In his own words:

"I was elated when I was chosen and granted the privilege to join what I considered to be the elite team of the Mossad.

But it was the twisted ideals and self-centered pragmatism that I encountered inside the Mossad, coupled with this so-called team's greed, lust, and total lack of respect for human life, that motivated me to tell this story.

It is out of love for Israel as a free and just country that I am laying my life on the line by so doing, facing up to those who took it upon themselves to turn the Zionist dream into the present-day nightmare."

•Spying on American Citizens

First off, we learn that the Mossad often receives information from the CIA, while it has a policy of never giving such information out - even if the lives of Americans are in danger. Also, we discover that a super-secret division of the Mossad (called Al) is active in New York and Washington - engaged in spying on American citizens, recruiting Jewish "helpers", and carrying out covert activities. It employs between 24 and 27 field personnel, and most of their activity is with U.S. borders (primarily New York and Washington).

•Systemic Utilization of Jewish Abuse of Position

We discover also that, thanks to the threat of anti-Semitism, the Mossad can tap the "significant and loyal cadre of the worldwide Jewish community outside Israel." These volunteer Jewish helpers, placed in convenient positions, can, say, help agents secure documents from their employer's office, or money if needed, or keys to a person's room in the hotel where they work (for assassination).

Apparently the threat of anti-Semitism, which is exaggerated by orthodox groups to enforce cohesivity, results in a reflexive betrayal of social positions and trusts whenever the specter of anti-Semitism is manifested by Mossad agents.

•The Bombing of an Innocent Libya

We are informed, in Victor Ostrovsky's next book "The Other Side of Deception", that the Mossad was the controlling force responsible for the American action against both Libya and Iraq. It is a remarkable story of how American sentiment was manipulated by the subterfuges of a foreign country, the outcome of which could only entail the risking of American lives (Iraq: at least 600 dead) and the enmity of the Arab world.

The Mossad placed a transmitter on Libyan soil which made it appear that Libya was sending terrorist orders to its various embassies, which the gullible Americans decoded and considered to be real, even though they failed to predict the attack on Le Discotheque in West Germany which - ironically - was the very "provocation" which was used to justify the strike.

Only the French, whose secret service is more astute at recognizing the hand of Mossad, were not fooled. And this was the reason why the French did not allow the United States to use their airspace for what was, in essence, an aggressive act against an innocent party - An act which resulted in the death of three Americans and forty Libyan civilians, including Qadhafi's adopted daughter.

•The Persian Gulf War

"Even as early as May 1, 1986 was the Mossad working on building up Saddam Hussein as a great threat to the world. The main reason for this was the threat his giant armies posed to Israel after the Iran-Iraq war which had previously occupied him. This is the REAL reason we bombed Iraq. The story of this Jewish action is of greater complexity, since it spanned a greater length of time - in which the American public was successively propagandized through a wide variety of sources.

"The Mossad's psychological warfare machine activated every agent it had, including volunteer agents in Amnesty international and fully bought members of the U.S. congress to portray Saddam Hussein as a great threat to the world. Grisly footage of the Mossad-financed Kurds who were killed, casualties of the ongoing guerrilla war with Bagdad, were shown on Jewish run U.S. television.

"An Iraqi explosives factory was blown up by Mossad operatives to generate publicity about the gigantic and powerful military arsenal that Saddam was bulding. And after the explosion, when the Iraqis invited journalists to see how their rebuilding efforts were going, a Mossad agent approached a former agent, who had been caught 


2002-09-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


JOHN PILGER on the hypocrisy of an occupying force

TONIGHT ITV1 screens John Pilger's powerful documentary, "Palestine is still the Issue." In this special report, Pilger reveals the tragedy of an epic injustice that is at the root of Bush's and Blair's threats of war.

LAST October, in the early hours of the morning, a young expectant mother called Fatima Abed-Rabo awoke with intense labour pains; and she and her husband Nasser set out in a friend's car for the hospital in Bethlehem, in Israeli occupied Palestine.

The couple had been trying for a second child for three years and had undergone fertility treatment. "The news of the pregnancy had made us so happy," said Nasser, "that we celebrated by replacing the tin sheeting on our home with a concrete roof."

The couple were stopped at the Israeli military roadblock just outside their village. The soldiers turned them back, even though Fatima was now haemorrhaging. They got a taxi, hoping that would be allowed through. Again, they were turned back. No explanation was given; one soldier mimicked Fatima's moans.

Fatima gave birth to her baby in the taxi. She remembers the soldiers hurling her husband's ID into the blood on the floor.

"We cut the umbilical cord with a razor blade," she said. "My husband wrapped the tiny boy in his jacket, and eventually one of his relatives found a back route."

Barely three pounds in weight, blue and in a critical condition, the baby was dead by the time they arrived at the hospital.

We don't know why they did this to us," she told me in my film on ITV tonight. "It wasn't personal. This is how they treat all Palestinians. I'm sorry to say this, but they would rather help an animal than an Arab."

STORIES like Fatima's are rarely news in Britain, yet they are typical of the everyday treatment of the Palestinians. Human rights groups run by Israelis have recorded hundreds of instances of pregnant and seriously ill Palestinians being turned back at Israeli checkpoints, including ambulances.

"We don't know how many have died like this," said a spokeswoman for the Israeli Physicians for Human Rights, "because many people don't even bother to set out for hospital, knowing the soldiers will stop them. "These people offer no threat to Israel. Those who do, like the suicide bombers, of course never go through roadblocks, which exist only to control, subjugate and humiliate ordinary people. It is like a routine terrorism."

Fatima's remark about being treated worse than an animal is apposite. It is always easier to harm or kill people who, in the eyes of the powerful, do not matter: be it in Afghanistan or occupied Palestine.

Israeli soldiers enforcing the illegal occupation of Palestinian land can cause the death of babies and other innocents, or kill them outright, and words such as murder and terrorism are almost never used. The same immunity has been enjoyed by those politicians who design and permit this "routine terrorism," which is the product of a form of colonialism.

Indeed, to understand both the roots and the double standards of Bush's "war on terror," whose propaganda the Israeli regime of Ariel Sharon has adopted almost word for word, you need to come to Palestine, where one of the longest military occupations in modern times is now in its 36th year.

When I was passing through Israeli checkpoints last May, there were several of these routine murders. A nurse was one of them. Nine-tenths of Palestinians killed by the Israelis are civilians; 45 per cent are teenagers and children. In Gaza, five years ago, an amusement park opened beside the sea. It was the only one in a deeply impoverished place populated mainly by refugees whose families were forced off their land or out of their villages by the Israelis.

"At first, it was very successful," said Walid Al Dirawi, who looks after the deserted ruin of rusting rides and dodgem cars. "Then the shooting started from across the road. The Israeli settlers and soldiers shot it up every weekend, and of course people stayed away." Behind the dodgems is a wall pock-marked with bullet holes, like a shooting gallery.

THE "settlers" are mostly religious Israelis or immigrants from Russia, America and elsewhere, who are subsidised by the government to live in what are colonial fortresses in the midst of Palestinian communities, guarded by the Israeli army.

They have no right to be there under international law, and the United Nations says they should get out. Their justification is usually Biblical.

For the Israeli state, they serve a practical purpose; they occupy and encroach upon more and more Palestinian land, while allowing the military to control the Palestinians with more and more roadblocks and restrictions. Many Palestinian villages are surrounded by barbed wire, and people require a special permit even to travel to the 

[CTRL] Scientists question Bush case against Iraq

2002-09-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Scientists question Bush case against Iraq
By Andrew Buncombe in Washington
22 September 2002

One of the key pieces of "evidence" in the Bush administration's case for military action against Saddam Hussein is being questioned by a number of leading US scientists. It is also alleged that the administration is silencing dissent among its own analysts who have raised questions.

Two weeks ago the administration heralded the discovery of shipments of thousands of high-strength aluminum tubes to Iraq as proof that President Saddam was secretly trying to develop a programme to produce nuclear weapons. Such tubes can be used in the production of enriched uranium, vital for such a programme.

The discovery of the tubes – which were intercepted en route to Iraq – was leaked to a leading American newspaper. Vice-President Dick Cheney went on a television talk show to say the tubes were evidence that President Saddam was "actively and aggressively" trying to develop a nuclear programme.

But a report from the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) says such claims cannot be made. The report – a draft of which has been obtained by The Independent on Sunday – concludes: "By themselves these attempted procurements are not evidence that Iraq is in possession of, or close to possessing, nuclear weapons. They do not provide evidence that Iraq has an operating centrifuge plant or when such a plant could be operational."

Washington says that in the past 14 months it has seized two separate shipments of tubes to Iraq. While it refuses to say where the seizures took place, it has been reported that at least one of the shipments originated in China and was intercepted in Jordan. There is no evidence that any of the tubes actually reached Iraq.

The shipments sparked concern among the US intelligence community because of the use of such tubes in the centrifuges employed to make enriched uranium for nuclear bombs. Because these centrifuges rotate up to 1,000 times a minute, it is essential to use high-strength, heat-resistant metals.

But the report produced by ISIS, an independent group that studies nuclear and other security issues, questions this conclusion on several technical grounds, suggesting that, based on information released by the government, the tubes were of a thickness that would make them difficult to weld. It also says that by the time Iraq's nuclear weapons programme was destroyed by coalition forces during the Gulf war, it had abandoned aluminum for specialised steel and carbon fibre.

David Albright, the director of ISIS and a scientist with first-hand experience of Iraq's nuclear weapons programme as a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency's inspection team, said there was a debate within the US scientific community about the government's claims but added that the Bush administration had clamped down on such discussion. "I don't know why there is not more debate. I have heard that a lot of people are expected to remain silent. [The Bush administration] has certainly scared people," he said. "I met one government scientist who said his phone was being monitored."

Despite such alleged tactics, there are signs of dissent in the scientific community. A report in the current edition of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, published by the Educational Foundation for Nuclear Science, also questions the tubing "evidence". It says: "The aluminum tubing story -- and others to come -- may be taken at face value by an insufficiently sceptical press, but the decision to go to war is simply too important to let the administration 'wing it' in presenting its rationale." 

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Re: [CTRL] Saudis Pay out money

2002-09-21 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 Oops. False reference. Deftly done though.

 The compensation the Saudis give has nothing to do with blowing up homes.
 They do not give it to homeless families - they give it to families who
 a martyr for a son. As if the Koran didn't make the difference between
 martyrdom and murder pretty clear.

You are right. I apologize. The Israels do not blow up the homes of the
family members of human bombers - they give them a Mezuzah to hang
over their doorway.

Does the Torah encourage Israeli pilots to drop 2000 lb bombs on
apartment houses filled with women and children?

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Re: [CTRL] Freedom of speech (for Nazis?)

2002-09-21 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

If I had a say in the matter, I would make sure anything the Palestinians
were to take over would be leveled to the ground before they ever
touched any part of it and I would make sure they knew it was going to
happen.  They would know in advance that noting good will come of their
actions now.

Are you paraphrasing Goebbels or Himmler?

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Saudis Pay out money

2002-09-21 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

You are playing the bait and switch again.

The Saudi's are essentially hiring young Palestinians as murderers. They are
making the killing of innocents a lucrative career path. The fact that
Israel is involved in evil shit on it's own, and it is, does not change the
inherent evil of the suicide murderer, nor the perhaps greater evil of those
who pay for it, and make it viable.

What is is with people who only see the world in black and white. Several on
this list keep assuming that because I'm Jewish, or because I think Israel
has a right to exist, that I'm some rightwing Sharon loving settler. That
because I find convincing boys that murder will bring them heavenly orgasms
is as evil as evil can get, that I think any act perpetrated against Muslims
is OK.

To sum up - I did not, as you imply, deny that Israel has undertaken an evil
horrific policy when they bulldoze homes. It still does not make blowing up
school buses OK. Blowing up school buses does not deserve an award.

on 9/21/02 10:26 PM, flw at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Oops. False reference. Deftly done though.

 The compensation the Saudis give has nothing to do with blowing up homes.
 They do not give it to homeless families - they give it to families who
 a martyr for a son. As if the Koran didn't make the difference between
 martyrdom and murder pretty clear.

 You are right. I apologize. The Israels do not blow up the homes of the
 family members of human bombers - they give them a Mezuzah to hang
 over their doorway.

 Does the Torah encourage Israeli pilots to drop 2000 lb bombs on
 apartment houses filled with women and children?

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Freedom of speech (for Nazis?)

2002-09-21 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

I'm paraphrasing the little hen who
said Then I will eat it all by myself and the ant
who told the lazy grasshopper Sorry bub. On a more serious note, I don't think
Jews should find themselves again victim to the Covet, Steal, Kill pattern that was
played out against them in Germany. Anything they get back should come back to
them as it was. 

 -Caveat Lector-
 If I had
a say in the matter, I would make sure anything the
were to take over would be leveled to the ground before
 they ever
touched any part of it and I would make sure they knew it
 was going
to happen. They would know in advance that noting good
 will come
of their actions now.
 Are you paraphrasing
Goebbels or Himmler?

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Murder of Arafat

2002-09-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Murder of Arafat

by Uri Avnery 

While I am writing this, Yasser Arafat is still alive. But his life is hanging on a thread. 

When we visited him the last time in his bombed-out Mukata’ah compound in Ramallah, I warned him that Sharon is determined to kill him. 

Everybody acquainted with Sharon knows that he never lets go. When he does not achieve his aim the first time, he tries again, and again, and again, and again. Never, ever, does he give up. 

Already in besieged Beirut, at the height of the Lebanon war, Sharon was trying to put his hands on him. Dozens of agents, mostly Phalanges members, were combing the western quarters in order to catch him. He evaded them, as he has evaded dozens of assassination attempts before and after, by Abu Nidal (who was at least partly a Mossad hireling) and others. 

Now Sharon believes that he can achieve his aim. He needs only Bush’s approval. Not necessarily a formal confirmation. A subtle hint will suffice. Half a word. A wink. 

It will be easy to implement the decision. An incident can be put in motion: soldiers enter the office in order to capture “wanted” people, somebody opens fire, Arafat will be shot “by accident.” Arafat may draw his pistol, soldiers will “have no alternative” but to return fire. A shell may hit the office “by mistake,” Arafat will be buried under the rubble. After all, in war accidents happen. A lot of accidents. 

Sharon never wanted to “deport” Arafat to Gaza or any other place in this world. He wants to deport him to the next world. Now this is possible. 

Therefore, it is necessary to speak out bluntly and unequivocally: 

Morally, the murder of Arafat, the historical leader and elected president of the Palestinian people, is reprehensible. Like the murder of Rabin. 

Legally, the murder of Arafat is a war crime. 

Politically, it will be said about the murder of Arafat what a French statesman said about another political murder: “It is worse than a crime, it is a mistake!” 

Arafat is the man who decided, 28 years ago, to start on the road to a settlement with Israel, in order to realize this way the national aspirations of the Palestinian people. At the time, that was an incredibly bold decision, and he took it long before Rabin and Peres even dreamed about Oslo. I know, because I was an eyewitness to the beginnings of the process. 

Since than, Arafat has not changed by one iota the decision he took then: to seek conciliation with Israel within the framework of peace that will include an independent Palestinian state, return to the pre-1967 border with mutually agreed adjustments, Jerusalem capital of both states, withdrawal of the settlers, suitable security arrangements, a mutually agreed solution of the refugee problem. 

On this basis, peace is possible even now. Immediately. But Sharon rejects it with both his fists. He wants a Greater Israel, the extension of the settlements, and, eventually, the elimination of the Palestinian presence west of the Jordan. 

The assertion of Ehud Barak that Arafat has rejected his own peace plan is a blatant lie that has caused a historical disaster. Barak’s “generous offers” were far from the sensible solution. 

Now, as before, Arafat is the only person capable of signing a peace agreement and convincing his people to accept and implement it. No other Palestinian leader capable of doing so is to be seen on the horizon. Leadership of the Palestinian people will not pass into the hands of the “moderates,” who will look like collaborators and accomplices to the murder, but into the hands of the extremists, fanatics thirsting for revenge. 

The murder of Arafat is the murder of all chances for peace. 

That is a crime against the Israeli people. It will condemn us to making war for decades, perhaps for generations to come, perhaps forever. The moral, social and economic decline that we are experiencing now everywhere in Israel will drag Israel down to new depths and to the emigration of many. 

The dead Arafat will become a legend of heroism to his people and a new Che Guevara to the world. His mistakes will be forgotten. For future generations of Palestinians, he will become a role model. Hundreds of millions of Arabs and Muslims, from Morocco to Indonesia, will compare their own leaders to the dead Arafat, and the comparison will be fatal. 

In the eyes of these hundreds of millions, Israel and Jews will become a synonym of betrayal, killing and lying. The poisonous plant of anti-Semitism will bloom as never before. Already we are tasting a small sample of this. 

If this disaster happens, all the government will share the blame. Not one minister will be acquitted. Neither Ben-Eliezer, nor Peres, nor any of their colleagues. Nor the army officers who cooperated and even pushed the political leadership. Nor the members of the Knesset, whether belonging to the coalition or 


2002-09-21 Thread Zuukie

-Caveat Lector-

Wow, Pilger certainly does know how to write an emotional piece.  Never heard of
him so I decided to do a search.  He got some pretigious awards.  The Marxists like
him, the Socialists like him, the Arabs like him.  (In fact he was an advocate for the
Palestinians and had written against Israel 25 years ago.)  He doesn't like America
and calls it the greatest terrorist nation.  I guess here is where the far left and 
the far
right would agree with him.

Now that he has tugged at my heartstrings, it's time for me to move on and find
information that talks to that part of me that's above the neck. You know, the part
that wants to know who, what, when where and why and where I can double-check
wonderfully written stories.  Disinformation is so much easier to accept than reality.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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