2002-11-05 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.gooff.com/news/read.asp?ID=1412




The opinion of Louis J. Elsas, II, M.D., Director, Division of Medical Genetics, 
Professor of
Pediatrics, as stated to the Labor and Human Resources Committee, U.S. Senate

2040 Ridgewood Drive, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Division of Medical Genetics

Statement for the Labor and Human Resources Committee, U.S. Senate

I have considerable concern for the increased dissemination and consumption of the
sweetener, aspartame (1-methyl N- Laspartyl-L- phenylalanine) in our world food supply.
This artificial dipeptide is hydrolyzd by the intestinal tract to product 
L-phenylalanine which
in excess is a known neurotoxin. Normal humans do not metabolize phenylalanie as
efficiently as do lower species such as rodents, and thus most of the previous studies 
Aspartame effects on rats are irrelevant to the question, “does phenylalanine excess 
with Aspartame ingestion?” and if so “will it adversely affect human brain function?”

Preliminary studies in my laboratory provide tentative positive answers to both 
Many studies of both acute and chronic ingestion of 34 mg Aspartame/kg/day have
demonstrated a two to five fold increase in semi-fasting blood phenylalanine 
(from approximately 50 5o 250 pM) without concomitant increases in tyrosine or other
amino acids. The degree of increase by normal humans depends on several variables
including the efficiency of gut transport, liver utilization, and growth rates. It was 
thought by
many scientists and clinicians that this degree of blood phenylalanine increases would 
affect brain function. However, currently available information indicates that this is 
not true.

1) In the developing fetus such a rise in maternal blood phenylalanine could be 
four to six fold by the concentrative efforts of the placenta and fetal blood brain 
Thus a maternal phenylalanine of 150 pM could reach 900 pM in the developing fetal 
cell and this concentration kills such cells in tissue culture. The effect of such an 
fetal brain concentrations in vivo would probably be much more subtle and expressed as
mental retardation, microcephaly, or potential certain birth defects.

2) In the rapidly growing post-natal brain (children of 9-12 months) irreversible brain
damage could occur by the same mechanism.

3) In the adult we have found that changes in blood phenylalanine in these 
ranges are associated with slowing of the electroencephalogram, and prolongation of
cognitive function tests. Fortunately, these effects on the mature brain are 
reversible but
provide clear evidence for a negative effect on sensitive parameters of brain 
function. In
view of these new (and confirmation of old) research findings, I suggest the following:
1) Immediate quantitative labeling of all aspartame-containing foods, so the consumer 
know how much phenylalanine he/ she is ingesting.
2) Declare an immediate moratorium on addition of aspartame to more foods, and remove
it from all low-protein beverages, foods, and children’s medications.
3) Provide funds not controlled by industry to:

a) Allow active surveillance for potential side-effects of aspartame on newborns whose
mothers dieted with NutraSweet (aspartame)-containing foods.
b) Allow active evaluation of other users whose complaints cannot be adequately 
studied at
c) Clarify the dose relationship and mechanisms by which L- phenylalanine affects human
brain function..

Respectfully submitted,

Louis J. Elsas, II, M.D.
Director, Division of Medical Genetics, Professor of Pediatrics

Written by Louis J. Elsas, II, M.D., Director, Division of Medical Genetics, Professor 
Pediatrics--Posted 11/3/2002
Click Here For More...

11/4/2002 6:55:20 PM EST

The Courage to
be Who I Am

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2002-11-05 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


I want to the pResident of ALL the people!

Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum


Posted By: MaverickBob
Date: Monday, 4 November 2002, 12:51 a.m.

From a Friend

Date: Sun, Nov 3, 2002, 11:13pm (PST+2)
Subject: Re: Bush in Aberdeen, South Dakota, what the News won't tell you

I wonder if the SD folks will sue? Bush Jr. is in Iowa now -- he was just here and got 
million for Ganske. I wouldn't walk across the road to see him.

Bush Sr. was in Cincinnati, and Ridge was there the day before. They want to start a
smallpox vaccination program using children.

- Original Message -
From: the editor
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 4:13 PM
Subject: Bush in Aberdeen, South Dakota, what the News won't tell you

This is a report from one of my friends who lives in South Dakota.

His trip was a disaster.
One woman in the hospital. Many citizens mad.

It started out with the ticket give away. Many people lined up the night before to get 
free ticket to see President Bush at the local collage in Aberdeen South Dakota. The 
college Barrnet Center was to give out 1300 tickets but I have heard as many as 3000
tickets were given out or more.

Many people drove in from other areas hoping to get a ticket and sat outside in the 18
degree weather all night in line. Some people got rooms at the local motels only to be
kicked out by the Secret Service.

I thought this was a free country not a Dictatorship.

The Secret Service came in and decided they wanted a 40 room squared block at the
Ramkota hotel. They took all the luggage of those who already paid for their rooms and 
their belongings in the hall.

No one asked the people to leave. They just took over the rooms. So when the people
came back to their rooms they found their luggage in the halls. Hope there wasn't any 
of value. I guess the Secret Service forgot to make reservations.

The day of the Presidents visit, the people who got tickets started to line up to get 
in to the
Barrnet Center at about 5:00 am.

The secret service only started their security checks about 45 minutes before the 
arrived to let the people in.

This was around 9:00 am. It was supposed to open at 7:00 am. I guess they didn't want 
leave their warm hotel rooms anytime early.

One woman who was in line had to go to the hospital because of frostbite after waiting 

Just before the President arrived the Secret Service now realized not all the people 
be able to go through the security check in time so they closed and locked the doors. 
of the people were trapped inside the building in a hall with no exit and now very 
cold and
very mad at the wait. I heard a fight broke out with a large number of these people and
possible Secret Service.

There were many protesters. Mostly local farmers demanding farm aid that was promised
but they were moved behind the building out of view of news cameras and the President.

Then there was the fact that those who did get in was the local businesses. We here 
them the Big 5. This is 5 families that basically run the town of about 25,000 
people. It is
well know they keep the wages down here. It is easy when they own most of the town.

Many of the schools had planned on getting in. Groton's school class on government had
They had a good 1 1/2 hour drive to get here never got in. They now have a taste of 
how a
government is being run here in the U.S. Other schools were turned way that had 
tickets to
see the President too. But the friends and associates of the Big 5 all got in. I 
wonder if any
of them had rooms in the hotel and when they returned found their luggage in the hall?

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve 
liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

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[CTRL] USATODAY.com - Israel reportedly helping with U.S. war preparation

2002-11-05 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
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[CTRL] Israel: social crisis underlies collapse of Likud-Labour coalition

2002-11-05 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Middle East

Israel: social crisis underlies collapse of Likud-Labour coalition

By Jean Shaoul
5 November 2002

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Behind the collapse of Ariel Sharon’s twenty-month-old national unity government is a 
social and economic polarisation within Israel. The withdrawal of the Labour Party from
government paves the way for escalating class conflicts as Sharon attempts to stitch
together a new coalition based on an even narrower right-wing social base.

The Labour-Likud coalition collapsed October 30 when the six Labour Party ministers, 
led by
party leader and Defence Minister Benyamin Ben-Eliezer, walked out in protest over
Sharon’s funding of Zionist settlements in the West Bank. Sharon had refused to 
some $147 million from the West Bank settlements to social welfare programmes within
Israel, despite mounting economic hardships for Israeli workers.

Sharon’s austerity package, introduced at the behest of big business, called for 
largest ever budget cuts. The thrust of the budget was to place the full burden of 
war against the Palestinians, which is costing $2 billion a year and compounding the
country’s worst ever economic crisis, on the backs of the most vulnerable members of

Without the support of Labour’s 25 parliamentary delegates, Sharon’s government can
count on only 55 votes in the 120-seat legislature. Sharon was only able to survive a
November 4 vote of no-confidence and avoid calling a new election because the ultra-
nationalist bloc, the National Union-Yisrael Beitenu Party, which Sharon hopes to 
bring into
his government, abstained.

The economic crisis

While hostilities between Israelis and Palestinians have dominated the headlines for 
the last
two years, little attention has been paid by the international media to the 
explosive economic and social situation within Israel.

The economy that was growing at 6 percent a year just three years ago is now 
The high-tech industry, once the engine of Israel’s growth, has taken a battering as a 
of the bursting of the dot.com bubble.

Foreign investment has fallen by two thirds and revenues from tourism have halved,
undermining Israel’s currency, the shekel. Inflation is now at 8 percent. Unemployment 
risen to 10.5 percent and is expected to reach 12 percent in 2003. The Central Bureau 
Statistics has forecast a 2.9 percent fall in per capita gross domestic product.

So parlous are Israel’s finances that two weeks ago Sharon himself flew to London, 
telling any of his ministers, to try to prevent Fitch, the ratings agency, from 
Israel’s credit. Such a development would threaten Israel’s ability to finance its 
debt. This is
what underlies Sharon’s plea for the US to provide loan guarantees of $10 billion and 
determination to impose the austerity budget that investors are demanding.

The budget, which cuts spending for 2003 by 2 percent, slashes benefits to the
unemployed, pensioners and single-parent families, under conditions where at least 20
percent of the population depend upon some form of social assistance. It includes
measures aimed at deporting 50,000 immigrant workers from Romania, China and the
Philippines, who work in the construction, nursing and personal care industries for 
less than
the minimum wage. Taken together, these provisions are aimed at forcing Israeli workers
into low-wage jobs.

The government has also refused to restore cost-of-living allowances to compensate for

Last month, the budget proposals and falling wages led to strikes by public service 
that affected garbage collection, kindergartens and hospitals. The Histadrut trade 
federation has threatened to expand the industrial action to the state-owned trading
enterprises. Protestors from diverse social groups have held rallies and meetings to 
the budget.

But business and the capital markets are demanding that the government implement the
budget at once without any concessions. Oded Tyrah, head of Israel’s Manufacturing
Association, said any delay in passing the budget “would create chaos in the economy, a
financial crisis and a lowering of Israel’s credit rating.”

While cutting social insurance and welfare programmes, the budget maintains the flow of
funds to the Zionist settlements and the ultra-Orthodox Israelis whose support is 
crucial for
the survival of a Likud-led government. The settlements are a hugely divisive issue. A
recent opinion poll showed that nearly four out of five Israelis would dismantle most 
them as part of a peace deal with the Palestinians, and one in three wants this to 
immediately, both for political and economic reasons. Yet the new budget allocated $270
million to the settlements.

[CTRL] For your attention

2002-11-05 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

Note from Euphorian:

So ... after Iraq there's Iran then ... NoIreland?

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Crucified man brands attackers as cowards
Rosie Cowan, Ireland correspondent
Monday November 04 2002
The Guardian

A young Catholic man subjected to a barbaric crucifixion by loyalist vigilantes 
spoke from his hospital bed yesterday to brand those who attacked him as animals and 

The gang beat Harry McCartan, 23, from Poleglass in west Belfast, to a pulp, breaking 
his legs in several places. He was left nailed by his hands to a wooden stile, 
bleeding profusely from his eyes, ears and mouth in the early hours of Saturday.

His face was so badly cut and bruised that his father, also called Harry, only 
recognised him from a tattoo of his five-year-old daughter's name, Chloe, on his arm.

Loyalist sources said the attack was a reaction to car crime, but Mr McCartan 
senior, 55, condemned it as sectarian. His son wept when he saw newspaper photographs 
of his horrific injuries.

The victim was taken to hospital semi-conscious, with his hands still attached to bits 
of wood, and had to undergo a five-hour emergency operation. He is receiving 
injections of painkillers every four hours.

His family said it could be weeks before doctors would know whether he would regain 
full use of his hands.

Yesterday, struggling to speak through his pain, he said: Nobody should be treated 
like this. They are just cowards. I was on my own and it must have taken more than 
four people to do this. They're just animals.

Mr McCartan remembered little about his ordeal. He said he woke up in hospital with a 
terrible ache in his hands and knees and saw the blood running down his face.

I thought it was a dream, he said. Then I saw my father and brother and asked them 
what had happened.

An Ulster Defence Association source claimed that the attack was not orchestrated by 
the UDA but was carried out by loyalists in response to car crime in the area where he 
was found, the staunchly Protestant Seymour Hill area of Dunmurry, on the outskirts of 
south Belfast.

The victim admitted he had previously been beaten with hammers over joyriding 
allegations. But although he was released from prison a few weeks ago after serving 15 
months in connection with car theft, Mr McCartan senior believed his son was attacked 
this time because he was a Catholic.

He was getting his life back together, seeing the daughter he hadn't seen in months, 
and we think he was alone in his own car on the Stewartstown Road when he was 
attacked, he said.

May they burn in hell, added Sharon McCartan, 29, one of the victim's sisters.

Mr McCartan senior said the police came to his door just before 5am on Saturday.

When I got to the hospital he was that disfigured I couldn't make him out and I had 
to pull back the sheet to see the tattoo on his arm. I didn't even notice his hands at 
first because I had to go out and be sick.

This is because he is a Catholic, yet this is supposed to be a free country. If these 
animals are caught, they'll serve a couple of years in jail while my son suffers for 
the rest of his life.

Paramilitaries routinely carry out so-called punishment attacks within their own 
communities, and less commonly outside their communities, for anti-social behaviour, 
including car theft and drug dealing not authorised by them.

Victims are usually beaten, sometimes with nail-studded baseball bats, which Mr 
McCartan's attackers are thought to have used, or kneecapped - shot in the legs - the 
severity of the punishment reflecting the perceived seriousness of the offence.

Occasionally, a particularly vicious assault is inflicted as a warning to others, and 
crucifixion techniques have been used in previous incidents, but police said Mr 
McCartan's ordeal was brutal in the extreme.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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[CTRL] Failed Leader's Failed (New) Policy

2002-11-05 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-469972,00.html

World News

November 05, 2002

Attack Iran the day Iraq war ends, demands Israel
From Stephen Farrell, Robert Thomson and Danielle Haas

ISRAEL’S Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has called on
the international community to target Iran as soon as the imminent conflict with Iraq 

In an interview with The Times, Mr Sharon insisted that Tehran — one of the “axis of 
powers identified by President Bush — should be put under pressure “the day after” 
against Baghdad ends because of its role as a “centre of world terror”. He also issued 
clearest warning yet that Israel would strike back if attacked by Iraqi chemical or 
weapons, no matter how much Washington sought to keep its controversial Middle Eastern
ally out of any war in Iraq.

He made clear that western Iraq would be one of the first areas targeted by the US in 
invasion, saying that lessons had been learnt from strategic mistakes of the 1991 Gulf 
when Iraq successfully fired 39 Scud missiles into Israel.

Mr Sharon, 74, was speaking as he conducted high- level negotiations to keep his
Government afloat after the desertion of his centrist coalition partners. Last night he
survived three no-confidence votes, giving him more time to forge a coalition with 
right- wing parties. He rejected calls for early elections.

The Knesset also approved the appointment of Shaul Mofaz, the hawkish former Israeli
Army chief, as Defence Minister.

But even as the Knesset voted, a Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up inside a
shopping centre in central Israel, killing at least one other person and injuring 20.

In other significant changes of tone and policy, Mr Sharon told The Times that:

Yassir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, could have an ongoing role as a “symbol”, but 
not have a role overseeing financial or security functions. This was a departure from
previous statements that Mr Arafat was entirely “irrelevant”.
Mr Sharon himself would continue to lead the country, elections willing, for up to 
five years.
There had been widespread speculation that he would retire within two years.
The Israeli Government is considering an unprecedented crackdown on the Islamic
movement within its own borders, fearing that a “small minority” of Israeli Arabs are
turning against the country.

He asserted that while Washington was inevitably focusing on Saddam Hussein — whom he
called “insane” — the White House shared his concern that Iran was also seeking weapons
of mass destruction, and developing missiles capable of striking Israel and even 

“I talked about these things with Vladimir Putin a few days ago and I have been to
Washington and one of the things I talked about was what will be (sic) later, if Iraq 
is going
to be disarmed.

“One of the things I mentioned is that the free world should take all the necessary 
steps to
prevent irresponsible countries from having weapons of mass destruction: Iran, Iraq of
course, and Libya is working on a nuclear weapon.”
He accused Tehran of sponsoring the Lebanese Shia militia, Hezbollah, which he claimed
had up to 10,000 short-range missiles stationed in Lebanon ready to strike Israeli 
towns, of
smuggling weapons to the Palestinian Authority, and of trying to turn Israel’s one 
Arab citizens against the Jewish state. “Iran is a centre of world terror and Iran 
every effort to possess weapons of mass destruction on the one hand and ballistic
missiles,” he said. “That is a danger to the Middle East, to Israel and a danger to 

“They are working now on a ballistic missile of 1,300km. They have almost reached this
range already. They were talking in the past about 2,500km and even 5,000km.”

Mr Sharon made it abundantly clear that he would not hold back from retaliating, as 
did at Washington’s behest in 1991, if his nation came under serious attack. “First, we
understand the sensitivity. We are living here, we were born here. Israel will make 
effort not to interfere,” he said.

But he warned: “If Israel, and I made it very clear, is attacked by weapons of mass
destruction . . . Israel will react. Is it clear? I believe that they understand that 
Israel will
not be able not to defend itself.”

Mr Sharon reiterated that he was willing to work toward the eventual creation of a
Palestinian state, but demanded that progress toward it be measured by concrete
improvements in security on the ground.

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[CTRL] Headline - Blair in hot seat over Queen's legal position

2002-11-05 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Euphorian wants you to know about a story on www.smh.com.au

Personal Message:
To the Tower, says I!

Off with her hat!

Blair in hot seat over Queen's legal position
By Benedict Brogan and Caroline Davies in London
November 5 2002

URL: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/11/04/1036308257708.html

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[CTRL] Massive Military Cargo Ships Leave U.S. Ports - MSC

2002-11-05 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Massive Military Cargo Ships Leave U.S. Ports - MSC

Nov. 4

— LONDON (Reuters) - Three enormous U.S.-military owned cargo ships capable
of carrying tanks have left U.S. shores in recent days, a U.S. navy official
said on Monday, amid mounting evidence Washington is building up firepower
to attack Iraq.

The latest deployment comes as the aircraft carrier battle group the USS
Constellation set sail for the Gulf from San Diego, California this past

The cargo vessels, the USNS Bellatrix, the USNS Bob Hope and the USNS
Fisher, just short of the length of aircraft carriers themselves, are some
of the largest transport ships in the U.S. military's inventory.

Marge Holtz, director of the Military Sealift Command (MSC), a branch of the
U.S. Navy charged with running the ships on behalf of the U.S. armed forces,
declined comment on the exact destination of the vessels.

It is part of the repositioning of forces and equipment in support of the
war on terror. They are on route, she told Reuters from Washington.

Two, the USNS Fisher and USNS Bob Hope, have seven decks capable of carrying
tanks, helicopters and other heavy armor MSC says.

Over 900 feet long and 100 feet wide each has a hold capacity of 380,000
square feet -- equivalent to eight soccer fields.

According to MSC the vessels are capable of carrying 58 Abrams battle tanks,
48 track vehicles, such as armored vehicles, and 900 other trucks.

Holtz said the ships would also carry tanker trucks and bridge sections.

Eight of their sister ships, known as the Watson-class, and similarly packed
with armor and supplies for the U.S. Army, are anchored around the British
base of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, within a few days sail of the

The fast sealift ship the USNS Bellatrix, of a similar size but quicker --
it is one of the fastest cargo ships in the world -- loaded equipment for
the U.S. Marine Corps on the west coast of the United States and set sail
last week.

The two others, Large Medium Speed Roll-on Roll-off (LMSR) ships, had loaded
equipment for mechanized U.S. army units on the east coast and set sail in
the last 14 days. One last week and one the week before, Holtz said.

There are another six fast sealift ships and seven LMSRs berthed at U.S.
ports awaiting orders according to the MSC.

In addition to these government-owned ships the Department of Defense has
regularly chartered merchant vessels to carry tanks, ammunition, helicopters
and other supplies to the Gulf.

Since August the Pentagon has chartered at least eight large vessels.

On Friday MSC confirmed to Reuters it had chartered two ships to move a
massive quantity of ammunition and a smaller quantity of armor to the Gulf
and the Red Sea.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Attack Iran the day Iraq war ends, demands Israel

2002-11-05 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


November 05, 2002

Attack Iran the day Iraq war ends, demands Israel

From Stephen Farrell, Robert Thomson and Danielle Haas

ISRAEL’S Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has called on the international
community to target Iran as soon as the imminent conflict with Iraq is

In an interview with The Times, Mr Sharon insisted that Tehran — one of the
“axis of evil” powers identified by President Bush — should be put under
pressure “the day after” action against Baghdad ends because of its role as
a “centre of world terror”. He also issued his clearest warning yet that
Israel would strike back if attacked by Iraqi chemical or biological
weapons, no matter how much Washington sought to keep its controversial
Middle Eastern ally out of any war in Iraq.

He made clear that western Iraq would be one of the first areas targeted by
the US in any invasion, saying that lessons had been learnt from strategic
mistakes of the 1991 Gulf War when Iraq successfully fired 39 Scud missiles
into Israel.

Mr Sharon, 74, was speaking as he conducted high-level negotiations to keep
his Government afloat after the desertion of his centrist coalition
partners. Last night he survived three no-confidence votes, giving him more
time to forge a coalition with small right-wing parties. He rejected calls
for early elections.

The Knesset also approved the appointment of Shaul Mofaz, the hawkish former
Israeli Army chief, as Defence Minister.

But even as the Knesset voted, a Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up
inside a shopping centre in central Israel, killing at least one other
person and injuring 20.

In other significant changes of tone and policy, Mr Sharon told The Times

Yassir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, could have an ongoing role as a
“symbol”, but could not have a role overseeing financial or security
functions. This was a departure from previous statements that Mr Arafat was
entirely “irrelevant”.

Mr Sharon himself would continue to lead the country, elections willing, for
up to five years. There had been widespread speculation that he would retire
within two years.

The Israeli Government is considering an unprecedented crackdown on the
Islamic movement within its own borders, fearing that a “small minority” of
Israeli Arabs are turning against the country.
He asserted that while Washington was inevitably focusing on Saddam
Hussein — whom he called “insane” — the White House shared his concern that
Iran was also seeking weapons of mass destruction, and developing missiles
capable of striking Israel and even Europe.

“I talked about these things with Vladimir Putin a few days ago and I have
been to Washington and one of the things I talked about was what will be
(sic) later, if Iraq is going to be disarmed.

“One of the things I mentioned is that the free world should take all the
necessary steps to prevent irresponsible countries from having weapons of
mass destruction: Iran, Iraq of course, and Libya is working on a nuclear
He accused Tehran of sponsoring the Lebanese Shia militia, Hezbollah, which
he claimed had up to 10,000 short-range missiles stationed in Lebanon ready
to strike Israeli towns, of smuggling weapons to the Palestinian Authority,
and of trying to turn Israel’s one million Arab citizens against the Jewish
state. “Iran is a centre of world terror and Iran makes every effort to
possess weapons of mass destruction on the one hand and ballistic missiles,”
he said. “That is a danger to the Middle East, to Israel and a danger to

“They are working now on a ballistic missile of 1,300km. They have almost
reached this range already. They were talking in the past about 2,500km and
even 5,000km.”

Mr Sharon made it abundantly clear that he would not hold back from
retaliating, as Israel did at Washington’s behest in 1991, if his nation
came under serious attack. “First, we understand the sensitivity. We are
living here, we were born here. Israel will make every effort not to
interfere,” he said.

But he warned: “If Israel, and I made it very clear, is attacked by weapons
of mass destruction . . . Israel will react. Is it clear? I believe that
they understand that Israel will not be able not to defend itself.”

Mr Sharon reiterated that he was willing to work toward the eventual
creation of a Palestinian state, but demanded that progress toward it be
measured by concrete improvements in security on the ground.

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[CTRL] Jewish Defense League Leader Declared Brain Dead in Suicide

2002-11-05 Thread Tenorlove
-Caveat Lector-

November 5, 2002

Jewish Defense League Leader Declared Brain Dead in Suicide


OS ANGELES, Nov. 4 — Irv Rubin, the leader of the Jewish Defense
League, was declared brain-dead today after
what federal authorities called a suicide attempt earlier in the

Mr. Rubin was in jail here on charges of plotting to bomb a mosque and
the office of an Arab-American congressman.

Mr. Rubin used a razor to slash his neck and throat and then fell or
jumped from a balcony at the federal Metropolitan
Detention center as he and other inmates lined up for breakfast before
5:30 a.m., a spokesman for the United States
Marshals Service said.

We're told that he is brain-dead and on life support, Mr. Rubin's
lawyer, Peter Morris, said.

Mr. Rubin's family said he had been attacked by someone. My husband
would never kill himself. This was a hit, this
was a hit, said his wife, Shelley Rubin.

I saw my husband yesterday. He was just the same as before. He didn't
say goodbye. He said I will see you in court
tomorrow. He was fine, she said.

Mr. Rubin and an associate were arrested on Dec. 11 on charges of
plotting to bomb the King Fahd mosque in Culver
City and an office of Representative Darrell Issa, Republican of
California, who is the grandson of Lebanese

Mr. Rubin was arrested after an F.B.I. informer delivered an explosive
powder that the authorities believed was the
last component in making pipe bombs. The charges carry up to 40 years
in prison.

Mr. Rubin, who by his own account has been arrested more than 40 times,
joined the J.D.L. early in the 1970's and
quickly moved up, becoming chairman in 1985.

In 1989, the leader of the rival Jewish Defense Organization, Mordechai
Levy, was convicted of assault after firing
shots at Mr. Rubin and wounding three others in New York.

According to his biography, Mr. Rubin learned to fight anti-Semitism
while growing up in Montreal, where some hotel
owners and other business people hung signs reading `No Dogs or Jews
Allowed' on their doors and where French
Canadian schoolchildren taunted him because he was Jewish.

His family emigrated to the United States in 1961 and he became a
citizen and joined the Air Force in 1966, serving
four years.

In 1973, he served in Israel's civil defense corps during the Yom
Kippur War.

The J.D.L., whose symbol is a raised fist inside a Star of David, has
the motto Never Again, referring to the

It was founded in 1968 by Meir Kahane to mount armed response to
anti-Semitic acts in New York City.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Rejected posting to CTRL@LISTSERV.AOL.COM]Re-sending: The Pentagon Plan to Provoke Terrorist Attacks

2002-11-05 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

I had checked before sending this last night, to make sure it hadn't been
posted here before, so I'm not sure what this is talking about. Does
anyone know what this means? Has it happened to anyone else?
I know I've seen double-postings of the same messages before... Is
this an automatic thing? Anyway, my original message is below this,
and is still an important read!
"L-Soft list server at America Online, Inc. (1.8e)" wrote:

Your message is being returned to you unprocessed because it appears to have
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recently, either by you or by someone else. If you have a good reason to resend
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Subject: [CTRL] Into the Dark: The Pentagon Plan to Provoke
Terrorist Attacks
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 22:39:45 -0600
From: goldi316 [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-Caveat Lector- -Caveat Lector-
Two articles here (links included),
the first is mentioned (and was the source of) the second. Read carefully
and absorb their meaning fully. What they are saying is that ALL
our lives are now on the line.
From the LA Times:
The Secret War
Frustrated by intelligence failures, the Defense Department is
dramatically expanding its 'black world' of covert operations
By William M. Arkin
William M. Arkin is a military affairs analyst who writes regularly
for Opinion. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
October 27 2002
SOUTH POMFRET, Vt. -- In what may well be the largest expansion of covert
action by the armed forces since the Vietnam era, the Bush administration
has turned to what the Pentagon calls the "black world" to press the war
on terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.
The Defense Department is building up an elite secret army with resources
stretching across the full spectrum of covert capabilities. New organizations
are being created. The missions of existing units are being revised. Spy
planes and ships are being assigned new missions in anti-terror and monitoring
the "axis of evil."
The increasingly dominant role of the military, Pentagon officials say,
reflects frustration at the highest levels of government with the performance
of the intelligence community, law enforcement agencies and much of the
burgeoning homeland security apparatus. It also reflects the desire of
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to gain greater overall control of
the war on terror.
Insulated from outside pressures, armed with matchless weapons and technology,
trained to operate below the shadow line, the Pentagon's black world of
classified operations holds out the hope of swift, decisive action in a
struggle against terrorism that often looks more like a family feud than
a war.
Coupled with the enormous effort being made throughout the government
to improve and link information networks and databases, covert anti-terror
operations promise to put better information in the hands of streamlined
military teams that can identify, monitor and neutralize terrorist threats.
"Prevention and preemption are ... the only defense against terrorism,"
Rumsfeld said in May. "Our task is to find and destroy the enemy before
they strike us."
The new apparatus for covert operations and the growing government secrecy
associated with the war on terrorism reflect the way the Bush administration's
most senior officials see today's world:
First, they see fighting terrorism and its challenge to U.S. interests
and values as the 21st century equivalent of the Cold War crusade against
communism. Second, they believe the magnitude of the threat requires, and
thus justifies, aggressive new "off-the-books" tactics.
In their understandable frustration over continued atrocities such as
the recent Bali attack, however, U.S. officials might keep two points in
Though covert action can bring quick results, because it is isolated
from the normal review processes it can just as quickly bring mistakes
and larger problems. Also, the Pentagon is every bit as capable as the
civilian side of the government when it comes to creating organization
charts and bureaucracy that stifle creative thinking and timely action.
The development of the Pentagon's covert counter-terror capability has
its roots in the 1979 Iran hostage crisis. The Army created a highly compartmentalized
organization that could collect clandestine intelligence independent of
the rest of the U.S. 

[CTRL] FW: The cure for an ailing democracy

2002-11-05 Thread thew
Title: FW: The cure for an ailing democracy 
-Caveat Lector-

This got kicked back as having been sent already

So here I am sending it again

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --  -- - -- -

Calling a rationalist an a-theist is like a soccer player accusing a baseball player of not having any goal posts.

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

-- Forwarded Message
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2002 01:51:24 -0500
Subject: The cure for an ailing democracy 

Its after One A.M. on election night eve, and rather than either doing any of the things I probably ought, or just hauling my ass to sleep, Im sitting here ruminating on the upcoming election and the state of Democracy in America in 2002.

I know that, as an American, it is my sacred duty to have no memory of any events that occurred more than 6 months ago, but in a radical pique Im thinking back to the mist shrouded bygone days of the last election. Remember how you felt for those thirty some odd days between election day and the enthronement of his appointed-ship? (hey I didnt say these were bi-partisan ruminations) Remember the way we watched the news, our hearts raced, we thought about politics, and, damn it, for one brief shining moment, cared? 

Thats the feeling democracy is supposed to bring. Think back  they were giddy times, heady with possibility.

It was quite a ride. George Bushs cousin, John Ellis, calling the election for FOX before the polls were closed. Election irregularities in a state controlled by a candidates brother. Systematic denial of the right to vote via intimidation, fraud, creative legislation, out and out lying, erroneous lists of felons (sold to Florida by a company GW was cozy with back in his home state in Texas), and various nefarious moustache twirling manipulations. The decision was handed over to the woman who ran the entire Fla. elections process  the totally impartial chairperson of the Bush election committee. When that didn't work, without a worry of what such a partisan opinion based on unsound legal principle would do to the stature, perception, and purity of the Supreme Court, in exchange for some lovely appointments for needy judicial relatives, GWB was declared president.

Since then the current administration has been gutting America, eliminating freedom and diversity in the name of a good business climate (the tanking economy notwithstanding) beat the drums of war, and generally treated the Constitution like one of those long trailing bits of toilet paper stuck to your shoe, that you plan on getting rid of as soon as no one is looking.

Remember the Hope?
Feel the Outrage?

There is a cure for an ailing Democracy. Strangely enough - it is MORE Democracy.

Get out there and vote. If there is a Senate race in your state, if your congressional district has a seat in contest, make your voice heard. It makes a difference. Imagine a senate, congress, president, and supreme court whose entire political philosophy is  If its good for Exxon, its god for America.

If there are no federal races, and only state races where you are  Vote. Florida has taught us how important control of a state can be. Ask yourself  if Jeb wasnt Gov in 2000, would George be Prez now? If Jeb isnt Gov in 2004...? Let them know you dont support usurpation, by your choice in your state senate, your governor, your congressperson and your senator.

Vote. It aint illegal yet.



To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. 

Theodore Roosevelt

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

-- End of Forwarded Message

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[CTRL] The Fix in La Republica de Fluoridia

2002-11-05 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


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[CTRL] Ark of Covenant

2002-11-05 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Ark of Covenant reported to be in Ethiopia

By Beth Potter
From the Life  Mind Desk
Published 10/29/2002 10:31 AM

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, Oct. 29 (UPI) -- Remember Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost
Ark? It turns out the
movie was probably wrong about where to search for the religious artifact. The real 
Ark of
the Covenant is actually believed to be in Axum, a small town in Ethiopia.

Written texts have it that the ark, the repository of the Ten Commandments tablets 
that God
gave to Moses, was taken to Ethiopia by Menelik, son of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba
around 1000 B.C., says Richard Pankhurst, a British scholar who has lived in Ethiopia 
than half of his 60-odd years. It's guarded by an ecclesiastic in a rude wooden 
building in
little Axum, a 3-day drive from the capital on bad roads. But inside the building are
sumptuous curtains and paintings depicting stories in the Old Testament.

Nobody sees it -- you have to take it on faith that it's the ark, Pankhurst says. 
It's a
question of veneration.

Even asking the man who is second in command to the patriarch of the conservative
Ethiopian Orthodox church brings a stern rebuke.

There is in our country the Ark of the Covenant, says Archbishop Gerima, who sits in 
patriarchate in the capital city. You can ask his holiness about it, but I am not 
going to
discuss it. It's impossible to see it.

The patriarch is out or in a meeting in subsequent queries.

In every town across the country, a replica of the ark is kept in an Ethiopian Orthodox
church. Only ordained priests are allowed to see even the replicas, Pankhurst says. 
Once a
year, for the festival of Timket, on Jan. 19, Epiphany on the Ethiopian Orthodox 
calendar, the replicas are taken from behind curtains, draped with beautiful material 
paraded around. The faithful renew their vows. Ethiopia, better known for famines and
wars, is mostly Christian, though Muslims are estimated to make up between one-third 
one-half of the country's population, estimated at 67 million.

Demelash Nega, who comes from the Axum region, laughs when asked if the ark could
possibly be the real thing.

Of course it's real, just like Jesus Christ is real, Nega says. How else could it 
survive for
so many years?

Menelik was said to have gone to Jerusalem to see his father. Legend has it that his
followers said they would not return home without the ark. The followers spirited it 
from Jerusalem in the middle of the night -- continuing their travels until they 

Menelik became the first of a new line of kings in the northern Africa region.

It's intimately related to Christian history, Pankhurst says solemnly of the 
religious object
said to be the ark. Everyone should know that it is here.

Copyright © 2002 United Press International

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[CTRL] Voting Machines

2002-11-05 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Duval Voting Troubles Continue

Though they opened on-time, troubles with the new voting machines at a number of
precincts in Duval County prevented many ballots from being counted, though we are now
told that the problem has been resolved.

Among those precincts affected was the Mary Singleton Senior Center, the precinct that
had the most trouble on Primary Day. Corrine Brown, congressional candidate, was
outraged at the problems at the polls and told WOKV NEWS that she was aware of a 
problem at precinct 10J. Both of those polls are in heavily African-American 
precincts, and
she wondered why those precints seem to have the most problems.

Reports from around the city suggest the problem is more widespread than just those
precincts, we received similar reports from at least four other polling sites, 
including one in
Clay county, though we understand all machines are now online and processing ballots.

Poll workers tell WOKV NEWS that in those cases where a ballot didn't process, they 
will set
those ballots aside and try again after the polls close at 7pm. They were adamant that 
ballots would be counted.

Thus far turnout is about as expected, with short lines at many precincts.

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[CTRL] Bonuses for Bogusness

2002-11-05 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/32570p-30857c.html

New York Daily News - http://www.nydailynews.com

No losses for biggest bosses
Sunday, November 3rd, 2002

Merrill Lynch axed 17,400 employees and kept a stable of analysts who allegedly misled
investors. The reward for CEO David Komansky: A $42 million payday - not to mention the
$110 million-plus in options he has yet to cash out.

Lucent Technologies pink-slipped 56,000 workers and posted a $17 billion loss in 2001. 
payoff for Chairman Henry Schacht: A $22 million package.

Citigroup canned 7,600 and became the focus of massive and ongoing 
investigations. No matter; Citigroup handed CEO Sanford Weill a $46 million bonanza -
adding $360,000 for his use of planes, helicopters and limos.

ATT cut 10,100 jobs, lost $6.8 billion, watched its stock tank and bailed out of 
cable TV.
That didn't stop it from giving CEO Michael Armstrong $21 million, plus sweeteners 
such as
free financial consulting and rides on corporate jets.

They ought to take a huge cut in pay, said Graef (Bud) Crystal, an expert on 
pay. Instead, they act like they just won Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel 

Once the gold standards of American capitalism, these local companies were admired for
nurturing cultures that fostered loyalty and integrity and fueled job growth. Not 

Along with dozens of other blue-chip firms, they cut staff, corners and standards 
during the
past two years.

As the stock market spiraled south - and profits, investor faith and corporate 
crashed and burned - there was one item on the books that did not immolate: CEO

The typical chief of a major U.S. corporation raked in an average $15.5 million in 
total pay
last year, a nationwide survey found. That's 428 times the $36,250 in annual salary 
by the typical American worker, a disparity 10 times greater than it was in 1980.

In the New York region, the average big-company CEO pulled down $26.6 million.

And a Daily News analysis of proxy data and other financial filings for 20 metro-area 
found the overall pay for CEOs who axed 2,500 workers or more hit $31.2 million in 
That's 668 times the $46,700-a-year salary grossed by the average New Yorker.

It's a low point in American business history, said Denis Hughes, president of the 
million-member New York State AFL-CIO. It hurts workers, stockholders, consumers and
corporations all at the same time.

Is the boss worth it? You be the judge:

CEO pay at 896 public companies examined by the AFL-CIO jumped 7% last year - as
corporate profits at those firms plunged 35%.
In a separate survey of 350 companies, Mercer Human Resource Consulting concluded that
execs' paychecks dipped a negligible 0.9% as net corporate income sank 17.8%.
A Pearl Meyer  Partners review of 200 firms found median total CEO compensation
jumped 7%, or double the 3.4% raise won by the average worker last year.

You're supposed to pay for performance, said Charles El-son, director of the 
University of
Delaware's Center for Corporate Governance. Instead, a significant minority of 
companies are paying for failure.

Big city, big difference

And nowhere is the gap between CEO pay and company performance greater than it is in
New York.

Nationally, 1.4 million workers got pink slips during the past 12 months, bringing the 
jobless rate to 5.9%. But in the city, 146,000 jobs were lost, driving unemployment to
7.9%. In other words, New York City, housing 2.8% of the nation's population, absorbed
10.4% of its job loss.

And as New Yorkers hit the streets, fat cats hit the links. Literally. With no 
disclosure to
shareholders, Lucent spent $45 million developing the Hamilton Farm Golf Club for its
private use in New Jersey's Somerset County. How exclusive was the spread? Putting
privileges went to just 180 corporate players.

Meanwhile, the telephone-equipment maker imploded: It cut 56,000 jobs last year -
110,000 over three years - purging its workforce to 45,000. Market capitalization 
to $2.4 billion from a $163 billion peak in 2000, erasing $160.6 billion in wealth. 
And its
stock bottomed out at 55 cents in September, down from a high of $76 in 1999.

Last year, Lucent unloaded 36-hole Hamilton Farm, putting the ultimate corporate vanity
project behind it. But the company could not halt its dizzying death dance, and as a 
stock (one that trades for less than $1), it faces possible delisting from the New 
York Stock
Exchange. It's also under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission for
alleged earnings manipulation.

For his central role in the Lucent fiasco, Chairman Schacht was awarded $22 million in 
plus add-ons: financial counseling, $26,351; chauffeur services, $35,141; tax
reimbursements on fringe benefits, $57,325, and life insurance premiums, $79,047.

A CEO ordering 

[CTRL] The GOP Laudromatters

2002-11-05 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Weather | Sports | Forums | Comics | Classifieds | Calendar | Movies

Transfer makes soft money hard; Florida GOP benefits

By SARA FRITZ, Times Washington Bureau Chief

© St. Petersburg Times, published November 5, 2002

WASHINGTON -- The Florida Republican Party received $3.2-million from the National
Republican Senatorial Committee during the past two years, even though today's election
does not include a Florida Senate race, public records show.

WASHINGTON -- The Florida Republican Party received $3.2-million from the National
Republican Senatorial Committee during the past two years, even though today's election
does not include a Florida Senate race, public records show.

The Center for Public Integrity, an independent watchdog group, says the unusual cash
transfer was the first step in a process that enabled the Republicans to convert 
soft money contributions to so-called hard money, which can be used for a wider 
variety of
political purposes than the soft money.

The Florida Republican Party took a percentage of the funds for itself, and then 
$2.7- million in hard money to the NRSC within a few days. Later, the NRSC used its new
hard money reserves to assist in campaigns of Republicans running for Senate in hotly
contested races in states other than Florida.

It is basically money laundering, said Chuck Lewis, executive director of the Center 
Public Integrity. There is a Rube Goldberg element to the current campaign financing
system. Money sloshes around the nation from account to account until nobody knows
where it came from or where it is going.

Lewis noted public reports showing these transfers between the NRSC and the Florida GOP
cover only a part of the two-year election cycle.

There are no reports available yet on transactions after June 30.

Just think what else might have been going on since then, he said.

Soft money, by definition, is contributed to the parties by individuals, companies or 
unions in chunks far exceeding the $2,000 donation limit on hard money. According to 
it cannot be used to pay for candidate expenses, advertising or other ordinary campaign
costs in federal elections. Instead, it is used to maintain party facilities or for 
vote initiatives.

Hard money, on the other hand, can be donated only by individuals or political action
committees in sums limited to $2,000 or less. Because hard money can be used to pay for
any campaign expense in a federal election, it is also considered more valuable by the
political parties.

The Florida party participated in the transaction because it yielded an apparent 
profit and because hard money is not needed in state-level races.

Furthermore, direct contributions to candidates are limited by Florida law, but there 
are no
limits placed on money transfers to the state parties.

Towson Fraser, spokesman for the Florida GOP, and the NRSC's Dan Allen acknowledged
the transfers and emphasized that both parties use this technique.

It's completely legal, Fraser said. It's what we do and what the Democrats do also.

Also prior to June 30, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee transferred $1.1-
million in soft money to the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, which
subsequently returned $917,000 in hard dollars to the DSCC. Unlike Florida, however,
Michigan does have a Senate contest this year.

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[CTRL] Nifty Returns Chart @ Site

2002-11-05 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


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[CTRL] Rasta the Ark the Lion of Judah

2002-11-05 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


An introduction to Rastafari. By Ras Charles and French Dread

The aim and why of Rastafarian faith

We must look to the almighty Jah, thank God who has raised man above all creatures and
endowed him with reason and intelligence.
We must at all times put our trust and faith in Him and he will not desert us or 
permit us to
destroy ourselves or humanity that He created in His image. We must examine ourselves
and look deeply in our souls. We must become something we have never been before. We
must become bigger that we have been, greater in spirit, more courageous, and larger in
our outlook.
As His majesty said, we must overcome our petty prejudices, even if the weight of 
history is
heavy, owing our ultimate dedication or allegiance not to any nation or country, but 
to our
fellow men within the human community and become member of a new race, the true
race: the human race.

What is Rastafari

Rastafari is a movement of black people who know Africa is the birthplace of mankind, 
mankind. It is a twentieth century manifestation of God that enlightened our pathway
towards righteousness and is therefore worthy of reverence.
Rastafari recognizes Africa as the central origin of religious history, culture, 
science and
technology. Africa, symbolized in the scriptures by Ethiopia (I-thiopia) is an 
magnet for many Africans, that is calling us home to the continent which our ancestors
were taken by force from more than three hundred years ago, during slavery, the black
That call has never been felt more deeply than by members of the Rastafari faith. 
wants all people, especially black people, to know that we are Africans and to develop 
sense of pride and integrity in ourselves, knowing that our heritage is of the noblest 
mankind and that we are in fear of no man.
All people, especially Black people, are Africans and Africa is the birthplace of 
mankind. We
must re-culture ourselves so we can have a sense of pride, in the turning from 
culture, and taking into ourselves the power of our African culture, which has been 
from us for so long. As it is written, Africa awaits the creator and Rastafari.
See I and I selves as positive warriors in the battle for redemption and 
reconstruction of
our mother continent. See I and I selves as Jah masons, who build and don't destroy 
Babylon do..
To accomplish this, we cannot confront the occident with there armonition to win, our 
hope is for us to use the mental power of our African culture to unite ourselves and
overwhelm the negative aspects of Occidental culture where ever it impedes our progress
and enlightenment. It doesn't mean that europeans or whites or any color are bad, as we
are all Jah creatures, but people shall know that Babylon is going wrong and will 
Creating divisions, ie among races, is the rule of Babylon. So racism has nothing to 
do with
Rastafari. United we stand, divided we fall.

History and prophecy

The birth of the movement of Rastafari can be officially fixed in Ethiopia during the
coronation of the prince Ras Tafari Makonnen (Haile Selassie) on November 2, 1930. This
was no ordinary event in Jamaica because a year earlier Marcus Mossiah Garvey had a
prophetic vision, seeing a king be crowned in Africa.
After the coronation of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I (Power of the Trinity), 
individuals searched the Bible for confirmation and found it in the Psalms: A Prince 
come out of Egypt, and Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hand unto Jah. The prophecy
was fullfilled and these people were the first Rastafarians.
Apart from carrying the legal title King of Kings, Lord of Lords, conquering Lion of 
the tribe
of Judah that is written in Revelations, Haile Selassie is the 225th descendant of 
Salomon, son of David, and the Queen of Sheba.

Many times people have asked what proof does Rastafarians have to point to Haile 
as our Savior. Look at Revelations 5 verse 5, Revelations 19 verse 16, Revelations 22 
16 and Psalms 87:4, Ezekiel 30, Epistle to Timothy, Revelation 19, 22, Psalms 9,18, 68,
76,and Isaiah 9.
When HIM returned from exile, in 1941, further proof was found in Revelations17:14. It 
written that “ They shall make war with the lamb, and the lamb shall overcome them, for
he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and they that are with HIM are called and chosen 
faithful”. So the Rastafarians of Jamaica must always be honored and praised as the
vanguard of African resistance movement from which we must be entirely and eternally

The early Rastas come from the worst possible slum which no one could ever imagine were
often beaten, harassed, and imprisoned. The movement went through a relatively peaceful
time maybe during the 1930’s or 40’s. But in the 1950’s and towards the ’70s the 
faced continuous and increased prosecution and 

[CTRL] Boston: Union officials going into the booth with people

2002-11-05 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Romney complains of voter irregularities in Boston
By Associated Press, 11/5/2002 12:55

BOSTON (AP) Republican Mitt Romney's campaign filed a complaint several hours after
polls opened Tuesday, saying union workers were improperly influencing voters in the
city's Jamaica Plain section.

Romney campaign adviser Rob Gray said officials with the Service Employees
International Union were seen entering voting booths with some voters in Ward 11,
Precinct 4 of Jamaica Plain.

''We've got union officials going into the booth with people and telling them how to 
Gray said.

Silvia Panfil, a spokeswoman for SEIU in Massachusetts, said the union was not aware
of any wrongdoing and it had not received any notice of a complaint.

Secretary of State William Galvin was reviewing the complaint, said spokesman Brian

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Shannon O'Brien's campaign called the complaint
outrageous and said there was ''no illegal or untoward activity.''

State law prohibits political activity within 150 feet of a polling place.

Romney complains of voter irregularities in Boston

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Re: [CTRL] [Conspiracy-Theory] Attack Iran the day Iraq war ends, demands Israel

2002-11-05 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

Yes, this is inevitable, because to do otherwise would expose the lie that
U-S-A has democratic interests at heart here. The population of Iraq is
55% Shia. In all likelihood the removal of the minority Sunni (Saddam-led)
Bloc would lead to a Shia Government as in Iran, if there were free
elections. Remember how the Shia-led Ayatollah's party in Iran FREELY and
DEMOCRATICALLY passed a referendum to install a Fundamentalist Islamic
System in Iran?

What could be a bigger nightmare to the Evil-doer, Puppet-President Bush,
than Saddam Hussein? Ayatollah II in power in Baghdad...by DEMOCRATIC
means and attacking the Great Satan with 10 x the vigour of Hussein. So
yes, Iran next and then Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc. U-S-A
presidents are only puppets of the Trotsykites and they have been given
their marching orders...The Final Solution to the Muslim Problem.


On Tue, 5 Nov 2002, Jei wrote:


 November 05, 2002

 Attack Iran the day Iraq war ends, demands Israel

 From Stephen Farrell, Robert Thomson and Danielle Haas

 ISRAEL’S Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has called on the international
 community to target Iran as soon as the imminent conflict with Iraq is

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[CTRL] Payback Tuesday

2002-11-05 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 4 Nov 2002 04:26:44 -0600 (CST)
Subject:!b_a_Act: Payback Tuesday
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

E-mail message

  Subject:Years from Now, They'll Call It Payback Tuesday

Dear Friends,

Well, folks, Tuesday is the day! The day that George W. gets taught a
long overdue lesson. The day that we, the MAJORITY -- the 52% who never
elected him -- get our chance to reclaim a bit of our former democracy
(back when ALL the votes used to be counted).

What if, on Tuesday, all of us, regardless of our political stripe, and
just for the fun of it, decided to serve one big-ass eviction notice
that said, you have two years to remove yourself from the premises-and
you had better not damage anything on your way out?

I think we can give Bush the Mother of all Shellackings on Tuesday. It
can happen if you, and the millions of others, who are now reading this
letter, will do one simple thing:


That's right. Call in sick, skip work, skip school, skip Springer, and
then devote the next 12 hours to dragging as many people as you can out
of their homes and getting them to the polls.
I know a lot of you cannot afford to do this. But, honestly, can we
afford NOT to? Bush has been effectively stymied in his first two years
from doing much of the serious damage he was hired to do (we owe a big
thanks to Jim Jeffords for that). Yet, if he has both the House and
Senate under his thumb for his final two years, we will all pay a huge
price for many years to come.

On Tuesday, go down to the local candidate's office and volunteer to do
whatever is needed: give a ride to the polls for senior citizens who
can't get there, make last minute phone calls to probable voters who may
have forgotten to vote, pass out handbills on street corners, do
cartwheels in the middle of the mall -- you name it, I am sure it will

Or you could just start going door to door in your own neighborhood.
Knock on every door and tell people in plain, non-political language why
you would like them to go down to the polls right now and vote for
so-and-so. Tell them you have never done this before, that you were just
compelled to do it as an act conscience, to do something for our
country. Or tell them you just needed to get some exercise. Tell them
what they already know: that the corporate guys have made off like
bandits while the rest of the country lives in utter fear over whether
they will have jobs, health care benefits, or our pensions when they
retire. EVERYONE can relate to this -- and trust me, it is on everyone's
mind right now. Even many conservatives who have seen their job or their
401(K) go up in smoke are now livid and want their pound of flesh.

I know that for many of you this will be a new thing. Give it shot. I
promise you, at the end of the day on Tuesday, if we succeed, you will
never again doubt the power of just one individual who decides that she
or he can make a difference.

Send this email to your friends and family so that they, too, can be
informed of the good women and men who are running for the House and
Senate (and for many local and state races as well). Visit my web site


for my recommendations.

We will deny Bush control of the Congress next week, and then we all
work to get him out of the White House in 2004. 2004 will NOT and MUST
NOT be a repeat of 2000.

As for local and state races, whenever possible support Greens and other
progressive candidates like those highlighted on my web site.


There you will find the list of progressive candidates who have a chance
to win.

Will you join with me in doing this?

It's our only chance, right now, to receive a small measure of justice
for what happened in Florida in 2000. And that is worth something.
Expect a wake-up call from me at your bedside 6am Tuesday!

Michael Moore



P.S. to Kofi Anan, Secretary General, United Nations: This time, for
God's sake, man, please -- send international observers and ballot
inspectors to Florida! Peacekeepers may be needed in Tallahassee. Click
here for directions to Florida:

and to Jeb's Governor's mansion:

Defeat the GOP:

Progressive Candidates to Support:

Congressional Candidates who Voted for War on Iraq:

Re: [CTRL] Jewish Defense League Leader Declared Brain Dead in Suicide

2002-11-05 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 11/5/2002 10:16:40 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jewish Defense League Leader Declared Brain Dead in Suicide

He wasn't far from that before the suicide attempt!
Good riddance!

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2002-11-05 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

by voxfux

Scores and scores of reports are accumulating in the early hours of the Florida Governor’s race, indicating wide scale election fraud and election rigging. Callers are reporting to the popular Florida radio talk show, The Neil Rodgers Show that when they selected McBride, Bushes challenger, the machines instead registered a vote for Bush. Wide scale machine "breakdowns" reported throughout Democratic strongholds in Orange, Brevard and Seminole counties. Republican districts appear to be enjoying a speedy and efficient polling day.

The religious orders who control through their proxy intelligence agencies here in America have instituted completely computerized touch screen voting machines in many counties now - Severing once and for all the last remaining connection between a vote and any physical evidence of that vote. In the past, we at least had piles of real hard evidence in the form of physical ballots to fight over - now there is nothing. Just a US intelligence agency, CIA, to assure us that everything is all right and going as planned. 

Physical ballots with all their chads and imperfections they were at least a physical entity and so required considerably more effort and risk to alter. But now there is only a proprietary secret software program which no one except US intelligence can control which determines if the button you press registers a vote for the particular lying scumbag politician you selected or whether the machine, “Glitches,” and places your vote, instead, for the lying scumbag politician you didn’t select. 
Since there has never been a computer system which has not been hacked, what makes us think that these systems cannot be hacked? And since we do not know the officers of the British based company who makes the machines, how do we know that they are not in on it? We can, however, safely extrapolate that the political “beliefs” of the owners of Sequoia Voting Systems are firmly conservative. (Nearly all persons who do over a hundred million dollars of government contracting are conservatives) So what makes anyone think that they would risk losing votes for the persons who are responsible for those massive inside contracts which made them wealthy beyond belief in the first place? (All government contracting is insider deals - regardless of whatever illusions of safeguards to prevent such practices are in place) And since we have seen nearly universal corruption on every level in every corporation, what makes anyone think that Sequoia Voting Systems would be immune from such corruption? And since it is far easier to move fraudulent computer coding in and out of these machines at the speed of light, to have it waiting one minute in a remote memory register of the machine, only to be instantly erased the moment some questions appear regarding an irregularity in the machine, what makes anyone think such deceptive computer code is not there? For example a deceptive program comprising only ten or twenty lines of code could be easily disguised as a computer glitch, which is not illegal (Glitches never are, and the dark force knows this) yet causes the votes for one candidate to instead register for another candidate. If questions arise doubting the integrity of the votes the machines could be designed to clandestinely erase all traces of the “Glitch” by simple pressing a defined series of keys which could clear out the eeprom (electrically erasable programmable rom) containing the malicious code and any evidence that such code ever existed would vanish forever, because they are made of electrons - not paper. And electrons conveniently leave ZERO trace of their existence unlike a paper ballot. Since there is ZERO scrutiny or testing of these machines, we will never know. Try to argue that in front of the Supreme Court - It’s not going to happen because, as the world has witnessed - They are in on the scam. How can we be sure that these machines don’t have such code lurking within? We cannot. 

That is the fabulous success of the Illuminati. To slowly and gradually take away everything we have, in such a way that humans don’t even realize that everything they used to have is gone.

Avi Rubin, a technology security expert and researcher at ATT Labs in New Jersey doubts the integrity of the new voting method. “These systems are largely untested.” Critics decry the proprietary nature of the machines, pointing out that there is no public scrutiny of the machines allowed. Without scientists being able to freely analyze the systems, election officials may be leaving themselves open to the possibility of hacking, vote tampering or incorrect calculations. 

No outside examination or auditing of the inner workings of the machines is permitted. Why? Isn’t voting a public trust? Don’t we have a right to know what is inside those machines? Now only a handful 

[CTRL] Glitches in Maryland: Word 'Democratic' mistakenly heads ballot...

2002-11-05 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


As Voters Head to Polls, Montgomery Sees Glitches
Technical Problem with New Voting Machines Plague Some Precincts

By Christina Pino-Marina
and Jeffrey Marcus
washingtonpost.com Staff Writers
Tuesday, November 5, 2002; 1:15 PM

As residents of Maryland, Virginia and the District cast their votes in several closely
watched races, technical problems plagued some precincts in Montgomery County, Md.

Montgomery residents using the new electronic touch-screen voting machines at all 30
precincts in legislative District 19 saw the word Democratic in the header of the 
according to Sara Harris, deputy director of the Montgomery County Board of Elections.

Harris said about 9:30 a.m. that technicians were encoding new ballot display cards and
were hoping to have the problem fixed within two hours. About 11 a.m., elections 
met and decided not to distribute the new cards but to post notices instead in the
precincts and on the affected machines.

Another elections official, Marjorie Roher, said the step was taken to preserve the
integrity of the votes and to inform voters about what happened.

The notices state: The ballot is correct and your vote will count. This ballot 
contains all
candidates and questions. However, the heading on the instruction page contains the
word Democratic. This word should not have appeared on the instruction page and this
line should have been blank.

At no time has [the appearance of the word on the ballot] affected the voting or 
of the results, Roher added.

The glitches this morning come on the heels of extensive problems with the new voting
machines in the county during the September primary. On primary day, technical as well
as staffing problems forced delays in some poll openings. In addition, many election
returns were posted early the next morning, which is later than usual.

The electronic touch-screen voting machines are also being used in Prince George's,
Allegany and Dorchester counties. The new system replaced punch card machines in
Montgomery and lever-voting machines in the other counties, according to state election

Also in Maryland, the governor's race and the battle over the 8th congressional 
seat are high on the agenda for most voters. Lt.Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, a
Democrat, and her Republican challenger, Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., are in a dead heat, and
voter turnout is crucial for both gubernatorial candidates.

If elected, Townsend would be the first female governor of Maryland. If Ehrlich wins, 
would be the first Republican to serve since Spiro Agnew left the office in 1969.

In the congressional race, incumbent Republican Constance A. Morella is seeking a
ninth term as Democrat Chris Van Hollen tries to unseat her. Poll-watchers, pundits and
voters are watching that contest and others to see if the Democratic Party will regain
control over the U.S. House of Representatives.

Van Hollen's campaign manager, Steve Jost, said the campaign would ask Montgomery
County Executive Douglas Duncan and the state's attorney general to extend poll hours
because some voters left after waiting in long lines. Jost attributed the long lines 
to high
turnout coupled with voter unfamiliarity with the new machines.

In Northern Virginia, voters in nine jurisdictions will decide whether to raise the 
sale tax
from 4.5 percent to 5 percent to fund regional transportation projects. If voters 
the measure, an estimated $5 billion generated from the tax increase over 20 years 
be designated to fund local highway and mass transit projects.

In the District, Mayor Anthony A. Williams faces his primary challenge from Republican
councilwoman Carol Schwartz. Schwartz entered the race less than six weeks before
Election Day.

New voting machines are also being put to the test today in the District, where paper
ballots and electronic tabulation machines have replaced the city’s antiquated voting
machines. The new system was put into action in September during the Democratic

Polls opened at 6 a.m. EST in Virginia and will close at 7 p.m. EST. Polls opened at 7
a.m. EST in Maryland and the District, and will close there at 8 p.m. EST.

washingtonpost.com staff writers John Nichols and Kyle Balluck contributed to this

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[CTRL] Fwd: What Did You Do in the Internet War, Daddy?

2002-11-05 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

What Did You Do in the Internet War, Daddy?

by Edgar J. Steele

November 2, 2002

I worry about my child and the Internet all the time,
even though she's too young to have logged on yet.
Here's what I worry about. I worry that 10 or 15 years from now,
she will come to me and say 'Daddy, where were you
when they took freedom of the press away from the Internet?'
Mike Godwin, Electronic Frontier Foundation


And many are wondering where I am right now.  My web site
(www.conspiracypenpal.com) is down and my email accounts have all been
suspended.  My (soon-to-be-ex) domain hosting ISP, FeaturePrice.com,
refuses even to talk to me about it.

Things finally got too hot for them, you see.  Saturday night, I posted
http://www.conspiracypenpal.com/columns/y2k2.htm to my web site after
sending it out to this list.  Included in it was a link to a video showing
Israeli soldiers dragging an unarmed Palestinian out of a shop, then
shooting him in the back as he attempted to walk away.  I uploaded the full
video clip, all 2mb of it, to my site since it had been sent to me via
email.  Within 24 hours, my web site was taken down.

I keep a local duplicate of the entire site, of course, and have already
uploaded everything to a new web hosting ISP that promises not to censor my
site or my email.  We'll see.  It takes a day or so for DNS pointers to be
redistributed over the Internet, but shortly you should be able to visit my
web site again, at the same address, of course.  More importantly, you will
be able to download the video that has somebody in such a dither:


Do me a favor and spread it far and wide.  All the Christian zionists, in
particular, need to see the results of their support for the rogue state of

In fact, since this newsletter seems to have become such an irritant to
somebody, encourage others to sign up for it and thereby play a small part
in protesting Internet censorship.  After all, how many web sites do you
actually see blown off the air in the name of censorship?

This mailing list is maintained solely on my personal, off-line computer
and is loaded temporarily each time I send the newsletter.  Nobody else
has, or ever will have, access to my list and you can rest assured that
there are so many now on it that nobody will be particularly interested in
you if, by some miracle, they ever got their hands on it.  You will be in
good company, by the way, with a number of nationally-known writers,
politicians and other luminaries who are untouchable by virtue of their

Did you see where Irv Rubin is allegedly brain dead, lying in a prison
hospital bed after having attempted suicide yesterday morning by slashing
his own throat (!), then jumping over a railing and landing some eighteen
feet down onto a concrete floor?  Yeah, right.  And, this on the morning of
the day he was to stand trial for attempting to blow up Islamic mosques.

I met Irv Rubin, erstwhile head of the JDL, and observed his behavior and
demeanor over several days when I tried the Aryan Nations show trial in
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.  He was one of the most obnoxiously arrogant and
offensive human beings I have ever encountered.  Believe me, he did not
attempt suicide.  Simply not the type.

I would give long odds that Irv was whacked by or at the behest of Israel,
since the trial was going to be a huge embarrassment for them.  Irv had
gotten totally out of control and, worse, was actually caught with his hand
in the cookie jar.

Nobody commits suicide by slashing his own throat.  Obviously, the leap

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-Drugs_TheDarkSide] US plans to cause terrorism

2002-11-05 Thread RoadsEnd
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-Caveat Lector-

u.s. plans to cause terrorism
by Chris Floyd, Moscow Times - November 04, 2002

This column stands foursquare with the Honorable Donald Rumsfeld,
U.S. Defense Secretary, when he warns that there will be more
terrorist attacks against the American people and civilization at
large. We know, as does the Honorable Donald Rumsfeld, U.S. Defense
Secretary, that this statement is an incontrovertible fact, a matter
of scientific certainty. And how can we and the Honorable Donald
Rumsfeld, U.S. Defense Secretary, be so sure that there will be more
terrorist attacks against the American people and civilization at
Because these attacks will be instigated at the order of the
Honorable Donald Rumsfeld, U.S. Defense Secretary.

This astonishing admission was buried deep in a story, which was
itself submerged by mounds of gray newsprint and glossy underwear
ads in last Sunday's Los Angeles Times. There -- in an article by
military analyst William Arkin detailing the vast expansion of the
secret armies being massed by the former Nixon bureaucrat now
lording it over the Pentagon -- came the revelation of Rumsfeld's
plan to create a super-Intelligence Support Activity that
will bring together CIA and military covert action, information
warfare, intelligence and cover and deception.

According to a classified document prepared for Rumsfeld by his
Defense Science Board, the new organization -- the Proactive,
Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG) -- will carry out secret
missions designed to stimulate reactions among terrorist groups,
provoking them into committing violent acts which would then expose
them to counterattack by U.S. forces.

In other words -- and let's say this plainly, clearly and soberly,
so that no one can mistake the intention of Rumsfeld's plan -- the
United States government is planning to use cover and deception
and secret military operations to provoke murderous terrorist
attacks on innocent people.


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[CTRL] Fwd: [NA] 2nd Send: Real Life: What Local Media Reaction to our Radio Ads means

2002-11-05 Thread RoadsEnd
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

PREFor New Readers: Please read messages after this ewire. These short messages 
include how to subscribe and unsubscribe. Also, it appears Topica has begun requiring 
all lists to allow them to place their ads at the top of our email messages. At 
Network America we have tried to exclude all ads except in relation to politics. Any 
messages appearing are solely the responsibility of Topica./PRE

Did you know Urinary Tract Infections can be easily
stopped gently and naturally? RESULTS GUARANTEED!
A HREF= http://click.topica.com/${LOGINFO}/UtopiaSilver 

got unprecedented gibberish and erant numbers in your ewire. I hope this
one comes through clear. A LOT is happening and look for our next
report. The Radio Ad campaign has been a bulls-eye -- and the other
side is scrambling on how best to do damage control. Here's the second

November 02, 2002 NA (Network America) e-wire

Real Life: What Local Media Reaction to Our Radio ads means

In case this message is forwarded to new people, here’s a summary:
between October 22, 2002 and November 4, 2002, approximately 210 radio
ads ran on the 50,000 Watt station WKRC (550AM); approximately 108 radio
ads ran on WLW (700 AM) a 50,000 Watt Clear Channel Voice – which
reaches 200 or 300 miles in circumference during the day, and into 38
states and half of Canada at night and overnight; and 15 radio ads are
running on the hard rock station WEBN, 5 ads to “The Class of 2003”
between 8 PM and 1 AM, on each of Friday, Sunday, and Monday before
election day, November 4.

Now, I despise the music and general act of this station, WEBN, which at
other times we have supported boycotts against because of that station’s
suggestive and foul billboards. But this, and two other stations, are
the only ones listened to en masse by the high school seniors and
college age students -- according to all the kids of that age that I
talked to. I did not have anytime to do research on the other radio
stations which play similar “music” – and WEBN was also owned by Clear
Channel, and headquartered in the SAME BUILDING as WKRC and WLW, also
owned by Clear Channel. (For more on this dangerous phenomenon on a few
corporations owning everything in key industries, see “What is the
Hayfield Research? You’d better find out” in our “Votescam” section at
realnews247.com, and “Only Six Corporations Dominate America’s Major
Media Outlets” in the “Who Runs the Media” section at realnews247.com.)

Anyway – during the last two weeks I have not met nor heard of one
person in high school or college who had heard any of our radio ads, or
even heard about them.

But then, tonight, I went to an  “intramural grudge match basketball
game” – all in good fun – between two groups of young men, now of
college age, one group from Indiana and one from Ohio, who in years gone
by had attended the same Christian summer camp. And even at this
gathering, several of the college age students told me they had heard
the ads. And my son, who lives on campus at a university about an hour
from our house, who was participating in the game, told me that a number
of kids at the university had told him they heard the ads on WEBN – all
from five ads run on Friday night.

I don’t like having to use such an avenue, but what choice do we have to
break the censorship at this point? Now thousands and thousands of young
men and women – are 

[CTRL] Bones video

2002-11-05 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-



Check it out - some footage from the documentary on Bones by some folks from
You can buy the film at the site and/or download or view a short clip. Some
good ones of Tony Sutton.

Watch the trailer all the way to the end, some great footage showing a person
going through the door and immediately being hooded.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Bali Micro Nuke - Army Officer Reported Accurate Details

2002-11-05 Thread William Shannon

Bali Micro Nuke - Army Officer Reported Accurate Details  
Then the Australian Government demanded that his report be removed!

Copyright Joe Vialls,  5 November 2002  

Australian Army officer Rodney Cox was less than fifty meters from ground zero when the bomb exploded, but survived presumably because he was in the "null zone" below the rising diagonal blast vector from the buried weapon. Captain Cox was then put in command of operations to evacuate the injured. He tells a harrowing tale, with some of his most chilling and revealing statements including, "“Then the power cut... all the power went out. I didn’t think bomb, I didn’t think anything at that stage. And then, probably, I’d say two seconds later... not even two seconds later, there was just the huge flash, and I was just covered in glass, put on the ground, and it just started ... it was like hell on earth.”
By stating that the power cut preceded the flash, Captain Cox unwittingly confirmed the critical nuclear identity of the weapon. We know that the small bomb in Paddy's bar ten seconds earlier caused only localized damage, and we now know that all of the electrical circuits in Kuta Beach were disrupted by the Source Region Electromagnetic Pulse [SREMP] emitted by the micro nuke at the point of criticality. The pulse travels through all mediums at the speed of light, and Cox noted the power cut immediately before witnessing the "huge flash" of the fireball as it burst up through the road surface. Captain Cox's recollections were printed on the front page of the Australian Army Newspaper, which in turn was placed on the Australian Army web site.
This did not please the Australian Government [for obvious reasons], and reliable sources state that the Army was ordered to remove the web page on ministerial orders, which it did. Then apparently less than 12 hours later a very senior officer countermanded the order, and insisted the page be restored. It was... Not being sure who will ultimately win this battle of the titans, I have reproduced this important story below, with correct credits and a link to the Army web site. If in the end the politicians win, there will always be a copy of the story here to fall back on.

Hell on Earth

‘It was an absolute war zone, it was just out of control’

One man’s story of how he and other soldiers in Bali leapt into the devastation

By Cpl Jonathan Garland 

AN AUSTRALIAN soldier standing less than 50m from the bomb that exploded outside the Sari nightclub in Bali escaped unhurt.

Capt Rodney Cocks, a UNMO in East Timor, was enjoying his last night of leave before flying out of Indonesia the next morning.

He had just left his companions, a New Zealand, a Portuguese and a British national, also uniformed personnel serving in East Timor, inside nearby Paddy’s to walk to the Internet café a short distance away.

“I got about 30m down the street and then I heard one blast and I thought, ‘What was that?’,” he said.

[There was a ten-second separation between the explosion at Paddy's Bar and the micro-nuke, Ed]

“Then the power cut... all the power went out. I didn’t think bomb, I didn’t think anything at that stage.

“And then, probably, I’d say two seconds later... not even two seconds later, there was just the huge flash, and I was just covered in glass, put on the ground, and it just started ... it was like hell on earth.”

As he picked himself up and shook off the shards of glass that covered him, he saw flames from the blast and the devastated buildings climbing 50m into the air.

He recognised the second explosion as a bomb but was staggered at the amount of damage caused in the blast.

“I’ve done demolitions courses with the Army and it was bigger than anything I’ve ever blown up in my time, and I’ve done a bit.

“I was very lucky. I think I got a few cuts on my feet but nothing major. I was wearing shorts, T-shirt and thongs at the time. I consider myself one of the luckiest people alive, I really do.”

Prompted by his military training, his first reaction was to find the friends he had left in the bar and evacuate them and as many others as possible.

“By the time I picked myself up there were already people moving out away from the scene.

“I picked one girl up there - she had burns all over her body, so I grabbed her.

“I later heard she’d been assessed as having burns to 95 per cent of her body and that she hadn’t survived her injuries.

“We regrouped, got our people, helped the people we could, which, you know, was just bloody impossible, there were just so many people injured.”

“My main concern at this time was the girl I had in my arms, who was the one who had all the burns.”

The group took some of the injured back to their hotel and organised the hotel truck to take them to hospital, before going back to the scene of the explosion.


[CTRL] Removing Saddam May Not Equal Cheap Oil

2002-11-05 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

International Perspective, by Marshall Auerback

War With Iraq May Not Equal Cheap Oil
November 5, 2002

Hours after Congress authorized President Bush to use force in Iraq last
month, an economic adviser under four U.S. presidents told business leaders
in Grand Rapids, Michigan that going to war is probably the most bullish
thing I can think of. Former FDIC chairman Bill Seidman, who served during
the Nixon, Ford, Reagan and the senior Bush administrations, said defeating
Saddam Hussein and controlling Iraqi oil is at least as important as
eliminating weapons of mass destruction.

Speaking at the Peninsular Club, Seidman had just arrived from a State
Department briefing in which the Bush administration outlined for the first
time a post-Saddam power structure in Iraq.  I think probably the most
bullish thing I can think of today is winning the war. We are planning to
set up a MacArthur-like government, said Seidman, referring to U.S.
General Douglas MacArthur's temporary rule over Japan after its surrender
in World War II.  Getting control of that oil, and thereby gaining sway
with neighbouring Saudi Arabia's oil production, will make a vast
difference (to the economy) in all sorts of things, but particularly the
price of oil.

It all sounds too good to be true: Forget about the costs of fighting the
war at a time when America suffers from unprecedented financial imbalances.
Forget about the precarious state of the dollar. Ignore the prospect of oil
supply shocks. Put the idea of blowback out of your mind.

Although not a member of the Bush government, Seidman's argument is
symptomatic of the disingenuous manner in which the Bush administration has
prepared the country for this impending conflict. His tone echoes Paul O'
Neill's carnival barker act in the immediate aftermath of September 11,
when he urged his fellow Americans to charge into the stock market for the
buying opportunity of a lifetime. But closer analysis suggests that Seidman
and the happy warriors in the White House and Pentagon, who imply that
policies aimed at changing the political and even the social character of
the Middle East will come relatively cost-free to America, are indulging in
dangerously naïve assumptions about the economic and political fallout from
the impending conflict.

A case there may be for attacking Iraq, but not on the surreal grounds
implied in Bill Seidman's speech.  Let us quickly dismiss the silly
MacArthur analogy for a post-Saddam Iraq. The use of this parallel
displays complete ignorance about the post-war history of Japan, which in
turn begets further scepticism in regard to the other optimistic
assumptions underlying the bullish case for war.

The Potsdam Declaration ending World War II may have ordered MacArthur to
democratize Japan, but MacArthur himself displayed little enthusiasm for
the idea. The Japanese Emperor, Hirohito, was retained on the throne.  All
occupation edicts came from the emperor, but MacArthur controlled policy in
the background much like a shadow shogun. Indeed two years into its
occupation of Japan, virtually all American government officials began to
change their minds about allowing genuine democracy to flourish in the
country. By then, Cold War considerations and worries about the
corresponding rise of the Japanese Socialist party (the one organisation
largely untainted by the militarism of wartime Japan) induced the American
government to bring back many of the pre-war and wartime leaders who had
been purged at the conclusion of hostilities.  If the Bush administration
is truly sincere in its intent to follow the MacArthur model, it will
have to keep Saddam Hussein in place and work through him, hardly a likely
scenario given President Bush's long expressed enthusiasm for regime

A more significant difference lies in regard to oil itself. During the
early days of the Allied occupation, the Americans did not have any
economic interests in Japan. But Seidman's speech implies that oil
diplomacy is superseding the objectives of confronting global terrorism. He
implies that American oil interests, the government, and US consumers are
all drooling at the prospects of access to cheap Iraqi oil, which he
suggests will have an economic benefit comparable a massive tax cut.

Which brings us to the second assumption implicit in Seidman's speech: The
history of the Gulf conflict has led many to assume that cheaper oil
invariably flows from a successful American-led invasion of Iraq. This
confidence appears to be misplaced. As one of America's leading independent
energy analysts, Henry Groppe of Groppe, Long  Littell has argued, The
premise for the second element of energy policy is that other nations will
be willing to increase oil production and invest in refining at lower
prices. The appeal of the premises is that other policies - foreign
affairs, saving the wilderness, etc. - can be pursued without conflict with
energy policy. Indeed, there is a built-in 

[CTRL] Suspicious Farm Job Data

2002-11-05 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-


Odd Farm-Sector Surge Distorts Jobs Data
Tuesday November 5, 2:48 pm ET
By Wayne Cole

NEW YORK (Reuters) - An inexplicable surge in farm jobs has played a major
part in keeping the U.S. unemployment rate down in recent months, despite
persistent weakness in other labor market indicators.

Without the jump in farm-based employment since June, the jobless rate
would have climbed steadily to reach 6.0 percent in October. Instead the
jobless rate fell in September and then inched back to 5.7 percent last

If it had topped 6.0 percent, consumer confidence might have suffered far
more, bond yields tumbled and the case for an interest rate cut -- now
expected on Wednesday from the Federal Reserve -- might be that much

The strength baffles analysts and statisticians alike and could reinforce
financial market skepticism of the unemployment figures as a reliable
indicator of the economy.

The massive surge in farm jobs has been an important factor depressing the
published unemployment rate at a time of little or no growth in nonfarm
payroll employment, said Rory Robertson, an interest rate strategist who
covers the U.S. economy for Australian house Macquarie Equities.

Of course, the rapid growth in farm jobs -- the fastest in more than 50
years of data -- seems implausible, to say the least, he added.

The Department of Labor uses a monthly survey of 60,000 households to
compile the unemployment series, in contrast with the monthly payrolls
figures, which come from an established survey of around 350,000

In recent months the unemployment rate has diverged from the trend in
payrolls, dipping from 5.9 percent in June to 5.6 percent in September
before edging up to 5.7 percent last month.

At the same time, payrolls growth has been muted at best, running at levels
which typically would be associated with a rise in the jobless rate.

The dichotomy has stirred a major debate among economists -- some of whom
claim that the unemployment survey is flawed, while others argue that it is
actually more representative of the economy as a whole and the payrolls
survey is at fault for overlooking hundreds of thousands of small firms.

The odd behavior of the farm sector would seem to support critics of the
unemployment survey and suggests that the true jobless rate is higher than
the figures suggest.


The stellar performance of the usually laggard farm sector certainly sits
at odds with the sluggish state of the broad economy.

Since June some 415,000 jobs have been created in agriculture, excluding
forestry and fishing -- a rise of 13 percent and easily the fastest growth
in decades.

While the farm sector makes up only 2.6 percent of total employment, its
surge has accounted for almost fully half of the 861,000 new civilian jobs
generated since June.

It's certainly an unusual occurrence, but we haven't looked into it as
such, said a spokesperson at the Department of Labor.

She noted that much of the jump came in October and that the figures were
volatile from month to month, suggesting farm employment could easily fall
sharply in November.

Farm jobs climbed 227,000, seasonally adjusted, in October to 3.525
million, having risen 110,000 the month before. In June total farm sector
employment was reported at 3.110 million.

The strength of farm jobs also came as a surprise to the Department of
Agriculture, where an economist said there had been no developments in the
industry to account for such an astounding pickup.

Is anything real going on here? asked Robertson at Macquarie. Or is it
best just to walk away with the conclusion that the household survey
data -- including the published unemployment rate -- are too erratic to be
taken seriously?

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Re: [CTRL] Suspicious Farm Job Data

2002-11-05 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

On 5 Nov 2002 at 21:32, flw wrote:

 Is anything real going on here? asked Robertson at Macquarie. Or is it
 best just to walk away with the conclusion that the household survey
 data -- including the published unemployment rate -- are too erratic to be
 taken seriously?

The Bush administration fudged the data. Typical.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster
Latest Update: Cydonia in 3-D

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] torso, voting

2002-11-05 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be very heavy for survivors

Human flesh 'on sale in London' Police probe link between African magic and butchered remains of 5-year-old boy Antony Barnett, Paul Harris and Tony Thompson 11/3/02 The Observer "Detectives hunting the killers behind the 'Torso in the Thames' child murder are investigating the illegal bushmeat trade after allegations that human flesh is being offered for sale in London." This article may be very heavy for survivors http://observer.co.uk/Print/0,3858,4538419,00.html

these are fyi only


Jeb Bush's secret weapon
94,000 people on a voter "purge" list -- half of them African-American -- continue to be banned from voting in Florida, even though the state knows the list is wildly inaccurate.
By Greg Palast
Nov. 1, 2002 | In December 2000, we reported that Florida's use of a faulty and politically questionable list of felons and dead people "scrubbed" from voter rolls -- half of them African-Americans -- may have cost Al Gore the 537-vote margin of victory claimed by George W. Bush in Florida. Fast-forward two years. There's another close race in Florida. This time, younger brother Jeb is fighting to fend off a challenge from Bill McBride for the governor's race. The Nov. 5 face-off could again come down to thousands, if not hundreds, of votes. And even though the list has been widely condemned -- the company that created it admits probable errors -- the same voter scrub list, with more than 94,000 names on it, is still in operation in Florida. Moreover, DBT Online, which generated the disastrously flawed list, reports that if it followed strict criteria to eliminate those errors, only 3,000 names would remain -- and a whopping 91,000 people would have their voting rights restored. 

Why Your Vote Won't Matter

America Held Hostile_com's Editorials Page

Republicans try to bribe Greens in New Mexico 

In New Mexico, state Republican Party Chairman John Dendahl admitted that he promised "at least $100,000" to the state Green Party in exchange for the Greens fielding candidates in two of New Mexico's three congressional districts. His aim was to siphon votes from the Democrats, he said. Dendahl claimed he was acting as a "messenger" on behalf of an unnamed donor from the Washington, D.C., area. 

The Greens, to their credit, refused Dendahl's offer, which the Greens said was as much as $250,000, and did not field candidates for the congressional seats. The New Mexico attorney general said the bribe attempt demonstrated "an attempt to manipulate the election process," but the offer was not illegal under state law. Idle question: Since when is bribery legal? For more information, go to: http://www.richardsonforgovernor.com/news/br_abqjournal_7112002.htm.


GOP's Dendahl Brings Offer of Support if Greens Run Candidates 
By Barry Massey 
The Associated Press 
 SANTA FE — State Republican chairman John Dendahl wooed the Green Party with an offer of potential "six-figure" political support from an unidentified source if the Greens ran candidates in two congressional races. 
 Dendahl said Thursday that the offer of campaign contributions didn't come from the Republican Party, but that he didn't know the source of the potential political donations. 
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[CTRL] Buchanan: Report from Fortress Washington

2002-11-05 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Report from Fortress Washington
Has the president thought through what happens here in his own capital when he orders Gen. Tommy Franks to take Baghdad?
by Pat Buchanan

What raises the question is the fear and paralysis visited on this city by a single man, the Beltway Sniper, who, at this writing, is still on the loose after 11 shootings and nine kills in 13 days.

Much of the weekend’s open-air activity, from high school football games to soccer games for children, was canceled. What will it be like if some Arab or Islamic regime, against which our president has repeatedly threatened preemptive war, sends half a dozen sniper-terrorists to take revenge in Washington, D.C.?

A year ago, an anthrax scare that killed half a dozen people crippled mail service and forced the evacuation of Senate office buildings, post offices, and the Supreme Court. Following 9-11, the White House and Capitol have become virtual fortresses.

Is this the price of empire? Is it worth it?

Never during World War II, when German submarines prowled the coast of Maryland and Delaware, sinking thousands of tons of shipping monthly, was Washington as buttoned-up as today. Not since the British marched down the Bladensburg road in 1814 to burn the White House has our capital seemed so vulnerable.

Recent weeks have also taught us the cost of our having embraced global free trade and international interdependence.

After West Coast shippers locked out 10,500 dockworkers, the president was forced to invoke Taft-Hartley for the first time since Nixon intervened to halt a longshoreman strike during Vietnam. Reopening the 29 ports on the West Coast, said Mr. Bush, was “vital to our economy and to our military.”

Why vital? Because U.S. factories are more dependent on imports to maintain production today than they have been since before the Jacksonian era. Factories had already begun shutting down and thousands of workers had been idled. Retailers, too, were clamoring for Bush to intervene, as half the goods on store shelves at Christmas are no longer Made in the U.S.A.

Tens of millions of tons of this cargo enter U.S. ports each year in millions of truck-sized containers that have lately been found to conceal terrorists. One dirty bomb, one anthrax bomb, one bomb containing poison gas in one of these containers, and the ports of both coasts and the Gulf would be paralyzed. The same holds for the thousands of trucks that daily roll into this country from Mexico and that privileged sanctuary of international terrorists, Canada.

Not once, however, from 1941-1945 did Yamamoto’s fleets or Doenitz’s submarines force a closure of the U.S. factories the were producing the tanks, guns, planes, vehicles, ships, and munitions that enabled the Allies to crush the Axis powers in less than four years.

How did America become so vulnerable? A large share of the culpability rests with self-styled conservatives.

The open-borders, ally-ally-in-free immigration policy championed by the Wall Street Journal has left us, on this eve of war, with ten million illegal aliens wandering around the country. Some 300,000 have defied deportation orders for various crimes and disappeared into our midst.

Conservatives, too, threw out the America First trade policy that made the GOP “America’s Party” for 70 years and ours the most self-sufficient nation on earth. Then they grafted onto the GOP a Wilsonian-free-trade-uber-alles ideology that has left us dependent on imports for our prosperity and security.

Instead of abandoning Cold War relics likes NATO and pulling up the trip wires of war laid down by Acheson and Dulles after the Soviet empire expired, we began launching wars and intervening in lands from Panama to Haiti to Somalia to Kuwait to Bosnia to Kosovo, then stationed thousands of U.S. troops on the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia.

On September 11 came blowback.

Now, to make America safe from a terrorism provoked by our own mindless interventions, we have decided to “liberate” Iraq, with Ariel Sharon as our role model. Ought we not we not first ask ourselves how Sharon’s invasion of Lebanon turned out, and how his occupation of the West Bank has made his own country more secure?

Or should we wait until Washington is as exciting as Jerusalem?

Congress has now capitulated and surrendered its power to make war to Mr. Bush. So we are likely going to war. But when the cheering stops and U.S. soldiers shot in the back in occupied Baghdad are brought home to Dover AFB, hopefully, we will settle accounts with those who sacrificed God’s Country on their pagan altar of empire.

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