Re: [CTRL] Real Matrix-Theosophists

2002-11-11 Thread Wes Thomas
-Caveat Lector-

Drew, that's a very important piece of research, but it's missing the
key strategist: Fritz Kunz, a leading theosophist who was a student of
Theosophical Society founders Leadbeater and Besant. Stulman was the
funder and business organizer, but Fritz was the conceptual brains
behind the Institute for Integrative Education. He constructed its
philosophical platform and brought together the scientists. I studied
with Fritz in the early 50s at his camp in New York, Pumpkin Hollow,, and attended meetings of the Institute
that he organized, featuring leading scientists such as Princeton
theoretical physicist John Wheeler, heir to Einstein. (The only thing I
could find on Google written by Fritz is at I also knew Oliver Reiser
and Puharich well. We should compare notes.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] French journalist decries Zionist tactics

2002-11-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

French journalist decries ‘Zionist’ tactics
Reporters face pressure in Arab-Israeli conflict

Long-time writer for leading papers says his criticism got him blackballed

Badih Chayban
Special to The Daily Star

A visiting French journalist told a Beirut audience Friday that he was blackballed by 
outlets in France for his criticism of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s 
Speaking at a news conference at the Press Federation headquarters in Beirut, Alain
Chevalerias described his unhappy experience as a journalist covering the Middle East,
while facing what he described as “Zionist pressure.”
Chevalerias, who has worked as a freelance journalist for many French publications over
the last 30 years, said he had been recently stringent in his criticism of Israel and 
Sharon government.
In addition to his articles appearing in print in a variety of journals, Chevalerias 
has also
made regular radio appearances and conducted university seminars. He said that while he
was covering the Arab League summit in Beirut last March, he reported that Sharon’s
policies were designed to undermine the summit’s decisions, including the Arab Peace
Although editors changed his articles before they were printed, Chevalerias said that, 
at the
time, he did not suspect a conspiracy. But then he added that, at the beginning of last
summer, the leading French daily, Le Figaro, suddenly stopped publishing his articles.
“I thought it was normal, until a friend called me and said, ‘Don’t touch Israel, 
leave it for
others. You are now punished,’” Chevalerias said.
The freeze on his work extended not only to the journals Chevalerias used to write 
for, but
reached a group of lawyers he freelanced for.
“Suddenly, on June 26, I received a letter putting an end to (this business) 
Chevalerias said.
In blaming supporters of Israel for his professional misfortunes, he said there was a
difference between “Jews” and “Zionists. He said the “Zionists” were the ones trying to
silence him, whereas many of his Jewish friends were helping him try to get his jobs 
Chevalerias said that it was hard for a French national, who was raised on the logic of
freedom of expression, to be ostracized for his opinions: “I felt abused and angry,” 
he said.
He added that he had applied on multiple occasions for reinstatement at Le Figaro, but 
he has had no luck.
Frustrated in his efforts, Chevalerias began a hunger strike on Sept. 24.
“I used to sit on a public road in Paris every day,” he said, adding that the move 
him public support.
He said that this public backing eventually led the editors at Le Figaro to invite him 
Regarding the episode, he said he learned that, “even if saying the truth is hard and 
severe consequences, every journalist has the duty to report not only what he sees, but
also what he believes.”
Press Federation president Mohammed Baalbaki, who spoke during the news conference,
said that Chevalerias’ case was of crucial local importance, because he shared the same
enemy as the Lebanese public: the Zionists.
Baalbaki said that “Zionists” were active worldwide in “suppressing free media and 
the truth.”
He added that this was harming not only the Arab cause, but also international 
seeking to report accurate information on the Arab-Israeli conflict.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] After Iraq

2002-11-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


November 10, 2002

After Iraq, Bush will attack his real target

By ERIC MARGOLIS -- Contributing Foreign Editor

NEW YORK -- President George Bush wrapped himself in the American flag and won a
major victory last week as U.S. voters gave control of both houses of Congress to the
Republican party. In mid-term elections, the party in power almost always fares badly, 
this year an electorate, gripped by fear of terrorism, and whipped into war fever by 
voltage propaganda, voted Republican. Thank you Osama and Saddam.

One poignant photo said it all: Georgia's defeated Democratic senator, Max Cleland, 
in a wheelchair, missing both legs and an arm lost in combat in Vietnam. This highly
decorated hero was defeated by a Vietnam war draft-dodger who had the audacity to
accuse Cleland of being unpatriotic after the senator courageously voted against 
Bush unlimited war-related powers. I do not recall a more shameful moment in American

Bush's victory is clearly a mandate to proceed with his crusade against Iraq. 
for war are in an advanced stage. The U.S. has been quietly moving heavy armour and
mechanized units from Europe to the Mideast. Three division equivalents and a Marine
heavy brigade are now in theatre. An armada of U.S. warplanes is assembling around 
which is bombed almost daily. U.S. special forces are operating in northern Iraq, and, 
with Israeli scout units, in Iraq's western desert near the important H2 airbase. The 
could begin as early as mid- December if there is no coup against Saddam Hussein.

But for all the propaganda about wicked Saddam, Iraq is not the main objective for the
small but powerful coterie of Pentagon hardliners driving the Bush administration's 
security policy. Nor is it for their intellectual and emotional peers in Israel's 
right-wing Likud
party. The real target of the coming war is Iran, which Israel views as its principal 
most dangerous enemy. Iraq merely serves as a pretext to whip America into a war frenzy
and to justify insertion of large numbers of U.S. troops into Mesopotamia.

A minor threat

Israeli defence officials have long dismissed demolished Iraq as a minor threat, even
though it likely has between six and 18 old Scud missiles hidden away. Saddam did not 
chemical weapons in 1991 for fear of Israeli nuclear retaliation. Israel now has the 
most advanced anti- missile system, Arrow, with two batteries operational, and numerous
batteries of the latest U.S. Patriot missiles in place.

The prevailing view in the Israeli military is that Iraq will be quickly defeated by 
U.S. forces,
and then likely split into two or three cantons. Israel's North American supporters, 
are still being given the party line that Israel is in mortal danger from Iraq.

Iran is a different story. Iran is expected to produce a few nuclear weapons within 
years to counter Israel's large nuclear arsenal, and is developing medium-range 
Shahab-3s and -4s, that can easily reach Tel Aviv.

With 68 million people and a growing industrial base, Iran is seen by Israel as a 
threat and major Mideast geopolitical rival. Both nations have their eye on Iraq's 
vast oil

Israel's newly appointed hardline defence minister, former air force chief Shaul 
Mofaz, who
was born in Iran, has previously threatened to attack Iran's nuclear installations. 
Thanks to
long-range F-15Is supplied by the U.S., plus cruise and ballistic missiles, Israel can 
targets all over Iran. This week, Israel's grand strategy was clearly revealed for the 
time, though barely noticed by North American media, as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon 
for an invasion of Iran the day after Iraq is crushed.

Elections in Israel at the end of January will probably return Sharon's Likud party 
and its
extreme rightist allies to power, this time with a strengthened position. Ferocious
competition for party leadership between the iron-fisted Sharon and the even more 
Benjamin Netanyahu suggests a further move to the far right, zero chance for peace with
Palestinians, and a more aggressive policy towards Israel's unloving neighbours.

In the U.S., Pentagon hardliners are drawing up plans to invade Iran once Iraq and its 
are liberated. They hope civil war will erupt in Iran, which is riven by bitterly 
factions, after which a pro-U.S. regime will take power. If this does not occur, then 
based U.S. forces will be ideally positioned to attack Iran. Or, they could just as 
well move
west and invade Syria, another of Israel's most bitter enemies.

Israel's Likudniks thirst for revenge against Syria - and also Iran - for supporting 
Hezbollah movement, which drove Israeli forces from Lebanon.

Pentagon superhawk Richard Perle, told the TVO program Diplomatic Immunity that the
U.S. was 

[CTRL] War with Iraq About Oil - San Francisco Activists

2002-11-11 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   Geese 4 Peace [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Mon, 11 Nov 2002 00:21:55 -0800 (PST)
Subject:!b_a_Act: War with Iraq About Oil - San Francisco Activists

For news about upcoming peace  antiwar activities see the LMNOP
calendar at

Top Stories - Reuters

War with Iraq About Oil - San Francisco Activists
Sat Nov 9, 6:56 PM ET

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - While the Bush administration contends its
stance against Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was bolstered by the U.N.
Security Council's call for Iraq to disarm, San Francisco activists say
they will continue protesting U.S. policy, calling it war planning on
behalf of oil interests.

  The Bush administration is not interested in weapons inspections,
activist Medea Benjamin of the San Francisco-based groups United for
Peace and Global Exchange told the San Francisco Chronicle. It is
interested in going to war against Iraq. This is a war for oil, she

  Benjamin, a former Green Party U.S. Senate nominee, charged that the
United States threatened nations that did not support the U.N.'s
resolution with loss of access to Iraqi oil after a possible military
conflict with Iraq, or with loss of future aid, the Chronicle reported
on Saturday.

  San Francisco has emerged as a hotbed of activism against the Bush
administration's Iraq aims. The city last month hosted its largest
peace rally since the Vietnam War, drawing a crowd of 80,000, according
to organizers.

  The newspaper also reported that Richard Becker, San Francisco
representative for the sponsor group of recent large peace
demonstrations, said the United States seeks a colonial regime that
would turn over Iraq's oil to U.S. oil companies.

  Benjamin, who recently disrupted a presentation to Congress by
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, will join an around-the-clock
protest in front of the White House starting on Nov. 17, and Becker's
International ANSWER Coalition is planning three days of protests on
the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend in January in Washington,
D.C., according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

  More than half a million anti-war protesters from across Europe
marched through the Italian Renaissance city of Florence on Saturday in
a demonstration denouncing any possible U.S. attack on Iraq.

  President Bush warned Iraq on Saturday that any act of delay or
defiance would be a breach of its international obligations under a
tough new U.N. resolution requiring Baghdad to disarm.

  The world has now come together to say that the outlaw regime in
Iraq will not be permitted to build or possess chemical, biological or
nuclear weapons, Bush said in his weekly radio address. And my
administration will see to it that the world's judgement is enforced.

  Iraq must now, without delay or negotiations, give up its weapons of
mass destruction, welcome full inspections and fundamentally change the
approach it has taken for more than a decade, Bush said. Iraq can be
certain that the old game of cheat and retreat, tolerated at other
times, will no longer be tolerated.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used 

[CTRL] SEC aide quits after leak to Chinese

2002-11-11 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

SEC aide quits after leak to Chinese
By Bill Gertz

 An employee of the Securities and Exchange Commission was
forced to resign after it was discovered she had sent sensitive data
on American computer companies to China in what U.S. officials
say may be a case of economic espionage, The Washington Times
has learned.

 Mylene Chan, a computer and online-service analyst with the
SEC for 10 months, left the commission in July after co-workers
discovered she had compromised sensitive information by sending it
to Shanghai, said U.S. government officials close to the case.

 She was clearly expropriating things from the commission that
weren't hers — things that were not public information and that
would cause competitive harm to the companies involved, one
official close to the case said.

 The case was covered up by the SEC and never reported to the
FBI as a case of economic espionage, the officials said.

 We have not seen anything on this, an FBI official said.

 Numerous U.S. companies whose proprietary information was
handled by Miss Chan also were never informed that their
information may have been compromised, the officials said.

 Miss Chan stated in an e-mail to The Times that she was not
dismissed but resigned before the end of the one-year probationary
period of her employment at the SEC.

 Part of my responsibilities at the SEC was to work with
representatives of the China and [Hong Kong] securities
commission and to assist to educate them about how the SEC
functions and, in the course of that, I provided a small number of
SEC materials mistakenly, all of which were retrieved as soon as I
learned of the mistake, Miss Chan stated.

 Miss Chan also said, I did not send CTRs to China.

 Within the commission, a CTR is a confidential-treatment
request, secret reports provided by U.S. companies to SEC that
contain proprietary and other sensitive information that companies
do not want disclosed to the public or to competitors.

 The disclosure that the SEC shared sensitive corporate data with
China is the latest problem for the commission that is charged with
monitoring the securities industry.

 Chairman Harvey Pitt was forced to resign last week after it was
disclosed that he had appointed former FBI Director William
Webster to an SEC oversight panel. Mr. Pitt did not disclose to the
White House that Mr. Webster was on a corporate audit board of a
company under SEC investigation.

 Mr. Pitt was under fire from critics over contacts with companies
under SEC investigation. He also was criticized by the conservative
Center for Security Policy for ignoring the activities in U.S. capital
markets of companies that have corporate operations in terrorist-
sponsoring states.

 U.S. officials view the China data case as either economic
espionage or state-sponsored espionage involving China.

 An internal SEC document obtained by The Times shows that
Miss Chan had access to sensitive information from more than 15
high-tech companies, including several involved in cutting-edge
software development.

 The document shows that Miss Chan also processed numerous
confidential-treatment requests.

 Several of the companies whose data were compromised are
engaged in security-related work and are contractors for U.S.
defense and intelligence agencies.

 One company whose internal data were handled by Miss Chan is
Veridian, a computer-system designer in Arlington that, according to
the company, specializes in mission-critical national security
programs for the national intelligence community, the Department of
Defense, and government agencies involved in homeland security.

 A spokeswoman for Veridian said the company has sent
confidential, proprietary information to the SEC but has heard
nothing from the commission about any compromise of the data.
Nothing in the SEC filings contained any information about the
company's clients, the spokeswoman said.

 Officials said Miss Chan is a Chinese national who graduated
from Yale University in 1996 and George Washington University
Law School last year before being hired by the SEC.

 In an e-mail to several former co-workers, Miss Chan stated July
2, that for personal reasons, I am leaving SEC and will be returning
to Hong Kong. I resigned yesterday.

 Miss Chan said in the note that she planned to settle in Hong
Kong for good in September. Thanks a great deal for all your
help, she wrote. You all have been very kind to me. You are
extremely generous with your time and knowledge, for which I am

 Miss Chan has filed requests for information from the SEC under
the Freedom of Information Act in an effort to find out who within the
commission was responsible for her forced resignation, officials

 SEC spokesman John Heine declined to comment on the
circumstances surrounding Miss

[CTRL] European Commissioner rejects call to investigate illegal use of EU funding by

2002-11-11 Thread Tenorlove
-Caveat Lector-

European Commissioner rejects call to investigate illegal use of EU
funding by Palestinians
DOUGLAS DAVIS   Nov. 10, 2002
LONDON -- European Foreign Affairs Commissioner Chris Patten has told
leading European legislator that wants an investigation into alleged
illegal use of European Union (EU) aid to the Palestinians like a
in the head.

Patten's remark came in response to a question by Charles Tanner,
Conservative Foreign Affairs spokesman in the European Parliament,
charges that European aid to the Palestinians - currently running at
million euros a month - is being diverted to fund terrorist activity.

In a letter to the London Sunday Telegraph , Tanner said that if
is to be any chance of securing a lasting peace in the Middle East, we
must settle beyond all reasonable doubt such serious allegations of
fraudulent and violent misuse of EU taxpayers' money.

Otherwise, he said, aggrieved Israelis will feel entitled to sue the
Commissioner Patten should be the first to accept that he has all to
by clearing the air once and for all.

He said he and colleagues in the European Parliament have launched a
bipartisan bid to obtain the 157 signatures needed to set up an
to investigate allegations that EU funds are being illegally diverted
fund terrorist activity against Israeli civilians.

Rather unexpectedly, he wrote, the European Commission [the cabinet
the European parliament] has resisted this initiative.

Commissioner Patten's response to my intervention at Question Time
that he wanted the issue investigated 'like a hole in the head'.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The United Nations Program to replace Religion with Globalist Paganism (fwd)

2002-11-11 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 07:47:33 -0500
To: John Birch Discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: The United Nations Program to replace Religion with Globalist

   Please send this article to every clergyman that you know


  The New World Religion
  by William F. Jasper

  Presented to the world as a mystical revelation, the UN Earth Charter is 
actually a diabolical blueprint for global government.

My hope is that this charter will be a kind of Ten Commandments, a Sermon on 
the Mount, that provides a guide for human behavior toward the environment in the 
next century and beyond.

- Mikhail Gorbachev

Complete with photos.

2-9 Copies - $0.50 each
10-99 Copies - $0.40 each
100-999 Copies - $0.30 each
1000+ Copies - $0.20 each

  Millions of Americans were justifiably shocked and outraged over the 9th U.S. 
Circuit Court of Appeals' notorious ruling on the Pledge of Allegiance. Can our 
courts really have sunk this low? people asked. How can little Johnny and Suzie 
violate the Constitution by uttering the words 'under God' while reciting the Pledge 
of Allegiance in a public school?

  Yet that is what the Court said in its June 26th decision. This ruling was a 
continuation of an ongoing subversive campaign aimed at expunging all mention of God 
and all Christian symbols from the public sphere. Judicial activists have ordered our 
students not to invoke the Almighty's name in prayer on school property. Posting the 
Ten Commandments on classroom walls is also supposedly a major no-no. Traditional 
Christmas carols with religious themes are out, as are Nativity scenes. Christmas and 
Easter vacations have been de-Christianized to, respectively, winter and spring 
breaks. Many textbooks have dropped the traditional Christocentric dating system of 
B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini, In the Year of Our Lord) in favor of 
B.C.E. (Before the Common Era) and C.E. (Common Era).

  Many Christians concerned about this trend are looking hopefully to the U.S. 
Supreme Court to reverse the 9th Circuit's ruling, as it has done with some of that 
court's previous radical rulings. Even if that were to happen, developments at the 
World Summit on Sustainable Development (also known as Earth Summit II) could 
ultimately undo any Supreme Court reversal. If the Earth Summiteers have their way, 
Johnny and Suzie will not be able to pledge allegiance to one nation, under God, but 
they will be able to pledge to One World, under Gaia - that is, Mother Earth. They 
will not be allowed to have the Ten Commandments or the Holy Bible in class, but could 
soon be bowing before the pagan Ark of Hope, reading the sacred Temenos Books, and 
reverently intoning the text of the new UN Earth Charter.

  Those decrying the 9th Circuit Court's harmful decisions will take little 
comfort in learning that senior 9th Circuit Court Judge J. Clifford Wallace was among 
the jurists attending the Johannesburg Summit's Global Judges Symposium. That meeting 
was hosted by several globalist institutions with a pronounced hostility toward the 
United States. The participants, which included judges from Communist regimes, pledged 
to apply new legal instruments in keeping with the principles of sustainable 
development, and the international Rule of Law.

  One of the documents designed to advance this process, the long-awaited Earth 
Charter, was formally unveiled to the world at Johannesburg. Crafted by a conclave of 
Wise Persons headed by former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev, it is set to become 
the Holy Writ of the UN's new global spirituality. Although the Earth Charter is not 
a legally binding document, its impact may prove damaging and pervasive. Its 
benign-sounding verbiage and symbolic nature camouflage its dangerous purpose. The 
Charter is intended to become a universally adopted creed that will psychologically 
prepare the world's children to accept the necessity of world government to save the 
environment. It is also an outrageous attempt to indoctrinate your children in the 
UN's New Age paganism.

  The Preamble of the Earth Charter states:

. we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. We 
must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for 
nature Towards this end, it is 

Re: [CTRL] The United Nations Program to replace Religion with Globalist Paga...

2002-11-11 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 11/11/2002 11:30:31 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jesus would never want you to "Eliminate discrimination in all its forms,
such as that based on race" or "Promote the equitable distribution of wealth
within nations and among nations."

I'm sure I read in the gospel that Jesus would hate for you to "Affirm
faith in the inherent dignity of all human beings." I mean to love one
another as brother and sister - it's ungodly!

Hear, hear! Prudy
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Sinclair praises GATA in New Orleans, sees Asian/Islamic gold strategy

2002-11-11 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

11:08p ET Sunday, November 10, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

James Sinclair, the renowned gold market
expert and chairman of Tan Range Exploration,
had generous praise for GATA at the New
Orleans Investment Conference, where GATA
Chairman Bill Murphy was a featured speaker
and discussion panel member.

Just before leaving the conference today,
Sinclair provided us with the commentary
below for distribution to you. He forecasts
big and imminent changes in the gold market
and offers a compelling explanation for

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

Is Strategy of Asian and Islamic
Gold Buying Taking Final Form?

By James Sinclair

The key factor in China is not the initiation
of a gold exchange. That alone would not be
anything much unless two other events also had
occurred. The real news is the that the Chinese
regime is finalizing what in their terms is a
turn to the right.

Compare this new environment to Tianamen
Square so that you will comprehend it in
terms of motion and trend. The Chinese have
adjusted their legal code, removing state
assets from a privileged position above
private assets in legal protection. That
translates into the right of private

The second event, as silly as it sounds, was
the criminal charge against a famous Chinese
actress for failure to pay taxes. Until now
no one of Chinese citizenship or domicile has
paid taxes. Taxes are part of the Chinese
legal code but traditionally Chinese citizens
have not paid much attention to them.

Like any celebrity criminal case, this is
simply a message sent to the populace for the
most significant impact.

These two events plus the legalization of
investment in gold and storage facilities
in China make for a major event. It is major
because China has a history of currency
collapse and the cultural memory of the
Chinese people is infinite.

We now have in gold:

1. The five elements of a gold bull market.

2. The wild card of the Islamic gold dinar.

3. The longshot of the resuscitation of the
gold cover clause should the U.S. dollar drop
below 90 on the USDX.

In addition to these factors, we now have:

4. A gold-backed if not convertible Chinese
currency or measure for inter-Asian trade as
part of a long-term plan of economic

The gold dinar might simply be a test with
quiet Chinese support.

Therefore China's opening of trading in gold
is much more than another exchange. It is
another stitch in the cloth of what this gold
market is really all about. It is a move
toward the remonetization of gold by Asian
and Islamic interests.

Now do we know the plan of Dr. No and Hung

I never believed that they were buying gold
just for economic reasons. Since 1995 they
have been buying all the gold sold by the
gold producers, the gold cartel, the central
banks, and discouraged gold investors. Is
their plan for huge profit now showing
itself? Has their almost inexhaustible source
of funds also been Chinese?

Time will tell, but my sources will know. I
may have to take a trip to Asia soon. Stand
by, because when I am sure of what is
happening, you will also know, assuming that
the price of telling you is not too steep.

James Sinclair is chairman of Tan Range
Exploration, whose Internet site is


Free sites:



2002-11-11 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

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Real War On Terrorism )
by Doug Snedden Ottawa, Canada
The supreme power of goodness now shoulders
enormous burdens. A system of total self serving government domination
and power is now over running democracy throughout the world. The
facts are incontestable that the spirit of obscurity is growing especially
now that we have recently declared an undefined war on terrorism
The erection of this war and the new
world order are seeded by several special interest groups outside
of North America. They use governments to promote, determine, and
carry out their deeds by insulting weaker nations with absolute freedom
of examination, of criticism, of thought and of conscience. This
is the present condition and the future prospect of freedom and democracy
around the world. To shrink from seeing the gravity of this would
be a fatal error. In defending true freedom and guarding our rights, we
need to openly repel and denounce to the whole world the outrages
that foreign special interest groups and their puppets continually
hamper us with in this new world order that adds difficulty and indignity
to all lives.
In this time of open and raging conflict,
it would be disgraceful for any one person or nation to stand up
and question the motives of those that stand for the new world order of
controlled freedom. They use this rouse to keep everyone at bay, and to
secretly hide behind their true beliefs and actions in unifying special
interest group conformity.
Do you see institutions anywhere focused
on the relief of the suffering, for the destitute or the working
classes that equal in comparison to the focus on institutes of war and
fuel. In many foundations of foreign special interest groups there
are clear signs of greed and corruption without accountability as
nations are now infested with special interest subversion and disorder
which is spreading widely and increasing every day in strength. Only
through the voice of truth will we be able to stand up to the fury of these
free wheeling deceivers.
The war recently declared on terrorism
is becoming more disastrous and destructive each passing day as we
shy away from the war we should be waging on foreign special interest
groups and their puppets. This distraction of terrorism keeps us in conflict
with immense sacrifices. It is not by chance or human impulse that
this war on terrorism has been declared. The calculations in cause
and effect are measured in special interest group power and control.
These enemies and captors of true freedom employ thousands of means
to seduce entire nations who are not on their guard. The boldness of these
groups, which grows every day, threatens civil societies with total subservience,
penetrating every mind with anxiety and fear of the future.
These are not vain illusions, but hopes
resting upon the most solid and true foundation. We must disable
the special interest groups from continuing without obstacle their hateful
work of stripping us bare of our humanity. Let no false consciousness of
duty or false love of country draw you into special interest group
doctrines. The protection of all humanity is our salvation not a
distraction called the war on terrorism. The forces of special interest
groups wish us to bath in the blood of our children and be ruled by them.
These thoughts even extend beyond worldly concerns, 

Re: [CTRL] Real Matrix-Theosophists

2002-11-11 Thread Ty Phillips
-Caveat Lector-
Drew Hempel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In 1975 Oliver L. Reiser and the World Institute editor Ervin Laszlopublished the REAL MATRIX PLAN called "Cosmic Humanism and WorldUnity" in collaboration with Dr. Andrija Puharich -- documented as atop-level CIA mind control researcher in the all important expose,"The Stargate Conspiracy: Revealing the truth behindextraterrestrial contact, military intelligence and the mysteries ofancient Egypt." by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince.
~my understanding is that the stargate conspiracy is one to take advantage of the belief systems of those that think in ways derived from chem, the old name for egypt...root word of alchemy and other words, the verdict is still out as to whether or not it is necessarily bad to believe in such systems...inherently - yet, they seem to know how to navigate such a space so as to ensnare many this way...i am speaking in terms of psychological operations...the essence of this WORLD WAR III..~

New World Order you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] W, as in 'Wolf in Sheep's Clothing'

2002-11-11 Thread Ty Phillips
-Caveat Lector-
this person had his/her fingernails removed by someone in this manner?!?!
how hideous.. if not, then the author needs to sensationalize and exaggerate in order to APPEAR to have some whistelblowing to do...hmm
-Caveat Lector-W, as in 'Wolf in Sheep's Clothing'by Douglas NewmanWhen someone extracts my fingernails very slowly, I do not care about his political affiliation, his religion or the steamy details of his sex life. He is a bad person who has harmed me, and deserves to be punished.Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] W, as in 'Wolf in Sheep's Clothing'

2002-11-11 Thread Ty Phillips
-Caveat Lector-
this person had his/her fingernails removed by someone in this manner?!?!
how hideous.. if not, then the author needs to sensationalize and exaggerate in order to APPEAR to have some whistelblowing to do...hmm
-Caveat Lector-W, as in 'Wolf in Sheep's Clothing'by Douglas NewmanWhen someone extracts my fingernails very slowly, I do not care about his political affiliation, his religion or the steamy details of his sex life. He is a bad person who has harmed me, and deserves to be punished.Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Carve-up of oil riches begins

2002-11-11 Thread Ty Phillips
-Caveat Lector-
~sean mcbride needs to demonstrate how making oil readily available to america and the rest of the industrial/technological juggernaut drives prices UP...this is the strangest economic theory i have heard yet...almost~
Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-On 10 Nov 2002 at 7:47, Sean McBride wrote: Are leaders of the Western oil industry convinced that the military invasion and occupation of nearly the entire Mideast is in their economic interest? Absolutely not. In fact many of them believe that such a policy would be a disaster for big oil and for everyone else.Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] USA's Biggest Voting Machine Company Demands Removal of Web Page

2002-11-11 Thread Ty Phillips
-Caveat Lector-
Attorneys for Election Systems  Software (ESS) are demanding retraction of an Internet article posted at this surprising letter, they acknowledge that the Ahmanson family [right-wing, radical political activists] financed what is now the USA's largest voting machine company. Nebraska Problem -- ESS, according to the Nebraska Elections Division, is the ONLY vote-counting company certified to sell machines in Nebraska. ESS counts 80 percent of the votes; the remaining 20 percent are hand counts. ESS is owned by the McCarthy Group; Michael McCarthy runs the McCarthy Group; Michael McCarthy is the Campaign Treasurer for Republican Senator Chuck Hagel; The FEC designates Michael McCarthy as a Primary Campaign Committee for Candidate Chuck Hagel; and Chuck Hagel's financials list the McCarthy Group as an Asset, with his investment valued at $1-$5 million. toCitizens For Legitimate Government you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Terror On the Hill

2002-11-11 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Terror On the Hill
By Marc Ash
t r u t h o u t | Commentary

Sunday, 10 November, 2002

A Republican reader of ours called in yesterday and asked, You don't
really believe that Paul Wellstone was murdered, do you? What could I say
to him? He asks what I ask, what you ask -- what every one of Wellstone's
colleagues has asked themselves.

Terror is funny that way, it eats at the heart, intimidates the soul.
Officially the crash that killed Wellstone, his wife, his daughter is
viewed as an accident, but every member of Congress, their staffs and
families, can do the math.

They know full well that Wellstone had crossed over the line. Wellstone
had done what each one of them knows they dare not do - challenge the
power brokers. They know that this man was willing to step right up in the
face of the most powerful and ruthless people in the world and say, No,
you will not run roughshod over the community.

They know he's dead. They know his political opponent, Norm Coleman, a man
hand-picked by those who Wellstone threatened, has conveniently risen to
power in his place. Filibuster, anyone?

The crash itself has slipped quietly away. Not a single report of the
circumstances surrounding the crash has come. We have no NTSB reports, no
expert analysis no hard questions inconveniently raised prior to the
election that would sweep the right to control of the entire federal
government. Instead, the story has been pushed aside by news of glorious
victories by those who oblige the powerful.

There were warnings, of course. Tom Daschle, that pesky obstructionist.
managed to outflank the Republican leadership for a time and seize control
of the Leader's office. He got a gift of deadly anthrax. Patrick Leahy,
that radical from Vermont, made the unwise choice of opposing right-wing
judges. His anthrax warning was likewise delivered.

Then there's the Mel Carnahan story. The former Missouri Governor opposed
John Ashcroft for a US Senate seat, and subsequently died in small plane
crash. Don't worry about widow Carnahan; she's out of the way now.

Wellstone was different, though. He was a wrestler; he let it be known
that he would challenge the status quo head on. He would stand by his
beliefs. While others seemed to heed the warnings, Paul Wellstone did not.

There is some historical precedent on which to draw; the death of Robert
Kennedy in 1968 led to the ascension of Richard Nixon. Kennedy had
campaigned, in part, on a platform to end the Vietnam War. To understand
the ramifications of his death and Nixon's rise, go to the Vietnam
memorial and look at all the names added after 1968. The assassination of
moderate Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995 led to the rise of
the Israeli right-wing. To understand the ramifications of that, see your
morning paper.

The precedent set by the death of Wellstone and the subsequent ascension
of his opponent Coleman has the gravest of implications. The two men
espoused diametrically opposed ideologies. The shift from Wellstone to
Coleman is as dramatic as any the US Senate has ever seen. It is a stark
and immediate reversal of fortune ushered in by the grim reaper.

The classic horror film, The Shining opens with a child haunted by
premonitions of violent death. He sees blood in rivers washing down
hallways and faces of those long since dead. He keeps repeating over and
over a word that no one understands: R-E-D-R-U-M. Only when the ax comes
crashing through the bathroom door does the meaning of this word become
all to clear, as it is viewed scrawled on the wall, reversed in the

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Immigration- can you believe THIS?

2002-11-11 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 10 Nov 2002 21:41:55 -0900
Subject:Immigration- can you believe THIS?
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Is it not DISCRIMINATING against other religions,  to only allow MUSLIMS
interest-free home loans???

What if MY religion did not allow me to pay taxes to the government

Just when you think you have seen it all, along comes a new insane idea
courtesy of the government. A friend sent me this:


It seems that last year the Federally funded home mortgage organization
Freddie-Mac decided to accommodate itself to the Shari'a -- the Islamic
Law -- by no longer requiring Muslims to pay interest.  The Koran forbids
usury and so millions of poor Muslims were being denied the blessings of
home ownership because the only way to get a home in the wicked United
States was to take out a mortgage from a bank and buy one.

But no more !!! ... Freddie-Mac now lends money to Muslims interest free
... $1 million was set aside for this experiment in taxpayer funded home
ownership for people of a particular religion ...

Of course, Christianity, if you want to really get to the bottom of it, is
also against usury, but I doubt we will be seeing Federal funds to support
interest free loans for the Christians anytime soon ...

I guess there is now a big financial incentive for me to join the Allah
club ... I wonder if this is how that Constantine guy got everyone in the
Roman Empire to convert ...

Islamic Home Finance Model To Help More Families Achieve American Dream In
As Many as 21 States McLean, VA - Freddie Mac announced today it is
investing in home financing contracts that are acceptable under both
Islamic and American law, paving the way for a major expansion in
affordable homeownership opportunities for observant Muslim families in
this country. Freddie Mac has invested an estimated $1 million in contracts
from American Finance House -- LARIBA under an agreement that makes it the
nation's first Islamic financial institution to achieve Freddie Mac
Seller/Servicer status.

Observant American-Muslim families require a special housing contract
because Islamic religious law prohibits the payment of interest on
mortgages and other types of debt. American Finance House -- LARIBA is the
Pasadena, Ca.-based institution that developed a Home Finance model for the
American-Muslim community.

Today's announcement is a milestone. It shows how Freddie Mac and its
lender partners continue to explore new ways to help diverse communities,
like the American-Muslim community, take advantage of homeownership
opportunities in America, said Saber Salam, vice president of customer
strategies and offerings at Freddie Mac. By supporting Islamic model
mortgages, Freddie Mac is realizing its mission to foster homeownership
opportunities in new and exciting ways.

Today's news is historic. Many American-Muslim families have stayed out of
the housing market for years because they are not allowed by Islamic
jurisprudence to pay, receive or be charged interest, said Dr. Yahia
Abdul-Rahman, the expert on Islamic Banking and Finance who founded
American Finance House -LARIBA in 1987. Working with Freddie Mac will
provide American

Finance House - LARIBA with much needed liquidity to meet the growing
demand for Islamic Home Financing in the American-Muslim community. This
also will provide, in the near future, members of the community, who want
to invest their savings according to Islamic law, with proper Islamically-
sanctioned investment instruments.

The Islamic housing finance model uses standard real estate financing
documents, in accordance with state and local law, and is serviced like a
conventional Freddie Mac mortgage. The key to the model is an agreement
between American Finance House - LARIBA and the prospective homeowner that
establishes jointly negotiated maximum monthly payments based on the
property's sale price and fair rental value that mark the property to the

In addition to American Finance House - LARIBA, Freddie Mac is working with
other lenders to meet the need for Islamic home financing in America.

I want to applaud Freddie Mac and American Finance House- LARIBA for this
important step in making homeownership more available to a rapidly growing
new community in America, said Frank Sharry, executive director of the
National Immigration Forum, a Washington, D.C. -based immigration
coalition. Becoming a homeowner, perhaps more than any other event, marks
the moment when those who are new to the American community feel that they
are truly 

[CTRL] Foreign enemies and constitutional rights

2002-11-11 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-,0,2389080.story?coll=chi%2Dnewsopinioncommentary%2Dhed

Copyright 2002, Chicago Tribune
The Chicago Tribune
Sunday November 10, 2002

Foreign enemies and constitutional rights

By Kenneth Roth.
Kenneth Roth is executive director of Human Rights Watch

NEW YORK -- The Bush administration thinks it has a solution to the
evidentiary and legal frustrations of prosecuting terrorist suspects:
Designate them enemy combatants and detain them indefinitely without
charge or trial. But that raises the question: Is this an appropriate
response to a serious security threat or a ploy to circumvent the U.S.

A federal court in New York will soon rule on the matter, and Congress is
considering hearings. In doing so, they should look beyond the issue of
detention to ask the surprisingly related question: Would it have been
appropriate to shoot the suspects summarily?

If a person is a criminal suspect, the Constitution requires the police to
avoid using lethal force unless necessary to stop an imminent threat of
death or serious bodily injury. But in the case of enemy combatants, the
law of war permits them to be killed summarily, so long as they are not in
custody or incapacitated. There is no duty to try to arrest or subdue
enemy combatants.

Which law should apply? If we are reluctant to start summarily shooting
terrorist suspects on American soil--I suspect most Americans would be--we
also should be reluctant to designate them as enemy combatants in order to
deny them their due process rights.

Take, for example, the case of Jose Padilla, presently before the court.
The Bush administration claims that Padilla, an American citizen, is an
enemy combatant because he allegedly came to the U.S. from Pakistan to
detonate a radiological bomb. Padilla was seized in May upon his arrival
at O'Hare International Airport and has been detainedwithout any due
process rights ever since.

Leaks from the U.S. Justice Department suggest that Padilla was nowhere
near carrying out his alleged plans, and thus posed no imminent threat of
the sort that might require the preventive use of lethal force. So if
Padilla was merely a criminal suspect, he could only have been arrested.
But if he came to wage war as an enemy combatant, as the Bush
administration claims, he could have been shot in cold blood in the public
concourses of O'Hare, regardless of any immediate danger he posed.

I believe many Americans would have had qualms about Padilla being
summarily shot. In part that is because they don't believe that the U.S.
government should rely on military force when the criminal justice system
is available. In part it is because they don't believe that criminal acts
of the type Padilla is alleged to have been plotting really constitute

For the time being, an armed conflict is still under way in eastern
Afghanistan. Enemy soldiers there certainly qualify as combatants. But the
Bush administration has spoken about a global war on terrorism. Does that
mean that terrorist suspects anywhere in the world can be treated as
combatants and shot? Or should the campaign outside of Afghanistan be
treated as a matter for law enforcement, at least where there is a
functioning criminal justice system to handle those cases?

Consider an analogous situation in which armed conflict is raging in a
distant country, U.S. troops are deeply involved, and enemy forces are
sending clandestine agents to the U.S. to engage in secret operations that
will kill thousands each year. The war on terrorism? No, the war on drugs.
The drug war certainly involves real armed conflict in places such as
Colombia, but when it gets to U.S. shores it is only rhetorically war--a
hortatory call for law enforcement, not a mandate for the military to step

The proof is how we go about fighting the war on drugs domestically. We
arrest and prosecute drug dealers. As much as many Americans may abhor
drug trafficking, we don't summarily shoot drug dealers in the street. But
such killings would be appropriate if the war on drugs were a real war and
the drug dealers were enemy combatants.

Outside of Afghanistan, the war on terrorism is similarly rhetorical, even
if American lives are at risk. At least where law enforcement is possible,
these crimes and threatened crimes, serious as they are, must be pursued
through the criminal justice system with its attendant due process rights.

If we are uncomfortable summarily shooting terrorist suspects on the
streets of New York (or Hamburg or London), then we should also be
uncomfortable declaring them enemy combatants to circumvent their due
process rights and detain them summarily.

This insight won't solve all the legal problems now working their way
through the courts. Someone such as Louisiana-born Yasser Esam Hamdi may
well be an enemy combatant because he was captured on the battlefield in
Afghanistan, but he should still be entitled to 

[CTRL] The Face of Power, The Raw, Real Power of Bush's America

2002-11-11 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

The Face of Power, The Raw, Real Power of Bush's America
By Rupert Cornwell in Washington
Independent UK

Saturday, 09 November, 2002

In the space of a few minutes yesterday, two starkly contrasting faces of
power were on view: diplomatic power, clothed in the formulaic rites of the
United Nations Security Council, and raw, real power as brandished by
President George Bush in the Rose Garden of the White House.

For a moment, surveying the placid scene at the Security Council, or reading
the nuanced legalistic language of Resolution 1441, you could believe the
vote was the unqualified opinion of 15 like-minded nations, rather than what
it really was: a document, amended a little to be sure, but conceived and
driven through by the US to permit Washington to take military action
against Saddam Hussein should it unilaterally decide to do so.

The resolution speaks of serious consequences. Mr Bush was far more blunt.
The Iraqi leader had to extend prompt and unconditional co-operation with
the weapons inspectors, or he would face not merely serious but the
severest consequences.

The doubters on the Security Council may take solace in the absence of
automaticity of any military attack should President Saddam disobey. But
Mr Bush put that assertion in context. Nothing would impede America's
freedom of action. Nor will the President tolerate nit-picking when the
council discusses future obstruction by Iraq. There could be no
unproductive debates over whether specific instances of non-compliance are
serious. Any Iraqi non-compliance is serious.

Yesterday capped a fantastic week for Mr Bush, a Republican election sweep
followed by his most important diplomatic victory. The President without a
mandate has been transformed into one of unquestioned dominance.

Yesterday's UN vote, like analogous ones in Congress before it last month,
underline how much the world's diplomatic landscape has changed in the 12
years since Saddam Hussein challenged the United Nations by invading Kuwait.

The cause then would seem far more clear cut than today; the reversal of an
invasion of a neighbour, flouting every international law, compared to a
preventive strike of dubious legality to forestall a threat which many
people believe does not exist. But in 1990, Russia and China abstained, and
Yemen and Cuba voted against force to evict Iraqi forces from Kuwait. This
time, the Security Council voted unanimously. In 1990 President Bush's
father only narrowly prevailed in his war powers vote in the Senate, but
Congress this time gave its approval by three to one.

There are three reasons. A new post-11 September urgency in dealing with a
perceived terrorist threat; a greater readiness of the US to use its
military might after quick, low-casualty wars in the Gulf, Kosovo and
Afghanistan, but, first and foremost, the overwhelming power of America in a
world whose best interests it believes it represents. Those who oppose
America, do so at their peril.

The scene at the White House brought to mind the maxim of Al Capone, a
figure who Mr Bush's foes abroad might liken him to: You can go a long way
with a smile. You can go a lot further with a smile and a gun. Except that
at in the Rose Garden yesterday, while the gun was sticking out of the
holster, there was no smile.

The US military build-up continues in the Gulf. The full disarmament of
weapons of mass destruction by Iraq will occur, Mr Bush flatly stated. Who
is to disbelieve him?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] British Judges Criticize U.S. on the Prisoners Held at Guantánamo

2002-11-11 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

British Judges Criticize U.S. on the Prisoners Held at Guantánamo

ASHINGTON, Nov. 8 — A panel of three senior British judges used
extraordinary language in a ruling this week to criticize the United States'
detention of prisoners from Afghanistan at Camp X-ray in Guantánamo Bay in

The three judges, ruling in a case involving a British subject held at
Guantánamo, said detention of prisoners at the United States naval base
there appeared to be a violation of both international law and the concept
of habeas corpus developed centuries ago in England.

Although the judges said the holding of prisoners at Guantánamo with no
recourse to a court created an unacceptable legal black hole, they
acknowledged that they could do little about it. But it appeared evident
that the judges were intent on sending a message to an appeals court in the
United States that is considering the same issue.

The panel, the rough equivalent of a federal appeals court in the United
States, ruled in the case of Zumrati Juma, the mother of 23-year-old Feroz
Abassi, who has been detained at Guantánamo for 10 months.

What appears to us to be objectionable is that Mr. Abassi is subject to
indefinite detention in territory over which the United States has exclusive
control, with no opportunity to challenge the legitimacy of his detention
before any court or tribunal, they said in an opinion written by Lord
Phillips, the master of the rolls, one of Britain's most senior judicial

It may be the anxiety that we have expressed will be drawn to their
attention, Lord Phillips wrote.

Geoffrey Robertson, a prominent barrister and authority on human rights law,
said in a telephone interview from London that the judges were clearly
hoping to influence the pending case before the United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia.

They were expressing that it is inconceivable for something like this to
occur in the English system, Mr. Robertson said. Moreover, he said it was
meant to show that the country that originated the writ of habeas corpus —
which allows any imprisoned person to challenge a detention before some
body — felt strongly about the issue.

A three-judge panel of the United States appeals court is scheduled to hear
arguments in the case on Dec. 2. The judges will hear an appeal of a ruling
in July that gave a significant legal victory to the Bush administration.

In that ruling, Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly said that the American naval
base at Guantánamo was not formally part of the United States and, that as a
result, the detainees did not have constitutional protections. Under
well-established principles, even noncitizens have some constitutional
protections once they are inside the United States.

In dismissing the cases brought on behalf of two Britons, an Australian and
several citizens of Kuwait, Judge Kollar-Kotelly said she did not believe
that any court would have jurisdiction over the Guantánamo detainees. There
are more than 600 prisoners now being held at the base, according to the
Defense Department.

Eugene R. Fidell, a Washington lawyer and an authority on military law, said
the ruling from London was significant because the judges did not have to
comment on the legality of the detention once they decided that the case was
out of their jurisdiction. Instead, he said, they offered a view on how the
writ of habeas corpus should apply in this case.

In acknowledging that they could not issue any orders in the case, the
British judges declined the request of Mr. Abassi's mother that they direct
the British foreign secretary to make representations to Washington.

There can be no direct remedy in this case, the opinion said. The United
States government is not before this court, and no order of this court could
be binding on it.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Washington Post and the killings in Yemen: Liberal press extols CIA's Murder Inc.

2002-11-11 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

The Washington Post and the killings in Yemen: Liberal press extols CIA’s
Murder Inc.

By Bill Vann
9 November 2002

The CIA assassination of six men in Yemen, carried out November 3, has
drawn widespread praise from the US news media. The strike, by a missile
fired from an unmanned Predator drone, was hailed by most media outlets as
“payback” for anti-American terrorism. Among the most significant comments
was a November 6 editorial published by the Washington Post, responding to
criticism of the attack in the Arab world and elsewhere.

“Bush administration officials described the missile strike on a car
carrying six Al Qaeda operatives in Yemen on Sunday as a battlefield
operation in the war on terrorism, even though it occurred far from
Afghanistan and in a country where no conventional military conflict is
under way,” the editorial began. “Other observers called it a targeted
assassination, or even an extrajudicial killing—terms usually reserved for
violations of human rights or international law. Such condemnation is not

With this bald declaration, the Post forfeits any lingering claim to
uphold basic democratic and human rights, and casts its lot wholly and
completely with the exponents of imperialist war and neocolonial conquest
in the Bush administration. It is a devastating self-indictment that
underscores the degradation of American liberalism.

Why is condemnation of the CIA’s assassination of six men unwarranted? The
Post asserts that those killed were not “political or criminal figures,
but trained combatants of an organization that has declared war against
the United States.”

The newspaper does not attempt to buttress its case by citing
international treaties or human rights agreements that make it acceptable
for one country to covertly enter the territory of another and kill its
citizens when no state of war exists between them. Of course, no such
documents exist.

On the contrary, there are clear and internationally recognized statutes
that make the CIA’s action a war crime. If Washington launched the attack
without Yemen’s permission—the Yemeni regime has remained silent on this
question—then it is an unauthorized use of force and a gross violation of
Yemeni sovereignty. If the government of Yemen collaborated in the
operation, then both governments are guilty of a summary execution,
precisely the kind of extrajudicial killings that are barred by human
rights conventions.

The Post does not bother to provide any facts to substantiate its
position. It merely cites unnamed US government sources speaking after the
CIA has already acted as judge, jury and executioner. World public opinion
is expected to accept on face value the US claim that those killed were
guilty as charged.

Only one of the dead men—Qaed Sinan Harithi—has been identified. US
sources claim he is “suspected” of involvement in the 2000 attack on the
US destroyer Cole, which claimed the lives of 17 American sailors.

According to media reports, one of those killed was an American citizen.
Thus the American government, with the support of the supposedly liberal
press, claims the right to assassinate its own citizens. All it has to do
is brand a targeted victim as a terrorist.

How does the public know these men deserved to die? The executioner says
so. The same method applied domestically would eliminate any need for
courts, judges, juries, prosecutors and defense lawyers. Police could
merely identify “suspected” criminals and send out death squads to
eliminate them.

The words chosen by the Post editorialists are significant. Because the
six were “combatants,” it was not a crime to kill them. “Enemy combatant”
is the term of art devised by the Bush administration’s Justice Department
to define those US citizens who are deemed terrorists based on the
unchallengeable say-so of the president. Once so designated, they are
denied the right to hearings, trials or legal counsel. They can be held
incommunicado indefinitely without a shred of evidence presented against

The same political interests and dictatorial methods that have ripped up
democratic rights at home have led, on the world arena, to the CIA’s open
return to the methods of Murder Incorporated.

The Bush administration made no attempt to hide its responsibility for the
assassinations. On the eve of the midterm elections, White House officials
boasted that the action was carried out under an edict issued by Bush last
year loosening restrictions on CIA participation in assassinations.
Clearly, the administration felt that news of the bloodletting would
“energize” the Republican Party’s right-wing base.

The professed job of the media, however, is to remain skeptical and demand
evidence, rather than act as cheerleaders for government killings and
covert operations. The Post —like the media as a whole—has abandoned that
role, acting more and more as a semi-official propaganda arm 

[CTRL] United Press International: Army Fort Bragg study faces scrutiny

2002-11-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Army Fort Bragg study faces scrutiny

By Mark Benjamin and Dan Olmsted
From the Washington Politics  Policy Desk
Published 11/8/2002 6:08 PM

WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 (UPI) -- An Army report released Thursday saying a controversial
malaria drug called Lariam
was an unlikely factor in a cluster of killings and suicides near Fort Bragg, N.C., 
summer has sparked claims the military is covering up problems with a drug it invented 

Our military said there is no problem with (Lariam) because they developed it, said 
Bart Stupak, D-Mich. The hardest thing to do is develop a drug and then admit there 
is a

The Army report on the Fort Bragg killings and suicides cites marital problems, 
stress in a post Sept. 11 environment and flawed systems for helping troubled 
and their families as common threads in a string of five homicides near Fort Bragg in 
a 43-
day period during June and July 2002. Three soldiers involved had been deployed to
Afghanistan. Two of those soldiers also committed suicide.

Soldiers and their families are afraid to report or seek help for problems because it 
is a
career ender, the report said.

But in one of the killings, friends and neighbors of the soldier charged with the 
murder said
the Army is ignoring evidence the drug might have played a role. The Army said 
Thursday it
did not contact those people out of concern about privacy and an ongoing criminal

In Afghanistan, where at least two of the soldiers in the Fort Bragg killings took 
their Lariam
pills, a U.S. security expert said the Army is ignoring frightening side effects he 
has seen
first hand.

The Army does not want (the truth) released, said Tony Deibler, deputy director of 
embassy security in Kabul and a security expert for 26 years with the U.S. diplomatic 
If we (the government) admit this, we are opening ourselves up to a multi, multi, 
billion dollar lawsuit. I love my country, but this is what drives that train.

Deibler said he has seen Lariam wreak havoc on soldiers for years, including one 
Marine at
an embassy who hallucinated intruders attacking and shouted, Get back, they're 

Deibler said Marines guarding the embassy in Kabul take doxycycline -- an alternative 
Lariam -- because of concerns about the side effects.

Lariam is a bad drug, said Deibler. You take these guys at Fort Bragg. I will bet 
you a
year's pay that these guys were taking it and when they got back, they wigged out.

The report says Lariam, known generically as mefloquine, does not explain the 
of violence because the Army only has evidence that two of the soldiers took the drug 
Afghanistan and no mental problems were on file for those soldiers.

The report does not rule out Lariam as a cause in those two cases, but does say Lariam
does not explain the strange cluster of violence over a short period of time.

We are not in a position, nor did we have adequate information to say definitively 
that the
possible ... side effects of Lariam played absolutely no role in the deaths, said 
Col. Dave
Orman, a psychiatry consultant to the Army Surgeon General, and a member of the review
team. What we can say is that it does not explain the clustering of these cases in 
period of time.

Lariam's label warns of psychosis, hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, aggression, 
confusion, abnormal dreams and rare reports of suicide. It also says mental problems 
last long after taking it. The Walter Reed Army Institute of Research developed Lariam 
the 1970s after troops in Vietnam contracted malaria despite taking chloroquine -- 
then the
standard preventive medication.

Friends of one of the soldiers said the report ignores mounting evidence that the drug 
have played a role in some of the violence near Fort Bragg.

No one talked to me from the Army at all, said Debbie Lown, an acquaintance of Master
Sergeant William Wright, the one soldier who took Lariam in Afghanistan who did not
commit suicide. Wright allegedly strangled his wife, Jennifer. Lown's husband, John, 
is also
a former Special Forces soldier who said Lariam made him lose control of his anger.

The Lowns and other friends and neighbors have described Wright's delusions, paranoia
and tremors since he took Lariam in Afghanistan. Jennifer Wright's father, Archie 
has described Wright's sudden, uncharacteristic fits of rage after returning. There 
was no
history of domestic violence in their marriage.

The Army cited privacy concerns and ongoing legal proceedings in a decision not to
interview friends, family or neighbors who think Lariam might have played a role.

Thursday's report from the Army is the second time in two months the military has 
that Lariam does not cause significant problems. In September, the Pentagon responded 
concern about the drug from House Military 

[CTRL] 'Asiatic' Turkey

2002-11-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


'Asiatic' Turkey is threat to EU, warns Giscard
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels
(Filed: 09/11/2002)

The head of Europe's constitutional convention,
Valery Giscard d'Estaing, caused a diplomatic storm yesterday by calling Turkey an 
nation that should never be allowed to join the European Union.

The former French president said letting Turkey's 70 million Muslims in would be the 
of the European Union.

Its capital is not in Europe; 95 per cent of its population live outside Europe; it 
is not a
European country, he said.

Uttering publicly what is usually kept to a whisper in EU corridors, he told the 
newspaper Le
Monde that Turkey had a different culture, a different way of life and was rooted by
political geography in the Near East.

He accused those forces pushing for Turkish membership of being the adversaries of the
European Union who really wanted to head off moves towards full political union.

While nobody was named, he was clearly accusing Washington and, more obliquely,
London, which both back a better deal for Turkey to lock it into the western security 
and into helping in the campaign against Iraq.

They say, 'We'll set up a free exchange zone in Europe and the Middle East. That way 
be happy because integration will stop.'

But that is not at all the programme of the European Union, M Giscard said.

With its burgeoning population, Turkey would upset the whole balance of the EU, 
becoming the biggest member state, with the biggest bloc in the European parliament.

Once inside the EU, Turkey would press for Morocco and other Middle East states to be
admitted until the whole concept of Europe would become meaningless.

EU officials tried to calm the waters yesterday, reassuring the new Muslim-based
government led by Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Ankara was still on track for eventual
membership, so long as it met the same political and economic criteria demanded from
every candidate state, whether Christian or not.

M Giscard's outburst in Le Monde raised doubts about his fitness to continue presiding 
the Convention on the Future of Europe, which includes three Turkish delegates and is
supposed to be creating the architecture for an enlarged Europe.

His words are a slap in the face for the EU's 15 elected prime ministers, who 
agreed in 1999 to confer candidacy status on Turkey, though France accepted the move
with extreme reluctance at the time. The decision has not been revoked.

The row comes just weeks before the Copenhagen summit, at which EU leaders are
expected to give the go-ahead for the next round of enlargement, involving a Big Bang
group of 10 states, mostly from Eastern Europe.

But Turkey, too, is hoping for a breakthrough as a reward for its unflinching loyalty 
as a
Nato ally, perhaps a starting date for accession talks.

Over the past two years the country has abolished the death penalty, reformed its civil
code, restored civil rights in the Kurdish provinces and lifted the ban of Kurdish
broadcasting, all to comply with EU demands.

But the European Commission's progress report on Turkey last month made it clear that
there was still much work to be done before the country meets the political criteria 
of a
liberal democracy.

Yesterday the enlargement commissioner, Guenter Verheugen, said the new government
must put an immediate stop to torture, prosecute those accused of human rights abuses
and free political dissidents.

In the interview, M Giscard accepted that Turkey is a nation close to Europe and an
important country but said it should just have the normal co-operation partnership 
to countries beyond the geographic and cultural frontiers of a workable EU.

Turkish officials said that the comments would not derail their efforts to achieve EU
membership. Mr Erdogan, whose AK Party won Turkey's general election last weekend,
said they represented nothing more than emotion.

Sami Kohen, a political commentator for the conservative Milliyet newspaper, said: 
is already a member of a number of European institutions including the Council of 
and none has collapsed as a result of Turkey's presence.

5 November 2002: Brussels watches, waits and listens

5 November 2002: AK victory heralds new dawn for Turkey

2 November 2002: Moderate Islamist party heads for poll win in Turkey

27 October 2002: More power for Europe's army puts future of Nato at risk

10 October 2002: Turkey told it can't join the 'club' yet

Previous story: £146,000: average cost of a house as boom goes on
Next story: Prince recalls happy memories of Queen Mother at poets' museum

External links

European Union

Le Monde [in

European Convention


Council of Europe

© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2002.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 

[CTRL] Interesting article on War, Politics, Culture

2002-11-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Hello CTRL:
Your friend Euphorian considered the following article interesting and wanted to send 
it to you.

War Veterans Gather To Stop A New War
(Date: 2002-11-10 23:37:49)
Topic: Articles  Essays
You can read interesting articles on War, Politics, Culture

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sniper link to al-Fuqra probed

2002-11-11 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Sniper link to al-Fuqra probed
Investigators suspect connection with radical
Islamist organization
Posted: November 11, 2002 1:00 a.m. Eastern

Sniper suspect John Muhammad fits the profile of a
disaffected outcast who becomes increasingly
radicalized under the influence of Islamism, say
terrorism analysts and investigators, who suspect he is
connected with the radical Islamist group, al-Fuqra.

According to Christian M. Weber, contributing editor for
Soldiers for the Truth, an organization headed by Col.
David Hackworth, Muhammad seems to follow the model
of John Walker Lindh, Richard Reid and Jose Padilla –
men exposed to Islamism who become disenchanted
with the movement's pace and progress and who take
the road to jihad.

As one traces John Muhammad's life from his
conversion to Islam in 1985, to his joining of the
moderately militant Nation of Islam, to his deadly
shooting spree in October 2002, his steady
radicalization becomes readily apparent, writes Weber.
Terrorist profiling dictates that his departure from the
Nation of Islam in 1999 would have been followed by his
affiliation with an organization more actively militant. It
also suggests that initial news reports citing U.S.
officials who said there was no evidence of any
connection between Muhammad and identified terrorist
organizations may have been premature.

Weber points out that Muhammad acquired the 1990
Chevy Caprice that he would modify into his killing
platform on the one-year anniversary of the terrorist
attacks. He had also expressed sympathy with Sept. 11

Weber had previously pointed to Oct. 2 – the day the
snipers began their Maryland rampage – as a significant
date for terrorist threats.

Nor does it seem random chance that his spree started
on Oct. 2, the anniversary of the conviction of World
Trade Center bombing ringleader Sheikh Omar Abdul
Rahman in 1995, Weber writes. It appears likely that
after his separation from the Nation of Islam, which
occurred on less than good terms, Muhammad
gravitated to an organization at odds with the Nation of
Islam and aligned with the Wahhabist sect of Islam
associated with al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and
Sheikh Rahman. In America today, one organization fits
that bill – al-Fuqra.

Al-Fuqra was founded by Kashmiri Sheikh Mubarak Ali
Gilani. He began preaching at a Muslim mosque in
Brooklyn seeking recruits for the Afghan Jihad. He
primarily targeted black American converts from the
inner city and those with criminal backgrounds, a
segment of the population that the cleric apparently saw
as prime for melding militant Islam with a deep-seated
resentment and disillusionment with Western society.

The resulting organization, al-Fuqra (the impoverished),
was formed with a goal of purifying Islam through
violence, explains Weber.  Gilani is the man Wall Street
Journal reporter Daniel Pearl was to meet when he was
abducted last Jan. 23 and murdered. He has a long
history of involvement with terrorism.

The upstate New York town of Hancock serves as the
American headquarters for al-Fuqra, with at least six
major rural communities, jamaats, of 200 to 300
members located in Red House, Va., Tulare County,
Calif., Commerce, Ga., York, S.C., Dover, Tenn., and
Combermere, Canada, he writes. Total membership in
al-Fuqra is believed to be between one and three
thousand, with smaller jamaats being reported in over
25 locations throughout the United States, Canada, and
the Caribbean. The communities themselves are
primarily walled or fenced-in gatherings of trailers or
mobile homes. At least three of the compounds are
known to have firing ranges, and the compound in the
Sierra Nevada Mountains of California has a fully
functional airfield.

Surveillance reports of the compounds note that the
residents remain in a fluid state and are continuously on
the move. For the past several years, law enforcement
authorities observing the Red House, Va., compound
have voiced concern that this pattern may be designed
to create a series of safe houses in the rural areas of
southern Virginia.

According to Weber, al-Fuqra – which boasts distinct
ties to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida – owns two private
security companies in Brooklyn that not only provide
armed protection for the jamaats, but also compete for
government and private security contracts. Between
1980 and 1990, al-Fuqra members have been either
convicted or suspected in 13 assassinations and 17
firebombings, he says.

Susan Fenger, former chief criminal investigator for the
state of Colorado, has looked into Muslim groups with
terrorist ties in the U.S.

There was a large Fuqra group here in Colorado that
was ripping off worker's comp money and using that to
support their terrorist activities, said Fenger in a recent
interview with John Gibson on the Fox News Channel.
Their terrorist activities involved targeting a number of
individuals, and including the Hare Krishna temple here
in Denver and an imam down in 

[CTRL] Britain

2002-11-11 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

Well first of all it has to be said that 
Britiains press have had a field day last week in the press and it does 
not look like it will abate. What a good time for the british government to bury 
bad news! But watch out America it is coming your way as Mr Burrell butler to 
the late Diana Princess of Wales tells his story as I gather he is in New York 
and you or some of you cannot help put turn on the TV to listen to the 
revelations...we are all human after all and no one is past listening to a bit 
of scandal to remove us from the daily plod of life.
BUT remove all the sordid details and 
look at the main item and that is for the first time in british history the 
Queen stepped in and stopped a trial by a wave of the royal wand.This is 
absolutely ask your self Why would she do this?Are the royal 
family tying to cover up something that has happened in the past that Diana knew 
or that the butler knew?
Did she do it of her own free will or was 
she told to do it?
Certainly by the allegations of rape in 
the royal household now emerging one would think so but I think not...There is 
probably something bigger yet to come
I also believe the republicans have much 
to do with this and that Mr Blair by his unprecedented leaking of what was to be 
given in her speech (The Observer on Sunday) in the opening of the houses of 
parliament was a warning to her majesty to watch her back.
If MI5 have been listening on Royal 
conversations for the last 20 years and remember who they work for.then my 
guess is this is a warning shot accross her majesties bows (to put it in 
nautical terms) If the queen in her weekly chats with the primeminister has even 
suggested that this war on iraq is not acceptable then she is in deep shit! And 
the shit has hit the fan in the way of a wake up call
There is something very dark going on in 
british politics at the moment and it aint anything to do with what the butler 
The Mermaid 
England xx
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Christopolis

2002-11-11 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 14:27:07 -0800 (PST)
From: George Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Christopolis

Dear Mr. Grace:

I note the Nov. 7/02 article referred to on the home page of the
Interfaith Climate Change Network,,
captioned as 'What Car Do You Drive' is a religious issue, campaign
says. I wouldn't doubt it for a minute. Here in Vancouver with about
500,000 people living in 6 miles x 6 miles, ~30 lives are lost every year
due to traffic fatalities. Thou shalt not kill. A city of this size
could be designed (let's say on the Canadian-American border) and traffic
fatalities would be a rarity; perhaps they would never occur. Then there
are lives lost due to air pollution. The Sierra Club of BC is going to
court to argue that the Life-Liberty-Security Clause of the Canadian
Constitution protects citizens against air pollution because air pollution
also costs lives. Canada, as you may know, is about to sign the Kyoto
Accord. While the provincial premiers are launching a protest, it may be
that they can come up with even higher standards for new habitats. The
Canadian-American population increases by 2-3,000,000 every year.
Why not just one faith-based model Christopolis on the Canadian-American
border within this population size? Perhaps with 90% on the American side
and 10% on the Canadian side.

According to former Dean of Architecture at the University of Virginia,
William McDonough, if new habitat designs do not have little or no
pollution, that is because of faulty design. Maybe he would be a good
consultant for you as he is also skilled in tv media work and has mc'd
educational television programs. But there are surely many features of a
Christopolis which would be a manifestation of faith in works. Surprise
us. I agree with EEN that many environmental problems are fundamentally
spiritual ones. I wonder what SBTS could do by way of designing a
Christopolis, noting that Professor Blaising has signed the Evangelical
Declaration on the Care of Creation.

Do you remember the Theory of Gates from the Cold War? We said the proof
as to which side was better could be established by opening the gates and
seeing which way people went. Open the gates to a Christopolis, a
city-built-anew which is superior to any other, designed by those who
recognize that how we shape our environment is contingent upon our
spirituality, and we will see which way the citizens of North America go.
But you may lose out to the Buddhists.


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Re: [CTRL] Real Matrix-Theosophists

2002-11-11 Thread Drew Hempel
-Caveat Lector-

Maybe you haven't read The Stargate Conspiracy?  The CIA-Freemasons are
fascists bent on apocalypse.  My message is that actually all of western
science is structurally evil -- an repression of the complimentary opposites
of the Cosmic Mother. In otherwords the inherent result -- like a spring
unwinding -- is the expansion of a matrix of destructive inverse ratios
headed for psi-plasma -- to use Puharich's term.

This is documented by the Theosophist-Freemasons academics -- as I can
detail if you are interested.

Therefore my message is more radical than 99 percent of conspiracy research
and it also encompasses 99 percent of conspiracy research.

The closest researcher to have figured this out is Alain Danielou's Gods of
Love and Ecstasy:  Shiva and Dionysus and his book on music theory.

From: Ty Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Real Matrix-Theosophists
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 10:31:09 -0800

-Caveat Lector-

 Drew Hempel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In 1975 Oliver L. Reiser and the World Institute editor Ervin Laszlo
published the REAL MATRIX PLAN called Cosmic Humanism and World
Unity in collaboration with Dr. Andrija Puharich -- documented as a
top-level CIA mind control researcher in the all important expose,
The Stargate Conspiracy: Revealing the truth behind
extraterrestrial contact, military intelligence and the mysteries of
ancient Egypt. by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince.

~my understanding is that the stargate conspiracy is one to take advantage
of the belief systems of those that think in ways derived from chem, the
old name for egypt...root word of alchemy and other words,
the verdict is still out as to whether or not it is necessarily bad to
believe in such systems...inherently - yet, they seem to know how to
navigate such a space so as to ensnare many this way...i am speaking in
terms of psychological operations...the essence of this WORLD WAR III..~


New World Order

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[CTRL] Skolnick: The Overthrow...Part 21...Trapping The Grand Old Enemy

2002-11-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Overthrow Of The 
American Republic - Part 21
Trapping The Grand Old Enemy
By Sherman H. Skolnick



Sometimes the explanations of historical events are both simple but diabolical. Behind the scenes, those who know a lot, believe the following to be quite true.   

On East Coast time, it was just before Midnight, December 12, 2000. Who was to be installed as the new resident and occupant of the Oval Office was to be decided by a five-person Junta of the nation's highest court. At least four of the ignoble five, each had their own terrible conflicts of interest yet they were not about to remove themselves from deciding the case.   

Chief Justice William Rehnquist was overheard by close confidants as saying that if Albert Gore, Jr., were to be President, Rehnquist could not retire, as he had planned, yet Rehnquist was of an advanced age. Sandra Day O'Connor, having survived a bout with serious illness, likewise had been overheard by those close at hand, as saying that if Albert Gore, would become President, it would be terrible for the country,would greatly interfere with her personal wishes and plans for retirement. Clarense Thomas---he of the few words, installed years before after a bitter U.S. Senate commotion, with some outspoken persons of his race angrily calling him an "Uncle Tom" bad for the black people---his wife was with a group tightly tied to the Republican Party. Justice Antonin Scalia's son was part of those presenting the ticking bomb, Bush versus Gore, to the hurry-up reckoning of the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court was in a rush because supposedly it would interfere with the process of the Elector   

Justice Scalia's position, as expressed in what he wrote in the decision, was that Americans had no constitutional right to vote for President.Only the right to vote for Electors who came to be called the "Electoral College", and they, not the American voters, decide who is to be President. The fact that the Electoral Process had come to be an historical appendix, not needed or used for the survival of the body politic, was of no interest to Scalia and the other members of the Junta.   

No lawyer member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar would dare confront, in writing, Scalia, with his serious conflicts of interest. He and two federal appeals judges in Chicago had previously been fellow law professors at Rockefeller's University of Chicago Law School. That is, Chicago 7th Circuit Judges Richard Posner and Frank Easterbrook. [How these two Chicago judges, one step below the high court in the District of Columbia, commit blatant judicial perjuries and perpetrate frauds upon their own Court, visit our website story, "Chief Crook Enters Microsoft Case".]   

This troika, two in Chicago and one in Washington, represent while on the bench, the multi-billion dollar stock and bond portfolio of the University founded, maintained, and controlled by the Rockefellers and their role in the oil cabal. Each of the three has reportedly violated Federal law requiring that they file, under oath, each year, their annual mandatory financial disclosure report. They have never in their required annual reports disclosed what they are a part of and what they, on the bench, represent. If forced to tell the truth, how could they have continued to decide many corporation controversies, whose stock and bonds they represent, without having disqualified themselves? Like some of their purported written decisions, their annual financial disclosure reports are just another monstrous judicial perjury.   

[To understand judicial perjury, study our several-part series, "Coca-Cola, CIA, and the Courts", on our website.]   

In their late-night disclosed "ruling", the High Court Five made the strange statement that this decision was NOT to be used as a binding precedent, such as on lower courts, in any other voting or other case involving the Equal Protection of the Laws, a provision guaranteed to each American under the 14th Amendment. To his credit, Justice John Paul Stevens, in a blistering dissent, stated the ruling of the Five undermines public confidence in the Courts.   

We were apparently the only ones, on a timely basis, that pointed out the situation seemed in many ways very like the strange election of 1876. Like Gore, Samuel Tilden handily won the nationwide popular vote. Rutherford B. Hayes and his gang had stolen the Electoral College vote by corrupting the Election Board Commission in the State of Florida whose electoral votes were among the keys to the "Electoral College". Like in 2000, the 1876 election turned on who supposedly got Florida's Electoral vote. Also, bribed or otherwise corrupted was an important Judge on a Congressional Commission set up to resolve the 1876 mess.   

Strangely reprinted in the Spring of the year 2000, was Gore Vidal's book entitled simply "1876". His opus seemed to be a 

[CTRL] Global elite Dead?

2002-11-11 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-


The Final Death Throes of 
  the Global Elite by Paul 


  NOTE: This article was first published in 
  Australias Mandurah Telegraph newspaper on Tuesday, October 15, 2002. 
  They can be reached via e-mail at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dear 
  Sir/Madam, What we are witnessing now on the world scene are the 
  last final death throes of the Global Elite, Controllers, Illuminati 
  or call them what you will. For many years these evil people (a 
  handful of wealthy-beyond-belief families based mainly in Europe) have 
  manipulated mankind for their own ends through their control of the 
  banking system, military, oil and media interests, and have placed puppet 
  politicians in power (dont kid yourself that we have a choice, for both 
  sides are party to this status quo) to further their nefarious ends. Bush, 
  Blair, and Howard are all exactly that  puppets of the Elite carrying out 
  the wishes of their Controllers behind the scenes. Another war, more 
  indebtedness by taxpayers to the Elite bankers to fund more military 
  hardware (Bush has said the war with Iraq will cost $200 billion), and 
  more control over humanity with further loss of individual freedoms. A 
  U.S. victory in Iraq will mean access to $6 trillion worth of oil in the 
  Caspian Basin for the Illuminati-controlled oil companies. Bush couldnt 
  care less about Saddam or the Iraqi people. Weapons of mass destruction 
  (that dont exist) are just an excuse to start a war for control of this 
  oil. However this is the final showdown, the titanic struggle to 
  impose a New World Order, but this time humanity must, and will, win. The 
  truth of this will be revealed to us all very soon. Fortunately there are 
  a lot of altruistic individuals working at all levels in many countries to 
  bring down these Controllers, not least in the upper hierarchy of the 
  American Military, a few honest Congressmen, and others in the Judiciary 
  and Executive who know whats really going on. What is slowing down this 
  disclosure of the truth is the Elite control of the media that refuses to 
  reveal the cover-up of what is really happening. In the U.S. only five 
  companies run all radio, TV and print media! Keeping us all in the dark is 
  easy. But, rest assured, this mind-boggling truth WILL be revealed 
  in the not too distant future to the enormous benefit of mankind around 
  the world. We have been manipulated for far too long and now it will be 
  humanitys turn to enjoy freedom from the worldwide oppression that these 
  evil Controllers impose. The individual is not handicapped by 
  coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it 
  exists. J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director 1924-1972. But exist it 
  does, though not for much longer. 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Philadelphia experiment

2002-11-11 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-


The Philadelphia 
  Experiment by Joe Turner 


  One of the A  E Channel's investigative TV programs 
  has now found the tables turned on it in the most ironic fashion. "The 
  Unexplained," a Sightings/Unsolved Mysteries knock-off that deals with the 
  paranormal and mysterious, has been the focus of an investigation led by 
  one of its past experts. The findings of this investigation, conducted by 
  a real life "Fox Mulder," firmly place "The Unexplained" episode, "Strange 
  Disappearances" in the same context as the Hitler Diaries and CNN's recent 
  news debacle on nerve gassing Viet Nam deserters. Like the CNN 
  Viet Nam story, the episode dealt with a military operation - a test in 
  WWII that would have been the latest development in a long history of 
  military camouflage. Total optical and radar invisibility - the 
  Philadelphia Experiment. " caught fire, went mad, and - the most 
  bizarre of all, some were embedded halfway into the deck of the ship. 
  Others phased in and out of this reality..." Much has been written 
  and speculated about this legend of an experiment in "electronic 
  camouflage," both pro and con. Reportedly it ended with the ship 
  teleporting from Philadelphia to Norfolk with some crew members becoming 
  embedded in the ship. Sorting the facts from the fiction has proven an 
  almost impossible task, particularly with the recent flux of 
  misinformation and deliberate disinformation that has been injected into 
  the Internet by those connected to the U.S. intelligence community, 
  professional skeptics, and armchair researchers. Against this 
  confusing tapestry there have been a few constants. One is that Carlos 
  Miguel Allende claimed in the 1950s to have been a witness to a test at 
  sea of a ship being made optically invisible using strong electromagnetic 
  force fields when he was a sailor onboard the merchant marine vessel SS 
  Furuseth in 1943. He also claimed that during another test that went 
  wrong, some of the men caught fire, went mad, and - the most bizarre of 
  all, some were embedded halfway into the deck of the ship. Others phased 
  in and out of this reality, only kept here by the laying on of hands. 
  Allende wrote a series of strange letters in 1955 to Morris K. Jessup, a 
  researcher who had written the book "The Case for the UFO." It was 
  Allende's fear that the same technology that was responsible for the 
  disasters of the Philadelphia Experiment was the secret behind the 
  propulsion method used successfully by UFOs. Jessup had called for 
  research into such force fields of UFOs without having any knowledge of 
  the navy experiment, and this alarmed Allende. The Eldridge was 
  the ship used in the controversial experiment in 1943. Allende's letters 
  were filled with cryptic references and mailed from an assortment of 
  locales around America. They can be read on-line at Jessup eventually dismissed 
  Allende as a crank until 1957 when he was contacted by Capt. Sidney Sherby 
  and Comdr. George Hoover, two officers from the Office of Naval Research. 
  They had received a copy of Jessup's book with strange annotations in the 
  margins about a vanishing ship, aliens and other anomalies. The officers 
  from ONR asked Jessup to travel to Washington D.C. to meet with them and 
  discuss what the annotations might mean. When Jessup got there he was 
  surprised to see that the annotations appeared to be from Allende, 
  although they had been written in three different colored inks as though 
  three separate individuals had been writing comments. Jessup had 
  no idea what to make of it and was a little unsettled by the interest that 
  these ONR officers had in the writing, especially about the ship that was 
  made invisible and it's crew severely injured. The officers even paid Varo 
  Inc. to reprint copies of the annotated version of Jessup's book and had 
  them passed around ONR for consideration. Jessup confided in his friend 
  Ivan Sanderson that he felt the officers might want to try the experiment 
  again. Meanwhile Jessup's life began to be plagued by what he called 
  "strange coincidences." He began to complain about his health, and his 
  research efforts took a turn for the worse. In 1959 he was found dead in 
  his car from carbon monoxide poisoning and declared a suicide without the 
  benefit of an autopsy. Many believe to this day that he was actually 
  murdered, with Allende left roaming the country to escape the same fate. 
  The Office of Naval Research has created a number of form 
  "response" letters over the 

[CTRL] Moneeeeeeee will buy you anything

2002-11-11 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-


Report From Iron Mountain 
  by Anonymous 


  In 1967 the war in Vietnam was escalating and race riots 
  were breaking out in many major U.S. cities. Popular distrust of the 
  federal government was growing. It was in this context that on October 16 
  a book appeared titled Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and 
  Desirability of Peace. It was published by Dial Press, a division of 
  Simon  Schuster. Leonard C. Lewin, a New York freelance writer, wrote 
  the introduction to the book. He explained that the report had been 
  compiled by 15 experts known as the Special Study Group (SSG) who had been 
  brought together by the U.S. government. The SSG had first met in 1963 at 
  a secret "underground nuclear hideout" called Iron Mountain. They had then 
  held periodic meetings during the next two and a half years to discuss the 
  problems that would confront the United States if it entered into a period 
  of permanent peace. According to Lewin, one of the experts ("John Doe") 
  who was identified as a professor of social science at a 'large Middle 
  Western University,' had decided to release the report to the public. 
  The report, in language full of think-tank jargon, documented the 
  conclusions of the Special Study Group concerning whether peace was 
  possible given the economic condition of the world. The SSG decided that 
  peace "would almost certainly not be in the best interest of stable 
  society." War, they argued, was simply too important a part of the world 
  economy, and therefore it was necessary to continue a state of war 
  indefinitely: "War has provided both ancient and modern societies 
  with a dependable system for stabilizing and controlling national 
  economies. No alternate method of control has yet been tested in a complex 
  modern economy that has shown itself remotely comparable in scope or 
  effectiveness." The report also pointed out that the authority of 
  the government over the people stemmed from its ability to wage war. 
  Therefore, without war the government might cease to exist: "War 
  is virtually synonymous with nationhood. The elimination of war implies 
  the inevitable elimination of national sovereignty and the traditional 
  nation-state." The report included a number of recommendations 
  that the government should follow just in case peace did break out. For 
  instance, it suggested that a number of expensive institutions be created 
  that would mimic the economic function of a war, such as: "(a) A 
  comprehensive social-welfare program directed toward maximum improvement 
  of general conditions of human life. (b) A giant open-end space research 
  program aimed at unreachable targets. (c) A permanent, ritualized, 
  ultra-elaborate disarmament inspection system, and variant of such a 
  system." The report also recommended that the government invent 
  "alternate enemies." For instance, it could mobilize the population by 
  scaring them with reports of extraterrestrial threats, massive global 
  environmental pollution, or "an omnipresent, virtually omnipotent 
  international police force." Alternatively, the population could be roused 
  by "socially oriented blood games" done "in the manner of the Spanish 
  Inquisition and the witch trials of other periods." The publication of the 
  report caused a sensation. So many copies of it were sold that it made its 
  way onto the New York Times bestseller list, and it was eventually 
  translated into 15 languages. The report caused panic among many 
  government officials. President Johnson supposedly "hit the roof" when he 
  learned of it. Cables were sent to U.S. embassies throughout the world 
  instructing them to play down public discussion of the report, and to 
  emphasize that the report had nothing at all to do with official U.S. 
  policy. The media, meanwhile, frantically searched for and 
  speculated about who had written the report. On November 20 Eliot 
  Fremont-Smith wrote a review for the New York Times in which he declared 
  that the report was a hoax. He speculated that it had been written either 
  by John Kenneth Galbraith, Kenneth Boulding, or Leonard C. Lewin. However, 
  he had no evidence to prove his speculations. The suspicion that Galbraith 
  was the author stemmed from the fact that he had written a review of the 
  report under the pseudonym "Herschel McLandress". This review had appeared 
  in the Washington Post and the Chicago Tribune. Lewin was suspected 
  because besides having written the introduction to the report, he had also 
  authored a book of political satire. The mystery of who had 
  written the report was 

[CTRL] Was RFK assassin brainwashed ????

2002-11-11 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-


Was Robert Kennedy's 
  Assassin Brainwashed? by 
  Gordon Thomas 


  NOTE: Seeds of Fire: China and The Story 
  Behind the Attack on America is available from Dandelion Books California Supreme Court is considering 
  ordering a new trial into one of the most sensational crimes in America  
  the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy, brother of the murdered 
  President, John F. Kennedy. The Court has been given explosive new 
  testimony that Robert Kennedys assassin, Palestinian-born Sirhan Sirhan, 
  was programmed through hypnosis and brainwashed to carry out the crime. 
  A new trial will seriously embarrass both the CIA and FBI  under 
  increasing fire for the cover-up of their failure in last Septembers 
  terror attacks. The most likely date for the trial would fall during 
  President Bushs run-up to re-election. His own father was a 
  Congressman during the murder of Robert Kennedy and later became CIA 
  director. Its files on the assassination have never been made public. 
  Sirhans attorney, Lawrence Teeter, a respected Civil Rights lawyer, has 
  spent eight years gathering evidence which he described last week, 
  virtually proves that powerful branches of the U.S. government were 
  behind the murder. In an exclusive interview at his office on 
  fashionable Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles, Teeter said: When a 
  powerful branch of government commits such a murder it only makes sense if 
  top people are involved. In the case of the programming of Sirhan, those 
  involved, either directly or indirectly, are the Los Angeles police 
  department, the FBI, and the CIA together with the Pentagon. 
  There were good reasons for them to have wanted Robert Kennedy 
  eliminated. He wanted to end the Vietnam War. He wanted to get to the 
  bottom of his brothers assassination. He wanted to break the power of the 
  Teamsters Union. He wanted to end the wild adventurism of the CIA, said 
  Teeter. That adventurism included the notorious MK-ULTRA program 
   designed by the CIA to see if it was feasible to use drugs and hypnosis 
  to create a programmed assassin. Among the doctors secretly 
  involved in the work was Dr. Louis West, chairman of the Department of 
  Psychiatry at the University of California in Los Angeles and director of 
  its Neuropsychiatric Institute. Wests work for the CIA included 
  using hypnosis to try and program minds. But his case files were shredded 
  in the wake of Robert Kennedys murder on June 5, 1968. Kennedy was in Los 
  Angeles to gather votes for his nomination as the Democratic candidate for 
  President when he was killed. West died earlier this year before 
  Teeter could question him. That is very convenient for those who 
  are trying to block the truth emerging, Teeter said. While some 
  50,000 documents relating to the murder of Robert Kennedy are now stored 
  in an archive at the University of Massachusetts, they do not contain 
  still-closed FBI files. A number of documents were also destroyed after 
  the investigation by the Los Angeles police. Lawrence Teeter 
  revealed that when Sirhan was a jockey in 1966, he received a head injury 
  while riding. It happened two years before he assassinated Robert Kennedy. 
  As a result he may have become one of the most deeply 
  hypnotizable people in the world. It will be part of our case at a new 
  trial that the CIA discovered this when Sirhan was in hospital. We will 
  show that from that point on, he went into the CIA assassination program. 
  Part of that program was to ensure that Sirhan would have no recall of how 
  he had been programmed and by whom. Support for this theory has 
  come from a key medical expert Teeter intends to call. He is Dr Herbert 
  Spiegal, a New York psychiatrist who teaches at Columbia University. He is 
  regarded as one of Americas leading experts on hypnosis. In an 
  affidavit to the Supreme Court, Dr Spiegal writes: Sirhan, being an 
  outstanding hypnotic subject, was probably programmed through hypnosis to 
  shoot Senator Kennedy and to experience a genuine amnesia of the 
  shooting. In other documents, Teeter describes what he calls an 
  assassination network. He said last week: Sirhan said at the trial he 
  thought he acted alone. But what Sirhan thought is not important at all 
  when an assassin network was in place. When I visit Sirhan in prison, he 
  cannot remember the assassination at all. It is as if a segment of his 
  memory was entirely erased. The last thing he remembers before the 
  shooting is having coffee with a woman. That woman  known as 
  The Lady in the Polka Dot Dress at Sirhans 

[CTRL] The Grand Deception - Part One (2 of 2)

2002-11-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Some of the more erudite of those from the wealthy, intellectual classes of England came together and decided they would form an organization to perpetuate the concept of collectivism. It was called the Fabian Society. It is now 1884, and we find ourselves observing a group of these people, including Sydney and Beatrice Web (founders of the London School of Economics), George Bernard Shaw, Arnold Toynbee, H.G. Wells, and people of that high caliber. The Fabian Society exists today, and a lot of very prominent, influential, and powerful people are members. Tony Blair, for example, England’s Prime Minister, is a member. 

H.G. Wells wrote a book to serve as a guide for Fabians and their friends showing how collectivism can be embedded into society without arousing alarm or serious opposition. It was called The Open Conspiracy, and the entire plan is spelled out in detail. He even said that the old religions of the world should give way to the new religion of collectivism. The new religion should be the state, he said, and the state should take charge of all human activity with, of course, elitists such as himself in control.

As mentioned previously, there were two powerful ideological movements coming to birth in this same period of history, and they had much in common. One of them was Marxism, which eventually was physically planted onto Russian soil and manifested itself as Communism. The other was Fabianism. Please note that Communism and Fabianism are merely variants of collecivism. Their similarities are much greater than their differences. That is why their participants often move from one group to the other with ease - or may even be members of both groups at the same time. Communists and Fabians are usually friendly with each other. They may disagree intensely over procedural issues, but never over goals, because their mutual goal is collectivism.

Fabians say, "Let us come to power quietly so as not to alarm anyone. Let us penetrate and capture control of the organs of society: the educational institutions, the media, the labor unions, agencies of government. Let us penetrate into the power centers of society and quietly guide it in the direction of collectivism. No one will realize what is happening, and there will be very little opposition or bloodshed." Fabians consider themselves to be humane. To emphasize this strategy of patient gradualism, they adopted the tortoise as their symbol, and the emblem on their shield is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Communists, on the other hand, are less genteel. They are adept at using all the same tactics of deception and quiet penetration into power centers as used by the Fabians, but they are more inclined to rely on violence and terror to accelerate their progress. They raise the clenched fist and say, "Let us come to power through revolution. Let us put masses into the streets and overthrow the target government by force and violence. Let the land be drenched with the blood of our enemies." Communists are in a hurry. 

That is the debate. The only difference between Communists and Fabians is a question of tactics. They may compete over which of them will dominant the coming New World Order, over who will hold the highest positions in the pyramid of collectivist power; they may even send opposing armies into battle to establish territorial pre-eminence over portions of the globe, but they never quarrel over goals. Through it all, they are blood brothers under the skin, and they will always unite against their common enemy, which is any opposition to collectivism. 

The Fabian tortoise and the wolf in sheep’s clothing are emblazoned on a stained glass window that used to be in the Web house. The Webs donated their home to the Fabian Society, and it is now the headquarters of that organization in Surrey, England. The window was recently removed, but there are many photographs of it showing the symbols in great detail. Perhaps the most significant part is written across the bottom. It is that famous line from Omar Khayyam: "Dear love, couldst thou and I with fate conspire to grasp this sorry scheme of things entire, would we not shatter it to bits and then remould it nearer to the hearts desire?" Please allow me to repeat that line. This is the key to modern history, and it is the key to the war on terrorism: "Dear love, couldst thou and I with fate conspire to grasp this sorry scheme of things entire, would we not shatter it to bits and then remould it nearer to the hearts desire?" 

Elsewhere in the stained glass window there is a depiction of Sydney Webb and George Bernard Shaw striking the earth with hammers. The earth is on an anvil, and they are standing there striking the earth with hammers. "Shatter it to bits," That’s what they were saying at the Carnegie Endowment Fund. That’s what they were saying at the Ford Foundation. "War is the best way to remold society. 

[CTRL] Was Robert Kennedy's Assassin Brainwashed?

2002-11-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Was Robert Kennedy's Assassin Brainwashed? by World-Class Author Gordon Thomas  
Was Robert Kennedy's Assassin Brainwashed? 
by Gordon Thomas 

NOTE: “Seeds of Fire: China and The Story Behind the Attack on America” is available from Dandelion Books – 

California’ Supreme Court is considering ordering a new trial into one of the most sensational crimes in America – the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy, brother of the murdered President, John F. Kennedy. 

The Court has been given explosive new testimony that Robert Kennedy’s assassin, Palestinian-born Sirhan Sirhan, was “programmed through hypnosis and brainwashed to carry out the crime”. 

A new trial will seriously embarrass both the CIA and FBI – under increasing fire for the cover-up of their failure in last September’s terror attacks. The most likely date for the trial would fall during President Bush’s run-up to re-election. 

His own father was a Congressman during the murder of Robert Kennedy and later became CIA director. Its files on the assassination have never been made public. Sirhan’s attorney, Lawrence Teeter, a respected Civil Rights lawyer, has spent eight years gathering evidence which he described last week, “virtually proves that powerful branches of the U.S. government were behind the murder”. 

In an exclusive interview at his office on fashionable Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles, Teeter said: “When a powerful branch of government commits such a murder it only makes sense if top people are involved. In the case of the programming of Sirhan, those involved, either directly or indirectly, are the Los Angeles police department, the FBI, and the CIA together with the Pentagon. 

“There were good reasons for them to have wanted Robert Kennedy eliminated. He wanted to end the Vietnam War. He wanted to get to the bottom of his brother’s assassination. He wanted to break the power of the Teamsters Union. He wanted to end the wild adventurism of the CIA,” said Teeter. 

That “adventurism” included the notorious MK-ULTRA program – designed by the CIA to see if it was feasible to use drugs and hypnosis to create a “programmed assassin”. 

Among the doctors secretly involved in the work was Dr. Louis West, chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California in Los Angeles and director of its Neuropsychiatric Institute. 

West’s work for the CIA included using hypnosis to try and program minds. But his case files were shredded in the wake of Robert Kennedy’s murder on June 5, 1968. Kennedy was in Los Angeles to gather votes for his nomination as the Democratic candidate for President when he was killed. 

West died earlier this year before Teeter could question him. 

“That is very convenient for those who are trying to block the truth emerging,” Teeter said. 

While some 50,000 documents relating to the murder of Robert Kennedy are now stored in an archive at the University of Massachusetts, they do not contain still-closed FBI files. A number of documents were also destroyed after the investigation by the Los Angeles police. 

Lawrence Teeter revealed that when Sirhan was a jockey in 1966, he received a head injury while riding. It happened two years before he assassinated Robert Kennedy. 

“As a result he may have become one of the most deeply hypnotizable people in the world. It will be part of our case at a new trial that the CIA discovered this when Sirhan was in hospital. We will show that from that point on, he went into the CIA assassination program. Part of that program was to ensure that Sirhan would have no recall of how he had been programmed and by whom.” 

Support for this theory has come from a key medical expert Teeter intends to call. He is Dr Herbert Spiegal, a New York psychiatrist who teaches at Columbia University. He is regarded as one of America’s leading experts on hypnosis. 

In an affidavit to the Supreme Court, Dr Spiegal writes: “Sirhan, being an outstanding hypnotic subject, was probably programmed through hypnosis to shoot Senator Kennedy and to experience a genuine amnesia of the shooting”. 

In other documents, Teeter describes what he calls an “assassination network”. He said last week: “Sirhan said at the trial he “thought” he acted alone. But what Sirhan thought is not important at all when an assassin network was in place. “When I visit Sirhan in prison, he cannot remember the assassination at all. It is as if a segment of his memory was entirely erased. The last thing he remembers before the shooting is having coffee with a woman”. 

That woman – known as “The Lady in the Polka Dot Dress” at Sirhan’s trial – was seen by a number of eye-witnesses to the murder of Robert Kennedy shortly after midnight in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. 

Several people said they saw the woman – “young and beautiful” 

[CTRL] The Grand Deception - Part One (1 of 2)

2002-11-11 Thread William Shannon

The Grand Deception - Part One
A Second Look at the War on Terrorism

© 2002 by G. Edward Griffin

Ladies and Gentlemen, the title of my presentation today is The Grand Deception - A Second Look at the War on Terrorism. 

I was flattered to hear in my introduction that I have a reputation for taking complex subjects and making them easy to understand. I hope I can live up to that expectation, but I couldn’t help wondering if I can really do that with this topic: The War on Terrorism. How can you make that easy to understand? It’s such a huge and confusing topic. I feel like the proverbial mosquito in a nudist camp. I know what I have to do. I just don’t know where to begin.

There is a formula I often follow when I don’t know where to begin, and that is to start with history. If you discover the history, you should be able to figure it out as you go along. It was Will Durant who said, "Those who know nothing about history are doomed forever to repeat it." 

Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of history in the war on terrorism? If we continue to follow the path we are now taking, I’m afraid that we are. But to find out whether we are repeating the mistakes of history, we need to go back in time. So, I invite you to join me in my time machine. We are going to splash around in history for a while and look at some great events and huge mistakes to see if there are parallels, any lessons to be learned for today. I must warn you that it will seem we are lost in time. We are going to go here and there, and then jump back further, and then forward in time, and we will be examining issues that may make you wonder "What on earth has this to do with today." But I can assure you, when we reach the end of our journey, you will see that everything we cover has a direct relevance to today and, in particular, to the war on terrorism.

Lets start our time machine. We turn the dial to the year 1954 and, suddenly, we find ourselves in the plush offices of the Ford Foundation in New York. We see two men seated at a large, Mahogany desk, and they are talking. They cannot see or hear us. These men are Roland Gaither, who was the President of the Ford Foundation at that time, and Mr. Norman Dodd. Mr. Dodd was the newly appointed chief investigator of what was called the Congressional Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations. The Ford Foundation was one of them, so he was there as part of his Congressional responsibilities. 

It was about 1972 that I happened to meet Mr. Dodd in Virginia. I had a television crew with me, because we were producing a documentary film and had some open time. I called Mr. Dodd and asked if he would be willing to make a statement before our cameras, and he said, "Of course." I’m glad we obtained the interview, because he was advanced in years, and it wasn’t long afterward that he passed away. We were very fortunate to capture his story in his own words. (For those who are interested in viewing his complete testimony on video, it is listed in our catalogue. It’s called "The Hidden Agenda" and it’s available in both video and audio formats. The full transcript can be downloaded free of charge from our web site, 

So, back to our time machine. The year is 1954, and we hear Mr. Gaither say to Mr. Dodd, "Would you be interested in knowing what we do here at the Ford Foundation?" And, of course, Mr. Dodd says, "Yes! That’s exactly why I’m here. I would be very interested, sir." Then, without any prodding at all, Gaither says, "Mr. Dodd, we operate in response to directives, the substance of which is that we shall use our grant making power to alter life in the United States so that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union." 

Dodd almost falls off of his chair when he hears that. Then he says to Gaither, "Well, sir, you can do anything you please with your grant making powers, but don’t you think you have an obligation to make a disclosure to the American people? You enjoy tax exemption, which is an indirect way of saying you are subsidized by the taxpayer, so, why don’t you tell the Congress and the American people what you just told me?" And Gaither replies, "We would never dream of doing such a thing." 

There is much more to be learned from this conversation, but our time is limited, so let’s move on. The question that logically arises is, "How would it be possible for people in these prestigious organizations to even dream that they could alter life in the United States so it could be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union?" What an absurd thought that would be! The answer, however, is not absurd at all. To bring this about, all that needs to be done is to alter the attitude of the American people to accept such a move. How could that be done? 

The answer to this second question was provided by 

[CTRL] See Spot Run

2002-11-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

See Spot Run
by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

How bewildering and disgusting the barrage of half-truths, propaganda, and outright lies emanating from the White House on the war on Iraq – which have gone unchallenged by our "independent" press. The level of argument being put forth by administration spokesmen borders on insulting. They jump from one unsubstantiated, outdated, or wildly speculative claim to another, parrying legitimate concerns about their lack of hard evidence with such sloganeering responses as, "The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." As Mike Matt put it, "What’s next? ‘See Spot run’?"

A friend tried to persuade me that perhaps they really do have some hard evidence, but can’t reveal it without compromising their sources. That won’t work, though: with the exception of Britain, our European allies, who behind closed doors have seen everything we’ve got, treat our alleged "evidence" with amused grins. Even the Council on Foreign Relations observed that if President Bush had had any evidence of an ongoing nuclear program in Iraq, he would have presented it. The closest he came was to warn that Iraq had ordered some aluminum rods. Well, bombs away, then!

The looming war with Iraq bears more than a passing resemblance to the Third Punic War, when the ancient Romans, at the urging of demagogic politicians, laid waste to a defeated and impotent Carthage. The rest of the world really thinks we have lost our minds, what with our huffing and puffing about the terrible danger posed by a sad little country whose people have known nothing but malnourishment, devastation, and ruin for the past eleven years. 

Accusations of Iraqi links to al-Qaeda have proven equally slippery. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice assures us that she knows of "documented" links between Saddam Hussein and bin Laden’s group, though she hasn’t actually shown us any. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld insists that al-Qaeda are in Iraq, though the only truth to that claim appears to be that a few al-Qaeda have indeed turned up in the northern, Kurdish-controlled area of Iraq, over which Saddam has no control. (The Kurds, remember, are the ones who are supposed to be our friends.)

Saddam, we are told, may supply al Qaeda, with whom he as the head of a secular state has profound ideological differences, with dangerous weapons. Yet nothing in his past indicates that he is suicidal (for surely he knows that any such attacks on the United States would lead to his swift and utter destruction). "If there is any leader in the world who is not irrationally suicidal," writes columnist Alan Bock, "someone who is alleged to sleep in a different palace every night and have at least two or three body doubles is on the list."

Perhaps the drive for war does indeed have something to do with controlling Iraq’s oil, as some critics (and Iraqi spokesmen) allege, and perhaps it has something to do with Israel. Given how thin the administration’s case has been (and I highly recommend Jude Wanniski’s point-by-point refutation of Bush’s speech to the United Nations, available in the archive at, the drive for war cannot really be all about the hysterical claims about "weapons of mass destruction," or the indisputable fact that Saddam is just a really bad guy – if that were our criterion, we’d be engaged in a ceaseless string of wars in a ridiculous and quixotic quest for a world free of mean people.

Well, hold on a second. Such a string of wars is precisely what the neoconservatives desperately want. The neoconservative Wall Street Journal recently reacted with horror to President Bush’s suggestion that a US invasion might not be necessary if the Iraqi people or top Iraqi generals were to take matters into their own hands and eliminate Saddam themselves. The Journal and its neoconservative base want this war, no matter what Saddam does to comply and no matter if he is even still alive. For the neocons – and Bush is surrounded by them – this war is only the opening salvo in a long-term military struggle to extend a US-dominated New World Order to the Middle East. All this nonsense about "weapons of mass destruction" serves the useful purpose of bringing gullible Americans on board for the war effort, but it couldn’t matter less to those who are pushing the hardest for war, who waste little time worrying about these propagandistic claims. "The goal this time," the Journal writes, "shouldn’t be merely disarmament or even ‘regime change,’ but the liberation of the Iraqi people and the Middle East."

So the war is to liberate not simply the Iraqi people but also, apparently, the entire Middle East. What that open-ended commitment could mean is made clear by neoconservative guru Norman Podhoretz: war after war against the enemies of Israel, at American expense. After Saddam is overthrown, in Podhoretz’s 

Re: [CTRL] Philadelphia experiment

2002-11-11 Thread Drew Hempel
-Caveat Lector-

Have you read Jacque Vallee's investigation of the Phildelphia Experiment?
It should be online and should shed more light on the topic for youdrew

Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [CTRL] Philadelphia experiment
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 23:55:06 -

-Caveat Lector-

 The Philadelphia Experiment
  by Joe Turner

One of the A  E Channel's investigative TV programs has now found
the tables turned on it in the most ironic fashion. The Unexplained, a
Sightings/Unsolved Mysteries knock-off that deals with the paranormal and
mysterious, has been the focus of an investigation led by one of its past
experts. The findings of this investigation, conducted by a real life Fox
Mulder, firmly place The Unexplained episode, Strange Disappearances
in the same context as the Hitler Diaries and CNN's recent news debacle on
nerve gassing Viet Nam deserters.

  Like the CNN Viet Nam story, the episode dealt with a military
operation - a test in WWII that would have been the latest development in a
long history of military camouflage. Total optical and radar invisibility -
the Philadelphia Experiment. caught fire, went mad, and - the most
bizarre of all, some were embedded halfway into the deck of the ship.
Others phased in and out of this reality...

  Much has been written and speculated about this legend of an
experiment in electronic camouflage, both pro and con. Reportedly it
ended with the ship teleporting from Philadelphia to Norfolk with some crew
members becoming embedded in the ship. Sorting the facts from the fiction
has proven an almost impossible task, particularly with the recent flux of
misinformation and deliberate disinformation that has been injected into
the Internet by those connected to the U.S. intelligence community,
professional skeptics, and armchair researchers.

  Against this confusing tapestry there have been a few constants. One
is that Carlos Miguel Allende claimed in the 1950s to have been a witness
to a test at sea of a ship being made optically invisible using strong
electromagnetic force fields when he was a sailor onboard the merchant
marine vessel SS Furuseth in 1943. He also claimed that during another test
that went wrong, some of the men caught fire, went mad, and - the most
bizarre of all, some were embedded halfway into the deck of the ship.
Others phased in and out of this reality, only kept here by the laying on
of hands. Allende wrote a series of strange letters in 1955 to Morris K.
Jessup, a researcher who had written the book The Case for the UFO. It
was Allende's fear that the same technology that was responsible for the
disasters of the Philadelphia Experiment was the secret behind the
propulsion method used successfully by UFOs. Jessup had called for research
into such force fields of UFOs without having any knowledge of the navy
experiment, and this alarmed Allende.

  The Eldridge was the ship used in the controversial experiment in
1943. Allende's letters were filled with cryptic references and mailed from
an assortment of locales around America. They can be read on-line at Jessup eventually dismissed
Allende as a crank until 1957 when he was contacted by Capt. Sidney Sherby
and Comdr. George Hoover, two officers from the Office of Naval Research.
They had received a copy of Jessup's book with strange annotations in the
margins about a vanishing ship, aliens and other anomalies. The officers
from ONR asked Jessup to travel to Washington D.C. to meet with them and
discuss what the annotations might mean. When Jessup got there he was
surprised to see that the annotations appeared to be from Allende, although
they had been written in three different colored inks as though three
separate individuals had been writing comments.

  Jessup had no idea what to make of it and was a little unsettled by
the interest that these ONR officers had in the writing, especially about
the ship that was made invisible and it's crew severely injured. The
officers even paid Varo Inc. to reprint copies of the annotated version of
Jessup's book and had them passed around ONR for consideration. Jessup
confided in his friend Ivan Sanderson that he felt the officers might want
to try the experiment again. Meanwhile Jessup's life began to be plagued by
what he called strange coincidences. He began to complain about his
health, and his research efforts took a turn for the worse. In 1959 he was
found dead in his car from carbon monoxide poisoning and declared a suicide
without the benefit of an autopsy. Many believe to this day that he was
actually murdered, with Allende left roaming the country to escape the same

  The Office of Naval Research has created a number of form response
letters over the years to handle public inquiries into the Philadelphia
Experiment. The latest version can be 

[CTRL] 163 cruise passengers fall ill from Norwalk virus

2002-11-11 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

63 cruise passengers fall ill from Norwalk virus

Posted  November 11 2002, 12:48 PM EST

About 163 passengers aboard the Port Everglades-based cruise
ship Amsterdam reportedly fell ill from a foodborne virus on a trip
that ended Monday.

The passengers reportedly were ill from Norwalk virus, an intestinal
illness that is passed by the feces of infected people. New victims
get ill by eating feces-contaminated food or water.

One passenger reportedly had to be hospitalized for dehydration.
Infected people usually recover within two or three days with no
lonmg-term effects.

Crew members aboard the Holland America ship were spending the
day sanitizing the ship after the 1,900 passengers disembarked
Monday morning from the Carribbean cruise.

The Amsterdam is scheduled to embark at 5 p.m. Monday on a 10-
day Carribbean cruise, provided the crew's cleaning is completed by

A spokesman for Holland America could not be reached for

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Scanned by Norton AntiVirus

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Was Wellstone murdered?

2002-11-11 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   Robert Sterling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Mon, 11 Nov 2002 23:55:59 -
Subject:Konformist: Was Wellstone murdered?
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Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Was Wellstone murdered?
It's a legitimate question journalists must feel free to ask
By Kéllia Ramares
Online Journal Contributing Editor

November 7, 2002 - Soon after the news of Minnesota Sen. Paul
Wellstone's death hit the wires, I got a phone call in the newsroom
of radio station KPFA in Berkeley, Calif. The caller was a listener
who said that, after hearing of Wellstone's death, he called the
Washington, DC, office of Sen. Barbara Boxer (D- Calif) to urge that
the senator get the Canadian government to investigate the
circumstances of Wellstone's plane crash. The listener also said that
Boxer's staff told him that they were getting flooded with calls,
urging that the Canadians or some other foreign government
investigate the crash.

The next day I moderated a teach-in after a major anti-war
demonstration in San Francisco. The second speaker asked the audience
of approximately 40 people, Does anyone here not think that
Wellstone's plane crash was a hit? No one raised a hand. As I
circulated among the literature tables during one of the speeches, I
noted that people were talking about the news reports on Wellstone's
death and that they had been paying attention to how the stories
evolved. It seemed that the later the report, the worse the weather
was near the Eveleth-Virginia, Minn., airport at the time of the
crash. Although the possibility of icing seemed to be the concern of
the networks by Saturday evening, several people at the teach-in were
aware of the exchange between CNN's Wolf Blitzer and a reporter on
the scene, who discounted weather problems.

From CNN?s Initial Report:

The crews on the ground found two large sections of plane. The tail
section was intact. The weather did not have anything to do with the
crash, said the on the scene reporter.

Wolf Blitzer tried to correct her.

He said, The plane was flying into the storm of freezing rain, right?

There is no evidence that weather had anything to do with the crash.

The on-the-scene reporter stuck to her guns.

Peruse the Internet and you will easily find people who doubt that
the crash was an accident and they back up those doubts with rational
questions about the flight and rational concerns about the state of
the country. But Wellstone was barely in his grave when a news
director on a radio listserve to which I belong made a comment that
is typical, even stereotypical, of what I've come to call the Lily-
Livered Left:

 I can't stand it how so many people, not just in the left, get
invested in conspiracy theories when the power structures anyone can
see and observe in broad daylight suffice to explain what's going
on. . . . More than once I head callers to Talk of the Nation or The
Connection start making truthful, to-the-mark observations about
power politics only to veer off into lunatic conspiracy theories,
disqualifying their entire statement. Thanks a lot, man!

 . . . . May I remind people that air travel is dangerous? In
January an FAA inspector died in a plane crash in Alaska, called to
investigate the high incidence of plane crashes there. A conspiracy?
How about bad weather?

Please, I'm not denying that we have murderous power structures, but
I don't like it when people start discrediting themselves, especially
when they are in the alternative media business.

Yes, bad weather happens, mechanical parts fail, pilots make
mistakes, and birds fly into planes. All these matters are being
investigated in the Wellstone case, rightly so.

Here are some of the preliminary findings:

Safety Record of the type of aircraft involved:

Fifty accidents involving King Air A100s have occurred since 1975,
according to the FAA. Five were fatal, but three of those five
weren't the plane's fault. King Air A100 accidents since 1975 have
killed eight people in the United States and injured nine others.

The aircraft's safety record is particularly impressive considering
its widespread use. (From the Duluth-Superior 10-25-02)

Experience of the Pilots:

 . . . only one pilot is required to fly the plane, two were hired
because a senator was on board.

The pilots of Wellstone's plane . . . Conry had nearly 5200 hours of
flying time and the highest certification a pilot can attain, his
company said. Guess had 650 hours and was certified as a commercial
pilot; he graduated from UND's aeronautics program. (From the
Minneapolis Star Tribune 10–26–02)

Physical Condition of the Pilots:

Dr. Thomas Uncini, St. Louis County's chief medical examiner, said
Monday his preliminary conclusions are that the two pilots were in

[CTRL] Senator Lautenberg And His Stealth Amendment

2002-11-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Senator Lautenberg And His Stealth Amendment

[Peter Brimelow writes: There’s a silver lining to the exhumation, with a little help from the New Jersey Supreme Court, of Senator Frank Lautenberg. It gives us the chance to tell the little-known story of the “Lautenberg Amendment.” Lautenberg apparently likes it being little-known. Back when Joe Fallon was helping me research Alien Nation, he couldn’t get Lautenberg’s office to return calls until, a triumphant aide eventually told him, the amendment had been safely renewed. I now think that an acute awareness of these indefensible ethnic privileges lay behind  much of the hysterical reaction to Alien Nation - and to any discussion of immigration policy at all.]

By  Thomas Allen

Every year, with absolutely no publicity, Congress votes to re-authorize the “Lautenberg Amendment.” This legislation grants extraordinary immigration privileges to Jews, and also to Evangelicals and certain members of the Ukrainian Catholic and Orthodox Church, who live anywhere in the former Soviet Union (the “FSU,” as it’s known in State Departmentspeak). Any member of these protected groups, because Congress arbitrarily declares them to be persecuted, can claim the automatic right to enter the U.S. as a “refugee.” 

Since 1989, when Senator Lautenberg first succeeded in perpetrating this trick, about 400,000 FSU inhabitants have availed themselves of this privilege. About 11,000 will come in 2003.

And guess who’s paying for it? Refugees, unlike non-refugee immigrants, receive interest-free government loans for airline tickets to the U.S. They are also, within 30 days of arrival, eligible for welfare on the same basis as an American citizen. A staggering 38% of refugee households arriving from the FSU in the last 5 years have one or more members on the life-time welfare program SSI. (see 1999 HHS Office Of Refugee Resettlement report to Congress, p. 58) More than half of newly-arrived FSU refugee households are receiving food stamps and Medicaid.

Recently, most FSU Lautenberg “refugees” have been Evangelicals. What? You didn't know that persecution of Evangelicals in the old U.S.S.R. is so severe that an act of Congress is needed to combat it? Well, the U.S. is so worried about these individuals that, in some cases, would-be “refugees” living in the provinces need not even make the trip to Moscow to apply for their visa. The U.S. government gladly dispatches INS officers to interview them in their own towns. 

Are these “refugees” languishing in camps, without the possibility or means to travel to Moscow? No–they’re living in their own homes under more or less the same conditions as the rest of their countrymen. 

And, if selected for the program, the “refugee” need not rush to safer shores. They may wait for up to a year before actually making the move to the U.S. (The grace period is now a year because the backlog of “refugees” who hadn’t got around to fleeing persecution reached tens of thousands and became an embarrassment.)

To prevent individuals from "gaming" the system, all Evangelical would-be “refugees” are quizzed about their Bible knowledge and must show that their faith pre-dates the fall of Communism. 

But what an incentive to get religion! 

Another Lautenberg requirement: a relative in the U.S.– who will be most likely an earlier beneficiary of the program. That's to keep the program from going totally through the roof. But, of course, real refugees don’t necessarily have relatives here.

In fact, there are plenty of real refugees living in miserable conditions in the countries that once constituted the USSR–Armenians, Mskhetian Turks, Chechens. But almost none of them fit the Lautenberg categories. Perhaps 3,500 non-Lautenberg refugees will be admitted from the FSU in 2003.

Senator Lautenberg’s real concern in 1989, of course, was the Soviet Jews. Overwhelmingly, they have been the primary beneficiaries of his amendment. Including programs that anticipated Lautenberg’s legislation, perhaps 500,000 Soviet Jews have come here in total– a major population transfer, significantly augmenting the American Jewish community, which was estimated at only 5.5 million in 1990. Perhaps the inclusion of Soviet evangelicals in the Lautenberg legislation was an early fruit of the alliance between the "Christian Right" and the pro-Israeli lobby. (Today Jerry Falwell's cable channel runs extensive appeals for donations to Jews immigrating to Israel from the FSU, but nothing about evangelicals immigrating from the FSU to the U.S.) More likely, however, the evangelicals and Ukrainians were added merely as a fig leaf. 

But the FSU seems to running out of Jews who want to immigrate to the U.S. Next year, only a couple of thousand Jewish “refugees” will come here under the Lautenberg Amendment. Partly, this is a tribute to the obvious vigor 


2002-11-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


By: Joe Blow

bul-ly n., pl. -lies. 1. A person who is habitually cruel, esp. to smaller or weaker people. 2. Archaic. A hired ruffian. 3. Obs. A pimp. 4. Obs. A fine fellow. 5. Obs. A sweetheart. -v. -lied, -lying, -lies. -intr. To behave like a bully. -adj. Informal. Excellent; splendid. -interj. Used to express approval: Bully for him!

- The American Heritage Dictionary, Second College Edition

Now that the U.N. Security Council has finally voted on Iraq, Tony Blair-New World Order ruffian and pimp for the U.N.-issued his latest warning to Saddam Hussein.

Mike Wendling writes:

"Defy the U.N.'s will and we will disarm you by force." Speaking from his Downing Street residence in London, Blair said that "conflict is not inevitable, but disarmament is." The prime minister repeated the conditions of his past statements on Iraq and echoed earlier comments by President Bush.

"The weapons inspectors must return to Iraq. They must carry out their work without any restriction, condition or inhibition on their effectiveness," Blair said. "The duty of Saddam Hussein is to cooperate fully and totally. "It is not a game of hide and seek, where the inspectors try their best to find the weapons and Saddam does his best to conceal them," he said. "The duty of cooperation means not just access but information.

"Iraq now has a final opportunity to comply with its international, legal obligations by giving up once and for all its weapons of mass destruction," Blair said. "If it does not, then the consequences are clear." He promised that the "territorial integrity of Iraq will be absolute" and also issued a message to the Iraqi people. "We have no quarrel with you," Blair said. "We want you to be our friends and partners in welcoming Iraq back into the world community."

The U.N. resolution was also welcomed by Britain's two other main political parties. "This is a good outcome from the United Nations," said Michael Ancram, foreign affairs spokesman for the Conservative Party. "It leaves Saddam with no place to run."

The centrist Liberal Democrats, who have in the past expressed skepticism about military action against Iraq, praised the unanimous vote. "Now that the Security Council has spoken in the name of the international community, the onus passes to Iraq," said the party's foreign affairs spokesman, Menzies Campbell. "The fact that the resolution was adopted unanimously demonstrates the strength of feeling that Iraq should comply without distraction, prevarication or deceit," he said.

Saddam Hussein may be a tyrannical dictator, but he presents no credible threat to the world community, let alone a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States.

This round of rhetoric directed at Saddam should be seen for what it is: bullying. It is not diplomacy, it is bullying of a sovereign nation and its head of state by NWO globalists. The incredible excuse of defending national security-backed by a ridiculous notion of legitimacy from a U.N. Security Council resolution-is beyond the pale.

Saddam Hussein is the legitimate head of state of a sovereign nation that is not at war with the United States or Britain, despite being routinely bombed by both nations for over a decade. Saddam was recently reelected by 100% of the popular vote, such that exists. As a foreigner, Tony Blair has no right to threaten Saddam under any pretext, let alone a specious one.

Forcing a regime change in Iraq for Saddam’s refusal to play by the rules of the NWO globalists only illustrates their bullying nature. All bullies say, "Comply with my demands or I will pound you." This is schoolyard behavior on the world stage.

Saddam Hussein is a citizen of a sovereign nation. If the NWO globalists can bully him, they can bully any citizen anywhere. Who can/will stop them?

If you dare to see the true agenda of the NWO globalists, just replace Saddam Hussein with a citizen and replace Iraq with America in the news item above. Here’s the result:

Defy the U.N.'s will and we will disarm you by force…conflict is not inevitable, but disarmament is…The weapons inspectors must return to America. They must carry out their work without any restriction, condition or inhibition on their effectiveness…The duty of a citizen is to cooperate fully and totally. It is not a game of hide and seek, where the inspectors try their best to find the weapons and a citizen does his best to conceal them…The duty of cooperation means not just access, but information.

America now has a final opportunity to comply with its international, legal obligations by giving up once and for all its weapons of mass destruction…If it does not, then the consequences are clear…We have no quarrel with you…We want you to be our friends and partners in welcoming America back into the world community.

This is a good outcome from 

[CTRL] Could Bush Become another Hitler?

2002-11-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum 

Could Bush Become Another Hitler? 

Date: Monday, 11 November 2002, 9:08 p.m. 

Could Bush Become another Hitler? 

The Timetable for Tyranny 

By Henry Makow, Ph.D. 

If evil powers wanted to impose a dictatorship on the United States, would they candidly announce their goal? 

They would do exactly as they are doing now: They would invent a foreign menace like Muslim terrorism, and stage a dramatic attack like 9-11. This is why Bush has blocked an independent investigation of the WTC attack. 

They would rely on the "sheeple" to vote for their own enslavement, i.e. the "Patriot Act," increased military expenditures, and the Department of "Homeland Security." 

The German people voted Hitler into power. Hitler arranged the burning of the Reichstag as an excuse to suspend civil rights. Hitler made his attack on Poland look like a defensive action. International bankers like Prescott Bush, George W's grandfather, funded Hitler. George W. belongs to an Illuminati family whose loyalty is to world government dictatorship, not to the US. See "The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush" ( 

Muslim militants do not represent a military threat to the United States, or even to Israel. It is the other way around. The U.S. and Israel are pawns of international bankers, intent on removing the last obstacles to their Lucifer-worshipping "New World Order." 

They are taking Sadaam behind the woodshed as a lesson to any country that would resist their global dictatorship. Sadaam deserves credit for defying this nefarious cabal. 

Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia want to appease George W. but they are NEXT on the hit list. Chamberlain gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler in Munich but that did not diminish Hitler's appetite. 

Europe, Japan and China go along in the UN but they will be dependent on the Rockefeller-Rothschilds for oil. They will be forced to sacrifice national sovereignty. 

Let's gaze into our crystal ball. 

The United States subjugates Iraq. Depending on how costly it is, the US will quickly turn its attention to the remaining "independent" Arab states. 

Anti-American feeling will enflame the billion-strong Muslim world. Pro-US governments will wobble. US or Israeli troops may have to prop them up. Where before, "terrorist" actions were mostly organized by the CIA-Mossad-MI5, now there are genuine Muslim reprisals. 

There are American casualties both at home and abroad. Some of these acts originate or are assisted by the CIA etc. who wish to foment chaos. Viruses or even nuclear attacks blamed on Muslim radicals kill hundreds of thousands. The American population becomes restive, angry and polarized. Most are willing to sacrifice freedom in return for security. 

The "anti-war" movement mushrooms and there are large demonstrations and acts of civil disobedience. The "Patriot Act" or a similar measure is used to clamp down on dissent and ban firearms in the name of national security. Detention camps are filled. Americans awake to discover the United States is a dictatorship. 

Thus, what is supposed to be a war against "terror" reveals its true face: a totalitarian takeover. 

Don't wait until it's too late. Join like-minded people. Edward Griffin's Freedom Force International is one group that is mobilizing. His web site is Another is the John Birch Society ( ). A third organization is Bob Schulz's ( We the People!( ) 

Henry Makow, Ph.D, is the inventor of the board game Scruples and the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles on feminism and the New World Order are archived on his web site He welcomes your comments at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=""Archives of


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2002-11-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

By Eric Margolis 
November 8, 2002 

NEW YORK - President George Bush wrapped himself in the American flag and won a major victory last week as American voters gave control of both houses of Congress to the Republican Party. In mid-term elections, the party in power almost always fares badly, but this year an electorate, gripped by fear of terrorism, and whipped into war fever by high-voltage propaganda, voted Republican. Thank you Osama and Saddam. 

One poignant photo said it all: Georgia's defeated Democratic Senator, Max Cleland, sitting in a wheelchair, missing both legs and an arm lost in combat in Vietnam. This highly decorated hero was defeated by a Vietnam War draft-dodger who had the audacity to accuse Cleland of being 'unpatriotic' after the senator courageously voted against giving Bush unlimited war powers. I do not recall a more shameful moment in American politics. 

Bush's victory is clearly a mandate to proceed with his crusade against Iraq. Preparations for war are in an advanced stage. The US has been quietly moving heavy armor and mechanized units from Europe to the Mideast. Three division equivalents and a Marine heavy brigade are now in theater. An armada of US warplanes is assembling around Iraq, which is bombed almost daily. US special forces are operating in northern Iraq, and, along with Israeli scout units, in Iraq's western desert near the important H2 airbase. The war could begin as early as mid-December if there is no coup against Saddam Hussein. 

But for all the propaganda about wicked Saddam Hussein, Iraq is not the main objective for the small but powerful coterie of Pentagon hardliners driving the Bush Administration's national security policy. Nor is it for their intellectual and emotional mentors in Israel's rightwing Likud Party. The real target of the coming war is Iran, which Israel views as its principal and most dangerous enemy. Iraq merely serves as a pretext to whip American into a war frenzy and to justify insertion of large numbers of US troops into Mesopotamia. 

Israeli defense officials have long dismissed demolished Iraq as a minor threat, even though it likely has 6-18 old Scud missiles hidden away. Saddam Hussein did not use chemical weapons in 1991 for fear of Israeli nuclear retaliation. Israel now has the world's most advanced anti-missile system, Arrow, with two batteries operational, and numerous batteries of the latest US Patriot missiles. The prevailing view in the Israeli military is that Iraq will be quickly defeated by US forces, and then likely split into two or three cantons. Israel's North American supporters, however, are still being given the party line that Israel is in mortal danger from Iraq. 

Iran is a different story. Iran is expected to produce a few nuclear weapons within five years to counter Israel's large nuclear arsenal, and is developing a medium-range missile, Shahab3, that can easily reach Israel. With 68 million people and a growing industrial base, Iran is seen by Israel as a serious threat and major Mideast geopolitical rival. Both nations have their eye on Iraq's vast oil reserves. 

Israel's newly appointed hardline Defense Minister, former air force chief Shaul (check spelling!!!) Mofaz, who was born in Iran, has previously threatened to attack Iran's nuclear installations. Thanks to long-ranged F-15I's supplied by the US, plus cruise and ballistic missiles, Israel can strike targets all over Iran. This week, Israel's grand strategy was clearly revealed for the first time, though barely noticed by North American media, as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called for an invasion of Iran 'the day after' Iraq is crushed. 

Elections in Israel at the end of January will probably return Sharon's Likud Party and its extreme rightist allies to power, this time with a strengthened position. Ferocious competition for party leadership between the iron-fisted Sharon and the even more hardline Binyamin Netanyahu suggests a further move to the far right, zero chances for peace with Palestinians, and a more aggressive policy towards Israel's unloving neighbors. 

In the US, Pentagon hardliners are drawing up plans to invade Iran once Iraq and its oil are 'liberated.' They hope civil war will erupt in Iran, which is riven by bitterly hostile factions, after which a pro-US regime will take power. If this does not occur, then Iraq-based US forces will be ideally positioned to attack Iran. Or, they could just as well move west and invade Syria, another of Israel's most bitter enemies. Israel's Likudniks thirst for revenge against Syria - and also Iran - for supporting Lebanon's Hizbullah movement, which drove Israeli forces from Lebanon. The unofficial leader of what some call 'the American Likud Party,' Pentagon super hawk, Richard Perle, told our TV program, 'Diplomatic Immunity,' that the US was prepared to attack Syria, Iran, and Lebanon. 

[CTRL] Murder at Kibbutz Metzer

2002-11-11 Thread Tenorlove
-Caveat Lector-

Item #4 is probably of the most interest to the list.


 Arutz Sheva News Service
 Monday, Nov. 11, 2002 / Kislev 6, 5763
 Kibbutz Metzer, between the Shomron and Hadera in central Israel, is
 mourning today after a terrorist infiltrated the town last night,
 slaughtered two children and three adults, and then kept the security

 forces and the residents on tense alert until this morning when it
 ascertained that he had safely fled the area.

 The murderer entered the kibbutz (agricultural collective), 30 miles
 northeast of Tel Aviv and only a few hundred meters from the pre-1967

 armistice line (Green Line), shortly before midnight.  He first shot
 at two
 people walking on a path, mortally wounding Tirtzah Damari, 42, of
 Elyachin, but not injuring her companion, who managed to escape and
 out in a barn for several hours.  Yitzchak Dori, 43, head of the
 secretariat, came to assist when he heard the gunfire, and apparently
 several shots at the terrorist - but to no avail.  The Arab shot at
 him as
 well and killed him, then entered a house and pumped bullets into 4-
 5-year-old brothers and their mother - the Ochayon family - as she
 cowering with them in their bedroom.

 It was not clear at that point how many terrorists were involved, or
 he or they were, and residents were ordered to stay indoors with
 lights off while a thorough manhunt in every corner of the kibbutz
 launched.  Only around 7 AM were the residents allowed out, after the

 terrorist was declared to have fled.  Very heavy police, Border
 Guard, and
 IDF forces remained in neighboring areas.

 Yitzchak Dori was buried this afternoon in Metzer, while at the same
 Tirtzah Damari was being laid to rest in Moshav Elyachin, near
 Hadera.  Tirtzah is the third Oslo War victim from Elyachin in the
 year, though the town itself was never attacked.

 The funerals of the Ochayon family members - Revital and her two sons

 Matan, 5, and Noam, 4 - will be held this evening in the Haifa
 area.  Revital, described as a powerhouse of energy, was separated
 her husband, with whom she was speaking on the phone when the
 entered her home.  She and her two children moved to Netzer from
 Chana a few months ago.  Her former husband said today that he heard
 gunshot and the children's screams over the phone.  In a voice broken
 sobs, he said afterwards that though he knew what had happened, they

 wouldn't let me in to the kibbutz for three hours.  'Be optimistic,'
 told us…  Do you know what's it like for two 5-year old kids?  …  Do
 know how beautiful they were?

 Kibbutz Metzer was established in the early 1950's by South American
 immigrants of the left-wing HaShomer HaTza'ir movement, and currently
 some 500 members.  Menashe Regional Council Head Ilan Sadeh said that
 the years Metzer has had extraordinary relations with the local
 wonderful neighborly relations.  Concerned that construction of a
 separation fence would encroach upon neighboring Arab-cultivated
 land, the
 kibbutz recently offered to give up some of its own lands for the
 purpose -
 or, alternatively, suggested that no fence at all be built between
 and its Arab neighbors.

 Arutz-7's Effie Meir spoke this morning with some members of Kibbutz
 about the murderous attack.  One former Peace Now leader said that he

 realized about a year ago that, with all due respect to our desire
 peace, so far it's only been a one-way street…  The Palestinians are
 yet ready for peace.  He said that he thinks the terrorists picked
 Metzer specifically because of its left-wing tilt.  Two others did
 agree, however.  One said that the attack does not change his
 perception of
 his Arab neighbors, as it's only a very small percentage of Arabs
 who are
 terrorists…  If it wasn't for the placement of the security fence
 encroached significantly on Arab olive groves], we could have
 living in peace.  In answer to a question, another man said, Yes,
 we will
 continue to make peace - I hope so.  After all, I like peace.

 Representatives of the Psychological Service of the Yesha Regional
 arrived in Metzer this morning to offer their help to the bereaved
 families.  Kibbutz Movement leaders also visited the kibbutz, and
 said that
 despite the attack, their movement will continue to adhere to its
 policy of
 peace and reconciliation…  Kibbutz Metzer is living evidence of
 co-existence even during times of conflict.

 Defense Minister Sha'ul Mofaz and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Moshe
 met for a long meeting today, apparently planning Israel's military
 retaliation.  The two worked together as Chief of Staff and Deputy
 Chief of

Re: [CTRL] Could Bush Become another Hitler?

2002-11-11 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Could Bush Become another Hitler?
-Caveat Lector-

I have to go with The Boondocks on this one

Comparing bush to Hitler is unfair

I mean Hitler was democratically elected, wasnt he?

on 11/11/02 9:33 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum 

Could Bush Become Another Hitler? 

Posted By: HMakow [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]%3Fsubject=Could%20Bush%20Become%20Another%20Hitler%3F 
Date: Monday, 11 November 2002, 9:08 p.m. 

Could Bush Become another Hitler? 

The Timetable for Tyranny 

By Henry Makow, Ph.D. 

If evil powers wanted to impose a dictatorship on the United States, would they candidly announce their goal? 

They would do exactly as they are doing now: They would invent a foreign menace like Muslim terrorism, and stage a dramatic attack like 9-11. This is why Bush has blocked an independent investigation of the WTC attack. 

They would rely on the sheeple to vote for their own enslavement, i.e. the Patriot Act, increased military expenditures, and the Department of Homeland Security. 

The German people voted Hitler into power. Hitler arranged the burning of the Reichstag as an excuse to suspend civil rights. Hitler made his attack on Poland look like a defensive action. International bankers like Prescott Bush, George W's grandfather, funded Hitler. George W. belongs to an Illuminati family whose loyalty is to world government dictatorship, not to the US. See The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush ( 

Muslim militants do not represent a military threat to the United States, or even to Israel. It is the other way around. The U.S. and Israel are pawns of international bankers, intent on removing the last obstacles to their Lucifer-worshipping New World Order. 

They are taking Sadaam behind the woodshed as a lesson to any country that would resist their global dictatorship. Sadaam deserves credit for defying this nefarious cabal. 

Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia want to appease George W. but they are NEXT on the hit list. Chamberlain gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler in Munich but that did not diminish Hitler's appetite. 

Europe, Japan and China go along in the UN but they will be dependent on the Rockefeller-Rothschilds for oil. They will be forced to sacrifice national sovereignty. 

Let's gaze into our crystal ball. 

The United States subjugates Iraq. Depending on how costly it is, the US will quickly turn its attention to the remaining independent Arab states. 

Anti-American feeling will enflame the billion-strong Muslim world. Pro-US governments will wobble. US or Israeli troops may have to prop them up. Where before, terrorist actions were mostly organized by the CIA-Mossad-MI5, now there are genuine Muslim reprisals. 

There are American casualties both at home and abroad. Some of these acts originate or are assisted by the CIA etc. who wish to foment chaos. Viruses or even nuclear attacks blamed on Muslim radicals kill hundreds of thousands. The American population becomes restive, angry and polarized. Most are willing to sacrifice freedom in return for security. 

The anti-war movement mushrooms and there are large demonstrations and acts of civil disobedience. The Patriot Act or a similar measure is used to clamp down on dissent and ban firearms in the name of national security. Detention camps are filled. Americans awake to discover the United States is a dictatorship. 

Thus, what is supposed to be a war against terror reveals its true face: a totalitarian takeover. 

Don't wait until it's too late. Join like-minded people. Edward Griffin's Freedom Force International is one group that is mobilizing. His web site is Another is the John Birch Society ( ). A third organization is Bob Schulz's ( We the People!( ) 

Henry Makow, Ph.D, is the inventor of the board game Scruples and the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. His articles on feminism and the New World Order are archived on his web site . He welcomes your comments at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

A HREF="" DECLARATION  DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply. 

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. 

[CTRL] Europeans Ban Internet Hate Speech

2002-11-11 Thread Tenorlove
-Caveat Lector-

Europeans Ban Net Hate Speech

By Julia Scheeres

Story location:,1367,56294,00.html 02:00 AM Nov.
09, 2002 PT

The Council of Europe has adopted a measure that would criminalize
Internet hate speech, including hyperlinks to pages that contain
offensive content.

The provision, which was passed by the council's decision-making body
(the Committee of Ministers), updates the European Convention
on Cybercrime.

Specifically, the amendment bans any written material, any image or
any other representation of ideas or theories, which advocates,
promotes or incites hatred, discrimination or violence, against any
individual or group of individuals, based on race, colour,
descent or national or ethnic origin, as well as religion if used as
pretext for any of these factors.

It also obliquely refers to the Holocaust, outlawing sites that deny,
minimize, approve or justify crimes against humanity,
particularly those that occurred during World War II.

The emergence of international communication networks like the
Internet provide certain persons with modern and powerful means to
support racism and xenophobia and enables them to disseminate easily
and widely expressions containing such ideas, the council's
report on the amendment states. In order to investigate and
prosecute such persons, international cooperation is vital.

Many European countries have existing laws outlawing Internet racism,
which is generally protected as free speech in the United
States. The council cited a report finding that 2,500 out of 4,000
racist sites were created in the United States.

Critics say that the measure may push hate groups to set up virtual
shop in the United States, pointing to a decision last year by a
U.S. judge who ruled that Yahoo did not have to block French
citizens' access to online sales of Nazi memorabilia, which are
in that country. The judge determined that U.S. websites are only
subject to American law.

This could lead to a clash of cultures, said Cedric Laurant, a
Belgian lawyer and staff counsel with the Electronic Privacy and
Information Center. What will happen if the French police start
asking local U.S. police to give them information about the people
running a site?

European countries may decide to censor U.S. content themselves, as
Spain has done, suggested Carlos Sánchez Almeida, a cybercrime
lawyer located in Barcelona.

Spain recently passed legislation authorizing judges to shut down
Spanish sites and block access to U.S. Web pages that don't comply
with national laws.

If European countries adopt the (anti-racism) amendment of the
European Council in their legislatures, they'll also be able to
block websites from the U.S.A., despite the First Amendment.

Representatives of the 44 European countries on the European Council
must decide whether to adopt or reject the measure during the
next Parliamentary Assembly session in January. Countries who support
the amendment will then need to ratify it in their national
legislatures before making it law.

Do you Yahoo!?
U2 on LAUNCH - Exclusive greatest hits videos

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The New World Religion

2002-11-11 Thread Tenorlove
-Caveat Lector-

Not sure exactly what is being sold here.


 The New World Religion
 by William F. Jasper

 Presented to the world as a mystical revelation, the UN Earth Charter
 is actually a diabolical blueprint for global government.

 My hope is that this charter will be a kind of Ten Commandments, a
 Sermon on the Mount, that provides a guide for human behavior
 toward the environment in the next century and beyond.

 - Mikhail Gorbachev

 Complete with photos.

 2-9 Copies - $0.50 each
 10-99 Copies - $0.40 each
 100-999 Copies - $0.30 each
 1000+ Copies - $0.20 each

 Millions of Americans were justifiably shocked and outraged over the
 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals' notorious ruling on the
 Pledge of Allegiance. Can our courts really have sunk this low?
 people asked. How can little Johnny and Suzie violate the
 Constitution by uttering the words 'under God' while reciting the
 Pledge of Allegiance in a public school?

 Yet that is what the Court said in its June 26th decision. This
 ruling was a continuation of an ongoing subversive campaign aimed at
 expunging all mention of God and all Christian symbols from the
 public sphere. Judicial activists have ordered our students not to
 invoke the Almighty's name in prayer on school property. Posting the
 Ten Commandments on classroom walls is also supposedly a major
 no-no. Traditional Christmas carols with religious themes are out, as
 are Nativity scenes. Christmas and Easter vacations have been
 de-Christianized to, respectively, winter and spring breaks. Many
 textbooks have dropped the traditional Christocentric dating
 system of B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini, In the Year of
 Our Lord) in favor of B.C.E. (Before the Common Era) and C.E.
 (Common Era).

 Many Christians concerned about this trend are looking hopefully to
 the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse the 9th Circuit's ruling, as
 it has done with some of that court's previous radical rulings. Even
 if that were to happen, developments at the World Summit on
 Sustainable Development (also known as Earth Summit II) could
 ultimately undo any Supreme Court reversal. If the Earth Summiteers
 have their way, Johnny and Suzie will not be able to pledge
 allegiance to one nation, under God, but they will be able to
 to One World, under Gaia - that is, Mother Earth. They will not be
 allowed to have the Ten Commandments or the Holy Bible in
 class, but could soon be bowing before the pagan Ark of Hope,
 reading the sacred Temenos Books, and reverently intoning the text
 of the new UN Earth Charter.

 Those decrying the 9th Circuit Court's harmful decisions will take
 little comfort in learning that senior 9th Circuit Court Judge J.
 Clifford Wallace was among the jurists attending the Johannesburg
 Summit's Global Judges Symposium. That meeting was hosted by
 several globalist institutions with a pronounced hostility toward the
 United States. The participants, which included judges from
 Communist regimes, pledged to apply new legal instruments in keeping
 with the principles of sustainable development, and the
 international Rule of Law.

 One of the documents designed to advance this process, the
 long-awaited Earth Charter, was formally unveiled to the world at
 Johannesburg. Crafted by a conclave of Wise Persons headed by
 former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev, it is set to become the
 Holy Writ of the UN's new global spirituality. Although the Earth
 Charter is not a legally binding document, its impact may prove
 damaging and pervasive. Its benign-sounding verbiage and symbolic
 nature camouflage its dangerous purpose. The Charter is intended
 to become a universally adopted creed that will psychologically
 prepare the world's children to accept the necessity of world
 government to save the environment. It is also an outrageous attempt
 to indoctrinate your children in the UN's New Age paganism.

 The Preamble of the Earth Charter states:

 . we are one human family and one Earth community with a common
 destiny. We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global
 society founded on respect for nature Towards this end, it is
 imperative that we, the peoples of Earth, declare our
 responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life, and
 to future generations.

 According to the Charter, humanity must undergo a global change of
 mind and heart. And the UN's all-wise seers visualize
 themselves as the lead change agents for this global undertaking. The
 Earth Charter Initiative, however, candidly admits that it
 intends to recruit your children as change agents, as well. We seek
 to increase the participation of young people in utilizing the
 Earth Charter as a guideline in their work as active agents of
 change, says the Earth Charter Initiative website. They have been
 doing precisely that, and will be accelerating their program
 throughout the world - 

Re: [CTRL] The New World Religion

2002-11-11 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

on 11/11/02 11:07 PM, Tenorlove at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Not sure exactly what is being sold here.


Christian fundamentalism.

 The New World Religion
 by William F. Jasper

-- -- -- - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- 
The most tyrannical governments are those which make crimes of opinions, for
everyone has an inalienable right to his thoughts.



CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The New World Religion

2002-11-11 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

At 11:07 PM 11/11/02 , you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

Not sure exactly what is being sold here.


An Occult Religion of the World Elite.
A blueprint for total control of thought, speech and religion.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Saddam silent as MPs defy UN

2002-11-11 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

He only has days to stretch this out.  Wonder what he'll decide?

Saddam silent as MPs defy UN
By Anton La Guardia, Diplomatic Editor
(Filed: 12/11/2002)

Iraq's rubber-stamp parliament staged a show of indignation yesterday
and called for the rejection of the United Nations ultimatum for Baghdad
to rid itself of weapons of mass destruction.

But the only voice that counts, that of Saddam Hussein, remained silent.

It was not clear whether the Iraqi leader intended to precipitate an
immediate confrontation - and an inevitable war with America and its
allies - or whether he would continue to play for time.

Ignoring the US administration's warnings of zero tolerance over Iraqi
defiance, one MP after another rose to denounce the unanimous UN
Security Council resolution as a blatant provocation for war and a
violation of Iraqi sovereignty.

As the emergency session of the assembly opened, Salim al-Koubaisi, head
of the foreign relations committee, urged it to reject the Security
Council resolution, which was passed last Friday.

The committee advises . . . the rejection of Security Council
Resolution 1441 and to not agree to it in response to the opinions of
our people, who put their trust on us, Mr al-Koubaisi told colleagues.
The speaker of parliament, Saadoun Hamadi denounced the resolution as
one stacked with ill intentions, falsehood, lies and dishonesty.

The tone of defiance, broadcast live on Iraqi television after the state
media had reported the UN resolution in a low-key manner, was something
of a surprise.

A day earlier Iraqi officials had contrived to interpret the tough
resolution as a victory for Iraq and a defeat for US war plans.

On the face of it, the parliament appeared to be preparing the stage for
a momentous rejection. But the MPs made clear that the real decision
would be taken elsewhere: by the Revolutionary Command Council and

What is proposed is the rejection of the UN resolution as an expression
of the feeling of the Iraqi people and stance regarding the ill
intentions of the resolution, Mr Hammadi said before the session
adjourned until today. Parliament will authorise the leadership to take
any measure which it sees appropriate to defend the country.

An outright rejection would be characteristic for Saddam, who has
repeatedly gambled and recklessly ignored the UN's ultimatum before the
1991 Gulf war.

But in September he abruptly switched tactics from defiance to
co-operation, and Baghdad said it was ready to re-admit weapons

Iraq has until Friday to accept Security Council resolution 1441. This
gives Saddam a final opportunity to comply with resolutions requiring
Iraq to disarm itself of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, and
the means of delivery.

A second, more important deadline comes in early December, when Saddam
will have to give a full account of his weapons programmes. Any lies or
omission would constitute a casus belli.

America has stepped up its warnings that even the slightest violation
could precipitate military action. President George W Bush marked
Veterans Day yesterday by repeating warnings that disarming Saddam
Hussein is an urgent task for America and the world.

Addressing British and American Second World War veterans in the White
House, Mr Bush declared his readiness to use the full force and might
of the United States military if necessary.

The time to confront this threat is before it arrives, not the day
after, he added.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] - White House 'Bonesman' leads nation into the dark

2002-11-11 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
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Well, when your skull is empty, all you gotta worry about is your ... of course, by the time the skull is empty, everything goes on auto without benefit of reason ...

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[CTRL] Voting machine

2002-11-11 Thread Euphorian
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Voting machine scandal upsets commissioners in two counties

Indian River voids its contract after finding out a Sequoia Voting Systems executive 
indictment in a voting equipment scandal.


© St. Petersburg Times, published November 8, 2001

Indian River voids its contract after finding out a Sequoia Voting Systems executive 
indictment in a voting equipment scandal.

Two counties on Florida's east coast are angry over Sequoia Voting Systems' failure to
reveal that one of its top executives is under indictment in a voting equipment 

News of the criminal charges already has jeopardized a $15.5-million contract in 
County and sparked questions in Hillsborough County, where Sequoia also wants to sell 
electronic voting machines.

On Tuesday, Indian River County leaders voided a $2-million contract with Sequoia, 
that they were not told before signing the deal that the man they negotiated with is 
in a Louisiana money laundering and corruption conspiracy.

They did something that was unconscionable in dealing with the public . . . not 
us this gentleman was indicted, said county Commissioner John Tippin. It's going to 
take a
near miracle, I think, for us to do business with this company.

And some Palm Beach County commissioners are steamed that Elections Supervisor
Theresa LePore didn't tell them about the charges before they inked a deal in 

I didn't think it was relevant, LePore said in an interview. I signed the contract, 
not the
commissioners. They trust me to make the right decision.

When told of the charges, Commissioner Burt Aaronson sputtered Wednesday, I'm
appalled. . . . She didn't think it was relevant?

News of the indictment against Sequoia executive Phil Foster reached Indian River 
officials last week after it was reported in the St. Petersburg Times. The contract 
California- based Sequoia had been approved Oct. 23.

If our community had known ahead of time, I know our community would not have voted
on it, said Indian River Commissioner Fran Adams. This is not a parking ticket. It's 
a very
serious charge in terms of public service.

Revelations about Foster sent a similar jolt through Pinellas, where officials learned 
of his
charges the day before they were set to award Sequoia a contract. The county now is
conducting extensive background checks on the companies bidding in Pinellas, as well as
some of their employees. Commissioners have scheduled a discussion on the contract for
Nov. 20.

Foster is charged with two counts of conspiracy to commit money laundering and one 
of conspiracy to commit malfeasance in office. No trial date has been set.

Pinellas County Commissioner Ken Welch said he understands Indian River's frustration.

If you know up front, it's on the table, Welch said. For Indian River, you already 
made an
agreement and you find this out -- I can understand their wanting to rescind the 

Pinellas Commissioner Susan Latvala said Foster's indictment is a terrible thing to 
out. Still, she said, she doesn't want to hold the equipment responsible for 
involving one person.

I think it's tragic they made the decision -- obviously they thought they were the 
machines -- and now they're rescinding it because of a person who hasn't been 
Latvala said.

Indian River County notified Sequoia on Tuesday that it was severing the contract, 
citing a
legal technicality. Sequoia officials disputed the legal issue in a written response 
to Indian
River, stating that the company does not accept the board's unlawful declaration that 
agreement is void.

Sequoia has stood by Foster and said he is innocent. The company also assumed that
Foster's indictment was public knowledge, officials have said.

It's an unfortunate situation that they feel they haven't gotten the information when 
need it, said Kathryn Ferguson, Sequoia vice president of government relations and 

Sequoia and Indian River officials are planning to discuss the issue Friday and again 
at a
public meeting later this month. Ferguson said the company is looking forward to the
opportunity to address Indian River leaders.

I think it will be good to bring it all out, she said. We thought it was in the 
Obviously it wasn't to the extent we thought it was.

County leaders say they want Sequoia to give an explanation and an apology. But it 
not be enough to change their minds.

This is no way to do business, said Commissioner Ruth Stanbridge. Even if they had
supreme confidence in him, they should never jeopardize their integrity. I think it's
contaminated the whole thing.

-- The South Florida Sun-Sentinel contributed to this report.

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