[CTRL] Bush isn't a moron, he's a cunning sociopath

2002-12-07 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Bush isn't a moron, he's a cunning sociopath

By Bev Conover
Online Journal Editor  Publisher

December 5, 2002—If any of us are to have a future worth having, the world's leaders, 
members of Congress, the US corporate media and people of all political persuasions who
value freedom and democracy had better start seeing George W. Bush for what he is: a
sociopath and a passive serial killer.

Psychiatrists tell us that all serial killers lack the emotions that make us human; 
that they
have to learn to emulate those emotions in order to get by in society. Hence, a 
well educated fellow like Ted Bundy who is known to have murdered 15 women and may
have killed 36 before he was caught.

While Bush is no Bundy, when it comes Bundy's education and acquired charm, and to our
knowledge has never personally murdered anyone, it has been evident to us that there is
something missing in George W. in terms of his lack of compassion and empathy. As
governor of Texas, he set a record in signing death warrants—154 in five years. He even
made fun of the way convicted killer Karla Faye Tucker begged for her life.

If we believe the psychiatrists, a sign of a future serial killer is a child who 
delights in
torturing and killing animals. George W., as a child, did exactly that. In a May 21, 
New York Times' puff piece about the values Bush gained growing up in Midland, Texas,
Nicholas D. Kristoff quoted Bush's childhood friend Terry Throckmorton: 'We were 
to animals,' recalled Mr. Throckmorton, laughing. A dip behind the Bush home turned 
into a
small lake after a good rain, and thousands of frogs would come out. 'Everybody would 
BB guns and shoot them,' Mr. Throckmorton said. 'Or we'd put firecrackers in the frogs 
throw them and blow them up.'

On Sept. 12, 2000, Baltimore Sun reporter Miriam Miedzian wrote, So when he was a kid,
George W. enjoyed putting firecrackers into frogs, throwing them in the air, and then
watching them blow up. Should this be cause for alarm? How relevant is a man's 
behavior to what he is like as an adult? And in this case, to what he would be like as
president of the United States.

We're finding out, aren't we? While we, in two articles before the 2000 election—Sept. 
and Oct. 23—noted Bush's penchant for blowing up frogs, the corporate media blew it 
just as it had no interest in what he was trying to hide by obtaining a new Texas 
license and his 1976 drunk driving conviction, or the fact he was AWOL from the Texas 
National Guard. Instead, they bought into his nonsensical claim of being a 
conservative and a uniter not a divider who was going to restore honor and dignity 
the White House.

All through the 2000 campaign and up to Sept. 11, 2001, the corporate media depicted
Bush as an affable, tongue-tied bumbler—the kind of guy Joe Six-pack would like to 
have a
beer with—turning a blind eye to his dark underside. It mattered not that he stocked 
illicit administration with the worst of the worst: John Ashcroft, Donald Rumsfeld, 
Norton, Paul O'Neill, Harvey Pitt, Thomas White, John Negroponte, Otto Reich and 
Iran-contra felon Elliot Abrams who received a 1992 Christmas Eve pardon from George
W.'s father.

Then, despite his peculiar behavior on Sept. 11, the corporate media and his handlers
transformed him into a leader extraordinaire in the mold of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 
Lincoln and Winston Churchill rolled into one.

And as Bush had Afghanistan bombed back beyond the Stone Age to rid the world of
Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, then switched to claiming it was the Taliban that had to 
then declared there was an axis of evil and it was really Saddam Hussein who was the
mother of all evil and that war with Iraq was in the offing to get rid of Saddam, the
corporate media cheered him on and to this day continues to beat the war drum. They 
yet to consider that the passive serial killer needs to feed his lust for blood by 
others to put their lives on the line and do the killing for him.

In his Sept. 12 article, White House insiders say Bush is out of control, Mike Hersh 
Some among Bush's trusted White House staff fear what they are seeing and where Bush
is taking us. His state of mind hauntingly reminds them of Richard Nixon's Final Days. 
fear Bush is becoming Nixonesque . . . or worse. Although Bush lacks Nixon's paranoia, 
may entertain even more dangerous notions.

But their desperate late night phone calls to trusted reporters has not seen the light 
of day
in the corporate media. Yet, some of us outside the Beltway have long had an inkling of
what we are dealing with.

More proof lies in Alexandra Pelosi's documentary, Journeys with George. Pelosi, the
daughter of incoming House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, was a producer for NBC when
she wangled the 

[CTRL] The Sacramento Bee -- sacbee.com -- Drastic state job cuts seen

2002-12-07 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


This story is taken from politics at sacbee.com.

Drastic state job cuts seen

Thousands expected to be laid off; others may face pay cuts.

By Ed Fletcher -- Bee Capitol Bureau - (Published December 6, 2002)

Thousands of state workers will be laid off as the state seeks to trim nearly half a
billion dollars from its payroll next year, administration officials said Thursday.

State workers surviving the layoffs will be asked to share the state's fiscal pain by 
pay raises now scheduled to take effect in July.

We are gearing up for very significant layoffs, said Marty Morgenstern, director of 
Department of Personnel Administration. I don't know how many. I would think thousands
rather than hundreds.

The move to rein in state payroll costs comes as Gov. Gray Davis and the Legislature
embark on a strategy for bridging a massive budget deficit.

The official estimate of the shortfall through June 2004 is $21.1 billion, in a 
general fund of
$78 billion. But lawmakers and others have said it is likely to reach $30 billion or 

Today, Davis is scheduled to release his plan to cover $10 billion of the gap, double 
amount he proposed two weeks ago.

Hard times require hard decisions, the Democratic governor said in a prepared 

On Monday, the Legislature is scheduled to convene in a rare special session to 
Davis' proposed midyear cuts. Morgenstern, who met Thursday with representatives of
state employee unions to deliver the news, called the state budget difficulties a 
crisis of
unparalleled proportions.

Cutting thousands of state employee positions also would be unparalleled in the modern
era. Morgenstern said 2,500 California Department of Transportation workers were
transferred to other departments in 1975. A few hundred employees were laid off in the
1990s, but he said most were found new state jobs.

Morgenstern said such transfers would be unlikely this time. He said state employee
representatives were told payroll reductions would come through a combination of 
and salary cost savings.

Everybody knew there is a real crisis. No one is happy, but no one was surprised,
Morgenstern said of the meeting.

The administration currently employs 182,000 workers at an annual cost of $10 billion,
excluding benefits. An additional 144,000 state workers not directly under the
administration's control, including California State University, University of 
California, court
and legislative employees, cost the state $7.1 billion. It remained unclear whether 
also would seek layoffs or salary cost savings from that group.

Jim Hard, who represents civil service division employees within the California State
Employees Association, said the state shouldn't lay off employees at a time when
Californians will need state services more than ever.

I don't think anyone wants DMV lines any longer, Hard said. He said the state should 
raise taxes on the rich, close tax loopholes and stop contracting out for services 
employees could do.

Bruce Blanning, speaking on behalf of engineers working for the state, also said the 
could save money by eliminating outside contracts.

Before you talk to us about reducing payroll, stop wasting money contracting out, 

The bulk of state workers are expecting a modest boost in take-home pay in July, when 
a 5
percent raise kicks in. In their current two-year contracts, most state workers were 
to reduce their contribution to their retirement account without that reduction 
their retirement package.

But the raise was to be the first in base pay for most state employees since they 
received a
4 percent boost in September 2000.

The unions are now being asked to return to the bargaining table and delay that 

According to Blanning and others, the administration insisted there will be no sacred
cows as changes in state employee contracts are discussed.

California Highway Patrol officers and state correctional officers, who signed more 
contracts last year, are set to receive raises of between 25 percent and 37 percent by 
time their five-year deals expire.

The contract signed by the Association of California Highway Patrolmen includes 
for raises in the final three years so that CHP officer salaries reach parity with 
major law
enforcement agencies within the state, including the Los Angeles Police Department.

That contract settled a lawsuit brought by the association seeking to enforce a state 
tying CHP pay to the pay of the local law enforcement officers. While the state was not
required to do so, it gave a similar contract to correctional officers at the state's 
who were represented by the California Correctional Peace Officers Association.

Morgenstern said at the time the contract was reached that it was important to maintain

[CTRL] Raising Cane

2002-12-07 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

URL: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A15787-2002Dec5.html

Landrieu Supporters Raising Cane With Terrell Over Sugar Issue

By Ragan Naresh

CQ Politics Reporter
Thursday, December 5, 2002; 8:20 PM

With 10-foot stalks of weatherbeaten sugar cane in their hands and wide-brimmed
sombreros on their heads, groups of sugar cane farmers, union workers and Democratic
activists have been shadowing Louisiana Republican Suzanne Haik Terrell in the last 
days of
her campaign to unseat Democratic Sen. Mary L. Landrieu.

They were on the scene when Terrell's campaign bus arrived in central Louisiana
Wednesday night and again when the GOP challenger visited the southwestern Cajun
Country center of Lafayette Thursday.

The guerrilla theater by Terrell's opponents is part of an effort to reinforce one of
Landrieu's key charges as she seeks to stave off defeat in the unusual Dec. 7 Senate 
That Terrell's close ties to President Bush -- who has put the full weight of the 
White House
behind her bid -- would actually hurt Louisiana's sugar industry.

At issue is a Nov. 20 report in the Mexican newspaper Reforma that a trade agreement to
allow a doubling in the amount of sugar Mexico could export to the United States had 
struck between Bush and Vicente Fox, the president of Mexico.

While the Bush administration contends that no such deal has been finalized, the 
campaign has seized upon the issue.

Running on a theme of Put Louisiana First, Landrieu has been trying to offset the 
conservative lean -- and Republican efforts to paint her as too liberal -- by 
Terrell as a rubber stamp who would be beholden to Bush even when his policies run
counter to Louisiana interests.

Landrieu has characterized the reported sugar agreement as a backroom deal that the
administration purposely sought to withhold from the public until after the election.

U.S. sugar prices are almost three times higher than on world markets, in part because
imports of raw sugar are limited by law to 1.4 million short tons, including 151,885 
from Mexico. That benefits sugar cane and sugar beet farmers in states like Louisiana,
Florida and Minnesota, but boosts raw material prices for sugar-consuming companies 
Coca-Cola Co. and Mars Inc.

Terrell has attempted to distance herself from the alleged sugar deal. But some local
observers say Landrieu's sugar strategy could help her stall the momentum Terrell
appeared to gain when Bush visited the state on her behalf on Tuesday.

In raising the issue, Landrieu is going where many Democratic Senate candidates this 
feared to tread: testing the popularity of the president, whose all-out campaign blitz 
the Republicans win control of the Senate in the Nov. 5 elections.

She has learned that Bush's 'halo effect' is something she can address directly, said
Louisiana State University political scientist T. Wayne Parent. This turns attention 
back to
Louisiana and away from the power of Bush and the power that Terrell might have because
of her association with the president.

The runoff was necessitated when Landrieu took less than a majority vote -- 46 percent 
in the state's Nov. 5 primary, forcing her into a second round with state Elections
Commissioner Terrell, who had 27 percent.

With conservative voters expected to decide the outcome in the runoff, Landrieu is
performing a political high-wire act. Maintaining her long-standing claim that she is a
Democratic centrist, Landrieu has emphasized that she backed Bush on most Senate votes
since he became president. But she says she is an independent voice for Louisiana, and 
tried to use Terrell's own words to portray her opponent as a knee-jerk Republican.

[Terrell] bragged that 'Mary Landrieu says she [was] with President Bush 74 percent 
of the
time [in 2001], but we need a senator who will be with the president the other 26 
of the time,' Landrieu said. Unfortunately, [the reported sugar deal] is an example 
of that
other 26.

The $2 billion sugar industry in Louisiana is rich in tradition and influence, but has 
since Hurricane Lili and Tropical Storm Isidore hit the state in the fall and halved 
the cane

Landrieu is attempting to sway the 30,000 sugar producers and processors -- many of
whom lean Republican -- to vote for her. A number of them have decried the sugar trade
deal and joined in some of the hastily planned protests.

Terrell, though, has indicated that she would not support such a deal, and has 
challenged the claim that she would unequivocally support Bush.

She also argues that Landrieu's vocal criticism of the sugar deal is unwarranted since 
it is a
function of the 1993 North American Free Trade Agreement, enacted under the
administration of Democrat Bill Clinton, and is not simply Bush's policy.

[Landrieu] is trying to make it an issue that affects the campaign, but what is 
important is

[CTRL] Through a glass lightly: 10 hopeful cracks in the Bush faade

2002-12-07 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Through a glass lightly: 10 hopeful cracks in the Bush façade

By Bernard Weiner
Online Journal Contributing Writer

December 5, 2002—Don't know about you, but I find myself caught right in the middle of
the glass half-empty/half-full way of looking at our current political situation.

In my last piece (Shining Our Light on the Shadow Forces: Open Letter to the Fledgling
?Movement?), I talked about how things are going to get worse before they get worse,
and then even more worse, and then things will start to get better. In my darker
periods—which these days is most of the time—I still believe this, that what is about 
come down from BushCo. in the next few years is going to be horrendous, both for
Americans domestically and for those in the way of U.S. imperial moves abroad.

Domestically, due-process constitutional protections, already in shreds thanks to Bush 

Ashcroft, will nearly disappear. Big Brother government will invade our privacy in 
every area of our lives, thanks to technological breakthroughs and the magic word
terrorists. More citizens will be yanked off to the American gulags, cut off from 
review or even their attorneys. Internationally, BushCo. will continue to march 
belligerently, arrogantly and theateningly in their desire to bring benevolent 
hegemony to
those areas of the world rich in minerals and energy sources, thus stirring up 
rebellions and fueling more terrorism.

But rather than dwell on that awful picture, and what it presages for the future—the 
half-empty scenario—let's search for any hopeful signs that point to a way out of our
current morass.

In this glass-half-full approach, consider these:

1. Big Brotherism. A number of anti-big-government conservatives, appalled at the
constitutional excesses of the Bush administration and its Big Brother approach to 
on American citizens, have begun to rebel. A bit late, of course—since many of them
supported those very excesses in helping get the USA PATRIOT Act and the Homeland
Security bill passed—but better late than never.

It almost boggles the mind to read that such rightwing stalwarts as Dick Armey, Bob 
and Henry Hyde are about to join forces with the American Civil Liberties Union, as
consultants, to try to rein in the police-state tactics of the Bush administration. 
Politics does
indeed put one in the sack with the strangest bedfellows. (Incidentally, the ACLU— 
which is
running TV ads in selected markets showing Ashcroft taking scissors to the
Constitution—reports that it is being inundated with new members, up 12 percent from 
year at this time, and rising fast.)

In addition, such conservative/libertarian columnists as William Safire and Pat 
likewise are taking frontal potshots at the excesses of this arrogant administration 
and its
approach to the Constitution. Good for them!

If the civil libertarian wing of the Democratic party, and the anti-war movement in 
are wise, they will welcome these lapsed brethren into the anti-BushCo. fold and try 
utilize their conservative credentials to lure more such disaffected Republicans to 
the cause
of restoring constitutional balance and due process to our polity. (I think the 
Democrats may
have leaders with that kind of wisdom; I'm not sure about some of the segments of the
anti-war movement, still locked into slogans and behaviors that are sure to alienate 
great middle-class of Americans, without whom no political movement can make much

2. The Jeffords example. Given this relatively slight but growing conservative 
opposition to
BushCo. excesses, there may be more leverage for leaning on such moderate GOP
senators as Snowe, Collins, Specter and Chaffee to do a Jeffords and become
Independents, thus blocking BushCo.'s total control of the U.S. Congress. It would be 
miracle if some or all of them were to bolt the party—those GOP moderates stand to 
from the perks of being part of the winning side—but if they did, it would make it 
easier for
Democrats to head off the more egregious policies of the Bush administration. Surely 
GOP moderates are uneasy with (or even revolted by) some of those policies and, with
enough pressure from inside and outside the Senate, they might be willing to consider 
a patriotic move. There is talk amongst some Democrats of trying to lure them over by
promising them key leadership positions and other blandishments—not a bad strategy, if 
bit obvious.

3. The Supreme Court. One can expect that some of the more outrageous provisions of the
USA PATRIOT Act and the Homeland Security Act will make their way to the U.S. Supreme
Court, perhaps as early as next year. Given the growing revolt by conservatives 
against the
more extreme aspects of those bills with reference to civil liberties and privacy, it 
possible that the Supreme 

[CTRL] Salon.com Politics | Joe Conason's Journal

2002-12-07 Thread Euphorian
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Joe Conason's Journal
Rush -- nailed on his own show! Plus: Will disclosure requirement cause Kissinger to

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Dec. 5, 2002  | Squawk radio

A plucky Salon reader -- let's just call him Greg from Orlando since that's how his 
over at the EIB network know him -- sent a fascinating memo Wednesday about the
methods he has used to bring a bit of balance to Rush Limbaugh's radio show. This is 
version of their most recent encounter:

Scored a direct hit on the Hot Air Hindenburg today, making the kind of call to Rush
Limbaugh halfway through his show that [made] him a stuttering fool and [had] all of 
callers who followed trying to repair the damage. His show started with the usual 
demonizing of liberals, this time John Kerry from Massachusetts, a Vietnam War hero
whom Rush was mocking as 'Lurch,' using the Addams' Family theme song. But when he
tried to twist Kerry's words [from] Sunday on Meet the Press -- about how 'Sometimes in
war a leader looks behind him and the troops aren't there,' as somehow showing [Kerry] 
incompetent or a failure -- I'd had enough.

I jogged to the nearest phone and dialed a dozen times till I got through, then told 
his call
screener that I'd like to make the case that Kerry isn't going to be painted as a 
variety liberal as easily as they think, given his war-hero status and foreign policy
credentials. Guess I sold the screener, because I was put through onto the air within
seconds ...

I told Rush the same thing on the air and then asked him if he'd seen the New Yorker 
on Kerry. [A penetrating, thoughtful profile by Joe Klein that I ought to have 
mentioned last

Slowly and deliberately I told the story about how in
response to the Vietnam War, John Kerry had gone down to the recruiting office to sign 
to fight along with his two best friends, John J. Pershing III and Fred Smith, the 
founder of
Federal Express. When Rush tried to bring up the smear about him not having his troops
behind him, I explained that Kerry had been referring to how he won his Silver Star
rescuing crew members of his fast-boat who had fallen overboard, and been wounded even
while fending off a Vietcong machine gun nest.

I then asked Rush how Bush might respond if, in the debates, Kerry asked him where he
had been when he didn't show up for his plum [National Guard] assignment for a year. Or
for that matter, how [Rush] could disparage a war hero when he himself had dodged the
Vietnam Draft by claiming to have a boil on his butt.

He tried to lie [his way] out of this but I explained that his 4-F form listing a 
'pilonidal cyst'
was printed in books for all to see [i.e., The Rush Limbaugh Story by Paul D. 
Colford, St.
Martin's Press, 1993, in Chapter 2: Beating the Draft]. At that point, I was cut off 
the air
and as Rush stuttered and stumbled around like I have never heard him before, his
screener came back online and told me, 'You're out of here, buddy -- we've got you 
and you'll never call again.'

As with a previous call, when I nicknamed Rush 'The Jabba the Hut of American 
(which stuck and caused him to lose 100 pounds over a year's time), all of the rest of 
show was dominated by damage-control over my call. A number of callers took issue with
the correct labeling of most right-wing war-hawks as 'Chicken Hawks' -- and this 
Rush to obscure the issue by claiming that he'd merely not served, rather than dodged 
draft with a bogus 4-F status. At least nine times that I counted, he referred to me 
by name
with the usual cheap smears, and I collected each as a badge of honor I'm sending to 
Kerry to add to his uniform.

Please feel free to try a similar experiment in the comfort of your home. Greg also had
some advice for anyone who would like to debate El Rushbo:

I was on the air live around 1:30 p.m. [EST]. In order to get onto Rush's show as a 
you have to fall within usually a 1-2 day window where he has recently claimed, on the 
or to friends and colleagues (falsely), that he 'always puts liberals at the front of 
the line' --
when in reality they screen out almost anyone who they even suspect disagrees with them
on 99 out of 100 days ...

His and ALL of the right-wing shows ... carefully screen [and] filibuster the calls, 
so that
opposing views are quickly cut off and a balanced view cannot be reasonably 
entertained. It
is almost as if they know that if the other side can be fairly aired beside their own 
viewpoint, they would lose a significant [percentage] of sycophants.

Like other satellites of the RNC propaganda network, Limbaugh is testing various 
on Kerry -- which suggests how threatening they consider his candidacy. The radio
demagogue's written response to Greg -- plus audio -- can be found on the Limbaugh Web

[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-07 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Jenin riddle: Why did an Israeli soldier shoot a British official in the back?
Jonathan Cook in Jenin, Chris McGreal in Jerusalem and Ewen MacAskill
Friday December 06 2002
The Guardian

Stand where the Israeli army sniper stood and the questions come flooding in.

Foremost among them is how the soldier who shot Iain Hook in the back in Jenin refugee 
camp could have mistaken the lanky British UN official with a mobile phone to his ear 
for a Palestinian youth waving a gun, as the army claims.

The sniper was only 25 metres from his victim, in daylight, and he had a telescopic 

British officials say they are determined that the Israelis will not be allowed to get 
away with a cursory investigation into Mr Hook's killing a fortnight ago.

Whitehall, in turn, is under pressure from Hook's two sons, both British officers, who 
visited the site of his death and came away sceptical about the Israeli version of 

Sources in Whitehall say that the Foreign Office is unhappy about the delay in 
providing an explanation, and that British diplomats in Jerusalem meet the Israelis 
every day to press the issue.

We will not let this be swept under the carpet. If it was a mistake, we want them to 
apologise and provide compensation, the source said.

Hook, 54, from Felixstowe in Suffolk, died on November 22 after the Israeli army swept 
into Jenin refugee camp searching for a particular terrorist. The subsequent 
fighting was intense.

The army's hunt focused on buildings around the small UN compound where Hook worked 
for The Crown Estate, the British agency which manages crown property on behalf of the 
government. He led a project to rebuild Jenin camp, large parts of which were 
destroyed by the Israeli army in April.

Two hours before he was shot, Hook took a decision that may have sealed his fate. He 
was in the compound with another Briton, Paul Wolstenholme, 30 Palestinian staff, and 
two young children. He spent the morning trying to persuade the army by phone to call 
a temporary ceasefire with the Palestinian gunmen.

He spoke repeatedly to the local Israeli liaison officer, Captain Peter Lerner, then 
tried to appeal to the soldiers directly.

But as he left the compound a Palestinian gunman ran up behind him and used him as 
cover to fire at the army.

Israeli soldiers have long regarded the UN as collaborators with the Palestinians. The 
sight of a gunman sheltering behind Hook would have reinforced their hostility.

When Hook failed to achieve a ceasefire, Palestinians trying to get in to the compound 
knocked a hole in the wall. He telephoned Capt Lerner and left a message.

Hi Peter, it's Iain here. I'm just making a progress report, really.

We're pinned down in the compound. The shabab [young men] have knocked a hole in the 
wall, which I'm not happy about at all. I'm trying to keep them out and I will just 
keep my people pinned down in the corner until I hear from you.

Twenty minutes later Hook walked out of his office and into the courtyard. Shortly 
after that, the sniper's bullet caught him in the back.

Ate first the Israelis said he was shot outside the compound while standing among 

When that was shown to be false, they changed their story, saying Hook's final message 
proved that Palestinian fighters had overrun the UN compound and that the sniper had 
mistaken him for one of them and his mobile phone for a gun or grenade.

The UN says that is totally incredible. Its investigators have been told by staff, 
including Mr Wolstenholme, that no gunmen entered the site.

One question is why, if the Israeli army's version is correct, was Hook alone killed, 
and none of the Palestinian gunmen supposedly around him?

And where, if the Palestinians were using the compound to attack the Israelis, is the 
evidence of such a battle? None of the surrounding homes carry any evidence of bullet 

Witnesses told the UN investigators that there was no gunfire around the compound for 
tens of minutes before Hook was hit.

Mr Wolstenholme told them that he looked up and saw the face of the soldier who fired 
the fatal shot.

The Israeli army says that it was told that Hook had been shot 10 minutes after it 

But soldiers prevented an ambulance reaching the compound for 25 minutes.

Hook had bled to death before the ambulance reached the hospital.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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[CTRL] Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Wiccan Sues Board Over Prayer Refusal

2002-12-07 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Wiccan Sues Board Over Prayer Refusal

Saturday December 7, 2002 11:10 AM

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - A woman who practices a religion rooted in witchcraft is suing
county officials for refusing to add her name to a list of clergy invited to open board
meetings with a prayer.

The American Civil Liberties Union and Americans United for Separation of Church and
State filed the lawsuit Friday in U.S. District Court on behalf of Cynthia Simpson, a 

The lawsuit claims the Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors board discriminated
against Simpson based on her religion by inviting Christian clergy to deliver 
while refusing to allow her to do so.

``The county's treatment of Ms. Simpson amounts to the marking of Wicca with an 
badge of dishonor,'' the lawsuit says. ``It represents nothing less than overt, 
governmental disapproval of a religious tradition.''

The lawsuit accuses the board of violating the First Amendment's freedom of religion 
separation of church and state clauses, as well as the constitutional guarantee of 

``The county supervisors shouldn't be sponsoring prayers at all, but when they do, they
certainly can't play favorites,'' said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of 

Chesterfield County Administrator Lane Ramsey said the board can invite whomever it
wishes to give the invocation.

``We feel confident the position the Board of Supervisors has taken is a defensible
position,'' he said.

According to the lawsuit, the county board routinely opens meetings with an invocation 
guest clergy. Simpson asked the board to add her name to the list of volunteers for 
duty earlier this year.

County Attorney Steven L. Micas sent Simpson a letter denying her request. He wrote 
the invocations ``are traditionally made to a divinity that is consistent with the 
Christian tradition. Based upon our review of Wicca, it is neo-pagan and involves
polytheistic, pre-Christian deities.''

The lawsuit said county supervisors ridiculed Simpson and her faith. An Oct. 5 article 
in the
Richmond Times-Dispatch quoted Supervisor Renny B. Humphrey as saying ``I hope she's
a good witch like Glinda,'' the witch in ``The Wizard of Oz.'' Humphrey also said: 
is always Halloween.''

The article also quoted Kelley E. Miller, the board chairman, as saying, ``It's a 
mockery. It
is not any religion I would subscribe to.''

Neither Miller nor Simpson immediately returned phone calls seeking comment.

Wicca is a religion based on respect for the earth, nature and the cycle of the 
Wiccans consider themselves witches, pagans or neo-pagans.


On the Net:

Americans United: http://www.au.org

ACLU: http://www.aclu.org

Chesterfield County: http://www.co.chesterfield.va.us/

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Cherie Blair's accountant faces trial on fraud counts - smh.com.au

2002-12-07 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


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Cherie Blair's accountant faces trial on fraud counts

December 8 2002

An accountant recommended by an Australian fraudster to Cherie Blair, wife of British
Prime Minister Tony Blair, and used by her to buy flats, is to face trial on fraud 

The revelation is a serious blow to Mr Blair's office after its humiliating about-face 
last week
over a link between Mrs Blair and convicted Australian fraudster Peter Foster.

After a spokesman for Mr Blair denied that the Prime Minister's wife was ever connected
with Foster, she herself acknowledged on Thursday that he had played a part in helping 
buy two apartments in the west of England.

British Transport Police said Andrew Axelsen, the accountant who arranged the mortgage
on the flats, had been charged following an investigation into the awarding of 
contracts for
an extension to one of London's underground rail lines.

Police were responding to a report in Friday's Daily Telegraph, which said Axelsen's 
defendant at the trial would be Martin Williams, a lawyer suggested by Foster to do the
conveyancing on Mrs Blair's property deal. The Telegraph said Mrs Blair had opted for a
different lawyer.

Andrew Axelsen and Martin Williams have been charged in connection with a fraud
investigation. Both await trial,
with others, at the Central Criminal Court, a British Transport Police spokesman said.

Mr Blair's office refused to comment early today.

Foster is understood to be preparing to flee London and move to Fiji. He has breached 
visa conditions and has to leave Britain by Wednesday or face deportation.

Should his last-ditch court action to stay fail, it is unlikely he will return to 
Australia - where
the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is pursuing him in the Federal Court
over a diet scam that fleeced investors of $3.75million.

Instead it is understood 39-year-old Foster will return to Fiji, where he worked last 
year as
a political adviser during the elections. He is believed to be building a house there.

It emerged yesterday that the e-mails published in London, which conclusively proved 
Blair's involvement with Foster, were obtained in Australia.

In them Mrs Blair tells Foster he is a star for saving her $194,000 in a deal on two 
flats in
Bristol where her son Euan is attending university.

Foster has denied selling the e-mails, which have caught out the Downing Street press
office after its spin doctors had argued that Foster was not Mrs Blair's financial 

In a statement Foster said he had always viewed them as a confidential matter and they
remain confidential and I will never comment.

His friends claim the published e-mails may have come from business associates in
Australia and New Zealand to whom he had forwarded them to prove he was not
fantasising about his links with theBlairs.

But others claim he was paid as much as $250,000 by the Daily Mail for the

Yesterday there was no attempt by the Mail to deny that Foster secured a financial 
Sources from the paper denied only that the sum was large.

Foster has also spoken to his Australian friend, Queensland photo-journalist Regina 
King, to
tell her how Mrs Blair chose to trust him and take him on face value as the
boyfriend of her lifestyle guru
Carole Caplin.

Peter said they didn't want to dig up the past, that they were good Christian people 
took him for what he was now, Ms King said.

Peter is a very good talker, very charming and very charismatic and she obviously knew
him and trusted him.

But Mrs Blair, a 48-year-old lawyer, has been forced to make two embarrassing backdowns
and take full responsibility for the misinformation from Downing Street.

A second statement issued through Downing Street, hot on the heels of a first botched 
said: Having heard how some are reporting her statement, Mrs Blair wants to make it
clear that she, and she alone, is responsible for any misunderstanding between the 
10 press office and the media.

However, some of Foster's claims, including one that he had been promised help with his
deportation case and another that he was a guest at the Blairs' holiday home, have been
dismissed asfantasy.

Foster once dated topless model and singer Samantha Fox and embroiled her in a
slimming-tea scam that helped stall her career.

Now he has told Ms King that he is worried about the effect the latest publicity will 
have on
his current former topless model girlfriend, Ms Caplin, who miscarried their baby last 
He's desperately worried about the effect all this is having on Carole, she said.

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/12/07/1038950236697.html

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[CTRL] Religion of Peace? Prove it.

2002-12-07 Thread Tenorlove [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-

Religion of Peace? Prove it.

Jonah Goldberg

  If every German I meet or see is a Nazi, it's
reasonable for me to say all Germans are
  Nazis. It may not be true, of course, but having
no evidence indicating otherwise it's
  certainly understandable that I would draw that
conclusion. If, however, I constantly hear
  Germans condemn Nazism and anything which
remotely resembles Nazism, if I see them
  repudiating German Nazis, and working to repair
the damage done by German Nazis, it
  would be outrageously unfair and malicious for
me to say all Germans are Nazis.

  Now, under both hypothetical circumstances, the
actual number of Germans who are
  Nazis can remain the same. The only difference
is what the non-Nazi Germans do. As
  the saying goes, all that evil needs to triumph
is for good men to do nothing.

  This goes for public relations too.

  But first, let's bring things up to date. Right
now there's an interesting debate going on,
  mostly on the right — which makes sense as that
is where most interesting debates take
  place these days (think about it). It's
basically about the nature of Islam and how the
  Bush administration deals with the Muslim world.
On the one extreme are folks like Pat
  Robertson and Jerry Falwell, who say Islam is
soaked-to-the-bone violent and, according
  to some, just plain evil. On the other side, I
suppose, are folks like David Forte, a law
  professor and reported adviser to the White
House who, according to critics, believes
  religiosity is more important than the content
of a religion. (He's written for NRO
  defending this view) I'm sure there are people
in the White House who truly believe
  Islam means peace, but — with the exception of
George W. Bush — their names elude

  In the middle of these two extremes — Islam is
bad versus Islam is wonderful — are lots
  of pragmatists and agnostics of various flavors.
Indeed, most of the folks who reject the
  Islam means peace bumper sticker, including
Robertson himself, concede that as a
  matter of geopolitics President Bush has no
choice but to make nice on the Islamic world.
  Asked by George Stephanopoulos whether Bush is
being politically correct, Robertson
  replied No, he's not being politically correct.
He is waging a war, and he's waging a war
  against terrorism and he doesn't want to take on
the whole Arab world. He doesn't want
  this to be a Muslim-Christian fight or a
Muslim-America fight. And this is why Bush has
  gone out of his way to either condemn or
distance himself from comments by Robertson,
  Falwell, and others.

  Now — just to be clear — on the substance, I
guess I'm closer to the
  Islam-is-a-violent-religion party. I think
Falwell was silly to call Mohammed a terrorist
  because the word as we know it simply cannot be
applied with any validity to conquering
  Arab generals of the 7th century. I see no
reason not to think of Mohammed as an
  enlightened ruler as far as things went back in
those days and in that place. But let's also
  face facts: Mohammed was a general, and his
generations of successors and disciples
  were conquerors. There is just too much in Islam
about the importance of grabbing and
  holding territory to ignore. Jesus was a
nonviolent martyr who argued for rendering unto
  Caesar what was his. Mohammed was Caesar. The
seed of the notion of a civil society
  outside the scope of religious authority was
planted by Jesus in Jewish soil; it was
  subsequently nurtured, with much bloodshed, over
two millennia until today where the
  separation of Church and State is a bedrock of
Western Civilization. This separation of
  the City of God and the City of Man, to use
Saint Augustine's formulation, is still quite
  alien to Islamic society.

  Furthermore, the first few generations of
Christianity were marked by suffering and
  oppression. The first few generations of Islam
were marked by conquering. In its
  harshness, I suppose you could say Islam
resembles pre-Christian Judaism in some ways.
  Jews, too, believe in the importance of
geography and the use of the sword to protect it.
  Of course, they believe in holding onto only one
narrow strip of it. (Prediction: Jewish
  militants will never claim, say, Cleveland as
rightfully theirs.) And, it should be said,
  many Jews do not see modern Israel as the
fulfillment of any Biblical or religious
  imperative — lots and lots of Zionists are very
secular. And, it should be noted, Jews
  haven't spent most of the last two millennia
ruling empires and conquering land so much
  as being brutalized, oppressed, or — at best —
tenuously tolerated.

  Anyway, Muslims tend to believe that once a
strip of dirt becomes Muslim it's gotta stay
  Muslim for ever and ever. And if a burg's
population becomes majority Muslim, it must
  be ruled by Muslims (see Kashmir for details).
This is one of the primary understandings,
  historically and religiously speaking, of
jihad. Until fairly recent times, writes

[CTRL] Connection Between Smallpox Vaccine and Mad Cow Disease?

2002-12-07 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

 Date: Thu 5 Dec 2002
 From: Werner Slenczka [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CJD, possible association with BSE
 I want to make a brief comment on the report from the Guardian saying that
 mice expressing the human PrP-gene may develop the picture of classical
 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) or the picture of bovine spongiform
 encephalopathy (BSE).

 The possibility of pathogen transmission from bovines to humans has
 for many years before the appearance of BSE. It must be realized that the
 production of smallpox vaccine and its use in humans was accompanied by
 introduction of crude bovine proteins into the human skin. This type of
 vaccine was administered for more than 100 years to most children on the
 northern hemisphere. The vaccine was produced in calves, but passages in
 sheep or in rabbits were also made to prevent the accumulation of some
 pathogens. The smallpox vaccination might have been a cause of sporadic
 cases of CJD in humans as long as it was routinely applied.

 Dr Werner Slenczka
 Inst. of Virology
 Robert Koch-Str. 17
 35037 Marburg

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] PATRIOT ACT - Tyranny Raising Its Ugly Head

2002-12-07 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Read it and weep for what was once our great nation.  Osama won.

  Photographer Arrested For
  Taking Pics Near Cheney Hotel
  2600 News

  An amateur photographer named Mike Maginnis was arrested on
Tuesday in his home city of Denver - for simply taking pictures of buildings
in an area where Vice President Cheney was residing.
  Maginnis told his story on Wednesday's edition of Off The Hook.
Maginnis's morning commute took him past the Adams Mark Hotel on Court
Place. Maginnis, who says he always carried his camera wherever he went,
snapped about 30 pictures of the hotel and the surrounding area - which
included Denver police, Army rangers, and rooftop snipers. Maginnis, who
works in information technology, frequently photographs such subjects as
corporate buildings and communications equipment.
  The following is Maginnis's account of what transpired: As he was
putting his camera away, Maginnis found himself confronted by a Denver
police officer who demanded that he hand over his film and camera. When he
refused to give up his Nikon F2, the officer pushed him to the ground and
arrested him. After being brought to the District 1 police station on
Decatur Street, Maginnis was made to wait alone in an interrogation room.
Two hours later, a Secret Service agent arrived, who identified himself as
Special Agent Willse. The agent told Maginnis that his suspicious
activities made him a threat to national security, and that he would be
charged as a terrorist under the USA-PATRIOT act.
  The Secret Service agent tried to make Maginnis admit that he was
taking the photographs to analyze weaknesses in the Vice President's
security entourage and cause terror and mayhem. When Maginnis refused to
admit to being any sort of terrorist, the Secret Service agent called him a
raghead collaborator and a dirty pinko faggot.
  After approximately an hour of interrogation, Maginnis was allowed
to make a telephone call. Rather than contacting a lawyer, he called the
Denver Post and asked for the news desk. This was immediately overheard by
the desk sergeant, who hung up the phone and placed Maginnis in a holding
cell. Three hours later, Maginnis was finally released, but with no
explanation. He received no copy of an arrest report, and no receipt for his
confiscated possessions. He was told that he would probably not get his
camera back, as it was being held as evidence. Maginnis's lawyer contacted
the Denver Police Department for an explanation of the day's events, but the
police denied ever having Maginnis - or anyone matching his description - in
  At press time, the Denver PD's Press Information Office did not
return telephone messages left by 2600. The new police powers introduced by
the USA-PATRIOT act, in the name of fighting terrorism, have been
frightening in their apparent potential for abuse. Mike Maginnis's
experience on Tuesday is a poignant example of how this abuse is beginning
to occur. It suggests that a wide range of activities which might be
considered suspicious could be suddenly labeled a prelude to terrorism,
and be grounds for arrest. We will continue to post updates to this story as
we learn them.

Police Detainment of a Patient Following Treatment With Radioactive Iodine

To the Editor: We recently treated a 34-year-old man for Graves
disease with 20 mCi of iodine 131. Twenty-four hours after treatment,
his radioactive iodine uptake was 63%. Three weeks after treatment,
he returned to our clinic complaining that he had been strip-searched
twice at Manhattan subway stations. Police had identified him as
emitting radiation and had detained him for further questioning. He
returned to the clinic and requested a letter stating that he had
recently been treated with radioactive iodine.

This patient's experience indicates that radiation detection devices
are being installed in public places in New York City and perhaps
elsewhere. Patients who have been treated with radioactive iodine or
other isotopes may be identified and interrogated by the police
because of the radiation they emit.

We called the Terrorism Task Force of the New York City Police
Department to determine how to prevent detainment of this group of
patients. They recommended that treating physicians provide such
patients with letters describing the isotope used and its dose, its
biological half-life, and the date and time of treatment. The letters
should also provide the physician's 24-hour telephone numbers to
allow the police to verify the content of the letters. If a person
who has been detected as emitting radiation provides such a letter,
the police would then verify the letter's authenticity. Even in the
best-case scenario, however, the patient would have to wait during
this verification process. Patients should be informed about this
potential problem after treatment with radioactive isotopes; 

[CTRL] The Israelization of America

2002-12-07 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Israelization of America
by James Brooks 
December 7, 2002

US officials recently announced the somewhat jarring news that Israeli security forces will be training American soldiers in the techniques of urban warfare. Apparently Israel's illegal thirty-five year occupation of Palestine has enabled it to perfect tactics that our troops will need in a 'possible' war on Iraq.

Most informed Americans will receive this news with a sense of both foreboding and dislocation. The brutal tactics of the Israeli "Defense" Forces have been denounced for decades by human rights groups, the United Nations, and scores of foreign governments. Is this how we want our own troops to fight? Our sense of dislocation (even "topsy-turvy") in greeting this news traces to something else; the fact that Israel has always been our client, not the other way around. Why are the Israelis now teaching us?

Is this really something new, or is it merely an unusually explicit lesson in the continuing education of American power by the Israeli vanguard? Who has been learning from whom in this "special relationship"?

From Covert Crimes to Points of Pride

Over the past half century, Israel's organized terror against Palestinian civilians has moved from the relatively secret operations of special Israeli army and paramilitary units to globally televised depredations wrought with helicopter gunships, state-of-the-art tanks, and F-16 fighters. In the process, massacres like those perpetrated in the old days by Israeli army units at Deir Yassin and Qibya have been dwarfed, in terms of casualties, scope, and property damage, by today's daily and indiscriminate destruction in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Crimes that Israel once felt compelled to hide from the world are now on full display, vigorously defended by the Israeli government.

Fifty years ago, America also felt the need to conduct most of its international crimes far from public view. Interventions in the affairs of uncooperative nations (invariably conducted to "fight communism") were mostly secretive, CIA-led actions that made surreptitious use of special military units, typically called "American advisors" (Honduras, Guatemala, Iran, and Cuba provide a few relevant examples).

Now, emboldened by the demise of its only global counterweight, the Soviet Union, and encouraged by Israel's success in using conventional military forces in a public and illegal campaign against civilians, the US is increasingly eschewing the old "secret war" model in favor of direct and open military intervention with American troops. Witness Somalia, Haiti, Yugoslavia, and Afghanistan during the past ten years.

Pre-emptive Action

Israel has long been criticized for taking pre-emptive military action against its perceived enemies. Two well-known examples are its surprise attack against a nearly-completed Iraqi nuclear power plant and its protracted, illegal and bloody occupation of southern Lebanon. Despite worldwide criticism of these and many other blatant violations of international law, Israel continued, and continues, undaunted.

The Clinton administration was noted for its fawning support of Israel's occupation, and for abandoning a long-standing US commitment (on paper only, of course) to return Palestine to its pre-1967 borders. Clinton also took a big page out of Israel's book on international relations, when he insisted, against strenuous objections from the United Nations, that the US has the right to launch pre-emptive strikes, and that NATO had the right to wage war on Yugoslavia without UN approval. This year, the Bush administration dropped all pretense of maintaining security with deterrence and adopted the illegal Israeli standard of pre-emptive strikes as official US policy.

Militarization of Politics

Our politicians have also learned much by example from our close and "special" relationship with the government of Israel. For decades, our pols have used cant, dissimulation and fraud to excuse Israel's most egregious crimes. In the process, much has been learned about how to turn acts of wanton destruction into a noble defense of freedom. Israel's willingness to keep 'pushing the envelope' of state terror has been invaluable in this process, training both American pols and media in the arts of propaganda required to justify ever-larger crimes.

Meanwhile, the American populace has been steadily learning to accept Israel's gross violations of human rights, international law, and common decency as 
"necessary for peace and security", justified by "Israel's right to defend herself". This lesson in moral decay and desensitization is proving handy indeed, as the current US administration seeks to extend American hegemony in the Middle East by a new war of occupation.

The Terror Card

Following the tragedy of 9/11, Israel immediately recast its thirty-five-year occupation of Palestine as an essential front in the 

[CTRL] Milw. clergy, censorship,Japan crimes/WWII, Chomsky, photog arrest, Bush comment

2002-12-07 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

I am looking for a book called "The Big Book of Secrets" about the Masons, offlist replies would be greatly appreciated.

Nation's Leading Attorney for Clergy Sexual Abuse Victims To Begin Filing Cases in Milwaukee "Recently unsealed court documents have also shown that Weakland, like Cardinal Law of Boston, had moved predatory priests around the archdiocese. Under Archbishop Weakland, Wisconsin has become the safest state in the nation for pedophile priests. Church leaders are not held accountable in courts. Priests are not required to be mandated reporters of abuse, as in other states. The state statutes for child abuse are weighed heavily against victims by time-barring prosecution and the filing of claims" CONTACT: Jeffery Anderson, Attorney: 612-817-8665; St. Paul, MN Office 651-227-9990; Jim Smith, Attorney: 262-783-6633; Peter Isely (SNAP) cell: 414-429-7259; office 414-778-6020, ext. 3014; Mary Guentner (SNAP), cell: 414-418-3191

http://www.aera.net/communications/news/021121. http://www.aera.net/communications/news/021121.htm htm http://www.aera.net/communications/news/021121.htm AERA NEWS American Educational Research Association www.aera.net http://www.aera.net/ 1230 Seventeenth St. NW, Washington DC 20036 (202) 223-9485 
For Immediate Release Societies Raise Concerns about Document Removal from U.S. Department of Education Web Site
In addition, they are equally concerned about actions that would remove from access research, data, and other digests of information that otherwise have been publicly available, regardless of administration. They advocate that educational stakeholders be included in the web revamping process. The AERA/ALA-initiated effort was triggered this fall after the library, educational research and related social science communities learned of an internal memo, "Criteria and Process for Removing Old Content from www.ed.gov," that http://www.ed.gov," that/ the Education Department issued to staff members on May 31, 2002. According to the internal government memo, the federal initiative strives to remove from public access information that either is outdated or "does not reflect the priorities, philosophies, or goals of the present administration."

Bioterrorism and Armageddon - Separating fact from fantasy in the New World Order by Alan Cantwell, Jr., M.D. "In Manchuria in the late 1930s and early 1940s, the Japanese performed diabolic biologic experiments on prisoners. When the Japanese overran the country, they established Unit 731, a b/w research and production facility in Pingfan, near the city of Harbin. In Gene Wars: Military Control Over the New Genetic Technologies (1988), Charles Pillar and Keith Yamamoto write: "At least 3000 Chinese, Korean, Soviet, American, British and Australian prisoners of war died horrific deaths at the hands of the Pingfan technicians."In the b/w experiments the Japanese deliberately infected human beings with microbes causing cholera, dysentery, typhoid, syphilis, and other infectious diseases. "The work included trials of anthrax and gas gangrene bombsThe full details of all this are also recorded Factories of Death: Japanese Biological Warfare, 1932-1945, and the American Cover-up (1994), by Sheldon H HarrisDuring the post-war Japanese war crime trials, the U.S. Army feared the Russians might benefit from learning the results of these experiments. To thwart this possibility, the U.S. Army made a deal. The Japanese doctors would turn over their data to the Army b/w technicians, and in turn the U.S. government would not prosecute the Japanese perpetrators of these war crimes. Finally in August 2002, six decades after these atrocities, a Japanese court acknowledged for the first time that biological weapons were used before and during World War 2, but the court rejected Chinese claims for compensation. " The article "Bioterrorism and Armageddon" is published in the current (Nov 2002) issue of New Dawn magazine, out of Melbourne, Australia. http://www.newdawnmagazine.com/ it is not on the website yet, people can get it from the author by writing [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Noam Chomsky Analyzes the Bushies By Anthony DiMaggio, The Indy December 6, 2002 - 
Noam Chomsky: It's quite widely assumed, right within the mainstream, that these are the two primary reasons. I agree. Regaining control over Iraq's oil resources (not access, but control; a very different matter) is longstanding. 9/11 provided a pretext for the resort to force, not only by the US: also Russia, China, Indonesia, Israel, many others. And the need to divert the attention of the population from what is being done to them accounts for the timing. [It] worked brilliantly in the congressional elections, and by the next presidential elections, it'll be necessary to have a victory and on to the next campaign 
Do you think the Bush Administration is bluffing about 


2002-12-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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U.S. forced to allow lawsuit on 'Lab Birth of AIDS'

by Boyd E. Graves, J.D. 

Washington, DC - In a November 20, 2002 letter from
the Office of the Secretary of the United States
Department of Health and Human Services, AIDS ORIGIN
researcher, Boyd E. Graves, J.D. has been given sixty
days to file suit in the U.S. federal court of his

The people have forced the right to sue the United
States over their creation, production and
proliferation of HIV/AIDS through the secret,
federal virus development program, the U.S. Special
(AIDS) Virus program (1948 - 1978). said Graves. 

The yearly progress reports of the secret program
provide the irrefutable narrative proof of the linkage
of experiment to the flowchart, research logic of
the African Holocaust. This best explains how Black
people account for 13% of the population and 50% of
all new AIDS cases. 

Graves, a civil rights lawyer and decorated US Navy
veteran, filed a similar complaint with Ohio's federal
courts in 1998. After his 33 month legal battle and an
appeal to the US Supreme Court in 2001, Graves'
lawsuit finally prompted Congress to request an
investigation into the missing appropriations of the
secret federal virus development program Special Virus
through the US General Accounting Office. 

The US government's official report was made 

[CTRL] Fwd: [consortium] (fwd) More on the Wellstone plane crash

2002-12-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Thru Jonathon Markowitz


On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 00:48:00 -0800, democracywhere

'The following was posted to change-links email list.
I have not verified any of the following information.  JM.


from the Democrats.com Daily News:

Cheryl Seal writes: A courageous and conscientious citizen in Northern
Minnesota who has tried repeatedly to get this revealing information out
through the usual channels (FBI, NTSB) with little luck relates how
mechanics heard Wellstone's plane circle the Eveleth Airport twice, a plane
in distress with multiple systems failures. Meanwhile, CNN and the other
media continue to disseminate the 'tired pilot-ice' red herrings. Why?


Courageous, Conscientious Citizen Comes Forward with Suppressed Information
on the Wellstone Crash

NOTE: Democrats.com has been amassing facts for its citizens' investigation
of the Wellstone crash and asking anyone with any information to please
come forward. The results have so far been very encouraging. One letter
from an anonymous weather forecaster with NOAA indicates that an entire
hour's worth of data for the Eveleth area (for the time of the crash) was
temporarily unavailable shortly following the crash. Another anonymous
letter came from someone with the FTAA, who reported that ice had nothing
to do with the crash. Now we have received a letter from a citizen not
afraid to give his full name, address, and phone number. We will keep on
top of this case, and should any of the people who provide us with
information suffer retaliatory action for their courage, we will most
certainly expose that fact and make sure it becomes public knowledge!!!

-Cheryl Seal

Dear Cheryl:

I work as a Reservation Sales Agent at the WorldPerks Service Center of
North West in Chisholm, MN and heard from a co-worker that the mechanics in
Eveleth at the airport during the Wellstone crash actually heard a plane
going over the airport twice. They asked themselves if it was a mail plane
or something else. No, they decided it could only have been the Wellstone
plane. One of them, David Sereda, was advised by the FBI not to say
anything or the media would harass him.

This is a coverup. It only remains to be determined what kind--innocent or
evil. The public, though has a totally skewed idea of happened. It wasnt
just a plane coming in low and slow, off course, with a pilot who was sleep
deprived and lied about his hours flown on an application who got iced up
stalled and went down. This was a plane which had a major systems failure
involving communication and navigation that wasnt even trying to
land--witness the landing gear only 15% down--but circling the airport in
distress which went down facing away from the airport .

I called the NTSB--public affairs--202-314-6100 and told my story. The
spokesman promised to relay it. What really interests me is whether the
NTSB has interviewed the mechanics and whether that all will appear on the
final report in 6 months. There is something you can follow up on! This is
all I know.


John Munter
Warba, MN

Dear John,

Thankyou so much for speaking up. I will make sure that this information
gets out to the public!! I only wish there were more conscientious citizens
with courage like yourself out there. If there were, we would not be in the
current mess we're in now!

All the very best,

Cheryl Seal

Change Links Progressive Newspaper.
Act.  Act in Love and Spirit.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Ex-cartel leader extradited

2002-12-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

Posted on Sat, Dec. 07, 2002

Ex-cartel leader extradited
Colombian sent to Miami

A leading figure in the old Cali drug cartel hierarchy was extradited to
Miami on Friday to face new heroin, cocaine and money laundering charges
just eight months after he was detained by Colombian officials.

Veteran U.S. drug agents and prosecutors praised the government of Colombian
President Alvaro Uribe for speed with which they removed accused trafficker
Victor Julio Patiño Fómeque.

''We got him out of Colombia in eight months. That's unheard of,'' said
Special Agent Joe Kilmer, spokesman for the Drug Enforcement Administration
in Miami.

Patiño, 42, was escorted by a heavily armed contingent of Colombian police
to a DEA plane at the Eldorado Airport in Bogota. The plane landed at Miami
International Airport at 3:15 p.m. and Patiño was escorted directly to the
Federal Detention Center in downtown Miami.

Patiño is scheduled to make an initial appearance Monday before a federal
magistrate in Fort Lauderdale. In July 2001, a local grand jury indicted
him, under seal, by prosecutors attached to the Justice Department's
division of narcotics and dangerous drugs.

The case, at this early stage, focuses on 83 pounds of cocaine seized in
Miami in 1999 that were allegedly smuggled into the United States by a
network headed by Patiño.

Miami defense attorney Humberto Dominguez, as well as Patiño's lawyers in
Bogota, say some of the pending charges are based on crimes for which he
already served time in Colombia.

According to DEA files and published reports in Colombia, Patiño is a former
police officer-turned-cartel bodyguard who quickly rose through the ranks.
As early as 1986, the man known as ''Papi'' (Daddy) and ''El Químico'' (The
Chemist) was directing an eight-ton cocaine shipment to New York.

Patiño was indicted in 1993 in Miami as part of the landmark case that
contributed to the breakup of the Cali cartel, but never faced charges in
the United States.

In 1995, Patiño was one of several cartel figures who surrendered to
Colombian authorities, ensuring they would be safe from U.S. prosecution
because there was no extradition treaty at the time.

Patiño was sentenced to 12 years in Colombian prison in 1996 on drug charges
and for his involvement in the killing of a Colombian naval officer.

But Patiño served only seven years before he was released in February on
good behavior. Two months later, he was arrested in Bogota on a U.S. warrant
while Colombian police were searching homes and businesses after a string of

During the extradition proceedings, the DEA alleged the Patiño organization
paid ``millions of dollars in bribes [to] a large number of Colombian

In a report submitted in May to the Colombian government, the DEA said the
Patiño group allegedly bribed Navy Adm. Rodrigo Alfonso Quiñónez, 51,
military attaché at the Colombian Embassy in Israel and, until 1992, the
director of naval intelligence.

According to DEA Special Agent Christopher Miller, Patiño paid Quiñónez for
warning of any government action planned against the drug traffickers.
Quiñónez denied the charges.

But three weeks ago, the State Department canceled Quiñónez's visa, denying
him entry to the United States. On Nov. 27, Quiñónez asked for retirement.
The Uribe government granted the request.

Herald staff translator Renato Pérez contributed to this report.

There are some things the general public does not need to know and
shouldn't. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take
legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide 

[CTRL] Fwd: Anatomy Of A Modern Ponzi Scheme

2002-12-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-


On the days that I don't publish, like today, you receive
Bill Bonner's DAILY RECKONING. This will help you to keep
pace with the changes in the markets.  Bonner and I agree
on most things in the field of economics, so the two letters
reinforce each other.
Anatomy Of A Modern Ponzi Scheme

The Daily Reckoning

Paris, France

Friday, 6 December 2002


*** Stocks up...bonds steady...gold up...

*** Inflation is a buy... Deflation, don't worry about
it, says Friedman.

*** Christmas in Paris...whiter shade of pale...and more!


Stocks went down again yesterday. But who cares? They'll go
up and down a lot more before they finally reach a level
where they are good investments again.

In the meantime, the interesting action is in gold and
bonds. As we all know, Treasury bonds are supposed to
fall...because the Fed has made it clear that it intends to
print as many dollars as it takes to avoid deflation. But,
so far, bonds have been holding up...

Of course, the Fed has been inflating for a long time. M2
is growing at 9% per year - 3 or 4 times the growth of the
economy. But this is nothing new. And, so far, this
'inflation' has done little to boost consumer prices.

Instead, in the late '90s, it went into stock prices, and
more recently into real estate.

Since the beginning of 2001, the Fed has been trying rate
cuts to reflate the economy. Even after 12 of them, auto
sales, corporate profits, manufacturing, and prices for
finished goods are still dropping. On the other hand, fewer
people seem to be losing their jobs...and raw materials'
prices are on the rise.

The economy is in great shape, says Milton Friedman. And
don't worry about deflation, says the Nobel Prize winner.
Deflation is a consequence of bad policy, not a cause of
bad results. The Great Depression of the '30s could have
been avoided, he says, if the Fed had merely increased the
supply of money fast enough.

Isn't it wonderful, dear reader? We mean, that the economy
is in such great shapeand that central bankers can
avoid any really bad results simply by changing their
policies! But hey, why didn't they change their policies
before $10 trillion got exterminated in the world's stock
markets? And before nearly 2 million Americans lost their
jobs since the slump began in March of 2000? And who's to
say they won't wait until another $10 trillion goes to
money heaven before getting their policies right?

But now almost every economist and analyst in the world -
including those with whom we normally agreeSjuggerud,
Grant, Gross, and our own Eric Fry...are convinced that the
Fed can do with printing presses what it couldn't do with
rate cuts. Deflation is out of the question, they
say...bonds are doomed...and gold will rise.

Gold rose again yesterday - to $325.60 an ounce. When
central bankers come right out in the open and announce
their intention to destroy the value of the paper currency
they sponsor, who can blame investors for looking for an

To some extent, we admit that the whole inflation/deflation
discussion is a waste of time. Nobody reads tomorrow's
papers. Maybe consumer prices will slip into outright
deflation and maybe they won't. Either way, gold is good

Eric...over to you:

Eric Fry in New York City...

- Old Man Winter paid a visit to New York City yesterday,
dumping snow on the metropolis from dawn to dusk. The
fierce, frosty storm seemed to put Wall Street into a deep
freeze. The Dow suffered a fourth straight losing 

[CTRL] Court Halts Suit Vs. Cheney Task Force

2002-12-07 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

two steps forward and one step back...  Wonder what kind of arm-twisting
worked on the judge this time?


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Court Halts Suit Vs. Cheney Task Force   BY PETE YOSTAssociated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP)--The Bush administration succeeded Friday in temporarily stopping a lawsuit seeking documents about the inner workings of Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force and its meetings with industry executives and lobbyists.

A federal appeals court indefinitely delayed Monday's deadline for the White House to produce task force documents or provide a detailed list of the documents it is withholding.

The two-page order said the court will schedule a date for arguments on whether to step into the case and consider the administration's request to put a halt to producing documents and providing testimony.

Two private groups, Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club, have sued, demanding the task force reveal documents about its meetings with industry representatives in formulating a plan that calls for expanded oil and gas drilling on public land and easing regulatory barriers to building nuclear power plants.

Government lawyers have argued the documents should be withheld because they are part of the deliberative process.

U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan originally sought the documents by Nov. 5, but extended the deadline.

The administration has been trying to persuade Sullivan to allow it to appeal his order to produce the documents. But 

[CTRL] http://www.dubyadubyadubya.com

2002-12-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

[CTRL] Israel Faked Gaza Al Qaeda Presence

2002-12-07 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Palestinians: Israel Faked Gaza Al Qaeda Presence   
By: Diala Saadeh
Sat December 7, 2002 07:55 AM ET 

RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - The Palestinian Authority accused Israel's Mossad spy agency on Saturday of setting up a fake al Qaeda cell in Gaza so that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon could justify Israeli attacks in Palestinian areas.

A spokesman for Sharon called the allegation "sheer nonsense."

The Israeli leader said on Thursday that Osama bin Laden's organization had established a presence in Palestinian-ruled areas of Gaza and in Lebanon, aiming to attack Israel. He gave no further details in his comments at an Israeli media lunch.

"It is a big, big, big lie to cover (Sharon's) attacks and his crimes against our people everywhere," Palestinian President Yasser Arafat told reporters at his headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Palestinian Information Minister Yasser Abed Rabbo pointed to an alleged Israeli plot.

"There are certain elements who were instructed by the Mossad to form a cell under the name of Al Qaeda in the Gaza Strip in order to justify the assault and the military campaigns of the Israeli occupation army against Gaza," Abed Rabbo said.

He did not elaborate, but Palestinian officials said they would present proof of Mossad involvement at a news conference on Sunday.

Sharon's allegation of a link between al Qaeda and the Palestinians marked a new stage in his equation of Israel's battle against militants leading a two-year-old uprising for statehood to the U.S.-led global war against terrorism.

Israel has named al Qaeda as prime suspect in a suicide bombing at a hotel in Mombasa, Kenya last week that killed 13 Kenyans and three Israelis and a failed attempt to shoot down with missiles an Israeli airliner taking off nearby.

The United States blames al Qaeda, a multinational Islamic fundamentalist network, for the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York and Washington.

Raanan Gissin, a spokesman for Sharon, said Abed Rabbo's comments were part of an attempt by Palestinian officials "to exonerate themselves from the allegations they are collaborating and participating with terrorists."


In what Israel called a raid to capture a wanted militant, Israeli troops backed by tanks and helicopter gunships swept into the Bureij refugee camp in the Gaza Strip on Friday, sparking a gunbattle and killing 10 people.

The bloodshed was sure to fuel more violence despite the United States' calls for calm as it prepares for possible war on Iraq.

The army said the troops met fierce resistance in the three-hour incursion. Armed men fought the soldiers in fierce street battles, but it was unclear how many of the dead were gunmen involved in the fighting and how many were civilians.

Palestinian residents said that of the nine men and one woman, a teacher employed by the United Nations, who were killed in the Israeli raid, eight were civilians and two were policemen involved in the fighting.

But the militant Islamic group Hamas said in a statement issued on Hizbollah's al-Manar television in Beirut that six of the dead were Hamas members, including the dead woman. It said two were from its Izz-el-Deen al-Qassam Brigades military wing.

In New York, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan issued a statement demanding Israel exercise restraint and "refrain from the excessive and disproportionate use of deadly force in civilian areas."

State Department spokesman Richard Boucher declined to comment on the incident but said Washington has been concerned over civilian casualties that have resulted from Israeli military operations.

At the same time, he voiced support for what he called Israel's right to defend itself.

In the West Bank, Israeli troops killed an Islamic Jihad militant in an exchange of fire during a raid of a village near Jenin late on Friday, Palestinian medical sources said.

The army said that in a separate incident in the West Bank it captured a Palestinian would-be suicide bomber who had an explosives belt.

At least 1,705 Palestinians and 668 Israelis have been killed since the uprising began in September 2000 after a deadlock in negotiations for a final peace treaty.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Bush Names Iran-Contra Figure Abrams His Mideast Chief. Israel Thrilled.

2002-12-07 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush names Iran-Contra figure his Mideast chief 
Abrams' rise thrills Israel's supporters 

Steven R. Weisman, New York Times   
Saturday, December 7, 2002 
Washington -- Elliott Abrams, a pugnacious conservative and passionate advocate of Israel, is no stranger to Washington's policy wars. 

But Abrams' selection this week as President Bush's director of Middle Eastern affairs at the White House plunged him into one of the sharpest disputes in the nation's capital -- the one within the administration over how to deal with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 

Abrams' appointment thrilled those who had criticized the administration for being too tough on Israel and too deferential to the Palestinians. But it dismayed those, especially at the State Department, who want Israel to ease its crackdown in the West Bank and Gaza. 

An administration official said that Abrams' ascension has created "serious consternation" at the State Department. It is seen there, he said, as likely to impede the efforts of Secretary of State Colin Powell to work with European nations to press Israel and the Palestinians to adopt a staged timetable leading to creation of a Palestinian state in three years. 

The timetable, known as a road map, has been criticized by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, though he endorsed it in principle this week. Supporters of Israel in Congress, who have also criticized the road map approach, welcomed the appointment of Abrams'. 

"There are two foreign policy teams in this administration on a lot of issues," said Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., who went to Harvard with Abrams in the 1960s. "Clearly Elliott is coming out of the hard-line team. But that is where Bush's heart is." 

Abrams comes to his new job trailed by a cloud of controversy, most of it having to do with his pleading guilty in 1987 to the charge that he withheld information from Congress on the Reagan administration's efforts to assist anti-government guerrillas in Nicaragua. 

He was pardoned by President Bush's father in December 1992. At the time, plenty of people around Washington said that Abrams would never be back as a policymaker. A prominent Republican senator said he would trust Abrams as far as he could throw him. 

Now, not only is Abrams back -- though not in a position that would require Senate confirmation -- but a raft of figures involved in the battles over the Nicaragua guerrillas, known as the Contras, are back too. 

John Poindexter, a national security adviser to President Reagan who was convicted in 1990 of five felony counts (the convictions were later overturned) -- is directing a project at the Pentagon that would assemble information on suspected terrorists. 

In addition, John Negroponte, who was ambassador to Honduras during the time that the Contras were being given aid through that country in defiance of a law barring such aid, is ambassador to the United Nations. And Otto Reich, who was charged with running a covert domestic propaganda campaign against the Nicaragua government, is a special envoy for Western Hemisphere affairs at the State Department. 

Administration officials said Abrams was picked for the Middle East and North Africa portfolio under Condoleezza Rice, the national security adviser, because a strong manager was needed and the previous director, Zalmay Khalilzad, had been preoccupied with the reconstruction of Afghanistan. 

"Everybody has enormous confidence in him," said a senior White House official. "He is not just a good manager. He is an intellectual force in many policy areas. Whatever controversy there was in the past is in the past." 

Many of those critical of Abrams speak with admiration for his intellect and management skills, which will be tested not only in the Israel-Palestinian conflict but also if there is a war, followed by a lengthy occupation and reconstruction of Iraq. 

Five years ago, Abrams wrote a book, "Faith or Fear: How Jews Can Survive in Christian America," which argues against the loss of religious faith among Jews and criticizes intermarriage as a danger to their survival in America. He also urged Jews to make greater common cause with evangelical Christians in rallying support for Israel. 

Abrams was a fierce opponent of the Oslo peace negotiations between Israel and Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader, even while they seemed to bear fruit. He wrote in the 1990s that it was a mistake for President Bill Clinton to trust Arafat. 

With the Middle East consumed by the spiral of suicide bombings and Israeli retaliations, Abrams is certain to be among those advocating that Israel be given wide latitude to battle terrorism. 

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[CTRL] Palestinians arrest al-Qaeda 'poseurs'. Were working for Israel.

2002-12-07 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Palestinians arrest al-Qaeda 'poseurs'
December 8 2002

Palestinian security forces have arrested a group of Palestinians for collaborating with Israel and posing as operatives of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network, a senior official said yesterday.

The arrests come two days after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon charged al-Qaeda militants were operating in Gaza and in Lebanon.

"The Palestinian Authority arrested a group of collaborators who confessed they were working for Israel, posing as al-Qaeda operatives in the Palestinian territories," said the official, on condition of anonymity.

He said the alleged collaborators sought to "discredit the Palestinian people, justify every Israeli crime and provide reasons to carry out a new (military) aggression in the Gaza Strip."

The official did not say how many suspects had been arrested, nor where or when they were nabbed.

Earlier, international cooperation minister Nabil Shaath announced he would hold a press conference here on the alleged presence of al-Qaeda operatives in the Gaza Strip.

Sharon's announcement marked the first time Israel officially claimed that al-Qaeda, held responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, was operating in the Palestinian territories.

It was considered a surprise because the Gaza Strip is virtually sealed off by Israeli troops.

The hardline Israeli leader also charged other members of the terror group were cooperating with Lebanon's Shi'ite militia Hizbollah.

The Palestinians slammed the allegation as "totally absurd" and accused Sharon of trying to piggyback on the US-led "war against terrorism" to strengthen his military operations against militants in the territories.

Both the Lebanese government and Hizbollah made similar statements.

A US citizen of Syrian descent was arrested last month at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv on suspicion of transferring funds to terrorist organisations in general, and those connected to al-Qaeda in particular.

Three Israelis and 10 Kenyans were killed in a suicide attack on a hotel near the Kenyan port of Mombasa last Thursday, shortly after missiles narrowly missed an Israeli charter flight taking off from there with 261 passengers.

The attacks were purportedly claimed by al-Qaeda on an Islamic website.

Meanwhile, Israeli troops backed by tanks and helicopter gunships swept into the Bureij refugee camp in the Gaza Strip yesterday, sparking a gun battle and killing 10 people, Palestinian witnesses and medics said. 

Army officials said the troops had met fierce resistance in the three-hour pre-dawn incursion, which it said was intended to root out militants responsible for attacks on troops in Gaza in a more than two-year Palestinian uprising for independence.

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[CTRL] Use of Guns for Justifiable Self-Defence:

2002-12-07 Thread IGGY
-Caveat Lector-


Use of Guns for Justifiable Self-Defence:
  A World Wide Directory of Research

Self-Defence and Guns: Vile Anachronism, or a Sometimes Unavoidable, but
Necessity? A World Wide Internet Research Resource Directory.

A serious and honest treatise that also provides electronic links to one
of the most comprehensive list
of research resources on firearms and self-protection available on the
Internet. This document will
evolve over time to include new material.

This document resides at:

The worldwide internet research directory with direct links to documents
and sites on guns and
self-protection, can be accessed at:

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] [U-S-A] A is for Arsehole Americans (fwd)

2002-12-07 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

 * http://www.geocities.com/partyofcitizens **

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2002 12:42:55 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [U-S-A] A is for Arsehole Americans

This Hour Has 22 Minutes Satire:

Thank you for your televised satire on Dec. 4, seen coast to coast in
Canada. Bush and Gore Siamese twins joined at the bum and cut from the
same arsehole you said and in those exact words. But then, isn't it a
nation of clones joined at the arsehole? Tell us where America the Good
is these days? This is an evil nation and the world would be better off
without it. The economy of Western Europe is greater than U-S-A. So is the
economy of Japan plus a few other Asian countries. Name one thing
Americans export that the world cannot make without them?

Now the frothing mad dog Bush attempts to continue his filthy and evil
holocaust against the people of Iraq. NOT ONE KG of weapons of mass
destruction was found by UN inspectors last time. Not one kg will be found
this time. But the Nation of Arseholes will continue to inflict TERRORISM
ON THE WORLD. Yes, we all must fight terrorism; and that is why Arsehole
Culture, the enemy of the civilized CITIZENS of the world must be opposed
and stopped.


U-S-A = Usurers, Sodomites, Abortionists.
The U-S-A Cult is the ruling power over America-the-Good and now seeks to a establish 
One World Government of Evil-Doers via the Afghanistan-Iraq domino effect.

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Treasury Secretary - Too Honest for DC

2002-12-07 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Often Outspoken, Now Out of the Picture
O'Neill Found That Candid Opinions Earned Him Fans, Friction at Treasury

By Paul Blustein
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, December 7, 2002; Page A08

It never seemed to matter much to Paul H. O'Neill that his job description
included winning over Wall Street, schmoozing members of Congress and
engaging in financial diplomacy abroad. To the tart-tongued Treasury
secretary, those duties often came second to telling the truth as he saw

He derided traders of stocks, bonds and currencies as people who sit in
front of flickering green screens whose jobs he could learn in about a
couple of weeks. He riled congressional Republicans by dismissing as show
business a bill passed by the House Ways and Means Committee. He even
caused the Brazilian government to lodge a formal protest when he expressed
worries on television that loans to Latin American governments would
disappear into Swiss bank accounts.

And when critics questioned whether O'Neill was temperamentally suited to
his post, he made it clear that he wouldn't alter his penchant for voicing
unvarnished opinions, which his boss, President Bush, appeared to

One of the great things about where I am now: If people don't like what
I'm doing, I don't give a damn, O'Neill, a multimillionaire former
aluminum company CEO, told reporters during his tour of Africa with the
rock star Bono in May. I could be off sailing around on a yacht or driving
around the country. I'm here because I think I can make a difference, and
the president has said to me on more than one occasion: The reason you're
here is because you think different than other people. As long as he gives
me that leash, I'm going to use it.

Now the leash has been jerked, with yesterday's news that O'Neill had
tendered his resignation at the behest of the White House. The move, though
unexpected, came after yet another bout of candor by O'Neill that seemed
sure to cause headaches for an administration worried about the economy
turning sluggish over the next couple of years. Distancing himself from
colleagues who favor boosting the economy with a new round of tax cuts, the
Treasury chief declared that the economy doesn't need much stimulus because
it will grow just fine without one.

He made it clear he didn't think a large, broad-based stimulus package was
necessary, and it's kind of tough to go rah-rah-rah about a new economic
package if your leading spokesman at the Treasury isn't for it, said David
Solin, a partner at Foreign Exchange Analytics in Essex, Conn.

Perhaps even more important, Solin added, is that O'Neill's habit of
speaking off the cuff has undermined his credibility -- with the financial
markets in particular -- so there is a problem in terms of their being
able to clearly and concisely get their message across. Making the same
point more acidly, Robert Boorstin, a top Treasury aide during the Clinton
administration, joked: The guy has an aluminum ear when it comes to

It would be grossly unfair to judge O'Neill's legacy solely in terms of his
gaffes, according to many of the Treasury secretary's critics and
supporters. Among his most significant accomplishments was to throw a
spotlight on the ineffectiveness of much of the aid doled out by the World
Bank and other development agencies.

Although many aid experts felt O'Neill went overboard when he asserted that
there is precious little to show for the billions of dollars showered on
poor countries over the past 50 years, his insistence on demanding better,
more measurable results has become widely accepted and has forced changes
both at the World Bank and in U.S. aid programs.

Reflecting O'Neill's success at focusing attention on the plight of the
world's poor, the aid agency Oxfam America struck a sorrowful note in a
statement on O'Neill's departure, saying that his presence on the Bush
economic team brought these issues into the debate in a way they otherwise
would not have been included.

Often, when O'Neill blurted out a statement that later had to be clarified
or smoothed over, he was saying things that people knew were true but
wouldn't dare say, said Kristin Forbes, a Massachusetts Institute of
Technology professor who recently left Treasury.

For example, few disputed the validity of his concern about aid to Latin
countries going to waste. Likewise, many experts agreed with the substance
of remarks O'Neill made to a German newspaper early in his tenure that we
don't follow . . . a policy of a strong dollar, because his point was that
a strong dollar would inevitably result from good U.S. economic

But he was widely faulted for failing to recognize the market turbulence
such comments would spark and for eroding the effectiveness of the
multibillion-dollar loans that the International Monetary Fund marshaled
for Brazil.

As a high official in Washington, you need to recognize your words have
impact and to 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Man Sentenced for 'Burning Bush' Comment]

2002-12-07 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

Aftermath News wrote:




 Man Sentenced for 'Burning Bush' Comment
 SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP)--A man who made a remark about a ``burning Bush''
 during the president's March 2001 trip to Sioux Falls was sentenced Friday
 to 37 months in prison.

 Man Sentenced for 'Burning Bush' Comment

 SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP)--A man who made a remark about a ``burning Bush''
 during the president's March 2001 trip to Sioux Falls was sentenced Friday
 to 37 months in prison.

 Richard Humphreys, of Portland, Ore., was convicted in September of
 threatening to kill or harm the president and said he plans to appeal. He
 has said the comment was a prophecy protected under his right to free

 Humphreys said he got into a barroom discussion in nearby Watertown with a
 truck driver. A bartender who overheard the conversation realized the
 president was to visit Sioux Falls the next day and told police Humphreys
 talked about a ``burning Bush'' and the possibility of someone pouring a
 flammable liquid on Bush and lighting it.

 ``I said God might speak to the world through a burning Bush,'' Humphreys
 testified during his trial. ``I had said that before and I thought it was

 AP-NY-12-06-02 1439EST

 Copyright 2002, The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP
 Online news report may not be published, broadcast or redistributed without
 the prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Register

2002-12-07 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Sodomites overrun Amazon.com
By Andrew Orlowski in San Francisco
Posted: 07/12/2002 at 00:14 GMT

Updated According to the blurb for Six Steps to Spiritual Revival , the Christian 
Pat Robertson reveals an amazing Scriptural pattern. But there's a pretty amazing 
emerging amongst buyers of his book on Amazon.com.

Head over to this link and see if there's anything unusual. Or click to enlarge the
screenshot, captured earlier today.


Yes, it appears that his readership includes a constituency that would make him 
Scrolling down, you can see that a number of users have recommended The Ultimate Guide
to Anal Sex for Men in addition to, or as an alternative to Robertson's tome.

Robertson has fulminated against homosexuality many times, equating it to Satanism.

Personalization gone mad? asks net privacy specialist Richard M Smith - who we thank 
bringing this to our attention. No, more likely a hack, he explains.

Someone just got friends to visit the Web pages for the two books a bunch of times. 
the Robertson book hasn't sold very well, Amazon relies on page hits for 
and not book purchases.

However the online retailer only has itself to blame for the increasingly surreal  
who wear clothes also shop for: recommendations… which in this case includes Clean
Underwear (again!) and Cheetah Print Slippers.

Amazon.com certainly does move in mysterious ways.®

Update: Remarkably, Amazon.com had removed the Customers who shopped for this item
also shopped for... entry within ten minutes of the publication of this story. Since 
then the
other recommendations have changed a number of times, as Amazon.com users make
their way to inspect the page. Real-time vox pop?

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Dalhousie Gazette Online | Feature

2002-12-07 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



An interview with Professor Norman G. Finkelstein

Jon Elmer
Senior Columnist

Q. Professor Finkelstein, on Friday [Nov. 15] a senior Israeli military official 
declared that
the army's recent siege of Hebron had succeeded to clean these streets of 
terrorists- only
hours later Islamic Jihad attacked settlers and soldiers in Hebron, killing 12 people 
the commander of Israeli forces in Hebron  Judging by this definition of success, can 
be a military solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict?
A. Well, there can only be one kind of military solution to the conflict: that is to 
wipe out all
the Palestinians. It is quite clear at this point that short of either expelling or 
the Palestinians the problem will persist.

Q. Benjamin Netanyahu - who recently said, just say no to a Palestinian state - will
challenge Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for the Likud party leadership from the 
later this month [Nov. 28]  What are the implications of a Netanyahu victory for the
Palestinian intifada?
A. I think there is a lot of misapprehension in the West about exactly how the Israeli
political system, or Israeli elites, operates. The record of Netanyahu when he was in 
was actually rather better than his successor, Ehud Barak. For example, if you look at 
recent report by B'Tselem [Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied
Territories] Land Grab [May 2002]: on the crucial question of settlers and settlement
activity there was greater settlement growth and more housing starts under Labour
regimes than under Likud regimes. So there were more housing starts and settlement
growth under [Yitzhak] Rabin [1992-1995], than under Yitzhak Shamir [1986-1992]; and
more under Barak [1999-2001] as compared to Netanyahu [1996- 1999]. So I don't think
the issue is whether you have a right-wing or left-wing government in power - we 
talking about long-term Israeli policies that persist regardless of which political 
happens to be in power. If you look at the statements of Ehud Barak after Operation
Defensive Shield during March and April [2002] - an operation that was initiated by 
Sharon and condemned by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch as having
resorted to various war crimes - Barak said Sharon's main error was that he exercised 
much restraint. The danger that lurks is not due to which government is in power, but 
adamant refusal of the Israeli government to acquiesce in a reasonable settlement of 

Q. On the topic of settlements, Peace Now reports that 68 per cent of settlers say they
would respect an Israeli government decision for them to leave the settlements, while 
per cent say they stay for the 'quality of life'. How do you interpret these figures?
A. The numbers are entirely consistent, the bulk of the settlers apparently would be 
to respect a government order to leave, and that the overwhelming number of settlers 
there not for ideological reasons but because there were various sorts of government
incentives and subsidies for them to move to the settlements in order to get cheap 
and so-forth.

Q. After Sept. 11, as President Bush was rallying support for an attack on 
Afghanistan, he
had a vision of a Palestinian state  what will a war on Iraq mean for Palestinians? 
A. I
think there is a reasonable prospect - though one can't say with certainty - that 
Israel will
use the cover of an American attack on Iraq, while all the world's attention is 
focused on
the war in Iraq and all the reporters and journalists are pulled from the Occupied
Territories and sent to cover the war from neighbouring states, that Israelis will 
exploit the
occasion of war, as they did in 1948, to expel the Palestinians. Q. What would the
implications of such a move be upon the entire region?
A. I have very little faith in this concept called the Arab Street - I think pretty 
much the
Arab world is a rotting corpse. What it may evoke is quite a significant increase in 
attacks; but I think basically the United States can absorb those attacks and, 
frankly, as long
as they stay low level, the United States rather likes them.

Q. Israeli journalist Uri Avnery wrote recently in Ha'aretz: The Sharon government is 
giant laboratory for the growing of the anti-Semitism virus. Can you comment on this?
A. Unless you live in that fool's paradise whereby Jews can't cause anti- Semitism: as 
Zionist organizations like to say: Jews don't cause anti- Semitism, anti-Semites do - 
you live in that fool's paradise the fact of the matter is, the actions of Jews, or 
which are taken in the name of Jews or by a government that claims to be acting in the
name of Jews, evoke a negative response among the world's population which is not
blinded by ideology and sees a crime for what it is. It is 

[CTRL] Showdown looming on right to own guns / Assault weapons ban upheld, putting court at odds with Ashcroft

2002-12-07 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


   www.sfgate.com   Return to regular view

Showdown looming on right to own guns
Assault weapons ban upheld, putting court at odds with Ashcroft
Bob Egelko, Chronicle Staff Writer
Friday, December 6, 2002
©2002 San Francisco Chronicle.

URL: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2002/12/06/MN211218.DTL

A federal appeals court upheld California's ban on military-style assault weapons 
ruling that individuals have no constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

The Constitution's Second Amendment preserves only the right of states to organize and
maintain militias, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled in a 

The ruling put the court at odds with the Bush administration and a decision last year 
by a
federal appeals court in New Orleans.

The amendment was adopted to ensure that effective state militias would be maintained,
thus preserving the people's right to bear arms, wrote Judge Stephen Reinhardt. The
amendment was not adopted in order to afford rights to individuals with respect to 
gun ownership or possession.


The ruling paves the way for the controversial issue to be addressed by the nation's 
court, which has not touched the topic since 1939.

When you have something like the Ninth Circuit, the largest judicial federal circuit 
in the
country, coming out with a ruling like this, it means we're within a couple years of 
it coming
before the Supreme Court, said Peter Keane, dean of the Golden Gate University Law
School. Because it's a hot issue, the Supreme Court hasn't wanted to deal with it.

The state Legislature passed the nation's most sweeping assault weapons ban in 1989,
outlawing 75 high-powered weapons that have rapid-fire capabilities. The ban was
expanded in 1999 to include copycat weapons with similar features.

The original version was upheld by the state Supreme Court in 2000, when it was
challenged by a group of gun rights activists who said the ban violated the Second
Amendment, the Equal Protection Clause and several other constitutional provisions.

Reinhardt said he concluded that the Second Amendment cannot be used to strike down the
ban after a lengthy analysis of the amendment's history and text. The amendment states:
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right 
of the
people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

His interpretation of the amendment's intent matched that of the federal government's
before Attorney General John Ashcroft wrote a letter to the National Rifle Association 
May. In the letter, Ashcroft declared that the Second Amendment protected the 
right to bear arms. The Justice Department took that position formally in a U.S. 
Court filing a year later, saying the right was subject to reasonable restrictions 
on certain
types of weapons and categories of owners.

Ashcroft's views were endorsed by a federal appeals court in New Orleans in October 
Despite concluding that the Constitution protected an individual's right to bear arms, 
court upheld a federal law banning gun possession by people under restraining orders 
domestic violence.

Because the issue has become so debated, Reinhardt chose to address it with a
comprehensive opinion instead of relying on a similar decision rendered by the court 
years ago.

Matthew Nosanchuk, senior litigation counsel for the Violence Policy Center in 
told the Los Angeles Times that the 86-page ruling was one of the most comprehensive
ever written on the Second Amendment.

This is a very important contribution that should drive a stake through the heart of 
individual rights position, Nosanchuk said.


In Thursday's decision, Reinhardt expressly disagreed with the Second Amendment
interpretations by Ashcroft and the New Orleans court. He also noted that the San 
court, which oversees federal courts in nine Western states, had ruled in 1996 that the
Constitution does not protect individual gun ownership.

The ruling rejected challenges to the law by nine gun owners. The court then went a 
further and broadened the law by striking down an exemption that allowed retired police
officers to own assault weapons, ruling that it served no public purpose.

The NRA expressed disappointment with the ruling.

For 131 years, we've been standing steadfastly to protect the freedoms of all law- 
Americans and stand steadfastly that the Second Amendment is an individual right and 
continue to do so, spokesman Andrew Arulanandam said.

Chronicle news services contributed to this report. / E-mail Bob Egelko at

©2002 San Francisco Chronicle.  Page A - 1

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[CTRL] Mercedes for Sex

2002-12-07 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


6 December 2002 23:47 GMT
Home   News   Europe

Government officials in sex trafficking ring arrested

Horrifying testimony of woman sex-slave traded for a Mercedes shakes political
establishment of Yugoslav republic

By Vesna Peric Zimonjic in Belgrade

06 December 2002

When police in the tiny republic of Montenegro swooped on a suspected pimp accused of
running a major sex trafficking operation, they ran into an embarrassing problem.

The man they were about to put behind bars was none other than the country's deputy
state prosecutor.

Montenegro has been shaken hard by the burgeoning scandal, which allegedly involved
leading members of the judiciary, police and political officials. Zoran Piperovic, the
republic's deputy prosecutor, was arrested this week, and six other officials have been
detained. They are accused of forcing women, mostly from Moldavia, Ukraine and Romania,
into prostitution.

The arrests are only a small part of the scandal, according to sources in the 
capital, Podgorica. It is an open secret in the Balkans that people-trafficking rings 
through Montenegro to Bosnia and Kosovo, with profits from the dirty trade reaching
millions of euros.

The sex-slave routes lead to Italy and Britain, where at least 1,400 women, mainly from
eastern Europe, are tricked into prostitution each year. The trade is highly lucrative 
for the
men who own them; in London, women can bring in about £100,000 a year for their

But in Montenegro, the junior partner of Serbia in the Yugoslav federation, the 
are even more shocking because of the prominence of the alleged pimps and their 

One of the alleged clients, Mr Piperovic, 46, was known for his lavish lifestyle, 
luxury jeeps
and homes that could not have come from his modest civil servant salary, the 
say. Mr Piperovic and his friends were singled out in the allegations made by a 
Moldavian national, who found shelter in Podgorica's Safe House for Women two weeks

The shelter is the first non-governmental organisation in Montenegro to deal with the
female victims of people trafficking. Ljiljana Raicevic, the head of the shelter, 
recorded the
woman's testimony and gave it to the police.

The woman, identified only by her initials S C, repeated her story of sex slavery to 
investigative judge, Ana Vukovic, in Podgorica two days ago. The session with the
magistrate lasted for six hours, the sources say. S C described how she came to
Montenegro four years ago after being promised a well-paid job. Instead, she ended up
deprived of her passport and becoming a sex slave. She was sold several times by the
bosses who owned her and on one occasion was traded for a Mercedes car.

As a sex slave, she entertained prominent members of the judiciary, police and 
officials. In perfect Serbian, which she learned over the years, the Moldavian woman 
the names of the 20 most frequent customers.

She alleged that besides Mr Piperovic and his friends, these included the State 
of Montenegro, Bozidar Vukcevic. Mr Vukcevic denies the allegations, as well as the
rumours that he was willing to talk about the affair in exchange for not being 

S C gave details of houses, cafés and nightclubs where she turned tricks and, with
colleagues, was beaten and sexually abused. She tried to run away several times and 
to commit suicide, but eventually fled the hospital and ended up in the shelter.

Among her clients were police officials who were in charge of deporting foreign 
caught in prostitution, but also some of the lawyers of the recently arrested 

S C is a highly intelligent and educated person, a former athlete, Ms Raicevic said. 
had to go public after hearing her story, which is similar to so many others. So far, 
women have found shelter in the safe house.

We practically dared the government, the police and the judiciary to say what they 
about what had been heard through the grapevine for years, Ms Raicevic said.

Analysts say that human trafficking has replaced the once profitable practice of 
smuggling in Montenegro. Organised crime was forced to turn to other business in the
changed political climate in the area after the fall of the regime of Slobodan 
Milosevic two
years ago, which led to laws and regulations legalising the tobacco trade.

'Our battle against this evil must be effective'

By Vesna Peric Zimonjic

The safe House for Women in Podgorica is based in an ordinary and modest two-floor
family building. But there are precious few warm family stories to be heard here.

Any warmth and comfort comes from Ljiljana Raicevic and a group of volunteers who run
the only shelter for human trafficking and sex-slavery victims in Montenegro. I'm 
doing this
because many women have become victims of human trafficking and sex 

Re: [CTRL] http://www.dubyadubyadubya.com

2002-12-07 Thread alien
-Caveat Lector-



 -Caveat Lector-

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 'Live From Baghdad' Peddles Lie

2002-12-07 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Truth in the Crossfire - 'Live From Baghdad' Peddles Lie'
Lucy Komisar, Pacific News Service, Dec 02, 2002 

When HBO airs "Live From Baghdad," starting Dec. 7, the drama that purports to tell the true story of a cable news crew broadcasting during the Gulf War will propagate a proven lie. The film's uncritical treatment of an old charge that Iraqi soldiers threw babies out of incubators, writes PNS contributor Lucy Komisar, is disturbing as America and Iraq lie on the brink of war. 

Remember the phony story about the Kuwaiti woman who testified in 1990 that Iraqi soldiers were throwing Kuwaiti babies out of incubators? It was later exposed as a public relations fabrication -- but now it's back on HBO.

"Live From Baghdad," made by HBO, purports to tell how CNN covered the 1991 Gulf War. It is based on a memoir by Robert Wiener, then a CNN field producer, who wrote the script with three others. Airing Dec. 7, this "fiction" based on "fact" propagates the famous Kuwaiti government incubator hoax. As the United States stands at the brink of war with Iraq, such fabrications may invite other, more dangerous hoaxes.

Midway through the movie, an actor playing CNN anchor Bernard Shaw informs viewers that "more allegations of Iraqi brutality emerged today as Kuwaiti refugees testified before a congressional committee." He segues to a tearful young woman declaring, "They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators and left the babies to die on the cold floor!" It is a real clip of the 15-year-old Kuwaiti, identified at the time as Nayirah "to protect her from reprisals," who in August 1990 said those words to an ersatz "congressional committee" operating out of Hill and Knowlton headquarters.

The intrepid CNN crew (featuring Michael Keaton as Wiener and Helena Bonham Carter as his associate producer, Ingrid Formanek) goes off to Kuwait with their Iraqi handler to investigate. They manage to interview one hospital director who nervously asserts, "All the incubators are here and none of our babies are missing."

CNN correspondent: You are aware of the allegations, doctor?

Doctor: I have heard these stories.

Formanek (sotto voce): He's scared.

Wiener (sotto voce): Yeah, this is bad.

Doctor: I can tell you, nothing has happened at this hospital (pause) that I know.

CNN: But in other hospitals?

Doctor: I cannot tell about other hospitals.

Iraqi handler: Finish! Finish! We go now!

Formanek: To the other hospitals?

Handler: No, back to Baghdad!

Wiener: Hey, hey, that was part of the deal!

Handler: Not this story.

The implication is that the Iraqis are hiding the unspeakable crime that occurred in hospitals the reporters couldn't see. Except that it didn't. The incubator story was a fabrication, first invented for the London Daily Telegraph by an exiled Kuwaiti housing minister, picked up by Reuters, and then propagated by the international PR firm Hill and Knowlton, which received $10.7 million from the Kuwaiti government for this and other services.

The October 1990 hearing was held by California Democrat Tom Lantos and Illinois Republican John Porter, co-chairs of the self-styled "Human Rights Foundation," lodged in Hill and Knowlton's Washington, D.C., office. Craig Fuller, chief of staff for George Bush when he was vice-president, ran the PR firm. Nayirah was coached by the firm's vice-president, Lauri Fitz-Pegado, who later got a job in the Clinton Commerce Department.

The story was repeated by the Americans to the U.N. Security Council and by President George Bush in a January 1991 speech before he ordered the bombing of Iraq.

The incubator tale was a lie from start to finish -- exposed after the war by ABC's John Martin and denounced by the respected rights group Middle East Watch as "a complete hoax." Nayirah was a member of the Kuwaiti Royal Family, daughter of Kuwait's Ambassador to Washington.

A recent "Live From Baghdad" screening, sponsored by HBO and the Council on Foreign Relations, included a panel discussion. Present were: Wiener; moderator Garrick Utley (formerly with NBC, now with CNN); Deborah Amos, correspondent with ABC News; Tom Johnson, former president of CNN; and Eason Jordan, chief news executive at CNN. None of the eminent journalists mentioned the incubator story.

At question time, two people in the audience shot up their hands to ask why the film had perpetrated the phony incubator story. Jordan evaded the first question by relating how Saddam Hussein had ordered a Kuwaiti oppositionist cut up in pieces. A follow-up query pointed out that Jordan hadn't answered the question, and that the film perpetuated rather than corrected the phony incubator story. The film ends with text over the close telling what happened to some of the characters; surely, it was suggested, the film could easily run lines telling the truth about the hoax.

Some on the 


2002-12-07 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

I've seen other reports that corroborate this.  Disturbing is putting it mildly, but 
not surprising in light of Patriot and Home Security
- did people honestly think they weren't serious?

Nobody said it would be easy, and that's not something Americans are used to.

 Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 15:17:52 -0600
 Subject: Re: Letter from someone who stepped across the line at the
 School of the Americas.
 Gladys Schmitz wrote:

 I received this from Sister Dorothy.  She is a member of St. Stephens
 church in Minneapolis; the writer of the following letter, Jack Neis,
 is also a member of her church.  It is good for us to know.  Gladys


 My dear friends:

 I was arrested last weekend during a demonstration in Columbus,
 Georgia protesting the existence of the School of the Americas; a
 school that is the symbol of the worst in this country's foreign
 policy.  I will most probably receive a six month sentence in federal
 prison.  Kate and I are adamant opponents of this school, as most of
 you know. HOWEVER.  This missive is not about the school.  It is
 about my experience the last few days: it is about the erosion of
 civil rights.  I would appreciate your attention.  I think that you
 will find it interesting.

 I was one of those fortunate to be in the company of the people
 who crossed the line during the School of the Americas Watch /SOAW
 demonstration at Fort Benning.  The charge we were arrested for is
 trespassing. No property damage.  No violence.  No threats.  It is a
 Petty misdemeanor.  In some states a petty misdemeanor is not even
 legally considered a crime.

 In the past, violators of this ordinance, including
 repeat offenders were processed, arraigned immediately and released
 on their own recognizance until their trial months later.  Everyone
 knew that they could, and repeaters expected that they would, receive
 a prison sentence. This year things were a bit different.

 As usual, our group of ninety-odd included some seniors.  (well into
 the seventies).  Keep them in mind as I continue. We were cuffed with
 plastic ties behind our backs, and taken to a processing area.  We
 were interrogated (no Miranda), printed, and photoed.  At this point
 we expected to be quickly ! arraigned, and released.

 We were then turned over to the USMarshal service.  Again we were
 interrogated, fingerprinted and photoed.

 Now it starts getting ugly.

 (Remember: NONVIOLENT PETTY MISDEMEANOR and we have not been
 convicted: therefore assumed not guilty of even this charge.  We can
 be HELD (not punished) for up to forty-eight hours.) They put us in
 SHACKLES and LEG CHAINS for transportation to the Muskogee County
 jail. Shackles are those things where your hands are locked in a
 fixture at your waist fastened to a chain around your waist that you
 see on serial killers.  With leg chains you have to shuffle to walk.

 At the jail, everything was taken from us, and we were issued prison
 uniforms (short sleeved pajamas), one blanket, a towel, and a plastic
 cup.  Again we were interrogated, printed and photoed.  (No Miranda)
 Muskogee County has just dedicated a new jail.  Apparently there was
 no room in the new section: they led us back to the old jail
 for holding.  It was dirty, rusty, and COLD.  We wore our blankets
 constantly to keep warm.  The blanket was just barely long enough to
 cover for sleeping. Breakfast was at 4:20 AM, and the food was

 During the entire time we were incarcerated, requests for medication
 were ignored.

 All day Monday and Tuesday, the 34 men spent the entire day in a 12 x
 15 room as we awaited arraignment.  Picture that. The women spent the
 day in a similar room.  There were a lot more of them.

 I was raised upper middle class, went to a parochial grade school,
 Jesuit Prep high school, and Notre Dame University.  I spent five
 years in the Air Force as a flight instructor.  Beginning my career
 at Northwest Airlines, I was pretty much sure about everything in
 life, as would most given that experience.

 Then I was laid off (it turns out for almost nine years.)  Given the
 job opportunities in 1970, I ended up driving a city bus
 inMinneapolis.  Those 3+ years gave me the greatest part of my
 education.  I learned about the lives of real folks.  I got to know
 the poor, the black and the red, and the unemployed.  I learned that
 I really hadn't known much at all about people. This experience in
 jail was another such step.  My fellow cellmates included priests,
 college professors, students, Catholic Worker volunteers, and even a
 couple who call themselves full time activists.   You know, those

 What a marvelous and diverse group of men!!  I was humbled by
 their experiences, and their lives of dedication to their fellow
 human beings.  As I was sitting Sunday night with some of them;
 feeling the cold and the separation, my stomach twisted in a knot
 mostly from an ignorance of what was to come, I 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Philip Berrigan, Peace Advocate in the Vietnam War Era, Dies at 79

2002-12-07 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Philip Berrigan, Peace Advocate in the Vietnam War Era, Dies at 79

December 8, 2002

Philip F. Berrigan, the former Roman Catholic priest who
led the draft board raids that galvanized opposition to the
Vietnam War in the late 1960's, died on Friday in Baltimore
after a lifetime of battling the American Empire, as he
called it, over the morality of its military and social
policies. He was 79.

His family said the cause was cancer.

An Army combat
veteran sickened by the killing in World War II, Mr.
Berrigan came to be one of the most radical pacifists of
the 20th century - and, for a time in the Vietnam period, a
larger-than-life figure in the convulsive struggle over the
country's direction.

In the late 60's he was a Catholic priest serving a poor
black parish in Baltimore and seeing nothing that would
change his conviction that war, racism and poverty were
inseparable strands of a corrupt economic system. His
Josephite superiors had hustled him out of Newburgh, N.Y.,
for aggressive civil rights and antiwar activity there; the
fatal blow, he said, had been a talk to a community
affairs council in which he asked, Is it possible for us
to be vicious, brutal, immoral and violent at home and be
fair, judicious, beneficent and idealistic abroad?

He hardly missed a beat after his transfer to Baltimore,
founding an antiwar group, Peace Mission, whose operations
included picketing the homes of Defense Secretary Robert S.
McNamara and Secretary of State Dean Rusk in December 1966.
By the fall of 1967 Father Berrigan and three friends were
ready to try a new tactic. On Oct. 17, they walked into the
Baltimore Customs House, distracted the draft board clerks
and methodically spattered Selective Service records with a
red liquid made partly from their own blood.

Three decades later, Mr. Berrigan remembered feeling
exalted as the judge sentenced him to six years in
prison. From then on, he would be in and out of jail for
repeated efforts to interfere with government operations
and deface military hardware.

Even before his sentencing for the Customs House raid,
Father Berrigan instigated a second invasion, against the
local draft board office in Catonsville, Md. Among those
persuaded to join was his older brother, the Rev. Daniel J.
Berrigan, a Jesuit priest and poet, who had been one of the
first prominent clergymen to preach and organize against
the war.

The Catonsville Nine struck on May 17, 1968, taking
hundreds of files from the draft board office. They piled
the documents in the parking lot and set them burning with
a mixture of gasoline and soap chips - homemade napalm.

Reporters were given a statement that read, We destroy
these draft records not only because they exploit our young
men but also because they represent misplaced power
concentrated in the ruling class of America. It continued,
We confront the Catholic Church, other Christian bodies,
and the synagogues of America with their silence and
cowardice in the face of our country's crimes.

When the police arrived, the trespassers were praying in
the parking lot. The cameras loved the Berrigans. The
definitive photograph of the event is the striking image of
two priests in clerical dress, one big and craggy, the
other slight and puckish, serenely accepting their imminent

The Catonsville raid inspired others around the country,
the tactic becoming a sort of calling card of the
ultra-resistance. It also elevated the Berrigan brothers
to the status of superstars. Father Phil and Father Dan
were on the cover of Time magazine and illuminated in
profiles by the smartest writers.

But many Americans saw them as communists and traitors, or
at best naïve dupes of the Vietcong. And among their own
allies, grumbling grew about a cult of personality and a
certain disdain for anyone unwilling to make the same
sacrifices the Berrigans demanded of themselves.

Philip Francis Berrigan was born Oct. 5, 1923, in Two
Harbors, Minn., the youngest of six sons of Thomas W.
Berrigan and Frida Fromhart Berrigan, a German immigrant.
Thomas Berrigan was a frustrated poet and a political
radical whose labor organizing activities led to his
dismissal as a railroad engineer, after which he moved to

After high school, Philip played semiprofessional baseball
before enrolling in St. Michael's College in Toronto. In
January 1943, after one semester, he was drafted.

The life of black sharecroppers in Georgia, where he had
basic training, and the treatment of black soldiers on his
troop ship to Europe made an indelible impression on his
conscience. So did his own role in infantry and artillery
battles that earned him a battlefield commission as second
lieutenant. In so many words, he came to consider himself
as guilty of murder as the Germans and Japanese. Along with
this came the conviction that he had grown up on a diet of

[CTRL] [Fwd: Identifying GE Fruit - KNOW the PLUs!]

2002-12-07 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

Some useful information if you prefer to avoid frankenfoods!

 - Original Message -
 Subject: [ActionGreens] Identifying GE fruit
 I received the following from the Blue Ear e mail list to which I
 Date: 10/26/2002 From: Subject: Know your PLUs!
 You live in the US and don't want to ingest genetically altered fruits.
 Well, be sure to read those sticky labels. Here's the article:
 Sticky But Useful Fruit Labels - The Philadelphia Inquirer
 Genetically engineered fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced by the
 number 8.
 So, a conventionally grown banana would be 4011,
 an organic banana would be 94011,
 and a genetically engineered banana would be 84011.
 Spread the word.
 Cambridge MA, USA

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