[CTRL] The Smoking Gun: Archive

2002-12-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Here's the platform adopted in 1948 by the racist States Rights Democratic Party, which
nominated Strom Thurmond that year for president. At the heart of the party plank was 
assertion that, We stand for the segregation of the races and the racial integrity of 
race. This piece of racist history comes courtesy of the Carl Albert Congressional 
 Studies Center at the University of Oklahoma. (1 page)

Go to the page to see the image of the platform

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Salvia Divinorum

2002-12-12 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-


We get lots of strange stories here at Viewzone. Most have to do with
discoveries, of one sort or another, and of what I would call breakthrough
theories that hold the promise of stimulating or shaking our view of
traditional reality. After a while, these stories all seem to echo of the
same theme of lost civilizations, encounters with alien space people or
impending doom from some planetary cataclysm. It can get a bit old.

My most popular piece in this magazine is the article on Left Brain - Right
Brain functions, published back in 1999. I still get lots of e-mail and it
continues to prompt people to explore an area that has not been exhausted on
Viewzone: the inner space of the mind. And so I was asked to take up my
keyboard once again when Viewzone began to be flooded with inquiries about a
new, and legal, drug called Salvia Divinorum.

Unless you are familiar with the music of Tool or Mudvayne, you likely have
never heard of Salvia Divinorum, or Sally as it is called by its users. It's
not a recreational drug like marijuana or cocaine. Salvia is a hallucinogenic
drug that is so strong in effect, and so unusual, that it has not been widely
abused despite being readily available and cheap for over four years.

Salvia is a plant that grows in the sub-tropical forests of Mexico. It is a
member of the mint family and was almost extinct from the imposing
destruction of tropical forests in that region. Thankfully, now that it has
been recognized for its medicinal properties, it is growing all over the
planet, in easily maintained gardens, indoors and outdoors. Unlike marijuana,
Salvia requires no power hungry halogen lights or fancy hydroponics. It can
be grown by anyone who has kept Mom's African Violets alive on the bookshelf,
and it is easy to cultivate and clone.

In fact, lots of people are growing Salvia these days and the internet is
full of web sites where plants, seed and the dried leaves are sold and
shipped to virtually every country except Australia, which recently banned
the plant. One of the most reliable sources of Salvia is www.salvia-
divinorum.com, who will promptly send your order by UPS shipping. There are a
few rip-off businesses out there but this company seems to be highly
respected and to maintain excellent quality control. This company also has
other botanicals which Viewzone will, hopefully, review and report in the
near future.

What's the interest in this plant?

Back in the 1960's a team of pharmacologists visited the Mazatec Indians, who
live in the mountains of northern Oaxaca, Mexico. For centuries their shamans
have used hallucinogens in religious and healing ceremonies. Many of these
mind-altering substances were unknown, but soon after this expedition such
plants as mescaline and psilocybin mushrooms were being used around the
world. Salvia was in this same family but its recreational use never really
became as popular.

Salvia leaves contain a substance called Salvinorin-A, the most powerful
hallucinogen known to science -- even more potent per weight than LSD. It's
an odd substance since, unlike virtually every other mind altering drug, it
is not an alkaloid. Also, attempts to determine how it functions and which
neurotransmitters it either potentiates or inhibits have alluded researchers.
The leaves are traditionally chewed and absorbed through the mucous membranes
of the mouth, but it is also dried and smokes like marijuana, or is taken
under the tongue in the form of a purified tincture of savinorin-A.

The effects of Salvia are quick and very strong. Even if you have had
experience with LSD or magic mushrooms, Salvia goes beyond any of these so-
called trips -- enough so that many people who experiment with Salvia vow
never to use it again. Not only is Salvia quick acting and powerful but the
effects are of extremely short duration - often only a few minutes. This
short duration has led to the current re-emergence of Salvia as a tool for
meditation and psychic exploration.

Salvia has been called a wild ride. With only one or two hits of a pipe
users are almost instantly immersed in an out of body experience where time
and place seem to be under the control of the drug. Any sensory stimulation
takes the user on a lucid dream like state where anything from cartoons to
spirit guides can appear as real as normal consciousness, with no sense of
being high or under the influence of a chemical. In fact, so common is the
sensation of a guide or other presence that frequent users have given
her a name, and often speak of Sally or the Goddess as a significant
participant in their experience.

Viewzone asked me to write about this drug so, quite naturally, I had to try
it. It had been many years since my psychedelic days, but I have been known
to remind myself of the good ol' days now and then. I purchased some
extract on the internet - 2 grams of enhanced ground leaves for about $30
(US), from www.salvia-divinorum.com. I 

[CTRL] Senator Lott President Bush Read Aloud: - WHITEHOUSE.ORG

2002-12-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A Blood Thirsty Wild Animal Leading The US

2002-12-12 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Daily TelegraphDecember 11, 2002

The American administration is a bloodthirsty wild animal

By Harold Pinter

Earlier this year, I had a major operation for cancer. The operation and its
after effects were something of a nightmare. I felt I was a man unable to
swim bobbing about under water in a deep dark endless ocean. But I did not
drown and I am very glad to be alive.

However, I found that to emerge from a personal nightmare was to enter an
infinitely more pervasive public nightmare - the nightmare of American
hysteria, ignorance, arrogance, stupidity and belligerence; the most
powerful nation the world has ever known effectively waging war against the
rest of the world.

If you are not with us, you are against us, President George W. Bush has
said. He has also said: We will not allow the world's worst weapons to
remain in the hands of the world's worst leaders. Quite right. Look in the
mirror, chum. That's you.

America is at this moment developing advanced systems of weapons of mass
destruction and is prepared to use them where it sees fit. It has more of
them than the rest of the world put together. It has walked away from
international agreements on biological and chemical weapons, refusing to
allow inspection of its own factories. The hypocrisy behind its public
declarations and its own actions is almost a joke.

America believes that the 3,000 deaths in New York are the only deaths that
count, the only deaths that matter. They are American deaths. Other deaths
are unreal, abstract, of no consequence.

The 3,000 deaths in Afghanistan are never referred to. The hundreds of
thousands of Iraqi children dead through American and British sanctions
which have deprived them of essential medicines are never referred to.

The effect of depleted uranium, used by America in the Gulf war, is never
referred to. Radiation levels in Iraq are appallingly high. Babies are born
with no brain, no eyes, no genitals. Where they do have ears, mouths or
rectums, all that issues from these orifices is blood.

The 200,000 deaths in East Timor in 1975 brought about by the Indonesian
government but inspired and supported by America are never referred to. The
500,000 deaths in Guatemala, Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Uruguay,
Argentina and Haiti, in actions supported and subsidised by America, are
never referred to.

The millions of deaths in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia are no longer referred
to. The desperate plight of the Palestinian people, the central factor in
world unrest, is hardly referred to.

But what a misjudgment of the present and what a misreading of history this
is. People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows,
they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice,
they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty
powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back.

The atrocity in New York was predictable and inevitable. It was an act of
retaliation against constant and systematic manifestations of state
terrorism on the part of America over many years, in all parts of the world.

In Britain, the public is now being warned to be vigilant in preparation
for potential terrorist acts. The language is in itself preposterous. How
will - or can - public vigilance be embodied? Wearing a scarf over your
mouth to keep out poison gas?

However, terrorist attacks are quite likely, the inevitable result of our
Prime Minister's contemptible and shameful subservience to America.
Apparently a terrorist poison gas attack on the London Underground system
was recently prevented.

But such an act may indeed take place. Thousands of schoolchildren travel on
the Underground every day. If there is a poison gas attack from which they
die, the responsibility will rest entirely on the shoulders of our Prime
Minister. Needless to say, the Prime Minister does not travel on the
Underground himself.

The planned war against Iraq is in fact a plan for premeditated murder of
thousands of civilians in order, apparently, to rescue them from their

America and Britain are pursuing a course that can lead only to an
escalation of violence throughout the world and finally to catastrophe. It
is obvious, however, that America is bursting at the seams to attack Iraq.

I believe that it will do this not only to take control of Iraqi oil, but
also because the American administration is now a bloodthirsty wild animal.
Bombs are its only vocabulary. Many Americans, we know, are horrified by the
posture of their government, but seem to be helpless.

Unless Europe finds the solidarity, intelligence, courage and will to
challenge and resist American power, Europe itself will deserve Alexander
Herzen's declaration - We are not the doctors. We are the disease.

The article is taken from an address given by Harold Pinter on receiving an
honorary degree at the University of Turin

TITLEA Blood Thirsty 


2002-12-12 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-


 Führer Decree

  Jews, Freemasons and the other ideological opponents of National
Socialism allied to them are the instigators of the current war against the
Reich. The organized intellectual struggle against these forces is a vitally
necessary war task.

  I have therefore instructed Reichsleiter Rosenberg to carry out this
task in cooperation with the Head of the Armed Forces High Command. His
Operational Staff for the occupied territories has the right to examine
libraries, archives, lodges and other ideological and cultural institutions
of all kinds and to have them confiscated for the ideological purposes of
the Nazi Party and the subsequent scientific research work of the 'Hohe
Schule'. Cultural property, which is in the hands of or belongs to the Jews,
is ownerless, or for which no clearly identifiable origin can be
established, is subject to the same regulations. The regulations for
implementing cooperation with the Armed Forces will be issued by the Head of
the Armed Forces High Command in agreement with Reichsleiter Rosenberg.

  The necessary measures within the eastern territories under German
administration will be taken by Reichsleiter Rosenberg in his capacity as
Reich Minister for the occupied eastern territories.

  signed Adolf Hitler
  Führer HQ, 1. March 1942

  To all Offices of
  the Armed Forces
  the Party and of
  the State.

  The correctness of the photocopied transcript is certified by:
  Director of the Main Work-Group Ukraine
  of the Operational Staff of Reichsleiter Rosenberg.

  [Nazi stamp]


  original translation

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hezbollah has friend close to White House

2002-12-12 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
To view this item online, visit

Thursday, December 12, 2002
Hezbollah has friend
close to White House

Terrorist allies of al-Qaida supported by billionaire booster of Bush,

Posted: December 12, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Joseph Farah
© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Shi'ite jihadist group based in
Lebanon, is on the U.S. State Department list of international
terrorist organizations.

Just yesterday, Canada officially added Hezbollah to its list of 14
terrorist groups banned from operating in the country.

According to intelligence experts, Hezbollah maintains an
operational alliance with Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terror

Hezbollah remains the prime suspect in the truck bombing of the
Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983 – a terrorist attack that killed

Immediately after the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States,
Hezbollah's Al Manar Television celebrated the events by replaying
footage of the Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps in 1982 along with
inflammatory speeches by the group's leader, Hasan Nasrallah,
warning America's day of judgment would come.

Yet, a man with close financial and personal ties to the Bush
administration continues to use his influence to push for the
dropping of Hezbollah from the terrorist list and calls the group a
resistance party fighting the Israeli occupation.

That man in the middle is Issam Fares, deputy prime minister of
Lebanon, a self-made billionaire and a close associate of Maj.
General Ghazi Kanaan, head of Syrian intelligence in Lebanon and
the man known as the kingmaker in a small country dominated by
Syria's occupying military forces.

It is a mistake to make a comparison between the al-Qaida network
... and Hezbollah, Fares told Agence France-Presse last year.
Hezbollah did not carry out any resistance operation against
American interests in Lebanon or abroad and did not target civilians
in its resistance activities as happened on Sept. 11 at the World
Trade Center.

Fares, through his son, Nijad, a permanent resident alien of the
U.S., and his U.S.-based businesses, has contributed heavily to the
senatorial campaigns of now Department of Energy Secretary
Spencer Abraham. The family also contributed $100,000 to the
Bush inaugural. And Fares sponsored a speech by Secretary of
State Colin Powell at Tufts University for a reported $59,000.

Fares oversees a worldwide, diversified conglomerate of oil, real
estate and media interests. In 2000, he became deputy prime
minister of Lebanon.

The family's main U.S. business holding is the Houston-based
Wedge Group, a big player in the oil services industry headed by
William White, the former No. 2 official at the Energy Department
during the Clinton administration.

That the Fares family is attempting to buy influence in high places in
the United States seems self-evident.

Arab-Americans must substantially increase contributions to
political candidates, wrote Nijad Fares in an opinion page article for
the Detroit News, Dec, 16, 1996. Even modest contributions help
ensure that members of Congress and their staffs take phone calls
and are more responsive to requests. Furthermore, the contributor
must make explicit an interest in Middle East-related issues.

The connection between the Fares family and the Bush family
precedes the current administration. After leaving office in 1993,
President George H.W. Bush received a $100,000 speaking fee
from Fares. He also made a trip around the Persian Gulf in Fares'
private jet with the Lebanese businessman by his side. Former
Secretary of State James Baker also received a $100,000 speaking

When the news of Fares' support of the inauguration broke in the
Jerusalem Post in 2000, Fares said he was happy with the noble
relationship between himself and the Bush family.

If the Zionist lobby and those revolving in its orbit are displeased
with this relationship, it's their own business, he told the paper.
Anyway, envy is a killer.

Beirut's Daily Star reported last year that Fares has cultivated a
network of connections with senior American officials that would
make most people blush with envy.

It's not unusual that a man of means like Fares would find friends in
high places in America. But it is Fares' allies in Lebanon – from
Hezbollah to Kanaan – that make those connections shocking to

Kanaan is the man who protects, assists and harbors most
terrorists and terror-related organizations in Lebanon, explains Nagi
Najjar, the spokesman for the Government of Lebanon in Exile, a
group fighting for independence from Syria. And, Hezbollah, he
says, is the father of all terrorism.

He charges that Hezbollah has sleeper cells planted around the
world with a mission to target Jewish and U.S. interests.

Hezbollah is to the Shiaa Muslim world what al-Qaida is to the
Sunni Muslim world, 

[CTRL] Al-Qaida affiliate got nerve agent in Iraq

2002-12-12 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Report: Al-Qaida affiliate got nerve
agent in Iraq
Washington Post
Published Dec. 12, 2002

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Bush administration
has received a
credible report that Islamic extremists affiliated with Al-Qaida took
possession of a chemical weapon in Iraq last month or late in
October, according to two officials with firsthand knowledge of the
report and its source.

They said government analysts suspect
that the transaction involved
the nerve agent VX and that a courier managed to smuggle it
overland through Turkey.

If the report is true, it would be
the first known acquisition of a
nonconventional weapon other than cyanide by Al-Qaida or its

It also would be the most concrete
evidence to support the charge,
made for months by President Bush, and his advisers, that Al-Qaida
terrorists receive material assistance in Iraq.

If advanced publicly by the White
House, the report could be used to
rebut Iraq's assertion in a 12,000-page declaration that it had
destroyed its entire stock of chemical weapons.

On the central question of whether
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
knew about such a transaction, U.S. analysts are said to have no
evidence. Because Saddam's Special Security Organization, run by
his son Qusay, has long exerted tight control over concealed
weapons programs, officials said they presume it would be difficult
to transfer a chemical agent without Saddam's knowledge.

Knowledgeable officials, speaking
without White House permission,
said information about the transfer came from a sensitive and
credible source whom they declined to discuss. Among the
hundreds of leads in the Threat Matrix, a daily compilation by the
CIA, this one has drawn the kind of attention reserved for a much
smaller number.

The way we gleaned the information
makes us feel confident it is
accurate, said one official whose responsibilities are directly
involved with the report. I throw about 99 percent of the spot reports
away when I look at them. I didn't throw this one away.

Open to interpretation 
At a time when Bush is eager to make
a public case linking Iraq to
the United States' principal terrorist enemy, authorized national
security spokesmen declined to discuss the substance of their
information about the transfer of lethal chemicals. Those who
disclosed it have no policymaking responsibilities on Iraq and
expressed no strong views on whether the United States should go
to war there.

Even authorized spokesmen, with one
exception, addressed the
report on the condition of anonymity. They said that the principal
source on the chemical transfer was uncorroborated and that
indications it involved a nerve agent were open to interpretation.

We are concerned because of
Al-Qaida's interest in obtaining and
using weapons of mass destruction, including chemical, and we
continue to seek evidence and intelligence information with regards
to their planning activity, said Gordon Johndroe, spokesman for
Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge. Johndroe was the only
official authorized by the White House to discuss the matter on the

Have they obtained chemical
weapons? Johndroe said. I do not
have any hard, concrete evidence that they have. Pressed on
whether the information referred to a nerve agent, Johndroe said
that there is no specific intelligence that limits Al-Qaida's interest to
one particular chemical or biological weapon over the other.

One official who spoke without permission
said a sign of the
government's concern is its ramping up opportunities to collect
more, to figure out what would be the routes, where would they be
taking the material, how would they deploy it, how are they
transporting it, what are the personnel? The official added: We're
not just sitting back and waiting for something to happen.

A Defense Department official, who
said he had seen only a
summary version of the chemical weapons report, speculated that it
might be connected to a message distributed last week to U.S.
armed forces overseas. An official elsewhere said the message
resulted only from an analyst's hypothetical concern.

Prepared by the Defense Intelligence
Agency, last week's Turkey
Defense Terrorism Threat Awareness Message warned of a
possible chemical weapons attack by Al-Qaida on the Incirlik Air
Base in southern Turkey. Incirlik is an important NATO facility from
which the U.S.-led coalition in 1991 launched thousands of bombing
runs to force Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait. Turkey has given
conditional agreement to its use in the event of a new war with Iraq.

According to two officials, a second
related threat report was
distributed in Washington this week. The CIA message described a
European ally's warning that the United States might face chemical
attack in a big-city subway if war broke out with Iraq. A U.S.
government spokesman said the European ally offered little
evidence and the credibility of the report 

[CTRL] Crime wave in West Bank as unpaid cops turn rogue

2002-12-12 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-




{PRIVATE}Crime wave in West Bank as
unpaid cops turn rogue 

Thursday, December 12, 2002 
JERUSALEM  Palestinians
are undergoing a wave of crime and gang
activity following the collapse of police services in the West Bank, according to
Palestinian sources and local news reports. 
Many of the members of the gangs are former
Palestinian Authority police
officers or Fatah insurgents, the sources said. They said they turned to crime
after the the PA failed to pay their salaries. 
The focus of the criminal activities is
said to be in northern Jerusalem
neighborhoods that had been under the civilian rule of the Palestinian
Authority. PA police were deployed in the area until the escalation of the
Israeli-PA war in 2001, Middle East Newsline reported. 

Health insurance for the self-employed: Special

Palestinian sources said as a result the
area between Jerusalem and Ramallah
have become lawless. The Anata refugee camp has been termed Chicago in
a reference to the 1920s gang wars in the U.S. city. 
Many Palestinians have sought to protect
themselves from the gangs. For the
first time in years, Palestinian newspapers contain advertisements for the sale
of guard dogs. 
The Palestinian sources said a network
of gangs have appeared that extort
from businessmen, steal property and other assets and work for those who
want to eliminate their rivals. The sources said the gangs operate in the
Jerusalem and Ramallah areas and face virtually no danger from being
captured by either Israeli or Palestinian authorities. 
On Wednesday, Palestinian dailies published
announcements warning the
public to beware of these gangs. The announcements disclosed the activities
of the criminal network and its record of extortion and deception. 
An announcement in the Al Quds daily called
on the public to resist the gangs.
The announcement said the criminal network sells illegal drugs, forges
documents and seizes cars and land. 
Israeli police, they said, have not responded
to reports of criminal activity amid
reinforcement of Jerusalem from Palestinian insurgents. 

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] FW: [TechGnosis] The Welsh get Wired

2002-12-12 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -

Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and

Henrik Ibsen

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

-- Forwarded Message
 From: Chris Case [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: EarthlingZ
 Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 02:15:37 +0900
 Subject: [TechGnosis] The Welsh get Wired

 from a forum discussion with
 Howard Rheingold, author of Smart Mobs:

 #14 of 166: Dave Hughes (dave) Thu 21 Nov 2002 (11:26 PM)

 Howard, in #11 above, notes Dave Hughes has been selling the Welsh
 parliament on a scheme to blanket the entire county with WiFi access

 Not exactly. I started by showing Welsh people in local Pubs how they
 could connect up themselves broadband to the Internet, wirelessly, from
 every farmhouse. The word spread - from the bottom up. Welsh BBC (SC4)
 came to film me in Colorado. The word spread further. Always built on
 the boast I made in a tiny pub on New Years Eve 1997 in a tiny pub, in a
 tiny village (Cymduad) one pub, one chapel, one inn that 'I could
 connect up every farmhouse in Wales to the Internet, broadband,
 bypassing hated British Telecom, cheaply, by turning every Welsh pub
 into a wireless ISP.'

 After the Welsh National Assembly (their parliament) heard British
 Telecom tell the English Parliment, that unless the government
 subsidized them with millions of pounds, there was no way theu could
 bring broadband to rural England (including Wales, of course) until
 2022. So the Welsh National Assembly, in effect said To hell with that.
 Where is that crazy American

 So they paid for me to come over there, make 12 presentations in 5 days,
 with dinners, before government, geeks, university aundiences, civic
 leaders, south to north. And do a 'model' valley wirelessly.

 And the PEOPLE demanded that the Assembly get them wireless. I only had
 to convince the 2d Minister one on one that I knew what I was talking
 about - technologically, economically, regulatorily (British and
 European Union Radiocomms) - AND CULTURALLY, before he popped for 100
 million pounds for Broadband for Wales, with a big component of linked
 satellite-wireless, and a few bones thrown to BT for ADSL.

 I guess I organized a smart mob. I intentionally worked from the bottom
 up, not top down. And I drew on all my limited, but historical,
 knowledge of Welsh culture, derived from my desultory survery of its
 history through the 600 years I can trace my ancestory, (as much, since
 1996 via the soc.culture.wales newsgroup as any other way.

 So I said 'You Welsh like your 'communities.' And you like to do things
 by 'councils.' So what is the old Welsh word for 'community?' F-r-o fro.
 And how many communities are there with a radius of no more than 3 miles
 (a nice wireless distance). 600, they calculated.

 'Good, I said. We shall have e-Fro's. 600 e-fros, each one organized
 into a non-profit e-fro Council, which shall own the server, the base
 radio, and be legally responsible for the upstream link. And the SERVER
 at the center of each community, shall reflect the unique culture (in
 Welsh and English or whatever) of THAT one e-fro community.

 And you can then relate to each other, wirelessly, across the community
 go out to the Internet, and grow on your server what you want the rest
 of the world to see and know a about you. And sell or give to the world
 what you have, or are. Your music, your stories, your bardic traditions,
 your writings, your history, your castles, your sheep, your nurse's
 shawls, and slate wall hangings. And your Welsh language.

 Well, it appears to have hit a deep nerve midst the Welsh people. For I
 started with their culture, their being, and only used wireless and
 technology to express it, to make it valuable to others.

 Although I must admit here, that even though I am 4th generation
 American, from 13 generations of Welsh on my grandfathers side (Dafydd
 ap Hugh, 1585), and about 17 generations on my grandmothers side (Owen
 Tudor, 1485) I share with them the feeling of being oppressed by the
 haughty English. So with malice aforthought am seeing whether
 'Electronic Wales' can become independent of England. So smart mobbery
 may turn out to be a bit more than that in the long run.

 (You can see the e-fro formal program at www.e-fro.cd, text, stills, and
 videos on a couple of my speeches.)

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[CTRL] Warnings From Al Qaeda Stir Fear That Terrorists May Attack Oil Tankers

2002-12-12 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

by Starbucks}

December 12,
Warnings From
Al Qaeda Stir Fear That Terrorists May
Attack Oil Tankers


Malacca, Dec. 6  As the distant jungle shore of Malaysia faded from green to gray to black at
sunset, Noer Rahman put a bright red fire ax on the back deck of this aging tanker, then tied two
high-pressure fire hoses to the stern handrail and turned them on.
Mr. Rahman, an
experienced Indonesian sailor, was getting ready to fight pirates and terrorists,
dangers especially great in this important waterway, the fastest route around the southernmost tip
of continental Asia.
A recent audiotape
believed to have been made by Osama bin Laden praised and seemed to take
responsibility for a suicide attack two months ago in which a speedboat packed with explosives
rammed and crippled a French tanker, the Limburg, off Yemen. Other leaders of Al Qaeda have
vowed to cut the economic lifelines of the world's industrialized societies.
The threats have
focused the attention of intelligence agencies and marine police worldwide on
the vulnerability of tankers. Representatives of most of the world's seagoing nations are meeting
in London to discuss how to keep ships safe from the long-term problem of piracy and the new
risks of terrorism.
With the
attack on the Limburg, commercial vessels, especially vulnerable vessels like tankers,
are terrorist targets, said Pootengal Mukundan, the director of the International Maritime
Bureau, a United Nations affiliate that works with Interpol to combat seaborne crime.
Nowhere has the
concern been more acute than here in the Strait of Malacca, between Malaysia
and Indonesia. A quarter of the world's trade passes through the strait. That includes half of all
sea shipments of oil, bound for East Asia or sometimes the United States, and two-thirds of the
world's shipments of liquefied natural gas.
More pirate attacks
occur in Indonesian waters than anywhere else in the world. The pirates have
spies in ports to identify valuable targets, and sometimes confederates aboard as well. 
Since Indonesia
has many radical Muslim groups with a history of violence, which have been
linked to the bombing in Bali in October, law enforcement and intelligence officials worry that
terrorists may tap the pirates' expertise to mount attacks on ships in the region.
Smaller tankers
like this 420-foot-long vessel, making slow trips through the strait while fully
laden with valuable cargos, run the greatest danger, Mr. Mukundan said. 
The big fear is
that Al Qaeda might seize a ship and crash it into another vessel or into a refinery
or port.
Singapore, where
the Petro Ranger started its current journey, has the world's second-busiest
port, after Hong Kong's, so its government has taken the threat of terrorism very seriously.
As the ship began
inching away from the jetties of Singapore's immense refinery, where it took on
three million gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel, a brown Singaporean F-4 Skyhawk fighter flew
overhead on combat air patrol, a precaution started after the attacks on Sept. 11 of last year. 
A Singaporean Hawkeye
airborne surveillance plane circled twice over the refinery in the next
hour, while a half-dozen fast patrol boats with deck guns and a small gray warship cruised the
anchorage. One of the patrol boats escorted the Petro Ranger.
But once vessels
enter the Strait of Malacca they are essentially on their own. An hour from
Singapore, the Petro Ranger peacefully steamed past Iyu Kecil, a jungle-covered Indonesian
island that Mr. Mukundan described as a base for an organized crime gang that has been hijacking
small tankers to sell the cargos.
Three hours later,
the Petro Ranger sailed past Laboh Point, Malaysia, where the tanker's crew
had a close call just two months ago. A watchman on the deck of the Petro Ranger spotted a fast,
low boat with no lights within 100 yards of the stern. 
The tanker's bells
sounded to wake the unarmed crew, a radio call went out to the Malaysian
coast guard and Istaque Hossain, the second officer, aimed a spotlight at the craft to signal to the
occupants that they would not take the Petro Ranger unawares.
The spotlight revealed
the boat to be packed with crouching men. All of them were squatting,
coming very close in masks and full black body suits, recalled Fong Chung-chen, the Petro
Ranger's Malaysian chief officer. After it was caught in the light, the boat sheered off and
Armed with 

[CTRL] Ewen Cameron's Psychic Driving Memo

2002-12-12 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-

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[CTRL] 1959 Memo Approving MKULTRA Budget

2002-12-12 Thread Agent Smiley
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[CTRL] 1960 Memo Authorizing Subproject 68 of MKULTRA

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[CTRL] Page 2/1960 Memo/Subproject 68/MKULTRA

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2002-12-12 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-

Government: MILITARY RESEARCH AGENDAS FOR THE FUTUREPosted by: souljah on Wednesday, December 11, 2002 - 05:09 PM IDLW

 "If and when 'Aurora' makes its appearance, it is expected to be able to do upwards of Mach 5 or 6 - it is a hypersonic plane built, according to certain sources, on the 'waverider' principle, utilizing 'pulsed wave detonation engines' that employ a unique means of external combustion. Such a hypersonic plane, even if not radar-invisible, would have little trouble penetrating most air defenses at such velocities, and probably could strike with complete anonymity" ~~DARPA and Wetware http://www.libertythink.com/2002_12_01_archives.html#90035865Do you Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] Why the Rothschilds, Rockefeller and Bonesmen located in Cleveland and Ohio

2002-12-12 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-


Welcome to Ohio, the Land of Trains

CSX train Q137-18 (Baltimore Penn Mary-Chicago 63rd St) is accelerating

westward on track #1 past the EAS Warwick on the CSXT New Castle Subdivision

in Clinton, Ohio at 6:35pm on August 18, 2000. CSX train S297-17 (Baltimore

Curtice Bay-Toledo Walbridge) has taken the siding to let Q137 go around

him. The siding is in the forground; Track #2 is in the background heading

off to the right. This was once part of the Baltimore  Ohio's mainline from

Pittsburgh to Chicago, which wasn't completed until late in the 19th

Century. It remains a vital link between Chicago and the Mid-Atlantic


Photograph copyright 2000-2002 Jeff Knorek

Take a look at any map of the United States and you will see that the state

of Ohio is between all of the major port cities on the East Coast north of

Tidewater Virginia and the cities of Chicago, St. Louis, and Detroit, as

well as most of the port cities on the West Coast. Only traffic to/from from

Canada and Chicago through the state of Michigan, and traffic to/from Los

Angeles and the East Coast by way of Memphis can avoid passing through the

Buckeye State.

Map courtesy of the Central Intelligence Agency

Long ago, in the 1820's, 30's, and 40's, the big port cites along the East

Coast all had designs on being the predominant port once the fertile land

west of the Appalachian Mountains was developed and farmed. The rich

agriculture that this land would ultimately sustain should be transloaded at

eastern ports for export to Europe, the plan went, so toward this end many

of the port cities chartered the early railroads themselves or politically

supported those chartered by other private interests (the same method

similarly funded canal building).

Remember, at this period in American history there were only primitive roads

to the western states and territories (Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Wisconsin,

Indiana, and Illinois). The Federal Highway System would not be developed

until the Great Depression during the NINETEEN Thirties. Transporting goods

from farm or manufacturer to market by wagon was slow and expensive. Canals

were used in concert with navigable rivers and the Great Lakes as a cheaper

and easier alternative to roads for long distance bulk transport on boats to

and from the West (as well as within the territories and new states), but it

was still slow.

The business and industry of railroading was itself a new technology to the

United States, imported from England. It held the promise of being both

cheaper than road transport and faster than canal transport. The Eastern

States were farming cereal grains, but the land was not rich for farming,

and domestic consumption did not leave much grain left over for export to

Europe. The West was growing more grain than its own population could use,

and the Eastern port cities wanted in on the action.

Unfortunately for them, a mountain range, the Appalachians, lay between this

abundant grain and the merchants who wanted to sell it overseas. The

importance of canals in the development of Ohio and other states cannot be

overstated. However, the prevailing transportation modes of the day were not

suited to the task of hauling a large volume of heavy goods up and over the

mountains. This was the impetus behind the first railroad construction in

the United States, the BO, which was chartered in 1825 (by comparison, the

Erie and Ohio Canal connecting the Ohio villages of Cleveland on Lake Erie

and Portsmouth on the Ohio River by 1832, was also chartered in 1825).

The Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central System (or their proxies

and/or acquisitions) would be major players in this Nineteenth Century push

from the East Coast to the Ohio River, Lake Erie, and beyond. The Baltimore

 Ohio, Chesapeake  Ohio, Norfolk  Western, Erie, and other railroad

companies and their proxies or acquisitions would follow (each with a rich,

interesting, and sometimes dramatic history).

Over the course of some fifty years the state of Ohio would be both a goal

and then a thoroughfare as the major eastern railroads reached Chicago and

St. Louis. During this time many regional railroads within the state were

chartered as well. These companies hauled the raw materials used in iron

production from the mines to the mills, as well as finished products and

agricultural goods from the mills and farm bureaus to market. They proved to

be every bit as vital to the industries and communities that they served as

their larger brethren.

Railroad map of Ohio published by the State. 1890. Prepared by J. A. Norton,

commissioner of railroads  telegraphs. Copyright by H. B. Stranahan.

Provided by the Library of Congress.

By 1890 Ohio was a maze of railroads moving north and south, east and west.

Along the way 

[CTRL] Opening of CIA Records under Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act

2002-12-12 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-


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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Exactly how would the U.S. let the dollar weaken?

2002-12-12 Thread RoadsEnd
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-Caveat Lector-

8:58p ET Wednesday, December 11,2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

A few random items tonight.

First, consider this Bloomberg news story
today about the value of the dollar:

LONDON, Dec. 11 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar
fell against the yen on expectations a report
tomorrow will show the U.S. current-account
deficit widened to a record. The current-
account deficit, which includes trade and
investment and is a measure of the amount of
money leaving the United States, probably
widened to $132 billion in the third quarter
from $130 billion, according to a Bloomberg
News survey of analysts. 'If flows into the
United States start to slow down, that's a
problem for the dollar,' said Ian Stannard,
a currency analyst at BNP Paribas. The dollar
was also hurt by concern John Snow, nominated
by President George W. Bush to be the next
Treasury secretary, may let the U.S. currency
weaken to boost demand for U.S. exports. The
U.S. currency is up 3.2 percent against the
yen in the last month. The National
Association of Manufacturers has called for a
weakening of the currency, saying dollar
strength hurts U.S. competitiveness on the
world markets.

Why don't journalists ever spell out exactly
how U.S. government policy may let the U.S.
currency weaken? Why doesn't ANYONE ask
exactly how this is accomplished?

The U.S. government insists that it has
undertaken no foreign exchange interventions
for years. Yet the phrasing of this Bloomberg
story suggests that the government has
undertaken certain unspoken policies to keep
the dollar strong relative to other
currencies, policies that function as easily
and quickly as pushing a button. So what the
heck are they?

If there is no direct intervention in the
foreign exchange markets, there would seem to
be only one option for keeping the dollar
strong or letting it weaken -- manipulating
the gold price through intermediaries.

Adjusting the value of the dollar without
the announcement of such a policy and the
mechanism by which it is to be carried out is
itself the rigging of all markets that trade
in dollars. This the government is capable
of doing this is acknowledged in this Bloomberg
story, and it is clear to anyone who is willing
to see it or ask a question.

* * *

Market analyst Clif Droke has written a
recommendation for one of GATA's corporate
sponsors, Teryl Resources Corp. You can find
it at Gold-Eagle here:


* * *

Below is a somewhat disjointed Bloomberg
story today reporting how Morgan Chase and
Citigroup were called Enron's accomplices at
a Senate hearing. Note the wild understatement
by a Federal Reserve official at the end of
the story. To him, tax and securities frauds
are merely the excesses of new products
and innovations.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

Citigroup, J.P. Morgan
Aided Enron, Senator Says

By Rob Urban

WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Citigroup
Inc. and J.P. Morgan Chase  Co. helped Enron
design sham transactions to inflate
profit, hide debt, and evade taxes, said
Senator Carl Levin, in a hearing on the
banks' role in Enron's collapse.

You aren't the victims of Enron. You folks
helped perpetrate these deceptions,'' said
Levin, chairman of the Senate Governmental
Affairs Permanent Subcommittee on
Investigations, in an exchange with J.P.
Morgan officials about a loan transaction
called Slapshot that gave Enron $60 million
in tax benefits.

That deal cloaked a $375 million loan inside
a $1.4 billion fake loan, of which Enron
repaid $1 billion instantly, allowing it to
write off higher interest payments for tax
purposes, the 

[CTRL] t r u t h o u t - Conyers Calls on Lott to Resign: He Has Lost His Credibility on Civil Rights

2002-12-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


t r u t h o u t | Letter

Conyers Calls on Lott to Resign: He Has Lost His Credibility on Civil Rights

Wednesday, 11 December, 2002

Congressman John Conyers, Jr., Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee and
Dean of the Congressional Black Caucus sent the following letter today to Republican
Leader, Trent Lott calling for his resignation.

December 11, 2002

The Honorable Trent Lott
Republican Leader
S-230 The Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Lott:

I was astonished by your remarks at last week's birthday reception for Senator 
You claimed that the country would have been better off, and wouldn't have had all of
those problems, if other states had followed Mississippi and had supported the 
Party ticket in the 1948 presidential election. Your callous comments were incredibly
insulting, and outrageous for any American to make - let alone the prospective Senate
Majority Leader. The recent revelation of your similar endorsement, during the 1980
elections, of Senator Thurmond's Dixiecrat campaign is a chilling confirmation that 
remarks last week were not a spontaneous slip of the tongue.

President Bush and the Congress currently seek to promote patriotism and to explain
America's basic values to the world. Especially at such a time, your remarks are so un-
American that they disqualify you from continuing as the Majority Leader of the United
States Senate therefore, I must call on you to resign.

I realize you have apologized to anyone whom you might have offended through a poor
choice of words. That only compounds your slap in the face of all African Americans. 
after you had seen how much you had upset the public, you did not disavow what the
Dixiecrat Party stood for. Whatever your choice of words, the plain intent was clear. 
Dixiecrat Party's agenda was to preserve segregated schools, segregated public 
and segregated armed forces, and to prevent African-Americans from voting.

Were you suggesting that America would have been better off if President Truman had not
desegregated the armed forces? Were you suggesting that America would have been better
off if the Nation's modern the civil rights legislation had been blocked - if we had 
no Voting
Rights Act, no Civil Rights Act of 1964, no Fair Housing Act and no African-American 
officials in Mississippi?

Even worse, your limited acknowledgment that only some people might have been offended
by your remarks portrayed gross insensitivity to millions of Americans.

In addition, a key question for the 108th Congress is whether civil rights laws will be
enforced and strengthened, or whether the attempts will be made to undermine them. You
no longer have credibility on this crucial issue.

Yours truly,

John Conyers, Jr.

Ranking Member

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[CTRL] Fwd: Top Eleven 9/11 Lines of Inquiry for Kissinger Commission

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"Top Eleven" 9/11 Lines of Inquiry for Kissinger Commission
Will Henry the K Preside Over "Warren Commission Part II?"
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[CTRL] Fwd: Espousal of the Fattest

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-Caveat Lector-


On the days that I don't publish, like today, you receive
Bill Bonner's DAILY RECKONING. This will help you to keep
pace with the changes in the markets.  Bonner and I agree
on most things in the field of economics, so the two letters
reinforce each other.

Espousal of the Fattest

The Daily Reckoning

London, England

Wednesday, 11 December 2002

*** Poor Cherie Blair...

*** Stocks up, gold down...Pigs fly over Broad and Wall...

*** Markets head to disorder...the dollar too...smartest
readers in the world...who says reindeer can't fly?

All we can tell from The Times of London is that the Dow went
up and the price of gold went down yesterday. So, we leave
the rest of the financial reporting to Eric today and move on
to more serious matters.

I am sorry, says the front page headline in The Times,
hanging over a large picture of the Prime Minister's wife
like a prison sentence.

We searched high and low in the paper to try to find out what
Cherie Blair was so sorry about. She is no Superwoman, she
admitted. Permitting itself an opinion in prime time news
space, it was the tortured cry of career mothers
everywhere, continued the headline.

Career woman, lawyer, mother, Prime Minister's wife...Cherie
was juggling a lot of balls, the paper explained. Was it
any wonder she let one or two drop?

Sometimes I feel I'd like to crawl away and hide, Ms. Blair
continued. Yet, after several pages of newsprint, we were
still not sure what ball the woman dropped.

The poor woman is crumbling down... She had to delay her
press conference by 40 minutes for fear of cracking up.

All of Britain now knows how she feels. And how the press
have made her life difficult and how tough it is for a modern
woman to 'have it all,' - career, family, friends,
investments, politics. All now know, for example, that Cherie
is Catholic, has at least a few dodgy friends, including one
'lifestyle advisor' that must have gotten incarcerated on a
bum rap...and that she does exercises to 'release sexual
energy'. But at least, from the Times account, few would be
able to spot Cherie's lost balls unless they tripped over

Your editor thought he saw one. Cherie Blair, he believes, is
one of the first victims of the housing boom. It appears (and
much of this is guesswork) that Blair bought apartments in
Bristol, hoping to take advantage of a bull market in
housing. Her mistake was that she did so in the company of a
man whom the British are trying to deport, for various crimes
and misdemeanors unmentioned in the Times' Wednesday edition.
Asked about it by nosey reporters, she seems to have
forgotten key conversations.

But whatever she did, the Prime Minister's wife said she did
no wrong and pledged not to do it again.

Eric, the financial news, please...


Eric Fry from New York...

- Once again, pigs flew over Wall Street. What might seem
miraculous out on the farm is a fairly routine event at the
corner of Wall and Broad. Yesterday's porcine aviators
included Lucent Technologies, which flew 8% higher and Nortel
Networks, which soared 19%. Several other stocks also took
flight, as the Dow climbed 101 points to 8,574 and the Nasdaq
gained about 2% to 1,390.

- After so many down days, a relief rally was probably
overdue. But we doubt it will provide very much relief, or
for very long. The biggest problem with bear-market rallies
is that there's no good reason for them. So they tend to
disappear from the scene as abruptly as they first appeared.
2003 could be 

[CTRL] Israelis Execute 5 Unarmed Job Seeking Terrorists

2002-12-12 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

December 12, 2002

5 Unarmed Palestinians Killed by Israelis in Gaza

JERUSALEM, Dec. 12 - Five unarmed Palestinians were shot and killed as they
tried to climb over the barbed-wire fence marking the boundary between the
Gaza Strip and Israel, the Israeli Army said today.

The five were seen by soldiers on Wednesday in an area where Palestinians
are barred from entering. Soldiers fired at the five, and their bodies were
found this morning, the army said. Ladders were found near the bodies, but
no weapons.

Palestinians looking for work in Israel often try to climb the fence or cut
their way through. Unemployment is high in Gaza, particularly since
security measures blocked Israel to Gaza residents.

In other action in Gaza, Israeli soldiers killed an armed Palestinian
trying attack a Jewish settlement today. A radical faction of the Palestine
Liberation Organization, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine,
claimed responsibility for the failed infiltration.

Two Palestinians approached the Gush Katif settlement bloc before dawn,
armed with automatic rifles, an Israeli Army commander, Lt. Col. Avi Oved,
told The Associated Press.

One of the attackers was cutting the perimeter fence, Colonel Oved said.
The forces fired on him and killed him, he said. The other one was
apparently behind and managed to flee. Their goal was definitely to get
into one of the settlements.

Also Thursday, the Tel Aviv District Court ruled that it had the right to
try Marwan Barghouti, a leader of the current Palestinian uprising and the
highest-ranking Palestinian official in custody.

The defense argued that Mr. Barghouti, a leader of Yasir Arafat's Fatah
movement in the West Bank, had immunity as a Palestinian legislator and
that Israeli forces took him illegally from a West Bank home eight months

Mr. Barghouti had said he should be treated as a prisoner of war, not a
criminal suspect. Israel has accused him of involvement in attacks that
killed 26 Israelis.

On the political front, a week of internal balloting appeared to edge
Israel's Labor Party to the right as two peace activists in the party said
on Wednesday that they would quit to join the left-wing Meretz Party in
national elections next month.

The two, Yossi Beilin and Yael Dayan, finished low in the Labor Party's
internal elections this week, in which party members rank their candidates
for seats in Israel's Parliament.

In the elections on Jan. 28, Labor is expected to win only about 21 seats,
4 fewer than it currently holds. Other Labor candidates gained enough votes
in this week's elections to claim all those seats.

In Israeli parliamentary elections, citizens vote only for parties, which
then apportion their seats among the top finishers in internal ballots like
those held this week.

Meretz, which advocates moves toward an immediate peace with Palestinian
representatives, agreed to rank Mr. Beilin and Ms. Dayan higher on their
candidates' list in exchange for their departure from Labor.

Mr. Beilin's decision to leave Labor stands as a measure of the party's
shift to the right since the Palestinian uprising began 26 months ago. He
was one of the primary movers behind the interim peace accord that Israel
and the Palestinian Authority signed in Oslo in 1993.

The latest opinion polls showed the hard-line Likud Party, led by Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon, holding a wide lead over the opposition Labor Party.

According to the Dialogue research company poll published in the daily
Haaretz today, Likud will get 41 seats in the 120-member Parliament, more
than double the 19 seats it currently holds.

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[CTRL] Lott-ery

2002-12-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Y'all know that if Trenty would have accepted his place in that olde tyme 
lott-ery and
spent some time with them folks that don't look all that much like (and thank the 
stars for
that small favour -- that they don't), he's be a little more in the groove with his 
words.  I
think that the problem with Trenty is we're so used to him saying nothing in a hundred
words or more and now he said something  ...  gotta give him an E for effort (but 
Es are
right between Ds and Fs.  AER 


Bush Denounces Lott's Remarks
Calls Comments 'Offensive' and 'Wrong'

Thursday, December 12, 2002; 1:15 PM

PHILADELPHIA - President Bush, in rare criticism of a fellow Republican, said Thursday 
was offensive and wrong for Senate Republican leader Trent Lott to have said a
segregationist candidate for president should have won in 1948.

Any suggestion that a segregated past was acceptable or positive is offensive and it 
wrong, Bush said to loud and long applause in a speech about his faith-based agenda.

Recent comments by Sen. Lott do not reflect the spirit of our country, Bush said.

Lott said Wednesday he made a mistake of the head, not the heart by saying last week
the nation would have been better off if 1948 segregationist candidate Strom Thurmond
had been elected president.

He admitted the comment, made during a 100th birthday tribute to the South Carolina
Republican senator, could be seen as offensive and asked for forgiveness.

He (Lott) has apologized and rightly so. Every day our nation was segregated was a day
that America was unfaithful to our founding ideals, Bush said. And the founding 
ideals of
our nation and in fact the founding ideals of the political party I represent was and 
today the equal dignity and equal rights of every American.

© 2002 Reuters

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Source: Caprice was 'killing machine'

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-Caveat Lector-

As a two time state rifle champion and someone who has used a rifle
chambered for .223, I can tell you that hitting most any target under
100 yards with any sights, but especially a scope, is easy.  The .55
grain bullet is not much larger or heavier than a 40 grain .22 long
rifle bullet but is propelled by an inordinately large amount of
gunpowder, hence its ~3000 feet per second muzzle velocity and basically
flat trajectory over short distances.  Anyone with a decent .223 rifle
available retail could consistently put shots into a 4 circle at that
distance.  A trained shooter with an accurized rifle would be able to
shoot most anything at less than 100 yards with a .223.  I used to put
repeated shots in a 1 hole at 100 yards in calm conditions with a .22
caliber smallbore target rifle.  There is one thing however, the noise
from an unsilenced .223 is extremely loud.  It would be heard by anyone
within probably 200 yards even if there were a lot of ambient traffic

Andrew Wilt

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Monetization of Equity

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-Caveat Lector-


Issue 197 December 12, 2002


 It has finally happened.  The Bank of Japan, Japan's
central bank, has begun purchasing stocks held by the
nation's commercial banks.  The BoJ creates digital money
to buy the shares.  The shares now in the BoJ's possession
serve as legal reserves for the expansion of Japan's money

 This has begun to move the monetary system from credit
money to pure fiat money.  The ability of the central bank
to expand the money supply will no longer be limited by
people's willingness to borrow.  Now the only limit will be
the willingness of sellers to sell.  In a time of economic
slowdown and a premium on cash, there are few limits on
hard-pressed sellers' willingness to sell.

 The first effect of this increase in the money supply
is this: commercial banks will spend the money they have
received from the BoJ.  Money created is money spent.
Money does not sit idle in any bank's account.  Banks make
money by lending money or by buying assets, such as
government debt.  If an low-risk asset pays anything above
zero, the bank will buy it if there is no better
opportunity.  Better something than nothing; better a
little income than no income.

 When the bank buys an asset from someone, the asset's
seller becomes the owner of newly created money.  He spends
it or invests it or deposits it in his bank.  So, the money
is passed from buyers to sellers.  It will stay in
circulation.  It will remain in someone's bank account.

 The second thing that happens when the BoJ purchases
equity is that the commercial bank gets rid of a
depreciating asset, or a high-risk asset, and transfers it
to the BoJ.

 Japanese banks are unable to meet the capital
requirements that were imposed in 1988 at the Basle Accord.
The richest nations, known collectively as the G-10
nations, agreed to higher capital requirements for their
commercial banks.  This was a year before the Japanese
economy peaked.  Japanese banks are allowed to use the
value of stocks in their portfolio to count as part of
their capital requirements.  The Japanese stock market was
a bubble in 1988.  The shares were rising.  Japanese banks
had money to lend because their capital looked secure.

 Beginning in January, 1990, the Japanese stock market
started down.  It has never again approached the December,
1989 high.  Bank capital therefore began to shrink at the
same time that poor real estate loans ceased to produce
interest income.  Japan has never been able to meet the
Basle Accord's timetable.  But Japan is too big to fail.
There is no way for the other nations to impose meaningful
sanctions on Japan for not enforcing the Basle Accord.

 Over 100 countries have formally adopted the terms of
the Accord.  Predictably, only a handful of them have
actually met the Accord's requirements, which are
restrictive in the expansion of money in a fractional
reserve banking system.  When banks slow their lending
because they have hit legal restrictions in the form of
capital requirements, economies that have been growing
cease growing.  This is politically unacceptable to
politicians and central bankers.

 Policy-makers want the benefits of a pure gold coin
standard -- stable prices, no boom-bust cycle -- but
without the political restrictions of a gold standard:
public control over the money supply through bank runs in
gold coins, the inability of governments to sell lots of
new bonds to banks without raising interest rates, and
economic growth determined exclusively by factors in a free

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Feder: Copy Cat Journalism by NYT's Forero and LAT's Miller

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-Caveat Lector-

December 12, 2002
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

Narco News Associate Publisher Dan Feder catches two U.S. journalists in the
act of placing their bylines on essentially the same story.

Juan Forero of the New York Times and T. Christian Miller of the Los Angeles
Times, on Tuesday, filed nearly identical reports from an elite suburban
town in Venezuela, quoting the same three sources, to bolster their previous
false claims that there is a strike going on in that country.

Neither Forero nor Miller disclosed any information that would explain how
they ended up quoting the same two shopkeepers and the same former
government official to paint the same dishonest picture of current events.

Reporting the events today in Venezuela from the elite shops of El Hatillo,
Feder reminds, is akin to reporting the Los Angeles riots from the Gucci and
Armani stores on Rodeo Drive.

The story wasn't good enough to justify one article, much less two!

Where are the media critics, faced with this level of intentionally
dishonest simulation from Venezuela by two of the major dailies in the
United States?


from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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[CTRL] Netanyahu's Nephew Jailed over Refusal to Join 'Israeli Occupation Army'

2002-12-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Some will recognise references to Verdun.  AER 

Netanyahu's Nephew Jailed over Refusal to Join 'Israeli Occupation Army'

December 10, 2002, 07:58 PM

Artzi hates war and would rather spend time in jail than serve in the army. But, he 
is not
just any conscientious objector, hes the nephew ..

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM - The Israeli army sentenced Jonathan Ben Artzi to a 35-day prison
term Sunday, December 8, for refusing to serve in the army, his sixth sentence since he
was first jailed on August 8. He has since spent 126 days in prison, in what his 
father says
is a record in Israel for a conscientious objector.

Artzi hates war and would rather spend time in jail than serve in the army. But, he is 
just any conscientious objector, hes the nephew of Israels ultra-nationalist foreign 
Benjamin Netanyahu, according to Agence France-Presse (AFP).

For the same reasons, the army handed a 28-day prison term to Uri Yaacobi, who has
already spent 106 days behind bars.

Israelis are called to arms when they turn 18. Men serve for three years and women for 
months, while ultra-Orthodox Jews are exempted on religious grounds.

Yoni, 20, is the youngest son of the Ben Artzi family, who divide their time between
occupied Jerusalem, France and the United States.

Before leaving Israel to work in New York, both his brother and his sister completed 
compulsory military service in Israel.

But they werent very enthusiastic either, said the father, Matania Ben Artzi, who 
13 years in the army, first in an elite unit and then as a mathematician for military 

His wife Ofra was also in the army when they met, but she was the one who turned him
into a pacifist. Jonathan has always been revolted by violence and everything related 
to the
army, AFP said.

His first real shock came when he was 12, his father recounted.

We were visiting the Verdun battle field in France and the sight of those endless 
and the ossuary with the remains of 150,000 unknown soldiers killed in World War I had 
traumatic effect on him.

During his time in high school in occupied Jerusalem, he actively promoted issues 
linked to

He enjoyed sports but refused to learn karate, and one day even gave up on a school 
because the bus had to drive through the Palestinian territories, where the army had
imposed a curfew.

Already back then, it was his way of protesting against the Israeli armys occupation 
of the
Palestinian territories, his mother said.

It came as no surprise when at the age of 17, Jonathan refused to join up after 
his first conscription call.

He didnt even try to be exempted for medical reasons or anything else, his father 
He demanded, in vain, the right to be a civilian conscript and even insisted on his 
to publicize his struggle.

Jonathan is slowly making a name for himself in Israel, where conscientious objectors 
few and far between. The young man even went as far as dragging the army in front of 
supreme court, although nothing came of it.

In a country where the army is divine and sacred, hes more than a traitor, the 
father said,
charging that Israeli democracy is nothing more than a facade.

During a recent family diner, Netanyahu, who is married to the sister of Jonathans 
and leads the ultra-nationalist camp in the right-wing Likud party, briefly broached 
sensitive issue: Maybe youll change your mind.

In his army years, the charismatic nationalist politician served in the elite Sayeret 
unit. His brother commanded the same unit when he was killed in a 1976 rescue mission 
a hijacked plane in Entebbe, Uganda.

But his notorious uncles gentle prodding did not shake Jonathans determination. Quite 

A mathematics student in occupied Jerusalem, he has taken up law on the side. On Sunday
he told his parents he intended to lodge an appeal over his jail sentence with the
International Court of Justice in The Hague.

-IslamOnline  News Agencies (islamonline.net). Redistributed via Press International 
Agency (PINA).


Top Stories© 2002 PINA

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. U.S. Hijacked Dossier to Derail Inspections: Iraq
. Peace Group Slams Israeli Plans to Demolish Hebron Houses
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. Russia: Baghdad Weapons Report Creates Basis for Peaceful Resolution
. Palestinians, Israelis Agree on Palestinian Statehood
. 6,000 U.S. Dollars for Every Israeli Since 1973
. Israeli Chief of Staff Justifies Killing of Civilians
. U.S. Journalists to Be 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Venezuela coup attempt covered by NarcoNews.com, Indymedia, etc.. Versus Corporate News propaganda.

2002-12-12 Thread RoadsEnd
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-Caveat Lector-

Contrast independent and corporate news coverage of Venezuela. Very educational. It is even more enlightening when one realizes that Kissinger and friends are back in power. Remember Chile and the US-supporteddeath-squad coup there in 1973? Death squads: http://www.angelfire.com/rnb/y/squads.htm andhttp://corporatism.tripod.com/squads.htm
From San Francisco Indymedia front page: http://sf.indymedia.org/
Military Coup in Venezuela Attempted
A serious attempt to overthrow the democratically-elected leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, is currently underway, led by international oil barons, union bureaucrats and parts of the Venezuelan military with the complicity of corporate media. Thousands of Venezuela's poor are rushing into the streets to prevent the "coup of the rich." For more information, see NarcoNews. 
end of Indymedia excerpt-There are many more Venezuela articles at NarcoNews.comhttp://www.narconews.com 
Tech note: Can paste Narco News pages directlyinto Yahoo Mail, but have to make .css stylesheet link into a full, absolute URL in order to get the black background, white text, yellow and red headings, etc., etc.. 

The Narco News Bulletin

December 12, 2002 | Issue #26

narconews.com - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

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Gaviria Should Leave Venezuela

Venezuelan Majority Takes to the Streets, Coup Plotters Hide
By Al GiordanoA Narco News Breaking News Editorial
December 10, 2002
These are the hours of immediate history. As in Eastern Europe 13 years ago, the final defeat of dictatorial power in Venezuela came last night at the doors of its “control rooms” – the TV stations. On Monday night, the Venezuelan majority - unwilling to allow an upper-class economic coup d’etat that poses dishonestly as a “strike” to unseat its democratically elected government - took to the streets on a scale only seen once before in the nation’s modern history; as they had last April, when they turned back a military coup d’etat. By early Tuesday morning the masses had every Commercial TV station in the nation surrounded. Their weapons were nonviolent and theatrical: pots, pans, fireworks and thousands of defiant but smiling faces. Only at one TV installation in one of the outlying provinces - in Maracay State - did the public actually invade the facilities of a station that uses the public airwaves. Everywhere else, including at all the national TV stations in Caracas, immense restraint has been shown by the masses protesting outside of them. The bluff of the former ruling class and its media – that their top-down imposed sabotage of the Venezuelan economy and oil industry of the past week is somehow a popular “strike” – has been called. The “strike leaders,” including corrupt oil union boss Carlos Ortega, have, in recent hours, disappeared from public view, abandoning their own supporters among the upper classes. To make sure the coup plotters don’t flee the country, the neighbors of Simón Bolívar International Airport near Caracas have surrounded the airport as well. The coup supporters, including the rogue ex-military officials from April’s attack on democracy who in recent days have called unsuccessfully for military coup, promptly abandoned Plaza Altamira last night, their physical base: the public stage they had occupied continuously for the past few weeks. 
Coup Plotters' Plaza Altamira is EmptyConfronted with the rising of the more massive and true majority of Venezuelan Civil Society, the rogue officers and the elite of Caracas have retreated, returning to their homes to watch the conflict on TV as fireworks 

[CTRL] Mitchell out, Hamilton in ... and Barry Seal's attorney Richard Ben-Veniste

2002-12-12 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

Ya think something is up?

a friend;

George Mitchell has resigned from the 9/11 commission because he didn't
wanna quit his law firm. He's been replaced by Lee Hamilton, former
congressman, former head of House International Relations Committee,
member par excellence of the Trilateral Commission and The Coucil on
Foreign Relations. He's be the top Demo on the commission, to which the
Demos have also selected outgoing senator Max Cleland, who spent the 45
minutes between the WTC attack and Pentagon attack talking to Joint Chiefs
chair Myers in the Capitol basement, outgoing rep Tom Roemer of Indiana,
lawyer Richard Ben-Veniste, and Jamie Goerlick, deputy attorney general
under Clinton. (From AP, in today's SF Chronicle, p A 22)

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: DynCorp

2002-12-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---

Gotta have the stuff before you can make vaccines, eh?  Are these the folks from
Balkanlands who had a thing for the younger set?  AER

• Smallpox Vaccine
• Vaccinia Immune Globulin
• Botulinum Multivalent Vaccine
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• Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE) Vaccine
• Anthrax Vaccine, Next Generation
• Tularemia Vaccine

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Careers | Contact Info

 End of forwarded message 

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Mitchell out, Hamilton in ... and Barry Seal's attorney Richard Ben-Veniste

2002-12-12 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

I think we'll have to call this commission the "Gang of Ten."


- Original Message -

Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 3:01 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Mitchell out, Hamilton in ... and Barry Seal's
attorney Richard Ben-Veniste
-Caveat Lector-Ya think something is
up?OmKfrom:a friend;George Mitchell has resigned
from the 9/11 commission because he didn'twanna quit his law firm. He's been
replaced by Lee Hamilton, formercongressman, former head of House
International Relations Committee,member par excellence of the Trilateral
Commission and The Coucil onForeign Relations. He's be the top Demo on the
commission, to which theDemos have also selected outgoing senator Max
Cleland, who spent the 45minutes between the WTC attack and Pentagon attack
talking to Joint Chiefschair Myers in the Capitol basement, outgoing rep Tom
Roemer of Indiana,lawyer Richard Ben-Veniste, and Jamie Goerlick, deputy
attorney generalunder Clinton. (From AP, in today's SF Chronicle, p A
22)Jeff-Aloha, He'Ping,Om, Shalom, Salaam.Em Hotep,
Peace Be,All My Relations.Omnia Bona Bonis,Adieu, Adios,
Aloha.Amen.Roads EndA HREF="'http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.orghttp://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/ADECLARATION
 DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational
exchange list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed.
Substance-not soap-boxing-please! These aresordid matters and
'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright
frauds-is used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said,
CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to
readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust denial
and nazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat
Available at:http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.htmlA
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] McCoy's Politics of Heroin online update

2002-12-12 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-

url has changed to:

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ''Here's to you, Rev. Robertson ...

2002-12-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



''Here's to you, Rev. Robertson, hey hey hey!''

By Yusuf Agha
YellowTimes.org Columnist (United States)

(YellowTimes.org) – Dear Rev. Robertson,

Last Friday, after a month of religious fasting, I said my Eid prayers in a tiny 
mosque tucked
away in a small New England hamlet, accompanied by a few hundred other Muslim men,
women and children. Outside lay a blissful meadow covered with a blanket of fresh white

We prayed for peace in America and the Muslim world overcast by the specter of war --
Iraq, Palestine, Chechnya, Kashmir, Afghanistan -- and for peace on earth. As always, 
prayed for our families and our prophets, for that thread of personages that stretches 
Adam to Abraham, Moses through Jesus, culminating at Muhammad (bless them all).

I drove home listening to the songs of those soothsayers of peace, Simon and 
Garfunkel, on
my car radio. With the beautiful, lilting music of yesteryear in the background, 
Reverend, I
dwelt on the unkind words you had said about Muhammad - - the only prophet in the long
lineage that separates the Muslims from the Christians -- and Islam.

God bless you, please, Rev. Robertson,
Heaven holds a place for those who pray (Hey hey hey, hey hey hey).

Here's what you said, Reverend: There is no doubt that the religion of Muhammad and
those who adhere to it firmly … is extreme and violent. You claimed Islam is a
monumental scam and that prophet Muhammad was an absolute wild-eyed fanatic ... a
robber and brigand ... a killer. You proclaimed that the Koran teaches that the end 
of the
world will not come until every Jew is killed by Muslims.

Not to be left behind, your friend, Reverend Falwell, chimed in to call the Prophet
Muhammad a terrorist, as well.

Words are dangerous, you see,
they echo and they swell.

The Secretary of State rejects your kind of loathing, Mr. Robertson. General Powell 
We will reject the kind of comments ... where people in this country say that Muslims 
responsible for the killing of all Jews, and who put out hatred. This kind of hatred 
must be

And so does President Bush, who visited the Islamic Center in Washington earlier this 
After kindly removing his shoes on entering the mosque, Mr. Bush praised Islam for
inspiring countless individuals to lead lives of honesty, integrity, and morality. 
the President had called Islam a religion of peace, and said that Islam affirms God's
justice and insists on man's moral responsibility.

In view of these conflicting statements, I thought I should get to know you a little 

We'd like to know
A little bit about you
For our files.
We'd like to help you learn
To help yourself.

On the Internet, I found you snugly sandwiched between your brethren televangelists.
There you were -- the gangs of four, twittering like birds-of-a-feather: Bakker, 
Swaggart and Robertson.

Let's leave Slurpin' Swaggart out of this, since he has found uses for his staff -- 
uses other
than splitting the Red Sea:

Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes.
It's a little secret,
Just the Swaggart affair.
Most of all, you've got to hide it from the kids.

Nor let us disturb Pastor Bakker (man of God) so comfortably curled up in a fetal 
serving his 45-year sentence for fraudulently selling time-shares:

Where have you gone, Jim Baker-o?
Tammy turns her lonely eyes to you (Ooo ooo ooo).

Let's even gloss over Rev. Falwell, (God bless his little hostile takeover bid of the 
empire) who blames 9-11 on liberal groups in America. His attacks on Tinky- Winky, the
purple male-voiced Teletubby, as being gay is a valid testimony of his state of mind: 
Reverend's National Liberty Journal has warned that his antenna is shaped like a 
triangle -
the gay-pride symbol!

Coo coo ca-choo, Rev. Falwell,
Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo wo wo).

So that leaves you, Mr. Robertson:

And the sign flashed out its warning
in the words that it was forming.

Writing in Hinduism Today, Valli J. Rajan finds that It's not that unusual for Pat 
daily Christian TV show, the '700 Club,' to portray other religions in less than a
complimentary light. Jews, Muslims and occasionally Hindus are singled out for a 
recounting of their spiritual errors. Mr. Rajan notes that in one of your shows, you 
Hinduism as demonic and advocated keeping Hindus out of America.

In the Sephardic News, S. Alfassa notes Pat Robertson asserts that unconverted Jews 
spend eternity in the Christian hell, and quotes you saying: The Jews will cry out 
to the
one they have so long rejected, and He will come in heavenly power to give them

In Liberia, you chose to bed with dictator Charles Taylor (whom the BBC calls  a 
political operator) to hunt for gold in the southeast Bukon Jedeh region, on a deal
reportedly worth $48 

[CTRL] Tensions between Israel, U.N. near boiling point

2002-12-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


They have also charged the organization with hypocrisy by giving Syria a seat on the
Security Council despite its poor human rights record and place on the State 
list of host countries for terror groups.

This is like saying, Them peoples don't need to go to school 'cause they're too
ignorant!  And they take stuff.  And they talk and live differently.  And they 
shouldn't have

   www.sfgate.com   Return to regular view

Tensions between Israel, U.N. near boiling point
Danielle Haas, Chronicle Foreign Service
Wednesday, December 11, 2002
©2002 San Francisco Chronicle.

URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?

Jerusalem -- There has been little love lost between the United Nations and Israel 
over the

U.N. resolutions may have paved the way for the creation of the Jewish state in 1948, 
relations have long been troubled both at a political level and operationally on the 

The deaths in recent days of three U.N. employees during Israeli military operations 
sunk those ties to a new nadir.

The situation, at least on the ground, is pretty bad. A lot of people in the U.N. are 
troubled by Israeli actions, said one regional diplomatic source.

Israeli officials charge that Palestinian U.N. employees are providing cover for 
militants and
even take part in terror activities by working for the U.N. by day and as terrorists 
by night.

Some U.N. workers are involved in terror, said Raanan Gissin, an aide to Prime 
Ariel Sharon. They are aiding and abetting it, too, by allowing (militants) to 
operate in the
(refugee) camps.

U.N. officials deny that any employees in the West Bank and Gaza are connected to
extremists, although Hamas identified a U.N. teacher who was killed during an Israeli 
raid in
Gaza on Friday as a member of that militant group.

The round of accusations was touched off by the death last month of Iain Hook, a Briton
working for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), during a gunfight
between Israeli soldiers and Palestinians.

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan demanded that Israel conduct a rigorous 
investigation .
. . and hold accountable those responsible. And more than 60 U.N. relief workers 
issued an
unprecedented petition condemning the army in the strongest possible terms for this
wanton act against an unarmed man.

Israel has since released a message that Hook left on an officer's phone minutes 
before he
died in which he said he was trying to prevent armed Palestinians from entering the
UNRWA compound in Jenin. It charged the Palestinians with the cynical use of the 
population and relief organization buildings as a cover for terrorist activities.

Palestinians are trying to escalate the situation, said Gissin, and one way to 
friction is to try to do it via the U.N.

Angry U.N. officials say there were no gunmen inside the building.

The accounts that Israeli officials have given regarding the death of Iain Hook run 
to reports from U.N. officials, said Mark Dennis, an aide to the world body's special
representative in the region, Terje Roed Larsen.

UNRWA Commissioner General Peter Hansen was less circumspect, referring to the deaths
of people working for a humanitarian agency as completely unacceptable.

The ill feeling resurfaced just days later when the U.N.-affiliated World Food Program
blamed Israeli soldiers for blowing up a Gaza warehouse that stored food for 40,000
destitute Palestinians. The military said the upper floors were used for terrorist 

Then on Friday, an Israeli operation against militants in a Gaza camp killed 10 
including two UNRWA workers, triggering new U.N. charges of the indiscriminate use of
heavy firepower.

UNRWA was established in 1949 to carry out relief programs for Palestinian refugees who
fled or were made homeless in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war until a political solution was

Fifty-three years later, there is no settlement and the agency continues to provide
education, health, relief and social services to more than 3.7 million registered 
refugees in
the Middle East. Among them are more than 1.5 million in the West Bank and Gaza, the
majority of whom live in around 27 camps served by 260 UNRWA schools and 50 health
care facilities.

UNRWA is at the point of sharpest conflict right now. But it reflects a broader 
problem of
crisis of confidence that Israel has with the U.N., which it sees as having been co- 
opted by
Palestinians, as corrupt and lacking in professionalism, said Gerald Steinberg, an 
analyst at
Tel Aviv's Bar Ilan University.

Posters of suicide bombers have appeared in the walls of UNRWA schools and buildings,
including the U.N. girls school in Jenin. When they kill a martyr, we will kill 100 
reads graffiti 


2002-12-12 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Vladimir Krsljanin 

To: mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:@smtp.sps.org.yu 

Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 6:19 PM


On the 
inhuman treatment of the political prisoner Slobodan Milosevic by the 
International Criminal Tribunal for the former 

The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation with 
deep concern receives the information on the sharp deterioration of the health 
of the former President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Slobodan 
Milosevic, who is held in prison of the International Criminal Tribunal for the 
former Yugoslavia (ICTY) at The Hague. According to the official sources from 
The Hague, during nine months of the process in the case of Slobodan Milosevic 
(since February 2002) the ICTY sessions have been disrupted four times, which 
makes 31 working day (without weekends), only due to the bad health condition of 
Slobodan Milosevic. The lawyers (amici curiae) appointed by ICTY have addressed 
to ICTY judges a proposal to make a one year recess in the process in the case 
of Slobodan Milosevic for the same reason - bad health condition of the 
The arterial hypertension associated with the cardiovascular illness, 
from which Slobodan Milosevic suffers since time before the imprisonment, is an 
imminent threat to his life. The exhausting many hours long ICTY sessions, the 
lack of the specialized medical aid and the lack of opportunity to be regularly 
in fresh air worsen the health condition of Slobodan 
The former President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia undergoes a 
humiliating procedure which includes putting the hand-cuffs every time when he 
is transported from the prison to the court and 
The State Duma not once condemned the works of ICTY, as in the 
Resolutions of the State Duma of June 28, 2001, No.1719-III GD "On the address 
of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to the 
leadership of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia concerning the outlawing of the 
handing over Slobodan Milosevic to the International Criminal Tribunal for the 
former Yugoslavia" and of February 15, 2002 No.2480-III GD "On the necessity to 
impose time limits to the works of the International Criminal Tribunal for the 
former Yugoslavia".
In these Resolutions, the critical estimates of the works of ICTY have 
been given, including the emphases on the violations of the norms of the 
international humanitarian law and on the political character of 
In relation to the above mentioned, the State Duma considers it a 
priority that political prisoner Slobodan Milosevic undergo appropriate medical 
examination administered by Yugoslav doctors and other 
The State Duma, in accordance with the provisions of the UN General 
Assembly Resolution 37/194 of December 18, 1982 on the Principles of Medical 
Ethics, determining the role of the health care workers, in the first place 
physicians in medical protection of the prisoners, requests the Government of 
the Russian Federation to send to The Hague highly qualified Russian doctors to 
take part in the medical examination of Slobodan 
unanimously, December 11, 2002)
To join or help this struggle, visit:http://www.sps.org.yu/ (official SPS 
website)http://www.belgrade-forum.org/ (forum 
for the world of equals)http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international 
committee to defend Slobodan Milosevic)icdsm temporary address:http://emperor.vwh.net/icdsm/index.htmfor 
your donations:http://emperor.vwh.net/icdsm/donations.htm
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] t r u t h o u t - William Rivers Pitt | The Pure Essence of Stupid

2002-12-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


The Pure Essence of Stupid
By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Thursday, 12 December, 2002

On a number of different occasions, permutations of the following comment have appeared
on a variety of online forums. Essentially, this is a fragment of what may be the most
crystalline rant ever recorded on the internet. I have no idea who the original author 
When considering the recent behavior of the Bush administration, and of some 
who rally to his banner, this slice of angry literature comes as close to a defining 
as one may ever see:

I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. 
hard stupid. Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole
different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid 
collapsed on
itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot 
sun on Mercury stupid. You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits 
a year. Quasar stupid. Perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big 
of stupid. Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be
beyond the laws of physics that we know.

George W. Bush holds incontrovertible proof that Iraq is in possession, and is 
busily developing, weapons of mass destruction. This, and this alone, proves that the 
declaration recently released to the international community which disavows such 
is a fraud. This proof also proves that the UN weapons inspectors currently raking 
Iraq with
a fine-tooth comb are wasting their time, totally useless, and never should have 
bothered in
the first place.

Of course, there's a catch. There is always a catch with these guys. The word But is
inferred in every statement they make, in every claim they broadcast, in every 
syllable that
drops woodenly from the lips of the man who would lead us to peace and security through
the crucible of a war that has nothing to do with fighting international terrorism.

George W. Bush holds incontrovertible proof that Iraq is in possession, and is 
busily developing, weapons of mass destruction.


You are not allowed see that proof. Neither can the international community see that 
Neither can the press. Neither can the weapons inspectors, whose job it is to locate 
destroy these items, if they exist, in the first place. One would think such data 
would best
be served by placing it into the hands of the individuals tasked to ferret these 
weapons out.

No sale. The UN cannot see this blockbuster evidence. Nor can the media. Nor can the
inspectors. Nor can you. This is fine, you see. We trust George W. Bush to such an 
degree that we are willing and able to be led into war without ever knowing the reason
why, because we love him so very much.

You don't believe me? Ask Jed Babbin, former Undersecretary of Defense in the first 
administration. He usually appears on Fox News to speak the Bush administration party 
but December 9th found him speaking the aforementioned party line on the Chris Mathews
MSNBC talk show, 'Hardball.' Feast:

MATTHEWS: Shouldn't he have to show evidence? You're acting like it's a question mark.
Isn't it necessary morally and politically and historically for this president to show 
his own
people and the world he has evidence of weapons of mass destruction before going in?

BABBIN: He has no obligations like that, Chris. This is not a trial. This is not a 
proceeding. This is a matter of national survival and national security.

MATTHEWS: Well, how do the American people know that there's weapons of mass
destruction in that country if the president can't show them there are?

BABBIN: Because they trust their president. When he gets up, as he will soon, I 
believe, and
tells them that they do have all the evidence that they need to proceed on Saddam's

MATTHEWS: OK, so it's on his say-so. We're going to war on the president's say-so.

BABBIN: That's the way it always is.

It is difficult to decide whether this is meta-stupid, dehydrated-rock-stupid, or 
blazing hot
mid-day sun on Mercury stupid. We can be sure, however, that it is undeniably stupid 
to the
core. The documents say We The People for a reason, remember. This seems to have
been lost in the translation towards war. That's the way it always is, said Babbin. 
how it was, anyway...in Vietnam.

George W. Bush has tapped John J. Snow to replace blabbermouth former Secretary of the
Treasury Paul O'Neill. Snow rises to his post from a corporate executive background, 
served as the CEO of railroad giant CSX. It seems no one in the administration read 
the fine
print, or if they did, decided said fine print does not matter. Mr. Snow ran a company
whose 2001 annual report claimed this as its company 

Re: [CTRL] Israelis Execute 5 Unarmed Job Seeking Terrorists

2002-12-12 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

Kinda funny from someone who advocates shooting Mexicans and other illegal
aliens as the enter the US.

on 12/12/02 2:17 PM, flw at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 December 12, 2002

 5 Unarmed Palestinians Killed by Israelis in Gaza

 JERUSALEM, Dec. 12 - Five unarmed Palestinians were shot and killed as they
 tried to climb over the barbed-wire fence marking the boundary between the
 Gaza Strip and Israel, the Israeli Army said today.

 The five were seen by soldiers on Wednesday in an area where Palestinians
 are barred from entering. Soldiers fired at the five, and their bodies were
 found this morning, the army said. Ladders were found near the bodies, but
 no weapons.

 Palestinians looking for work in Israel often try to climb the fence or cut
 their way through. Unemployment is high in Gaza, particularly since
 security measures blocked Israel to Gaza residents.

 In other action in Gaza, Israeli soldiers killed an armed Palestinian
 trying attack a Jewish settlement today. A radical faction of the Palestine
 Liberation Organization, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine,
 claimed responsibility for the failed infiltration.

 Two Palestinians approached the Gush Katif settlement bloc before dawn,
 armed with automatic rifles, an Israeli Army commander, Lt. Col. Avi Oved,
 told The Associated Press.

 One of the attackers was cutting the perimeter fence, Colonel Oved said.
 The forces fired on him and killed him, he said. The other one was
 apparently behind and managed to flee. Their goal was definitely to get
 into one of the settlements.

 Also Thursday, the Tel Aviv District Court ruled that it had the right to
 try Marwan Barghouti, a leader of the current Palestinian uprising and the
 highest-ranking Palestinian official in custody.

 The defense argued that Mr. Barghouti, a leader of Yasir Arafat's Fatah
 movement in the West Bank, had immunity as a Palestinian legislator and
 that Israeli forces took him illegally from a West Bank home eight months

 Mr. Barghouti had said he should be treated as a prisoner of war, not a
 criminal suspect. Israel has accused him of involvement in attacks that
 killed 26 Israelis.

 On the political front, a week of internal balloting appeared to edge
 Israel's Labor Party to the right as two peace activists in the party said
 on Wednesday that they would quit to join the left-wing Meretz Party in
 national elections next month.

 The two, Yossi Beilin and Yael Dayan, finished low in the Labor Party's
 internal elections this week, in which party members rank their candidates
 for seats in Israel's Parliament.

 In the elections on Jan. 28, Labor is expected to win only about 21 seats,
 4 fewer than it currently holds. Other Labor candidates gained enough votes
 in this week's elections to claim all those seats.

 In Israeli parliamentary elections, citizens vote only for parties, which
 then apportion their seats among the top finishers in internal ballots like
 those held this week.

 Meretz, which advocates moves toward an immediate peace with Palestinian
 representatives, agreed to rank Mr. Beilin and Ms. Dayan higher on their
 candidates' list in exchange for their departure from Labor.

 Mr. Beilin's decision to leave Labor stands as a measure of the party's
 shift to the right since the Palestinian uprising began 26 months ago. He
 was one of the primary movers behind the interim peace accord that Israel
 and the Palestinian Authority signed in Oslo in 1993.

 The latest opinion polls showed the hard-line Likud Party, led by Prime
 Minister Ariel Sharon, holding a wide lead over the opposition Labor Party.

 According to the Dialogue research company poll published in the daily
 Haaretz today, Likud will get 41 seats in the 120-member Parliament, more
 than double the 19 seats it currently holds.

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[CTRL] Accuracy In Media - Media Monitor - Los Alamos Fires Real Cops

2002-12-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


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Los Alamos Fires Real Cops
By Reed Irvine and Cliff Kincaid
December 12, 2002

Two Los Alamos investigators, hired to stop a wave of thievery at the nation’s premier
nuclear weapons lab, were recently fired for doing their jobs too well. Glenn S. Walp 
Steven L. Doran, highly experienced criminal investigators, learned the hard reality 
of life
inside the U.S. Energy Department and its nuclear weapons laboratories. As a U.S. 
once observed, (Quote) When problems are uncovered, the labs hide them, classify them,
and get rid of the people who discovered them.

The firings came as part of Los Alamos’ effort to limit public exposure of on-going 
abuses of federal credit cards and the loss of millions of dollars of computers, 
and high-tech instruments. Several lab employees have been placed on investigative
leave, including two under a full FBI field investigation for making more than fifty 
dollars of what the lab now terms unallowable purchases.

Internal lab documents indicate, however, that was only the tip of the iceberg. Since 
more than three million dollars of lab property has been reported lost, missing, or 
Lab spokesmen dismissed these allegations as overblown. They said that the media have
failed to account for depreciation and the value of the missing items was really 
more like
sixty thousand dollars. But the FBI and Energy Department had both opened 
In one case, FBI agents were in Phoenix, Arizona, questioning a car dealer about a Ford
Mustang allegedly purchased by a lab employee with a government credit card.

The internal documents also charged that the lab had obstructed investigations into the
thefts and refused to cooperate with local police or the FBI. Lab officials vehemently 
these allegations. But Walp told CBS News’ Sharyl Attkisson that the more theft they
uncovered, the harder the lab tried to bury the problem. Walp also confirmed that the 
told them emphatically that they were not to talk to the FBI. They were fired after 
interviewed by the FBI and the Energy Department inspectors.

But further evidence of widespread corruption at Los Alamos came when the Albuquerque
Journal learned that two expensive knives, allegedly brought with lab money, were 
from an evidence box in Los Alamos’ security office. Reportedly, two employees accused 
using lab funds to purchase personal items were also giving gifts to lab officials
responsible for investigating waste, fraud, and abuse. Now evidence of possible 
bribery has

This is the fourth major scandal at Los Alamos in the last three years. This one 
includes the
loss or theft of hundreds of computers, many from lab units doing highly classified 
security work. Yet the national media, with the notable exception of CBS News, has 
ignored the scandal. Locally, the Albuquerque Journal has kept the story alive, but the
Washington Post, supposedly a government watchdog, has yet to publish a single report 
the story. No wonder the Congress pays so little attention to such scandals.

Reed Irvine can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[CTRL] A washingtonpost.com article from: alamaine@uffdaonline.net

2002-12-12 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

You have been sent this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a courtesy of the 
Washington Post - http://www.washingtonpost.com

 Here's the old father - daughter thing again.  Shrub and his coupla six packers; 
John Ellis and his renegade; now, one of the white male Supremes.  Ain't no behaviour 
low enough ...  AER

 To view the entire article, go to 

 GAO Widens Inquiry of Rehnquist

 By Edward Walsh
 The General Accounting Office has expanded its investigation of Health and Human 
Services Inspector General Janet Rehnquist, the daughter of Chief Justice William H. 
Rehnquist, beyond its initial focus on widespread personnel changes in her office.

 According to congressional investigators, the GAO is now also looking into 
allegations involving the delay in an audit of a Florida pension fund that could have 
benefited Gov. Jeb Bush (R), the unauthorized possession of a gun by Rehnquist and the 
shredding of documents after the GAO inquiry had begun.

 Ben St. John, a spokesman for Rehnquist, confirmed that these additional elements 
have become part of the GAO inquiry, which he said HHS officials do not consider an 
investigation but a management review. The GAO is the investigative arm of Congress.

 Rehnquist, a former assistant U.S. attorney in Alexandria who worked in the White 
House under then-President George H.W. Bush, supervises a staff of about 1,600, the 
largest Office of Inspector General (OIG) at any federal agency. One of the office's 
main tasks is to investigate allegations of fraud and waste in the huge Medicare and 
Medicaid health insurance programs that are administered by HHS.

  The GAO first began looking at the operations of Rehnquist's office in October in 
response to a request from Sens. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), Max Baucus (D-Mont.) 
and John Breaux (D-La.). In a letter to top GAO officials, the three senators said 
they were concerned about the impact of the loss or reassignment of several senior 
managers on OIG operations.

 In a separate statement, Grassley said that, since Rehnquist was confirmed in August 
2001, there had been 19 senior staff changes in the office, including the retirement, 
resignation or reassignment of six deputy inspectors general, most of whom had at 
least 30 years experience at the agency.

  I want the GAO to determine whether the loss or transfer of these key people will 
erode this office's performance, Grassley said at the time.

 Since that initial request, the GAO inquiry has branched out into other areas, 
including an almost six-month delay earlier this year in beginning an audit of a 
Florida state government pension fund at a time that Gov. Bush, President Bush's 
brother, was facing a tough reelection battle. The audit, scheduled to begin in April, 
did not start until September, ensuring  that any potentially embarrassing results 
would not be known until well after the Nov. 5 election in which Bush eventually won a 
second term.

 St. John said the audit was delayed at least three times at the request of Florida 
officials. He said that at least the first request, seeking a delay because the 
pension fund was about to get a new director, came from Gov  . Bush's office and was 
referred to Rehnquist.

 But St. John said that the delays were not linked to Florida politics, and that the 
outcome of the audit would not have been known until after the election even if the 
audit had started in April.

 A congressional investigator disputed that assertion, saying that interviews with 
people in Florida indicated that the audit would have been done before Nov. 5.

  June Gibbs Brown, Rehnquist's predecessor at HHS who served as IG at four federal 
agencies, said in an interview that requests to delay an audit are unusual and rarely 
reach the head of the IG office.

 Late yesterday, Rehnquist released internal documents on the audit decision and a 
letter to Grassley in which she said my decision to delay the audit was based on the 
merits and not motivated by political reasons. According to an internal e-mail 
message that Rehnquist released, before the audit was delayed, OIG officials expected 
a draft report on the audit by Sept. 30, more than a month before the election.

 Rehnquist confirmed yesterday that the delay request came from Kathleen Shanahan, Jeb 
Bush's chief of staff. Rehnquist said her staff advised her that it was a reasonable 

 Congressional investigators said they have also determined that Rehnquist, who 
apparently has become a shooting enthusiast but is not licensed to own a gun, had an 
unloaded handgun in her office for a short time.

  St. John said he knew nothing about a handgun, but confirmed that Rehnquist at one 
point had a laser gun in her office that she used to practice aiming at a poster of a 
human figure. A laser gun does not shoot bullets, but aims a beam of light.

 Another source said Rehnquist 

[CTRL] What are the odds?

2002-12-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Ronnie's a Democrat.  Lott's a Repbulican.  Lott resigns due to his recent trip on 
tongue.  Ronnie appoints a new Senator -- a Democrat.  The Senate goes back to even ...
or close to it.  Daschle doesn't make too many waves while waiting for all this fall 
place, from Lott falling on his face (after the trip on the tongue).  What are the 

I see from the MS state legislature page that there are more Ds than Rs.  What're 
odds?  http://www.ls.state.ms.us/  (go to the members for each house then to the
members' roster where there's a chart of all the peoples)

Ronnie Musgrove


On  January 4, 2000, Ronnie Musgrove was elected Mississippi's  62nd Governor.

His term as Governor follows a distinguished career of public service. As a two-term 
senator, Musgrove chaired the Education Committee. As Lieutenant Governor, he was
recognized nationally as a leader among his peers, and served as chairman of the 
Conference of Lieutenant Governors in 1998.

Currently he serves on the Southern Regional Education Board (chairman), the Southern
States Energy Board (chairman), the Executive Committee of the Southern Governors
Association, the Southern Growth Policies Board (chairman), and the Executive Committee
of the Democratic Governors' Association and the National Governors' Association.

Relentless. Determined. Persistent. These are the words used to describe Governor
Musgrove's commitment to improving the quality of life for every Mississippian. By 
education, health care, economic growth and public safety, Governor Musgrove is making 
difference for Mississippi.

In July 2001, Governor Musgrove signed legislation he championed clearing the way for a
historic teacher pay raise for Mississippi's teachers. His plan, when fully 
implemented, will
raise the average teacher pay in the state from 49th to 19th in the nation. The New 
Times praised the package, saying Mississippi had put together the kind of package 
continues to elude New York.

Governor Musgrove is also focusing on providing Mississippi's students with the tools
necessary to compete in the economy of the 21st century. He created the Task Force on
Classroom Technology, which will place an Internet-accessible computer in every public
school classroom in the state by the end of 2002.

Also in May 2000, Governor Musgrove unveiled a new plan of action to promote the
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which provides much-needed insurance
coverage to the children of Mississippi's working families. Because of his leadership, 
additional 52,000 Mississippi children have access to healthcare, an increase of 100 
the number covered when the Governor took office.

Governor Musgrove created a new economic development plan, the Advantage Mississippi
Initiative. With the passage of supporting legislation, Mississippi now has the 
over our competing states. The Advantage Mississippi Initiative played a key role in
Mississippi's securing of a $1.4 billion Nissan plant with 5,300 jobs.

A graduate of Northwest Community College, the University of Mississippi and the 
of Mississippi Law School, Governor Musgrove is the proud father of two children, 
(17) and Carmen Rae (14).

Return to About the Governor

All rights are reserved to the Office of the Governor.

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[CTRL] portugal, custody, manipulation, damage, conviction rate, Law subp, oil/Iraq

2002-12-12 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
also has U.S. Blackmailing Russian Firms in Iraq 
"Tokarev also slammed the United States for its plans to overthrow Hussein, saying the U.S. government was only after access to Iraq's vast supplies of cheap oil." 

this may be heavy for survivors

Portugal vows full investigation in child sex scandal11/29/02 Lisbon, Portugal - "President Jorge Sampaio on Wednesday promised an exhaustive police investigation into allegations of decades-long sexual abuse by staff at a Lisbon boys' homeThe child sex scandal has snowballed over the last five days since former pupils began alleging widespread abuse at the home since the late 1970s. Also, a former president, several ex-government members and senior police officers faced public scrutiny over claims they knew of the allegations 20 years ago but ignored themMore than 100 boys suffered abuse, including alleged homosexual rape and pedophile prostitution, according to S.I.C. television channel. " http://www.etaiwannews.com/World/2002/11/29/1038536513.htm

Man Convicted of Sex Abuse Retains Custody of Two Girls By The New York Times Auburn, N.Y., 12/10/02 — "A family court judge ruled today that a man convicted of sexually abusing a child could keep custody of two young girls, over the initial objections of the children's grandparents." http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/11/nyregion/11ADOP.html?ex=1040606356ei=1en=fccab2402469e8b0

Abuser admits to 'slick' manipulation By Geri Nikolai, Rockford Register Star "Adults who molest children seldom kidnap a child off the street. They choose their victims based on the child's age, gender and family. Then they go about "grooming" the child to do their bidding, says a Rockford man who served nearly 10 years in prison for sexual abuse." http://www.rrstar.com/specialreports/sexual_abuse/sexabuse3.shtml

Damage from abuse can last a lifetime By Geri Nikolai, Rockford Register Star "While some victims can deal with abuse on their own, others need counseling occasionally or steadily all their lives, she said. One reason is that children can't cope like emotionally-healthy adults. To numb the pain, they may turn to whatever works: withdrawal, drugs, alcohol, eating disorders. As they grow up, those habits lead to dysfunctional livesSexual abuse during childhood can scar a person in three ways: self-image, emotions and relationships." http://www.rrstar.com/specialreports/sexual_abuse/sexabuse4.shtml

Convicting abusers tough when it's only the child's word By Geri Nikolai, Rockford Register Star "Experts believe 99 percent of those children were telling the truth, yet only 17 percent of the people they named as abusers were prosecutedLee County: 32 cases reported. One physical abuse, 31 sexual abuse. Two cases determined false. Of remaining 29, charges brought in eight. Of 29 cases, all but one involved family friend or family member as perpetrator; only one was stranger." http://www.rrstar.com/specialreports/sexual_abuse/sexabuse2.shtml

Law, 7 Bishops Subpoenaed in U.S. Criminal Probe 12/12/02 - By Greg Frost Boston (Reuters) - "Boston Cardinal Bernard Law was served a subpoena last Friday to appear before a Massachusetts grand jury investigating sex abuse by priests, sources familiar with the probe said on Thursday, and the cardinal apparently left the city the same day." http://abcnews.go.com/wire/US/reuters20021212_383.html

Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2002. Page 5 Exec: U.S. Blackmailing Russian Firms in Iraq Combined Reports Vedomosti Nikolai Tokarev
"The director of a state-owned oil company with interests in Iraq on Tuesday accused U.S. companies of attempting to blackmail Russian oil majors into financing Iraqi opposition parties in return for contract guarantees from a post-Saddam Hussein regime. "The Americans have tried to discuss the issue, including at a level of [direct negotiations] with companies," said Nikolai Tokarev, head of Zarubezhneft, which has been operating in Iraq since the 1960s. "They even proposed we should finance the Iraqi opposition in return for being able to continue work there," he said in an interview published in Vremya Novostei on Tuesday. The statement reflected growing concern among Russian officials and businessmen that a possible U.S. military operation in Iraq could damage Moscow's economic interests in the country. Russia fears that a new regime in Iraq might renege on Baghdad's obligations to pay off its $7 billion Soviet-era debt to Moscow and award lucrative oil contracts to U.S. and other Western companies, snubbing Russian firms. Tokarev said he had turned down such deals as "dishonorable." Some other Russian companies, however, have accepted similar U.S. proposals and have become involved in a "dirty game," he said, without providing further detailsTokarev also slammed the United States for its plans to overthrow Hussein, saying the U.S. government was only after access to Iraq's vast 

Re: [CTRL] Mitchell out, Hamilton in ... and Barry Seal's attorney Richard Ben-Veniste

2002-12-12 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

from a friend:
 It was reported that Mitchel quit due to conflicts of interest.

  What the hell could that possibly be?

His law firm Verner, Liipfer, Bernhard, McPherson  Hand is conflict city.
Mitchel''s partners include Bob Dole (oh yeah, did you hear Dole was asked to
represent Tyco Intl?) , Earl J. Silbert (Watergate cover up), Lloyd Bensten
(here's the Bush-Texas connection), Dan Coats (former senator, right winger,
Bush appointee as ambassador to Germany), Michael Bartlett (Bush appointee to
the Labor Board), Ann Richards (another Texas connection). The firm merged
with Piper Rudnick (which includes the Cohen Group of former Defense Secty
William Cohen) also represents the governments of India and Thailand.

Mitchell has been a major lobbyist for big tobacco. But his real conflicts
might be contained in his Middle East connections---the Sharm El-Sheikh
International Fact Finding Committee.


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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[CTRL] Weather Modification -- Chemtrails over Serbia

2002-12-12 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

View with Internet Explorer.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster
Latest Update: Cydonia in 3-D

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[CTRL] Media Giants Crave ABSOLUTE Control

2002-12-12 Thread William Shannon

Media Giants Crave ABSOLUTE Control

 Some populist critics of the major media giants in America say that “The Media Is the Enemy,” Well, if other people have their way, the wealth and power of the mass media and its concentration in increasingly fewer hands will be greater than ever before. 

Exclusive To American Free Press
By Michael Collins Piper

If you think that the masters of the American media —men such as Edgar Bronfman, Sumner Redstone, Rupert Murdoch, S.I. Newhouse, Mortimer Zuckerman, Lawrence Tisch and others—are rich and powerful now, just wait till you see what the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has in store for them.

The FCC is considering loosening or doing away entirely with regulations that limit the number of newspapers and radio and television outlets that a single company can own.

Americans have until Jan. 2—no later—to register their opposition with the FCC. (See accompanying information on how to contact the FCC on page 20.)

Although all of this is being proposed in the name of “the free market,” this would be a major boon to the increasingly smaller number of global corporate media giants that are swallowing up once independent local newspapers and broadcast outlets across America and around the world.

Such a move would also give expanded political clout to the already immensely powerful lords of the media allowing them—for example—to own a major television station and newspaper in the same town or city, thereby effectively having a monopoly on local news coverage.

Advocates of “deregulation” say that because so many Americans now have access to the Internet and can thereby call up many news sources—literally, worldwide—that there is no longer any need for “out of date” regulations.

In addition, advocates say that because of the expansion of satellite and cable television, previous concerns about the concentration of media ownership are no longer valid.

While it is true that the Internet has provided a communications/outreach explosion of unprecedented proportions—just in the last several years alone—most Americans get the bulk of their news and information from their local “mainstream” newspapers and television and radio which are themselves increasingly being grabbed up by major media monopolies.

For example, in the small city of Harrisburg, the capital of Pennsylvania, the New York-based Newhouse family controls the major daily newspaper, The Patriot. The Newhouse family’s Advance Communications also controls a number of smaller weekly newspapers in both suburban and rural “bedroom” counties surrounding Harrisburg. Most of those people have no idea that their “local” newspaper is actually owned by a national media conglomerate held tightly in the hands of a super-powerful billionaire family. 

Americans who use the Internet for “other” information tend to frequent the web sites of “major” widely-publicized and “fashionable” newspapers such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune and The Los Angeles Times.

However, what many of those who fancy themselves to be “in the know” because they access multiple “big name” newspapers do not realize is that the owners of The Chicago Tribune, for example, are also the owners of The Los Angeles Times and New York’s Long Island-based Newsday and The Hartford (Connecticut) Courant, to mention several in the Tribune Co.’s stable. 

So many readers who think they are getting “alternative” information from other news sources are victims of the growing media monopoly that prefers to keep its concentration of elite ownership out of the realm of public understanding and discussion.

As one would expect from an appointed bureaucrat with high-level political connections, the FCC’s chairman Michael Powell—son of Secretary of State Colin Powell—is taking a non-committal position on the controversial issue. Unfortunately, the issue is only “controversial” to those who are aware of the issue, since the matter has been largely relegated to the business pages of the major metropolitan dailies.

The concept of media ownership and control being increasingly taken into the hands of fewer and fewer families and financial groups is not widely debated or understood. 

There is something you can do about it: make your voice heard. You have until Jan. 2 to contact the FCC and tell the commissioners that you are opposed to all plans to loosen current ownership restrictions. Urge the commissioners to tighten current standards and restrict the growth of the media monopoly in America. 

[CTRL] Link - Zionist FAQ's

2002-12-12 Thread William Shannon
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[CTRL] Rep.McKinney: Bush Must Answer Sept.11 Questions

2002-12-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush must answer Sept. 11 questions 

The need for an investigation of the events surrounding Sept. 11 is as obvious as the need for an investigation of the Enron debacle. Certainly, if the American people deserve answers about what went wrong with Enron and why (and we do), then we deserve to know what went wrong on Sept. 11 and why.

Are we squandering our goodwill around the world with what many believe to be incoherent, warmongering policies that alienate our friends and antagonize our allies? How much of a role does our reliance on imported oil play in the military policies put forward by the Bush administration? And what role does the close relationship between the Bush administration and the oil and defense industries play, if any, in the policies being pursued by this administration?

We deserve to know what went wrong on Sept. 11 and why. After all, we hold thorough public inquiries into rail disasters, plane crashes and even natural disasters in order to understand what happened and to prevent them from happening again or minimizing the tragic effects when they do. Why, then, does the administration remain steadfast in its opposition to an investigation into the biggest terrorism attack upon our nation?

News reports from Der Spiegel to the London Observer, from the Los Angeles Times to MSNBC to CNN, indicate that many different warnings were received by the administration. In addition, it has even been reported that the United States government broke Osama bin Laden's secure communications before Sept. 11. Sadly, the United States government is being sued today by survivors of the U.S. Embassy bombings in Africa because, from court reports, it appears clear that the United States had received warnings, but did little to secure and protect the staff at our embassies.

Did the same thing happen to us again?

I am not aware of any evidence showing that President Bush or members of his administration have personally profited from the attacks of Sept. 11. A complete investigation might reveal that to be the case. For example, it is known that President Bush's father, through the Carlyle Group, had -- at the time of the attacks -- joint business interests with the bin Laden family's construction company and many defense industry holdings, the stocks of which have soared since Sept. 11.

On the other hand, what is undeniable is that corporations close to the administration have directly benefited from the increased defense spending arising from the aftermath of Sept. 11. The Carlyle Group, DynCorp and Halliburton certainly stand out as companies close to this administration.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld maintained in a hearing before Congress that we can afford the new spending, even though the request for more defense spending is the highest increase in 20 years.

All the American people are being asked to make sacrifices. Our young men and women in the military are being asked to risk their lives in our war against terrorism while our president's first act was to sign an executive order denying them high deployment overtime pay.

The American people are being asked to make sacrifices by bearing massive budget cuts in the social welfare of our country, in the areas of health care, Social Security and civil liberties for our enhanced military and security needs arising from the events of Sept. 11. It is imperative that they know fully why we make the sacrifices. If the secretary of defense tells us that his new military objectives must be to occupy foreign capital cities and overthrow regimes, then the American people must know why.

It should be easy for this administration to explain fully to the American people in a thorough and methodical way why we are being asked to make these sacrifices and if, indeed, these sacrifices will make us more secure. If the administration cannot articulate these answers to the American people, then the Congress must.

This is not a time for closed-door meetings and secrecy. America's credibility, both with the world and with her own people, rests upon securing credible answers to these questions. The world is teetering on the brink of conflicts while the administration's policies are vague, wavering and unclear. 

Major financial conflicts of interest involving the president, the attorney general, the vice president and others in the administration have been and continue to be exposed.

This is a time for leadership and judgment that is not compromised in any fashion. This is a time for transparency and a thorough investigation.

U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney is a Democrat representing Georgia's 4th Congressional District. 

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[CTRL] Mossad Attempts To Bribe Man To Set Up Fake Al Qaeda Cell

2002-12-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Palestinian Man Says Mossad Sought to Induce Him to Set up Fake Qaeda Cell in Gaza
December 11, 2002, 11:58 PM 

"He told me that all he wanted from me was to declare responsibility for the bombings in the name of al-Qaeda, said the masked Ibrahim .."

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM - A Palestinian citizen from Gaza has revealed how the Israeli intelligence Service, the Mossad, had been trying to enlist him to set up a terrorist cell in Palestine under the name of al-Qaeda, the group headed by Osama bin Laden.

Ibrahim (not his real name) said during a news conference in Gaza Monday night that he had been contacted by a man who identified himself as Haj Yousuf from the city of Akka, who told him that he was working for Osama Bin Laden and that he was able to carry out bombings in Tel Aviv and Haifa and other Israeli towns.

He told me that all he wanted from me was to declare responsibility for the bombings in the name of al-Qaida, said the masked Ibrahim.

He spoke very nicely and told me he would help me financially; then he asked me to try to enlist a number of sincere Islamic-minded youths to set up al-Qaeda cell in Gaza.

Ibrahim said his contacts with Haj Yousuf (the Mossad agents) became more frequent, adding that at one point the Mossad agent offered him a monthly salary of up to 3000 US dollars.

At a later date, the Mossad agent asked Ibrahim to rent an apartment in Gaza in order to facilitate communications between them. He also promised to provide Ibrahim with a computer and fax machine, saying that communication between the two would be conducted via the internet.

Ibrahim said the man would inject his telephone conversations with a lot of Quranic verses and would exhort him to perform daily prayers, particularly the Dawn prayer.

However, Ibrahim, said he began to be suspicious of the man when he told him that he knew him and his family.

Every thing he told me made me suspect his true identity. He told me he knew me, my home, my friends; he also told me to expect a visit to my home or place of work.

Ibrahim said his contacts with Haj Yousuf lasted for five months after which he decided to inform the Preventive Security Force in Gaza of the entire affair.

The Israeli government and media have been dumbfounded by the revelation.

A spokesman at the Israeli Prime Ministers office issued a terse statement on Tuesday describing these allegations as nonsense.

Earlier, a gleeful-looking Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told reporters that Israel had discovered an al Qaeda cell in Gaza and that Israel was a key partner in the worldwide war against terror.

The Israeli claims were instantly and vehemently denied by the Palestinian Authority whose leader Yasser Arafat labeled Sharons remarks as a big, big, big lie.

Moreover, the PA briefed the US, EU, Russia and the UN on the affair and urged them to be mindful of Israeli designs to carry out massacres and acts of wanton killings in the Gaza Strip under the false rubric of fighting al-Qaeda.

-IAP.org. Redistributed via Press International News Agency (PINA). 

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[CTRL] Ten percent of Israeli soldiers admit to using drugs: army survey

2002-12-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Dec. 8, 2002
Ten percent of Israeli soldiers admit to using drugs: army survey

One in 10 Israeli soldiers admits using drugs during his military service, according to a survey published in an army weekly. 

Also, the Israeli daily Maariv reported that seven soldiers were arrested last week on the Lebanon border and charged with smoking marijuana while on duty. The newspaper said they were guarding the only active part of the frontier, an area known as Chebaa Farms, when they were arrested. The Israeli military spokesman had no immediate comment. 

The weekly Bamachane, meant for Israeli soldiers, reported that a survey of soldiers who were completing their military service showed that 10 percent admitted to using drugs while in the army. One third of them said their first exposure to drugs came during their military service. 

The survey said there was no difference in the rate of drug users among soldiers and officers or between men and women. From age 18, most Israeli men serve three years of compulsory service and women 21 months. Officers serve at least one extra year. 

The report said the figure of 10 percent compared to 7.9 percent in a similar survey two years ago. However, the military would not provide details of how the survey was conducted, including sampling size and margin of error. 

Two-thirds of the drug users named marijuana, while 8.7 percent said they had used cocaine, the report said. 

The weekly quoted the army officer in charge of dealing with drug offenders as saying that half of the soldiers found guilty of using drugs are expelled from the army, though most wanted to stay in uniform. 

"Soldiers must not leave with the message that it's not so horrible to smoke (marijuana) a few times," said the officer, Lt. Col. Eyal Gil-Paz.

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[CTRL] Is This for Real? Woman files lawsuit against President

2002-12-12 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-




  Woman files 
  lawsuit against President




  By LeaAnne Klentzman
  A Fort Bend County woman files a lawsuit on former 
  Governor and current sitting President George W. Bush.
  Margie Schoedinger of Missouri City, Texas has filed a 
  lawsuit against George W. Bush in Fort Bend County Court. In her suit she 
  is alleging "race based harassment and individual sex crimes committed 
  against her and her husband." The suit lists numerous offenses and asks 
  for actual damages, punitive damages and judgments against George W. 
  In her suit, among the many allegations, she has stated, 
  "On or about, October 26, 2000, an attempt was made to abduct Plaintiff 
  (Schoedinger) by three unknown assailants. Because of the actions of these 
  assailants, Sugar Land police officers were dispatched to the scene. In 
  the end, no report was taken. The assailants were treated respectfully and 
  allowed to go free while Plaintiff (Schoedinger) was repeatedly and 
  aggressively questioned. After filing a lawsuit, the Plaintiff’s family 
  and past contacts were questioned and harassed." As a result, Plaintiff 
  dismissed Plaintiff’s lawsuit. Irrespective of Plaintiff dismissing the 
  lawsuit, the harassment continued." Schoedinger, goes on to allege "at 
  some point, she contacted the Houston office of the Federal Bureau of 
  Investigation, filing a raced based harassment complaint, advising that 
  the Sugar Land Police Department may or may not be harassing Plaintiff on 
  behalf of her neighbors in Sugar Land or possibly on behalf of the First 
  Colony Community Services Association."
  Schoedinger further states in her lawsuit, "The (FBI) 
  agent in question advised her that the situation appeared to be highly 
  organized and most likely higher level, such as a racist organization." 
  Furthermore she states, "Throughout this conversation, she learned that 
  there was no time that the Defendant (Bush) ever stopped watching 
  Plaintiff’, nor did he stop having sex with Plaintiff. The sole concern of 
  the Defendant and his representatives was whether Plaintiff could actually 
  recall whether Plaintiff could actually recall, the individual sex crimes 
  committed against Plaintiff and Plaintiff’s husband, utilizing drugs.
  Section VII of the lawsuit states; "Whether or not 
  Plaintiff’s husband was raped remains in question, as Plaintiff was 
  drugged after she was raped and her husband was drugged before her rape. 
  Plaintiff can only state that these men purported to be FBI agents raping 
  her for the purpose of covering for how many times they had drugged her 
  and allowed the Defendant to rape her in the same manner."
  She also alleges that in writing letters directly to the 
  Federal Bureau of Investigation, Houston Office," instead of assisting 
  Plaintiff with her concerns, the FBI took on the same demeanor as the 
  Sugar Land Police Department. Eventually, Plaintiff learned, via telephone 
  conversations, that both the Sugar Land Police Department, and the Houston 
  Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation were acting at the behest of 
  the Defendant, George W. Bush. As a part of their defense, the Sugar Land 
  Police Department conducted a background investigation into Plaintiff’s 
  past activities. In the end, this investigation yielded the following 
  information: Plaintiff had seven dates, (which became seven lovers), had 
  told no lies, committed no crimes, gotten 2 traffic tickets and dated 
  George W. Bush as a minor."
  Sugar Land Police Department Captain Marcaurele said his 
  department has no record of any complaints by Ms. Margie Schoedinger. 
  Several attempts were made to contact Ms Schoedinger, she never returned 
  any calls.
  Ms. Schoedinger’s law suit was filed on December 2, 2002 
  and is currently in the Fort Bend County system in County Civil Court at 
  Law 3. Schoedinger is listed as her own legal 
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[CTRL] Fwd: Trent Lott? What of Ariel Sharon?

2002-12-12 Thread William Shannon
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-Caveat Lector-

Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
A HREF= http://www.hoffman-info.com/news.html 

Dec. 12, 2002

Trent Lott? What of Ariel Sharon?

by Michael A. Hoffman II

This week Senator Trent Lott gave a vague encomium for Strom Thurmond's
early career, when Thurmond was a segregationist, and as a result, Lott
is being denounced as harboring segregationist sympathies (while the
segregationist himself has had an Air Force jet named in his honor).

Meanwhile, the most militantly segregationist nation on earth, Israel
is the recipient of billions of dollars in US military aid and has
requested billions more.

Today the New York Times reported that five unarmed Palestinians were
shot and killed as they tried to climb over the barbed-wire fence
marking the boundary between the Gaza Strip and Israel...The five were
seen by soldiers in an area where Palestinians are barred from entering.
Soldiers fired at the five, and their bodies were found this morning,
the army said. Ladders were found near the bodies, but no weapons.
Palestinians looking for work in Israel often try to climb the fence or
cut their way through. Unemployment is high in Gaza, particularly since
security measures blocked Israel to Gaza residents.

All Palestinians in Gaza, not just members of the Palestinian resistance
to Israeli occupation, are banned from entering the state of Israel.
Because this is a Zionist policy, Americans engage in linguistic
circumlocutions to skirt its unmistakably segregationist nature. Five
Palestinians were killed today for trying to find a job in territory
from which they are banned for racial reasons, and Americans heave a
collective shrug of the shoulders. Senator Lott utters two nostalgic
sentences and the nation's pundits and politicians issue a call to arms.

Under Ariel Sharon Israelis have built trenches around Palestinian
cities to keep all Palestinians out of Israel. Sharon has instituted
collective punishment in the form of curfews, military closures and mass
murder. Face it, Sharon is free to kill any Palestinian, with the
exception of Yasser Arafat, and no penalty of any kind will befall him.
Palestinians do not have the status of human beings. The Israelis
classify them as Amalek --those who are deserving of extermination.

Compared to America's blind allegiance to Sharon, Lott's off-the-cuff
remark about Thurmond amounts to a tempest in a teapot; though Lott, who
has pimped for King George II's emergent police state and proposed war
on Iraq, is a decidedly unsympathetic character.

If even the fleeting thought of finding something wholesome in the
long-dead southern Jim Crow system is an outrage, what of the blank
check America gives to the nation of Israel, where citizenship is based
on the racial criterion of descent from a Jewish mother? Zionist
journalist Yocheved Golani typifies Israeli sentiment when he declares:
Many Israelis resent the influx of gentile Russians with doubtful
Jewish parentage...Potential olim (immigrants) want to live in an
exclusively Jewish homeland, where their children will meet marriageable
Jews not...crime-committing goyim. (Cf. http://www.ygolani.com)

Jewish supremacy guarantees that Israeli collective punishment, killing
and segregation of Arabs, and the maintenance of a racial-nationalist
state, will not be the subject of moral censure in the American media.

Should Trent Lott resign? Only if the U.S. government resigns its
support for Sharon's segregationist state.

(Hoffman's latest book is The Israeli Holocaust Against 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Trent Lott? What of Ariel Sharon?

2002-12-12 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

on 12/12/02 9:10 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Today the New York Times reported that five unarmed Palestinians were
 shot and killed as they tried to climb over the barbed-wire fence
 marking the boundary between the Gaza Strip and Israel...

 All Palestinians in Gaza, not just members of the Palestinian resistance
 to Israeli occupation, are banned from entering the state of Israel.

This is just an out and out lie. Palestinians, like anyone else, are allowed
into Israel - but like anyone else have to cross the border at legal
crossing points.  Imagine Mexicans climbing the fence into the US - If
caught by the border police, would they be hugged and let in the country? I
don't think so.


The concept of ³god² is just a future memory of ourselves.


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Re: [CTRL] Ten percent of Israeli soldiers admit to using drugs: army survey

2002-12-12 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Ten percent of Israeli soldiers admit to using drugs: army survey
-Caveat Lector-

I wonder how that compares to US troops  say in vietnam  or kuwait for that matter.

on 12/12/02 7:28 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/A/JPArticle/ShowFullcid=1039323529543

Dec. 8, 2002
Ten percent of Israeli soldiers admit to using drugs: army survey

One in 10 Israeli soldiers admits using drugs during his military service, according to a survey published in an army weekly. 

Also, the Israeli daily Maariv reported that seven soldiers were arrested last week on the Lebanon border and charged with smoking marijuana while on duty. The newspaper said they were guarding the only active part of the frontier, an area known as Chebaa Farms, when they were arrested. The Israeli military spokesman had no immediate comment. 

The weekly Bamachane, meant for Israeli soldiers, reported that a survey of soldiers who were completing their military service showed that 10 percent admitted to using drugs while in the army. One third of them said their first exposure to drugs came during their military service. 

The survey said there was no difference in the rate of drug users among soldiers and officers or between men and women. From age 18, most Israeli men serve three years of compulsory service and women 21 months. Officers serve at least one extra year. 

The report said the figure of 10 percent compared to 7.9 percent in a similar survey two years ago. However, the military would not provide details of how the survey was conducted, including sampling size and margin of error. 

Two-thirds of the drug users named marijuana, while 8.7 percent said they had used cocaine, the report said. 

The weekly quoted the army officer in charge of dealing with drug offenders as saying that half of the soldiers found guilty of using drugs are expelled from the army, though most wanted to stay in uniform. 

Soldiers must not leave with the message that it's not so horrible to smoke (marijuana) a few times, said the officer, Lt. Col. Eyal Gil-Paz.

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He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my

contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the

spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be

done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable

love-of-country stance, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and

ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base

an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is

nothing but an act of murder.

-- Albert Einstein

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Trent Lott? What of Ariel Sharon?

2002-12-12 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

Hoffman, as well as being humorous at 
times with his crypto-mantric mumbo jumbo-isms, is alsoa bigoted 
disinformation whiz.


- Original Message - 
From: "thew" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Trent Lott? What of Ariel 
 -Caveat Lector- 
 on 12/12/02 9:10 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Today the New York Times 
reported that "five unarmed Palestinians were  shot and killed as 
they tried to climb over the barbed-wire fence  marking the boundary 
between the Gaza Strip and Israel...   All Palestinians 
in Gaza, not just members of the Palestinian resistance  to Israeli 
occupation, are banned from entering the "state of Israel."  
  This is just an out and out lie. Palestinians, like anyone 
else, are allowed into Israel - but like anyone else have to cross the 
border at legal crossing points. Imagine Mexicans climbing the 
fence into the US - If caught by the border police, would they be hugged 
and let in the country? I don't think so.   
--  The concept of ³god² is just a future memory of 
Barney FunkasaurusNEURONAUTIC 
INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew  
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is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing 
propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not 
soap-boxing-please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy 
theory'-with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright 
frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor 
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being 
said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always 
suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to 
Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.  Let us please be 
civil and as always, Caveat Lector. 
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Trent Lott? What of Ariel Sharon?

2002-12-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/12/2002 8:25:41 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Imagine Mexicans climbing the fence into the US - If
caught by the border police, would they be hugged and let in the country? I
don't think so.

They pretty much ARE welcomed in.

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[CTRL] Someone might want to tell Congress!! IMF: Israel can cope without US aid

2002-12-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Wednesday, 11 December, 2002, 11:24 GMT
IMF: Israel can cope without US aid

Israel could cope with its worst recession in 50 years without US aid, the International Monetary Fund has said in its annual report on the country. "It is clear that the US aid will help, particularly in containing the fiscal deficit and stabilising the economy," IMF European Assistant Director Masahiko Takeda said. 

"But the Finance Ministry is ready to cope with the situation without counting on US aid," he added. 

Israel's economy has been battered by the global slowdown, hi-tech slump and a two-year Palestinian uprising that has scared off tourists, slashed revenues and sent defence costs soaring. 

"We see considerable risk that revenue (next year) will fall short of the budgeted amount," the report said. 

Israel is reportedly seeking $8bn (£5.1bn) in loan guarantees and $4bn in defence and other grants over 10 years from the US, the IMF's biggest shareholder. 

Cutting interest rates 

Israel is expected to overshoot its 3.9% budget deficit target substantially this year. 

Mr Takeda said the government should address the causes of the deficit rather than relying on US aid to plug the gap. 

In unusually direct advice to Israel's central bank, the Fund called on the Bank of Israel to use "every opportunity" to cut interest rates from 9.1%. 

It also criticised what appeared to be a politically inspired 2 percentage point rate cut last December, which it said led to a sharp depreciation of the shekel, a surge in inflation and a threat to financial stability. 

The IMF said it was confident the government was committed to pushing through the budget, due by 31 December, without compromising on spending cuts. 

Disagreements about funding for Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip led to the dissolution of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's government in November. 

Elections are due to be held on 28 January. 

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[CTRL] German cannibal found willing victims on net

2002-12-12 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

December 13, 2002

German cannibal found willing victims on net
By Roger Boyes

Our correspondent reports from Berlin on case of a real-life Hannibal
Lecter that has horrified a nation and revived memories of the darkest days
of war

GERMANY was transfixed in horror yesterday by a case of cannibalism in
which an apparently respectable software specialist mutilated and ate a
microchip engineer.
The cannibal says his victim volunteered to be slaughtered. The man
confessed after police thwarted his attempt to find a new victim over the
internet: at least five men had already declared their willingness to be

The tabloid daily Bild expressed concern that cannibals could be roaming
German streets. They are invisible behind their glasses, their hairstyles,
their families, their work, their seemingly unblemished innocence, wrote
Franz Josef Wagner, a columnist for the paper. These sick people are
hiding among us, they are in our very midst.

Cannibalism not only breaches moral and social taboos, it hits a nerve for
a whole generation of Germans who remember the desperate eating of human
organs during the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union.

Bodies of fallen soldiers frozen in the snow sometimes had to provide meat
for the half-starved Wehrmacht in retreat.

The three months of hand-to-hand fighting in the icy ruins of Stalingrad
during the winter of 1942-3 saw - as German veterans now admit - a frenzied
resort to human flesh. After the war, when the soldiers started to trickle
back from Soviet captivity, some of the horrific stories were passed on to

For German literature however wartime cannibalism remained a forbidden
subject. This latest case of cannibalism plainly stems from sexual
perversion. But the ghost of wartime hunger and the buried secrets of a
generation hung over the public debate yesterday.

The victim of the ritualistic killing was a 42-year-old leading microchip
designer at the electronics giant Siemens, one of the best according to his
colleagues. Bernd Jürgen B (his surname has been withheld) was a slim,
athletic chainsmoker who lived in a luxurious penthouse suite decked out
with £30,000-worth of cutting-edge computer equipment. He disappeared in
the spring of 2000 after having first sold his Mitsubishi car and some
other valuables.

Police now know that he responded to an internet advertisement announcing:
Wanted: young, well-built 18-30-year-old for slaughter.

The man who placed the advertisement - and who started to advertise again
this year - was Armin M (surname withheld) from the charming half-timbered
town of Rotenburg in the western state of Hesse.

The 41-year-old computer technician was entirely serious: investigators
this week found a slaughtering room, complete with meat hooks, in his
apartment. Herr M, a former sergeant major in the German army who later
worked for the council in Mainz, video-recorded his butchery.

Police have confiscated 50 videos which are said to be worth thousands on
the very specialised market for cannibal acts. Details from the confessions
of Armin M were published in all German newspapers yesterday.

He says that he and the victim fried and ate part of the victim's body
before leaving the kitchen for the slaughtering room, where Herr M switched
on the camera and then stabbed Herr B to death. He hung the body upside
down on a meat hook to allow the blood to drain and later sliced it into
small chunks, which he wrapped and stored in the deep-freeze.

Herr M has been eating Herr B ever since; some pieces were found in the
freezer this week. He buried inedible body parts and bones in a garden.
These too have been recovered by the police.

Germany is struggling to understand the act. The head of the Criminological
Institute in Wiesbaden, Dr Rudolf Egg, said that modern cannibals use
deep-freezing to extend and ration out their pleasure. Primitive cannibals
used to eat their victims all at one go soon after killing.

If he really derived pleasure from eating a man, he said, then he could
not possibly eat everything in a single day. And he obviously did not want
to eat rotten meat. So he froze the body parts; the act of eating then took
on the aspect of a ritual and could be drawn into his sexual fantasies.

Franz Josef Wagner blamed the case on the film The Silence of the Lambs and
its prequel, Red Dragon, released this year. The cult star of the film
world in 2002 was Hannibal Lecter, who ate a human brain to the music of

Since the information about the case comes solely from the confessing
killer, police are unsure whether Herr B really did co-operate in his own
consumption. The cannibal has been charged with murder.

In recent months Herr M has placed 80 advertisements calling for new
victims. The five men who replied appear to have been genuine volunteers
but police were unwilling to disclose details yesterday.

As far as the investigators can 

[CTRL] Your assistance is required

2002-12-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Can y'll (all of you) who insist on these 2 or 4 megabyte responses to things not 
may be interested in either:

Figure out how to make the messages a LOT smaller


Figure out how to communicate between yourselves.

Thank you

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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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