Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [JBirch] help (fwd)

2003-03-03 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

JBS is a Vatican shill.

I thought people in Conspiracy Theory research had been aware of this for


- Original Message -
From: William Bacon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 12:37 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: [JBirch] help (fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-

 I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
 the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
 liberty and justice for all.

  visit my web site at My ICQ# is 79071904
 for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2003 12:31:54 EST
 Subject: Fwd: [JBirch] help (fwd)

 Here are a few specifics all US Citizens should know and don't, I fear.
 Enlighten your friends if so inclined.  The UN is a totally Communist
 Organization and always has been.  Easy recognition comes from the fact
 are 180+ members and we pay 35%+of the costs excluding we pay almost all
 peace-keeping costs.  One major Communist tenet is:  From each according
 his ability to each according to his need.  That's not the motto of a
 Republic, which we are supposed to be.  Note---not a democracy.  Gordon

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: WWIII : Wolfowitz's Eye on Red China

2003-03-03 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/3/2003 12:13:01 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Its core thesis, described by Ben Wattenberg in the April 12, Washington Times, is "to guard against the emergence of hostile regional superpowers, for example, Iraq or China. America is No. 1. We stand for something decent and important. That's good for us and good for the world. That's the way we want to keep it." 

Well, as long as China doesn't pose a threat to Israel, I think it's safe from further villification by Wolfowitz and Wattenberg and or threats from the U.S. Prudy 
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] US prepares to use toxic gases in Iraq

2003-03-03 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/2/2003 10:52:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The US is preparing to use the toxic riot-control agents CS gas and pepper spray in Iraq in contravention of the Chemical Weapons Convention, provoking the first split in the Anglo-US alliance. "Calmative" gases, similar to the one that killed 120 hostages in the Moscow theatre siege last year, could also be employed.

The convention bans the use of these toxic agents in battle, not least because they risk causing an escalation to full chemical warfare. This applies even though they can be used in civil disturbances at home: both CS gas and pepper spray are available for use by UK police forces. The US Marine Corps confirmed last week that both had already been shipped to the Gulf.

How sweet. We're going to kill them with good Christian charity. Prudy
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] 1989 story about Bush Sr. Whitehouse call Boy sex ring : SF Indymedia

2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Caution ... graphix intensive 

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Walk This Way

2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Voila vs Screw You Moments


Put away the cuddly toys. Now it's time to get tough

Civil disobedience may be the only way to stop the war against Iraq

Naomi Klein
Monday March 3, 2003
The Guardian

At the Pentagon they call it the Voila Moment. That's when Iraqi soldiers
and civilians, with bombs raining down on Baghdad, suddenly scratch their
heads and say to themselves: These bombs aren't really meant to kill me
and my family, they are meant to free us from an evil dictator! At that
point, they thank Uncle Sam, lower their weapons, abandon their posts,
and rise up against Saddam Hussein. Voila!

Or at least that's how it is supposed to work, according to the experts in
psychological operations who are already waging a fierce information war
in Iraq. The Voila Moment made its first foray into the language of war last
Monday, when a New York Times reporter quoted an unnamed senior US
military official using the term.

This peppering of military jargon with bon mots could be Colin Powell's
latest plan to win over the French on the security council. More likely, it's
a product of the Bush administration's penchant for hiring advertising
executives and flaky management consultants as foreign policy advisers.
(Doesn't the Voila Moment sounds suspiciously like the Wow Factor sold to
millions of corporate executives as the key to building a powerful brand?)

Wherever it came from, the Pentagon has Voila in its sights, and it is
sparing no expense to hit its target. Airborne transmitters are flying over
Iraq broadcasting radio propaganda. Iraqi business, military and political
officials have been bombarded with emails and phone calls urging them to
see the light and switch sides. Fighter planes have dropped more than 8
million leaflets informing Iraqi soldiers that their lives will be spared if they
walk away from their military equipment. It sends a direct message to the
operator on the gun, says Lieutenant- General T Michael Moseley,
commander of allied air forces in the Gulf.

According to the senior military official quoted in the New York Times,
central command will know it has reached Voila when we see a break with
the leadership. In other words, the US military is advocating nothing less
than mass civil disobedience in Iraq: a refusal to obey orders or to
participate in an unjust war.

Will it work? I'm sceptical. There was, after all, a Voila Moment during the
last Gulf war, when many Iraqis living near the Kuwaiti border believed US
promises that they would be supported if they rose up against Saddam. It
was followed shortly afterwards by a Screw You Moment, when the rebels
watched US forces abandon them to be massacred.

But all this Voila talk got me thinking: the civil disobedience the US military
is hoping to provoke in Iraq is exactly the sort of thing the anti-war
movement needs to inspire in our countries if we are really going to stop,
or at least curtail, the pending devastation in Iraq. What would it take for
large numbers of people in the US, the UK, Italy, Canada - and any other
country assisting the war effort - truly to break with our leaders and
refuse to comply? Can we create thousands of Voila Moments back home?

That is the question facing the global anti-war movement as it plans its
follow-up to the spectacular marches on February 15. During the Vietnam
war, thousands of young Americans decided to break with their leaders
when their draft cards arrived. And it was this willingness to go beyond
protest and into active disobedience that slowly eroded the domestic
viability of the war.

What will today's conscientious objectors and military deserters look like?
Well, in Italy activists have been blocking dozens of trains carrying US
weapons and personnel on their way to a military base near Pisa, and
dockworkers have refused to load arms shipments. Two US military bases
were blockaded in Germany, as was the US consulate in Montreal and the
air base at RAF Fairford in Gloucester, while thousands of protesters have
demonstrated at Shannon airport, which, despite Irish claims of neutrality,
is being used by the US military to refuel its planes en route to Iraq.

In Chicago, more than a hundred high-school students demonstrated
outside the headquarters of Leo Burnett, the advertising firm that
designed the US military's hip, youth-targeted Army of One campaign. The
students claim that in underfunded Latino and African-American high
schools, the army recruiters far outnumber the college scouts.

The most ambitious plan has come from San Francisco, where a coalition of
anti-war groups is calling for an emergency non-violent counter-strike the
day after the war starts: Don't go to work or school. Call in sick, walk out.
We will impose real economic, social and political costs and stop business
as usual until the war stops.

It's a powerful idea: peace bombs exploding wherever profits are being
made from 

[CTRL] Food For Thought

2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-,12271,906288,00.html
'Holocaust on a plate' angers US Jews

David Teather in New York
Monday March 3, 2003
The Guardian

An animal rights organisation has sparked outrage with a campaign and
exhibition that compares the slaughter of livestock to the Holocaust in the
second world war.

The exhibition, called Holocaust on Your Plate, juxtaposes harrowing
images of people in concentration camps with disturbing pictures of
animals on farms. One photograph showing an emaciated man is next to
another of a starving cow. Another shows a pile of naked human bodies,
next to a shot of a heap of pig carcasses.

The exhibition is on show in San Diego and at the University of California in
Los Angeles. The organisation behind the campaign, People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals (Peta), intends to take it on a tour of the US, and
has set up an exhibition website,

Peta has appealed to the Jewish community for support. In an open letter
published on the organisation's website, it cites the Jewish Nobel laureate
Isaac Bashevis Singer, who wrote of animals: In relation to them, all people
are Nazis.

The campaign's creator, Matt Prescott, said: The very same mindset that
made the Holocaust possible - that we can do anything we want to those
we decide are 'different or inferior' - is what allows us to commit atrocities
against animals every single day.

But the appeal has done little to calm the fury of Jewish groups. Abraham
Foxman, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League and a
Holocaust survivor, said the attempt to win approval was outrageous,
offensive and takes chutzpah to new heights.

He said that while the abuse of animals should be opposed, the effort by
Peta to compare the deliberate systematic murder of millions of Jews to
the issue of animal rights is abhorrent.

Rather than deepen our revulsion against what the Nazis did to the Jews,
the project will undermine the struggle to understand the Holocaust and
to find a way to make sure such catastrophes never happen again, he

Mr Prescott is Jewish and lost several relatives in Nazi concentration
camps. The campaign, he added, was funded by a Jewish philanthropist,
who wished to remain anonymous. He said he had expected it to elicit

The fact is, all animals feel pain, fear and loneliness, he said. We're
asking people to recognise that what Jews and others went through in the
Holocaust is what animals go through every day in factory farms.

Other images compare children behind barbed wire with a picture of pigs
looking out from behind bars; crowds of people, with cattle being herded
into transports; and people crammed into bunks, with chickens in a
battery farm.

Guardian Unlimited  Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003
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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
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Re: [CTRL] What Good Is Neo-Conservative Talk Radio?

2003-03-03 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/2/2003 1:17:03 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hopefully talk radio listeners will search for the truth and not just settle for what Rush or Sean gives them.

No problem. You don't have to settle for Rush or Sean. There's some lying spin doctor on just about any station that has any talk at all. Amazingly those who are looking for truth never seem to notice that the only place they'll find truth these days is between trusty and truth serum in my little desk dictionary here. So if you do too much looking for truth, you have learn the truth about the other two words also. Conservatives (neo or otherwise) don't like too much delving for truth. Prudy
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[CTRL] Arm-twisting

2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-
February 26, 2003
Contact: Sarah Anderson
tel: 202/234-9382x227

IPS Releases Report on
U.S. Arm-twisting Over Iraq War

Full report in .pdf format - Download free .pdf reader

(Washington, DC, February 26, 2003). As U.S. officials intensify their arm-
twisting offensive to gather support for a war on Iraq, the Institute for
Policy Studies is releasing a new study today that examines the specific
levers of U.S. military, economic, and political power.

The study, entitled Coalition of the Willing or Coalition of the Coerced?,
looks at how this leverage applies to each current member of the UN
Security Council. It also analyzes the power the U.S. government exerts
over the broader group of countries that the Bush Administration has
dubbed the Coalition of the Willing. Although the Administration refuses
to release a list of the members of this coalition, the authors compiled a
list of 34 nations cited in press reports as supporters of the U.S. position
on Iraq.

Major findings:

Although the Bush Administration claims that the anonymous Coalition of
the Willing is the basis of genuine multilateralism, the report shows that
most were recruited through coercion, bullying, and bribery.
The pursuit of access to U.S. export markets is a powerful lever for
influence over many countries, including Chile and Costa Rica, both of
which are close to concluding free trade deals with the United States;
African nations that want to maintain U.S. trade preferences; and Mexico,
which depends on the U.S. market for about 80 percent of its export
The populations of the countries in the so-called Coalition of the
Willing make up only about 10 percent of the world's population.
Opponents of the U.S. position currently include the leading economies of
four continents (Germany, Brazil, China, and South Africa).
President Bush could make or break the chances of Eastern
European members of the Coalition of the Willing that are eager to
become members of NATO. In order for these nations to join the military
alliance, Bush must ask the Senate for approval.

The authors of the 13-page study include: IPS UN and Middle East expert
Phyllis Bennis, IPS Director John Cavanagh, and IPS Fellow Sarah Anderson.
According to Bennis, It's hardly a new phenomenon for the U.S. to use
bribes and threats to get its way in the UN. What's new this time around is
the breathtaking scale of those pressures -- because this time around,
global public opinion has weighed in, and every government leaning
Washington's way faces massive opposition at home.
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

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tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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[CTRL] Top Ten

2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-
Hot linques embedded in text at site

The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (No. 101)
March 3, 2003
Radioactive Rumsfeld Edition

Greetings! We're back to normal after our Top 100 Conservative Idiots
Special last week, and the conservatives have been literally lining up to get
on the list this week. Top of the chart is fresh face Donald Rumsfeld, who's
been getting a bit close to some activities that he probably shouldn't have
been. Elsewhere, Neal Rowland (2) hates the French, Dearborn School
Officials (3) hate T-shirts and George F. Will (4) um, hates the French.
Meanwhile Michael Powell (8) is helping out those poor, unfortunate mega-
corporations, John Ashcroft (9) is too busy busting potheads to worry
about national security, and George W. Bush (10) is making stuff up about
himself again. Enjoy, and don't forget the key!

Donald Rumsfeld
My my, Donald Rumsfeld has a lot of sticky fingers in a lot of sticky pies.
The current Secretary of Defense is already famous for some of his
previous work, like when he was buddies with Saddam Hussein back in the
80s and Reagan and Bush Sr. sold Iraq arms and turned a blind eye to their
stockpiles of chemical weapons. And now it has been revealed that Donald
is not just chums with one member of the Axis of Evil, but with two! That's
right - when technology giant ABB won a deal to supply North Korea with
two nuclear power plants in 2000, guess who was on the Board of
Directors? You guessed right - Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld! It's
okay though, a Pentagon spokesperson recently told Newsweek that
Rumsfeld does not recall what when on. Well, that's alright then.
Ironically, Donald was on record recently calling North Korea a terrorist
state. Probably shouldn't have sold them nuclear reactors then, eh?

Neal Rowland
When does patriotism cross the line into pure, unbridled insanity? Right
now! Neal Rowland, the owner of Cubbie's diner in Beaufort, North
Carolina, is such a xenophobic moron - sorry, I mean, great American
patriot - that he has renamed his french fries freedom fries. Get it? He
doesn't like the French! But that's okay, now his patrons can clog their
arteries and pile on the pounds with a large helping of pure, fresh
freedom. Oh baby, I've got freedom in my veins! There it goes, squeezing
past the cholesterol. Next week: Neal doesn't like cooking his fries in
Greece and decides that Cubbie's should only serves freedom fries made
with 100% liberation oil. He also raises the price of a Turkey sandwich to
$25 billion. Would you like a side of love-it-or-leave-it coleslaw with that?

Dearborn School Officials
And the bandwagon to curtail dissenting opinions and freedom of speech
rolls on... In Dearborn, Michigan, a student was recently ordered by
school officials to remove his T- shirt or go home. The T-shirt's slogan -
International Terrorist, with a picture of George W. Bush - was obviously
a bit too un-American for the officials to handle. Oddly though, their
official reason for having the student remove the shirt was that they
worried it would inflame passions at the school where a majority of
students are Arab-American, according to CNN. Um, inflame how exactly?
Like, some dude turns up wearing a T-shirt and the next thing you know
there's a horde of Arab students looting the school and burning the Stars
and Stripes and effigies of Our Great Leader? I had no idea T-shirts could
be so influential. Since they obviously are though, couldn't the school
officals have countered the problem by simply all showing up wearing T-
shirts that say Be Nice To Each Other? Makes sense to me! By the way, if
you're looking to get your hands on an International Terrorist T-shirt,
look no further.

George F. Will
Speaking of xenophobic morons, there are more than a few right-wingnuts
dropping a load on the topic of France right now. Take George F. Will for
example, who wrote in a recent Newsweek column, How many Frenchmen
does it take to defend Paris? No one knows, it's never been tried. Guffaw.
Fortunately Molly Ivins was able to set the record straight: One million,
four hundred thousand French soldiers were killed during World War I. As a
result, there weren't many Frenchmen left to fight in World War II.
Nevertheless, 100,000 French soldiers lost their lives trying to stop Hitler...
They were out-manned, out-gunned, out-generaled and, above all, out-
tanked. They got slaughtered, but they stood and they fought. Come on,
Molly, that's ridiculous - everyone knows that the French surrender at the
drop of a hat. Always have, always will. If George Will says so, it must be

Lana Oleen
They drink, they drive, they drink and drink and drive, drink drink drink,
drive drive drive... they're Republican lawmakers, and Lana Oleen is the
latest to follow in the footsteps of Our Great Leader And His Great
Example. Lana Oleen is Majority Leader of the Kansas Senate, and she was
pulled over recently for 

[CTRL] Fwd: [consortium] Palast re 9-11

2003-03-03 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Here is Palast, finding no evidence of complicity, heaven forbid!

See No Evil  
What Bush Didn't (Want To) Know About 9/11
Greg Palast is an award-winning investigative reporter for BBC Television’s
Newsnight and The Observer of London. His most recent book is The Best
Democracy Money Can Buy: An Investigative Reporter Exposes The Truth About
Globalization, Corporate Cons and High-Finance Fraudsters, published by
Plume, an imprint of The Penguin Group. 

This article is excerpted from the updated American edition of The Best
Democracy Money Can Buy, and is reprinted with permission. 

Did Our President Spike The Investigation Of Bin Laden?
On my BBC television show, Newsnight, an American journalist confessed
that, since the 9/11 attacks, U.S. reporters are simply too afraid to ask
the uncomfortable questions that could kill careers: It's an obscene
comparison, but there was a time in South Africa when people would put
flaming tires around people's necks if they dissented. In some ways, the
fear is that you will be neck-laced here, you will have a flaming tire of
lack of patriotism put around your neck, Dan Rather said. Without his
makeup, Rather looked drawn, old and defeated in confessing that he too had
given in. It's that fear that keeps journalists from asking the toughest
of the tough questions and to continue to bore in on the tough questions so

Investigators were ordered to back off from any inquiries into Saudi
Arabian financing of terror networks. 

Silence as patriotism? My producers at Newsnight and editors at The
Guardian were not so constrained. So I was assigned to fly home to Ground
Zero and ask the necessary question that could not, in the early days after
the attack, leave the lips of American reporters: How did it happen that
the CIA, FBI, Defense Intelligence Agency and our other extravagantly
funded spooks could neither prevent nor learn in advance about the most
deadly attack on America since Pearl Harbor? The answer was as unpleasant
as the question. If U.S. intelligence agencies did not see the attack
coming it was because they were told not to look. Why? From inside the
agencies were obtained statements and documents indicating that the Bush
administration blocked key investigations into allegations that top Saudi
Arabian royals and some members of the bin Laden family, not just Osama,
funded and supported Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. 

The reports I did based on this information won the California State
University School of Journalism's Project Censored Award in 2002. It's not
the kind of prize you want to win -- it's given to crucial stories that
were effectively banned from U.S. airwaves and papers.3 I don't want any
misunderstanding here, so I must emphasize what we did not find: We
uncovered no information, none whatsoever, that George W. Bush had any
advance knowledge of the plan to attack the World Trade Center on 9/11,
nor, heaven forbid, any involvement in the attack.

FBI Document 199I
What we did discover was serious enough. To begin with, from
less-than-happy FBI agents we obtained an interesting document, some 30
pages long, marked SECRET. I've reproduced a couple of pages here (figure
2.1). Note the designation 199I -- that's FBI-speak for national
security matter. According to insiders, FBI agents had wanted to check
into two members of the bin Laden family, Abdullah and Omar, but were told
to stay away by superiors -- until September 13, 2001. By then, Abdullah
and Omar were long gone from the United States. 

Why no investigation of the brothers bin Laden? The Bush administration's
line is the Binladdins (a more common spelling of the 

[CTRL] Deliverance of Goods

2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Delivering the 'Good News'

While past presidents have invoked the name of God in public remarks,
President Bush has done so, arguably, more than others-and has
increasingly moved beyond broad statements  on faith to include overt
Christian references. An overview:

Come-to-Jesus stories are more dramatic if the sinner is a pro. Bush was a
semipro, a hardy partyerhis Triumph convertible was famous in
Houstonuntil he married Laura in 1977. They joined her Methodist
church. In most respects, he became what his father was, a respected
member of the congregation. But he was a drinker, and a serious one.
Only after work and at night, he told himself. But sometimes the nights
were long. He could be famously obnoxious at parties, and, worse, a bore
to his patient wife. The birth of his twin daughters in 1982 brought him
joy. But, friends say, Laura grew increasingly fed up with his drinking. By
1985, as he approached 40, he needed to fix his relationship with the
women in his life. Nothing was broken, Evans said. But he wanted it to
be better. Mostly, he had to leave alcohol behind.

BORN AGAINWalking The Walk

In campaign biographies, ghostwriters highlight the role that Billy Graham
played in launching Bush on what he and Evans call his Walk. The truth is
more prosaic, and explains far more about Bushs evolving views, not only
of faith but of government. Evans, married to a Bush elementary-school
chum, was the key. He had been the golden boy of Midland, a handsome
straight arrow, a Cowboy at the University of Texas (the Skull and Bones
of Austin). He had gone home to climb the ladder of Tom Brown Oil Co., a
booming concern in a booming economy. But in 1984 the oil business caved
in. It was the worst industrial collapse in the history of the American
economy, says Evans, who was left with the task of plowing through piles
of corporate debt. Personal life was hard, too. By that time, hed learned
that a daughter, born severely handicapped, would need lifetime care.

As a west Texan, Evans did what came naturally in a storm: he joined a
nondenominational Bible-study group. He coaxed his friend George to
come along. The program was called Community Bible Studystarted,
ironically, in the Washington, D.C., area in 1975 by a group of suburban
women. By the time it got to Midland, it was a scriptural boot camp: an
intensive, yearlong study of a single book of the New Testament, each
week a new chapter, with detailed read-ing and discussion in a group of 10
men. For two years Bush and Evans and their partners read the clear
writings of the Gentile physician LukeActs and then his Gospel. Two
themes stood out, one spiritual, one more political: Pauls conversion on
the road to Damascus, and the founding of the church. Bush, who cares
little for the abstract and a great deal for people, responded to the
conversion story. He liked the idea of knowing Jesus as a friend.
   The CBS program was a turning point for the future president in
several ways. It gave him, for the first time, an intellectual focus. Here was
the product of elite secular educationAndover, Yale and Harvardwho,
for the first time, was reading a book line by line with rapt attention. And
it was ... the Bible. In that sense, Bush is a more unalloyed product of the
Bible belt than his friends, who may have deeply studied something else in
earlier days. A jogger and marathoner for years, Bush found in Bible study
an equivalent mental and spiritual discipline, which he would soon need to
steel himself for his main challenge in life to that point: to quit drinking.
   Bush says he never considered himself to be an alcoholic, and never
attended an AA meeting. But it turned out he didnt have to. CBS was
something akin to the same thing, part of what has since come to be
called the small group faith movement. Its a baby-boomerish mix of self-
help, self-discipline, group therapy (without using what, for Bush, is a
dreaded word) and worship. Whatever, it worked. As the world knows,
Bush did quit drinking in the summer of 1986, after his and Evanss 40th
birthday. It was goodbye Jack Daniels, hello Jesus, said one friend from
those days.

THE POLITICSMaking New Friends
   Bush turned to the bible to save his marriage and his family. But was
he also thinking of smoothing his path to elective office? Well never know
for sure. But he knew the political landscape of his near-native Texas. He
knew that, by 1985, the South had risen to take control of the GOP, and
that evangelical activism and clout was rising with itindeed had been
instrumental in making it possible. He also knew that his fathers
wayEpiscopalian reserve, moderation on cultural issues, close ties to
back Eastwas a tough sell, to say the least. Bush the Younger had
experienced it firsthand, in 1978, when he impetuously ran for Congress in
Midland. He was a proud alumnus of Sam Houston Elementary and San
Jacinto Junior High. 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Bottom Line

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November 17, 2001

American Crusades
by C. G. Estabrook

A generation ago the US launched wars against poor countries in Southeast Asia and killed millions; Americans were told that it was a necessary step in the crusade against communism. Now in the midst of a war against a poor county in Southwest Asia, we are told that it is a necessary step in what the president called a "crusade against terrorism."
Mr. Bush was quickly taken aside and told, perhaps without explanation, that that term would not do. But he was undoubtedly right in connecting the two crusades, as he has now done several times. And he has extended the parallel to the campaign against fascism, the account of which by the Supreme Commander, Dwight Eisenhower, was called CRUSADE IN EUROPE. Our president has gone so far as to connect the crusades on the level of personal psychology, and it's difficult not to hear a reference to his own family in this careful plant in USA TODAY: "Bush has told advisers that he believes confronting this enemy is a chance for him and his fellow baby boomers to refocus their lives and prove they have the same kind of valor and commitment their fathers showed in World War II."

Terrorism has clearly taken over that pride of place that communism occupied for so long in American propaganda. And not a moment too soon: ten years ago, with the fall of the Soviet Union, Colin Powell, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, blurted in a moment of unwonted candor, "Think hard about it. I'm running out of demons. I'm running out of villains!"

In another peculiar and revealing comment, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld replied to a reporter's question in the immediate aftermath of September 11. How, he was asked, will we know when a victory over terrorism is achieved? "I say that victory is persuading the American people and the rest of the world that this is not a quick matter that's going to be over in a month or a year or even five years."

American policy makers clearly think that they have found something that they can comfortably crusade against for some time, something that is as fearful as communism. In doing so they are following a time-honored tradition in US politics. 

After the Second World War, Senator Arthur Vandenberg advised President Truman (secretly) that it would be necessary to "scare hell out of the American people" in order to accomplish his policies. The communist menace was the way to do it.

Of course there were communists to crusade against then, as there are terrorists now. The authoritarian society of the USSR was a model for anti-colonial struggles in the Third World, including China, and a pattern for how to conduct rapid industrialization. Although the USSR observed carefully the dividing line established with the US and UK at the close of the Second World War, harsh Soviet control of the governments of Eastern Europe mirrored (on a much smaller scale) the world-wide economic control exercised by the US.

All admit now that the US never feared Soviet military conquests -- it was rather the principles that the communists said they stood for, economic justice and workers' rights, that the US government feared would be attractive in Europe and the Third World. 

The view of the American economic elite was spelled out quite candidly in a study from the mid-1950s headed by a Harvard professor of government. It pointed out that the real threat of communism was the transformation of governments that adopted it "in ways which reduce their willingness and ability to complement the industrial economies of the West."

How US planners actually saw the world was set out by the leading liberal figure in the post-WWII State 

[CTRL] Bush Plans for World Conquest

2003-03-03 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


By: Jim Moore
Published in the March 3, 2003 issue of Ether Zone.

I only wish to God this information weren't true.

I offer it only because (1) it was an article in the London Sunday
Examiner, by Neil Mackay, a reporter who has no qualms about telling it
like it is, and (2) because Americans are entitled to get all the facts
we can about President Bush's rush to war.

Grab your socks. They're about to be knocked off...

Recently, instead of getting rid of Saddam Hussein, you may have heard
Bush use the term regime change when referring to Iraq. There appears to
be a good reason for this.

MacKay reports that a recently uncovered, secret blueprint for the
creation of a 'global Pax Americana' (American empire) was drawn up for
Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief
of staff), and Bush's younger brother, Jeb.

The document reveals that the Bush cabinet planned to attack Iraq to get a
regime change, even before Bush officially took office in January, 2001.
If you don't believe this, you can be forgiven.

But the document also spells out something much more ambitious, and
sinister, than attacking Iraq---which already has a surplus of domestic
and foreign dissenters.

Drawn up in September, 2000, by the neo-con think-tank Project for the New
American Century (PNAC), the document, entitled Rebuilding America's
Defences, Strategies, Forces, and Resources for a New Century (whew!),
reveals that the Bush administration intended to take control of the whole
Gulf region, whether or not Saddam Hussein is in power.

In other words, the stated objective isn't just to depose a dictator, it's
to establish an Empire, with fighting and winning multiple, simultaneous
theaters of war as its core mission.

Dangerous idea? Read on.

The plan shows that the United States, for decades. has wanted to play a
more significant and permanent role in Gulf region security. To do that,
the United States needed to put a larger American force in the Gulf
region, over and above any Iraqi threat.

Now, let me ask you this: Have we, or have we not, been hearing just such
rumblings lately from the administration? Like the need to deal with
other enemies of democracy, such as Iran, Libya, Syria, perhaps even
Egypt and Saudi Arabia; all Arab states, and all mortal enemies of Israel.

Waxing poetic, the blueprint for this global master plan then describes
the American forces used overseas as the cavalry on the new American
frontier. As if imbuing world domination with visions of John Wayne in a
covered wagon will soften the harsh reality of some American soldiers
never coming home...

And there's more. The plan for U.S. domination of the world scene has
ramifications that go far beyond dethroning dictators and filling body

Here are just a few.

It mentions the UK as the most effective and efficient means of
exercising American global leadership. (Which may explain Blair's lapdog
relationship with Bush.)

It demands American political leadership without the interference of the
United Nations. (Finally, admitting the UN's irrelevance for the past 50

It requires keeping American troops in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, even if
they oppose it. (What are friends for?)

It means increasing American military influence in Asia, and a regime
change in China to a democracy (If we think we can budge China, let's
make it a Republic instead.)

It calls for American control of cyberspace to prevent use of the internet
by enemies of the U.S. (Personal opinion mail: here today, gone

It hints that the U.S. itself may develop biological weapons and transform
them from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. (Do as I say,
not as I do.)

It pinpoints North Korea and some Arab states as dangerous regimes which
justify a world-wide, command-and-control center, with America at the
controls, of course. (We can't control ourselves, but controlling the
world is a breeze.)

Commenting on this report about U.S. plans for empire building, Tam
Dalyell, the Labor MP, father of the House of Commons, and a leading rebel
voice in England against war with Iraq, said this: This is garbage from
right-wing think-tanks stuffed with chicken-hawks -- men who have never
seen the horror of war but are in love with the idea of war. Men like
Cheney, who were draft dodgers in the Vietnam war.

It's a blueprint for U.S. world domination, in a new world order of their
making. These are the thought processes of fantasist Americans who want to
control the world. I am appalled that a British Labor Prime Minister
should have got into bed with a crew which has this moral standing.

And in turn, this writer is appalled that cabinet members in an American
administration would even consider such an imperialistic blueprint.

On the other hand, it suggests that our need to go to war is about more
than just oil 

[CTRL] Fwd: Richard Perle, Zionist Fifth Columnist

2003-03-03 Thread RoadsEnd
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 Click here: Real History and Richard Perle 
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[CTRL] Fwd: LaRouche on Wolfowitz Cabal

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-Caveat Lector-
  "Though Richard Perle was only recently appointed to head the Defense Policy Board, he and Paul Wolfowitz have been collaborators for more than two decades ... 
 "In 1985, when it was clear that Jonathan Jay Pollard, an American convicted that year of spying for Israel, could not have been working alone in stealing critical U.S. secrets for Israel to sell to the Soviet Union, top-level intelligence officials told EIR that certain high-level U.S. officials were being investigated. Wolfowitz and Perle were on the list. 
 "Israeli spying against the United States was so thick that investigators told EIR they had found "not moles, but entire molehills." 
 "Pollard and his Israeli defenders later claimed that Pollard 'had to' spy against the United States because the Americans were soft on Iraq and other Arab countries."

From the Oct. 26, 2001 issue of Executive Intelligence Review

`Wolfowitz Cabal' Is an Enemy Within U.S.

by Michele Steinberg 

On Oct. 14, the London Observer published one of the now familiarand totally falsepropaganda scare stories, entitled "Iraq 'Behind U.S. Anthrax Outbreaks.' " The story gave credence to the ravings of "American hawks" who say there is "a growing mass of evidence that [Iraqi President] Saddam Hussein was involved, possibly indirectly, with the Sept. 11 suicide hijacks." If confirmed, said the Observer, "the pressure now building ... for an attack [on Iraq] may be irresistible." One of these "hawks," an unnamed U.S. "administration official," told the Observer that British Prime Minister Tony Blair is a "faithful ally" in the war against terrorism and that "if it means we are embarking on the next Hundred Years' War, then that's what we are doing" (emphasis added).

The "next Hundred Year's War"? Who are the U.S. maniacs who use such language, and are they not as dangerous as Osama bin Laden's jihad?

Here we will name the names of the fanatics in this anti-Iraq grouping who have become known as the "Wolfowitz cabal," named after Assistant Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. According to the New York Times, which published a leak about their activities on Oct. 12, this grouping wants an immediate war with Iraq, believing that the targetting of Afghanistan, already an impoverished wasteland, falls far short of the global war that they are hoping for. But Iraq is just another stepping stone to turning the anti-terrorist "war" into a full-blown "Clash of Civilizations," where Islam would become the "enemy image" in a "new Cold War."

The "Clash of Civilizations" theory, developed by Harvard professor-turned President Jimmy Carter's National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski and his protgs, including Harvard Prof. Samuel Huntington, defined the Arab and Islamic world as an "arc of crisis" from the Middle East to the Islamic countries of Central Asia in the then-Soviet Union. Brzezinski wanted to use the "Islamic card" against the Soviet Union, and in so doing, began the policy of promoting Islamic fundamentalists against moderate and pro-Western Arab and Islamic governments. 

After the end of the Cold War, the Brzezinski/Huntington crowd updated their "arc of crisis," declaring that the Islamic religion is the enemy, in a new war in which religions rather than political systems inevitably battle each other. 

However, trained by British and U.S. special intelligence services and the CIA, and armed by Israeli military networks, the very terrorist drug-runners in the Islamic world who were launched by Brzezinski and "adopted" by the Iran-Contra networks run by Lt. Col. Oliver North, under the elder George Bush's Executive Order 12333, have become the main 

[CTRL] Fwd: Zionist Neocons, Britain, and Israel -- British Israel?

2003-03-03 Thread RoadsEnd
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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 "Wolfowitz plays coy when asked about his allegiance to Israel, by foreign correspondents. But, in 1998, at an AIPAC dinner at the Waldorf Astoria, honoring Mortimer Zuckerman, Wolfowitz was introduced by moderator Ted Koppel (a Likudnik Jew) and said: 'Israel is the land of lands. It is sacred land. It is land blessed by God, and we would all be remiss, if we did not devote our remaining days to see it become what it once was.'
 "Wolfowitz is a heavy contributor to the UJA. He is in their 'PLAYER'S LIST', a wall-plaque designating Jew who've given over 100 thousand dollars in a single year to help finance settlements."  


December 2001
Special Report

Israels Lobby Tries to Widen Net Against Terrorism

By Richard H. Curtiss

One of the first events after Sept. 11 obviously was a re-thinking by Israel of how it could take advantage of the opportunity to advance its interests. Presumably the Palestinians were undertaking a similar re-evaluation of the changed circumstances.Sept. 11 and its aftermath came in the nick of time for Israels lobby, because U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell was working on forcing Israel to accept an initiative aiming at the creation of a Palestinian state. The American plan was to have been based on the report by former Sen. George Mitchell. The next step would have been for President George W. Bush to put his weight behind the initiative. Or, alternatively, Secretary of State Powell might have proposed the Mitchell Report as the basis for negotiations, with the president adding his weight to the decision as momentum grew.All that changed on Sept. 11. The Israelis seized yet another opportunity to procrastinate. The burden now was on the Palestinians not to lose sight of a solution to the Palestinian problem.One of the first to jump on the procrastination bandwagon was the Weekly Standard. Linking all of Israels enemies under one umbrella, the five-year-old flagship of the neo-conservative movement insisted that antiterrorist action be taken against all of Israels enemies. Anyone who disagreed, the magazine suggested, would be evil.Thus, in addition to Osama bin Laden, the worlds enemies would include Iraq, Iran, Syria and Libya. The problem with such a view was that, although most of the rest of the world agreed on the need to resist terrorists, there was little agreement with other premises in the war on terrorism. Right here at home, for example, the next priority for President Bush was to provide a fair deal for the Palestinians. Most other countries do not even agree on how to handle Iraq, although if there is indisputable proof that Saddam Hussain has tampered with biological weapons or other manifestations of terrorism, there might be a call for a subsequent campaign.No one disputes the guilt of Osama bin Laden. So far, however, there has been no proof that the Iraqis have had any hand in the recent events. In fact, Secretary of State Powell has said specifically that there is no credible evidence linking Iraq to the events of Sept. 11. This has been conspicuously ignored by the Israel lobby, which is seeking to widen the net against terrorism and complicate George Bushs attempt to forge and hold together a coalition.Whether or not the war on terrorism would extend beyond Osama bin Laden is yet to be determined. Powells argument is that, regardless of what is to follow, only one terrorist has been condemned in the court of world opinion. In short, he argued, take one issue at a time.Meanwhile, Assistant Secretary 

[CTRL] Fwd: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed just captured, was killed by US last year

2003-03-03 Thread RoadsEnd
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-Caveat Lector-

Not sure what to make of the apparent resurrection and subsequent capture
of Al-Qeada's # 3 man perportedly killed and buried by the FBI last October!
Do we believe the ISI/FBI operation news of last October? Or do we
believe the ISI/CIA news of this week so timely in light of how much heat
the Administration has been taking about its lack of focus on Al-Qeada
and Osama bin Forgotten? There may well be a perfectly reasonable
explanation. I'd like to hear it!
Kyle F. Hence
This courtesy of Lee P.
Oct 30, 2002
A Chilling Inheritance of Terror
By Syed Saleem Shahzad

Now it has emerged that Kuwaiti national Khalid Shaikh Mohammed did
indeed perish in the raid...
An Arab woman and a child were taken to an ISI safe house, where they
identified the Shaikh Mohammed's body as their husband and father. The
body was kept in a private NGO mortuary for 20 days before being buried,
under the surveillance of the FBI, in a graveyard in the central district
of Karachi. [emphasis mine]
The widow subsequently underwent exhaustive interrogation in the custody
of FBI officials, during which she revealed details of people who visited
her husband, and of his other contacts and plans. News of the death of
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was intentionally suppressed so that officials could
play on the power of his name to follow up leads and contacts.
(2002 Asia Times Online Co, Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact
for information on our sales and syndication policies.)
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
March 1, 2003
9:11 A.M. (EST)

Press Conference by Secretary  Deputy Secretary of Defense

SECRETARY RUMSFELD: Good morning. The President cannot join us for this
brief right-wing policy advertisement with you fine sedated members of the
press, as he is currently still kung-fu skull-cracking Arab madmen in

SECRETARY WOLFOWITZ: The reason we called you all here today is to
refute recent leaks about the logistical details surrounding the upcoming
glorious occupation and noble democratization of Iraq. We are prepared
and committed to nation building - which need we remind you, was one
of the fundamental planks of the President's foreign policy platform during
the 2000 campaign. It's one of dozens of reasons he won in an
unprecedented landslide.


SECRETARY RUMSFELD: Good Gosh. No. He did. Yes. Yes. No. Don't laugh. I
don't think that's professional. No. He did. Nation Building. Yes. Not Gore.
Yes. He Did. Let's just agree to disagree.

Anyway, regardless of your biased liberal bungling of basic historical facts,
Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz and I will take four or five questions at this
time. Let's begin. Helen?

Q: The build-up of American forces in the Persian Gulf region would
appear to be nearing completion. At this time, can you talk briefly about...
the aftermath?

SECRETARY RUMSFELD: What aftermath? We bulldoze the flame-broiled piles
of heathen, still- quivering limbs into pits, douse them in gasoline, then
have ourselves a big old sand-pig roast. What else is there to say?

Q: To date, formal, unchanging government estimates on the financial
impact of the upcoming war have been all but impossible to come by. Can
you tell us, specifically, how much it's going to cost, and how much faster
Americans can expect our already-imploding economy to completely

DEPUTY SECRETARY WOLFOWITZ: Bellyaching about the economy and dumb
poor people without jobs or enough to eat is for panty-waist Democrats
and journalists. We're warriors. And truth be told, this war and the military
budget increases that accompany it are best thing to happen to our
Republican sugar-daddies since those towelhead bastards hit us back on
9/11. Which is to say that it all goes back to Commandant Karl's edict
numero uno: Win at any cost: this war is about 2004.

Q: It was recently disclosed that the Pentagon has ordered over 50,000
body bags in anticipation of potential mass casualties suffered due to
chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. Can you tell us how many soldiers
you expect to be killed during the seizure of Iraqi oil fields?

DEPUTY SECRETARY WOLFOWITZ: Goodness gracious! Look. Colored
enlisted boys are no different from spotted owls and manatees - plentifully
disposable. The important thing to remember here is that this President
Bush won't screw up like his sissy daddy did. No sir. We intend to cram
Saddam's cous-cous squirting caboose down his tin pot despot throat and
then emerge victorious in the 2004 election. So however many lower class
corpses it takes to remain submerged in this politically beneficial quagmire
of endless Pavlovian terror alerts, well then that's how many are needed.
Hell, we'll order another 50,000 body bags if necessary.

Q: Secretary Rumsfeld, have you been working out, sir?

SECRETARY RUMSFELD: Indeed I have. That's pure American muscle you see
bulging through these liver spots. Yessir. It's firm. It's taut. Indeed - these
are the biceps of a 58, 59 year-old man. And I don't mean that in a faggoty
way. One more question.

Q: As the heads of the Pentagon, and by extension, the whole US military,
does it bother either of you that you've been turned into little more than
two political chess pieces - being exploited to help keep Americans in a
perpetual state of paranoia, enabling a select group of civilian, corporate-
sponsored multi-millionaires to force their narrow agenda of tax cuts for
those who don't need them and backward, draconian social morals on the
world's supposedly greatest democracy?


SECRETARY RUMSFELD: Jumpin Jehosophat no! Look, for guys like us -
educated, wealthy white men who have never tasted the bitterness of
battle, all that stuff is just background noise. This is about the killing. The
indiscriminate, wholesale, erotic, power-mad killing.

Capiche? Good. Press conference over.




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[CTRL] The monumental leader

2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
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The monumental leader who cuts a fine figure everywhere

March 4 2003

The dust is thick, the flames fierce, but visitors to the chaos of the Sheik
Omar Street foundry stop in their tracks when they come to the imposing
honour guard - 32 fine bronze statues of Iraqi soldiers who have died in

The detail of these martyrs is impeccable. The defence minister who died
in a helicopter crash has all the dignity of high office and the pain of his
tragic war-time death. They clutch the tools of battle - a walkie- talkie, a
stethoscope, a machine gun, a swagger stick. One simply clenches his fist
in anger.

But it quickly becomes apparent that this foundry is not about the dead.
When they pour molten metal here, most often it is in homage to one man
who is very much alive - Saddam Hussein.

He is everywhere. In the first workshop he seems to be toppling from his
horse because the work has yet to be placed on the angled plinth for
which it was designed.

The next workshop is locked. But through its barred windows can be seen
a statue of the President that is more than 10 metres tall, a plaster of
Paris, gun-toting giant. Soon it will be used to cast a hollow mould, into
which men will pour tonnes of molten bronze.

In the next workshop he is a mere six metres, wielding a rifle more than
two metres long.

All of this is the monumental end of one of the most pervasive personal
cults of our time.

In Iraq only one person is allowed to breathe the political, media and
cultural oxygen - Saddam. On TV he is
the news. Towns and cities are wall-papered with his portraits and
scattered with his statues. The people are encouraged to model their life
on that of Saddam; and his life story, especially his rise to power, is
packaged as an Arab legend.

Virtually all of Ottoman Baghdad has been demolished, and the broken-
down, boxy city that has taken its place is a celebration of the leader.

In the face of another destructive war, Saddam presses on with a program
of monumental works, the most grandiose of which is the Grand Saddam
Mosque, second only in size to Mecca. Its dome, still a skeleton of
concrete scaffolding and cranes, will be the size of a football field, sitting
on top of eight colossal arches.

A few kilometres away is the Mother of All Battles mosque - with its
minarets built to look like Scud missiles and a special pavilion in which 600
gilt-edged frames display the pages of the Koran, written in Saddam's
blood. In another direction is a giant sculpture of crossed swords, held by
hands modelled on those of Saddam.

Undoubtedly, there is disquiet with the nature and excesses of the
regime. But equally, there is admiration for how Saddam got to, and
remains in, power in the face of Western hostility. And the deliberate
echoes of the greats of Iraqi history in the cult of Saddam play well in the
hearts and minds of many Iraqis.

Outsiders dwell on how he modelled himself on Stalin and Hitler and
maintains his grip on power through a totalitarian one-party state where
the price of criticism is death.

The self-perpetuating power of the cult was all the easier to understand
on a visit to the Sheik Omar Street foundry, when Abdul Jabar paused in
his work on a series of sculptures of ancient Iraqi philosophers, ordered in
glasses of sweet tea, and talked about the President and the people.

Dr Jabar is a sculptor of note - his five monumental works on display in
Baghdad include two of Saddam - and his views are all the more illuminating
because he worked and studied in the United States for 10 years.

He starts before the rise of Saddam Hussein.

We were a very poor and hungry people, and as a culture we needed an
historical leader. Our colonial past has given us a great desire to rebuild
our history.

So in Iraq we all are a part of the leadership. Saddam's confidence comes
from the belief of the people in him, so it is our duty to be good citizens
and fight with him.

And despite his exposure to democracy in the US, the sculptor is happy
with life in Iraq.

I don't know about the need for an alternate leadership. Saddam has been
good for Iraq.

Dr Jabar produced a bundle of Arabic-language newspapers in which his
artistic criticism had been published. Surely if he believed in criticism in
art he should endorse it in politics?

We do have criticism here. Criticism of Iraq by the US is not constructive;
it is destructive.

What about the appalling accounts of human rights under the Iraqi regime,
as told by the exiled Iraqi community?

Who exiles these people? There are no exiles outside Iraq. They go of
their own free will. Some of them have not been here in 40 years, so how
can they be accurate?

This story was found at:
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

[CTRL] youth literacy

2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
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SMS essay rings alarm bells for youth literacy

March 4 2003

Education experts have warned of the potentially damaging effect on
literacy of mobile phone text messaging after a pupil handed in an essay
written in text shorthand.

The 13-year-old girl submitted the essay to a teacher in a state secondary
school in Scotland and explained that she found it easier than standard

Her teacher said: I could not believe what I was seeing. The page was
riddled with hieroglyphics, many of which I simply could not translate.

The teenager's essay began: My smmr hols wr CWOT. B4, we usd 2go2 NY
2C my bro, his GF  thr 3 :- kds FTF. ILNY, it's a gr8 plc. Translation: My
summer holidays were a complete waste of time. Before, we used to go to
New York to see my brother, his girlfriend and their three screaming kids
face to face. I love New York. It's a great place.

The Scottish Qualifications Authority has expressed concern about the
problem in its report on last year's Standard Grade exams, and revealed
that text messaging language was inappropriately used in the English

A spokeswoman for the Scottish Parent Teacher Council said a decline in
standards of grammar
and written language was partly linked to the craze.

There must be rigorous efforts from all quarters of the education system
to stamp out the use of texting as a form of written language so far as
English study is concerned.

There has been a trend in recent years to emphasise spoken English.
Pupils think orally and write phonetically. You would be shocked at the
numbers of senior secondary pupils who cannot distinguish between their
and there. The problem is that there is a feeling in some schools that
pupils' freedom of expression should not be inhibited.

Dr Cynthia McVey, a psychology lecturer at Glasgow Caledonian University,
said texting was second nature to a generation of young people.

They don't write letters, so sitting down to write or type an essay is
unusual and difficult. They revert to what they feel comfortable with.
Texting is attractive and uncomplicated.

The Telegraph, London

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have to stand on their own merits.

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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

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written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
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[CTRL] Hubris to Madness to Destruction

2003-03-03 Thread Jei
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Hubris to Madness to Destruction
by Bob Wallace
March 3, 2003

I've watched George Bush change over the last year. He went from being a
Good Ol' Boy who said if he lost the election, life goes on, to a
dogmatic, closed-minded man who apparently believes God has chosen him to
bring the deluded leftist dream of democracy to the Middle East.

People have suggested to me that Bush is either insane or a psychopath
(i.e., he has no conscience). He is neither. What has happened to him is a
sequence the Greeks noticed thousands of years ago: Koros (stability) to
Hubris (arrogance, moral blindness) to Ate (a kind of madness) to
Nemesis (destruction). One of the problems of the afflicted is that they
never know what is happening to them.

The only school of modern psychology I pay attention to is Object
Relations Theory. The only reason I pay attention to it is because it
confirms, and expands on, ancient wisdom. It postulates all of us are born
with a grandiose self and a devalued self. They remain with us all our

Object Relations Theory has added two things to the sequence the Greeks
wrote about: paranoia and splitting things into all-good and all-bad
(or grandiose and devalued). Both paranoia and splitting fall right in
between Hubris and Ate. People who are afflicted with Hubris become
grandiose. They then also become paranoid and split people into groups of
all-good and all-bad.

Hubristic people, since they have become grandiose, see themselves as
immensely important. Since they are so important, they can't be wrong (the
grandiosity). Therefore, all problems are projected onto other people (the
devaluation). Hubris then leads the afflicted to become paranoid about all
these bad people, since they have now become the cause of all problems.
They have to be ferreted out and destroyed.

This sequence, unfortunately, is what has happened to Bush. Of course, he
does not know it. It's why he talks about either you are with us or
against us and speaks of the evil ones. It's why he is paranoid about
Saddam Hussein. He really believes Hussein is going to nuke us or poison

Base, degraded people are more prone to Hubris. Bush is not a base man.
He's just imperfect, like everyone else in the world. The Clintons, on the
other hand, are base people. As their Hubris increased, so did their
paranoia, which led them to attempt to destroy all their enemies. It's
why, in the Bible, Herod gave the order to kill all the male infants. It's
why Saddam Hussein killed all his enemies, and why Robert Mugabe is acting
the way he is. It's why Hitler and Stalin killed all their enemies.

Power is what causes people is become Hubristic. Political power is the
worst, because the afflicted often has no one to brake them. Power
intoxicates, goes the saying, and immunity corrupts. It's why Caligula
declared himself a god. Hubris drove him to Ate. The fact that people are
prone to Hubris is why the smallest government possible is the best one.

Apparently Bush and the rest of his administration consider themselves to
be Men of the World. They're not. Men of the World do not split people
into all-good and all-bad. People with an understanding of human nature
know that no one is pure good or pure evil. Everyone is a shade of grey.
Some are more good than others, and some are more evil. But both will be
with us until the end of the Earth.

People who are morally blind – which I mentioned in the second paragraph –
are the ones who split people into groups of all-good and all-bad. This
allows them to turn the all-bad into things, evil people worthy of death.
People who aren't morally blind see the grey in everyone. In that sense,
Bush and those in his administration have become morally blind. All they
can see is good and evil.

Unfortunately, our opponents see us the same way. That's why they call the
US the Great Satan. What we've got now are two groups of people
convinced the other is evil and should die. Hence, we now have an
unnecessary Holy World War I on our hands.

The sequence, Koros to Hubris to Ate to Nemesis, partly explains the
collapse of empires. Those who run the empire become grandiose and
Hubristic. With Hubris comes the paranoia, and the attempt to conquer all
threats, even if they aren't threats. Hubris prevents the rulers from
seeing what is really happening – what the real threats are. While they
spend hundreds of billions of dollars abroad, things collapse at home.
Only they can't see it. That's part of the moral blindness of Hubris.

The last time I saw this sequence was during the Vietnam Non-War. The
horrible Lyndon Baines Johnson escalated the conflict, leading to the
deaths of 58,000 Americans and a million or more Vietnamese, all because
of a Hubris which led to madness. Then came the Nemesis – collapse at home
because of protests, and troops finally being pulled out. Pol Pot came to
power in Southeast Asia and committed genocide. Even today 


2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

By Eric S. Margolis
24 February 2003

NEW YORK - Unless Saddam Hussein is overthrown by a coup, President
George Bush appears determined to launch an unprovoked invasion Iraq
sometime in March, in spite of growing opposition at home and a storm of
protests around the world. This is how the military scenario is likely to

Order of Battle

*The United States and Britain have assembled over 200,000 men, 120,000 of
them ground troops; over 800 warplanes; and powerful fleet, with 4-5
strike carriers in the Gulf.

*US ground forces are concentrated in Kuwait: the heavy 3rd Mechanized
Infantry Division; an airborne infantry battalion; special operations units;
the famed 101st Air Assault Division; elements of the heavy Ist Armored and
1st Mechanized Divisions from Europe; two brigades of the 82nd Airborne
Division. In all, five division equivalents with 700 tanks. More US-based units
are slated to follow if needed.

At sea, or in Kuwait: a division and amphibious landing force of 55,000 US
Marines; Britain's 1st Armored Division, 4,000 Royal Marines and famed SAS
commandos; 1,000 Australians.

*Iraq's dilapidated army has 350,000 men; 1,000 obsolete T-54/55 tanks still
serviceable; 100 operational warplanes; a few gunboats; and, on paper,
600,000 reservists of almost no combat capability. War stocks of missiles,
munitions, and spare parts are minimal. Morale is poor. Iraq's only combat-
capable units: six divisions of Republican Guards(90,000 men) equipped with
semi-modern T-72 tanks, self-propelled artillery, and some mobile air
defense systems. Three armored Republican Guards divisions, an infantry
division, and elite special force units are deployed in two concentric
defense zones around Baghdad to protect the regime.

The Attack

US forces will begin their invasion of Iraq with a massive nighttime blitz of
600-800 Tomahawk and other land- attack missiles, precision-guided bombs
and special weapons. B-1 and F-117 Stealth bombers will seek to assassinate
President Hussein and decapitate the regime's leadership using new deep
penetrating 'bunker- buster' bombs, including the secret 'Big' BLU 13,636 kg

Command and control(C3), air defense sites, electric generation, and
communications will be largely destroyed by missiles, satellite and laser-
guided 2,000 lbs bombs, cyberwarfare computer network attacks, new
high-power microwave weapons(aka E-bombs or HPM) that melt all
electrical components above or below ground by emitting a violent
electromagnetic pulse; and hugely destructive thermobaric fuel air
explosives. By dawn of D+1, Iraq's air defense system and air force will not
exist. Baghdad will be blacked and cut off from the rest of the nation.
Everything that runs on electricity will be shut down.

The US Air Force will then attack Republican Guard units, while avoiding
regular army units, who will be needed to help police Iraq after the war.
Incessant air strikes with precision weapons will leave the Iraqi Army
blinded, deaf, dumb, and unable to move.

The devastating air campaign will be conducted behind a veil of electronic
secrecy. All TV and radios in Baghdad, including those of foreign media,
will be blacked out by HPM weapons. The world may not see heavy civilian
casualties from the bombing campaign or subsequent street fighting.

Ground Offensive

US and British Marines will land on Iraq's Faw Peninsula, join up with the
Marine division in Kuwait, and drive northeast to isolate, then take the
port of Basra.

There are three options for the offensive against Baghdad.

First, a daring 'coup de main,' particularly if President Hussein is killed, or
there is a coup or army mutiny. The 82nd and 101st Airborne troops and
special forces seize an airfield just outside the city, air assault in light
armor and reinforcements; then advance downtown in an effort to locate
and kill surviving government leaders. Soviet Spetsnaz commandos employed
this technique in Kabul in December, 1979.

Meanwhile. fast-moving wheeled armored units drive the 500 km from
Kuwait to Baghdad through rough terrain west of the Euphrates Valley,
avoiding Iraqi defenses, and linking up with Shia rebels in Najaf and Kerbala
before reinforcing the airborne bridgehead in Baghdad.

Option 2: When Washington succeeds in threatening and bribing Turkey
into allowing the waiting US 4th Infantry Division to land from ships and
open a northern front, US mechanized forces, backed by close air
support, could easily advance 100kms south to Mosul and Erbil, seize the
region's vital oil fields, preventing Iraq from blowing them up, storm Kirkuk,
then race to Baghdad.

This operation would prevent Kurdish groups from proclaiming an
independent Kurdistan and force Iraq to split its forces. US airborne units
may be used to seize Mosul and Kirkuk airfields and await ground
reinforcements. Three air bases in the Kurdish 

[CTRL] The 'Elephant'

2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

FEBRUARY 28, 2003
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Israel's Role: The 'Elephant' They're Talking About


It is the proverbial elephant in the room, wrote liberal columnist Michael
Kinsley in the October 24, 2002, edition of the online journal Slate.
Everybody sees it, no one mentions it.

Kinsley was referring to a debate, once only whispered in back rooms but
lately splashed in bold characters across the mainstream media, over
Jewish and Israeli influence in shaping American foreign policy.

In recent weeks, in fact, the Israeli-Jewish elephant has been on a
rampage, trampling across the airwaves and front pages of respected media
outlets, including the Washington Post, The New York Times, the American
Prospect, the Washington Times, the Economist, the New York Review of
Books, CNN and MSNBC. For its encore, the proverbial pachyderm plopped
itself down last weekend smack in the middle of Meet the Press, NBC's
top-rated Sunday morning news program.

Many of these articles project an image of President Bush and Prime
Minister Sharon working in tandem to promote war against Iraq. Several of
them described an administration packed with conservatives motivated
primarily, if not solely, by a dedication to defending Israel. A few
respected voices have even touched openly on the role of American
Jewish organizations in the equation, suggesting a significant shift to the
right on Middle East issues and an intense loyalty to Sharon. Still others
raise the notion of Jewish and Israeli influence only to attack it as

The key moment on Meet the Press came when host Tim Russert read
from a February 14 column by the editor at large of the Washington Times,
Arnaud de Borchgrave, who argued that the strategic objective of senior
Bush administration officials was to secure Israel's borders by launching a
crusade to democratize the Arab world. Next, Russert turned to one of his
guests, Richard Perle, chairman of the Defense Policy Board, a key advisory
panel to the Pentagon.

Can you assure American viewers across our country that we're in this
situation against Saddam Hussein and his removal for American security
interests? Russert asked.

And what would be the link in terms of Israel?

It was a startling question, especially when directed at Perle, the poster
boy  along with Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and Under
Secretary of Defense Douglas Feith  for antisemitic critics who insist the
United States is being pulled into war by pro-Likud Jewish advisers on
orders from Jerusalem. But Russert is no David Duke, nor even a Patrick
Buchanan. He is generally regarded as a balanced, first-rate journalist in
sync with the zeitgeist of Washington's media and political elite. If Russert
is asking the question on national television, then the toothpaste is out of
the tube: The question has entered the discourse in elite Washington
circles and is now a legitimate query to be floated in polite company.

In three recent opinion articles, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd
fired off one-liners claiming that Bush's conservative aides were guided
simply by the need to defend Israel. MSNBC talk-show host Chris Matthews
insisted that Israeli hawks are in bed with hardliners at the Pentagon and
Vice President Dick Cheney's office and suggested that at times Sharon
essentially dictates Bush's speeches.

The Washington Post supplied a less glib, more systematic attempt to
demonstrate an unprecedented political partnership between Sharon and
Bush, in a 2,100-word front-page story February 9 by Robert Kaiser,
headlined  Bush and Sharon Nearly Identical On Mideast Policy. The story
also included a paragraph outlining a supposed rightward shift among
American Jewish organizations.

Over the past dozen years or more, supporters of Sharon's Likud Party
have moved into leadership roles in most of the American Jewish
organizations that provide financial and political support for Israel, Kaiser

Just a few weeks earlier, in its January 25 issue, the Economist published a
lead editorial urging Bush to ignore so-called friends of Israel who will
accuse Mr. Bush of 'appeasement' the moment he pushes hard for
territorial compromise.

The barrage of commentary on supposed Israeli interests in an invasion of
Iraq has triggered a powerful backlash of sorts: a parallel barrage of
commentary on the bounds of legitimate criticism of Jerusalem, American
Jews and Jewish officials working in the White House. Several Jewish
commentators have recently written articles warning that subtle and not-
so-subtle antisemitic undertones permeate the new wave of anti-war
criticism. In turn, critics have charged these writers with unfairly playing
the antisemitic card in hopes of silencing opposition to the war.

So far, the main event in the parallel clash started with an opinion article
by Lawrence Kaplan, senior editor of the 

[CTRL] Stunned Guns

2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-
March 3, 2003

They did what?' - US is stunned

WASHINGTON (AFP) - US officials appeared stunned by the Turkish
parliament's refusal Saturday to allow the deployment of 62,000 US troops
for a possible war with Iraq.

The officials, who had been prepared to hail the parliament's approval of
the deployment based on initial reports that the vote had succeeded,
expressed consternation when told that it had in fact been defeated.

They did what? blurted one State Department official.

That official and others declined to comment on the nullification of the
close vote and were seeking clarification from the US embassy in Ankara as
well as Turkish authorities.

We are seeking clarification and waiting to see what the Turkish
parliament's decision is, said Tara Rigler, a department spokeswoman.

In Ankara, the embassy said US ties with Turkey would not be threatened
by the vote, calling it democratic and one that would be respected by

We respect this as a democratic result, embassy spokesman Joseph
Pennington said. We will live with that. US ties with Turkey are not
threatened in any way.

Washington had placed great importance on the vote and had lobbied the
Turks relentlessly to approve the deployment, sweetening the pot by
offering some six billion dollars in aid to the Muslim nation, where public
opposition to a possible war with Iraq is overwhelming.

On Friday, the State Department said negotiations over the aid package
were substantially completed and could not be revised much further,
making clear Washington was losing patience with repeated delays in the

It's now up to Prime Minister (Abdullah) Gul and his cabinet to complete

the Turkish political process, spokesman Richard Boucher said.

He would not say whether Washington had set down a deadline for the
vote, but a senior department official said if it was postponed any longer it
would be in effect too late and would force troops now massing in the
region to consider alternatives.

If they wait longer than Saturday, we're going to have to look elsewhere,
the official said.

After hearing the first incorrect reports on Saturday that the parliament
had approved access for US troops, Washington was set to laud the move
and praise the Turkish government for its courage, according to a reaction
prepared by the State Department.

We warmly welcome the decision of the Turkish parliament to permit US
forces to enter Turkey for possible military operations towards Iraq, it

We applaud the courageous leadership of the Turkish government.

This vote is a further sign of the strong strategic partnership between our
countries and our joint commitment to ensure that the Iraqi regime
complies with UN Security Council Resolution 1441 and eliminates its
weapons of mass destruction.

The United States and Turkey share a common vision of an Iraq free of all
forms of oppression on the way to a free, peaceful and prosperous future
in accordance with the principles of the UN charter, it said.

After it became clear the vote had failed, one US official said the earlier
State Department language was no longer operative.

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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Thought for Food

2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-
March 1, 2003

Animal liberation bigots


A new breed of dunderhead has developed: the Holocaust Diminisher. I
speak of those people who by compromise or comparison minimize the
unique catastrophe of the slaughter of six million Jews and six million
Gentiles by the Nazis during World War II.

The latest in the breed is People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals,
known as PETA. Long known for their absurd antics and extremism, they
have now initiated a campaign called Holocaust on Your Plate. The aim is
to force a non-meat and egg diet on everybody, contrary to the needs and
physiological construct of our bodies.

Just as the Nazis tried to 'dehumanize' Jews by forcing them to live in
filthy, crowded conditions, says PETA, animals on today's factory farms
are stripped of all that is enjoyable and natural to them and treated as
nothing more than meat, egg and milk-making machines.

Nobody has ever accused animal liberation zealots of being intellectual
giants, but this one really takes the non-animal product biscuit. They
accuse the Nazis of dehumanizing Jews, and immediately compare the
plight of Holocaust victims to that of cows, hens and sheep. What is this if
not direct dehumanization?

They speak of some of the admittedly unacceptable actions committed on
farm animals and then claim this was, the very same mindset that made the
Holocaust possible - that we can do anything we want to those we decide
are different or inferior - is what allows us to commit atrocities against
animals every single day.


If they knew their history, these people would realize that animal abuse
was actually a crime in Nazi Germany. A Jew or a Slav could be shot on
sight, but not a dog. Hitler himself was a vegetarian who was obsessed with
animal welfare. The British Nazi Party was formed by a vet who hated Jews
for the allegedly cruel kosher method of animal slaughter.

But PETA goes even further in its nuttiness.

During the seven years between 1938 and 1945, 12 million people perished
in the Holocaust. That same number of animals is killed every four hours
for food in the U.S. alone ... Our grandchildren will ask one day: Where
were you during the Holocaust of the animals? What did you do against
those horrifying crimes? We won't be able to offer the same excuse the
second time, that we didn't know.

I think I'll tell my grandchildren that I was eating a ham sandwich, drinking
a glass of milk and trying to raise awareness of the mass exploitation of
people in the developing world and the fact some middle class North
Americans have more time and money than common sense and genuine
compassion for the right causes.

Remember, PETA is the organization that complained to Yasser Arafat
about terrorism. Not because Israelis or Palestinians had died, but because
a donkey was used to transport a bomb and was killed in the incident.
When asked to perhaps condemn the violence against humans in the
region, the president of PETA replied, It's not my business to inject myself
into human wars.

The organization is touring with a huge display which shows pictures of
dead animals next to the bodies of people who died under Hitler. Very
good taste - whoops, I meant taste as in the non-animal variety.

One cannot help juxtaposing all this with good old Ernst Zundel, who was
thrown out of the U.S. and is now back in Canada. The veteran Holocaust
denier is not a Canadian citizen and is a wanted man back in his beloved
Germany. One would have hoped he had more courage than he has shown.
A genuine martyr for a cause would face the consequences of his actions,
but Ernst seems anxious to escape the very same.

He denies the Holocaust. PETA diminishes it. There is, of course, a
difference. But remember that PETA has many impressionable and even
famous supporters, whereas Ernst is followed by people who think vegans
are a race of funny-eared people in Star Trek. PETA will be welcomed in
many respectable places, Ernst can't even find a country in which to live.

Hang your heads in shame, animal liberation bigots. As for Ernst, just hold
on to your hard hat and polish up your prison German.

Michael Coren is a Toronto-based writer and broadcaster. He can be
emailed at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and his web site is
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[CTRL] The War Against Anger

2003-03-03 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

The War Against Anger
by Butler Shaffer
March 3, 2003

I am weary of people evading the responsibility for wars, by dismissing
organized butchery as expressions of human nature. Man’s inhumanity to
man, this argument runs, is simply the way we are, and therefore, we ought
not rail against it. Such thinking saves one the discomfort of
self-examination and self-criticism. If violence and slaughter are
manifestations of inborn character – as intrinsic to us as the pursuit of
self-interest – then our participation in such acts should not be
condemned. It is just who we are; and it is unrealistic of us to think
we can change our genetic makeup.

But if this is true, are not acts of murder, rape, arson, mayhem, and
assault also the fulfillment of our violent nature? If we are not critical
of nation-states for mobilizing destructive tendencies, why should we
punish individuals who engage in similarly motivated actions? Indeed, why
do we heap the severest of punishments on those who do, individually, what
we so blithely accept when done – in greater numbers – by political

The answer to this question is found in the psychological practice of
projection, a phenomenon about which I have written on numerous occasions.
We are uncomfortable with the awareness – albeit subconscious – that who
we are includes various dark side attributes inconsistent with the
virtuous qualities around which we have built our self-image. Were we
courageous enough to look deeply within, we would discover that we do have
capacities for violence, dishonesty, anger, sloth, cowardice, and other
characteristics that conflict with the image of goodness we have created
for ourselves.

We unconsciously believe that the way to purge ourselves of these
undesired qualities is to project them onto scapegoats, against whom we
proceed to take punitive action. Those who desire to understand 9/11 and
its aftermath must begin with an awareness of the psychological dynamics
of projection. Contrary to the self-righteous posturing that comprises
political rhetoric, there are no objectively good and bad nations or
other groups of people in our world. We have, however, divided ourselves
into mutually exclusive us-versus-them categories – whether based on
race, religion, nationality, economic interests, or other factors –
ascribing goodness to our group, and badness to others. Such
dichotomous thinking becomes a perfect setup for the projection of our
unwanted dark side traits onto one another. Divisiveness is not simply
an unintended consequence of political behavior, but its essential nature.

It should be evident that this contributes to the means by which we bring
about wars. They mean us harm, so we must take forceful action to
protect our interests. Once we do so, they become mobilized against
us; a response that confirms, in our mind, their malevolent intentions
and is used as a justification for our renewed efforts.

Let me illustrate the point this way: the United States not only created
nuclear weapons, but is the only nation to have employed them against
civilian populations. As a result, other nations began their own
collections, ostensibly as a deterrent against such weapons being used
upon them. The United States government has the biggest collection of
nuclear weapons in existence, and recently announced that it would not
foreclose the possibility of their use in any future war. If Americans and
Israelis believe that deadly weapons are necessary for their defenses, why
should we be surprised that other nations might regard similar weapons as
essential to theirs? Given the historic record and the Bush
administration’s war against axis of evil nations as well as those who
are not with us, what other response would you expect?

Don’t mistake the point I am making. I am not defending the use of such
weapons: to the contrary, I am desirous of ending such insane behavior.
But to do so, we must begin by giving up our childish schoolyard thinking
that poses us as the unvarnished expression of good, and them as the
unmitigated agents of evil. The divisiveness of our thinking has
produced the political madness that threatens to overwhelm the world in a
kind of warfare that could destroy all of human life. But we must
understand the nature of what our thinking has created. Instead of joining
George Bush’s frenzied mob of war-lovers who, drunk with power, want to
behave like an unruly gang of soccer fans, we need to withdraw our
energies from their madness.

What is the source of the anger that has generated this world-engulfing
conflict? Contrary to the twaddle put forth by neocon jingoists, the
terrorists who planned and attacked the World Trade Center, knowing they
would die in the process, did not do so in order to show their contempt
for MTV, Calvin Klein jeans, burqualess women, and other attributes of our
freedom. They did so out of anger over years of arrogant American and

[CTRL] Fw: [targets-news] Bulgarian Pimps Mobilize Prostitutes to Cash in on US Troops

2003-03-03 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 8:26 AM
Subject: [targets-news] Bulgarian Pimps Mobilize Prostitutes to Cash in on
US Troops

 GQ Magazine UK: BG Pimps Mobilize Prostitutes to Cash in on US Troops

 Bulgarian pimps have been mobilising armies of prostitutes to cash in
 on the arrival of US troops, GQ Magazine UK wrote February 24.
 According to the article hundreds of girls are being bussed across
 Bulgaria in an operation carried out with military-style efficiency
 to ensure the off-duty needs of the soldiers are fully catered for.
 In the north Bulgarian town of Russe more than four busloads have
 already set out for Bourgas, in the southeast, which US troops will
 use as a base for any attack on Iraq, GQ Magazine UK reported.

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Re: [CTRL] America uses Israel's words to justify occupation

2003-03-03 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/27/2003 9:39:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Much of the Bush speech to the American Enterprise Institute was written in the language of Israel. "If war is forced upon us by Iraq's refusal to disarm, we'll meet an enemy who hides his military forces behind civilians, who has terrible weapons, who's capable of any crime." This is precisely the language of Ariel Sharon. 

It's nice to know that our president actually has a "hero." Prudy
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Re: [CTRL] America uses Israel's words to justify occupation

2003-03-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/3/2003 2:03:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It's nice to know that our president actually has a hero.

You mean besides Jeeezus??


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] The victor will not be asked...

2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-
Bob Fitrakis   Harvey Wasserman: 'Bush would be guilty at Nuremburg'
Posted on Monday, March 03  09:38:18 EST

By Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman

If he launches an attack on Iraq without the approval of the United
Nations Security Council, George W. Bush will be guilty of crimes on par
with those committed by the infamous Nazi leaders who were tried at
Nuremburg in 1948, after World War II.

The law is clear. At Nuremburg, American, British, French and Soviet jurists
used international conventions, legal precedent and a global moral
consensus to establish a code of conduct deemed the standard for all

Key was the crimes against humanity prohibition stemming from the
conscious slaughter of six million Jews, leftists, gypsies and others by the
Nazi fanatics.

But also crucial was the ban on unprovoked attack by one nation against
another. The explosive fuse that set off World War II was the September
1,1939 Nazi attack on Poland, which was unprovoked by any stretch of the
military imagination. By all accounts it was an act of aggression and
conquest, which led ultimately to as many as 50 million deaths over the
next six years.

Article VI of the Nuremburg Charter defines Crimes Against Peace as
planning, preparation, initiation or waging of war of aggression, or a war in
violation of international treaties . . . or participation in a common plan or
conspiracy . . . to wage an aggressive war.

A week before the unprovoked Nazi assault on Poland, Hitler promised his
generals he would provide a propagandistic reason for starting the war.?
He then justified a preemptive strike based on lies about a non-existent
Polish Army attack against Germany.

The Nazi attack date had been set for more than a year. The victor will
not be asked afterwards whether he told the truth or not, Hitler told his
generals.  In starting and waging a war it is not right that matters, but

After Hitler's deceptions were revealed at Nuremburg, the surviving Nazis
based their defense on the claim of preventative war, claiming a need to
protect Germany from a pending Polish attack. They were the last, until
Bush, to use that rationale.

It didn't work. For this attack, ranking Nazi commandants, starting with
Hermann Goering, Hitler's Number Two, were convicted and sentenced to
death. That charge and that alone was deemed sufficient to warrant

Unless Saddam Hussein launches an attack on the United States very soon,
any American attack on Iraq without UN approval would be on a legal par
with the Nazi attack on Poland.

A key US argument, that Iraq was somehow linked to the September 11
terror attacks, has been definitively dismissed. In the eighteen months
since, all credible evidence points to intense hostility rather than
cooperation between Al Qaida and Saddam Hussein. Colin Powell, arguing
in front of the UN, failed to prove any cooperative connection.

Iraq has been ordered to disarm by the United Nations, whose legal
legitimacy was essential to the 1991 campaign that drove Saddam Hussein
out of Kuwait.

Thus far, there is no United Nations consensus that the Iraqis have
definitively failed to comply with the terms of that defeat to an extent
that would justify a renewed military attack, one that would inevitably
involve civilian casualties.

With no claim to having been attacked, George W. Bush has instead argued
that his war on Iraq would be preemptive, meant to prevent Saddam from
launching a future war. But Iraq has not attacked anyone in more than 12
years and two-thirds of the country is under a no-fly zone. Thus Bush is
merely resurrecting the preventative war doctrine invoked by the Nazis
before their Nuremburg hanging.

In 1953 President Dwight Eisenhower, the former Supreme Allied
Commander, dismissed the idea of a preventative war against the Soviet
Union. All of us have heard this term 'preventive war' since the earliest
days of Hitler, he said. I don't believe there is such a thing; and, frankly, I
wouldn't even listen to anyone seriously that came in and talked about
such a thing.

George W. Bush has now added to the list of pre-war demands a regime
change by which Saddam Hussein would give up power. Bush then
proposes rebuilding Iraq along democratic lines.

But Nazi functionaries at Nuremburg also received stiff sentences for
approving essentially the same totalitarian statutes that now appear in the
Homeland Security, Patriot I and Patriot II Acts authorizing secret arrest,
detention and disappearances of American citizens without legal
recourse or public notification. At Nuremburg, such laws were recognized
as a form of state terror.

The embrace of such laws in America casts serious doubt on the Bush
Administration's real willingness to install democracy anywhere else.

When the Nazis attacked Poland in 1939, no one envisioned that just eight
years later Germany would be leveled and its all-powerful 

[CTRL] A cautionary tale from colonial Baghdad

2003-03-03 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-


A cautionary tale from colonial Baghdad
By Geoffrey Aronson
Published: March 3 2003 20:17 |
Last Updated: March 3 2003 20:17

Contrary to the conventional wisdom that prevails in Washington, history
did not begin on September 11 2001 - certainly not the history of western
attempts to put Iraq right. Wherever US forces will tread, the British have
already been there. Whatever reforms American and other well-meaning
advisers will endeavour to implement in a post-Saddam Iraq have already
been tried by an earlier generation of British colonial administrators.
Iraq's calamitous and brutal political history does not foretell the
future - but it should offer a cautionary tale for those who believe that
whoever is installed in Saddam Hussein's bloody wake must improve upon his
legacy, or that it is in Washington's power or interest to make certain
that he does so.

A conquering British army, composed largely of Indian conscripts, marched
into Baghdad in 1917. The advance against the Ottoman forces from Basra had
been costly in men and equipment but Lieutenant General Sir Stanley Maude,
commander of British forces, was magnanimous in victory.

General Tommy Franks, who commands the US forces that are likely soon to
advance on Iraq, would do well to recall Maude's March 19 1917 proclamation
to the people of Baghdad, because Maude's words capture the spirit of
what Gen Franks can be expected to declare when he in turn celebrates

Our armies do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors or enemies
but as liberators, Maude declared. It is [Britain's] wish that you should
prosper even as in the past, when your lands were fertile, when your
ancestors gave to the world literature, science and art and when Baghdad
city was one of the wonders of the world.

Maude's words were drafted by Sir Mark Sykes, whose place in history would
be assured by his co-authorship of an audacious treaty that divided Iraq
and much of the Middle East between the first world war's victors: Britain
and France. Maude promised his new subjects a future of greatness and
invited them through your nobles and elders and representatives to
participate in the management of your civil affairs. Sadly, within months
he succumbed to disease and died.

His lofty sentiments, we are told in an account of Iraq by Stephen Long-
rigg, a long-serving colonial official, made little impression. Within a
few years, the British were under assault from forces opposed to foreign
rule. By the early 1930s, Iraq had suffered the first of many military
coups. The troubled legacy of British power in Baghdad helped to create and
sustain the Ba'ath party . . . and Saddam Hussein.

Certainly Gen Franks and President George W. Bush will not be entangled as
were the British in the thankless task of ruling Iraq. There is no need for
a colonial administration on the British model. The US does not need to be
physically present in the country to enjoy its riches. It will take care
that oil will flow in appropriate quantities and at a suitable price after
the troops depart. The victors will settle on a formula that the British
patented and which Washington is now practising in Afghanistan: coming to
terms with the centres of power in the country - today as always centred on
the military - and investing their leadership with a thin veneer of
democratic form. A better form of government will rightly be left to the
Iraqi people to determine.

The question of non-conventional weapons is more problematic. It is
possible that military occupation may be more effective than the current
inspection regime in assuring the discovery and destruction of Iraq's
arsenal. Permanent occupation by US troops, however, would be needed for
there to be certainty that it was not being rebuilt.

One of the attributes of sovereignty is having autonomous power to produce
arsenals of conventional and, alas, non-conventional weapons. Washington
opposes the ability of Iraq to exercise this power but it has come to terms
with the fact that these weapons are part of the arsenals of its friends -
India, Pakistan and Israel come to mind. Until Mr Hussein invaded Kuwait,
his aspirations in this regard were viewed benevolently if not
enthusiastically and as a source of profit. It is a fact of strategic life
that Iraq is surrounded by countries with growing stores of
non-conventional weapons. Past practice suggests that a post- Saddam Iraq
will continue to see value in obtaining such weapons and that many nations
will reluctantly come to terms with this policy.

If Maude were alive today, he would no doubt be making final preparations
for an assault on Baghdad. One wonders, though, whether, almost 90 years
after his military triumph, he would warn Gen Franks about the ambiguous
fruits of victory.

The writer is director of the Foundation for Middle East Peace

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[CTRL] Media Can Legally Lie

2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-
Appellate Court Rules Media Can Legally Lie.
By Mike Gaddy
Published 02. 28. 03 at 19:31 Sierra Time

On February 14, a Florida Appeals court ruled there is absolutely nothing
illegal about lying, concealing or distorting information by a major press
organization. The court reversed the $425,000 jury verdict in favor of
journalist Jane Akre who charged she was pressured by Fox Television
management and lawyers to air what she knew and documented to be false
information. The ruling basically declares it is technically not against any
law, rule, or regulation to deliberately lie or distort the news on a
television broadcast.

On August 18, 2000, a six-person jury was unanimous in its conclusion that
Akre was indeed fired for threatening to report the station's pressure to
broadcast what jurors decided was a false, distorted, or slanted story
about the widespread use of growth hormone in dairy cows. The court did
not dispute the heart of Akre's claim, that Fox pressured her to broadcast
a false story to protect the broadcaster from having to defend the truth in
court, as well as suffer the ire of irate advertisers.

Fox argued from the first, and failed on three separate occasions, in front
of three different judges, to have the case tossed out on the grounds
there is no hard, fast, and written rule against deliberate distortion of the
news. The attorneys for Fox, owned by media baron Rupert Murdock,
argued the First Amendment gives broadcasters the right to lie or
deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves.

In its six-page written decision, the Court of Appeals held that the Federal
Communications Commission position against news distortion is only a
policy, not a promulgated law, rule, or regulation.

Fox aired a report after the ruling saying it was totally vindicated by the

 2003 (unless otherwise noted)
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[CTRL] Democracy Is For Wimps

2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-
Lee Waters

Democracy is for Wimps: Leaked White House Transcript (5)
March 1, 2003

want my war!

VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY: Calm down, George. We've got some problems.

PRESIDENT BUSH: We have NO problems. We are prepared to attack. I say
it's time to attack. Billy Graham says it's time to attack. God says it's time to
attack. Armageddon won't wait.

KARL ROVE: Well, George, I'm afraid we're no longer on such firm ground.
The latest polls here show that 70% of the American public want us to get
UN approval before we go to war.

PRESIDENT BUSH: I took care of that already. I said those ridiculous peace
marches were irrelevant. We're not running this government by focus
group. We're not running this war by some damn hippie pinko peace
marchers. We're running it by George W. Bush and the word of God as
brought to Earth by the Reverend Billy Graham.

VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY: I hate to say it, George, but 70% is too high a
number. Especially with Saddam blowing up these missiles. Plus Tony Blair's
about to get lynched, which would leave us with Bulgaria and maybe
Turkey, if we can pay them enough.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Alright, Dick. Alright, Karl. You tell me. We've dragged,
what, 200,000 troops over there. We've pulled firefighters and mail carriers
and nurses and electricians off their jobs and away from their families.
We're shipping Coast Guard cutters over there, for God's sakes. Now how
the hell do we bring them home without a goddam war.

KARL ROVE: It hasn't come to that yet, George. Give us some time, we'll get
you a war.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Time!! It's March. It's getting get hot over there. They're
gonna have to attack or come home. Why don't you tell the Pope to
explain the word of God to the world so we can get this show on the

VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY: Well, George, we tried that. We offered the
Vatican a ton of money and some serious oil leases. But he still came out
against us.

PRESIDENT BUSH: The Pope's against my war?

KARL ROVE: He's old, George. He keeps rambling on about the sanctity of

VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY: He's with us on women and abortion. But not the
death penalty or Iraq. And I'm not sure we can get away with doing to him
what we did to Paul Wellstone. Wellstone was just a Senator. The Pope
could drag us all down for a long long time. Like, forever.

KARL ROVE: Plus all this money to the Turks and Bulgarians. It doesn't look
good, George. One minute you're telling the governors and the firefighters
and New York City there's nothing for them, the next minute you're
pumping billions into Istanbul. It's not really playing in Peoria.

SECRETARY RIDGE: Actually, it's not even playing in Istanbul.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Well, at least John here found the time and money to
bust those potheads. Indicting all those bong sellers and medical marijuana
patients is just what's needed to guarantee our national security. Give 'em
hell, John.

ATTORNEY-GENERAL ASHCROFT: Growing marijuana is an act of terrorism.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Yeah, and those ads on the Super Bowl. Nice work, Karl.

KARL ROVE: It's important to keep the public focused on the real threats
to our national security, George. Pot. Abortion. Free love. Atheism. Anti-
war marches. Liberals. These are the things that undermine our way of

VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY: Right. Like energy policy. What the hell business is
it of those nosy pinko busybodies who I met with?

SECRETARY RIDGE: Well, sir, you know the Freedom of Information Act did
entitle them to find out. That's why the Government Accounting Office
was going to sue you.

VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY: Hah!! Independent watchdog, my ass! One little
threat to cut their budget and they caved!. They have no spine and they
have no sense of humor. The only meeting I had on energy policy was with
Ken Lay from Enron and two hookers.

PRESIDENT BUSH: You and Kenny-boy had prostitutes?

VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY: Ha ha ha. You know what a great kidder I am,
George. It was two people from Hooker Chemical. Your energy policy was
already written by the coal, oil, nukes and gas guys. Ken was just dropping
it off and noting a few key passages about deregulation, which he said was
netting him a bundle. Jim Baker too, I might add. The Hooker people
tagged along to get some pollution permits we promised them.

PRESIDENT BUSH: I got caught with two hookers while I was in the National
Guard. Poppy took care of it.

SECRETARY RIDGE: What happened to them, sir?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Well, lets just say they are no longer a threat to our
national security.

ATTORNEY-GENERAL ASHCROFT: Prostitutes who claim to have been with
important Christian leaders are admitted terrorists.

KARL ROVE: We've got another problem in Iraq that you're going to be
asked about, George. The Iranians are starting to slip troops into the oil
fields like they did in 

[CTRL] The Oil Monarchs: George W. Bush and his Royal Kin

2003-03-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Oil Monarchs: George W. Bush and his Royal Kin 
By Christopher Bollyn - American Free Press 

While President George W. Bush is portrayed in the mass media as the chief architect of the plan to conquer Iraq, his familys intimate connection with those oil-rich European royals who also support him is seldom discussed. 

On a daily basis the mainstream media presents expert opinions as to who is behind the military campaign against Iraq and why. Lately there has been a flurry of editorials seeking to debunk the notion that the major British and American oil companies are behind the planned conquest of Iraq and its rich oil fields. What is never discussed, however, is the kinship between President George W. Bush and the European royals who support the U.S.-led campaign against Iraq. 

There are basically two schools of thought among those who do not accept the official reasoning for war against Iraq. The first is that the conquest of Iraqs oil resources is an agenda being pushed by the major oil companies and their agents in the British and U.S. governments. The second is that Israel and its supporters, seeking to further the Zionist agenda, are the true architects behind the war of aggression being planned against the most populous Arab state. 

While these two theories are usually presented as being mutually exclusive, the secret networks that exist between the government leaders in the United States and Britain, Big Oil and Israel indicate they are connected and appear to be part of a master plan. 

The huge anti-war protests of Feb. 15 clearly demonstrated that a significant majority, estimated to be 80 percent, of the people in Europe are strongly opposed to war in Iraq. The largest protests were seen in those nations that have allied themselves with the U.S. war policy on Iraq: namely Britain, Spain, and Italy. 

With so many Europeans opposed to war, the question being asked is: Who is supporting the Bush policy, and why? 

Blair Petroleum

Tony Blair, the British prime minister, is Bushs staunchest and most visible ally in the campaign against Iraq. Blair has long taken an aggressive position on Iraq and says it was the first thing he discussed with the new president after Bush was declared winner of the flawed election of 2000. 

While Blairs intimate relationship with the Anglo-American oil giant British Petroleum (BP) should be a matter of discussion in the context of his war policy against Iraq, it is seldom mentioned in the main steam British press. 

Blairs New Labor policies are now more closely connected to both Big Oil, particularly BP, and Israel, than they are with the British working class. The close links between BP, which was originally known as the Anglo-Persian Oil Co. having been founded to exploit Iranian oil reserves, and Blairs politics have led to the company being dubbed Blair Petroleum. 

During his first term, Blair appointed then chairman of BP, Lord Simon, to be trade minister in May 1997. A controversy surfaced when it emerged that Simon still owned a considerable shareholding in the company. 

BPs current chief executive Lord John Browne, whose mother was an Auschwitz survivor, is also said to be close to the prime minister. Blair added a peerage to Brownes knighthood after he helped end fuel protests in Britain. 

Anji Hunter, Blairs former secretary and close friend, was said to be among New Labor friends when she left government to take the position as director of communications at BP in November 2001. Hunter went to school with Blair and has worked with him continuously since 1986. 

There is a bit of a revolving door, says Norman Baker, a Liberal Democrat member of parliament who has looked into the ties between BP and the Blair government. The connections are probably more extensive than with any other UK company, Baker said. 

One of Blairs closest allies is Lord Michael Levy. Levy serves as one of the most important fundraisers for the Labor Party and Blairs unofficial envoy to the Middle East, according to Red Star Research of London, which investigates the ties of Blairs New Labor to Big Oil - and Israel. 

Levy reportedly met Blair at a dinner party in 1994 held by Gideon Meir, a senior Israeli diplomat, and became his tennis partner. Levy was put in charge of donations to the private trust, which funded Blairs office before the 1997 election (which reached more than $10 million), and is now the chief fundraiser for the high value donors account at the Labor Party. He is reported to have raised $18 million for the high value fund before the 1997 election, and became known as Mr. Cashpoint, according to Red Star Research. 

King George

While President Bushs war policy is strongly opposed by the leaders of Europes largest republics, Germany, France, and Russia, he is supported by those nations where royal families are still in power, or close to it: Britain, Spain, The Netherlands, and 


2003-03-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

By: Jim Moore

I only wish to God this information weren't true. 

I offer it only because (l) it was an article in the London Sunday Examiner, by Neil Mackay, a reporter who has no qualms about "telling it like it is", and (2) because Americans are entitled to get all the facts we can about President Bush's rush to war.

Grab your socks. They're about to be knocked off. . .

Recently, instead of "getting rid of Saddam Hussein", you may have heard Bush use the term "regime change" when referring to Iraq. There appears to be a good reason for this.

MacKay reports that a recently uncovered, secret blueprint for the creation of a 'global Pax Americana' (American empire) was drawn up for Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff), and Bush's younger brother, Jeb.

The document reveals that the Bush cabinet planned to attack Iraq to get a "regime change", even before Bush officially took office in January. 200l. If you don't believe this, you can be forgiven.

But the document also spells out something much more ambitious, and sinister, than attacking Iraq---which already has a surplus of domestic and foreign dissenters.

Drawn up in September, 2000, by the neo-con think-tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC), the document, entitled "Rebuilding America's Defences, Strategies, Forces, and Resources for a New Century (whew!), reveals that the Bush administration intended to take control of the whole Gulf region, whether or not Saddam Hussein is in power.

In other words, the stated objective isn't just to depose a dictator, it's to establish an Empire, with "fighting and winning multiple, simultaneous theaters of war as its core mission." 

Dangerous idea? Read on.

The plan shows that the United States, for decades. has wanted to play a more significant and permanent role in Gulf region "security." To do that, the United States needed to put a larger American force in the Gulf region, over and above any Iraqi threat.

Now, let me ask you this: Have we, or have we not, been hearing just such rumblings lately from the administration? Like the need to deal with "other enemies of democracy", such as Iran, Libya, Syria, perhaps even Egypt and Saudi Arabia; all Arab states, and all mortal enemies of Israel.

Waxing poetic, the blueprint for this global master plan then describes the American forces used overseas as "the cavalry on the new American frontier." As if imbuing world domination with visions of John Wayne in a covered wagon will soften the harsh reality of some American soldiers never coming home...

And there's more. The plan for U.S. domination of the world scene has ramifications that go far beyond dethroning dictators and filling body bags.

Here are just a few.

It mentions the UK as" the most effective and efficient means of exercising American global leadership." (Which may explain Blair's lapdog relationship with Bush.)

It demands American political leadership without the "interference" of the United Nations. (Finally, admitting the UN's irrelevance for the past 50 years.) 

It requires keeping American troops in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, even if they oppose it. (What are friends for?)

It means increasing American military influence in Asia, and a "regime change" in China to a democracy (If we think we can budge China, let's make it a Republic instead.)

It calls for American control of cyberspace to prevent use of the internet by "enemies" of the U.S. (Personal opinion mail: here today, gone tomorrow.)

It hints that the U.S. itself may develop biological weapons and transform them from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. ( Do as I say, not as I do.)

It pinpoints North Korea and some Arab states as dangerous regimes which justify a world-wide, command-and-control center, with America at the controls, of course. (We can't control ourselves, but controlling the world is a breeze.)

Commenting on this report about U.S. plans for "empire" building, Tam Dalyell, the Labor MP, father of the House of Commons, and a leading rebel voice in England against war with Iraq, said this: "This is garbage from right-wing think-tanks stuffed with chicken-hawks---men who have never seen the horror of war but are in love with the idea of war. Men like Cheney, who were draft dodgers in the Vietnam war.

"It's a blueprint for U.S. world domination, in a new world order of their making. These are the thought processes of fantasist Americans who want to control the world. I am appalled that a British Labor Prime Minister should have got into bed with a crew which has this moral standing." 

And in turn, this writer is appalled that cabinet members in an American administration would even consider such an imperialistic blueprint.

On the other hand, it suggests that our "need" to go to war is about more than just oil or Israel. 

[CTRL] Deceived by the warhawks

2003-03-03 Thread William Shannon

Deceived by the warhawks
Posted: March 1, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern 

Now, thanks to a dynamite expose by WorldNetDaily's Sherrie Gossett, we know that the warhawks and their media sycophants have been deceiving us about Saddam's Weapons of Mass Destruction programs for at least the last seven years. 

Gen. Hussein Kamal, director of Saddam's WMD programs [and also Saddam's son-in-law] defected to Jordan in 1995, whereupon he was extensively debriefed by the CIA and the Brits. 

Separately, Kamal was interviewed by Rolf Ekeus, chairman of the U.N. Special Commission on Iraq and Chief Inspector Maurizio Zifferero of the International Atomic Energy Action Team, both established by the U.N. Security Council to implement UNSC disarmament resolutions. 

Newsweek has obtained the U.N. document, verified its authenticity and reports in its current issue that Kamal told the same story to the CIA and to the Brits. 

Immediately after the Gulf War ceasefire, but before the U.N. inspectors had arrived in Iraq, Kamal said he ordered the destruction of all chemical and biological weapons stocks and the missiles to deliver them. 

According to Newsweek, Kamal was "a gold mine of information. He had a good memory and, piece by piece, he laid out the main personnel, sites and progress of each WMD program." A military aide who defected with Kamal supported Kamal's assertions. 

By 1995, of course, UNSCOM and the IAEA already knew most of it, but now they were having it confirmed by the Iraqi general actually in charge of Iraq's WMD programs. 

But, UNSCOM had to certify to the UNSC that the Iraqi WMD production and destruction books balanced. 

So, according to Newsweek, Kamal's revelations about the destruction in 1990 and 1991 of all Iraq's WMD stocks were kept secret. Ekeus hoped he could bluff Saddam into providing the necessary documentation. But Saddam  even with warhawk guns at his head  has not yet provided that documentation. The Iraqis claim it doesn't exist, now, and perhaps never did. 

In any case, there is no reason to keep Kamal's revelations secret any longer. Especially since the warhawks continue to allude to them as their justification for invading Iraq. 

So, WorldNetDaily has gone far beyond Newsweek, actually publishing excerpts from the "sensitive" UNSCOM-IAEA interviews. 

Guess what. The UNSCOM-IAEA inspectors  and hence all U.N. Security Council members  have known for at least four years that, as best the U.N. inspectors could subsequently discover, Kamal did tell the truth, when, in response to the question posed by UNSCOM inspector Nikita Smidovich: 

Smidovich: Were weapons and agents destroyed? 

Kamal: Nothing remained. 

Smidovich: Was it before or after inspections started? 

Kamal: After visits of inspection teams. You have an important role in Iraq with this. You should not underestimate yourself. You are very effective in Iraq. 

So, according to Kamal, himself, not only were all chembio "weapons and agents destroyed", but U.N. inspectors had been "very effective" in ferreting out what the Iraqis had done. 

What have the warhawks been telling us? 

That Saddam's chembio weapons and agents were not destroyed and that U.N. agencies have been completely ineffective. Furthermore, Saddam is such a smart donkey that U.N. inspectors will never find his WMD, no matter how long they search. 

Not content to simply trash and discredit U.N. agencies, the warhawks have stooped to character assassination. The attacks on Hans Blix  until 1997 the IAEA director general and now chairman of the U.N. Monitoring and Verification Commission  have been especially vicious. 

Why? In 1997, U.N. Security Council members had been informed by then IAEA Director Gen. Blix that Iraq had never had nukes or the fissile material to make nukes and no longer had the capability to even produce weapon-usable fissile material. 

Bummer. If Saddam doesn't have nukes, how can the warhawks ever convince you that Saddam is going to nuke you in your jammies? 

Well, trot out Khidir Hamza  who Richard Perle wants you to believe had directed Saddam's nuke program  and have him charge on television and before Congress that Blix is incompetent. Have him claim that Saddam's nuke program has never ended. 

What did Kamal have to say about Hamza and his charges? 

He is a professional liar. He worked with us, but he was useless and was always looking for promotions. He consulted with me but could not deliver anything. Yes, his original name is Khidir, but we called him Hazem. He went to Baghdad University then left Iraq. He is very bad. 

Hamza may have been useless to Saddam, but he has been very useful to Richard Perle.  

[CTRL] Rep. Ron Paul: Another United Nations War?

2003-03-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Another United Nations War?
by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

President Bush Sr. proudly spoke of "The New World Order," a term used by those who promote one-world government under the United Nations. In going to war in 1991, he sought and received UN authority to push Iraqi forces out of Kuwait. He forcefully stated that this UN authority was adequate, and that although a congressional resolution was acceptable, it was entirely unnecessary and he would proceed regardless. At that time there was no discussion regarding a congressional declaration of war. The first Persian Gulf War therefore was clearly a UN, political war fought within UN guidelines, not for U.S. security  and it was not fought through to victory. The bombings, sanctions, and harassment of the Iraqi people have never stopped. We are now about to resume the active fighting. Although this is referred to as the second Persian Gulf War, its merely a continuation of a war started long ago, and is likely to continue for a long time even after Saddam Hussein is removed from power. 

Our attitude toward the United Nations is quite different today compared to 1991. I have argued for years against our membership in the United Nations because it compromises our sovereignty. The U.S. has always been expected to pay an unfair percentage of UN expenses. I contend that membership in the United Nations has led to impractical military conflicts that were highly costly both in lives and dollars, and that were rarely resolved. 

Our 58 years in Korea have seen 33,000 lives lost, 100,000 casualties, and over a trillion dollars in todays dollars spent. Korea is the most outrageous example of our fighting a UN war without a declaration from the U.S. Congress. And where are we today? On the verge of a nuclear confrontation with a North Korean regime nearly out of control. And to compound the irony, the South Koreans are intervening in hopes of diminishing the tensions that exist between the United States and North Korea! 

As bad as the Vietnam nightmare was, at least we left and the UN was not involved. We left in defeat and Vietnam remained a unified communist country. The results have been much more salutary. Vietnam is now essentially non-communist, and trade with the West is routine. We didnt disarm Vietnam, we never counted their weapons, and so far no one cares. Peaceful relations have developed between our two countries, not by force of arms, but through trade and friendship. No United Nations, no war, and no inspections served us well  even after many decades of war and a million deaths inflicted on the Vietnamese in an effort by both the French and the United States to force them into compliance with Western demands. 

But in this new battle with Iraq, our relationship with the United Nations and our allies is drawing a lot of attention. The administration now says it would be nice to have UN support, but its not necessary. The President argues that a unilateralist approach is permissible with his understanding of national sovereignty. But no mention is made of the fact that the authority to go to war is not a UN prerogative, and that such authority can only come from the U.S. Congress. 

Although the argument that the United Nations cannot dictate to us what is in our best interest is correct, and we do have a right to pursue foreign policy unilaterally, its ironic that were making this declaration in order to pursue an unpopular war that very few people or governments throughout the world support. But the argument for unilateralism and national sovereignty cannot be made for the purpose of enforcing UN Security Council resolutions. That doesnt make any sense. If one wants to enforce UN Security Council resolutions, that authority can only come from the United Nations itself. We end up with the worst of both worlds: hated for our unilateralism, but still lending credibility to the UN. 

The Constitution makes it clear that if we must counter a threat to our security, that authority must come from the U. S. Congress. Those who believe, and many sincerely do, that the United Nations serves a useful function, argue that ignoring the United Nations at this juncture will surely make it irrelevant. Even with my opposition to the United Nations, I can hardly be pleased that its irrelevancy might come about because of our rush to war against a nation that has not aggressed against us nor poses any threat to us. From my viewpoint the worst scenario would be for the United Nations to sanction this war, which may well occur if we offer enough U.S. taxpayer money and Iraqi oil to the reluctant countries. If that happens we could be looking at another 58-year occupation, expanded Middle East chaos, or a dangerous spread of hostilities to all of Asia or even further. 

With regard to foreign affairs, the best advice comes from our Founders and the Constitution. It is better to promote peace and commerce with all 

[CTRL] The Grand Deception: The Theft of America and the World, Part I

2003-03-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Grand Deception: The Theft of America and the World, Part I
By Christopher Mark

The purpose of this weeks article is to provide you with an introduction to the earthly instruments of destruction which pervade earth. These institutions mean to accomplish nothing less than to enslave the entire population of the planet. Welcome to the world of the international banker.

In fact, your country and your world is owned by international bankers. It is no longer relevant, in this authors opinion, to focus on names, such as Rockefellers and Rothschilds, for the plutocratic institutions that rule the our planet have been established. You know of the so-called Federal Reserve (and their bastard siblings established throughout the whole of the civilized world, such as The Bank of England and The Bank of France), The International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, and maybe you are even aware of The Bank of International Settlements, in Switzerlandwhich is the granddaddy of all private banks. Then there is the United Nations, the ultimate front for international banking interests. As this series of articles unfolds, we shall examine these institutions in greater detail. The world is corrupt beyond your wildest dreams my fellow Americansand we, perhaps, are the most gullible of all nations. Our great ingenuity, diversity, energy, resources, and strength are being fully exploitedand not to the benefit of the average citizen by any stretch of the imagination.

For now, grasp this: The world you believe exists does not exist. We live in a form of The Matrix, not unlike the world portrayed in John Carpenters movie They Live, except high government officials and international bankers are the elite who control all you see and hear as did the aliens portrayed in the movie. The news is a farce. As is the case with the financial institutions which are concentrated in the hands of the few, long ago the media was bought and paid for, and in America this process was greatly reinforced with the 1996 Telecommunications Act. What you read and what you see on a daily basis is largely manufactured. You are being lied to, each and every day. If you find this acceptable; by all means, please continue to accept at face value what you see on TV and read in newspapers and magazines. If you do not find this acceptable, perhaps you need to consider alternative forms of information gathering in order to accurately assess your current and future environment, if for no other reason, than the safety of yourself and/or your family. 

Consider this: There was a man by the name of John Swinton who worked for the New York Times. He was greatly admired and known as "The Dean of His Profession" by other newspapermen. The year was 1953 and in front of the New York National Press Club, he offered the following observation: There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell the country for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press. We are the tools and vassals of the rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. 

Gee, who would have thought? Next time you watch Bill OReilly or Peter Jennings on TV or listen to a so-called conservative, such as Rush Limbaugh, simply imagine them as they are, to wit, dressed in the garb and situated in such a manner truly most befitting them: Leaning against a lamp post on a dark corner, in an unsavory part of town, wearing tight, short skirts, garter belts, shameless amounts of make-up, smoking cheap cigarettes, and blatantly hawking their information wares. For you to associate with these men is for you to associate with the paid harlots of the international bankers who completely control the media in America. I do not know about you, but I have no intention of being a John of the international banker and their cadre. Spending time with these folks is no different than making poor choices in determining with whom you might associate with in real lifemaybe worse. 

>From the time of President George Washington, the 

[CTRL] Praetorian Prefect

2003-03-03 Thread William Shannon

Praetorian Prefect

"Beware the ides of March." Caesar replies, "He is a dreamer, let us leave him. Pass." 

- Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar

Prior to the fateful day of March 15, Spurinna, the astrologer had first given Julius Caesar the famous warning to "beware of the Ides of March." On that day and on his way to the Senate, Caesar "accidentally" met up again with this astrologer. Upon seeing, Caesar confidently informed Spurinna: "The Ides of March are come." Spurinna answered, "Yes, they are come, but they are not past." In todays world, leaders may not openly consult soothsayers, but they surely plan to avoid risking, the pressing of the flesh, with their Senates. Political assassins have changed the course of history more often than most Senators. So it is understandable the lengths that presidents, premiers and dictators go, to protect their own personal safety. But what is the nature of those who surrender their protector, when they are charged with his protection?

After his uncle was executed, the youthful Octavius swore revenge and schemed to become what eluded Caesar; first emperor of Rome. He selected the name Augustus, and set out to ensure his own personal security by creating a special unit, called the Praetorian Guard, to protect him from assassination. Consisting of nine cohorts, these select, elite and loyal bodyguards were sworn to serve Augustus. They used undercover operatives housed among the civilian residents, and became entrusted to maintain the shield of preservation and embodiment of the emperor. The transfer from the Republic into an Empire, would become synonymous with the meaning of Praetorian - sinister, dishonest and corrupt.

It is understandable, that many leaders see themselves as the guardian of the State. But every so often a few see themselves as the essence of apotheosis rule. Those regents are the most dangerous and pose the greatest threat to the tranquillity and liberty of their fellow citizens. No sensible observer would argue that Saddam Hussein is anything but a thug. We have all seen strongmen come and go, but he is hardly a mystic leader in the pattern that Bin Laden seeks his legacy. So when Saddams personal guards resist all attempts to eliminate him, how can it be explained?

Back in Rome, the Severan dynasty began with the assassination of Commodus and the rise of Pertinax to the throne by the praetorian prefect. Commodus had extravagant possessions, like Saddam; he was killed by his sentry, but Hussein still lives. Why? Could the answer lie not in the Iraqi security techniques, distrust of everyone or fear of reprisals; but in the willingness of his protectors to keep Saddam in power? 

George W Bush has lofty poll approvals. He is a president, not a dictator - right? He will leave office voluntarily, just like his predecessor did after his term. William Jefferson Clinton was the American version of Caligula. But he was not expunged, like that vile emperor. His Praetorian Guard, the Secret Service, took their sworn duty To Protect the PRESIDENT seriously, even during disgusting circumstances. Just ask Gary Aldrich! So what makes dedicated public servants transfer their allegiance from their supreme duty - their oath to the constitution of the people - and substitute it with their fidelity to a president, any president? The Senate saw in Caligula's assassination an opportunity to eliminate the office of Emperor and restore the Republic, but the Praetorian Guard recognized that their services would not be much in demand if there were no Emperor to guard, so they cast hurriedly about for a viable Imperial candidate. Today the entire federal executive bureaucracy acts as a Praetorian Prefect to protect, not just the man in the oval office, but their entire system of imperial control.

Temporary - Emperor Bush II - is the skull and bones name for junior. Its not the office that is permanent, its the empire.

Claudius succeeded Caligula, with the approval of the Praetorian Prefect. Despite not being a military man, Claudius managed to successfully bring most of Britain under Roman control, a prize that had eluded his predecessors. Also added to the empire under Claudius were Thrace (Greece/Bulgaria), Lycia (Turkey), Mauretania (Morocco), and Noricum (Slovenia). He also proved to be a fairly astute politician, avoiding the acrimony with the Senate that Caligula had enjoyed, even while reducing the Senate's power.

Bush is no emperor - RIGHT? He is only the president . . . His deployment of troops into Asia Minor is only temporary - dont you think? Certainly, the U.S. Senate would reign him in if he expands an Iraqi campaign to other provinces, like Iran - surely they would? Why should we worry, George W Bush is a good man, hes religious - or so we are told!

Claudius always feared a coup and during one such occasion his chief secretary, Narcissus, saved him by getting him to the safety of the Praetorian 


2003-03-03 Thread William Shannon

February 28, 2003
Dear Newswatch Magazine Listeners/Readers;

I have spoken for 22  years concerning the establishment of Martial Law, and the loss of our freedoms to the New World Order that both President Bushs are striving toward. For many years, it was a lone voice. Others began to speak up with the warning also. None that I am aware ever understood the consequences of a nation that had turned its back upon God.

They dont understand that God punishes with the stripes of men  national captivity  for its sins. He allows men to chastise His people. The United States is forcing its will uphold the nations of the world. They will have war with Iraq. It will end up being a great mistake for the nation  meaning its people.

The American people have no concept what the so-called Patriot Act 1 will do to their freedoms that our forefathers fought and died for. Of course, God fulfilled His promise to Jacob and Joseph through the British Commonwealth and the United States. They are the recipients of the Birthright of vast national wealth (1 Chronicals 5:1-2).

Unfortunately for America, that vast wealth has been harnessed by a small group of men who worship Lucifer. They are using our Inheritance to enslave us. They now have written under the authority of Attorney General Ashcroft Patriot Act 2.

The Dallas Morning News, of February 24, 2003 on the editorial page, states that this secret Act that has not even been made public yet  rather was smuggled out by a loyal American  would be the greatest wish list of Big Brother. Anyone who has read or heard of the book 1984 knows it was a TOTALLY CONTROLLED SOCIETY.

The purpose of the constant bombardment of propaganda about the War on Terrorism is to install the total control one-world-government upon our shoulders. They need a seen threat to our way of life in order to rush through more legal restrictions on our freedoms. Iraq is evil, but they are not the problem outside the Middle East. 

The BIG PICTURE places International Communism as the continuing menace to the world with Russia, China, Cuba, and North Korea as the main players.

Why does the U.S. under Bush leadership want to disarm Iraq? It is part of State Department Publication 7277 for world disarmament. Only the United Nations is to have weapons to keep all nations in line. International Communism is to be protected until the time for it to be unleashed against the United States. Both are to be destroyed fighting each other. It will be a surprise attack. There must be a way to bring them into military contact with each other! Enter Iraq and Saddam Hussein. What better time to attack than when our troops are out of the country in Bushs War on Terrorism? What better way to open ourselves up to REAL terrorist acts than to push Saddam against the wall with no way out? 

The terrorists are in place in America. 


Former President George H. W. Bush, as reported in Bob Woodwards book, Shadow: Five Presidents and the Legacy of Watergate on page 185, Looking squarely at his advisers, the President said plainly, We have to have a war. His words hung in the air as heavily as any he had ever spoken.

Why are explosions being heard underneath Vice President Dick Cheneys personal home and deemed classified? Are the Elite preparing for what they know is inevitable? Are they not telling and preparing the American people for what they know is coming?

Many Americans still take for granted that a war to topple Saddam Hussein can be fought as it was in 1991: on American terms.  most still assume it [the blood price to be] paid [will be] by the U.S. military or by people in the region. Until very late in the game, few Americans focused on the chance that the battlefield could extend back to their own homeland. Yet if a U.S. invasion succeeds, Saddam will have no reason to withhold his best parting shot - which could be the use of weapons of mass destructionINSIDE THE UNITED STATES Washington has done little to prepare the country for this possibility (Richard K. Betts, Foreign Affairs, January/February 2003).

We KNOW Saddam has weapons of mass destruction because the U.S. sold them to him in the 1980s (Michael Dobbs, When an Ally Becomes the Enemy, The Washington Post National Weekly Edition, January 6-12, 2003, p. 10). This was all discovered in 1994 by the Senate Banking Committee. Dozens of biological agents were shipped to Iraq - including anthrax and insecticides.

America! I feel sorry for you as a nation. The Great God has looked down and declared us to be willful sinners. God will not be mocked. Whatever we sow, we will reap (Galatians 6:7). 

In much love, 
David J. Smith

[CTRL] Was 'mastermind' really captured?

2003-03-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Was 'mastermind' really captured? 

See Also; Alleged 9/11 Mastermind Arrested In Pakistan, Had Been Reported As Being Killed By Pakistani Forces In 2002 

In the theatre of the absurd into which America's hunt for Al Qaeda so often descends, the "arrest"  the quotation marks are all too necessary  of Khaled Shaikh Mohammed is nearer the Gilbert and Sullivan end of the repertory.

First, Mohammed was arrested in a joint raid by the CIA and Pakistani agents near Islamabad and spirited out of the country to an "undisclosed location." "The man who masterminded the September 11th attacks," was how the United States billed this latest "victory" in the "war against terror" (again, quotation marks are obligatory). Then the Pakistanis announced that he hadn't been taken out of Pakistan at all. Then a Pakistani police official expressed his ignorance of any such arrest. And then, a Taliban "source"  this means the real Taliban but "source" is supposed to cover the fact that the old Afghan regime still exists  claimed that Mohammed "is still with us and in our protection and we challenge the United States to prove their claim." 

By this stage, it looked like a case of the "whoops" school of journalism: a good story that just might be totally untrue. 

Not least because the last post known to be held by the Kuwaiti with a Pakistani passport was media adviser to the marriage of Osama bin Laden's son in Kandahar in January, 2001. Then there was the slow revelation that the man whose arrest was described by White House spokesman Ari Fleischer as "a wonderful blow to inflict on Al Qaeda," had been handed over to Pakistani authorities (if indeed he had been handed over) by the ISI, the Pakistani Interservices Intelligence  for whom Mohammed used to work. 

Like the man accused of arranging the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, Mohammed was an ISI asset; indeed, anyone who is "handed over" by the ISI these days is almost certainly a former (or present) employee of the Pakistani agency whose control of Taliban operatives amazed even the Pakistani government during the years before 2001. 

Pearl, it should be remembered, arranged his fatal assignation in Karachi on a mobile phone from an ISI office in the city. 

True, Mohammed is the uncle of the 1993 World Trade Center conspirator Ramzi Youssef and a brother of an Al Qaeda operative. True, another brother was killed in a bomb explosion in Pakistan  he was allegedly making the bomb at the time. But claims that he was the Sept. 11 "mastermind"  "it's hard to overstate how significant this is," the ever loquacious Fleischer informed the world yesterday  are still unprovable. Hitherto, the nearest to a "mastermind" anyone got was Mounir al-Motassadeq, who was jailed in Germany last month as an accessory to mass murder. 

The waters  and deep they are  were also muddied by the White House's claim that four men executed in an attack by a missile-firing pilotless drone in Yemen last year were "among Al Qaeda's top 20 leaders." 

Whether they were numbers 2 to 5 or 17 to 20, no one at the Pentagon or White House could say. So how can we trust their word that Mohammed is a "mastermind?" 

Of course, it may all turn out to be true. We may be provided with the proof the Taliban demand. Or Mohammed may be kept in Pakistani custody until another "mastermind" can be found. 

Or it may just be that reports of the "arrest" of the likes of Mohammed is useful to Pakistan's Pervez Musharraf when he's just angered the Americans by criticizing any U.S. military attack on Iraq, or when Pakistan's new regional government in the North West Frontier province has just instituted Taliban-style laws in Peshawar. 

All in all  as far as Mohammed's arrest and deportation and then his non-deportation are concerned  when constabulary duty is to be done, a policeman's lot is not a happy one. Especially if he belongs to the ISI. 


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 'Mega-Catastrophe'

2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-,15114,427751-
Avoiding a 'Mega-Catastrophe'
Derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction. The dangers are now
latent--but they could be lethal.
Monday, March 3, 2003
By Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett has been writing annual letters

to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders since 1965. In the early years he
followed a conventional format, but after serving on the SEC Advisory
Board for Corporate Disclosure in 1976, he decided--as he puts it--to get
serious about communicating with his shareholders.

He made another important decision in 1977: to recruit FORTUNE's Carol
Loomis, a friend and long-term Berkshire shareholder, to be his editor.
Buffett says she has been invaluable--very friendly, very helpful, and very

In this year's letter to shareholders Buffett tells of the difficulties of
exiting the derivatives business he inherited in his 1998 purchase of
General Re. He also concludes that the explosion in derivatives contracts
may have created serious systemic risks. Loomis suggested to Buffett that
he publish his section on derivatives in FORTUNE, and what follows is
excerpted from the 2002 Berkshire Hathaway annual report, which will
appear at on March 8.

Charlie [Munger, Buffett's partner in managing Berkshire Hathaway] and I
are of one mind in how we feel about derivatives and the trading activities
that go with them: We view them as time bombs, both for the parties that
deal in them and the economic system.

Having delivered that thought, which I'll get back to, let me retreat to
explaining derivatives, though the explanation must be general because
the word covers an extraordinarily wide range of financial contracts.
Essentially, these instruments call for money to change hands at some
future date, with the amount to be determined by one or more reference
items, such as interest rates, stock prices, or currency values. If, for
example, you are either long or short an SP 500 futures contract, you are
a party to a very simple derivatives transaction--with your gain or loss
derived from movements in the index. Derivatives contracts are of varying
duration (running sometimes to 20 or more years), and their value is often
tied to several variables.

Unless derivatives contracts are collateralized or guaranteed, their
ultimate value also depends on the creditworthiness of the counterparties
to them. In the meantime, though, before a contract is settled, the
counterparties record profits and losses--often huge in amount--in their
current earnings statements without so much as a penny changing hands.

The range of derivatives contracts is limited only by the imagination of man
(or sometimes, so it seems, madmen). At Enron, for example, newsprint and
broadband derivatives, due to be settled many years in the future, were
put on the books. Or say you want to write a contract speculating on the
number of twins to be born in Nebraska in 2020. No problem--at a price,
you will easily find an obliging counterparty.

When we purchased Gen Re, it came with General Re Securities, a
derivatives dealer that Charlie and I didn't want, judging it to be
dangerous. We failed in our attempts to sell the operation, however, and
are now terminating it.

But closing down a derivatives business is easier said than done. It will be a
great many years before we are totally out of this operation (though we
reduce our exposure daily). In fact, the reinsurance and derivatives
businesses are similar: Like Hell, both are easy to enter and almost
impossible to exit. In either industry, once you write a contract--which
may require a large payment decades later--you are usually stuck with it.
True, there are methods by which the risk can be laid off with others. But
most strategies of that kind leave you with residual liability.

Another commonality of reinsurance and derivatives is that both generate
reported earnings that are often wildly overstated. That's true because
today's earnings are in a significant way based on estimates whose
inaccuracy may not be exposed for many years.

Errors will usually be honest, reflecting only the human tendency to take
an optimistic view of one's commitments. But the parties to derivatives also
have enormous incentives to cheat in accounting for them. Those who
trade derivatives are usually paid (in whole or part) on earnings
calculated by mark-to-market accounting. But often there is no real
market (think about our contract involving twins) and mark-to-model is
utilized. This substitution can bring on large-scale mischief. As a general
rule, contracts involving multiple reference items and distant settlement
dates increase the opportunities for counterparties to use fanciful
assumptions. In the twins scenario, for example, the two parties to the
contract might well use differing models allowing both to show substantial
profits for many years. In extreme cases, 

[CTRL] the Unabomber, Turkey rejects US troops, Bush/censorship

2003-03-03 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

from L Moss Sharman Mind Control and Experimentation Books of the Times 'Harvard and the Unabomber'the Unabomber and the 'Culture of Despair' 3/3/03 "Alston Chase's first assumption in his new book about Theodore J. Kaczynski is that widely propagated notions of the Unabomber as a mentally unstable loner have been conveniently misleadingThe book identifies a professorial nemesis for Mr. Kaczynski in Dr. Henry A. Murray, who recruited the future Unabomber for a psychological experiment with "Manchurian Candidate" overtones. When Mr. Chase published an article on the subject in The Atlantic in June 2000, he says, the Harvard files on this work were "permanently removed" from the Murray Research Center the next monthThe experiments involved what Murray called "stressful disputation" or "the Dyad," but "whatever its name, it was a highly refined version of the third degree." Subjects like Mr. Kaczynski were humiliated, ridiculed and secretly photographed while debating overqualified opponents, in a process that Mr. Chase regards as dishonest and damaging. The future bomb-building anarchist, whose code name during this process was Lawful, would himself describe it as "a highly unpleasant experience.",0,6158283.story?coll=chi-news-hed
Turkey Rejects U.S. Troop Deployment Plan By LOUIS MEIXLER
Associated Press Writer Published March 2, 2003, 12:17 AM CST
ANKARA, Turkey -- "Turkey's parliament dealt a stunning blow to U.S. war planning Saturday by failing to approve a bill allowing in American combat troops to open a northern front against Iraq. The decision, which likely will strain ties with Washington, marked a setback to U.S. efforts to show Saddam Hussein that he is surrounded and his neighbors support a U.S.-led coalition. The parliament vote was 264-250 in favor, with 19 abstentions. But speaker Bulent Arinc said the outcome fell three votes short of the simple majority required by the constitution. He then closed parliament until Tuesday. "  

"Polls show as much as 94 percent of the Muslim-dominated Turkish public opposes a war with Iraq. Before the vote, 50,000 Turks staged an anti-war rally near parliament as 4,000 police stood guard. They chanted "No to War" and "We don't want to be America's soldiers." Some carried banners that read: "The people will stop this war." 
After the speaker nullified the vote, hundreds of Turks celebrated in the streets of central Ankara, shouting anti-U.S. slogans. "We are all Iraqis ... We will not kill, we will not die," they chanted. They also accused the Islamic-rooted Justice party of "collaborating" with Washington."   
Censorship: The Bush Junta Raids The Library 
2/28/2003 From the streets of Little Beirut By Glen Yeadon Most Americans despise censorship. It is alien to our very nature and is an assault on our freedoms and liberty. Yet more and more Americans are now turning to foreign news sites on the internet for the truth about today's world events especially concerning war with Iraq. We no longer trust the current regime, network news or major papers to deliver the truth. We know that the media are nothing more than the mouthpiece of the Bush regime. In short, Americans in increasing numbers are taking notice, that the media are censored and are propagandizing the news. A good example comes from the presidential inauguration ---err---better make that the appointment of George Bush as führer in January 2001. I was struck with how frequently Dan Rather used the terms "peaceful transition of power" during the broadcast. Everyone recognized the lie; it was not a peaceful transition of power it was a velvet coup; the election had been stolen. 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Pick a Card

2003-03-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Pick a Card 
by Uri Avnery

Ariel Sharon is like one of those sleight-of-hand tricksters you see on the pavements of European cities. They mix three cards before your eyes, ask you to pick on of them, turn them upside down and ask you to guess which one is the card you have chosen. You are absolutely sure that you know where the card is  and you are wrong. Always. 

How does the man do it? Elementary, dear Watson: he keeps up an incessant prattle and diverts your attention for the fraction of a second  and at this moment he changes the layout of the cards. 

Therefore, never (but never!) pay attention to what Sharon says. The sole object of all his utterances is to divert your attention. One has to watch his hands and not avert ones eyes from them for a second. 

If Sharon had been a contemporary of Voltaire, one could have thought that the great French philosopher meant him when he said: Men use thought only to justify their wrong-doings, and words only to conceal their thoughts. 

This has not changed since Ben-Gurion, the first patron of Sharons career, wrote in his diary that Sharon is a habitual liar. But the word liar is out of place. The sleight-of-hand artist on the pavement is not a liar. He uses words as an instrument of his craft, the way a soldier uses smoke bombs. 

For three months Sharon prattled about his strong desire to set up a National Unity Government, in which the Labor Party would serve as a cornerstone. This is necessary, he repeated again and again, in order to allow him to set out on the road to peace. This slogan was the centerpiece of his election campaign. Many voted for him in order to have him as the head of a government in which Labor would be a major component. (Many others voted for the Shinui party, which also promised a secular government headed by Sharon and Labor.) 

Now everybody can see that Sharons promises were nothing but a smoke-screen. At the end, Sharon has created exactly the government he intended to set up right from the beginning: a government of the radical right that will do the things the words were designed to hide. At most he was ready to imprison the Labor party in this government, shackled hand and foot, to act as a fig-leaf. 

Amram Mitzna has to be commended for refusing to fall into this trap. When Sharon tried to divert his attention by his prattle about peace, Mitzna demanded that he put his words in writing and sign them. Sharon threw him out. 

If there had been a competition for the nomination of the four most extreme anti-Palestinian chauvinists in Israel, the winners would surely have been Ariel Sharon, Effy Eytam, Avigdor Liberman and Tommy Lapid. And here they are, wonder of wonders, by sheer accident, the four senior partners in the new government. (Other candidates for the title would have been Benny Eilon, Binyamin Netanyahu, Ehud Olmert, Tsachi Hanegbi and Uzi Landau, all of them ministers in the new government.) 

The story does not end with the launching of the government. It is only starting. Witness his speech in the Knesset, introducing his new government to the Knesset. He concluded with a touching personal confession: entering the 76th year of his life (it was the day after his birthday), he has no greater desire than to bring tranquility and peace to our people. When Sharon speaks about peace, it is time to run for cover. 

Now, when the cards lie again on the pavement with their faces up, all the commentators in Israel and the world realize that their guesses were wrong again. Because this is the most rightwing, the most nationalistic, the most extreme, the most war-like government Israel has ever had. If someone would set up a government consisting of the French Jean-Marie Le Pen, the Austrian Joerg Haider, the Russian Jirinowsky and the Dutch Fortuyn in Europe, it would have looked like a bunch of bleeding-heart liberals compared to this one. The Europeans can only incite, but Sharon and his partners can act. 

This is a government of the settlers. The most prominent representative of the settlers, General Effy Eytam, a man so extreme that even the army could not stand him, got the ministry that is the most important for the settlers: housing. He will build thousands of new homes in the settlements. Sharon will neither freeze the settlements nor dismantle them. Quite to the contrary, the settlement campaign will get new impetus. 

Some people compare the settlers to the tail wagging the dog, they believe that this small minority imposes its will on the government. That is an utterly false way of judging reality. In the Sharon era, the government views the settlers as its shock troops. The settlements are the most important weapon in the war against the Palestinian people. 

Also wrong are those who believe that Sharon has no vision. He certainly has one. And what a vision it is! He does indeed want to enter history as the man who realized the dream of generations. 

[CTRL] The Biggest Catch Yet? Or the Biggest Lie Yet?

2003-03-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Biggest Catch Yet? Or the Biggest Lie Yet?

There is little doubt that the Bush Administration needed a "Big Catch" to show that their absolute incompetence was not keeping them from winning the "war on terror". Indeed, according to a recent CBS News poll, Only 38% of Americans think that the US and its allies are winning the "war on terror". 

Luckily for the Bush Administration, along comes Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. This is the "Big Dog" the Administration has been looking for: 

"[Mohammed] may well have mastermindedofficials aren't sure yetthe deadly assault on the U.S.S. Cole off Yemen and the U.S. embassy bombings in East Africa. Accomplices told Pakistani police that Mohammed slashed the throat of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl a year ago. And everyone agrees on his culpability for one other crime: directing the 9/11 attacks in New York City and Washington, the worst terrorist acts in history."

Of course "Officials aren't sure yet". A little less confident than I care to hear. Anyway, that's quite a speculative resume for which they've given this guy credit. Osama must be pissed. After all, up until this opportune arrest, he was the "mastermind" behind all these things.

Well, Bin Laden, that's what you get for not making it easier to capture you. Instead, we'll simply arrest some other schmoe and claim that he did all these things. That should restore the dignity, respect and credibility that the Administration so vehemently claims they deserve. Who needs you? Now that we've blamed someone else for these things, you're no longer a threat.

Indeed, now look what our proud president is able to do: 

"In the top drawer of his desk in the Oval Office, President George W. Bush keeps a list of the most-wanted Qaeda operatives. Whenever one is captured or killed, he crosses his name off. Last week the president was able to draw a line through a very big name, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, regarded by U.S. intelligence services as the mastermind of the 9-11 attacks."

How dramatic! Thank goodness that we have such a powerful and courageous leader available to cross out names at a moments notice. Truly an inspiration to us all. I can't wait till we get to name a new aircraft carrier after this prestigious war hero.

But wait a minute, If they have Khalid Shaikh Mohammed alive and well in custody, then who does this article refer to? 

"Now it has emerged that Kuwaiti national Khalid Shaikh Mohammed did indeed perish in the raid, but his wife and child were taken from the apartment and handed over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in whose hands they remain."

Even more curious is the fact that this article isn't referring to the raid this past weekend. This article was written on October 30, 2002! The raid that they are referring to took place on September 11, 2002!

So, is this guy still alive, in custody and one of the greatest catches to date in the "war on terror"? Or is this just one more bald-faced lie designed to give the illusion that the Administration has a clue as to what it's doing?

Unfortunately, we will never know for sure. We only "know" what they tell us. Nevertheless, a clear pattern of contradictions, distortions, exaggerations and outright lies has been established, one that reminds us to view the Administration with total skepticism. Sad but true. 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] George W. Bush: Alter Boy

2003-03-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

George W. Bush: "Alter Boy" 
By Henry Makow Ph.D. 
March 3, 2003 

 The Newsweek caption under an old picture of H. W. Bush's family attending church says, "George Sr. once taught Sunday school and George W. was an alter [sic] boy." 

The spelling error is perhaps the only truthful thing in this article by Howard Fineman (March 10,2003) which proclaims that the Bush presidency is "the most resolutely faith-based" in modern times, "an enterprise founded, supported and guided by trust in the temporal and spiritual power of God." 

George W. Bush may still be an "alter" boy. 

"Alters" are mind-controlled personalities. Illuminati families like the Bushes subject their children to mind control. They worship Satan and brainwash their children by subjecting them to severe traumatic experiences, such as torture or witnessing the murder of a baby. At these times the mind disassociates and splinters into different personalities that can be programmed and recalled. These personalities are called "alters."

Only a mind controlled "alter" could manage the brazen hypocrisy, deceit and blasphemy required to identify his foul, murderous policies with the will of God. 

Boris Savinkov once explained how difficult it was to get a real Christian to kill. 

Savinkov was the leader of a Bolshevik terror squad responsible for the deaths of dozens of high Tsarist officials. When he tried to make a bomb-throwing terrorist out of former Tsarist officers he found they had courage and fanaticism but were restrained by something else.

"From childhood they had been brought up in the Christian concept that "Thou shalt not kill!" And although many of them were now hardened by years of war and revolutionary violence, when it came to murdering someone in cold blood something in them rebelled!" (Geoffrey Bailey, "The Conspirators" 1959, p.74)

But George Bush is no Christian. Never was. He is an illustration of how the Illuminati assume the mantle of Christianity to disguise their diabolical intentions and discredit God. Iraq is about oil, Zionism and world tyranny. Bush's pious drivel and Newsweek's revolting hosannas fool no one. 

The whole world is appalled. 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 10th anniversary of the siege at Waco: We'll Never Forget

2003-03-03 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Liberty Action of the Week for March 4th, 2003:
10th anniversary of the siege at Waco: We'll Never Forget
by Mary Lou Seymour

I don't know about y'all, but though I always remember April 19, I
had completely forgotten that the siege of Waco started on Feb.28.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the all-American atrocity, in
which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Federal Bureau
of Investigations mounted a siege on the Branch Davidians at Mt.
Carmel, TX, culminating in an assault that destroyed their home in
flames and killed 82 of the 135 men women and children in residence.
After the seige, 20 children were sent off to relatives or foster
homes; two dozen mostly elderly adults were scattered in Waco or
across the country or the world; eleven adults were incarcerated and
tried, eight convicted. Seven remain imprisoned.

While we may worry about the actions of foreign governments against
their citizens, and, some may even want our country to be the world
police and protect the rights of the oppressed in other countries,
the 10-year-anniversary of Waco offers a potent reminder that the
government we should worry about most is not headquartered in
Baghdad, Pyongyang, Teheran, or Beijing -- but in Washington, D.C.

And our government is OUR responsibility. I have a vague recollection
of Feb.28, 1993, the day the seige at Waco started. I saw the reports
on the mainstream media. And I did NOTHING. To excuse my inaction, I
didn't have Net access in those days (and the Net hadn't become the
instant news gathering mechanism it is now), and by April 19, 1993, I
had managed to see through the gov't propaganda, and was trying to
get more information from my fellow freedom lovers and get it out to
the public, with handmade flyers and letters to the editor.

But, for most Americans, it was years before the truth about Waco
began coming out. The premiere of the video Waco, the Rules of
Engagement in 1997 or the PBS Waco: the Inside Story in 1995 were
the first introductions many people had to this horrendous chapter in
American history.

Nowadays, of course, with the Net, we have no excuse to not get and
spread info instantly, and I know that y'all on this list take that
responsibility seriously. If any of us see something going down
like the beginning of the Waco siege on Feb.28, 1993, I'm confident
we'll react quickly to bring the truth out to the public, this time.

But there are many ... too many ... who have forgotten Waco, or
relegated it to the past, or were, perhaps, too young in 1993 to
recall not only what happened in the end, but the way it was hidden
from public view.

For this week's action, let's spread the word, in cyberspace and
meatspace, to Remember the 10th Anniversary of Waco, so that another
Waco will NOT happen in our lifetime.

Letters to the editor, of course, are our standard mechanism for
informing the non wired. For good talking points for your LTEs,
there is a tremendous amount of information on Waco on the Net. For a
current article, see The Fires of Waco Still Burn. For a start on
the literally thousands of documents, articles and news stories on
Waco, see The Davidian Massacre site, Reason's What Happened at
Waco page, and The Waco Tragedy Information Page. For info on
writing LTEs and Op-Eds, see Writing the Libertarian Op-Ed. and the
Libertarian Resources database (libertarian letters-to-the-editor and
articles intended for libertarians to adapt for their own purposes)
and LIBertarian LETters to the editor email/fax distribution network

For meatspace distribution, consider cartoons ... a new cartoon
strip The Hillary Waco Project, or see The Waco Cartoons archive
(you will need to contact the cartoonists for permission to reproduce
and distribute.)

For webmasters, here's an idea from Bill St. Clair; run a Remember
Waco graphic on your site from now til April 19, and link to the
Committee for Waco Justice site! (There's an excellent graphic there -
- and to the right of this paragraph -- that you can use as a graphic
link and Carol Moore, who owns the photo graphic, has given
permission to use it for this purpose!) For an example, see Bill's
blog, End the War on Freedom.

If you're feeling ambitious, arrange a showing of the Rules of
Engagement or PBS Waco Investigation (videos can be ordered online,
if you don't already have a copy) at your church or public library.

And finally, during these 50 days of remembrance, let's not forget
the 7 Branch Davidians who are still in prison; let's write them and
let them know that we'll NEVER forget.

Til next week,
For Freedom!

Mary Lou

PS: As always, go to the web page for this column for NEW alternate
actions for this week, and, visit our Take Action forum at Liberty
Forums for even more ideas.

PPS: And though like everyone else, I hate asking for money, I
consider this column like a weekly meeting, and whenever I hold a
meeting in meatspace, I always pass the hat for donations to
support the 

[CTRL] The Red Faced Man

2003-03-03 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

from the March 04, 2003 edition -

Iraq: Saladin to Saddam

The ancient cradle of civilization has fiercely resisted occupiers for
millenniums. Will this time be different?

By Scott Peterson | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

BAGHDAD, IRAQ - The Shabandar Cafe is where Iraqis with an intellectual
bent and a taste for sweet, hot tea served in slender glass cups gather to
discuss poetry, and politics - and offer stark warnings to would-be

There is no shortage of words. On a recent winter afternoon, a man sits
engrossed in a book, his big toe wiggling freely through a large hole in a
dark sock. And there is no shortage of history.

On a nearby wall, the faded photographs of stern British generals
disapprovingly survey the scene - a sepia reminder of last century's
colonial rule.

The Iraqis - all these people in front of us - have so many good
characteristics: they are friendly, honest and polite to foreigners, says
Amir Nayef Toma, a professor of English who sits two benches away, working
on a translation. If you go to any Iraqi home and knock on the door, they
will welcome you.

But those good characteristics will be killed in one instant, when you
come through the window like a thief, Mr. Toma says. They will treat
[you] so severely and without mercy, and beat [you] nearly to death.

The scene in the cafe speaks volumes about Iraqis today - educated,
secular, nationalistic, recently impoverished, and filled with bitter
recollections of life under British occupation. Indeed, most Iraqis would
say that Professor Toma is understating the case.

The Iraqis are the hardest Arab people to control or subdue - this is
their nature, says Saad Naji Jawad, a political science professor at
Baghdad University. Their history is one of revolts and rebellions. No
foreigner could control Iraqis.

For millennia, Iraq has worn and rejected the yoke of foreign invaders,
from merciless Assyrians to a British-constructed monarchy that was
overthrown in 1958.

Besides regime change and military occupation, even if temporary, the US
game plan for Iraq also includes a more ambitious, long-term goal of using
Iraq to sow a first seed of democratic rule in the Arab world, where none
has grown before.

Attempting to blunt growing criticism abroad that the US has imperial
motives in Iraq, Mr. Bush said last week that a new regime in Iraq would
serve as a dramatic and inspiring example of freedom for other nations in
the region.

The president compared US goals to post-World War II results in Germany and
Japan: After defeating enemies, we did not leave behind occupying armies,
we left constitutions and parliaments. Bush added: We will remain in Iraq
as long as necessary, and not a day more.

Administration confidence may be underpinned by the relative ease with
which the Taliban was toppled in Afghanistan. Less than 18 months ago,
there were dire warnings that - like the Soviet Union - the US would get
bogged down waging war in a nation with a long history of brutally
rejecting outside rule. While the verdict on that campaign is still out -
and Osama bin Laden is still on the run - it is widely seen as a case study
of a low-casualty war with broad regional impact.

The Bush administration argues that Iraq is not Afghanistan. And it aims to
revive the Iraq of the 1970s and '80s. Then, the world's second largest
producer of oil boasted a modern infrastructure and the highest living
standards in the Middle East. It had a thriving middle class, and some of
the most sophisticated social services and health systems in the region.
Literacy campaigns spread far and wide, and Iraq's traditional impulse for
learning and cosmopolitan life deepened.

But the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, and the 1991 Gulf War, hammered modern
Iraq. More than 12 years of UN economic sanctions further tore at the
social fabric, bringing poverty on a scale not seen here for more than a

Many Iraqis blame the US for that decline. And experts also point out that
the US track record on establishing democracies anywhere - especially in
the autocratic Arab world - is poor.

It will be chaos, says Mr. Jawad.

Iraq's unique standing in this part of the world goes back thousands of
years. The territory nestled between the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers is
known as the cradle of civilization. It was a Babylonian king in the third
millennium BC who gave the world Hammurabi's Code, the roots of the West's
legal system in which the punishment must fit the crime. Two millennia
before that, the ancient Sumerians gave birth to the written word, using
cuneiform script on clay tablets.

But Iraqi historians also note that the land of Babylon's fabled hanging
gardens and ancient learning is rich in a history of clashing empires,
violence, and failed conquests.

Kings and conquests
King Nebuchadnezzar built up Babylon and destroyed Jerusalem's Temple of
Solomon in 586 BC. 

[CTRL] Hillary Boosts War

2003-03-03 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Now I know why I oppose the Iraq invasion.

DEBORAH ORIN, NY POST -  Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton fully supports
President Bush's Iraq policy, her office said last night - on the eve of
visit today to an upstate arsenal that makes military hardware like mortars
and howitzers for U.S. troops. Sen. Clinton fully supports the steps the
president has taken to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, said
Clinton spokesman Philippe Reines. That puts Clinton (D-N.Y.) squarely at
odds with a majority in her own party, where one recent poll found an Iraq
attack is opposed by 66 percent of core Democrats. The statement comes
after months where Clinton - who voted for an Iraq attack last fall - has
low-keyed her support and sharply criticized aspects of Bush's security
policy, sparking speculation she was trying to have it both ways.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Israelis Blow Up Civilian Homes - Execute Pregnant Terrorist

2003-03-03 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Print Edition  Haaretz
Tuesday, March 04, 2003 Adar2 1, 5763
Israel Time:  05:03  (GMT+2)

IDF kills nine in Gaza, W. Bank raids

By Amos Harel and Arnon Regular

In a day of violence in the south, eight Palestinians were killed in an
Israel Defense Forces raid in Gaza and one man lost his life in the West
Bank town of Nablus.

In the early hours of yesterday morning, IDF tanks moved into the Al-Bureij
refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, killing eight Palestinians,
including two civilians - one of them a pregnant woman, Nuha Makadma, and
the other a 16-year-old boy, Fadi al-Hawajry. The rest of the dead were
apparently armed men.

Some 30 civilians and two soldiers were wounded in the incursion, during
which the IDF destroyed four houses belonging to terrorists and rounded up
six wanted men. The two IDF soldiers were lightly wounded. Five of the
Palestinians were said to be seriously injured.

The IDF announced last night that it was looking into the deaths of the
Palestinian civilians.

Palestinian sources said that a 13-year-old boy, Tareq Aqal, also lost his
life in a shooting incident in the Nusseirat refugee camp. No other details
were available.

When large numbers of reconnaissance troops from the Givati and Golani
brigades, accompanied by armored and engineering corps units, and with
gunship cover, began entering the Al-Bureij refugee camp yesterday morning,
they met unexpectedly fierce resistance.

Seven bombs were thrown at the troops - including one that contained 100
kilos of explosive materials. The Palestinians also fired rocket-propelled
grenades and light weapons and threw hand grenades at the advancing troops.

The four-hour operation centered on the arrest of Mohammed Taha, 65, one of
the founding leaders of Hamas. Two of Taha's five sons - all senior Hamas
activists known to be involved in terrorist activities - were also

The Taha home was the site of some of the heaviest fighting during the
raid, witnesses said. The Palestinians used grenades against the soldiers,
wounding two of them. They were taken to Soroka Medical Center in Be'er

Taha was wounded in the operation. One of his sons, Ayman, 33, who was also
wounded, is the assistant of the top Hamas bomb maker Mohammed Deif, who is
No. 1 on Israel's wanted list.

The two wounded members of the family were evacuated to an Israeli
hospital. Troops discovered an explosives belt and an M-16 rifle inside the
Taha house before they blew up the building.

The pregnant woman was killed when her home, which adjoins that of the Taha
family, collapsed from the blast. Her husband was lightly injured.

The soldiers demolished three other homes belonging to Hamas and Islamic
Jihad members - Sami Abdel-Salaam, who blew himself up in a suicide bombing
last month in Gush Katif, Muhsan al-Lour and Hassan Hasnein.

The incursion was the second in just 24 hours in the Strip. On Sunday,
three Palestinians were killed and about 10 were wounded by IDF fire during
an operation in Khan Yunis. The Palestinian Authority criticized the
back-to-back incursions, calling on the United States to condemn the

Meanwhile, in Nablus, IDF troops shot to death a Palestinian youth
yesterday evening. He was stopped by soldiers at a roadblock and when he
tried to escape, the troops fired at him.

Also in Nablus, troops uncovered several weapons caches in private
apartments. An explosive belt ready for use was found in one of the
apartments, as well as five large pipe bombs, ammunition and explosives.
Troops began operating in Nablus late Sunday night and arrested several

© Copyright 2003 Haaretz. All rights reserved

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Re: [CTRL] What Good Is Neo-Conservative Talk Radio?

2003-03-03 Thread Mike Smith
-Caveat Lector-

  - Original Message - 
  Prudy L 
  Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 7:28
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] What Good Is
  Neo-Conservative Talk Radio?
  -Caveat Lector- In a message dated 3/2/2003 1:17:03 AM
  Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hopefully talk radio listeners will search for the truth and not
just settle for what Rush or Sean gives them.
  No problem. You don't have to settle for Rush or
  Sean. There's some lying spin doctor on just about any station that has
  any talk at all. Amazingly those who are looking for truth never seem to
  notice that the only place they'll find truth these days is between trusty and
  truth serum in my little desk dictionary here. So if you do too much
  looking for truth, you have learn the truth about the other two words
  also. Conservatives (neo or otherwise) don't like too much delving for
  truth. Prudy 
  I go to bed listening to a replay of the Alex Jones show
  ( wake up to Joyce Riley and Dave VonKleiston the
  powerhour. ( Both shows available on the the GCN Radio
  Network. (
  winamp) I trust all three of them as media people and they're about the
  only three I trust. But what they say on air mirrors so much of what gets
  posted in this list and others, that they're definatley not
  "establishment". I'd just hate to see them smeared since talk radio does
  indeed tend to be "neo-con". The truth IS out
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] The 333 Cometh!

2003-03-03 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

-Caveat Lector-

Good grief, not only do you write
unclearly, but you cant read either. 
I am posting what I wrote and your response.  You really must have a lot of time on your
hands to play around as you do.  No job?

I wrote: 

Please continue to put out your goofy
thinking, its amusing, but dont use my email name in the process
of developing your very silly theories. 
When I want to say something, I will say it, and I definitely am not
saying what you have attributed to me in your post.  Go play on a conspiracy board somewhere where
you will be accepted

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research
List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of David Sutherland
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] The
333 Cometh!

there is a modicum of truth to what you say. 

admit i have to practice at the art of goofing on occasion. I envy
you that it comes to you so naturally (ggg).

must protest the lie you speak (as oft you do). I did not e-mail you anything
-- i emailed this forum solely.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Flimflam

2003-03-03 Thread M.A. Johnson
-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]
The Flimflam
Charley Reese
Still think you are not being flimflammed by
the Bush administration? Take heed of this:
Newsweek has reported that Hussein Kamel,
the highest-ranking Iraqi official ever to
defect and Saddam Hussein's son-in-law, told
the United Nations, the CIA and Britain's
MI-6 in 1995 that Iraq destroyed all of its
chemical and biological stocks, as well as the
missiles to deliver them, in 1991.
Yet the U.N. arms inspectors, the CIA and
MI-6 chose to keep that secret. If it's true
and there's no reason to believe it isn't
then it's pretty hard evidence that the Bush
administration is lying through its teeth when
it keeps insisting that Iraq has weapons of
mass destruction. It also bolsters the
credibility of former chief arms inspector
Scott Ritter, who has likewise insisted that
Iraq's weapons were destroyed. For that
matter, it bolsters the credibility of the Iraqi
government, which insists it no longer has
any weapons of mass destruction.
You might recall that Kamel defected to
Jordan and about six months later made the
mistake of returning to Iraq, where he was
killed. This coming war with Iraq gets murkier
and murkier. Let's see if we can sort it out.
First, we have a chief executive so naive
about the world outside of Texas, he
probably couldn't find a lot of countries on a
map. Second, he has surrounded himself with
American Likudniks  supporters of Israel's
right-wing government. Even The Washington
Post reported recently what I've been saying
for months: that Bush's policy is identical to
that of Ariel Sharon's, the Israeli prime
minister. I've said that Bush has been acting
like Sharon's puppet; The Washington Post
story quoted a U.S. official as saying Sharon
has played Bush like a violin.
The Israelis have long feared Iraq, Iran and
North Korea (because they fear it will sell
missiles to Iran). What a coincidence that
those three countries are Bush's axis of
Before Bush's election, Dick Cheney (now vice
president), John Bolton (now undersecretary
of state for arms control), Douglas Feith (now
third-highest-ranking official in the Defense
Department), Richard Perle (now chairman of
the Defense Policy Board) and James
Woolsey (former CIA director) all had one
thing in common: They served as advisers to
the pro-Israeli Jewish Institute for National
Security Affairs. This is according to an article
that appeared in the magazine The Nation.
Bush recently appointed as director of Middle
Eastern affairs for the National Security
Council Elliott Abrams, a protégé of Perle and
a man convicted of lying to Congress during
the Iran-Contra affair.
In 1996, according to an article in the Israeli
newspaper Haaretz, Perle, Feith and David
Wurmser, now an assistant to Bolton, wrote
a policy proposal for Benjamin Netanyahu,
then Israel's prime minister. Included in their
advice were tips on how to manipulate the
American government (OK, even the Haaretz
reporter says the report comes dangerously
close to dual loyalty) and advice to drop the
peace plan, drop the idea of land for peace
and concentrate on toppling Saddam Hussein
and eventually replacing other Middle Eastern
governments in order to create a safe
environment for Israel.
There's your explanation for the war. When
sons and daughters come home in body bags
or maimed, those are the people you can
blame. Others in this group  who formed an
outfit called the Project for the New American
Century in 1997 that also called for toppling
Saddam  include, in addition to most of
those named above, Donald Rumsfeld;
William Kristol, editor of the neoconservative
Weekly Standard; Paul Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld's
No. 2 guy; William Bennett, the best the
neocons can do for an intellectual; Richard
Armitage, now Colin Powell's deputy; Zalmay
Khalilzad, now ambassador to Afghanistan;
and others.
If you watch the silly cable-news shows, you
will recognize many of these names as part
of the parade of experts in favor of war with
Iraq. The American people are being played
for suckers. Their sons and daughters will be
cannon fodder in a war that might benefit a
foreign country but will greatly damage the
interests of our own.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-
From Capitol Hill Blue

1600 Pennsylvania
Advisors warn Bush he faces humiliating defeat on world stage
By CHB Staff
Mar 3, 2003, 22:22

Senior aides to President George W. Bush say he faces a humiliating defeat
before the United Nations Security

Council next week.

Secretary of State Colin Powell, fresh from his latest round of meetings
with representatives of countries on the Security Council, delivered the
bad news to Bush on Monday.

You will lose, Mr. President, Powell told Bush. You will lose badly and
the United States will be humiliated on the world stage.

Some White House advisors are now urging the President to back off his
tough stance on war with Iraq and give UN weapons inspectors more time.

We have no other choice, admits one Bush advisor. We don't have the
votes. We don't have the support.

Powell told Bush on Monday that Turkey's refusal to allow U.S. troops to
stage at the country's border with Iraq doomed any chance of consensus
at the UN.

Many were watching Turkey, Powell told Bush. Had they agreed, it might
have helped us sway critical votes.

Some Bush aides now admit privately that the President, for all his tough
talk, may have to back down and postpone his plans to invade Iraq in the
near future.

The vote in Turkey fucked things up big time, grumbles one White House
aide. It pushes our timetable back. On the other hand, it might give us a
chance to save face.

Saving face means backing away from a showdown with the UN Security
Council next week and agreeing to let the weapons inspection process run
its course.

The arrest of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed gives us some breathing room, says
a Bush strategist. We can concentrate on the favorable publicity
generated by the arrest and the valuable intelligence we have gained from
that event.

Mohammed, arrested in Pakistan, masterminded the 9-11 terrorist attacks.
CIA agents found computer files, memos and other materials which pointed
to plans for new attacks against the U.S.

The prudent thing to do would be to let Iraq cool off on a back burner
and concentrate on Mohammed, says Democratic strategist Arnold
Beckins. Saddam isn't going anywhere. There's too much heat on him right
now for him to pull something.

Right now, only the U.S., Britain and Spain favor immediate military action
against Iraq. With most of the other allies lining up against the U.S., Bush
faces both a diplomatic and public relations nightmare if he proceeds
against Hussein without UN backing.

We've always needed an exit strategy, admits one White House aide.
Circumstances have given us one. We shouldn't ignore it.

 Copyright 2003 Capitol Hill Blue
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Article: The Unabomber and the 'Culture of Despair'

2003-03-03 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Unabomber and the 'Culture of Despair'

March 3, 2003

Alston Chase's first assumption in his new book about
Theodore J. Kaczynski is that widely propagated notions of
the Unabomber as a mentally unstable loner have been
conveniently misleading. This impression, Mr. Chase says,
encouraged people to say, `He killed because he was
weird,' rather than ask, `Why did someone so like me commit

Of course the Everyman aspects of Mr. Kaczynski - who
seriously contemplated a sex-change operation so that he
could enjoy the presence of a woman in his 10-by-12-foot
Montana cabin - are open to argument. But Mr. Chase has
tough, persuasive points to make about the forces that
shaped the Unabomber's brand of terrorism. He argues
forcefully, if at times repetitively, that the educational
philosophy prevalent during this killer's college years
laid the groundwork for an all-too-epidemic brand of
antisocial rage.

As we shall see - to use one of the favorite phrases of
an academia-trained author specializing in intellectual
history - this argument is complex. And it has its roots in
the philosophy of science that flourished in the aftermath
of World War II. In 1945, with the advent of the
influential Harvard report entitled General Education in a
Free Society, the role of ethics in academia began to be
closely examined. By 1958 when Mr. Kaczynski arrived at
Harvard as an undergraduate, the cold war had created
covert new links between research and government, links
calling for moral blinders that rendered traditional
scientific ethics all but obsolete.

The precepts of General Education, the author writes,
delivered to those of us who were undergraduates during
this time a double whammy of pessimism. From humanists we
learned that science threatens civilization. From the
scientists we learned that science cannot be stopped, Taken
together, they implied there is no hope. This created what
became a permanent fixture at Harvard and, indeed,
throughout academe: the culture of despair.

Much of Harvard and the Unabomber defines this
intellectual atmosphere while ticking off the attendant
cultural and historical forces that helped to shape it.
Such sections of the book are both familiar and overly
general, as are Mr. Chase's recapitulations of the
Unabomber's crime, capture and manifesto. But the author,
who also attended Harvard (and who also made his getaway to
rural Montana), succeeds in creating a provocative
synthesis out of all this summarizing. And he places a
malleable young Mr. Kaczynski in the midst of this moral

The book identifies a professorial nemesis for Mr.
Kaczynski in Dr. Henry A. Murray, who recruited the future
Unabomber for a psychological experiment with Manchurian
Candidate overtones. When Mr. Chase published an article
on the subject in The Atlantic in June 2000, he says, the
Harvard files on this work were permanently removed from
the Murray Research Center the next month. In this closet
are many skeletons, some quite fresh, the author
announces. The fear is that that I might open that door.
And in this book I do.

The experiments involved what Murray called stressful
disputation or the Dyad, but whatever its name, it was
a highly refined version of the third degree. Subjects
like Mr. Kaczynski were humiliated, ridiculed and secretly
photographed while debating overqualified opponents, in a
process that Mr. Chase regards as dishonest and damaging.
The future bomb-building anarchist, whose code name during
this process was Lawful, would himself describe it as a
highly unpleasant experience.

At its kinkiest the book ties Murray's interest in hostile
interpersonal dynamics not only to a C.I.A. connection but
also to the doctor's long-term sadomasochistic love affair
with his colleague, Christiana Morgan. Mr. Chase notes that
members of the Murray's family take issue with this, but he
also cites a bizarre diary devoted to the affair. And he
concludes that Mr. Kaczynski and his classmates unwittingly
served not only Murray's highly esteemed research but also
his sadism, sexual fantasies, desire for power, anger,
need to explode and cause pain.

In any case the mixture of emasculation, snobbery and
ethical confusion that Mr. Kaczynski experienced at Harvard
would have lifelong effects. Soured on the value-neutral
scientific method that had treated him as a guinea pig, and
so angry at parental authority that he would berate his
mother for mailing him the wrong nuts, Mr. Kaczynski began
developing theories that were anything but incoherent
ravings. Mr. Chase carefully analyzes the Unabomber's
precepts as an extension of his educational experience, and
as material worth examining closely, for its roots if not
for its content.

University scholars all too willing to devote seminars to
such pop cultural dross as the Grateful Dead and `Star
Trek' have virtually ignored the