[CTRL] Barney's Brother's Bloody Baghdad Boondoggle

2003-04-06 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Sun 6 Apr 2003
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Blair in grim warning of bloddy battle for Baghdad


COALITION troops face a long and bloody battle to take Baghdad and

sweep Saddam Hussein from power, Downing Street warned last night.

Despite yesterdays lightning attack by US armour on the Iraqi capital, in
which 1,000 defenders were said to have been killed, officials in London
and Washington tried to play down expectations that the war was all but

Allied commanders still believe Baghdad will have to be wrested from
Saddam district by district in a string of engagements with potentially
heavy casualties on both sides.

Last night, there were reports that Iraqi fighters, tanks and artillery were
blocking the main roads into Baghdad as darkness fell. Members of
Saddams ultra-loyal Fedayeen militia were prowling the streets and
manning heavy machine-gun positions.

A spokesman for Tony Blair said: No one underestimates the difficulties
that remain, or pretends that the job is done.

Weve been saying all the way through that there wont be one battle for
Baghdad, but a series of engagements.

There will be more loss of life. We have to acknowledge that.

Officials also revealed new intelligence reports from Baghdad, which they
claimed showed Saddams regime had been rocked by internal tensions.

The Prime Minister also sought to increase the pressure on the Iraqi
president, with a call for the people of Baghdad to turn against him and
support the coalition invasion.

His spokesman claimed the end of Saddam would be hastened if the
people on the ground see the speed of the advance and recognise that
this time, unlike 1991 [after the Gulf War], we are there to see it through.

There was surprise and delight on both sides of the Atlantic that US forces
had been able to move deep into Baghdad.

Commanders said the incursion, which left dozens of Iraqi tanks
smouldering in the streets, was intended to send out a powerful
psychological message to the citys defenders that US forces could move
with impunity.

Last night, coalition forces were cranking up the pressure on Saddam.

Dozens of US attack jets, air controllers and unmanned spy planes were
put on 24-hour alert over Baghdad to provide close support for American
troops fighting in the city.

Elsewhere in the country, fierce fighting was reported as Allied forces
tried to flush out and finish off Iraqi troops.

Soldiers from the Screaming Eagles 101st Airborne Division made a sweep
through the central city of Kerbala, 70 miles south of Baghdad.

US Air Force officers said US warplanes had successfully dropped 2,000
pound bombs on three targets in the city: a Republican Guards barracks,
the Kerbala headquarters of the ruling Baath Party and an ammunition

Early yesterday, shortly after the US tanks entered Baghdad, US troops
took the headquarters of the Medina division of the Republican Guard at
Suwayrah, 35 miles south-west of the capital, without firing a shot.

Meanwhile, US special forces seized the main road between Baghdad and
Saddams birthplace, Tikrit.

And in the south of Iraq, two coalition jets attacked the Basra home of
Chemical Ali, General Ali Hassan al-Majeed, with laser-guided weapons
after a tip-off that the notorious commander was inside. British troops
were waiting for orders to begin the final assault on the city.

Ministry of Defence sources said the Americans approach to Baghdad was
a copy of the British strategy for Basra, where forces launched quick
strikes on Iraqi forces before withdrawing.

The MoD insisted that the ongoing operation to take the whole of Basra
under control would continue in tandem with the action in the capital,
but military chiefs have agreed that the battle for Baghdad will remain an
American operation. Our sphere of influence will remain the south of the
country and I don't see that changing in a hurry, one defence source told
Scotland on Sunday.

But the moment of truth is nearing for the Americans, when they have to
decide how exactly to take on Baghdad.

The rapid military progress around Baghdad and the rest of Iraq will also
provide a welcome backdrop for President George Bush when he flies into
Belfast tomorrow for a meeting with Blair.

The leaders will discuss a post-war settlement for Iraq as well as the latest
efforts to secure peace in Northern Ireland and the Middle East.

But Downing Street admitted that the two sides had still not agreed on the
central issue of the role the United Nations will play in the restructuring
of Iraq.

You must rattle the

enemy's joints, terrify and defeat them

The Bush administration is resisting British demands for the UN to be given
a central role, largely due to its failure to support the military campaign.

The decision to award billions of pounds worth of construction contracts
to American firms before the fighting has stopped has also caused friction
between the two main 

[CTRL] Iraq puts Jews in Bush's corner

2003-04-06 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

The Washington Times

Wars against terrorism, Iraq put Jews in Bush's corner
Donald Lambro

Published April 6, 2003

 There has been a significant shift of support for President Bush among Jews
in the United States as a result of the war against terrorism and Saddam
Hussein's regime in Iraq, pollsters and Jewish leaders say.
 Jews have long been one of the Democratic Party's most loyal political
constituencies. But the growing likelihood that the war in Iraq will eliminate
one of Israel's regional enemies, perhaps leading to positive changes in the
Middle East, has helped Republicans make inroads into the Jewish vote, a leading
Jewish clergyman says.
 I think there are more Jews who would be willing to vote for President
Bush now and in the year 2004. I think that is a concern and a challenge to the
Democratic Party, said Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, founder of the International
Fellowship of Christians and Jews, a pro-Israel group that seeks to promote
closer cooperation between Christians and Jews.
 Mr. Eckstein said he is neither a Republican nor a Democrat.
 I am a rabbi, and this project is our ministry.
 We don't know how much, but there is a shift among Jews who are supporting
Bush and his battle against terrorism. You would have to be blind not to see
that. Republicans are making an effort to bring the Jewish community into its
tent, and the Democratic Party is trying to stop the hemorrhaging, he said.
 The latest evidence of this political shift was on view last week when
hundreds of Jewish, and evangelical Christian leaders and supporters gathered in
the District for a two-day conference called Stand for Israel, a project of Mr.
Eckstein's organization.
 The event, which is to be an annual meeting, was co-chaired by Republican
strategist Ralph Reed, who has been a close political adviser to the White
 Participants cheered speakers, including Attorney General John Ashcroft,
Rep. Tom Lantos, California Democrat, and House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, Texas
Republican, who one by one lauded Mr. Bush's campaign against terrorism,
especially his drive to dismantle and disarm the Iraqi regime.
 Mr. Reed was reluctant to discuss the broader, long-term political
implications of the war while U.S. soldiers are fighting and dying in a campaign
to topple the Iraqi regime, but he acknowledges that it has led to political
changes in the way Jews view the president.
 His conduct of the war against terrorism has caused a lot of voters to
take a second look, and that includes Jewish voters, Mr. Reed said.
 A survey of 1,216 Jewish voters taken in October by the Tarrance Group, a
Republican polling company, found that Mr. Bush has made significant inroads
with this heavily Democratic group, something that could have an impact on the
next two election cycles.
 A clear majority of Jews (81 percent) see Bush as a strong supporter of
Israel, and 46 percent say they would be more likely to vote for him based on
the way he has been handling the war on terrorism, the polling company reported
at the time.
 Ed Goeas, who conducted the poll, said Friday that it was done in the
midst of the [midterm] election, when you would expect a lot of political
polarization, but we found none. There is no reason to believe that this support
has deteriorated. In fact, it has increased.
 Ronald Reagan received 38 percent of the Jewish vote in 1980 against
President Carter, the high-water mark for a Republican presidential candidate.
 More recent national polls show that while at least two-thirds of Americans
back Mr. Bush on the war, Jewish support has been higher. Notably, a Quinnipiac
University survey in New York City, where voters are far more liberal, found
that Jewish voters are supporting the war 56 percent to 35 percent.
 Without a doubt, we are seeing a majority shift [among Jews] in the
political landscape of this country, said Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia, the
only Republican Jewish member of the House.
 He credited the war on terrorism for the shift.
 The war we are fighting in Iraq is the same war that Israel is fighting
internally, he said. In my travels across the country, I hear Jews telling me,
'I find myself agreeing with the Republicans more than the Democrats.' 
 Democratic officials did not respond yesterday to requests for responses to
the assertions of Jewish leaders such as Mr. Eckstein, though one Democratic
strategist, who did not want to be identified, said, We've seen some evidence
that Bush is getting more support from Jewish voters since the war began.

Copyright © 2003 News World Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

[CTRL] Post-War War Begins

2003-04-06 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

U.S. Plan For Iraq's Future Is Challenged
Pentagon Control, Secrecy Questioned

By Karen DeYoung and Dan Morgan
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, April 6, 2003; Page A21

As it anticipates imminent victory in Iraq, the Bush administration is facing
questions, criticism and the threatened rejection of significant parts of its
plan for rebuilding the country and establishing a new, representative Iraqi

The concerns begin with the secrecy that has surrounded the planning process and
the lack of publicly released details. What is known is that President Bush, for
reasons he has not made clear, has given the Department of Defense primary
control over all postwar aid and reconstruction, a role that has sparked
discomfort across a broad, bipartisan spectrum in Congress and among other

While it has announced plans to quickly establish an interim authority of
Iraqis on the ground, the administration has not said what that authority's
responsibilities will be or how its members will be chosen. Many say it should
not be created before all Iraqis untainted with association with President
Saddam Hussein are free to participate, and some question whether any
U.S.-created authority will be considered legitimate in the eyes of Iraqis or
the rest of the world.

So far, the administration has responded largely with pledges to include others
in the reconstruction effort and to ensure the eventual establishment of a truly
representative government. But with U.S. troops entering Baghdad, there have
been moves at home and abroad to push postwar plans in directions that the
administration has indicated it will strongly resist.

Congress has already rewritten the emergency request for $2.5 billion in
reconstruction assistance that Bush submitted last month, with the Senate
barring the money from use by the Pentagon. The House has insisted that it go
through the traditional State Department aid agencies. The secretary of state
is the appropriate manager of foreign assistance, and is so designated by law,
said Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz), a House Appropriations Committee member,
expressing a view widely held across party lines.

Prominent lawmakers said they expect the changes to survive a House-Senate
conference this week. But the White House has mounted a strong effort to reverse
them, including calls by Vice President Cheney late last week to the top GOP

Secretary of State Colin L. Powell has not commented on the financial
arrangements, but there has been a series of disputes with the Defense
Department over the makeup of the postwar team. Officials at the State
Department are also concerned that the early establishment of an Iraqi authority
will give too much initial power to Pentagon-preferred exile leaders at the
expense of potential leaders within the country.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Bush's chief ally in invading Iraq without
the U.N. Security Council's approval, has pushed for a much stronger U.N. role
in the postwar process than the president envisions. British and U.S. officials
said that when the two leaders meet tomorrow in Belfast, Blair plans to remind
the president of their joint pledge to seek U.N. endorsement of postwar
reconstruction and political plans.

At the United Nations, senior officials said there is virtually no chance that
the Security Council will endorse a Pentagon-run reconstruction effort or a
U.S.-installed Iraqi authority. Without new council resolutions, the European
Union said last week that it will not participate in the postwar effort.

The administration responded on Friday with reassurances that its goal is a
free, disarmed and democratic Iraq. To achieve these goals, White House
national security adviser Condoleezza Rice said, we will work with Iraqis, our
coalition partners and international organizations to rebuild Iraq. We will
leave Iraq completely in the hands of Iraqis as quickly as possible.


The foundation of the administration's postwar plan for Iraq is the Office of
Reconstruction and Humanitarian Aid, a Pentagon-based agency established by
National Security Directive 24, a document Bush signed several months ago. Its
head, chosen by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, is retired Army Lt. Gen.
Jay M. Garner. He plans to install American civilian advisers at the top of
Iraqi government ministries and agencies.

Garner reports to Rumsfeld through Army Gen. Tommy R. Franks, the head of the
U.S. Central Command. Although the State Department's Agency for International
Development and disaster relief organizations will handle much of the actual
humanitarian and reconstruction work, the plan calls for them to answer to
Garner, who will control their funding.

Despite repeated requests for more information and for a meeting with Garner,
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard G. Lugar (R-Ind.) said he
and his staff have received only inconclusive and not very comprehensive views

[CTRL] Britain Admits No WMD's in Iraq

2003-04-06 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Britain Admits There May Be No WMD's in Iraq
Ruben Bannerjee
Al Jazeera

Saturday 05 April 2003

Well into the war that was supposed to rid Iraq of its alleged stockpile
of weapons of mass destruction, a senior British official admitted on
Saturday that no chemical, biological or nuclear weapons of mass
destruction may after all be found.

Making the startling confession in a radio interview, British Home
Secretary, David Blunkett, added in the same breath that he would in any
case rejoice the fall'' of Saddam Hussein and his regime -- regardless of
whether any weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq or not.

The confession reconfirms the worst fears of opponents of the war that
weapons of mass destruction'' is only a ruse for the US and the British
to go to war against Iraq.

At the very least the admission certainly deals a serious blow to the
moral legitimacy that the US and the British have been seeking in
prosecuting the war.

Critics of the war across the world have been accusing the US and the
British of aiming for regime change in Baghdad under the guise of
unearthing and dismantling weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.''

There have been constant accusations that the US and the British are
eyeing Iraq's huge oil wealth, promoting Israeli interests, and that its
campaign against weapons of mass destruction'' is only a convenient

Even countries like Germany, Russia and France had been less than
impressed with the US-led war against Iraq saying all along that the task
of unearthing weapons of mass destruction, if any, is better left to UN
weapons' inspectors.

In making the confession in an interview with BBC radio, the British Home
Secretary however admitted that the non-discovery of any weapons of mass
destruction would lead to a very interesting debate'' about the war.

We will obviously have a very interesting debate if there are no
biological, chemical, radiological or nuclear weapons or facilities to
produce them found anywhere in Iraq once Iraq is free,'' the home
secretary added.

The US-led forces stand to face a huge global uproar if no weapons of mass
destruction are found in Iraq.

US-led forces moving across the Iraqi deserts have been under pressure
since the start of the war to find evidence of Iraq's weapons of mass
destruction. But instead of solid evidence, the they have so far raised
only false alarms.

From time to time, the US-forces have claimed to have unearthed
suspicious'' substances. And each time, the claim has turned out to be
without substance.

Today Saturday 5 April, US Marines were reported to be digging up a
suspected chemical weapons hiding place in the courtyard of a school in
the southeast of Baghdad.

Western media reported that the US Marines were digging after being tipped
off by an Iraqi informer. We don't have a clue now but we are going to
dig it up and check,'' said General James Mattis, the commander of the
Marine division at the scene.

Iraq has always insisted that it does not possess any weapons of mass

UN weapons inspectors, who scoured the country for several months until
the US asked them to leave last month, had repeatedly certified that they
had found no credible evidence of Iraq possessing any weapons of mass


Go To Original

Banned Iraqi Weapons Might Be Hard to Find By Barton Gellman Washington

Saturday 05 April 2003

Suspicious Sites Provide No Proof Yet

U.S. forces in Iraq yesterday found sites and substances they described as
suspected components of a forbidden Iraqi weapons program. But the
discoveries that U.S. troops displayed, and the manner in which they were
described at a Central Command briefing, struck experts in and out of
government as ambiguous at best.

Iraq has the most extensive petrochemical industry in the Middle East and
a wealth of vaccine factories, single-cell protein research labs, medical
and veterinary manufacturing centers and water treatment plants. Nearly
all of them are dual-use facilities, capable of civilian or military
employment, but most were devoted to legitimate activity even at the
height of Iraq's secret weapons programs.

Moving warily through that industrial landscape, U.S. and allied ground
forces will inevitably find, as U.N. inspectors have found since 1991,
thousands of potential weapons sites but few, if any, that could be
nothing else. Iraq's continued concealment of such weapons is the
allegation at the core of the Bush administration's case for war. If the
hunt for them relies on that sort of survey, experienced investigators
said, it faces a long road to an uncertain result.

In the first of yesterday's discoveries, the 3rd Infantry Division entered
the vast Qa Qaa chemical and explosives production plant and came across
thousands of vials of white powder, packed three to a box. The engineers
also found stocks of atropine and pralidoxime, also known as 2-PAM

[CTRL] Blair and Friends Staring Into War's Political Abyss

2003-04-06 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Blair and Friends Staring Into War's Political Abyss
By Paul Daley
Sidney Morning Herald

Saturday 05 April 2003

As the Iraq war enters its third week, European leaders who supported
America's push to disarm Saddam Hussein with or without the support of the
United Nations are beginning to count a heavy political cost.

None more so than the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, who six months
ago sometimes looked close to a decade younger than his 50 years. Today,
the firm flesh around Mr Blair's cheeks and eyes has noticeably sagged,
his hair appears greyer and thinner and he is visibly wearing each of his
50 years. Sections of the British union movement, already deeply
suspicious of Mr Blair, are openly calling for Labour to remove him as
leader, over Iraq and a range of domestic policy issues.

Mr Blair is a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders. His
troops are dying in ever greater numbers alongside - and too often at the
hands of - their US counterparts. Public support for the war is drifting
the longer it proceeds. Support for Mr Blair in his own Labour Party is
becoming flimsier by the day.

Mr Blair tied his political fortunes to the Bush Administration's when he
made it clear Britain would support the forced disarmament of Iraq without
a second UN Security Council resolution.

He then survived one of the biggest parliamentary mutinies in history
after convincing waverers in his party that the war against Iraq would be
quick, relatively bloodless and Iraqi soldiers would throw down their
weapons in droves to embrace their liberators.

If the war is quick, lasting a month or so, and we move on to sorting out
the Palestine-Israel problem then I think people will say that the Prime
Minister was right, a prominent backbench Blair supporter reportedly said
this week.

If this war is still going on in three months' time, then I think there
will be acute concern.

But having committed 40,000 personnel to Iraq, Mr Blair is not afforded
the luxury of other European leaders like Italy's Silvio Berlusconi. A
vocal supporter of the US before the war, he may well have been spooked by
the mass anti-war protests across his country in the past fortnight.
Initially he said that the US could have overfly rights and access to NATO
bases in Italy. A fierce public backlash later prompted him to qualify
support with an assurance that no attacks on Iraq would originate in

We can see the negative trends not only for Mr Berlusconi himself but his
party ... But I don't think at the end of the day they will bring big
damage to the coalition Mr Berlusconi is leading, Lucio Caracciolo,
editor of the influential political periodical Limes, said.

Mr Berlusconi is trying to balance loyalty to the US with passionate
opposition to the war from Italy's Catholic majority - an opposition which
has strengthened with the Pope's anti-war position. Spain's Prime
Minister, Jose Maria Aznar, is realising just how much, in domestic
political terms, he could pay for casting himself as the third man -
alongside Mr Bush and Mr Blair - in the countdown to the war.

The most recent poll, by his state's official pollsters, showed that 91
per cent of Spanish voters were opposed to their country's support for the
war. The Aznar Government's popularity has slumped massively in recent

In Portugal, which also supported US policy, the Foreign Minister was
clearly trying to distance himself from the military campaign by pointing
out that Portugal has not declared war on Iraq.

In Germany, the economy might be flat-lining, but Chancellor Gerhard
Schroeder won moderate electoral gain and media support after his decision
to become the first European leader to openly challenge America's Iraq

Germany has allowed wounded coalition troops to be evacuated to Germany
and as the war becomes protracted, bloody and ugly, Mr Schroeder has
resisted any gloating.

Despite all the evidence of years of corruption and his prior reputation
as a policy flake, France's President Jacques Chirac's staunch anti-war
position has made it the most popular government position in France since

Mr Chirac has ignored the wave of anti-French sentiment from the US
Government and the British media which followed his decision to vote
against forced disarmament of the Iraqi regime unless weapons inspectors
were given more time. Now he has made it his duty to ensure the UN -
rather than the US - takes the lead role in administering postwar Iraq
before self-government.

And in so-called new Europe - that is, the countries lining up for
European Union membership - there is widespread caution even among those
nations which the US is promoting as coalition members.

Croatia has denounced the war as illegitimate, the Czech Republic's
previously strong support is waning and the Polish Government faces
criticism over its decision to commit a small number of elite troops.


[CTRL] The Alibi Club and the Blackout on Truth

2003-04-06 Thread William Shannon

The New World Order Exposed: 
The Alibi Club and the Blackout on Truth
by Lisa Guliani

NOTE: Lisas group, The New World Order Corner can be found at: http://groups.yahoo.com/groupNewWorldOrderCorner/

NOTE: Victors book, The New World Order Exposed is available at: http://www.babelmagazine.com/NWO%20EXPOSED.html

The United States has declared war on terrorists, but theres a much more important war taking place that the media isnt telling you about. Its a war between the Globalists, those who want a slavish New World Order, and a group of patriotic Nationalists who love America and want to save it from being destroyed.

~ Victor Thorn ~
The New World Order Exposed, Ch. 53

Most of the news on television is, ultimately, what the government says is news.

~ Bill Moyers ~
American journalist

Did you know that the very same people who control the mainstream media sources (television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet) also play a KEY role in the destruction of America? No, I suppose many of you arent aware of this fact. And, I imagine that some of you refuse to believe this simply because you didnt hear it from Dan Rather or Tom Brokaw. Well, guess what? Dont hold your breath  because Dan and Tom have other priorities, none of which involve telling any of us the truth.

Americans like to think they live in a society that revolves around the concept of a free press. Free? Hardly so. In fact, why dont we stop calling this group of liars the press and call them what they really are: The Alibi Club. These alleged journalists are the largest organized group of liars and disinformation artists in existence today. According to Victor Thorn, the Alibi Club is an elite group of 50 business executives and political officials who have joined together with the intelligence community to influence what we see, hear, and read in the media.

The spin machine repetitively zaps us with slogans like fair and balanced news or all the news thats fit to print. These story-sniffing news bunnies regularly interrupt already mindless programming-in-progress to alert us of Breaking News. They add carefully selected background music to this drama which heightens the impact upon their national audience. As a people, we are exposed to such mental conditioning 24/7. Why? Because in order for the hard sell to achieve its desired result, they have to use techniques and tactics that tug on our heartstrings, make our hearts race, enrage us and perpetuate fear and anxiety. Its quite a show, isnt it? And all the while, the Alibi Club assures the American people that what were getting is all news, all the time. Oh, is that so? How many of us are completely sucked into that television screen? How many sit glued and mesmerized, watching and listening to the incessant front line coverage of whatever disaster du jour happens to be rolling across the idiot box?

If the Alibi Club is so thorough, accurate, fair and balanced, then how is it that ALL of them have failed to report on such newsworthy items as the annual meeting of the Bilderberg group? If anyone wants to know this type of information, dont expect Bill OReilly or pretty-boy Sean Hannity to scoop the story. FOX News, along with the rest of the Alibi Club (ABC, CBS, NBS, MSNBC, and CNN) is completely controlled by multi-national corporations. Those perpetually re-running flashes of so-called news reports by our favorite TV spin doctors are nothing more than carefully worded fabrications and distortions. There is nothing even remotely truthful, accurate, fair or balanced about any of it. Dont believe this? Then, maybe you might be interested to know this: (quoted from The New World Order Exposed, p. 429)

- Time Magazine: CONTROLLED
- The New York Times: CONTROLLED
- The Washington Post: CONTROLLED
- Newsweek: CONTROLLED
- U.S. News  World Report: CONTROLLED

Only about 20% of the CIAs career employees work on intelligence analysis and information processing. About 2/3 of all CIA funds and manpower are spent on covert operations such as the manipulation of public opinion and elections and its mass media manipulation activity. (The New World Order Exposed, p. 430 - with the original quoted material sourced from The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, Marchetti  Marks).

Think about that for a moment. Think too about September 11th or Flight 93. Ask yourself: why has the mainstream media deliberately failed to inform its national audience about the recently disbanded Voter News Service (VNS) which had a MAJOR influence on the outcome of our national elections? If the news bunnies REALLY wanted to give us breaking news, how is it that the American Free Press - an independent newspaper  managed to scoop every single one of the major network news stations regarding the Bilderberg Groups upcoming 2003 yearly meeting which will be held this 

[CTRL] Henry Kissinger: Shadow Government Secretary of State

2003-04-06 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Henry Kissinger: Shadow Government Secretary of State
by Mike Schelstrate

NOTE: This article first appeared at: PrisonPlanet.com

Colin Powell is the current Secretary of State for the Bush Administration. Unfortunately, Mr. Powell does not actually control the Foreign Policy for the United States. Henry Kissinger is the person who dictates the Foreign policy of our nation through the Shadow Government secretly running the United States. One has to only study his recent publication, Does America Need a Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century? to validate this claim. In this book, each major area of the world is examined, and directives are detailed regarding recommended solutions to the problems endemic to the various regions. The Bush Administration has implemented the majority of the foreign policy initiatives recommended by Mr. Kissinger. This cannot be a coincidence. The probability that the foreign policy ambitions of the current administration exactly matched Mr. Kissingers recommendations by chance is extremely unlikely. Through the Council on Foreign Relations, the Shadow Government, complete with Cabinet Ministers, is in control of the United States domestic and foreign policy. Henry Kissinger has been tasked with directing U.S. foreign policy that will implement the coming New World Order dictatorship, along with the destruction of the middle class in America. Colin Powell and the ranking members of the State Department are the public personification of Henry Kissinger and the Eastern Establishment. Officials not elected nor approved by Congress are directing our foreign policy. They answer only to the hidden elite ruling our nation.

Henry Kissingers firm, Kissinger Associates, is a secretive consulting company that is rumored to have many major nations, including some that are our enemies, as clients. Publicly, the propaganda regarding his firm states that it facilitates deals that enhance our financial relationships with other countries. The true purpose is always to further the foreign policy ambitions of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Shadow Government. I believe this firm is the tool used to dictate our true foreign policy. Many of the movers and shakers in the world today obtain approval of Kissinger Associates before making any major foreign policy or trade decisions. The client list is so secretive that recently Mr. Kissinger resigned as chairman of the 9/11 investigation rather than divulge the names of his clients.

The guiding principle of Mr. Kissingers foreign policy is to extend American hegemony and the worldwide economic monopoly of the International Bankers into the twenty-first century at any cost. As we examine each major area of the world identified by Mr. Kissinger, these goals becomes evident. The European theatre policy recommendations include U.S. support for the creation of the new European Union, possibly named the United States of Europe. This support should surreptitiously encourage dissent in order to keep the new governing body torn by dissent, and dependent on the U.S. The current rift between the U.S. and Old Europe is an example of this policy. It is no coincidence that France and Germany are currently being defiled by the American media. In the Asian theatre, the recommendation includes reinstating the One China policy that places our ally Taiwan into the grips of Communist China. During the recent Chinese leaders visit to the Bush ranch in Crawford, Bush publicly espoused this view to the entire world. The North Korean conflict has been created to ensure the continued allegiance of South Korea and Japan, just as recommended by Mr. Kissinger The overthrow of the Taliban in Afghanistan was recommended and has been accomplished through the phony War on Terrorism. Complete transition of the current structure of the Middle East into a more manageable and controllable region is in process with the current Iraq invasion. Acceptance of Israeli tactics against the Palestinians, the removal of Yassar Arafat, while continuing building settlements in the disputed territories is proceeding according to plan. The requirement to extend U.S. control of South America has been witnessed in the economic crisis of Argentina, the attempted coup of Chavez in Venezuela, and the press for ratification of the Free Trade Area of the Americas treaty. The list of policies fulfilled or planned continues throughout the world. President Bush is the perfect front man for the Shadow Government; he always follows orders from his hidden superiors.

A quick overview of the cable news guest lists show that one of the mainstays of expert foreign policy guests is this same infamous celebrity Henry Kissinger. Fox News trots him out on an almost weekly basis to obtain his opinion on how his policies are faring on the world stage. Every effort is expended to keep Henry Kissinger in the news and 

Re: [CTRL] Chaplain Gives Thirsty Soldiers Water IF They Get BaptisedFirst.

2003-04-06 Thread Mark McHugh
-Caveat Lector-

William Shannon wrote:

 -Caveat Lector- http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/news/world/5554317.htm

 Army chaplain offers baptisms, baths

 CAMP BUSHMASTER, Iraq - In this dry desert world near Najaf, where the Army V
 Corps combat support system sprawls across miles of scabrous dust, there's an
 oasis of sorts: a 500-gallon pool of pristine, cool water.

 It belongs to Army chaplain Josh Llano of Houston, who sees the water
 shortage, which has kept thousands of filthy soldiers from bathing for weeks,
 as an opportunity.

 ''It's simple. They want water. I have it, as long as they agree to get
 baptized,'' he said.

Fucking parasite.  Wonder if a chaplain ever got fragged?

I remember being awakened by my buddy out in the desert with, Hey, McHugh, wake
up.  Your father's here.  Sure right, but I got out of my fart sack to see what
the prank was.  Turns out there's this bear of priest named LTC McHugh there to
see me.  He was the brigade chaplain.  I had a laugh, but still felt like
fragging his ass for wasting good sack time.

Mark McHugh

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