[CTRL] David Frum: Son of Uncle Sam

2003-04-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

David Frum: Son of Uncle Sam
Posted: April 9, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

William Rusher of the Claremont Institute is right. There is an ideological war between Bush's social democrats, known as neoconservatives, and those of us who stand on the Old Right, namely paleoconservatives and paleolibertarians. 

Rusher, however, is not about to tell his readers what it is about the set of policies which neoconservatives support that makes them global social democrats or rank leftists. It's probably more accurate to speak both of modern-day liberals and neoconservatives as proponents of a highly centralized – and hence dictatorial – managerial form of government, except that, as we've seen in the past two weeks, the neoconservatives are far more dangerous to liberty, life and livelihoods. 

Nor is Rusher writing to sound the alarm, as paleos are, about an administration that is using war and manufacturing crisis to grow government to unprecedented levels, unseen since Lyndon Johnson. The neocon's aggrandizing mania to make the world safe for democracy is making, to paraphrase Felix Morley in "Freedom and Federalism," a constitutional government unsafe in the U.S. 

Not a sound from Rusher about these paleo observations, nor a reminder that neocons are more the sons and daughters of Woodrow Wilson and FDR than of Ronald Reagan. 

What Rusher does inform his readers of is that his buddy, neoconservative David Frum's "Unpatriotic Conservatives," constitutes a profound condemnation of paleos. So profound is Frum's indictment of us that Rusher can't quite bring himself to summarize it. 

I'll do the honors. 

Having read it, I can say that Frum hasn't got a "De Profundis" (Oscar Wilde's really profound essay) in him. He's way too shallow. 

In the praised essay, Frum remains faithful to the gossipy style of his tittle-tattle tome, and produces a series of vignettes designed to "prove" that paleoconservatives, whom he slothfully lumps with paleolibertarians, developed an ideology in order to compensate for alleged career failure. 

Contrary to Frum and Rusher's ad libs, Murray N. Rothbard traced the American Old Right's inception to a reaction against the New Deal and its crushing of the old republic's classical-liberal foundations. Members of the original Right wanted to abolish the welfare state ushered in by the New Deal and return to the traditional American foreign policy. Anyone remember George Washington's wisdom about aiming at extensive commercial but no political foreign entanglements? 

Rusher and Frum share the same debating habits. They both bog down in gossip and name dropping to build a political pedigree, mentioning the many retread communists that make up their neocon movement. It's thus hard to see how Frum warrants such superlatives if he never deals with the substance of paleo ideas. 

Once he gets past Frum's tall tales about allegedly belligerent paleo personalities and their putative professional failures, the reader might just have wanted to know that paleolibertarians care first about the effects of the State on civil society. 

Everything flows from the passion for "the Old Republic of property rights, freedom of association, and radical political decentralization," as Lew Rockwell writes. "Paleolibertarianism," explains Rockwell, "holds with Lord Acton that liberty is the highest political end of man, and that all forms of government intervention – economic, cultural, social, international – amount to an attack on prosperity, morals and bourgeois civilization itself, and thus must be opposed at all levels and without compromise." 

The main point of contention between paleos and neocons is the role arrogated to the State. Yet the main "profundity" Rusher and Frum are able to parrot is to charge paleos with racism. 

The paleolibertarian beef, of course, is with the coercive distribution by the State of wealth from those who create it to those who consume it. Even Frum must be cognizant of discernible trends in wealth creation and wealth consumption. Ditto where crime is concerned: Certain populations are more likely to be perpetrators, others more likely to be victims. To the extent that it is a relevant variable in crime and welfare, paleos comment honestly about demographics. This may not be politically correct, but it's hardly racist. If so "profound," why does Frum's silly screed not factor in the State, considering it's such a crucial construct here? 

Clearly, it isn't flattering to have to admit that the force of the Frum faction comes from its endorsement of the Almighty State, while the strength of the paleolibertarian team comes from its enduring commitment to natural rights, to justice and to society – not to the State. 

Frum and Rusher's attempt to cast these paleo ideas as new and discontinuous is clearly ignorant of the history of the ideas. 

Don't wait, then, for neocons to tell you that, had they been catap

[CTRL] (1 of 2) The Ignoble Liars Behind Bush's Deadly Iraq War

2003-04-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The `Ignoble Liars' Behind
Bush's Deadly Iraq War
by Jeffrey Steinberg

On Sunday, March 16, 2003, Vice President Dick Cheney emerged from his cave to appear on the NBC News "Meet the Press" show, for a one-hour interview with Tim Russert. In the course of the hour, Cheney all-but-announced that there was nothing that Saddam Hussein could do to avert an unprovoked and unjustifiable American military invasion of Iraq. Cheney repeatedly referred to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, as the "historic watershed" that, for the first time, justified an American unilateral preventive war. Yet Cheney himself, a dozen years earlier, had embraced the idea of preventive war—not against a Saddam Hussein who had been armed by the Reagan and Bush Administrations with weapons of mass destruction, but against any nation or combination of nations that challenged American global military primacy in the post-Soviet world. On the pivotal issue of preventive war, Cheney was lying, willfully. But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Cheney's extraordinary hour-long pronouncement was composed, almost exclusively, of disinformation, which had either already been publicly discredited, or would soon be exposed as lies.

Cheney asserted that Saddam Hussein was actively pursuing the acquisition of nuclear weapons, when, days earlier, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief weapons inspector Mohammed El-Baradei had testified before the UN Security Council that the allegations were based on documents determined to be forgeries. Indeed, in the March 31 issue of The New Yorker magazine, investigative reporter Seymour Hersh detailed how IAEA investigators had determined, in just several hours of research, that purported Niger government communiqués confirming the sale of 500 tons of "yellow cake" uranium precursor to Baghdad, were shoddy forgeries, drawn up on outdated Niger government letterheads. Hersh wrote that the forgeries were passed to the Bush Administration, through British MI6, and had probably originated with the British intelligence service, with the Mossad, or with Iraqi oppositionists affiliated with the Iraqi National Congress (INC) of Dr. Ahmed Chalabi.

Cheney also repeated the by-then-thoroughly-discredited charge that Saddam Hussein had "longstanding" ties to the al-Qaeda terrorist organization, and that it was "only a matter of time" before Saddam Hussein provided the bin Laden gang with weapons of mass destruction—biological, chemical, and, ultimately, nuclear. As Cheney well knew, an October 2002 assessment from Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director George Tenet, delivered to the Senate Intelligence Oversight Committee, had pointedly stated that Saddam Hussein would only resort to WMD, or engage with al-Qaeda, if he felt that he was backed into a corner and facing imminent American military attack. Repeated efforts by "war party" operatives, like former Director of Central Intelligence and Iraqi National Congress lobbyist R. James Woolsey, had failed to turn up any credible evidence of Saddam-al-Qaeda links, particularly prior to Sept. 11, 2001.

Perhaps Cheney's biggest lie—which flew in the face of all assessments from the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), and State Department Middle East experts—was that the military conquest of Iraq would be a "cakewalk." Cheney told Russert, "Now, I think things have gotten so bad inside Iraq, from the standpoint of the Iraqi people, my belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators."

Russert challenged Cheney's rosy forecast: "If your analysis is not correct, and we're not treated as liberators, but conquerors, and the Iraqis begin to resist, particularly in Baghdad, do you think the American people are prepared for a long, costly, and bloody battle with significant American casualties?"

To which Cheney responded: "Well, I don't think it's likely to unfold that way, Tim, because I really do believe that we will be greeted as liberators. I've talked with a lot of Iraqis in the last several months myself, had them to the White House The read we get on the people of Iraq is there is no question but that they want to get rid of Saddam Hussein and they will welcome as liberators the United States when we come to do that." Later in the interview, Cheney added, "If you look at the opposition, they've come together, I think, very effectively, with representatives from Shia, Sunni, and Kurdish elements in the population."

Towards the end of his performance, the Vice President extended his "cakewalk liberation" forecast, to further assert that American preventive military action to overthrow Saddam Hussein would stabilize the Middle East. He cited Dr. Bernard Lewis, the British Arab Bureau spook and author of the "Arc of Crisis," "Islamic card" fiasco, as his authority: "I firmly believe, along with, you know, men l

[CTRL] (2 of 2) The Ignoble Liars Behind Bush's Deadly Iraq War

2003-04-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

'New American Century'

In early 1997, William Kristol and Robert Kagan, two of the leading neo-con "Straussian intellectuals" in Washington, joined forces with collaborators at the AEI to shove the "Clean Break" policy down the throat of the Clinton Administration. Using office space on the fifth floor of the AEI headquarters, Kristol and company launched a new tax-exempt front group, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), specifically to promote the buildup of American military force to unilaterally police the globe—starting with the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

On June 3, 1997, PNAC released a Statement of Principle, which was signed by Elliott Abrams, Gary Bauer, William Bennett, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Midge Decter, Francis Fukuyama, Lewis Libby, Norman Podhoretz, Peter Rodman, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and others.

The Statement of Principle was based on an article co-authored by William Kristol and Robert Kagan, published in the July/August 1996 issue of Foreign Affairs, the journal of the New York Council on Foreign Relations—simultaneous with the Perle-Feith-Wurmser release of "Clean Break." Kristol and Kagan called for a "Neo-Reaganite Foreign Policy." This was a willfully dishonest choice of terms, given that President Reagan's most noteworthy foreign and national security policy achievement had been his collaboration with Lyndon LaRouche in launching the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), which Reagan envisioned as a joint, cooperative effort with the Soviet Union, to bring about the end of the era of "mutually assured destruction." When Soviet General Secretary Yuri Andropov rejected Reagan's generous offer of scientific and technological cooperation to build a global defense against nuclear weapons, the collapse of the Soviet empire was guaranteed, as LaRouche forecast in 1984, and again in a now-famous October 1988 speech in West Berlin, in which he anticipated the fall of the Berlin Wall a year later.

Kristol and Kagan defined their "neo-Reaganite foreign policy" as "benevolent global hegemony," based on a massive buildup of American military might. The authors were reviving the 1991 Wolfowitz doctrine of unilateral preventive war, explicitly stating, "The appropriate goal of American foreign policy is to preserve that hegemony as far into the future as possible."

Kristol and Kagan specifically called for the overthrow of more than 200 years of American anti-colonialist tradition, singling out John Quincy Adams as their particular nemesis: "Conservatives these days," they wrote, "succumb easily to the charming old metaphor of the United States as a 'city on a hill.' They hark back ... to the admonition of John Quincy Adams that America ought not go 'abroad in search of monsters to destroy.' But why not? The alternative is to leave monsters on the loose, ravaging and pillaging to their hearts' content, as Americans stand by and watch. What may have been wise counsel in 1823, when America was a small, isolated power in a world of European giants, is no longer so, when America is the giant. Because America has the capacity to contain or destroy many of the world's monsters, most of which can be found without much searching, and because the responsibility for the peace and security of the international order rests so heavily on America's shoulders, a policy of sitting atop a hill and leading by example becomes in practice a policy of cowardice and dishonor."

On Jan. 26, 1998, PNAC issued an Open Letter to President Clinton, calling for immediate "regime change" in Iraq, based on the bogus claim that Saddam was about to launch weapons of mass destruction against the United States and America's allies. Among the signators on the Open Letter were the following individuals, all of whom are now in the "Bush 43" Administration: Abrams, Richard Armitage, John Bolton, Fukuyama, Khalilzad, Perle, Peter Rodman, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Robert Zoellick. Other signators included Kristol, Kagan, and James Woolsey, who briefly served as President Clinton's Director of Central Intelligence, and who was, at the time the PNAC letter was issued, already the attorney representing the Iraqi National Congress.

In September 2000, on the eve of the Presidential elections, pitting George W. Bush against Al Gore, PNAC issued a lengthy study, "Rebuilding America's Defenses—Strategy, Force and Resources for a New Century," which revived at great length the Cheney-Wolfowitz 1991-93 preventive war strategy. Among the "usual suspects" who contributed to the "Rebuilding" study was Wolfowitz protégé Lewis Libby. He had just completed a stint as the general counsel to the Cox Commission, which was promoting a strategic showdown in North Asia with China and North Korea; he would soon be Vice President Cheney's chief of staff. While out of government, Libby had also been the personal a

[CTRL] It Is About Oil, But Not All About Oil

2003-04-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

It Is About Oil, But Not All About Oil
Memo To: Website Fans, Browsers, Clients
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: “Secret Bechtel Documents”

Someone sent me this Counterpunch article yesterday, by a fellow named David Lindorff who I don’t remember ever meeting. I like Counterpunch, though, so I read it, and really did not find anything in it that I disagreed with. There are a lot of people who will make a lot of money out of the war, which is one reason we have wars, and it would not be surprising to find Bechtel Corp. at the center of these financial bonanzas. Oil and money is not the primary reason for the war, but it is a good part of it, which is why I recommend the Lindorff exposition. When you think of Bechtel, the global construction company, think of George Shultz, who sits next to Richard Perle at the Defense Policy Board, which ordered up the war with Iraq. One of these days I’ll have to write about Shultz’s role as an agent of the Establishment over the past three decades. (He was the Treasury Secretary who floated the U.S. dollar away from gold, for example.) But this is a most interesting piece that will get you started:

* * * * *

April 9, 2003

Counterpunch Special Report
Secret Bechtel Documents Reveal:
Yes, It Is About Oil

Is the war against Iraq all about oil? Not to hear Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld tell it. Back on November 15, he called the notion that oil was the real reason behind the Bush administration's drive against Saddam Hussein "nonsense," saying, "It has nothing to do with oil, literally nothing to do with oil."

But a new study released by the Institute for Policy Studies, based upon secret diplomatic cables just declassified by the National Archives, and internal communications of the Bechtel Corporation, suggests just the opposite: that oil is the underlying cause of this war.

The study, which discloses the intimate links between the Bechtel Corporation and Bechtel executives and U.S. policy towards Iraq, also shows that some key players in the push for America's war against Iraq, including Rumsfeld, Vice President Dick Cheney, and other former Reagan administration officials Roger Robinson, Judge William B. Clark and Robert McFarlane, have been intimately involved in issues relating to Iraqi oil as far back as the 1980s.

Titled "Crude Vision: How Oil Interests Obscured US Government Focus on Chemical Weapons Use by Saddam Hussein," this report traces an intense effort by Reagan officials in the mid-OE80s to win Hussein's approval for a $2-billion oil pipeline to be built by Bechtel, running from the Euphrates oilfields in southern Iraq westward to Jordan and the Gulf of Aqaba.

A key player in that effort was Rumsfeld, then the CEO of Searle, the giant pharmaceutical company.

One particularly revealing 1983 memo, declassified for the first time in February by the National Archives, concerns a trip by Rumsfeld to Iraq. Acting as a special White House "peace envoy" allegedly to discuss with Hussein and then foreign minister Tariq Aziz the bloody war between Iran and Iraq, Rumsfeld turns out according to this memo to have been talking not about that war, but about Bechtel's proposed Aqaba pipeline.

In his memo to Secretary of State George Schultz reporting on the meeting with Hussein, Rumsfeld talks at length about the pipeline discussion, but makes no mention of having discussed either the war or charges that Hussein's army was using chemical weapons against the Iranians.

The intense focus of Rumsfeld, Schultz (a former president of Bechtel), Cheney and other Reagan officials, in concert with Bechtel, on the pipeline, reads like an abbreviated, or mini "Pentagon Papers," laying the groundwork for a collapse in relations between the U.S. and Iraq, and eventually to war. The documents also cast Bechtel's current position as one of two top candidates for the lucrative contract to "rebuild Iraq" in a troubling light.

As American troops press into Baghdad, and Iraqi casualties run into the thousands, Counterpunch speaks with Jim Valette, director of research at the Sustainable Energy and Economy Network, and one of the three authors of "Crude Vision."

Q: What prompted this study?

A: We were examining the interconnections between private corporations and the U.S. government in the pursuit of oil worldwide since 1995--principally the U.S. financing --through the World Bank and US agencies like the Export-Import Bank and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), etc. of that pursuit. But what has clearly occurred in recent months has been clearly an even more serious _expression_ of this pursuit of fossil fuels for the benefit of Big Oil, which is an extension of this relation into the military role. And so we're looking at the deployment of troops and paramilitaries financed by the U.S. government worldwide, and of course the most serious conflict of interest i

[CTRL] The Weird Men Behind Bush's War

2003-04-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Weird Men Behind 
George W. Bush's War
By Michael Lind
New Statesman - London

America's allies and enemies alike are baffled. What is going on in the United States? Who is making foreign policy? And what are they trying to achieve? Quasi-Marxist explanations involving big oil or American capitalism are mistaken. Yes, American oil companies and contractors will accept the spoils of the kill in Iraq. But the oil business, with its Arabist bias, did not push for this war any more than it supports the Bush administration's close alliance with Ariel Sharon. Further, President Bush and Vice-President Cheney are not genuine "Texas oil men" but career politicians who, in between stints in public life, would have used their connections to enrich themselves as figureheads in the wheat business, if they had been residents of Kansas, or in tech companies, had they been Californians.   

Equally wrong is the theory that American and European civilisation are evolving in opposite directions. The thesis of Robert Kagan, the neoconservative propagandist, that Americans are martial and Europeans pacifist, is complete nonsense. A majority of Americans voted for either Al Gore or Ralph Nader in 2000. Were it not for the over-representation of sparsely populated, right-wing states in both the presidential electoral college and the Senate, the White House and the Senate today would be controlled by Democrats, whose views and values, on everything from war to the welfare state, are very close to those of western Europeans.   

Both the economic-determinist theory and the clash-of-cultures theory are reassuring: they assume that the recent revolution in US foreign policy is the result of obscure but understandable forces in an orderly world. The truth is more alarming. As a result of several bizarre and unforeseeable contingencies - such as the selection rather than election of George W Bush, and 11 September - the foreign policy of the world's only global power is being made by a small clique that is unrepresentative of either the US population or the mainstream foreign policy establishment.   

The core group now in charge consists of neoconservative defence intellectuals (they are called "neoconservatives" because many of them started off as anti-Stalinist leftists or liberals before moving to the far right). Inside the government, the chief defence intellectuals include Paul Wolfowitz, the deputy secretary of defence. He is the defence mastermind of the Bush administration; Donald Rumsfeld is an elderly figurehead who holds the position of defence secretary only because Wolfowitz himself is too controversial. Others include Douglas Feith, the number three at the Pentagon; Lewis "Scooter" Libby, a Wolfowitz protege who is Cheney's chief of staff; John R Bolton, a right-winger assigned to the State Department to keep Colin Powell in check; and Elliott Abrams, recently appointed to head Middle East policy at the National Security Council. On the outside are James Woolsey, the former CIA director, who has tried repeatedly to link both 9/11 and the anthrax letters in the US to Saddam Hussein, and Richard Perle, who has just resigned from his unpaid defence department advisory post after a lobbying scandal. Most of these "experts" never served in the military. But their headquarters is now the civilian defence secretary's office, where these Republican political appointees are despised and distrusted by the largely Republican career soldiers.   

Most neoconservative defence intellectuals have their roots on the left, not the right. They are products of the largely Jewish-American Trotskyist movement of the 1930s and 1940s, which morphed into anti- communist liberalism between the 1950s and 1970s and finally into a kind of militaristic and imperial right with no precedents in American culture or political history. Their admiration for the Israeli Likud party's tactics, including preventive warfare such Israel's 1981 raid on Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor, is mixed with odd bursts of ideological enthusiasm for "democracy". They call their revolutionary ideology "Wilsonianism" (after President Woodrow Wilson), but it is really Trotsky's theory of the permanent revolution mingled with the far-right Likud strain of Zionism. Genuine American Wilsonians believe in self-determination for people such as the Palestinians.   

The neo-con defence intellectuals, as well as being in or around the actual Pentagon, are at the centre of a metaphorical "pentagon" of the Israel lobby and the religious right, plus conservative think- tanks, foundations and media empires. Think-tanks such as the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) provide homes for neo-con "in-and- outers" when they are out of government (Perle is a fellow at AEI). The money comes not so much from corporations as from decades-old conservati

[CTRL] EURO VS DOLLAR: Petrodollar Politics Behind This War

2003-04-12 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   Christopher Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:SNET: EURO VS DOLLAR:  Petrodollar Politics Behind This War
Date sent:  Sat, 12 Apr 2003 10:37:11 -0700

 Defending the dollar... "Put another way, the war is about world economic dominance."
Writing in the Sunday Times on March 30, Judge Richard Goldstone stated that there were
only two lawful ways in which the U.S. could use military force against Iraq. One was 
the UN Security Council sanctioned it; the other was in the case of"dire self-defence".
The U.S. war against Iraq is in dire defence of dollar imperialism against the threat 
   the euro.


  Published in the April 4, 2003 issue of Ether Zone.

 War is always about achieving a political end. Even holy wars seek to impose a secular
  control over the vanquished. At the root of every political conflict, lies the MONEY
 component. On the scale of greed or fear, international discords can slide up or down.
  Depending on the circumstances or demands, governments rally domestic populations to
accept their foreign interventionist goals. Claims of altruistic liberation are
   fictitious, when the rhetoric is stripped away and the real substance is exposed.
 Notwithstanding, variances of emphasis; the motive of money underpins the movements of
  all military confrontations.

 The case that the conquest of Iraq is about appropriating control over oil reserves is
well known. The argument that removing Saddam Hussein for a friendly regime change will
enhance the adherence of global community policies, secure and annex a ëgreater Israelí
  and project the power of the empire into the region, has been circulated widely. The
excuses of a ìWar on Terrorismî, elimination of WMD, combating radical Islamics,
 fulfilling prophecy and personal grudges between feuding criminal families and former
 business partners, have been known to all. But the one aspect that seems to allude the
scrutiny of most observers is that of the precarious nature of the global economy, 
 teeters on the fragile requirement that the US Dollar must remain as the world reserve

OPEC always priced oil in US Dollars. In the perceptive essay, The Real Reasons for the
Upcoming War With Iraq by W Clark, the thesis that a shift using the EURO as the
 settlement currency, drives the Bush/Cheney administration hydrocarbons geo-strategy.

  "The Federal Reserve's greatest nightmare is that OPEC will switch its international
transactions from a dollar standard to a euro standard. Iraq actually made this switch 
 Nov. 2000 (when the euro was worth around 82 cents), and has actually made off like a
bandit considering the dollar's steady depreciation against the euro. (Note: the dollar
declined 17% against the euro in 2002.)

 "The real reason the Bush administration wants a puppet government in Iraq -- or more
importantly, the reason why the corporate-military-industrial network conglomerate 
 a puppet government in Iraq -- is so that it will revert back to a dollar standard and
  stay that way." (While also hoping to veto any wider OPEC momentum towards the euro,
especially from Iran -- the 2nd largest OPEC producer who is actively discussing a 
to euros for its oil exports)."

The effect of an OPEC switch to the euro would be that oil-consuming nations would have
to flush dollars out of their (central bank) reserve funds and replace these with 
The dollar would crash anywhere from 20-40% in value and the consequences would be 
   one could expect from any currency collapse and massive inflation (think Argentina
  currency crisis, for example). You'd have foreign funds stream out of the U.S. stock
markets and dollar denominated assets, there'd surely be a run on the banks much like 
1930s, the current account deficit would become unserviceable, the budget deficit would
   go into default, and so on. Your basic 3rd world economic crisis scenario.

A U.K. article by Hazel Henderson, is cited that outlines the likely consequences of 
 displacement of the US Dollar (translate: federal reserve counterfeit species) as the
   reserve currency.

1. US global over-reach in the `war on terrorism' already leading to deficits as far as
the eye can see -- combined with historically-high US trade deficits -- lead to a 
run on the dollar. This and the stock market doldrums make the US less attr

[CTRL] Why Do Dad Things Happen To Good Guys Like Us?

2003-04-12 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   "John F. Winston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:IUFO: Why Do Dad Things Happen To Good Guys Like Us?
Date sent:  Sat, 12 Apr 2003 17:45:02 -0700 (PDT)
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good Guys Like Us?
April 12, 2003.

  Do you ever get the feeling that a lot of bad things are happening
to Us Good Ole Boys and Girls and wonder why?


  From: l
Subject: Multi-D News Congressman McDermott Depleted Uranium Bill
HR 1483
  March 27, 2003

  Congressman Jim McDermott (D-WA) today introduced legislation
requiring studies on the health and environmental impact of depleted
uranium (DU) munitions, as well as cleanup and mitigation of
depleted uranium contamination at sites within the Uni-ed States
where DU has been used or produced.

  McDermott, a medical doctor, has been concerned about this issue
since veterans of the Gulf War started experiencing unexplained
illnesses.  His concern deepened, he said, after visiting Iraq,
where Iraqi pediatricians told him that the incidence of severely
deformed infants and childhood can-ers has skyrocketed.

  "Depleted uranium is toxic and carcinogenic and it may well be
associated with elevated rates of birth defects in babies born to
those exposed to it," said McDermott.  "We had troops coming home
sick after the Gulf War, and depleted uranium may be one of the
factors responsible for that."

  Because of its density, the military uses depleted uranium as a
protective shield around tanks.  It is also part of munitions like
armor-piercing bullets.  Because it tends to spontaneously ignite
upon impact, it is used to cause explosions.

  But depleted uranium, a by-product of the uranium enrichment
process, is also linked to grave health concerns because of its
chemical toxicity and low-level radioactivity.  When depleted
uranium explodes, soldiers are exposed to DU in the form of
alpha-emitting airborne particles that are inhaled and shrapnel
that gets embedded in the body.  They are also exposed through
unprotected contact with equipment.

  About 300 metric tons of depleted uranium was used in the Iraq
during the Gulf War, and many citizens of Iraq as well as veterans
of the Gulf War have experienced terrible health problems-many
say as a consequence of depleted uranium.  Increased rates of
c-ncers, leukemia, and birth malformations are among the health
problems that may be linked to DU.

  The Pent-gon has sent mixed signals about the effects of depleted
uranium, at times claiming DU is not a health hazard, and at other
times acknowledging the need for sophisticated protective gear and
safety training regarding exposure to DU.

  "The need for these studies is imperative and immediate," said
McDermott.  "We cannot knowingly put the men and women of our armed
forces in harm's way."

  The Depleted Uranium Munitions Study Act of 2003 has several
original co-sponsors, including Reps. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.),
Edward Markey (D-Mass.), John Conyers (D-Mich.), Stephanie Tubbs
Jones (D-Ohio), Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.).

  Congressman Jim McDermott Contact Information:

  Related Articles:

  An interview with Dr. Doug Rokke

  By Sarah DeHart and Louis Farshee

  By Scott Taylor


John Winston.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  From: C
  Subject: Depleted Uranium Weapons in W-r
  Dear John,
  I recently had a personal, face-to-face conversation on a dark
night in Arizona with a rough-and-tumble man who claimed to be a
former U.S. Spec-al Forces soldier in Viet Nam -- and a former
C-A contract ope-ative.
  In response to my concern and question about uranium-depleted
warheads, he explained that they were mostly used for
armor-piercing ordinance against enemy tanks. The reason
uranium was used is that it's extremely hard -- allowing
U.S. shells to pierce enemy tanks.
  John Winston continued:
  Let me state that I'm proud of our military people who are in
the fight against Iraq. I'm a veteran myself and served in
the US Navy. They are doing the best that they know how.
  C commented:
  Yes -- and all our American soldiers want to go home as soon
as possible.

[CTRL] Fwd: LP RELEASE: War pork

2003-04-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---
From: Libertarian Party Announcements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: LP RELEASE: War pork
Date: 4/10/2003 12:44:01 PM


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: April 10, 2003
For additional information:
George Getz, Communications Director
Phone: (202) 333-0008

Congress is profiteering on the war
by funding special interests, Libertarians say

WASHINGTON, DC -- The bill funding the war in Iraq has become jam-
packed with so many special-interest favors -- such as a $250 million
grant for Southern catfish farmers -- that Congress should be ashamed
to vote for it, the Libertarian Party says.

"Unfortunately, wartime looting isn't confined to Iraq," said Geoffrey
Neale, the party's national chairman. "Politicians in Washington, DC,
are using the fog of late-night legislating to cover their tracks as
they funnel money to their political supporters."

As a House-Senate conference committee negotiates the final details of
legislation funding the Iraq war, Democrats and Republicans are
scrambling to insert dozens of special-interest riders. Though the $80
billion package was stalled by disagreements on Wednesday, it is
expected to be completed within days and presented to President Bush.

According to an estimate by Rep. Ron Paul, R-TX, the bill contains $20
billion in "wartime pork," or spending that has no connection with the
war in Iraq or the battle against terrorism.

"By turning the bill into a spigot for special interests, Congress is
profiteering on the war -- and that should anger every American,"
Neale said.

One especially egregious example: Republican Sen. Thad Cochran inserted
language that would funnel $250 million to Southern catfish farmers,
many of them in his home state of Mississippi, under the guise of
providing drought relief for livestock producers.

Other "war-time pork" includes:

* $69 million to fund a "Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust," named after
the former Missouri Congressman.

* A measure intended to prevent a German company, DHL Worldwide
Express, from competing with Federal Express and United Parcel Service
in the delivery of military cargo. During the 2002 election cycle, UPS
gave $1.5 million to Democratic and Republican candidates and $300,000
to the Republican National Committee, Neale noted.

* $98 million for an agricultural research lab in Iowa, and $250
million in other Agriculture Department grants.

* $3.2 billion to extend unemployment benefits for airline employees.

* $11 million for Congressional salaries and expenses.

* A total of $12.4 million for the Library of Congress, the
Congressional Research Service, the General Accounting Office and the
U.S. Court of International Trade.

* $8 billion in foreign aid for nations that are supposedly helping the
fight against terrorism, including Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia
and Djibouti.

"It's disgraceful that politicians who publicly brag about supporting
our troops are privately using this war as a device to enrich special
interests and benefit their own re-election campaigns," Neale said.

"The Libertarian Party is challenging Mr. Bush to veto this bill.
Maybe that will send a message to the politicians who insist on
conducting business as usual in Washington, DC -- while their fellow
Americans are dying in Iraq."

Version: 2.6.2


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Re: [CTRL] Dead Constitution (was New Antigravity Topic)

2003-04-12 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   "konehead" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:  Sat, 12 Apr 2003 15:02:18 -0700
Subject:Re: [nuenergy] Re: Dead Constitution (was New Antigravity 
Topic) - off
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Cameras are now OFF completely (but to show chaos and looting) - that is what really
makes the war "seem" over to John Q Public.

Killing all the journalists from Holland and Al-Jazeera really made the worldwide media
shut up about reporting the truth they see anymore, its not worth it.

the reason that the hospitals and other places werent secured is because those actually
doing the looting (of the important classified stuff like addresses and computers 
to regime members) were actually lots of soldiers in civilian clothes under orders to
destory and take anything of value to the invaders, this then followed by throngs of 
civilians, as a cover-up to what really happened.

the reason all the hospital stuff was taken is because the people who really need it 
the thousands and thousands of wounded soldiers and they are in makeshift hospitals
around town.  If the soldiers went to regular hospitals, they will be taken as POWs or
perhaps killed.

Being taken as a POW in a war that will NEVER END is pretty scary eh...you would NEVER
get back homelook at what Guatanomo Bay compound does with Afghan fighters -
absolutely no rights, legs chained 48hrs, and arent even classified as POWs
even!treated like animals, and lots of stupid and ignorant flag-waving people think
the USA should just shoot them all since "they hate us" (almost got into a fistfight
yesterday over this...   "well I hate YOU, do you want to kill me now?")

Funny and very cruel that some of the American Medics dont help staff the hospitals -
just some of them as a token-gesture at least would be civilized.  Maybe there are so
many coaltion casualties we dont know about they cant.

What really brought FEAR into the Iraqis was the SIX 2000lb bombs all dropped onto one
location in attempt to kill Saddam in a public restaurant in wealthy middle-class
district the day before Baghdad was deserted by Iraqi military and police.

There MUST of been a thousand people killed or injured (eyes popped out from
concussion..is this terrorism?) in this attack at least, the USA always said over and
over on the media "we do NOT intentionally target civilians areas"

Well, here is one big INTENTIONAL targeting of civilians (with always-can-be-used 
Saddam might of been there)...and what did the MEDIA say or do or criticize about it??
NOTHING ...it was TOO scary, almost "nuclear" proportions, and what happens is the 
who do WIN wars are ALWAYS the most mean, scary and cruel to the opposition 
marches on) 

The USA just now established to anyone that doubts it, that they are more than willing 
be the most mean, cruel, and scary with the SUDDEN change in military policy: TARGETING
CIVILIAN AREAS(by the way the real (or secondary) reason for the 6 2000lb bombs was
to protect the "left flank" of the invasion into Baghdad across the rivers)

so the "battle of Baghdad" is over, but the war continues and will probably be intense
guerilla fighting for years with soldiers coming in from all different Muslim countries
to take shots at American occupiers for many more years to come..


  - Original Message -
  From: Bruce A. Perreault
  Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2003 8:04 AM
  Subject: [nuenergy] Re: Dead Constitution (was New Antigravity Topic) - off topic


  The greatest crime against humanity has occurred
  by the hands of the Bush family. It wasn't enough
  that over one million people of Iraqi's have died because
  of sanctions alone, not counting the Depleted Uranium
  mutations and deaths. Now, most of Iraq's hospitals
  are gone due to looting. Why weren't these hospitals
  secured by our troops? I'll tell you why... because
  Mr. Bush is another Hitler. What makes anyone think
  that he can rebuild IRAQ when our own soil is in
  dire trouble? He is a divider and a destroyer and we
  are all going to take the fall for him. If only the
  media would report living conditions and the true picture
  of the IRAQ massacre then there would be an uprising
  here in the USA to oust our own corrupt leaders. You
  and I know that this isn't going to happen. People will
  continue to be duped and as a consequence. our freedom
  will become a faded memory. Once the economic system
  here totally collapses there will be a few days of anarchy
  but this will soon be replaced with a military dictatorship.
  I suspect that this has been the plan all along. Do we stay
  and fight with the 80% that has betrayed our country or do
  we leave to someplace like Canada?


  Steve Wingate wrote:

[CTRL] [JBirch] Ten Worst Tax Laws (fwd)

2003-04-12 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 13:52:07 -0700
From: Paul Blumstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Recipient List Suppressed:  ;
Subject: [JBirch] Ten Worst Tax Laws


Ten Worst Tax Laws

Human Events asked a panel of 14 distinguished judges, ranging from
Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman to our own Stephen
Moore, to pick the Ten Worst provisions in the federal tax code.
Each judge made nominations, then submitted a ballot ranking their
Ten Worst from the full list of nominees.  A provision received ten
points for a Number 1 vote, nine points for a Number 2 vote, and so
on.  The estate tax won with the highest aggregate score of 71.  Here
are all the winners in ignoble order.

1. Estate Tax

*   Score: 71
*   Started when: 1916
*   By whom:  President Woodrow Wilson signed the estate tax into law.
*   Why: To tax the "rich" and redistribute wealth.
*   What it does:  Nicknamed the "death tax," it requires
families or other heirs to pay up to half the assessed value of a
deceased person's estate.  Before the Bush cut, rates ranged from 18%
to 55%. A 5-percent surtax was imposed on transfers between $10
million and $17.2 million, creating an effective 60-percent rate.
Under the Bush cut, the top rate was instantly reduced to 50%, and
the 5-percent surtax repealed.  The rate will be reduced and the
unified credit increased from $625,000 to $3.5 million until 2010
when the estate tax will be repealed.  But the repeal will expire on
December 31, 2010.
*   Revenue: In fiscal 2002, the unified estate and gift taxes
brought in $27.2 billion in revenue-1.3% of the over $2 trillion in
federal revenues.
*   Reform efforts: In 2000, President Clinton vetoed a repeal of
the estate tax passed by Congress. In 2002, the House voted to make
the repeal permanent, but Senate Democrats blocked it. This year,
five bills have been introduced to make the repeal permanent.

2. Double Taxation of Dividends

*   Score: 68
*   Started when: 1913
*   By whom: President Howard Taft, evading the Constitution,
signed the first federal corporate income tax in 1909 (see Number
5).  In 1913, President Wilson's original income tax law taxed
dividends as income.
*   Why:  Conservative economists say that politicians at the
time did not bother to think that by taxing dividends they were
taxing the same corporate profits twice.
*   What it does: By taxing corporate income through the
corporate income tax and then taxing that same income again when it
is paid to shareholders as dividends, the government creates a
disincentive for corporations to pay dividends and for investors to
buy stocks.  Double taxation makes dividends a highly inefficient way
to distribute corporate profits-imposing an effective tax rate of up
to 60% on money paid out in dividends.
*   Revenue: OMB estimates that taxation of dividends will bring
in about $24.9 billion in fiscal 2004.  If the tax is eliminated that
much will go back into taxpayers pockets.
*   Reform efforts: President Bush has proposed abolishing the
dividend tax.

3. Alternative Minimum Tax

*   Score: 61
*   Started when: 1969
*   By whom:  President Richard Nixon signed it.  House Ways and
Means Chairman Wilbur Mills (D.-Ark.) pushed it through Congress.
*   Why:  To make sure the "rich" who are eligible for tax
credits and deductions pay their "fair share."
*   What it does: The personal AMT ensures that if a taxpayer's
tax bill falls below a certain threshold because his taxable income
has been reduced by legally applicable credits and deductions-home
mortgage interest, dependent deductions, child-care credits,
charitable contributions-he will have to pay a higher, predetermined
rate of tax.  Because the AMT is not indexed for inflation, each year
it applies to Americans at lower and lower real income levels.   By
2010, almost one-third of American taxpayers (35 million people)
could see their taxes hiked by the AMT.  Only 2.7 million are
affected now.  The corporate AMT discourages investment in capital
equipment, thus reducing long-term economic growth.
*   Revenue: In 1999, the personal AMT yielded $6.5 billion (0.3%
of total revenue), a 29.2% increase over the previous year.
According to the Tax Foundation, in 1998, corporations paid $3.3
billion in AMT.
*   Reform efforts:  Rep. Phil English (R.-Pa.) has introduced HR
1233 to repeal both the personal and corporate AMTs.

4. Capital Gains Tax

Re: [CTRL] Knitting

2003-04-12 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 4/12/2003 12:54:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

While it seemed incomprehensible that muscular teenage men would beat
an elderly woman, the 68-year-old grandmother said, they did—and they
seemed to enjoy it.

The Israeli have become what they abhored.  They are what the Nazi were fifty years ago.  Of course they enjoy inflicting pain.  They have been trained that if anyone does what they do not like, they should hurt or kill them.  Won't it be a lovely place when they've finally killed off all the Palestinians.  Having learned to enjoy sadism, they will turn on their own.  What is that term?  Oh yes--Zion.  Uh huh!  Prudy
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Al-Saadi After Surrendering

2003-04-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

No Banned Arms In Iraq: Al-Saadi After Surrendering

"I tell you for history: we have nothing, not to defend the regime," Saadi
BAGHDAD, April 12
(IslamOnline.net & News Agencies) - Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's top
weapons advisor insisted while surrendering to U.S. troops here Saturday,
April 12, that he was ready for questioning because the ousted regime did
not have arms of mass destruction.

"I expect to be questioned, to be interrogated about the Iraqi armament
program," General Amer Al-Saadi, a rockets specialist and Saddam's chief
weapons advisor, told German ZDF public television, Agence France-Presse
(AFP) said.

Iraq Has No Banned Arms

"I tell you for history: we have nothing, not to defend the regime," said
Saadi, who was the chief interlocutor of U.S. disarmament experts,
referring to U.S.-British allegations that the Saddam regime still had
prohibited weapons.

Saadi told the station that he had remained in his Baghdad home even
after U.S.-led forces entered the Iraqi capital Wednesday, April 10, and
that he decided to give himself up because he felt "in no way guilty."

He accused the United States of attacking Iraq without reason.

The U.S. launched its war against Iraq without UN authorization and
without providing any evidence that Iraq possess any banned weapons.

Before the war, the general had been charged by Saddam with liaising with
the UN arms inspectors verifying Baghdad's assertion that it had no
program for weapons of mass destruction.

ZDF footage viewed in Baghdad showed Saadi wearing a mustard shirt and
black trousers while speaking with his German wife, Helma, his brother and
his nephew in the garden of his home in an undisclosed location in the

Then Saadi sat in the back seat of the ZDF van next to the journalist who
was interviewing him along the way.

Saadi was seen stepping down from the vehicle near a public bath on Abu
Nawas avenue which travels along the eastern bank of the Tigris river, on
the opposite side of the U.S.-controlled Republic Palace of Saddam

Saadi shook hands with the U.S. troops who told him that he could take
along his wife, but the weapons specialist insisted on going alone.

He kissed his wife on the cheek before sitting in the passenger seat of a
U.S. military truck that took off to an undisclosed location.

Saadi, an avid tennis player, was carrying only a small sports bag.

A ZDF statement said Saadi declared in an interview to be aired later
Saturday that he had no information on the whereabouts of Saddam, who
has not given sign of life since a U.S. air strike on a Baghdad building where
he was believed to have been present on Monday, April 7.

He also said that Iraq had no chemical or biological weapons.

The station said in the statement that Saadi wished to be accompanied by
a ZDF team when he gave himself up.

ZDF said Saadi appears on a list of 52 most wanted Iraqis released by the
U.S. Defense Department on Friday under the name "Amir Hamudi Hasan"
with the title of presidential scientific advisor.

The Defense Department's list takes the form of playing cards. Saadi, or
Hasan, is represented by the seven of diamonds.
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written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
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[CTRL] The Attack on Iraq from the Perspective of a Serbian Woman

2003-04-12 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Artel 
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Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2003 2:48 PM
Subject: ARTEL: The Attack on Iraq from the Perspective of a Serbian 

 www.artel.co.yu  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 12 April 2003

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The Attack on Iraq from the Perspective of 
a Serbian Woman

Spomenka Deretic (Journalist)Belgrade, 7. 
April 2003
Waiting for Death
The first victim of the Anglo-American attack on Iraq was the 
Iraqi Belgrader Adnan. That night, sitting on his couch, in his home, in one of 
Belgrade's suburbs, he was watching TV. The announcer suddenly, in an agitated 
voice, anounced the news that the Americans had begun attacking Iraq. Adnan 
could see the first rockets hitting Baghdad and the city's grandiose buildings 
being transformed into ruins. It was at that moment that Adnan's heart simply 
stopped beating. We will never know for sure what Adnan was thinking about at 
that moment. Was he thinking about the injured Iraqi children? Or his sister (an 
english professor)? Or of his familly home? Or the brutal destruction of a 
beautiful city and an old, civilized people? 
Adnan often told his Serbian wife and his friends in Serbia 
that oil was a curse for Iraqis, not a source of wealth. Adnan believed that oil 
attracted today's rapacious conquerors, just as once, the fertile lands of 
Babylon - regulated by intricate canal systems - attracted conquerors and 
plunderers. The night before the Anglo-American attack on Iraq, Adnan was 
speaking with his sister who was still in Baghdad. Adnan's sister (the english 
professor), was telling him that she no longer closed the gate to their father's 
house. "We Iraqis" she said " wait every morning for only one guest now - DEATH" 

The Ninth Crusade
The feudal rulers of Western and Central Europe led wars of 
conquest against the lands and peoples of the Middle East for a whole 
three-centuries (from the XIth to the XIVth). The Western and Central European 
political elite of the middle wages wanted, so they said, to "liberate" Christ's 
grave in Jerusalem from Muslim rule. This is why they called their soldiers 
Crusaders and the "liberators" of Christ's grave. But those Europeans were, in 
fact, really only a bunch of common criminals and thiefs. They were more 
attracted by the wealth of the Middle East and the desire to control the 
lucrative trade routes with the other Asian and African states of the era. The 
false "liberators" of Christ's grave even robbed and massacred the citizens of 
wealthy Constantinople, the main city of Byzantine Christiandom. 
The Eigth Crusade led by these thieving Crusaders was initiated 
by his "Holiness" Louis IX. The Ninth Crusade was called "Freedom for Iraqis" 
and was led by George Bush II. The goals of both Lois the IXth and Bush the IInd 
were identical: the conquest of other countries and the plunder of other 
people's wealth. In the Middle Ages the justification for the killing of other 
peoples and the destruction of other nations was the "liberation" of Christ's 
grave. Today the justification for the destruction and looting of Iraq is the 
battle against "terrorism." In fact, the real terrorism is the destruction of 
the valuable material remains of old civilizations. 
In Iraq, at the turn of the 20th century, the German 
archeologist Kohldevey (sp?) uncovered physical evidence that confirmed 
Herodotus' accounts of the highly-developed nature of Babylonian culture. The 
Anglo-American pilots who bombed Al-Qasr were also bombing some of the oldest 
monuments of ancient Babylon. Until this month, one could find strucures that 
were at least 4000 years old in the region, with the Gate of the Godess Istar, 
decorated in the richest ways, one of the key surviving monuments of this 
glorious history. It would seem that when the Americans and British break 
through this gate - representative of all human civilization - they will build 
in its place a monument to the Marines and to the all-mighty Barrel of Oil 
A Pyrrhic Victor for the Americans and the 
The Americans and the British expected that they would easily 
occupy Iraq. They were suprised by the heroic resistance of the Iraqi people. 
They became frustrated and angry that the Iraqis were defending themselves and 
their own land. Bush the IInd and Blair the Ist's soldiers and rockets 
unceasingly rained-down on Iraqi cities and the Iraqi people in direct 
proportion to the people's resistance. They bombed Iraqi TV, just as NATO had 
bombed the workers of TV Belgrade four years ago [killing 14]. 
The Americans and the British have killed in the past few weeks 
alone over a thousand Iraqi civilians. Iraqi children injured in this assault 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Liberation tastes like crow to anti-war crowd

2003-04-12 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


Liberation tastes like crow to anti-war crowd

Kathleen Parker

April 12, 2003

What was that whimpering sound?  Oh that.  It's just the "Yes, but"
crowd formerly known as the "anti-war pundits." Ignore them.

Saddam's statue had barely hit the ground in central Baghdad before
America's armchair doomsayers began harrumphing a new caveat in which to
couch this unseemly turn of events.  One might almost think they didn't
want Saddam to fall.

You couldn't help noticing the careful balance the antis tried to strike
between reluctant admission and preachy admonition.  The formula goes
something like this: "Yes, we defeated Iraq, BUT .  let's not get too
carried away, it ain't over yet."

No one exercised this template better - or more oddly - than New York
Times columnist Maureen Dowd.  Here are a couple of snippets from her
column the day Baghdad collapsed:

"Victory in Iraq will be a truly historic event, BUT (my emphasis) it
will be exceedingly weird and dangerous if this administration turns
America into Sparta."

And this: "There remains the unfinished business of Osama bin Laden.
BUT (my emphasis) the end of Operation Iraqi Freedom should not mark the
beginning of Operation Eternal War."

Hardly anything to argue with there.  But, Sparta?

Reading the myriad yes-butters, I keep free-associating to the final
scene of "Sleeping With the Enemy," after actress Julia Roberts has shot
her loathsome, raping, tyrannical husband.  The audience titters in
dread, hoping he's truly dead but suspecting a final terrifying lurch
from near-death to unleash a fatal blow.

Here's the connection: While those who supported the coalition assault
on Iraq really do hope Saddam is dead and cautiously celebrate the
demise of his regime, the anti-war gang, we suspect, is tittering
hopefully that he will yet spring again from near-death and make us
wrong after all.

Nah, no one really wants Saddam to return to power.  He was, to mimic
Dowd's vernacular, such a meanie-weanie.  Still, the Bush-bashers have
plenty of reason to wish for something less spectacular than a free and
happy Iraq festooned with flowers and sloppy with kisses for
trench-scented soldiers.  It's hard to admit you were flat wrong.

It's also hard to be humble when you're right, but guess who is both?
Guess who first cautioned against glibness, hubris, immodesty and
arrogance?  Those mean men Dowd can never bring herself to address as
adults: her Bushy, Rummy and Wolfie.  The lead players in this epochal
drama have spoken with the restraint and authority of grown-ups
undistracted by childish antics, either from the pacifist nursery or
from exuberant Iraqis tasting freedom, in some cases for the first
time.  "Let them rant" or "Let them loot," as the case may be, is an
attitude of tolerance born of higher sights.

The media are having a little more fun.  The conservative Media Research
Center, which monitors liberal slant in the media, quickly posted a
special "Gloat and Quote" edition, showcasing the predictions and news
analyses proved ridiculous by recent events.  Various bloggers and Web
sites, including National Review Online and Andrew Sullivan, did the
same, providing amusing anecdotes for dull parties.

Meanwhile, it's a good idea to stay focused, as Bush has urged without
the prompting of pundits.  There's hard work ahead, though Operation
Eternal War isn't likely part of the plan.  As in all wars, there are no
guarantees, no certainties, even though Dowd now asserts: "We were
always going to win the war with Iraq."

Who says girls can't keep secrets?  Here's what we really do know:
Coalition forces have gotten this far in "the game," as Iraq's U.N.
ambassador, Mohammed Aldouri, churlishly put it, through gritty
determination and the unflinching conviction that we were doing the
right thing.

Those who supported the war policy had no special sixth sense, no claim
to revelation or prescience.  Rather they possessed an unambiguous moral
clarity.  As journalist Christopher Hitchens put it during a television
interview - and I paraphrase wildly from memory - "There's just no way
that allowing Saddam to continue butchering innocents and potentially
threatening the rest of the world can be viewed as a morally superior

No doubt the antis and naysayers, who seem to favor any old status quo
to the frightening prospect of upheaval, will lurch again from
whimpering near-death to unleash new protestations.  Little matter.
They have proven themselves irrelevant to today's reality, which
includes a freed Iraqi people for whom the operative conjunctive phrase
isn't "Yes, but" but "Yes, and."

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[CTRL] Killing a child: 'I did what I had to do'

2003-04-12 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-


Killing a child: 'I did what I had to do'

April 8 2003, 12:49 PM

When a young Iraqi boy stooped to pick up a rocket propelled grenade off the body of a
dead paramilitary, US Army Private Nick Boggs made his decision.

He unloaded machinegun fire and the boy, whom he puts at about 10 years old, fell dead 
a garbage-strewn stretch of waste land at Karbala.

Boggs, a softly spoken 21-year-old former hunting guide from Alaska, says he knew when 
joined the army 18 months ago he might someday have to make a decision like that.

He hoped it would never come and, although he has no regrets about opening fire, it is
clear he'd rather it wasn't a child he killed.

"I did what I had to do. I don't have a big problem with it but anyone who shoots a
little kid has to feel something," he said after fierce weekend fighting in this 
Muslim holy city that left dozens of Iraqis and one American soldier dead.

As US troops take the Iraq war out of the desert and into the main cities, they are
increasingly seeing children in their line of fire.

Many are innocent civilians in the wrong place at the wrong time and military officers
concede that some may have been killed in artillery or mortar fire, or shot down by
soldiers whose judgment is impaired in the "fog of war".

But others are apparently being used as fighters or more often as scouts and weapons
collectors. US officers and soldiers say that turns them into legitimate targets.

"I think they're cowards," Boggs said of the parents or Fedayeen paramilitaries who 
out children to the battlefield.

"I think they thought we wouldn't shoot kids. But we showed them we don't care. We are
going to do what we have to do to stay alive and keep ourselves safe."

The boy he killed was with another child of around the same age when they reached for 
RPG and came under fire. Boggs thinks the second boy was also hit but other soldiers
think he escaped and that he dragged his friend's dead body away.

Boggs' platoon leader, Lieutenant Jason Davis, said the young soldier struggles with 
happened even if he had no choice but to shoot.

"Does it haunt him? Absolutely. It haunts me and I didn't even pull the trigger," he
said. "It blows my mind that they can put their children into that kind of situation."

Although Boggs plays down suggestions he was upset by the incident, he also says his 
of combat has changed since Saturday, when his platoon came under intense RPG and rifle
fire from the moment they entered Karbala until way after nightfall.

Before - like many young soldiers - he says he was anxious to get his first "kill" in a
war. Now, he seems more mature.

"It's not about killing people. It's about accomplishing a mission ... When we talk, we
don't say how scared we were. But we found out how you feel when an RPG hits the wall
just up from you and you think 'Damn, I could have been right there'," he said.

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Re: [CTRL] Repeal of 22nd Amendment (It's for real)

2003-04-12 Thread Awntie
-Caveat Lector-

Search carefully there are two

  - Original Message - 
  Jim Rarey 
  Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2003 1:25 
  Subject: [CTRL] Repeal of 22nd Amendment 
  (It's for real)
  -Caveat Lector- 

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  Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal 
  the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the 
  number of terms an individual... (Introduced in House)
  HJRES 11 IH 
  108th CONGRESS
  1st Session
  H. J. RES. 11
  Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to 
  repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation 
  on the number of terms an individual may serve as President. 
  January 7, 2003
  Mr. SERRANO introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred 
  to the Committee on the Judiciary 

  Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to 
  repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation 
  on the number of terms an individual may serve as President. 
  Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United 
States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring 
therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the 
Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and 
purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of 
three-fourths of the several States within seven years after the date of its 
submission for ratification:
  `The twenty-second article of amendment to the Constitution of the 
United States is hereby repealed.'.
  www.ctrl.org DECLARATION 
  & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange 
  list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not 
  soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its 
  many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by 
  different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum 
  of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity 
  of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives 
  no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply. 
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2003-04-12 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

 "I want my administration to be remembered for
  making America a more literate country and a
  hopefuller country."
 -G.W. Bush

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2003-04-12 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

   "Evil doers can imitate nice folks in clever ways.
They misunderestimated me."
  -G.W. Bush

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2003-04-12 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

   "I have learned from mistakes I may or may not
have made."
  -G.W. Bush

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2003-04-12 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

 "I think we agree, the past is over."
 -G.W. Bush

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Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more

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[CTRL] Repeal of 22nd Amendment

2003-04-12 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

This is the Representative who introduced the bill to repeal the 22nd 


  Text Only 

  BiographyMay 2002
  Rep. José E. Serrano (D-NY), Ranking Democrat on the Subcommittee on 
  Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary of the exclusive and powerful 
  House Appropriations Committee, represents the Sixteenth Congressional 
  District in the Bronx. This year, Serrano, who also serves in the 
  influential House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, 
  celebrates his 28th year in the public service. Serrano has been in 
  Congress for seven terms. 
  Congressman Serrano was born in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico on October 24, 
  1943, but when he was seven years-old his family moved to the South Bronx, 
  where he attended public schools and completed courses at Lehman College, 
  City University of New York. The most senior member of the three stateside 
  Puerto Ricans in Congress, he served in the 172nd Support Battalion, Fort 
  Wainright, Alaska, in the U.S. Army Medical Corps. 
  Before being elected to the United States Congress, Serrano had a 
  distinguished sixteen year career in the New York State Assembly, 
  including six years as chairman of the Education Committee. He was elected 
  to the State Assembly in 1974, and was re-elected and continued to 
  represent the same Bronx communities until his election to the U.S. 
  In 1983, Serrano was appointed Chairman of the Assembly's Committee on 
  Education. He authored legislation that doubled state funding for 
  bilingual education programs in 125 languages and provided $50 million in 
  funding for New York City to combat school drop-out crisis. Working to 
  better the future of children has been very satisfying for Serrano. 
  Elected by an overwhelming majority to represent New York's 18th 
  Congressional District by a special ballot, Serrano was sworn in as a 
  member of the U.S. House of Representatives in March 1990. Serrano was 
  re-elected to serve a full term in November 1990. In 1992 he was reelected 
  to represent the newly drawn 16th Congressional District as well as in 
  1994, 1996, 1998 and again in 2000 each time receiving wide margins of 
  The first bill of which Serrano was a prime sponsor (P.L. 101 600) 
  provides funding for successful school drop out prevention programs. It 
  was signed into law by President George H. W. Bush on November 16, 1990. 
  His most recent legislative proposal enacted into law (H.R. 2897) followed 
  the September 11th terrorists attacks on New York City and Washington, 
  D.C. This bill was incorporated into a larger bill and signed into law at 
  the end of 2001. It granted posthumous citizenship to non-citizens who 
  died as a result of the September 11th attacks and who had already started 
  the petition process to become U.S. citizens. 
  During his time in Congress, Serrano has co-sponsored a number of major 
  bills including the Civil Rights Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, 
  the Higher Education Act, the Brady gun control bill, and the César Chávez 
  Workplace Fairness Act. 
  During the 102nd Congress, Serrano sponsored the Voting Rights 
  Improvement Act, mandating bilingual registration and voting, and the 
  Classroom Safety Act, to provide funds for programs to discourage violence 
  and protect students and teachers. Through his first full term, 
  Congressman Serrano served on the Committee on Education and Labor and the 
  Committee on Small Business. 
  In 1992, Serrano was appointed to the prestigious Appropriations 
  Committee, an exclusive committee -because Members serve solely on that 
  committee- responsible for approving the expenditure of federal funds and 
  for applying fiscal discipline to the federal budget process. 
  Serrano served then on the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human 
  Services and Education, and on the Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, and 
  on Subcommittees on the Legislative Branch and on Agriculture. 
  Congressman Serrano was instrumental in the allocation of $7.5 billion 
  for child nutrition programs and $28 billion for food stamps, $3.3 billion 
  for Head Start, $543.2 million for AIDS prevention and $111.5 million for 
  tuberculosis control grants. 
  In addition, in 1992, Serrano was elected by his colleagues to serve a 
  two-year term as Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and chaired 
  its administrative branch, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. 
  Continuing as a member of the Hispanic Caucus, Congressman Serrano now 
  serves on the Civil Rights and Census Task Force. During the 107th 
  Congress, he has led th

[CTRL] Repeal of 22nd Amendment (It's for real)

2003-04-12 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-


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Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the
twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the
number of terms an individual... (Introduced in House)


1st Session

H. J. RES. 11
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to
repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation
on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.


January 7, 2003
Mr. SERRANO introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred to
the Committee on the Judiciary

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to
repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation
on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United
  States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring
  therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the
  Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and
  purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of
  three-fourths of the several States within seven years after the date of its
  submission for ratification:


`The twenty-second article of amendment to the Constitution of the United
  States is hereby repealed.'.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2003-04-12 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

 "The war in Iraq is really about peace"
 -President G.W. Bush
 Bethesda Navy Hospital April 11, 2003

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Vacuum Waiting to be filled

2003-04-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

10.04.2003 - 17:44 CET

Kirkuk falls to Kurds, Turkey mobilised

The fall of Saddam Hussein has left a power vacuum in the oil-rich city of
Kirkuk (Photo: Jan Oberg)
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Following the fall of the northern Iraqi city of
Kirkuk into Kurdish hands, Turkey has announced it will send military
observers into the city, and has restated that they will send in troops if

Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gül said, after talks with his US
counterpart Colin Powell on Thursday, that Turkey had reminded the US of
their promise that Kurdish forces would not control oil-rich Kirkuk after
the fall of Saddam Hussein.

Mr Gül also announced that Turkey would send military observers into the
city to ensure that Kurdish Peshmerga (allied to the Patriotic Union of
Kurdistan) withdraw from the city.

The Peshmerga entered the city early on Thursday "with some US special
forces" a spokesperson for the PUK said.

Reports indicate that only a handful of US forces are actually in the city,
wrong-footed by the Kurdish forces who entered the city sooner than
expected and not in synchronisation with coalition forces, as had been

However one US official told the EUobserver that Turkey has been
reassured that "US forces are in control."

In a sign of how potentially explosive the situation is, Washington is backing
limited Turkish involvement but are anxious to play-down military

"We would be happy to have liaison officers accompany some of our units
in the interest of transparency" said one US diplomat.

It is not clear yet how many observers will be involved or what their role
will be. Both the US and Turkey now find themselves in an extremely
difficult situation.

Ankara fears a Kurdish controlled Kirkuk would fuel Kurdish aspirations to
statehood and could potentially envelope the whole of South East Turkey,
also a Kurdish area.

Turkey's aspirations to enter the European Union hinge on fulfilling a
number of political criteria one of which is having good relations with
neighbouring countries.

A number of EU member states, most notably Belgium, have warned that
Turkish accession to the Union would be "unthinkable" if Turkish forces
were to enter northern Iraq.

The European Union has repeatedly emphasised the need for all countries
in the region to respect Iraq's territorial integrity.

The US also has to play its hand carefully stopping Turkey acting
unilaterally which could lead to clashes between Kurds and Turks, creating
a war within a war.

But Washington also needs to keep the Kurdish groups on board as they
will be a helpful ally in future battles in the north of Iraq and in helping set
up an interim administration.

Kurds make up approximately 20% of Iraq's population.

Press Articles  Boston Globe  Washington Post  Le Monde  El Mundo
Gazeta Wyborcza  RTP  Ha'aretz  BBC

Written by Andrew Beatty
Edited by Honor Mahony
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] The Prize for Blocking American Armies

2003-04-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

 12 April 2003

Exclusive interview with the deputy prime minister  and foreign
Turkey says EU membership process is on its way
ITC calls for U.S.-Turkish committee to investigate Kirkuk events
UN council deadlocks on Cyprus peace initiative
Turkey reviews military readiness for possible operation
Turcomans take to streets in Ankara and Istanbul

Exclusive interview with the deputy prime minister and foreign minister

Gul: Don't test Turkey's northern Iraq resolve

The foreign minister stresses that Turkey explained to U.S. and Iraqi Kurds
in 'clear terms' its concerns in northern Iraq and made clear that it would
take any required action if pledges made to Ankara were not abided with

Yusuf Kanli & Ilnur Cevik

Turkey has strongly warned the United States and Iraqi Kurdish factions
Friday that Ankara's northern Iraq resolve should not be tested.

In an exclusive interview with the Turkish Daily News, Foreign Minister and
Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Gul stressed that Turkey was not yet
satisfied with the actions taken by the United States following the
occupation of Kirkuk by Iraqi Kurds in contravention to previous pledges
made to Ankara.

Gul said Turkey understands that because of the uncertainty brought
about with the war, some developments may evolve out of control, but
warned that "If these out of control developments could not be corrected
or there is a disability to correct these, then we would not hesitate to
undertake whatever we are required to do. Everyone knows this. The
world knows this. And the people in northern Iraq know this better than
anyone else."

The foreign minister said Turkey was not a country which could be tested
with fait accompli. "No one can stage a fait accompli for a country like
Turkey. Everyone must know this. Everyone who might have the intention
of making some gains by staging a fait accompli must know that no fait
accompli may be staged against Turkey. Turkey shall definitely not allow
such things," he said.

Upset with the occupation of Kirkuk by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
peshmergas, Gul said Turkey was now following the developments and will
"look at the end result."

The PUK peshmergas were withdrawn from Kirkuk Friday but the news of
the withdrawal coincided with reports Mousul was captured and a large
group of peshmergas, together with a small contingent of U.S. troops,
entered the city.

Turkey has told the United States and Iraqi Kurds in talks over the past
several months that if the cities were occupied by the peshmergas and if
civilian movements towards the cities in a manner that could change the
demographic situation was allowed, it would not hesitate from sending its
troops into northern Iraq.

Gul, talking with the TDN moments before he attended a key policy-making
meeting with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Chief of General
Staff Gen. Hilmi Ozkok on northern Iraq situation, did not rule out a
possible incursion of the Turkish army into northern Iraq.

"We will look whether there is compliance with the pledges made to
Turkey or a fait accompli is wanted to be implemented within a span of
time. For sure, we have plans and programs ready for any eventuality.
These are issues unfolding on a daily and momentary basis. We are closely
following the developments and let everybody know that when it is
required we shall definitely not hesitate from taking any required decision.
Right from the beginning we have said Inshallah, there won't be a need for
such a decision and to take such a step, but if and when such a need
arises, the moment we see the pledges and assurances made to Turkey
were not serving any purpose, we shall evaluate the evolvement of the
developments and won't hesitate from taking the appropriate decisions
accordingly. There is no question on this," he said.

Gul warned that withdrawal of peshmergas from the cities won't be
enough, and underlined that any move aimed at changing the demography
of the cities, would be unwelcome.

"It is out of the question for Turkey to accept any planned move in the
region aimed at changing the demography of the area. Everything must
evolve in its natural course. An attempt to benefit from the atmosphere of
disorder and confusion and to change the demography of the area with
armed or unarmed population movements. We have said that we won't
allow such moves and we are determined not to allow such moves.
Everyone must know this. We shall not accept such moves with ulterior
motives designed to serve some future aims," he warned.

Gul also denied claims that the government has left some key decisions to
the military. He said the political will was with the government and all
through the Iraq war process, the military respected government decisions
without any hesitation.

"The political will is with the government. All institutions of the Turkish
state are abiding without any hesitation with the political will express

[CTRL] [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Regime Change Playing Cards (fwd)

2003-04-12 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 11:15:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Regime Change Playing Cards

You were right about the dangerous precedent of "regime change" by force
as foreign policy.

Wonder when the Troglydytes of Afghanistan will issue THEIR decks of
regime change playing cards.

CBC's Passionate Eye estimated that a suitcase nuke could sell for about
$10,000,000. Even Trogs often have that kind of money.


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[CTRL] A Rose by any other name ... Robbins ... Sarandon

2003-04-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

BUZZFLASH REPORT Saturday April 12, 2003 at 1:10:12 PM

Buzzflash Unearths National Baseball Hall Of Fame News Release
Announcing Ari Fleischer Lecture

Anti-Democracy Republican Operative Who Barred Sarandon And Robbins
>From Baseball Hall of Fame Welcomed Ari Fleischer To Speak at Hall
Lecture Series.

April 12, 2003


Hundreds and hundreds of BuzzFlash.Com readers have inundated the
venerable Baseball Hall of Fame with letters, calls and e-mails protesting
the cancellation of an event honoring the legendary film "Bull Durham."

The celebration -- featuring stars Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins and Robert
Wuhl -- was abruptly deep-sixed by Dale Petroskey, a former White House
assistant press secretary under Ronald Reagan and obvious Karl Rove

Petroskey wrote to Sarandon and Robbins to lambaste their political views:

"In a free country such as ours, every American has the right to his or her

opinions, and to express them. Public figures, such as you, have platforms
much larger than the average American's, which provides you an
extraordinary opportunity to have your views heard -- and an equally large
obligation to act and speak responsibly"

"We believe your very public criticism of President Bush at this important --
and sensitive -- time in our nation's history helps undermine the U.S.
position, which ultimately could put our troops in even more danger. As an
institution, we stand behind our President and our troops in this conflict."

Not that it matters because the Baseball Hall of Fame should not be in the
business of censoring political viewpoints, but Petroskey never -- even by
his own admission after the fact -- asked Sarandon and Robbins if they
would agree to keep politics out of the celebration. So, it was a White
House/Hall of Fame set-up from the get-go.

BuzzFlash has learned that Petroskey hasn't always been so concerned
about politics entering into the Hall of Fame's official programming. In fact,
BuzzFlash.Com has unearthed a January 17th, 2002, Cooperstown Hall of
Fame news release in which Petroskey announces the appearance of Ari
Fleischer -- Yes, that Ari Fleischer -- at a National Baseball Hall of Fame
lecture series on February 2 of last year.

In the news release, Petroskey glowingly praises Fleischer and details his
political accomplishments. Petroskey writes that he is "thrilled" to
welcome Fleischer for his Cooperstown lecture. Most significantly,
Petroskey boasts that audience members will "hear his [Fleischer's]
perspective on life in the White House and the current political scene
which of course includes the war on terrorism." So much for keeping
politics out and the war on terrorism out of the National Baseball Hall of

Here is Petroskey's remarks about Fleischer in the January 17, 2002, news

The Cooperstown Winter Cultural Series opens on Saturday, February 2 in
the Louis

C. Jones Center at The Farmers’ Museum with President Bush’s Press
Secretary Ari Fleischer. As White House Press Secretary, Mr. Fleischer is
the primary spokesperson for the President and delivers the daily White
House briefing. He previously served as the Senior Communications Advisor
and Spokesman for the Bush-Cheney presidential campaign.

Prior to joining Governor Bush’s campaign, Mr. Fleischer was the national
spokesman and Communications Director for Elizabeth Dole’s presidential
Mr. Fleischer was hired by the House Committee on Ways and Means after
Republicans took control of the Congress in November 1994. As
Communications Director there, Mr. Fleischer was the House of
Representative’s principal staff spokesman on issues relating to taxes,
Medicare, Social Security, welfare and international trade.

“In his first year Ari Fleischer has had a more demanding job than any
White House Press Secretary in history” said Hall of Fame President Dale
Petroskey. “He has managed to be a candid spokesman for the President
while clearly and simply articulating the Bush Administration’s goals, both
foreign and domestic. We are thrilled to welcome him to Cooperstown and
hear his perspective on life in the White House and the current political
scene which of course includes the war on terrorism.”

(See http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/whats_new/press_releases/2002/

The Bush Cartel literally owns the White House, Congress, most of the
Federal Judiciary, most of the mainstream media. Now, we learn that they
also own the politics of the National Baseball Hall of Fame.

Say it ain't so Joe, Say it ain't so!


BuzzFlash Note: Petroskey, in a typical Republican non-apology, tried to
weasel his way out of his un-American, politically biased action in
canceling the April 26-27 Bull Durham festivities. Keep inundating Petroskey
with letters, e-mail and pho