[CTRL] Fw: [anti-imperialiste] Global War Looms?

2003-07-02 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 10:27 PM
Subject: [anti-imperialiste] Global War Looms?

> Global War Looms?
> 02.07.2003 [01:33]
>  Two weeks ago, a prince of the Kuwaiti Royal family received a phone call
from an aide to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld asking if the complex
was available. The prince already suspected it was needed for one of those
secret meetings, which Washington has taken to holding in the Gulf.
> The next day a Hercules transport landed at Kuwait's international
airport. From it emerged a group of pale-faced, middle-aged men in drill
shirts and chinos. They carried laptops and bulky briefcases.
> To a casual observer they were just another delegation from Washington
involved in post-war Iraq. But these men were the forward planners for the
next war-the one against Iran.
> Within an hour of installing themselves in their palatial
surroundings-securely guarded by U.S. forces-they had unloaded their maps of
Iran, downloaded their computer images of its terrain and set about planning
"Target Iran."
> Secure communications lines had been established and tested with
Washington. One was to the CIA, another to the Pentagon. Down those lines
and on to their secure computers, the Kuwaiti task force would receive the
latest intelligence from inside Iran.
> Some of that intel would come from Israel-from Mossad deep cover agents in
> They will ensure that "Target Iran" being planned in that royal complex
would lack nothing in information. The men based there are a Pentagon think
tank for the next war.
> They are some of the "neo-cons"-a new breed of "conservative"
intellectuals who are determined to steer the Bush administration toward an
even more aggressive, go-it-alone posture. They are headed in Washington by
the hard-liner, John Bolton, the under-secretary of state for arms control.
> The day the "neo-cons" landed in Kuwait, Bolton, a political mirror image
of Rumsfeld, had issued a new warning about a supposed nuclear threat posed
by Iran.
> Bolton did so in a speech to the annual conference of the American Israel
Public Affairs Committee in Washington. His theme was the nuclear dangers
"this administration intends to confront once the war with Iraq is over."
> He concluded: "In the aftermath of Saddam, dealing with the Iranian
nuclear weapons program will be of equal importance to dealing with the
threat that North Korea continues to pose."
> His powerful audience-many of them key lobbyists for Israel on Capitol
Hill-gave him a standing ovation. This was what they had come to hear. After
> They knew that Bolton, a grey-suited saturnine man with a colorless
speaking style, was there as the front man for other powerful men in the
Bush administration. They include Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz
and Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith. They are the most
senior Pentagon officials after Rumsfeld.
> Other members of this group include Lewis Libby, chief of staff to Vice
President Dick Cheney and Elliot Abrams, in charge of Middle East policy at
the National Security Council. All are key supporters of Israel. They also
form the very core of advocacy for Bush's "muscular democracy." This is
dedicated to attacking America's "enemies" head on.
> Former CIA Director James Woolsey, in a recent speech in Los Angeles,
said: "The Iraq campaign is really just the start of the Third World War and
one that may well last for decades."
> The neo-cons in their Kuwait redoubt had brought with them to the hot
desert sands a list of targets. They included Pakistan, Libya, Saudi Arabia,
Burma, Cuba, North Korea and eventually China.
> In their briefcases was a copy of what has become their leitmotif: the
briefing paper CIA Director George Tenet prepared for Bush on overall global
> "By 2015 China will have deployed many missiles with nuclear warheads
targeted against the United States, mostly more-survivable land and sea
mobile missiles," states the paper.
> To prepare for the attack on Iran-expected in early 2004, less than a year
from now-the team of analysts, logisticians and support specialists gathered
in the Kuwait holiday complex. They have been ordered to get their plans for
an assault on Iran up and running.
> "Target Iran" will follow the same ruthless, all-consuming path as the
destruction of the Saddam regime.
> Already, in the plans to rebuild Iraq, the Pentagon has earmarked Saddam's
military airfields for its use against Iran.
> U.S. bases in Afghanistan will provide the most powerful air force in the
world with the ability to launch a pincer air attack.
> This will be supported by U.S. carriers and missile-launching battleships
in the Gulf.
> Turkey will be dragooned into allowing its air space to be used for
northern air attacks.
> The neo-cons estimate that Iran can, in the wo

[CTRL] latest issue of SMART newsletter

2003-07-02 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
The latest issue of SMART is now out at


This issue includes information on Gardner (PAS), Loftus (FMS), The Friedmans, Toulouse, Pedophile rings, Clergy abuse, E-weapons and of course ritual abuse and mind control.

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[CTRL] child prostitutes, sex rings, Jehovah's/abuse, cameras, toxin tests, UK/rape

2003-07-02 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

from mparent
UN ship 'carried child prostitutes' From correspondents in the United Nations 7/1/03 "The United Nations is investigating a report that a ship chartered for peacekeepers in East Timor is also being used to bring child prostitutes to the island nation, the organisation said today. The allegations surfaced over the weekend in the Portuguese weekly Expresso. The Expresso report said UN personnel were involved in bringing girls from Thailand to East Timor as prostitutes." http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,6682018%255E401,00.html

Articles on alleged world sex rings http://www.prisonplanet.com/archives_un_prostitution.html

from L Moss Sharman Judge awards woman $5K in civil suit against Jehovah's Witnesses Mike Oliveira Canadian Press 6/30/03 Toronto (CP) - "A woman who accused the Canadian wing of the Jehovah's Witnesses of negligence over their handling of allegations of sexual abuse has received $5,000 in damages." http://www.canada.com/news/story.asp?id=D3F1EE71-8336-47A3-91BC-89617AF4F827

U.S. Develops Urban Surveillance System
U.S. Develops System to Track Vehicles in Foreign Cities; Project Raises Privacy Concerns at Home The Associated Press  WASHINGTON July 1 — The Pentagon is developing an urban surveillance system that would use computers and thousands of cameras to track, record and analyze the movement of every vehicle in a foreign city.

Zero Tolerance for Teens By Kari Lydersen, AlterNet July 1, 2003
High school students interviewed across the country are saying the same thing: "They're making schools like prisons." And it's not hard to see their point. Most U.S. high school students will have to walk by numerous hidden security cameras, outdoors and indoors, and go through an institutional-size metal detector manned by guards just to get into school each morning. Once there, students are subject to random searches of their bodies and belongings. Lockers can be searched without warning with or without the student present, and in many places police will use drug-sniffing dogs during raids where they search lockers and even students' parked cars. 

TechTV  Student Surveillance By Lawrence Sanfilippo 
School safety is another big concern, but swifter measures have been undertaken thanks to the fear and shock generated by Columbine. The use of surveillance cameras is rapidly growing in popularity, but do they infringe on the rights of the students they are supposed to protect? 

Kenyan women granted legal aid to sue MoD  Staff and agencies Wednesday July 2, 2003  A group of 650 Kenyan women who claim they were raped by British soldiers have won legal aid to sue the Ministry of Defence in a UK court.

U.S. Releases Final Reports on Cold War Toxin Tests By Thom Shanker Washington 6/30/03 "The Pentagon made public today a final set of reports on a cold war program that tested the vulnerability of American forces to unconventional attack, having identified 5,842 people who may have been exposed to chemical or biological agents." http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/01/national/01TOXI.html   

British troops try out 'James Bond' style X-ray specs  Kevin Hurley  7/29/03  "British troops have been carrying out secret tests on a revolutionary new device that allows them to `see' through walls, scientists have revealed.It transmits low-frequency radar pulses that can pass through the walls and detect objects and movements.  The machine's antenna sensors can pick up enough information to create sharp views on a screen of what is happening inside a room. The equipment can see through walls up to nearly a foot thick and the device is being engineered to have a 75ft range." http://www.news.scotsman.com/scitech.cfm?id=709772003
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[CTRL] One Republican Against Bush

2003-07-02 Thread sky watcher
-Caveat Lector-

Published on Monday, June 30, 2003 by the San Mateo County Times (California) 

One Republican Against Bush 

by Amelia Hansen


SAN MATEO -- The keynote speaker at Sunday's 2003 Peninsula Symposium and Benefit for Peace, Justice and Human Rights railed against President Bush and left the audience with a straightforward message for the 2004 presidential election: "Remember the A-B-C's -- Anything but Bush and Cheney." The message was met with unsurprising enthusiasm from the crowd. But the speaker himself had a bit of a surprising background: Scott Ritter, former U.N. chief weapons inspector, is a self-professed conservative Republican who admitted to the audience he voted for Bush three years ago.
Since then, Ritter said, Bush has lied to the American public about the true situation in Iraq, particularly in regard to the weapons of mass destruction, which American forces, to date, have failed to locate.
"I leave the door open that they still may find something," Ritter said to the group of 100 or so people gathered in the darkened auditorium at the San Mateo Performing Arts Center on Sunday. "But even if anything is found, it won't be anywhere near what they said it was -- thousands of tons of biological weapons."
Ritter's new book, "Frontier Justice: Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Bushwhacking of America," published by Context Books, is due out next week.
A 12-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and an intelligence officer who served as a central weapons inspector between 1991 and 1998, Ritter said if no weapons are found, Bush's decision to wage war on Iraq should be condemned -- whether he lied or made an honest mistake.
"If Iraq is in possession of weapons of mass destruction, they are in violation of international law," Ritter said. "If they aren't, then we are in violation of international law."
Ritter resigned from the U.N.'s special commission in charge of inspections -- UNSCOM -- in 1998, citing interference from the U.N. Security Council as well as members of the Clinton administration.
Ritter, who now lives in Albany, N.Y., flew out at the invitation of the Peninsula-based lobby "The 100 Year March" to speak on Iraq, as well as his beliefs on the importance of active citizenship and of fighting for constitutional rights.
At Sunday's event -- which featured speakers from other peace and human-rights groups, including the NAACP and Peace Action of San Mateo County -- Ritter urged members of the audience to use the upcoming Fourth of July celebration as an occasion to think about what it truly means to be an American citizen.
"Are you citizens or something else?" he asked, gesturing to the audience. "If you are consumers, you will wrap yourself in comfort, do what you can to not rock the boat. If you are citizens, you will interest yourselves in forming a community, preserving the Constitution."
After his speech, Ritter met activists and peace lobbyists, some wearing colorful hats and beaded jewelry, who waited to thank him for his words.
Ritter, wearing a gray suit, bright blue shirt, and yellow tie, sat near a table with John Kerry election posters. He acknowledged if someone had told him three years ago he would be speaking at a peace symposium attended largely by left-wing liberals, he wouldn't have believed it.
"In college I was a Reagan Republican," Ritter said. "I thought it was the government's responsibility to serve the people."
Ritter stated he's still a conservative Republican, but in his estimation, the current government has stopped serving the people.
"I may even vote for that guy," Ritter said smiling and pointing to the John Kerry signs.
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Re: [CTRL] Bush invites MORE Violence Against Our Troops

2003-07-02 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 7/2/2003 5:30:20 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So what's the best solution?  Bring your boys home. or keep stealing oil and denying Iraqi's a "2nd amendment" while the Idiot-in-Chief keeps his mouth shut?

Best case scenario is to bring them home tonight and to do the same with our men in Afghanistan and to forget right off the bat the screwy idea of sending troops to Liberia. Being the global supercop only ensures that more of our soldiers will be killed needlessly and that America will be the target of more and more attacks from an angered world. Clearly that's what he and his neocon handlers desire.


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Re: [CTRL] Bush invites MORE Violence Against Our Troops

2003-07-02 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

Our Fearless Leader, who ran away on 9/11 and ducked
his duty and went AWOL during Vietnam, now shakes his
fist at the militants in Iraq.
It's easy to be "brave" when your foxhole
is the Whitehouse.

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SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Bush invites MORE Violence Against Our Troops

2003-07-02 Thread Mike Smith
-Caveat Lector-

So what's the best
solution?  Bring your boys home. or keep stealing oil and denying
Iraqi's a "2nd amendment" while the Idiot-in-Chief keeps his mouth
shut?...this whole cowboy act is getting old and is KILLING
our troops. What a nitwit.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Bush invites MORE Violence Against Our Troops

2003-07-02 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

...this whole cowboy act is getting old and is KILLING our troops. What a nitwit. 

'Bring Them On,' Bush Says to Iraq Attacks 

Wednesday, July 2, 2003; 11:33 AM 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush on Wednesday challenged militants who have been killing and injuring U.S. forces in Iraq, saying "bring them on" because American forces were tough enough to deal with their attacks.

"There are some who feel like that conditions are such that they can attack us there," Bush told reporters at the White House. "My answer is bring them on. We have the force necessary to deal with the situation." 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Now The Nut-Jobs Are Boycotting The BBC??

2003-07-02 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Boycotting BBC  

Monday, June 30 2003 @ 06:26 PM GMT
"Israel has consistently refused to sign the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, an agreement aimed at stopping the spread of nuclear weapons, because it objects to international inspections .." 


Media reports announced that the Israeli government will impose sanctions on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) after a documentary aired this weekend revealing Israel’s possession of nuclear weapons. 

The program, entitled “Israel’s Secret Weapon,” is part of the “Correspondent” series and highlighted experts as saying Israel has ``the world's sixth largest nuclear arsenal with small tactical nuclear weapons ... as well as medium-range nuclear missiles launchable from air, land or sea.'' It also said that Israel has undeclared biological and chemical capabilities and has used an unknown gas against Palestinians in Gaza two years ago that sent hundreds of people to the hospital with severe convulsions. 

The Jerusalem Post, an Israeli newspaper, reported Sunday that the Government Press Office intends to impose visa restrictions on BBC staff, to refuse to make officials available for BBC interviews or to help BBC journalists facing problems with army roadblocks and airport security inspections. 

BBC spokeswoman Kate Atkins said they have not been officially informed of any pending Israeli restrictions. 

“We stand by the Correspondent program and regret any response the Israeli government might make,” Atkins told the Associated Press. 

Israel has consistently refused to sign the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, an agreement aimed at stopping the spread of nuclear weapons, because it objects to international inspections. But it is widely assumed that the country possess nuclear weapons. The government’s public policy is purposefully vague on the subject. 

The program also highlighted the story of Mordechai Vanunu, a former technician at Israel’s Dimona nuclear plant, who in 1986 gave pictures of what appeared to be nuclear weapons at the plant to a London newspaper. He fled to England after “blowing the whistle” on the government but was kidnapped and brought back to the country for trial. He is currently serving an 18-year term for treason and espionage. 

The BBC said it firmly stands by the program, even after Government Press Office chief Daniel Seaman accused the broadcaster of being anti-Semitic.   

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] US Pumping Iraqi Oil To Kuwait???

2003-07-02 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Palm Bay man has eye for detail 
By Billy Cox 

On May 25, while scanning the Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program images pipelined into his desktop from 450 miles in orbit, Hank Brandli skidded at a nighttime photo of Iraq. It looked familiar. But not exactly. 

Brandli retrieved another DMSP image he'd archived from May 3. He compared the two. The most recent photo showed a blazing corridor of light running the length of Kuwait, south to north, all the way to the Iraqi border. The image wasn't there on May 3. 

"It's going right up to Iraq's oil fields," says the retired Air Force colonel from his home in Palm Bay. "Maybe I'm full of s---. Maybe all they're doing is building a highway to put in McDonald's and sell hamburgers. But why go that way? I think we're in bed with Kuwait. I think we're pumping oil out of Iraq to pay for this war." 

That's an audacious observation. Especially considering those labyrinthine lines of exasperated motorists waiting to gas up at the fuel pumps in Baghdad. Not to mention the fact that Iraq's infrastructure officially won't be capable of exporting oil for another week or so. 

But as the May-June issue of Weatherwise magazine makes clear, Brandli isn't a conspiracy zealot squinting for guppies in the fig trees. An article titled "Weathering History" profiles the Vietnam veteran as a pioneer in satellite meteorology who was unable to discuss much of his defense work until 1995. That's the year President Clinton declassified vaults of Cold War satellite images. 

Now 63, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology alumnus isn't allowing multiple sclerosis to derail his passion for eye-in-the-sky technology. Three times a day, he checks his the latest unclassified downloads from American and Russian weather satellites filtering into his home-wired receivers. He found last month's DMSP nocturnal shots over Baghdad especially compelling. 

"You look for patterns. Patterns tell you things," says Brandli, who has masters degrees in meteorology, aeronautics and astronautics, and the author of "Satellite Meteorology" for the Air Force's Air Weather Service in 1976. "With night photos, you can distinguish natural gas burnoff, which looks globular, from city lights. And suddenly, over just a few weeks, we've got this straight line of lights leading all the way to those beautiful wells in southeastern Iraq. 

"If you're building pipelines, you've got to have power, you've got to have light -- trucks and personnel and food and all sorts of support. If I had to bet, I'd say it looks like we're running Iraqi oil through Kuwait. It would make sense, because Kuwait's got its infrastructure intact." 

At the State Department in Washington, D.C., David Staples on the Future of Iraqi Projects desk says he doesn't know if Iraq's oil is flowing into Kuwait. He referred the query to the Defense Department. A DoD spokesman suggested contacting the Office of Coalition of Provisional Authority (OCPA) in Baghdad. OCPA was not immediately available for comment. 

In Indialantic, retired Air Force Col. Hyko Gayikian isn't sure what to make of Brandli's speculation. He wonders if maybe Kuwait's lights were pre-existing features that were temporarily shut down during the war. (Brandli says no, that he checked other photos prior to the March war campaign and could find no such lights.) 

Either way, Gayikian has nothing but praise for Brandli's abilities. He was Brandli's commander at the Southeast Asia Tactical Forecast Center's intelligence compound in South Vietnam beginning in 1966. "Hank is one of the most knowledgeable people in satellite meteorology I've ever known," Gayikian says. "He's a real pro, and he's stuck with it. He'll always call to tell me about unusual satellite pictures he's just gotten his hands on." 

As the Weatherwise article makes clear, Brandli's judgment was a valued Pentagon asset during the Vietnam era. But the clandestine nature of his work often thrust him into thorny dilemmas, none more profound than the Apollo 11 splashdown in 1969. 

Four days before America's first moon walkers were scheduled to return to Earth, weather photos from classified DMSP spy technology -- far more advanced than NASA's resources -- indicated the astronauts' designated Pacific landing zone would be under siege from "screaming eagles." Screaming eagles are thunderheads peaking out at 50,000 feet; full blown, they could produce winds capable of shredding the Apollo capsule's parachutes and killing the crew. 

Under strict orders to share his photos with no one without "Special Access" badges, Brandli, then a meteorologist at Hickam Air Force Base in Hawaii, felt there was no time to work through the tedious chain of bureaucracy. So he briefed Fleet Weather Central commander Capt. Sam Houston in a parking lot, took him into the vault and showed him the screaming eagle photos. 

Unable t

[CTRL] Traces Of Poison - Israel's Dark History Revealed

2003-07-02 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Traces of poison
Israel's Dark History revealed.

Israel, not Iraq, holds that distinction of being the first country in the region to use weapons of mass destruction with genocidal intent. Salman Abu-Sitta digs into a dark history 

At a time when TV screens are filled with images of perceived weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq among people who are on the verge of starvation, the West turns a blind eye to the first biological terrorist in the Middle East, Israel, where the largest depot of WMD between London and Peking is located. 

When confronted with the anomaly, the United States ambassador to the UN, John Negroponti, responds with typical cynicism, "Israel did not use these weapons against its people or its neighbours." Assuming that the ambassador is well-informed, this statement is a patent lie. Israel used biological weapons even before it was created on Arab soil in 1948 and ever since. The purpose, according to Ben Gurion, is genocide, and if not complete, the purpose is not to allow the dispossessed Palestinians to return to their homes. 

POISONING ACRE WATER SUPPLY: In the wake of Haifa's occupation on 23 April 1948 by the Zionists, under the nose of the British Mandate forces commended by General Stockwell, a man still historically discredited for this failure, thousands converged on Acre, a nearby city, which was still Arab under the "protection" of the British forces. 

Acre was to be the next Zionist target. The Zionists besieged the city from the land side, and started showering the population with a hail of mortar bombs day and night. Famous for its historical walls, Acre could stand the siege for a long time. The city water supply comes from a nearby village, Kabri, about 10kms to the north, through an aqueduct. The Zionists injected typhoid in the aqueduct at some intermediate point which passes through Zionist settlements. (see map) 

The story can now be told, thanks to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) files which have now become available, 50 years after the event. A series of reports, under the reference G59/1/GC, G3/82, sent by ICRC delegate de Meuron from 6 May to about 19 May 1948 describe the conditions of the city population, struck by a sudden typhoid epidemic, and the efforts to combat it. 

Of particular importance are the minutes of an emergency conference held at the Lebanese Red Cross Hospital in Acre on 6 May, to deal with the typhoid epidemic. The meeting was attended by: Brigadier Beveridge, Chief of British Medical Services and Colonel Bonnet of the British Army, Dr Maclean of the Medical Services, Mr de Meuron, ICRC delegate in addition to other officials of the city. The minutes stated that there are at least 70 known civilian casualties, others may not be reported. It was determined that the infection is "water borne", not due to crowded or unhygienic conditions as claimed by the Israelis. It was decided that a substitute water supply should now come from artesian wells or from the agricultural station, just north of Acre (see map), not from the aqueduct. Water chlorine solution was applied, inoculation of civil population started, movement of civil population was controlled (lest refugees heading north towards Lebanon will carry the typhoid epidemic with them, as intended by the Zionists). 

In his other reports, de Meuron mentioned 55 casualties among British soldiers, who were spirited away to Port Said for hospitalisation. General Stockwell arranged for de Meuron to fly on a military plane to Jerusalem to fetch medicine. The British, who left Palestine in the hands of the Jews, did not want another embarrassing incident to delay their departure. 

Brigadier Beveridge told de Meuron that this is "the first time this happened in Palestine". This belies the Israeli story, including that of the Israeli historian Benny Morris, that the epidemic is due to "unhygienic conditions" of the refugees. If that was so, how come there was an almost equal number of casualties among British soldiers? Why did such conditions not cause epidemic in such other concentrations of refugees, under far worse conditions, in Jaffa, Lydda, Nazareth and Gaza? 

ICRC delegate, de Meuron admired greatly the heroic efforts of Arab doctors, Al-Dahhan and Al-Araj from the Lebanese Red Cross hospital in Acre, Dr Dabbas from Haifa and Mrs Bahai from Haifa. 

The city of Acre, now burdened by the epidemic, fell easy prey to the Zionists. They intensified their bombardment. Trucks carrying loudspeakers proclaimed, "Surrender or commit suicide. We will destroy you to the last man." That was not a figure of speech. Palumbo, in The Palestinian Catastrophe, notes the "typical" case of Mohamed Fayez Soufi. Soufi with friends went to get food from their homes in a new Acre suburb. They were caught by Zionist soldiers and forced at gun point to drink cyanide. Soufi faked swallowing the poison. The others

[CTRL] Condoleeza Rice: No To Multipolar World

2003-07-02 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Condoleeza Rice: No To Multipolar World 
07/02/2003 10:52
US National Security Advisor invents theory and then attacks it

It would appear that members of the Bush administration have an internal competition to see which one can come up with the most absurd statement, like an Ionescu play gone wrong. In recent months, Rumsfeld has added his nonsense to Bush's clunkers but Rice could well be the dark horse in the howler race.

"Multipolarity is a theory of rivalry, of competing interests and at its very worst, of competing values" stated Condoleeza Rice recently at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. Why is it that the members of the Bush adminstration, in their entirety, are utterly incapable of engaging in dialogue or of handling difference of opinion? Why does multipolarity have to involve competing interests?

The fundamental principles of democracy, which the USA expounded ad nauseam 
during the time of the Cold War, are debate, discussion and dialogue, backed up by diplomacy. The fundamental principles of democracy include the freedom to state and defend a position and then discuss any difference in an open and civilized forum of debate.

To state that multipolarity is rivalry, is to say that "if you're not with us, you're against us". To state that multipolarity can lead to competing values and then describe these as a threat, is an admission by Ms. Rice that she is incapable of comprehending alternative schools of opinion, alternative lines of thought, alternative ways of being. If she considers 
difference as being a threat then maybe she should take the history book off the shelf and leaf through the pages until she comes to Hitler and Himmler. This would show her where her intolerance can lead.

Having jumped to the conclusion that multipolarity is rivalry, the National Security Advisor goes on to attack the notion, stating that "The rivalry theory represents a danger to the solution of serious problems".

In a nutshell, Condoleeza Rice is a product of the school which churned out specimens such as Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perle, Wolfowitz, Fleischer, bible-bashing at its worst, spiked by a lethal dose of venom by the Jewish lobby, as unbalanced a collection of individuals as has been gathered in any government anywhere on earth at any time in history.

Differences of opinion, like differences of race, color or creed, are never evil but rather widen the base for a positive mutual exchange of values and a process of cultural enrichment. The fact that Condoleeza Rice perceives such as something negative, dangerous, a threat, speaks volumes about the capacity of this woman to be in such a position.

It is not a question of being too stupid to hold the post. It is a question of being stupid enough to merge so perfectly into the background of the Bush people.

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israel Gets Dole, While States Slash Services

2003-07-02 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Israel Gets Dole, While States Slash Services   

Wednesday, July 02 2003 @ 03:43 PM GMT
"You would think that somebody in Connecticut would have taken Lieberman to task for putting Israel’s interests before the state that is paying him his salary .."

By William Hughes, 
For PalestineChronicle.com 

Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (D-CT) is one of Israel’s mouthiest cheerleaders in the U.S. Senate. He also never misses a chance to give taxpayers’ money away, in the billions dollars each year, to the Tel Aviv regime. A raving War Hawk, he voted for the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq that has already cost the treasury around $75 billion. That cost, depending on the length of the U.S. occupation, could rise to $1.6 trillion. 

Meanwhile, in Lieberman’s home state, Connecticut, school children can’t visit historical sites, like the Henry Whitfield House, which dates back to 1639, because of state budget cuts. Funding for historical societies has been slashed across the country. Even in Illinois, sites associated with Abraham Lincoln have been forced to cut back on services. You would think that somebody in Connecticut would have taken Lieberman to task for putting Israel’s interests before the state that is paying him his salary. 

Nevertheless, Israel’s insatiable addiction to dipping into the pockets of the American taxpayers continues unabated. A conservative tally of total direct U.S. aid to Israel, since 1949, is at $97.5 billion and counting (WRMEA, 05/03). 

So called U.S. “loans to Israel” are invariably converted into grants, as a result of the 1984 “Cranston Amendment.” They are waived and never repaid, therefore allowing Neocons, like William Kristol, to brag that Israel has “never defaulted” on any U.S. loans. This year, Shirl McArthur, author of the mentioned expose’, estimates Israel will receive about $3.06 billion in freebies, which doesn’t include “an additional $1 billion in military grants and $9 billion in economic loan guarantees from the president’s ‘war budget.’” 

Annual direct grants, loans and loan guarantees, however, don’t tell the whole, miserable story of Israel’s role as a classic example of a foreign aid welfare queen. The distinguished economist, Thomas R. Stauffer, in a shocking study, revealed that U.S. support for Israel, since the post WWII period, has cost the beleaguered taxpayers $3 trillion in indirect and consequential financial outlays. Propping up Israel during its wars and military occupation of the Palestinian people, strategic aid to the Middle East area, oil supply guarantees to Israel, economic sanctions on Israel’s many enemies, preferential contracts, special trade advantages, loss of U.S. jobs, etc., are included in the data (See, WRMEA, 06/03). 

At the same time, states like California, Colorado, New York, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, Ohio and Pennsylvania are also reeling from the fiscal crisis. California is by far the worst of the lot. Its budget deficit is a staggering $38 billion. As of July 1, with no new budget being passed, it is officially broke! By September, its deficit could reach $40 billion. Community colleges, nursing homes and police academies are expected to be the first targets of the dreaded budget ax-man. 

Things are so bad in California, that there is a petition movement afoot to recall the present Democratic governor, Gray Davis. The Republicans in the state legislature are doing everything in their power to block a budget agreement in order to weaken Davis even further. 

Incredibly, the Republicans may be looking to run Hollywood actor Arnold Schwarzenegger for the top spot. At the moment, the Austria-born hulk is busy plugging his new movie, “Terminator 3,” which one critic, Lou Lumenick, panned as a “cybore” and hoped that “Ah-nuld won’t be back.” 

It just so happens, that three prime members of the Congress’s notorious “Israeli Chorus,” represent California. In the Senate, there are Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, both Democrats. In the House, there is Rep. Tom Lantos, also a Democrat. He is a shameless apologist for Israeli wrongdoing and was one of the most virulent advocates of the U.S. led war with Iraq. Like his crony Lieberman, Lantos also pushed into law the draconian USA Patriot Act, which was passed without a public hearing. 

How these “Israeli Firsters” get away with taking care of their favorite charity, Israel, at the expense of local needs, without a whimper from their constituents, is a mystery to me! In New York state, where fiscal crises are as normal as Daniel Pipes demonizing Arabs, Sen. Charles Schumer sits in the U.S. Senate. On any given day, he acts like Israel is his first concern and not the people of New York State. One effect of NY’s budget cutting is that students at the State University of NY (SUNY) will now face tuition fees of $4,350 a year, up $950 from the past year (NY Post, 03/30/03). Don’t the voters in NY s

[CTRL] Stop the Suppression of an Alternative Energy Source!

2003-07-02 Thread sky watcher
-Caveat Lector-
http://www.progressiveengineer.com/PEWeb%2028%20Jul%2002-2/28editor.htmStop the Suppression of an Alternative Energy Source!By Eric LernerRecently, at the IEEE-APS International Conference on Plasma Sciencein Banff, Alberta, Canada I announced experimental results thatpromise cheap, clean, non-radioactive energy. The resultsdemonstrated the viability of a compact fusion device called theplasma focus, opening the door to a new energy source possibly 100times cheaper than oil and gas. The experimental work was performedlast year at Texas A&M University in a project funded by the JetPropulsion Laboratory of NASA. Other scientists congratulated us onthe success.Yet, instead of hailing this new work, a Los Alamos NationalLaboratory manager threatened two members
 of our research team withfiring if they didn't repudiate the results. Funding for theresearch has been cut off, and the mainstream press has ignored boththe new discovery and the effort to suppress it. What's going onhere?The new results are important because they show that the hightemperatures -- over a billion degrees -- needed to burnhydrogen-boron fuel can be reached. A plasma focus reactor usinghydrogen-boron fuel would serve as an almost ideal source of energy.It generates no long-lived (more than a few minutes half-life)radioactive byproducts. The fusion energy is released mainly as abeam of charged alpha particles, which can convert directly toelectricity without the use of expensive steam turbines. A plasmafocus device, with a core about the size of a large coffee can,costs less than $500,000 to build. Once fully developed, focus-basedfusion reactors would also be small, making possible decentralizedsources
 of power. With the reactors so economical, the successfuldevelopment of plasma focus hydrogen-boron reactors could eventuallyrender oil and gas nearly worthless.We achieved these high temperatures, together with high densities,last August and posted a scientific paper describing the results toan online physics archive (http://arXiv.org/abs/physics/0205026) inMay, as well as submitting it to the journal Physica Scripta.Then came the attempt to suppress this work. In May, Dr. RichardSeimon, Fusion Energy Science Program Manager at Los Alamos,demanded that Dr. Hank Oona, a Los Alamos staff physicist involvedin the experiment, dissociate himself from comparisons that showedthe new results superior in key respects to those of the tokamak andto remove his name from the paper describing the results.
 Thetokamak, a much larger and more expensive device, has been thecenterpiece of the U.S. fusion effort for 25 years. The demand wasparticularly outrageous since Oona was neither funded by Los Alamosnor at Los Alamos while participating in the experiment.Seimon didn't dispute the data or the achievement of hightemperatures. He objected to the comparisons with the tokamak,arguing that it was biased against the tokamak. In addition, Seimonpressured Dr. Bruce Freeman of Texas A&M, another co-author of thepaper, to advocate the removal of all tokamak comparisons from thepaper.Both of my colleagues, who did tremendous work on this experiment,had carefully reviewed and approved the paper originally and hadendorsed its conclusions. For them to be forced to recant underthreat of firing is outrageous. It undermines the very basis ofscientific discourse if researchers aren't allowed by theirinstitutions to speak
 honestly to each other. Los Alamos has no moreright to tell scientists what to think than the Catholic Church hadto tell Galileo.Why would Los Alamos try to suppress this work? For 25 years,government officials and program managers have based the fusionprogram exclusively on the tokamak, nearly eliminating all otherapproaches such as the plasma focus. Tokamak devices can't lead todrastically cheaper energy. Tokamaks use deuterium-tritium fuel,which creates high-energy neutrons. These neutrons would then beused for conventional steam turbine generators. Most of the capitalcost of electricity comes from the steam cycle, not the energysource, so a significant reduction in energy costs is not possiblewith the tokamak. Unlike the plasma focus, they pose no threat tooil and gas.The Department of Energy, which funds Los Alamos and many otherlabs, defends the tokamak tooth-and-nail in part through sheerbureaucratic
 inertia. But the Department's leadership has becomeincreasingly indistinguishable from that of the oil and gascorporations, and it has no interest whatsoever in funding researchthat might eventually threaten those corporations.The plasma focus does pose a real threat to the existingfossil-fuel energy multinationals, the Exxons and Enrons of theworld. Not only would focus fusion reactors be cheap, producingenergy at the equivalent of a oil at a dime a barrel, they would bedecentralized, with each reactor producing perhaps 20 megawatts,enough for a town. This would both reduce transmission costs andinhibit corporate control of energy 

[CTRL] [Act] Fwd: Celebrate our freedom this 4th of July (fwd)

2003-07-02 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2003 08:13:52 -0700
From: Tim Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Act] Fwd: Celebrate our freedom this 4th of July

As we go out to celebrate our freedom this 4th of July, let's go over a
few things to make your celebration a success.

Don't use any illegal fireworks in your 4th Celebration.
It is for your own safety.

Make sure you are buckled up in your seat belts, there will be
roadblocks and checkpoints to make sure you comply. It is for the children.

If you are a Worldcom or Enron former employee, lighten up for the
holiday, you can always look for a job tomorrow.

Don't mention God or Jesus if celebrating on any public property.
Government is God there. You will be aprehended.

Have your papers ready as you approach the holiday police checkpoints.

Don't criticize the President or other government officials, you might
be in violation of the Patriot Act and considered a possible terrorist.

Don't mention the Constitution in any district court or you could be
held in contempt.

If your children get out of line this holiday, do not discipline them,
or they may be kidnapped by the Dept. of Social Services and held
hostage until you receive approved psychological therapy and are deemed

Show compassion this Independence Day by bringing an illegal immigrant
to your celebration or by hugging a tree.

If an election is occurring in your locality within the next 90 days, do
not talk about or publicly support any candidate, as that is no longer
lawful. Keep your mouth shut.

If an officer asks to search your vehicle at the "seat belt" checks, do
not be belligerent and demand a search warrant.  Standing up for your
fourth amendment rights is anti-social and not in tune with the new
American way.  Are you with Al Quada or something?

Do not get upset when the searching officer will not help you pick up
your belongings that he has strewn all over the highway as he searched
your vehicle.  It is not in his job description and complaining will get
you charged with obstructing justice.

Keep your guns at home.  You are not going hunting and besides, What on
earth do guns have to do with American Independence?  Better yet, turn
your guns into the authorities to let them know that you are a true
patriotic American.

If celebrating at the mall in Washington DC. you are probably safe as
the mall is now monitored by hundreds of surveillance cameras, watched
by federal security forces.  Don't do anything that you wouldn't want
them to see.

Bring lots of cash with you, there will be many taxes, fines, and fees
to pay as you celebrate your freedoms this day.

Do not leave home without your driver's license, social security card,
birth certificate, welfare card, medicare card, medical records, W-2
Form, and two others forms of ID.  You may be asked for them at the
police checkpoints.
Better yet, get micro-chipped, and avoid the hassle of carrying around
your papers.

Bring your library card, the FBI may ask you for it.

Do not put any "anti-government" bumper stickers on your car. Especially
not anything about the right to keep and bear arms. Police have been
trained by the FBI in "bumper sticker profiling".
This attracts their attention at the check points, and makes you look
like a terrorist.

With regard to "bumper sticker profiling" you should be especially aware
of the fact that "They will get my gun, when they pry it from my cold
dead fingers" is no longer mere semantics. At WACO, and at RUBY RIDGE,
we learned that they WILL kill you to take your guns

ALSO, be careful not to have any unauthorized THOUGHTS.
There are now serious penalties for "thought crime".
Be aware that "civil forfeiture" laws make it possible to take anything
that you own, by alleging that it was "intended" to be used for the
commission of a crime. This could include transporting or storing a gun.
If "civil forfeiture" proceedings are initiated against you,
then you will have the burden of proof,
to show that your thoughts were in compliance with government standards.

If traveling by air this Independence Day, do not give the airport
screeners a hard time.  They are feeling you up and molesting your
daughter and wife for the security of America.  If you complain you
could be arrested.  You don't support Bin Laden do you?

Keep an eye on your fellow Americans as you celebrate this 4th of July.
If you see anything supicious, take notes so that when you get home you
can call and report them to the Homeland Security Office.  And remember
you are not a nosey snitch, you 

[CTRL] Fw: Is Putin a Jew?

2003-07-02 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

 > > The Jewish Syndrome-3> > The 
Institution of the Presidency> > Translated from the 
Russian> > > > So that you'll understand why I 
regard the institution of the presidency as> one of the the "three 
pillars" at the base of the "great edifice", I'll once> again turn to the 
text of the "Protocols", the universal wisdom of which> you, I hope, have 
already begun to attain to. And at the same time you'll> have yet another 
opportunity to convince yourself that Chabad's tactics> don't deviate one 
iota from the strategic plans formulated by the "Zionist> 
elders":> > ...We've substituted rulers with our caricature 
government -- a president> taken from the mob, from among our creatures, 
our slaves. This was the basis> of the mine which we placed under the GOY 
people, or rather GOY peoples.> ...In the near future we'll establish the 
responsibility of presidents. Then> we won't stand on ceremony in 
determining what our faceless creature will> answer for...> 
> (See Protocol 10.)> > Today it's become an already 
obvious fact that the fates of the Ukrainian> and Russian peoples have 
wound up in the hands of "faceless creatures",> obedient "slaves" of 
their Khazar masters, who can be brought to power and> dismissed at their 
whim. In this regard only Belarus has been spared, though> it seemed 
until recently that Russia, might end up in the ranks of the lucky> ones. 
By now, however, it's absolutely clear that she, too, has shared in> the 
Ukraine's "presidential" fate.> > Inasmuch as I've dedicated many 
pages in my books to describing the personal> contribution of the 
Ukrainian President to the business of construction of> the Third 
Khazaria, I'll limit myself this time to discussing the activities> of 
another "good goy", Vladimir Putin.> > ...I first heard about the 
current President of Russia Vladimir Putin during> an official visit to 
Israel in 1997.> > > Putin during the 2000 presidential 
campaign> > By invitation of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, I, 
along with then> Vice-Governor of Kharkov Oblast Leonid Stasevsky, 
visited Israel as part of> the "Program for Economic Cooperation" between 
our countries. A busy> programme of events awaited us, most of which was 
dedicated to numerous> meetings with representatives of Israel's 
political and economic elite.> Among them was a planned meeting with the 
President of the New> Entrepreneurs' Association of Israel, Radoshkovich. 
At that time former> Leningrad emigrant Yitzak Radoshkovich had already 
become a heavyweight> figure not only in his own country, but, according 
to rumors, in the> corridors of the World Bank as well.> > 
Our meeting, during the course of which the matter of various investment> 
projects in the Kharkov region was discussed, was extremely official in> 
nature. The same can't be said about a second meeting with Radoshkovich 
with> whom we, upon returning to the Ukraine, found ourselves in the 
same> airplane. For the entire length of the flight from Tel-Aviv to Kiev 
we> chatted on various topics. And in the course of our chat he mentioned 
in> passing that his second cousin Vladimir Putin had great prospects 
for> advancement in the Russian political elite... [Rumors of Putin's 
possible> Jewish ancestry have long circulated in Russian patriotic 
circles. Putin's> mother's maiden name was "Shelomova", a Jewish-sounding 
name. This is the> first hard confirmation I've seen in print of Putin 
having a Jewish> relative, however. -- Webmaster]> > By 
August of 1999 I saw with my own eyes the result of the dizzying career> 
of the theretofore unknown Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Let's refresh 
our> memories on the chronology:> > August 1999.  
Appointed prime-minister of the Russian Federation;> January 2000.  
Appointed Acting President of the Russian Federation;> March 2000.  
Elected President of the Russian Federation.> To what, or rather to whom, 
was Russia indebted for her "successor to the> throne" in the form of 
Vladimir Putin? We all know to whom -- to Boris> Abramovich Berezovsky, 
who built up this new pretender to Russia's> "presidential throne" in 
record time.> > > Boris Berezovsky> > The 
indomitable Boris Abramovich searched long and hard for a potential> 
"successor". He took his time... You see, the "successor" would be 
obligated> to preserve Family traditions and guarantee "Tsar Boris" 
complete immunity> after his "abdication". ["The Family" refers not just 
to Yeltsin and his> extended family, but the network of 
criminal-oligarchic clans tied to> "Russia's First President". -- 
Webmaster] What's more, Yeltsin's "successor"> would have to be a paragon 
of health and youth, in order to differ> advantageously from his aged, 
but very popular rival, Yevgeny Primakov, and> also possess the required 
ethnic characteristics for the Russian "throne",> while at the same time 
being "one of his own" for Berezovsky. [In other> words, of mixed 
Russian-Jewish parentage. -- Webmaster] Yes, it 

[CTRL] Nukes, Israel And Iran

2003-07-02 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

July 1, 2003
Nukes, Israel and Iran
The Weapon of Choice

The accusation of possessing "weapons of mass destruction" (WMD) has become the US government's weapon of choice in its attempts to overthrow independent governments in the Middle East. The occupation of Iraq was barely complete when we were told that the Iraqi WMD, which could not be found anywhere in Iraq, had been moved to Syria. Given the absurdity of the accusation, the claim was quietly and quickly dropped in favor of a more vulnerable pray, Iran. 

The attempt to remove the Iranian government from power is, of course, not new. At least since the early 1990s, the neocons and their Israeli associates had tried to overthrow the Iranian government for its support of the Palestinian resistance movements and the Lebanese Hezbollah by accusing Iran, among other things, of pursuing WMD. For example, when the former Secretary of State Madeline Albright was pressured by the US corporations to seek "a road map leading to normal relations" with Iran, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) asked its members to flood US Congressional leaders with tailor made letters or email messages that read: 

Representative and Senators:

I am writing to express my opposition to making further unilateral gestures toward Iran before it ends its support for international terrorism, opposition to the peace process and pursuit of weapons of mass destruction. (AIPAC, 2000)

The campaign of trying to overthrow the Iranian government by accusing it of pursuing WMD, however, did not go far until certain pieces fell into their proper places: the neocons came to power, two hijacked planes on September 11, 2001, created that "catastrophic and catalyzing event"-which the neocons had alluded to in their "Rebuilding America's Defenses" manifesto-and Iraq was invaded and occupied. Now the campaign against Iran could get fully underway. 

On May 7, 2003, the New York Time quoted an unnamed US Administration official as saying: "It's not just that Iran is speeding up its nuclear plans. It's also that we've only recently learned some things about their program that have been going on for two years. There's also a lot of hammering from the Israelis for us to take this problem seriously." Indeed, according to Israel's top military intelligence official, General Aharon Zeevi, the "main danger to the existence of the state of Israel is the nuclear program Iran persists in developing, because the country also has surface-to-surface missiles" (Agence France Presse, April 26, 2003).

The Israeli hammering paid off. The US government put pressure on the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to declare Iran in "major violation" of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), a treaty which Israel, a nuclear power, has never signed (Reuters, May 15, 2003). At the same time, one after another member of the Administration came forward on a daily basis to talk about the Iranian nuclear program and its alleged danger to the world. On May 15, 2003, for example, Condoleezza Rice said, in her usual convoluted manner, that if IAEA inspectors "find what preliminary suggestions say they found in Iran and, knowing what we know about the programs, then there has to be some consequence for that . . . Non-compliance is pretty clear." She had, of course, repeated this line earlier, particularly in her speech at the annual conference of AIPAC (The Financial Times, April 1, 2003). At the same conference, John Bolton, the Department of State undersecretary, stated that the "estimate we have of how close the Iranians are to production of nuclear weapons grows closer each day" and that in "the aftermath of Iraq, dealing with the Iranian nuclear weapons program will be of equal importance" (Daily News, April 1, 2003). In a trip to Moscow to put pressure on the Russian government to stop helping Iran in building a power plant in Bushehr, Bolton repeated the same accusation and stated that Iran is "in violation of the global nuclear non-proliferation treaty," according to Reuters on May 5. A day later, the same source reported that the Iranian atomic energy agency chief, Gholamreza Aqazadeh, has denied the charge and insisted that Iran's "nuclear program was purely peaceful and that it was to make the country self-sufficient." The neocons, however, did not take no for an answer and continued the hammering. The pressure was so intense that by the end of May the Iranian government, as well as the Russians, invited the United States to join Moscow in building a nuclear power plant in Iran" (Associate Press, May 30, 2003). But the neocons did not take this invitation for an answer either and kept on pushing. 

The hammering became even stronger in the month of June, when the IAEA was scheduled to publish its report on Iran's implementation of NPT safeguards agreement. Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said in an intervie

[CTRL] No Exit?

2003-07-02 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

July 2, 2003

An American soldier in Iraq asks: 'Why are we still here?'

Support at home for the U.S. military presence in Iraq is dropping dramatically as our troubles mount on the battlefield. 56% of Americans now say Iraq was "worth going to war over," while 42% disagree – a long way down from 73% to 23% in April. The reasons are illuminating. Quizzed as to what motivated their reversal, 24% of respondents to a Gallup poll said because it looks like the administration lied about weapons of mass destruction. An equal number say the invasion resolved nothing and was a "waste of human lives." 11% volunteered the opinion that we need to stop policing the world. Having supposedly "won" the war, Americans are finding the fruits of "victory" no sweeter than outright defeat. 

These sentiments are probably more widespread in the U.S. military than anywhere else. You'll remember that prominent high-level officers made no secret of their opposition in the run-up to this war, and their hard-headed pragmatism is clearly echoed in the ranks. Last week, the Washington Post cited the words of a sergeant in the Fourth Infantry Division, north of Baghdad, that ought to send a chill up the nonexistent spines of the Chickenhawk Brigade:

"What are we getting into here? The war is supposed to be over, but every day we hear of another soldier getting killed. Is it worth it? Saddam isn't in power anymore. The locals want us to leave. Why are we still here?"

U.S. Viceroy Paul Bremer has this answer for them:

"We are going to fight them and impose our will on them and we will capture or... kill them until we have imposed law and order on this country. We dominate the scene and we will continue to impose our will on this country."

If Bremer keeps this up, he isn't going to last much longer than his predecessor, General Jay Garner, who was nixed almost before he even took office. According to Gallup, of those who say it was worth it going to war, 27% averred it was necessary to remove an evil dictator and 18% volunteered that we needed to "free the Iraq people" and "stop oppression." The blowhard Bremer is riding for a fall, but the same can be said for the whole imperial project.

30% of war supporters were convinced because of the need to "protect the nation" and "stop the threat to world peace" supposedly embodied by Iraq. As the countdown to war proceeded, the arguments used to justify the invasion were all of immediate import: the President and his team pointed to an imminent military threat. Bush explicitly conjured up a rather fanciful vision of a fleet of WMD-laden drones capable of reaching the continental U.S. As Senator Robert Byrd reminded us recently:

"Iraq's threatening, death-dealing fleet of unmanned drones about which we heard so much morphed into one prototype made of plywood and string."

If whoever fed Bush that whopper isn't out of a job, then one has to wonder who's at the control panel in Washington. As we approach another presidential election year, the integrity of this administration is at stake, and faith in the existence of Iraqi WMD is on the wane. CNN reports:

"About 45 percent said they lacked confidence that Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction would be found, up from 15 percent in March. The poll also found little difference in the number of those who believe the Bush administration deliberately misled the public about Iraqi weapons – 37 percent now, up from 31 percent earlier in June. More than half said it would matter a great deal if they were to become convinced that they were misled."

There is the potential here for a radical turnaround in public opinion, and the War Party is running scared. They thought they would have time to consolidate their position and even have the opportunity to start moving in on their next target. Instead, however, they have been thrown on the defensive, with chief warlord Donald Rumsfeld now forced to admit – not long after the presidential proclamation of "victory" aboard the U.S.S. Lincoln – the fighting will continue "for some time." Oh, but please don't use politically incorrect terminology to describe the U.S. predicament: we are not to refer to the simmering conflict in Iraq as a "guerrilla war," scolds Rummy, and "quagmire" is completely out of the question:

"There are so many cartoons where press people are saying 'Is it Vietnam yet?' hoping it is, and wondering if it is, and it isn't. It's a different time, it's a different era, it's a different place."

Iraq isn't Vietnam, this much is true, which means it could just as likely be far worse than Vietnam. When we fought the Viet Cong, Communism was already a dying religion. But Islam is a different matter. As for "hoping it is" another Vietnam, how typical of a government official to blame the victims of his policies for the disastrous results. 

"What are we getting into?"

Rumsfeld and the War Party have no answer to t

Re: [CTRL] Fw: SB5:Financial support

2003-07-02 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
What's this all about?  Prudy
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Seeking implant victims and sources for article on implants and chips

2003-07-02 Thread Wes Thomas
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

I'm writing an article on 
implants and chips used for behavioral control and monitoring for MKzine 
magazine (http://www.mkzine.com). I would like to 
interview individuals who believe they have been implanted or who have 
special knowledge or theories on this subject. If desired, your 
comments will be off-the-record (background only, not for mention) or 
not-for-attribution (no names used). Interviewees will have an opportunity to 
review any quotes attributed to them prior to publication.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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