[CTRL] priest prostitution sting, Shanley suit dropped, nun abuse, ra/mc transcript

2003-07-06 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
also has 
Confess or die, US tells jailed Britons 
Rapist gets life term for spitting on officer
Greenpeace accuses US of breaching Geneva Conventions in Iraq   
Red Cross yesterday accused Tony Blair and George Bush of breaching the Geneva Convention over the shabby treatment of Iraqi prisoners of war
Bush plans bases to gird Africa 

Priest Arrested In Prostitution Sting Found Guilty Rogers Sentenced To Probation, Community Service Kansas City, Mo. - "A Catholic priest recently arrested in a metrowide prostitution sting has been found guilty in the case." http://www.thekansascitychannel.com/news/2311416/detail.html

two from L Moss Sharman California diocese drops suit By AP, 7/6/2003 San Bernardino, Calif. - "A Roman Catholic diocese in California is withdrawing a lawsuit that demanded that the Boston Archdiocese pay any damages resulting from the transfer of a priest accused of sexual abuse. The Rev. Paul Shanley had arrived in California in 1990 with a sworn affidavit that he was in good standing in Boston, despite having a history of sexual abuse allegations against him. He was later accused of sexually abusing a teenage boy in California." http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/187/metro/California_diocese_drops_suit+.shtml

Habits of Sin - An Expose of Nuns Who Sexually Abuse Children and Each Other  by Ashley Hill http://www1.xlibris.com/bookstore/bookdisplay.asp?bookid=1201

"Questions I Have Answered." deJoly LaBrier's presentation at SMART's August 2001 - Windsor Locks, Connecticut conference is now online at http://www.dejoly.net/ deJoly LaBrier is a survivor of a military sex ring, satanic ritual abuse, and mind control. 

Confess or die, US tells jailed Britons 
Outrage over plight of Guantanamo detainees  
Martin Bright, Kamal Ahmed and Peter Beaumont
Sunday July 6, 2003 "The two British terrorist suspects facing a secret US military tribunal in Guantanamo Bay will be given a choice: plead guilty and accept a 20-year prison sentence, or be executed if found guilty."  

from mparent
July 3, 2003, 12:00PM Rapist gets life term for spitting on officer AP SAPULPA, Okla. -- A convicted rapist has been sentenced to life in prison for spitting on a police officer. 

Greenpeace accuses US of breaching Geneva Conventions in IraqAgence France-Presse Baghdad, July 4 
Environmental group Greenpeace accused US-led authorities in Iraq on Friday of breaching international law and refusing to allow United Nations experts to assess contamination at a nuclear plant near Baghdad.

PoWs Jul 5 2003 
Only 2,000 captives are accounted for Relatives are not allowed to visit loved ones Names were not properly written down
Exclusive By Gary Jones
THE Red Cross yesterday accused Tony Blair and George Bush of breaching the Geneva Convention over the shabby treatment of Iraqi prisoners of war. The humanitarian organisation said the true number of PoWs and their whereabouts was unknown, family visits have been denied and there was no system in place to monitor arrests or pass on details to the Red Cross. A high-ranking official of the International Committee of the Red Cross said: "It is an obligation of the occupying power to notify us of any arrests but that's not happening. We are not receiving anything like full information on prisoners of war.

Bush plans bases to gird Africa 
As the US leader begins a tour of Africa with a visit to Senegal, Muslims fear the growth of Pentagon power and others seek an apology for the slave-trading past  Eric Schmidt in Washington and James Copnall in Dakar
Sunday July 6, 2003 As George Bush prepares to leave for a whistle-stop tour of Africa, it has been revealed that he has ordered the US military to plan for a massive expansion of its presence on the continent. The Pentagon aims to secure aircraft refuelling agreements in Uganda and Senegal, two of the five nations Bush will visit. As officials consider whether to send US troops into Liberia to oversee a tentative ceasefire, the Pentagon is working on strengthening ties with Morocco and Tunisia. Arab countries of the Maghreb and in sub-Saharan Africa will be the main focus of new basing agreements and training exercises intended to combat a growing terrorist threat in the region. The Pentagon also wants to set up army bases in Mali and Algeria, which US forces could use for training or for strikes on terrorist targets. 

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[CTRL] Fwd: MI6 Backs BBC In Claim that Blair Knowingly Lied About Iraq

2003-07-06 Thread RoadsEnd
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Blair stakes reputation in battle with BBC 

·Storm over revelation that MI6 chief met Today bosses 
· New evidence to be put before governors' crisis meeting 

Kamal Ahmed, political editor
Sunday July 6, 2003
The Observer (UK)

Tony Blair dramatically upped the stakes in the Government's battle with the BBC last night by demanding a full retraction of allegations that Downing Street deliberately 'sexed up' claims about weapons of mass destruction, branding this the gravest charge he had ever faced as Prime Minister. 

In an exclusive interview with The Observer, Blair said the story on the Radio 4 Today programme was 'about as serious an attack on my integrity as there could possibly be'. With the next 48 hours expected to see the brutal battle between the BBC and Number 10 come to a head, The Observer can reveal that Sir Richard Dearlove, head of MI6, secretly briefed two senior BBC figures on concerns about Saddam Hussein's weapons shortly before Today ran its claim that intelligence had been misused. Senior sources said Dearlove, who met Kevin Marsh, the programme's editor, and presenter John Humphrys provided background context about the weapons issue. He gave similar briefings to other senior media figures. 

This degree of background information has strengthened the BBC's resolve to fight the Government. It now seems probable that, with neither willing to back down, someone's job will go. 

Greg Dyke, the BBC Director General, has been told about the lunch meeting between Dearlove, Marsh and Humphrys. It will be used as background evidence at an emergency session of the BBC governors called tonight to investigate the issue. Dyke will be joined by Richard Sambrook, his Director of News, who is heading an internal inquiry into the story. He is also believed to know about the lunch. Although Dearlove is not the source of the claims by Today's defence reporter, Andrew Gilligan, that Downing Street communications director Alastair Campbell attempted to insert a claim that Saddam's weapons could be ready in 45 minutes, his meeting with the BBC men raises serious questions about how the intelligence services operate. Blair refused to call for an apology from the BBC, but Number 10 officials made it clear that as soon the Foreign Affairs Committee publishes its report on the issue tomorrow, they will demand a retraction. Although the committee is thought to have cleared Campbell unanimously over the 45-minutes claim, it was split over whether there had been attempts to strengthen the dossier. It is believed the decision to clear Campbell was made only on the casting vote of the chairman, the Labour MP Donald Anderson. 'It is untrue, that statement is untrue,' Blair said of the claim that the original dossier published last September on the weapons had been deliberately interfered with against the wishes of the intelligence services. 'The idea that I or anyone else in my position frankly would start altering intelligence evidence or saying to the intelligence services "I am going to insert this", is absurd. 'There couldn't be a more serious charge, that I ordered our troops into conflict on the basis of intelligence evidence that I falsified. 'You could not make a more serious charge against a Prime Minister. The charge happens to be wrong. I think everyone now accepts that that charge is wrong.' But last night the BBC was still sticking by its original story. Senior figures told The Observer they had a 'powerful case' to put to the governors. Blair said: 'I am astonished if they are still saying it is accurate; on what basis are they saying that?' 'Whether they had a source or not, only they know. The issue surely is this, that if people make a claim and it turns out to be wrong, they should accept it is wrong.' It was 'about as serious an attack on my integ

[CTRL] Fwd: (2) Bush & Blair "Twisted" Intelligence to Justify War

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Britain 'knew uranium claims were false' 

Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington
July 7, 2003, The Guardian (UK)

British officials knew there had been no secret trade in uranium from Africa to Iraq seven months before such claims were raised in the September dossier released by Downing Street, the retired US ambassador who investigated the supposed sales for the CIA said yesterday. In his first public appearance, Joseph Wilson provided a detailed account of the investigations which debunked intelligence reports about sales of uranium from Niger to Iraq. He said it was almost certain British and US leaders knew they were recirculating false reports. 

In February 2002, Mr Wilson, a career diplomat who served on the national security council, was asked by the CIA to travel to Niger to investigate reports on the sale of uranium yellow cake from Niger to Iraq during the late 1990s. He was told vice-president Dick Cheney's office had raised questions about the report. After an eight-day investigation, Mr Wilson concluded there had been no such sales to Iraq, and shared his findings with embassy staff in Niger, the State Department's Africa affairs desk in Washington, and the CIA, which then reported back to Mr Cheney's office.

He thought the matter settled until last autumn when the US and Britain revived the allegation, both in the Blair government's dossier last September and in President George Bush's state of the union address last January, which cited the British claims. "That information was erroneous and they knew it well ahead both of the publication of the white paper and the president's state of the union address," Mr Wilson told NBC's Meet the Press yesterday. 

In other interviews yesterday, he said it was almost certain British officials knew the reports on uranium sales had been proved false, well before they appeared in the dossier. "Given the fact that we were in close cooperation, were close allies, were building the case for our respective populations, it was unfathomable to me that this information would not have been shared," he told the Washington Post. 

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[CTRL] Fwd: Bush & Blair "Twisted" Intelligence to Justify War

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Retired diplomat: 
Iraq intelligence twisted by administration 

JENNIFER C. KERR, Associated Press Writer
July 6, 2003 

WASHINGTON (AP) -- An envoy sent by the CIA to Africa to investigate allegations about Iraq's nuclear weapons program contends the Bush administration manipulated his findings, possibly to strengthen the rationale for war. 

That conclusion came on Sunday from Joseph Wilson, former U.S. ambassador to the West African nation of Gabon, who was dispatched in February 2002 to explore whether Iraq tried to buy uranium from Niger. That desert country is the world's third-largest producer of mined uranium. 

Writing in a New York Times op-ed piece, Wilson said it did not take him long "to conclude that it was highly doubtful that any such transaction had ever taken place." In an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," Wilson insisted his doubts about the purported Iraq-Niger connection reached the highest levels of government, including Vice President Dick Cheney's office. In fact, he said, Cheney's office inquired about the purported Niger-Iraq link. 

"The question was asked of the CIA by the office of the vice president. The office of the vice president, I am absolutely convinced, received a very specific response to the question it asked, and that response was based upon my trip out there," said Wilson. 

Yet nearly a year after he had returned and briefed CIA officials, the assertion that President Saddam Hussein was trying to obtain uranium from Africa was included in President Bush's State of the Union address as the nation marched toward war with Saddam's Iraq. The British and Italian governments initially reported the possible Niger-Iraq ties to the United States. Britain issued a public statement on the matter in September 2002, a few months before the president's speech. 

If the British and Bush were referring to Niger, then "that information was erroneous, and ... they knew about it well ahead of both the publication of the British White Paper and the president's State of the Union address," Wilson said on NBC's "Meet the Press." 

He said there are only two conclusions to draw: "Either the administration has some information that it has not shared with the public, or, yes, they were using the selective use of facts and intelligence to bolster a decision in a case that had already been made, a decision that had been made to go to war." 

About a month after Bush's speech, the United Nations determined the uranium reports were based mostly on forged documents. The White House, however, has maintained Bush's assertion about Iraq and uranium was supported by more evidence than the forged material. Wilson served as ambassador to Gabon in the first Bush administration and later helped direct Africa policy for President Clinton's National Security Council. More recently, he had argued against using force in Iraq as opposed to strict containment. 

Discussing Wilson's comments, several lawmakers expressed misgivings as they made the rounds of Sunday's television talk shows about what transpired. 

One of them -- Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee -- said on CNN's "Late Edition" that it goes to the question of, "was there an abuse in intelligence, or was the intelligence wrong?" He said, "In either case, it's not a happy outcome, and has to be fixed." 

Reviews of prewar intelligence on weapons of mass destruction and whether those assessments may have been exaggerated to justify an invasion of Iraq are under way in the House and Senate. 

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[CTRL] Fwd: Backlash Against Ashcroft

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   "Ashcroftism is mired in the Bush administration’s determination to stand above the scrutiny of courts, the oversight of Congress, and the authority of local government and law enforcement.    "In that, it comes closer to an executive-branch coup than anything since Roosevelt tried packing the Supreme Court."

The War on Due Process
With Patriot Act power, Bush and Ashcroft 
try to conquer the legal system

by Bruce ShapiroLA Weekly, 4 July 2003WASHINGTON — Representative William Delahunt leaned into his microphone and looked a stone-faced Attorney General John Ashcroft in the eye. Delahunt, a Massachusetts Democrat, spoke slowly, lest anyone think he was indulging in impulsive overstatement. “No prosecutor in modern history has been granted as much power as you now hold,” he told Ashcroft, who, on this particular June afternoon, had come to the House Judiciary Committee seeking to broaden the USA PATRIOT Act.Twenty-one months after al Qaeda’s attacks, the courts, Congress, even the Justice Department itself, are at last attempting an accurate assessment of the civil-liberties fallout from September 11. As if by plan — but in reality just reflecting the pace of bureaucracy, judiciary and politics — recent weeks have brought a minor cascade of reports and rulings on the Bush administration’s antiterrorism strategy, on the mass arrests of immigrants, the expansion of secrecy and asphyxiation of freedom of information, even as the administration has been testing the power and limits of USA PATRIOT and other measures.At that June 5 House Judiciary Committee hearing — his first Judiciary appearance since September of 2001 — Ashcroft touted a long list of PATRIOT Act achievements: 18,000 subpoenas and search warrants; 15 plea agreements from “terrorist suspects”; more than 1,000 secret wiretaps of noncitizens under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, “more than three times the total number of emergency Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants obtained than in the prior 23-year history of the FISA law.”In fact, Ashcroft’s Judiciary Committee appearance came at the end of a spring of at-best equivocal results and often-embarrassing setbacks, including the leak of internal Justice Department memos on his proposed PATRIOT Act II, which would permit warrantless searches, secret arrests and the stripping of immigrants’ citizenship without any proof of their support for terrorism. PATRIOT II provoked sharp dissent even from Ashcroft’s fellow conservatives, including former Congressman Bob Barr and David Keene, the president of the American Conservative Union.This abrupt climate change was acutely evident during Ashcroft’s testimony. Despite an emotional opening statement laced with the names of individuals killed on September 11 and on the USS Cole, he spent much of the hearing fielding pointed questions — sometimes awkwardly, sometimes angrily — about the abuses during the past 18 months and about his own seizure of new powers. And it wasn’t just Democrats raising the questions.Even the committee’s chair, Republican James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, an original PATRIOT Act sponsor, led off questioning by declaring that his support for the measure “is neither perpetual nor unconditional.” Sensenbrenner chided Ashcroft for loosening the FBI’s long-standing guidelines for political surveillance — the so-called “Levy Guidelines,” named for the Ford administration attorney general who curbed Hoover-era excess — without consulting Congress. Startled by Sensenbrenner’s slap, Ashcroft at first fudged, conflating the FBI guidelines with the PATRIOT Act. Then he changed course and admitted he thought that letting the FBI spy on political meetings and religious groups was “in the same spirit” as the legislation passed by Congress. He wound up with a head-spinn

[CTRL] Israeli Minister Suggests "Drowning" Palestinian Prisoners

2003-07-06 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Mofaz, Dahlan meet; Israeli minister suggests to ''drown Palestinian prisoners in Dead Sea''  

Israel's Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz and the Palestinian Minister for Security Affairs Mohammed Dahlan met in Jerusalem on Sunday afternoon to discuss the timing of transferring more cities over to Palestinian control. 

In a press conference after the three-hour meeting, Mofaz told reporters that the meeting with Dahlan was held in a positive atmosphere. He said that he will meet with Dahlan later this week, and that security committees may also meet this week. 

"I personally, as defense minister, want to give this [peace] process a chance, and I will make every effort to make this progress advance, but without endangering in any way the security of Israel's citizens," Mofaz told reporters. 

Meanwhile, Israel's Transportation Minister Avgidor Liberman, asked to serve in a committee to decide the details of the release of the Palestinian detainees, rejected the offer. 

The minister said that he would be happy to drive the prisoners to a place where they will never come back from. During the Sunday cabinet meeting, Liberman, the leader of the far right wing Russian immigrant party Yisrael Beiteinu (Israel Our Home), suggested to drown the Palestinian prisoners in the Dead Sea. (Albawaba.com) 

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[CTRL] The President Who Does Not "Lie!"

2003-07-06 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

How the American media use euphemisms, substitutions, and muted language to re-define and soft-pedal the word “LIE!”
TvNewsLies.org editorial.


-n.    1. a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a   falsehood. 

    2. something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture: 

        3. an inaccurate or false statement. 

-v.t.  1. to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive. 

2. to express what is false; convey a false impression. 


George W. Bush possesses the most amazing virtue of any politician in recent history: he has never, ever, uttered a lie!  In fact, the word “lie” has magically disappeared from any account of his statements or actions, since the earliest days of the Bush campaign for the presidency. 

In a very short time, the Bush/PNAC administration has accomplished a rather extraordinary feat.  Using thier well honed skills for surreptitious manipulation, the Bush Cartel has cleverly disguised the fabrications and distortions uttered by the President to make them more palatable to the gullible public. George W. Bush never, ever lies!  He may not be telling the truth, but, glory be , George W. Bush, like our legendary first president, simply cannot tell a LIE!  


Take another look at the dictionary definition of lie. Now, consider the concept rather than the word. If we focus solely on the actual word we may miss a crucial point. We also may get into an unnecessary, semantic discussion reminiscent of the Clinton effort to define “what is, is.”

However, - a look backward to the Clinton presidency is merited.  Let’s recall the “horrific” lie that led to Bill Clinton’s impeachment?  President Bill Clinton “lied” about his sexual relationship with an intern. The result of that lie was predictable: his marriage was damaged. Nobody died. No anti-Americanism resulted from his actions. The nation was not endangered in any way. On the contrary, some people felt that many European nations actually came closer to the U.S. when they saw the humanity of a president whose fatal flaw involved a sexual affair.

Of course, this rather trivial issue was seized upon by the G.O.P. as an earth- shattering abomination to our nation. Congress stopped doing its appointed tasks and gave full attention to impeachment proceedings. With unabashed hypocrisy, they set up a firing squad for an extra-marital fling. The press saw dollar signs and went along for the ride. Some might say that they stoked the flames.  

Let’s not forget the accusation of LIES against the Clinton’s that were headlines for eight years, in every major newspaper and on every news broadcast:  1972 Whitewater dealings, Vince Foster’s death, Hillary’s lost travel office records, Jennifer Flowers, - on and on and on.Fortunately for the nation, and fifty million dollars of Ken Starr’s tomfoolery later, Bill Clinton prevailed.

Reminder: The word LIE became a political tool against Al Gore during the presidential campaign. The media repeated every accusation made by the GOP against Gore- making it seem as if he had lied about everything from his involvement in creating legislation to fund the Internet, to his role as in inspiration for “Love Story.”  Al Gore NEVER told the public a lie during the campaign, but the label stuck.  Magic is as magic does. 


Today we have a selected president who entered office without having to answer a SINGLE question about alleged lies regarding his military record, his DUI conviction, his insider trading or his substance abuse. Congress closed its eyes and covered its ears, and the press rolled over to have its tummy scratched.  We have a president who has not been fully truthful about a single issue, and yet the silence of the opposition in Congress remains deafening.  But what is worse is that the news media – whose investigative responsibilities have been unstoppable in the past, has assumed a new role:  they exist now as an infomercial for the Bush/PNAC agenda!

The disappearing act has been onstage for quite a while, now. The media, with some exceptions, act as the magician’s assistants, doing the administration’s bidding to make sure the illusion is effective. They obediently and in sycophant passivity describe the actions of this administration as EVERYTHING BUT “LIES!”  Let’s take a look at their attempts. (Be sure to check back, as this list will be updated as new “rabbits” appear.)

In their efforts to refrain from calling a lie a lie, the media and the Bush/PNAC group have used more “tactful” terms to avoid the obvious.  The following are among the most creative words used

exaggerate - As in exaggerate the threat that Iraq posed, as in Iraq was not quite the threat to the U

[CTRL] The Secret King: Karl Maria Wiligut; Himmler's Lord of the Runes

2003-07-06 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Secret King:
Karl Maria Wiligut; Himmler's Lord of the Runes

Translated by Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D.,
Edited by Michael Moynihan. 

The success of the National Socialists can be generously attributed to Hitler’s restoration of pageantry and mysticism to the sullen working classes of 20th century Germans. His famous rallies aroused an extremely passionate religious fervor from the masses, paralleled only by the gatherings of the Roman Catholic church. While Hitler had used this effect to his political advantage, some of his colleagues took the mysticism closer to heart. Perhaps the most famous eccentric in the Nazi party, Heinrich Himmler, the Reichsfuhrer of the SS, has provided the fuel for the admitted cottage industry of Nazi Occultism because of his majestic Wewelsburg castle, his enigmatic SS rituals, and his relationship with the esotericist Karl Maria Wiligut. 

The latter is the focus of The Secret King. Born in Vienna in 1866, Wiligut entered the Austrian Army, and rose to the rank of captain. At age 37, he published his first book, Seyfried’s Runen, which showed not only his intellect, but also his great interest in Germanic history. During this time, he also became involved with several occult circles in Germany, including a quasi-masonic Lodge, and became acquainted with figures such as Jorg Lanz Von Liebenfels. Wiligut remained in the army throughout the strife of World War One, and after retiring in 1919, he became very involved in political affairs, and editing a journal aimed at exposing various Masonic, Jewish, and Roman-Catholic conspiracies. Simultaneously, Wiligut began to bring forth his extremely unorthodox beliefs, including his claim to be the heir of the ancient title of “the secret king of Germany.” Unfortunately, these beliefs, coupled with failing business interests and a deteriorating marriage, resulted in his wife declaring him incompetent, and committing him to a mental institution. 

Wiligut remained institutionalized until 1927. Meanwhile his fame in German esoteric circles grew, leading to his introduction to Heinrich Himmler. The Reichsfuhrer was quite taken with the erstwhile soldier, and appointed him as the head of the Department for Prehistory and Early History at the Main Office for Race and Settlement; he mainly created personal reports for Himmler on the esoteric sides of theology, cosmology, history, and philosophy. Wiligut is also credited with the conceptualization of the Wewelsburg castle, and the design of the SS Totenkopf ring, as well as several rituals for use within the SS. The notes of one such ceremony are reprinted within the secret king. 

The foundation of Wiligut’s theology is GÔT; an ideogram formed by three runes: Gibor (rune of the one who supplies the Light), Othil (the everlasting _expression_ of the Being and spirit-matter) and Tyr (rune of the Victory, in this case the victory of Light over Matter). Far from a Wotanist, Wiligut actually taught the idea that the Germans had been monotheistic throughout history; the deities of Wotanism, normally attributed to runic theology, are taught to be a mistake. It simply appears that Wiligut never got past his own trappings within Christianity, yet never accepted such a widespread religion as the truth for the Germanic peoples. Instead, he identified the ‘ancient Germanic religion’ as Irmin-Kristianity, a parallel based on the idea that “Children of the Light” bring redemption to the “Children of the Stone”, and bring them to the next level. This ideal is based on abstract runeology, and is expounded upon by his writings and poems, some quite impressive, even in their direct translations. Mr. 

Moynihan and Dr. Flowers took great care when translating and presenting these supplements, and, appreciably, they don’t disguise that there was all too much madness to Wiligut’s method. 

As a viable base of theology, Wiligut’s work is too ideologically muddled and contrived to be put into practice. But the purpose of this book is not to be a Bible, but a reference to bring light to an oft-misrepresented subject. As such, it succeeds greatly; much insight can be culled from this work, whether it is theological, political, or historical. For this reason, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

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[CTRL] Confess or die, US tells jailed Britons

2003-07-06 Thread sky watcher
-Caveat Lector-

Kafka's nightmare blossoms into 21st Century American
life.  Frightening.


Confess or die, US tells jailed Britons

Outrage over plight of Guantanamo detainees

Martin Bright, Kamal Ahmed and Peter Beaumont
Sunday July 6, 2003
The Observer

The two British terrorist suspects facing a secret US
military tribunal in Guantanamo Bay will be given a
choice: plead guilty and accept a 20-year prison
sentence, or be executed if found guilty.
American legal sources close to the process said that
the prisoners' dilemma was intended to encourage
maximum 'co-operation'.

The news comes as Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary,
prepares to urge US Secretary of State Colin Powell to
repatriate the two Britons. He will say that they
should face a fair trial here under English law.
Backed by Home Secretary David Blunkett, Straw will
make it clear that the Government opposes the death
penalty and wants to see both men tried 'under normal
judicial process'.

Lawyers acting for Moazzam Begg, 35, from Sparkbrook,
Birmingham, and Feroz Abassi, 23, from Croydon, said
that any confessions gathered while the men were kept
without charge or access to lawyers in Bagram airbase
in Afghanistan and Camp Delta in Cuba would have no
status in international law and would be inadmissible
in British courts.

Gareth Peirce, who acts for Moazzam Begg, said:
'Anything that any human being says or admits under
threat of brutality is regarded internationally and
nationally as worthless. It makes the process an
abuse. Moazzam Begg had a year in Bagram airbase and
then six months in Guantanamo Bay. If this treatment
happened for an hour in a British police station, no
evidence gathered would be admissible,' she said.

Stephen Jakobi of Fair Trials Abroad, which is leading
the campaign for the two men, said: 'Our concern is
that there will be no meaningful way of testing the
evidence against these people. The US Defence
Department has set itself up as prosecution, judge and
defence counsel and has created the rules of trial.
This is patently a kangaroo court.'

Begg's family believe he was kidnapped in Pakistan by
US authorities. He was taken to Bagram on suspicion of
passing funds to al-Qaeda and later transferred to
Camp Delta. He has not seen a lawyer since he was

In a clear signal of the high lev els of concern
within the Government, the acting British ambassador
in Washington, Tony Brenton, will raise 'official
concern' with the White House.

According to US legal and constitutional experts, the
Final Rule, the regulations that will govern the
military commissions, has rendered a fair trial almost

Among those representing the two British men in the
United States is Michael Ratner, of the Centre for
Constitutional Rights, who believes the tribunals are
weighted in favour of securing guilt verdicts.

'The trial system in Guantanamo Bay allows a whole
series of serious breaches of defendant rights that
would mean that they could never come to trial in the

'First, it allows the wiretapping of attorney-client
meetings, although those wiretaps cannot actually be
used in evidence. Then there is the fact that the
Pentagon "Appointing Authority" - probably US Defence
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld - has the ability to remove
a judge at any time without giving any reason.'

Among other concerns about the 50-page Final Rule,
which was published by the Department of Defence last
week for governing the trials, are:

· that rules of evidence are so broad that it is left
at the discretion of the trial's presiding officer
whether to allow any evidence he believes would be
convincing to a 'reasonable person' and that that
would appear to allow the admission of hearsay
evidence; · that evidence can be admitted by telephone
and by pseudonym; · that it is insisted that only
security-screened civil attorneys be allowed to appear
before the court and they can also be removed at any

The concerns follow allegations by Amnesty and other
human rights groups that US detainees in Guantanamo
Bay have suffered severe abuse, including beatings
that may have led to the death of two men held at the
US detention facility at Bagram.

In March, Amnesty wrote to President Bush to complain
about the treatment of detainees after US military
officials reportedly confirmed that post-mortem
reports in the cases of the two men who died at Bagram
gave cause of death as 'homicide' and 'blunt force

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups w

[CTRL] Plasma Physics -- (a short) History

2003-07-06 Thread sky watcher
-Caveat Lector-
Plasma Physics -- (a short) History http://groups.yahoo.com/group/arson-salvage/message/34
Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

[CTRL] State of the Art Plasma Physics

2003-07-06 Thread sky watcher
-Caveat Lector-

State of the Art Plasma Physics


Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OUR CLIMATE: DEAD OR ALIVE?: Schumanns Resonances and Vision 2020 (snips)

2003-07-06 Thread sky watcher
-Caveat Lector-

The following snips are taken from OUR CLIMATE: DEAD OR ALIVE?: Schumann’s Resonances and Vision 2020 http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/schuclimate.htm
“What is clear is that part of the money voted to Bush’s Star Wars plan will be used for research into space-based lasers,” the Independent reported. “These, we are told, will be used to shoot down the missiles fired in anger by ‘rogue states.’ But they will, inevitably, evolve into weapons aimed at America’s enemies from space. U.S. Space Command doesn’t even bother to hide this fact. The most chilling illustration in Vision 2020 is of such a space-based laser firing a beam of energy at the earth.” What the Russians are worried about (as they’re trying to explain in badly translated prose from Moscow’s Interfax News Agency) are U.S. plans to begin large-scale scientific experiments using the Alaska-based HAARP in 2003. Ninety Russian deputies signed the appeal against the HAARP program, charging that the experiments “would create weapons capable of breaking radio communication lines and equipment
 installed on spaceships and rockets, provoke serious accidents in electricity networks and in oil and gas pipelines and have a negative impact on the mental health of people populating entire regions.” (Fitrakis, 2002)
The ionosphere shields us from deadly radiation from the sun and deep space.  Holes are now being routinely punched in this insulating blanket by high-frequency radio waves, and may accidentally tear open the fragile cocoon of human and planetary evolution.  Dire consequences could be as devastating as the failure of an individual's pacemaker. The forces of chaos could be let loose, doing irreversible damage. The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) puts this technology for environmental modification in the hands of the military command – a frightening prospect. Because of national security mandates, we can’t be sure just what they are doing with it, and conjecture is running rampant. Hopefully, it can be disclosed before it is too late for all of us.
Fossil evidence demonstrates (climactic) collapse can happen within a decade and persist for centuries. This new paradigm of rapid climate change is now broadly accepted worldwide. Such triggers can create spikes of around 10 degrees C. in about a decade, followed by plateaus of about 20 years, then dramatic cooling of around 20 degrees C in around 2 decades. In the last 8-10,000 years, these pulsations have been milder, but solar instability, axis tilt, and current declines could precipitate their return. So could human tampering with the weather through energy beam technology and weaponry.
A rise in temperature of only 3-4 degrees C. could trigger a rise in sea level of 20 meters within one decade! Further warming and ice melt creates a cycle where temperatures could spike 8-10 Degrees C. in 30 years. Then ocean currents would shift and new heat/cold patterns emerge. New shallow seas would decrease land mass; agricultural plains would be flooded, diminishing food-growing areas further. Roughly, 30-40 percent of the land would be lost and mankind would be displaced from inundated valleys on all continents. Trade, commerce, and industrial production would be flooded out. In 2003, the EPA predicted a rise of 3-9 degrees F. over the next hundred years. Tropical oceans have warmed 1.8-2.6 F. over the past 100 years, and glaciers are melting worldwide.

Further perturbing, much less tearing holes in a super-heated ionosphere can create catastrophic weather changes. These can potentially be triggered by the military under the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) to destabilize whole areas with climatic manipulation, without the risks of conventional warfare. Deploying this weaponry for economic and strategic purposes could collapse ecological systems, and disrupt agricultural production dramatically. The Department of Defense has, of course, already implemented the development of intelligence and weather monitoring systems related to this program. NASA and DOD are working on multimedia imagery reports for massive ecological changes, using data relayed from satellites.
Latest speculation has also tried to link appearance of mysterious chemtrails to the deployment of HAARP technology. Some think that the reflective qualities of these clouds influence atmospheric heating and weather patterns. Reported analyses of the "angel-hair" taken from the atmosphere after a day of spraying claim a variety of toxins. Viral bacteria, toxic molds, carbon black and E.D.B.M. (ethylene di-bromide: highly carcinogenic chemical additive for fuel banned about twenty years ago) have been identified. Speculation about these sprayed grids includes increasing reflectivity in certain layers of the atmosphere. These sprayings are also responsible for a massive decrease in the production of negative ions by the forests. This is eventually deadly for all biological life.
Further, exp

Re: [CTRL] hello, new girl, anyone else getting viruses around here?

2003-07-06 Thread Mike Smith
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

Not I... but if you happen to be on winmx 
downloading Noam Chomsky Manufacturing Consent VCD 1/3 (500 or so megs)  
watch out my antivirus blocked it out.(forget which 
virus)... 3/3 is clean... 

  - Original Message - 
  Rowena Thursby 
  Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2003 10:04 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] hello, new girl, 
  anyone else getting viruses around here?
  -Caveat Lector- 
  Hello I'm new to this list.  Have been having virus 
  trouble since I joined.  Wondered if anyone else is getting 
  it?  After 2 years of no viruses I am now getting about one a day - 
  always the same title - "WORM_KLEZ.H" but different e-mail titles (the one 
  today had my name - re:rowenathursby,so cool a flash, enjoy).  My 
  PC-Cillin anti-virus programme alerts me each time and I delete, but this is a 
  pain I could do without.  Anyone else getting 
  I like Icke's first books - And the Truth Shall set you free - 
  is one I often refer to.  What makes people think he's spreading 
  disinformation?  I know he's off-beam with the reptilian stuff but in the 
  beginning, a lot of what he wrote seemed pretty sound to me, with the 
  proviso that everything you read needs 
  Rowena  (UK)
- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 7:47 
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Was Hitler A 
-Caveat Lector- 

Dear Zuukie,
David Icke is a thorough researcher. He has guts. His 
production is a breakthrough of magnitude. In your long ranting, 
you have not proven one word wrong in his writings.
Yours, Ole Gerstrom

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2003 2:44 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Was Hitler A 
  -Caveat Lector- 
  Lector sure fits anything coming out of a Icke site.  It's obvious 
  that no scholar is ever going to take the time to challenge that basket of 
  bullshit because it's only disinformation served up for obvious deflecting 
  purposes.  There are only a limited number of people who care about 
  what is going on in the cultural change.  A certain number of newbies 
  in this group will look at the Icke material and assume that he has 
  gone into depth with his research.  That frees them from the 
  responsibility of analyzing things on their own, that being the assumption 
  that they can never find  out more than Icke has already told 
  them.  It's in good hands, they feel, if it is in Icke's hands.  
  Icke's books and tapes sell well in the New Age and Afrocentric 
  bookstores.  They emotionally support the "What have they done to me 
  lately?"  New Age, Afrocentric, and militia crowd who are too lazy to 
  do any searches on their own, thinking that since they've found Icke's 
  material that's all they need to do, and this is more than their neighbors 
  have done.  More important than Icke's rantings is finding out who is 
  behind Icke and why they are using shovels to present their 
  material?  Come on Shannon.  Tell us who is behind Icke and his 
  disinformation promotion.

-Original Message- T From: Conspiracy 
Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
William ShannonSent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 5:35 
Hitler A Rothschild?-Caveat Lector- http://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles/hitler.html
  Icke Official history is 
  merely a veil to hide the truth of what really happened. When the veil 
  is lifted, again and again we see that not only is the official 
  version not true, it is often 100% wrong. Take the 
  Rothschilds, the bloodline formerly known, among other names, as the 
  Bauers, one of the most notorious black occult bloodlines of Middle 
  Ages Germany. It became known as Rothschild (red-shield or 
  rotes-schild in German) in the 18th century when a financial dynasty 
  was founded in Frankfurt by Mayer Amschel Rothschild working in league 
  with the Illuminati House of Hesse and others. They took their name 
  from the red shield or hexagram/Star of David on the front of their 
  house in Frankfurt. The Star of David or Seal of Solomon is an ancient 
  esoteric symbol and only became associated with Jewish people after 
  the Rothschilds adopted it for themselves. It has absolutely no 
  connection to "David" or "Solomon", as Jewish historical sources 
  confirm. The Rothschilds are one of the top Illuminati bloodlines on 

Re: [CTRL] hello, new girl, anyone else getting viruses around here?

2003-07-06 Thread Rowena Thursby
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

Hello I'm new to this list.  Have been having virus 
trouble since I joined.  Wondered if anyone else is getting 
it?  After 2 years of no viruses I am now getting about one a day - 
always the same title - "WORM_KLEZ.H" but different e-mail titles (the one today 
had my name - re:rowenathursby,so cool a flash, enjoy).  My PC-Cillin 
anti-virus programme alerts me each time and I delete, but this is a pain I 
could do without.  Anyone else getting 
I like Icke's first books - And the Truth Shall set you free - is 
one I often refer to.  What makes people think he's spreading 
disinformation?  I know he's off-beam with the reptilian stuff but in the 
beginning, a lot of what he wrote seemed pretty sound to me, with the 
proviso that everything you read needs 
Rowena  (UK)

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 7:47 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Was Hitler A 
  -Caveat Lector- 

  Dear Zuukie,
  David Icke is a thorough researcher. He has guts. His 
  production is a breakthrough of magnitude. In your long ranting, you 
  have not proven one word wrong in his writings.
  Yours, Ole Gerstrom
- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2003 2:44 
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Was Hitler A 
-Caveat Lector- 

Caveat Lector 
sure fits anything coming out of a Icke site.  It's obvious that no 
scholar is ever going to take the time to challenge that basket of bullshit 
because it's only disinformation served up for obvious deflecting 
purposes.  There are only a limited number of people who care about 
what is going on in the cultural change.  A certain number of newbies 
in this group will look at the Icke material and assume that he has 
gone into depth with his research.  That frees them from the 
responsibility of analyzing things on their own, that being the assumption 
that they can never find  out more than Icke has already told 
them.  It's in good hands, they feel, if it is in Icke's hands.  
Icke's books and tapes sell well in the New Age and Afrocentric 
bookstores.  They emotionally support the "What have they done to me 
lately?"  New Age, Afrocentric, and militia crowd who are too lazy to 
do any searches on their own, thinking that since they've found Icke's 
material that's all they need to do, and this is more than their neighbors 
have done.  More important than Icke's rantings is finding out who is 
behind Icke and why they are using shovels to present their material?  
Come on Shannon.  Tell us who is behind Icke and his disinformation 

  -Original Message- T From: Conspiracy 
  Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
  William ShannonSent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 5:35 
  Hitler A Rothschild?-Caveat Lector- http://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles/hitler.html
  WAS HITLER A ROTHSCHILD?by David Icke Official history is merely a veil to hide 
the truth of what really happened. When the veil is lifted, again and 
again we see that not only is the official version not true, it is often 
100% wrong. Take the Rothschilds, the bloodline formerly known, 
among other names, as the Bauers, one of the most notorious black occult 
bloodlines of Middle Ages Germany. It became known as Rothschild 
(red-shield or rotes-schild in German) in the 18th century when a 
financial dynasty was founded in Frankfurt by Mayer Amschel Rothschild 
working in league with the Illuminati House of Hesse and others. They 
took their name from the red shield or hexagram/Star of David on the 
front of their house in Frankfurt. The Star of David or Seal of Solomon 
is an ancient esoteric symbol and only became associated with Jewish 
people after the Rothschilds adopted it for themselves. It has 
absolutely no connection to "David" or "Solomon", as Jewish historical 
sources confirm. The Rothschilds are one of the top Illuminati 
bloodlines on the planet and they are shape-shifting reptilians (see The 
Biggest Secret). Guy de Rothschild, of the French House, heads 
this bloodline dynasty today. He is one of the most grotesque exponents 
of trauma-based mind control, indeed the top man according to many of 
those who have suffered mercilessly under his torture. I am always loath 
to use the world evil, but if evil is the reverse of live, Guy de 
Rothschild is thoroughly evil. He stands for the opposite of life. He 
has been personally responsible for the torture and death of millions of 
children a

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Fidel's red phone was only pink

2003-07-06 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Bod Here everything has been same since I was born.
Never I have taken the government of the island as a revolutionary government. I
took this government as a super-power estate.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 6:29
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Fidel's red phone
  was only pink
  Hello friends, I have a question for you. 
  My country have 5 phone lines to the outer of the country.
  The destination of these 5 lines, are the US. These lines are the only
  communication way with the exterior of this country. 
  The situation is that I don't know the destination of each
  one of these lines, in US. Furthermore, evidently each one of the destinations
  of these lines have to have a owner or a manager, but I don't know who control
  each one of these lines destination.
  Here there is a very funny situation, while the world wasted their time,
  believing in the cold war all the communications between Fidel and the Soviet
  Union came through the US. 
  EdilioEdilio,If your point is that
  Castro isn't revolutionary, I think you're right,but I expect he has
  encrypted wireless.90% of the internet inside the US is carried by
  MCI-Worldcom andSprint, mostly by MCI-Worldcom, which was bailed out by a
  fleetof Sprint satellite trucks when fiber was cut at WTC 9/11/2001.
  Iknow Cubans who were laid-off, lost their jobs at Sprint in
  Virginia,moved to Florida to work for Sprint, bought a house, then
  werelaid off by Sprint down there. That was because Bush needed
  aneconomic depression to hurry up and arrive before the 2000
  coup--interest rates were raised to unify the downfall of our
  economy,but online businesses were blamed, "dot-commie
  millions...ponzischeme", then it turned out after the election that
  non-dot-commieBILLIONS in ponzi money were imaginary and
  fraudulent--"Enron,pharmaceutical companies", and soon we may hear of
  Departmentof Defense and Housing and Urban and Development
  TRILLIONSwhich have been missing for a long time. The Reichstag was
  burnedby Hitler, and 911's Bush fam did business with the Kaiser
  WWI,Hitler WWII, sold guns to Castro and Batista.Most Cubans live
  in Miami. I have some Cuban friends who make"Fisher-Price voting machine
  jokes" as if there wasn't a Bush coupin Florida in 2000, and they were
  starved by Castro when theyapplied to leave Cuba, which they did one by
  one over a periodof years. One instance of Castro looking
  counter-revolutionaryshows him defending the colonialist nazi
  pharmaceutical companycartel known as the medical profession against the
  Indian wisdomsuppressed by explorer Columbus' biowarfare against the
  Indians,killing all the Indians in Cuba with the common cold. Maybe
  theirmedicine was futile against the common cold then, but
  chapparalroot and zinc("cansema" available online) make skin cancer
  dieand fall off. Three times I mailed cansema to Cuba, three
  timesCastro blocked it on behalf of nazi pharmacorps and Columbus,and
  a man's skin cancer grew until it squeezed his eye, he wentblind, then his
  brain was squeezed and he died.The CIA is not anti-Castro. JFK
  assassination figure David Ferrieused JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald and
  sixteen-year-oldpilot Barry Seal(later "Mena" CIA cocaine pilot who died
  withPresident George HW Bush the elder's phone number in
  hispossession), alias Lousiana Civil Air Patrol, flew guns to
  bothBatista and Castro. CIA failed not only Bay of Pigs, for whichthey
  blamed JFK, but a previous Cuba invasion involving apilot who had dropped
  an atom bomb on Japan. That failedCuba invasion used the same buildings
  and people as the JFKassassination. And then CIA failed Vietnam, for which
  itcould not blame JFK, either. CIA failed in Nicaragua due tot

Re: [CTRL] McDonald's Latest Victim Of "Kosher Nostra" Scam

2003-07-06 Thread Zuukie
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

I guess you covered your butt 
with another Caveat Lector with this post.  There was a $10 million 
settlement that McDonalds had to pay.  $6 million went to vegetarian groups 
( say New Age), $2 million to Hindu and Sikh groups, $1 million to children's 
charities and $1 million to Jewish groups.  Does your little sick 
network work to show how the $6 million to vegetarian groups was 
distributed.  I don't think so.  Read New Age is a resurgence of 
Nazism, both of which are antisemitic.  Anyone who takes what you post 
seriously would buy the Brooklyn Bridge.  

Original Message-From: 
Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
William ShannonSent: Friday, July 04, 2003 11:10 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [CTRL] McDonald's Latest Victim Of 
"Kosher Nostra" Scam
-Caveat Lector- http://www.aztlan.net/mcdonaldsnonkosher.htm
  McDonald’s becomes 
latest victim of the "Kosher Nostra Scam"byErnesto 
CienfuegosLa Voz de AztlanLos Angeles, Alta California - June 9, 
2003 - (ACN) A little over a year ago, I wrote a well received article 
titled, "The 'Kosher Nostra 
Scam' on the American Consumer". The article outlined a sophisticated 
scam that is costing the American consumer millions of dollars per year by 
paying extra for what actually amounts to a hidden "Jewish Tax" on food 
products. The perpetrators of these elaborate extortion schemes are 
rabbinical councils. These councils coerce large food companies to pay up 
for the use of their kosher symbols (U) and (K) on their food labels or else 
face a massive Jewish boycott of their products. Today, American consumers 
are having to pay extra for such products as bottled mountain spring water, 
plastic sandwich bags, aluminum foil, folgers coffee, detergent and for 
thousands of other products that are unrelated to the Torah kosher laws. The 
rabbis have "stretched" the meaning of the Torah kosher laws in order to 
maximize the profits they receive through their protection racket. The 
largest payola operations in the U.S. are run by those rabbis who license 
the (U) and the (K) symbols. These are the rabbis that run the Union of 
Orthodox Jewish Congregations (U) and the rabbis associated with Star-K 
symbol. These same two rabbi organizations recently perpetuated yet 
another "Kosher Nostra Scam". This time the scam will affect many destitute 
American consumers who depend on a McDonald's hamburger and fries for 
nutrition. These consumers will surely pay more for their food now that the 
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations and the rabbis associated with the 
Star-K symbol have been instrumental in forcing McDonald's to pay up $10 
million dollars as part of a Cook County circuit court (Illinois) settlement 
ruled on May 20. The settlement, obtain on behalf of the rabbis and other 
groups, was litigated by a group of Jewish attorneys and decided by Jewish 
Judge Richard Seibel. What was Mc Donald's crime? They failed to divulge 
that their fries had a "beef" flavoring! The "loot" will be divided 
among the rabbis, certain other Jewish groups and some non-Jewish 
organizations. The rabbis in the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations (U) 
will receive $150,000 and the rabbis with Star-K will receive $300,000. The 
Zionist student group Hillel has been designated to receive $300,000 by 
Jewish Circuit Judge Seibel. The Jewish Community Centers Association will 
receive $200,000. The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership 
will get $50,000. The amount that the Jewish attorneys will receive for 
their services has not been divulged but it is estimated to be quite 
"substantial". It is estimated that the non-Jewish American consumer 
has paid billions of dollars extra for food over the years that the "Kosher 
Nostra Scam" has been in operation. The rabbis run a well oiled machine and 
are now utilizing the corrupt Jewish dominated judicial system to enforce 
their phoney kosher laws. The decision by the Illinois circuit court will 
now be an extra "baseball bat" they will use to coerce the food companies to 
pay more for protection. Ultimately it is us, the non-Jewish consumer that 
pays the price. www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & 
  DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. 
  Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not 
  soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its 
  many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by 
  different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum 
  of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity 
  of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives 
  no credence to Holocaust 

[CTRL] Fw: on the sugar-daddy of "Civil Society": Soros

2003-07-06 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

Author:  Neil Clark 
-Publisher/Date:  New Statesman (UK), June 2, 
Title:  George Soros -- a profile 

The billionaire trader has become eastern 
Europe's uncrowned king and the prophet of ''the open society''. But open to 
what? George Soros profiled by Neil Clark 
George Soros is angry. In common with 90 per cent 
of the world's population, the Man Who Broke the Bank of England has had enough 
of President Bush and his foreign policy. In a recent article in the Financial 
Times, Soros condemned the Bush administration's policies on Iraq as 
"fundamentally wrong" -- based as they were on a "false ideology that US might 
gave it the right to impose its will on the world". 
Wow! Has one of the world's richest men -- the 
archetypal amoral capitalist who made billions out of the Far Eastern currency 
crash of 1997 and who last year was fined $2m for insider trading by a court in 
France -- seen the light in his old age? (He is 72.) Should we pop the champagne 
corks and toast his conversion? 
Not before asking what really motivates him. Soros 
likes to portray himself as an outsider, an independent-minded Hungarian emigre 
and philosopher-pundit who stands detached from the US military-industrial 
complex. But take a look at the board members of the NGOs he organises and 
finances. At Human Rights Watch, for example, there is Morton Abramowitz, US 
assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research from 1985-89, and now 
a fellow at the interventionist Council on Foreign Relations; ex-ambassador 
Warren Zimmerman (whose spell in Yugoslavia coincided with the break-up of that 
country); and Paul Goble, director of communications at the CIA-created Radio 
Free Europe/Radio Liberty (which Soros also funds). Soros's International Crisis 
Group boasts such "independent" luminaries as the former national security 
advisers Zbigniew Brzezinski and Richard Allen, as well as General Wesley Clark, 
once Nato supreme allied commander for Europe. The group's vice-chairman is the 
former congressman Stephen Solarz, once described as "the Israel lobby's chief 
legislative tactician on Capitol Hill" and a signatory, along with the likes of 
Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, to a notorious letter to President Clinton in 
1998 calling for a "comprehensive political and military strategy for bringing 
down Saddam and his regime". 
Take a look also at Soros's business partners. At 
the Carlyle Group, where he has invested more than $100m, they include the 
former secretary of state James Baker and the erstwhile defence secretary Frank 
Carlucci, George Bush Sr and, until recently, the estranged relatives of Osama 
Bin Laden. Carlyle, one of the world's largest private equity funds, makes most 
of its money from its work as a defence contractor. 
Soros may not, as some have suggested, be a fully 
paid-up CIA agent. But that his companies and NGOs are closely wrapped up in US 
expansionism cannot seriously be doubted. 
So why is he so upset with Bush? The answer is 
simple. Soros is angry not with Bush's aims -- of extending Pax Americana and 
making the world safe for global capitalists like himself -- but with the crass 
and blundering way Bush is going about it. By making US ambitions so clear, the 
Bush gang has committed the cardinal sin of giving the game away. For years, 
Soros and his NGOs have gone about their work extending the boundaries of the 
"free world" so skilfully that hardly anyone noticed. Now a Texan redneck and a 
gang of overzealous neo-cons have blown it. 
As a cultivated and educated man (a degree in 
philosophy from the London School of Economics, honorary degrees from the 
Universities of Oxford, Yale, Bologna and Budapest), Soros knows too well that 
empires perish when they overstep the mark and provoke the formation of 
counter-alliances. He understands that the Clintonian approach of 
multilateralism -- whereby the US cajoles or bribes but never does anything so 
crude as to threaten -- is the only one that will allow the empire to endure. 
Bush's policies have led to a divided Europe, Nato in disarray, the genesis of a 
new Franco-German-Russian alliance and the first meaningful steps towards Arab 
unity since Nasser. 
Soros knows a better way -- armed with a few 
billion dollars, a handful of NGOs and a nod and a wink from the US State 
Department, it is perfectly possible to topple foreign governments that are bad 
for business, seize a country's assets, and even to get thanked for your 
benevolence afterwards. Soros has done it. 
The conventional view, shared by many on the left, 
is that socialism collapsed in eastern Europe because of its systemic weaknesses 
and the political elite's failure to build popular support. That may be partly 
true, but Soros's role was crucial. From 1979, he distributed $3m a year to 
dissidents including Poland's Solidarity movement, Charte

[CTRL] The Goddess Has No Clothes

2003-07-06 Thread Brian Salter


The Goddess Has No Clothes
Goddess Unmasked by Philip G. Davis

ISBN 0-9653208-9-8. 418 pp., $29.95.

(Dallas: Spence Publishing Co., 1998 )

Reviewed by Robert Sheaffer

(Originally published in The Skeptical Inquirer May,/June, 1999, Vol. 23:3, p. 51)

One of the fastest-growing new religions today is a neopagan tradition termed "Goddess spirituality." It is especially popular among New Age disciples and radical feminists but its teachings are accepted at least in part by a large segment of society. The Goddess whispers a seductive tale of a golden age in a distant past. A paradise supposedly existed in Europe and probably elsewhere during the Neolithic era (fans of the Goddess greatly prefer that dignified-sounding term to the more comprehensible "New Stone Age"). Supposedly, there was little or no conflict, little or no social hierarchy, and most especially, no gender discrimination or sexual inequality. The reason these Goddess societies were such paradises, we are told, was because they were "gynocentric" (woman-centered), perhaps even actually "matriarchal." Indeed, the U.N. Fourth Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 featured a full-size "reconstruction" of a supposed "ancient matriarchal village," complete with a giant pair of female breasts, one above the other, to guard the entrance. 

The only problem with this tidy picture is that it is totally unsupported by sound scholarship, rejected by virtually all professional scholars whose field of expertise lies within the Goddess’s claims. With few exceptions, however, these scholars are reluctant to speak out too forcefully against Goddess misinformation, for fear of being branded "anti-feminist." Consequently, the Goddess claims have seldom been critically examined. With Goddess Unmasked, we now have a book which brings together the best refutation of rampant Goddess nonsense, authored by a professor of religious studies at the University of Prince Edward Island in Canada. Davis observes that "we do not possess a single translated text" from any of these supposed major Goddess cultures, leaving anyone who is so inclined free to attribute to those vanished societies whatever social arrangements they are most eager to promote in our own. 

Indeed, a cynic might suggest that the Goddess can only reign supreme over societies in which no one can read or write. (But some movements are so irrational that they are impossible to satirize. Neurosurgeon Dr. Leonard Shlain suggests exactly that in The Alphabet vs. The Goddess: when logical left-brained patriarchs invented writing, it doomed the intuitive, right-brained Goddess cultures!)

Today Goddess misinformation has entered the curriculum in far more places than most people realize. The Goddess actively promotes "alternative medicine," especially in schools of nursing. Davis quotes from one prominent neopagan book: "Women have always been healers, and the knowledge of healing - of aura work, colors, herbs and homeopathy, reflexology, midwifery, massage, crystals, and trance states - have always been part of the goddess’ mysteries." The Goddess misrepresents the history of religion, depicting it as a struggle between warm and nurturing female-oriented religions and exploitative, death-dealing male-dominated ones; conventional scholarship knows nothing of this supposed struggle, or indeed of those categories of religions. (The Goddess Kali, worshipped widely in India, demanded human sacrifice. She ruled over a society in which a person’s caste was fixed at birth, and widows were burned on their husband’s funeral pyre. The Goddess writers, notes Davis, present their evidence highly selectively.) Indeed, the Goddess misrepresents the entire history of civilization, portraying it as a struggle between early utopian, female-dominated societies, and later violent, hierarchical and patriarchal ones; professional historians dispute that there ever was a "matriarchal" or "woman-centered" stage of civilization. 

Perhaps most seductively of all, the Goddess misrepresents her own history, claiming to be the heir of an unbroken line of covert pagans and druids who secretly preserved the Goddess’ occult healing ways since remote antiquity despite Christian persecution. Davis convincingly traces the origin of the contemporary Goddess movement not to classical antiquity but to 19th-century French and German Romanticism. "Nothing about the Goddess myth correlates with what we know of the ancient civilizations which her devotees claim as their foremothers; everything, however, has clearly identifiable roots in the modern subcultures which began with Romanticism and the nineteenth-century occult revival." In Romanticism, "the supreme importance of feelings, and the purity of the primitive," were emphasized. 

"The prized Romantic values of emotion, intuition, affinity with nature, and boundless love co

[CTRL] {attack} Federal land grabs transforming American society (fwd)

2003-07-06 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2003 20:37:01 EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;
Subject: {attack} Federal land grabs transforming American society




Rich Martin

 \/   \/   \/   \/   \/   \/   \/   \/

The Bald Eagle, The Bird of Freedom
Glides , gazing, calm and sure!


Federal land grabs transforming American society

Posted: July 5, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

The Pilgrim family in Alaska is not the only instance of the federal
government forcing people off their land. Donald Scott was awakened in the middle of
the night by someone breaking through his front door. He grabbed his gun and
started down the stairs, when he was shot dead by federal agents. Bob Learzaf
was taking a bath, when the feds stormed through his front door. They handcuffed
him, put him in leg-irons, and hauled him to jail.

The "crime" all these people have in common, is the ownership of land,
coveted by the federal government. For every victim whose story reaches the national
media, there are thousands of other victims who are harassed, coerced or
regulated to the point that they have neither the funds, nor the will to fight.

In the examples above, the landowners were "inholders," which means that
their land is surrounded by so-called "public land." In each instance, the land
was privately owned before the park was designated. The Clinton-Gore
administration undertook an intensive program to rid the world of these pesky 
and consolidate all the land into the hands of the federal government.

The federal land grab is not limited to inholders. Ranchers are being
systematically removed from federal lands throughout the west. Entire communities
that arose to support logging in the Northwest are vanishing. In Florida, an
entire community in Collier County is facing eviction, caused by impossible
flood-insurance fees dictated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. This is
only the latest in a series of regulatory maneuvers to force the people out of
an area the federal government wants to return to its "natural wilderness"

We are witnessing the "wrenching transformation" of society that Al Gore said
would be necessary to save the planet. The planet can only be saved,
according to Mr. Gore and his crowd, if the government controls the use of all
resources. Resources are the product of land, and therefore, control of land use
results in the control of all resources.

The government, prodded by environmental organizations, has been extremely
creative in developing excuses to control land use. The wetlands policy, and the
attendant environmental propaganda, turned mosquito-infested mud-puddles, and
snake-infested swamps, into precious aquifer-recharge areas that could not be
altered, without penalty, by private landowners.

The Endangered Species Act has now allowed the listing of more than a
thousand obscure weeds and bugs that must have hundreds of thousands of acres
designated as "critical habitat" that cannot be altered, without penalty, by private
landowners. Viewsheds, heritage areas, wilderness, corridors, buffer zones,
archeological sites and a maze of other designations now prohibit the use of
private property from one end of the country to the other. Land-use control does
not stop at the city limits.

In the past, urban dwellers have paid little attention to the "rural
cleansing" that has been taking place across the countryside. With the emergence of
"sustainable communities," land use in urban areas is also increasingly
controlled by government. Behind the mask of "economic development areas," government
has discovered that it can condemn and take private property from one
individual, and sell it, at a profit, to another individual who wants to use it for a
purpose that promises more tax revenue.

Other urbanites are discovering that state-required local planning controls
the use of their private property. Land held for years, in hopes that
development would appreciate the value into a retirement nest-egg, can be devalued
instantly by a line on a zoning map, drawn by an uncaring bureaucrat, to conform
with a vision hatched by a "sustainable community" consultant.

A f

Re: [CTRL] Was Hitler A Rothschild?

2003-07-06 Thread Ole Gerstrøm
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

Dear Zuukie,
David Icke is a thorough researcher. He has guts. His 
production is a breakthrough of magnitude. In your long ranting, you 
have not proven one word wrong in his writings.
Yours, Ole Gerstrom

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2003 2:44 AM
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Was Hitler A 
  -Caveat Lector- 
  Caveat Lector 
  sure fits anything coming out of a Icke site.  It's obvious that no 
  scholar is ever going to take the time to challenge that basket of bullshit 
  because it's only disinformation served up for obvious deflecting 
  purposes.  There are only a limited number of people who care about what 
  is going on in the cultural change.  A certain number of newbies in this 
  group will look at the Icke material and assume that he has gone into 
  depth with his research.  That frees them from the responsibility of 
  analyzing things on their own, that being the assumption that they can never 
  find  out more than Icke has already told them.  It's in good hands, 
  they feel, if it is in Icke's hands.  Icke's books and tapes sell well in 
  the New Age and Afrocentric bookstores.  They emotionally support the 
  "What have they done to me lately?"  New Age, Afrocentric, and militia 
  crowd who are too lazy to do any searches on their own, thinking that since 
  they've found Icke's material that's all they need to do, and this is more 
  than their neighbors have done.  More important than Icke's rantings is 
  finding out who is behind Icke and why they are using shovels to present their 
  material?  Come on Shannon.  Tell us who is behind Icke and his 
  disinformation promotion.

-Original Message- T From: Conspiracy Theory 
Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of William 
ShannonSent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 5:35 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [CTRL] Was Hitler A 
Rothschild?-Caveat Lector- http://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles/hitler.html
  ROTHSCHILD?by David Icke Official history is merely a veil to hide the 
  truth of what really happened. When the veil is lifted, again and again we 
  see that not only is the official version not true, it is often 100% 
  wrong. Take the Rothschilds, the bloodline formerly known, among 
  other names, as the Bauers, one of the most notorious black occult 
  bloodlines of Middle Ages Germany. It became known as Rothschild 
  (red-shield or rotes-schild in German) in the 18th century when a 
  financial dynasty was founded in Frankfurt by Mayer Amschel Rothschild 
  working in league with the Illuminati House of Hesse and others. They took 
  their name from the red shield or hexagram/Star of David on the front of 
  their house in Frankfurt. The Star of David or Seal of Solomon is an 
  ancient esoteric symbol and only became associated with Jewish people 
  after the Rothschilds adopted it for themselves. It has absolutely no 
  connection to "David" or "Solomon", as Jewish historical sources confirm. 
  The Rothschilds are one of the top Illuminati bloodlines on the planet and 
  they are shape-shifting reptilians (see The Biggest Secret). Guy 
  de Rothschild, of the French House, heads this bloodline dynasty today. He 
  is one of the most grotesque exponents of trauma-based mind control, 
  indeed the top man according to many of those who have suffered 
  mercilessly under his torture. I am always loath to use the world evil, 
  but if evil is the reverse of live, Guy de Rothschild is thoroughly evil. 
  He stands for the opposite of life. He has been personally responsible for 
  the torture and death of millions of children and adults, either directly 
  or through those he controls. He conducts satanic rituals, as all these 
  bloodlines have always done, and goodness knows how many human sacrifices 
  he has been involved in.If what I am saying is wrong, Guy de 
  Rothschild, then take me to court and lets reveal the evidence. You are a 
  multi-billionaire and you control the courts and the media. I have next to 
  nothing. I should, therefore, be a pushover. So come on, Mr. Rothschild, 
  lets have you. Lets take these claims into the public arena and have you 
  and me in the witness box. Make my day. Already I can hear the 
  clamor gathering to condemn me as "anti-semitic" because the Rothschilds 
  claim to be "Jewish." Organisations like the Anti-Defamation League and 
  B'nai B'rith have already made strenuous efforts to label me in this way 
  for exposing the Rothschilds and to stop me speaking in public. (See 
  elsewhere on this website) How funny then that both organisations were 
  created by, and continue to be bankrolled by, the Rothschilds. Just a 
  co-incidence, nothing to worry ab