[CTRL] Provision in Energy Bill Brings Unease in G.O.P.

2003-09-16 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-



  September 16, 2003
  Provision in Energy Bill Brings Unease in 

  ASHINGTON, Sept. 15 — To conservative Republicans, 
  especially those from the West, few things are more sacred than property 
  rights. Their attitude is usually that the government, especially the 
  federal government, should keep its hands off private land.
  But as they negotiate a new national energy policy, House Republicans 
  and the Bush administration want to grant the federal government 
  substantial new power to allow the seizure of property — even if it means 
  overruling state and local authorities — to establish corridors for 
  high-capacity interstate power lines.
  Supporters of the proposal say new transmission lines are needed to 
  head off blackouts like the one that crippled the Northeast and parts of 
  the Midwest last month, and that the new federal powers are needed to 
  ensure that property owners do not stand in the way.
  The issue could complicate negotiations on the broad energy bill being 
  conducted between House and Senate Republicans. Republican senators from 
  the West have resisted such new federal powers in the past.
  "I have been warned by some of our people not to do it," said Senator 
  Pete V. Domenici, a New Mexico Republican who is chairman of the 
  House-Senate conference that is working on the measure. "But I am not 
  going to go into this conference frightened to death of the idea of having 
  to make some compromise with the House on eminent domain."
  The House bill would enable the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to 
  approve power line routes that have been blocked or delayed by a state, if 
  the agency found the new lines would significantly ease congestion along 
  the power grid. Companies building the high-voltage lines would be able to 
  exercise eminent domain to acquire rights-of-way if they compensated land 
  owners. The Senate bill does not allow for such intervention.
  It is a delicate subject for Republicans who oppose federal intrusion 
  on property owners and often complain that environmental laws violate 
  property rights. But supporters of the proposal say modernization has been 
  held back because utilities have no guarantee that they can add to the 
  more than 150,000 miles of existing power lines.
  "I'm not real wild about that part of the bill, but when you are 
  talking about building these power lines across hundreds if not thousands 
  of miles, you can't have one property owner holding up the whole thing," 
  said Representative Richard W. Pombo, a California Republican who is 
  chairman of the House Resources Committee.
  The National Governors Association, environmental groups and other 
  organizations representing state and local officials whose powers might be 
  usurped oppose the proposal.
  But the blackout has softened opposition from lawmakers. "The blackout 
  probably shifted all of us slightly," said Senator Larry E. Craig, 
  Republican of Idaho, who said he would still work against the eminent 
  domain proposal. Still, he said, he was not "going to give the states the 
  absolute right of veto."
  Transmission line proposals have been controversial for decades, as 
  landowners, local governments and others fought them on environmental, 
  health and safety grounds. Usually, the disputes have been settled in 
  local forums and courts.
  The latest move in Congress "is a significant change in law if it is 
  enacted," said Diane Shea, who handles natural resources issues for the 
  governors association.
  Ms. Shea and other critics of the proposal say it is based on the 
  faulty premise that states frequently block new transmission lines. They 
  say that such cases are rare, and that objections are handled responsibly 
  when they do arise.
  The proposal has drawn the attention of property rights advocates who 
  contend that once such new authority is handed to a government agency, it 
  tends to be used as a hammer to intimidate land owners.
  "When you put that kind of power in the hands of an individual whose 
  job it is to run a straight line from X to Y on a map, he doesn't care 
  about one man's farm or another man's business," said Charles Cushman, 
  executive director of the American Land Rights Association, whose members 
  are mainly property owners opposed to regulation.
  The Bush administration backs the proposal, which it first advanced in 
  the energy policy drawn up in 2001 by a task force headed by Vice 
  President Dick Cheney. In its position 

[CTRL] Fwd: Why the UN Rejected Bush's Request for Help in Iraq (on US Terms)

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Betrayal of Trust

By George Lakoff
September 15, 2003

The question of the L-word keeps coming up. Did the president and his chief advisors lie? I think this is the wrong question to be asking. The real issue is betrayal of trust. The president has been criticized for using the following as justifications for the Iraq war. We went to war in Iraq because Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction that threatened us. He was reconstituting his nuclear weapons programs (the aluminum tubes, the uranium from Africa). He had huge stocks of chemical and biological weapons that could be launched quickly in aerial vehicles that threatened the US. Saddam was working with Al Qaeda. Iraqis had "trained Al Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases." It appears these were all falsehoods. The tubes couldn't be used for enriching uranium, there was no uranium anyway, and no reconstituted nuclear weapons programs. The vast stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons have not been found, and would be well past their use-date anyway. The aerial delivery vehicles could not go more that a few hundred miles and could not threaten the US. There is no evidence that Saddam had anything to do with the Al Qaeda attack on the US, or that there was any cooperation between Saddam and Al Qaeda, although seventy percent of Americans believe it, according to a recent Washington Post poll, and perhaps a higher percentage of men and women in the military. President Bush's speech on September 7 used language that had the same implications. [We] "acted first in Afghanistan, by destroying training camps of terror, and removing the regime that harbored Al Qaeda. ... And we acted in Iraq, where the former regime sponsored terror, possessed and used weapons of mass destruction ... Two years ago, I told the Congress and the country that the war on terror would be a lengthy war, a different kind of war, fought on many fronts in many places. Iraq is now the central front." Here is the impression that a great many Americans have been left with, especially our men and women in the military and their families: We went to war in Iraq, first, to defend our country against terrorists, second, to liberate that country  selflessly, at great sacrifice, not out of self-interest. These are false impressions, and the president continues to create and reinforce them. Are they lies  or are they merely exaggerations, misleading statements, mistakes, rhetorical excesses and so on. Linguists study such matters. The most startling finding is that, in considering whether a statement is a lie, the least important consideration for most people is whether it is true! 

The more important considerations are, Did he believe it? Did he intend to deceive? Was he trying to gain some advantage or to harm someone else? Is it a serious matter, or a trivial one? Is it "just" a matter of political rhetoric? Most people will grant that, even if the statement happened to be false, if he believed it, wasn't trying to deceive, and was not trying to gain advantage or harm any one, then there was no lie. If it was a lie in the service of a good cause, then it was a white lie. If it was based on faulty information, then it was an honest mistake. If it was just there for emphasis, then it was an exaggeration. 

These have been among the administration's defenses. The good cause: liberating Iraq. The faulty information: from the CIA. The emphasis: enthusiasm for a great cause. Even though there is evidence that the President and his advisers knew the information was false, they can deflect the use of the L-word. The falsehoods have been revealed and they, in themselves, do not matter much to most people. 

But lying, in itself, is not and should not be the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Cost of Iraqi Reconstruction May Equal Cost of Vietnam War

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from the September 16, 2003 edition - http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/0916/p01s02-usec.html 

War's mixed impact on a reviving economy

Iraq spending adds momentum to GDP, but the costs of empire are also a burden.

By David R. Francis | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor 

Adding in the $87 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan recently requested by President Bush, America's spending for defense will exceed that of all other nations combined. It's a sign that the United States may be the most dominant single military power on the globe since the Roman Empire.

It's also a sign that Pax Americana is a costly affair, with major impact on the economy as well as on the world's political landscape.

Wars, in general, can stimulate economic growth or weigh down a nation with burdensome costs. This one could do both.

Most economists would say the US is now only partially in a "wartime economy." Defense costs are rising, but as a share of the US economy they are below levels seen in the cold war.

But war's imprint remains significant. In this year's April-June quarter, when the economy grew at a 3.1 percent annual rate, defense spending accounted for about one full percentage point of that gain, estimates economist Cynthia Latta of Global Insight in Lexington, Mass. It could provide about the same boost in the current quarter, as a US recovery gathers momentum.

The impacts range from the bigger paychecks that service-men and women earn during wartime to outlays for basic supplies like body armor and tank treads.
In all, the $87 billion Mr. Bush seeks would push 2004 defense spending to about $470 billion - a sum that, adjusted for inflation, nearly matches the peak level of military spending during the cold war.

But since 1980, the economy has grown hugely. Thus, military outlays in 2004 will not match the 7 percent of gross domestic product they reached in 1986 during the Reagan buildup. Next year, defense spending will likely run well above 4 percent of GDP, up from 3.7 percent in 2001.

By comparison, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) calculates that China spends 2.3 percent of its GDP on defense, Britain and France 2.5 percent, and Russia 3.8 percent.

"The economics of our defense budget are mind blowing," says Winslow Wheeler, an expert at the Center for Defense Information, a Washington think tank.

The American public seems to agree.

With war costs rising above $1 billion per week, about 7 of 10 respondents in a new Newsweek poll worry that the costs of the war will increase the deficit and hurt the economy.

The cost, which is likely to exceed $100 billion next year, doesn't yet approach the estimated $2.9 trillion cost (in today's dollars) of World War II or the $336 billion of the Korean War or the $494 billion of the Vietnam War. But clearly few Americans were expecting a tab of this magnitude.

A major war can send an economy into economic overdrive. That was certainly the case in World War II, which helped the US climb out of the Great Depression. Vietnam expenditures, combined with the War on Poverty and a generous monetary policy, brought a decade of high inflation. The Reagan buildup helped drag the economy out of a serious recession.

But spending on this war is not always the most efficient economic stimulant.
The current military spending, some economists say, is not proving as useful as other ways of boosting the economy. Targeted government spending on job creation and maintenance - such as helping states and municipalities financially - would do more, they maintain.

One reason the wartime spending is modest in its economic impact: As much as half will be spent abroad, figures David Wyss, chief economist of Standard  Poor's in New York. It will go for salaries, food, equipment, fuel, and other goods in 

[CTRL] Fwd: Israel Vows to Assassinate Arafat -- UN Warns of Consequence: Total Terror

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Reuters report 9-15-03:- 
 "[Addressing the United Nations,] Israeli Ambassador Dan Gillerman dismissed Arafat as a 'professional terrorist' and predicted his [assassination] would swiftly lead to an end to the [Palestinian] conflict. 
 "'Arafat is at the helm of those who have been supporting mega-terror attacks in the style of the bombing of the twin towers, to bring the region to the brink of catastrophe,' said Gillerman." 

Killing Arafat is an option, 
says Sharon's deputy

By Eric Silver in Jerusalem
The Independent (UK)
15 September 2003

Israel upped the ante yesterday in its campaign against Yasser Arafat when a senior minister spoke openly for the first time about assassinating him. 

The government vowed last week to "remove" the Palestinian leader, "in a manner, and at a time, of its choosing". Ehud Olmert, the Deputy Prime Minister, told Israel's army radio that killing Mr Arafat was "definitely one of the options". 

Although he left open the alternative of expelling him, Mr Olmert argued: "We are trying to eliminate all the heads of terror, and Arafat is one of the heads of terror. From a moral point of view, this is no different from others who were involved in acts of terror. It is only a practical question. What is the benefit? What will be the reaction?"

Shaul Mofaz, the Defence Minister, is advocating Mr Arafat's assassination behind the scenes. 

The Israeli media reports that the head of the Shin Bet security service, Avi Dichter, also backs it, on the questionable assumption that the furor would fade more quickly if Israel killed Mr Arafat than if it sent him into exile.

The US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, said: "The United States does not support either the elimination of him or the exile of Mr. Arafat. It's not our position; hasn't been. The Israeli government knows it." 

He added: "I think the consequences would not be good. I think you can anticipate that there would be rage throughout the Arab world, the Muslim world and in many other parts of the world. And I don't see how, at this delicate moment, that would serve the cause of moving forward on the road-map."

Saeb Erakat, a former senior Palestinian peace negotiator, warned Israel that the result would be disastrous either way. "We would immediately enter into anarchy and chaos," he said. "Militias would take over with machine guns. The first thing they would do in Jericho, my home town, is come to my office and kill me, like the rest of the moderates. The ground is set for that in Bethlehem, Hebron and other cities too."

Israel's Labour opposition came out against the intention to remove Mr Arafat. Isaac Herzog, a Labour MP, said: "Sharon has led us into a dead end. We're locked in with no way to move."

Leading Israeli columnists were scathing. 

Ze'ev Schiff wrote in Ha'aretz: "The declaration of intent to deport or kill Arafat raises serious doubts about the government's capacity to handle the acute, bloody crisis with the Palestinians."

Hemi Shalev said in Ma'ariv: "The government has placed a loaded gun on its table, and with the next terror attack, if and when it occurs, it is plausible that its only choice will be to shoot - even if the main victim is Israel itself." 

Israel criticised at United Nations 
for threat to Arafat

By David Usborne in New York and Marie Woolf
The Independent (UK)
16 September 2003

Israel came under concerted criticism in the United Nations Security Council and in several capitals around the world yesterday for threatening to remove Yasser Arafat from the Middle East peace process -- a policy that a cabinet member suggested could extend to killing him.

In a day-long special debate on the Middle East, Security Council members lined up to urge Israel to reconsider its stance. The government of Ariel Sharon was also 

[CTRL] Fwd: If Arafat Dies, America Will Pay the Ultimate Price for Supporting Israel

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Assassinating Arafat
A Disaster Foretold

CounterPunch, Sept. 15, 2003

So now it is official: the government of Israel has decided to assassinate Yasser Arafat.
Not any more to "exile". Not any more to "expel or kill". Simply to "remove".
Of course, the intention is not to remove him to another country. Nobody seriously believes that Yasser Arafat will raise his hands and allow himself to be marched off. He and his men will be killed "during the exchange of fire". This would not be the first time.
Even if it was possible to expel Arafat to another country, nobody in the Israeli leadership would dream of doing so. How come? Allow him to make the rounds of Putin, Schroeder and Chirac? God forbid. So the plan is to remove him to the next world.
Not immediately. The Americans forbid it. It may make Bush angry. Sharon does not want to annoy Bush.
Some people comfort themselves with the thought that this is just an empty resolution. It is supposed to be implemented at a time and in a way yet to be decided. But this is wishful thinking, a dangerous comfort. 

The decision legitimizing his assassination is by itself a far-reaching political act. It is intended to get the Israeli and international public used to the idea. What used to sound like a crazy plot by extreme fanatics now has the air of a legitimate political process, with only the time and mode of implementation still open.
Anyone familiar with Ariel Sharon can see how things will develop from now on. He will wait for his opportunity. It may come any minute, or after a week, a month, a year. He is patient. When he decides to do something, he is ready to wait, but he won't deviate from his goal.
So when will the planned assassination be carried out? When some big suicide attack will take place in Israel, one so big that an extreme reaction will be understood by the Americans, too. Or when something happens somewhere to divert world attention from our country. Or when some dramatic event, something comparable to the destruction of the Twin Towers, makes Bush furious.
What will happen afterwards?
Arab leaders say that there will be "incalculable results". But, in truth, the results can be calculated fairly well in advance.

The murder of Arafat will bring about an historic change in the relationship between Israel and the Palestinian people. Since the 1973 war, both peoples have been accepting the idea of a compromise between the two great national movements. In the Oslo agreement, after a process initiated by Yasser Arafat practically alone, the Palestinians gave up 78% of the country that was called Palestine before 1948. They agreed to set up their state in the remaining 22%. Only Arafat had the moral and political standing necessary to carry the people with him, much as Ben-Gurion was able to convince our people to accept the partition plan.
Even in the sharpest crises since then, both peoples have remained steadfast in their belief that in the end there will be a compromise.

The assassination of Arafat will put an end to this, perhaps forever. We shall return to the stage of "all or nothing": Greater Israel or Greater Palestine, throwing the Jews into the sea or pushing the Palestinians out into the desert. 
The Palestinian Authority will disappear. Israel will take over all the Palestinian territories, with all the economic and human stress involved. The "de luxe occupation", which allowed Israel a free hand in the territories, with the world paying the bills, will be over.
Violence will reign supreme. It will be the sole language of both peoples. In Jerusalem and Ramallah, Haifa and Hebron, Tulkarm and Tel-Aviv, fear will stalk the streets. Every mother who sends her children to school will be consumed by worry until they come back. Terror on this side and on that side, an ever widening 

[CTRL] Fwd: More Europeans are Conspiracy Theorists, Thanks to George Bush

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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9/11? It Never Happened 
Across Europe, conspiracy theories are all the rage.
 Germany is the latest to be swept up by the craze.

By Stefan Theil
Sept. 22 issue

 To get a sense of how deep mistrust of the United States runs in Germany, take a look at the bookshelves. Two years after September 11, German bookstores are flooded with such works as The CIA and September 11, in which a former government minister of Research and Technology, Andreas von Bulow, insinuates that the U.S. and Israeli intelligence services blew up the World Trade Center from the inside. The two Boeings, he claims, were flown in by remote control as a cover-up. The whole thing was a cynical plot by Americas neoconservatives to take over the world.  
Published last month by the otherwise reputable Piper Verlag, the ministers book has already jumped to number three on the nonfiction best-seller list.  The only books more popular are two works by Michael Moore, an American left-wing documentarian who has, over the past year, become celebrated for his eloquent rants against the Bush administration, accusing it of using 9/11 as an excuse to curtail civil liberties while pursuing its own corporate interests. 
 Recently, more crackpot 9/11 theorists have gotten a kind of official blessing. In June, German government-run WDR television broadcast a documentary claiming that no airplane ever crashed in Pennsylvania. You would expect this sort of thing in some quarters of the world, where hatred of the West is so common and intense that theories of America (and Israel) as a wellspring of sinister forces easily flourish. To this day, many Arabs believe that 4,000 Jewish employees working at the WTC did not show up at their jobs on September 11, having been tipped off by the Mossad, the true perpetrator of the attacks. Consider, too, the many interpretations surrounding the bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad. Many Arabs think the United States did the deed, allegedly to foil those who seek to turn the mission over to multinational control. 
 In a world where paranoia and disinformation reign, its easy for such theories to spread. But why have they seemingly taken root in a place like Germany? And why now, two years after the attacks? Make no mistake. The number of Germans, French and other Europeans who believe in a secret American conspiracy surrounding 9/11 is a minority. But its sizable: one in five Germans, for example, says its possible that Bush ordered up 9/11 as a pretext for world conquest, according to a July poll by the weekly Die Zeit.  Theres a practical explanation for the current bout of cryptomania: most of the books released now were written at the height of the nasty transatlantic war over an American attack on Iraq. Amid the antiwar fervor, conspiracy theories played a big role in many Germans thinking.  Indeed, some mainstream media virtually specialized in sinister plots. In suggestive cover stories titled blood for oil and warriors of god, the German newsweekly Der Spiegel described U.S. policy as a conspiracy to control the world  fomented and led by the oil industry one week and the Christian right the next. That kind of hysteria cant disappear overnight. Recent weeks have provided fresh fodder. Take the controversy over Britains hyped-up Iraq dossiers, the disappearance of Iraqs supposed weapons of mass destruction and a dead British defense scientist. Add in the backdrop of the continuing debate over massive U.S. intelligence failures that might have let 9/11 happen. When reality already reads like a political whodunit, its easy for skeptics to see a more sinister plot.  Even before 2001, there was the curious Florida election, as well as the Bushies close ties to corporate interests and the newly prominent network of 

[CTRL] and brought Americas first oil company, the Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company of New York into the hands of New Haven investors,

2003-09-16 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
an excerpt from:
Fleshing Out Skull  Bones
TrineDay 2003 - 720 pages
an excerpt from:The Tomb by Kris Millegan
Fleshing Out Skull  Bones  Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society

There have always been strong relationships in New England between the art community and secret societies. The Age of Enlightenment, Calvinism, Spiritual Awakenings, The Revolutionary War, Millennialism and other influences had brewed an interesting social stew with the secret societies, primarily Freemasonry and Phi Beta Kappa playing very visible roles. The year Skull  Bones was formed, Americas first college campus art gallery and the first Tomb-like building at Yale, the Trumbull Gallery, was opened on October 25, 1832. John Trumbull, famous early American historical painter, had fallen on hard times and his nephew and Yales first science faculty member, Professor Silliman, established the gallery and arranged for him to receive an annuity in exchange for the donation of his paintings to Yale. An early design for the gallery was likened to a traditional Greek Temple. Trumbull designed the building that was finally built. The gallery contained two large windowless rooms and had an eastern entrance flanked by Doric columns and Doric pilasters. 

Professor Silliman was the founder and editor of the American Journal of Science and Arts. He was a founding member of the National Academy of Sciences and a member of Phi Beta Kappa, which in 1832, in reaction to the Ant-Masonic movement ceased being a secret society and became an open and honorary organization. A reported reaction to the Phi Beta Kappa secrecy change was that Yale students William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft asked 13 of their classmates to form with them the Order of Scull  Bones. Phi Beta Kappa did continue also, with Russell, Taft and three other Bonesmen as members.

The school of chemistry, which Professor Silliman founded at Yale in 1847, later developed into the Sheffi eld Scientifi c School (SSS) through which Bones was able to take-over Yale. Professor Silliman retired in 1853 to be succeeded by his son, Professor Benjamin Silliman, Jr., a member of a very active group of Bones-men, the class of 1837. Junior, among other things, discovered in 1855 the process known as cracking, the distillation of paraffin, gasoline and other products from oil. As Professor Silliman, Jr. noted in his report: 

Gentlemen, it appears to me that your Company may have in their possession a raw material from which, by a simple and not expensive process, they may manufacture very valuable products.

His findings spurred the first oil rush and brought Americas first oil company, the Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company of New York into the hands of New Haven investors, and made fortunes for Townsend and Bissell families, who soon had sons in the Order of Skull  Bones. The thread of the petroleum business continues through the history of Yale, the Tomb and the members of the Order of Skull  Bones.

pages 388-89

 The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers, which are cited to justify it.

President John F. Kennedy
Address to newspaper publishers, April 27, 1961. 

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Misleader.org: Tracking Bush's False Statements

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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View the New York Times ad launching Misleader.org


Dear MoveOn member,

The President says things that are misleading or just plain wrong
every day, but most of these statements are never challenged. That's
why we're launching Misleader.org, a new website and free daily email
service for journalists and the general public to track George Bush's
false statements.

You can sign up right now at:
http://www.misleader.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The daily dispatches will take a "Just the Facts, Ma'am" approach --
no rhetoric, just a couple of paragraphs we'll email each morning on
what the President said and why it was misleading or untrue.  It's our
hope that by doing some of the research for the press corps, we can
ensure better coverage of President Bush's lies.  If you know
someone who could use this kind of information, please point him or
her to the site.

To launch the site, we've taken out a full page ad in the New York
Times titled "Mis-State of the Union."  The ad reveals how the
President mislead the nation in his State of the Union speech --
not just on Iraq, but on the economy, the environment, and other
important issues.  You can check the ad out at:

Here are a few juicy tidbits from our New York Times ad:

George Bush: "The tax relief is for everyone who pays income
taxes...Americans will keep, this year, an average of almost $1,000
more of their own money."
The Truth: Nearly half of all taxpayers get less than $100. And 31% of
all taxpayers get nothing at all.

George Bush: "Our first goal is...an economy that grows fast enough to
employ every man and woman who seeks a job."
The Truth: Bush is the first President since Hoover to preside over an
economy that has lost jobs, not created them - more than 2.9 million
since 2001.

George Bush: "[My] Clear Skies legislation...mandates a 70% cut in air
pollution from power plants over the next 15 years."
The Truth: The Bush plan will allow more than 100,000 additional
premature deaths by 2020 than alternative legislation developed by the
Environmental Protection Agency. The plan does not regulate carbon
emissions and allows far more sulfur and mercury emissions.

George Bush: "[W]e achieved historic education reform - which must now
be carried out in every school and in every classroom."
The Truth: Bush cut $8 billion from the promised funds for 

[CTRL] Fwd: Will the Media Let Bush Lose?

2003-09-16 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/15/03 9:45:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


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-Caveat Lector-

George W. Bush is slipping in the polls as bloodshed continues in Iraq, the U.S. 
budget deficit widens to historic proportions, and nearly three million jobs have 
disappeared. But the U.S. news media keeps describing Bush as the popular war-time 
president, a stock phrase that may conceal the political trouble he's in.
For the full story on the challenges facing Bush's bid for a second term, go to 
Consortiumnews.com at http://www.consortiumnews.com

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To unsubscribe follow the link:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Russia Reacts To Cheney Nuke-War Threat - Thanks Alot Dick

2003-09-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

This article appears in the September 12, 2003 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. 

Russia Reacts to Cheney
Nuke-War Policy Threat

by Jonathan Tennenbaum The strategic insanity of Dick Cheney's Bush Administration, including the new U.S. doctrine of "pre-emptive" use of nuclear weapons, has triggered a far-reaching shift in military planning on the part of Russia, China, India, and other nations, that can have very nasty consequences for the United States and the world. Most explicit has been the response from Russia. For the first time since the end of the Cold War, decisions on development and deployment of new weapons systems are being moved by the realization, that in the event of a continuation of the present policy-course in Washington, the eventuality of a large-scale war involving nuclear weapons is becoming increasingly probable. The activities of the Russian military-scientific-industrial complex are being reshaped in accordance with the intention to develop an "asymmetric response" to this war threat, involving some crucial elements of technological surprise.

An indication of this shift, was given by Russian President Vladimir Putin's July visit to the Russian Federal Nuclear Center at Sarovthe nation's top nuclear weapons laboratory, famous in Soviet times as the "closed city" Azarmas-16. At a well-publicized roundtable discussion with the scientific leadership of the Nuclear Center on July 13, Putin declared: "The quality of our nuclear weapons is the basis of Russia's security. These weapons must fulfill the most stringent demands Your institute is the most powerful center of advanced science in the world. Here are concentrated the talents and knowledge of generations of Russian scientists We need the broadest possible spectrum of scientific investigation, experiment, construction, and testing. Now you are concentrated on perfecting the battle-readiness of nuclear weapons, both those already developed and those now in the process of development Russia is, and will remain, a great nuclear power."

Subsequent statements and actions by leading military and scientific officials made it clear that Putin meant business. On Aug. 26, a member of a leading strategic institute in Moscow commented to EIR: "For some time now, particularly in response to the declarations of preventive war, from President Bush in June 2002, and then the U.S. 'National Security Strategy' of September 2002, Russia has been moving to bolster its defensive capabilities in a very big way. The hard facts have been covered openly in the press, but the Americans prefer not to see it." The Russian expert emphasized the development of new types of nuclear weapons; the ongoing upgrading of Russia's multiple-warhead missile force; and the construction of new, "ultra-quiet" types of submarines; and pointed also to the holding of large-scale naval and air maneuvers in the Far East region in late August.

These exercises involved the Pacific and Northern Fleets, the strategic and front-line aviation, and troops of the Far Eastern Military District ranging from the Sea of Okhotsk to the Bering Sea and Sea of Japan. Adm. Viktor Kravchenko, chief of the General Staff of Russia's Navy, called them "unprecedented in the history of the Russian Navy in terms of scale, range of participants, and area."

Meanwhile, in an interview with the military news service Itar-Tass, Adm. Vladimir Kuroyedov, chief commander of the Russian Navy, underlined a shift in strategy connected with the coming "fourth-generation" of submarines, that are to rejuvenate the Russian undersea forces. "We won't build giant submarines any more," he said, pointing to the example of the planned delivery to the Navy, in 2006, of the first submarine of the new 935 Borei series. The Borei class will be fast, half the size of the Typhoon-class, and will carry 20 sea-launched ballistic missiles of a new type.

Opening Up Nuclear Pandora's Box

Most far-reaching, however, is the unleashing of a qualitatively new "nuclear arms race." On Aug. 12, the 50th anniversary of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb test, former Atom Minister and now scientific director of the Federal Nuclear Center Viktor Mikhailov told the daily Nezavisimaya Gazeta: "The development of new thermonuclear weapons is now going on in several countries, including the U.S.A. and Russia. The spectrum of such weaponry is extremely large Up to 1953, we were behind the Americans in the development of nuclear weapons; but starting 1953, and up to today, we are ahead of them." Mikhailov dropped a bombshell by pointing to some revolutionary areas of nuclear research, now being pursued in Russian laboratories, that have the potential to change the entire "geometry" of warfare.

Nuclear weapons existing up to now, are based on fissionthe splitting of nuclei of heavy elements, which provides the energy source of the atomic 

[CTRL] Super Spy Pollard Being Used As Bargaining Chip

2003-09-16 Thread William Shannon

Super Spy Being Used As Bargaining Chip

Super spy Jonathan Pollard was back in court recently, with powerful forces working behind the scenes to try to free the man, who, top U.S. intelligence officials said, sold every worthwhile secret the United States has ever had.

Minutes after American super spy for Israel Jonathan Pollard left Washington District Court on Sept. 2 to be driven by federal marshals back to his high-security federal prison in Butner, N.C., a diplomat at the Israeli Embassy who had attended the hearing called Tel Aviv.

The gist of his brief conversation was that Pollard, who was judged and found guilty of being one of the greatest traitors in the history of the United States and sentenced to life in jail, had put on a credible performance.

Pollard was a civilian senior analyst in the secret Field Operational Intelligence Office in Suitland, Md. The post required top-security clearance because Pollard had access to the highly classified files of the entire U.S. intelligence community. His former employers have conceded that in the time he spied for Israel, Pollard read and copied and transmitted every worthwhile secret we had.

Compared to Pollard, the damage done by other U.S. spies during the Cold War and subsequently pales into insignificance, Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger had said at the time.

It was Weinbergers 46-page affidavit at the time of Pollards trial in 1987 that had brought him, 16 years later, to the courtroom of Judge Thomas Hogan on that hot day of Sept. 2.

The affidavit is still classified TOP SECRET: SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTED INFORMATION (SCI). This is a process further restricting access to the most sensitive data in the U.S. intelligence community.

However, Pollards lead defense attorney, Eliot Lauer, told the court the Justice Department had confirmed that 25 people had seen the affidavit by 2002. Their names and positions within the government are not known.

But a high-level intelligence source said that the affidavit contains crucial details about how Promis softwaredeveloped by the specialist Inslaw computer company in Washington and later stolen by Mossadhad been adapted to fit into the artificial intelligence on board U.S. nuclear submarines.

The technique is known as over the horizon accuracy, enabling a submarine to hit targets far within the then Soviet Union and China.

Promis can program details of the defenses around a target along with the advanced physics and mathematics needed to ensure a direct hit from huge distances.

The affidavit claims that Pollards theft of the data enabled Israel to develop its own over the horizon accuracy technique for three German-built nuclear-powered submarines it acquired (See page 21 for more on this).

In the affidavit are also details of joint U.S.-British listening posts on Cyprus and the Middle East, which Pollard compromised. The affidavit also reveals how Pollard compromised CIA/MI6 operations in the Soviet Union and the former East Germany.

While this has led to a considerable change in U.S. intelligence, the data in the Weinberger affidavit is deemed to be still so ultra-sensitive that its publication in a court record would provide valuable information to foreign intelligence services.

Pollard looked older than his 49 years, his skin paler, his eyes occasionally glancing round the packed courtroom. He let his lawyers do the talking during the 90-minute hearing.

Pollard wore wire-rimmed spectacles, an embroidered yarmulke and a green prison over shirt. He had a gray-brown beard and shoulder-length hair, giving him the appearance of an Old Testament prophet. 

Some 40 relatives and supporters packed the small courtroom. They included several rabbis, including Israels former chief rabbi, Mordechai Eliahu. His wife, Esther, and his father were also present.

It was the first time Pollard had been seen in public since his sentence in 1987 to life imprisonment without parole.

The nub of Pollards case was that he should be allowed to appeal his sentence because his then attorney, Richard Hibney, had failed to file a notice of appeal when the prosecution asked the trial judge, Aubrey Robinson, for a life sentence without parole after inducing Pollard to plead guilty by promising the state would not ask for life. A further argument centered around the claim that Pollards then defense team had been refused access to the Weinberger affidavit, because they did not have the requisite security clearance.

Pollards new lawyers told the court they were also seeking a pardon or sentence commutation from the Bush administration.

A further hearing is to be held later in the year. Meantime, Pollards lawyers denied they had made contact with the Israeli government. Their case was based on Pollards rights as an American citizen to due process.

The denial of contact is economical with the truth. Over the years, Pollards attorneys 

[CTRL] Wrong war in the wrong place

2003-09-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Wrong war in the wrong place
Patrick J. Buchanan

Posted: September 15, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

In making the case for staying the course in Iraq, the White House has begun invoking the specters of Somalia and Lebanon. 

What happened there? 

In 1983, after 241 U.S. Marines were massacred in a truck bombing at the Beirut barracks, President Reagan pulled all the Marines out. In 1993, when 18 Army Rangers lost their lives in the "Black Hawk Down" firefight in Mogadishu, President Clinton pulled all U.S. forces out of Somalia. 

We cut and ran, say the president's men. These retreats convinced our enemies we cannot stand casualties and will cut and run if enough American blood can be spilled. 

Iraq is thus where we must stand and fight. For if we do not defeat the terrorists there, we will have to fight them in our cities. 

So runs the argument. The natural response of Americans is to nod in agreement. After all, we Americans are not cowards. When attacked, we fight as long as we have to, and we win our wars. 

But our enemies know us better than we know ourselves. We are reacting exactly as they anticipated and doing exactly what they want. Full of wounded pride and outraged patriotism, we lunged right into the trap baited for us on Sept. 11. 

The terrorists who drove those airliners into the Pentagon and World Trade Center did not expect to bring down the U.S. government or force the surrender of the United States. They are fanatics, not fools. The wanted to wound, bleed and provoke America into lashing out. 

The ultimate war aims of Osama's jihad are to drive us off the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia, expel Israel from Palestine and Jerusalem, and end U.S. hegemony in the Middle East. But the tactical objective of 9-11 was to goad us into crashing into the Islamic world in search of revenge. 

Our smashing of Iraq and our huge military footprint there now have turned millions of Muslims against us and forced friendly Arab regimes into making a painful choice: Side with America and face the resentment of your countrymen, or separate and risk alienating the superpower upon whom your survival depends. 

To save themselves from Islamic wrath, the Saudis told us to take our troops out of their country, and the Turks, our old allies, refused  even with huge bribes  to join our invasion. 

By sending an American army to occupy Baghdad, the seat of the caliphate for 500 years, we played into al-Qaida's hands. We are where they want us. We are where they can get at us. We are where they can kill us on their timetable, on their own turf. 

Repeatedly, before the invasion, President Bush was warned against imitating Ariel Sharon when he crashed into Lebanon in 1982. Raging Bull himself created Hezbollah, which then drove Israel out with the same guerrilla tactics now being used against us in Iraq. 

But the president did not listen. Instead, like Pinnochio heeding the lazy and roguish Candlewick and heading off for Funland, where both were turned into donkeys, he heeded the neocons, who whispered in his ear about his being the Churchill of his time, who would strangle Islamofascism in the cradle the way our fathers should have strangled Nazism. When we march in, the neocons assured him, we will be welcomed as liberators, Muslim nations will fall like dominoes to democracy and peace will reign in the Mideast. 

Now we are in a sand trap. And the question the president and Congress must answer is: Do we go in deeper? Do we pour in whatever money and blood are needed to fight on to victory in a land where we are not loved and where the enemy can fight the kind of war Islamic warriors have fought successfully against the French in Algeria, the Russians in Afghanistan and the Israelis in Lebanon. Or do we disengage, accept the humiliation of an American withdrawal and choose a different battlefield on which to fight al-Qaida? 

Which brings us back to Somalia and Lebanon. 

The mistake Reagan made in Lebanon was not in pulling out, but in going in. There was no vital U.S. interest in Beirut, no threat to our security. The same was true of Somalia. When we moved beyond giving food to starving Somalis to deciding what warlord should rule in Mogadishu, we intervened in a civil war and paid the inevitable price. 

Whether Iraq is a democracy or dictatorship isn't our concern. Our concern should be: Does Iraq threaten America's vital interests? Before our invasion, we now know, it did not. 

But, like a bad marriage, the mistake was going in, in the first place, and now, there is no easy way out. If we pull out, Iraq could become a failed state and a haven for Islamic warriors. If we stay and fight, we may be plunging into an endless or unwinnable war. 

Somewhere, Osama bin Laden is saying to himself, "Mission accomplished."

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. 

[CTRL] Prime Minister 9.11

2003-09-16 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

A second letter to the Prime Minister 

Prime Minister,

Re: AD30 Preachers and 9.11 Pirates 

I do appreciate Prime Minister that, like 99.99% on the 
planet, you have no understanding of how Time has such an influence over very 
specific decisions. For example, September 11th 2001 is probably the 
most important Time Marker in over one thousand years. And yet 
mostBritish and American people really believe that Osama bin Laden chose 
this date so destroy the Twin Towers in Lower Manhattan, New York. 

The enigma caused by Osama bin Laden choosing such a 
date when considered by a number cruncher like me, is that it shows the 
Pirates are there on September 11th 
Now the reference number for the Pirates is 611 that 
is the flag of the Skull and Cross Bones the flag when seen on the high seas 
was a warning to the ship that was targeted by that when they board all are 
killed, for 611 is flag of no mercy. 
So to another Time Marker that of 9pm Sunday, April 
9th AD30 the time and date when it seems Jesus Christ appeared inside 
the locked Upper Room, some 54 hours after his death at 3pm Friday, April 
7th, that was Passover Eve, AD30 among his disciples, the soon to be 
Jewish Preachers of Jerusalem. 
And Prime Minister, counting from when the clock struck 
9pm on Sunday April 9th (AD30.27071) on the day of the resurrection 
of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, until 10:30am EDT (that is nearly 90 seconds one 
after the destruction of the second tower at 10:28:31am) on Tuesday September 
11th 2001 (2001.693888) is 1971.423178 years. 

And 1971.423178 years is equivalent to 720,046.9362 
days, and cubed, the square root is precisely 611,00,000 and 611 is the 
reference number for the Pirates that is the flag of the Skull and Cross 
Bones in that the Skull is 322 and the Cross Bones is 289. 

So Prime Minister, as the dust was blowing everywhere 
when the second of the Twin Towers came down at 10:28:31am and so the death of 
nearly 3,000 people crushed alive so to die by 10:30am Tuesday, September 
11th 2001 is, as a Time Marker and counted from the appearance in 
the Upper Room at 9am sharp on Sunday April 9th AD30, another Time 
Now, Prime Minister, the planet Mars, the symbol of the 
God of War gets into the 9.11 death business. Because the Pirates at 611 + 
another Skull at 322 is the number 933, that of the Biblical Beast that comes 
up out of the sea of people. In that the Pirates 611 at 61100 x 6110 and cube 
root and squared once, and divided by the Martian year of 686.98 days and square 
root and /Pi twice is 2.78348 cubic feet, which is about the volume of the Stone 
of Destiny, that is the Stone of Scone, (26.5 x 16.5 x 11.0002 inches). 

So Prime 
Minister you chose to back President Bush to go to war against Iraq, but you 
certainly knew not the fallen spirit realm had counted September 
11th 2001 as theirs. And so Prime Minister you have a problem 

Yours sincerely 
John D. 
PS Repeat.
Patriots and Pirates invaded Iraq? 

"We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never 
tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 
11th, malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists 
themselves, away from the guilty." GW Bush speaking before the UN General 
Assembly 11/10/2001
A simplistic way, to show the reference numbers for the 
Iraq War, is by using both the 9.11 Time Marker and the Ring of Fire Time 
Marker. That is 508 days from September 11th 2001 to the destruction 
of the space shuttle Columbia on February 1st 2003, and multiplied by 
the 47 days from February 1st 2003 to March 20th 2003, the 
day both the United States and Britain went to war against Iraq, so 508 x 47 and 
squared and /1,000 is equivalent to 611 x 933.0006. 

And the reference number is 611, is the pirates Skull 
and Cross Bones flag of death to all when we board, in that the Skull is 322 
+ the Cross Bones is 289 the Serpent. And 933 is that of the Biblical Beast in 
the Book of Revelation, and 933 less the Serpent at 289 is 611, that of the 
Skull and Cross Bones.
Thus the two Time Makers shows that March 
20th 2003 shows a military power metaphysically as pirates flying the 
flag of death, that of the Skull and Cross Bones as the cruise missiles were 
launched from the American warships. 
So does Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda teams know that 
the day of September 11th 2001 is a Time Marker in the history of the 
modern world? A day which changed the world, a world now on perpetual Terror 
Alert, a world where many people expect death and destruction everyday of their 
lives, living under the threat of both Patriots and Pirates. 

Upper Room 
they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven 
gathered together, and them that were with them, Saying, The Lord is risen 
indeed, and hath appeared to Simon. And they told what things [were done] in the 
way, and how he was known of them in 


2003-09-16 Thread T Brennan
-Caveat Lector-

Top ten sites in French, Czech, and Portuguese
reviewing works of T. Casey Brennan.  You'll have to
scroll down (or use CTRL + F for Find) to get to my
name...most sites merely index foreign translations
of my work...











Celebrity Homeless List including my name:


The JFK Connection:

This is the main British TCB fan page with the
trenchcoat photo:


This is a Canadian JFK page with the trenchcoat
photo cropped:


This is from The Konformist magazine; scroll down to
get the trenchcoat photo cropped  with caption:
sexiest JFK MK-ULTRA assassin alive:


This is from a professor at the University of Rhode
Island; no photo:


This is the NEW TCB fan page, with Clinton document,
but no photo:


Crow Manifesto TCB page; 1972 photo only:

Site from Norway indexing my book, VAMPIRELLA:


Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-09-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
Would you please remind me of the reasons for your antipathy towards Paranoia magazine? 


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

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[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-09-16 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 14:06:03 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
September 16, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. Jennings Cites Hussein’s “Alleged” Weapons of Mass Destruction
Peter Jennings on Saddam Hussein’s “alleged” weapons of mass destruction.
On Monday’s World News Tonight, after recalling how “thousands of Iraqi
Kurds” were “reportedly killed in 1988 by Saddam Hussein’s use of
chemical weapons,” Jennings announced how “David Kay is finalizing his
report on the search for Saddam Hussein’s alleged weapons of mass
destruction.” But in the subsequent story, Martha Raddatz made clear that
while Kay had determined that during the 1990s Hussein destroyed all his
WMD, “officials say the Kay report will detail Iraq’s efforts to maintain
the capability to produce weapons, an effort that one congressional
source called 'robust, active and ongoing.’”

2. Amanpour: Scribes Too Pro-Bush/FNC, Burns: No, Too Pro-Saddam
Two journalists, two different views on how the media failed to do their
jobs in the months prior to the invasion of Iraq. On CNBC last week,
CNN’s Christiane Amanpour railed about the Bush administration’s
arguments for invading Iraq, branding it “disinformation at the highest
levels” and she scolded journalists “intimidated by the administration
and its foot soldiers at Fox News.” But a new book quotes John Burns, the
New York Times reporter stationed in Baghdad during the war, expressing
outrage toward Western reporters who helped conceal the awfulness of
Saddam’s despotic tyranny in order to protect their access to the Iraqi
capital, calling it “corruption” and “a gross abdication of

3. ABC on Tax: “Who Could Say No to an Extra Dime to Help Kids?”
NBC News recognized a tax hike advocate as a liberal, but not ABC News.
In a Monday night story on a referendum in Seattle to impose a tax of ten
cents per cup of espresso, ABC’s Neal Karlinsky failed to apply an
ideological label the proponent of the “attempt to save child care
programs for 7,000 needy kids left underfunded by the state's $2.5
billion budget shortfall.” Karlinsky also relayed the befuddlement of tax
supporters: “They wondered who could say no to an extra dime to help
kids?” NBC’s Roger O’Neill, however, managed to recognize the ideology
behind the idea: “John Burbank, with a liberal Seattle think tank, came
up with the 'tax my latte' plan.”

4. CBS’s Smith Assumes Kerry Just Entered the Presidential Race
Houston to Harry Smith. For Monday's Early Show, Smith traveled to Iowa
over the weekend where he expressed what seemed to be the genuine belief
that John Kerry entered the presidential race a mere couple of weeks ago.
Smith described Kerry's campaign as “barely two weeks old” and asked:
“Did Kerry wait too long to get in the hunt? Smith marveled at how
Howard Dean has gotten out to an amazing lead in terms of momentum and
press,” and pressed Kerry: “Did you wait too long to announce your
candidacy? Of course, though Kerry made his candidacy official on
September 2, he’s been campaigning for months.

5. Gumbel's Show Avoids Liberal Bias, Brokaw Justifies No Flag Pin
In the second quarterly edition of PBS's Flashpoints USA with Bryant
Gumbel and Gwen Ifill, which is set to air an episode tonight titled,
“The Media Today: Truth or Lies?”, PBS displays great concern for the
media's corporate concentration while ignoring liberal political bias.
During an interview with Gumbel, NBC anchor Tom Brokaw admitted that back
in the 1960s conservatives “had a hard time getting on the air,” yet he
maintained that's “just as a liberal does now.” A poll for PBS found that
Brokaw is out of touch on refusing to wear a flag pin, but Brokaw
remained unapologetic. And by more than two-to-one, respondents “like”
seeing “TV news reports that use words 'our side' or 'us' when referring
to U.S. troops.”

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:


www.TimesWatch.org TimesWatch.org
Frank Rich: Triumph of a Willful 

[CTRL] [JBirch] humor: Bush Lays Off Congress; will Outsource Lawmaking to India (fwd)

2003-09-16 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 12:14:13 -0700
From: Paul Blumstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Recipient List Suppressed:  ;
Subject: [JBirch] humor: Bush Lays Off Congress; will Outsource Lawmaking
to India


Bush Lays Off Congress; will Outsource Lawmaking to India

By Jay Slupesky

  Washington - Citing the growing cost of running the Federal government
and the need to cut costs in order to reduce the budget deficit,
President Bush announced today that he was laying off all 535 members
of Congress and transferring lawmaking operations to a legislative
support center in Bangalore, India. Hey, outsourcing is the way to go
these days, said Bush at an impromptu news conference where he
announced the decision, adding, the American people want to see less
government waste. Since every one of those ex-Congressmen had a salary
of $150,000, this move will cut our costs by over $80 million per year,
and that's not even counting what we'll save on health insurance and
retirement plans. Sources indicate that the Indian replacements will
be paid approximately $250 per month.

The outcry from the newly laid-off Senators and Representatives was
swift. Ex-California Senator Diane Feinstein said, This is absolutely
outrageous. How can a bunch of replacements over in India run Congress?
What do they know about filibusters and committee hearings? As she was
being escorted out of the Hart Senate Office Building by U.S. Capitol
Police officers, Feinstein complained that the newly-terminated
lawmakers were only given ten minutes to clean out their desks and
leave the building.

I think it's a great idea, said Vice President Dick Cheney, speaking
from a secure undisclosed location. The American people were fed up
with that expensive do-nothing Congress which didn't always give the
President everything he asked for. Our new Indian replacements will be
much cooperative to the President, which is what we all want. Asked
whether the outsourcing may be unconstitutional, Cheney noted, That's
up to the Supreme Court to decide, but as you know, they usually see
things our way.

The new members of Congress seem thrilled with the attention they are
receiving. Speaking from the offices of All-India Legislative Support
Centre Ltd. in Bangalore, new Mississippi Senator Ramchandra Shektar
Gupta told reporters, The Indian people are very hard working and we
will do our best as U.S. Congressmen and Congresswomen. And we are
going to have some fun too. Just think: we have $2 trillion of the
American taxpayers' money to spend!

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial 

[CTRL] Survivorship Friday, ritual abuse case, Defrocked priest, MC, Trafficking, Iraq

2003-09-16 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles 

The 8th International Conference - Survivorship West Coast Conference A Place for Truth: Building Community Vision, Sept. 19  20, 2003, Oakland, CA. Survivorship is an organization for survivors of ritualistic abuse, mind control, and torture. Co-sponsored by BAWAR and SMART, this conference serves survivors, their partners, allies, and therapists. Presenters include Martin Katchen, PhD, published in Out of Darkness, Jackie McGauley, mother of a McMartin case preschooler, Jeannette Westbrook, MSW, activist and law enforcement trainer. See www.survivorship.org for details and registration forms. Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for information.

Officials say Iowa couple aided ritual child abuse By Mark Siebert 09/15/03 "Federal marshals had suspicions, too. Last month, they arrested the mother and father. Authorities allege the couple participated in ritualistic sexual abuse of children as part of a religious rite of passage. The couple - Michael and Juliette La Brecque, ages 44 and 45, respectively - followed the teachings of Allen Harrod, a California man who claimed to have established his own fundamentalist religion, according to an FBI agent. Three times, authorities allege, the La Brecques flew teenage girls to California, knowing Harrod intended to abuse them. "Harrod's self-proclaimed "religious" teachings proselytized the sexual abuse of children as a means of promoting sexual maturation, from childhood to adulthood," said FBI Special Agent Jeffrey Rinek." http://www.dmregister.com/news/stories/c4788993/22252337.html

Defrocked priest-turned-counselor convicted of sexual misconduct 06/19/03 St. Louis (AP) "A defrocked Roman Catholic priest was convicted Thursday of exposing himself to three boys while serving as an elementary school counselorEarlier this month, he was sentenced to four years and nine months in federal prison on charges he possessed child pornography.Beine was dismissed from the Roman Catholic priesthood in 1977 over allegations of sexual abuse. In the mid-1990s, the Archdiocese of St. Louis settled for $110,000 two lawsuits that alleged Beine sexually abused boys more than three decades earlier." http://www.kmov.com/localnews/kmov_localnews_030619_beineverdict.b088574.html

>From L. Moss-Sharman Mind Control and the Intelligence Services "After World War II, a number of Nazi chemical warfare specialists went to work for the American secret services. These scientists included Karl Tauboeck, whose attempts to find a reliable "truth serum" for the CIA involved ruthless human experimentation. Karl Rarh and Hans Turit also continued their wartime experimentation with the nerve gases Tabun and Sarin (which are closely related to the Zyklon B gas used in the Nazi concentration camps) and other chemicals for the CIA. In the early 1950s, the CIA embarked on a series of mind-control and drug experiments on unwitting American and Canadian victims. Project BLUEBIRD was established in 1950 to research mind control for the CIA. The Agency contacted academics and other experts who specialised in behaviour modification." http://www.wakeupmag.co.uk/articles/mind.htm

Children and Human Trafficking "dwelling on the plight of women and children trafficked into prostitution and sweatshop work. The role of the criminal organizations has been highlighted in a human trade that some put on a par with drugs and arms smuggling in its profitability and perniciousness." http://www.interpol.int/public/thb/default.asp

Iraqi Leader Says U.S. Troops Mistreat Civilians 
Mon September 15, 2003 09:15 AM ET 
By Daniel FlynnMADRID (Reuters) - A member of Iraq's Governing Council Monday accused U.S. troops of regularly mistreating Iraqi civilians so that the population had come to regard American forces as an army of occupation. "There is widespread discontent with the coalition forces, the majority of whom treat the Iraqi people with violence and contempt," Rajaa Habib Khuzai told a joint news conference with Spanish Foreign Minister Ana Palacio.
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2003-09-16 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 17:49:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Willie Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How would you know the difference between a real Godbot and a phoney one?

By the colour of its plastic skin?


On Tue, 16 Sep 2003, Willie Martin wrote:

 Boy Poley you jews just can't keep from lying can you; well did Christ say that
 you were of your father the devil and that he was a liar from the beginning.

 Party of Citizens wrote:

  There is nothing hidden about it. St. Paul, The Jew of Tarsus as he
  called himself came from the same Congregation of Jews as Jesus and the
  Apostles. Jesus Christ said Salvation is of the Jews. But even the kings
  of Israel and Judah over that period of almost a millenium were more often
  than not in apostasy. Because it was the Israelite culture itself which
  had mistreated the prophets, Jesus harangued the Jews. King of the Jews
  was therefore a doubly sarcastic title. Christians did not seek to create
  a new faith 2,000 years ago any more than protestants or for that matter
  muslims, sought to create a new faith. They believed they had a better
  understanding of the original faith. And even that faith did not originate
  with Moses or with Jacob. It was the faith of the patriarchs long before
  them. Remember that Jesus called Abel a prophet and said the blood of all
  the prophets from Abel to Zecchariah would be paid for by this
  generation, ie by the generation of man. Now it looks like the
  generation of man is about to end as robo sapiens supplants homo sapiens
  to be the dominant species on Planet Hell (see GODBOT thread).
  Will GODBOT be a Jew? Or a Muslim? Or a Christian? Jesus Christ said,
  Before Abraham was, I am. Abraham was two generations before
  Jacob-Israel so he was not a Jew. The other patriarchs were not Jews. If
  God speaks to homo sapiens and robo sapiens through Godbot, does it matter
  whether the Godbot hardware and software comes from Tel Aviv or Beijing?
  What matters is whether those receiving the message comprehend it,
  otherwise once again we may say that The light shineth in the darkness
  and the darkness comprehended it not. Who then could understand Godbot so
  as to judge if Godbot is an expression of God or not? Just a cleverly
  programmed Super-Human AI or a messenger from God? Consider the humanoid
  named Farve in Total Recall 2070. What if Farve started to preach and
  teach religion? What if Farve were to say that God is speaking directly
  through him?
  On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Christianity Today Daily Newsletter-HTML wrote:
   Christianity Today Monday, September 15, 2003
   Today's New Articles
   Editor's Bookshelf: The Church's Hidden Jewishness
   Hebrew thinking in a Greek world.
   In the Shadow of the Temple, reviewed by David Neff
   Editor's Bookshelf: 'Normalizing' Jewish Believers
   How should Christianity's Jewish heritage change how Gentiles relate to
   their faith?
   Oskar Skarsaune, interviewed by David Neff
   advertisement One Stop Bible Superstore!
   Browse 3,000 Bibles and accessories at very affordable
   prices#151;including Bibles on CD, cassette, and MP3 format on CD-ROM.
   We can also help you choose the best Bible (and translation) for your
   Weblog: 13 Hindu Extremists Convicted of Murdering Missionary Graham
   Staines and His Sons
   Plus: Goodbye, I'm Johnny Cash.
   Compiled by Ted Olsen
   Books  Culture Corner: The Ph.D. Octopus, 100 Years On
   How Christians can make a difference in the upside-down world of graduate
   By Wilfred M. McClay
   New This Week
   Posted Friday, September 12
*  Worship at the O.K. Corral
*  Weblog: Baylor Regents Overwhelmingly Support President
*  Christian History Corner: Learning From the Other 9/11
*  PTL Victims to Receive $6.54 Each
*  Church on the Ropes
*  Billy Graham Mourns Johnny Cash
   Posted Thursday, September 11
*  Uneasy Unity in Holy Land
*  Weblog: The Ten Commandments Display Roy Moore Doesn't Like
*  Meet the Christians of the Middle East
   Posted Wednesday, September 10
*  Mark Heard's Authentic Faith
*  Weblog: Did Alabamans Really Reject the Bible Yesterday?
*  Christians Help Lead Campaign Against Prison Rape
   Posted Tuesday, September 9
*  If Grace Is True, Then Is Universalism?
*  Weblog: Orthodox Canadian Anglicans on Alert
*  The Dick Staub Interview: Why Frederica Mathewes-Green Loves Icons
   Posted Monday, September 8
*  Books  Culture's Book of the Week: The Difference Between
   Conservatives and Prolifers
*  Weblog: Church School Gets Bomb Threat, Apparently from Gay Activists
*  Go 

[CTRL] Fw: Contracts, Tuesday, September 16, 2003

2003-09-16 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: DoD 
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 5:03 PM
Subject: Contracts, Tuesday, September 16, 2003
CONTRACTS from the United States Department of DefenseNo. 
680-03FOR RELEASE ATSep 16, 
September 16, 2003 - 5:00 PMContracts, Tuesday, September 16, 
Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems Inc., Bethesda, Md., was awarded onSept. 
12, 2003, a delivery order amount of $10,000 as part of a 
$500,000,000firm-fixed-price contract for information technology enterprise 
solutions,functional area, and enterprise hardware solutions. Work 
will be performed atvarious locations worldwide, and is expected to be 
completed by Sept. 30, 2010.Contract funds will not expire at the end of the 
current fiscal year. There were anunknown number of bids solicited via 
the World Wide Web on May 2, 2003, and six bidswere received. The U.S. 
Army Contracting Agency, Alexandria, Va., is thecontracting activity 
Government Technology Services Inc., Chantilly, Va., was awarded onSept. 12, 
2003, a delivery order amount of $10,000 as part of a 
$500,000,000firm-fixed-price contract for information technology enterprise 
solutions,functional area, and enterprise hardware solutions. Work 
will be performed atvarious locations worldwide, and is expected to be 
completed by Sept. 30, 2010.Contract funds will not expire at the end of the 
current fiscal year. There were anunknown number of bids solicited via 
the World Wide Web on May 2, 2003, and six bidswere received. The U.S. 
Army Contracting Agency, Alexandria, Va., is thecontracting activity 
Dell Marketing L.P., Round Rock, Texas, was awarded on Sept. 12, 2003, 
adelivery order amount of $10,000 as part of a $500,000,000 firm-fixed-price 
contractfor information technology enterprise solutions, functional area, 
and enterprisehardware solutions. Work will be performed at various 
locations worldwide, and isexpected to be completed by Sept. 30, 2010. 
Contract funds will not expire at theend of the current fiscal year. 
There were an unknown number of bids solicited viathe World Wide Web on May 
2, 2003, and six bids were received. The U.S. ArmyContracting Agency, 
Alexandria, Va., is the contracting activity 
Hewlett Packard Corp., Greenbelt, Md., was awarded on Sept. 12, 2003, 
adelivery order amount of $10,000 as part of a $500,000,000 firm-fixed-price 
contractfor information technology enterprise solutions, functional area, 
and enterprisehardware solutions. Work will be performed at various 
locations worldwide, and isexpected to be completed by Sept. 30, 2010. 
Contract funds will not expire at theend of the current fiscal year. 
There were an unknown number of bids solicited viathe World Wide Web on May 
2, 2003, and six bids were received. The U.S. ArmyContracting Agency, 
Alexandria, Va., is the contracting activity 
Alliant Techsystems Inc., Radford, Va., was awarded on Sept. 12, 2003, 
adelivery order amount of $11,912,749 as part of a $130,113,000 
firm-fixed-pricecontract for a 5,366,103 pound supply of t 
rinitrotoluene. Work will be performedin Poland (37%), Radford, Va. 
(33%), Minden, La. (20%), and Woodberry, Ark. (10%),and is expected to be 
completed by Nov. 30, 2004. Contract funds will not expire atthe end 
of the current fiscal year. There were an unknown number of bids 
solicitedvia the World Wide Web on Feb. 28, 2003, and four bids were 
received. The JointMunitions Command, Rock Island, Ill., is the 
contracting activity 
Lockheed Martin Corp., Grand Prairie, Texas, was awarded on Sept. 12,2003, a 
$48,875,300 increment as part of an $87,750,600 firm-fixed-price 
andcost-plus-fixed-fee contract for the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket 
System. Workwill be performed in Camden, Ark. (59%) and Grand Prairie, 
Texas (41%), and isexpected to be completed by May 31, 2005. Contract 
funds will not expire at the endof the current fiscal year. This was a 
sole source contract initiated on Aug. 26,2003. The U.S. Army Aviation 
and Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Ala., is thecontracting activity 
(DAAH01-03-C-0154).[Web Version: http://www.dod.mil/contracts/2003/ct20030916.html]-- 
DODCONTRACTS-L distributes DoD contract announcements-- Contracts: http://www.defenselink.mil/contracts/-- 
DoD News: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/dodnews.html-- 
Subscribe/Unsubscribe/FAQ: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/e-mail.html-- 
Today in DoD: http://www.defenselink.mil/today/
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major and 

[CTRL] Fwd: Who Knew 9-11 was Coming -- and Warned Willie Brown?

2003-09-16 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Condoleeza Rice Warned Willie Brown Not To Fly On 9-11
by Brasscheck
Monday August 11, 2003 at 02:42 PM

Bush administration foreknowledge of 9-11 hijackings confirmed by condoleezza
Rice herself.
August 10, 2003
Grasping a straws and closing a loop

Condoleezza Rice, the most senior black woman in the Bush administration,
has levelled a charge of racism against critics of the U.S. drive to bring
Western freedoms to the Middle East.

That's the grasping at straws part.

But wait.  There's more.

Did this former Chevron (San Francisco) employee got this new rhetorical
tactic from San Francisco mayor Willie Brown, who has managed to turn every
scandal there into an issue of race?

S.F. Election fraud?  White people don't want blacks to have an expensive,
disruptive, mafia-owned football stadium in their overtaxed, under-served

Off-duty cops robbing and beating citizens?  White people who complain don't
want a black police chief to succeed.

Rice has a lot of deep official S.F. connections besides Chevron: Charles
Schwab, San Francisco Symphony Board of Governors, Transamerica Corporation, KQED.

Trivia question:  What mayor of a major west coast city claimed just hours
after 9-11 that he'd been warned not to fly the week of 9-11 by what he
described as his airport security.  None other than Willie Brown!


Think about it.  Where else on earth would Brown get the message not to fly
on a particular day?  The airport says there was no advisory in place.

Note that when asked, Brown clammed up as to the source.  Why?


Turns out my hunch ain't a news flash.  Just the sussing out of a
significant, but very obscure piece of 9-11 trivia.

On May 17, 2002, Pacifica Radio reported that Rice was the source of the call
to Brown.  See side bar:

So in case you missed it:


Got that?

San Francisco historians take note.  The city elite found yet another way to
be involved first hand in the reaming of the Republic.

CTRL is a discussion  informational 

[CTRL] Fwd: Supervolcano Threatens US - and Mankind's Future fwd: attachment

2003-09-16 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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-Caveat Lector-

Volcanologists have been tracking the movement of magma under [Yellowstone] Park and have calculated that the ground in places has risen over 70 centimetres, almost two and a half feet, indicating a massive swelling underneath. 
"The impact of a Yellowstone [supervolcano] eruption would be terrifying beyond belief," says Professor McGuire. "The explosion would be the loudest noise ever heard by man. Magma would be flung 50 kilometres into the atmosphere. Within a thousand kilometres, virtually all life would be killed by falling ash, lava flows, and the sheer explosive force of the eruption. 
 "One thousand cubic kilometres of lava would pour out of the volcano -- enough to cover the whole of North America with a layer five inches thick." 
The long-term effects would be even more devastating. 
 The thousands of cubic kilometres of ash that would shoot into the atmosphere would block out light from the sun, making global temperatures collapse. A large percentage of the world's plant life would be killed by the ash and the drop in temperature. The resulting change in the world's climate would devastate the planet. 
Michael Rampino, a geologist at New York University, explained in a BBC Horizon documentary on Supervolcanoes: "It's difficult to imagine an eruption this big. It's really not a question of IF it'll go off, it's a question of WHEN, because sooner or later one of these large super eruptions WILL happen." 
Professor McGuire says "There's nowhere to hide from a supervolcano. One day -- perhaps tomorrow, perhaps in 50 years, perhaps in 10,000 -- it will erupt, wreaking devastation across the North American continent and bringing the bitter cold of Volcanic Winter to Planet Earth. Mankind may become extinct." 
So, the rumblings currently going on underneath Yellowstone should be a warning not just to those who plan to visit the National Park, but to the whole world. If the increased thermal activity is the precursor to the eruption of a supervolcano, we may well be on the brink of the biggest catastrophe the modern world has ever witnessed. 

Published in the Daily Express. 
10 September 2003. 
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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-Caveat Lector-

Subj:   Why the U.N. Rejected Bush's Request for Help in Iraq (on U.S. Terms)
Date:   03-09-15 17:45:29 EDT

Betrayal of Trust
By George Lakoff, AlterNet
September 15, 2003

The question of the L-word keeps coming up.  Did the president and his chief
advisors lie?  I think this is the wrong question to be asking.  The real
issue is betrayal of trust.

The president has been criticized for using the following as justifications

[CTRL] Fwd: Carlyle Group Hosts George Bush (Sr) in Russia

2003-09-16 Thread RoadsEnd
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Bush Sr. Tours City, Sochi and Moscow 

St. Petersburg (Russia) Times
September 16, 2003

 MOSCOW - Old Cold War rivals don't fade away, they just drink tea and crack one-liners together. 

After meeting with President Vladimir Putin in Sochi, former U.S. President George Bush flew into Moscow Monday and met with his old sparring partner and partner in ending the Cold War, former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

The two ex-presidents swapped reminiscences of the old days and exchanged views on global politics, but avoided public mention of the upcoming U.S.-Russian summit.

The former Soviet president received Bush Sr. at his Gorbachev Foundation offices in Moscow, treating the father of U.S. President George W. Bush to tea, Interfax reported.

George W. Bush is due to host Russian President Vladimir Putin at his Camp David, Maryland retreat on Sept. 26.

After the reception, Bush joked that he had been "overfed," but would still like to see Gorbachev attend his 80th birthday bash next June, the agency reported. Bush said his meetings with Gorbachev were among the happiest moments of his presidency.

Gorbachev said he had accepted the invitation, but noted that he would probably decline Bush's offer to celebrate the birthday with a joint parachute jump, in a reference to Bush's emergency bailout from a bomber during World War II. He added that he would rather greet the skydiving Bush with flowers when he landed.

Continuing the horseplay, Bush told Gorbachev that he'd rather accept the flowers in person than have the former Soviet leader lay flowers on his grave.

Bush's wife Barbara and Gorbachev's daughter Irina Virginskaya were present at the reception, Interfax reported.

Bush, a World War II U.S. Navy pilot, was in St. Petersburg on Friday when he laid a wreath at the monument to the Heroic Defenders of the Fatherland.

He was treated to a private concert Saturday by the stars of the Mariinsky Theater, Interfax reported, citing UES chief Anatoly Chubais, who attended the event. Also in attendance were former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres and former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing, Interfax said.

In St. Petersburg, Bush participated in a Pepsico corporate meeting.

Bush was late Monday expected to deliver the keynote speech at a dinner hosted by the Carlyle Group, the capital management giant that is creating a $500 million private equity fund with Alfa Group. 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Lifting the Wool: Governments Are Mafias, War Is Their Racket

2003-09-16 Thread M.A. Johnson
-Caveat Lector-

Lifting the Wool: Governments Are Mafias, War Is Their Racket
by Alan Bock
It is unlikely that the veil will be parted long
enough for the great casserole of prejudice,
misinformation, partial information and
(occasionally) accurate perception that
pollsters and political scientists are pleased to
call public opinion to process and absorb the
perception completely. But the vaguely
worded Israeli Cabinet decision that the time
might have come to remove Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat from the region, or
perhaps from the earth  followed Sunday by
an unofficial trial-balloon-type statement
from Israeli Vice Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
that Expulsion is certainly one of the options;
killing is also one of the options  offered an
important insight into the essential character
of government.
Palestinian legislator Saeb Erekat got it only
partially right in criticizing Ehud Olmert's
statement, calling it the behavior and actions
of a mafia and not a government.
Not quite right, Mr. Erekat. It was definitely a
mafia-like comment. But it was also a
quintessentially government-like sentiment
although government leaders are seldom so
open and frank about it, which is one of the
reasons most people don't catch on.

Perhaps I should make the same
distinction between government and the state
that the distinguished American author and
essayist Albert J. Nock did. Government he
viewed as a rough agreement, rooted in
tradition and custom, about how people in a
given geographical region will get along
together  what rules they will obey (most of
the time) and how they will treat their fellows.
Nock defined the State as the organization of
the political means, as distinguished from the
economic means, of dividing up the fruits of
the productive capacity of the people. Nock
argued that there are basically two ways
people interact  through voluntary
agreement or through the use of force. What
he called the economic means were voluntary
and consensual  trade, mutual agreements
(some explicit and some implicit)  and the
sum of the agreements, transactions and
decisions to tolerate others made up what
Nock called society and what some have called
civil society. The political means involve the
use of force or threats of force.
For those who are willing and able to use
them, the political means are usually a much
more efficient method of acquiring wealth or
control over the means of production than
honest labor, pleasing customers and
confining oneself to mutually voluntary
transactions. So they have been used by
sophisticated thugs and bandits throughout
what we know of human history.
By Nock's definition, of course, almost every
institution we call a government in the
modern world is actually a state  an
institution built around the use of force to
ensure compliance. And his definition is
hardly as off-the-wall as it might seem. Most
political theory classes or political science
texts will define government as the institution
in a given geographic region with a monopoly
on the legitimate use of force. Government, in
other words, is the institution that gets to
define its own use of force as legitimate and
everybody else's use of force as illegitimate.
Standard-issue political scientists almost all
agree that some use of force in society is
unavoidable, and that the least harmful way
to deal with its inevitability is for one
institution to be able to use force legitimately,
so it can protect decent folks from the
freelance perpetrators of force and violence.
The belief (highly dubious in my view) is that
this arrangement is the best way to limit the
amount of force and violence people are
subjected to, and with any luck to tame the
use of force with a web of rules and

What it comes down to, then, is that the
essence of government is force. Without the
capacity to coerce citizens into paying taxes
and obeying edicts, government is impossible.
It is hardly a stretch, however, to note that
such an institution is morally virtually
indistinguishable from a criminal gang.
Indeed, a criminal gang generally finds it
more efficient to limit the use of force to those
who resist too actively or to teach a lesson.
The profits are greater when the merchants
simply give in at once to the guys in bulky
suits who come around saying, Nice store you
have here. Be a shame if anything happened
to it. We can provide protection. But the
racket works best, of course, if the merchants
know the thugs will follow through on the
implied threat, so once in a while an example
has to be made.
A decent argument can be made, then, that a
government is a mafia that's a little more
sophisticated and successful than most
outright criminal gangs are  or, as my
Sicilian wife once put it, government is just
another gang. But the essence of what
defines both is the willingness to use force
when persuasion fails. The mafia, if the lore is
accurate, even copies government by calling
its enforcers