Re: [CTRL] New Cheney Adviser Sets Syria In His Sights (Jim Lobe)

2003-10-21 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/20/2003 11:34:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
WASHINGTON, Oct 20 (IPS) - David Wurmser, who had been working for Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security John Bolton, joined Cheney's staff under its powerful national security director, I. Lewis ''Scooter'' Libby, in mid-September, according to Cheney's office. The move is significant, not only because Cheney is seen increasingly as the dominant foreign-policy influence on President George W. Bush, but also because it adds to the notion that neo-conservatives remain a formidable force under Bush despite the sharp plunge in public confidence in Bush's handling of post-war Iraq resulting from the faulty assumptions propagated by the ''neo-cons'' before the war. 
Oh I feel so good about this. Won't it be wonderful to declare war on yet another country in the Middle East? Doesn't it feel good to know that as Israel's golem the United States is moving ever forward to make Mr. Sharon and the Neo-cons happy? At last we have a purpose in this world--destroy Israel's enemies (in the order requested), and ensure that Israel is the only "democracy" in the Middle East by ensuring that all other countries there are reduced toanarchy.  It appears that in this newendeavor, Israel is even going to help out. No more sitting home killing Palestinians. They're spreading their wings or at least the range of their bombers. I guess Syria will learn how serious it is when they say "No, we won't give you Iraq's frozen funds." That's almost as bad as attacking the World Trade Center. In fact it may be even more serious, since so far we haven't really gone after the country most likely to have done that. So far the entire Republican foreign policy has been to further the aims of Israel.It makes me feel so worthwhile. Prudy
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Re: [CTRL] New Cheney Adviser Sets Syria In His Sights (Jim Lobe)

2003-10-21 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/20/2003 11:34:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
WASHINGTON, Oct 20 (IPS) - David Wurmser, who had been working for Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security John Bolton, joined Cheney's staff under its powerful national security director, I. Lewis ''Scooter'' Libby, in mid-September, according to Cheney's office. The move is significant, not only because Cheney is seen increasingly as the dominant foreign-policy influence on President George W. Bush, but also because it adds to the notion that neo-conservatives remain a formidable force under Bush despite the sharp plunge in public confidence in Bush's handling of post-war Iraq resulting from the faulty assumptions propagated by the ''neo-cons'' before the war. 
Oh I feel so good about this. Won't it be wonderful to declare war on yet another country in the Middle East? Doesn't it feel good to know that as Israel's golem the United States is moving ever forward to make Mr. Sharon and the Neo-cons happy? At last we have a purpose in this world--destroy Israel's enemies (in the order requested), and ensure that Israel is the only "democracy" in the Middle East by ensuring that all other countries there are reduced toanarchy.  It appears that in this newendeavor, Israel is even going to help out. No more sitting home killing Palestinians. They're spreading their wings or at least the range of their bombers. I guess Syria will learn how serious it is when they say "No, we won't give you Iraq's frozen funds." That's almost as bad as attacking the World Trade Center. In fact it may be even more serious, since so far we haven't really gone after the country most likely to have done that. So far the entire Republican foreign policy has been to further the aims of Israel.It makes me feel so worthwhile. Prudy
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] New Cheney Adviser Sets Syria In His Sights (Jim Lobe)

2003-10-21 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/20/2003 11:34:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
WASHINGTON, Oct 20 (IPS) - David Wurmser, who had been working for Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security John Bolton, joined Cheney's staff under its powerful national security director, I. Lewis ''Scooter'' Libby, in mid-September, according to Cheney's office. The move is significant, not only because Cheney is seen increasingly as the dominant foreign-policy influence on President George W. Bush, but also because it adds to the notion that neo-conservatives remain a formidable force under Bush despite the sharp plunge in public confidence in Bush's handling of post-war Iraq resulting from the faulty assumptions propagated by the ''neo-cons'' before the war. 
Oh I feel so good about this. Won't it be wonderful to declare war on yet another country in the Middle East? Doesn't it feel good to know that as Israel's golem the United States is moving ever forward to make Mr. Sharon and the Neo-cons happy? At last we have a purpose in this world--destroy Israel's enemies (in the order requested), and ensure that Israel is the only "democracy" in the Middle East by ensuring that all other countries there are reduced toanarchy.  It appears that in this newendeavor, Israel is even going to help out. No more sitting home killing Palestinians. They're spreading their wings or at least the range of their bombers. I guess Syria will learn how serious it is when they say "No, we won't give you Iraq's frozen funds." That's almost as bad as attacking the World Trade Center. In fact it may be even more serious, since so far we haven't really gone after the country most likely to have done that. So far the entire Republican foreign policy has been to further the aims of Israel.It makes me feel so worthwhile. Prudy
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Calculatinf Osama bin Laden

2003-10-21 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

  Calculating Osama bin 
  OK, but there will be a little bit of 
  number manipulation because that is how it works.
  First, I want to set in place my first 
  paragraph about a most diabolical day, and it was the most horrific day I have 
  ever witnessed, via television, that of September 11th 2001. 
  It was a few hours after the terrorist 
  attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, that the President Bush 
  administration concluded without supporting evidence, that "Osama bin Laden 
  and his al-Qaeda organisation were prime suspects". CIA Director George Tenet 
  stated that bin Laden has the capacity to plan multiple attacks with little 
  or no warning. Secretary of State Colin Powell called the attacks "an act of 
  war" and President Bush confirmed in an evening televised address to the 
  Nation that he would "make no distinction between the terrorists who committed 
  these acts and those who harbor them.
  A few lines of the Interview with Osma 
  bin Laden (May 1998) by my name-sake John Miller and this interview occurred 
  in May 1998. This was a little over two months before the U.S. embassy 
  bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. And Osama bin Laden answers questions at his 
  mountaintop camp in southern Afghanistan including those from ABC reporter 
  John Miller. 
  You have been described as the world's 
  most wanted man, and there is word that the American government intends to put 
  a price on your head - in the millions - when you are captured. Do you think 
  they will do that? And does it bother you? 
  We do not care what the Americans 
  believe. What we care for is to please Allah. Americans heap accusations on 
  whoever stands for his religion or his rights or his wealth. ... It does not 
  scare us that they have put a price on my head. We as Muslims believe that our 
  years on this earth are finite and predetermined. If the whole world gets 
  together to kill us before it is our time to go, they will not succeed. We 
  also believe that livelihoods are preordained. So no matter how much pressure 
  American puts on the regime in Riyadh to freeze our assets and to forbid 
  people from contributing to this great cause, we shall still have Allah to 
  take care of us; livelihood is sent by Allah; we shall not want. 
  Mr. bin Laden, you have issued a fatwah 
  calling on Muslims to kill Americans where they can, when they can. Is that 
  directed at all Americans, just the American military, just the Americans in 
  Saudi Arabia? 
  Allah has ordered us to glorify the truth 
  and to defend Muslim land, especially the Arab peninsula ... against the 
  unbelievers. After World War II, the Americans grew more unfair and more 
  oppressive towards people in general and Muslims in particular. ... The 
  Americans started it and retaliation and punishment should be carried out 
  following the principle of reciprocity, especially when women and children are 
  involved. Through history, American has not been known to differentiate 
  between the military and the civilians or between men and women or adults and 
  children. Those who threw atomic bombs and used the weapons of mass 
  destruction against Nagasaki and Hiroshima were the Americans. Can the bombs 
  differentiate between military and women and infants and children? America has 
  no religion that can deter her from exterminating whole peoples. Your position 
  against Muslims in Palestine is despicable and disgraceful. America has no 
  shame. ... We believe that the worst thieves in the world today and the worst 
  terrorists are the Americans. Nothing could stop you except perhaps 
  retaliation in kind. We do not have to differentiate between military or 
  civilian. As far as we are concerned, they are all targets, and this is what 
  the fatwah says ... . The fatwah is general (comprehensive) and it includes 
  all those who participate in, or help the Jewish occupiers in killing Muslims. 
  You've been painted in America as a 
  terrorist leader. To your followers, you are a hero. How do you see yourself? 
  As I have said, we are not interested in 
  what America says. We do not care. We view ourselves and our brothers like 
  everyone else. Allah created us to worship Him and to follow in his footsteps 
  and to be guided by His Book. I am one of the servants of Allah and I obey his 
  orders. Among those is the order to fight for the word of Allah ... and to 
  fight until the Americans are driven out of all the Islamic countries. 
  The American people, by and large, do not 
  know the name bin Laden, but they soon likely will. Do you have a message for 
  the American people?
  I say to them that they have put 
  themselves at the mercy of a disloyal government, and this is most evident in 
  Clinton's administration... We believe that this administration represents 
  Israel inside America The American 

[CTRL] Sniper Suspect Is Own Lawyer as Trial Opens

2003-10-21 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-


  October 21, 2003
  Sniper Suspect Is Own Lawyer as Trial 

  IRGINIA BEACH, Oct. 20 — John A. Muhammad, accused of 
  being the mastermind of the Washington-area sniper shootings, fired his 
  lawyers on Monday and took control of his own defense, telling the jury in 
  a rambling but at times forceful opening argument that "I had nothing to 
  do with these crimes."
  The surprise move seemed the result of a sharp philosophical clash 
  between Mr. Muhammad and his three court-appointed lawyers, whose pretrial 
  motions and remarks suggested they would focus more on avoiding capital 
  punishment for Mr. Muhammad than on winning an acquittal.
  But the moment Mr. Muhammad strode to the lectern to present his 
  opening statement on Monday morning, he made clear his goal would be to 
  demonstrate that he was innocent of any crimes and was the victim of an 
  unjust prosecution built on guesswork.
  "They are saying the entire case is based on a theory," said Mr. 
  Muhammad, who began haltingly in a lisping drawl, but seemed to gain 
  confidence as he spoke for nearly 30 minutes.
  "I'm locked up, I'm denied my constitutional rights, based on a guess," 
  said Mr. Muhammad, a 42-year-old former Army sergeant. "What is it about a 
  human life where we have reduced it, where we can take it, based on a 
  The decision by Circuit Court Judge LeRoy F. Millette Jr. to allow Mr. 
  Muhammad to represent himself came at the start of a dramatic first day of 
  arguments and testimony in which the prosecution outlined its extensive 
  circumstantial evidence linking Mr. Muhammad and the man accused of being 
  his accomplice, Lee Malvo, to 10 fatal shootings last fall.
  Mr. Malvo, who is scheduled to stand trial next month, made a brief 
  appearance in the courtroom so that a witness could identify him. Wearing 
  an orange jumpsuit, Mr. Malvo, 18, peered silently at Mr. Muhammad — whom 
  he has described as his father — before being led away by two sheriff's 
  The witness, a bank employee, testified that she saw Mr. Muhammad and 
  Mr. Malvo parked outside her office about an hour before the shooting of 
  Dean H. Meyers while he pumped gas at a Sunoco station in Manassas, Va., on Oct. 9, 2002. The bank was 
  less than a quarter mile from the Sunoco, the witness said.
  Mr. Muhammad faces two murder charges that could result in a death 
  sentence. Even if he is found guilty, he will probably be prosecuted in 
  the other killings, a process that could take years. 
  Experts said that Mr. Muhammad's decision to represent himself would be 
  particularly significant if he was found guilty, as many experts say is 
  likely, and the trial moved into a penalty phase when the jury would 
  decide whether he should be executed. That decision will turn on whether 
  he can effectively argue that mitigating evidence like mental illness or 
  childhood problems should call for a sentence of life in prison without 
  "If you have good counsel, you have a very good chance of avoiding the 
  death penalty," said Jamie Orenstein, a former federal prosecutor, 
  referring to the presentation of mitigating evidence. "If you've got bad 
  counsel, you're likely to be sentenced to death. Now he's got the very 
  worst possible counsel."
  In a 25-minute discussion at the judge's bench before the opening 
  arguments, Judge Millette urged Mr. Muhammad to reconsider his motion to 
  represent himself, saying he had "zero" experience. "It's a mistake to do 
  this," he told Mr. Muhammad, who stood bolt upright as he listened 
  But Mr. Muhammad remained adamant, and the judge granted his motion 
  with a warning that "self-representation is not a soap box." 
  "He will be treated as any other attorney would be treated," Judge 
  Millette told the jury. The judge added that Mr. Muhammad's lawyers would 
  serve as advisers to assist his questioning of witnesses and preparation 
  of motions.
  Mr. Muhammad has been charged in only one killing, that of Mr. Meyers, 
  a 53-year-old engineer. But prosecutors intend to introduce evidence in 
  this trial that he committed as many as 15 other shootings in the 
  Washington area, Alabama and Louisiana over a seven-week span last 
  He has been charged under two Virginia statutes, each carrying the 
  death penalty. One makes it a capital crime to commit more than one murder 
  over three years; the other is an antiterrorism law that authorizes the 
  death penalty for 

[CTRL] Who Does George W. Bush Really Serve?

2003-10-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Who Does George W. Bush Really Serve?
Rixon Stewart - October 20, 2003

In the yet to be published The Faith of George W. Bush (Tarcher/Penguin), an account of the Presidents supposed religious awakening, author Stephen Mansfield writes that in the election year 2000, Bush told Texas preacher James Robison: 
"I feel like God wants me to run for president. I can't explain it, but I sense my country is going to need me. . . . I know it won't be easy on me or my family, but God wants me to do it." 

Mansfield goes on to say that: "Aides found him face down on the floor in prayer in the Oval Office. It became known that he refused to eat sweets while American troops were in Iraq  And he framed America's challenges in nearly biblical language. Saddam Hussein is an evildoer. He has to go." The author concludes: " . . . the Bush administration does deeply reflect its leader, and this means that policy, even in military matters, will be processed in terms of the personal  and in terms of a sense of divine purpose..." 

Renouncing sweets is one thing but being found face down in the Oval Office is another matter. So perhaps should we ask just what George W. Bush was paying homage too? Was it the God of the early Christians, who were urged to renounce more than just sweets? Or is it something else? Could it be the same deity as the one served by the Illuminati; who summon him in their pursuit of worldly power and wealth? 

Obviously these are not one and the same but two entirely different deities. The one is recognised by Christians the world over as Our Father, who watches over and guides us as a Shepard leads his flock. While the other is a wrathful entity that seeks to punish evil doers and rewards only his own chosen few. It is these latter who will be rewarded on Judgement Day, while the rest of humanity will be consigned to fire and perdition. But this, Bushs Bible thumping advocates tell us, will only come about after a series of calamitous wars in the Middle East. 

As others have noted, it is almost as if there are two Gods in the Bible. One, the God of the Old Testament, is a vengeful deity who destroyed cities and demanded bloody sacrifice from his followers. While the God of the New Testament bears little resemblance to this wrathful idol: sending his only begotten son to earth preaching love and forgiveness. 

So which God exactly, has chosen George Bush? Or perhaps, more precisely, we should ask ourselves, which God has George Bush chosen to serve? Is it the benign heavenly father or the vengeful deity who rewards his own with earthly power and wealth? 

Its not only George W. Bush who believes this stuff however. The man leading the hunt for Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, Lt Gen William Jerry Boykin, has repeatedly told Christian groups that President George W Bush was chosen by God, not the voters, to lead the global fight against Satan. 

"Why is this man in the White House? Boykin asked an audience recently. The majority of Americans did not vote for him. Why is he there? And I tell you this morning that he's in the White House because God put him there for a time such as this." 

On one occasion in June, Gen Boykin told an Oregon church that America could not ignore its Judaeo-Christian roots. "Our religion came from Judaism and therefore [Islamic] radicals will hate us forever." 

Boykin is obviously ignorant of Islams origins but his ignorance conveniently serves Bush and the Neocons. In a single stroke, he frames Islam as the enemy and further cements ties between Israel, Bush and the Zionists. Moreover, he overlooks the fact that Christianity and Islam have much in common, and that includes a common heritage and a reverence for Jesus Christ. 

One thing George Bush does not serve however, are the American people themselves. Like his counterpart across the Atlantic, Tony Blair, George Bush was appointed to serve the interests of the Illuminati. A shadowy group of media and industrial tycoons, European royalty and banking dynasties: the mega rich who effectively own the planet. They are not united by any high ideal, or any ethnic bond, but simple self-interest, which means that sometimes they are at odds. 

Nonetheless one faction stands pre-eminent among them, the Rothschild banking dynasty. Apart from being closely connected to European royalty, the Rothschilds are also rumored to be on intimate terms with Lucifer. Diabolically inspired, power for the Illuminati rests on the ignorance of the many. Reinforced and enhanced with gifts bestowed by Lucifer -- and in words derived from his name -- illusion and delusion are cultivated via the media, to confuse and bedazzle the masses, rendering them incapable of independent thought. Thus the Illuminati owe their power to Lucifer and he in turn uses them to further his hold over humanity. 

Instrumental in this are the Illuminatis own men, Bush and Blair. 

This is worth 

[CTRL] New at Whistleblowers (9/11)

2003-10-21 Thread Eric Stewart
-Caveat Lector-

The strange Falls Church Pattern

Saudi National Guard since 1975 connected with TRW//Northrop Grumman/Vinnell

Booz Allen Hamilton secures Saudi Arabia naval contract potentially worth $95.3 million

The Late Ahmed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz and Mitre Corp.


9-11, John Deutch, Mitre Corp., Prince Ahmed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi 
Arabia, and the NRO


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[CTRL] Behind the Mushroom Cloud (Seymour Hersh Interview)

2003-10-21 Thread Sean McBride
Title: The New Yorker
-Caveat Lector-

  October 21, 2003 | home 

  Behind the “Mushroom Cloud”
  Posted 2003-10-21
  This week in the magazine and here online (see 
  Fact), in “The Stovepipe,” Seymour M. Hersh reports on how the Bush 
  Administration led the intelligence community on a chase for weapons of 
  mass destruction. Here Hersh discusses his article and the current state 
  of the Bush Administration.
  AMY DAVIDSON: Your story in the magazine this week is 
  called “The Stovepipe.” Why? 
  SEYMOUR M. HERSH: Well, inside the military, “stovepiping” is slang for 
  the practice of taking a piece of intelligence or a request that should be 
  pushed through the chain of command—checked at levels and sent from one 
  level to another—and bringing it straight to the highest authority. One of 
  the things that people in the intelligence community have learned over the 
  years is that early reports are often wrong. And so, before you respond to 
  the first piece of information you have, you analyze it, you vet it, you 
  study it, and then you make a decision about what you’re going to do with 
  it. Stovepiping allows them to cheat the process. When you stovepipe 
  stuff, you leave yourself open to the worst kinds of results.
  Is that what happened when the Bush Administration was 
  building its case against Iraq? 
  One basic problem is that the Bush Administration changed the process 
  in a very dramatic way. They worked it so that the raw intelligence, the 
  reports that they wanted to hear, got to the top right away. The pro-war 
  hawks rigged the system so that negative information about Iraq, no matter 
  where it came from—and in many cases, we now know, much of it came from 
  defectors who were relayed through the Iraqi National Congress, the group 
  run by Ahmad Chalabi—was stovepiped directly to the leadership without any 
  assessment. And so you had a situation in the Pentagon, and in the State 
  Department, in the office of Under-Secretary John Bolton, and in the 
  Vice-President’s office, too, in which the professionals were cut out of 
  the process. That’s how you get to a position where Secretary of State 
  Colin Powell can show up at the United Nations, as he did in February, and 
  make a series of very boisterous claims about Iraq, most of which now 
  appear to be wrong.
  Was this, then, a matter of the Administration lying 
  to itself as much as to anyone else? 
  One of the great questions is “Were they lying? Did they know the 
  truth?” And the answer, I think, to a large degree, is that, whatever they 
  may have suspected, they didn’t know the truth, because the truth was 
  simply impossible for them to see. The system had been set up so that they 
  saw only what they wanted. And, you know, these people, Secretary of 
  Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz in 
  particular, came to the office openly suspicious of the intelligence 
  community and the bureaucracy. They thought they were too soft on Iraq, 
  not tough enough with Saddam, not able to make the decisive choices. So 
  what you have is a bunch of people who weren’t lying; they simply had 
  fixed the system so it couldn’t give them information they didn’t want to 
  hear. One of the intelligence guys I talked to used a wonderful analogy. 
  He said, “It’s as if you all had gone into a planetarium and the software 
  for the sky show had gone bad and you were seeing the wrong sky, and you 
  walked outside, and you looked up and you said, ‘Hey, what’s going on. 
  This isn’t right.’” And that’s what they had done: they had gone into the 
  planetarium, they set themselves up with the wrong software, and then they 
  were surprised to find that the rest of the world didn’t conform—the war 
  began, and there were no W.M.D.s.
  In your article, you quote an Administration official 
  who said that the C.I.A. was beaten down by requests for a certain kind of 
  intelligence. But isn’t it the C.I.A.’s job to resist that kind of 
  pressure? Does the C.I.A. do enough to stand up for itself? 
  It turns out that it really doesn’t. One official I talked to reminded 
  me what happened in the mid-nineteen-eighties, when Ronald Reagan was 
  convinced that Cuba was behind everything going on in Central America—that 
  all of the aspiration for freedom in Central America, the unrest there, 
  was the work of Communist outside agitators. The community fought them for 
  a long time, but they eventually gave up, and the analysts began to write 
  it the way they wanted. The fact of the matter is 

[CTRL] Burgus v. Braun, Torture at Guantanamo, banned news coverage of dead soldiers

2003-10-21 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

This article that I sent yesterday has been temporarily taken off the web. I can send copies to those interested. This article has graphic descriptions of abuse. Here's a summary of the research on Burgus v. Braun et al that was presented by Lynn Crook at the 2002 International Society for the Study of Dissociation conference last year in Baltimore.
 Bush Denies Torture at Guantanamo  Le Nouvel Observateur 
 Sunday 19 October 2003 

 During an interview broadcast by Australian television, American President George W. Bush denied that military personnel have tortured presumed terrorists detained in Cuba. A lawyer in the United States defending two Australians incarcerated on the base accused the American army Wednesday of having tortured detainees suspected of terrorism and threatened to bring a complaint before the United Nations. 
the two Australians, Mamdouh Habib and David Hicks, had been sent to Guantanamo because they had "been captured on the battlefield."  Richard Bourke, an Australian lawyer based in the United States, had asserted on Radio ABC that David Hicks and Mamdouh Habib had been subjected to tortures "worthy of the Middle Ages"

Curtains Ordered for Media Coverage of Returning Coffins
By Dana Milbank Tuesday, October 21, 2003; Page A23 

Since the end of the Vietnam War, presidents have worried that their military actions would lose support once the public glimpsed the remains of U.S. soldiers arriving at air bases in flag-draped caskets. To this problem, the Bush administration has found a simple solution: It has ended the public dissemination of such images by banning news coverage and photography of dead soldiers' homecomings on all military bases. 

In March, on the eve of the Iraq war, a directive arrived from the Pentagon at U.S. military bases. "There will be no arrival ceremonies for, or media coverage of, deceased military personnel returning to or departing from Ramstein [Germany] airbase or Dover [Del.] base, to include interim stops," the Defense Department said, referring to the major ports for the returning remains.
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[CTRL] Fwd: enough to soothe his back troubles for sixteen years

2003-10-21 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-
Issue of 2003-10-27
Posted 2003-10-20

We do not need General Clark or any of the rest of you liberals. We dont
need to change the definition of patriotism in order to conform to the
antiwar, hate- America-first radicalism of the Democrat leadership. And
thats what this is all about.

In case you dont happen to be a regular listener to The Rush Limbaugh
Show, the above is a fair sample of the sort of thing the star of the show
has been saying lately, or at any rate was saying until a week ago, when he
checked in to a drug rehabilitation center. Its not very different from
what hes been saying throughout the twenty years hes been talking
about politics on the radio. We know the sample is fair, because it was the
featured quote last Thursday on the home page of Limbaughs own Web
site, emblazoned in big blue letters right next to the smiling photograph of
the patient himself. Limbaughs target this time was Wesley Clark, because
Clark is a leading candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination. As
a four-star general, Clark led natos first and so far only major military
action, which put a stop to ethnic cleansing in Kosovo; as a combat officer
in Vietnam, he was severely wounded and awarded the silver star, the
bronze star, and a purple heart. The person impugning his patriotism,
Limbaugh, sat out the war in Vietnamthough not very comfortably, one
must assume, since, as Joe Conason noted in Salon, the future scourge of
cowards and slackers avoided the draft on account of a persistent boil on
his backside.

Limbaugh is a prime example of what is known as a Chicken Hawka noisy,
preening master of the martial art of talking who, back when it was a
question of getting anywhere near harms way for the sake of his country,
discovered that he had (as Vice-President Cheney once put it, explaining
his own absence from the fray) other priorities. He has now joined
another lite corpsthe Vice Versa Virtuecrats, they might be
calledwhose members crusade against moral relativism and in favor of
absolute standards of right and wrong backed up by draconian
punishments while indulging themselves in devilment on the side. Like Newt
Gingrich, who vowed to attack Bill Clinton in every speech for hiding his
sad little dalliance with Monica Lewinsky while he himself was carrying on a
years-long affair with a congressional staffer young enough to be his
daughter, and William J. Bennett, who made millions promoting flinty self-
discipline while gambling away comparable amounts in Las Vegas fleshpots,
Limbaugh took a stern line on demon dope (If people are violating the law
by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted
and they ought to be sent up) while himself possessing and consuming
controlled substances in prodigious quantities. In Limbaughs case, the
difficulty goes beyond an embarrassing inconsistency between professed
beliefs and private behavior, because the problem he has acknowledged
havingbeing addicted to prescription pain medicationcorrelates
strongly with committing acts that the law defines as crimes.

Limbaughs colleagues in the right-wing jabber industry have come up with
a consistent set of talking points in making the case that, in Ann Coulters
words, Rushs behavior was not all that dissolute. One point is that it
was highly courageous of Limbaugh to admit his addiction, as Brent
Bozell wrote. This would be more persuasive if Limbaughs admission had
come before rather than after his addiction was described in detail in a
National Enquirer storya story whose essential outlines have since been
confirmed by the non-supermarket press and whose particulars have been
disputed by no one. (Limbaugh himselfpresumably on the advice of his
lawyer, Roy Black, whose other 

[CTRL] Fwd: The newspaper needs to start telling the people the truth before we get a Hitler

2003-10-21 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-


The newspaper needs to start telling the people the whole truth before we get another Hitler.The recentAssociated Press article aboutPresident Bush's grandfather's involvement with Nazi Germany was a step in the right direction. However, it was reportedout of context becausemany of America's corporations supported Hitler: General Electric, Standard Oil of New Jersey (Exxon), Ford Motor Company, International Telephone and Telegraph, etc. Many of America's prominent Wall Street families also supported Hitler: The Bushs, Rockefellers, Kennedies, Fords, Harrimans, etc. Additionally, some of the royalty of Europe created the Thule Society and the Nazi Party to counteract the rise of Communism. The Hapsburgs (the former kings and queens of Austria and many other European countries) created the Thule Society to defeat Communism and establish the Third Reich, which means the third reign. The first reignwas the Roman Empire,
 and the second reign was the Holy Roman Empire. The Thule Society provided Hitler his initial support. Even some Jews supported the rise ofHitler.

Many of the executives on IG Farben'sboard of directors wereJews.IG Farben used slave labor. Eventually, their slave labor camp became a death camp--- where the Nazis executed Jews, political prisoners, Slavs, and other groups. The philosophy of the execution of the Slavs  can be traced to the Holy Roman Empire's conquest of the Pagans, where the Empire's Teutonic Knights executed the Slavs to create "living space" for Germans. Hitler modeled his SS after the Teutonic Knights. They even had a castle. The Bush family hadJewish business partners and other Nazi partners.

The AverillHarriman Group---which President Bush's Grandfather Prescott Bush and GreatGrandfather George Walkerwere members---belonged to aan organization with Jewish control.The Harriman and Loeb (Jewish)groupformed a syndicate with the Rockefeller syndicate. The result was a organization that controlled most of the American railroads west of the Mississippi. The Harriman Group also had a coal mining operation in Silesia (Poland). Their Silesian American Corporation was involved in a business transaction similar to the one reported in the AP article. Through Standard Oil of New Jersey, theRockefellers werealso involved in a transaction similar to the one reported in the AP article.

Like in the Union Bank/ Bush transaction, board members of a Standard Oil company andSilesian American Corporationplotted tohold stocks for their Nazi partners until after the war. This is recorded in our US Federal case law as Standard Oil v The United States and Silesian American Corporation v Clark (the US Property Custodian under the Trading With The Enemy Act).

Arnold Schwarzenegger's father's involvement with the SA and the Nazi Party reveals this apparent dysfunction in the human race. Schwarzenegger is a Jewish name, which means black Negro. Here we have a Jew with possible Negro ancestors (Schwarzenegger's father) participating in an organization that preaches the extermination of the Jewish people and thinks that Negroes are an inferior race. This lack of information that is part of the American dialog could lead to another Hitler.

I am sure that a large amount of people voted for Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Bush SR, and George Bush JR because they think that theyare Nazis. The newspaper needs to start telling the people the whole truth before we get another Hitler.

Leo Tanner
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright