[CTRL] [U-S-A] Hep C A-bombs or B-weapons (fwd)

2003-11-29 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 00:49:56 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [U-S-A] Hep C  A-bombs or B-weapons

Let the POC'ster give you a hint. Hep C ALONE kills more than AIDS. So
this is the latest WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION by U-S-A to liquidate the
useless eaters of America and the world. Are you FINALLY starting to
catch on to the master plan for the master race?

And yes, I am off my meds. I just deal in FACTS! Reply in FACTS or fuck
off ... don't waste my time.

Zandu Goldbar
(aka Zandu the Magnificent)

On Fri, 28 Nov 2003, Party of Citizens wrote:

 Are hep A, B and C all forms of the same bug?

 This epidemic is bigger than AIDS is it not?


  * http://www.geocities.com/CITIZENS_ASSEMBLY **
  $$$   Capital punishment is not just penalty for poverty$$$

 On Sat, 29 Nov 2003, csrs2003 wrote:

  --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], csrs2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Most Cases of Hepatitis B Are From Sex. Why Should We Vaccinate Infants?
  Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in
  Atlanta, used data from the Sentinel Counties Study of Viral Hepatitis
  to examine changes in disease incidence and risk factors for acute
  hepatitis B during 1982 to 1998.
  During this period, the median age of patients with acute hepatitis B
  increased from 27 years to 32 years, the authors report, while the
  incidence declined by 76.1% from its peak in 1987.
  The report indicates the main risk factors for infection, accounting
  for more than 88% of cases, were:
  * Heterosexual exposure to an infected partner 27.4%,
  * Intravenous drug use 18.2%,
  * Men having sex with men 13.5%.
  During this interval, cases associated with IDU declined by 90.6%, the
  researchers note, while cases associated with MSM activity fell by
  63.5% and with high-risk heterosexual activity by 50.7%.
  J Infect Disease March 15, 2002;185:713-719
  The new vaccine recommendations to expose infants to this dangerous
  vaccine just don't make any sense when you consider that nearly 90% of
  the cases of hepatitis B are from sexual contact.
  These recommendations are inexcusable.
  There is no possible logical recommendation for this action. All of
  these arguments are fatally flawed.
  If you are new to the site these may sound like lunatic ramblings of
  some quack, but before you come to that, or a similar conclusion, I
  challenge you to examine the facts.
  The central fact, and the one that helps to explain these insane
  recommendations, is that the maker of hepatitis B vaccine, Merck,
  makes one billion dollars a year from this vaccine.
  A billion dollars a year goes a long way toward influencing public policy.
  Who is Behind This?
  The group that is pushing this through is called The Hepatitis B
  coalition. Part of the Immunization Action Coalition, this group was
  started by a $750,000 grant from the CDC. It is supported by the World
  Health Organization, World Bank, Rockefeller Foundation and ongoing
  funding from Smith-Kline, Merck, Aventis and Johnson  Johnson.
  Let us not forget that it has been less than three years since the
  federal government asked the drug companies to take mercury out of
  this vaccine, and they still haven't complied.
  I have seen many dozens of children who were given this vaccine on the
  first day of life and subsequently developed autism. Others, like
  Michael Belkin's daughter, weren't as lucky and died immediately after
  the vaccine.
  Michael is a successful Wall Street Financial analyst with his own
  company, and has testified to Congress on this issue and regularly
  forwards news health stories to me.
  Well in the single dose hepatitis B vials, the drug companies have
  replaced the mercury with aluminum, which is another potent neurotoxin
  that has been associated with Alzheimer's. But who knows what damage
  it will do to the immature central nervous system of a one-day old infant.
  The multi dose hepatitis B vials still contain mercury.
  Folks, hepatitis B is about as difficult to catch as AIDS. Namely, you
  nearly always need to have blood or sexual contact of some sort. That
  is why the main risk factors are IV drug abusers and those who engage
  in sex with multiple partners.
  Is Hepatitis Vaccine Safe?
  The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was developed by
  the government to report vaccine reactions. Many experts believe that
  only 10% of the adverse reactions are reported though as reporting is
  not mandated by law.
  Even with only 10% of the problems being 

Re: [CTRL] Bush The Nazis: New Documents

2003-11-29 Thread Brian Salter

On Saturday, November 29, 2003, at 03:09 AM, William Shannon wrote:


Bush and the Nazis: New Documents
Herbert Parmet,  November 26, 2003

The link for Anton Chaitkin in the article above turns up this interesting recent letter to the History News Network site:


EDITOR'S NOTE:  We received the following email from Mr. Chaitkin on Nov. 13, 2003. 

I co-authored {George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography}, published 1992, the definitive story of the Bush family's relations with the financing of Hitler and the Nazi war machine. I wrote that account based in part upon the work of my father, Jacob Chaitkin, the legal cousel and strategist for the Boycott against Nazi Germany carried on by the American Jewish Congress. 
I am history editor of Executive Intelligence Review, the weekly 72-page magazine associated with the political movement of Lyndon LaRouche. 
In the Bush / Nazis field at present, you are operating in the following geometry. We, and those working with us, are acting to bust up the Cheney-Rumsfeld-Ashcroft-Wolfowitz cabal, aiming for the immediate ouster of Cheney. This fight is now at the stage of an absolute showdown, with a potential nuclear war the possible outcome if we do not break these lunatics right away. IN THIS SITUATION, some people are reviving the Bush / Nazis story in order to deflect attention from the political struggle now underway. For example, as you know, former President Bush (41) has been acting in what strikes many as strange ways recently, evidently trying to restrain Junior from going over the abyss with Cheney. Thus, the story - which I put into the political mainstream in 1992 is only now being trotted out, for NOT necessarily good purposes. 
For example, John Loftus, who did almost no original research, is now being hyped as the big source for the Bush-Nazis story; Loftus was recently at a war-crazies' summit in Israel with Richard Pearl et. al., promoting a new set of wars. [*]
A test of the sincerity of any new promotion of this story, would be whether the promoters actually get in touch with me, now. Here is my phone number - . Please give me a call -- I'd be pleased to talk with you, and assist you in any way that I can. 
By the way, you can access the entire Unauthorized Biography, on many different websites. Just put my name and Bush into a search engine. 
Yours truly, 
Anton Chaitkin 
Executive Intelligence Review 
60 Sycolin Road, Leesburg, VA 20175 

[* http://www.jerusalemsummit.org/eng/summit.php]

[CTRL] Reservist Faces Punishment After Questioning a Waiver

2003-11-29 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

This is an outrage. - JR



  November 29, 2003
  Reservist Faces Punishment After Questioning a 

  OCHESTER, Nov. 28 (AP) — Capt. Steve McAlpin, a 
  longtime Army reservist who spent most of last year deployed in 
  Afghanistan, learned this week that he is facing insubordination charges 
  that could end his 25-year military career.
  His breach of discipline is questioning the legality of a waiver his 
  battalion was asked to sign that would put his unit back in a combat zone 
  after only 11 months at home. Under federal law, Captain McAlpin noted, 
  troops are allowed a 12-month "stabilization period."
  Captain McAlpin, 44, was notified in a memorandum on Wednesday that he 
  was being removed from the 401st Civil Affairs Battalion's battle roster. 
  He said he could face other punishment, including a court-martial and loss 
  of rank.
  Members of the 401st will be deployed for duty overseas next Wednesday. 
  The commander, Lt. Col. Phillip Carey, says in his memorandum that Captain 
  McAlpin had a "negative attitude" and was being "insubordinate towards the 
  leadership" of the 401st.
  Captain McAlpin said he questioned the waiver last Saturday in a 
  teleconference with Col. Guy Sands, commander of the captain's parent 
  unit, the 360th Civil Affairs Brigade in Fort Jackson, S.C.
  About a dozen other officers refused to sign the waiver, as well as 
  four enlisted soldiers called to redeploy, Captain McAlpin said.
  "Soldiers are proud to serve any time, anywhere. I'd go tomorrow," he 
  said on Friday from his home in Victor, 20 miles southeast of Rochester. 
  "But I have four soldiers that don't want to go."
  The memorandum orders Captain McAlpin to clear up his affairs at the 
  unit by Monday, when it bans him from battalion grounds. It also transfers 
  him to the Individual Ready Reserves, whose soldiers can be called up in 
  the event of a national emergency.
  Instead of signing the reprimand document, Captain McAlpin wrote a note 
  of protest, stating that his performance evaluations had been excellent 
  and that his record showed "no pattern of incompetence."
  Captain McAlpin served in Bosnia in 1996. Last year, while stationed in 
  Afghanistan, he was a liaison to local warlords, coordinated relief 
  supplies and organized an English-language teaching program. He said the 
  military should "honor soldiers that have gone already" by giving them "a 
  break from the hazards of combat."
  A spokesman for the 401st, Capt. Brian Earley, said Captain McAlpin's 
  questioning of the waiver was only one reason he was being disciplined, 
  with others including difficulties on the mission to Afghanistan. 
  2003The New York 
  Times Company | Home | Privacy 
  Policy | Search | Corrections | Help | Back 
  to Top 

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Global Progressive forum

2003-11-29 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Subject: [JBirch] Global Progressive Forum

[Note: whenever the word progressive appears in this article, think
of it in the same way as when someone describes cancer as

Copyright 2003 The Financial Times Limited
Financial Times (London,England)
November 28, 2003, Friday USA Edition 1
New forum sets out to tackle inequality

P website:
A HREF=http://www.pes.org/GlobalProgressiveForum/Content.asp;The Global
Progressive Forum is
joint inititative of Party of European Socialists, the Parlimentary group
of the PES and
the Socilaist International/A

From Mr Poul Nyrup Rasmussen.

Sir, A new reform process to harness the energy of globalisation came
into being this week with the inaugural meeting yesterday of the
Global Progressive Forum. The forum will give progressive thinkers
all over the world the opportunity to contribute to an emerging
consensus on the need to shake up global governance.

The new consensus is inclusive, drawing together international
organisations, governments, economists, civil groups, business people
and trade unionists, lawyers, academics and experts from other walks
of life and from all regions of the world.

They share the analysis that the appalling inequality in the world is
a threat to people everywhere. Among problems it spawns are
international terrorism, security threats, organised crime, the
trafficking of human beings and the never-ending growth of the drugs

The world simply cannot continue to live on many layers - at the
bottom a billion people struggling to survive without even access to
clean water and at the top a wealthy few destroying the environment
with their resource-hungry lifestyles. The forum and its website
www.pes.org/ globalprogressiveforum are developing policy ideas to
bridge divisions between peoples and countries.

It recognises that globalisation inspires fear for culture, jobs, the
environment and even identity and seeks to move concern from the
level of street protest into policymaking forums. Some 1,500
participants and 150 speakers will take part in discussions over the
next three days at the European parliament in Brussels. We know that
we shall have to work patiently over many years to bring about the
reforms that are needed.

We must rethink the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank
and we must bring about change in the United Nations to strengthen
the profile of our policy concerns. For example, we need to create a
UN human development council, with status comparable with that of the
existing Security Council, to tackle the world's worst social crises.

If change is to happen, we need to build new alliances of
progressive-minded people and organisations committed to the
universal values of justice, solidarity, freedom and peace. Clearly,
politicians will give a lead. But success will depend on transcending
traditional party political lines and creating a new force for

We have five goals:

* Securing the quality of human life for all

* Preserving the environment and sustainable ways of living

* Guaranteeing peace throughout the world in the face of old and new

* Managing global migration and integrating immigrant populations in

* Deepening democracy at all levels, re-establishing a strong link
between citizens and politics and reinforcing the capacity of public
authorities to implement democratic choices, particularly at global
governance level.

Humanity has the means to achieve this vision. It is up to us to make
it a reality.

Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, Chairman, Global Progressive Forum (Danish
Prime Minister, 1993-2001)

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Reservist Faces Punishment After Questioning a Waiver

2003-11-29 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/29/2003 8:58:12 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
This is an outrage. - JR
You're absolutely right. It is. It really shows us whatour Secretary of Defense and the Pentagon thinks of its soldiers and tojust what level theywill stoop to keep these men on the line until they are killed. There is absolutely supposed to be a year between these kinds of assignments. The Bush administration has done everything possible to cheat their military men. Whoopee, Bushgoes over toan airport and spends two hours with a tinysegment of our men. Bob Hope did better, and he wasn't shilling forvotes. But ourPentagon under its Republican leadership has done everything they could think of to keep the menunderpaid and under served. They do not even have them properly equipped. After all, if you buy the men the proper clothingand armament, Cheney's friends who do oil production and those who peddle those stupid Humvees would be out of pocket.The land of the free and the brave I was born intohas really changed. And no dissent, folks. No GI griping.Rest assured that if Bill Mauldin had been doing his cartoons of Willy and Joe inthis war, they'd put him in one of those neat enclosures on Gitmo. Prudy
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Occupation Is a Lose-Lose Proposition (Charley Reese)

2003-11-29 Thread Sean McBride
Title: Occupation Is a Lose-Lose Proposition, by Charley Reese
-Caveat Lector-




  Occupation Is a Lose-Lose Propositionby 
  Charley ReeseNovember 29, 


  Mosul, recently held up as an example of our successful occupation 
  of Iraq, was where two American soldiers were shot, dragged out of their 
  car and had their bodies pummeled with concrete blocks by a mob that had 
  quickly gathered. All of this happened recently in broad daylight in the 
  heart of the city.
  Would you 
  not concede that such behavior indicates at least a mild distaste on the 
  part of Iraqis for the American occupation? The fact is, the Bush 
  administration lied about the reasons for going to war, and now it is 
  lying about the occupation. It is trying what we tried to do in Vietnam – 
  fight a guerrilla war and win the "hearts and minds" of the people at the 
  same time. Well, the policy failed in Vietnam, and it will fail in 
  The reasons 
  are simple. A guerrilla war brutalizes the army that is fighting it. How 
  do you think the GIs in Mosul feel about Iraqis after what happened to 
  their comrades? They hate them. And that hatred will manifest itself, and 
  this will in turn generate more resistance.
  No country 
  in the world likes the idea of foreign occupation. The Arabs like it least 
  of all. Every time an American soldier throws an Iraqi man to the ground 
  and puts his boot on his neck or back, he creates an implacable, 
  unforgiving enemy. Every time we kill some innocent Iraqis, we create 
  enemies. Every time an American soldier body-searches a schoolgirl, we 
  create enemies.
  Of course, 
  some Iraqis will smile to our faces. Of course, some Iraqis want us to 
  stay to avoid a civil war until they can worm their way into power. Of 
  course, there are always traitors for sale in any country. But the simple 
  fact that an Iraqi hates Saddam Hussein does not mean that he or she likes 
  us. Some Americans seem to have trouble grasping that people can hate both 
  Saddam Hussein and the Americans.
  You should 
  also note that we have been trying to catch Saddam for eight months now. 
  If he were as hated as American propaganda makes him out to be, surely one 
  Iraqi would have dropped a dime on him by now and collected that $25 
  million. Yet this 66-year-old geezer continues to elude his 140,000 
  recently, an American military officer said something really stupid and 
  callous. He said that the attacks were insignificant. I don't think that 
  the people who are killed and maimed and their loved ones consider them to 
  be insignificant. That was the calloused part. The stupid part was when he 
  said the guerrillas could not defeat the American military. Of course they 
  can't, and they aren't even trying.
  The purpose 
  of the guerrilla attacks is not to defeat us, but merely to demonstrate 
  that we cannot control the country. As long as the guerrillas can kill one 
  or two Americans and Iraqi collaborators now and then, they will be 
  "winning." The Viet Cong could not defeat the American military either, 
  but you see who left and who stayed.
  It doesn't 
  cost the Iraqi guerrilla anything to stay in Iraq. It's his home. He has 
  nowhere else to go. On the other hand, it's costing us $2 billion a week 
  to stay in Iraq, not counting the cost in lives and the spent political 
  capital. Sooner or later, we will leave, and the Iraqi guerrillas know 
  president can prattle all he wants about "staying the course," but the 
  only question is, can we establish a halfway decent government before we 
  are forced to bail out? Some people in the Pentagon are saying we will be 
  in Iraq for five or six years. I don't think we will last that long. Just 
  in dollars and cents, six years would cost us a third of a trillion 
  The sooner 
  we leave, the better, because the longer we stay, the more resistance we 
  will generate. We have dropped young American men and women, well-trained 
  to fight a conventional war, into an alien culture, and they simply don't 
  know how to deal with it. They will grow to resent and to hate Iraqis, and 
  this resentment and hatred will be returned with interest. Occupation is a 
  lose-lose proposition.
  © 2003 by 
  King Features Syndicate, Inc.

comments on this article? 

them to backtalk![visit 

  Recent columns by 
  Charley Reese

Re: [CTRL] Occupation Is a Lose-Lose Proposition (Charley Reese)

2003-11-29 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

Hear, hear Prudy
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Raid On Arab TV Network Hardly A Democratic Move (Helen Thomas)

2003-11-29 Thread Sean McBride
-Caveat Lector-

The neocons, who are all wannabe world 
dictators,have proven repeatedly by their words and deeds that they 
profoundly despise democracy:


Raid On Arab TV Network Hardly A Democratic Move
Dictators Should Be Only Ones Shutting Down Media 

POSTED: 5:22 p.m. EST November 26, 
UPDATED: 5:23 p.m. EST November 
26, 2003

raid by the U.S.-appointed Iraqi officials on an Arab television network bureau 
in Baghdad and the ban on its broadcasts hardly fits my idea of how to spread 
democracy in the Middle East. 
Isn't that the first thing dictators do -- shut down broadcast outlets 
and newspapers? For those in power, tolerating a free press is difficult, even 
in a democracy. 
As a foreign occupier in Iraq, we are proving that it is intolerable. 


The terrible irony here is that we pride ourselves on offering a model to 
the rest of the world on how to design -- and live by -- our constitutional 
Journalists around the globe have been taught to emulate our approach to 
newsgathering, hopefully in an atmosphere free of government restraints. 
At the same time, we're snuffing out news outlets we don't like. 
On Monday, the U.S.-appointed Iraqi government raided the Baghdad bureau 
of the Al-Arabiya TV network. 
The network's crime was to broadcast an audiotape from Saddam Hussein 
complaining about Iraqis who were cooperating with the U.S. occupation force and 
calling for resistance. The tape had been sent to Al-Arabiya's headquarters in 
Dubai, the United Arab Emirates. 
The network, which has interviewed Secretary of State Colin Powell in the 
past, is one of the largest TV outlets in the Arab world. 
Any tape portraying Saddam's views on life fits the definition of news, 
if for no other reason than it is evidence that he is still alive and able to 
secretly communicate from wherever he was hiding. 
Al-Arabiya and its competitor, the Al-Jazeera Satellite Channel, have a 
wide following throughout the Middle East. Al-Jazeera caused Washington much 
discomfort in the lead-up to the war by broadcasting statements from Saddam. 
The White House strongly offered "advice" to U.S. TV outlets to shun 
those tapes but the American networks generally ignored the unhelpful hints. 
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has accused both Arab stations of being 
hostile by covering news of the guerrilla attacks on American forces. 
Al-Jazeera's Baghdad bureau was hit by a U.S. missile on April 8, killing 
a reporter-cameraman. The network also has complained of an attack on its marked 
vehicle April 7. 
On Nov. 13, 2001, during the U.S. war on Afghanistan an American missile 
went "awry," according to the Pentagon, and destroyed the Al-Jazeera bureau in 
The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists has condemned the 
move against Al-Arabiya, noting that "statements from Saddam Hussein and the 
former Iraqi regime are inherently newsworthy and news organizations have a 
right to cover them." 
Rumsfeld grouses that the two stations were violently against the 
American coalition. He hopes to counter their influence when a U.S.-controlled 
TV satellite channel begins broadcasts next month. 
Then will the Iraqis and the Arab world be guaranteed the truth? 
In a brilliant speech earlier this month before the National Conference 
on Media Reform, broadcaster and former newspaper editor Bill Moyers warned that 
American media conglomerates may find common cause "with an imperial state." 
But Moyers said "the greatest moments in the history of the press came 
not when journalists made common cause with the state but when they stood 
fearlessly independent of it." 
Against that statement of values, the recent performance by American 
journalists does not measure well. 
White House and Pentagon reporters initially pulled their punches in 
reporting on the Iraqi war. Some media outlets admittedly did not want to rock 
the boat by showing grisly photos or videotape that could be disturbing to 
As a result, many Americans tuned in on foreign news channels to get the 
full picture of the war. 
Even now, with the administration's pro-war arguments reduced to a pile 
of confetti, many news outlets have failed to demand accountability from the 
Bush administration for what appears to be systematic dishonesty in trying to 
justify the U.S. attack. 
This failure and the U.S.-led suppression of newsgathering in Iraq show 
that the historic American model for a free and independent press needs 
courageous bolstering. 
(Helen Thomas can be reached at the e-mail address 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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Re: [CTRL] Raid On Arab TV Network Hardly A Democratic Move (Helen Thomas)

2003-11-29 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/29/2003 11:25:47 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
WASHINGTON -- The raid by the U.S.-appointed Iraqi officials on an Arab television network bureau in Baghdad and the ban on its broadcasts hardly fits my idea of how to spread democracy in the Middle East. 
That's okay, Helen. We haven't seen a democratic move for ages. Republicans don't really care for democracy, and the Iraqi think of us aspromoting dictatorial action. They understandDubya didn't like Saddam. They just don't know which dictator we'll put in office, but they certainly don'texpect we'll make any democratic moves. Prudy 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-11-29 Thread William Shannon

 by Mike Davis 
11/14/2002, 11:22:00

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is urging Members of Congress to eliminate the section of the new Homeland Security Bill that would give the HHS Secretary virtually unlimited powers to declare an emergency and order smallpox treatment that could include forced immunizations and quarantines. 

The 480-page bill, HR 5710 hits the floor of the House tonight, even though most Members haven't had a chance to read it yet. Section 304, Subsection C is titled "Administration of counter measures against smallpox." 

It gives the Secretary of HHS these unchecked powers (pg. 76): 

Declare an actual or POTENTIAL bio-terrorist or other kind of incident He can administer "countermeasures" to a category of individuals or everyone He can continually extend the declare the declaration without Congress's consent Also, if you are harmed, you cannot sue or take any other civil remedy. 

"This section will give the Secretary unlimited power to define a real or potential threat, to take any measures he decides, and to do it for as long as he wants," said Kathryn Serkes, AAPS spokeswoman. "Its Alice in Wonderland time again  an emergency is just what he says it is." 

Serkes also points out that the section echoes the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act that most state legislatures defeated this past year. "Just remove 'governor' from the old bill and insert 'Secretary' and magically you have a federal bill that was firmly rejected by voters across the country," said Serkes. 

AAPS sent out thousands of email alerts urging voters to ask that the section be removed. 

"Just what are the 'counter measures' allowed?" Forced immunizations? Quarantines? Its not clear, but the powers seem virtually unchecked by any other agency," said Serkes. "We need an honest accounting of how this will work. It's too frightening to allow it to be rammed through." 

AAPS has repeatedly applauded the President's movement toward an advance, voluntary immunization to head off forced vaccines following an attack. 

[CTRL] Warning

2003-11-29 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

The distressing incident in which Dru Sjodin, the North Dakota coed, was abducted holds elements that all women should be warned about. When a woman leaves a shopping mall, she is already in a difficult situation. Often it is dark, and she is passing innumerable cars and vans. There are people on all sides if there is a heavy shopping situation. Now add to this the fact that a woman leaving a mall has a purse and/or a package in one hand and lately is holding a phone to her ear with the other. She is not even concentrating on getting to her car. She is talking to someone and her mind is basically on the conversation she is having. She could not be more vulnerable if she were wearing handcuffs. This is a rather new situation, and I'm no rocket scientist. If I can figure out what an easy target women are in this situation, so can a dozen or so freaky creeps who seem to always be looking for victims. I'm sure the scum who prey on women will all be trying the new method. Women all over the United States should be warned that when they are through shopping anywhere and returning to their cars, they should put the phone away before they exit the building and keep their attention on their surroundings. Malls are not the only places where this should be observed. There is no call so urgent that it cannot wait until they arein the car with the doors locked. Prudy  

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Warning

2003-11-29 Thread magnetic_field
-Caveat Lector-

 Also (in shopping malls 
especially) get in the habit of looking under your car and in the back seat 
before you get in. I know it sounds strange but it's not all that hard to get a 
car door open and for a predator to crawl in the back seat and hide. 


  - Original Message - 
  Prudy L 
  Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2003 10:48 
  Subject: [CTRL] Warning
  -Caveat Lector- 
  The distressing incident in which Dru Sjodin, the North Dakota coed, 
  was abducted holds elements that all women should be warned about. 
  When a woman leaves a shopping mall, she is already in a difficult 
  situation. Often it is dark, and she is passing innumerable cars and 
  vans. There are people on all sides if there is a heavy shopping 
  situation. Now add to this the fact that a woman leaving a mall has a 
  purse and/or a package in one hand and lately is holding a phone to her 
  ear with the other. She is not even concentrating on getting to her 
  car. She is talking to someone and her mind is basically on the 
  conversation she is having. She could not be more vulnerable if she were 
  wearing handcuffs. This is a rather new situation, and I'm no rocket 
  scientist. If I can figure out what an easy target women are in this 
  situation, so can a dozen or so freaky creeps who seem to always be looking 
  for victims. I'm sure the scum who prey on women will all be trying the 
  new method. Women all over the United States should be warned that when 
  they are through shopping anywhere and returning to their cars, they should 
  put the phone away before they exit the building and keep their attention on 
  their surroundings. Malls are not the only places where this 
  should be observed. There is no call so urgent that it cannot wait 
  until they arein the car with the doors locked. 
  www.ctrl.org DECLARATION  DISCLAIMER == CTRL is 
  a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic 
  screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid 
  matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions 
  and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and 
  minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being 
  said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests 
  to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust 
  denial and nazi's need not apply. 
  Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. 
  Archives Available at: 
  http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ A 
  subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email: SUBSCRIBE CTRL 
  To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email: SIGNOFF 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sharon's Right of Returnto Violence

2003-11-29 Thread William Shannon

Sharon's Right of Returnto Violence
by Joel R. Finkel 

Whereas seventy-three percent of the Palestinians supported this ceasefire, because they were offered exactly nothing, because they continued to see their land and homes confiscated, and because they continued to see their villages imprisoned by the wall, far fewer are likely to support the next one. 

This is what the military leaders of Israel wanted all alongwith every turn of the wheel, the secular leaders get weaker and the Islamists get strongerand now they can have the pleasure of dancing on the graves of many more innocent Israelis and Palestinians.

ARIEL SHARON'S RIGHT of Return, or shall we say his Return to the Right, has led Israelis and Palestinians full circle in their cycle of violence. Sadly, they are now one level closer to hell, and it will be even more difficult for them to survive. 

While almost entirely predictable, it is instructive to review the steps and strategies that have led to the current horrific disaster, which will claim the lives of many more Palestinians and Israelis. 

The motor force that propelled events along this path was, as always, the Israeli leadership's unwillingness to sacrifice a single square millimeter of land and its undying commitment to the Zionist project of colonizing the entire Palestinian homeland. 

Talk Peace, Give Nothing

As always, it faced the resolute commitment of the indigenous population, which has now been relegated to but eleven percent of its original homeland, to resist this plan. 

Superimposed on this familiar backdrop was the reemergence of an enormous corruption scandal, which would have brought down any other government. Sharon's trustworthiness among Israelis has dropped precipitously. It is not surprising, therefore, that distractions would be created. 

These first came in the form of increased activity on the Lebanese border. Ordering Air Force planes to fly over Lebanese air space, Sharon was able to provoke Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon to fire some scattered anti-aircraft fire, which landed near Israeli border settlements. 

Claiming these to be intentional attacks, Sharon started to attack Hezbollah positions in Lebanon, which he hoped would provoke them into serious reprisals. As this failed, he sent aircraft to break the sound barrier over Beirut. 

Worse still, the United States was not only becoming annoyed with the Israeli government, it was, for the first time in years, talking about freezing loan guarantees. The result needs to be examined closely. 

In doing so, we need to keep in mind this theory: The strategy of the Israeli government is to make it appear that it wants peace, raise the Palestinians' expectations, and then give them absolutely nothing. 

In this way, the moderate Palestinian leaders lose credibility. This, in effect, destroys Israel's negotiating partner, allowing it to claim that the only solution is a military one. 

Indeed, according to the Ramallah-based Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, a top polling agency on Palestinian public opinion, seventy-three percent of the Palestinians supported the ninety-day ceasefire declared in June. However, this ceasefire was unilateral, as Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom stated in a radio interview: 

This ceasefire is not an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. The ceasefire is an agreement among the Palestinians themselves. We have a security agreement with the Palestinians. (Israel Radio, "Reshet Beit," August 10, 2003) 

That the ceasefire was effective was admitted by Shaul Mofaz, Israel's Defense Minister, who reported that terrorism alerts had dropped by about seventy-five percent. (The Washington Post, 7/23/2003) Yet Israel kept claiming that the Palestinians were not fulfilling the requirements of the road map as they were not actually dismantling Hamas. 

Israel knew this demand was unrealistic. It was akin to demanding that the Republicans dismantle the Democrats. It was a demand that the Palestinian Authority (PA) start a civil war. 

The United States came to understand this. On August 4, 2003, the U.S. State Department began talking about speeding up the delivery of $300 million in aid to the PA, and was already backing off its demands that they simply crush the Hamas leadership: 

"We've emphatically stated in public and private what needs to be done," a senior American official said. "It is clear that it cannot be done instantly. It requires planning, a strengthening of security forces and a unification of those forces under Abbas and Dahlan." (New York Times, August 2, 2003) 

Obviously, what was possible was to negotiate a ceasefire under which Hamas and Islamic Jihad stopped their attacks within Israel. In return, it was expected that Israel live up to at least some aspects of the road map and reduce its level of violence against the Palestinians. Instead, Israel violated every principle of the road map 

[CTRL] Most Blacks Oppose Gay Marriage

2003-11-29 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Poll: Most Blacks Oppose Gay Marriage

Activists Say Don't Compare Civil Rights, Gay Struggles

POSTED: 7:33 a.m. EST November 26, 2003 UPDATED: 7:35 a.m. EST November 26, 2003 
BOSTON -- Every time the Rev. Talbert Swan II hears the fight for gay marriage 
compared to blacks' struggle for equality, it sticks  in my craw, he said. By that 
measure, the Springfield, Mass., minister, who is black, had an aggravating week.

Supreme Court Justice Margaret Marshall cited landmark laws that struck bans on 
interracial marriage in her majority opinion last week, which declared it 
unconstitutional to deny same sex couples the right to marry.

Since, numerous editorials and columns have linked the struggles. In Wednesday's 
Democratic debate, both black candidates, Carol Moseley Braun and the Rev. Al 
Sharpton, declared support for gay marriage, and both compared it to past 
discrimination against blacks.

But Swan said the struggles of the groups don't compare, and a recent national poll 
indicates little support for gay marriage among blacks.

Blacks were lynched, denied property rights and declared inhuman, Swan said.

Homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle, he said, I could not chose the color of my 
skin. ... For me to ride down the street and get profiled just because of my skin 
color is something a homosexual will never go through.

The Rev. William Sinkford, a black man who is president of the Unitarian Universalist 
Association, said both sides have had different experiences, but have seen similar 
discrimination. The struggle for gay civil rights is this generation's great 
challenge, he said, just as equality for blacks was the last generation's.

I think there's very little to be gained by trying to create a hierarchy of 
oppression, Sinkford said.

A poll released by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press on Nov. 18, 
the day of the Supreme Judicial Court ruling, indicated 60 percent of blacks opposed 
gay marriage. They were also less likely than both whites and Hispanics to support gay 
marriage, with just 28 percent in favor.

When asked if they favored legal agreements with many of the same rights as marriage, 
51 percent of blacks opposed, with 37 percent in favor, again fewer than Hispanics and 

Michael Adams, an attorney with the gay advocacy legal group, Lambda Legal, said the 
split with the black community seems to revolve around the marriage issue, noting 
polls show black support gays in other areas, such as workplace equality. Strong 
conservative religious values that predominate in the black community may explain 
that, he said.

He added that there's no question of key differences in the two movements, including 
slavery and forced segregation, which gays never experienced. But the groups have seen 
similar discrimination based on deeply held prejudices, he said.

Emory College professor David Garrow said the legal histories of the two movements 
have abundant parallels, including the arguments that marriage between the races and 
sexes is unnatural and against God's law. Homosexuals have also seen similar bias in 
the workplace when they've made their sexual orientation known, he said.

But Mychal Massie, is a conservative columnist and member of Project 21, a Washington 
D.C.-based political alliance of conservative blacks, said the comparisons simply 
aren't valid.

It is an outrage to align something so offensive as this with the struggle of a 
fallen man, a great man such as Martin Luther King, said Massie, who writes for 

The whole thing bespeaks of something much deeper and more insidious than we just 
want to get married, he said. They want to change the entire social order.

Alvin Williams, President and CEO of the Washington D.C.-based Black America's 
Political Action Committee, a conservative group, said the gay marriage issue looks 
like an equal rights issue at first, but becomes a special rights issue after closer 
examination because it's about behavior, not ethnicity. He added he understands why 
gays want to associated with the civil rights movement.

It seems like it would be a good fit, he said. A lot of people have a lot of good 
will associated with the civil and voting rights movement. If they could make a 
comparison, it could create sympathy.

Adams said gay marriage advocates refer to the civil rights movement only because it 
was so successful, not to make any gains by association.

It is the model how to fight, Adams said.

Copyright 2003 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be 
published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. ,

The definition of Marriage is a union between a man and a woman.
Silly faggots.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy 

[CTRL] Forced Immunizations And Quarantines

2003-11-29 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

More American Freedom down the
Americans have more to fear than terrorists...
like that bloated government in Washington, DC.

by Mike Davis ®
11/14/2002, 11:22:00
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is urging
Members of Congress to eliminate the section of the new Homeland Security
Bill that would give the HHS Secretary virtually unlimited powers to
declare an emergency and order smallpox treatment that could include
Forced Immunizations And Quarantines. 
The 480-page bill, HR 5710 hits the floor of the House tonight, even
though most Members haven't had a chance to read it yet. Section 304,
Subsection C is titled Administration of counter measures against
It gives the Secretary of HHS these unchecked powers (pg. 76): 
Declare an actual or POTENTIAL bio-terrorist or other kind of incident He
can administer countermeasures to a category of individuals
or everyone He can continually extend the declare the declaration without
Congress's consent Also, if you are harmed, you cannot sue or take any
other civil remedy. 
This section will give the Secretary unlimited power to define a
real or potential threat, to take any measures he decides, and to do it
for as long as he wants, said Kathryn Serkes, AAPS spokeswoman.
It’s Alice in Wonderland time again – an emergency is just what
he says it is. 
Serkes also points out that the section echoes the Model State Emergency
Health Powers Act that most state legislatures defeated this past year.
Just remove 'governor' from the old bill and insert 'Secretary' and
magically you have a federal bill that was firmly rejected by voters
across the country, said Serkes. 
AAPS sent out thousands of email alerts urging voters to ask that the
section be removed. 
Just what are the 'counter measures' allowed? Forced
immunizations? Quarantines? It’s not clear, but the powers seem
virtually unchecked by any other agency, said Serkes. We need
an honest accounting of how this will work. It's too frightening to allow
it to be rammed through. 
AAPS has repeatedly applauded the President's movement toward an advance,
voluntary immunization to head off forced vaccines following an attack.

Vaccinations and Quarantines at Gunpoint.
Yeah, that's really American.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hinckley-Bush Family-Friend-Nears Release

2003-11-29 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Hinckley - Bush Family 
Friend - Nears Release 
By von A. Weist
11-28-3John Hinckley Jr., who shot Ronald Reagan in 1981, is
about to be partially released from confinement after testimony from
government psychiatrists. Hinckley's family and the family of President
George W. Bush have long, complicated ties that have been little
reported. Hinckley's brother was scheduled to have dinner at the home of
the current President Bush's brother the day after the assassination
attempt.   Nov. 26, 2003 - John Hinckley
Jr., who has been hospitalized since shooting President Ronald Reagan in
1981, might receive permission any day from a federal judge to make
unsupervised visits to his parents' home. Hinckley's family and the
family of President George W. Bush have long social, political, and
economic ties that have been little reported. Hinckley's brother was
scheduled to have dinner at the home of the current President Bush's
brother the day after the assassination attempt. 
U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman recently said he would let
John W. Hinckley, Jr., make the visits with certain restrictions, but he
first wanted to hear testimony officials at St. Elizabeths Hospital,
where Hinckley is being treated. Today that condition was met when Paul
Montalbano of St. Elizabeths testified that Hinckley is ready for visits
under conditions recommended by government experts. 
Today also, John Hinckley, Jr.'s, bid for unsupervised
visits with his parents received a further boost as two psychiatrists
testifying for the government said the request from the man who shot
President Reagan should be approved but only under more restrictions than
previously proposed.  The families of Ronald
Reagan and James Brady, his press secretary, who received a head wound
(and whose wife successfully promoted the gun-control Brady Bill), have
opposed the release. Just after the shooting, Hinckley's family made an
assurance similar to those being made now, saying through an attorney,
recent evaluations alerted no one to the seriousness of his
condition.  Hinckley has been confined to
the St. Elizabeths Hospital in Washington, DC, since he shot Reagan three
others. The visists would be to his parents' home in Williamsburg,
Virginia. He was tried for the incident but acquitted by reason of
insanity after his lawyer, the legendary Edward Bennett Williams, argued
that Hinckley shot the president to impress actress Jody Foster.
 Vice president George H.W. Bush, father of the
current president, George Bush, Jr., assumed the duties of the presidency
briefly after the shooting and nearly became president as Reagan almost
died from the shooting. A bullet missed his aorta by less than an
inch.  The Bush and Hinckley families go back
to the oil-wildcatting days of the 1960s in Texas. (Ironically, they go
back even farther in a genealogical sense, since the have a common
ancestor in Samuel Hinckley, who lived in the late 1600s.) 
The relationship was much closer between George Bush, Sr.,
and John Hinckley, Sr., whose families were neighbors for years in
Houston. John Hinckley, Sr., contributed to the political campaigns of
Bush, Sr., all the way back to Bush's running for Congress, and he
supported Bush against Reagan for the 1980 Republican presidential
nomination. Bush, Sr., and Hinckley, Sr., were both in the oil business.
When the Hinckley oil company, Vanderbilt Oil, started to fail in the
1960s, Bush, Sr.'s, Zapata Oil financially bailed out Hinckley's sompany.
Hinckley had been running an operation with six dead wells, but he began
making several milliion dollars a year after the Bush bailout.
 Scott Hinckley, John's brother, was scheduled to have
dinner at the Denver home of Neil Bush, Bush, Sr.'s, son (and of course
the current president's brother) the day after the shooting. At the time,
Neil Bush was a Denver-based purchaser of mineral rights for Amoco, and
Scott Hinckley was the vice president of his father's Denver-based oil
business.  On the day of the shooting, NBC news
anchor John Chancellor, eyebrows raised, informed the viewers of the
nightly news that the man who tried to kill the president was acquainted
with the son of the man who would have become president had the attack
succeeded. As a matter of fact, Chancellor reported in a bewildered tone,
Scott Hinckley and Neil Bush had been scheduled to have dinner together
at the home of the (then) vice-president's son (Neil) the very next
night.  The story of the Bush-Hinckley
connection was reported on the AP and UPI newswires and in some
newspapers, including the Houston Post, which apparently originated the
story. It was also reported in Newsweek magazine. Then the story about
one of the strangest coincidences in presidential assassination history
simply disappeared. (The AP story is quoted in its entirety at the end of
this article, not for commercial use but solely to be used for the
educational purposes of research and open discussion.) 
In reference to whether the 

[CTRL] Updated Ritual Abuse resource list, Bush's Pre-Election PR Stunt

2003-11-29 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for articles

S.M.A.R.T.'s updated ritual abuse resource list (with over 160 pages of survivor resources) is at : 

Items #1 - 7 are at http://members.aol.com/smartnews/Resource-List.htm
Items #8 - 14 are at http://members.aol.com/smartnews/Resource-List2.htm
Items #15 - 22 are at http://members.aol.com/smartnews/Resource-List3.htm 

1) Ritual Abuse Newsletters
2) Ritual Abuse Resources
3) Survivor Newsletters
4) Survivor Resources
5) Books about Ritual Abuse
6) Books about Survivor Issues
7) Legal Information
8) Information on Recovered Memory/dissociation
9) Resources for Male Survivors
10) Resources for Female Survivors
11) Information on the Masons
12) Information on the Mormons
13) Information on Other Groups
14) Tape and Videotape Information
15) E-weapon Information
16) Miscellaneous Topics
17) Clergy Abuse 
18) Alleged Cults and Mind Control Practices
19) 12 Steps Groups and Information
20) Alleged Illegal Testing
21) Christian Groups with information
22) Mind Control and Government MC Information

Published on Friday, November 28, 2003 by the Agence France-Presse (AFP) 
Bush's Iraq Visit a Pre-Election PR Stunt 
"Electoral raid on Baghdad" read the caustic headline in the left-wing Paris daily Liberation which summed up European newspaper editorial reaction to President George W Bush's Thanksgiving Day visit to US troops in Iraq. The brief visit, arranged in top secrecy, occurred too late for most papers to give it full coverage, and almost all ran the same wire agency photo of Mr Bush, clad in a gray army bomber jacket, carrying a large tray of roast turkey, potatoes and grapes through a crowd of smiling soldiers. 
Those which did comment were mostly skeptical of Mr Bush's motives, with the US presidential election now less than 12 months away. "The turkey has landed," ran the front-page headline in the London daily Independent. "The daily Vanguardia, published in Spain's second city Barcelona, noted darkly that "George W Bush does not attend the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq, but has dinner in Baghdad with those who dream of coming home alive."  
"George Bush becomes the first US president to visit Iraq in order to provide the television pictures required by his re-election campaign," it said, noting that Hillary Rodham Clinton, "his undeclared Democratic opponent," was on her way to Baghdad from Afghanistan. 
Liberation noted that more than 430 US soldiers had been killed in Iraq, 184 of them since Bush declared an official end to the war on May 1, and quoted a Gallup opinion poll this month showing that 54 percent of Americans disapproved of the way the post-war situation was being handled. 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Anti-Semitism

2003-11-29 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


J. Bruce Campbell Dar Al-Hayat 2003/10/9

Dear Al-Hayat,

Congratulations to the writer of 'A New Definition of Anti-Semitism' (Jihad Al Khazen - Ayoon wa Azan, 6 Oct. 2003). The sadistic nature of Zionism must be emphasized so that the dimmest person associates the word with scorn and revulsion. 

There is one thing that puzzles me: You are apparently a Semite. And you know very well that the Russian Jews - the Ashkenazim - who control Israel and the United States are not Semitic. But you and all Arabs, who should know better, allow the weaponization of the Jewish term, "anti-Semitism."

You Semites never use this term to characterize those who hate and murder you. The genuine anti-Semites are the Zionists, to whom you have granted the exclusive use of this weapon. You even allow them to accuse you of "anti-Semitism" as they practice the vilest form of it against you, and you never object! Even this otherwise excellent article on "anti-Semitism" doesn't mention this obvious fact.

The Israelis, no matter whence they came to Palestine (Russia, Poland, Lithuania, West Europe, America, etc), are ninety-five percent Russian Jews, whose ancestors never set foot in the Middle East and who were in fact converts to Judaism around 900 AD. The few Sephardic Jews in Israel have virtually no rights compared with the Ashkenazim. "Zionism" simply means that the descendants of those converts must emigrate to Palestine, seize control of it, rename it and "make the Law go forth from Zion." The Law is Deuteronomy and the guide for the application of the Law is the Talmud.

Why don't you Semites blow the whistle on these criminal psychopaths and their deceptive weapon of mind control - "anti-Semitism?" An Anglo-Saxon such as I cannot really complain about the abuse of the term because I have no standing as a Semite. But you have.

The Jews use the term for two good reasons: First, it suggests that they are in fact Semitic, which serves to justify their invasion and occupation of Palestine, something that would be otherwise inexplicable for a non-Semite. The obvious question would be: Why do you insist on living there, where you have no roots?

The other reason is that "anti-Semitism" has a clinical, sinister sound. It sounds like a congenital mental disease, which I believe it is in its true form, as practiced by Jews and their janissaries such as Bush and DeLay.

But they simply do not want the term "anti-Jew" used, because they don't want non-Jews to say the word, "Jew." It offends them because the very use of the word by a non-Jew is an accusation of guilt - and they know it.

So, I urge you to spread this very helpful suggestion to create awareness of the criminal psychopathic abuse of the very legitimate term, "anti-Semitism," by racist fanatics whose main reason for living is to exterminate all Semites.

Such a truth campaign would undermine and eventually destroy the Jewish lie of "the right of return." What right? How can you return to a place you and your ancestors never were?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Britain in secret EU army deal

2003-11-29 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Britain in secret EU army deal
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Naples
(Filed: 29/11/2003) 

Britain has taken a dramatic step towards a fully-fledged European army, signing up to Franco-German proposals for a planning headquarters outside Nato, it emerged yesterday.

The deal reached by British, German and French officials in secret talks in Berlin this week establishes an "operational" command in Brussels, allowing the EU to run day-to-day battlefield missions for the first time.

Risking a major clash with Washington, it points to a definitive break with British defence doctrine of the last half century. But British officials hinted last night that Tony Blair would re-write the agreement if America was adamantly opposed.

Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, was caught flat-footed yesterday at a summit of EU foreign ministers in Naples when the deal leaked in the French press before Britain had a chance to seek approval from Washington.

The British had expected to notify President George W Bush on Thursday but the plans were thrown out by his surprise trip to Baghdad.

In September, the Americans were stunned when they learned that Britain had agreed in general terms to an EU operational command, fearing that it would lead to a rival military structure and ultimately destroy Nato.

The Government appeared to row back on the commitment after intense pressure from Washington, but the latest deal suggests that No 10 is still inclined to cast its lot with the Europeans in defence.

The French newspaper Le Monde quoted chunks of the deal yesterday, reporting that it would start as a skeleton body and would also handle humanitarian missions. It said the unit would be "a European military headquarters in all but name".

The EU already has a 150-strong military staff but it is limited to "strategic planning" and is unable to manage field operations. The EU's military mission in Macedonia currently reports through the Nato chain of command.

Le Monde also cited Franco-British-German proposals for the new European constitution which were to be discussed by all 25 foreign ministers of the enlarged EU last night over dinner.

These include "structured co-operation" in defence to allow a vanguard of states to press ahead, provided they have the muscle to mobilise troops within 30 days for missions of up to four months.

It would take a vote by qualified majority of all EU states to trigger the vanguard force which would then become a permanent EU military arm acting in the name of the EU.

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[CTRL] Bush's Operation Clean Sweep - WW IV In 2004

2003-11-29 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush's Operation Clean Sweep
por john stanton  Friday November 28, 2003 at 04:43 PM

World War IV in 2004

Bushs Operation Clean Sweep 
World War IV in 2004 
By John Stanton 
Even though Bush II will lose the popular vote in the US presidential election of 2004, his electoral college victory seems assured. With Republican party governors firmly in charge of Florida, California, Texas and New York, and supported by a whopping Bush campaign war chest approaching $200 million, dubious electronic voting schemes courtesy of Diebold, Lockheed Martin and other defense contractors (http://www.blackboxvoting.com), it seems certain that Bush will make it back to the Oval Office through the back door that is the Electoral College. And if not the Electoral College then by benefit of a rebel attack on US soil which kills thousands of Americans and leads to the suspension of the US Constitution. That according to General Tommy Franks, USA (Ret.), who opined in the magazine Cigar Aficionado that the US will have to shed its constitution in favor of a military style of government. Even the notorious aristocrat Alexander Hamilton would have been appalled as such a statement, as would Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. But these are mediocre times in history; particularly, and dangerously, in America where its people have eliminated those who might have continued to wage a struggle for an equitable form of government in the US, as well as engage the world through international treaty building. 

Mediocre times produce the very worst that the world has to offer: Reagan, Bin Laden, Bush, Hussein, Sharon, and Blair. None but the feeble minded could draw inspiration from such a ghastly lineup of "leaders". This is the world as it has become absent the shortened lives of John and Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X and Yitzhak Rabin, all of whom were murdered for their beliefs, or, rather, for the threat they posed to the established interests. Even Nikita Khrushchev was removed from power in the then USSR in 1964 for trying to push his country towards a more peaceful coexistence with the rest of the world. The threats these titans of history posed to the established order of their day was not so much monetary as it was ideology. Each of them planted in the minds of those who would listen the thought that the established order of war, racism, poverty, and income and wealth disparity could and should be questioned. However, those who pull the strings could not stand an ignorant populace that questioned the order of things. And so their fate was, it seems, preordained by disgruntled individuals agitated by those portions of business and government who were wedded to the status quo. And so, JFK and Khrushchev, King and RFK, and Malcolm X and Rubin were terminated and Americans, and the world, found themselves at the mercy of Bush and Bin Laden, Hussein and Blair, and Reagan and Sharon. 

Crippled Opposition 

With the election of Bush II in 2004, the ideological and economic fracturing of America will be complete and, for the foreseeable future, permanent. The three branches of the US government, corporations, and the majority of state's governors and state houses will be controlled by those Republicans and Democrats who have become indistinguishable in their belief that the government's only role in America is to make it safe and ludicrously easy for small and large corporations to make a profit without the drag of government regulations, programs and taxes that, in their view, steal from the bottom line. With those folks at the helm, 2002 and 2003 saw the US federal and state governments give the business community trillions of dollars of hand-outs in the form of tax cuts, regulatory relief and legislation that allowed businesses to rape and pillage the American landscape and its middle and lower classes. The latter groups struggle is getting worse. Even as its industrial, service and information technology jobs are exported to other countries, these Americans are being forced to work longer hours, endure more expensive privatized health and welfare benefits, and higher prices for feeding, clothing and educating their children. Slowly but surely, Americans from the middle and lower classes find themselves at an increasing distance from their rulers, yet must bear the burden of profit and war for these same dastardly people. 

But those that rule have in their malleable plebian audience a strange group of middle and lower class acolytes. Among them, the notorious Christian right and an estimated 5 to 9 million American-Muslims who handed Bush II over 90 percent of their vote in the last presidential election. That group, along with neo-con Latinos and Asians, seem to have forgotten the struggles they waged to reach, what once was, a republic with a semblance of representative democracy. Are they trying to recreate the 

[CTRL] USC (Trojans) Named Center For Homeland Security

2003-11-29 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

29 November 2003
Source: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/aces/fr-cont.html 


[Federal Register: November 28, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 229)]
[Page 66842-66843]
>From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Notice Designating University of Southern California as Center
for Homeland Security

AGENCY: Department of Homeland Security.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Department of Homeland Security has designated the
University of Southern California as a Center for Homeland Security

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Laura Petonito, Deputy Director,
University Programs, Science and Technology Division, Department of
Homeland Security, Washington, DC 20528; telephone 202-401-1113, facsimile 202-772-9916; e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]



 Section 308 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, Pub. L. 107-296,
(Homeland Security Act), as amended by the Omnibus Appropriation Act of
2003, Pub. L. 108-7, directs the Department of Homeland Security
(Department) to sponsor extramural research, development,
demonstration, testing and evaluation programs relating to homeland
security. As part of this program, the Department is to establish a
university-based center or centers for homeland security.
 The purpose of these centers is to provide a locus to attract and
retain academic scholars in pursuit of homeland security-related
disciplines. The Centers are envisioned to be an integral and critical
component of the Department's capability to anticipate, prevent,
respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks. The Centers will
leverage multidisciplinary capabilities of universities and fill gaps
in current knowledge.
 Section 308(b)(2)(B) of the Homeland Security Act lists fourteen
areas of substantive expertise that, if demonstrated, might qualify
universities for designation as university-based centers. The listed
areas of expertise include, among others, food safety, first
responders, multi-modal transportation, and responding to incidents
involving weapons of mass destruction. However, the list is not
exclusive. Section 308(b)(2)(C) gives the Secretary discretion to
consider additional criteria beyond those specified in section
308(b)(2)(B) in selecting universities for this program, as long as the
Department issues a Federal Register notice explaining the criteria
used for the designation.


 In 2002, the National Research Council (NRC) issued a report
entitled ``Making the Nation Safer: The Role of Science and Technology
in Countering Terrorism.'' In this report, the NRC recommended a number
of substantive areas for research that could contribute to national
security. Among other issues, the NRC report identified the need to
perform risk analysis and modeling of vulnerabilities and economic
analysis of security enhancements as areas for which research is
 The Department agrees that research in these areas will contribute

[[Page 66843]]

significantly to the Department's ability to identify, and select
among, options for enhancing national security. Risk-based modeling,
and economic analysis, will help the Department understand the impact
and consequences of potential acts of terrorism, thus providing
decision makers with validated tools to evaluate vulnerabilities and
identify countermeasures and response actions.

Solicitation of Interest and Designation

 In August 2003, the Department sought white papers from
universities that wished to be designated as HS-Centers. The HS-Centers
are envisioned to be an integral and critical component of the new
``homeland security complex'' that will provide the nation with a
robust, dedicated and enduring capability that will enhance our ability
to anticipate, prevent, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks.
The notice, made available on the DHS Internet site (http://www.dhs.gov) and (http://www.orau.gov/dhsuce), identified risk-based

economic modeling as one of the areas of expertise (criteria) that
might merit designation.
 The Department received a number of proposals and evaluated them
through a process that included the participation of federal government
and outside experts. After the panels of experts selected final
potential designees, the Department conducted site visits to interview
the individuals who would be performing the research. Based on this
evaluation, the Department has selected the University of Southern
California (USC) as the first HS-Center for this program.
 USC will conduct research on risk-based modeling, with a particular
emphasis on the economic aspects. 

[CTRL] Iraq situation provides analysts with a complex puzzle (Georgie Anne Geyer)

2003-11-29 Thread Sean McBride
-Caveat Lector-







  back to Georgie Anne Geyer 
  is one question on everyone's lips here these days: "All right, what 
  should we do next?" 
  The issue, of course, is Iraq, and the questions about 
  the next stage of American policy there are coming from all corners. 
  Little else is discussed at meetings and receptions, although a second 
  question is also emerging: "And how long do we have to do anything?" 
  So first, let me try to splice together the answer 
  coming from both sympathizers of the Iraq war and its most passionate 
  critics -- although not yet from the White House or the Pentagon. This 
  solution to the (new word of the administration) "insurgency" would be 
  first to internationalize the conflict, and second to do some public 
  "housecleaning" of the neoconservative advocates of the war as a symbol of 
  willingness to change. 
  But bringing in French, German, Indian, Pakistani or 
  other contingents of troops would mean seriously giving up some of the 
  power held by the administration's little "in-group." It would require 
  showing courtesy to other nations, which this administration finds so 
  onerous. It would mean putting the American occupation under some United 
  Nations official or mandate. Internationalization could be done only 
  symbolically, but still it would diffuse the focused hatred of the United 
  States in Iraq. 
  These are the points made by our most cogent and 
  experienced analysts (men such as military analyst Lawrence Korb, 
  prominent diplomat Robert Oakley and military historian William Lind). At 
  the same time, many stress that there has to be an at least symbolic 
  housecleaning. Somebody has to be seen by the American public to pay for 
  the disgraceful mistakes of the war and especially the occupation. The 
  favorite name that comes up is that of the Pentagon's fanatic neo-con, 
  Douglas Feith. 
  Such a gesture would also have to be paralleled by 
  some appropriate, if not humbling, acknowledgment by President Bush that 
  he, too, made mistakes -- and that he is a big enough man to admit it and 
  move to undo them. 
  Then, many say, a "committee of wise men" should be 
  formed who would directly advise the president, share with him the 
  differing and experienced knowledge that he has not been receiving, and 
  offer him some desperately needed new perspectives. These could be people 
  like Marine Corps Gen. Anthony Zinni, scholars Zbigniew Brzezinski or Ivo 
  Daalder, former Secretary of State James Baker III, and Sens. Chuck Hagel 
  and Richard Lugar. In short, men and women who are not anti-Bush but who 
  have shown the capacity to think openly -- and who have records of being 
  right on policy questions. 
  Would such advice be accepted by President Bush, much 
  less by the Pentagon civilians and the neo-cons who hover all around him? 
  One would suppose not. But on the other hand ... 
  Consider George W. Bush's position. His support goes 
  down by the day, and the macho refrain that "We will stay the course in 
  Iraq, no matter what" is becoming a bad joke to many Americans watching 
  the war play out. Instead of being in control, which he loves, he is every 
  day more beholden to circumstances and events that he clearly cannot 
  (There is also real evidence that some of his most 
  confident war "planners" are jumping ship. One well-informed policy wonk 
  from outside went to the Pentagon last week and found all the third-tier 
  war lovers under the secretary walking around like zombies, unable to 
  understand what they have wrought. Many of them are leaving their jobs, 
  even as American troops and reservists in Iraq are seeing their service 
  time repeatedly extended.) 
  Enter Karl Rove. This cool-cat election planner never 
  cared about Iraq, but he desperately cares about re-election. Sometime 
  this winter, he's going to have to tell the president: "It's Iraq or the 
  At this point, "We can't leave" becomes not a 
  solution, a policy or an answer, but a mantra already out of step with 
  reality -- and a threat to the Bush presidency. 
  Finally, move to the question of time. Senior 
  administration officials have been saying, in small but revealing 
  outbursts both in Iraq and here, that the U.S. has a "window" of only 
  three to six months to put down the resistance. Students of revolution and 
  rebellion point out that 1) mistakes made in