[CTRL] Sobran: War Crime

2004-02-21 Thread William Shannon

War and Crime

February 5, 2004 

It took us ten months to find Saddam Hussein, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told the Senate Armed Services Committee. The reality is that the hole he was found hiding in was large enough to hold enough biological weapons to kill thousands of human beings. 

Yes, and so is my basement, if it comes to that. So until weve found and searched every last cavity in Iraq, the preemptive war must be assumed to be justified? 

What we have learned so far has not proven Saddam Hussein had what intelligence indicated and what we believed he had, Rumsfeld added, but it has also not proven the opposite. 

And what would Rumsfeld accept as proving the opposite? We are left to wonder. He is setting up the administrations case so that its pretty well unfalsifiable. Its an old trick. 

CIA director George Tenet likewise says that intelligence is rarely 100 per cent right or 100 per cent wrong. All right, but the CIA has made some notable goofs: it failed to predict the Iranian Revolution, which toppled the shah, and it was still grossly overrating the economic and military strength of the Soviet Union when Communism collapsed. Yet these people, like astrologers, keep expecting the public to take them seriously, no matter how many blunders they commit. 

The great Irish satirist Jonathan Swift once exposed an astrologer by prophesying his death on a certain date. When the date passed and the astrologer protested that he was still alive, Swift, refusing to take his word for it, puckishly accused his survivors of perpetrating a hoax. The public roared with laughter. 

Thats one way to deal with a fraud. So how do we deal with the Bush administration, whose war on terror has descended to quibbles about where Saddam Hussein has stuffed away his mythical arsenal? Rush Limbaugh, George W. Bushs own dittohead, still parrots the official line and says only liberals can doubt it. Hes out of touch. Plenty of us nonliberals dont believe it either. 

In fact, many of the neoconservative war nerds who demanded military action against Iraq, Iran, Syria, and other rogue nations (some were licking their chops at the prospect of World War IV) were griping that the CIA was full of mushy libs who rejected clear evidence of Saddams world-class arsenal. Today they insist that arms inspector David Kays conclusion that that arsenal was nonexistent somehow vindicates the case for the war! Ones head spins. 

It wasnt the CIA that was pushing for war. The Bush crowd and the neocons had hungered for it long before the 9/11 attacks gave them an excuse and a receptive public. Bush cited the phantom arsenal as the urgent reason for war, and he wasnt tentative about it; he never suggested that his intelligence was less than 100 per cent certain. On the contrary, he maintained that there was no doubt at all. 

Now that everyone but the dittoheads knows better, even Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell have toned down their hysterical claims about the arsenal, without admitting that the whole war was misconceived. After all, their jobs and reputations are at stake. 

Not that they face any severe penalty for deceiving the public and waging aggressive war. One little irony of the drama is that Saddam is the only one facing a Nuremberg-style trial, when hes the only one who may have been telling the truth about those weapons of mass destruction. 

For once the modus operandi of the modern state has been starkly exposed. The Iraq war may join Vietnam and Watergate in the liberal litany of government corruption. In a way that would be a pity, because the recitation of Vietnam and Watergate has, for a generation, invited us to suppose that these were abnormal occurrences, when they are quite typical, except that the machinations of the perpetrators were eventually found out and put in plain view. 

Its naive to assume that the crimes that are detected are the only ones committed. The lawless modern state is a gigantic criminal operation, and any private firm that was found to be running like the state would be not only driven out of business, but prosecuted on many counts. Bush  Co. should be grateful that they face nothing worse than political embarrassment for their crimes. 

Joseph Sobran

[CTRL] CFTM....Cleland's Viet Nam injuries...all veterans should read.

2004-02-21 Thread Ed Raymond
-Caveat Lector-

FORMER Sen. Max Cleland is the Democrats' designated hysteric about George
Bush's National Guard service. A triple amputee and Vietnam veteran, Cleland
is making the rounds on talk TV, basking in the affection of liberals who
have suddenly become jock-sniffers for war veterans, and working himself
into a lather about President Bush's military service. Citing such renowned
military experts as Molly Ivins, Cleland indignantly demands further
investigation into Bush's service with the Texas Air National Guard.

Bush's National Guard service is the most thoroughly investigated event
since the Kennedy assassination. But the Democrats will accept only two
possible conclusions to their baseless accusations: (1) Bush was AWOL, or
(2) the matter needs further investigation.

Thirty years ago, Bush was granted an honorable discharge from the National
Guard  which would seem to put the matter to rest. But liberals want proof
that Bush actually deserved his honorable discharge. (Since when did the
party of Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd get so obsessed with

On Hardball Monday night, Cleland demanded to see Bush's pay stubs for the
disputed period of time, May 1972 to May 1973. If he was getting paid for
his weekend warrior work, Cleland said, he should have some pay stubs to
show it.

The next day, the White House produced the pay stubs. This confirmed what
has been confirmed 1 million times before: After taking the summer off, Bush
reported for duty nine times between Nov. 29, 1972, and May 24, 1973 -- more
than enough times to fulfill his Guard duties. (And nine times more than
Bill Clinton, Barney Frank or Chuck Schumer did during the same period.)

All this has been reported -- with documentation -- many times by many news
organizations. George magazine had Bush's National Guard records 3 1/2 years

All available evidence keeps confirming Bush's honorable service with the
Guard, which leads liberals to conclude ... further investigation is needed!
No evidence will ever be enough evidence. That Bush skipped out on his
National Guard service is one of liberals' many nondisprovable beliefs, like
global warming.

Cleland also expressed outrage that Bush left the National Guard nine months
early in 1973 to go to Harvard Business School. On Hardball, Cleland
testily remarked: I just know a whole lot of veterans who would have loved
to have worked things out with the military and adjusted their tour of
duty. (Cleland already knows one -- Al Gore!)

When Bush left the National Guard in 1973 to go to business school, the war
was over. It might as well have been 1986. Presidents Kennedy and Johnson
had already lost the war, and President Nixon had ended it with the Paris
peace accords in January. If Bush had demanded active combat, there was no
war to send him to.

To put this in perspective, by 1973, John Kerry had already accused American
soldiers of committing war crimes in Vietnam, thrown someone else's medals
to the ground in an anti-war demonstration, and married his first heiress.
Bill Clinton had just finished three years of law school and was about to
embark upon a political career -- which would include campaign events with
Max Cleland.

Moreover, if we're going to start delving into exactly who did what back
then, maybe Max Cleland should stop allowing Democrats to portray him as a
war hero who lost his limbs taking enemy fire on the battlefields of

Cleland lost three limbs in an accident during a routine noncombat mission
where he was about to drink beer with friends. He saw a grenade on the
ground and picked it up. He could have done that at Fort Dix. In fact,
Cleland could have dropped a grenade on his foot as a National Guardsman -
or what Cleland sneeringly calls weekend warriors. Luckily for Cleland's
political career and current pomposity about Bush, he happened to do it
while in Vietnam.

There is more than a whiff of dishonesty in how Cleland is presented to the
American people. Terry McAuliffe goes around saying, Max Cleland, a triple
amputee who left three limbs on the battlefield of Vietnam, was thrown out
of office because Republicans had the audacity to call Max Cleland
unpatriotic. Mr. Cleland, a word of advice: When a slimy weasel like Terry
McAuliffe is vouching for your combat record, it's time to sound retreat
on that subject.

Needless to say, no one ever challenged Cleland's patriotism. His
performance in the Senate was the issue, which should not have come as a
bolt out of the blue inasmuch as he was running for re-election to the
Senate. Sen. Cleland had refused to vote for the Homeland Security bill
unless it was chock-full of pro-union perks that would have jeopardized
HOUSE! Sorry, I'm on my break. Please call back in two hours.)

The good people of Georgia -- who do not need lectures on admiring military
service - gave Cleland one pass for being 

Re: [CTRL] CFTM....Cleland's Viet Nam injuries...all veterans should read.

2004-02-21 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/21/2004 8:41:20 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Thirty years ago, Bush was granted an honorable discharge from the NationalGuard  which would seem to put the matter to rest. But liberals want proofthat Bush actually deserved his honorable discharge. (Since when did theparty of Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd get so obsessed withhonor?)
What kind of people are they who consider only sexual conduct in the matter of honor? For years people have been reasonably sure that Adolph Hitler actually did not have sex at all. If that's someone's version of an honorable individual, then I guess we know where the majority of Conservatives stand. 

The picture of the a newly deceased standing at Heaven's gate while St. Peter checkshis life's story must go something like this: Saved his family from a fire at age of four, never missed Sunday school or church until serving in combat, defended the United States from axis powers and saved the lives of many of his comrads through acts of bravery, gave generously of both money and time to the poor and afflicted, raised decent and well-behaved children, worked continuously for the good of mankind. At this point St. Peter says, "Oh forget it. He had a wild weekend with a co-worker about fifty years ago. Straight to Hell with him." Well I guess we know what counts. Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Cleland's Viet Nam injuries...

2004-02-21 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-


 FORMER Sen. Max Cleland is the Democrats' designated hysteric about George
 Bush's National Guard service. A triple amputee and Vietnam veteran, Cleland
 is making the rounds on talk TV, basking in the affection of liberals who
 have suddenly become jock-sniffers for war veterans, and working himself
 into a lather about President Bush's military service. Citing such renowned
 military experts as Molly Ivins, Cleland indignantly demands further
 investigation into Bush's service with the Texas Air National Guard.

 Bush's National Guard service is the most thoroughly investigated event
 since the Kennedy assassination. But the Democrats will accept only two
 possible conclusions to their baseless accusations: (1) Bush was AWOL, or
 (2) the matter needs further investigation.

The sons of the Elite (like Bush) played duck and cover during the V.N. war .
Viet Nam (like Iraq) was another stupid, deadly adventure that made corporate
insiders BBBillions while the sons of the working stiffs (and ghetto drop-outs)
got their balls shot off. Kerry's one and only claim to fame was he was the
exception that proved the rule.

Referring to Cleland as a 'designated hysteric' is a good example of the
nauseating quality of the snide Neo-Kon RepubliKrat propaganda - usually
parroted by the cowardly cocktail party commando chickenhawks that make up their

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Weisenthal Center Silences Critics Of Ruthless Israeli Policy

2004-02-21 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/21/2004 1:34:38 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
As one young Arab-Israeli woman - who will never be quoted in an article about the rising tide of anti-Semitism - said so eloquently and passionately the last night of the conference, "Yes, I experience discrimination in Israel. 
Can you imagine? The Israeli Jews who are the first to remind the world of the Holocaust and what it was and did and how anti-Semitism is a constant threat for Jews the world over, are actively "discriminating" agains Arab-Israeli. 

It makes me think of my teen-age son's complaint in the mid-seventies. At our previous location his best friend was a black kid, and he fully expected to have both black and white friends at his new school.Hecouldn't understand why black kidswere standoffish andeven hostile. I don't suppose he felt responsible for the discrimination thathad beena part of this country's history.

I've no idea why the Israeli Jews hold theArabs (those in Israel and all others as well) as being responsible for the Holocaust.But it is onthe Arabsthat they are exacting their revenge. It has to be revenge, because otherwise they would not be using the exact techniques that were used upon them during theHolocaust. And the Germans used their main excuse for the behavior that started the whole thing as a need for space to live. There is aGerman term for it that I cannot spell. Amazingly the victims of that need (as defined by Nazi Germany) are using their greed for land and space as the same exact excuse to perpetratea holocaust of their own.Oh well. Prudy 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Fall Of America Began With The Fall Of Man

2004-02-21 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

The Fall Of America Began With The Fall Of Man

By: Jim Moore

My apologies. This is going to be a rather heavy piece. So if it's too early in the 
morning, wait until this evening to read it.   Thank you.

All biblical interpretations aside, something strange happened in the Beginning that 
has affected every civilization in every era of the long history of the world.

All we need do is think about what is taking place on earth today to realize that, 
unfortunately, it is now our turn for this thing to manifest itself again.

What is happening is the total and complete destruction of the most independent, 
self-reliant, and individually-free society in the recorded history of man on earth.

That society has a name: America. That destructive force has a name too: Evil, which 
comes in all shapes and sizes of horror.

The evil manifested in our time also has a name: Global Government. Which happens to 
be the goal of the United Nations. And the basic tool the UN is using to develop and 
support its goal of world rule is, The Hegelian dialectic.

Gulp. I know it's a mouthful, but please keep reading

All forms of socialism, communism, fascism, globalism, and all the other isms, are 
unthinkable without considering the Hegelian dialectic. This is the conclusion reached 
by Joan Veon, a journalist and author of the bombshell book, The United 
Nations'Global Straight Jacket.

For many years, Veon has traveled around the world with the United Nations' many 
organizations, attending their meetings, and studying every aspect of their operations 
and objectives. She, therefore, knows a few things about this evil entity that most of 
us seldom give any thought to.

So what is this mysterious Hegelian dialectic? And why is it important that we know 
something about it, and how it works?

Named after its originator, Frederic Hegel, the Hegelian dialectic is a psychological 
indoctrination process which the Marxists use to gradually change the minds of people 
and society.

By applying this subtle, mind-altering process, Americans are being moved away from 
our individual freedoms of the U.S. Constitution, and gradually being led to accept 
the restrictive mandates of the United Nations Charter and the concept of the New 
World Order---without even realizing it is happening!

Although the mind-altering workings of the dialectic itself is rather obtuse, its 
fundamentals are simple. It works in three definite and progressive stages:

(l)  the thesis: what you, as an individual, think or believe.

(2) the anti-thesis: what someone different than you believes.

(3) the synthesis: the changing of your belief to blend with theirs.

If this process of changing your position to blend with someone else's position sounds 
like the way socialism, communism, globalism, or any of the isms work, you're 
exactly right.

Veon claims that the Hegelian dialectic is all around us. And I believe you'll agree 
when you think about it.

Take religion. When an absolute of any faith is attacked, it leads to a change in 
values: the person involved often gives in and sacrifices HIS values for the sake of 
the relationship.

Or take morals. To older Americans, nudity displayed in any form makes them uneasy. 
Yet, to the younger generation, near-nudity in movies or ads is a fact of life. Now 
the older generation grudgingly accepts it. What happened to the public perception? 
The Hegelian dialectic changed it. And not for the better, we might add.

Apply this mind-altering theory to what is happening in the world today, especially in 
America, and it becomes frighteningly clear that, by using the Hegelian dialectic we 
are being processed by the United Nations away from America's original status as a 
Republic, to a Democracy, and eventually to just a cog in the wheel of the New World 

As Veon emphatically points out, we are being taken from our position of Constitution, 
Bill of Rights, individual freedoms, personal property rights, and free speech, and 
dumped squarely into the unnerving paradigm that is the United Nations Charter, the 
Declaration of Human Rights (as they see it), collective action, elimination of 
individual needs, limited personal property rights, and that old standby, politically 
correct thinking.

Do you recall Al Gore's line, Reinventing Government? THAT is precisely what this 
is. Only the reinvented government Gore so earnestly talked about turns out to be 

Socialism's rallying cry is One for all, and none for one. Its final objective is a 
global government. Its big star, but impotent and subservient member-nation, will be 
America. And the United Nations is the treacherous organization that is making it 

You may never have heard of the Hegelian dialectic. But now that you know what it is, 
and how the United Nations is using it to destroy America's liberty and independence, 
your reason for not taking the New World Order seriously has just gone out the window.

[CTRL] America's Decline Is Our Responsibility

2004-02-21 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Entropy In The Western World
America's Decline Is Our Responsibility

By: Al Cronkrite

My fellow Americans:

Those of you who have not been chosen to be Ambassadors for Christ please take a few 
moments and reflect on the history of the United States of America. Consider the 
attributes that allowed it to grow mighty and prosperous. Think of the desires of 
those that fought for its independence and sought to preserve its freedom. Be aware 
that agreement on a Constitution and a Republican form of government came following 
difficult rumination by brilliant minds whose awareness of the inhibitions of 
despotism were fresh and vibrant. Utopian though it may have been, see the vision 
these men had for an educated, free, and self-governing people that could venture into 
a peaceful and prosperous future.

Those whose hearts have been touched by the ineffable blessing of the Living God 
consider the basis of righteousness outlined in His Word. Think about the Laws our God 
gave to Moses. Consider the specific, detailed nature of His Statutes. Be aware that 
these Statutes were the bulwarks that under-girded our man-made Constitution. Pin 
point the pre-eminent desire of God for obedience and understand that the obedience 
God desires is obedience to His Law and that His Law is specifically outlined in His 
communication with Moses. Look to the Holy Spirit for personal guidance but look to 
the Law for the conduct of your affairs.

Now, for both those who are Christians and those who depend on their own 
righteousness, look at our National course and understand that our Founders vested 
responsibility for that course in the hands of citizens. America’s journey is in the 
hands of voters and the representatives they have elected to conduct the Affairs of 

Jim Nelson Black in a book entitled When Nations Die lists ten factors, that 
contributed to the demise of nations:

1. Increase in lawlessness

2. Loss of economic discipline

3. Rising bureaucracy

4. Decline in education

5. Weakening of cultural foundations

6. Loss of respect for traditions

7. Increase in materialism

8. Rise in immorality

9. Decay of religious belief

10. Devaluing of human life

The Greek and Roman civilizations provide case studies. In the beginning ancient 
Greeks held to a strict code of ethics. Homosexuality was a capital offense. Loyalty, 
virtue, and self-restraint were ardently pursued. With Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates, 
they excelled in wisdom. Jim Nelson Black writes, In ancient Greece, the first 
symptoms of disorder were a general loss of respect for tradition and the degradation 
of the young. Among the early symptoms was the decline of art and entertainment. The 
philosophers and pundits distorted the medium of communication. Rhetoric became 
combative and intolerant; intellectuals began to deride and attack all the traditional 
institutions of Hellenic society. Youth were given a voice in society and without the 
restraints of the old order they became wild and undisciplined. As Greece devolved 
into homosexuality, lawlessness, and chaos they were conquered by the Romans in 145 BC 
and the military restored the defeated nation to the rule of

Ultimately Rome itself followed a similar pattern. Beginning with strong families and 
sound political structures Romans believed in duty, honesty, and honor and in being 
earnest, tenacious, well disciplined, frugal, and self-sacrificing. As power, 
wealth, and lust took over Roman hearts, high taxes, adultery, and homosexuality 
destroyed families and the nation began to decline. Roman thinker Sallust wrote, 
Young men were so depraved by luxury and avarice that no father had a son who could 
either preserve his own patrimony or keep his hands off other men’s.

Following is a cursory evaluation of the condition of our Nation using Jim Nelson 
Black’s list of fatal deteriorations:

1. Increase in Lawlessness. American jails contain more prisoners than any other 
nation in the civilized world. Some 3% of our citizens reside in prisons and an 
additional 3% are entangled in our legal system. Our churches have forsaken Law for 
Grace, no longer teaching God’s premier desire for obedience, and our political 
representatives have profaned their oath to uphold the Constitution. We are ruled by 

2. Loss of economic discipline. The National debt is $7,033,115,642,074.33, which 
amounts to $23,976.94 for every man, woman, and child in America. Taxes are currently 
five times the amount required by God and the current political Administration is in 
the process of attempting at the point of a gun to rebuild a nation which our own 
munitions have destroyed. This, while our own highways deteriorate into chuckholes.

3. Rising Bureaucracy. Our Federal Government is the nations largest employer and its 
tentacles are involved in almost every phase of American life. Bureaucrats tinker with 
American families, they nose into private affairs, 

[CTRL] testing on humans, consequences of trauma, ireland resources

2004-02-21 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

Experts: Toxic tests on humans can be justified - Study for EPA lists under what conditions AP 2/20/04 "Washington - Dosing volunteers with toxic pesticides and pollutants for scientific purposes is justified only under strict conditions and with careful review, a National Academy of Sciences panel said ThursdayErik Olson of the Natural Resources Defense Council said he was very troubled by the report. "We find it gravely disturbing," he said, that toxic chemicals could be tested on humans and that the government would use the results of such tests done by industry in the past." http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4314918/

Neurobiological consequences of childhood trauma Nemeroff CB J Clin Psychiatry 2004; 65 Suppl 1:18-28.\ "There is considerable evidence to suggest that adverse early-life experiences have a profound effect on the developing brain. Neurobiological changes that occur in response to untoward early-life stress can lead to lifelong psychiatric sequelae. Children who are exposed to sexual or physical abuse or the death of a parent are at higher risk for development of depressive and anxiety disorders later in life. Preclinical and clinical studies have shown that repeated early-life stress leads to alterations in central neurobiological systems, particularly in the corticotropin-releasing factor system, leading to increased responsiveness to stress. Clearly, exposure to early-life stressors leads to neurobiological changes that increase the risk of psychopathology in both children and adults. Identification of the neurobiological substrates that are affected by adverse experiences in early life should lead to the development of more effective treatments for these disorders." Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30322-4990, USA. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Links to Organisations in Ireland http://oneinfour.org/links/
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Letter to the Editor - Nader is Republican Stooge

2004-02-21 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

A Member of Skull  Bones, the same cell as George W. Bush (1968), has been at times Ralph's Attorney.

from Fleshing Out Sskull  Bones:

Etra, Donald.  1968 x   Student 07/23/47 NYC NY/Columbia Law Sch   RTA Lawyer 95, Donald Etra; Assoc 81, Sidley  Austin; Asst US Attny 78-81, DOJ (LA); Assoc 71-73, Ralph Nader (DC); U.S. Attorney 73-77, Dept of Justice; Dir, RTA; 72-75 Pres 70-72, Dear Island Club



 Subj: Letter to the Editor - Nader is Republican Stooge 
Date: Saturday, February 21, 2004 7:30:30 AM

Ralph Nader - who managed to split the anti-republican vote and get Bush
selected as president is running again for the same reason. Nader gives
Republicans a chance to donate twice in this year's election. They can
give once to Bush - and once to Nader to draw people away from the
Democratic nominee. When Nader posts his contributions I'll bet you'll
see that the majority of his big contributors will be the same people
who are also big contributors to Bush. Nader knows he can't possibly
win. The only thing Nader can accomplish is to make sure Bush wins.
Nader is very dishonest.

Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
For verification: 415-987-6272 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yes - you can publish my email address with the letter - but not the
phone number.
My blog: http://marc.perkel.com
Founder of the Church of Reality
"Welcome to the real world!"


Side Note:

Just want to give you a heads up on an upcoming story. I am the founder
of the Church of Reality - a religion that believes in everything that
is real. In December I filed to apply for IRS not for profit status
which takes 3-4 minths to complete. So - I expect to hear something some
time in March.

It will be an interesting story no matter which way they go. What does
it mean if the US denies that Reality is a religion? Does that mean you
have to believe in the unreal to qualify? In theory - the IRS is not
supposed to determine ones beliefs other than that the church must
sincerely believe in what they say they do. I - of course - believe that
everything that is real - is real. Can't get any more sincere than that.

On the other hand - if my church is approved - then I intend to get
competitive with other religions. Reality will compete for the monds and
souls of the world. I believe that just to get the name out there -
Church of Reality - will change the world. People will know that there
is a religion besed on believing in what is real. It will cause people
to ask the "Sacred Question" - "What is Real?" - and - it will cause
them to examine their own beliefs on the basis of reality.

I intend to challenge all other belief systems to inspire people to put
it to the test. To bring the principles of Realism into their lives. To
think in a realistic way about their lives and what is really happening
in the world. I intend to raise the status of reality in the lives of
society in general and hope to get access to tax free dollars to do it.

Marc Perkel
Church of Reality

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-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Ralph Nader - who managed to split the anti-republican vote and get Bush
selected as president is running again for the same reason. Nader gives
Republicans a chance to donate twice in this year's election. They can
give once to Bush - and once to Nader to draw people away from the
Democratic nominee. When Nader posts his contributions I'll bet you'll
see that the majority of his big contributors will be the same people
who are also big contributors to Bush. Nader knows he can't possibly
win. The only thing Nader can accomplish is to make sure Bush wins.

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] A complete Profile of Free Masons

2004-02-21 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Home Articles A complete Profile of Free Masons
The Free Masons
How The World Has Been Intelligently Controlled?
August the 2nd 1990 Saddam Hussains forces crashed the defenses of oil rich Kuwait in fear of an Iraqi invasion into Saudi Arabia. The United States and her coalition allies poured into the Arabian Peninsula to form a deterrent that would be known as Desert Shield. The result was a series of diplomatic talks, negotiations and count negotiations that rapidly declined into a no hope situation. On August the 17th 1991 the Desert Shield became Desert Storm.
The conflict was witnessed by millions through the IF, CNN and the BBC showing propaganda of the systematic eradication of Saddam's forces by a coalition far superior in technological, political and economic power. However what was little known was that from the outset the war was engineered, controlled and manipulated by an elite group. A group which had created the illusion of a man with power at the head of a million strong army on the verge of going nuclear. A man who had gained control of the 1/5 of the World's oil overnight. However in reality he was merely a pawn in amongst many pawns. Just a puppet in a grand master plan with the Gulf War as a well orchestrated stepping stone. The orchestrates of the War were by no means strangers to controlling major World events. In fact they have done so for centuries.
From the shadows they have engineered every major war, revolution and recession. They control everything you read, everything you hear and everything you see. They have managed to indoctrinate an entire populace to their way of thinking and have infiltrated key positions in places of authority and it is from the shadows they have created a new political order, a new economic order and most sinister a new religious order. Their ultimate aim is total global domination and they will stop at nothing to reach their goal. The goal that was outlined in a speech given by a former President of the United States, George Bush "What is at stake is more than one small country it is a big idea a New World Order".
However the origins of this Global plan were not created in the offices of the White House. In reality their roots lay in another war this time the year is 1095 and the place Claremont, France. 11th century Europe was ruled by the church which held a firm grip on the hearts and minds of the people. This power enabled Pope Erwin II to wage war on the Muslim Caliphate and crusade in what he called a War of the Cross to recapture the land of Jerusalem. It had been under Muslim rule since the year 637 but in 1099 this rule was brought to a bloody and sudden end. In the name of the Cross women were raped and murdered, children were put to the sword and it is said that the blood ran in the streets knee high to the horses. Out of this land of bloodshed and terror a group of men arose which would stop at nothing to get what they wanted no matter what the cost. Twenty years after Jerusalem was taken the Dome of the Rock was seized by a group
 of warrior monks calling themselves The Knights of the Temple of Solomon or most simply the Knights Templers.
In Jerusalem the Templers began to deviate further and further away from the practices of Christianity. They learned the secret arts of the Kabala and ancient form of Jewish magic along with its dark rights and rituals. The Jews have learned the arts from the pagans of ancient Egypt during the times of enslavement to the Pharaoh and develop them into Babylon for the time of Navakanazar. In 1307 King Philip of France arrested them for charges of denial of Christ, homosexuality and idol worship as well as magic. In 1314 Pope Claymont V declared all Templates heretics to Christianity ordering all their properties to be seized. Their leader 

[CTRL] Audio: Conspiracy to Destroy the United States

2004-02-21 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Streaming Audio: 
Vyzygoth's From the Grassy Knoll Show
Origins of the Conspiracy to Destroy the
United States
Part 1:
Part 2:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israeli Excavations Weaken Al-Aqsa Mosque

2004-02-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Israeli Excavations Weaken Al-Aqsa Mosque
Monday, February 16 2004 @ 12:58 PM EST

"He said the ongoing Israeli excavations have already weakened the foundations of the mosque, cautioning it would not stand a powerful earthquake .." 

By Samer Khuwayira 

NABLUS - A part of the road leading to one of Al-Aqsa Mosques main gates has collapsed due to the ongoing Israeli excavations under the holy place, well-placed Palestinian sources said. 

The collapse occurred at dawn Sunday, February 15, in the road leading to Al-Maghariba gate, one of the mosques fourteen gates, they added. 

The sources heaped blame on Israeli authorities which have prevented the Palestinian Waqfs Department and the Society of the Reconstruction of Islamic Shrines from carrying out restoration works in the site for more than three years. 

The society said Israel will be held accountable for any repercussions, warning that the Israeli intransigence dangerously brings the mosques walls close to collapse. 

It warned in a statement of the perils surrounding Islams third holies place. 

Palestines Chief Judge Tayssir Al-Tamimi described the incident as part of the "massacre against civilization that has been taking place since 1967". 

He said the ongoing Israeli excavations have already weakened the foundations of the mosque, cautioning it would not stand a powerful earthquake. 

Tamimi warned of Israeli attempts to judaize Al-Quds and denying Muslim worshippers from praying in Al-Aqsa Mosque. 

He urged the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the Arab League and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to join hands in reining in the Israeli schemes. 

In the aftermath of the 1967 war between Israel and Arabs, Israeli authorities reduced to rubble historical sites and corners near Al-Maghariba gate and erased Al-Maghariba alley from Al-Quds map, building on its ruins the so-called Jews alley. 

Al-Aqsa Mosque is the Muslims first Qiblah [direction Muslims take during prayers] and its the third holiest shrine after Al Ka'bah in Makkah and Prophet Muhammad's Mosque in Madinah, Saudi Arabia. 

Its significance has been reinforced by the incident of Al Isra'a and Al Mi'raj -- the night journey from Makkah to Jerusalem (Al-Quds) and the ascent to the Heavens by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). 

Jewish Rampage 

The Palestinian society further revealed that Jewish extremists have rampaged through Al-Aqsa Mosque on Monday, February 9, under the watchful eyes of Israeli police, destroying and stealing priceless relics. 

Catching their vulgarism on camera, the crowd crushed picturesque marble columns and unfixed some crowns that date back to the early centuries of Islam, it said in a report, a copy of which was faxed to IOL. 

They afterwards headed to the mosques Marwani gate and stole small precious stones after conducting some rituals. 

The Israeli police turned a blind eye to the provocative practices and allowed the Jewish extremists to use their camera although it was a no-photo area, added the society. 

It called for preventing Jews from entering the mosque and putting an end to the "series of barbaric practices against the Islamic shrines in the occupied Palestinian territories". 

The society warned of Jewish vicious schemes to usurp the land around the mosque and threats to set it ablaze. 

It cited seizure of 16 Palestinian houses in Selwan area near the holy shrine on February 8 was a case in point. 

The society had earlier cautioned that Jewish extremists were planning to dynamite the mosque in response to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharons plans to evacuate the main Gush Katif settlements in the Gaza Strip. 

The plans are aimed at dismantling the heavily guarded settlements, which are inhabited by some 7,500 Jews living among over 1.2 million Palestinians.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Neocons Are A Terminal Disease

2004-02-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

NeoCons are a terminal disease

You know who they are   

So what are you going to do about them? 

In a seminal essay, Pat Buchanan - No End to War - the real enemy of America is exposed. Once and for all the plague of the Neoconservative is laid bare for all to see. Specifically, the book - An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror - by David Frum and Richard Perle is examined. Mr Buchanan expresses hope: on putting down Perles new book the thought recurs: the neoconservative moment may be over. For they are not only losing their hold on power, they are losing their grip on reality.

Oh, how much we wish Pat is right. However, our dread is that this clique of betrayers will just crawl under another rock and emerge in a different form of their reptile cousins.

More important than a critique of yet another propaganda newspeak from Statists, is Buchanans historic account of why their vision for an imperial empire is so dishonest. The American Conservative has fulfilled its mission with this classic account. We urge you to read this Buchanan article and reflect upon the underlying reason why Pat has been attacked so viscously throughout his career. He is one of the very few willing to condemn the cabal of traitors who have taken control of American foreign policy.

Listing the sordid record of Richard Perle is a daunting task for any article. The depth and breadth of his sinister influence deserves a much greater disclosure. Therefore, it is our intention to create and entire site, devoted to the perverted philosophy and evil deeds of this anti-American faction, that has seized decided influence and definitive direction over public policy. NeoCon Watch will accept the challenge and produce the goods. For those who understand the nature of the eternal struggle and hunger for a return to a traditional American First world view, we invite your participation.

Briefly, the reason why the neoconservatives are so dangerous, centers in the deception used to steal valid issues and corrupt rational goals. The method that Bill Clinton practiced, Triangulation, is a basic tactic used to co-opt core issues, and introduce destructive false solutions. The NeoCon has no loyalty towards principle. They despise the traditional heritage, that created a unique nation, where the liberty of citizens was the ultimate goal for the country. Their idea of patriotism requires the systematic dismantling of protecting our own country and the forfeiture of our civil liberties. The cold hard facts are that this group of thieves are out to rob you and your family of a future worth living.

Heres why! Fabricating phony enemies, while protecting suspect friends is the centerpiece of the foreign policy. There is no canon within our heritage that deems that America has the responsibility to foster the interests of any other foreign country. However, that is exactly the goal of the NeoCons. The question is simple, can you name one such scalawag scoundrel that would not trade the safety and treasure of our country for the benefit of the Zionist despotism of Israel? It starts here and ends over this issue. There can be no common ground, as long as, supporters and sympathizers for an indefensible and corrupt regime, seek to master our own politics. Placing their fidelity for Israel above our own Nation, means that they have denuded themselves of being a true American.

It isnt anymore complicated than this assertion. The reality of current events, clearly demonstrates that our country is paying a terrible price to expand the regional domination of a country that is consistently against the best interest of our own citizens. While this is the core motivation of NeoCons, the lust for expanding the power of centralized rule, is not far behind. Neoconservatives are devoted Statists and detest limited government, and especially State Rights. The concept that people should be able to live their lives locally, and have the effective ability to reject the metropolitik of the urbane cultural of coercion, is unfamiliar to the tyrants. There is nothing remotely conservative within the cult of the NeoCon.

Just look at the extent of their duplicity in their defense of a failed viceroy. George Bush is a surrogate in service of a New World Order. He has not been an honorable national leader, but has been an obedient servant of the Globalists. Neoconservatives are internationalists, devoted and intended to intervene, worldwide. Now they adopt preemption. No stretch of coherence can absorb such a departure from the Founders of this Republic. Again, the NeoCon is a Wilsonian internationalist, not fit company to associate with or engage with for useful dialogue.

Free Trade at the price of fostering domestic unemployment, with the methodical destruction of native self sufficient independence, benefits only the Corporate/STATE. A genuine conservative appreciates the value of fair trade, and opposes