[CTRL] Terrorists feared here for summer onslaught

2004-05-25 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

A self-fulfilling prophesy? How many potential tererorists have come into 
the country through our porous border with Mexico which no one in Washinsgton 
wants to secure. Could some of those terrorists have matricular consular I.D. 
cards issued by the Mexican govenernment?

This is a 
  WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows. 
  To view this item online, visit 
  Wednesday, May 26, 2004

HOMELAND INSECURITY Terrorists feared here for summer onslaughtFederal officials believe America targeted for attack with weapon of 
  mass destruction
  Posted: May 26, 20041:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com 
  Al-Qaida has operatives currently within the United States who are 
  preparing to mount a major terrorist attack on America this summer, 
  according to government intelligence deemed to be highly credible. 
  The prediction was made public after a study by the International 
  Institute of Strategic Studies revealed that despite the elimination of 
  many top terror leaders – President Bush says two thirds of al-Qaida's 
  leadership has been killed or captured – the terror network responsible 
  for 9-11 still has a functioning leadership and over 18,000 potential 
  terrorists in its global network, reports Fox News. 
  In response, Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert S. 
  Mueller will hold a joint press conference later today to describe what is 
  known of the threat. They will also ask Americans to be on the lookout for 
  several particular al-Qaida operatives, reports the Washington Post. 
  Intelligence obtained last month pointing to a major attack on the 
  American homeland sometime before Labor Day is corroborated by other intel 
  "chatter" revolving around the change in government in Spain that 
  immediately followed al-Qaida's March 11 bombings in that country. Osama 
  bin Laden's terror network was reportedly emboldened and inspired by the 
  apparent Spanish capitulation to terror. 
  "They saw that an attack of that nature can have economic and political 
  consequences and have some impact on the electoral process," one federal 
  official privy to counterterrorism intelligence told the Post. 
  Probable targets? Both of the presidential nominating conventions this 
  summer – the Democrats in Boston and the Republicans in New York – as well 
  as the World War II Memorial ceremony this Saturday in Washington, D.C., 
  and the Group of Eight summit June 8-10 in Georgia. Also of concern, 
  outside the U.S., are the Summer Olympic Games in this August in Greece. 
  What kind of attack? Biggest concerns are over use a chemical, 
  biological or radiological weapon that could cause much more damage and 
  casualties than a conventional bomb. But, according to one FBI bulletin to 
  law enforcement agencies, truck bombs are also a key concern. Still 
  another FBI bulletin warns of suicide bombers – replete with warnings 
  about people dressed in bulky jackets during warm weather, clothing that 
  smells like chemicals or has trailing electrical wires, and the like. 
  Bombers also could be disguised as pregnant women, the memo cautions. 
  The Department of Homeland Security's top intelligence official, 
  retired Lt. Gen. Patrick Hughes, warned earlier this month that al-Qaida 
  may be planning to use a chemical or biological weapon in the U.S., 
  mentioning specifically, anthrax and ricin. 
  "If the past is indeed prologue, then we are going to screw up, or they 
  are going to get lucky. I can't sleep," Hughes said, according to the 
  Associated Press. 
  Asking the public's help 
  In a news conference yesterday, Los Angeles Police Department 
  counterterrorism expert John Miller said: "We would be foolhardy to ignore 
  those statements, but I think it would be irresponsible to panic." 
  And New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly says his city has not 
  been warned of a specific terrorist plot there, Fox News reports. "We are 
  receiving highly sensitive intelligence information on a regular basis, 
  including today, and there is nothing in that reporting to indicate a 
  specific threat or looming attack against New York City," Kelly said in a 
  In response to the threats, the FBI has created a special task force 
  focused entirely on this summer's terror threat. It is designed to make 
  sure no valuable pieces of information or intelligence go unconnected with 
  other bits of information – a syndrome widely blamed for the agency's 

[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] The Iranian Spy in the House of Bush

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

> The Iranian Spy in the House of Bush 
> By William Rivers Pitt 
> t r u t h o u t | Perspective 
> Wednesday 26 May 2004 
> George W. Bush is running for a second term on the basis of his 
> performance in the defense of our national security. Vice President Cheney has 
> flatly 
> stated that if Bush loses in 2004, the terrorists win. In truth, however, 
> the national security of the United States of America has been raped by these 
> people. 'Rape' is a strong word, but in truth, is not strong enough to 
> describe what has taken place. This disaster can be summed up in one name: Ahmad 
> Chalabi. 
> Chalabi was the head of the Iraqi National Congress, a dissident group 
> organized for the purpose of overthrowing the regime of Saddam Hussein. 
> Chalabi was a beloved ally of Don Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney before they came to 
> power with this administration; Chalabi and his group were the impetus behind the 
> passage of the Iraqi Liberation Act in 1998, legislation advocated loudly by 
> Rumsfeld, Cheney and the neo-conservatives who now occupy this government. 
> Rumsfeld personally groomed Chalabi to take control of Iraq once Hussein 
> was removed. This, despite the fact that Chalabi was convicted of 32 counts 
> of bank fraud in Jordan and sentenced in absentia to 22 years in prison, 
> despite the fact that Chalabi had not set foot in Iraq since he was a teenager, 
> despite the fact that he had no power base and no credibility in the Middle 
> East. Because the neo-cons loved him, however, Chalabi saw his opening. More 
> than anything, he lusted after the oil revenues available from an Iraq he 
> controlled. 
> Flash forward to January 2001. George W. Bush and his crew took office, 
> and within a week of the inauguration, began planning for the invasion and 
> occupation of Iraq. These plans were kicked into high gear after the attacks of 
> September 11. Bush, grudgingly, agreed to attack Afghanistan and dismantle 
> that Taliban and al Qaeda stronghold. Iraq, however, was large in the minds of 
> Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz and the other architects of our current 
> condition. By September of 2002, Afghanistan was left aside - another failed 
> 'Mission Accomplished' - and Iraq was the new focus. 
> The attacks of September 11 made Ahmad Chalabi. The Bush administration 
> had already decided to attack Iraq, and then began casting about for evidence 
> to support the decision which had already been made. Don Rumsfeld organized 
> a secretive group within the Defense Department called the Office of Special 
> Plans, the purpose of which was to cherry-pick intelligence reports that made 
> Iraq appear to be an imminent threat. Representatives of the OSP - including 
> Vice President Cheney, Cheney deputy Lewis "Scooter" Libby, and former 
> Speaker Newt Gingrich - visited CIA headquarters on several occasions to browbeat 
> the analysts into "toughening up" their analyses of the Iraqi threat. 
> More than any single person, Ahmad Chalabi was the source for the 
> 'intelligence' on the Iraqi threat that was offered to the American people. Chalabi 
> was the man who claimed Iraq was in possession of vast stockpiles of weapons 
> of mass destruction. He was able to broadband this lie by becoming the 
> trusted source for New York Times journalist Judith Miller. Miller wrote article 
> after article about the WMD threat posed by Iraq, based on the false data 
> provided by Chalabi. The rest of the news media piggy-backed on the reputation of 
> the Times and re-reported Miller's WMD information across the news spectrum, 
> turning Chalabi's false data into axiomatic truth in the eyes of the 
> American public. It was a masterful stroke. 
> Chalabi was the man who claimed Hussei

[CTRL] Lost in America - From Nicholas Berg to Abu Ghraib, the search for something to trust

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
Paranoid Nation
by Kareem Fahim
Lost in America
>From Nicholas Berg to Abu Ghraib, the search for something to trust
May 25th, 2004 10:00 AM

No Such Thing as Paranoia
On the culture of conspiracism by Gary Indiana

y the thousands, the curious still combed the Internet for poor Nicholas Berg last week. The young American businessman, killed by some mysterious hand in Iraqâthat of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, or a gang of assassins from Tikrit, or whomeverâtopped Yahoo's Buzz Index of most frequent Internet searches. The list included, at number 13, the phrase "American beheading video," suggesting that some great bulk of surfers simply craved a few seconds of ghastly footage.
 Others were no doubt moved by Berg's compelling and sadly concluded story, and the very public manner in which his family was forced to bear his death.
 But another faction was on the lookout for more obscure clues, bits of information to support a story line steeped in intrigue and, frankly, implausibility. It was a reasonable response to the times. Faced with a war many Americans find implausible, waged by a president who lost credibility following bad intelligence about weapons of mass destruction (provided by advisers with a plan for the world), this second faction blurred the line between healthy skepticism and paranoia. Many of those questioning the White House line on Berg were fringe, yes, but they fed on the doubts of a mainstream no longer sure what to believe. Last week, the U.S. either bombed a safe house for terrorists, or an Iraqi wedding. Ahmad Chalabi is either an asset and one of the fathers of the new Iraq, or a spy. And Donald Rumsfeld either authorized the kind of torture meted out at Abu Ghraib, or knew nothing.
 After the death of poor Nick Berg, the conspiracy theories were legion, appearing first on websites dedicated to such alternate histories, then making their way to more mainstream news sources. The authors of these theories questioned the authenticity of the Berg video, citing jumps in the time code, glitches in the soundtrack, a lack of blood, even the appearance of seemingly ordinary patio chairs. They also questioned the identity of the film's subjects: Not only was this possibly not Berg, they said, but the "terrorists," noted one website, had "Western-style body posture and mannerisms."
 Such speculation was to be expectedâafter all, there were any number of questions surrounding Berg's death, some of them raised by his family. Why would a young American wander around Iraq in the midst of war, during an outbreak of kidnappings, without protection? Why had he been arrested by Iraqi police and questioned repeatedly by the FBI? His father's anti-war views and public denunciations of the Bush administration helped crystallize the doubt for some Americans, already coping with the sordid pictures of torture from Abu Ghraib prison and the simmering violence against the occupation forces in Iraq. And wasn't al-Zarqawi, on whom the CIA first hung the murder, supposed to be missing a leg?
 H., a confused 15-year-old girl from Texas, wrote an e-mail to this newspaper, looking for answers.
 "OK, so the problem I am facing is whether or not it was Nick Berg in the video. My friends in my debate class have viewed the video and I didn't. I have seen photos of the video and it doesn't look like him. Also, his final words puzzled me as well. Why were people expecting him to say 'My father is a Jew, my mother is a Jew, and I am a Jew.' I am unsure about all this. Could you help me out here. I am a sophomore in high school, so you could probably understand why I am asking about this. Thank you."

 The morbid fascination with Nicholas Berg suggests that America is either a nation of voyeurs, or a people increasingly uncomfortable with the official story. Or both.
 "People are profoundly shaken by this," said Stanley Kutler, a historian and retired professor at the University of Wisconsin, referring not only to the Berg incident, but the Abu Ghraib pictures as well. "We are in a very strange moment. . . . We live in a day and age when information, not knowledge, is widely disseminated. We have newscasts and radio call-in shows. The idea of citizen involvement has taken a paradoxical turn in our lives. Citizens have misinformation, and they apply it. . . . Just look at the number of people who believe that in October, [the administration] is going to bring out Osama bin Laden."
 Kutler, who has authored a number of books on former president Richard Nixon, made clear he has no special regard for President Bush, and that the current state of thingsâhe called America "profoundly adrift"âhas its roots in the scandals of the late 1960s and mid '70s, the period bookended by the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal. "Cynicism is a corrosive thing," he said. "You suspect everythingâconspiracies here and there."
 Even the conspiracy theorists are unduly pessimistic.
 "The U.S. today is the lowest it'

[CTRL] Paranoid Nation - No Such Thing as Paranoia On the culture of conspiracism

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

Paranoid Nation
by Gary Indiana
No Such Thing as Paranoia
On the culture of conspiracism
May 25th, 2004 10:30 AM

Skull & Bones Society

Lost in America
From Nicholas Berg to Abu Ghraib, the search for something to trust
by Kareem Fahim

ike conspiracies themselves, conspiracy theories are as old as gossip and politics. To understand the world one inhabits, it is impossible to credit the idea of contingency or chance as the root of all weirdness. Just as any psychotic tends to utter something true in the process of saying something crazy, there is usually a kernel of reality in even the most far-fetched conspiracy theory.
 While it is easy to distinguish a belief that aluminum foil wrapped around one's head filters out alien brain waves from rational but dissident ideas, some modern writers on conspiracy theory tend to conflate nonconformity with the most bizarre and cognitively defective extremes of it. So-called "consensus historians," following the lead of Richard Hofstadter's famous 1964 essay, "The Paranoid Style in American Politics," have effectively pathologized any suspicion of active conspiracies, however defined, into a synonym for "nut job" in public discourse.
 Our mass media, its ownership consolidated among a handful of billionaires whose interests are identical with those of corporate cronies (globalized "free trade" for the wealthy nations, peonage for the third world, Chomsky's "manufacture of consent" via a constant torrent of propaganda for the status quo), reflexively dismiss the most obvious or credible explanations for ugly phenomena as the perfervid fantasy of "conspiracy cranks"âfor instance, the idea that successive "preemptive" wars might be launched against demonized enemies in order to award reconstruction contracts to corporations formerly helmed by, say, the vice president of the United States and other exalted government employees, or that the strategic purpose of one such war might be the economic colonization of former Soviet republics rich in oil and mineral resources, and to guarantee a secure pipeline for the exploitation of said resources. Instead, the altruism and democracy-spreading goodness of the American power elite are portrayed as self-evident, taking all other motives off the media table.
 The necessary proof of such a conspiracy, if we choose to call it that, often turns up 25 or 50 years after the fact, when the release of classified documents churns up no public outcry or indictments. Such was the recent case with the declassified revelation that the late Connecticut senator Prescott Bush, grandfather of the current president, along with his law partner W. Averill Harriman, a former governor of New York, managed a number of concerns on behalf of Nazi industrialist Fritz Thyssen. These included the Union Banking Corporation, seized under the Trading With the Enemy Act on October 20, 1942 (Office of Alien Property Custodian, Vesting Order No. 248), Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation (Vesting Order No. 259), and the Holland-American Trading Corporation (Vesting Order No. 261).

The Knights Templar

The Union Banking Corporation financed Hitler after his electoral losses in 1932; the other Bush-managed concerns have been characterized as "a shipping line which imported German spies; an energy company that supplied the Luftwaffe with high-ethyl fuel; and a steel company that employed Jewish slave labour from the Auschwitz concentration camp." Fuller details are documented in George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, by Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin; in Kevin Phillips's American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush; as well as in the colorful, conspiracist history Fleshing Out Skull & Bones, by Anthony Sutton et al., and further confirmed by John Loftus, a former prosecutor in the Justice Department's Nazi War Crimes Unit. Since only the Nazi partners in the Bush-Harriman interests were permanently deprived of their frozen stock, Prescott Bush and his father-in-law, George Herbert Walker, waltzed off with $1.5 million when the Union Banking Corp. was liquidated in 1951. (This was, in effect, the foundation of the Bush family fortune: once a Snopes, always a Snopes.) Briefly picked up by the Associated Press and buried deep in the pages of American newspapers, this half-century-late disclosure led to no media follow-up and left no impression on the potential electorate for the 2004 U.S. presidential contest.

The Illuminati

Contingency theorists would declare that the activities of one Bush 50-some years ago have nothing to do with those of subsequent Bushes. Yet the story confirms a pattern of corrupt profiteering through abuse of power that runs continuously through the Bush family dynasty. They would likewise find nothing "conspiratorial" about the duck-hunting trip Vice President Cheney took with Supreme Court Justice Anto

[CTRL] Another Microbiologist Dies Under Strange Circumstances.

2004-05-25 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

May 25, 2004

Russian Scientist Dies in Ebola Accident at Former Weapons Lab


EW ORLEANS, May 24 - A Russian scientist at a former Soviet biological weapons laboratory in Siberia has died after accidentally sticking herself with a needle laced with ebola, the deadly virus for which there is no vaccine or treatment, the lab's parent Russian center announced over the weekend. 

Scientists and officials said the accident had raised concerns about safety and secrecy at the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology, known as Vector, which in Soviet times specialized in turning deadly viruses into biological weapons. Vector has been a leading recipient of aid in an American program to help former Soviet scientists and labs convert to peaceful research. 

Although the accident occurred May 5, Vector did not report it to the World Health Organization until last week. Scientists said that although Vector had isolated the scientist to contain any potential spread of the disease and there was no requirement that accidents involving ebola be reported, the delay meant that scientists at the health agency could not provide prompt advice on treatment that might have saved her life. 

The first public mention of the accident was over the weekend on Pro-Med, the informal Internet reporting and discussion network of doctors and other health care professionals, which posted the Vector account of the laboratory accident on its Web site (www.promedmail.org).

American experts said the accident had not occurred in a lab now receiving United States government or private money for research.

While officials at Vector said the scientist, Antonina Presnyakova, was working on an ebola vaccine, they have declined to identify who was financing the research or discuss its specific nature.

Terry Fredeking, the president and founder of Antibody Systems, a Texas-based company, said that while his company had spent more than $150,000 in the last five years on joint research on ebola at Vector, the accident did not involve research he was financing. "It's sad and somewhat frightening," said Mr. Fredeking, "that Vector didn't inform the W.H.O. or even its own lab directors that the accident had occurred in time for us to offer help."

Ronald Atlas, a biodefense expert at a center at the University of Louisville, in Kentucky, said that while it was important to work on vaccines to protect against deadly viruses, the accident showed the danger. "It shows we must be careful about what we are doing, as well as where and with whom we are doing it," said Dr. Atlas, in an interview here at the American Society for Microbiology's annual meeting. 

An American scientist was involved in a similar accident with ebola at the Army's leading biodefense lab at Fort Detrick, Md., several months ago. But she did not contract the disease. The lab disclosed the accident within 48 hours, officials said. 

Vector is also one of two repositories of the deadly smallpox virus - the other is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. Since the Soviet Union collapsed, the United States has spent millions of dollars to help convert such places to peaceful research, including an estimated $10 million at Vector.

Critics of the program have opposed expanding such aid because it is hard to verify whether former Soviet scientists are using the American-supported research for peaceful purposes. But the program's defenders say it keeps scientists employed on peaceful projects and prevents them from working for anti-American states or terrorists seeking biological weapons. 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Richard Armitage: Foreign Narcotics Control Office

2004-05-25 Thread William Shannon

Richard Armitage: Foreign Narcotics Control Office

In a blockbuster column called "âMr. Cocaineâ: The Secret History of Richard Armitage," government whistle-blower Al Martin reveals the sordid story of Richard Armitage, US Deputy Secretary of State and head of the notorious Foreign Narcotics Control Office.

If the US Government has its own in-house drug kingpin, that kingpin is Richard Armitage. "The State Department tolerates this because itâs part of its function through the FNCO to aid the CIA in narcotics trafficking to produce covert revenue," writes Martin, author of the unprecedented expose' of Bush Family Fraud called "The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider."

"When Richard Armitage is involved (and you can link Richard Armitage and the FNCO to controlling a certain area of the world, where either coca leaves or poppies are produced, there will quickly be an ensuing surge in drug trafficking in that particular classification or drug, not only in the United States, but globally," writes Martin. "Today in the last 18 months, heroin trafficking has increased 380% in the United States as heroin prices have plummeted, as the nation is being flooded with fresh heroin supplies from Afghanistan.

There is a direct correlation." 

Martin continues, "Since Armitage is currently the Under Secretary of State, he is in charge of the Foreign Narcotics Control Office of the State Department, which is supposed to control cocaine and heroin. This is pursuant to the State Departmentâs policy of monitoring and containing the growth of those drugs in the countries and to encourage regimes to destroy those crops, as well as offer U.S. aid packages for foreign governments that canât afford it, (which none of them can) to buy helicopters and special equipment to destroy the crops -- which, of course, never get destroyed."

And why is Armitage called 'Mr. Cocaine'? "The famous quote by Kerry Committee senior panel member Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii (D-Hawaii) should be noted. When Armitage was put under oath, he kept calling him "Mr. Cocaine" instead of "Mr. Secretary." I donât think Inouye meant it as a joke. Armitage didnât much like it. 

"Anyway, he was the Assistant Secretary of State in charge of the Foreign Narcotics Control Office, which, of course, was rife with fraud and effectively used as a coordinating policy tool from the State Department with CIA Deputy Director Clair George, who was in charge of all CIA narcotics operations in the mid-1980s. 

"Armitage was also a member of the restricted access group known as RAG-1 (Restricted Access Group One) along with Elliott Abrams, Clair George, Attorney General Ed Meese, David Margolis, Chief of Domestic Criminal Operations of the Department of Justice, and Mark Richards, Chief of the International Criminal Division of the Department of Justice. These were very sinister characters indeed. Restricted Access Group was an interagency group, which met in order to form, manage and control the liability of the illegal covert operation of government. (More details can be found in "The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insiderâ by Al Martin.) 

"Then National Security Advisor, Frank Carlucci, was also a member, as was Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Bobby Gates. They were all members of the so-called RAG-1. 

"The purpose of RAG-1 was first to develop and then to coordinate the CIAâs policy of trafficking in narcotics on a large-scale basis, in order to produce ongoing covert revenue streams pursuant to the aid and sustenance of illegal operations of state. Simply put, this was 'Iran Contra.'" 

Martin begins his column with these words -- "Watching the dynamic duo of Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Armitage sitting next to each other and testifying before the Senate Arms Services Committee struck me as being funny. Dick Armitage has been prominently featured, and it was confirmed today that he is as round -- as he is tall. This is what I had predicted 20 years ago, and it has come to pass. 

"It reminds me of what Oliver North always did. When Dick came into a room, you could look over his head and say, âHey, whereâs Dick?â And then you look down at him. 

"Now Armitage was telling the committee that itâs going to take the Iraqi Ruling Council 18 months to have elections and that weâll be there for years and years and years at the cost of hundreds of billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money -- but itâs worth it -- just to get rid of Saddam Hussein. So now it's time (as we did with J.D. Negroponte and Elliott Abrams) to point out that Richard Armitage was one of the so-called Terrible Trio in the mid-1980s, when he was Assistant Secretary of State during the entire Iran-Contra period. Now, he is the Under Secretary of State. However, he is still in charge of exactly the same office -- the Foreign Narcotics Control Office. And

[CTRL] The Zionist Connection - An Unholy Tripartite

2004-05-25 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


By: Ted Lang

Henry Makow, a PhD. who writes for several Internet news and opinion websites, has provided invaluable insight focusing on political alliances that control the United States as well as the entire world. An unholy tripartite threatens the individual freedom of all people, as well as the peace of the entire world, desiring the establishment of a New World Order controlled by one global government. It consists of these three entities: Zionism, communism and the international banking cartel. And as regards this unholy trioâs control of all politics, remember FDRâs observation that nothing in politics happens without being planned.

Zionism supports the creation of a Jewish state in violation of the teachings of Orthodox Judaism and the Torah. Of course, there are patriotic American Jews, as well as Christians, who support and are sympathetic to the state of Israel, but not to the extent of putting such political sympathies on a level higher than their patriotism and loyalty to the United States. And increasingly, radical Zionism is growing in aggressiveness and deadliness. And should anyone marry these three entities as a collaborative effort or conspiracy, they will be branded as being anti-Semitic. And that is precisely the purpose of the term. 

But Zionism has partially achieved its ultimate goal, the modern state of Israel, via secretive plotting and heavy funding by the Jewish [Zionist] Rothschild international banking family, most prominently embodied in the Bank of England. It is loosely and unofficially estimated that the Rothschilds control almost three fifths the worldâs wealth of about $500 trillion in fiat money through the indebtedness of world governments, while about another $100 trillion of the worldâs wealth is controlled by the Rockefellers. Another 11 rich and powerful banking families, as well as wealthy individuals, families and governments, control the remaining $100 trillion of the worldâs wealth.

Makow has taken much pain and written extensively on the relationship between the Rothschild-led 13 member banking cartel, and the close relationship Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild maintained with both Lenin and Trotsky when they all were alive and plotting together. And Trotsky has been connected to Leo Strauss and the neo-conservative, Zionist cabal identified as the Project for the New American Century, or PNAC. And just like FDRâs Zionist cabal of the 1930s and 1940s, consisting then of Justice Felix Frankfurter, Bernard M. Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Benjamin Cohen, and Samuel Rosenman, President George W. Bushâs present Zionist cabal consists of David Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearl, Bill Kristol and others. They represent a carbon copy of the continuing Zionist organized manipulation of our government to achieve a world control agenda originating with the communist-oriented, Zionist international banking cartel.

During World War II, Americaâs involvement protecting Britain and joining it and the Soviet Union to engage in war against Axis Germany, Japan and Italy, served to make the world safe from National Socialism [Nazism] thereby advancing the "Jewish intellectualism" that is communism. And as Woodrow Wilson was advised by yet another Zionist cabal back during World War I, consisting of a different Jewish Justice, Louis D. Brandeis, and the same Bernard M. Baruch and Henry Morgenthau that served in FDRâs cabal, America was drawn into the "War to End All Wars" to make the world "safe for democracy," thereby advancing the cause and ensuring the resultant success of National Socialism.

Although modern communism, as well as all things bad, with the exception of the Christmas tree and Sauerbraten und Kartoffelnkloss originated in Germany, to include militarism, our failing government-controlled school system, our failing Social Security system and National Socialism, the communist movement shifted from Germany to Russia during the latter of the nineteenth and early part of the twentieth century. The Rothschild-led banking cartel saw the possibilities in a large, heavily industrialized nation like Russia, where the all-encompassing socialism that is communism could take root. Of course, the United States would have been a much better prize for communism, but lacked the level of poverty and despair of the Russian masses that was more pronounced thereby more enabling of violent revolution or Bolshevism.

Czar Nicholas II of Russia made serious and devastating mistakes as regards the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, in which the entire powerful Russian fleet and Port Arthur were lost. His miscalculation of the powerful Japanese, as well as Russiaâs loss of the war, helped to incite the Russian populace even more when faced with rapidly deteriorating economic conditions in spite of the great potential of Russian industry. The Zionist Rothschild banking cartel had heavil

[CTRL] Lawsuit claiming CIA put LSD in vet's drink, more Iraq abuse, poll on Bush

2004-05-25 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles - graphic descriptions of abuse

Lawsuit claiming CIA put LSD in vet's drink in 1957 can proceed 5/24/04 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) "A former deputy U.S. marshal and Marine Corps veteran who claims the CIA slipped LSD into his drink in 1957 as part of a mind-control project offered enough evidence to send his $12 million lawsuit to trial, a federal judge ruled Monday. Chief U.S. District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel ruled in favor of Wayne Ritchie, citing an apparent admission from a former CIA operative. "I drugged guys involved in about 10, 12 (instances)," former federal narcotics agent Ira Feldman, who worked for the CIA's Project MKULTRA, told Ritchie's lawyer in a sworn deposition in February 2003. "I didn't do any follow-up. ... You just back away and let them worry like this nitwit, Ritchie." Ritchie, 75, believes he may have been a guinea pig for the CIA's MKULTRA project, in which LSD and other drugs were given to hundreds of unsuspecting Americans during the Cold War. Ritchie believes his drinks at a 1957 office Christmas party attended by a federal agent involved in the project were spiked. The government denies drugging Ritchie..." http://www.sacbee.com/state_wire/v-print/story/9414967p-10339278c.html

Marines Admit Abuse at Second Prison 
By Rick Rogers  San Diego Union-Tribune 
Saturday 22 May 2004 
While world attention was focused on the scandal at Abu Ghraib prison, two Marines were court-martialed May 14 for abusing an Iraqi prisoner with electricity, it was disclosed yesterday.     Five more Marines have been implicated in the same early April incident at a Marine-run detention facility and might face charges, according to Marine officials in Iraq. 
Andrew J. Sting and Jeremiah J. Trefney, both 19 and privates first class assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment at Camp Lejeune, N.C., pleaded guilty to charges that included cruelty and maltreatment for shocking an unruly prisoner, according to a Marine statement in response to questions from The San Diego Union-Tribune. 
The East Coast-based infantry battalion is attached to the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, which has headquarters in San Diego. 
The prisoner had been detained at Al Mahmudiya prison. 

aol poll 5/24/04 
How would you rate President Bush's handling of Iraq? Poor 54% Excellent 23% Good 16% Fair 7% Total Votes: 242,452
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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] The Nicholas Berg execution and the mystery of the Orange Jumpsuit!

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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"vInCe-BrAdLeY" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date:  Tue May 25, 2004  2:41 amSubject:  The Nicholas Berg execution and the mystery of the Orange Jumpsuit!

Now this "theory" would tend to support the claim that both videos were shot with the same camera.. 

If Bush gets caught over this I can see him now:.. "Id have gotten away with this
if it weren't for those meddling kids!! "




The Nicholas Berg executionA working hypothesis and a resolution for the orange jumpsuit mystery23 May 2004 
This article aims to shed light on the apparent execution by beheading of Nicholas Berg . I believe that most of the available evidence surrounding the case suggests that it was a “black operation”by US psychological warfare specialists, the purpose of which was to provide the media with a “moral relativity” argument to counter the adverse publicity over torture at Abu Ghraib prison. 
Many observers have drawn attention to features of the evidence -- particularly the video of the beheading released by the supposed terrorists -- which do not add up. I find some of these feeatures to be explainable without reference to a conspiracy by US security agencies. Most, however, are best explained by the black operations scenario. Even so, many puzzling anomalies remain.
At a certain point in any investigation, in order to make sense of disparate, contradictory facts and to filter out background noise, an investigator must adopt a working hypothesis which integrates the main clues. 
My hypothesis begins by trying to explain why, throughout the execution video, Nick Berg is wearing an orange jumpsuit of the type issued at US military prisons such as Guantanamo Bay. 
Most commentators have been surprised by this. Some have rationalised it as a piece of mimicry by the executioners designed to taunt the US and drive home their point that the US imprisons and humiliates Arabs and Muslims. 
That might seem like the only reasonable explanation, but nagging doubts remain.
How would the terrorists have got their hands on such a jumpsuit? Is it reasonable to think that they carried one around just in case they got lucky and grabbed an American? 
Alternatively, does it seem likely that, having grabbed Berg, one of them had a bright idea and sent his mum to the markets for some fabric and got her to run up an orange jumpsuit? 
Under the circumstances, both explanations are highly improbable. Remember, these people are supposedly members of an Abu Massab al-Zarwawi’s terrorist cell. They’re operating underground to carry our suicide bombings and the like. In order to do that they’d themselves be dressed like ordinary Iraqis. Dressing Berg in a facsimile of the US prison uniform or even a real one for his execution seems like an awful lot of trouble to go to -- time-wasting nonsense that could unnecessarily expose them to the danger of discovery. Why would they not keep BBerg in the clothes in which he was kidnapped or, if they had had to dump these, in anonymous Iraqi street wear? 
(That’s another problem with the “terrorists” in the video: why are they dressed in black uniforms with ammunition tabards and keffirs? Al-Sadr’s MA militia do dress like that, but al-Zarwawi’s boys aren’t militia, they’re underground operatives).
But if it seems very far-fetched that al-Zarwawi’s group would have filmed Berg in an orange jump-suit, why in heaven’s name would the CIA psyops boys have done so? Surely in setting up a piece of fakery they would ideally have stuck to the simple and obvious and kept Berg in his own clothes? 
As I said above: to make sense of disparate, contradictory facts and filter out background noise a working hypothesis which makes sense of the main clues is necessary. What follows is mine.
I have made use of “Videoman’s” excel

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] The Nicholas Berg execution and the mystery of the Orange Jumpsuit!

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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"vInCe-BrAdLeY" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date:  Tue May 25, 2004  2:41 amSubject:  The Nicholas Berg execution and the mystery of the Orange Jumpsuit!

Now this "theory" would tend to support the claim that both videos were shot with the same camera.. 

If Bush gets caught over this I can see him now:.. "Id have gotten away with this
if it weren't for those meddling kids!! "




The Nicholas Berg executionA working hypothesis and a resolution for the orange jumpsuit mystery23 May 2004 
This article aims to shed light on the apparent execution by beheading of Nicholas Berg . I believe that most of the available evidence surrounding the case suggests that it was a “black operation”by US psychological warfare specialists, the purpose of which was to provide the media with a “moral relativity” argument to counter the adverse publicity over torture at Abu Ghraib prison. 
Many observers have drawn attention to features of the evidence -- particularly the video of the beheading released by the supposed terrorists -- which do not add up. I find some of these feeatures to be explainable without reference to a conspiracy by US security agencies. Most, however, are best explained by the black operations scenario. Even so, many puzzling anomalies remain.
At a certain point in any investigation, in order to make sense of disparate, contradictory facts and to filter out background noise, an investigator must adopt a working hypothesis which integrates the main clues. 
My hypothesis begins by trying to explain why, throughout the execution video, Nick Berg is wearing an orange jumpsuit of the type issued at US military prisons such as Guantanamo Bay. 
Most commentators have been surprised by this. Some have rationalised it as a piece of mimicry by the executioners designed to taunt the US and drive home their point that the US imprisons and humiliates Arabs and Muslims. 
That might seem like the only reasonable explanation, but nagging doubts remain.
How would the terrorists have got their hands on such a jumpsuit? Is it reasonable to think that they carried one around just in case they got lucky and grabbed an American? 
Alternatively, does it seem likely that, having grabbed Berg, one of them had a bright idea and sent his mum to the markets for some fabric and got her to run up an orange jumpsuit? 
Under the circumstances, both explanations are highly improbable. Remember, these people are supposedly members of an Abu Massab al-Zarwawi’s terrorist cell. They’re operating underground to carry our suicide bombings and the like. In order to do that they’d themselves be dressed like ordinary Iraqis. Dressing Berg in a facsimile of the US prison uniform or even a real one for his execution seems like an awful lot of trouble to go to -- time-wasting nonsense that could unnecessarily expose them to the danger of discovery. Why would they not keep BBerg in the clothes in which he was kidnapped or, if they had had to dump these, in anonymous Iraqi street wear? 
(That’s another problem with the “terrorists” in the video: why are they dressed in black uniforms with ammunition tabards and keffirs? Al-Sadr’s MA militia do dress like that, but al-Zarwawi’s boys aren’t militia, they’re underground operatives).
But if it seems very far-fetched that al-Zarwawi’s group would have filmed Berg in an orange jump-suit, why in heaven’s name would the CIA psyops boys have done so? Surely in setting up a piece of fakery they would ideally have stuck to the simple and obvious and kept Berg in his own clothes? 
As I said above: to make sense of disparate, contradictory facts and filter out background noise a working hypothesis which makes sense of the main clues is necessary. What follows is mine.
I have made use of “Videoman’s” excel

[CTRL] Millegan/Hopsicker Free Press Fund

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

Millegan/Hopsicker Free Press Fund
 Guess what?
We are getting sued.
There are those, who would rather we be quiet.
Imagine that.

Please help one of America's finest Investigative Reporters.

He is just trying to do his job!

Donations maybe sent to:

 Millegan/Hopsicker Free Press Defense Fund
 111 West 7th, Eugene, OR 97401

Daniel Hopsicker's revelatory book, Barry and the 'boys' contains just too much information running loose.

Or you may donate online through PayPal


Kris, the son of an intelligence operative, who saw in his own family the toll that working for the CIA and what the ends justifies the means zeitgist does to people, has been helping folks tell their stories since 2000, when he organized the first CIA-Drugs Symposium and helped Daniel Hopsicker get his MadCow Press up and running. Kris is being sued for helping Hopsicker's very revealing Barry and 'theboys' get into print. And Millegan's own publishing venture TrineDay is being sued for publishing Lt. Col. Daniel Marvin's exposé Expendble Elite of covert activity in Vietnam by Special Forces Association lawyers -- over a story that had been vetted years ago!

Help us keep our liberties alive.
 These suits are just harrassment and intimidation.
 If they silence us -- who is next?
 Please donate today:

 Millegan/Hopsicker Free Press Defense Fund
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[CTRL] Fwd: Abu Ghraib and the Dow

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Issue 346  May 25, 2004


 As an investor, I look at politics as a major factor
in altering the value of capital.  Taxation, deficit
spending, the rate of monetary inflation, and regulation
all affect people's assessment of the future value of
capital.  That assessmewnt affects the present value of

 If your money is in the stock market, you would be
wise to ask yourself this question: "What if Kerry is
elected, and both houses of Congress return to the
Democrats?"  I think this scenario is increasingly likely.

 The Republican majority in the Senate is nip and tuck
already.  The Republicans' margin is too thin when one-
third of the Senators are up for re-election.

 Because Republicans have controlled a majority of
state legislatures since 2000, when the new census figures
came out, they have designed Congressional districts to
favor Republicans.  The procedure is called Gerrymandering.
The legislatures draw the lines for Congressional districts
so that lots of Democrats wind up in a few districts.  This
siphons off Democrats from districts in which there are
small Republican majorities.  Those Democrats in the House
whose districts have been protected are happy with the
outcome.  Those who are unhappy don't have anything to say
about it.  So, it is much more difficult to change the
majority party in the House than in the Senate.  One
estimate of swing districts is that there are as few as 30
out of 435.  The Republicans enjoy a 229-205-1 advantage.
It would take a major political event to lose this

 The Democrats may now have such an event.  By its very
nature, the Republicans are not in a position to challenge
the Democrats.


 The photos of Abu Ghraib are now having a negative
effect on public opinion regarding the handling of the Iraq
war.  These photos have only just begun to erode Republican
support.  There is a drip-drip-drip effect over time.  As
more photos are released, Republican voters get discouraged.
Democrats, meanwhile, smell blood.

 The polls now indicate falling support for the war in
Iraq.  But the President is running as a war candidate: war
on terrorism, war in Iraq.  (Afghanistan is off the radar
these days.)  He is not going to change course, no matter
what happens.  What protects him is the fact that Kerry
thinks we should send over more troops.  Kerry is avoiding
Iraq like a hot potato.  He is not making an issue of the
war.  But his followers are.

 Democrats own the major newspapers.  They own the
electronic media.  They will keep running Abu Ghraib photos
for as long as subscriptions aren't hurt or Nielsen ratings
don't fall.  The public may say, "We're tired of those
photos," but readers and viewers seem insatiable for more.
It's a scandal, and scandal sells newspapers and raises
ratings.  The network that doesn't run the latest photos
will lose market share.

 This is what the political game is all about.  From
the looks of things, this summer is going to be filled with
stories about the Iraq prison scandals.


 By keeping Congress in the dark about Abu Gharib until
the photos ran on "60 Minutes II," Donald Rumsfeld made a
huge tactical mistake.  Congress usually defends its turf
from the Executive, and being pushed out of the loop really
makes Representatives and Senators angry.  They were caught
flat-footed back home by the scandal and made to look like
afterthoughts in the process of governing.

 This is one reason why Congressional Republicans are
not going to put a lid on the prison scandal story.  They
know that the folks back home are embarrassed by it as
Americans.  This is an election

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] White House Produces Fake News Videos

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
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-Caveat Lector-

Federal law prohibits the
use of federal money for "publicity or propaganda purposes" not authorized
by Congress.
White House
Produces Fake News VideosBy Robert PearWASHINGTON,
March 14 - Federal investigators are scrutinizing television segments in
which the Bush administration paid people to pose as journalists praising
the benefits of the new Medicare law, which would be offered to help elderly
Americans with the costs of their prescription medicines.The videos
are intended for use in local television news programs. Several include
pictures of President Bush receiving a standing ovation from a crowd
cheering as he signed the Medicare law on Dec. 8.The materials were
produced by the Department of Health and Human Services, which called them
video news releases, but the source is not identified. Two videos end with
the voice of a woman who says, "In Washington, I'm Karen Ryan reporting."
But the production company, Home Front Communications, said it had hired her
to read a script prepared by the government.Another video, intended
for Hispanic audiences, shows a Bush administration official being
interviewed in Spanish by a man who identifies himself as a reporter named
Alberto Garcia.Another segment shows a pharmacist talking to an elderly
customer. The pharmacist says the new law "helps you better afford your
medications," and the customer says, "It sounds like a good idea."
Indeed, the pharmacist says, "A very good idea." The government also
prepared scripts that can be used by news anchors introducing what the
administration describes as a made-for-television "story package."In
one script, the administration suggests that anchors use this language: "In
December, President Bush signed into law the first-ever prescription drug
benefit for people with Medicare. Since then, there have been a lot of
questions about how the law will help older Americans and people with
disabilities. Reporter Karen Ryan helps sort through the details." The
"reporter" then explains the benefits of the new law.Lawyers from
the General Accounting Office, an investigative arm of Congress, discovered
the materials last month when they were looking into the use of federal
money to pay for certain fliers and advertisements that publicize the
Medicare law.In a report to Congress last week, the lawyers said those
fliers and advertisements were legal, despite "notable omissions and other
weaknesses." Administration officials said the television news segments
were also a legal, effective way to educate beneficiaries.Gary L.
Kepplinger, deputy general counsel of the accounting office, said, "We are
actively considering some follow-up work related to the materials we
received from the Department of Health and Human Services."One
question is whether the government might mislead viewers by concealing the
source of the Medicare videos, which have been broadcast by stations in
Oklahoma, Louisiana and other states. Federal law prohibits the use of
federal money for "publicity or propaganda purposes" not authorized by
Congress.In the past, the General Accounting Office has found that
federal agencies violated this restriction when they disseminated editorials
and newspaper articles written by the government or its contractors
without identifying the source.Kevin W. Keane, a spokesman for the
Department of Health and Human Services, said there was nothing nefarious
about the television materials, which he said had been distributed to
stations nationwide. Under federal law, he said, the government is required
to inform beneficiaries about changes in Medicare."The use of video
news releases is a common, routine practice in government and the private
sector," Mr. Keane said. "Anyone who has questions about this practice needs
to do some research on modern public information tools."But
Democrats disagr

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush Sr.'s Iraq-Iran Secrets

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

Former President George H.W. Bush is the man with the secrets about the cross-currents 
of political intrigue that intersect the Middle East from Iraq to Iran to Israel's 
Likud Party. But his son says he doesn't need advice from his old man, even as the 
Iraq War goes from bad to worse.

For the full story about what facts the elder George Bush could share with the younger 
George Bush, go to Consortiumnews.com at http://www.consortiumnews.com . To help 
support a new investigative project -- a book-length account of the secret political 
history of the two George Bushes -- make a secure, tax-deductible contribution at the 
Web site or send a check to the Consortium for Independent Journalism, Suite 102-231, 
2200 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [911-Discussion] 9/11 Toll Still Grows from NYCOSH

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
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-Caveat Lector-

By Michele McPhee
Daily News Police Bureau Chief

May 25, 2004


For Bob Shore and Victor DiPierro, the tragic story of
Sept. 11, 2001, didn't end that day.

They were among the innumerable heroes who spent weeks
and months looking for remains - only to develop
life-threatening cancer.

The Daily News revealed yesterday that many cops and
firefighters assigned to Ground Zero are developing
serious illnesses, including cancer.

And though no direct link between Ground Zero and
cancer has yet been established, more victims came
forward yesterday to tell their stories.

DiPierro, a cop in the 46th Precinct, worked at Ground
Zero all night on Sept. 11 and every day for months

"When I saw the plane hit, I drove right to the
precinct," DiPierro told The News yesterday.

He was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in March, and
underwent surgery on April 5 to have two tumors

"I don't regret it. What we did is nothing," said
DiPierro, 36, a nine-year veteran who is on sick leave
while undergoing radiation treatment.

"I almost feel guilty now getting sick and saying it's
because of that day. I knew the air just wasn't right
then. You could smell it, and it didn't feel right.

"But it's not a coincidence that we are all getting
sick now. Young, healthy cops and firemen all getting
sick a couple years after working down there? There is
no way that is a coincidence at all."

Shore, a retired correction officer, said he worked
nearly nonstop for three weeks at Ground Zero. He has
pancreatic cancer, a condition his doctor insists was
either caused by or accelerated by the "smoke and
chemical gases" in the air those terrible days.

Shore, 52, said he volunteered to work in the massive
recovery effort. "My wife called me and said my
sister-in-law was trapped in the building. I ran right
there and stayed for weeks. I came home every night
crying from what I saw there."

His dark experiences prompted him to retire from the
Correction Department eight months after the disaster.

By September 2002, Shore became crippled with pains in
his rib cage that spread to his spine. Months later,
he was told those pains were caused by terminal
pancreatic cancer.

By April 2003, Shore was having surgery at Columbia
Presbyterian Medical Center to remove his pancreas,
gallbladder and spleen.

Two doors down was NYPD Detective Robert Williamson,
43, whose struggle with pancreatic cancer was detailed
in The News yesterday.

Williamson is one of 1,700 cops and firefighters who
filed a notice of claim against the city, saying their
illnesses or injuries were related to their work after
the 9/11 attacks.

Shore is not expected to survive, despite extensive
chemotherapy and radiation treatments. His doctor,
Charles Hesdorffer, insists the deadly blend of
noxious gases released by the collapse of the towers
either caused or accelerated his condition.

"His occupational exposure, albeit as a result of a
terrible terrorist act, was the likely cause of his
unfortunate disease, which will inevitably lead to his
untimely demise," Hesdorffer, an oncologist at
Columbia Presbyterian, wrote in a letter to Shore's
attorney, Michael Barasch.

Hesdorffer testified on behalf of Shore - and nearly a
dozen others with grave illnesses - at Sept. 11th
Victim Compensation Fund hearings. Shore's claim is

Hesdorffer examined several patients who developed
cancer after working at or near Ground Zero.

"One or more of these chemicals and these fumes may
very well have been the cause of the cancers that
these patients developed," he wrote.

"In all instances, the cancers developed in young,
otherwise healthy individuals with no personal or
family histories of cancer."

How cases are resolved

[CTRL] Of Rats and Men

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

 May 24, 2004

Of Rats and Men

 by P.M. Carpenter
 For some time, right-wing commentators have been watching troubled waters slop over the gunwale of our foundering ship of state. They are finally deserting. Their collective retreat to safety and sanity began like all nervous stampedes: just a few scurrying tails, rapidly swelling to a me-too swarm.
 The Iraq Mess was the last-straw cause of the abandonment effect. The left, of course, was stricken with fear and loathing immediately upon George W. Bushâs stumble into national politics (we didnât much care as long as he kept his crosshairs fixed on the backward outback of Texas), but weâre more perspicacious than the right, so, so much for that.
 The Weekly Standardâs Robert Kagan seems to have triggered the stampede in early May when he wrote in disgust that "all but the most blindly devoted Bush supporters can see that Bush administration officials have no clue about what to do in Iraq." Shortly thereafter the Washington Postâs George Will chimed in agreement by writing the dazzlingly obvious: "This administration cannot be trusted to govern if it cannot be counted on to think and, having thought, to have second thoughts."
 Once neoconservative Kagan and paleo-Burkean Will unleashed the war-wearied hounds, it was safe for "all but the most blindly devoted" to speak out on most every topic. Thus spake the other Zarathustras. From conservative think tankers to conservative economists to conservative and libertarian wonks came a critical deluge.
 "There doesnât seem to be a clear policy vision," said one. Policy proposals are politically driven and rammed through the professional bureaucratic apparatus "not for analysis, but for sale," said another.
 One prominent right-wing institute sponsored a boldly titled forum, "The Triumph of the Hacks," and even right-wing broadcasters are, at last, excoriating on air. "Thereâs a lot of [executive-branch] mistakes that are now killing American soldiers," declared FOXâs Bill OâReilly; "this false deadline" for Iraqi sovereignty "in time for a presidential election is no way to win a war," squealed MSNBCâs usually steely Joe Scarborough.
 Another conservative of think-tank consequence mused anonymously that the Bush administration is suffering from an "exhaustion of power," concluding that in the last few months "ideology has confronted reality, and ideology has bent."
 However wrong this particular think-tanker is in chronology and conclusions -- that the power-exhaustion was recent and that ideology has done the bending -- at least he hit on the analytical core of it all: the collision between the administrationâs ideology and world reality.
 Yet BushThink has always been less of an ideology and more the stuff that adolescent fantasy is made of. A collision, yes, but no rupture between it and reality ever took place; its detached pathology has been a rare constant. From day one the administrationâs foreign and domestic policies -- without exception -- have been tailored to fit the administration and -- without exception -- not the needs of the national family.
 Characteristic of the yet-developed reptilian brain of immature teenagers, the White House is conspicuous in its brooding, sulking, distrust, secrecy, and hostility to outside opinion. The world is all wrong and it is all right. No one understands the Bushie Babes, the Bushie Babes believe, so they slink and slither in the night and whisper amongst themselves behind closed doors.
 As ideologies go, to mature minds itâs a mystifying one, just as immature teenagers are mystifying to the mature.
 The Bushiesâ only qualifying strain of ideology is the pursuit and exercise of unlimited power for powerâs sake, and theyâve bent this principle by not so much as one degree. Theirs is a mindset of mindless direction and autocratic aim: flex every muscle and crush the opposition, merely because they think they can.
 The singular goal is power, but how much is enough?
 "More," opined Key Largoâs good-guy Humphrey Bogart to Edward G. Robinson as gangster Johnny Rocco -- whereupon Rocco happily grasps his futile ambition: "Yeah, that's what I want. More."
 John Hustonâs 1948 film was an allegoric commentary on the eraâs rising tide of right-wing power mongering. The film can be rewatched in contemporary terms -- and with contemporary unease.
 Still, watching todayâs deserting rats somewhat alleviates the pain. Should he indeed "stay the course," Bushâs ship of state may be virtually abandoned by November.

* * *
 P.M. Carpenter is a television writer and historian. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Â Copyright 2004, P. M. Carpenter


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[CTRL] Protesters Prepare to Flood NYC for GOP Convention

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

Forwarded with Compliments of Government of the USA in Exile (GUSAE):  Free Americans Proclaiming Total Emancipation and Working Towards Democracy.


 Date: May 25, 2004 2:58:00 PM GMT+07:00

 Subject: Protesters Prepare to Flood NYC for GOP Convention

May 24, 2004

 Permit or Not, Protesters Prepare for Republicans in New York

He relishes the idea, and it is just an idea, he says, of linking arms on streets around Madison Square Garden to block delegates and bring the Republican convention to a halt. Getting arrested for civil disobedience, if it comes to that, does not faze him.

"I am not going to have a work schedule for two weeks after, just in case,'' says Jim Straub, 23, who is a part-time dishwasher and bookstore clerk and full-time radical in Richmond, Va.

For Jen Lawhorne, 24, who also plans to attend the convention from Richmond: "This is going to be one of the finer moments of the American left. The sheer numbers excite me.''

They are a band of like-minded activists, many in their 20's, leading a charge to direct protesters from Richmond to New York for the convention, Aug. 30 to Sept. 2.

Linked by indignation over the war and economic and social issues, protesters from Chicago, Santa Barbara, Calif., Cleveland and scores of other places across the country are developing their plans to descend on New York City for the convention.

The protesters are not deterred by the barriers they face. New York City has yet to issue any protest permits. Housing is in short supply and prohibitively expensive. And just the logistics of getting to vehicle-unfriendly New York can be daunting. But convention protesters like the group in Richmond are pressing forward with plans, and developing ways around the hurdles.

An organizer on the West Coast is suggesting using airline discounts to New York. Another is arranging backpacking trips to raise money for airfare, while some groups in Los Angeles and San Francisco have discussed a car caravan. And in Richmond, organizers plan to pass the hat at parties and hold other fund-raisers for the $1,000 or so needed to charter a bus.

The fact that the New York police have not issued permits for any of the 15 groups that have applied for marches and rallies near the Garden matters little, especially to the more rebellious sorts.

The RNC Not Welcome Collective, an affiliation of radicals in New York, is encouraging prospective demonstrators to focus on other sites besides the Garden, like parties and other gatherings of delegates.

"If we are diffused throughout the city, we will have a much better advantage,'' read a recent handout at a strategy meeting. "After all, the real target is not Madison Square Garden, the stage of the spectacle, but the various events where deals are made - where the lobbyists wine, dine, and bribe Bush & Co.''

"If we are truly everywhere in this very big city,'' it goes on, "the police cannot be concentrated in one area, their communications will be hampered by their hierarchical processes, their steps will be slowed by their pounds of body armor and fatigue from forced overtime.''

Whether for organized demonstrations or not, people eager to protest the convention are strategizing.

A "consulta'' was held recently in Chicago among various groups to discuss plans to take at least 1,000 people to New York, said José Martín, an organizer in Chicago.

M. J. Musler, an antiwar activist in Cleveland, said groups across Ohio hoped to muster 15,000 people in New York, "little church ladies to the more radical end of the spectrum.'' Most, she said, plan to go for at least Aug. 29, when United for Peace and Justice has applied for a permit for an antiwar demonstration past the Garden for 250,000 people or more.

West Coast demonstrators may find it more difficult to get to New York, but they seem undeterred, with groups sprouting in Santa Barbara, the San Francisco Bay area, Los Angeles, Fresno and other places promising to bring carloads.

Tanya Mayo, an organizer with a national group called Not In Our Name who is in Oakland, Calif., said she had even advised prospective demonstrators who want to fly to take advantage of a Continental Airlines discount on air travel to New York during the convention period.

"It's a beautiful location for mobilizing people,'' she said of New York. "Three international airports, big bus terminals."

While established antiwar groups and labor unions are actively organizing, many grass-roots organizers, young, self-described radicals like Mr. Straub and his Richmond companions, are playing a role , too.

Nicholas DeGraff, a 23-year-old antiwar activist in Fresno, helped coordinate a group called Rancor (a play on the initials for the Republican National Convention), that is raising money through guided backpacking trips and other events to send at least a couple of dozen demonstrators to New York.

 "A lot of people going 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Microsoft May Not Pay Out Sasser Reward Money

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

Microsoft May Not Pay Out Sasser Reward Money
19.05.2004 09:20:24

Person who tipped off Microsoft about Sasser author also under suspicion?

According to reports in the German media, the person who gave Microsoft
valuable information which lead to the arrest of Sven Jaschan, the suspected
author of the Sasser worm, may themselves be under suspicion. It has been
widely reported that the German office of Microsoft was approached on
Wednesday 5 May by someone inquiring about whether a cash award was
available for information leading to the capture of Sasser's author.
According to Microsoft 0,000 was duly offered.

As well as Sven Jaschan, five other students at Jaschan's college are also
being investigated. According to the German-language Focus news magazine,
one of these five students was involved in passing information to Microsoft
about Jaschan, and is now being investigated concerning computer sabotage.

Speaking of the five students who have been questioned and had their houses
raided and computer systems examined, the public prosecutor's spokesman
Detlev Dyballa was reported as saying: "I cannot rule out that these include
the person who has tipped off Microsoft about the author of Sasser."

The person suspected of informing Microsoft has been reportedly named only
as "Marle B". Dyballa refused to give more detailed information as the
investigation continues.

Microsoft spokesman Thomas Baumgärtner has said that the software giant will
not hand out a reward to those involved in the crime: "If they were involved
in the Sasser case, they won't get anything".

"Mystery continues to surround the identity of the Sasser informants, and
security experts have publicly speculated that maybe they are involved in
the computer underground," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant
for Sophos. "If Sven Jaschan's identity as the author of Sasser was revealed
by one of his fellow students then it's possible there was a violent
disagreement between those engaged in spreading the viruses."

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Politech] Boston cops "randomly" stop subway travelers, demand ID [priv]

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

MBTA set to begin passenger ID stops
Effort part of national rail security program
By Mac Daniel, Globe Staff
May 22, 2004
MBTA transit police confirmed yesterday they will begin stopping
passengers for identification checks at various T locations, apparently
as part of new national rail security measures following the deadly
terrorist train bombings in Spain.
Although officials would release few details about the initiative, the
identity checks will mark the first time local rail and subway
passengers will be asked to produce identification and be questioned
about their activities.
Officers have been training for the security checks since May 11,
transit officials said. MBTA Police Deputy Chief John Martino confirmed
via e-mail yesterday that officers have been training with State Police
at South Station this week.
The State Police officers based at Logan who are instructing T police
have been trained in "behavior pattern recognition" in order to identify
potential terrorists.
Politech mailing list
Archived at http://www.politechbot.com/
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[CTRL] Fwd: [Politech] FBI Director Mueller talks up "importance" of Patriot Act [priv]

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

Testimony of Robert S. Mueller, III, Director, Federal Bureau of 
Investigation, Before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary
May 20, 2004

Mr. Chairman, for over two and a half years, the PATRIOT Act has proved 
extraordinarily beneficial in the war on terrorism and has changed the 
way the FBI does business. Many of our counterterrorism successes, in 
fact, are the direct results of provisions included in the Act, a number 
of which are scheduled to "sunset" at the end of next year. I strongly 
believe it is vital to our national security to keep each of these 
provisions intact. Without them, the FBI could be forced back into 
pre-September 11 practices, attempting to fight the war on terrorism 
with one hand tied behind our backs.

Let me give you just a few examples that illustrate the importance of 
the PATRIOT Act to our counterterrorism efforts:

First and foremost, the PATRIOT Act – along with the revision of the 
Attorney General's investigative guidelines and the 2002 decision of the 
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review – tore down the wall 
that stood between the intelligence investigators responding to 
terrorist threats and the criminal investigators responding to those 
same threats.
 • Prior to September 11, an Agent investigating the intelligence side 
of a terrorism case was barred from discussing the case with an Agent 
across the hall who was working the criminal side of that same 
investigation. For instance, if a court-ordered criminal wiretap turned 
up intelligence information, the criminal investigator could not share 
that information with the intelligence investigator – he could not even 
suggest that the intelligence investigator should seek a wiretap to 
collect the information for himself. If the criminal investigator served 
a grand jury subpoena to a suspect's bank, he could not divulge any 
information found in those bank records to the intelligence 
investigator. Instead, the intelligence investigator would have to issue 
a National Security Letter in order to procure that same information.

• The removal of the "wall" has allowed government investigators to 
share information freely. Now, criminal investigative information that 
contains foreign intelligence or counterintelligence, including grand 
jury and wiretap information, can be shared with intelligence officials. 
This increased ability to share information has disrupted terrorist 
operations in their early stages -- such as the successful dismantling 
of the "Portland Seven" terror cell -- and has led to numerous arrests, 
prosecutions, and convictions in terrorism cases.

• In essence, prior to September 11th, criminal and intelligence 
investigators were attempting to put together a complex jigsaw puzzle at 
separate tables. The Patriot Act has fundamentally changed the way we do 
business. Today, those investigators sit at the same table and work 
together on one team. They share leads. They fuse information. Instead 
of conducting parallel investigations, they are fully integrated into 
one joint investigation.

• Because of the creation of the Terrorist Threat Integration Center, 
and because the FBI has dramatically improved its information sharing 
with the CIA, the NSA, and a host of other federal, state, local and 
international partners, our resources are used more effectively, our 
investigations are conducted more efficiently, and America is 
immeasurably safer as a result. We cannot afford to go back to the days 
when Agents and prosecutors were afraid to share information.

Second, the PATRIOT Act gave federal judges the authority to issue 
search warrants that are valid outside the issuing judge's district in 
terrorism investigations. In the past, a court c

[CTRL] Fwd: [Politech] Journalists' group pulls plug on unmoderated discussion list [fs]

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: SPJ-L closes down
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 16:16:33 -0500
From: Jules Siegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[Declan, this is a rather important event, and one that I personally
find ugly. If you send out a note on it (and I think you should), I will
appreciate your mentioning newsroom-l --Jules Siegel]
As you will see from the following message, SPJ-L has suspended service
and will presumably be reconstituted as a moderated list. A truly
historic open email discussion list for journalists is now gone.
Those who wish to continue the original tradition of SPJ-l are invited
to join Newsroom-l, news and issues for journalists, which I formed
almost three years ago during one of the periodic censorship purges that
have plagued SPJ-L since Monicagate.
Devoted to free and ample discussion of news and issues, Newsroom-L is a
forum for professional journalists, but anyone interested in current
events and how they are covered in the media is welcome to join.
Although free discussion is encouraged, and the concept of what is
on-topic is interpreted in the broadest sense possible, people will be
bounced for non-humorous personal insults, posting copyrighted material
without permission, and being outrageously annoying in ways that need
not be defined but will be recognized when they occur.
One warning, then posting rights are suspended for one week. The next
infraction results in being no-posted entirely for one month. After that
One-Eyed Louie comes to your house and explains things to you in a way
that you are not likely to forget in several lifetimes.
Since the list started in 2001, two subscribers have been removed
permanently, two others have been suspended for seven days each, and one
for thirty days.
Within those limits, Newsroom-L aims at providing a non-moderated space
in which journalists can not only exchange professional information and
ideas, but also get to know each other (and their readers) and, perhaps,
develop a true sense of community.
Subscribe to Newsroom-L through your browser by clicking
. You can
also send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] In the subject line,
write "Subscribe." In the body, put your email address and your first
name and last name.
 Original Message 
Subject: SPJ-L List Notice
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 12:55:42 -0400
From: Jack Lail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Jack Lail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
May 24, 2004
Dear SPJ-L subscribers:
First, thanks for all the contributions made throughout the many years
SPJ-L has been available.
It is now the sentiment of the SPJ Board of directors that all lists
bearing the name of SPJ be housed by SPJ and moderated. This is a time
consuming endeavor.
So, until such a time as SPJ can reconstitute the list and ensure it is
properly moderated, SPJ-L will be eliminated until a yet-to-be
undetermined date.
Again, thanks for your contributions.
Mac McKerral
SPJ President

JULES SIEGEL Apdo. 1006 77501-Cancun Q. Roo Mexico
Newsroom-l, news and issues for journalists

Politech mailing list
Archived at http://www.politechbot.com/
Moderated by Declan McCullagh (http://www.mccullagh.org/)
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Politech] Replies to Mass. governor demanding ID at political rallies [fs]

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [Politech] Mass. governor demands ID at political rallies
Date: Sat, 22 May 2004 15:06:31 -0700
From: John Gilmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
In a hallway in a public school where the Governor of Mass was speaking:
>   The following items will not be admitted:  ...
>   Government issue photo ID may be required.
So to listen to the governor you now may need to show your
government-issued "papers please", in addition to having your
non-government-issued "papers" confiscated?
I'm glad that Joe Bradley refused to surrender the flyers he'd collected,
and instead alerted the public.  But lost in the discussion of the First
Amendment right to carry pieces of paper around, is the issue of whether
the First Amendment right to assemble and listen to (or petition) the
Governor without "government issue [sic] photo ID".
I am a live person, a citizen, and a taxpayer, and I have no
government-issued photo ID.  What rights do I have to listen to the
Governor when he comes to speak?  He seems to think I have none.  What
do you think?
   John Gilmore

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [Politech] Mass. governor apparently delights in censoring
his constitute...
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 06:58:36 EDT
And what about the ridiculous demands for photo-ID?  Surely some people
objected or refused, right?  I went to DC City hall last year with a
friend without
ID and the guards looked at me like we were crazy.  I pointed out that we
were en route to a public meeting and that Americans are not required to
have any
ID.  The guard let us in after an a bureaucrat told us in a self important
tone "even I have to show ID here."
Mike Stollenwerk

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [Politech] Mass. governor apparently delights in censoring
his constitutents [fs]
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 07:40:16 -0400
From: Robin 'Roblimo' Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ... where does the slippery slope of "legitimate" security limitations
> end?
> How much control over public appearances do our elected and appointed
> officials deserve? Is it appropriate for public officials to "script"
> their
> appearances such that visible signs (literally and figurative) of dissent
> are suppressed?
Suppresion of dissent has become part of the Republican playbook
nationwide. We had a similar situation here in Manateee County, Florida,
a few months ago, during a "town meeting" held by Congresswoman (and
former Florida Secretary of State) Katherine Harris. Ms. Harris's
literature was allowed; only material produced by Democrats and other
subversives was prohibited, and they were the only ones harassed by
(Republican) Sheriff Charley Wells and his deputies. I dislike seeing
these echoes of the old Soviet Union in my country, no matter what party
is behind them, although I am afraid that at the moment the Republican
Party seems to be the one doing the best Stalin-led Communist Party
impersonation. Several articles on my personal  Web site --
http://roblimo.com -- expand on this theme.
- Robin 'Roblimo' Miller
  author and editor
  Bradenton, FL

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [Politech] Mass. governor apparently delights in censoring
his constitutents [fs]
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 08:56:11 -0400
From: J.D. Abolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Thomas Leavitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Security concerns about "six or eight sheets of 8 by 11 p

[CTRL] Fwd: [Politech] Monsanto wins key biotech patent lawsuit in Canada [ip]

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-
Excerpt from court opinion:
1 This case concerns a large scale, commercial farming operation
that grew canola containing a patented cell and gene without obtaining
licence or permission. The main issue is whether it thereby breached the
Patent Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. P-4. We believe that it did.
2 In reaching this conclusion, we emphasize from the outset that we
are not concerned here with the innocent discovery by farmers of
"blow-by" patented plants on their land or in their cultivated fields.
Nor are we concerned with the scope of the respondents' patent or the
wisdom and social utility of the genetic modification of genes and cells
-- a practice authorized by Parliament under the Patent Act and its
News coverage:
"The Supreme Court of Canada made biotechnology history Friday with a
5-4 ruling that a Saskatchewan farmer violated a patent Monsanto Canada
Inc. held on genes of genetically engineered canola seeds"
 Original Message 
Subject: Monsanto
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 12:18:51 -0700
From: Jake Appelbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hey Declan,
I thought you might be interested in reading about the Monsanto Vs
Schmeiser case. Perhaps Politech would be interested.
Jake Appelbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Politech mailing list
Archived at http://www.politechbot.com/
Moderated by Declan McCullagh (http://www.mccullagh.org/)
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] The Tanks at the Rafah Zoo

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

The Tanks at the Rafah Zooby Chris McGrealUK Guardian (May 22, 2004)May 24, 2004http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=22&ItemID=5587Ask to be directed to the latest wave of Israeli destruction in Rafah'sal-Brazil neighbourhood and many fingers point towards the zoo.Amid the rubble of dozens of homes that the Israeli army continuedyesterday to deny demolishing, the wrecking of the tiny, but only, zoo inthe Gaza Strip took on potent symbolism for many of the newly homeless.The butchered ostrich, the petrified kangaroo cowering in a basementcorner, the tortoises crushed under the tank treads - all were held up asevidence of the pitiless nature of the Israeli occupation."People are more important than animals," said the
 zoo's co-owner MohammedAhmed Juma, whose house was also demolished. "But the zoo is the only placein Rafah that children could escape the tense atmosphere. There were slidesand games for children. We had a small swimming pool. I know it's hard tobelieve, looking at it now, but it was beautiful. Why would they destroythat? Because they want to destroy everything about us."The systematic demolition of homes was revealed yesterday as Israeli forcespartially pulled out of al-Brazil on the fifth day of an operationofficially to hunt down Palestinian fighters and weapons-smuggling tunnelsrunning under the border from Egypt.More than 40 people have been killed in the assault, about a third of themcivilians, besides targets of the operation such as the Hamas militarycommander in al-Brazil who was hit by a missile.About 45 buildings were razed by the army in the area it pulled back fromyesterday, some of them two or three
 storeys high and housing severalfamilies.The military says the houses were wrecked by Palestinian bombs planted toattack Israeli forces, or accidentally by tanks turning in the street. ButPalestinians consistently gave similar accounts of armoured bulldozersarriving at the door and giving the residents just minutes to get out, atbest."The bulldozer started hitting the house," said Juma Abu Hammad sitting onthe remains of his eight-bed-roomed home that housed two families with 15children. "I grabbed the children. We did not take a single thing with us,even very important documents like birth certificates. I was just worriedabout the lives of the children."Aziza Monsour, 54, pointed to the remains of a yellow taxi tossed by abulldozer on the top of what remained of a neighbouring house. "That taxiwas our only living," she said. "My husband drove it. It provided foreveryone who lived in this house."But
 there is no house any more."The blade of the bulldozer hit the room we were sitting in," said MrsMonsour. "I waved my white headscarf at the soldiers as we pleaded withthem to let us go. We were running between the tanks and the shooting andcounting the children as we went to make sure they were all still with us.This is revenge, absolute revenge, for the seven Israeli soldiers killed inRafah."None of the homes left destroyed yesterday is close to the "Philadelphiroad" security strip under Israeli control along the Egyptian border, andis therefore un-likely to have been used to dig weapons-smuggling tunnels.It is unclear whether other homes, next to the border, have also beendemolished as Israeli forces retain control of that part of al-Brazil.The army said that after five days of searching, "the beginnings of atunnel" had been found, although not in the area of the mass demolitions.The military also denied it
 had deliberately destroyed homes."We did not destroy any houses in al-Brazil," said a spokeswoman whoidentified herself as Eli. "There was damage to buildings from fighting.The terrorists activate explosive devices under the road or next to thebuildings. These bombs that destroy tanks can easily destroy a house."But, asid

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2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: [Politech] Weekly column: Invasion of Comcast spam zombies [sp]

2004-05-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

Attack of Comcast's Internet zombies
May 24, 2004, 4:00 AM PT
By Declan McCullagh
Comcast's high-speed Internet subscribers have long been rumored to be
an unusually persistent source of junk e-mail.
Now someone from Comcast is confirming it. "We're the biggest spammer on
the Internet," network engineer Sean Lutner said at a meeting of an
antispam working group in Washington, D.C., last week.
Lutner said Comcast users send out about 800 million messages a day, but
a mere 100 million flow through the company's official servers. Almost
all of the remaining 700 million represent spam erupting from so-called
zombie computers--a breathtaking figure that adds up to six or seven
spam-o-grams for each American family every day.
Zombie computers arise when spammers seize on bugs in Microsoft
Windows--or from naive users who click on attachments--to take over PCs
and transform them into spambots.
Comcast users send out about 800 million messages a day, but a mere 100
million flow through the company's official servers.
No hard numbers exist, but some estimates say that about one-third of
spam comes from zombie computers with broadband connections. The owners
of the zombie PCs typically don't even notice what's happening.
Because home computers are more likely to be infected than business PCs,
and because Comcast has about 6 million high-speed customers, it may
have been inevitable that the cable provider became a haven for
remote-controlled zombies that churn out junk e-mail.
Lutner pointed to IronPort Systems' statistics for comcast.net. It shows
that while the company's six official mail servers have a monthly
outgoing e-mail index of 6.2, there are at least 44 Comcast subscribers
with similar scores of 5.8 or higher. Overall, Comcast is the single
biggest source of all types of e-mail, with a higher volume than the
next two, Time Warner's Road Runner and Yahoo, combined
[...remainder snipped...]
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[CTRL] common threads

2004-05-25 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

What do I see as common threads among the recent series of messages?
 Well I see the militant self appointed environmentalists as pessimistic,
 they want to restrict your freedoms, increase costs(by restricting
competition to their
 "solutions", steer you to their recommended "solutions" increase US
dependence on OPEC (despite
beatings to the contrary).
Contrast this with what I have been suggesting : it is optimistic,
your freedoms are
 increased, lower prices, multiple types of supplies, the competitive
element is expanded (yes militant
environmentalist can still peddle their "solutions" hydrogen from
windmills,hamster powered automobiles
solar powered automobiles (how do these work at night?) electricity from bio
sources) If their solutions are so wonderful, why not subject them to a
LEVEL PLAYING FIELD of competition Oh I know why not since militant
environmentalists are
socialists/Marxists/Leninists/left wing radicals at heart who rely on
Governmental coercion; a clear violation of people's 13th amendment
 constitutional rights and last if not lest:
  -   decreased dependence on OPEC which is preferable?

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Neo-Cons Conned by Iran

2004-05-25 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

> Oh goody, now we can blame Iran instead of the moronic neo-cons.  That will
> give us a chance to declare war on Iran, and take on another of Mr. Sharon's
> enemy list.  Oh why not?  It's getting hard to blame Clinton for everything.
> Prudy

I think Prudy misses the point. It is deliciously ironic the Neo-Cons were
played by one of their designated 'Axis of Evil' like a tamborine at a Shiite
wedding. Absolutely amazing these dumb fools actually seized control of the US

Guess it makes us even dumber.

PS: After the Iraq Fiasco, these idiots couldn't even mobilize the country in a
war against termites in the White House.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Neo-Cons Conned by Iran

2004-05-25 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/24/2004 10:55:03 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
An urgent investigation has been launched in Washington into whether Iran playeda role in manipulating the US into the Iraq war by passing on bogus intelligencethrough Ahmad Chalabi's Iraqi National Congress, it emerged yesterday.Some intelligence officials now believe that Iran used the hawks in the Pentagonand the White House to get rid of a hostile neighbour, and pave the way for aShia-ruled Iraq.
Oh goody, now we can blame Iran instead of the moronic neo-cons.  That will give us a chance to declare war on Iran, and take on another of Mr. Sharon's enemy list.  Oh why not?  It's getting hard to blame Clinton for everything.  Prudy
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sleepers, Awake

2004-05-25 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Sleepers, Awake
By Rusty Mason
May 24, 2004 
Over the past year, I have been noticing a slight change in the attitudes
of my conservative friends and relatives. Many suspicion that GW and them
Republicans is messin' up. They see an unjust war and the massive growth
of government under their boys' leadership and don't like it, not one
bit, nosir.
I am encouraged by their discomfort.
But not enthusiastic. Despite the growing mountain of evidence proving
them right, my Republican buddies still attack anyone who criticizes Bush
or the GOP. All cerebral activity stops the moment the emperor is
denounced for his actions.
I think it's because most Americans do not want to believe that their
government is lying to them. Even though the average US voter knows that
governments throughout history could not be trusted and that power
corrupts, he still believes that his government is different, that his
party, his politicians (people who live for power) can be
I'd like to point out something that should have been obvious to my
conservative compatriots (and to me, too) long ago: our government ain't
what it used to be. I'm not saying it needs to be fixed, I'm saying that
it's not at all what the Founders set in place -- it's not the same
government. The law no longer serves its original purpose, that of
protecting individual rights to life, liberty, and property. It is used
more often now as a weapon. Those in power are not working for liberty
and justice. They see us as servants (human resource), to be beaten into
submission by any and all means expedient, with little or no regard to
the Constitution.
Republicans have proven themselves different from Democrats in propaganda
First, let's consider the Iraq war. Originally it was about WMDs. No
WMDs, so then the war was about the link between Al Queso and Saddam. No
link, so then the war was about removing Saddam. Saddam was captured, but
then we had to rebuild Iraq and impose democracy (a cruel enough
punishment in itself). But first we had to install a US-favorable
government, but before we could do that we had to collect the citizens'
guns and shut down opposing newspapers. And, "by God," we will
torture and kill all who resist this new democracy. Now, that's
(And for those of you hoping for proof that we had to attack, remember
that whatever "new evidence" miraculously appears in future, it
doesn't alter the fact that the reasons for the war were bogus at the
Our government, especially the executive branch, and the
government-controlled media have been lying about terrorism and about our
new colony in Iraq. If all you listen to is Rush, Hannity, Savage Nation,
Dan Patrick, O'Reilly, even NPR or Air America, you are only getting part
of the story, mostly the government's.
Also consider the Republicans' domestic shenanigans.
The Patriot Act was prepared in advance, before 9/11; no time for debate
was allowed before it was rushed to the floor for vote. Then the
existence of Patriot II was denied until it was finally exposed. Since
then, thousands of organizations and towns across the country and the
political spectrum have remonstrated against these new
"terrorism" laws because of the laws' potential to finish off
the Bill of Rights.
Zillions of dollars and millions of snoops didn't prevent 9/11, didn't
detect several hijackings by a bunch of goat-herding goobers, and didn't
help our jets scramble in time to stop it. So how are new
freedom-corrosive laws going to help? Of course they won't because it's
just a power grab, same as it ever was.
Think, you guys. If it's all about fighting terrorism, why aren't they
enforcing immigration laws? In fact, just the opposite is occurring.
Federal, state, and local governments have actively been encouraging more
illegals and forbidding their ejection. Rep. Tom Tancredo and VDare.com
are constantly pointing out that known terrorists are among those
waltzing in from Canada and Mexico (and the flood of flotsam and jetsam
is increasing, thanks to GW's amnesty).
If it's all about fighting terrorism, why is racial profiling illegal
(it's one of the highest crimes in the land)? Young, male
Middle-Easterners are allowed to board flights without comment while
white, wheelchair-bound old men and women are routinely harassed and
subjected to humiliating searches.
If it's all about fighting terrorism, why all the lies about Iraq? And
why are we intentionally provoking more terrorism?
And look at what's happening to our legal system. Federal judges
increasingly have been increasingly basing their rulings on UN /
international law instead of the Constitution and US law. Why? And why is
there a big move in DC to rewrite our constitution (a new
"constitutional convention" they call it) so that it will be
more global, more tolerant, more in line with the UN?
Why are Republicans giving the UN more money and power? Why do our
schools, under Bush's "No Child Left Behind" programs, teac

[CTRL] Our Globalist President Pushing For A Standing Un Army

2004-05-25 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Our Globalist President Pushing For A Standing UN Army
By Pastor Chuck Baldwin
May 25, 2004
Writing for The Washington Times, Bill Gertz reported, "The Pentagon
and State Department are planning to set up a 75,000- member
international peacekeeping force for Africa, senior Bush administration
officials told Congress yesterday."
The report continued by saying,"[Deputy Secretary of State Richard]
Armitage said, 'What we envision is about a 75,000- person force,
starting in Africa, [for] the training of peacekeepers, people to be
available for peacekeeping.' The force will cost about $660 million over
five years, with 20 percent of the money coming from State Department
funds and the rest from the Defense Department. The program is called the
Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI)."
The report also quoted Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz as saying,
"In most cases, the U.S.-funded peacekeeping force would operate
under a U.N. mandate." Wolfowitz was also quoted as saying, "an
international force that could be used for peacekeeping operations would
reduce 'the stresses' on U.S. forces."
If anyone doubted that President G.W. Bush was a globalist who desires to
merge the United States into a one-world society, this report should be
more than sufficient to erase that doubt. As did his father, G.W. Bush is
pushing America closer and closer to the globalist's dream of a "New
World Order."
The issue of internationalism is another one of those issues in which
there is virtually no difference between the two major parties in
Washington, D.C. The only difference is how conservatives will react to
the news that the President of the United States is pushing for a
standing UN army.
If the Washington Times had reported that President Bill Clinton was
pushing for a standing UN army, conservatives would be "up in
arms" about it. They would be howling their disapproval, even
demanding that Clinton be removed from office. There would also be those
who would doubtless call him a traitor to his country and an egregious
usurper of national sovereignty.
Since it is G.W. Bush, however, who is the one calling for a standing UN
army (at U.S. taxpayer's expense, no less), those same conservatives will
sheepishly offer no resistance whatsoever. Beyond that, they will totally
ignore this wretched plan and some will even deny that Bush would even
contemplate such a plan.
The blind loyalty of conservatives to President Bush defies logic,
reason, Christian principle, and even old fashioned common sense.
Conservatives, especially Christian conservatives, have become the
largest group of naïve, nonsensical, non-thinking, easily duped people on
the planet! It's embarrassing!
President Bush's plan to create a standing UN army at U.S. expense should
be met with the most vociferous opposition from every red-blooded
American. This opposition should include a massive boycott of the
Bush/Cheney ticket in November. And yes, Martha, there is a choice. You
can bet your last dollar that Constitution Party Presidential Candidate
Michael Peroutka would never propose or even tolerate such a
© 2004 Chuck Baldwin - All Rights Reserved
Chuck Baldwin is Founder-Pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church in
Pensacola, Florida. In 1985 the church was recognized by President Ronald
Reagan for its unusual growth and influence.
"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N.
troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be
grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside
threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very
existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world
leaders to deliver them from this evil, The one thing every man fears is
the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be
willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to
them by their world government." 
-The above statement was made by Henry Kissinger in an address to the
Bilderberger organization meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992.
Transcribed from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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