Re: [CTRL] About the Hurricanes -- Screw these Tesla Coils or We Lose

2004-09-29 Thread magnetic_field
-Caveat Lector-

Your wrong. Troll's are ugly little men that live under bridges.

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[CTRL] Fwd: GW Bush Rape Lawsuit

2004-09-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

The Strange Death of the Woman
Who Filed a Rape Lawsuit Against Bush

By: Jackson Thoreau - 11/22/03

Early one Saturday afternoon in July 2003, I made a simple phone call to
Margie Schoedinger, a Texas woman who filed a rape lawsuit against George W.
Bush in December 2002. I expected to leave a message on a machine, so I was
caught a little offguard when Schoedinger answered. 

She, too, sounded somewhat surprised I had called, saying she hadn¹t heard
from many other reporters. But she talked to me for a few minutes about the
legal action. 

"I am still trying to prosecute [the lawsuit]," said Schoedinger, a
38-year-old African-American woman who lived in the Houston suburb of
Missouri City. "I want to get this matter settled and go on with my life." 

Well, Schoedinger hasn't gone on with her life. In fact, three months after
I spoke to her, she died in an apparent suicide. And this matter remains

When I asked her in July 2003 about the lack of media coverage, Schoedinger
said she wasn't seeking publicity. She said she did not even know about a
December 2002 article in the Fort Bend Star, the only U.S. mainstream media
outlet that covered this story, to my knowledge. The Fort Bend reporter,
LeaAnne Klentzman, said she even went to Schoedinger's home and talked to a
man there, who said she could not come to door. While I reached and spoke to
Schoedinger on my first attempt, maybe she wasn't ready to talk back in

Anyways, Schoedinger said she was surprised the case wasn't covered more
because "it is true..People have to be accountable for what they do, and
that's why I'm pursuing it." 

To be sure, Schoedinger's accusations - which include being drugged and
sexually assaulted numerous times by Bush and other men purporting to be FBI
agents - are bizarre and hard for most people to believe. But her story fits
in with those told by a growing number of people who say they were used as
guinea pigs or whatever by members of the CIA or another U.S. agency who
wanted to test out the latest mind-controlling drug or just have a strange
form of release. And her death - let's just say government agents have made
murders look like suicides before. 

In her court petition, Schoedinger said police in Sugar Land, another
Houston suburb where she said some assailants linked to Bush attempted to
unsuccessfully abduct her from her car shortly before the 2000 election,
refused to take a report or do anything about that incident. She filed a
lawsuit against the Sugar Land department and said that in preparing its
defense, Sugar Land police found out that she dated Bush as a minor. I
didn't get a chance to ask Schoedinger about that tie and didn't meet her in
person, but her driver's license listed her as being 5-foot-8 and weighing
125 pounds, for what that's worth. 

The Fort Bend Star story quoted a Sugar Land police captain saying his
department had no record of any complaints by Schoedinger. All he had to do
was what I did - go to the Fort Bend County Internet site and do a simple
search on Schoedinger's name in the area of civil court records. I found the
lawsuit Schoedinger filed in December 2000 against Sugar Land police, and it
even had numerous responses by the department's attorneys in that case. 

Just wait. This story gets stranger. 

When I started asking Schoedinger about certain details of the case, such as
alleged surveillance at her home and if she was still legally representing
herself, she politely ended our conversation. "I need to see what has been
written," Schoedinger said. "I feel like it's best for me to end our

Obviously, she had learned to be careful about what she said and to whom she
said it. I c

Re: [CTRL] About the Hurricanes -- Screw these Tesla Coils or We Lose

2004-09-29 Thread Damon Richter
-Caveat Lector-

In, "A. Bpyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted on
Wed, 29 Sep 2004 06:22:05 -0700:

> --- Damon Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "A.  Bpyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted on

> > DR: I think new agers give a bigger damn than most people about the
> > environment.
> EM: Where does this "new age" assumption come from?  When most people
> know that the New Agers are tied to cloud cults who have very little
> rational intelligence or caring about anything "normal" because Cloud
> people do not live normally...not at all.  They live clandestinely,
> behind the scenes, using very criminal means to do so...including
> using new technologies and chemicals, obviously you have not met any
> of these wierdos.  You are operating from an empty base and scene,
> lack of knowledge.

I think perhaps we're using the same terminology to describe two different
types of people.  There are new ager people as probably envisioned by the
Bush family, and then there are new agers where you'll find lightworkers,
touch healers, reiki practitioners, etc  I was speaking of the latter.
True new age believers are not hateful people at all.  Perhaps the ones you
dwell on are.

> > > EM: How do you know that Tesla had great morals?  He was a Jew.
> >
> > So now we know you're anti-semitic.  It sounds as if your line of
> > thinking> is: All Jews are immoral.  Tesla was Jewish, so > Tesla was
> > immoral.  That is, of course, retarded thinking on your part.
> NO...this is not retarded thinking on my part.  The progressives and
> secular Jews ARE living by immoral standards...the entire First
> Testament, which Jesus attempted to refute with the Second Testament.
> was a damn good example of JEW immorality.

You certainly can't expect a people to live their lives according to the
sacred texts of another people, especially when they don't believe in it.
You're being subjective by insisting that Christianity is the only truth
and anybody who doesn't believe all of it is not only wrong, but downright
immoral.  You have the kind of mentality that lead to the Inquisition.

> > DR: No, but I think you're possibly a troll.
> EM:  What is a "troll"???  Some New Age term?

No.  A troll is someone who makes wild and absurd claims on internet
message boards in an attempt to stir up a flame war or a pointless, heated

> > DR: And yet you write like a West Virginia hillbilly with the IQ of a
> > fart blossom.  Do you really expect me to take you seriously when you
> > categorize all Jews as immoral?  All Russians as evil?  And when you
> > use phrases like "bitch asshole"?
> +++EM: I am not claiming all Jews are immoral, but that a heck of lot
> of them are.  And it is due to inferior DNA, which they make through
> their race repro process.  Evil?  I consider ALL COMMUNISTS EVIL.  And
> this is of course the political religion of New Agers and
> progressive/secular Jews.

All communists are evil?  And I assume all capitalists (Enron, Halliburton)
are saints?  There's really nothing wrong with communism, theoretically.
It's just that every incidence of communism has been coupled with insane
totalitarianism and fascism.  Plus, America likes to point out how bad
communism is in Cuba, while at the same time banning import of Cuban
cigars.  That's like McDonald's dumping thirty tons of giraffe dung into
the Burger King beef supply, then pointing out the inferior products of
Burger King.

> > Claim to have all the credentials you want.  You can buy a degree for
> > $75 on the internet; it means nothing.
>  Here you are ridiculous, I gave you enough info for you to
> realize my background is credible...without giving you enough info to
> cause me personal problems.

I have much more interesting things to do with my life than spend my time
causing anyone personal problems.

Damon Richter
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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Where is the Florida National Guard?

2004-09-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

Most of the Florida
Guard transportation units based at Camp Blanding have been moved to Iraq where
they are sitting targets for Iraqi insurents while they are busy ferrying around
supplies for Halliburton and Bechtel. These motorized units should be in Florida
helping Floridians and not in Iraq helping to keep oil flowing to Chevron Texaco
and Exxon Mobil.
Bring Them Home, Where We
Need Them

Where is the Florida National Guard?
sister just found my 80 year old mother late this morning sitting in a state of
shock in a Red Cross church evacuation shelter in Tarpon Springs, Florida. Wiith
her were some of her neighbors, along with a number of the regular street
derelict residents of the facility. She was forcibly evacuated yesterday
afternoon with only minutes warning and only enough time to grab her
medications, cell phone, and phone charger. 
Because the state of Florida waited so long to
evacuate people along Dunedin Beach on the Gulf coast north of Tampa, my mother
had to be carried into a bus by two firemen because the 70 mph winds from
Hurricane Jeanne would have knocked her over otherwise. There were no provisions
for anyone to sleep in the evacuation shelter, so my mother and several other of
her elderly neighbors were forced to sit up all night on metal folding chairs.
The Red Cross personnel provided no blankets or electrical outlets for evacuees
to charge their cell phones. People at the shelter were prevented from using
land lines to inform their families of their whereabouts. After not hearing from
my mother for several hours, I had to call the Disaster Coordinator for her town
of Dunedin and use my Washington, DC jorno credentials to force them to tell me
where she was taken. The roads were impassible until this morning when my sister
was able to rescue my mother from the rather dodgy church facility. 
There are clearly not enough professional and
trained disaster recovery people in Florida to deal with the current spate of
hurricanes. Most of the most critical Guard and Reserve units, particularly
medical and civil affairs personnel, have been called up to Iraq. The only thing
the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has managed to do was cordon off
my mother's neighborhood and refuse to allow anyone to retrieve belongings from
damaged buildings until FEMA deems them structurally sound. Knowing Jebbie Bush
and his billionaire friends, the Gulf front buildings are likely to be condemned
to make way for expensive beachfront condos. 
I consider the repeated disaster response SNAFUs
in Florida to be Jebbie's and Dubya's fault. Neither Jebbie nor his brother
cannot be allowed to claim any credit for adequately responding to this
unprecedented series of hurricanes, which are obviously caused by global
warming. Moreover, the global warming reason for the unprecedented series of
destructive hurricanes in the Atlantic is something the educationally-challenged
Dubya has called "silly science." 
This of course is my own personal story and I know
that others with parents in Florida spent a similar sleepless night not knowing
what became of their loved ones. There are currently elderly people throughout
Florida who are sitting in evacuation shelters without any means to contact
their families. This is a disgrace for which the responsibility rests solely at
the feet of the state's Governor and his brother in the White House.
Dubya originally claimed credit for sending the
Red Cross to Florida during Hurricane Charley. He obviously doesn't realize that
the Red Cross is private and not a Federal agency. The Bushes cannot substitute
faith-based and other charities for the National Guard which has the necessary
vehicles (Humvees and deuce-and-a-halfs) to properly evacuate people, especiall

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] FBI could talk to source of forged Niger papers. I did

2004-09-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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FBI could talk to source 
of forged Niger papers. I didWhy 
haven’t we found out yet who was behind the forged Niger-uranium documents 
caper?One big reason is that the FBI — which is supposed to be 
investigating the case — has really never tried. Back in March 2003, 
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), vice-chairman of the Senate Select Committee on 
Intelligence, asked the FBI to investigate the matter. It was on the basis of 
that supposed investigation that the committee later decided not to look into 
anything about the forged documents before they showed up at the U.S. Embassy in 
Rome in October 2002. (See Page 57 of the committee report.) But, 
despite claims to the contrary, the FBI hasn’t made any serious efforts to find 
out who was behind the scam.There are many reasons to believe that the 
FBI’s investigation has been at best perfunctory. But let me describe one of the 
clearest. One of the obvious places to start such an investigation would 
be with Elisabetta Burba, the Italian journalist who got copies of the documents 
and later turned them over to the American Embassy in Rome. The obvious 
question would be: Who gave you the documents?FBI agents did do a 
cursory interview with Burba not long after Rockefeller asked for an 
investigation. And they made a pro-forma request for her to contact her source 
to see if some arrangement could be devised under which they could speak with 
him. But after that, they didn’t follow up with her for months to find 
out what the answer was. And when they did finally do so, it was mainly because 
one agent was passing the matter on to someone else. To this day, 
they’ve never made contact with the guy who tried to sell Burba the 
documents.One might speculate that Burba’s just kept mum. And there’s no 
way to unravel the mystery of the guy’s identity. But that’s not even close to 
true.Here’s why.My colleagues and I have known the guy’s name 
since late spring. And at least three European intelligence agencies knew who he 
was well before we found out. In fact, twice this summer we brought him to New 
York for interviews. Both times he traveled under his own name, Rocco 
Martino. The first time was in June; the second time was in August. And 
it’s the second time that’s more telling. By the time we brought Martino 
to New York in early August, he had already been identified by name in the 
Italian and the British press as the man who tried to sell Burba the forged 
documents. In fact, when we whisked him out of the country, he was 
already under very active and conspicuous surveillance by Italian authorities in 
Rome. He flew to New York under his own name and stayed for several days. 
One of my colleagues and I actually had a friendly bet about whether FBI 
agents would be waiting for Martino when he came through Customs in New York, 
since his role at the center of the case and his name had just been published in 
the Financial Times — a paper you can find on many street corners in Washington, 
D.C. I told my friend I didn’t think they were even looking for him. And 
if they were keeping tabs on him, I really doubted they wanted to make contact. 
He was a hot potato. Everything we’d learned reporting on the Niger uranium case 
told us that this was a story the U.S. government did not want to get to the 
bottom of. Needless to say, nothing happened.Perhaps in Italy 
there might have been some jurisdictional issues that could have made the bureau 
leery of questioning Martino. But if the case were really a serious priority, 
you’d think they might have tried to make contact with him when he showed up in 
New York right after his name had been plastered across a bunch of European 
newspapers. (The Italians were keeping a close eye on him as he 
departed. And through le

[CTRL] Fwd: 9-11 Court Case in Jeopardy

2004-09-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Title: Tom News Alert Template
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New Story Alert!

Exclusive News Alert from New Hampshire
Questionable procedures of attorneys in an estate lawsuit to remove 9-11 widow Ellen Mariani as administratrix of her husband Neil's estate have put all 9-11 lawsuits of Ellen Mariani's against the Government in Jeopardy!
Ellen Mariani expressed that she is speaking out in honor of her dead husband Neil and all others who perished with him on September 11, 2001:
"All Americans and others around the world who were affected by the 9-11 attacks and who supported my RICO action deserve to hear the truth about what has been happening to me through the American legal system to block my quest for the truth. I also pray that my speaking out will not affect my New York wrongful death suit or the New Hampshire probate challenge brought by my step-daughter. Again, I ask for your understanding, prayers and support as I continue to grieve my poor husband's death."
According to a petition filed last Thursday by 9-11 widow Ellen M. Mariani in the Rockingham County New Hampshire Courthouse, her administratrix resignation signature obtained under allegedly questionable circumstances by an attorney who was helping her answer an estate challenge by step-daughter Lauren Peters--is "null and void" due to improper notarization.
For the rest of the story and a link to the original Court Petition filed by Ellen Mariani click on the link below:
To unsubscribe from future New Story Alerts please click here.To contact the author click here.To contact Site Administration click here.
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Child abuse costs $15B a year - Canada

2004-09-29 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


fwd from L Moss Sharman  Child abuse costs $15B a year - The figure cited in the UWO study is being called conservative. Peter Geigen-Miller, Free Press Reporter 9/25/04 "The price tag for child abuse in Canada runs to more than $15 billion a year in judicial, employment, health and other costs, says a new study at the University of Western Ontario. The study, which included physical, emotional and sexual abuse, neglect and witnessing violent behaviour in the definition of child abuse, was done for the Law Commission of Canada. Drawing from a variety of federal and provincial sources, the study examined the cost of child abuse in 1998. The researchers came up with an annual total of $15.7 billion, a figure they say falls far short of the actual cost of child abuse."
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[CTRL] A Neocon By Any Other Name

2004-09-29 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

September 29, 2004 

A Neocon By Any Other Name They don't want to be named – and who can blame them? 

by Justin Raimondo

The neoconservative movement is going underground – in plain sight. Now there's a unique political tactic. How to hide, while the eyes of the whole world are upon you? It's easy: simply declare it a hate crime to call things by their right names.
The Wall Street Journal editorial page is not usually the place to find comedy – unless it's of the unintentional variety. But a great exception was apparently made in the case of one Julia Gorin, whose bio credits her with being part of "The Right Stuff," a claque of ostensibly conservative comedians performing under the slogan "comedy – for real Americans!" I can hear her now, exhorting an indifferent audience to laugh – or be declared illegal combatants.
But Gorin's subject matter is no laughing matter. 
She starts out her essay apparently miffed that Pat Buchanan got a gig on Comedy Central's The Daily Show, and that host Jon Stewart and Pat "bonded" over their common opposition to the "liberation," as Gorin puts it, of Iraq. Oh, it was terible, she whines, that awful Buchanan "derided 'neoconservatives' four times in the course of the six-minute interview." 
But why, one has to ask, was Ms. Gorin sitting there counting words? After all, that isn't exactly what one would call listening. But she wasn't interested in what Pat had to say. She was busy keeping score, because, you see, she has a score of her own to settle:
"In his efforts to promote his and his guest's common agenda, Mr. Stewart didn't ask Mr. Buchanan what he meant by 'neoconservatives.' It was clear that the Jewish Mr. Stewart didn't realize that Mr. Buchanan was using what has become an epithet for 'Jews' – an epithet employed most often by the left."
Air America is a major "culprit," according to Gorin. Janeane Garafalo "and other hosts" routinely attack "the neocons" – and mention only Wolfowitz, Perle, Abrams, and Libby. What, she cries, no gentiles? Quick! Someone dial 911 – there's a hate crime in progress!
But Richard Perle comes in for his fair share of opprobrium not because he's Jewish, but because he's Richard Perle, war profiteer and bloodthirsty shrike – a seemingly semi-permanent fixture on the national security scene, and one who has been around since forever. The same bad apples keep showing up: Elliott "Iran-Contra" Abrams, Paul "Liberate Lithuania!" Wolfowitz, and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who entered government service in 1981. These guys hire each other, promote each other's work, and reinforce a commonly-held view that U.S. military power, wielded by a righteous elite, is destined to impose "benevolent global hegemony" on a reluctant world.
In short, we've had to listen to these war birds screech up a storm since the 1970s. Why shouldn't we name them? Does anybody need an explanation of why, in a discussion of American foreign policy, Paul Wolfowitz's name comes up – other than that he's Deputy Secretary of Defense, Rummy's right-hand man, and widely recognized as the intellectual architect of this war?
For Gorin to pretend that the neocons are a phenomenon that requires some detailed explanation, as if they'd just recently dropped down from Mars and into our political life, is laughable – and not the kind of laugh a comedian is usually after.
No doubt aware that her act isn't working, Gorin goes into her Lenny Bruce imitation in a vain attempt to shock her audience into reacting:
"When a member of the enlightened classes, or Pat Buchanan, makes reference to a 'neocon,' what he's saying is 'yid.' That's right, 'neoconservative,' particularly in its shortened form, when employed by a nonconservative (or by Buchananites) and therefore meant derogatorily, is the modern, albeit more specific, word for 'kike' that the left can say."
I like the part about "particularly in its shortened form" – as if abbreviation is a form of denigration. But how, exactly, does that work? Is paleocon – the shortened form of paleoconservative – also a subtle put-down with definite ethnic implications (paleo-con = paleface?). Just about every ideology, left and right, has its prefixed version these days: there are neoliberals (short form: neo-libs), even neo-commies (short form: neo-coms). Why not neocons?
Gorin's line of guff – that to attack the neocons (there, I said it! And isn't that just tough!) is to attack "the Jews" – has been marketed before, to little avail. Neoconservatism has been the subject of too many books and scholarly essays, not to mention articles and documentaries in the popular media – including one self-regarding orgy of neocon narcissism, broadcast on PBS, in which the participants repeatedly referred to themselves as "neocons" and "neoconservatives" almost as many times as they described themselves as "intellectuals." 
Jonah Goldberg, David Brooks, and Joshua Muravchik had earlier tried this self-disappearing act by bald

[CTRL] Janes: Israeli Moles Penetrate Pentagon!

2004-09-29 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

A mole called Mega The scandal over a suspected Israeli mole in the Pentagon who allegedly passed highly sensitive policy documents on Iran to Israeli agents in Washington has rekindled suspicions long held by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and others in Washington, that Israel systematically spies on its strategic ally and benefactor. The FBI probe currently under way goes far beyond the allegations that a lone analyst was providing the Israelis with US secrets. Shortly before George Tenet retired as director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in June, he alleged that an Israeli agent was operating in Washington. Tenet was challenged to identify the agent but for reasons that were never explained apparently did not do so. For years, the FBI has been convinced that there is at least one high-level Israeli mole in Washington. The Tenet episode underlined growing unease in some quarters in Washington about the influence that Israel's right wing has in US President George W Bush's administration through the pro-Likud neo-conservatives, largely in the Pentagon, and the politically powerful America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and loosely associated organisations, such as the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. The Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence service, is known to seek out Jews around the world to serve as informal agents, known in Hebrew as sayanim or 'helpers'. The Israeli government and AIPAC have strenuously denied that they were involved in the current scandal. But Israel's intelligence organisations have been spying on the US and running clandestine operations since Israel was established. These operations range from spiriting an estimated 200 lbs of weapons-grade uranium for its secret nuclear arms programme in the 1960s to widescale industrial espionage. Much of this is conducted by the secret Scientific Liaison Bureau, known by its Hebrew acronym Lakam, run by the Ministry of Defence and its equally little-known successor, Malmab (the Security Authority for the Ministry of Defence). 315 of 1,142 words [End of non-subscriber extract.]The full version of this article is accessible through our subscription services. Please refer to the box below for details. 

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[CTRL] Is Iran Next?

2004-09-29 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
Is Iran Next?
The Pentagon neocons who brought you the war in Iraq have a new target
By Tom Barry

An Iranian man passes by an anti-U.S. mural on a wall of the former U.S. embassy in Tehran.

Shortly after 9/11, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith began coordinating Pentagon planning for an invasion of Iraq. The challenge facing Feith, the No. 3 civilian in the Defense Department, was to establish a policy rationale for the attack. At the same time, Feith’s ideological cohorts in the Pentagon began planning to take the administration’s “global war on terrorism,” not only to Baghdad, but also to Damascus and Tehran.
In August it was revealed that one of Feith’s Middle East policy wonks, Lawrence Franklin, shared classified documents—including a draft National Security Presidential Directive formulated in Feith’s office that outlines a more aggressive U.S. national security strategy regarding Iran—with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and Israeli officials. The FBI is investigating the document transfer as a case of espionage. 
This spy scandal raises two concerns for U.S. diplomats and foreign policy experts from across the political spectrum. One, that U.S. Middle East policy is being directed by neoconservative ideologues variously employed, coordinated or sanctioned by Feith’s Pentagon office. And two, that U.S. Middle East policy is too closely aligned with that of Israeli hardliners close to U.S. neoconservatives.
Feith is joined in reshaping a U.S. foreign Middle East policy—one that mirrors or complements the policies of the hardliners in Israel—by a web of neoconservative policy institutes, pressure groups and think tanks. These include the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS), Center for Security Policy (CSP) and the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)—all groups with which Feith has been or still is closely associated.
First Iraq, now Iran
In the months after 9/11, rather than relying on the CIA, State Department or the Pentagon’s own Defense Intelligence Agency for intelligence about Iraq’s ties to international terrorists and its development of weapons of mass destruction, neoconservatives in the Pentagon set up a special intelligence shop called the Office of Special Plans (OSP). The founders, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Feith, are fervent advocates of a regional restructuring in the Middle East that includes regime change in Iran, Syria and, ultimately, Saudi Arabia. 
Not having its own intelligence-gathering infrastructure, Feith’s office relied on fabricated information supplied by Ahmed Chalabi, an Iraqi expatriate who led the Iraqi National Congress (INC). In 1998, Chalabi’s group was funded by the Iraq Liberation Act, a congressional initiative that was backed by neoconservative institutions such as AIPAC, CSP, Project for the New American Century (PNAC) and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
At the same time that Chalabi and other INC militants were visiting Feith’s office, so were Israeli officials, including generals, according to Lt. Col Karen Kwiakowski, who formerly worked in the Near East and South Asia office under Feith’s supervision. Like the neoconservatives in the United States, Israeli hardliners believe that Israel’s long-term security can best be ensured by a radical makeover of Middle East politics enforced by the superior military power of the United States and Israel.
It now appears that Feith’s Office of Policy, which was creating dubious intelligence rationales for the Iraq war, was also establishing a covert national security strategy for regime change in Iran—most likely through a combination of preemptive military strikes (either by the United States or Israel) and support for a coalition of Iranian dissidents.
Covert operators
This covert operation is now the subject of an FBI espionage investigation and inquiries by the House Judiciary Committee and Select Senate Intelligence Committee—inquiries that have been postponed until after the election.
Without notifying the State Department or the CIA, Feith’s office has been involved in back channel operations that have included a series of secret meetings in Washington, Rome and Paris over the last three years. These meetings have brought together Office of Policy officials and consultants (Franklin, Harold Rhode and Michael Ledeen), an expatriate Iranian arms dealer (Manichur Ghorbanifar), AIPAC lobbyists, Ahmed Chalabi, and Italian and Israeli intelligence officers, among others.
Franklin, an Iran expert who was pulled into Feith’s policy shop from the Defense Intelligence Agency, met repeatedly with Naor Gilon, the head of the political department at the Israeli embassy in Washington. According to U.S. intelligence officials, during one of those meetings, Franklin offered to hand over the Nati

[CTRL] Fw: [INGRAM] Dignity v Monster under Double-Bush

2004-09-29 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Party of Citizens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 12:04 PM
Subject: [INGRAM] Dignity v Monster under Double-Bush

> Have you both seen that Florida-based movie, "Monster"?
> Is it politically accurate and up to date? If so, it shows that the only
> "dignity" a Floridian has under Double-Bush administration is that which
> defined by those who do not know dignity from spit.
> Z
> - Original Message -
> From: "Party of Citizens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:51 AM
> Subject: Fw: [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] THE INHERENT DIGNITY (Bush-speak) ... and
> worth of the human person 
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Party of Citizens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:22 AM
> > Subject: [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] THE INHERENT DIGNITY (Bush-speak) ... and
> worth
> > of the human person 
> >
> >
> > > all exact words from UDHR and CAT. "Whereas Canada is founded upon
> > principles that recognize the supremacy of God ... the human person has
> > inherent dignity and worth."
> > >
> > > That is what Dallaire and Gosselin taught us about human rights in
> Canada.
> > It is what Martin-Campbell-Campbell are trying to revoke.
> > >
> > > To those bastards, with Creepy Campbell leading the way,  the
> of
> > the country have less dignity and worth than a dog because no government
> > official would threaten to throw a dog out onto the street or do so. Why
> is
> > Creepy the leader of this pack of vermin? Because Creepy has passed the
> most
> > child-labour-friendly laws in North America. Why not soon expect our
> > children to be dying on garbage dumps as they do in other parts of the
> > world?
> > >
> > > Oh yes, and Compassionate Campbell, suffering from chronic phoney
> baloney
> > syndrome thanks his RCMP training as professional torturer for his
> > tactic of denying these less-than-dogs on the streets even a humble pup
> tent
> > to stave off illness (and he knows very well what exposure syndrome is
> > because of his medical training).
> > >
> > > SS Martin caps it off with his New Gestapo ... the first in Canada ...
> > from sea-to-sea.
> > >
> > >
> > > Z
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >   - Original Message -
> > >   From: IRC Communications
> > >   Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 9:11 AM
> > >   Subject: [UNIVERSALHUMANRIGHTS] FPIF News | "Crazy Mike" in "Indian
> > Country"
> > >
> > >
> > >   ~~~
> > >   What's New at FPIF
> > >   "Working to make the U.S. a more responsible global leader and
> partner"
> > >
> > >
> > >   September 29, 2004
> > >   ~~~
> > >
> > >   Introducing a new commentary from Foreign Policy In Focus
> > >
> > >   "Crazy Mike" in "Indian Country"
> > >   By Jim Lobe
> > >
> > >   The reason why Washington is having such a difficult time persuading
> of
> > its good faith and its good works in the "war on terror" was best
> > illustrated on the day U.S. President George W. Bush went to the United
> > Nations.
> > >
> > >   While he told the UN General Assembly that Washington's U.S. belief
> > "human dignity" -- a phrase he used no less than 10 times in his
speech --
> > was the main U.S. motivation for pursuing the war, two articles that
> > appeared in two major U.S. newspapers the same morning offered the
> delegates
> > an altogether different subtext.
> > >
> > >   The first piece, titled "Indian Country," was written by one of the
> > administration's geo-strategic gurus, Robert D. Kaplan, a favorite of
> > national security adviser Condoleezza Rice, and published on the
> > hawkish editorial page of the Wall Street Journal.
> > >
> > >   Kaplan, who is writing a series of books about the U.S. military,
> > extolled U.S. Special Forces operating in small units from "forward
> > operating bases" (FOBs) without direction from any "Washington
> bureaucracy"
> > and outside the scrutiny of the global media as the new perfect weapon
> > the thankless task of protecting civilization against the barbarians at
> the
> > gates.
> > >
> > >   As "in the days of fighting the Indians," wrote Kaplan, "the smaller
> the
> > tactical unit, the more forward deployed it is, and the more autonomy it
> > enjoys from the chain of command, the more that can be accomplished."
> > >
> > >   Unbeknownst to Kaplan and, presumably, to Bush, as well, the Los
> Angeles

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Aldabe: "Shoulders to the Wheel!"

2004-09-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> 
Make a clean sweep of pop-up ads. Yahoo! Companion Toolbar.
Now with Pop-Up Blocker. Get it for free!

September 29, 2004
Please Distribute Widely

A letter from Authentic Journalist Manuela Aldabe...

When we said goodbye, overjoyed to have been in Bolivia, the Narco News 
School of Authentic Journalism was bankrupt. This is understandable – a 
project as big as our gathering in Cochabamba is not cheap. But what we 
came away from those ten days with is priceless. Those of us who were 
fortunate enough to participate in the workshops have grown as people, 
as members of a group, and as journalists, learning how to do better 
and better reporting, so that we can explain to all the readers of 
Narco News what is happening in Latin America. What's more, we have 
created strong networks that go beyond language and political ideology, 
networks which have not only brought us closer as people involved in 
the same labors, but brought us all the way to the heart of our 

With the campesinos and social organizations, in the streets and 
popular festivals, we have made a commitment that's hard to walk away 
from. A commitment not to forget them, or us, or any human beings. When 
the ten days of classes ended, I got the feeling that the work was just 
beginning, and so I'm rolling up the sleeves of my workshirt and 
putting my shoulder to the wheel. Hours and hours of radio material to 
edit and translate for you, readers. Hours and hours sitting at my 
desk, reading the articles my colleagues – my comapñeros – have 
written. A commitment to you, Narco News readers, who made it possible 
for us to get to Bolivia, and who will now make it possible for us to 
move forward.

We ask you, once again, to support our fundraising campaign, so that we 
can continue telling about our South America, so that we can continue 
to have website where we can publish our work, so that we can continue 
to believe that what we are doing is worth it. So that this little 
place in the world, this point of reference, stays here and keeps 
giving the best of itself, as we do each morning when we sit in front 
of our PCs, opening our mail and getting to work as part of a network 
of people who are, today, very far from each other in geographical 
terms, but very, very close in their hearts.

Support the campaign by donating, online, to The Fund for Authentic 
Journalism, via this link:

Or by sending a check today to:

The Fund for Authentic Journalism
P.O. Box 71051
Madison Heights, MI 48071

How valuable such a project as this is! Radio stations from different 
countries in permanent contact with each other, authentic investigative 
journalists that share information, videomakers helping each other to 
get their work out, older teachers teaching enthusiastic young people, 
and all of us, everyone, thinking of you, the readers, and of her: the 
beautiful, the beloved, Latin America.

Today more than ever, the project needs all of you. We have much to 
give, but our shirtsleeves will not stay rolled up if we're unable to 
keep our shoulders at the wheel. Help us to see through that commitment 
we have to all of you, and above all, with our América.

Un fuerte abrazo,
Manuela Aldabe
2004 Authentic Journalism Scholar


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[CTRL] Fwd: Khashoggi's New Age Cult Brethren

2004-09-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Khashoggi's New Age Cult Brethren:
Maurice Strong and Ruppert Murdoch
e.dited by Alex Constantine

" ... After a couple of years, [Maurice] Strong left Petro-Canada for
various business deals, including one with ADNAN KHASHOGGI through which he
ended up owning the 200,000-acre Baca ranch in Colorado, now a "New Age"
center run by his wife, Hanne. (Among the seekers at Baca are Zen and
Tibetan Buddhist monks, a breakaway order of Carmelite nuns, and followers
of a Hindu guru called Babaji.) ...

Maurice Strong: The new guy in your future!

By Henry Lamb 
January, 1997 
At 31, he became the President of Power Corporation of Canada. He headed
both Petro Canada and Hydro Canada, and made a few deals on the side as
well, one of which was the acquisition in 1978 of the Colorado Land & Cattle
Company which owned 200,000 acres of San Luis Valley in Colorado -- from
Saudi arms dealer ADNAN KHASHOGGI.[3]

The ranch, called Baca, sat on the continent's largest fresh water aquifer.
Strong intended to pipe the water to the desert southwest, but environmental
organizations protested and the plan was abandoned. Strong ended up with a
$1.2 million settlement from the water company, an annual grant of $100,000
from Laurance Rockefeller, and still retained the rights to the water.

Strong's success in business was exceeded only by his success in government.
>From his post as founding director of the Canadian International Development
Assistance Program (CIDA), he was elevated by Prime Minister Lester Pearson
to represent Canada's interests in international affairs.

Strong's first exposure to the U.N. came in 1947 when, at 18, he went to New
York to take a job as assistant pass officer in the Identification Unit of
the Security Section. He lived with Noah Monod, then treasurer of the U.N..
Here, he first met David Rockefeller and learned that the U.N.'s funds were
handled by Rockefeller's Chase Bank. He also met the other Rockefeller
brothers and other influential people as well.

The idea of global governance emerged during this era. John J. McCloy was a
member of the law firm that represented the Rockefeller's business
interests. McCloy helped set up the World Bank and became its first
president. He also became an assistant to Roosevelt's secretary of war,
Henry Stimson. ...

Although Strong kept his U.N. job only two months, he met very influential
people through Noah Monod who would later prove to be very useful. Strong
returned to Winnipeg, failed to qualify for the Royal Canadian Air Force,
and took a job as trainee analyst for James Richardson and Sons. By 1951, he
had taken a job with Dome Petroleum, on whose board of directors was Henrie
Brunie, a close friend of John J. McCloy. Dome became one of the largest oil
companies in Canada but its shareholders resided on Wall Street, never very
far away from Standard Oil and the Rockefellers.

In 1951 Strong married, and in 1952, abruptly sold his home, quit his job
and took a world cruise. He wound up in Nairobi and took a job with CalTex,
a company formed to exploit Saudi oil. His job involved travel to exotic
parts of the world for two years. Strong visited his distant cousin, Robbins
Strong, in Geneva, who was the Secretary of the Extension and Intermovement
Aid Division of the international YMCA. He met Leonard Hentsch whose Swiss
bank handled the money of the YMCA. Strong wanted to become an international
ambassador for the YMCA, but settled for a position on the International
Committee of the U.S.A. and Canada which raised funds for the YMCA.

This experience may have been the genesis of Strong's realization that NGOs
(non-government organizations) provide an excellent way to use NGOs to
couple the money from philanthropists and business with the objectives of
government. In 1959,

[CTRL] Fwd: bedlam at polls part of bush plan

2004-09-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: CIA at war with White House, says Novak

2004-09-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-


  Sep/27/2004 1:10 PM 


September 27, 2004 


A few hours after George W. Bush dismissed a pessimistic CIA report on Iraq as
''just guessing,'' the analyst who identified himself as its author told a
private dinner last week of secret, unheeded warnings years ago about going to
war in Iraq. This exchange leads to the unavoidable conclusion that the
president of the United States and the Central Intelligence Agency
are at war with each other. 

Paul R. Pillar, the CIA's national intelligence officer for the Near East and South Asia, sat down
Tuesday night in a large West Coast city with a select group of private
citizens. He was not talking off the cuff. Relying on a multi-paged,
single-spaced memorandum, Pillar said he and his colleagues concluded early in
the Bush administration that military intervention in Iraq would
intensify anti-American hostility throughout Islam. This was not from a CIA
retiree but an active senior official. (Pillar, no covert operative, is listed
openly in the Federal Staff Directory.) 

For President Bush to publicly write off a CIA paper as just guessing is
without precedent. For the agency to go semi-public is not only unprecedented
but shocking. George Tenet's retirement as director of Central Intelligence
removed the buffer between president and agency. As the new DCI, Porter Goss
inherits an extraordinarily sensitive situation. 

Pillar's Tuesday night presentation was conducted under what used to be called
the Lindley Rule (devised by Newsweek's Ernest K. Lindley): The identity of the
speaker, to whom he spoke, and the fact that he spoke at all are secret, but
the substance of what he said can be reported. This dinner, however, knocks the
Lindley Rule on its head. The substance was less significant than the forbidden
background details. 

The Bush-CIA tension escalated Sept. 15 when the New York Times reported a
National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) that was circulated in August (not July,
as the newspaper reported), spelling out ''a dark assessment of Iraq'' with
civil war as the ''worst case'' outcome. The NIE was prepared by Pillar, and
well-placed sources believe Pillar leaked it, though he denied that at Tuesday
night's dinner. 

The immediate White House reaction to the NIE, from spokesman Scott McClellan,
was to associate it with ''pessimists'' and ''hand-wringers.'' With Iraqi
interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi at his side at the United Nations, Bush said
of the CIA: ''They were just guessing as to what the conditions might be

A few hours later, Pillar discussed the Iraqi war in a context of increased
aversion to the United States -- an attitude he said his East Asia section at
the CIA was aware of three years ago and feared would be exacerbated by U.S. military
intervention. When Pillar was asked why this was not made clear to the
president and other higher authorities, his answer was that nobody asked -- not
even Tenet. 

The CIA official spokesman said Pillar's West Coast appearance was approved by
his ''management team'' at Langley as part of an
ongoing ''outreach'' program. However, the spokesman said, Pillar told him that
the fact I knew his name meant somebody had violated the off-the-record nature
of his remarks. In other words, the CIA bureaucracy wants a license to
criticize the president and the former DCI without being held accountable. 

Through most of the Bush administration, the CIA high command has been engaged
in a bitter struggle with the Pentagon. CIA officials refer to Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Undersecretary Douglas Feith as ''ideologues.''
Nevertheless, it is cle

[CTRL] Fwd: americans already willing to hand more and more power to the UN

2004-09-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Poll Finds A Nation Chastened by War

by Jim Lobe 


Three years of the Bush administration's "war on
terrorism" appears to have reduced the appetite of the U.S. public and
its leaders for unilateral military engagements, according to a major survey
released Tuesday by the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations (CCFR). 


Indeed, the survey, the latest in a quadrennial series going
back to 1974, found that key national-security principles enunciated by
President George W. Bush since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on New York and the
Pentagon are opposed by strong majorities of both the public and the elite. 


While supporting the idea that Washington should take
an active role in world affairs, more than three of every four members of the
public reject the notion that the United States "has
the responsibility to play the role of world policeman" and four of every
five say Washington is currently playing that role
"more than it should be." 


In addition, overwhelming majorities of both the public and
the elite said that the most important lesson of 9/11 is that the nation needs
to "work more closely with other countries to fight terrorism" as
opposed to "act more on its own." 


Similar majorities of both the public and leaders rejected
Bush's notion of preemptive war. Only 17 percent of the public and 10 percent
of leaders said that war was justifiable if the "other country is
acquiring weapons of mass destruction (WMD) that could be used against them at
some point in the future." 


Fifty-three percent of the public and 61 percent of leaders
said that war would be justified only if there is "strong evidence"
the country is in "imminent danger" of attack. For about 25 percent
of both the public and the leaders, war would be justified only if the other
country attacks first. 


The CCFR survey, which because of its rich detail and
consistency over the past 30 years is generally taken more seriously than
others that are conducted more sporadically, queried nearly 1,200 randomly
selected members of the public during the second week of July. 


A second survey of 450 "leaders with foreign policy
power, specialization, and expertise" – including U.S. lawmakers or
their senior staff, university faculty, journalists, senior administration
officials, religious leaders, business and labor executives, and heads of major
foreign policy organizations or interest groups – posed the same
questions to determine where there may be gaps between the views of the elite
and the public at large. 


The last CCFR survey was taken in 2002, and normally the
next one would not be held until 2006. But the council decided to commission
one for 2004, in part due to "the significant role foreign policy issues
are playing in American political life and the 2004 presidential
election," according to Marshall Bouton, CCFR's president. 


The council also collaborated with similar efforts by
partner organizations in Mexico and South
  Korea, the conclusions of which will be released in the coming


While terrorism and other security threats still loom large
in the public's mind, according to this year's survey, "there is a lowered
sense of threat overall compared to 2002," when foreign policy concerns,
particularly terrorism, topped the list of foreign-policy issues that most
concerned the public. 


"Protecting American jobs" was the most frequently
cited goal of foreign policy in the 2004 poll (78 percent called it a
"very important" goal), followed by preventing the spread of nuclear
weapons (73 percent), and combating international terrorism (71 percent). 


For the elite respondents, on the other hand, nuclear
non-proliferation and terrorism topped the list, while protecting U.S. jobs ranked
eighth out 

[CTRL] Fwd: 9-11 Widow Cites Attorney-Presidential Conflicts

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Exclusive 9-11 news direct from New Hampshire9-11 widow cites attorney- presidential conflicts, threat in estate court petition to judgeby Tom Flocco[Ed:  Ellen Mariani told us today that she is speaking out in honor of her dead husband Neil and all others who perished with him on September 11:  "All Americans and others around the world who were affected by the 9-11 attacks and who supported my RICO action deserve to hear the truth about what has been happening to me through the American legal system to block my quest for the truth. I also pray that my speaking out will not affect my New York wrongful death suit or the New Hampshire probate challenge brought by my step-daughter. Again, I ask for your understanding, prayers and support as I continue to grieve my poor husband's death."]
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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Bond manager Bill Gross joins the conspiratorial kooks

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9:11a ET Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Add to the list of respectable people who are
starting to sound like GATA lunatics the
managing director of Pacific Investment
Management Co. (PIMCO), Bill Gross, who
is said to be the most important bond 
manager in the world. 

In commentary just posted at the PIMCO
Internet site, Gross addresses the fraud of
U.S. government inflation and productivity
statistics, an issue that, he writes, "no 
rational money manager or economist wants
to answer for fear of becoming a fool, or a
conspiratorial kook."

There, there, Bill -- it's not all so bad. 
Short your bonds, buy gold and silver, and 
be called a kook all the way to the bank -- 
or, since the bank may not be there anymore,
all the way to the vault you've buried in the 
back yard.

Excerpts from Gross' commentary:

"Which brings me to a question that no rational 
money manager or economist wants to answer 
for fear of becoming a fool, or a conspiratorial kook. 
Why do the U.S. government and the Fed 
continue to foist this hedonic/substitution mantra 
on a gullible public when they should know better 
and when, by the way, no other government does 
it in the same magnitude and with the same 

"Let me just answer it this way -- and hopefully not 
seem foolish (or worse) in the process. Alan 
Greenspan has a dual prerogative at the Federal 
Reserve. He is charged with keeping inflation low 
and economic output high. The magic of 
hedonic/substitution adjustments keeps both of 
these birds flyin' at the same time, one UNDER the 
magical 2 percent radar, which marks the dividing 
line between benign and worrisome inflation, and 
the other (real GDP), OVER the hurdle of 3 percent 
that suggests the continuation of high productivity, 
along with its concomitant implications that the 
stock market should be healthy, the dollar strong, 
and all's well with the Greenspan legacy. 

"Granted, Greenspan doesn't run the BLS, but he 
pounds the table hard for hedonically adjusted 
statistics. They might serve HIM well, but they do 
a disservice to those grounded in the reality of 
stretching a paycheck for new cars, laptop 
computers, and cell phones that somehow haven't 
gone down as much in price as the government 
says they have.

"Deceptive hedonic/substitution adjustments also 
serve a government burdened not only with hundreds 
of billions of annual deficits as far as the eye can 
see, but ladened with a demographically aging U.S. 
workforce rapidly approaching Social Security time. 
By fudging on inflation, they pay less and the 
amount could cumulatively run into the hundreds of 
billions over the next few decades. They disserve, of 
course, all of those who receive Social Security, as 
well as other private pensioners dependent on an 
accurate accounting of prices paid. They disserve 
buyers and holders of TIPS -- inflation-protected 
securities -- which adjust inadequately to a faulty 
and near fraudulently calculated CPI that one day 
could total billions of dollars per year for TIPS 
holders. And they disserve all owners of U.S. 
Treasury obligations -- including foreign central 
banks and institutions -- who mistakenly assume 
that they are earning a real return over and above 
inflation, and that the dollar upon which they are 
denominated is justifiably strong because of GDP 
growth and productivity numbers that are pumped 
by hedonic magic to resemble the Arnold 
Schwarzenegger of 1980 instead of his verb

[CTRL] The former Cat Stevens says he hasn't changed but the U.S. has.

2004-09-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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Forwarded with Compliments of Government of the USA in Exile (GUSAE):  Free Americans Resisting the Fourth Reich on Behalf of All Species.  NOTE:  Thanks to Steven L. Robinson for this.   --  kl, pp

    Something Bad Has Begun

 The former Cat Stevens says he hasn't changed but the U.S. has.

    By Yusuf Islam,1,2528734,print.story

Yusuf Islam, the singer formerly known as Cat Stevens, was deported to Britain last week after being refused entry into the United States.

September 28, 2004

I was flying to Nashville last week with my 21-year-old daughter to explore some new musical ideas with a record label there. Ironically, I was trying to remain low-profile because of the speculation that it might have raised in the music world about a return of "the Cat." Media attention was the last thing I wanted. But it seems God wanted otherwise.

Toward the end of our journey from London to Washington, the plane was diverted. The captain announced something about "heavy traffic." After landing in Bangor, Maine, six tall, blue-uniformed officers boarded and surrounded me and my daughter.

 "Is your name Yusuf Islam?" they asked.

 "Yes," I confirmed.

 "Do you mind coming with us and answering a few questions?"

 At that point my heart stopped, and my daughter's face turned aspirin-white. This was the start of the nightmare.

Three FBI agents escorted me away from my daughter and asked me questions. At first, it sounded like they might have me mixed up with somebody else, as they repeated the spelling of my name.

 "No. Y-u-s-u-f," I carefully spelled out. The agents looked a bit puzzled.

As they continued asking questions, some of their queries were obviously not related to me, so I thought this must be a matter of simple mistaken identity. Whether it was a mix-up or not remained unclear because they weren't under any obligation to give me a reason; the green visa waiver form I had so neatly filled in earlier had effectively denied me any right to appeal or answers. It was only when an immigration official read out to me a legal reference number that he mentioned some implication with "terrorism" - no further details necessary.

 The most upsetting thing was being separated from my daughter for 33 hours - not knowing how she was or when and where we might be united. Because my phone was confiscated, I couldn't contact my family.

God almighty! Is this the same planet I'd taken off from? I was devastated. The unbelievable thing is that only two months earlier, I had been having meetings in Washington with top officials from the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives to talk about my charity work. Even further back, one month after the attack on the World Trade Center, I was in New York meeting Peter Gabriel and Hillary Rodham Clinton at the World Economic Forum!

 Had I changed that much? No. Actually, it's the indiscriminate procedure of profiling that's changed. I am a victim of an unjust and arbitrary system, hastily imposed, that serves only to belittle America's image as a defender of the civil liberties that so many dearly struggled and died for over the centuries.

 Need I say that any form of terrorism or violence is the antithesis of everything I love and stand for? Anyone who knows me will attest to this. I have spent my life in the search for peace and understanding, and that was mirrored clearly in my music. Since becoming a Muslim, I have devoted my life to education, charity and helping children around the world.

 Consistently I have condemned the attacks of 9/11, stating that the slaughter of innocents, the taking of hostages and coldblooded killing of women and children have nothing do with the teachings of Islam. I've openly and publicly repudiated the actions of groups that resort to such acts of inhumanity - whatever their names. Any allegations to the contrary are fabricated. The Koran equates the murder of one innocent person with the murder of all of humanity.

Ever since I embraced Islam in 1977, people have regularly tried to link me with things I have nothing to do with. Take the Salman Rushdie case as an example, or the regurgitating of the accusation that I support groups like Hamas.

I am a man of peace, and I denounce all forms of terrorism and injustice; it is simply outrageous for anyone to suggest otherwise. The fact that I have sympathy for ordinary people in the world who are suffering from occupation, tyranny, poverty or war is human and has nothing to do with politics or terrorism.

 Thank God my daughter and I were relieved of our ordeal and delivered home safely. I also thank all those who prayed for me and supported me through this dark episode; I have never harbored any ill will toward people of God's great Earth anywhere - and wish the reverse was also true.

[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] Hackworth on Our Lying Bastard Government

2004-09-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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>From post-9/11 to the present, the war too has been based on lies fanned by
the same Pentagon propaganda machine busy doing everything possible -
including the censorship of our troops in Iraq for "national security
purposes" - to convince the American people that, as we sadly heard for
eight bloody years in Vietnam, there's "light at the end of the tunnel."

We went to war because we were told Iraq had WMD that threatened our country's
security and that Saddam was a key player behind 9/11. Both have been proven
to be super whoppers.

We were also told that liberating Iraq would be a cakewalk with few U.S.
casualties and would cost no more than a billion bucks - which would quickly
be repaid by Iraqi oil. Yet more duplicity.

So far I count 1,050 American dead, 7,750 combat wounded and about 30,000
non-battle casualties. And our war costs are already close to a cool $200

Meanwhile, Super Flack James Wilkinson, the reported Spielberg of the Lynch
saga, has recently been shifted from desert duties to advising National
Security Advisor Rice on how to further deceive the American people.

Like Vietnam, the cover-ups and distortions will continue until the press
and the people wake up. Hopefully that will be before the count is 3,000 or
4,000 dead American soldiers.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Pentagon to field more sophisticated surveillance on Pak-Afghan border

2004-09-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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Pentagon to field more sophisticated surveillance on Pak-Afghan border

ISLAMABAD: The Pentagon is considering adding more sophisticated
surveillance equipment to trap Osama Bin Laden and his top aide, Al-Zawahri,
along the Pak-Afghan border, reported CNN quoting official sources.

The decision to send the E-8 Joint Stars and RC-135 to the Pak-Afghan border
region hasn’t been made yet, but sources said capabilities of both aircrafts
would be crucial to tracking down Osama Bin Laden in the area. E-8 Joint
Stars, the long-range, aerial surveillance aircraft, can locate, classify
and track ground targets in any type of weather and can receive a video feed
from a predator drone and mark targets for attack, it said. RC-135 Rivet
Joint, another sophisticated a long-range, high-altitude reconnaissance
aircraft, can travel more than 500 metre per hour (mph), sources added.

Besides unmanned Predator drones, U-2 spy plane, satellite communication,
unattended ground sensors, satellite communication, border search, the E-8
Joint Stars and RC-135 Rivet Joint would supplement ground forces to trap
down the OBL and his top aides in the area. Unmanned Predator drones, flying
at 25,000 feet, are equipped with cameras that can spot vehicles and people,
and special radar that can operate through clouds.

U-2 spy planes which fly above 70,000 feet, can take photographs using radar
and intercepting communications. The United States designed the U-2 planes
in 1955 to spy on the Soviet Union. The plans can reach speeds higher than
475 mph. Ground sensors may be placed either buried by troops or dropped
from a plane along mountain passes. The sensors detect sound and motion of
vehicles and give information to military analysts via satellite. online

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] 60 Minutes: Shelving a Story to Boost Bush?

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 Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
Media analysis, critiques and activism

60 Minutes: Shelving a Story to Boost Bush?
CBS puts Niger expose on hold as boss endorses Republicans

September 28, 2004

In an outrageous politicization of journalism, CBS announced it would not
air a report on forged documents that the Bush administration used to sell
the Iraq war until after the November 2 election (New York Times,
9/25/04).  A network spokesperson issued a statement declaring, "We now
believe it would be inappropriate to air the report so close to the
presidential election."

The 60 Minutes segment was ready to air on September 8, but was bumped in
favor of the now infamous report that relied on supposed National Guard
memos whose authenticity CBS now says it cannot confirm.  The furor over
the Guard memos has created a situation where CBS executives say "the
network can now not credibly air a report questioning how the Bush
administration could have gotten taken in by phony documents" (Newsweek
online, 9/22/04).

Of course, what's really inappropriate here is CBS allowing its PR
problems to suppress a news report on an important issue until after it no
longer matters.  The shelved 60 Minutes story deals with the origins of
documents purportedly showing that Iraq under Saddam Hussein tried to
obtain uranium from Niger-- documents that turned out to be forgeries.
The story, according to the Newsweek online report, asks "tough questions
about how the White House came to embrace the fraudulent documents and why
administration officials chose to include a 16-word reference to the
questionable uranium purchase in President Bush's 2003 State of the Union

Though such questions are clearly relevant to a presidential campaign that
largely revolves around Bush's decision to invade Iraq, CBS intends to
keep the answers to itself until the election has passed.  Could there be
more than the embarrassment over the Guard story behind this decision?

Sumner Redstone, CEO of CBS's parent company Viacom, made an unusual
political statement at a gathering of corporate leaders in Hong Kong
(Asian Wall Street Journal, 9/24/04):

"I don't want to denigrate Kerry... but from a Viacom standpoint, the
election of a Republican administration is a better deal.  Because the
Republican administration has stood for many things we believe in,
deregulation and so on. The Democrats are not bad people But from a
Viacom standpoint, we believe the election of a Republican administration
is better for our company."

Redstone repeated these sentiments in an interview with Time (10/4/04):

"There has been comment upon my contribution to Democrats like Senator
Kerry. Senator Kerry is a good man.  I've known him for many years.  But
it happens that I vote for Viacom.  Viacom is my life, and I do believe
that a Republican administration is better for media companies than a
Democratic one."

According to a write-up by Forbes (9/23/04)-- the sponsor of the
conference where Redstone issued his endorsement of Bush-- the CEO
asserted that "he never gets involved in any aspects of the network's news
coverage."  But that claim, hard to believe when made by any media
industry chief executive, seems particularly dubious given Forbes' report
that "Redstone said he has been talking daily to top CBS officials and to
Viacom board members about the controversy" over the Guard memos.

It is journalistically indefensible for CBS to withhold a story due to
embarrassment incurred by another, unrelated piece.  It is particularly
unacceptable when the shelving of a story benefits a candidate that CBS's
boss has just publicly endorsed.  If CBS wants to restore trust in its
news judgm

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Presidential rivals are relatives

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Presidential rivals are relatives

George W Bush and John Kerry are Essex boys a genealogist claims
An American historian claims that presidential candidates George W Bush and John Kerry are related and their families originate from Essex. 
Genealogist Gary Boyd Roberts maintains that similar names crop up in both the Bush and Kerry family trees. 
Their common ancestor was a minor aristocrat, Edmunde Reade, who was born and died in Wickford, near Basildon. 
He claims his research reveals the two men are related from 10 generations ago when their family lived in Essex. 
President Bush claims a direct lineage to a yeoman farmer called Reynold Bush who lived in Messing near Colchester. 
He crossed the Atlantic to find a new life for his family in 1631. 

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Dynastic links 
Mr Boyd Roberts, a senior research scholar in Boston, Massachusetts, traces the dynastic links through Puritan families back to the Sherman family of Dedham, Essex. 
The links are forged through Kerry's mother, who was a Forbes of Winthrop, Cabot, Bowdoin, Pickering, and Dudley descent. 
These names are associated with the Puritans, many from Essex, who sailed to New England in the 17th century. 

 Our files traced an Edward Reade, who was born in 1563, and we do know he had a daughter Elizabeth who sailed to New England 

Essex Record Office 
Some evidence to back the claims is furnished by the Essex Record Office. 
Reade had two sons and two daughters called Elizabeth and Margaret who sailed to America in the 1630's. 
They married into the powerful and influential Winthrop and Lake families into whose dynasty the Bush and Kerry families married. 
A spokeswoman from the Essex Record Office said the two men could be distantly related as some of the facts appear to add up. 
Exciting to link contenders 
"Our files traced an Edward Reade, who was born in 1563, and we do know he had a daughter Elizabeth who sailed to New England in the 1630s and later married John Winthrop, the then Governor of Connecticut," she said. 
"After that records are based in America so it makes it harder for us to comment. 
"However, if the link is proved it certainly would be exciting to think two of America's highest profile men have links to the county." 
She added: "It shows you never know who you might be related to - with a bit of investigation you might find you have some interesting people in your past." 

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] International Criminal Tribunal findings: George W. Bush guilty of war crimes

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International Criminal Tribunal findings: George W. Bush guilty of war
09/22/2004 01:47

In the final opinion of the court, Judge Niloufer Bhagwat, rules against

Citing: George Walker Bush, President of the United States and Commander
-in-Chief of US military forces for serious crimes ; waging a war of
aggression on Afghanistan, war crimes and crimes against humanity against
the Afghan people, against prisoners of war ; and the use of radioactive
depleted uranium weapons of mass destruction , against the people of
Afghanistan ; with serious fall out effects on the military personnel of
the United States ,UK and other forces deployed ; and on countries, in and
around the region.

In a court action not seen since Nuremburg, 1946, the court issued its
ruling in no uncertain terms that the US has used weapons of mass
destruction, protracting an illegal military conflict, and crimes against
humanity.  Very serious allegations indeed.

The entire ruling can be found at:

Bush has never acknowledged this ruling, nor was the American people ever
informed of it.  Is the concealment an effort by Bush to keep the American
people in the dark about what is really happening in the world?

In the final findings, the court said: "The Defendant [George Walker Bush]
is a convicted war criminal consequently unfit to hold public office ;
citizens ,soldiers and all civil personnel of the United States would be
constitutionally and otherwise , justified in withdrawing all co-operation
from the Defendant and his government ; and in declining to obey illegal
orders of the Defendant and his administration ;including military orders
threatening other nations or the people of the United States on the basis
of the Nuremberg Principle, that illegal orders of Superior must not be

The court has also faulted the US for using weapons of mass destruction;
something the US invaded Iraq for in an effort to halt the creation of
WDMs.  The UN inspectors have said that Iraq did not have WDMs, the US can
show no evidence that Iraq even had WDMs.

The court has also introduced a new word into the vocabulary of court
proceedings and that is: "omnicide"  - in relationship to the US"s use of
depleted uranium that retains it"s radioactive threat for approximately
4.5 billion years.  Not only are the present victims of American
hostilities directly suffering the after effects of radioactive poisoning,
but future generations will suffer equally.

Michael Berglin

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$9.95 domain names from Yahoo!. Register anything.";>Click 

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comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed)
"reliable sources", but also a lot of possible misinformation collected
by Spy News moderator and subscribers and posted to Spy News
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[CTRL] Fwd: Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac -- Worse than the S&L Scandal of the '80s?

2004-09-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve, warned Congress that, if Fannie 
Mae and Freddie Mac were to go under, it would create a storm in the financial markets.
As the nation's biggest issuers of mortgages and securitised housing debt, 
together they are the second largest financial institution in America.
Both institutions --which are now independent, with their own shareholders, but 
which began their lives as government agencies-- enjoy an implicit guarantee of their 
debt by the federal government. In other words, if anything were to go wrong, the 
government promises to bail them out ...
Realising the dangers inherent in such an arrangement, Mr Greenspan called in 
February for tougher regulation of both companies, similar to that faced by banks. 

Don't Dawdle Over Report

South Florida Sun-Sentinel
September 26 2004 

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have long been synonymous with home ownership. Now those 
names are also disconcertingly associated with corporate wrongdoing.

Last year, it was Freddie Mac that gave itself a black eye by admitting that it had 
understated profits by $4.5 billion in an effort to regulate earnings.

Now Fannie Mae finds itself in hot water. And the mortgage market could pay a price 
for it.

Regulators at the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight suspect the 
government-sponsored company cooked books so executives could claim bonuses, while 
giving the markets an inaccurate picture of the company's financial standing.

The report from OFHEO, which as been pouring through Fannie Mae records since early 
this year, also raised questions about the company's accounting for deals involving 
derivatives, financial transactions that hedge against interest-rate fluctuations and 
other risks. 

These are just allegations, but there's enough smoke that regulators at the Securities 
and Exchange Commission are now investigating.

Americans have much at stake here.

The money Fannie Mae obtains from selling mortgage securities is used to buy mortgages 
from the banks and lenders that issue them to regular people. Those lenders, by 
selling their loans to Fannie Mae, get a liquidity infusion that allows them to write 
more mortgages to the next round of buyers.

Should investigators find that Fannie Mae broke accounting laws, it could be forced to 
raise more capital or purchase fewer mortgages, ultimately decreasing the dollars 
available to fund mortgages to homebuyers.

Fannie Mae is a major force in the multitrillion-dollar home mortgage business. It is 
the second-biggest financial institution in the United States, and the top seller of 
securities behind the U.S. Treasury itself.  It's not good for a significant money 
house to get embroiled in allegations, nor the probes, scrutiny and crisis of 
confidence that come with them.

Despite the harm the investigation could cause, regulators can't look the other way. 
If violations took place, those who committed them must be punished and the agency 

Investigators, however, should work quickly. Uncertainty on Wall Street and in the 
financial markets is not good. Fannie Mae shares fell 7 percent Wednesday after 
investors were unpleasantly surprised with the revelations.

The faster this cloud is dealt with, the less damage will be done to the mortgage 
security food chain that so many Americans depend on.  

Clipping Fannie Mae's wings

Sep 28th 2004 
The Economist

Regulators have reined in the activities of Fannie Mae, America's biggest issuer of 
mortgages and securitised housing debt, a year after its twin, Freddie Mac, 
encountered similar problems. Expect more curbs to follow
America's legion of home-owners felt a tremor underfoot this week. It was not, 
fortunately, the result of an earthquake nor, for most, anything to do with the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [911info] 9/11 Commission rebirthed as sick police-state road show

2004-09-29 Thread Total Information
-Caveat Lector-


9/11 Public Discourse Project :

Following the July 22, 2004, release of its official 567-page report,
the 9-11 Commission, in accordance with its founding statute,
disbanded as a government entity on August 21, 2004. All ten
commissioners believe, however, that it is critical to educate the
public on the issue of terrorism and what can be done to make the
country safer. They would like to do so by reaching out, in bipartisan
pairs, to communities around the country, encouraging a national
conversation on these critical issues. In the absence of such an
effort, they are concerned that there will be insufficient public
examination of how the lessons learned from the terrorist attacks can
be used to shape public policy. The perils of inaction are far too
high - and the strategic value of the Commission's findings too
important - for the work of 9-11 Commission not to continue.

Tel: 202-776-0302 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Jews and Protestants Clash Over Anti Israeli Apartheid Stock Divestiture

2004-09-29 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

Israel Divestiture Spurs Clash
Jewish Leaders Condemn Move by Presbyterian Church
By Alan Cooperman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, September 29, 2004; Page A08

Jewish and Protestant leaders clashed over Israel yesterday as the heads of
several major U.S. Jewish organizations condemned the Presbyterian Church's
decision to begin selective divestiture in companies operating in Israel.

After a polite but tense meeting in New York, Presbyterian officials and leaders
of the Reform and Conservative branches of Judaism promised to continue their
dialogue. But neither side gave any ground.

"Holding something over the head of Israel to change its conduct, while holding
nothing over the heads of the Palestinians to change their conduct . . . has
caused utter dismay in the Jewish community," Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie, president of
the Union for Reform Judaism, told reporters. "It is unbalanced, it is unwieldy,
it will not work."

Jewish-Presbyterian relations have been in turmoil since the 2.4 million-member
Presbyterian Church's General Assembly voted 431 to 62 in July to "initiate a
process of phased selective divestment in multinational corporations operating
in Israel" and also decided to continue funding messianic congregations that
target Jews for proselytizing.

The Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick, the stated clerk, or highest elected official, of
the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), said the church does not plan a "blanket
divestment" of its $7 billion in investment funds from companies operating in
Israel. Rather, he said, it will target businesses that it believes bear
particular responsibility for the suffering of Palestinians and will give them a
chance to change their behavior before selling their shares.

Presbyterian officials cited one possible example: Caterpillar Inc., which
manufactures bulldozers used by Israel to demolish Palestinian homes that are
built without permits or belong to families of suicide bombers.

Kirkpatrick said the church would also pull its money out of any companies that
are complicit in supporting terrorism.

Rabbi Paul Menitoff, executive vice president of the Central Conference of
American Rabbis, said the Presbyterian resolution was a "lopsided" action that
blamed one side in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

"There is plenty of guilt and plenty of blame to go around," he said. "But . . .
the expectation is that there will be a certain fairness in the critique."

Jewish leaders also expressed concern that other Protestant groups, such as the
worldwide Anglican Communion, appear to be considering punitive measures toward
Israel. Last week an Anglican delegation toured Palestinian areas and reportedly
called for divestiture to end the "draconian conditions" of Israel's "continuing

The Institute on Religion and Democracy, a conservative advocacy group in
Washington, issued a report this week saying that mainline Protestant
denominations devoted 37 percent of their human rights declarations over the
past four years to criticism of Israel, far more than any other foreign country.

© 2004 The Washington Post Company
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] About the Hurricanes -- Screw these Tesla Coils or We Lose

2004-09-29 Thread A. Bpyer
-Caveat Lector-

Replies below to Richter's comments below...EM

--- Damon Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> In, "A. Bpyer"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted on
> Fri, 24 Sep 2004 23:16:17 -0700:
> > --- Damon Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > In, "A. Bpyer"
> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted on
> > > Tue, 14 Sep 2004 22:39:31 -0700:

> DR:  Most people don't even KNOW about Tesla, and
> who do are scarcely able
> to materialize his ideas.  If there are any "Tesla
> coil cults" they're
> probably above the law, and above the government, in
> the realm of
> freemasons, the Illuminati and whatnot.
> > EM: Well I am not convinced that you know how impt
> or unimportant these issues are...or put more
> > that you have professional qualifications or
> knowledge to argue this.  It is certainly a
possibility that the earth may be being damaged, upper
> atmosphericly...and that the Cloud cults (and New
Agers) do not give a damn about that.

> DR:  I think new agers give a bigger damn than most
> people about the
> environment.
EM:  Where does this "new age" assumption come from?
When most people know that the New Agers are tied to
cloud cults who have very little rational intelligence
or caring about anything "normal" because Cloud people
do not live normally...not at all.  They live
clandestinely, behind the scenes, using very criminal
means to do so...including using new technologies and
chemicals, obviously you have not met any of these
wierdos.  You are operating from an empty base and
scene, lack of knowledge.

> > > > Tesla and the USSR were damn bastards to
> invent these mechanisms,
> > > > which are known to cause earthquakes,
> lightning storms, rain, and
> > > > tremendous hardships for many people who own
> their homes and are being
> > > > used in these violent assault scenes in
> localized neighborhoods.
> > ==
> > Damon said:
> >
> > > If someone or some group is using Tesla's
> technology to create
> > > destruction, it's not the fault of Tesla.  Tesla
> had high moral
> > > standards.  However, when he died, government
> agents raided his home
> > > and a safe where he kept his research, documents
> and other materials
> > > related to his knowledge.  He was working on
> projects to help mankind.
> > > The government stole his work so they could use
> it to both make war
> > > and defend against it.
> >
> > EM: How do you know that Tesla had great morals?
> He was a Jew.
> So now we know you're anti-semitic.  It sounds as if
> your line of thinking> is: All Jews are immoral.
Tesla was Jewish, so > Tesla was immoral.  That
> is, of course, retarded thinking on your part.
NO...this is not retarded thinking on my part.  The
progressives and secular Jews ARE living by immoral
standards...the entire First Testament, which Jesus
attempted to refute with the Second Testament. was a
damn good example of JEW immorality...lets look at a
few examples of this which aren't hard to figure.
Begin with the first horror story...Eve poisoned Adam,
nothing like harming the man you love (no Jewish man
thereafter this would trust a Jewish woman, no wonder
the Jews are all trying to force Christians to marry
them -- Kerry and Dean are examples of this now).
Second...Cain and bro murders the other, a
situation which even the MOB would not try to rectify,
absolutely horrific, the MOB would be scared to death
of the "greasy ramifications" of one sibling going for
another.  Third, Abraham...considered himself the God
reincarnated so much so that he "spread his seed"
amongst more than 100 woman.  NICE...what the hell is
this...some Jew guy figures out he is an early Jesus
and impregnates more than 100 woman, including even
Arabs? (Ishmel child).  Abraham wasn't even an
acknowledged "great person" much less a great man.
Talk about immorality...this guy really kills the
adultry point of view.  NOw, MOses...was different, he
wasn't Jewish, could not have been, he was a saviour
bloodline, DNA, the same sort of stock as Jesus in
fact (probably Zoroastrinian or Assirian or
Mesopotamianism...etc...from Ancient Persia).  Same
great moral human...he was adopted, as was said...the
Jews "claimed him" in order to own his greatness and
use his gloss behind the scenes.  Moses' slates were
probably even altered by Jews to suit their own brand
of immorality.  The Commandments, it stands to reason
were 12, not 10...and some of the 10 may have been
re-written to suit Jewish culture at the time.

> > EM:  He worked for the USSR, used a Colorado
> in the US for
> > experimentations for nearly 20 yrs, without their
> knowledge or
> > approval (clandestinely).
> DR:  How do you know?
EM:  This is well documented, check out the numerous
Tesla URLS...

 the name of COMMUNISM.  As only a Russian Jew
> could do it.  NO..he was
> > a maj

[CTRL] C.R.E.S.T. thanks to the disinformer adversaries of the John Birch Society (fwd)

2004-09-29 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 21:02:12 -0400
Subject: C.R.E.S.T. thanks to the disinformer adversaries of the John Birch

A note of thanks to the disinformer adversaries of the John Birch Society:

Many thanks to the adversaries of the John Birch Society.
It is an axiom in politics,
that the most important consideration,
in dealing with attackers,
is that you make sure that they spell your name correctly.
The adversaries of the John Birch Society
can only have a small amount of success;
which depends entirely on their hope that they will be the only source of
The curiousity that these attackers create,
will cause the most intelligent people to investigate,
and then learn the truth.
Agents of totalitarianism generally over estimate their own importance,
by assuming that we will waste our time,
in dealing with their foolishness.
There is nothing,
that any intelligent person wants to know
about The John Birch Society,
that he will not learn,
by consulting the web pages below.
Anyone; who honestly does want first hand information
about the John Birch Society will do so,
and will not be distracted be disinformers.
It is VERY simple.
Those who spend their time fighting tyranny, are patriots.

Those who spend their time fighting patriots are working for the advancing
of tyranny.

The internet can be the most powerful tool that we have,
or it can be the place where we waste our time.

The New American Magazine is available at:

If you learn to use the search engine,
and the subject index,
then you will have better information.
then you will be able to provide links,
which will increase the traffic at The New American web site,
and have the potential of actually leading to concerted action.

The John Birch Society has a national network of chapters
The John Birch Society has a fully paid field staff.
The John Birch Society publishes a MONTHLY bulletin FILLED WITH action items
for these chapters to follow.
The John Birch Society has system of summer youth camps.
The John Birch Society has Western Islands book publishing company;
which regularly produces new books, by scores of authors,
and brings back old books; which were no longer available.
The John Birch Society produces hundreds of videos, billboards, bumper
stickers, buttons, and audios.
The John Birch Society has a national network of retail bookstores to
distribute those books, and other materials.
The John Birch Society inspires hundreds of people to enter gun shows
and fair booths all over the country.
The John Birch Society has a speakers bureau,
and finds audiences for these speakers.
The John Birch Society does all important visits to large media brokers like
CNN and talk radio.
The John Birch Society has ad hoc committees like TRIM, and publishes and
distributes TRIM bulletins, showing voting records of congressmen and makes
these available online at:

Imagine this:
1. You have a plumbing emergency,
that is so serious that you call a radio talk show,
and ask for a plumber to come at once.
2. Hundreds of plumbers show up,
but only one has the tools to do the job.

5% of the people make things happen.
15% of the people watch things happen.
80% of the people never know what happened.

If you are in this group,
we know that you are not one of those 80% of the people,
who never know what happened.
At the very LEAST you are watching things happen.

The question is whether you want to be one of the
15% of the people who watch things happen.
OR one of the
5% of the people who MAKE things happen.

One of the biggest differences between the John Birch Society,
and almost every other organization,
that you may have known,
is that we have AN ACTION AGENDA.
Many people are surprised to find out that
there is actually something to DO ABOUT all of these problems.
It is NOT our goal to make you into the most knowledgeable patriot
in the entire concentration camp.

We want to live the rest of our lives in peace and freedom.
To do that, we need to TAKE ACTION.
We also need a lot MORE PEOPLE,
who will TAKE ACTION.

If you are not yet a part of the action agenda,
it is time to join.

For more information about membership in
The John Birch Society email me at:

johnperna  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]