[CTRL] Dixie Lee Ray's Volcano

2004-10-06 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-


Dixie Lee Ray's 

by Jude Wanniskiby 
Jude Wanniski 

Memo To: 
Vladimir Putin, president, Russia FederationFrom: Jude WanniskiRe: 
Global Warming  Volcanoes 
Dear President 
Putin: I’ve been distressed to learn that even though your best Russian 
scientists do not believe that mankind causes “global warming,” you have given 
your government’s support to the Kyoto Treaty. Your Cabinet has approved 
ratification of the Treaty, which means it would pass the requirement needed to 
take effect for all the countries that have signed on to it. It does seem a bit 
daft if this is true, in as much as your finance minister openly complains this 
will prevent Russia from achieving the living standards you have set as a goal 
in the decade ahead. My friends in Moscow tell me they are baffled by your 
action, but perhaps there is a good explanation soon to come. I can only hope 
that as you only promised to set the legislation before the Duma that you will 
send word that it will be up to the Duma to debate the issue, and that if it 
agrees with your best scientists, it will reject the treaty and that will be 
that. I hope so, for if it passes, our own government in the U.S. will be 
pressured to join up. President Bush has been wobbly on the issue and Senator 
John Kerry, who may become President, has been even worse, although we can 
always hope he will flip-flop. 
The reason I 
write to you about Dixie Lee Ray, who I would guess you never heard about, is 
that Mother Nature reminded me about her when it decided to stir up the volcano 
at Mt. Helens in the state of Washington. Dixie Lee, who died in 1994, happened 
to be governor of that state in 1980 when Mt. Helens erupted. Governor Lee, a 
marine biologist by professional training, had been chairman of the Atomic 
Energy Commission before she decided to go into elective politics and had a firm 
grounding in the physical sciences. What I remember about her now is a book she 
wrote, Trashing 
the Planet, which debunked a number of myths about the environment. In 
it she had the following line: “The eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980 dumped 
more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than all that has been released since 
the industrial revolution. Volcanoes have been erupting for millions of years 
with the same result. If this really effected climate, don't you think it would 
have happened by now?” 
This is the kind 
of straight thinking that your own scientists have followed. American 
scientists, on the other hand, have been hung on what has been termed “the 
hockey-stick” thesis. This is because records going back a thousand years 
indicate to them that the earth’s temperature in the Northern Hemisphere 
fluctuated around a narrow band for 900 years or so, but then at the end of the 
19th century headed up to levels never before experienced. On a chart, the line 
looks like a hockey stick. You can read about it at here and 
even see the chart. Please note the item is dated December 2003. If the 
hockey-stick thesis is correct, of course we might take seriously the idea that 
the internal-combustion engine causes more damage than volcanoes. Right? 
It just so 
happens that in today’s New York Times, there is a story tucked away on 
Page F-2, that at last reports on what we knew in December 2003, that the hockey 
stick had been snapped, “New Research 
Questions Uniqueness of Recent Warming.” The Times reporter, Andrew 
Revkin, who has been a fanatical advocate of the global-warming myth, tells his 
readers two or three times a week that global warming is “widely accepted,” or 
“most scientists agree.” The newspaper’s editorial page has been trumpeting this 
line for almost 20 years and because it is the most important newspaper in the 
world, it has broadcast the hoax everywhere, including Moscow. Revkin 

A new analysis 
  has challenged the accuracy of a climate timeline showing that recent global 
  warming is unmatched for a thousand years. That timeline, generated by 
  stitching together hints of past temperatures embedded in tree rings, corals, 
  ice layers and other sources, is one strut supporting the widely 
  accepted view that the current warm spell is being caused mainly by 
  accumulating heat-trapping smokestack and tailpipe emissions. The authors of 
  the study, published in the current issue of the online journal 
  ScienceExpress, said they did not dispute that a sharp warming was 
  under way and that its pace could signal a human influence. But they said 
  their test of the methods used to mesh recent temperature records with 
  centuries-old evidence showed that past natural climate shifts were most 
  likely sharply underestimated. Many climate scientists credited the new study 
  with pointing out how much uncertainty still surrounds efforts to turn 
  nature's spotty, unwritten temperature records into a climate 

[CTRL] Small Town Library Takes On The Feds

2004-10-06 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

The Bodanski book would reveal too much about what the FBI knows about 
terrorist cells in the U.S. and the fact nothing is being done about. - JR


  Small Town Library Takes 
  On The FedsOctober 5, 2004 By April Zepeda 


  wants to know who checked out a book from a small library about Osama Bin 
  Laden. But the library isn't giving out names, saying the government has 
  no business knowing what their patrons read. 
  The library in Deming isn't much larger than a family home. Located in 
  rural Whatcom County, it hardly seems the site for a showdown with the 
  "I think we all figure it's places like the New York Library System 
  that's going to be one of the first we hear about," said the attorney for 
  the Whatcom County Library System, Deborra Garret. 
  At the center of the issue, a book titled "Bin Laden: The Man Who 
  Declared War on America." 
  The FBI confiscated the original book after a patron reported than some 
  one hand wrote a bin Laden quote in the margin that read: "Let history be 
  witness I am a criminal." 
  The FBI demanded to know the names and addresses of everyone who ever 
  checked out the book. 
  "Libraries are a haven where people should be able to seek whatever 
  information they want to pursue without any threat of government 
  intervention," said Director of Whatcom County Library System, Joan 
  Because of privacy policies, the library does not give out circulation 
  records without a court order. When the FBI got a grand jury subpoena, the 
  library filed a motion to quash it -- citing the rights of all people who 
  use the library. 
  "Like the right to read and to read the material of one's choice 
  without fear that someone will come around with questions about why you 
  chose that book," said Garrett. 
  The FBI withdrew the subpoena, reserving the right to file it again. 
  A spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney's office says they are not 
  permitted to discuss anything that involves the grand jury. 
  If the feds had demanded the records under the Patriot Act, the library 
  would have had to hand them over without question and without help from 
  the courts. 
  The FBI still has the bin Laden book. 
  Librarians point out, it's overdue. 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Ex-Enron Asst Treasurer Strikes Plea Deal

2004-10-06 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Two for one? - JR


Ex-Enron Asst Treasurer Strikes Plea Deal 




 Tuesday October 5, 8:45 PM EDT 

By Matt 
HOUSTON (Reuters) - A former Enron Corp. (ENRNQ) 
assistant treasurer pleaded guilty on Tuesday in U.S. District Court to 
conspiracy to commit securities fraud for disguising the company's weak finances 
before its dramatic collapse.
Timothy Despain, who served as assistant treasurer at the disgraced energy 
conglomerate between January 1999 and May 2002, admitted in an agreement with 
prosecutors he lied to credit ratings agencies to manipulate the company's 
credit rating.
Under federal sentencing guidelines, he could serve up to five years in 
prison in connection with the charges and face a fine of $250,000.
Under Despain's cooperation agreement, prosecutors agreed they would bring no 
further criminal charges for his "disclosed participation in criminal activity 
in which he engaged in his capacity as an officer or employee of Enron and 
Halliburton," the cooperation agreement said.



The head of the Enron task force, Andrew Weissmann, declined to comment on 
whether Despain had engaged in any criminal activities at Halliburton Co. (HAL), 
where Despain was employed after his stint at Enron, or whether the oil services 
company was a part of the investigation.
In an email message, Halliburton spokeswoman Wendy Hall denied Halliburton is 
being investigated over Despain's work and responded to questions about Despain 
by saying: "This has nothing to do with Halliburton."
She said Despain is no longer employed by Halliburton.
Despain is the 14th former Enron employee to plead guilty in the government's 
prosecution of wrongdoing at the company, which collapsed into bankruptcy in 
December 2001 after billions of dollars in hidden debt was uncovered.
In a hearing Tuesday evening before U.S. District Judge Ewing Werlein Jr., 
Despain said he conspired with former Enron treasurers Ben Glisan and Jeff 
McMahon, as well as the company's chief accounting officer and others in the 
schemes to prop up the company in the eyes of the rating agencies.
Glisan was sentenced to five years in prison last September for conspiracy 
related to crimes at Enron. McMahon, who also served as Enron's chief financial 
officer, has not been charged with any crimes.
Despain's testimony could give prosecutors more ammunition in their case 
against former Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay, former Chief Executive Jeffrey 
Skilling and former Chief Accounting Officer Richard Causey, who are facing 
charges of conspiracy, fraud and manipulating the company's books.
Those three have pleaded not guilty to charges against them. Their trial 
dates have not been set. (Additional reporting by Deepa Babington in New York) 
Reuters Limited. 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Bodansky: Terrorists Seek 'Mass Casualties on an Unprecedented Scale'

2004-10-06 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Don't let the fact that this article appeared on Newsmax.dot com put you 
off. Bodanski is the foremost expert on Islamic terrorism in the U.S. He has 
sources of information that even the FBI doesn't have. - JR

Reprinted from NewsMax.com
Bodansky: Terrorists Seek ‘Mass 
Casualties on an Unprecedented Scale’ 
Dave Eberhart, 
  Oct. 5, 2004 Few understand the minds of terror 
leaders the way Yossef Bodansky does. 
Bodanksy was the first expert to significantly warn the West about Osama bin 
Laden in his 1999 best seller, “Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on 

As director of research at the International Strategic Studies Association 
and director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional 
Warfare of the U.S. House of Representatives, Bodansky is one of the world’s 
most sought-after terror experts. 
In an exclusive interview with NewsMax, Bodansky starkly concluded that the 
U.S. is losing its war on terrorism. In fact, since Sept. 11, he estimates, “the 
cadres of terror groups have actually tripled since mid-September 2001, and the 
active support echelons have grown ten-fold.” 
Also the best-selling author of “The High Cost of Peace: How Washington's 
Middle East Policy Left America Vulnerable to Terrorism,” Bodansky has no doubt 
that America is vulnerable to a major attack before the Nov. 2 elections. 
Already, he says, there is talk among Islamic terror groups of an attack on 
the U.S. homeland yielding “mass casualties on an unprecedented scale.” 
While lauding the policies of the Bush administration, he chides U.S. 
intelligence agencies. 
NewsMax caught up with the busy expert as he traveled back to the U.S. from 
Geneva, Switzerland. 

NewsMax: Are the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission sound – or do 
they miss some critical point? 


I don’t have a specific comment regarding this or that commission, but I 
think that the MAIN problem of our war on terrorism has so far eluded public 
debate. So, here goes my rather lengthy overall take: 
The United States is losing the war on terrorism despite sound policies, 
responsible decision-making, and laudable dedication of the armed forces and law 
enforcement agencies. 
Even a cursory examination of the war is not encouraging – 
Iraq is going up in flames – the outcome of an escalating grassroots 
rebellion. A wave of terrorism engulfs Saudi Arabia. Afghanistan is falling 
apart because of revived fratricidal warfare. Pakistan is on the brink of civil 
war because of mounting grassroots opposition to Musharraf’s cooperation with 
the U.S. The Chechens escalate their terrorist war to the heart of Russia. The 
HAMAS escalates operations beyond the Palestinian theater, as do other 
Islamist-Jihadist groups in dozens of countries around the world. 
The size of the Islamist-Jihadist terrorist forces around the world has 
tripled since mid-September 2001, and the active support echelons have grown 
ten-fold. Meanwhile, the hard core of Osama bin Laden’s loyalists have markedly 
improved their ability to strike out at the heart of the United States and 
Western Europe. 
Despite the formulation of a correct policy by the Bush Administration, the 
war is in a dire state primarily because the U.S. intelligence community has 
repeatedly failed the White House by providing scant concrete data and wrong 
threat analysis. 
It has been the wanting of intelligence that has made implementation of the 
President’s policy virtually impossible, and at times has even aggravated the 
problems facing the U.S. 
The primary flaw of the U.S. intelligence community is the intellectual 
isolationism and arrogance of the purveyors of knowledge to the White House – 
that is, the intelligence system of research and analysis. 
The current disastrous state of affairs is the outcome of more than a decade 
of intentional recruitment of like-minded individuals to sustain the course. 
Consequently, there emerged an institutional culture – much like the State 
Department’s culture – that taints and tilts analysis, refusing to confront the 
possibility of lack of knowledge or errors of judgment. 
Within the intelligence community’s analytical elite there is by now a very 
strong echo-chamber effect. And recent history is full with cases of honest 
analysts who dared question the party-line (through channels) being fired or 
forced to resign because they would not toe the line. 
The American intelligence community does not tolerate challenge and dissent 
to the detriment of the national interest. 
The gravity of the crisis of the U.S. intelligence community, particularly in 
view of the mounting quagmire in post-Saddam Iraq, is now widely acknowledged 
throughout official Washington. 
Thus, the harsh criticism of the U.S. intelligence community by the various 

[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] Bush's S.S. Brownshirt Maggots

2004-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Commentary: Bush’s Police State

Just sitting next to a friend who expresses an anti-Bush opinion can get 
you into big Secret Service trouble in George W. Bush’s United States.
By Frederick Sweet

Recently on Michael Feldman’s National Public Radio show “Whaddya Know?” a 
high school junior told the audience how he and his friend had recently 
been stopped on a city bus by the Secret Service.

The two high school students had obtained tickets from an insurance company 
to attend a pro-Bush campaign rally. Evidently, before the students could 
get off the bus, the Secret Service already knew who they were and that 
they had worked for John Kerry’s campaign. That was enough for the students 
to be labeled “national security risks.” Unless they turned around and went 
home, they would be arrested, warned the Secret Service agents.

Carrying out President George W. Bush’s violation of American citizens’ 
civil rights is something of a cottage industry for the Secret Service, 
abbreviated SS.

These unfortunate initials recall Nazi Germany’s defensive security 
organization, der Schutzstaffein, abbreviated SS. Adolf Hitler’s Waffen SS 
units became the backbone of the ruling Nazi party’s private military 
force. Hitler put them in charge of suppressing his regime’s opponents 
within Germany (and eventually abroad). Now the American SS is running 
Bush’s police state.

“Police state?” Think I’m exaggerating? Is it too harsh  too off the 
wall ... to suggest that America is becoming a police state like Nazi 
Germany? Think again. The Bush process had its beginnings long before the 
2004 election campaigns began. Moreover, creation of a police state is a 
gradual process [see footnote].

Bush’s First Year

Fully ten days before the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York City and 
Washington DC, the Houston Chronicle had already run its chilling story 
under the banner headline, “Danger Zone: Justice Department Looking More 
Like Secret Police.” The Chronicle expressed its outrage over John 
Ashcroft’s attacks on two journalists, Vanessa Leggett and John Solomon.

“The Justice Department must immediately stop its attempts at threatening 
and intimidating journalists and writers,” said Ray Marcano, president of 
the Society of Professional Journalists and managing editor of the Dayton 
(Ohio) Daily News. “Someone at Justice needs to be held accountable for 
these outrageous acts.”

The Chronicle wrote: “What’s going on here? Why the reluctance on the part 
of the government to at least explain itself? Targeting journalists for 
simply doing their jobs. These secret police tactics are more appropriate 
for some Third World, fascist regime.”

Police states do not happen overnight. John Ashcroft had already 
established the groundwork for Bush’s police state before the “war on 
terrorism” provided him and his regime with a credible pretext. Since then, 
consolidating and reorganizing all of the government intelligence and 
police agencies under the Office of Homeland Security was proposed by the 
Bush administration. The Republican Congress quickly approved and funded 
the proposal, and the Bush administration implemented it.

Totalitarianism: “ ... imposing a form of government in which the political 
authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of 
life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political 
and cultural expression is suppressed [emphasis added].” -- The American 
Heritage Dictionary

Bush Years Three and Four

As the November presidential election approaches, Bush’s police state 
tactics for silencing dissent and eliminating opposition has been 
accelerated. Of the hundreds of examples--thousands if the suppression of 

[CTRL] Fwd: 1 in 4 San Francisco Bay Area Families Can't Afford Basics

2004-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

San Francisco Chronicle
September 29, 2004

BAY AREA 1 in 4 families can't afford basics

United Way study finds widespread poverty

Jason B. Johnson, Chronicle Staff Writer

One in four Bay Area families can't afford the basics
of housing, food, health and child care without
government aid, according to a report released Tuesday
by the United Way of the Bay Area.

The study, called The Bottom Line: Setting the Real
Standard for Bay Area Working Families, looks at
income and prices across the region to come up with a
self-sufficiency standard for each of the nine Bay
Area counties. It found that across the region 493,058
of 1,996,186 households lived below the standard. The
figures do not include Bay Area households made up of
elderly or disabled people.It's not just poor
families, it's also working- class families, said Tse
Ming Tam, a director with the National Economic
Development and Law Center, speaking at a San Francisco
news conference where the findings were announced.
We're seeing the erosion of those working families

The self-sufficiency standard was developed in 1996 and
is considered by many activists and academics to be a
more accurate measure than the more widely used federal
poverty guidelines, which fail to account for cost-of-
living variations within and between states.

The federal poverty level for a family of three is
$15,260. That guideline is used to determine
eligibility for programs such as Head Start, food
stamps, National School Lunch and the Children's Health
Insurance Program.

But the United Way study found that an adult with a
preschool-age child living in Alameda, Napa or Contra
Costa counties would need to earn about $20 an hour --
or $39,153 to $57,169 annually -- to afford the basics.
The same family would have to make $23 an hour to live
in San Francisco and $27 an hour to live in Santa Clara
County, according to the study.

Family advocates and United Way officials said many
families often had to choose between eating and paying
their rent, even with government subsidies.

For Janet Brown, 49, of Pittsburg, it was often a
struggle to make ends meet even though she was
receiving federal housing assistance under the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development's Section 8
rental voucher program and $800 a month in federal
supplemental Social Security Income.

Brown, who is in a wheelchair after being wounded five
times in a workplace shooting, said her monthly income
was too high to qualify for food stamps, but not enough
to meet her family's needs.

Some months, we had to not pay a bill to pay another
bill, said Brown, a single mother who has a 15-year-
old son named Shaundrel. We had to rob Peter to pay

In July, Brown got a job paying $18 an hour after
finishing a training program at OPTIC, a center that
provides training to low-income women in Contra Costa

She's now better able to handle her monthly bills, but
she still relies on Section 8 to help pay for housing.
OPTIC Executive Director Alissa Friedman said the
report's findings reflected the clients her program

We're actually in one of the areas where there's the
highest percentage of folks who aren't making it,
Friedman said of eastern Contra Costa.

Among the report's other findings:

-- Housing and child care costs consume the biggest
portions of household budgets. A single adult with no
children must earn $11 per hour just to pay for basics,
with housing accounting for up to 60 percent of
expenses. Adding one child almost doubles the wage
needed in every county, primarily because of child care

-- The three counties with the largest numbers of
families below the self-sufficiency standard were Santa
Clara (120,815 households), Alameda (106, 506
households) and San Francisco (68,274 households).

-- Solano County had the 

Re: [CTRL] Bodansky:

2004-10-06 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

Bodansky: Terrorists Seek 'Mass Casualties on an Unprecedented Scale'
Don't let the fact that this article appeared on Newsmax.dot com put you off.
Bodanski is the foremost expert on Islamic terrorism in the U.S. He has sources
of information that even the FBI doesn't have. - JR

Bodansky is a dedicated apologist for the poisonous Israeli anti-Arab

Like most terrorism experts paraded in the corporate media (see him a lot on
various cable news shows) he is great at wailing over the symptoms (Arab hatred
for the US Govt.) rather then THE CAUSE - mainly the US political surrender to
the Israeli Lobby and the craven posturing of the major Pres candidates before
the Israeli Lobby.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Grief of Baghdad

2004-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

Forwarded with Compliments of Government of the USA in Exile (GUSAE):  Free Americans Proclaiming Total Emancipation and Working Towards Democracy.   NOTE:  Well, this was a tough one; I not only wept but in fact wailed; do you suppose CNN/Gallup/USAToday will poll us to learn what percentage of us thinks Cpl. Tyson Johnson should return his bonus, what percentage doesn't, what percentage undecided?; with a margin of error of plus or minus four per cent?; eh?; certainly all three entities are easily obscene enough to instigate something like that.   --  kl, pp

  The Grief of Baghdad


 By Evan Derkacz


     Tuesday 05 October 2004

    The painful stories and pictures of some of the 16,000 American soldiers - like Cpl. Tyson Johnson - wounded in Iraq might move Americans to action. Maybe that's why we don't see them in the mainstream media.

After having seen a couple of his buddies turn up dead in a ditch during high school, Tyson Johnson decided to leave his Prichard, Alabama home and make something of himself "because I knew where my life was headed."

So he joined the National Guard first, and then, for a bonus of $2999, he joined the army.

 Now 22, he's back in Prichard, his life in ruins.

 Johnson's story is just one of many from Nina Berman's powerful new book, "Purple Hearts: Back from Iraq'' (Trolley Ltd.). It contains short testimonials and a photo essay illuminating one of the dark corners of the war in Iraq: the stories and pictures of the permanently wounded men and women home from the war. If the pumped-up "Army of One" recruiting campaign is the "before" photo, "Purple Hearts" is the "after."

 Cpl. Johnson's photo in the book is subtly disturbing; it creeps up on you. On a sunny Southern day, he leans gently against a chain-link fence, eyes downcast. Baggy basketball shorts sit low, Hanes underwear defiantly above the waistline. His trim torso is a collection of scars, the largest of which snakes from the bottom of the breastbone, diving into his navel, disappearing finally into that exposed Hanes waistband. Others emerge from his back; there's a patch covering something over his heart; what appears to be the work of sprayed shrapnel across his left side.

 Despite the message written on his body, it's his words that will haunt you: "Well, uh, shrapnel down the back, shrapnel that came in and hit my head, punctured my lungs. I broke both of my arms. I lost a kidney. My intestines was messed up. They took an artery out of my left leg and put it into this right arm. They pretty much took my life. Pretty much."

 He has trouble teaching his son how to count on his hands because, "You can see my fingers is messed up." Cpl. Tyson Johnson is 100 percent disabled, cannot support his family - and the National Guard wants its bonus back.

 "Purple Hearts'" succinct introduction by Verlyn Klinkenborg, a meditation on the concept of the "hero" since 9/11, paraphrases the stories within (though it serves as an adequate surrogate for the silenced stories of all the American boys and girls injured as a result of the war):

 "Three of them were wounded in firefights. One was delivering ice. Another walked off into the desert on a bathroom break and stepped on a mine...The youngest of them all was wounded by a suicide bomber. Two of the solders who look the least damaged are blind, far more damaged than the camera can record. One soldier whose limbs are intact and who appears nearly normal is brain-damaged. A metal chunk from a bomb pierced his brain and left him a stranger to his family."

Thanks, Mr. Bush

On the same day that the "Purple Hearts" exhibit opened at the Redux Gallery in New York City in early September, a family in Geauga County, Ohio (perhaps the mother of all battleground states), sent a huge message to President Bush - literally. Ken and Betty Landrus, the parents of Staff Sgt. Sean Landrus, who was killed in January, made an enormous sign which they held up from their front yard for passersby - and eventually news cameras - to see. The sign read: "Thanks Mr. Bush for the death of our son." The story was reported by the local NBC affiliate, WKYC-TV.

 Interesting that during all its coverage of the war, the station hadn't bothered to contact the family of a local casualty of the war, to report on what it was like to have a child die in the war - to report on the consequences of our nation's policies. They never asked Staff Sgt. Landrus' widow and three kids what it was like either, though his youngest child, having been born shortly before Landrus left for Iraq, admittedly wouldn't have given a good interview.

 A Mother's Tears

Meanwhile, a group of families who have lost loved ones in Iraq are launching a national TV ad campaign called "Real Voices." In the first spot, "A Mother's Tears," Cindy Sheehan addresses President Bush 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] America's Engineered Decline

2004-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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 Is America's middle class doomed? 
For centuries, America's thriving middle class was the foundation of our 
liberties and the envy of the world.
But now an increasing number of debt-ridden Americans find themselves joining 
the "race to the bottom." Across the nation, communities are reeling as 
manufacturing and hi-tech jobs are "outsourced" abroad. And even as our nation 
exports jobs that once opened the door to the middle class, we are importing 
waves of unskilled immigrants, including millions of illegals. No longer 
America's protector, our political elite schemes to merge our country with the 
other nations of this hemisphere into a continent-spanning socialist mega-state 
modeled after the European Union.
In America's Engineered Decline, investigative journalist William 
Norman Grigg reveals the common threads binding these developments together into 
a revolutionary agenda. But, as Grigg points out, that subversive agenda can be 
defeated  if enough Americans will join in organized, principled 
action.(2004, 176pp, poc)
1 copy - $5.95 10 copies - $49.50 50 copies - $197.50 
Call 1-800-342-6491 for case 

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Edwards and Cheney Face Off; More Failures in Iraq

2004-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Top Stories from AlterNet for October 6, 2004

**Stories from Our Soldiers**
A powerful new film about American soldiers returning 
from Iraq, The Ground Truth: The Human Cost of War,
is available immediately for $9.98 -- buy now and spread the word!
Directed and produced by Patricia Foulkrod, it tells the 
stories of American soldiers -- in their own words -- who are 
caught in a war that is largely invisible to most Americans. We 
see the dreams and realities that often set up soldiers and 
their families for a lifetime of heartbreak. Go to the website 
for details.

J. Caleb Mozzocco, AlterNet
Two Americas? That's nothing. The campaigns are busy dealing
with five Ohios.

T. Eve Greenaway, Jan Frel, AlterNet
John Edwards managed to counter Dick Cheney's self-righteous
tone in the vice-presidential debate by successfully 
questioning his opponent's veracity and patriotism.

Erik Leaver, AlterNet
There is no better proof of the consequences of Bush 'plan'
for Iraq than the grim reality on the ground three months
after the so-called transition of power.

Stuart Klawans, The Nation
Two meticulously produced new films, one mainstream and the
other decidedly not, make use of digital toys. That's about
where 'Tarnation' and 'Sky Captain' comparisons end.

Nancy Cook Lauer, Women's eNews
Martha Stewart will be far from alone when she goes to jail
this week. Women are the fastest-growing segment of the
population in federal penitentiaries and state prisons.
More Rights  Liberties: http://www.alternet.org/rights/

Robert Scheer, AlterNet
Rather than admit that Bush bent the facts to fit the
narrative of fear pressing on the American people, the
president now blames the CIA, his predecessor, his
opponents -- anybody but himself and his national
security team.
More Columnists: http://www.alternet.org/columnists/

David Englin, TomPaine.com
The real scandal about Bush and the National Guard is the
damage he is wreaking on the military reserves required to
keep America safe at home.
More War on Iraq: http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/

Sean Axmaker, GreenCine
The creator of 'Ghost in the Shell' has executed a sequel
that is just as heady and even more visually exquisite than
the first.

These stories and more are available on AlterNet.

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~-- 
FONT COLOR=#99$9.95 domain names from Yahoo!. Register anything.
/FONTA HREF=http://us.click.yahoo.com/J8kdrA/y20IAA/yQLSAA/zgSolB/TM;BClick 

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are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid matters and 
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used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout 
the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always 
suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives no credence 

[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] The '9-11 Truth Movement' and Pinnacle Quest International- by Daniel Hopsicker

2004-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

 October 6 2004-Venice,FL.  
by Daniel 
A MadCowMorningNews investigation into allegations that “Mar  Venus” author John Gray 
and Saudi Billionaire Adnan Khashoggi's bankrupt GenesisIntermedia.com has been used 
in an effort to spread disinformation about the 9/11 attack on the Internet uncovered 
evidence last week that the firm had numerous underworld connections.  

Testimony in an extortion trial in Tampa, Florida, the MadCowMorningNews learned 
exclusively, fingered Michael Muzio, President of Genesis subsidiary  
www.opendoormusic.com as the intended victim of a Mafia hit ordered by a business 
associate, Joseph Forlizzo of Queens. 

While the court transcripts offered no explanation for why Forlizzo believed Genesis 
exec Muzio 'had it coming,' when  Officers of public companies need key man insurance  
against the prospect of being rubbed out it can be bad for business.

Meanwhile the controversy continued over the hugely-successful self-help guru's 
funding of the recent International Citizen’s Inquiry into the 9/11 attack, even as he 
finds himself drawn in with his Saudi arms dealer erstwhile partner in a growing 
financial scandal beginning to unspool in courtrooms across the country.

Click to subscribe to openmindandcodenews 

The 'C'Mon Back' Scandal

Dubbed “Stockgate” by business journalists, it involves massive looting and financial 
fraud, on a scale not seen since… well, since the last bout of massive looting and 
financial fraud in America, which informed sources indicate took place “not that damn 
long ago.”


The massive lawsuit was filed under the RICO racketeering statues in Federal Court in 
Minneapolis, and cites Gray for allegedly allowing use of his trading account in 
furtherance of the scam, which netted more than $100 million.


Despite the huge sum involved, the scandal at  GenesisIntermedia is but a piece in a 
larger mosaic of dozens of companies being systematically looted by people recently 
characterized in Jack Anderson's column as “criminals, money launderers and 

For whatever reason, associates of Gray  Khashoggi apparently feel they belong to a 
charmed circle of people who’ve gotten the 'high sign' from fiscal watchdogs in the 
U.S. to “back up a truck.”

 The One-Two Punch of Love 
Even as one of the best-selling authors of all time continues to spread money around 
to 9/11 'Truth Movement” principals, his business partner Michael Roy Fugler continues 
to pursue his lawsuit against us.

Wow. What'd we do to deserve that? The answer is almost too obvious for words. No one 
was bothering, or maybe capable, of hiding the flailing-about of third-rate scrubs 
denied more glamorous employment in their chosen field.  

Still, John Gray apparently has strange and so-far unexplained connections to two 
Middle Eastern men of interest in the 9/11 investigation, both of whom reside in San 
The first is a Saudi Professor who housed two of the hijackers, cited recently by 
Senator Bob Graham, Chairman of the Joint Congressional Intelligence Committee 
Hearings, as evidence of involvement in the attack by people working for the 
government of Saudi Arabia. 
The second is an Iranian exile, running a network used to infiltrate hundreds of 
Middle Eastern men illegally into the United States, according to court documents. And 
the Saudi Professor is a likely candidate for membership in this network.  
Until moving to California Iranian Sam Koutchesfahani had been a retainer to the Shah. 
He's been one busy expatriate ever since. Faster than you can say Savak he was 
running a network used to 


2004-10-06 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

scroll down only if over 18

was [CITIZENS_ASSEMBLY] Cheney is a Dick!

I rephrased the subject line. Now your message will be right up there with
the barrage of horney housewives spam.


  Citizens for the inherent dignity and worth of the human person
  Quoted words from UDHR/CAT

On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, * (ADAR) * wrote:

 These articles linked at (pnews.org) News Wiki: http://pnews.org/PhpWiki/

 Chaney is a Dick - I was against going into Baghdad before I was for it
 - The Seattle Post Intelligencer reports Cheney opposed invading Baghdad
 before he supported it. In 1991, then-Secretary of Defense Cheney
 cautioned against U.S. troops advancing into the city, telling a Seattle
 audience that capturing Saddam wouldn't be worth additional U.S.
 casualties or the risk of getting 'bogged down in the problems of trying
 to take over and govern Iraq.' - He said in '92 Saddam not worth U.S.
 casualties - Flip-Flop

 No Intelligence - Prisoner interrogations at Guantánamo Bay, the
 controversial US military detention centre where guards have been accused
 of brutality and torture, have not prevented a single terrorist attack,
 according to a senior Pentagon intelligence officer who worked at the
 heart of the US war on terror. Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Christino, who
 retired last June after 20 years in military intelligence, says that
 President George W Bush and US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld have
 'wildly exaggerated' their intelligence value. - Gitmo not only illegal
 and immoral, it hasn't worked

 Soldier Resistence to War - Although it is not widely known or understood,
 the GI resistance movement had a major part in the Vietnam experience.
 Never before in modern history had the American armed forces faced such
 widespread internal resistance and revolt. Often at great personal risk,
 hundreds of thousands of soldiers, marines, airmen, and sailors dissented
 and disobeyed military commanders, in order to speak out for justice and
 peace. Their struggle hastened American withdrawal from Indochina and
 played a major role in finally bringing that tragic war to an end.
 (September 3, 2004) - * There is also a Growing Discontent and
 Disintegration of Morale in Iraq

 Newly released documents from George W. Bush's military personnel files
 lead new weight to the theory that the White House engineered the recent
 scandal regarding CBS's use of the Killian memos. Acting under a court
 order, on Friday, September 24, the Department of Defense released 10 new
 pages of documents, including an official Texas Air National Guard memo
 which conclusively refutes the technological questions that were raised
 about the Killian memos. (September 3, 2004) - * It was a devious
 right-wing set up!

 His Friends, the Saudis, and Others, Bought Him the Presidency - Bush
 also continued to block congressional condemnation of his friend Saddam
 Hussein as a `gross violator of internationally recognized human rights.'
 The White House chose the occasion of the invasion of Panama to announce
 new high-technology sales (Tiananmen what??) to Beijing and plans to lift
 a ban on loans to Saddam Hussein, implemented shortly thereafter --all
 explained as GOOD FOR AMERICAN BUSINESS. (Cynthia Peters (ed) Collateral
 Damage from essay, What We Say Goes, by Noam Chomsky) - Saddam Hussein
 was acceptable as long as he was OUR dictator and OUR tyrant and using OUR
 weapons. George Bush Senior protected Saddam Hussein, just as the Saudis
 bankrolled, supported and with George's other special friends bought him
 the White House. (October 1, 2004) - * Our Tyrants, Our Dictators, Our

 Republicans Wrote Allawi's Speech to Congress - Dem Senator Diane
 Feinstein was outraged when she read in the Washington Post that spin
 doctors from the Bush campaign had written most if not all of Iraqi PM
 Ilyan Allawi's recent speech to Congress. Feinstein pointed out in a
 letter to Bush that the newspaper made Allawi's optimistic assertions on
 progress in Iraq must now be suspect: To learn that this was not an
 independent view, but one that was massaged by your campaign operatives,
 jaundices the speech and reduces the credibility of his remarks. The
 White House, as ever, denies everything. But the evidence is glaring, with
 many of Allawi's echoing Bushspeak, right down to using identical terms
 oft-repeated by the White House..And, more damning, the White House
 admitted that Allawi had been coached and aided by the U.S. government,
 its allies and friends of the administration. - Allawi's Speech Written
 by Bush Campaign Spin Doctors

 U.S. Killing More Iraqi Civilians - Operations by U.S. and multinational
 forces and Iraqi police are killing twice as many Iraqis - most of them
 civilians - as attacks by insurgents, according to statistics compiled by
 the Iraqi Health Ministry..According to the ministry, the interim 

[CTRL] Two Girls, Two Shots to the Head

2004-10-06 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Two girls, two shots to the head
Palestinian 15-year-olds among growing number of children hit by Israeli snipers during 'Days of Penitence'
Chris McGreal — Guardian 

Wednesday October 6, 2004

Iman al-Hams: Israeli soldiers fired about 20 bullets into the 13- year-old girl, including five into her head

Islam Dwidar's classmates were still taking in her shocking death - the teacher weeping outside before facing the girls, her closest friend recounting how they walked to school together each day - when the news arrived about Tahreer Abu El Jidyan.The two 15-year-old pupils at Jabaliya's school were both shot in the head by Israeli soldiers inside their homes just a few blocks and several hours apart. Islam died almost immediately after the bullet smashed through her forehead as she baked bread with her mother in their yard on Sunday. Tahreer is still on life support at a Gaza hospital after an operation to remove shards of shattered skull from her brain.She lies motionless, with little to suggest she is alive other than gentle breathing. Doctors do not expect her to survive.Tahreer's mother, Intisar, was at her bedside yesterday."Oh Tahreer, my heart. I wish I were lying in this bed, not you," she whispered to her child. "She was sweeping the floor in front of the door," said Mrs Abu El Jidyan. "I was standing talking to her. We knew the Israeli soldiers were around, we knew they had snipers in the buildings on our street but we didn't expect what happened. They just shot her in the head. Her brains spilled out. She said: 'Mum, I'm hit'. She praised God and she collapsed."There were two bullets. The first struck Tahreer in the head. As she fell, the second hit the wall behind her. "I've no doubt a sniper shot her deliberately. There was no fighting in the area. There were no other shots, only the ones that hit Tahreer," said her mother.Mrs Abu El Jidyan regrets preventing Tahreer from walking to school on Sunday morning. She thought it would be too dangerous to venture out of their home in Jabaliya's Sikka neighbourhood because it is on the edge of the area occupied by Israeli troops and tanks last week. Snipers are posted in buildings overlooking their street and a tank is less than a block away."I wouldn't let her out of the house but it was dangerous at home too. When there was fighting, bullets came through the walls. We stopped using some rooms on the side where the Israelis are," she said.Israeli and Palestinian human rights groups say that about half of the nearly 80 people killed by the army over the past week of "Operation Days of Penitence" are civilians. The military says it has carefully targeted Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters with missile strikes.But while the numbers are in dispute - in part because it is often hard to say whether youths in their mid to late teens are bystanders or part of the Palestinian resistance - there is no doubt that a growing number of children have been felled by Israeli snipers.At Islam and Tahreer's school in Jabaliya yesterday morning, the headmistress, Rukaya Kamal al Budani, fielded calls from parents wanting to know if it was safe to send their girls. "If they can get here, it's safe," was her stock reply. But of 1,150 pupils, fewer than 200 turned up.Before word reached the school about Tahreer, Mrs al Budani was getting to grips with the death of Islam."This is our first casualty at the school," she said. "I don't know how to deal with the girls. It's going to have a big impact on her classmates and friends. I'm shocked that no one in the free world condemns the killing of a child."Then one of the male teachers tells Mrs al Budani about the shooting of Tahreer the previous day. The headmistress sits in silence.Until June, the two young women had been classmates, but then Tahreer failed her exams and was held back for a year. Asmaa Abu Samaan walked to school with her each morning."I met her in front of my house each morning to walk to school. I did my homework with her. I keep thinking that if she is brain-dead and not killed perhaps she is still suffering. I can't stand it," she said.Asmaa walked to school yesterday morning without her friend."I walked against the wall hoping the soldiers can't see me. I want to go to school because I know the Jews do not want us to study because we need to be educated to build our country," she said.But the killing went on as the conflict claimed the life of another teenage girl in the Gaza strip yesterday. Palestinian medics said Israeli soldiers fired about 20 bullets into 13- year-old Iman al-Hams, including five into her head.The military said she had entered a forbidden zone in Rafah refugee camp, and that she dropped a bag that soldiers feared was a bomb.The Palestinians said Iman was walking to school when troops entered the camp and that she dropped her bag as she ran away in fear.The bag was not found to contain a bomb. 

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] FDA Study Estimates Vioxx Linked to 27,000 Heart Attacks

2004-10-06 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-




Back to theMARKETS section







FDA Study Estimates Vioxx Linked to 27,000 Heart 
  AttacksOctober 6, 2004: 4:43 a.m. 
  WASHINGTON -- A study led by a Food and Drug Administration safety 
  official projects that the widespread use of Vioxx may have led to more 
  than 27,000 heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths before the drug's 
  abrupt withdrawal last week by Merck  Co. (MRK), Wednesday's Wall Street Journal reported.
  The number is in comparison to how many similar incidents would have 
  occurred had the same patients been taking Celebrex, the Pfizer Inc. drug 
  that competed with Merck's blockbuster arthritis treatment. The analysis 
  specifically found that from Vioxx's approval in 1999, through 2003, an 
  estimated 27,785 heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths "would have been 
  avoided" had Celebrex been used instead of Vioxx.
  Those figures don't come from actual counts, but are projections based 
  on findings from an analysis of a database of patients of Kaiser 
  Permanente, the big health-maintenance organization.
  Some of the paper's conclusions emerged in August, when it was 
  presented at a medical conference. But the complete version, dated 
  Sept. 30, goes farther on the possible impact of the 
  painkiller, which was taken by approximately 20 million Americans before 
  being withdrawn from the market last week.
  In providing its potential estimate of the adverse impact, the study is 
  a new headache for Merck, which is facing a flood of lawsuits that will 
  question whether the company should have taken stronger action sooner in 
  response to concerns about Vioxx.
  Merck quickly withdrew the drug after a clinical trial found that 
  people taking a low dose of Vioxx for more 
  than 18 months were twice as likely to have a heart 
  attack or stroke as those taking a placebo. Earlier research had suggested 
  a possible link between the drug and cardiovascular problems.
  A Merck spokesman said in a statement that the company "cannot comment 
  on the full study, as we have not yet had the opportunity to review 
  The study led by the FDA researcher hasn't been released, but a copy 
  has been requested by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles 
  Grassley, an Iowa Republican, who is investigating how FDA 
  handles safety concerns. Its lead author, David Graham, 
  is associate director for science in the FDA drug center's office of drug 
  safety. Other authors are from Kaiser and Vanderbilt University. The study 
  was initiated by the FDA and funded by an agency contract with Kaiser, 
  which contributed some support.
  Steven Galson, acting director of the FDA's drug 
  center, said he first saw the study Tuesday and that it is "too early to 
  say" whether the agency agrees.
  Wall Street Journal Staff Reporter Anna Wilde Mathews 
  contributed to this report. Dow Jones Newswires 
  10-06-04 0443ET Copyright (C) 2004 Dow Jones 
   Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 




No CNN/Money.com editorial staff contributed to or 
  were involved in the production of this story.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Is Sean McBride in actuality John Foster Chip Berlet?

2004-10-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

 Is "Sean McBride" in actuality John Foster "Chip" Berlet?

 GK: Does that mean that there are researchers on the right who are lurking on progressive lists and BBSs just like those on the left do with Christian and right-wing networks?

CB: Absolutely. After a while you begin to run into each other, or at least you recognize each other's footprints. You have to have a sense of humor about it, because its like "Spy vs. Spy" in Mad magazine. I'm constantly crossing the paths of people doing exactly what I'm doing except from the reverse political position. After a while you get to know them.

GK: Can you give an example of how you encounter these footprints of conservative researchers?

CB: I'd rather not trade secrets, you know.


 An initial investigation into that question has dealt some very interesting answers:.

 "Sean McBride" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) joined my list [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 9/19/01 but has never been very active, just lurking. "Sean" then became active on [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 9/20/01. "Sean had a been a member of [EMAIL PROTECTED] since 8/8/2000. Just waiting for the right moment I suppose.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] started to show up in alt.groups in March of 2001 wanting to find out info on how to supercharge outlook, so that one good have a very dynamic email box.

 "Sean" claimed to be from Chicago.
 John Foster "Chip" Berlet is from Chicago
Chip Berlet broke onto the scene as a defender of Communist repression in Albania. Berlet was a founding member of the "Chicago Area Friends of Albania," which formed in 1983 to aid the Stalinist leader of Albania, Enver Hoxha. To this end, Berlet sought to coordinate the activities of people who are friendly and supportive of the Peoples Socialist Republic of Albania.
Under Hoxha, Albania was a paragon of repression and isolation that billed itself as the one true socialist state. Thousands perished, torture flourished, and the secret police menaced the masses. In Berlets mind, North Korea on the Adriatic was paradise.

Before joining PRA in 1982, Berlet spent three years as a paralegal investigator at the Better Government Association in Chicago, engaged in research and trial preparation for the American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit against illegal government surveillance by the Chicago Police Intelligence Unit - litigation dubbed the "Chicago Red Squad" case. As a freelance writer, Berlet has written, edited, and co-authored a long list
Chip Berlet: Around 1984. I was on-line very early with bulletin board systems (BBSs), in part because I was writing a column on computer technology and the law for the publication Chicago Lawyer.

Chip Berlet is the Registrant Name for political-research.org
 John Berlet is the Registrant Name for political-research.com
 "Sean McBride" is the moderator of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sean is John in Irish.

 "Sean McBride" sometimes posts in alt.cigar -- loking for a good Boston cigar store.
 According to John Foster "Chip" Berlet's receptionist, Mr. Berlet does smoke a cigar.

 And then if you look at the headers from "Sean," you will notice that he sends from Newton and/or Somerville, Massachusettes. "Chip" from Boston.

 "Chip" works at Political Research Associates  1310 Broadway, Suite 201  Somerville, MA 02144, 617.666.5300  Fax: 617.666.6622

 Now there is more, but you know I haven't the time. But what we have here is a major cointelpro operation. 

Webfairy and Dick Eastman have worked with McBride in an attempt to pass-off a forged email.
More later,


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[CTRL] [TheEagle-L] Team America/World Police (fwd)

2004-10-06 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2004 12:03:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: clc_202 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [TheEagle-L] Team America/World Police

I don't know about anyone else, but I think the concept/message/intent behind this new 
movie from the makers of South Park is frankly, repulsive!

A New World Order invention, no doubt, and a prime example of indoctrinating small 
children through the use of clay puppets to imbed the idea that a World Police force 
that guns down innocents in the street is somehow cool.  Geez, whatever happened to 

I suppose if we force feed little babies of the militant propaganda that killing is 
cool, by the time they are 15 they will be ready to take up arms, be drafted, and go 
to their deaths in order to fight for the causes (and profits) of the big oil barrens?

Why can't we inspire creative thinking that would lead to the invention of alternative 
fuels instead?

Don't teach your young ones BLIND HATE!  Boycott this movie!


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2004-10-06 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 6:46 PM

 - Original Message -
 From: Yuriy Kirienko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 2:01 PM
 Subject: [ctrl] RE: [Israelite] White Kike - Yes there are white kiekes
 Most of the kikes wish to look white though it does not make them White as

  Pure White race as such as a pure Black race or a pure
  Yellow race does not mean much.


 Don't tell infallible Pope JKKK, aka Dr. Danny Amneus, Krazy Kike Krapper.

 And can we improve upon the best of the white genomes? Of course. So we
 create a NEW RACE, even a NEW SPECIES  the Superwhite Race.

 Zandu Goldbar
 Learned Elder of Zion

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Why not two peoples, one state?

2004-10-06 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


Why not two peoples, one state? 


Michael Tarazi NYT 

Israelis and Palestinians 
Israel's untenable policy in the Middle East was more obvious than usual last week, as the Israeli Army made repeated incursions into Gaza, killing dozens of Palestinians in the deadliest attacks in more than two years, even as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon reiterated his plans to withdraw from the territory. 
.Israel's overall strategy toward the Palestinians is ultimately self-defeating: It wants Palestinian land but not the Palestinians who live on that land. 
.As Christians and Muslims, the millions of Palestinians under occupation are not welcome in the Jewish state. Many Palestinians are now convinced that Israeli support for a Palestinian state is motivated not by a hope for reconciliation, but by a desire to segregate non-Jews while taking as much of their land and resources as possible. 
.They are increasingly questioning the most commonly accepted solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict - "two states living side by side in peace and security," in the words of President George W. Bush - and are being forced to consider a one-state solution. 
.To Palestinians, the strategy behind Israel's two-state solution is clear. More than 400,000 Israelis live illegally in more than 150 colonies, many of which are atop Palestinian water sources. Sharon is prepared to evacuate settlers from Gaza - but only in exchange for expanding settlements in the West Bank. And Israel is building a barrier wall not on its land but rather inside occupied Palestinian territory. The wall's route maximizes the amount of Palestinian farmland and water on one side and the number of Palestinians on the other. 
.Yet while Israelis try to allay a demographic threat, they are creating a democratic threat. After years of negotiations, coupled with incessant building of settlements and now the construction of the wall, Palestinians finally understand that Israel is offering "independence" on a reservation stripped of water and arable soil, economically dependent on Israel and even lacking the right to self-defense. 
.As a result, many Palestinians are contemplating whether the quest for equal statehood should now be superseded by a struggle for equal citizenship. In other words, a one-state solution in which citizens of all faiths and ethnicities live together as equals. Recent polls indicate that a quarter of Palestinians favor the secular one-state solution. 
.Support for one state is hardly a radical idea; it is simply the recognition of the uncomfortable reality that Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories already function as a single state. They share the same aquifers, the same highway network, the same electricity grid and the same international borders. 
.Some government maps of Israel do not delineate Israel's 1967 pre-occupation border. Settlers in the occupied West Bank (including East Jerusalem) are interspersed among Palestinian towns and now constitute nearly a fifth of the population. 
.But in this de facto state, 3.5 million Palestinian Christians and Muslims are denied the same political and civil rights as Jews. These Palestinians must drive on separate roads, in cars bearing distinctive license plates and only to and from designated Palestinian areas. It is illegal for a Palestinian to drive a car with an Israeli license plate. These Palestinians, as non-Jews, neither qualify for Israeli citizenship nor have the right to vote in Israeli elections. 
.In South Africa, such an allocation of rights and privileges based on ethnic or religious affiliation was called apartheid. In Israel, it is called the Middle East's only democracy. 
.Most Israelis recoil at the thought of giving Palestinians equal rights, understandably fearing that a possible Palestinian majority will treat Jews the way Jews have treated Palestinians. 
.They fear the destruction of the never-defined "Jewish state." The one-state solution, however, neither destroys the Jewish character of the Holy Land nor negates the Jewish historical and religious attachment (although it would destroy the superior status of Jews in that state). Rather, it affirms that the Holy Land has an equal Christian and Muslim character. 
.For those who believe in equality, this is a good thing. In theory, Zionism is the movement of Jewish national liberation. In practice, it has been a movement of Jewish supremacy. It is this domination of one ethnic or religious group over another that must be defeated before we can meaningfully speak of a new era of peace; neither Jews nor Muslims nor Christians have a unique claim on this sacred land. 
.The struggle for Palestinian equality will not be easy. Power is never voluntarily shared by those who wield it. Palestinians will have to capture the world's imagination, organize the international community and refuse to be seduced into negotiating for their rights. 
.But the 

[CTRL] Heart of Darkness

2004-10-06 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


October 11, 2004 issue
Heart of Darkness
By Taki
Here’s a tip to those young whippersnappers Sam Francis calls post-Buckley geniuses. (You know the kind. They call for non-stop war in order to gain non-stop peace.) There’s a very nice place by the name of Equatorial Guinea, somewhere below the Sahara, where most of the dirty work has already been done. Couple of thousand Marines can do the trick, and we’ll get more oil out of the place than we ever hope to get from Iraq. No, I have not been drinking. 
It’s the fiefdom run by that nice guy Teodoro Obiang Nguema, who came to power by overthrowing his uncle back in 1979. In order to ensure that the wicked uncle did not in turn pull a number on him, Teodoro had him killed and then devoured his testicles. I kid you not. Teodoro is reputed to eat a lot of testicles (he believes that he absorbs their power) because he’s killed a hell of a lot of people. In fact, Teodoro is the African equivalent of Pol Pot, the Cambodian folk hero who murdered more than a third of his countrymen but had the decency not to eat their balls. 
The good news about Equatorial Guinea is that it’s the third-largest oil exporter in Africa and has only 500,000 inhabitants, the rest having been driven out or murdered by Teodoro and his uncle, the first president, Francisco Macias. This is a kind of country whose heart of darkness Joseph Conrad could not do justice to. Macias, who was elected numero uno upon independence in 1968, used to get nervous among educated folk, so he killed everyone who wore spectacles, a sure sign in his mind of superior educational accomplishment. Books, too, were a no-no, and under him forced labor was re-introduced. Papa Macias used to keep the treasury under his bed. The country’s electricity was turned off when he traveled outside the capital, and the only imported goods available in the market were tinned sardines and pink champagne. 
Foreign aid during Macias’s time was 90 percent of the gross national product, but pink champagne, left over from a summit of West African potentates, was always available. So far so bad. Then Teodoro decided he had had enough. Macias had not been paying the National Guard, which Teodoro commanded, so Teodoro knocked him off and feasted on his you-know-what. Thirteen years later, in 1992, oil was discovered offshore, and suddenly Equatorial Guinea was rich. Actually, the only ones who got rich were Teodoro and his family. Equatorial Guinea now produces more than a barrel of oil per day per inhabitant, but you wouldn’t know it judging by their standard of living. 
The civilized world, of course, sat up and took notice. It demanded that Teodoro hold elections, which he duly did and does rather regularly. Surprisingly, he wins every time by gaining 99.99 percent of the votes. The majority of what’s left of the population lives in extreme poverty, even by African standards. There is no clean water, no sanitation or medicine. There are malaria-infested mangrove swamps, dense forests, and small clearings for mud-hut villages. The peoples’ diet consists mostly of monkeys, porcupines, and rats. 
This, then, is the paradise that has been in the news lately, the one Sir Mark Thatcher, son of the Iron Lady, is supposed to have plotted to overthrow six months ago. Well, as luck would have it, I dined with Lady Thatcher recently, and it’s all poppycock. There was a plot to overthrow Teodoro, and mercenaries led by an Old Etonian, Simon Mann, were arrested in Zimbabwe trying to buy arms. Mann was a friend and neighbor of Mark Thatcher’s in South Africa, which means the British popular press put two and two together and, as usual, got five. Such are the joys of conspiracy theories or celebrity or whatever you want to call it. 
Here are the facts: Teodoro, like most bloodthirsty African dictators, should have been overthrown long ago. Teodoro’s opposition in Spanish exile contacted Mann, who then put bids out. A rich Lebanese, Ely Calil, and other businessmen came up with the “wonga.” Obviously they were not solely motivated by a burning ambition to bring democracy to that hellhole. I don’t know many businessmen who are, but backing the right horse in an oil-rich country like EG can come up trumps. 
What I’d like to know is why the outrage from some. If Uncle Sam can do it, why can’t Calil or Mann? Where do you think Teodoro stashes his loot, having learned from his uncle not to keep it under the bed? In our very own Washington, D.C. Riggs bank. Despite the billions Teodoro has squirreled away in D.C., his country still receives foreign aid, mainly from China, Cuba, France, and Spain. A senior Pentagon official was tipped off that Teodoro might be in trouble, and American firms such as Amerada Hess and Exxon might have their oil flow disrupted, so they blew the whistle on the plotters. Mann is most likely to die in a Zimbabwe prison, as are others caught in EG, but in the 

[CTRL] A Conspiracy To Violate Our Laws With Impunity

2004-10-06 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


A Conspiracy to Violate Our Laws with Impunity

AR Articles on Immigration Law

Fade to Brown (May 2003)

A Chronicle of Capitulation (Aug. 2002) 

Immigration: The Debate Becomes Interesting (Jul. 1995)

Recent news items on Immigration Law 

Agreement Gives Illegal Aliens $50 Billion In Social Security Benefits! (August 16) 

Signature Checks Find Enough To Put Immigration Measure On Ballot (August 13) 

U.S. to Give Border Patrol New Powers to Deport Illegal Aliens (August 11) 

More articles on Immigration Law

Bay Buchanan, Team America E-mail, Oct. 5

“Controlling the border is an illusion! Asa Hutchinson knows how many illegals are crossing our border—the number is whatever corporate America wants. The deal was struck long ago . . . ”
When asked how many illegal aliens were crossing our border annually Asa Hutchinson, the top dog at Homeland Security for border security, told the Washington Times he didn’t know! After 21 months on the job and he doesn’t know.
Maybe he needs to study Time magazine’s cover story, entitled Who Left the Door Open? A couple reporters with no where near the resources of our friend Asa write: “It is fair to estimate, based on a Time investigation, that the number of illegal aliens flooding into the U.S. this year will total 3 million, enough to fill 22,000 Boeing 737-700 airliners, or 60 flights every day for a year.” Or to put it another way, three times as many people will enter this country illegally this year than will so legally! Asa probably doesn’t know that either. Or could it be he knows it, and is simply lying to us because the numbers are so outrageous. Either way he should resign. 
Americans have a right to expect that those in charge of our nation’s security are both competent and trustworthy. But then who is going to call for his resignation? Surely not the Congress of the U.S., as a quick read of the Time magazine story makes frighteningly clear. 
The reporters, Donald Bartlett and James Steele, have written a remarkable expose, all the more amazing considering it is found inside the pages of the mainstream liberal weekly. Concluding that “sneaking into the U.S. is scandalously easy and on the rise”, they examine “the damage, the dangers and the reasons the U.S. fails to protect itself.” 
Bartlett and Steele pull no punches, going so far as to expose the symbiotic relationship between corporations that profit from the illegal invasion and their corrupt little friends in Congress. We have the foxes watching the chicken coup and our security is the price we are paying. 
Here’s how the story goes. Most Americans believe that illegal aliens come north looking for work. According to Bartlett and Steele, however, that is often not the case. “In fact, many have jobs lined up before they leave Mexico. That’s because corporate managers go so far as to place orders with smugglers for a specific number of able bodies to be delivered.” 
They order illegal workers like they order parts! American managers contact human smugglers and order so many illegals to be delivered to their factories by such and such a date. And it doesn’t stop there. 
According to Time magazine, these managers instruct the coyotes (human smugglers) on the type of fraudulent identification they want their illegal workers to have with them. Any generic photo identification and a fake social security card is the preferred combination. This reduces the corporation’s exposure, since little to no paperwork is required if a prospective employee carries this kind of ID. The legal term, I believe, is conspiracy to defraud. 
Not that these businesses have much about which to worry. They’ve paid big bucks for protection against any legal action. They have bought Congress and it was well worth the price. 
Consider. For twenty years it has been a crime to hire illegal aliens. Fines of up to $10,000 for every illegal alien on the payroll is on the books today and repeat offenders could go to jail. President Reagan called it the “keystone” of the law, since it was job opportunity that was enticing illegals to make the trek north. 
There have been several efforts to implement this law, but Congress would have nothing to do with it. 
Back in 1998, for instance, the INS launched Operation Vanguard. It was a vigorous attempt to crack down on the growing practice of corporations to hire illegal workers. They began by focusing their attention on Nebraska’s meatpacking industry, subpoenaing 24, 000 payroll records. The result was astonishing. Twenty percent of the hiring records were found to be problematic. 
The outcry from the industry, as well as farmers and the Hispanic community, was deafening. Then Nebraska’s congressional delegation stepped in on the side of the lawbreakers. Other industries saw the dire consequences if the INS, or any federal agency for that matter, were allowed to take this law seriously. They