[CTRL] Distressed Fannie Mae Hires a Top Defender

2004-10-11 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Sounds like criminal charges at Fannie Mae. If Fannie Mae goes down it 
could take the whole eonomy with it. - JR









Monday, October 11, 2004; Page E02 

Distressed Fannie Mae 
Hires a Top Defender 
Chalk up another troubled corporate client for veteran defense lawyer Robert 
S. Bennett.
Last week District-based mortgage giant Fannie Mae hired him to help stave 
off Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission investigations 
into its accounting practices.
Bennett, 65, a partner in the Washington office of Skadden, Arps, Slate, 
Meagher & Flom, in recent years has developed a lucrative specialty of 
representing companies ensnared in financial scandals.
He and other Skadden partners also run interference for French bank BNP 
Paribas, disgraced energy trader Enron Corp., rehabilitation hospital chain 
HealthSouth Corp., audit firm KPMG LLP, and the Allbritton family of Riggs Bank 
In all, Bennett said, his team in Washington has nearly 65 lawyers -- 
including longtime partners Carl S. Rauh and Alan Kriegel and former SEC 
enforcement deputy Colleen P. Mahoney -- plus 60 legal assistants. 
But the affable former prosecutor may be best known to a wider audience for 
his defense of President Bill Clinton in a sexual harassment lawsuit that 
ultimately helped lead to Clinton's impeachment.
"When representing companies it is a very nuanced practice, because you have 
so many constituencies: regulators, law enforcement people, shareholders, boards 
of directors and board committees," Bennett said. "You have to deal with all 
these things fairly quickly, because if you don't, the franchise can be 
seriously jeopardized."
-- Carrie Johnson 

© 2004 The Washington Post Company 


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[CTRL] Fwd: no need to subject source video for analysis

2004-10-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-
There's no need to waste time and money on an independent audit of "planesite."
Here's all the proof that anyone needs that it is just a bad joke
"hidden in plain sight."

Date: Mon, 3 May 2004 12:06:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: "mr. cristian fleming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [911truthalliance] Re: 9/11 "activists" who discredit 9/11 truth
 with wilder and wilder evidence-less "conspiracy theories"
christ people. do a little quick research.look at this picture.
see the extruding bulge beneath the fuselage between the wings?  there's
your mysterious 'pod'.  standard body design on most 757s.
you know how long it took me to find that picture and another 2 or 3000
just like it? about 30 seconds.

The "757-approach" graphic posted on May 3 is the EXACT SAME photo on
the front cover of "In Plane Site."   Same position.  Same lighting.
This suggests that someone who was monitoring the 911ta list had the
idea to make a mean joke on us -- it's possible that "someone" wasn't
power hour, but that this bad joke was forwarded to them (the
incompetents manipulated by disinfo people theory).  Obviously, this
"someone" was monitoring the list shortly after the San Francisco
Inquiry, when the "planesite" film was being made.  It's a subtle
signature of its real authorship (to sign the video with this mean
joke on the front cover).

The only (few) things in it that are probably true were all cribbed
from other sources (firefighter comments, WTC 7 footage, Oklahoma
City).  They are the bait to establish the bona fides of the film.
It's a classic piece of disinfotainment, probably more effective upon
people who watch lots of TV.
The rest of the "film" is crap - pods, no windows, pentagon no plane,
dust cloud, etc.
Power Hour is promoting an article on the neo-nazi American Free
Press website that claims "no plane" in Pennsylvania, which is
completely ridiculous.
I'm waiting for the "no building" and "no victims" theories.
The recent promotion of the "Pentagon Strike" flash video on the web
is probably the fall back position of the disinformation
disseminators, since they realize that few people buy the pod
nonsense but many in the 9/11 movement still cling to the
no-plane-at-the-Pentagon meme despite the fact that the physical
evidence and the eyewitness testimonies don't support it.  But even
this claim is falling apart, since several sites that have posted
abundant photographic evidence of boeing debris in the Pentagon
rubble.  (Does anyone really think that all the people who saw the
plane, especially those stuck in traffic on the nearby freeways, are
government disinfo agents?  That would have massively complicated the
conspiracy.)  If you trace back the "no plane at the Pentagon"
claims, they're sourced to a French author who originally wrote it
was a truck bomb (ie. he is incompetent and / or lying) and various
internet personas who have never been seen in person and all claim to
live very far away from northern Virginia (ie. they have no
credibility as experts on the topic, and have not been authenticated
as real people beyond their "nomme de guerre" on the web).
It's a nice tactic that the power hour admitted one of their many
errors, but if they admitted all of them, they'd have to recall the
film and refund the money.  Then, they'd have to admit still who fed
them this material.  I don't expect any of this to happen.
It is fascinating that this "film" avoids the real issues (NORAD
response, war games, empty part of Pentagon, prior warnings,
motivations, Iraq / Peak Oil wars, stock trades, Willie Brown, etc.),
the genuine websites, and steers people toward red herrings.   Cui

At 5:45 PM -0400 2004-10-11, Kyle F. Hence wrote:
  If this is not done, perhaps by DVK

[CTRL] Fwd: Abu Sayyaf: The CIA1s Monster Gone Berserk

2004-10-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Below is a cache of http://www.bulatlat.com/archive/016abu_us.htm. It's a

Abu Sayyaf: The CIA¹s Monster Gone Berserk

The Philippines is under watch by America¹s ³anti-terrorism² network. This
is so not only because of the presence of active Moro and Marxist guerrillas
but also because of its special concern on the Abu Sayyaf. In the Œ80s, just
as it was waging its last surrogate wars against the Soviet Union, the U.S.
was also engaged in new forms of covert operations -- the training of
Islamic militants to fight the Russians in Afghanistan and elsewhere. A
product of this war ­ the Abu Sayyaf ­ was once hailed by American
presidents as a group of ³freedom fighters.² It was an exaltation that would
haunt them for years.


To those who have been following the Abu Sayyaf¹s exploits, the offer of
military assistance by the United States government in tracking down the
extremists in Mindanao (southern Philippines) has sent a chilling effect
particularly among the patriotic sectors.

Related to this, similar concerns have been raised as to why despite
government¹s ³total war² policy on the small group of bandits ­ whose
hostage-taking spree is a purely police matter - not one of its active
ringleaders has been caught. Previous suspicions that the Abu Sayyaf enjoys
the protection of some top Armed Forces officials have surfaced again.

In a surprise operation last May 27, Abu Sayyaf gunmen kidnapped three
Americans and 17 Filipinos from the world-class Dos Palmas resort just off
Arracellis in Palawan. It was not immediately known where the new hostages
were taken but the gunmen reportedly operate from the southernmost islands
of Sulu, Basilan and Tawi-Tawi.

Abu Sayyaf spokesman Abu Sabaya on Saturday said they also took 10 fishermen
hostage on their way to Basilan. The kidnapping was pulled off just barely
two months after their last hostage ­ American Jeffrey Schilling ­ was freed
after nine months of captivity.

In declaring a ³no ransom, no negotiations² policy to the Abu Sayyaf,
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo ordered military assaults on the group¹s
suspected lairs and offered a P100 million (US$2 million) reward on the ring
leaders¹ capture, dead or alive.

Meeting Arroyo in Malacañang on May 30, U.S. Rep. Robert Underwood offered
military assistance to the Philippine government¹s pursuit operations
against the Abu Sayyaf. Underwood, who was accompanied in his visit by U.S.
Charge D¹Affaires Michael Malinowski, is a member of the powerful House
Armed Services Committee and was in the country to explore how military
relations between the two countries can be enhanced. Malinowski had earlier
pledged continued American military support to the Arroyo administration.

On the same day, U.S. State Department spokesman Phil Reeker demanded the
immediate and unconditional release of the hostages, particularly Americans
Guillermo Sobrero and missionary couple Martin and Gracia Burnham. Among the
17 Filipino hostages is construction magnate Reghis Romero, said to be the
front man of former Estrada crony Mark Jimenez in the purchase of The Manila
Times. The latter, who has just been elected Manila congressman, is himself
wanted by U.S. authorities.


Since the Dos Palmas abduction, at least 12 American warplanes had been seen
hovering over Puerto Princesa City in Palawan. Then on March 31, two U.S.
destroyers ­ the USS Curts and the USS Wadsworth -- and the landing ship USS
Rushmore arrived in the country with 1,200 American troops. Philippine armed
forces officials squelched speculations of U.S. intervention in the hostage
crisis, claiming that the American troops¹ presence was in connection with
ongoing war games in Palawan and Cavite.

Efforts to downplay reports that U.S. military assistance has indeed come
into play in the 

[CTRL] Vioxx was OKd for kids

2004-10-11 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-






  NY Newsday.com



Vioxx was OKd for kids
Merck announced drug was approved for children weeks before recall and years 
after reports of heart risks






2004Weeks before pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co. sent seismic waves 
through the medical community, pulling its painkiller Vioxx off the market, it 
announced the drug had been approved for children.Few drugs are 
available for those younger than 18 with debilitating rheumatoid disorders. And 
Merck announced with some fanfare on Sept. 8 that the federal Food and Drug 
Administration had approved Vioxx for pediatric use, based on research that ran three months. A longer 
Merck-sponsored study in adults showed the drug increases the risk of heart 
attacks and strokes, a finding that ended the five-year pharmaceutical run of 
Vioxx late last month.The little pill was a multibillion-dollar earner 
for the company, bringing in $2.5 billion last year alone.But Merck 
and the FDA had strong hints about the drug's cardiovascular risks as early as 
1999. And even as product liability lawyers were advertising for Vioxx 
victims on the radio and Internet, the company went ahead with the pediatric 
test."The information [about heart risks] was on the label, and it 
was for all dosing levels," said Anita Larsen, a spokeswoman for Merck, 
referring to the fine-print package insert that accompanies all prescription 
drugs, which, studies have shown, are rarely read.Larsen said the label 
information was based on scientific data reported in 2001. Still, had the 
company not withdrawn the drug, it is likely that youngsters could have been 
taking it for years.No signs in pediatric studyOfficials 
at the Arthritis Foundation, the nation's leading advocacy group for people with 
rheumatoid diseases, did not fault the FDA's approval of Vioxx for children. Dr. 
John Klippel, a rheumatologist and president of the foundation, said that FDA 
approval of Vioxx for children was based solely on the three-month pediatric 
study and that nothing in it hinted at heart problems."Vioxx wasn't 
approved long enough for children so that it would have caused a problem in 
kids," he said.The study that doomed Vioxx was aimed at determining how 
well the medication prevented colon polyps, intestinal growths that can 
sometimes flare into full-blown tumors.The study began in November 2000 
and was halted prematurely last month when researchers discovered that patients 
on the medication had double the risk of cardiovascular disorders compared with 
people on placebos. Merck's Larsen said an additional reason for that study was 
to examine the drug's potential for heart attack and stroke.Yet the 
company embarked on the pediatric study two years later already aware it was 
researching cardiovascular problems - as well as polyps - in 
adults."This was something we really wanted to examine," Larsen said of 
the drug's potential to cause cardiovascular problems. Still, evidence against 
Vioxx began arriving from numerous quarters.Dr. Garret FitzGerald, a 
cardiologist at the University of Pennsylvania, underscored that heart risks 
related to Vioxx were evident as early as 1999, the year Vioxx was federally 
approved. He published a scientific paper about the dangers in 2001. And last 
week, in a study released early by the New England Journal of Medicine, he said 
the entire class of drugs - COX-2 inhibitors - are potentially 
lethal.Dr. Steven Nissen, the Cleveland Clinic's vice chairman of 
cardiology, told Newsday that Merck and the FDA knew about the risks again in 
2001 because he had pointed to them as a member of an FDA heart and kidney 
advisory panel.Nissen had discovered a higher risk of cardiovascular 
problems in a group of arthritis patients on Vioxx compared with another on 
naproxen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, or NSAID. Vioxx, unlike older 
NSAIDs, was designed to act only on pain and inflammation - and not cause 
stomach problems, for which NSAIDs are notorious."What we were saying to 
the medical community is that we see a problem, and we think it needs more 
study," Nissen said. "But it was very controversial, and we got a lot of flak 
for it."Merck revised the Vioxx label in 2001, warning patients of 
increased cardiovascular risks.Results out before 
approvalThe FDA's Dr. David Graham examined the medical records of more 
than 1 million adults on Vioxx and also found evi

[CTRL] Fwd: Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists, Part 7

2004-10-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Saudi Entrepeneur Adnan Khashoggi
Linked to 911 Terrorists


By Alex Constantine

Prelude: Abu Sayyaf &
the CIA¹S Terror Incubator
in the Philippines

It¹s generally agreed that the same arm of Al Quaeda responsible for the
1993 WTC bombing returned on 9/11/01 to finish the job. It¹s a reasonable
assumption that the first attempt to level the towers, and the subsequent
paths of blind cleric Rahman¹s fellow conspirators, should provide some
answers to questions left in the wake of 911 concerning its obscure history
and sponsorship.

Media histories of al-Queda trace its roots to Saudi Arabia. Founder Osama
Bin Laden pushed early funding through the International Islamic Relief
Organization (IIRO), as arranged in meetings between al Qaeda¹s inner-circle
and the charity¹s directors. (The Saudi government funded terrorist attacks
on Israel in utter secrecy throughout most of the 1990¹s via charities in
Virginia and Florida.1) Ayman al-Zawahiri, bin Laden¹s lieutenant, was
employed by the IIRO in Albania. The Philippine branch office was run by
Osama¹s brother-in-law (1986-94), who made a hand-off of cash to the Abu
Sayyaf, an al Quaeda offshoot.2

The DoD, CIA and other opaque branches of government (oh, and the Mafia),
drawn by the lure of Japanese and German gold (see part 5), maintained a
particularly busy presence in the Philippines as the Marcos kleptocracy
declined and fell. Khashoggi¹s Iran-contra ally, Oliver North, oversaw ³back
door² shipments of the recovered gold, much of it to Arab governments, some
of it to Middle Eastern terrorists trading on the black market. North met
with Osama Bin Laden¹s money men often to negotiate exchange of the gold.3

The Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), like Al Quaeda, owed its existence to the
intelligence establishment. The ASG was co-founded by Edwin Angeles, an
undercover agent for the Defense Intelligence Group at the Department of
National Defense, Republic of the Philippines. His Muslim handle was
³Ibrahim Yakub² and as the organization¹s operations officer and chief
recruiter, he was largely responsible for the spread - and criminalization -
of the Abu Sayyaf.

Filipino television news reporter Arlyn de la Cruz, in her history of the
ASG, writes that Angeles/Yokub "holds the key to the deep intricacies of how
some government agencies manipulated the rawness of the Abu Sayyaf during
its early years." This observation still applies, and can be said of al
Quaeda, the CIA-bred Taliban mutation, as well.

It was Angeles ³who actually introduced the idea of kidnapping as part of
the fund-raising activities of the Abu Sayyaf," she recalls - this would be
the abduction of a wealthy woman in Davao. "Edwin planned the abduction and
even initiated the plan himself." The victim was held not far from the
Brigade Headquarters of the Philippine Marines in Tabuk. She was released
after her family paid the million-pesos ransom to Abu Sayyaf.

The next abductee was Luis "Ton-Ton" Biel, a five year-old child, and his
grandfather ... then Claretian priest Bernardo Blanco. Soon, the media were
requesting interviews, and ³Yokub² stepped before the cameras to act the
role of lethal but well-spoken religious lunatic. Angeles, according to
Cruz, was a "good speaker, a good actor. He spoke like a Leftist leader
espousing Fundamentalist principles.²4

The May 16 2004, an accidental blast at the Evergreen Hotel in Davao was a
clear statement that the ³Al Quaeda² offshoot still functions as an
intelligence front, a proxy army of the National Security Council that
exists to justify intervention in the Philippines.

The explosion - publicized in the States as the work of the dread ASG - was
set off by a store of dynamite belonging to one Michael Meiring, an
African-born, naturalized, proverbially Ugly American citi

[CTRL] Catholic hospitals and dying patients hunted by Israeli tax collectors

2004-10-11 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


Catholic hospitals and dying patients hunted by Israeli tax collectors

Jerusalem tax authorities have intensified a campaign of intimidation against Catholic institutions, in violation of the Agreement between the Holy See and Israel.

Jerusalem (AsiaNews) - The Jerusalem Municipality is threatening to confiscate the funds of St. Louis Catholic Hospital, if the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition, who run this specialised hospital for the terminally ill, do not pay the property taxes, from which, by international law, they are exempt. The Municipal tax collectors have given the Sisters a deadline of the 31 October. At that time they are threatening to seize the health insurance contributions, which enable the sisters to care for some 50 terminally ill patients, Arabs and Jews; Christian, Jewish and Muslim patients. If the tax collectors seize the funds, the Sisters (who themselves are extremely few)  will not be able to pay the wages of the support staff, and the dying patients may become homeless.
 The crisis has been precipitated by the Jerusalem Municipality in defiance of the solemn treaty between the Holy See and the State of Israel - known as the Fundamental Agreement - of 30 December 1993. This treaty bars the Israeli authorities from enforcing tax demands that are disputed by the Catholic Church, until a new comprehensive treaty on these matters is signed between the Holy See and Israel. It is the firm position of the Holy See that the Sisters, like all other Catholic convents and institutions in Israel are exempted from municipal property taxes, in accordance with internationally binding norms, including the 29 November 1947 UN Resolution that is the basis for the international legitimacy of the creation of the State of Israel - as Israel itself acknowledges in its 14 May 1948 Declaration of Independence. There it is said explicitly that the Jewish State is being created "on the strength of the UN Resolution". 
 The Government of Israel, however, has consistently refused to recognise that it is bound by its solemn Agreement with the Holy See, and has in fact taken the explicit position in the Courts that the Agreement with the Holy See has no value. Recently, the influential Archdiocese of Cologne - which has several institutions in the Holy Land, has petitioned the Israeli High Court of Justice to order the Government to state publicly for the record whether it recognises the solemn Agreement with the Holy See. Observers in Jerusalem said to AsiaNews:  “It is possible that precisely because of the impending decisions in the High Court, the tax authorities have wished to  intensify their campaign of intimidation against Catholic institutions, in violation of the Agreement”.
 AsiaNews recalls that Israel's Interior Minister, Avraham Poraz, on a visit to the Vatican just weeks ago, said in an interview that Catholic institutions will not be required to pay the tax. The actions of the Jerusalem municipality belie that promise.
 As for the Sisters of St. Joseph, they are anguished. On the one hand, they - like all other Catholic institutions -  are under orders from the highest Authorities of the Catholic Church not to capitulate  to the unjust and illegal demands of the Tax Authorities, since any break in the solidarity of Catholic institutions will make a mockery of the ongoing negotiations between the Catholic Church and the State of Israel, negotiations that aim precisely at a "comprehensive agreement" regarding all Catholic institutions.  The next negotiating session on precisely this issue of municipal property tax is scheduled for 27-28 October, just days before the ultimatum given to the Sisters of St. Joseph. On the other hand, they cannot contemplate the prospect of putting out on the street the dying men and women for whom they care with such love and dedication. But this is precisely what the high pressure tactics of the municipality are banking on, that the sisters will break down, and that their surrender will open the floodgates to the unilateral surrender of all other Catholic institutions. Church authorities will not let that happen, sources in Jerusalem say.
The drama of St. Louis Hospital recalls the similar dramatic situation of St. Joseph's Hospital, which has been the subject of numerous diplomatic exchanges between the Holy See and the Government of Israel. In the case of St. Joseph’s Hospital, the Government took the explicit position, in the Jerusalem District court, that the Fundamental Agreement had no value at all, and the Court accepted the Government's position. The Church has appealed to the Israeli Supreme Court, where the case is still pending - together with the petition from the Archdiocese of Cologne.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [TheEagle-L] Fw: Injured, angry, determined, Swiftees unite to fight Kerry (fwd)

2004-10-11 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 14:40:14 -0700
From: Les Lemke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [TheEagle-L] Fw: Injured, angry, determined,
 Swiftees unite to fight Kerry

"Kerry betrayed us by telling the people we were committing atrocities," Maj. Day 
says. "A man who does that is not fit to lead. It's impossible to let this man 
masquerade as a war hero and someone who has leadership. To imagine this guy who 
betrayed us becoming president and him being the leader of our armed forces is just 

- Original Message -
From: spiker
To: Recipient list suppressed
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 9:55 AM
Subject: Injured, angry, determined, Swiftees unite to fight Kerry

The Washington Times

Injured, angry, determined, Swiftees unite to fight Kerry

Midnight in South Vietnam, and the river is black. Past the rice paddies and shacks, 
small fires are burning by the shoreline as Lt. John H. Davis' 50-foot aluminum swift 
boat - PCF 19 - makes its routine patrol through the reeds.

In a split second, rocket fire shatters the silence, and through a plume of oily 
smoke, the boat sinks to the river's bottom.

"My whole crew lost their lives that night. I was the only one who survived," Lt. 
Davis says.

Lt. Davis, now 62, lost his left eye. The bones in both legs were shattered. But the 
scars of war are nothing compared to the demons that wake him from his sleep, leaving 
him drenched in sweat and trembling with fear.

"My latest nightmare was that I was pulling my crew out of the water. When it came to 
the last body, it was me."

Lt. Davis has come to Washington at his own expense, along with 89 other Swift Boat 
Veterans for Truth, to tape the eighth 60-second TV spot questioning Sen. John Kerry's 
fitness to be commander in chief.

They come from Oshkosh, Wis., and Orlando, Fla., San Francisco and Virginia Beach. One 
is on crutches. Others, former prisoners of war, walk stiffly, a result of being bound 
and tortured. Some wear their medals. Two are in cowboy boots.

Maj. Bud Day

Snow-haired Bud Day, a 79-year-old former POW, stands at attention. He is wearing a 
brown leather flight jacket befitting an Air Force major, complemented by the Medal of 
Honor around his neck. Others have donned "Swift Boat" baseball caps.

The silver-haired men - in natty ties, navy blazers and spit-shined shoes, their faces 
bronzed with Ben Nye matte foundation ("tan suede") - line up under the hot lights in 
the cavernous soundstage at Atlantic Video on Massachusetts Avenue.

One by one, they share their stories with the cameras and defend their honor.

These Swiftees, at times jocular (breaking into "Row, row, row your boat") and at 
other times on the verge of tears, are angry and frustrated. Not only because they say 
Mr. Kerry has lied about his service and refuses to sign the form that releases his 
military records to the public, but because 30 years ago, the candidate threw away his 
medals and called his fellow servicemen murderers, rapists, baby killers and cowards.

The weekend began with a dinner at the Key Bridge Marriott on Friday night, attended 
by a wealthy backer from Texas, T. Boone Pickens.

So far, they have raised more than $13 million - more than $4 million of which was 
contributed through their Internet site - and plan to step up their assault on the 
Democratic presidential candidate in the final weeks of the campaign. They raised an 
additional $2.5 million over the weekend and plan to spend $5 million more by Election 

The weekend shoot produced enough footage for two or three more ads, which the 
Swiftees plan to run starting Thursday in Pennsylvania and Ohio and in a few heavily 
military areas of Florida. Campaign analysts say the Swiftees have been highly 
effective in planting doubts about Mr. Kerry's fitness for office.

Vernon Smith, a 74-year-old Swiftee from Virginia Beach, didn't see any reason to come 
forward before, but when he read "Tour of Duty," Mr. Kerry's account of his Vietnam 
service as written by historian Douglas Brinkley, he got angry.

"I don't like the fabrications. Why does a man have to lie like that? He is totally 
unfit for command," he said.

Their beef with Mr. Kerry has driven them to action, the Swiftees say, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Howard Hunt Interview

2004-10-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-


Scavenger Hunt
E. Howard Hunt talks about Guatemala, the Bay of Pigs,
and what really happened to Che.
By Ann Louise Bardach
Updated Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2004, at 5:04 AM PT

The spymaster at twilight

MIAMI, Aug. 25, 2004—E. Howard Hunt is one of the most
notorious spies of the 20th century. The son of an
influential Republican leader in upstate New York,
Hunt began his career as a founding member of the OSS,
the precursor of the CIA in the 1940s. After beginning
as an intelligence operative in China, Hunt
trailblazed the path for the CIA in Latin America from
1950 to 1970, ever on the lookout for the Communist
menace. By his account, he was the architect of the
1954 U.S.-backed coup ("Operation Success") in
Guatemala that deposed democratically elected
President Jacobo Arbenz. Adept at psych ops
(propaganda and subversion) and running "black
flights" (covert operations), he also played a role in
the Bay of Pigs: He was responsible for propaganda
operations and the organization of a post-Castro
government. Such exploits and excesses led to the
scaling back of the CIA's prerogatives following
hearings by the Church Committee in 1976.

In July 1970, Hunt went into "private practice,"
taking with him the tools he acquired during his 25
years in the intelligence business. His most famous
black-bag jobs were breaking into Daniel Ellsberg's
psychiatrist's office and, later, Watergate, where
Hunt's "plumbers" cadre, recruited from among his
Cuban exile comrades, rifled and bugged the offices of
the Democratic Party in May and June of 1972.

Since pleading guilty to his role in Watergate and
spending "33 months in 13 federal prisons," Howard
Hunt has lived in Miami where he met and married his
second wife of 27 years, Laura. An expert storyteller,
Hunt has had a second career as a spy novelist. The
couple live in a modest ranch house at the end of a
cul-de-sac in north Miami. Posted around his door are
warnings against trespassing, which seems somehow
appropriate for a man with a history of illegal entry.

Continue Article

Hunt answered the door in a wheelchair. One of his
legs has been amputated due to atherosclerosis, and
for the past few months, he's battled lymphoma
localized in his jaw (it is now in remission). He
wears a hearing aid and sports rimless, bifocal
glasses. While no longer the dapper spymaster, he
remains salty and unremorseful.

As a general rule, Hunt said, he doesn't talk about

[CTRL] Feds seize Indymedia servers

2004-10-11 Thread jefro
-Caveat Lector-

Any ideas why?

By John 
Published Friday 8th October 2004 
18:44 GMT

The FBI yesterday seized a pair of UK servers used by Indymedia, the independent 
newsgathering collective, after serving a subpoena in the US on Indymedia's 
hosting firm, Rackspace. Why or how remains unclear.
Rackspace UK complied with a legal order and handed over hard disks without 
first notifying Indymedia. It's unclear if the raid was executed under 
extra-territorial provisions of US legislation or the UK's Regulation of 
Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA). Provisions of RIPA make it a criminal offence 
to discuss warrants, so Rackspace would not be able to discuss the action with 
its customer Indymedia, or with the media.
Rackspace US has issued a statement which says that the investigation "did 
not arise in the United States", but which sheds very little light on the whys 
and the wherefores.
In the present matter regarding Indymedia, Rackspace Managed 
  Hosting, a US based company with offices in London, is acting in compliance 
  with a court order pursuant to a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT), which 
  establishes procedures for countries to assist each other in investigations 
  such as international terrorism, kidnapping and money laundering. Rackspace 
  responded to a Commissioner’s subpoena, duly issued under Title 28, United 
  States Code, Section 1782 in an investigation that did not arise in the United 
  States. Rackspace is acting as a good corporate citizen and is cooperating 
  with international law enforcement authorities. The court prohibits Rackspace 
  from commenting further on this matter."
Dai Davis, an IT lawyer at London law firm Nabarro Nathanson, said 
Rackspace's statement fails to clarify the legal basis of the raid. "If it was a 
RIPA warrant, Rackspace can't refer to it. Most RIPA warrants can be issued by 
the Home Secretary," he said. "The FBI has no jurisdiction in the UK and would 
need to act in concert with UK authorities, such as the security services or 
police," he added.
Net effect
The seizure of Indymedia's servers affects more than 20 Indymedia sites 
worldwide. The list of affected local media collectives includes Uruguay, 
Andorra, Poland, Nice, several French groups, Euskal Herria (Basque Country), 
multiple Belgian sites, Serbia, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Italy, Brazil, the 
UK, part of the Germany site, and the global Indymedia Radio site. One of the 
servers taken down at Rackspace provided streaming radio to several radio 
stations and served files related to the Blag Linux distribution, among other 
While Indymedia is not exactly sure what prompted the action, the group does 
have one strong idea. A French Indymedia site last month posted photos of what 
it believed to be undercover Swiss police officers photographing protesters at a 
French event. Indymedia received a request from the FBI to pull those photos 
down, as they "revealed personal information" about the undercover police, said 
Indymedia press officer Hep Sano.
Rackspace appeared to confirm that the photos were an issue with the FBI.
"I apologize for the delay in responding. I have been trying to get a hold of 
the FBI agent I spoke with before, but haven't been able to at this time," wrote 
a Rackspace official to Indymedia earlier this week, according to Sano. "As the 
request originated with the Swiss police, I can only speculate on what they saw 
or what they were concerned about. However, at this time, I have received no 
further communications from either the FBI or the Swiss authorities, so I feel 
like we can close this this issue."
Still, Indymedia has never sorted out the matter with the FBI.
"They never clarified what they meant by personal information," she said. 
"The photos were taken on a public street."
Indymedia believes the photos were eventually pulled, but ironically cannot 
check on this as it no longer has access to the servers or hard disks. The group 
has not been notified if the FBI is even involved in this seizure or whether or 
not the servers or just hard disks were confiscated.
"We are still trying to work with the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) to 
figure out who is charging us and with what crime," said Sano. The EFF did not 
immediately return a call seeking comment.
Reports are now circulating that government agencies in Italy and Switzerland 
prompted the action against Indymedia.
Indymedia said yesterday's raids were part of a wider pattern of "attacks" 
against independent media outlets by the US Federal Government authorities over 
recent months. Last month the Federal Communications Commission shut down 
community radio stations around the US.
In addition, an article submitted through Indymedia's Open Newswire service 
identifying the names of delegates to the Republican Convention and where they 
were staying in New York reportedly led to an investigation by 

[CTRL] C.R.E.S.T. 59 Socialists In Congress (fwd)

2004-10-11 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 00:50:04 -
From: quicksilverdime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: C.R.E.S.T. 59 Socialists In Congress

We definitely won't be asking any of the following individuals to be
a part of a new continental congress.

59 Socialists In Congress
by Chuck Morse

On the extreme left wing of the Democratic Party, The Progressive
Caucus is affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America,
which, in turn, is the American affiliate of the Socialist
International. Congressional Caucus members, I would contend, should
actually be called Socialists rather than Democrats. Unlike their
European counterparts, these homegrown American Socialist Congressmen
try to refrain from showing their true authoritarian colors. Such
displays would be too risky in an America that is still steeped in
traditional freedoms. There are still enough of us out here who would
boot them out of office if they revealed too much of their true

Socialists, like Communists, Nazis, Klansmen, or other political
groups, rightfully enjoy the same constitutional protections as the
rest of us. Unlike their more radical aforementioned counterparts
however, the socialists believe in changing the system by "boring
from within" rather than through illegal violence and sedition. As
such, they prefer legislation, often filled with deceptive legalese
and passed through Congress by duplicitous means, as their choice of
arms in their quest toward revolutionary goals. Socialists are
gradualists rather than extremists. They are slowly chipping away at
our G-d given rights.

Freedom loving Americans would be well advised to keep a close eye on
socialist Congressmen. While they may talk like the rest of us,
especially when sojourning in their respective districts, they
operate from a different paradigm. If they decide to support a war
against Iraq, for example, or any other intervention overseas, their
motives would more likely be based on an agenda that seeks to
entangle the US in a new world order than in protecting the interests
of sovereign America.

As a matter of principle and as an article of faith, socialists
support a socialist world government as an ultimate goal. The method
they employ is the gradual transfer of constitutional
responsibilities from elected American legislatures to international
agencies accountable to no one. Socialists are apt to support such
things as international standing armies, an international tax, the
transfer of American capital to third world dictators, and the
surrender of congressional responsibilities to the UN, the WTO, the
IMF, UNESCO and now the International Criminal Court. Whenever
communistic protocols emerge out of a UN sponsored conference, as is
always the case, and whenever such un-American protocols are rejected
by a still largely patriotic Congress, the socialist congressmen and
their allies will more than likely try to foist the protocol on the
American people through a back door.

Socialists believe in sovereignty eroding entanglements abroad and
big-state socialism at home. They support high taxes on working
people with the money transferred to bureaucracies staffed by their
friends. They support a welfare state that oppresses poor people,
especially minorities, who then become their constituents. They
support left-wing judges who are willing to subvert the democratic
power of Congress by making laws from the bench. While they support
mandatory public education, mandatory labor unions, mandatory racial
quotas, land-grabbing environmental regulation, and thought control
in the form of hate speech legislation, they turn around and become
downright libertarian when it comes to pornography, abortion, sex,
drugs, homosexuality, and other agendas that debauch the citizenry.
by Chuck Morse
Apr 2003

Following is the Sept. 2002 membership list of the Progressive

Neil Abercrombie -- Hawaii
Tammy Baldwin -- Wisconsin
Xavier Becerra -- California
David Bonior -- Michigan
Corrine Brown -- Florida
Sherron Brown -- Ohio
Michael Capuano -- Massachusetts
Julia Carson -- Indiana
William "Lacy" Clay -- Missouri
John Conyers -- Michigan
Danny Davis -- Illinois
Peter DeFazio -- Oregon
Rosa DeLauro -- Connecticut
Lane Evans -- Illinois
Eni Faleomavaega -- Am Samoa
Sam Farr -- California
Chaka Fattah -- Pennsylvania
Bob Filner -- California
Barney Frank -- Massachusetts
Luis Gutierrez -- Illinois
Earl Hilliard -- Alabama
Maurice Hi