[CTRL] Israeli Secret Agents Liquidate 310 Iraqi Scientists

2004-10-31 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Israeli secret agents liquidate 310 Iraqi scientistsPosted: 10/30From: AzzamanMore than 310 Iraqi scientists are thought to have perished at the hands of Israeli secret agents in Iraq since fall of Baghdad to US troops in April 2003, a seminar has found.The seminar, held in Cairo, was attended by politicians, journalists and experts with an interest in current Iraqi affairs.The experts said they had detected an organized campaign aimed at “liquidating Iraqi scientists” in the past 18 months and most of them pointed the finger at the Israeli secret police service, the Mossad.The organizers said their aim was to highlight the plight of Iraqi scientists particularly those who were engaged in the weapons programs under the former regime.“There is a joint American and Israeli plan to kill as many Iraqi scientists as possible,” said Abdel Raoof al-Raidi, an ambassador and assistant foreign minister.The Iraqi ambassador in Cairo, Ahmad al-Iraqi, accused Israel of sending to Iraq immediately after the US invasion “a commando unit” charged with the killing of Iraqi scientists.“Israel has played a prominent role in liquidating Iraqi scientists … The campaign is part of a Zionist plan to kill Arab and Muslim scientists working in applied research which Israel sees as threatening its interests,” al-Iraqi said.DR. Imad Jad, an Israeli affairs expert at the Al-Ahram Studies Center, said the US had already airlifted 70 Iraqi scientists out of the country and placed them in areas to make it difficult for them to “transfer information to anti-US quarters.”He said more than 310 Iraqi scientists have been killed so far and most of them at the hands of Mossad agents working in Iraq.He said the Ahram Center estimated that nearly 17,000 Iraqi scientists working in various fields of knowledge have fled the country since the US-led invasion.In Baghdad, interim government officials refused to comment on the deliberations that took place in the Cairo conference.However, the Ministry of Higher Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology said their own figures tally with those mentioned at the seminar, particularly regarding the number of Iraqi scientist been killed so far. 

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[CTRL] Fwd: [ArtBell_Talk] Fwd: Ruppert Blows The Lid Off 911 In New Book

2004-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Ruppert Blows The Lid Off 911 In New Book
Posted At Kitco.com
Copyright © 2002 bw/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved

As Mike Ruppert will delinate in his upcoming book "Crossing the
Rubicon" there were at least five "Training Exercises" in progress on
the morning of 9/11 2001. Each and every one, and any others we may not
yet know of, was under the control of our vice president Dick Cheney.

1 ) MILITARY EXERCISE NORTHERN VIGILANCE: Transferred most of the combat
ready interceptors and possibly many AWACS from the north east into
northen Canada and Alaska. This explains,in part, why there were only
eight ( 8 ) combat interceptors in the NE on 9/11.

--> ! " 10 " Sept 2001 to set up the command post for FEMA, NEW YORK
CITY AND DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE on Manhattan's PIER 29. This shows our
masters are loving, they made a strong effort to minimize the required
deaths. This was probably forced on them by the CFR, nice guys who must
occasionally kill innocent people.

3 ) WARGAME EXERCISE, VIGILANT GUARDIAN: This exercise simulated
hi-jacked planes in the northeast sector. The 9/11 commission made only
mention of this single exercise and lied about its purpose. The
commisssion said its purpose was to intercept Russian bombers.

4 ) WARGAME EXERCISE, VIGILANT WARRIOR: This exercise simulated
hi-jacked planes in the northeast sector.

hi-jacked planes in the northeast sector.

At the time of the real hi-jacking there were as many as 22 hi-jacked
aircraft on NORAD's radar screen.

Some of these drills were "Live Fly" exercises were actual aircraft,
likely flown by remote control were simulating hi-jacked aircraft. Some
of the drills electronically added the hi-jacked aircraft into the
system. All this as the real hi-jackings began.

NORAD could not tell the difference between the seventeen bogus blips
and the five actual hi-jacked aircraft blips. Cheney could.

It is clear we know almost nothing about how 9/11 was executed. We
should know it was an exceeding highly technological operation involving
dozens of major projects each employing large resources.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: Judges Reject Appeal Of Killer Cult Leader

2004-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

A "survival" cult: "Thimm was sexually abused, whipped, shot, stomped ..."
Ryan's appeals may continue
Federal Judges Reject Appeal Of Killer Cult Leader
October 29, 2004

The Nebraska judge who sentenced Michael Ryan to die in the electric chair
made a stupid mistake when he met improperly with members of the victims'

It was the kind of mistake that could easily result in a killer getting a
new trial, or a new sentencing procedure.

In Ryan's case, however, three federal judges said Friday that the error by
the trial judge could be overlooked.


Because of the graphic, gruesome evidence presented at Ryan's trial, which
detailed ongoing torture and sexual abuse. Nhat nothing said to the judge by
family members could be more powerful than such evidence, the federal panel

The decision from the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was the latest in a
series of efforts by Ryan to avoid the electric chair.

Ryan was the leader of a survivalist cult that lived on a farm near Rulo in
Richardson County. He sentenced to die for the 1985 torture slaying of James
Thimm. Thimm was one of Ryan's followers. Ryan also was found guilty of
second-degree murder in the death of 5-year-old Luke Stice, the son of a
cult member.

Evidence showed that Thimm was sexually abused, whipped, shot, stomped up on
and partially skinned while still alive. One of his legs was broken. The
fingertips were shot off one of his hands.

At one point during Thimm's ordeal, according to trial testimony, Ryan told
other followers that God wanted Thimm to suffer for several days.

District Judge Robert Finn met improperly, at different times, with members
of both victims' families.

Nebraska courts and the federal courts concluded that such meetings were
unarguably improper.

However, the three-judge federal panel noted the U.S. Supreme Court allows
substantial leeway in evaluating such circumstances and determining whether
they were prejudicial to a defendant.

In Ryan's case, the federal judges said, prejudice wasn't a problem.

"There is sufficient evidence in the record to support the Nebraska state

conclusion that any possible prejudicial effect of the ex parte meetings on

Finn's sentencing was minimal given the nature of the evidence presented at
trial. As the district court explained, "Judge Finn was not presented with
any material information about issues pertinent to Ryan's death sentence
during the Thimm or Stice family meetings that had not already been
presented to Judge Finn in earlier court proceedings."

The federal court added: "This case involves horrific instances of torture
and murder. It was not unreasonable for the Nebraska state courts to
conclude that there was little the victims' families could say that would
have had a prejudicial effect on Judge Finn given the evidence and testimony
he had already heard. The Nebraska Supreme Court reasonably concluded that
Judge Finn could not have been presented with any evidence at the May 9,
1986 meeting that had not already been presented to him, and that he made
his sentencing decision based upon the documentary evidence and the record
before the trial court."

Ryan also argued that the ex parte communications showed that Finn had an
improper bias against him, and that this bias deprived him of a fair

"The Nebraska state courts reasonably concluded that any possible appearance
of impartiality" was minimal, the judges said.

"In this instance, the state courts could reasonably find that any disdain
Judge Finn possessed for Ryan was motivated by evidence and testimony
presented at trial. It is unlikely that any statements by the families could
have altered Judge Finn's sente

[CTRL] SMOKING GUN: Bush Plan To Prevent Democracy In Iraq And Steal All Assets

2004-10-31 Thread Mark S Bilk
-Caveat Lector-


"One thing stood in the way of rewriting Iraq's laws and
selling off Iraq's assets:  the Iraqis.  An insider
working on the plans put it coldly:  `They have [Deputy
Defense Secretary Paul] Wolfowitz coming out saying
it's going to be a democratic country -- but we're going
to do something that 99 percent of the people of Iraq
wouldn't vote for.' "

Adventure Capitalism - The Hidden 2001 Plan
to Carve-up Iraq

by Greg Palast
Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Why were Iraqi elections delayed? Why was Jay Garner
fired? Why are our troops still there? Investigative
reporter Greg Palast uncovers new documents that answer
these questions and more about the Bush administration's
grand designs on Iraq. Like everything else issued during
this administration, the plan to overhaul the Iraqi
economy has corporate lobbyist fingerprints all over it.

In February 2003, a month before the U.S. invasion of
Iraq, a 101-page document came my way from somewhere
within the U.S. State Department.  Titled pleasantly,
"Moving the Iraqi Economy from Recovery to Growth," it
was part of a larger under-wraps program called "The
Iraq Strategy."

The Economy Plan goes boldly where no invasion plan has
gone before:  the complete rewrite, it says, of a
conquered state's "policies, laws and regulations."
Here's what you'll find in the Plan:  A highly detailed
program, begun years before the tanks rolled, for
imposing a new regime of low taxes on big business, and
quick sales of Iraq's banks and bridges--in fact, "ALL
state enterprises"--to foreign operators.  There's more
in the Plan, part of which became public when the State
Department hired consulting firm to track the progress
of the Iraq makeover. Example:  This is likely
history's first military assault plan appended to a
program for toughening the target nation's copyright

And when it comes to oil, the Plan leaves nothing to
chance--or to the Iraqis.  Beginning on page 73, the
secret drafters emphasized that Iraq would have to
"privatize" (i.e., sell off) its "oil and supporting
industries."  The Plan makes it clear that--even if we
didn't go in for the oil--we certainly won't leave
without it.

If the Economy Plan reads like a Christmas wishlist
drafted by U.S. corporate lobbyists, that's because it

>From slashing taxes to wiping away Iraq's tariffs
(taxes on imports of U.S. and other foreign goods), the
package carries the unmistakable fingerprints of the
small, soft hands of Grover Norquist.

Norquist is the capo di capi of the lobbyist army of
the right.  In Washington every Wednesday, he hosts a
pow-wow of big business political operatives and right-
wing muscle groups--including the Christian Coalition
and National Rifle Association--where Norquist
quarterbacks their media and legislative offensive for
the week.

Once registered as a lobbyist for Microsoft and
American Express, Norquist today directs Americans for
Tax Reform, a kind of trade union for billionaires
unnamed, pushing a regressive "flat tax" scheme.

Acting on a tip, I dropped by the super-lobbyist's L-
Street office.  Below a huge framed poster of his idol
("NIXON-- NOW MORE THAN EVER"), Norquist could not wait
to boast of moving freely at the Treasury, Defense and
State Departments, and, in the White House, shaping the
post-conquest economic plans--from taxes to tariffs to
the "intellectual property rights" that I pointed to in
the Plan.

Norquist wasn't the only corporate front man getting a
piece of the Iraq cash cow.  Norquist suggested the
change in copyright laws after seeking the guidance of
the Recording Industry Association of America.

And then there's the oil.  Iraq-born Falah Aljibury was
in on the drafting of administration blueprints for the
post-Saddam Iraq.  According to Aljibury, the
administration began coveting its Mideast neighbor's
oil within weeks of the Bush-Cheney inauguration, when
the White House convened a closed committee under the
direction of the State Department's Pam Wainwright.
The group included banking and chemical industry men,
and the range of topics over what to do with a post-
conquest Iraq was wide.  In short order, said Aljibury,
"It became an oil group."

This was not surprising as the membership list had a
strong smell of petroleum.  Besides Aljibury, an oil
industry consultant, the secret team included
executives from Royal-Dutch Shell and ChevronTexaco.
These and other oil industry bigs would, in 2003,
direct the drafting of a 300-page addendum to the
Economy Plan solely about Iraq's oil assets.  The oil
section of the Plan, obtained after a year of wrestling
with the administration over the Freedom of Information
Act, calls for Iraqis to sell off to "IOCs"
(international oil companies) the nation's "downstream"
assets--that is, the refineries, pipelines and ports
that, unless under armed occupation, a Mi


2004-10-31 Thread Ecotoday
-Caveat Lector-
Dear fellow Supporters -  Let's stop the arms race before it escalates into space, and transform the war industry into a peaceful, sustainable, cooperative Space age society. 

Our Petition to the United Nations General Assembly is designed for this purpose, and asks the UN General Assembly to produce a Treaty by United Nations Day, 2005 (October 24, 2005) banning space-based weapons and all warfare in space.

If the General Assembly cannot meet that deadline, our U.N. Petition asks for a Space Preservation Treaty-signing Conference to ban space-based weapons and all warfare in space, like the 1997 Ottawa Conference that resulted in the Land Mines Treaty, to be held at the World Peace Forum 2006 (June 2006, Vancouver, B.C.). 

I have read and signed the U.N. Petition: "CAMPAIGN FOR COOPERATION IN SPACE"

We are trying to reach 1 signatures, and we need YOUR HELP! 

Please help by signing this petition. It takes 30 seconds and will really help.  Please follow this link:


Once you have signed, help even more, by telling your friends and family to sign as well!

To add your name to this petition go to:

*Signers may choose to hide their identity to the public.  Such names will appear as "Anonymous" on the PetitionSite.com and advocacy emails similar to this. (The signature number above may not match the number assigned to your signature on the first page of the petition.) To view additional petitions, please click here:

Here is what best-selling author Mel Hurtig says about the Space Preservation Treaty-signing Conference 

"We Canadians should help organize a major international conference in Vancouver to strongly condemn the weaponizing of space. We should invite Russia, China, India, Brazil, the Scandinavian countries, and many others to join us in a massive worldwide campaign against U.S. plansÅ. I suggest Vancouver because a large number of excellent people, with the encouragement of the [Vancouver] City Council, are already planning a World Peace Forum for 2006, and a proposal for a widely endorsed Space Preservation Treaty.  The conference would be organized much as the 1997 Land Mines Conference in Ottawa." p. 183 

Mel Hurtig, "Rushing to Armageddon: The Shocking Truth about Canada, Missile Defence, and Star Wars"   (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, Ltd 2004). 

You can also sign the U.N. Petition online at CAMPAIGN FOR COOPERATION IN SPACE: 

Sign U.N. Petition:

Thank you! 

Sign our UN Petition Now
PETITION: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/832338563
CAMPAIGN: http://www.peaceinspace.org
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Please feel free to forward far & wide.  Thank you. 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substanceânot soap-boxingâplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'âwith its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsâis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [TheEagle-L] Property Voters' Organization Names Kerry and Edwards ENEMIES OF PROPERTY RIGHTS (fwd)

2004-10-31 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 10:49:02 -0800
From: Les Lemke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [TheEagle-L] Property Voters' Organization Names Kerry and

Land Rights Network
American Land Rights Association
PO Box 400 - Battle Ground, WA 98604
Phone: 360-687-3087 - Fax: 360-687-2973
Web Address: http://www.landrights.org
Legislative Office:
507 Seward Square SE
Washington, DC 20003

2004 Kerry Enemy of Property Rights Certificate

Based on votes going back five years.

Available at http://www.landrights.org

Please forward this message as widely as possible.

Make plans NOW to vote.  Don't let anything stand in your way.   This is
the most important election in years.  It is critical that everyone vote.
Please do you part.


See how Senator Kerry stacked up against President Bush.  See who walks the

Compares positions on Federal land, natural resources and private property

Print out a copy of Senator Kerry's "Enemy of Property Rights Certificate."

You can compare how your Congressman and Senators measured up against
others on key votes going back to previous Congresses.

League of Private Property Voters Names John Kerry
and John Edwards Enemies of Property Rights

(BATTLE GROUND, WA) - The League of Private Property Voters

(LPPV) today released an analysis of the votes of Senator John Kerry (D-MA)
and John Edwards (D-SC) from the Private Property Congressional Vote Index
from 1999 through 2003.

Every Senator and Representative who scores at least 80% receives a
"Champion" of Private Property Right's certificate.  Every Member who gets
20% or less is rated an "Enemy" of Private Property Rights.  Full size
examples of actual "Champion" and "Enemy" certificates are printed in each
Vote Index.

Senator Kerry achieved a score of "zero" on private property and resource
issues all five years.  Senator Edwards score was 14% for 2001, 20% for
2002 and "zero" for 2003 the only years he was in the Senate.

Senator Kerry was given the prestigious positioning in the scorecard by
having his "Enemy of Property Rights" certificate printed full size inside.

Senator Kerry voted multiple times to stop death tax repeal and against
ranchers with grazing permits.  He supported stopping Klamath River
irrigation, for political speech restrictions, against oil and gas
exploration in national monuments, for international court powers, against
forest fire protection funding, against the Healthy Forest Act, for a
farmland land grab, for a tax break for land trusts, and co-sponsored the
Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA), the largest land grab bill in

A greater search of Senator Kerry's record shows that in the late 90's he
opposed working toward energy independence by opposing drilling in ANWR on
the coastal plain of Alaska, opposed the Private Property Rights
Implementation Act, opposed RS 2477 Rights-of-way, and opposed sales of
excess Federal land.

Senator Edwards opposed repealing the death tax several times, supported
environmental pork projects, and a tax break for land trusts.  He supported
political speech restrictions, opposed oil and gas exploration in national
monuments, supported giving an international court powers over US Soldiers
and others, and against fire protection funding.

For comparison purposes, President George Bush supported drilling  at ANWR
on coastal plain of Alaska, supported the Healthy Forest Initiative,
supported repealing the death tax, supported exploration for oil and gas in
national monuments, was against giving US Sovereignty to international
courts, and supported forest fire protection funding.

The League of Private Property Voters is a national non-partisan coalition
of over 600 co-sponsoring organizations including the American Land Rights
Association, Alliance for America, People for the USA, Blue Ribbon
Coalition, American Policy Center, numerous Farm Bureaus, mining, grazing,
forestry and agriculture groups as well as most national, regional and
local private property, multiple-use and taxpayer organizations.

The 2003 Private Property Congressional Vote Index is available in both
printed form and on our highly regarded landrights.org website.

Go to http://www.landrights.org  for the complete 2003 Private Property
Congressional Vote Index including all the indivi

[CTRL] Whistleblower Says Halliburton Contract Abuse Blatant

2004-10-31 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Whistleblower Says Halliburton Contract Abuse Blatant
Fri Oct 29, 2004 09:20 PM ET 
By Joanne Morrison WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' top contracting official on Friday called the government's grant of multi-billion dollar contracts to oil services giant Halliburton the worst case of contracting abuse she has ever seen.  "It was misconduct, and part of that misconduct was blatant," said Bunny Greenhouse, in an interview on NBC's Nightly News program. Greenhouse has already demanded an investigation into the contracts that last year were granted to Halliburton, the energy services firm run by Vice President Dick Cheney from 1995-2000. According to her attorney, the FBI has since asked her for an interview on the matter. A spokesman for President Bush on Friday said the president expects a full investigation into allegations of wrongdoing in how Iraq-related contracts were awarded to Halliburton 
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

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Re: [CTRL] C.R.E.S.T. Democrats already trying to steal the election Rendell and PA Democrats More Interested In Helping Prisoners Vote Than Our Military Men and Women (fwd)

2004-10-31 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 07:22:51 -0500
From: Don Schwarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: C.R.E.S.T. Rendell and PA Democrats More Interested In
Helping Prisoners Vote Than Our Military Men and Women (fwd)

When you look at the history of the Democrat party,
from publishing its support for slavery to "Jim Crow" laws
to turning Jews away from America in 1939 back into the
hands of the left-wing NAZI's and Hitler, I am always
amazed that anyone with more than a partially functioning
brain cell, would ever support the Democrat party.

Even the ultra-liberal Cape Cod Times just a few
doors up the street from Ted Kennedy, is supporting
George Bush for President.

I've seen how Rendell and the Democrats work
in Pennsylvania, Hitler would be proud of them!

At 02:44 AM 10/31/04 -0500, you wrote:

>Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
>United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
>  visit my web site at
>http://www.info-quest.org My ICQ# is 79071904
>See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
>appeals doesn't want you to say.
>for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:
>-- Forwarded message --
>Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 23:27:55 -0400
>Subject: Rendell and PA Democrats More Interested In Helping Prisoners
> Than Our Military Men and Women
>Rendell and PA Democrats More Interested In Helping Prisoners Vote Than
>Our Military Men and Women, Santorum and Specter fight to allow
>for Servicemen to have their vote counted
>Ignoring requests for weeks to help families who have loved ones serving
>in the military overseas who may be unable to vote in Tuesday`s general
>election, Gov. Ed Rendell yesterday offered a half-hearted deal to two
>military parents who testified that their son`s ballots were sent late.
>The deal will allow the absentee votes coming back from servicemen and
>women to be counted up to 8 days after the election.  The two parents
>come to the Republican State Committee with their problem after trying
>address the problem with Rendell himself.  State Committee offered free
>legal service to the two parents, who in turn filed suit earlier this
>against Rendell and asked for a 15 day extension.  The two were forced
>agree to Rendell`s "final best offer" while admitting that the time
>probably not be enough for their own son`s votes to count but felt that
>was the best they could get.
>Senator Rick Santorum and other Republican lawmakers have been calling
>Rendell over the past two weeks to join them on behalf of soldiers
>fighting around the world in extending the deadline in which ballots
>be returned from overseas.
>After hearing of reports from parents and soldiers that their sons and
>daughters had not yet received their absentee ballots, Santorum and
>called upon Rendell to join the US Department of Justice, who had sued
>state over this matter, and agree to an extension of the deadline.
>Unfortunately, Governor Rendell, who fought ardently against allowing
>military votes to be counted in the Florida recount in 2000, put
>partisanship over principle and fought against extending the deadline
>in Pennsylvania for the 2004 General Election.  That position directly
>contradicts Gov. Rendell`s actions during the Primary Election, when he
>supported such an extension.
>Rendell insisted that no credible evidence existed that military men and
>women would not have their vote counted.  Rendell maintained publicly
>all counties met their obligation to voters at the same time his legal
>team, led by Mark Aronchik, admitted in court that they knew of ballots
>that were sent late.  (Aronchik is a well known Democrat attorney and
>money donor of the Kerry Campaign and is the infamous "Butterfly Ballot"
>lawyer of Florida 2000 fame.)
>Counties were forced to delay mailing their ballots due to litigation
>brought forth by state Democratic leaders to remove Independent
>presidential candidate Ralph Nader from the state ballot.
>Republican State Committee attempted to adjoin another military parent
>from Altoona before the case began Friday morning.
>Senator Arlen Specter cancelled his previously scheduled plans to come
>Harrisburg and argue the case on behalf of the Altoona father

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush the 'Infallible'

2004-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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George W. Bush's chief political appeal to his followers may be paradoxically the same 
characteristic that many critics despise: his sense that he is above the rules that 
apply to other people â or other countries. His supporters, still traumatized by the 
Sept. 11 attacks, seem to want a president who doesnât care what anybody else thinks.

Read the story at http://www.consortiumnews.com.

For more on George W. Bush's rise to power, order Robert Parry's "Secrecy & Privilege: 
Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq" -- available at 

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Cronkite: Rove likely set up bin Laden tape

2004-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan
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-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: CLG News 

To: CLG News 
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 10:44 PM
Subject: Cronkite: Rove likely set up bin Laden tape

Update from Citizen for Legitimate Government October 30, 
2004 http://www.legitgov.org/ 
Cronkite: Rove likely set up bin Laden tape 
--CNN LARRY KING LIVE --Bin Laden Releases New Videotape Aired October 29, 2004 
- 21:00 ET (transcript) LARRY KING, HOST: OK, Walter. What do you make of 
this? [a new Osama bin Laden tape addressing the American people] ...WALTER 
CRONKITE, FMR. CBS NEWS ANCHOR: What we just heard. So now the question is 
basically right now, how will this affect the election? And I have a feeling 
that it could tilt the election a bit. In fact, I'm a little inclined to 
think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the White House, who is a very 
clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this 
thing. The advantage to the Republican side is to get rid of, as a 
principal subject of the campaigns right now, get rid of the whole problem of 
the al Qaqaa explosive dump. Right now, that, the last couple of days, has, 
I think, upset the Republican campaign. 
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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] CRONKITE: KARL ROVE with bin LADEN ?

2004-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan
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Argentina Centro de Medios Independientes (( i ))

por Foreign Press Foundation
Sunday October 31, 2004 at 06:24 AM

When King asked Cronkite - after looking at the last tape from bin Laden: "OK, Walter. 
What do you
make of this?" Cronkite answered: "Karl Rove, the political manager at the White 
House, who is a
very clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this thing."


"By the beard of bin Laden": why isn't it more gray ?

FPF-31-10-2004 - There are sometimes journalistic gems to be found in the CNN pulp 
usually spread by
Larry King. Like last Friday when he had invited 'grand old anchorman" Walter Cronkite 
and some

When King asked Cronkite - after looking at the last tape from bin Laden: "OK, Walter. 
What do you
make of this?" Cronkite answered: "Karl Rove, the political manager at the White 
House, who is a
very clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this thing."

Cronkite actually was confirming the mistrust which exists concerning tapes and other 
signs of life
of favorite terrorists, and many wonder if this bL tape might be some kind of 'Bush 
Surprise' as Cronkite carefully indicated. The main reason being to influence the 
outcome of the
presidential election.

There's no doubt that all secret services from the US* and other warring countries 
cooperate in
psychological operations*, 'Black propaganda' and all other tricks of the trade, to 
influence the
taxpayers who also pay the bill.


The good thing about this comment - which starts buzzing on Internet - is the fact 
that the
transcript of those remarks on CNN LARRY KING LIVE - Aired October 29, 2004 - 21:00 ET 
- is still
available. [link below]

The following is an excerpt from the CCN/King/Cronkite transcript "Bin Laden Releases 
New Videotape

KING: "Tonight, four days before America votes in the first election since 9/11, a new 
Osama bin
Laden tape addressing the American people and naming both President Bush and John 
Kerry. How will
this affect the race?

We'll ask a living legend of broadcast journalism, Walter Cronkite, the former CBS 
News anchor. [ ]
Walter Cronkite, the legendary journalist and old friend, a great man in the history 
of broadcast
journalists, and maybe the most revered person ever to go on camera. Let's first play 
a little bit
of this tape, in which bin Laden, released today, directly addresses the American 


OSAMA BIN LADEN (through translator): Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or 
Bush or al
Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands. Any nation that does not attack us will not 
be attacked.

(END VIDEO CLIP) KING: OK, Walter. What do you make of this?

CRONKITE: Well, I make it out to be initially the reaction that it's a threat to us, 
that unless we
make peace with him, in a sense, we can expect further attacks. He did not say that 
precisely, but
it sounds like that when he says...

KING: The warning.

CRONKITE: What we just heard. So now the question is basically right now, how will 
this affect the
election? And I have a feeling that it could tilt the election a bit.

In fact, I'm a little inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the 
White House,
who is a very clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this thing.

The advantage to the Republican side is to get rid of, as a principal subject of the 
campaigns right
now, get rid of the whole problem of the al Qaqaa explosive dump. Right now, that, the 
last couple
of days, has, I think, upset the Republican campaign.

KING: Are there enough undecideds to tilt this? Or what do you think of the whole 
election picture?


[CTRL] Fwd: Why Major League Baseball Owners Support Dubya

2004-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan
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-Caveat Lector-

Bush League:

Why Major League Baseball Owners Support Dubya

By Dave Zirin

They didn't think he was good enough to be their
baseball commissioner and follow in the immortal
footsteps of people like Bowie Kuhn and Ford Frick, but
the Major Leagues' cabal of billionaire owners is
ponying up the dough to keep George W. Bush in the
White House.

A recent Associated Press review found that the former
Texas Rangers owner has had his palm greased by over
half of the 30 Major League Teams. Seven owners even
hold the distinction of being 'Bush Rangers', meaning
they raised at least $200,000 each, and six are 'Bush
Pioneers' signifying $100,000 a piece.

Bush's most ardent supporters in the owners box are a
rogue's gallery of right wing ideologues with the bucks
to back it up. There is Detroit Tigers owner with his
own Republican electoral ambitions Michael Ilitch, San
Francisco Giants owner and Safeway union buster Peter
Magowan, Minnesota Twins owner Carl Pohlad, best known
for trying to contract his own team, and another
figurehead of a decaying empire, George Steinbrenner.

Owners love Bush for a more complex reason than the
usual ardor billionaires exhibit toward their tax
cutter in chief. Baseball owners all yearn the same
brass ring: they want to extort municipalities and tax
payers to pay the tab for new state of the art stadiums
- and no one ever fronted a stadium swindle better than
George W. Bush.

Stadium deals are the modern day 'health tonics' once
sold a century ago to carnival attendees as cure-alls
for everything from gout to syphilis.  Stadiums are
exalted as the difference between a cutting edge city
ready for the globalized world of tomorrow, and a
sleepy town left behind in the dust. The Stadium
pushers ask the question: 'Do you want to be nostalgia
or the future? Do you want to exist calcified in a
Thornton Wilder play or be featured in InStyle

When the Twins' Pohlad failed to fleece the locals in a
stadium referendum, one of his minions bemoaned that
the Twin Cities would become (heaven forfend) 'another
Bizmark, North Dakota'. Even though report after report
from the right wing Cato Institute to the more centrist
Brookings, dismiss stadium funding as an utter
financial flop, owners and cities still dream of
getting working people to pay for play pens they could
barely afford to enter themselves.

The sad dreams of billionaires are projected onto Bush
who set the standard for large-scale extortion, when
his ownership group got the state of Texas to pay for
The Ballpark in Arlington.

Dubya after an adult life of incompetence and failed
business ventures finally got his dream job, as
managing partner of the Rangers. For an initial
investment of $600,000 - borrowed of course - the then
President's son had to endure the toil of attending
home baseball games and smiling a lot for the cameras.

But while Bush smirked his forties away, the owners
behind him (think a dozen Dick Cheney's in ten-gallon
hats) threatened to move the team if the city of
Arlington did not foot the bill for a new park. The
local government caved and in the fall of 1990, they
guaranteed that the city would pay $135 million out of
an estimated cost of $190 million. The remainder was
raised through a ticket surcharge. In other words,
local taxpayers and baseball fans footed the entire

This plan was sold to Arlington voters with Bush's
glad-handing help. At the end of the day, the owners of
the Rangers, including Bush, got a stadium worth nearly
$200 million without putting down a penny of their own

But the scam did not end there. As part of the deal,
the Rangers' ownership was granted a chunk of land in
addition to the stadium. The land, of course, increased
in value as a result of the stadium's construction. To
make this happen, Democratic Governor Ann Rich

[CTRL] Fwd: A Small Circle of Friends: Larry Pratt, the Council for Inter-American Security and International Fascist Networks

2004-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan
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Communism as the ultimate evil has always been the specter haunting property owners, as it threatens the very root of their class position and superior status. The Soviet, Chinese, and Cuban revolutions were traumas to Western elites, and the o­n-going conflicts and the well-publicized abuses of Communist states have contributed to elevating opposition to communism to a first principle of Western ideology and politics. This ideology helps mobilize the populace against an enemy, and because the concept is fuzzy it can be used against anybody advocating policies that threaten property interests or support accommodation with Communist states or radicalism. It therefore helps fragment the left and labor movements and serves as a political- control mechanism. If the triumph of communism is the worst imaginable result, the support of fascism abroad is justified as a lesser evil. -- Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky
A Small Circle of Friends: Larry Pratt, the Council for Inter-American Security and International Fascist Networkshttp://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=3584&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
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2004-10-31 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-


How are called people whose houses are torched with impunity, whose children 
are killed with impunity, whose women are abducted, who can not move freely, 
whose labour fruits and holly shrines are being destroyed and who must not have 
their homeland? Some call them Kosmet (shorthand for Kosovo and Metohija, the 
full name of this Autonomous Province of Serbia, meaning black-bird’s field and 
the church land, translator’s note) Serbs. I call them Serbian slaves, because 
Albanians and their tutors (KFOR and UMNIK) have taken everything from them, 
except the right to vote. Serbs have for long time now lost their faith in 
European Union and her Big Brother form across the Atlantic, and they also lost 
the hope that they would bring them anything good. It was only normal therefore 
that Serbs do not go out to vote for the Kosmet Assembly. They could not give 
the legitimacy to the creation of one more Albania on the territory of their 
country. We can also understand the frustration of European Union and of her Big 
Brother. No liar likes to be told that s/he is a liar, including Brussels and 
Washington, who do not like when one people, even when it is the case of 
demonised Serbs, shows them that it saw through their deceit. Kosmet is 
officially under the protectorate of the "International community" and NATO, but 
in essence it is the latifundium of Albanian narco dealers and terrorists that 
are masked in the clothes of businessmen and politicians. Serbs owned the 
majority of land in Kosmet, before the arrival of the Western occupation forces 
in 1999, and now when more than 30 Serbs are driven out, they still own one 
half of the Kosmet land. Serbian land, houses, their monasteries and churches 
form Middle ages Albanians are systematically destroying, and this is looked at 
kindly by both KFOR and UMNIK. Recently the representative of the Baptist 
community form New York, former American sportsman Michael Faucner visited 
Kosmet. Astonished by the destructive barbarism of Albanians, stated kneeling in 
front of the ruins of the monastery Devich: "This is racism of the kind I have 
never seen before, racism of the white man toward another white man. Faucner is 
by the way Afro-American and knows well what racism is. Albanian racism does not 
bother UMNIK and KFOR, like the racism of their temporary or permanent allies 
never bothered Americans. Sometimes I ask myself is not Kosmet experimental 
polygon for future enslavement and destruction off many states and people who 
hinder America to remain in the future as well the only superpower in the world? 
Representative of KFOR-a and UMNIK-a in Kosmet are well paid in order to snatch 
from one sovereign country, Serbia, the richest part of its territory and to 
drive away from it the autochthonous people, Serbs. I even think that many 
"officials" of KFOR and UMNIK are handsomely corrupted by additional resources 
coming from Albanian narco dealers, sometimes in money form, and sometimes, like 
in the case of Michael Schtiner, in the form by Albanian brides with big dowry. 

Even Albanians did not rush out in great numbers to voting polls for their 
Parliament. This surprised Western commentator, having in mind that Albanians as 
the national minority in Serbia are being offered independence of the Serbian 
Province of Kosovo and Metohija through secession and without ever asking the 
state whose part this Province is. It is the logical question with what is so 
dissatisfied at least one half of Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija? After the 
first euphoria of the Albanian population inspired by the terrorists of the 
"Kosovo liberation Army" that together with NATO pact soldiers from Albania 
(where they fled because Serbian army and police destroyed their strongholds 
within Kosmet) ordinary people Albanian minority affiliates began to gain 
consciousness. It is the fact that for four years during which Albanians rule 
Kosmet, the life for ordinary small citizens that live form their work did not 
improve. On the contrary, they lived better with their old-time neighbours Serbs 
in one lawfully ordered state in which the Constitution and laws were observed. 
Today in Kosmet sixty percent of work able Albanian population is unemployed, 
poverty is enormous and only criminalised groups have good living standard. 
Situation in Kosmet is particularly burdened by the inflow of several hundred 
thousand immigrants Albanians from Albania that occupied flats, houses and land 
of driven out Serbs, and accustomed to plunder began to attack even Kosmet 
Albanian population. Kosmet slowly but surely become the powder keg, what was 
probably also the intention of Euro-Atlantic allies. I think that the Big 
Brother from across the Atlantic gave to European Union as a present a kind of 
Trojan horse, unstable region that can explode any moment. If Kosmet gains 
independence, the fire will consume Macedonia, Greece and Bu

[CTRL] Harbor-UCLA unit will test anthrax vaccine

2004-10-31 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-












  Sunday, October 31, 2004

Harbor-UCLA unit will test anthrax 

VaxGen hopes for contract with nation's 
bioterrorism protection program.By Lee Peterson Daily Breeze

A local vaccine research center is testing a new-generation 
anthrax vaccine hoped to be safer and easier to use than a version 
the U.S. military has been ordered to stop forcing on its 
Ten to 12 sites around the United States are testing the dosage 
requirements and safety of an experimental anthrax vaccine made by 
VaxGen, a Brisbane, Calif., company that hopes to sign a deal this 
week to provide 75 million doses to the federal government for its 
bioterrorism protection program. The doses would be given to 
civilians, if needed.
Anthrax attacks in the mail in the fall of 2001 killed five 
people and made at least 17 others ill.
VaxGen is waiting to hear about the contract to supply the 
government with the vaccine. The company last year received an $80 
million grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious 
Diseases to develop the new anthrax vaccine. VaxGen has received 
more than $100 million in grants to work on the vaccine.
One of the study sites working with VaxGen is the UCLA Center for 
Vaccine Research, at the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute 
at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center near Torrance. Of the roughly 500 
subjects in the clinical trial nationally, 45 local residents are 
A federal judge last week ruled that the Defense Department must 
stop its mandatory vaccination program because the Food and Drug 
Administration improperly approved the vaccine made by BioPort for 
general use, The Washington Post reported.
While BioPort has defended its vaccine as safe and effective, 
some service members have refused the vaccine, which is given in a 
series of six injections over 18 months, and produces immunity to 
the anthrax bacteria.
It's hoped that the VaxGen version can be given in only three 
injections. The trial that LA Biomed is participating in involves 
testing the response to two doses.
Susan Partridge, associate director of the UCLA Vaccine Research 
Center, said the trial started locally in May, and there were no 
problems signing up the 45 healthy subjects. If there are more local 
residents who are interested, she said the center anticipates 
conducting additional clinical trials with the same vaccine, 
starting in spring 2005.
The VaxGen version is known as a "recombinant protective 
antigen," and is supposed to be less prone to side effects because 
it is made from a single, purified protein, its makers have said. 
It's hoped that the new vaccine could be used both as a preventive 
measure given before any exposure to anthrax, and as a post-exposure 
"It's a national priority to develop a safer and 
easier-to-administer anthrax vaccine both for the military and the 
general public," said Dr. Joel Ward, director of the UCLA Vaccine 
Research Center. So far, he said the center has seen no untoward 
effects in local subjects who have been vaccinated.




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[CTRL] The United Whore of America?

2004-10-31 Thread John D Miller
Title: The United Whore of America?
-Caveat Lector-

 Just did this, which is rather curious to say the least but of course very tedious as usual.

The Mystery Babylon – the Stars and Stripes – the ‘group with no name’

 “The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.” Revelation 1:20

 So to the reference number for the seven Churches and the seven Angels.

 The seven burning lamps, the Menorah, the seven burning candlesticks are the Spirit of God, has the reference number 882, because each burning lamp has the reference number 126 is made up of the lampholder or a candlestick at 17 + fire at 109. And so 7 burning candlsticks x 126 is 882. 

Now each of the seven stars has the reference number 19, and stars represent the seven angels at 19 x 7 is 133 (curiously 1330 is a number for Lucifer, the Light Bringer).

By adding the seven Churches at 882 to the seven Angels at 133 is 1015. Thus the first reference number for seven Biblical churches of which three were deceived by Satan, and the seven Angels of the seven Churches, is 1015, and is also that for the Whore of Babylon. This is because Whore, as the great Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis, the Queen of Heaven, at 580 x 7 times is 4060 and 4 x 1015. 

A symbol for the Whore, the Mystery, the jaguar, the world’s most ferocious land beast ‘who walks up and down’. For the average gestation period for the jaguar, thanks to the Zoological Society of London, is 101.5 days and 1015 is the seven Churches and seven Angels, that is the Whore of Babylon, the jaguar. And according to the calendar of Mayan people of central America, their present ‘Age of the Jaguar’ ends on December 22nd 2012 after over 5,125 years, that is their ‘Long Count’ of 1,872,000 days, made up 13 ‘Short Counts’ of 144,000 days.

 I can now show a very specific link between the Mayan ‘Long Count’ of 1,872,000 days and the Great Pyramid of Ancient Egypt, once called, “Ta Khut” the “Light”. Because when I take one Sun’s Day at a revolution of 28.4 days and increase to 100,000 Sun’s Days at 2,840,000 Earth days and /Pi + 2,840,000 is twice 1,872,000.038 days. Whereas, 284,000,000 and /Pi + 2,840,000,000 is equivalent to 32 lots of the volume of the Great Pyramid at 91,575,000.24 cubic feet. 

 Precisely at noon December 2nd 1863, the final top piece of the Statue of Freedom was hoisted up from the ground level in front of the Capitol and when moved into place on the dome a flag was unfurled over the head of the Statue of Freedom and a national salute was fired. The bronze statue surmounting the top of the 287 feet high dome of the United States Capitol, and facing to the east the Statue of Freedom at 19 feet 6 inches tall, gives a total height of 306 feet 6 inches. So the Capitol Building of Law Makers at 306.5 feet high, is equivalent to 28.4 + 28.4 Ancient Egyptian cubits at 20.612 inches x Pi is 306.5046 feet. Thus one Sun’s Day at 28.4 days shows ‘two days’ x Pi as the height of the Capitol Buliding. And the given weight of the Statue of Freedom is 14,985 pounds or 6.689732 tons. Now the Statue of Freedom is thus the ‘Statue 666’ because 14,985 pounds is equivalent to 666 x 150 lots x 1.5 lots. 

 The importance of the weight of the ‘Statue of Freedom’ at 6.689732 tons can be noted in that 6.689732 x 10,000 and cube root is 40.5947224 ‘jaguars’ or periods of 101.5 days, is equivalent to 4,120.364 days. And America’s most infamous day, that of September 11th 2001 and add 4,120.364 days is nearly 5pm on December 22nd 2012 the day of the end of the Mayan’s ‘Age of the Jaguar’.

 Forget coincidences, for this numbering is surely contrived by a very secretive USA group.

 Please note it was the Spanish who had made several expeditions to Yucatan in 1517 and had returned with wonderous tales of a high-cultured Mayan civilization and their gold. It was on October 23rd 1518 that  Hernán Cortés was appointed ‘capitan-general’ of a new expedition to the Yucatan by the Spanish governor of Cuba, Diego de Velásquez, thus a bad for the Mayan people of central America.

 The other link between the Mayan people of central America and the ‘Pyramid Age’ of Ancient Egypt relates again to their ‘Long Count’ of 1,872,000 days which ends their ‘Age of the Jaguar’ on December 22nd 2012, is the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, a very ancient important sarcophagus indeed.  And it was thanks to the English archaeologist noted Egyptologist Sir William M. Flinders Petrie (1853–1942) that we know a very exact measurement of the broken granite sarcophagus. Some say that Petrie accurately measured the very important broken sarcophagus using specially made gauges and calipers, so that he could prove the so called ‘pyramodiots’ wrong. One such person that Petrie came against was Charles Piazzi Smyth (1819-1900), who was appoin

[CTRL] The coming Iran War and the weapon that could defeat the US in the Gulf

2004-10-31 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
Iran: A Bridge too Far?
The weapon that could defeat the US in the Gulf
by Mark Gaffney*
Last July, they dubbed it operation Summer Pulse: a simultaneous mustering
of US Naval forces, world wide, that was unprecedented. According to the
Navy, it was the first exercise of its new Fleet Response Plan (FRP), the
purpose of which was to enable the Navy to respond quickly to an
international crisis. The Navy wanted to show its increased force readiness,
that is, its capacity to rapidly move combat power to any global hot spot.
Never in the history of the US Navy had so many carrier battle groups been
involved in a single operation. Even the US fleet massed in the Gulf and
eastern Mediterranean during operation Desert Storm in 1991, and in the
recent invasion of Iraq, never exceeded six battle groups. But last July and
August there were seven of them on the move, each battle group consisting of
a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier with its full complement of 7-8 supporting
ships, and 70 or more assorted aircraft. Most of the activity, according to
various reports, was in the Pacific, where the fleet participated in joint
exercises with the Taiwanese navy.
But why so much naval power underway at the same time? What potential world
crisis could possibly require more battle groups than were deployed during
the recent invasion of Iraq? In past years, when the US has seen fit to
“show the flag” or flex its naval muscle, one or two carrier groups have
sufficed. Why this global show of power?
The news headlines about the joint-maneuvers in the South China Sea read:
“Saber Rattling Unnerves China”, and: “Huge Show of Force Worries Chinese.”
But the reality was quite different, and, as we shall see, has grave
ramifications for the continuing US military presence in the Persian Gulf;
because operation Summer Pulse reflected a high-level Pentagon decision that
an unprecedented show of strength was needed to counter what is viewed as a
growing threat –– in the particular case of China, because of Peking’s
newest Sovremenny-class destroyers recently acquired from Russia.
“Nonsense!” you are probably thinking. That’s impossible. How could a few
picayune destroyers threaten the US Pacific fleet?”
Here is where the story thickens: Summer Pulse amounted to a tacit
acknowledgement, obvious to anyone paying attention, that the United States
has been eclipsed in an important area of military technology, and that this
qualitative edge is now being wielded by others, including the Chinese;
because those otherwise very ordinary destroyers were, in fact, launching
platforms for Russian-made 3M-82 Moskit anti-ship cruise missiles (NATO
designation: SS-N-22 Sunburn), a weapon for which the US Navy currently has
no defense. Here I am not suggesting that the US status of lone world
Superpower has been surpassed. I am simply saying that a new global balance
of power is emerging, in which other individual states may, on occasion,
achieve “an asymmetric advantage” over the US. And this, in my view,
explains the immense scale of Summer Pulse. The US show last summer of
overwhelming strength was calculated to send a message.
The Sunburn Missile
I was shocked when I learned the facts about these Russian-made cruise
missiles. The problem is that so many of us suffer from two common
misperceptions. The first follows from our assumption that Russia is
militarily weak, as a result of the breakup of the old Soviet system.
Actually, this is accurate, but it does not reflect the complexities.
Although the Russian navy continues to rust in port, and the Russian army is
in disarray, in certain key areas Russian technology is actually superior to
our own. And nowhere is this truer than in the vital area of anti-ship
cruise missile technology, where the Russians hold at least a ten-year lead
over the US. The second misperception has to do with our complacency in
general about missiles-as-weapons –– probably attributable to the pathetic
performance of Saddam Hussein’s Scuds during the first Gulf war: a dangerous
illusion that I will now attempt to rectify.
Many years ago, Soviet planners gave up trying to match the US Navy ship for
ship, gun for gun, and dollar for dollar. The Soviets simply could not
compete with the high levels of US spending required to build up and
maintain a huge naval armada. They shrewdly adopted an alternative approach
based on strategic defense. They searched for weaknesses, and sought
relatively inexpensive ways to exploit those weaknesses. The Soviets
succeeded: by developing several supersonic anti-ship missiles, one of
which, the SS-N-22 Sunburn, has been called “the most lethal missile in the
world today.”
After the collapse of the Soviet Union the old military establishment fell
upon hard times. But in the late1990s Moscow awakened to the under-utilized
potential of its missile technology to generate desperately needed foreign
exchange. A decision was made to resuscitate selected programs, and, very

[CTRL] oil at $51.78/bbl anwr another example of opec competition suppression?

2004-10-31 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Well there is no trading over the weekend so oil stays a $51.78/bbl.At
anwr the Federal governmet (hey! where in the United StatesConstitution
is authority to create anwr in the first place? an inquiring mind would
like to knoW!) estimates that there is 15 billion bbls of oil,45 trillion
cubic feet of natural gas. Of course in all probability there is much,
much more up tere just look at the recent tripling of known oil reserves
in Saudia arabia to 1.5 Trillion bbls of oil. How come we can't go and
develop this resource? It's an artic wasteland 9 months out of the
year,and the animal population has actually incresed after the existing
north slope facilities have been built. Wait I know! it's to protect the
environment! How conveinent isn't it? Just where a bunch of oil unsder
united states political control exists it is all of a sudden a "fragile"
"delicate" peice of real estate. Don't forget, in 1996 the congress
actually passed a bill to open up anwr but Bill Clinton vetoed it! Can you
imagine the current oil price crisis would not exist if we were getting an
additional 2 million/bbls per day out of anwr!
Ok it's time for all of you wacky environmentalists, under the pay
of opec to crank up your buzz phrase generators! Let me guess... Bill
Bacon is a facist, jbs nut case, tool of corporate interests who only want
to despoil the environment,extremist, and probably some additional names
that the opec, council on foreign relations, bilderberg controllers of the
wacko environmental/preservationist who rail against any
resource/energy/nuclear power plants, things that would REALLY DECREASE
as always check out my webpage at:
http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html";> Bill's energy page

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [JBirch] This is in our future if we join the FTAA (fwd)

2004-10-31 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 00:48:21 -0400 (EDT)
From: Marv Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JBirch] This is in our future if we join the FTAA

The plan is to form a hemispheric government like the EU here. It means loss of
US sovereignty to a government that is appointed like that of the EU that adds
layers of bureaucracy AND a loss of our borders. It means goodbye to the bill
of rights and the rest of the Constitution, some of which is still in place.

"A country wihout borders is not a country."
-- Ronald Reagan

See www.stoptheftaa.org

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri Oct 29 12:59:57 2004
Subject: Cato Daily Dispatch From: "Cato Institute"

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 10:08:01 -0700
(PDT) Status: O

EU Leaders Sign Constitution

"European leaders on Friday signed the EU's first constitution, a diplomatic
triumph they hope will give the union a sharper international profile and speed
up decision-making in a club now embracing 25 nations," The Associated Press

"The treaty was the result of 28 months of sometimes acrimonious debate between
the 25 EU governments and now faces ratification in national parliaments. At
least nine EU nations also plan to put it to a referendum, increasing chances
that it may not take effect in 2007 as scheduled."

In "US-EU: The Constitutional Divide,"
Marian Tupy, assistant director of Cato's Project on Global Economic Liberty,
and Patrick Basham, senior fellow in Cato's Center for Representative
Government, write: "The EU constitution makes European government more, not
less, remote from the citizenry. The EU's operations are expanded, not
streamlined, and its bureaucracy is made more complex, not simpler. There are
no cuts to the EU's 97,000 pages of accumulated laws and regulations. The EU's
powers are supposedly limited in this document but there is an escape clause in
case the Brussels-based bureaucracy ever feels boxed in by popular sentiment.
The decisions in Brussels are final and EU laws supersede laws made by national

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rendell and PA Democrats More Interested In Helping Prisoners Vote Than Our Military Men and Women (fwd)

2004-10-31 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 23:27:55 -0400
Subject: Rendell and PA Democrats More Interested In Helping Prisoners Vote
Than Our Military Men and Women

Rendell and PA Democrats More Interested In Helping Prisoners Vote Than
Our Military Men and Women, Santorum and Specter fight to allow extension
for Servicemen to have their vote counted

Ignoring requests for weeks to help families who have loved ones serving
in the military overseas who may be unable to vote in Tuesday`s general
election, Gov. Ed Rendell yesterday offered a half-hearted deal to two
military parents who testified that their son`s ballots were sent late.
The deal will allow the absentee votes coming back from servicemen and
women to be counted up to 8 days after the election.  The two parents had
come to the Republican State Committee with their problem after trying to
address the problem with Rendell himself.  State Committee offered free
legal service to the two parents, who in turn filed suit earlier this week
against Rendell and asked for a 15 day extension.  The two were forced to
agree to Rendell`s "final best offer" while admitting that the time would
probably not be enough for their own son`s votes to count but felt that it
was the best they could get.

Senator Rick Santorum and other Republican lawmakers have been calling on
Rendell over the past two weeks to join them on behalf of soldiers
fighting around the world in extending the deadline in which ballots could
be returned from overseas.

After hearing of reports from parents and soldiers that their sons and
daughters had not yet received their absentee ballots, Santorum and others
called upon Rendell to join the US Department of Justice, who had sued the
state over this matter, and agree to an extension of the deadline.
Unfortunately, Governor Rendell, who fought ardently against allowing
military votes to be counted in the Florida recount in 2000, put
partisanship over principle and fought against extending the deadline here
in Pennsylvania for the 2004 General Election.  That position directly
contradicts Gov. Rendell`s actions during the Primary Election, when he
supported such an extension.

Rendell insisted that no credible evidence existed that military men and
women would not have their vote counted.  Rendell maintained publicly that
all counties met their obligation to voters at the same time his legal
team, led by Mark Aronchik, admitted in court that they knew of ballots
that were sent late.  (Aronchik is a well known Democrat attorney and big
money donor of the Kerry Campaign and is the infamous "Butterfly Ballot"
lawyer of Florida 2000 fame.)

Counties were forced to delay mailing their ballots due to litigation
brought forth by state Democratic leaders to remove Independent
presidential candidate Ralph Nader from the state ballot.

Republican State Committee attempted to adjoin another military parent
from Altoona before the case began Friday morning.

Senator Arlen Specter cancelled his previously scheduled plans to come to
Harrisburg and argue the case on behalf of the Altoona father, Mr. Tom
Robison.  However, the federal judge did not grant Mr. Robison status to

Mr. Robison and the Republican State Committee,with Senator Specter
serving as co-counsel, have filed a suit on their own in Commonwealth
Court asking for an extension that will allow all military votes cast by
election day to work their way through the mail system and be counted
before the state`s final vote is certified by the counties.

While the Rendell Administration continued to oppose efforts to guarantee
that our military personnel are ensured the right to vote, the governor
was doing everything in his power to make sure individuals incarcerated in
the state`s prisons were afforded their opportunity to vote by absentee

The Rendell administration wrote a memo entitled Voting Rights of
Convicted Felons, Convicted Misdemeanants and Pretrial Detainees which
happens to be featured prominently (under the heading Look Whats HOT!) on
the front page of the Depa of State web site:

In addition, on Sept. 14, which happens to be about a week before the vast
majority of ballots were mailed to the military personnel serving
overseas, the Rendell Administration sent a letter to prison wardens and
election officials across the state asking county wardens to implement a
cooperative arrangement for facilitating the registr