Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 TerroristsPart XXIV(E)

2004-11-11 Thread Total Information
-Caveat Lector-

What is going on with this series?  Khashoggi isn't even mentioned in this one.

On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 22:27:30 EST, Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Alex Constantine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 19:24:05 -0800
> Subject: Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 TerroristsPart XXIV(E)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Facts About Ashcroft

2004-11-11 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
I shoulda known - another bible thumping, super-patriotic CHICKEN HAWK.

From 1963 to 1969 he received seven military deferments.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Smoking Gun?

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

Forwarded with Compliments of Free Voice of America (FVOA):  Accurate News and Interesting Commentary for Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free.

From: "Peter Dale Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 12, 2004 8:20:34 AM GMT+07:00
Subject: Fw: Smoking Gun

Dear Mika,

Thank you!  I have fowarded your post, with qualifications, to someone who is following these matters closely.

Dear Prez,

My son sent me this. I checked the URL and some but not all of the anomalies have been corrected. There is an article at (who are certainly not pro-Bush) by a staff writer called I think Manjoo, saying that a lot of the anomalies were just from sloppy first readings.

But the whole issue deserves being followed closely, I think.

 >Subject: Fw: Smoking Gun
 >Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 17:10:20 GMT
 >Hi Peter,
 >I hope you are doing well.
 >I thought this might interest you.
 >-- Forwarded Message --
 >You may have seen the associated press story about the precinct in Cuyahoga
 >county that had less than 1,000 voters, and gave Bush almost 4,000 extra
 >votes. But that turns out to be only the tip of a very ugly iceberg. Last
 >night I got an email forwarded from someone who did some remarkably careful
 >sleuthing, and discovered evidence which any reasonable court would
 >consider sufficient to invalidate the entire Ohio election. Here's an
 >edited version of the message I received.
 >In last Tuesday's election, 29 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, reported
 >votes cast IN EXCESS of the number of registered voters - at least 93,136
 >extra votes total. And the numbers are right there on the official Cuyahoga
 >County Board of Elections website:
 >Check out the numbers for the following precincts:
 >Bay Village - 13,710 registered voters / 18,663 ballots cast
 >Beachwood - 9,943 registered voters / 13,939 ballots cast
 >Bedford - 9,942 registered voters / 14,465 ballots cast
 >Bedford Heights - 8,142 registered voters / 13,512 ballots cast
 >Brooklyn - 8,016 registered voters / 12,303 ballots cast
 >Brooklyn Heights - 1,144 registered voters / 1,869 ballots cast
 >Chagrin Falls Village - 3,557 registered voters / 4,860 ballots cast
 >Cuyahoga Heights - 570 registered voters / 1,382 ballots cast
 >Fairview Park - 13,342 registered voters / 18,472 ballots cast
 >Highland Hills Village - 760 registered voters / 8,822 ballots cast
 >Independence - 5,735 registered voters / 6,226 ballots cast
 >Mayfield Village - 2,764 registered voters / 3,145 ballots cast
 >Middleburg Heights - 12,173 registered voters / 14,854 ballots cast
 >Moreland Hills Village - 2,990 registered voters / 4,616 ballots cast
 >North Olmstead - 25,794 registered voters / 25,887 ballots cast
 >Olmstead Falls - 6,538 registered voters / 7,328 ballots cast
 >Pepper Pike - 5,131 registered voters / 6,479 ballots cast

  >Rocky River - 16,600 registered voters / 20,070 ballots cast

  >Solon (WD6) - 2,292 registered voters / 4,300 ballots cast

  >South Euclid - 16,902 registered voters / 16,917 ballots cast
 >Strongsville (WD3) - 7,806 registered voters / 12,108 ballots cast
 >University Heights - 10,072 registered voters / 11,982 ballots cast
 >Valley View Village - 1,787 registered voters / 3,409 ballots cast
 >Warrensville Heights - 10,562 registered voters / 15,039 ballots cast
 >Woodmere Village - 558 registered voters / 8,854 ballots cast
 >Bedford (CSD) - 22,777 registered voters / 27,856 ballots cast
 >Independence (LSD) - 5,735 registered voters / 6,226 ballots cast
 >Orange (CSD) - 11,640 registered voters / 22,931 ballots cast
 >Warrensville (CSD) - 12,218 registered voters / 15,822 ballots cast
 >The Republicans are so BUSTED.
 >I don't believe anything I read in an unsolicited email, so I went to the

  >URL given in the message, which is:
 >Both figures are on the same webpage but not side by side like this. The
 >registered voter totals are at the top of page, where there is also a link
 >labeled "Ballots Cast", which will take you directly to the final election
 >results. You can click or scroll back and forth to compare the figures for
 >each of the precincts listed above. I checked the first few figures in the
 >list and they were correct.
 >This is the official website of the Cuyahoga county election board,
 >providing irrefutable evidence that the vote was off by at least 93,000.
 >Kerry lost Ohio by approximately 130,000, so this is not an insignificant
 >figure that can be ignored, particularly when there are numerous other
 >indications of voter fraud in Ohio and elsewhere. I think the only possible
 >alternative is to invalidate the entire Ohio election, if not the entire
 >national election.
 >My thanks [EMAIL PROTECTED] w

[CTRL] Fwd: Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 TerroristsPart XXIV(E)

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Saudi Entrepreneur Adnan Khashoggi
Linked to 911 Terrorists


By Alex Constantine

"You simply don¹t develop a new hyper-weaponized strain of anthrax powder
for military defense, and then commission the top U.S. anthrax expert to
report on this new weapon¹s capability and lethality from mailed delivery,
unless that¹s how you foresee it being used." - Ingri Cassel, director of
the National Vaccination Liberation Association
The "conservatives" in the 911 loop seem to derive a childlike pleasure from
their weaponized anthrax stockpiles.

A "new and highly lethal strain" was produced in advance of 911, a nameless
Pentagon general told the New York Times in September 2001. He mentioned
something called Operation Jefferson.1

What was "Operation Jefferson?"

Before the anthrax mailings, William Patrick went to work at the Battelle
Memorial Institute (BMI). Patrick holds five classified patents in the
manufacture of weapons-grade anthrax. BMI - a contractual partner of BioPort
- hired him to conduct a risk-assessment study involving the dissemination
of anthrax powder through the mail system.2 BMI is located in West
Jefferson, Ohio. The work was done at the BL-3 Anthrax Lab.3

Battelle had exclusive control of the Ames strain, a fact the press has not
clarified. It¹s true that Dugway Proving Ground had an anthrax program of
its own, as reported, but Battelle directed that program as well. This
narrows it down quite a bit... The FBI was drawn straight to William Patrick
III - also Stephen Hatfill¹s "mentor" at Ft. Detrick - and Ken Alibeck, a
BMI consultant with a background in CBW research for the Soviets.4

One independent Internet news site reports that the FBI investigated "the
possibility that financial gain was the motive behind the anthrax mailings."
Two federal laboratories were searched, BMI and Dugway, but "a contradictory
announcement was relayed the same day (December 21, 2001) by Ohio Senator
Mike DeWine. Based on an ABC News report concerning a BMI employee who had
been under FBI investigation for an anthrax threat, FBI Director Robert
Mueller had, according to The Dispatch, assured Senator DeWine that the
bureau was not investigating, nor intending to investigate, anyone with, or
formerly with, BMI."5

Case closed. The FBI¹s stalling perplexed reporters assigned to the story.
George Monbiot wrote in the Guardian in May 2002: "Last week, I phoned the
FBI. Why, I asked, when the evidence was so abundant, did the trail appear
to have gone cold? ŒThe investigation is continuing,¹ the spokesman replied.
ŒHas it gone cold because it has led you to a government office?¹ I asked.
He put down the phone." Had the FBI spokesman remained on the line, there
were any number of related outrages he might have explained: "The army's
development of weaponised anthrax [the processed Ames strain], for example,
directly contravenes both the biological weapons convention and domestic
law. So does its plan to test live microbes in Œaerosol chambers¹ at the
Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, also in Maryland. So does its
development of a genetically modified fungus for attacking coca crops in
Colombia, and GM bacteria for destroying materials belonging to enemy
forces. These, as the research group Project Sunshine has discovered, appear
to be just a tiny sample of the illegal offensive biological research
programmes which the US government has secretly funded..."6

Somw of the government¹s anthrax has been weaponized, kills effectively but
is otherwise useless. It is also illegal. Ingri Cassel, director of the
National Vaccination Liberation Association, points out that vaccines "are
developed to help guard against pre-existing threats." Ames was pr

[CTRL] Fwd: The New Attorney General -- Secret Government, Torture OK, Constitution "Obsolete"

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-


  Maureen Dowd 
  New York Times  November 12, 2004 
WASHINGTON During the U.S. presidential campaign, President George W. Bush and 
Vice President Dick Cheney gave the ominous impression that there was a dire 
threat that terrorists could incinerate Americans at any time if that powder 
puff John Kerry got anywhere near the Oval Office.
We Americans felt the hot breath of the wolf pack bearing down on us. But only 
a week later, the alarums have dimmed.
The administration lowered the terror threat in New York and Washington on 
Wednesday, and the Capitol Hill police were dismantling the elaborate security 
checkpoints they had put on streets around the Capitol to thwart would-be 
In his handwritten resignation letter, John Ashcroft reassured Bush that "the 
objective of securing the safety of Americans from crime and terror has been 
Mission accomplished. Tell those wolves to scat and let that eagle soar, baby.
It was a tad surprising that Ashcroft would want to leave just when he had a 
mandate to throw blue curtains over every naked statue in town and hold Bible 
study for government employees. (He called his daily devotionals at the Justice 
Department "RAMP": Read, Argue, Memorize and Pray.)
The president is putting his own counsel, Alberto Gonzales, who wrote the 
famous memo defending torture, in charge of America's civil liberties. Torture 
Guy, who blithely threw off 75 years of international law and set the stage for 
the grotesque abuses at Abu Ghraib and dubious detentions at Guantánamo, seems 
to have a good grasp of what's just. No doubt we'll soon learn what other 
protections, besides the Geneva Conventions and the Constitution, Gonzales 
finds "quaint" and "obsolete."
With the FBI investigating Halliburton and the second-term scandal curse 
looming, Bush and Cheney want a dependable ally - and former Enron attorney - 
at Justice. But since the country is controlled by one party and the press has 
tended toward the pusillanimous, cowed by the special prosecutor Patrick 
Fitzgerald as he tries to throw reporters in jail, the White House may be able 
to suppress any second-term problems ...


By Dan Froomkin
Special to
November 11, 2004 

What's the most important thing about White House counsel Alberto R. Gonzales, 
who President Bush nominated yesterday to replace Attorney General John D. 

That he would be the first Hispanic attorney general? 

That he has been a longtime and deeply loyal friend to the president? 

That he championed legal arguments that some critics say laid the groundwork 
for the abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison? 

Clearly, all three are important. The first is neat. The second is telling. The 
third is horrifying, if true. All three are mentioned in pretty much all of 
today's major media coverage. 

But what, as we say in the newspaper business, is the lead? 

I parsed the first descriptive phrases of the main news stories about Gonzales 
by several major media organizations. Here's what they went with: 

* Washington Post: Longtime friend. 

* New York Times: Longtime political loyalist. 

* Los Angeles Times: Loyal friend; aggressive advocate for strengthening Bush's 
powers as a wartime commander. 

* USA Today: Bush confidant, first Hispanic. 

* Wall Street Journal: Son of Mexican immigrants; close, longtime adviser to 

* Chicago Tribune: Friend; first Hispanic. 

* Knight Ridder: First Hispanic; longtime friend. 

* CBS Evening News: Loyal longtime ally; under fire for legal arguments in war 
on terror. 

* NBC Nightly News: Mexican American; friend. 

* ABC World News Tonight: Friend; anything but a country-club

[CTRL] Marines Facing Tough Resistance in Fallujah

2004-11-11 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
from the November 12, 2004 edition -
New rebel tactics emerge in Fallujah
Marines faced a tough fight Thursday as insurgents began a counterattack
timed with an Islamic holy night.
By SCOTT PETERSON | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
FALLUJAH, IRAQ - After three days of measurable progress, American forces
trying to take full control of Fallujah are confronting an insurgent force
that has renewed energy.
And as American and Iraqi forces spread their grip across the city, the
constant skirmishes of close urban combat and burst-in searches door-to-door
are revealing more about insurgent tactics, including sleeper cells.
Thursday night, forces braced for a significant counteroffensive by Iraqi
insurgents - an effort coinciding with the "Night of Power," an annual
Islamic holy day marked by intense spiritual devotion, which is said to
cleanse sins and determine destiny.
Loudspeakers from at least one mosque began what US Marine officers said was
a "revving up" of militants by chants that resembled the "martyr's last
"We expect an increase of suicide attacks, by cars, motorcycles, and people
wearing explosive vests," said Lt. Col. Michael Ramos, commander of the 1st
Battalion 3rd Marines, from Dallas.
"It's going to get a lot worse tonight," Capt. Gil Juarez, commander of the
Light Armored Reconnaissance (LAR) company told his platoon chiefs, as
marines loaded their vehicles at dusk with extra ammunition.
"I think there's going to be a big fight tonight, so get your heads ready to
get back in the game," said Captain Juarez, from San Diego, Calif. "These
[insurgents] are pushing the offensive right now. We've got to get ready."
Despite a day of steady US tank and artillery fire that rumbled across
Fallujah like a thunderstorm ready to pour, insurgents began their work.
One armored unit was ambushed in the south center of the city by militants
who struck with rocket-propelled grenades. Separately, another vehicle was
hit with gunfire, wounding a marine.
Those involved in the ambush said a trap had been laid, and that the area
was marked with earth berms in defensive posture, and metal-box firing
positions. Shortly after the firefight, US-fired artillery rounds crashed
into the area.
"They have been working on it, an L-shaped ambush," said one corporal, whose
face was blackened by smoke from the attack. "It looks like something out of
Mad Maxx."
"We walked right into a hornet's nest today," said a sergeant with the worn
look of a survivor. Their names and units involved could not be released, in
line with military rules that prevent such details until the wounded's next
of kin have been notified. "They were probing us and fired six RPGs before
we went for it. They lassoed us right in."
As American and Iraqi forces have spread their grip across Fallujah, the
constant skirmishes of close urban combat and burst-in, door-to-door
searches are revealing more and more about insurgent tactics.
In the course of locating seven weapons caches in a single block around a
mosque in northeast Fallujah, an Iraqi platoon Wednesday found a suitcase
full of vials labeled "Sarin," a deadly nerve agent.
While further analysis determined that the find was probably part of a
Soviet test kit with samples, its discovery in a room with mortar shells
appeared to indicate an intent to weaponize the material.
On the eve of the US-Iraqi assault on Fallujah, insurgent leaders in the
city promised a massive counterattack.
Until late Thursday, resistance in Fallujah had been piecemeal, with
individual rocket, mortar, and rifle teams making surprise attacks. US heavy
artillery, tank guns, and airstrikes have waged steady barrages, paving the
way for marine infantry advances.
US military leaders have deemed the effort in Fallujah so far as a success.
In three days of fighting, coalition units have swept across more than half
the city, sustaining relatively few casualties.
But Thursday night, casualties appeared to mount. Coalition forces have been
targeted from mosques. They have uncovered unarmed sleeper cells that they
believe have been seeded throughout the city and primed to strike after the
initial assault.
Insurgents continued a wave of violence elsewhere. A car bomb ripped through
a crowded Baghdad commercial street, killing 17 people, police said. In the
north, guerrillas overwhelmed several police stations in Mosul and battled
US troops.
Mosques were used by militants when marines first attempted to invade the
city last April. They were sometimes targeted by US forces, adding to the
international outcry that grew at the time about civilian casualties.
This time, Iraqi nationalists and Islamic militants loyal to the network of
Al Qaeda affiliate Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, may have been depending on mosques
as staging areas, US officers say.
"Almost every single mosque we've come through has been used for weapons
storage and insurgent military training," says

[CTRL] Calif. Co. To Make Anthrax Shots

2004-11-11 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

VaxGen receives no 
payment until the vaccine is delivered, Health and Human Services Secretary 
Tommy Thompson told reporters. 
(Except for the $102.1 million Thompson's agency has already given them. 
Vaxgen also gets the avantage of government R&D evidently provided at no 
charge. If Vaxgen is being treated like Bioport, the DOD has indemnified it 
against any liability). - JR

Calif. Co. To Make Anthrax 
5, 2004The 
government said Thursday it is purchasing 75 million doses of a new generation 
anthrax vaccine under an $877.5 
million contract — the first awarded through a federal 
program to develop and stockpile antidotes to biological and chemical weapons. 
The five-year contract with VaxGen Inc. will provide enough vaccine to 
treat roughly 25 million people. The company expects to begin delivery by 2006. 
According to the contract, the first 25 million vaccine doses would be delivered 
within two years and the balance within three years, said Lance K. Gordon, the 
company's president. The doses will be added to U.S. reserves to protect 
against a terrorist attack using anthrax spores. VaxGen receives no payment until 
the vaccine is delivered, Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson 
told reporters. "The company is putting a lot at risk to be involved in 
this. But we also are doing a giant service to companies like VaxGen" by 
providing incentives to make the 
vaccines, Thompson said. "It is going to make America a lot 
safer." President Bush signed the new program, called Project BioShield, 
into law on July 21 with the promise of spending $5.6 billion to develop 
remedies against possible bioweapons. VaxGen of Brisbane, Calif., was 
one of two biotechnology company competing for the HHS contract to develop the 
new anthrax vaccine. The company still needs to obtain licensing from the Food 
and Drug Administration. The FDA will review the company's vaccine production 
and individual lot testing to ensure the anthrax vaccine is safe and effective. 
The existing vaccine is manufactured by Lansing, Mich.-based BioPort 
Corp. for the Pentagon under a $245 million contract. In a statement, BioPort 
said HHS also had decided to include a minimum of 5 million doses of its vaccine 
in the national stockpile. "We share Secretary Thompson's stated 
objective of securing a sufficient stockpile of safe and effective vaccines to 
protect the American public against a future bioterrorist attack," Bioport chief 
executive Bob Kramer said. "We believe the most meaningful way to achieve that 
important goal is for the national stockpile to include products from multiple 
suppliers, due to performance risks associated with any single product or single 
manufacturer." In response to a federal judge's order in late October, 
the Pentagon halted the mandatory vaccinations for the military — six shots 
spaced over 18 months. The military would decide for itself whether to 
switch to the VaxGen product, but could not use it before the product is 
licensed, an HHS spokesman said. VaxGen's product is expected to require 
no more than three shots. The latest technology uses a purified recombinant 
protein to coax the body's immune system to produce antibodies to battle anthrax 
toxins. Laboratory, animal research has confirmed the vaccine is effective and 
clinical trials involving 580 people have shown its safety in humans. 
Gordon, VaxGen's president, said immune responses will be monitored to 
ensure they exceed what is needed to protect against anthrax. Studies also will 
confirm how long the stockpiled vaccine would remain effective. VaxGen 
already has received $20.9 million from the National Institute Allergy and 
Infectious Diseases to take its anthrax vaccine candidate into early stage 
clinical trials. The product leverages a decade of research, including work by 
the Department of Defense. Last October, the company received $80.3 
million to continue clinical trials, test the vaccine in animals and make 3 
million doses. © MMIV The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not 
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Fw: [JUGOINFO] Hasbro vs. Collon/EPO

2004-11-11 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Coord. Naz. per la Jugoslavia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 9:46 AM
Subject: [JUGOINFO] Hasbro vs. Collon/EPO

> ---  ENGLISH ---
> Hasbro - Wolfowitz against Collon - EPO : new developments
> Our mail box could not follow. Since you answered so many after our
> article « Wolfowitz (Pentagon) tries to bankrupt Michel Collon's
> publisher ». Also to order the famous book Monopoly - From Kosovo to
> World Conquest via Control of Energy Corridors so ferociously attacked.
> The English edition is coming soon under a new title.
> Here some reactions from the public. In one word : general indignation
> and calls to defend firmly freedom of expression.
> And on Hasbro's side ? Interviewed by an important Belgian daily paper
> (see below), they seem changing their position, embarrassed because of
> this pressure from the public.
> Reactions from the public :
> - To Al Verrechia, president of Hasbro, and Alan Hassenfeld, president
> of the council, 1027 Newport Avenue, Pawtucket, Rhode Island USA : « As
> an academic researcher interested in issues of Corporate Social
> Responsibility, I find it particularly deplorable that Hasbro, which
> prides itself on its commitment to CSR principles, demonstrates so
> little commitment to similar principles; namely, the right of opinion
> and of free speech. Clearly Hasbro's principal aim is censorship: to
> prevent EPO from publishing similar books in future. As a mother of two
> pre-school aged children, I plan to boycott your products as long as
> this trial continues and will encourage friends and family to do
> likewise until the proceedings are dropped. (N. P. Belgium)
> - « Since End Year Gifts are approaching, this makes us possible to
> become more conscious about the links between toys industry and weapons
> industry. Let' it known!!! » (Françoise B., France)
> - « Those bastards have no mailing on their web site, or am I wrong ? I
> would like to tell them I will never buy any product of their company
> anymore. Courage! » (D.P., professor at the University of Rennes,
> France)
> - « As an act of solidarity againt this trial indirectly organized by
> Wolfowitz, I am ordering 3 copies of Michel Collon's book, Monopoly »
> (C.C., Ecole des Hautes Etudes en sciences sociales, Paris)
> - « Crazy. We must do something here in Italy. I will forward this as
> much as I can! » (G.P., Roma)
> - « Disgusting, the Pentagon attacking EPO, the best publisher in Dutch
> language. I am 100% solidair. » (R.M. professor Universiy of Twente,
> Netherlands)
> - « This harassment is absurd, but potentially dangerous as well, as
> you know. I recall what happened to a British Marxist journal - was it
> Marxism Today? - that dared to criticize a journalist for concocting a
> Serbian "death camp" in the Balkans. » (G.P., London)
> - « From now on, be very carefull. Words 'War' and 'Love' were maybe
> also patented in the last days. » (mouvement
> - « Why this trial now ? They take the risk to make a strong promotion
> of that book! » (G.L. France)
> - « 'I am buying the Joseph Vernet street ! This happens in the Avignon
> - Monopoly just edited by Winning Moves France (filial of Hasbro), who
> invites you to bet on the main streets of the town, with the hope to
> become rich in a record time, the time of one game...' Non, I will not
> accept that invitation at lunch from Monopoly - Avignon, but I will
> write an article, reminding how the company sets on harming Michel
> Collon. And I find scandalous to make the apology of speculation in a
> town where it becomes difficult to find a home, precisely because of
> speculation» (A journalist from Provence, France)
> - « I hate that 3rd Court of Paris who just condemned publisher EPO to
> silence. They are making the best publications up to now. All those who
> worked to present the colonial war of Nato in the Balkans as a
> humanitarian intervention, have no interest the truth to be known. Many
> would not survive. Bravo for all what you do! » (G.J. Geneva)
> - « I find disturbing, considering the philosophy Hasbro pretends to
> have, this judiciary relentlessness againt company EPO for having
> published this book." (R.M. Belgique)
> - Many sites and medias published articles and comments in France,
> Belgium, Spain, Italy, Africa...
> Reaction from Hasbro :
> The Belgian daily De Morgen spent a long article on this : «Why would
> the firm that grew up so big with Monopoly, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit,
> My Little Pony, GI Joe, Beyblade, Playskool and plastics derived from
> Star wars and Superman would have as ambition to make crumble the
> publisher EPO ?»
> The very famous journalist Douglas De Coninck, interviewed Pascal
> François, director for judicial matters of 'Hasbro - Paris. François
> tried to demonstrate that Paul Wolfowitz had nothing to do with this
> case

[CTRL] Veteran's Day and the Canadian Gestapo

2004-11-11 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 09:36:54 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [First_Nations_Skyvillage] [CRUEL-AND-UNUSUAL-PUNISHMENT]
Upside-Down-Swastika-Canadian-Flag and Harvey Overfed. (fwd)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 09:13:09 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: TrottingWolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [CRUEL-AND-UNUSUAL-PUNISHMENT] Upside-Down-Swastika-Canadian-Flag
and Harvey Overfed.


Dear TW:

Thanks for the reminder and for the reminder as to what Remembrance Day
(Veteran's Day, States-side) is about. But the tyranny we fight goes back
further than the Patriot Act.

Harvey Overfed of BCTV reacts with self-righteous indignation over the
Squamish Indian who hangs his Canadian Flag upside down with a Swastika on
it. But Mr. Overfed slops his swill from the same trough as Martin.

What is a gestapo, Mr. Overfed, if it is not an organization which uses
"cruel and unusual punishment" (see Charter Section 12) for its
social-political objectives? The word "gestapo" like "kimono" is one of
those imported words, now in a Standard English dictionary.

Mr. Overfed will not examine the Canadian Gestapo which goes back a long
way under Finance Minister Martin, now PM Martin. "Comply or Die" is its
motto. It administers cruel and unusual punishment for social-political
objectives every day, from sea to sea. Its record of success is 1,000,000
unaccounted for, poor Canadians, essentially missing persons. Mr. Overfed
will rush forward with a story if 1,000,000 pennies are missing from the
trough. But 1,000,000 missing Canadians? A shill for Libertarian-Fascism
like Mr. Overfed will not utter one peep.


  Citizens for the "inherent dignity and worth of the human person"
  Quoted words from UDHR/CAT

On Thu, 11 Nov 2004, TrottingWolf wrote:

> --
> From: corie johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 20:12:32 -0800
> Subject: [repealnow] Canadian Neo CONS to watch out for
> An influential group of neo-conservatives and business executives, whose
> spiritual headquarters is Toronto's C.D. Howe Institute, has long been
> lecturing us on the need to be more accommodating to Washington.


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[CTRL] [3] Fwd: [cia-drugs] 911 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Re: Liafax [EN] N. 46

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

Al Qaeda men in 'ghost prison'

October 18, 2004 16:38 IST

The CIA is holding at least 11 top Al Qaeda suspects, including Khaled
Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah and Hambali, in a secret jail in Jordan
to avoid falling under American laws which bar certain interrogation
methods, says the Israeli daily Haaretz. 
detention outside the U.S. enables CIA interrogators to apply
interrogation methods that are banned by US law, and to do so in a
country where cooperation with the Americans is particularly close,
thereby reducing the danger of leaks," the article said, citing unnamed
intelligence sources. 
Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed is one of the masterminds behind the 9/11 attacks in the US, 
while Hambali, or Riduan Isamuddin, is said to be al Qaeda's ally in
southeast Asia. Abu Zubaydah was a member of Osama bin laden's inner

The curious case of Khalid Sheikh

article, written by Yossi Melman, did not specify an exact location for
the 'ghost prison,'  but said at least 11 senior al-Qa'eda and other
militant leaders were being held in Jordan. 
Haaretz also
quoted a Human Rights Watch report as saying that the CIA was granted
special permission by the US law enforcement authorities to operate
"other laws" at the secret facility with regard to interrogation
'Detainees are subjected to
physical and psychological pressure that includes the use of simulated
drowning, loud music, sleep deprivation, and sensory deprivation. Some
of these methods were exposed with the revelation of torture techniques
used by American interrogators at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq,' it
'The HRW report charges that
the US thereby is in breach of all international conventions, including
the Geneva Convention on prisoners of war, by refusing prisoners access
to the Red Cross or their families,' Haaretz said. 
Kedar, of Bar Ilan University, a Middle East expert and former Israeli
military intelligence officer, said the story was highly credible. 
Melman is well woven into intelligence circles and has good access to
intelligence information and he bases his reports on hard-core
information," he said. "This sounds reasonable, logical, and there is
an historical basis too because of the long-standing hatred between the
Hashemite kingdom and Wahhabis [hardline Muslims], who are seen as
running al-Qa'eda," he said. 
has declined comment. But a Jordanian official, who declined to be
named, said: "The allegations that surface every now and then that the
US runs secret detention centres in the kingdom are totally baseless
and seek to undermine the country's favourable human rights image

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] [2] Fwd: [cia-drugs] 911 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Re: Liafax [EN] N. 46

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

US treatment of detainees violates int'l law: HR

October 13 2004 11:07:19 AM BDT

12: The United States is violating international law by holding
prisoners in its war on terror incommunicado and in secret hiding
places, Human Rights Watch said in a report to be published on Tuesday
calling for an end to such practices.

The New York-based rights organization profiles 11 al Qaeda suspects
being detained without concern for their rights under international law
in a 46- page report.

They include Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected architect of the
Sept. 11 attacks; Abu Zubaydah, reputedly a close aide of al Qaeda
chief Osama bin Laden; Ramzi bin al-Shaibah, who might have been a
Sept. 11 hijacker if he had not failed to get a U.S. visa, and Hambali,
an alleged al Qaeda ally in Southeast Asia.

"Those guilty of serious crimes must be brought to justice before fair
trials," Reed Brody, special counsel with Human Rights Watch, said in a
statement, adding that if the United States ignores international law,
"it abandons its ideals and international obligations and becomes a
lesser nation." The rights group said international treaties ratified
by the United States prohibit holding prisoners incommunicado and in
secret locations.

The Geneva Conventions require that the International Committee of the
Red Cross have access to all detainees and that information on them be
provided to their relatives. Under international human rights law,
detainees must be held in recognized places of detention and be able to
communicate with lawyers and family members, it said.

U.S. officials say the detentions are essential to confronting
terrorism and that many of those held have provided valuable
intelligence that has foiled planned attacks. Human Rights Watch called
on the United States to grant unrestricted access to the International
Committee of the Red Cross to all detainees held in anti-terrorist

REUTERS, NEW YORK/ Independent

CIA holds top Al Qaeda suspects in Jordan – paper
- The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency is holding top al Qaeda suspects
in a secret Jordanian jail where they are subjected to interrogation
methods banned in the United States, an Israeli newspaper said on

But a Jordanian security official dismissed as "totally
baseless" the story in the Haaretz
daily, which attributed its information to international intelligence
sources. A CIA official in Washington declined to comment. 

The newspaper said at least 11 men held
incommunicado in Jordan include Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged
mastermind of the hijacked airliner attacks on New York and Washington,
and Hambali, accused of being al Qaeda's ally in southeast Asia. 

"Their detention outside the U.S. enables CIA
interrogators to apply interrogation methods banned by U.S. law and to
do so in a country where cooperation with Americans is particularly
close, thereby reducing the danger of leaks," Haaretz said. 

But the Jordanian official, who declined to be
named, said: "The allegations that surface every now and then that the
U.S. runs secret detention centers in the kingdom are totally baseless
and seek to undermine the country's favorable human rights image

International human rights groups have accused the
United States of circumventing guidelines on interrogation by shipping
al Qaeda suspects to allied states where such legal scrutiny is

Washington insists its interrogators operate within
the law. U.S. officials say incommunicado detentions in secret
locations are essential for security and that many suspects held have
provided valuable intelligence that 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] 911 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed drug funding Re: Liafax [EN] N. 46

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

"wired money earlier this year to three collaborators of Khalid
Mohammed" not to KSM himself, reputed to be in US custody

In a message dated 11/10/04 2:45:34 PM,
to 'El Pais', ten Pakistani arrested in Barcelona had been financing
contributions to Al Quaeda through drug sales. They netted on the
average 18,000 euros (23,000 US dollars) a day. There were several
transfers to Kalid Sheik Mohammed, reputed to be one of the 'brains'
behind September 11th.
Pakistanis held in Spain funded Al Qaeda

MADRID: Ten Pakistanis arrested in Barcelona in mid-September were
believed to have funded Al Qaeda operatives by transferring ill-gotten
money to Pakistan from Spain, Spanish newspaper El Pais reported on

paper, citing sources close to the investigation, reported that the men
had wired money earlier this year to three collaborators of Khalid
Sheikh Mohammed, suspected of planning the September 11 attacks. The
paper did not name the collaborators but said that they had been
arrested in a swoop earlier this year in Pakistan, which had left one
of them dead. Spanish authorities had detained the Pakistanis on
suspicion of belonging to a terrorist organisation and it is believed
that the men could have made up to 18,000 euros ($23,000) per day from
drug trafficking, stolen bank cards and counterfeit passports. The
newspaper reported that part of the money was sent to Karachi and
Islamabad to fund terrorist activities. The men were arrested on
September 15 and were found in possession of several kilogrammes of
cocaine, 18,000 euros in cash as well as videos which showed some of
them calling for holy war. afp(Agence France Presse)
The strange story of Aafia Siddiqui

By Khalid Hasan

Siddiqi, the highly-qualified 29-year old Pakistani cognitive
neuroscientist wanted by the FBI for her alleged membership of Al
Qaeda, once flew from Quetta to Monrovia, Liberia's capital, on a
gem-smuggling assignment.

According to a detailed profile
published by a Boston magazine, until the FBI called her a terrorist,
she was living a normal life in Boston with her children and her
doctor husband. In reality, the article by Katherine Ozment says, she
was a high-profile Al Qaeda operative. She often travelled to
Monrovia on her secret missions and would be driven to Hotel Boulevard,
where other Al Qaeda figures had stayed, and taken good care of until
the deal was done. The man who would drive her from the airport to the
hotel, a 60-minute drive, would later become the chief informant in a
United Nations-led investigation. He described her as a quiet woman who
wore a traditional headscarf and kept mostly to herself. She spent the
week holed up in her room, making trips into town for small errands. 

one of her trips to Monrovia in June 2001, she left as quietly as she
had entered, but with a large parcel containing gems from Africa's
illegal diamond trade. They would be used as a convenient,
hard-to-trace way of funding Al Qaeda's global terror operations. She
was not seen again in Monrovia, but earlier this year, one of the men
who had seen her in Liberia noticed a photograph of her and recognised
the person. At a news conference in May this year, US Attorney General
John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller announced that the FBI
was looking for seven people with suspected ties to Al Qaeda. MIT
graduate and former Boston resident Aafia Siddiqui was the only woman
on the list. After her photos appeared on television, the informant
picked up the phone and dialled investigators 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Re: Stupid White Man Squeezing jello in Iraq

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

"American military planners expected to face thousands of Iraqi
resistance fighters
in the streets of Falluja, not the hundreds they are currently fighting"

Stupid White Man!

Religious crusaders on a jihad expected to find religious defenders on
a jihad,
but instead found proof that Iraqis are smarter than crusaders, more
tactically, preferring to continue their victorious parade of roadside
bombs fashioned
from Iran-Contra 1980's RDX/HMX purchases observed in 1991 by UN
and honored as Iraqi in April 2003 by Iran-Contra vendors respecting
their ownership
by Iraq, if only to preserve warmonger credibility in the marketplace.

This despite the best efforts of crusader propagandists to incite Iraqi
to occupation to exchange that strategy for an alleged religious
motivation to mass
for slaughter. Crusaders must have believed their own propaganda about
motivation for resistance being primarily religious if they are
currently being
disappointed or surprised that the Iraqis have chosen to stick to the
bomb tactic and resistance to occupation as primary strategy.

The national guard sets up with two soldiers, a generator, and two huge
on a street corner, drug dealers go somewhere else for two weeks or get
much needed sleep, two weeks later the national guard goes away or goes
a different corner, the drug dealers come back. Iraqis know rap and
Stupid White Man!


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[Spy News] Squeezing jello in Iraq

"Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wed, 10 Nov 2004 18:49:21 +0100





Squeezing jello in Iraq
Scott Ritter.

 November 9, 2004 -- The much-anticipated US-led offensive to seize the Iraqi city of Falluja from
anti-American Iraqi fighters has begun. Meeting resistance that, while stiff at times, was much less
than had been anticipated, US Marines and soldiers, accompanied by Iraqi forces loyal to the interim
government of Iyad Allawi, have moved into the heart of Falluja.

Fighting is expected to continue for a few more days, but US commanders are confident that Falluja
will soon be under US control, paving the way for the establishment of order necessary for
nation-wide elections currently scheduled for January 2005.

But will it? American military planners expected to face thousands of Iraqi resistance fighters in
the streets of Falluja, not the hundreds they are currently fighting. They expected to roll up the
network of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his foreign Islamic militants, and yet to date have found no
top-tier leaders from that organization. As American forces surge into Falluja, Iraqi fighters are
mounting extensive attacks throughout the rest of Iraq.

Far from facing off in a decisive battle against the resistance fighters, it seems the more
Americans squeeze Falluja, the more the violence explodes elsewhere. It is exercises in futility,
akin to squeezing jello. The more you try to get a grasp on the problem, the more it slips through
your fingers.

This kind of war, while frustrating for the American soldiers and marines who wage it, is exactly
the struggle envisioned by the Iraqi resistance. They know they cannot stand toe-to-toe with the
world's most powerful military and expect to win.

While the US military leadership struggles to get a grip on

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] OG Da Man Re: enough on WorldNet Daily postings

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Weapons of Nast Destruction    (no affiliation of WND and Conde-Nast

"Put your hand in the hand of the man who kills the water,
put your hand in the hand of The Man from Sicily"
 --copyright O.G. and the Oaks of Basham


In a message dated 11/10/04 3:20:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I just reckon that WorldNet
Daily are even less 
reliable when it comes to facts, not just the spin.  I have lost count 
of the story leads I got from WorldNet that I wanted to follow-up - 
only to find, time after time, that a lot of the really juicy stuff was 
just say-so from someone connected to Israeli intel.

  This fact of false leads spread into the meme
stream that seem to be directed to solidify prejudicial manipulated
entrenched emotional and worldview positions plus funding and prior
employment by Richard Mellon Scaife do raise questions that must be
My father, Lloyd S., told me to read all. He told me a story about how
when he was running guerillas in the Philippines, one of his jobs was
to gather several copies of everything that was printed. He eventually
was sued by the Japanese for "securing" certain of the puppet
government's libraries and papers before the Japanese had officially
"released" possession of them. He received a Legion of Merit for his
work there. 
He explained one time about how he and his research & analysis team
were able to gather very good intel from the "difference" between
positions held by the "rulers" and then what was then told to the
people. By seeing what they were telling and where they were trying to
move the population, one was able to garner much understanding of
Ghoulish black propaganda evident in article titles at WorldNetDaily
puts your hand in the hand of the man who killed the waters, Tony Po,
Poshevsky, basis for Col Kurtz character in the movie Apocalypse
could a third world Christian know there are any US Christians? WND goes
in the circle of a millstone around the neck of those who put these
in the path of children--it would be better if a copy of WND were hung
the necks of these editors and writers and they were cast into the sea
than to
publish this in the sight of "children" i.e. new third world Christians
who can't
afford emotionally to examine offensive hypocritical material published
by their
spiritual mentors and "fathers". Note the racist foundational Charles
hypocrisy in one title.

An Indonesian friend of mine toured the US in 1977, speaking at
churches, and
to a stadium in Hawaii filled with 50,000 people. Before returning to
Jeremia Rim said he didn't know if he had met a US Christian yet. Both
his parents were murdered by people who didn't know what a communist
was, and these WND Christians are still putting your hand in the hand of
the man who killed the water, the accursed Tony Poe. Poshevsky was "just
following orders", are you just holding his hand? The sight of US
holding hands with Phoenix pogrom clone drones is a "stumblingblock".
"Little inconsistencies are the hobgoblins of small minds", better to be
necklaced with a copy of WND's circum-scribed propaganda millstone and
cast from a Phoenix helicopter over the sea than to circulate weapons
of Nast
destruction, Scaife corresponding to Conde Nast, figuratively speaking.

It would be better that a copy of this circum-scribed propaganda
WND, would be a published circular necklacing Phoenix Christians' and
they be
thrown into the sea than that they would look in the mirror for a
moment and
see themselves as seen by a third world Christian both of whose parents
murdered by these robotic agents of satanic mayhem! "They will KILL YOU
thinking they do God service", the bible says. "Chil

[CTRL] Fwd: Unions, Wal-Mart, and Health Care

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Unions, Wal-Mart, and Health Care

Andrew D. Coates, MD Member Physicians for a National
Health Program

Dear Portside,

[I wrote the following in response to a recent New York
Times article "States Are Battling Wal-Mart Over Health
Care" and submitted it to the local list of members of
the Solidarity Committee of the Capital District, a
labor organization formed over 20 years ago in support
of striking copper miners in New Mexico. The group has
been consistently working to organize and effect real
acts of labor solidarity ever since. I thought
Portside readers might find it useful in light of David
Bacon's article]:

We all know we must come to grips with, and stand up
to, and aim to thwart, derail and defeat this Wal-Mart
juggernaut. It is grinding our communities down into
miserable poverty, material and cultural poverty. We
know it will take union power to pull Wal-Mart's tracks
out from under it. Within this, I believe that our
struggle for access to health care for all -- everybody
in, nobody out -- can and should be a critical
component. This NYT article shows something of the
potential to press our cause.

Crowning the article was a worth-a-thousand-words photo
box: a young woman worker with a toddler-sized child
under each arm, Wal-Mart parking lot and store
sprawling out behind her. Caption: "Samantha Caizza,
with children Izabella McLane, left, and Ilizah McLane,
said that when Wal-Mart hired her at its Chehalis,
Wash., store, it told her to contact the state for
health coverage for her children." We learn in the
article that Ms. Caizza was fired for "union

We understand why Samantha might get involved with
"union activities" while working at Wal-Mart. From
reading the article we admire her courage and hope
she's found a better job. I have a suggestion. Imagine
if we could link organizing efforts with a practical
political campaign for health care reform -- then we
might give Samantha a very real way to continue her
union activity after departing Wal-Mart. This might
also provide a larger practical way to reach out to the
entire service sector, which increasingly faces the
same health care meltdown. Most of all this kind effort
might provide the real nourishment necessary to revive
unionism back into its proper self: as a social
movement for human dignity.

When we consider that health insurance in America is
employer-based, to raise the demand that access to
health care be the same for all, regardless of employer
or even whether employed, is to invoke working class
independence. How many friends and relatives, how many
of us, have chosen to stay in our present job because
of its health benefits? As John Funicello put it to me
recently, can you imagine the human creativity that
would be unleashed if people knew their health care did
not depend upon their employment, if they could seek a
job they really want to work?

The acute crisis in American health care means that
this is not pie-in-the-sky talk. Based upon this
article, consider the stage that is being set for such
an effort -- it is the Wal-Mart executive who says,
"You can't solve it for the 1.2 million associates if
you can't solve it for the country." We can respond,
hey listen up Wal-Mart!, we have practical plan to do
just that: a single payer system which would cover all
necessary medical care and all prescription drugs for
everyone, reduce costs, improve quality, guarantee
access, offer unlimited choice of provider and expand
patient and physician autonomy. We know of no other
proposal which can come close to doing any of these
things, let alone all of them.

Wal-Mart claims (in this article) to have spent in 2003
"about $1.3 billion of its $256 billion in revenue last
year on employee health care to insure about 537,000
people." That is one-half of one percent of revenue

[CTRL] Fwd: Empire Christianity vs Liberation Christianity

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Empire Christianity vs Liberation Christianity

By Ruby Sales

Founder and Director of SpiritHouse

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I want to respond to the question where we go from here
when far too many Black people are in the theological
and christological grip of white right wing Christians.
Chip Berlet, author and political analyst, calls this
group the theocrats. He tells us that "Theocrats
support a form of government where the actions of
leaders are seen as sanctioned by God- where the
leaders claim that they are carrying out God's will. "

Berlet goes on to tells us that theocrats promotes a
brand of Christianity that proclaims that "people are
basically sinful and must be restrained by harsh
punitive laws. Social problems are caused by satanic
conspiracies aided and abetted by liberals, homosexual,
feminist and secular humanist. These forces must be
exposed and neutralized. "

As we move forward in this reflection, it is critical
that we make a distinction between Empire Christianity
and Liberation Christianity. Empire Christianity beats
in the veins and hearts of theocrats and their
reconstructionist allies.

Liberation Christianity begins with the assertion that
God is on the side of the oppressed rather than the
side of the Empire. This is the good news of the
radical Jew Jesus who challenged the Roman Empire and
its Jewish gatekeepers. Jesus made clear the radical
nature of his mission: (1) to bring sight to the
blind,i.e to bring a new consciousness that freed his
community and others from the false consciousness of
identifying with the goals of the Roman Empire. (2) to
feed the hungry, i.e. a systemic redistribution of
resources that is not charity, but systemic economic
justice. ( 3) to set the prisoners free, i.e. a
recognition that the Empire uses law and order as tools
of oppression and domination.

This message of liberation galvanized the southern
freedom movement, South African liberation movement and
liberation movements around the world. It is a dynamic
message that changes the status quo and rearranges our
relationship with God and others. It is a justice
message of non violence. It is a message that reminds
us that we are not entrapped by history; we have the
collective power to free ourselves from the bonds of a
tyrannical state. It reminds us that we have the power
to make a new history and a new world. The view of our
collective power challenges the notion that history
begins and ends with the Empire.

George Bush and his conservative allies believe the
opposite. Their God is the keeper of the status quo.
Theirs is a cynical status quo view of God that allows
them to be "on the wrong side of history and issues."
The Empire religion espoused by George Bush and his
white Christian Conservative allies is headed by a
white supremacist patriarchal upper class God who stood
on the side of enslavement and the genocide of native
peoples throughout the globe, including North and South

This is the message of conservative right wing
Christians. Like their forefathers, they believe that
God is on their side and gives them the theological
authority to build an oppressive white supremacist
patriarchal world. They misuse scripture to justify
this, and they hide their intentions behind self-
centered and pious God talk that under girds and
propels exclusion and domination whether its about the
inferiority of women, black people or lesbians and

Nor is their Jesus the Jesus who wept over the
oppression and suffering of his people. Or the Jesus
who was executed by the Roman Empire for proclaiming
that God and not the Empire owns the world or the
people in it. This Jesus who acted in history for those
people whom the Empire minimized moved generations of
enslaved Black people to assert, in the fac

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] An ambitious young mayor takes San Francisco.

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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GOING PLACES; An ambitious young mayor takes San Francisco.

The New Yorker
October 4, 2004

Gavin Newsom, the mayor of San Francisco, began fighting City Hall 
almost as soon as he moved into it. He disliked ceremonial ribbon-
cuttings and the way that Room 200, his imposing oak-panelled 
office, seemed to turn visitors into sycophants. So on Friday 
mornings and Sundays he started visiting troubled parts of the city 
on his own, without his usual two-man security detail. He talked to 
shopkeepers who had witnessed a murder in broad daylight in the 
Western Addition neighborhood, and shook hands with gang members at 
a housing project in blighted Bayview, introducing himself like a 
man still running for office: "Hi, guys, my name is Gavin Newsom and 
I work for you. Give me direction-what do you need?"

Newsom, who is six feet two and has the look and slicked-back hair 
of a silent-screen actor, is, at thirty-six, the city's youngest 
mayor in more than a century. He has a knack for drawing attention 
to himself, and may already have generated more headlines than his 
predecessor, Willie Brown, a smooth-talking veteran of four decades 
in California politics. Since Newsom took office, in January, "60 
Minutes" has done a segment on him; he has twice appeared on Charlie 
Rose's program; and Newsweek has touted him, along with Barack 
Obama, as one of five stars of the Democratic Party.

One sunny morning in April, Newsom convened his department heads for 
a field trip, or "workday." They went to the Sunnydale projects, a 
hillside dotted with barracks-style apartments that sometimes 
provide cover in shooting wars between the Up the Hill gang and the 
Down the Hill gang. As the Mayor walked among the units, voicing his 
dismay, twenty-one officials and community activists trotted behind 
him, taking notes. "Do we like garbage on the lawn?" Newsom 
said. "No, we do not." And: "See all this broken glass? Kids can't 
play here-it's totally unacceptable." And: "No swings in the swing 
set, guys. Must. Get. Swings." His voice was gravelly, still raw 
from last fall's campaign. As the Mayor pointed out junked cars to 
be towed and a basketball court that badly needed grading, 
Sunnydale's residents fell in behind what had become a parade.

"We never had a mayor come down this far-they don't want to go where 
the bullets fly and kids die," Regina Fontero, a security guard who 
has lived in Sunnydale for more than fifteen years, said in a loud 
voice. "But he's down in the trenches with his sleeves rolled up!"

Standing on the sloping court, Newsom grinned at this unsolicited 
sound bite and mimed making a layup. At age seventeen, Newsom was 
drafted by the Texas Rangers, and though he opted for a partial 
baseball scholarship to college (where he blew out his left, or 
throwing, elbow), if he gets near a court he invariably tries to 
spark up a game. When he visited a reform school a few days later, a 
half-dozen sixteen-year-olds who'd been listlessly watching 
basketball on television filed outside after they saw the Mayor 
shooting baskets in the midday heat. He tossed them a ball. "I don't 
want to break an old man's ankle," one said. "Y'all in church 
shoes." "Church shoes!" Newsom repeated, considering his black 
oxfords with amusement. He sank a long jumper and looked 
over: "Church shoes!"

After touring Sunnydale, Newsom returned to a store, the Little 
Village Market, whose bleak appearance had occasioned his complaints 
an hour earlier. He looked almost surprised to see that it was still 
standing. But for all the camera-ready showmanship of these 
appearances (Newsom usually has his white shirtsleeves rolled up and 
his favorite silver-and-blue rep tie loosened, just so), they are 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Gay Marriage Myth:   The Gay Marriage Myth: Terrorism, not values, drove Bush's re-election

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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The Gay Marriage Myth:
Terrorism, not values, drove Bush's re-election

By Paul Freedman Posted Friday,
Nov. 5, 2004, at 1:16 PM PT

Did "moral values"-in particular, the anti-gay marriage
measures on ballots in 11 states this week-drive
President Bush's re-election? That's the early
conventional wisdom as Democrats begin soul-searching
and finger-pointing. These measures are alleged to have
drawn Christian conservatives to the polls, many of
whom failed to vote last time. The theory is
intriguing, but the data don't support it. Gay marriage
and values didn't decide this election. Terrorism did.

The morality theory rests on three claims. The first is
that gay-marriage bans led to higher turnout, chiefly
among Christian conservatives. The second is that Bush
performed especially well where gay marriage was on the
ballot. The third is that in general, moral issues
decided the election.

The evidence that having a gay-marriage ban on the
ballot increased voter turnout is spotty. Marriage-ban
states did see higher turnout than states without such
measures. They also saw higher increases in turnout
compared with four years ago. But these differences are
relatively small. Based on preliminary turnout
estimates, 59.5 percent of the eligible voting
population turned out in marriage-ban states, whereas
59.1 percent turned out elsewhere. This is a
microscopic gap when compared to other factors. For
example, turnout in battleground states was more than
7.5 points higher than it was in less-competitive
states, and it increased much more over 2000 as well.

It's true that states with bans on the ballot voted for
Bush at higher rates than other states. His vote share
averaged 7 points higher in gay-marriage-banning states
than in other states (57.9 vs. 50.9). But four years
ago, when same-sex marriage was but a twinkle in the
eye of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Bush's
vote share was 7.3 points higher in these same states
than in other states. In other words, by a
statistically insignificant margin, putting gay
marriage on the ballot actually reduced the degree to
which Bush's vote share in the affected states exceeded
his vote share elsewhere.

Why did states with gay-marriage ballot measures vote
so heavily for Bush? Because such measures don't appear
on state ballots randomly. Opponents of gay marriage
concentrate their efforts in states that are most
hospitable to a ban and are most likely to vote for
Bush even without such a ballot measure. A state's
history of voting for Bush is more likely to lead to an
anti-gay-marriage measure on that state's ballot than
the other way around.

Much has been made of the fact that "moral values"
topped the list of voters' concerns, mentioned by more
than a fifth (22 percent) of all exit-poll respondents
as the "most important issue" of the election. It's
true that by four percentage points, people in states
where gay marriage was on the ballot were more likely
than people elsewhere to mention moral issues as a top
priority (25.0 vs. 20.9 percent). But again, the
causality is unclear. Did people in these states
mention moral issues because gay marriage was on the
ballot? Or was it on the ballot in places where people
were already more likely to be concerned about

More to the point, the morality gap didn't decide the
election. Voters who cited moral issues as most
important did give their votes overwhelmingly to Bush
(80 percent to 18 percent), and states where voters saw
moral issues as important were more likely to be red
ones. But these differences were no greater in 2004
than in 2000. If you're trying to explain why the
president's vote share in 2004 is bigger than his vote
share in 2000, values don't help.

If the morality gap doesn't explain Bush's re-election,
what do

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Fwd: 14 points of Fascism and all 7 Warning Signs are present

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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As of January 2004, the United States & Israel fulfill all14 points of Fascism and all 7 Warning Signs are present. Welcome to the New Republic, Redefined, Revised and Spun. It is not too late to reverse this in either country, but it will be soon. The first step is realizing it. The second step is getting involved. As the propaganda slogan disguising our current war goes, "Freedom isn't free." But our war for freedom isn't abroad, it's here at home.
All Hyper-Links at: is Fascism?By Laura Dawn Lewis
This may surprise most educated people. One of the more common government strategies today, especially in developing regions is fascism. Fascism is commonly confused with Nazism. Nazism is a political party platform that embraces a combination of a military dictatorship, socialism and fascism. 
It is not a government structure. Fascism is a government structure. 
The most notable characteristic of a fascist country is the separation and persecution or denial of equality to a specific segment of the population based upon superficial qualities or belief systems. 
Simply stated, a fascist government always has one class of citizens that is considered superior (good) to another (bad) based upon race, creed or origin. It is possible to be both a republic and a fascist state. The preferred class lives in a republic while the oppressed class lives in a fascist state. 
More than a class system, fascism specifically targets, dehumanizes and aims to destroy those it deems undesirable.
Until the Civil Rights act of 1964, many parts of the US were Republic for whites and could be considered fascist for non-Caucasian residents.Fascism promotes legal segregation in housing, national resource allocation and employment. It provides legal justification for persecuting a specific segment of the population and operates behind a two tiered legal system. These two tiers can be overt as it was within Nazi Germany where Jews, Homosexuals, Catholics, Communists, Clergy and the Handicapped were held to one set of rules and courts, while the rest of Germany enjoyed different laws. 
Or it can be implied and held up by consensual conspiracy, (people know it is wrong but do nothing to stop it or change it. Through lack of action, they give consent), as it was in the deep South for African Americans and others of color. In Fascism, one segment of society is always considered less desirable, sub-human or second class. 
(Note: no single government is pure anything. Most have elements of several structures with one dominant structure). Below is the political definition and general characteristics of a fascist country. 
General Characteristics of a Fascist Country:
1. Fascism is commonly defined as an open terror-based dictatorship which is: 
Reactionary: Makes policy based upon current circumstances rather than creating policies to prevent problems; Piles lies and misnomers on top of more Lies until the Truth becomes Indistinguishable, Revised or Forgotten. 
Chauvinistic:Two or more tiered legal systems, varying rights based upon superficial characteristics such as race, creed and origin. 
Imperialist elements of finance capital:Extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political domination of one state over its allies. 
Though a dictatorship is the most common association with fascism, a democracy or republic can also be fascist when it strays away from its tenants of sovereignty. In the 20th Century, many Fascist countries Started Out as Republics. Through the use of fear, Societies gave up their rights under the guise of security. Ultimately these r

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Walking: We Ask Questions

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Now with Pop-Up Blocker. Get it for free!

November 11, 2004
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleague,

The seventh, and final, essay in our seven-part series from the book, "We
Are Everywhere," is titled "Walking: We Ask Questions."

“When a movement stops asking questions, of itself, of the world, it becomes
an orthodoxy – an idea that has run out of ideas,” write the authors. “It
becomes fixed, static, brittle, rather than fluid. Water can resist the most
savage of blows, ice shatters. It is only armed with our questions that we
can change history.”

This essay walks through the stages of the past ten years of autonomy
movements as voiced, when describing movements of the past century, by
Mohandas K. Gandhi: “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then
they fight you. Then you win.”

The essay envisions a “second stage” of the movement that has converged from
Seattle to Prague to Quebec to Cancun at the summits of the world's economic
powers to one “of working closer to home, a stage where mass action on the
streets is balanced (but not entirely replaced) with creating alternatives
to capitalism in our neighborhoods, our towns and cities…."

The authors, from the Notes from Nowhere Collective, write:

"Yet returning to our neighborhoods, we must not fetishize the local,
retreat into subcultural ghettos, nor forget that we are the world’s first
grassroots-led global political project. We must not undo the ties that bind
us together in a worldwide network.”

The questions asked are those on the minds of all strategic change agents:

“How can we discover the paths we should take? How will we know they are the
right ones? For is there any revolution in history that has not taken a
wrong turn eventually, ending in bloodshed and betrayal – ultimately in
failure? …The idea of a revolutionary movement that genuinely listens is
itself a paradox. Revolutionaries normally shout, they chant, they try to
make their screams heard above the roar of a system that bulldozes their
means of living, their desires. Yet the idea of listening is central to many
in these movements.”

>From our perspective in the Narco Newsroom, a movement that counts better
listening among its demands sings in certain harmony with the Authentic
Journalism renaissance.

The idea of listening is central to good and authentic journalism. Listen
poorly, and one reports badly. If you’ve ever attended an event reported on
by a Commercial Media organization, you’ve probably wondered if their
reporters listened at all, and if so, to whom. And if you’ve tried to
correct them, or talk back, you already know about the obstacles they’ve
created to any effective rebuttal. That’s one of the reasons why, early this
year, Narco News invited all its participants – journalists, readers,
contributors, activists – who have invested time, labor, or resources into
this project to enter The Narcosphere, where any one of us can ask questions
of any other about the stories we report. It’s a forum where we challenge
and help each other to do better.

One of our motives for publishing these seven essays from We Are Everywhere
is to listen, together, to the words of colleagues who have been listening
to what the autonomy movements of the past ten years have been saying and
doing. In many ways, it’s the same movement that we are part of. And in
other ways, we have separate priorities and paths (as do so many of the
local, regional, and national movements that the mega-movement embraces).
But making history is making history no matter where it is being 

[CTRL] Fwd: Clock Ticking for Helliburton? (TWO Scandals)

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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By Larry MargasakASSOCIATED PRESSNovember 10, 2004
WASHINGTON â The U.S. ambassador to Kuwait intervened last year to ensure that Halliburton, the oil services company once led by Vice President Dick Cheney, retained a Kuwaiti business as a subcontractor to deliver fuel to Iraq, documents released Wednesday show. 
State Department documents appear to contradict the Bush administration's assertion that all decisions involving Halliburton's contracts were handled only by career contracting officers for the government. 
The ambassador's effort was aimed at ensuring that the company favored by the Kuwaiti government remained part of the contract. 
With Iraq experiencing a gasoline shortage after the U.S.-led invasion last year, U.S. officials gave Halliburton the job of obtaining fuel in Kuwait and delivering it to Iraq. The work became part of Halliburton's existing $2.5 billion no-bid work to restore Iraq's oil industry. 
On May 4, 2003, Halliburton asked three Kuwaiti companies to bid. The next day, Halliburton, through its KBR subsidiary, placed its first order with Altanmia. 
By that December, an Army Corps of Engineers contracting officer was pushing Halliburton to put the fuel delivery contract out for competitive bids. 
That same month, U.S. Ambassador Richard Jones wrote that Halliburton officials had to "get off their butts and conclude deals" that would keep Altanmia as a subcontractor. 
"Tell them we want a deal done with Altanmia within 24 hours and don't take any excuses," Jones wrote. The documents, turned over to a congressman by the State Department, do not disclose to whom Jones' message was directed. 
Another memo, this one to Jones, said: "As KBR has been told repeatedly, Altanmia is the GOK's (Government of Kuwait's) sole source provider. The GOK has established Altanmia as a sop to the USG (United States Government) in order to allow sales from Altanmia to KBR." 
A Halliburton spokeswoman, Wendy Hall, said that KBR "delivered fuel to Iraq at the best value, the best price, and the best terms and in ways completely consistent with government procurement policies. The original mission detailed by the Army Corps of Engineers was to find a fuel source in the region. The first fuel source found was in Kuwait." 
State Department officials had no immediate comment on the memos. Jones is a career State Department employee. 
The embassy intervention to retain Altanmia brought a strong protest from the career Army contracting official who was overseeing the work to deliver fuel to Iraq. 
"My ethics will not allow me to direct KBR to go sole source to a contractor when I know there are other potential sources that can provide the fuel to the people in Iraq," Army Corps of Engineers contracting officer Mary Robertson wrote an official of KBR. 
Robertson said the lack of competition would result in higher fuel prices being paid by U.S. taxpayers. 
Robertson's Dec. 6, 2003, prediction of higher prices proved to be accurate. Five days later, a draft report by the Pentagon's audit agency disclosed that Halliburton and the Kuwaiti subcontractor had overcharged taxpayers $61 million for gasoline imports to Iraq in the initial months of the contract. 
The Pentagon early this year replaced Halliburton and the Kuwaiti company. The work went to a Defense Department agency that supplies U.S. forces around the world. 
Robertson's letter and a number of State Department documents were released by Rep. Henry Waxman of California, top Democrat on the House Government Reform Committee. 
Halliburton's contracting was a major issue in the presidential campaign. Democrats charged that the administration showed favoritism toward Cheney's former company. 
The Associated Press reported last month that the FBI had begun investigating whether the Pentagon improperly awarded

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Re: Diebold Source Code!!!

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Bev Harris ( discovered all the source code of the Diebold machines a while back on one of the companies unprotected FTP sites. The whole shebang … just sitting there for the taking. She sent it into Dr. Avi Rubin and even released it to some programmers to browse over it in a community effort. Seems the hard-coded DES encryption key was discovered (among other things) by one of the programmers in the open source chat.  Here’s a few excerpts form Chapter 12 of the Black Box Voting Book:
- Open source exam: The Diebold code Chapter 12 

The contributor known here under the screen name “Rummage,”
studied computer science under a Nobel laureate at Carnegie-Mellon
University. In real life and under his normal name, he designs databases for critical applications in the medical field:
“So far, that’s the story of the last few days,” he wrote. “From
databases with no foreign keys (read no referential integrity), unprotected
transmission code, ample opportunity for buffer overruns
right to PCMCIA slots for wireless modems. Not so much nefarious
code as a system with so much opportunity for hacking/fraud as to
invite cheating. ”
“ for structure and understanding the DB [database], there are
no relationships and the Primary keys are not defined as Access Primary
keys. This will make reconstructing the schema a little harder. I
don’t think a DBA [database analyst] designed this.
“No referential integrity — no autonumber primary keys. Bad for
maintaining a reliable database — good for adding and deleting data at
“The fact that they’re using Access disallows relationality ... When
using a decent database, SQL Server Sybase etc, for example, constraints,
triggers, stored procedures, packages, relationships, views, etc are all
maintained inside the database — that’s where all the business logic
resides in a well crafted modern application.
“With Access, however, you’re dealing with basically a toy database
“If you want to know why Access is a bad idea,” said Goody
Two-Shoes, “just do a Google search for ‘Access, vulnerability’
and browse through the 951,000 hits!”
Looking at the Microsoft Access database used in the county vote
tabulation system led to concerns about the integrity of the GEMS
program as a whole. Interest in the GEMS program began to take
on a life of its own on the forums.
“Here’s the best part,” said BlueMac, “With GEMS (server) installed
on my computer, I was able to create a user name (“me”)
with a password of my choosing (“mac”) and assign myself ADMIN
capabilities. This was without ever signing into GEMSall I had
to do was create a new database and I was in like Flynn.”
They have their own implementation
of DES in Des.h. Here’s the bad looks like the
DES encryption key is hard coded as a macro!
“I’ll leave discovery of aforementioned key as an exercise for the
reader... Good God...”
PoodieToot’s discovery brought the Internet board alive with the
forum equivalent of shrieks and moans.
“Ooorah!!! Yeah,” said Topper. “I’ve found the DES.h file...and
will start trolling through this... If you’ve hard coded your key and
left it just like the public implementation, then it would not be that
hard for a hacker to figure out how to get into your system.”
Programmers were beside themselves upon viewing the blatant security
flaws, and soon they were finishing each others’ sentences.
“—It would end up as a static string in the executable file,” said PoodieToot. “And you can tear the static strings out of an executable
to view them faster than you can blink your eyes.”
“In your best 50s announcer voice,” said Romeo sarcastically, “now
that’s real data security! (cough, cough.)”
The more people learned, the more alarmed they became.

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Voters Anonymous

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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Now that I’ve had one final fling with that false god
known as "Democracy," I am now giving up voting for
good. Never again will I follow the ridiculous "Choose
Your Master" philosophy so mindlessly propagated by
the all-too-subservient MTV generation. Never again
will I allow myself to be so arrogant as to think that
I have any right at all to petition for any candidate
or political party to rule and lord over my friends,
family and countrymen.


Voters Anonymous


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[CTRL] Fwd: 9/11 Truth on CNN tonight!

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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-Caveat Lector-

Dear 9/11 truth activists and concerned citizens,

CNN earlier tonight aired an hour segment on the Jimmy Walter 9/11 Truth
ads in New York, for which they also interviewed Kyle Hence of 9/11
CitizensWatch and board member of A
message from Kyle is below.

Meanwhile, the CNN site has put up a poll asking, "Do you believe there is
a U.S. government cover-up surrounding 9/11?" at (As of 6:00 PM Pacific
Time, the results were 79% for "YES".)

Towards peace and truth,

>From Kyle Hence:

ALERT: CitizensWatch Co-founder Interviewed for AndersonCooper 360

I was interviewed by Deborah Feyerick of CNN today.  We did about  a 20
minute interview.   My guess is that they will take the weakest of  sound
bites and continue relegating the call for an investigation to the 
"wacky", "irresponsible" fringes of public discourse.  This approach is  a
grave disservice to the American people and especially to the victims  and
their families.  70% of the Family Steering Committee's own  questions
remain unaddressed, having been ignored by the 9/11  Commission.  This is
a travesty especially given the rush to reform the intelligence agencies
with so many loose ends and such a dark cloud  hanging over the
government, and the well documented case for cover-up.

The feature on the call to investigate, etc and perhaps a bit of the
interview with me will be aired tonight sometime between 7PM and 8PM.

If you elect to contact Anderson Cooper... response to his story on the call to re-open the investigation I'd
like to encourage folks to  refer to our Spitzer Complaint at and specifically to bring attention to the
fact there is a pending investigation of the  collapse of building #7 (the
first by FEMA having virtually dismissed fire as the cause of the
collapse), the strong body of evidence compiled by Michael Ruppert in
Crossing the Rubicon that suggests complicity (ie.  facilitation) through
the 'coincidental' occurrence of multiple war games under way the morning
of September 11th that led to a frozen air defense and the major
discrepencies between Richard Clarke's account of the actions of Myers and
Rumsfeld and the findings of the Commission and  their own public

These are three issues amongst many in a complex body of investigative 
leads.  In this short email I can't possibly do them all justice but I
wanted to be sure your voice is heard at a time when someone at CNN and 
viewers of CNN might be listening.

Thanks for your support.  Be part of a rising tide of interest and 
passion for finally getting to the bottom of 9/11.  Please forward this
along to your lists and reach out however you are inspired.

Kyle F. Hence
9/11 CitizensWatch --
Steering Committee member of Citizens' Complaint and Petition to
Attorney General of the State of New York for an Independent Grand Jury
Investigation. [see]

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] AP: Terror Financing Fines Fall After 9/11

2004-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Despite the Bush administration's pledge to battle
terrorist financing, the government's average penalty
against companies doing business with countries listed
as terrorist-sponsoring states fell sharply after the
Sept. 11 attacks, an Associated Press analysis of
federal records shows.


Terror Financing Fines Fall After 9/11


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outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor 
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always 
suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives no credence to 
Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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PROTECTED] has unlimited posting and is more for discussion. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is more for informational exchange and has limited 
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Judge allows 26 to sue/clergy abuse, RCMP staff sergeant

2004-11-11 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for articles

Judge allows 26 to sue, claiming clergy sex abuse by Wayne Parry AP Newark, N.J. "A judge allowed lawsuits on behalf of 26 men, most of whom claim they were abused by a former Catholic priest in northern New Jersey, to proceed. The Diocese of Paterson had sought to dismiss the two suits on the grounds that too much time had passed since the acts in question had occurred. But Superior Court Judge Deanne Wilson, sitting in Morristown, rejected the request Wednesday afternoon. In the lawsuits, 21 of the plaintiffs claim they were abused by the Rev. James Hanley, a former priest who served in Mendham, among other places. Four other priests accused of abusing the remaining plaintiffs are named as defendants, as is the diocese. The lawsuits include a transcript of an interview the plaintiffs' lawyer, Greg Gianforcaro, conducted with Hanley last fall in which he admits having molested at least one young man."

this one fwd from L Moss Sharman - describes crimes - Couple fights youth centre abuse suit By CP 11/10/04 Frederickton "Clifford and Mary Louise McCann say allegations that they were involved in the sexual abuse of boys at New Brunswick's infamous Kingsclear youth training centre are false, malicious and scandalous. The husband and wife are being sued by four former residents of the now-closed reformatory near Fredericton, which has been the subject of investigations and inquiries into the abuse of children. The McCanns, who now live in Ontario, filed a statement of defence in a New Brunswick court yesterday denying all accusations contained in the lawsuitThe alleged sexual misconduct took place in 1982, when the four former residents were either 14 or 15 years of age and Clifford McCann was an RCMP staff sergeant who occasionally visited the training school. The McCann home was located near the school and the couple acknowledge in their statement that all four boys visited their homeThe training school housed young offenders and boys who couldn't fit into foster homes during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.  The four claimants in the lawsuit say that while they were at Kingsclear, McCann would take them on outings, ply them with cigarettes and liquor, and subject them to sexual touching, oral sex and anal sex.  The four say in their statement of claim that they were also threatened by McCann.  "He was threatened that he would never get out of the jail system if he did not submit to McCann's sexual demands and that he would never get out of jail if he ever told anyone of these sexual events," the statement of claim says, referring to former resident Jerry Dow, one of the four plaintiffs. Since some of the abuse is alleged to have occurred at the McCann home, the complainants say that Mary Louise McCann failed to protect them from her husband."
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] : Press Release For Dissemination - Mark Zaid & Lou Michels

2004-11-11 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-



Thursday, November 11, 2004
For further info contact:
Mark S. Zaid, Esq.
John Michels, Jr., Esq.
Defense Department Embarks On 
Dissinformation Campaign Concerning Anthrax Vaccination Program 

Involuntary Vaccinations Must Stop For A 
Minimum Of 
Three To Four Months In Order For The 
Government To Comply With Court Order
On October 27, 2004, the 
Honorable Emmet Sullivan of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia 
vacated an Order issued by the Food & Drug Administration and imposed a 
permanent injunction prohibiting the Department of Defense from 
administering the anthrax vaccine without informed consent or a presidential 
waiver. This second injunction followed Judge Sullivan's earlier decision 
of December 22, 2003, that the anthrax vaccine was investigational and 
unlicensed for its intended purpose to protect against inhalational 
Since the imposition of a permanent injunction the 
Department of Defense has led a disinformation campaign to downplay  the 
significance of the Court's decision, particularly regarding the length of time 
the injunction will remain in place. These efforts, which are made 
amidst convenient FDA 
silence, do a great disservice to the loyal men and women who are 
attempting to protect the United States of American in military and civilian 
"DoD is trying to equate Judge Sullivan's granting a permanent 
injunction with his earlier decision granting a preliminary injunction, but 
that's simply wishful thinking," said Mark S. Zaid, Esq. of the Washington, D.C. 
Law Firm of Krieger & Zaid, PLLC, one of two lawyers who brought the 
lawsuit on behalf of the plaintiffs. "In fact, given the state of the medical 
and scientific evidence, it will be extremely difficult for FDA to make a proper 
case that the vaccine has any effectiveness against inhalation anthrax. That 
means the vaccine stays an investigational drug and it cannot be used by the 
military without informed consent or a presidential waiver," Zaid added. 

The Court found that the FDA failed to allow for public 
comment when it decided to ignore the recommendations of its own expert panel 
and determined the vaccine was properly licensed for inhalation anthrax. In 
addition to the Court's new findings, Judge Sullivan also explicitly 
incorporated his earlier findings that the vaccine was never licensed for 
inhalation anthrax, and that the FDA and DoD authorized the use of an 
experimental drug on service members. 
"The upshot of the court's ruling on October 27, 2004, is that 
the anthrax vaccination program violated federal law from 1998 forward, at a 
minimum. Any order to submit to anthrax vaccination during the entire existence 
of the program was illegal, said the plaintiffs' co-counsel John Michels, a 
partner in the Chicago office of McGuireWoods, LLP. "The soldiers that DoD 
discharged for refusing to take the shots are entitled to back pay and 
allowances from the date they were removed from paid status to the point where 
DoD properly decides what to do with them. In fairness to the hundreds of 
service members who were wrongfully separated from active duty, DoD should begin 
processing each one for compensation and reinstatement, particularly if it wants 
to avoid congressional involvement," added Michels.  
Both lawyers noted that the 
stockpiling of anthrax vaccine currently in progress is being done with a 
product that is untested and unapproved as a preventative measure against 
inhalation anthrax, the most likely type of anthrax to be used in a terrorist 
attack.  They also commented that the DoD's statements that Judge 
Sullivan's order does not challenge the "safety or efficacy" of the vaccine 
are  deliberately misleading.  
"Vaccines are licensed only 
when they are proved to be both safe and effective.  The court's ruling 
that the vaccine is not licensed goes to the heart of the matters of safety 
and efficacy for this vaccine.  In fact, the license for the vaccine and 
the original FDA expert panel both recommended against widespread inoculation 
with the product", said Michels.
In addition to those service members who were wrongfully 
discharged, the plaintiffs' attorneys said that they are aware of hundreds of 
other service members who left active duty or the active reserves to avoid the 
vaccine, and many others who developed serious and debilitating illnesses 
immediately after receiving the shots. Whether these individuals will be allowed 
back into their units or receive proper compensation for illnesses caused by an 
experimental drug is probably up to the Veterans Administration and the National 
Guard or Reserve leadership. Additional legal action on behalf of those who were 
disciplined and who have fallen ill from the vaccine is currently being 
The lawsuit was filed under pseudonyms on March 18,