[CTRL] yet another reason to develop oil from ANWR

2006-03-31 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Yet another reasonto develop oil from ANWR - The Arctic National WASTELAND

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[CTRL] Fwd: [IPCUSA] — “Three Mugs, and a Moll,” — ABRAMOFF Link to Boulis MURDER — Threat to Compromise Curr ent Operations

2006-03-31 Thread Kris Millegan
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Abramoff Link to Boulis Murder Called
   Threat to Compromise Current Operations

  U.S. didn't need Able Danger to locate terrorist ringleader 
MAR 30 2006--Venice,FL.
by Daniel Hopsicker 
   On a day which saw Zacharias Moussaoui's death penalty trial 
  go to the jury in Washington D.C., Jack Abramoff getting sentenced i
  n Florida, and George W Bush joining college kids on spring break 
  in Cancun, the only bright spot all day on Wednesday was provided 
  by a total eclipse of the Sun.  
  Taking a tip from an old playbook—recall Al Capone ensconced 
  at his South Florida mansion when the St. Valentines’ Day Massacre 
  rocked Chicago— Bush slipped out of D.C. just as his erstwhile buddy 
  — Abramoff was facing the music in a Miami Federal courthouse. 
  For Bush it was clearly a smart move. But it also held eerie echoes 
  of the circumstances surrounding the murder of Sun Cruz Casino gambling 
  line czar Gus Boulis, which conveniently occurred while his chief 
  antagonists Abramoff and Kidan were safely out of the country, 
  and presumably innocent, by virtue of geographic distance. 
  It was fuzzy logic, as if the Age of Specialization had never happened 
  to humanity, and we still lived in a world where everyone 
  grew their own food and Mob Boss’s did their own hits. 
  But be that as it may—and thank God for small favors
  —there was Jack Abramoff, looking sheepish and properly humbled, 
  standing before a U.S. District Court Judge being sentenced to federal 
  So that’s where we’ll begin… 
We (hardly) ever stoop to saying 'We told you so.
Over nine months ago a story in the The MadCowMorningNews 
  revealed that disgraced Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s 
  biggest legal worries concerned neither the fraudulent takeover 
  of the SunCruz gambling ships, nor the Indian casino lollapalooza 
  in which Casino Jack skimmed tens of millions of dollars 
  off the take from casinos on Indian reservations across the U.S.
  Abramoff’s big fear, we reported in a story in June of 2005 headlined
   “Terrorists Torpedoes and Republican Muscle,” centered on his potential
   “exposure” in the gangland-style assassination of Boulis, 
  a murder which figures prominently in his rise to power. 
  This week, with a vengeance, that prediction began to come true, 
  when defense attorneys for reputed Gambino associates accused 
  of the hit on Gus Boulis announced plans to subpoena 
  both Abramoff and his former business partner Adam Kidan.
  They want to question the two men, court documents showed, about their 
  purchase of SunCruz, alleged to be at the heart of the murder case. 
  Abramoff and Kidan's testimony is critical, the lawyers alleged, 
  in showing the bitter feelings and power struggle that followed 
  their purchase of SunCruz from Boulis in September 2000.  
  In plain English, they want to ask Jack Abramoff and Adam Kidan 
  what they know personally about the subject of “murder for hire.” 
  Murder for hire. Maybe its a new Neo-Con Principle.
When did newspapers stop reporting what happens every day?
While going to court for sentencing is probably nobody's idea of fun, 
  Wednesday actually turned out to be an exceptionally good day 
  for disgraced Republican lobbyist Abramoff and co-defendant Adam Kidan.
  It was 'high fives' all around, as U.S. District Judge Paul Huck 
  accepted the plea of Abramoff's lawyers and gave him 
  the shortest possible prison time. 
  How odd that news clips weren't reflecting this fact. 
  They made it sound, in fact, as if he'd gotten his just desserts:
  “U.S. District Judge Paul C. Huck sentenced Jack 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Bush the Kreep 03-30-2006

2006-03-31 Thread Kris Millegan
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Please send as far and wide as possible.

Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Bush Okayed Warrantless Searches - Oregon Lawyer Says His Office Was 
Illegally Searched 
Posted by Jon Ponder | Mar. 19, 2006

NSA Is Being Sued for Alleged Illegal Surveillance

US News says President Bush's authorization of warrantless domestic 
spying went beyond wiretapping to include physical searches of 
businesses and residences inside the United States — an apparent 
violation of the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable 
searches and seizures by the government.

Call me suspicious, but knowing the high fivin' frat boys at the 
White House, it's hard to imagine they haven't used this powerful 
tool to gather intelligence on their political enemies as well.The 
decision to authorize so-called black bag jobs was made by 
President Bush's lawyers in the months after the September 11, 2001, 
terror attacks — at the same time the president authorized the 
National Security Agency (NSA) to wiretap phones of American 
citizens without obtaining warrants. 

An attorney in Oregon told the magazine that he believes someone, 
probably the FBI, has conducted multiple warrantless searches of his 
law offices and possibly his home:

At least one defense attorney representing a subject of a terrorism 
investigation believes he was the target of warrantless clandestine 
searches. On Sept. 23, 2005–nearly three months before the Times 
broke the NSA story–Thomas Nelson wrote to U.S. Attorney Karin 
Immergut in Oregon that in the previous nine months, I and others 
have seen strong indications that my office and my home have been 
the target of clandestine searches. In an interview, Nelson said he 
believes that the searches resulted from the fact that FBI agents 
accidentally gave his client classified documents and were trying to 
retrieve them…. Nelson's wife and son, meanwhile, repeatedly called 
their home security company asking why their alarm system seemed to 
keep malfunctioning. The company could find no fault with the 

Nelson said the classified documents appear to show that his client 
was the subject of warrantless eavesdropping by the NSA. He filed a 
lawsuit against the NSA on March 2 in Portland:

[The suit alleges that] the NSA illegally wiretapped electronic 
communications between the chapter and Wendell Belew and Asim 
Ghafoor, both attorneys in Washington, D.C.

The complaint, which also names President Bush as a defendant, 
seeks an order that would require defendants and their agents to 
halt an illegal and unconstitutional program of electronic 
surveillance of United States citizens and entities.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the two Washington attorneys and 
the Al-Haramain chapter by three Portland civil rights lawyers: 
Steven Goldberg, Zaha Hassan and Thomas Nelson.

This case will show how the illegal program was implemented and 
used to the injury of United States citizens and charities, Nelson 

Two unidentified officials told US News that lawyers from the White 
House and the Justice Department approached the FBI about conducting 
the physical searches, but that top officials at the Bureau appeared 
to have been worried the scheme:

There was a fair amount of discussion at Justice on the warrantless 
physical search issue, says a former senior FBI 
official. Discussions about–if [the searches] happened–where would 
the information go, and would it taint cases.

The FBI had good cause to be worried. It has been down this road 

For the FBI, the very mention of the term black-bag jobs prompts a 
bad case of the heebie-jeebies. In 1975 and 1976, an investigative 
committee led by then Sen. Frank Church documented how the FBI 
engaged in broad 

[CTRL] HUMAN EVENTS Weekly Wrap-Up for March 31, 2006 (fwd)

2006-03-31 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
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for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 08:00:26 -0800
From: Human Events Online [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: HUMAN EVENTS Weekly Wrap-Up for March 31, 2006

HumanEventsOnline.com Weekly Wrap-Up
March 31, 2006


Democrats Will Use Immigration to Divide and Conquer

Headlines and Highlights from HumanEventsOnline.com

Ann Coulter: NYT, Broken Clock: Both Occasionally Correct

This Week's Top 10 List: Ten Worst Border-Security Congressmen

Robert Novak: Republicans Run Scared on Immigration

Jihad Watch: Killing for Allah in North Carolina

Legislative Lowdown: GOP Moderates, Conservatives Clash

The Best of the HumanEventsOnline.com Blogs

Today's Poll Question: Will Amnesty Help or Hurt GOP?


Below is just a small portion of what you will find at Human
Events Online. Our site (http://www.HumanEventsOnline.com) is
updated all day, every day.

1. Rep. Steve King: Democrats Will Use Immigration to Divide and

It reads like a page directly out of the Democrat's playbook on
midterm elections. Let Republicans self-destruct by splitting
from their base on a core issue. Senate Republicans this week
will decide if the federal government will respond to 89 percent
of Americans who believe illegal immigration is a serious

Any bill that does not refuse amnesty, and require true border
and internal enforcement will collapse public confidence in the
GOP Congress, and therefore be the breaking point of the
Republican Party. The bill passed by the Senate Judiciary
Committee rewards lawbreakers with amnesty, plain and clear.

Read the full story at:

See also:

Rep. Dan Burton: Stop the Insanity -- Secure Borders Now
Read the full story at:

Rep. Phil Gingrey: Enforcement First; Amnesty Never
Read the full story at:

Rep. J.D. Hayworth: Vicente Fox Needs a Lesson in Civility
Read the full story at:

Rep. Patrick McHenry: 'Nation of Immigrants' Needs Borders, Not
Read the full story at:

Rep. Tom Price: Amnesty Is the Last Thing U.S. Needs
Read the full story at:



A new piece of oilfield technology developed by a former Howard
Hughes company is about to revolutionize the oil industry -- and
could help producers recover 2,978 million barrels of missing
oil in the state of Texas over the next 10 years...

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2. Headlines and Highlights From HumanEventsOnline.com

Michelle Malkin: Racism Gets a Whitewash
Few things make liberals more uncomfortable than being
confronted with the racism of politically correct minorities...
Well, this weekend, militant racism from another protected
minority group was on full display. But you wouldn't know it
from press accounts that whitewashed or buried the protesters'
virulent anti-American hatred.

Read the full story at:

Mac Johnson: Illegal Aliens Mob the Streets Americans Won't Mob
To the astonishment and delight of the news media, Saturday saw
an unprecedented protest by an estimated 500,000 illegal aliens
and their advocates in Los Angeles. Smaller rallies were held in
cities across the country, opposing efforts to secure the border
and finally crack down on illegal entry into America by millions
of unscreened foreigners. Apparently, the protests prove what a
divisive issue illegal immigration is. To me, they simply
prove that criminals dislike the prospect of increased law

Read the full story at:

Listen to the story at:

Terry Jeffrey: Radioactive Material Over Here, Please
They are really not 

[CTRL] an antidote to the latest round of Global warming scaremongering

2006-03-31 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

check out

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Costs Soar As Clergy Sex Abuse Cases Rise

2006-03-31 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Costs Soar As Clergy Sex Abuse Cases RiseBy Rachel Zoll, AP 
Religion Writer 3/30/06 "Washington - New figures released Thursday by the 
nation's Roman Catholic bishops show the unrelenting toll of the clergy sex 
abuse crisis: 783 new credible claims last year, most of which date back 
decades, and costs of nearly $467 million." http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060330/ap_on_re_us/church_abuse_audits
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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Oxford English Dictionary supports USA origin of Nazi salute

2006-03-31 Thread Kris Millegan
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-Caveat Lector-

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) supports Dr. Rex Curry's discovery that 
the Nazi salute originated in the United States. Dr. Curry showed that the 
USA's early pledge of allegiance to the flag (1892) used a straight-arm 
salute and it was the source of the salute of the monstrous National 
Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis). The salute of German Socialists has 
sometimes been labeled an ancient Roman salute.  Dr. Curry helped to 
establish that it was not an ancient Roman salute, and that the ancient 
Roman salute is a modern myth that grew during and after the lives of 
Edward Bellamy (1850-1898) and Francis Bellamy (1855-1931).


The earliest OED reference to Roman salute is a 1959 reference to the 
Chambers's Encyclopedia. The OED states: Chambers's Encycl. XII. 173/2 
Special forms of salute, the clenched fist salute of the Communists, the 
'Roman salute' of the Fascists and the Hitler salute, have been a feature of 
modern political life.

Chambers's Encyclopedia puts the Roman reference in quotation marks, as if 
to indicate that it is the so-called Roman salute and that the phrase is 
not historically accurate.  The Chambers Encyclopedia thus supports Dr. 
Curry's discoveries.

An earlier OED reference exists for raised-arm salute in a 1943 reference 
to a David Gascoyne poem. The poem states, ...the centurions wear 
riding-boots, Black shirts and badges and peaked caps, Greet one another 
with raised-arm salutes   Gascoyne did not use the term Roman salute, 
and that may suggest that the gesture was not widely known by that name at 
that time.  Gascoyne's poem shows how the Roman salute myth spread. 
Gascoyne was a surrealist and his poem mixes images from a Roman crucifixion 
with images under the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  Gascoyne 
had joined the Communist Party of Great Britain in 1936 and broadcast some 
radio talks for the Barcelona-based propaganda ministry. However, he soon 
became disillusioned and left the party.

Dr. Curry knows of two other uses of Roman salute that pre-date the OED 
reference.  The earliest of the two uses is 1937, and the other is 1938, and 
the references are by different authors.

Even the author of the Pledge of Allegiance, Francis Bellamy, 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Springtime for Atta

2006-03-31 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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 Springtime for Atta

You think they're so dumb, you think they're so funny
Wait until they've got you running to the Night Rally - Elvis Costello

A recurring and seemingly fabulist theme in the literature of cult and mind control survivors is the perseverence of a criminal Nazi underground in America, surviving on bonds of blood and symbology and enjoying the protection of high power. Eight-year old Rhonda, drawing pictures of her torture depicting swastikas and ceremonial daggers. Kathleen Sullivan writing in Unshackled of being shuffled between porn shoots and "secret Nazi meetings" by her father and grandfather. It's all a bit too rich for most palates, even now, when the Nazi is little more than a stock villain or comic foil. It's hard to get exercised about an enemy if you believe him buried beneath 60 years of history.

We know of Paperclip and the Ghelen Org, and how Nazis came to guide US government science and intelligence (and unacknowledged yet no less real, the covert trafficking of arms and drugs), finding the patronage of their stateside fellow travellers and eugenicists. Not as well known is how many others came to follow.

Between 1948 and 1952, America's Displaced Persons Commission arranged for nearly a half-million Europeans to emigrate to the United States. For two years it barred those who had been members of organizations sympathetic or collaborative to the Nazis. In 1950 that began to change, when first the "Baltic Legion" was removed from the list of "hostile" movements, though the Baltic Legion was also known as the Baltic Waffen SS.

The change of policy was strategic: the CIA was subsidizing the immigration of European Nazis and fascists in order to build a far-right power bloc as a hedge against communism. Its primary vehicle became the Republican Party. In the year the Commission completed its work, the Republican National Committee formed an "Ethnic Division" to mobilize for elections, which became the permanent standing body called the Republican Heritage Groups Council in 1969.

In his 1988 book Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party, Russ Bellant writes that "it eventually became clear that it wasn't an accident or a fluke that people with Nazi associations were in the Republican Heritage Groups Council. In some cases more mainstream ethnic organizations were passed over in favor of smaller but more extremists groups. [And] the Republican National Committee knows with whom they are dealing."

The leaders of the Republican "heritage" groups included men like Nicholas Nazarenko, who fought as an officer in an SS Cossack unit before going to work for the US Army's Counter Intelligence Corp. The evening after a Reagan speech praising the heritage groups, Nazarenko insisted on opening for Bellant his huge suitcase of political materials, filled with German war memorabilia and literature on the "Jewish problem." He said he was still "in touch" with various "Nazi" organizations: "They respect me because I was a former German army officer. Sometimes when I meet these guys, they say 'Heil Hitler.'"

Bellant again: "in a sense...the foundation of the Republican Heritage Groups Council lay in Hitler's networks into East Europe before World War II. In each of those Eastern European countries, the German SS set up or funded political action organizations that helped form SS militias during the war."

The heritage groups accounted for 86,000 volunteers in the 1988 election of George HW Bush, though several of their leaders were compelled to resign from campaign positions on account of collaboration. One was Romanian priest and member of the pro-Nazi Iron Guard Florian Galdau, who boasted of having files on 15,000 Romanians he helped emigrate in the US with the aid of