[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] TapDay at Yale

2006-04-07 Thread Kris Millegan
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Published Thursday, April 6, 2006
Societies find their secret niche

Staff Reporters

The mysteries of the secret societies’ “tombs” (shown here: Book and Snake) will be disclosed to newly initiated juniors after the chosen few are tapped tonight. (NATHAN LAUGHTON/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER)


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This week, they are hard to ignore. Cloaked figures huddle at the doors of Au Bon Pain; blindfolded juniors hunch in the drizzly Swing Space courtyard; a boy stands with a megaphone on Broadway and tells a girl across the street to "Swing on that pole. Come on. You're not gonna get in like that." The madness is everywhere: It is secret society tap week at Yale, and tonight is tap night.

Among the elite organizations that populate Princeton, Harvard and Yale, Yale's secret societies are perhaps the best known. With movies like "The Skulls," bestsellers like "Secrets of the Tomb," and alums including the current president of the United States, secret societies are part of a national myth of Ivy League elitism. But compared to Princeton's eating clubs and Harvard's final clubs, students and administrators say Yale's secret societies actually play a much smaller role in life at the University. Though the societies may be hard to ignore during tap week, they maintain a relatively low profile otherwise.

Kate Gasner '09 said she had no idea prior to this week that secret society tapping was such a spectacle. She said she has been surprised by the prevalence of inductees on campus.

"I thought it was all supposed to be secret, so I'm sort of perplexed," she said. "But it seems like a good excuse to have fun."

Yale's tradition of secret societies began in 1832, when seniors Alphonso Taft, Class of 1833, and William Huntington Russell, Class of 1833, founded the Order of Skull and Bones. Scroll and Key, which is still considered by many Yale students to be the next most illustrious society, was founded in opposition to its predecessor in 1841. At least seven other societies -- Berzelius, Book and Snake, Elihu, St. Elmo, Wolf's Head, Mace and Chain, and Manuscript -- were founded at Yale in the 19th century. Today, the "tomb societies" -- so called because they are housed in windowless "tombs" that dot campus -- are complimented by an unknown number of newer and less-formal societies, such as Fork and Knife or D.S.G., or "Drunk Senior Girls."

While a few societies have both junior and senior members, the majority of societies tap students at the end of their junior year and admit them as full members as seniors. Each tomb society admits approximately 15 students per year, so at any one time, only a small percentage of Yalies are full members of the major societies.

Like administrators at Princeton and Harvard, Yale administrators said these private clubs have no official relationship to the University. Yale President Richard Levin said he does not think societies play a large role in the experience of most Yale students.

"My impression is that some societies have a major impact on the individuals who are members," Levin said. "They do not appear to have much impact on the wider Yale community."

The impact of secret societies on Yale, Levin said, is more similar to that of final clubs on Harvard than eating clubs on Princeton. More than 75 percent of Princeton upperclassmen are members of eating clubs, and because the clubs act as dining halls and study spaces, not just social spaces, they play a much larger part in students' daily lives. Both eating clubs and final clubs admit students in their sophomore year, giving them a longer-term presence in students' lives than secret societies.

[CTRL] Fwd: Department of Homeland Perversity

2006-04-07 Thread Kris Millegan
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Porn activity detected at DHS (maybe)By Alice Lipowicz, Washington Technology, January 27, 2006
The Homeland Security Department’s internal computer network generated 65 million security alerts during a three-month period and 6.5 million of those [10%] may be linked to employees accessing pornographic words or materials, according to a report today from DHS inspector general Richard Skinner. Nearly three-quarters of the automated “security event messages” and “detect.misuse.porn” alerts originated from 16 devices on the department’s wide area network, according to the report. However, DHS could not identify the specific workstations that had generated the messages, the inspector general found. Under DHS policy, employees are forbidden to access pornographic materials from workstations. However, the “detect.misuse.porn” message may not necessarily indicate pornography, the IG report explains in a footnote. DHS’ automated network security tools are programmed to look for pornographic keywords such as “oral.” But sometimes alerts are generated when the keywords are embedded in other words, such as in “behavioral,” the report said. The security warnings are generated automatically by network security tools and are intended to help secure IT systems and detect hacking attempts and viruses. DHS is not using those tools effectively, the audit found. The number of security events increased dramatically in the last year. In July 2004, DHS was receiving about 5.4 millionmessages per month. In February, March and April 2005, the months in which the audit took place, there were 65 millionmessages, the report said. 
Now that "everything changed, after 9/11," why is Homeland Security and the FBI diverting resources from defending all Americans against terrorism to preventing American adultsfromfindingFREE sexually-stimulating materialon the Internet? See last item posted below onthe Bush Administration's "war on porn" (primarily legal adult porn,specifically Internet porn --NOT, contrary to public claims, JUSTillegal kiddie porn).
Onereally has towonder if theREAL motive forthe Bush family's"War on Porn"is the same ascanbe inferredfrom the conduct ofits earlier "War on Drugs" ... Like drugs, pornography is also amulti-billion-dollarindustry ["kiddie porn" alone reportedly generates $40 billion a year in profits,untaxed!] within an international"underground economy"that includes traditional Bush/CIA/Octopus"hobbies"likemoney-laundering, "mass-murder for hire," andillegal arms-smuggling and -dealing. Nothing like the US government's global intelligence and international police powers to give oneanedge in efforts to eliminate competitors and "corner the market," toabsorb"black markets"into the"black budget"availablefor the funding ofpossibly even more sinister "black ops" ...

Department of Homeland Perversion
Wayne Madsen Report,April 6, 2006
Doyle wasn't the only child predator. In the Department of Homeland Security deputy Press Secretary Brian Doyle, arrested in Maryland for soliciting sex from a Florida undercover detective posing as a 14-year old girl, had company. 
On October 25, 2005, Tampa-based Homeland Security Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement official Frank Figueroa was arrested at Orlando's Mall at Millenia for exposing himself and masturbating in front of a 16-year old girl. Figueroa used his federal law enforcement badge in an attempt to avoid arrest. 
Figueroa had been in charge of the Homeland Security Department's Operation Predator --designed to curb child sexual exploitation and child pornography.
It is clear that as reported yesterday by WMR, the Bush administration and the GOP are chock full of pedophiles, sexual harassers, male prostitutes and their 

[CTRL] China Has US Anti-Missile Tech, Via Transfer From Israel

2006-04-07 Thread Bill Shannon
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China has U.S. anti-missile tech, via transfer from Israel 
Special to World Tribune.com
Thursday, April 6, 2006 
China has developed its own version of the Patriot anti-missile system, according to a Chinese-owned Hong Kong newspaper. 
The ground-to-air guided missile system is part of China's air shield that is similar to U.S. Patriot missiles, the March 29 Wen Wei Po reported. 

China covertly obtained Patriot anti-missile system technology from Israel during the 1990s, according to U.S. officials. 
U.S. intelligence agencies discovered the Israel-China Patriot technology transfer in March 1993. 
The transfers came from U.S.-made Patriots sent to Israel to counter Iraqi missile attacks during the Persian Gulf war. 
The report described the system's command and control system, vehicles and interceptors. 
In 1993, then-CIA Director Robert Gates told The Washington Times, “There is some indication that they [the Chinese] have some of the technology.” 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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