[CTRL] Fwd: Unpleasantries of War

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Israel learns of a hidden shame in its early years Soldiers raped and killed [Palestinian] girl in the Negev
Chris McGreal in JerusalemThe Guardian (UK), November 4, 2003For 54 years the fate of a young Bedouin girl who disappeared in the Negev desert was relegated to rumour and a single entry in the diary of David Ben-Gurion, the prime minister of the fledgling Israeli state.  "It was decided and carried out: they washed her, cut her hair, raped her and killed her," he wrote. After that the case became one of the state's earliest secrets, and no more than hearsay passed between soldiers. Now the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz has used previously classified army documents to reveal the full story of what Mr Ben-Gurion called a "horrific atrocity". In August 1949, an army unit stationed at Nirim in the Negev shot an Arab man and captured a Bedouin girl with him. Her name and age remain unknown, but she was probably in her mid-teens. In the following hours she was taken from the hut and forced to shower naked in full view of the soldiers. Three of the men then raped her. After the Sabbath meal the platoon commander, identified by Ha'aretz as a man called Moshe who had served in the British army during the second world war, proposed a vote on what should be done with her. One option was to put her to work in the outpost's kitchen. Most of the 20 or so soldiers present voted for the alternative by chanting: "We want to ". The commander organised a rota for groups of his men to gang rape the girl over the next three days. Moshe and one of his sergeants went first, leaving the girl unconscious. Next morning, she complicated matters by protesting about her treatment. Moshe told one of his sergeants to kill her. She was forced into a patrol vehicle with several soldiers, two carrying shovels, and they drove off into the dunes. When the girl realised what was about to happen she tried to run, but only made it a few paces before she was shot by a Sergeant Michael. Her body was buried in a grave less than a foot deep. A few days later the battalion commander, Yehuda Drexler, asked Moshe if he had carried out an order to return the girl to her village. "They killed her," replied Moshe. "It was a shame to waste the petrol." He was ordered to write a report. Ha'aretz has obtained a copy. It said: "In my patrol on 12.8.49 I encountered Arabs in the territory under my command, one of them armed. I killed the armed Arab on the spot and took his weapon. I took the Arab female captive. On the first night the soldiers abused her and the next day I saw fit to remove her from the world." He and most of the soldiers at the outpost were tried in secret. Some said they were carrying out their commander's orders. The military judges rejected that line of defence. Moshe denied rape. "Morally speaking, it was impossible to sleep with such a dirty girl," he told the court. He was acquitted of rape but convicted of murder and sentenced to 15 years in prison. The judges likened his stated willingness "to murder even women and children in cold blood" to "Hitler's methods in France". Nineteen other soldiers received light sentences of between one and three years, mostly for "negligence in preventing a crime". The appeal court reduced their sentences, saying: "At the time there was a general feeling of contempt for the life of Arabs ... and sometimes wanton events occurred in this sphere. All this helped create an atmosphere of 'anything goes'. "We are convinced that this atmosphere existed at the Nirim outpost, too." But the government and army understood the shame that would fall on the armed forces if the girl's fate became known to wider Israeli society, so the murder and trial were classified as secret. The case was briefly resurrected at the trial in 1956 of Israeli soldiers and 

[CTRL] Fwd: Chesspieces in the Iran Game

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Eye of the beholder
By Arnaud de BorchgraveTHE WASHINGTON TIMES, April 24, 2006
 At least three unofficial Iranian emissaries have been in Washington this spring with the same recommendation: Send a high-ranking current or former U.S. official to Qom for secret talks with Ayatollah Ali Khameini to explore a geopolitical deal before Iran passes yet another nuclear milestone -- e.g., a nonaggression treaty in return for taking Iran's gauntleted hand off the nuclear sword and resheathing it in an International Atomic Energy Agency scabbard. An American exit from Iraq would be part of the diplomatic mix. 
    For President Bush, this is rank appeasement. He sees his embattled presidency as a throwback to Winston Churchill on the backbenches of Parliament surrounded by appeasers. Now it's a world of appeasers trying to blunt America's sword. Mr. Bush tells his out-of-town visitors to think of how history will judge his administration 20 years hence and not to worry about setbacks in Iraq. 
    Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh wrote a long story for the New Yorker the gist of which is that Mr. Bush is contemplating a tactical nuclear strike against Iran's nuclear installations, now spread in at least 17 different locations. The absurd idea is not denied by Mr. Bush. He simply calls it "wild speculation." 
    For the rest of the world this means that the only power in history to have used nuclear weapons -- "Little Boy" and "Fat Man" incinerated almost 200,000 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in less than a second -- is seriously thinking of doing it again. 
    Mr. Bush's "wild speculation" description is now taken seriously in foreign media as yet another indication America's global imperial hubris is out of control. 
    The damage this is doing to America's image is hard to quantify, but it is at least as serious as the Abu Ghraib "torture" pictures. 
    Neoconservative supporters of the Bush administration are confident the president will order air strikes against Iran between the November 2006 elections and November 2008, when his successor will be elected. The post-strike scenario was put to one of these neocon supporters:     (1) Swift minelayers sail from Bandar Abbas, the Iranian naval base at the mouth of the Strait of Hormuz and sow a few score mines in the world's busiest oil shipping lane. All tanker traffic stops. U.S. and NATO minesweepers head for Hormuz. Iranian naval commandos in Zodiak rubber speedboats come alongside a supertanker and sink it by sticking limpet mines along the waterline. Oil futures quickly pass $100 a barrel and keep climbing,     (2) Saudi Arabia's Shi'ite minority, employed in the eastern Saudi oilfields, begins blowing oil pipelines. Sabotage is reported at Ras Tanura, the world's largest oil loading port.     (3) U.S. air strikes obliterate Bandar Abbas.     (4) Iraq's two Shi'ite militia, armed and funded by Iran's Revolutionary Guards, are ordered into action against Iraq's U.S.-funded and trained army and police forces and against U.S. forces. U.S. casualties mount again. Congress calls for immediate evacuation of U.S. forces into Kuwait. The Kuwaiti Parliament balks and declares its neutrality in what is now the new U.S.-Iran war.     (5) Hezbollah and Hamas fire several thousand rockets and missiles over Israel's protective barrier killing scores of Israelis. The Israeli Defense Force is ordered back into Gaza to wipe out the terrorists.     (6) Hezbollah's militia goes into action against U.S. interests in Beirut.     (7) Shi'ite and Sunni Arabs close ranks against the U.S.-Zionist enemy. Arab streets erupt in mass anti-U.S. demonstrations. Arab governments recall their ambassadors from Washington.     (8) The entire Muslim world closes ranks behi

[CTRL] Fwd: Dirty Laundry

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Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. 
Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation. 
Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor. 
Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for attempted rape of a juvenile. 
Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls. 
Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl. 
Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child. 
Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a juvenile. 
Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl. 
Republican activist Lawrence E. King, Jr. organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s. 
Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s. 
Republican Congressman Donald "Buz" Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a minor and sentenced to one month in jail. 
Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges. 
Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children. 
Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child. 
Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a minor working as a congressional page. 
Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter. 
Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had sex with a 16 year old when he was 28. 
Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar. 
Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped. 
Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. "Republican Marty"), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with a juvenile and one count of delivering the drug LSD. 
Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography. 
Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.
Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was arrested after allegedly offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.
Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.
Republican anti-gay activist Earl "Butch" Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her. 
Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison. 
Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl. 
Republican politician Andrew Buhr 

[CTRL] Fwd: Soaring Oil Prices Result in Gold Rush

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Gold Marches to Fresh Highs By Nick GodtMarkets Reporter5/2/2006 2:34 PM EDT
Gold and metals continued their seemingly unstoppable rally on Tuesday, supported by a weak dollar, the rising price of crude oil and ongoing tensions over Iran's nuclear ambitions. 
Gold for June delivery jumped up $7.20, or 1%, to $667.40 an ounce, after earlier touching yet another quarter-century high at $669.30. 
"We believe that the yellow metal remains on a bullish trend continuing to draw support from concerns over Iran's nuclear program and the weakening of the U.S. dollar," writes Frederic Panizzutti, metals analyst at MKS Finance in Geneva. 
Among other metals, silver for May delivery gained 24.8 cents to $14.10 an ounce. May copper, however, dropped 4.30 cents to $3.41 a pound. 
Canada's Aur Resources said on Tuesday it plans to triple production at its Andacollo copper mine in Chile. The new deposit at the mine could produce 68,700 metric tons of copper a year, according to Bloomberg. 
Meanwhile, tensions in the standoff between Western countries and Iran, the world's fourth-largest producer of crude oil, continue to fuel the prices of both crude oil and gold. The precious metal acts as a hedge against inflation and as a safe-haven asset amid geopolitical uncertainties. 
The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council -- the U.S., the UK, France, Russia and China -- are meeting in Paris on Tuesday to decide whether to impose sanctions on Iran, which has refused to bow to demands to stop its nuclear program. 
The Security Council is planning a "stiff international message" for Iran that may include use of armed force, the U.S. undersecretary of state for political affairs, Nicholas Burns, told reporters in Paris. 
But Iranian foreign minister Manuchehr Mottaki on Tuesday said that both China and Russia have assured Iran they are opposed to sanctions, according to United Press International. 
Over the weekend, Iranian deputy oil minister M.H. Nejad Hosseinian said he didn't believe the U.N. would impose sanctions because that would boost oil prices to "very high" levels. In recent action, crude oil was gaining $1.05 to $74.75 a barrel. 
Meanwhile, ongoing dollar weakness is also providing strong support for gold and other metals. A weak dollar raises the value of dollar-denominated commodities, such as gold, as it takes more of the currency to buy the same amount of the commodity. 
On Tuesday, the dollar fell near an 11-month low against the euro, after strong manufacturing data in the euro zone boosted expectations that the European Central Bank will continue to lift interest rates this year. 
At the same time, the Federal Reserve is widely expected to at least soon pause its 22-month-long campaign to raise interest rates, going by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's congressional testimony last week. 
Monday afternoon, CNBC said that Bernanke told a reporter over the weekend that markets had misunderstood his remarks and that he didn't want to send dovish signals. The report had followed strong U.S. economic data. 
Still, the markets' "conclusion is that not only did the U.S. economy have a strong April, so did almost all of the rest of global economy," writes the ABN Amro economics team, which expects the dollar to remain weak. 
Meanwhile, shares of metal-mining companies continued higher, tracking the rising price of metals. The Philadelphia Gold and Silver index was recently up 0.9%, the Amex Gold Bugs index was gaining 0.7%, and the CBOE Gold index was higher by 1.0%. 
Among the biggest gainers, GoldCorp (GG:NYSE - commentary - research - Cramer's Take) was up 3.8%, Glamis Gold (GLG:NYSE - commentary - research - Cramer's Take) was up 4.6%, and Ag

[CTRL] Fwd: UN Invokes MILITARY Option on Iran -- New 30-Day Ultimatum

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http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=1103&sid=aD5sttWZxq0c&refer=us#  UN Plans `Stiff' Message to Iran on Nuclear Program (Update4) 
May 2 (Bloomberg) -- The United Nations Security Council is preparing a ``stiff message'' for Iran on its nuclear program, a senior U.S. diplomat said today, as Iran announced its scientists have enriched uranium to a higher concentration than before. 
The UN is planning a resolution with a ``stiff international message,'' as ``this is the kind of message Iran needs to hear now,'' U.S. Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns told reporters in Paris. 
In Tehran, Gholam Reza Aghazadeh, head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, said his scientists have enriched uranium to 4.8 percent, the state-run Iranian Student News Agency reported. A concentration of 3 to 5 percent is needed to fuel a power plant, while 90 percent is required for a weapon, according to the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research in Maryland. 
``The Security Council has no option now but to proceed under Chapter 7'' of the UN Charter, Burns said at a news conference in Paris before a meeting of foreign ministry political directors from the five permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany. Chapter 7 provides for measures up to the ``use of armed force'' for non-compliance with UN resolutions. 
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran had joined the ``nuclear club'' on April 9 by enriching uranium to 3.5 percent. International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Mohamed ElBaradei on April 28 confirmed that Iran had enriched uranium to 3.6 percent by April 16. 
``Enrichment of more than 5 percent is not part of Iran's program,'' Aghazadeh told ISNA. ``This level of enrichment for producing nuclear fuel is sufficient.'' 
Deadline Ignored 
Iran ignored an April 28 deadline set by the Security Council for the Islamic Republic to halt the program. The U.S. suspects Iran plans to build a bomb, while Iran says the aim is to generate electricity. 
The U.S. is joined by the U.K. and France in the diplomatic offensive at the Security Council to pressure Iran to suspend its research and allow wider inspections. 
Diplomats from the three nations, along with Russia and China, attended the Paris meeting. A German envoy joined the five permanent members of the Security Council which hold veto power over resolutions. The aim of today's meeting is ``to maintain our unity,'' Burns said. 
``We have always preferred a diplomatic solution,'' China's representative, Cui Tian Kai, told reporters as talks began. 
Iran's parliament agreed to allocate an additional $212 million to finish the construction of the country's first nuclear plant, in Bushehr, state-run Iran News reported today, citing Gholam Hossein Elham, a government spokesman. 
Russian Aid 
The Islamic Republic has already paid Russia as much as $1 billion to build the plant capable of generating about 1,000 megawatts of electricity. The construction has faced numerous delays and should be completed by the end of this year. 
If Iran persists in its rejection of UN demands, the Security Council will draw up a second resolution laying out trade and other economic sanctions, Burns said. The U.S. diplomat said the sanctions envisioned wouldn't affect Iran's sales of oil and gas. 
Burns said it's ``no longer time to do business as usual'' with Iran without specifying which areas of trade are likely to be targeted. The exchange of technology or defense technology is no longer possible and it's ``time for isolation'' for Iran, Burns said. 
`One Goal' 
At today's talks, ``we'll share our views on Mr. ElBaradei's report, knowing that we all agree with the statement that it's very worrying that Iran has not complied with international requi

[CTRL] Fwd: The GOPranos: Thug Rule

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May 01, 2006

Al Gore's Daughter Says ReTHUGlican Mob 
Harassed Family at VP Mansion in 2000 

Remember the ugly "Brooks Brothers riot" of 2000, where ReTHUGlicans from out-of-state waved fists, chanted "Stop the fraud!" and pounded windows to intimidate officials in the Florida recount effort? 
According to Monday's NY Post Page Six column, former vice-president Al Gore's daughter Karenna said that similar aggressive intimidation tactics were perpetrated outside the veep's mansion that same year. 
In an interview she gave in the May issue of Avenue Magazine, Gore said "the rancor was overwhelming at times...There was this horrible mob outside the vice president's house that was recruited by political operatives. They just kept yelling 'Get out of Cheney's house.' That was really painful and rude." 
It's astounding that the harassment of these disruptive mobs was allowed unchecked. I'd like to know what the Democratic leadership is doing to prevent a repeat performance. Regarding his daughter, when told by the mag's editor Pamela Gross that she'd be gracing the cover, Gore quipped "If I had half the communications skills of Karenna, I'd be halfway through my second term right now." 
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[CTRL] Fwd: No-Fly List

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8 Dec 2005

US terror watchlist 80,000 names long

STOCKHOLM, Dec 8 (AFP)  A watchlist of possible terror suspects distributed by the US government to airlines for pre-flight checks is now 80,000 names long, a Swedish newspaper reported on Thursday, citing European air industry sources. 

The classified list, which carried just 16 names before the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York and Washington had grown to 1,000 by the end of 2001, to 40,000 a year later and now stands at 80,000, Svenska Dagbladet reported.
Airlines must check each passenger flying to a US destination against the list, and contact the US Department of Homeland Security for further investigation if there is a matching name.
The list contains a strict "no fly" section, which requires airline staff to contact police, and a "selectee" section, which requires passengers to undergo further security checks.
Some 2,000 passengers checking in at Stockholm's Arlanda airport have had to be cleared with the US authorities because of name matches on the "selectee" list this year, although none was prevented from boarding, Svenska Dagbladet said. 

Copyright © 2005 AFP
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[CTRL] Fwd: Co-opting the Internet for Use as a Weapon of Mass Deception

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May 1, 2006
The Great American Firewall: The Internet is Poised to Become a Global Weapon of Mass Deception
by Elliot D. Cohen, Ph.D.http://www.buzzflash.com/contributors/06/05/con06169.html
Hindsight is often touted as better than foresight, yet such a truism should not blind us to an imminent threat before it happens. Like someone who takes up with an abusive mate and rationalizes the threat to life and limb until the battering leaves undeniable, indelible scars, there are good reasons right now to expect the worst when it comes to the survival of the free Internet. Now unfolding is a legal-political-corporate plot for turning a vibrant, democratic Internet into a global web of corporate and government deceit. The tell-tale signs exist but as in domestic abuse, the perpetrators (federal government and a small group of interconnected, powerful telecom and mainstream media monopolies) have done their utmost to keep it hidden behind closed doors. 
Under the veil of a virtual mainstream media blackout, on June 27, 2005, the United States Supreme Court granted giant cable companies like Comcast and Verizon >
the legal right to dominate and control the Internet. It ruled that broadband Internet was an information service like cable TV rather than an interactive telecommunication service like the telephone (National Cable & Telecommunications Association vs. Brand X Internet Services). 
This gave these behemoths the green light to exclude Independent Service Providers (ISPs) from using their pipes, thereby laying the foundation for a corporate dominated and controlled Internet. Succinctly, in controlling the conduit of communication across the Internet, these companies now have acquired the legal right to control the content of Web pages ("Web of Deceit: How Internet Freedom Got the Federal Ax, And Why Corporate News Censored the Story"). Moreover, in writing this decision, the Court also left the door open for telephone companies like ATT to control telephone modem connectivity to the Internet. As a result, just three weeks after the decision was handed down, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) seized the opportunity to grant this right, effectively ushering in the beginning of the end of free-access Internet. 
The Supreme Court ultimately rested its decision on its own Chevron ruling which held that courts should defer to government agencies, such as the FCC on matters of statutory interpretation so long as the statute in question was ambiguous and the agency’s interpretation was reasonable. Despite the fact that there was unambiguous, prior precedent for considering the Internet to be a telecommunication service rather than an information service (AT&T Corporation vs. Portland); and despite the fact that treating an interactive service such as the Internet like a one-way, cable TV station defied rationality, it still deferred to the FCC, which sought to interpret the Internet as an information service. Brand X has now set the legal stage for a further maneuver in the dismal saga of the declining free Internet. 
Now in Congress, under extreme pressure by telecom lobbies, is a pending house bill introduced by Congressman Joe Barton (R-TX) entitled the “Communications Opportunity Promotion and Enhancement Act of 2006.” This Act includes a “Title II- Enforcement of Broadband Policy Statement” that states the FCC “shall have exclusive authority to adjudicate any complaint alleging a violation of the broadband policy statement or the principles incorporated therein.” 
With the passage of this provision the FCC would no longer have to rely on Chevron to attain deference. Instead, it would be given a blank check to enforce its own mandates. 

[CTRL] Fwd: Media Monopolies

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[CTRL] Fwd: Feels on Wheels

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Congressional Sex Scandal?
Brian RossMay 02, 2006 10:26 AMhttp://blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/2006/05/congressional_s.html
The Congressional payoff scandal may soon be known as the Congressional sex scandal.The FBI is now investigating whether hookers were part of the scheme used by defense companies to get lucrative contracts.We already know about the cash, cars, mansions and yachts that changed hands in the case of disgraced former Congressman Duke Cunningham.But now sources close to the investigation tell us, as well as the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal, that sexual favors may have been part of the deal.The allegations include descriptions of Washington, D.C. poker parties in hotel suites, where prostitutes were brought by limousine as part of the entertainment.No comment from the owner of the limousine company, a man with a long criminal record -- who just happened to get a $20 million contract to provide limousine service for the Department of Homeland Security.
May 2, 2006
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[CTRL] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Denmark: Two journalist s indicted for reporting on Iraq  intellige nce

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DENMARK: Two journalists indicted for reporting on Iraq intelligence

New York, May 1, 2006—The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned by 
the criminal charges brought against two Danish reporters accused of leaking 
state secrets by publishing intelligence reports that questioned the existence 
of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Danish journalists say it is the first 
time that reporters have been indicted in their country for leaking state 
secrets, Agence France-Presse reported.

A state prosecutor announced April 27 that Michael Bjerre and Jesper Larsen 
of the conservative Copenhagen daily Berlingske Tidende had been charged in 
connection with a series of articles published between February and March of 
2004 that said the Danish Intelligence Service had found no evidence that 
ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. The 
articles embarrassed Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen by showing that he 
had ignored the assessments of his own intelligence service to support the 
U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. Bjerre and Larsen face up to two years in prison if 
convicted, AFP said.

“Journalists have a duty to publish information of such obvious public 
interest, and should not be criminally charged for leaks from government 
agencies,” said CPJ Executive Director Ann Cooper. “We call on the state 
prosecutor to drop all charges against our colleagues Michael Bjerre and Jesper 
Larsen immediately.”

Berlingske Tidende editor-in-chief Niels Lunde said the newspaper had the 
right to publish the classified information, and he expects his reporters to be 
acquitted, the state broadcaster Danmarks Radio reported.

Frank Grevil, an intelligence officer who admitted leaking the reports to 
Bjerre and Jesper, spent four months in prison after being convicted in 
November 2004.

© 2006 Committee to Protect Journalists. http://www.cpj.org  E-mail: [EMAIL 

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[CTRL] Nun's killer used occult symbols, Abuse bill passes

2006-05-02 Thread Smart News
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describes crimes 
Witness: Nun's killer was expert in Catholic rites By Harriet Ryan, Court 
TV 5/1/06 TOLEDO, Ohio (Court TV) — An expert in Roman Catholic rituals 
testified Monday that the murder of a nun in a chapel 26 years ago was committed 
by someone with specialized knowledge of the church's rites and symbolsSr. 
Margaret Ann Pahl, 71, was strangled and stabbed to death in the sacristy of the 
Mercy Hospital chapel on the morning before Easter. Her undergarments were 
pulled down around her ankles and her dress pushed up, exposing her genitals. 
She had been stabbed 31 times, including nine wounds made through the cloth in 
the shape of an inverted cross. Asked by prosecutor J. Christopher Anderson to 
identify ritualistic aspects in the crime, Grob sighed and said, "Where does one 
begin?" He said that in eyes of the church, a nun was a virgin wed to God and 
that by leaving Sr. Margaret Ann naked, the killer was "defiling the bride of 
Christ." He said it was consistent with satanic worship. "You take innocence and 
you destroy or mock it," he said.  He testified that the upside-down cross 
was similarly used in satanic ceremonies as an "affront to the sacred." He said 
the use of the cloth showed a desire to "penetrate" the holy with the evil. He 
said a bloody semicircle on the victim's forehead might be evidence that the 
killer performed a perverse version of the sacrament of last rites on Sr. 
Margaret Ann. The sacrament calls for the head and hands of a dying or gravely 
ill person to be anointed with oil."  http://news.yahoo.com/s/ct/20060501/cr_ct/witnessnunskillerwasexpertincatholicrites;_ylt=AowI3UHz3BecupocJqb8S0pbIwgF;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHVqMTQ4BHNlYwN5bnN1YmNhdA
Nun's killer used occult symbols, church expert in rituals testifies by 
David Yonke "A Roman Catholic priest who is an expert in church rituals and the 
occult testified in the Rev. Gerald Robinson's murder trial yesterday that there 
were so many occult symbols surrounding Sister Margaret Ann Pahl's murder that 
he believes "these aren't random acts" but point to a ritual killing designed to 
mock the victim, the church, and GodThe Rev. Jeffrey Grob, associate vicar 
for canonical services for the Archdiocese of Chicago, said after studying the 
case he believes the killer had "professional knowledge" of church rituals." http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060502/NEWS02/605020377/-1/NEWS
Abuse bill passes without 'look-back' By Bill Frogameni 4/5/06 "After a 
heated tussle among Ohio’s Catholic bishops, advocates for survivors of clerical 
sex abuse and lawmakers, an amended bill passed the state legislature March 29 
without the controversial “look-back” provision that would have allowed victims 
to sue the church for incidents dating back as far as 35 yearsThe original 
SB 17 passed Ohio’s Senate unanimously in March 2005, but languished in the 
House Judiciary committee for a year, stalled by the look-back provision, a 
one-year grace period for filing civil suits covered by the statute of 
limitations. With current law, the statute of limitations in civil cases expires 
two years after the alleged victim turns 18. The new version of SB 17 extends 
the statute 12 years beyond majority. The original bill extended it to 20." http://ncronline.org/NCR_Online/archives2/2006b/050506/050506k.htm
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[CTRL] demogogery at the pump

2006-05-02 Thread William A. Bacon
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Demagoguery at the Pump
By Doug Patton on May 02, 2006

If a $100 rebate from the federal treasury is the most creative public
policy proposal Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist can envision to deal
with three-dollar-plus gasoline, the gentleman from Tennessee should
explore employment opportunities other than seeking the White House in two

What gives a representative of my federal government the idea he has the
authority to rebate a pittance of my own money back to me in order to pay
for a few gallons of gasoline? In what twisted, inside-the-beltway,
revisionist version of the U.S. Constitution does a member of the United
States Senate find such a goofy idea enumerated?

Is the honorable majority leader so out of touch he doesnt realize that
$100 is only enough for about two-and-a-half tanks of gas at current
prices? How about eliminating about two thirds of the bloated federal
budget so you can cut my taxes, senator? Then I can decide whether to put
that money in my tank or invest it in a mutual fund.

Then there is the weak response from the White House.

How am I supposed to respond to a president who, in time of war, announces
that he is tapping into the nations strategic oil reserve for the sole
purpose of dropping the cost of gasoline a few cents at the pump? And what
am I to think about the fact that he has just called for more oil
exploration after five years of capitulation to environmental extremists
and left-wing Democrats, who, despite the fact that they are in the
minority, still mysteriously manage to forbid drilling in a tiny section
of the vast wilderness known as the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve in
Alaska, off the coast of California or off the Florida Gulf Coast? More
oil exploration? Explore where, Mr. President?

Is this really the best the party in power in Washington can do?

Of course, the ideas coming from the minority party are even sillier.
Demagoguery being what it is during an election year, the hyperbole is
already flowing like molten lava from the campaign spin machines of
Democrats like Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Nebr., who has just called for an
investigation into price gouging. A popular position, perhaps, but look
for Nelsons GOP opponent to point out to voters that his posturing cant
hide the fact that he has consistently voted against drilling in ANWR.

There are those who believe that big oil should be giving discounts to
Americans, as though we somehow deserve cheap oil while the rest of the
world pays though the nose for it. Ironically, with more than a third of
the worlds population residing in the developing economies of China and
India, the emergence of these nations from the stereotypical squalor that
has plagued their people for centuries is now exacerbating the problem,
especially when combined with the restrictions on exploration. In a global
economy, increased demand naturally dictates the cost of crude oil.

To those who believe that oil companies should give price breaks to
Americans, I ask this question: Are you old enough to remember the gas
lines of the 1970s? If not, have you ever seen footage of them on the
news? It wasnt pretty, and personally, I would rather pay the prevailing
price than return to those days.

My favorite unworkable Democrat plan, however, is the so-called windfall
profits tax on big oil. This one plays well with those who see oil
companies as the source of most evil in America. Proponents of such
nonsense include such rabid lefties as Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-NY. That is
exactly what we do not need, another tax, because corporations dont pay
taxes; they simply pass them on to us, a concept liberals just dont seem
to grasp.

 Copyright 2006 by Doug Patton

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
By Doug Patton on May 02, 2006 | Email | Profile   Permalink

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Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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[CTRL] oil at 74.85/bbl now is the time to increase domestic supply of energy

2006-05-02 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

We can do it! What motivation does the madcap "environemtal" have to
continue with their "scorched earth" policy of opposing any increase in
supply of energy that would be effective competition to OPEC? What do you
think conspiracy heads out there? I think that they are being paid off by
opec in order to make us more dependent on them. and by the way link to my
energy page at:
documents the available energy sources that would be effective competion

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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[CTRL] Fwd: Bush Damaged US National Security

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MSNBC: Plame Leak Hurt Ability to Spy on Iran for WMD
Includes Newest Video of Valerie Plame-Wilson

Includes Newest Video of Valerie Plame-WilsonGuest blogged by David Edwards of Veredictum.com Video in Streaming Flash format... Video in Windows Media format... 

Guest blogged by David Edwards of Veredictum.comVideo in Streaming Flash format...Video in Windows Media format...Shuster attended the White House Correspondent's Dinner. He was able to get a short interview with Joe Wilson. Republican operatives have renewed their baseless claim that Valerie Plame-Wilson's identity was not classified. For her part, Valerie Plame-Wilson stood silently by as her husband rejected the well used right-wing talking point.More importantly, David Shuster reports that sources have told him how National Security was damaged when Valerie Plame-Wilson's identity was leaked by the White House. His sources say that she worked with gathering intelligence on Weapons of Mass Destruction. The outing of her name specifically damaged the ability to collect intelligence on Iran's nuclear capabilities. 
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[CTRL] Fwd: Sticks and Stones

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Monday, May 01, 2006

At the Rubicon: 
US Asks Turkey to Host Iran Attack 

YNet News reports that we are at the threshold of the most terrifying moment in human history: a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Iran. Contrary to the public story, the Bush Administration is proceeding full speed ahead, Congressional authorization be damned:
Turkey won't let U.S. attack Iran from its landTurkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul said Sunday that his country refused a request from the United States to attack Iran from its Air Force base in Incirlik, despite the U.S. offer of a nuclear reactor, according to a report in Al Biyan. In an interview for the United Arab Emirates newspaper, Gul noted that America's efforts to attack Iran are "imaginary" and that Turkey's stance is "strategic" and refuses the use of its land for any belligerent activity against neighboring countries. (Roee Nahmias)(04.30.06, 10:34)
Update: The story has been confirmed by a second source, the Jerusalem Post, which says:
Turkey won't allow US to use its basesTurkey does not intend to allow the United States to launch an attack against Iran from the Inchirlik military base, Turkish news agencies reported Sunday. Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul told the Dubai-based al-Bayan that he doubted the US would ultimately choose to take military action, as "Iran has its own strategic advantages." Gul said that facilitating an attack against a neighboring country was "not an option," despite the US offer to build Turkey a nuclear reactor as a counterbalance to Iran's expanding nuclear facilities. Turkey has long sought to develop nuclear power to make up for a limited supply of domestic energy and to reduce dependence on energy supplies from Iran and Russia and has chosen the coastal city of Sinop as the site of the country's first nuclear power plant. However, only Saturday, thousands rallied in Sinop to protest the planned nuclear facility. Calls for Turkey to develop alternative energy sources were widespread during the past winter, when unexplained cuts in the supply of natural gas from Iran forced many companies to lower or entirely stop production. Turkey first announced plans to build a reactor in 1996, but the project has repeatedly been put on hold due to financial problems. Turkey's refusal to comply with the US request was another indication of the growing tension between the two nations, which, according to Gul, have not "seen a single day of positive stability since the Islamic party was elected to power [in 2002]."
Oregon Rep. Peter DeFazio has drafted a resolution specifically prohibiting Bush from launching a pre-emptive war on Iran without Congressional authorization.Write a personalized email to all of your Congressmen demanding they support the DeFazio's resolution. Get the word out NOW. FIGHT this NOW.Nothing in your entire lifetime will be more important than what you choose to do about this coming crisis.Quote of the Day:"I don't know what weapons World War Three will be fought with, but World War Four will be fought with sticks and stones."-- Albert Einstein 
"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act." 
-- George Orwell 
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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Moussaoui a Psychotic Patsy under FBI Control; Show Trial is Unconstitutional, Experts Say

2006-05-02 Thread RoadsEnd
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  Moussaoui a Psychotic Patsy under FBI Control; Show Trial is Unconstitutional, Experts Say   Download this press release as an Adobe PDF document.            Witness tampering, faked evidence,
 inflammatory testimony display political motives and confirm Charlie Sheen's concerns, experts claim.        Washington, DC (PRWEB) April 21, 2006 -- The trial holding Zacarias Moussaoui responsible for the horrors of 9/11 has all the marks of a political charade, according to Scholars for 9/11 Truth, a society of experts devoted to exposing falsehoods and establishing truths about the events of that day. "Even the most basic elements of due process have been violated," according to James H. Fetzer, its founder and co-chair, "by failing to prove that the accused had anything to do with 9/11. What we are seeing here tends to substantiate Charlie Sheen's allegations."     Fetzer insists there has been a clever ruse to confuse the jury by using a confession to one plot as though it were evidence of complicity in another. As The New York Times (April 27, 2005) reported,
 Moussaoui "confessed" to having been involved in a plot to fly a plane into the White House to free Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, who is serving a life sentence for terrorist acts. He denied that he was part of the 9/11 attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C.        A Judicial "Shell Game"The mentally instable Moussaoui has now "confessed" that he and shoe-bomber Richard Reid were going to hijack a fifth aircraft and fly it into the White House, which was not the plot of which he was convicted. The Scholars believe government prosecutors have been playing a deceptive "shell game" by tying him to 9/11. Even the FBI has expressed doubts about Moussaoui's new version of events, since Reid left a will naming Moussaoui as his beneficiary, which was very odd if they were going to participate in a suicide mission together.   The government claims Moussaoui should be put to death for failing to report
 everything he knew about 9/11, which it claims would have saved lives. "This is blatantly unconstitutional," says 9/11 Truth Scholar Webster Tarpley. "Under the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution, nobody can be prosecuted for a failure to incriminate themselves.'"         "This entire trial has been a farce," says Fetzer, a professor of philosophy at the University of Minnesota. "Government prosecutors have contaminated witnesses, elicited testimony they cannot corroborate, and -- according to multiple reports -- even forced Moussaoui to wear a 'stun belt'. 50,000 volts should be enough to keep anyone from straying from the script," he said. "It is very difficult to imagine how testimony taken under duress is admissible."     The 9/11 Truth MovementThe fast-growing, over 200-member strong society is only the tip of an iceberg of a "9/11 Truth" movement which has produced
 dozens of books and scores of websites assailing the official version of 9/11. According to those involved, it's an uphill battle. John Leonard, a member of S9/11T and the publisher of several books on 9/11, including one by Webster Tarpley, insists that at least one basic element of the "9/11 Truth" idea can be conveyed in less than a minute, but he finds most Americans have psychological barriers to it.      "When we hit a fact that contradicts our world view, we usually pause, rationalize it and keep going. But sometimes we stumble onto something and want to dig deeper. That's where 9/11 researchers get started." Psychologists describe the resistance to ideas that threaten our sense of security as "cognitive dissonance", which can occur when, for example, a mother discovers evidence her husband has been molesting their daughter.         To demonstrate his position, Leonard asks people
 to consider t

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Reefer madnessMarijuana, the medical miracle

2006-05-02 Thread RoadsEnd
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Reefer madness  Apr 27th 2006From The Economist print edition        Marijuana is medically useful, whether politicians like it or not  Getty Images           IF CANNABIS were unknown, and bioprospectors were suddenly to find it in some remote mountain crevice, its discovery would no doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough. Scientists would praise its potential for treating everything from pain to cancer, and marvel at its rich pharmacopoeia—     many of whose chemicals mimic vital molecules in the human body. In reality, cannabis has been with humanity for
 thousands of years and is considered by many governments (notably America's) to be a dangerous drug without utility. Any suggestion that the plant might be medically useful is politically controversial, whatever the science says. It is in this context that, on April 20th, America's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a statement saying that smoked marijuana has no accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.            The statement is curious in a number of ways. For one thing, it overlooks a report made in 1999 by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), part of the National Academy of Sciences, which came to a different conclusion.         John Benson, a professor of
 medicine at the University of Nebraska who co-chaired the committee that drew up the report, found some sound scientific information that supports the medical use of marijuana for certain patients for short periods—even for smoked marijuana.         
       This is important, because one of the objections to marijuana is that, when burned, its smoke contains many of the harmful things found in tobacco smoke, such as carcinogenic tar, cyanide and carbon monoxide. Yet the IOM report supports what some patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, AIDS and cancer—     and their doctors—have known for a long time. This is that the drug gives them medicinal benefits over and above the medications they are already receiving, and despite the fact that the smoke has risks. That is probably why several studies show that many doctors recommend smoking cannabis to their patients, even though they are unable to prescribe it. Patients then turn to the black market for their supply.            Another reason the FDA statement is odd is that it seems to lack common sense. Cannabis has been used as a medicinal plant for millennia. In fact, the American government actually supplied cannabis as a medicine for some time, before the scheme was shut down in the early 1990s. Today, cannabis is used all over the world, despite its illegality, to relieve pain and anxiety, to aid sleep, and to prevent seizures and muscle spasms. For example, two of its long-advocated benefits are that it suppresses vomiting and enhances appetite—     qualities that AIDS patients and those on anti-cancer chemotherapy find useful. So useful, in fact, that the FDA has licensed a drug called Marinol, a synthetic version of one of
 the active ingredients of marijuana—delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Unfortunately, many users of Marinol complain that it gets them high (which isn't what they actually want) and is not nearly as effective, nor cheap, as the real weed itself.            This may be because Marinol is ingested into the stomach, meaning that it is metabolised before being absorbed. Or it may be because the medicinal benefits of cannabis come from the synergistic effect of the multiplicity of chemicals it contains.            Just what have you been smoking?  THC is the best known active ingredient of cannabis, but by no means the only one. At the last count, marijuana was
 known to contain nearly 70 different cannabinoids, as THC and its cousins are collectively known.         These chemi

[CTRL] Fwd: The Ultimate Outsourcing: Privatized Prisons & Torture in War on Terror

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U.S. Knew All About Private Jail in Kabul, American Tells Court
Seized Material Is Said to Show 'Constant Contacts' 
By Pamela ConstableWashington Post, August 17, 2004

KABUL, Afghanistan, Aug. 16 -- Jonathan "Jack" Idema, the American accused of illegally detaining and torturing prisoners in a private jail in Afghanistan, testified in court Monday that he could prove U.S. and Afghan authorities were fully aware of his actions and accused the FBI of confiscating evidence that would support his claim.
Idema, who frequently interrupted the judge and laughed in apparent disgust at the proceedings, said FBI agents in Kabul had seized hundreds of documents, photographs and videotapes from his base here that showed "constant contacts" between him and U.S. military and intelligence officials this spring and summer.
"They knew every single thing we did, every single day," he said.
Idema, who claims to have been running an anti-terrorism operation, said FBI agents had questioned several Afghans after he took them prisoner and confirmed that the agents knew of a plot to kill two Afghan cabinet ministers. He also read from a printed e-mail about his operations that he said had been sent to him from the Kabul office of the multinational peacekeeping force.
U.S. military and intelligence officials here have repeatedly denied any affiliation with Idema, although they acknowledge having received one prisoner from him. International peacekeeping officials in Kabul say they cooperated with him briefly until learning he was an impostor.
Idema and two American associates, along with four of their Afghan employees, were arrested July 5 and have been charged with entering the country illegally, operating an illegal jail, detaining and imprisoning eight Afghan citizens, kidnapping and torture. If convicted, they could face 20 years in Afghan prisons.
Idema, 48, a flamboyant, burly man from Fayetteville, N.C., claims to be a former U.S. Army Special Forces operative and says he has been involved in various conflicts across the world. He served prison time for fraud in the United States on charges related to his mail-order military supply business.
In listing the charges Monday, the prosecutor said police found "torture equipment, bloody clothing, handcuffs, blindfolds and stored water" when they raided a building used by Idema to hold his prisoners. He said Idema's detainees had all proved to be "innocent Afghan citizens."
Although Idema did not deny holding a group of Afghans prisoner, he adamantly denied having tortured them, saying, "I assure this court, no one was burned with cigarettes, no one was hung upside down, no one was beaten, no one was in body bags. . . . None of this happened."
Noting that his operations this spring coincided with the allegations of abuse by U.S. military guards and interrogators at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, he said: "Everyone was very concerned about the prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib. . . . We were very careful to use standard interrogation techniques."
At an initial court hearing in July, several Afghans testified that they had been detained and abused by Idema and his group and were hung by their feet and doused with extremely hot and cold water. The alleged victims, including a senior religious judge, were all present in court Monday.
A second American suspect, Edward Caraballo, testified quietly that he had acted only as a journalist and had accompanied Idema here to film his operations. He said he was "very sorry for any pain I caused the people of Afghanistan by my involvement in a mission I believed to be sanctioned by the American and Afghan governments." 
Caraballo's American lawyer, Michael Skibbie, described his protracted and unsucc

[CTRL] Fwd: Fiefdom of the Press

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In leak cases, new pressure on journalists 
The New York Times, 
APRIL 30, 2006 
Earlier administrations have fired and prosecuted government officials who provided classified information to the press. They have also tried to force reporters to identify their sources.  But the Bush administration is exploring a more radical measure to protect information it says is vital to national security: the criminal prosecution of reporters under the espionage laws.Such an approach would signal a thorough revision of the informal rules of engagement that have governed the relationship between the press and the government for many decades. Leaking in Washington is commonplace and typically entails tolerable risks for government officials and, at worst, the possibility of subpoenas to journalists seeking the identities of sources.But the Bush administration is putting pressure on the press as never before, and it is operating in a judicial climate that seems increasingly receptive to constraints on journalists.In the last year alone, a reporter for The New York Times was jailed for refusing to testify about a confidential source; her source, a White House aide, was prosecuted on charges that he lied about his contacts with reporters; a C.I.A. analyst was dismissed for unauthorized contacts with reporters; and a raft of subpoenas to reporters were largely upheld by the courts.It is not easy to gauge whether the administration will move beyond these efforts to criminal prosecutions of reporters. In public statements and court papers, administration officials have said the law allows such prosecutions and that they will use their prosecutorial discretion in this area judiciously. But there is no indication that a decision to begin such a prosecution has been made. A Justice Department spokeswoman, Tasia Scolinos, declined to comment on Friday.Because such prosecutions of reporters are unknown, they are widely thought inconceivable. But legal experts say that existing laws may well allow holding the press to account criminally. Should the administration pursue the matter, these experts say, it could gain a tool that would thoroughly alter the balance of power between the government and the press.The administration and its allies say that all avenues must be explored to ensure that vital national security information does not fall into the hands of the nation's enemies.In February, Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas, asked Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales whether the government's investigation into The Times's disclosure of a National Security Agency eavesdropping program included "any potential violation for publishing that information."Mr. Gonzales responded: "Obviously, our prosecutors are going to look to see all the laws that have been violated. And if the evidence is there, they're going to prosecute those violations."Recent articles in conservative opinion magazines have been even more forceful."The press can and should be held to account for publishing military secrets in wartime," Gabriel Schoenfeld wrote in Commentary magazine last month.Surprising Move by F.B.I.One example of the administration's new approach is the F.B.I.'s recent effort to reclaim classified documents in the files of the late columnist Jack Anderson, a move that legal experts say was surprising if not unheard of."Under the law," Bill Carter, a spokesman for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, said earlier this month, "no private person may possess classified documents that were illegally provided to them."Critics of the administration position say that altering the conventional understanding between the press and government could have dire consequences."Once you make the press the defendan

[CTRL] Fwd: US Repeatedly Allowed Zarqawi, like Osama bin Laden, to Escape

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US 'allowed Zarqawi to escape'

By Chris EvansMay 1, 2006

The United States deliberately passed up repeated opportunities to kill the head of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Jordanian-born terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, before the March 2003 US-led invasion of that country.
The claim, by former US spy Mike Scheuer, was made in an interview to be shown on ABC TV's Four Corners tonight.
Zarqawi is often described as a lieutenant of Osama bin Laden, whose supporters masterminded the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington.
Mr Scheuer was a CIA agent for 22 years - six of them as head of the agency's Osama bin Laden unit - until he resigned in 2004.
He told Four Corners that during 2002, the Bush Administration received detailed intelligence about Zarqawi's training camp in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Mr Scheuer claims that a July 2002 plan to destroy the camp lapsed because "it was more important not to give the Europeans the impression we were gunslingers".
"Mr Bush had Zarqawi in his sights almost every day for a year before the invasion of Iraq and he didn't shoot because they were wining and dining the French in an effort to get them to assist us in the invasion of Iraq," he told Four Corners.
"Almost every day we sent a package to the White House that had overhead imagery of the house he was staying in. It was a terrorist training camp . . . experimenting with ricin and anthrax . . . any collateral damage there would have been terrorists."
During the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq, Zarqawi's presence in the north of the country was used by US officials to link Saddam Hussein to terrorism.
Zarqawi has twice been sentenced to death by Jordan's state security court.
He was first sentenced in absentia in November 2004 for planning the murder of a US diplomat in Jordan. The second sentence, last December, concerned plans to attack a border post between Iraq and Jordan.
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[CTRL] Fwd: The Predator State

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The Predator State Enron, Tyco, WorldCom... and the U.S. government? By James K. Galbraith 04/29/06 "Mother Jones"  -- -- WHAT IS THE REAL NATURE of American capitalism today? Is it a grand national adventure, as politicians and textbooks aver, in which markets provide the framework for benign competition, from which emerges the greatest good for the greatest number? Or is it the domain of class struggle, even a “global class war,” as the title of Jeff Faux’s new book would have it, in which the “party of Davos” outmaneuvers the remnants of the organized working class?The doctrines of the “law and economics” movement, now ascendant in our courts, hold that if people are rational, if markets can be “contested,” if memory is good and information adequate, then firms will adhere on their own to norms of honorable conduct. Any public presence in the economy undermines this. Even insurance—whether deposit insurance or Social Security—is perverse, for it encourages irresponsible risktaking. Banks will lend to bad clients, workers will “live for today,” companies will speculate with their pension funds; the movement has even argued that seat belts foster reckless driving. Insurance, in other words, creates a “moral hazard” for which “market discipline” is the cure; all works for the best when thought and planning do not interfere. It’s a strange vision, and if we weren’t governed by people like John Roberts and Sam Alito, who pretend to believe it, it would scarcely be worth our attention.The idea of class struggle goes back a long way; perhaps it really is “the history of all hitherto existing society,” as Marx and Engels famously declared. But if the world is ruled by a monied elite, then to what extent do middle-class working Americans compose part of the global proletariat? The honest answer can only be: not much. The political decline of the left surely flows in part from rhetoric that no longer matches experience; for the most part, American voters do not live on the Malthusian margin. Dollars command the world’s goods, rupees do not; membership in the dollar economy makes every working American, to some degree, complicit in the capitalist class.In the mixed-economy America I grew up in, there existed a post-capitalist, post-Marxian vision of middle-class identity. It consisted of shared assets and entitlements, of which the bedrock was public education, access to college, good housing, full employment at living wages, Medicare, and Social Security. These programs, publicly provided, financed, or guaranteed, had softened the rough edges of Great Depression capitalism, rewarding the sacrifices that won the Second World War. They also showcased America, demonstrating to those behind the Iron Curtain that regulated capitalism could yield prosperity far beyond the capacities of state planning. (This, and not the arms race, ultimately brought down the Soviet empire.) These middle-class institutions survive in America today, but they are frayed and tattered from constant attack. And the division between those included and those excluded is large and obvious to all.Today, the signature of modern American capitalism is neither benign competition, nor class struggle, nor an inclusive middle-class utopia. Instead, predation has become the dominant feature—a system wherein the rich have come to feast on decaying systems built for the middle class. The predatory class is not the whole of the wealthy; it may be opposed by many others of similar wealth. But it is the defining feature, the leading force. And its agents are in full control of the government under which we live.Our rulers deliver favors to their clients. These range from Native American casino operators, to Appalachian coal companies, to Saipan sweatshop operators, to the would-be oil field operator

[CTRL] Fwd: Secret Government Classifies Itself

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Cheney exempts his own office from reporting on classified material
Chicago Tribune, April 29, 2006
WASHINGTON - As the Bush administration has dramatically accelerated the classification of information as "top secret" or "confidential," one office is refusing to report on its annual activity in classifying documents: the office of Vice President Dick Cheney.
A standing executive order, strengthened by President Bush in 2003, requires all agencies and "any other entity within the executive branch" to provide an annual accounting of their classification of documents. More than 80 agencies have collectively reported to the National Archives that they made 15.6 million decisions in 2004 to classify information, nearly double the number in 2001, but Cheney continues to insist he is exempt.
Explaining why the vice president has withheld even a tally of his office's secrecy when such offices as the National Security Council routinely report theirs, a spokeswoman said Cheney is "not under any duty" to provide it.
That is only one way the Bush administration, from its opening weeks in 2001, has asserted control over information. By keeping secret so many directives and actions, the administration has precluded the public - and often members of Congress - from knowing about some of the most significant decisions and acts of the White House.
In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the administration has based much of its need for confidentiality on the imperative of protecting national security at a time of war. Yet experts say Bush and his closest advisers demonstrated their proclivity for privacy well before Sept. 11:
Starting in the early weeks of his administration with a move to protect the papers of former presidents, Bush has clamped down on the release of government documents. That includes tougher standards for what the public can obtain under the Freedom of Information Act and the creation of a broad new category of "sensitive but unclassified information."
Not only has the administration reported a dramatic increase in the number of documents deemed "top secret," "secret" or "confidential," the president has authorized the reclassification of information that was public for years. An audit by a National Archives office recently found that the CIA acted in a "clearly inappropriate" way regarding about one-third of the documents it reclassified last year.
The White House has resisted efforts by Congress to gain information, starting with a White House energy task force headed by Cheney and continuing with the president's secret authorization of warrantless surveillance of people inside the United States suspected of communicating with terrorists abroad. Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., recently threatened to withhold funding for the surveillance program unless the White House starts providing information.
The administration has withheld the identities of, and accusations against, detainees held in its war on terror, and it censored the findings of a joint House-Senate committee that investigated the events leading to Sept. 11, including a 27-page blackout of Saudi Arabia's alleged connections to the terrorists.
While maintaining a disciplined and virtually leakproof White House, senior members of the administration have been accused of leaking information to punish a critic of the war in Iraq. The grand jury testimony of a former White House aide reportedly asserts that Bush himself selectively authorized release of once-classified information to counter criticism.
A tension has always existed between the presidency and the public, with concerns about security and confidentiality competing with the public's right to know about its government. But the bal

[CTRL] Fwd: "Elitist Crony Capitalism" Held Up to World as Standard for Global Economy

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Why Europe should reject U.S. market capitalism 
William Pfaff TMSI 

 PARIS The specter of Anglo-American market capitalism dominated France's student unrest in March and April, and motivated popular rejection in France a year ago of the proposed new European Union constitution.The election that has just given Italy a fragile center- left coalition, and recent conflict in German industry, involved the same question: how to remodel national economies, or whether to remodel them at all.Advocates of the new model capitalism, and the globalization project that goes with it, like to present it as an _expression_ of historical necessity, rooted in classical economics and embodying irrefutable laws. It is progress itself, they say. Those who do not conform to the rules of modern market capitalism, and do not offer the human sacrifices of lost employment and diminished living standards that the market demands, will fall by the wayside of history.This is simply untrue, although most of those who say it undoubtedly believe it.The new American and British market capitalist model, which dictated deregulation of industry and privatization of state enterprises in the 1970s, and globalization of international markets in the 1990s, exists as a result of free political decisions and ideological choices that were anything but inevitable. History may one day describe them as having been perverse and socially destructive.Two of the most important influences on the new capitalism were academic in origin, and the third, improbably, was an instance of romanticized egoism.The first influence was monetarist economic theory. This in principle excluded social considerations from economic policy decision. Government economic policy was to be made chiefly in response to a single objectively determinable factor, the money supply. The effect of this new theory was to "dehumanize" economic policy, previously held to be closely related to political considerations, as was the case with the Keynesian tradition that monetarism challenged.The second influence was primarily political, a reaction to 20th-century totalitarianism. Working in London in the 1930s, the Austrian political theorist and economist Friedrich von Hayek began as a critic of Keynes, but eventually widened his argument so as to assert as a matter of principle that state intervention in society, even in democratic political systems, amounted to a "Road to Serfdom" (the title of a book he published in 1944).State intervention in economy and society threatened human liberty. The free market produced economic efficiency and human freedom. Hayek had a great influence on Margaret Thatcher.The third influence was an eccentric one, important in the United States. It was the creation by a Russian-American novelist, Ayn Rand, of a "philosophy" of heroic egoism and pursuit of individual self-interest (against the mob and the weak) by superior persons. Her ideas responded to the longings of impressionable college students (including Alan Greenspan) and her views became something of a mid-century American cult, if not a sect.This is what underlay the transformation of American corporate culture, and of the American business corporation from an institution with national identity, constrained to reconcile interests of owners, employees and community, into the modern global corporation, effectively controlled by its managers and mandated to the single objective of producing "value" for stockholders, while handsomely rewarded its executives.This change transformed labor into an anonymous commodity and put both blue-collar and white-collar staff into competition with an effectively unlimited global labor supply, resulti

[CTRL] Fwd: Rove Going Down

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Fitzgerald to Seek Indictment of Rove
 By Jason Leopold t r u t h o u t | Report
Friday 28 April 2006 
Despite vehement denials by his attorney, who said this week that Karl Rove is neither a "target" nor in danger of being indicted in the CIA leak case, the special counsel leading the investigation has already written up charges against Rove, and a grand jury is expected to vote on whether to indict the Deputy White House Chief of Staff sometime next week, sources knowledgeable about the probe said Friday afternoon. 
Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald was in Chicago Friday and did not meet with the grand jury. 
Rove's attorney, Robert Luskin, was informed via a target letter that Fitzgerald is prepared to charge Rove for perjury and lying to investigators during Rove’s appearances before the grand jury in 2004 and in interviews with investigators in 2003 when he was asked how and when he discovered that Valerie Plame Wilson worked for the CIA, and whether he shared that information with the media. 
If the grand jury returns an indictment Rove would become the second White House official - and one of the most powerful political operatives in the country - charged in the case since the leak investigation began in the fall of 2003. 
In the event that an indictment is handed up by the grand jury it would be filed under seal. A press release would then be issued by Fitzgerald’s press office indicating that the special prosecutor will hold a news conference, likely on a Friday afternoon, sources close to the case said. The media would be given more than 24 hours notice of a press conference, sources added. 
Luskin was at his office when called for comment but his assistant said he would not take the call or comment on this story. 
In recent weeks, sources close to the case said, Fitzgerald's staff has met with Rove's legal team several times to discuss a change in Rove's status in the case - from subject to target - based on numerous inconsistencies in Rove's testimony, whether he discussed Plame Wilson with reporters before her name and CIA status were published in newspaper reports, and whether he participated in a smear campaign against her husband. 
The meetings between Luskin and Fitzgerald which took place on several occasions a few weeks ago were called to discuss a timeframe to schedule a return to the grand jury by Rove to testify about, among other things, 250 pages of emails that resurfaced February 6 from Vice President Dick Cheney's office and the Office of President Bush in which Rove wrote to former White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card about strategizing an attack against Wilson, sources familiar with the case said. 
An earlier date for Rove's testimony was scheduled, but Fitzgerald canceled the appearance because of matters related to another high-profile case that was coming to close in Chicago, sources said. 
The rescheduled grand jury appearance by Rove took place Wednesday afternoon and hinges on whether Rove's testimony about the reasons he did not disclose the emails during his previous testimony will convince Fitzgerald not to add obstruction of justice to the list of charges he intends to file against Rove, sources said. 
As of Friday afternoon, sources close to the case said, it appeared likely that charges of obstruction of justice would be added to the prepared list of charges. 
Rove testified that he first found out about Plame Wilson from reading a newspaper report in July 2003, and only after the story was published did he share the information about her CIA status with other reporters. 
In fact, evidence has surfaced during the course of the two-year-old investigation that shows Rove spoke with at least

[CTRL] Fwd: Bushies Target Internet for MANDATORY 24/7 Surveillance

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Congress may consider 
mandatory ISP snooping 
"The FCC will be able to tell Internet service providers 
to monitor our e-mails, our Web surfing, 
what we post on blogs or chat rooms, 
and everything else under the sun," 
says an official of the Department of Homeland Security
 By Declan McCullaghhttp://news.com.com/Congress+may+consider+mandatory+ISP+snooping/2100-1028_3-6066608.html May 01 05:51:53 PDT 2006 

  It didn't take long for the idea of forcing Internet providers to retain records of their users' activities to gain traction in the U.S. Congress. 
Last week, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, a Republican, gave a speech saying that data retention by Internet service providers is an "issue that must be addressed." Child pornography investigations have been "hampered" because data may be routinely deleted, Gonzales warned. 
Now, in a demonstration of bipartisan unity, a Democratic  The records could not be discarded until at least one year after the user's account was closed. 
It's not clear whether that requirement would be limited only to e-mail providers and Internet providers such as DSL (digital subscriber line) or cable modem services. An expansive reading of DeGette's measure would require every Web site to retain those records. (Details would be left to the Federal Communications Commission.) 
"We're still addressing some of the issues, and we will have those issues or answers before we introduce this as either an amendment or a standalone bill," Brandon MacGillis, a spokesman for DeGette, said in an interview on Friday. 
CNET News.com was the first to report last June that the Justice Department was quietly shopping around the idea of legally required data retention. In a move that may have led to broader interest inside the United States, the European Parliament last December approved such a requirement for Internet, telephone and voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers. 
U.S. politicians began talking publicly about mandatory data retention during a series of House of Representatives hearings on child pornography and in speeches, News.com reported earlier this month. Legislation similar to DeGette's has been circulating in the Colorado legislature, and another hearing on child exploitation is 
DeGette said in a statement that her amendment was necessary because: "America is the No. 1 global consumer of child pornography, the No. 2 producer. This is a plague we had nearly wiped out in the seventies, and sadly the Internet, an entity that we practically worship for all the great things it has brought to us, is being used to commit a crime against humanity." 
For their part, Internet providers say they have a long history of helping law enforcement in child porn cases and point out that two federal laws already require them to cooperate. It's also unclear that investigations are really being hindered, according to Kate Dean, director of the Net neutrality sections--was approved by a House committee on Thursday and is expected to receive a floor vote next week. (DeGette had considered adding it as an amendment during the committee vote but decided against it at the last minute.) 
"Our main concern on the bill is privacy, protecting the privacy of everyone out there on the Internet, but also retention of those records so law enforcement officials will have access to them, so we just need to really tinker with the language," MacGillis said. 
Child porn as surveillance excuse?
Critics of DeGette's proposal have said that, while the justification for Internet surveillance might be protecting children, the data would be accessible to any local or state law enforcement official investigating anything from drug possession to tax evasion. In addition, the one-year retention is a minimum; the FCC would receive the authority to req

Re: [CTRL] The Israeli/Zionist Attack On Our National Anthem

2006-05-02 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

>We are up against the dark forces of islam. Islam is evil.
>Yours, Ole Gerstrom, former MP

Oh yes, man the barricades THE MOSLEMS ARE COMING!! I think I saw a Saracen 
in Burlington yesterday!
Nah, I only saw hordes of Mexican Serfs imported by the Corporados with 
cheer leading by the Wall Street Journal.

Viva cheap scab wages for all forever!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Israeli/Zionist Attack On Our National Anthem

2006-05-02 Thread Ole Gerstrøm
-Caveat Lector-

Regarding the Mohammed-Cartoons this writer mentions: "Danish" anti-Muslim 
cartoon scandal, which was created by an Ukranian Jew who had immigrated to 
That is not correct. The cartoons were published in the largest newspaper 
in Denmark. It is not zionist, although the cultural editor Flemming Rose, who 
published the cartoons, has jewish ancestors coming fra Ukraine. I have met 
Flemming Rose. He is a good guy. He works for freedom of speach. We are up 
against the dark forces of islam. Islam is evil.
The upper-class jews in Denmark, have however been pro-islam in immigration 
Yours, Ole Gerstrom, former MP

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 5:39 AM
  Subject: [CTRL] The Israeli/Zionist 
  Attack On Our National Anthem
  -Caveat Lector- 





The Israeli Zionist Attack On Our National 
AnthemBy Christopher 



As soon as CNN reported that an 
Adam Kidron, CEO of Urban Box Office, is the producer of the 
so-called Spanish-version of the U.S. national anthem, I noted 
that the "British-born music impresario" must be an Israeli, 
based on his surname. 
This so-called Spanish version 
of the U.S. National Anthem is clearly meant to provoke 
Americans. This is a very similar scandal to the recent "Danish" 
anti-Muslim cartoon scandal, which was created by an Ukranian 
Jew who had immigrated to Denmark. 
Once again, the person behind 
the cultural offense is a Zionist Jew with an agenda. The 
cartoons were an offense against every Muslim, while this 
ridiculous and offensive song, a so-called rendition of OUR 
national anthem, is an offense aimed at the heart of every 
This Kidron must be an Israeli, 
I said. Kidron is, after all, an Israeli name. The action and 
the name are classic Israeli, therefore, an Israeli is all he 
possibly could be, I said. 
Sure enough, Adam Kidron, the 
foreign-born anti-American agent provocateur is an Israeli 
national. Both of his parents lived in Zionist-occupied 
Palestine and/or Israel (post 1948). This makes him an Israeli 
national, whether he carries the Israeli passport or not. 

He may be "British-born," but in 
the case of Adam Kidron this description is only used by the 
Zionist-controlled press as a way to deceive the public and hide 
his Israeli roots. 
Adam Kidron is the son of 
Michael Kidron and Nina Gluckstein, two Jewish communists who 
were part of the Zionist invasion of Palestine, the Holy 
Michael is described as a 
"revolutionary socialist" who was born September 20, 1930 in 
Capetown, South Africa, and who died, apparently in Britain, on 
March 25, 2003. 
After finishing high school in 
Tel Aviv, Adam's father went to Hebrew University. From an 
"ardently Zionist family," Michael became "a socialist and an 
internationalist, and he continued to be both, inseparably, for 
the rest of his life," The Times (UK) wrote in 2003. 
The Times wrote that Michael 
corresponded with "one unhappy prostitute" who was "enchanted by 
his generous concern." She frequently phoned him for advice, the 
Times reported. He left his wife in the early 1980s and "lived 
with Polly" from 1991, with whom he had twins. 
Michael's daughter, Adam's 
sister Beeban, may have used her father as the subject of her 
1993 film, "Hookers Hustlers Pimps and their Johns." 
The Guardian (UK) described him 
as "a Marxist theorist, an agitator," 
As Michael Kidron's obituary in 
The Times (London, April 2, 2003) wrote: 
"Michael Kidron was the youngest 
of seven children born to Cape Town Jew