Re: [CTRL] GW.Bush, CIA the Manhattan Institute

2000-11-23 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-

FYI...check this out!
-- E-Brief
Thursday, November 23, 2000
Thanksgiving Day Delivery

All the latest news and updates are available at


Gore Team Sues Miami-Dade County on Thanksgiving
( - On this Thanksgiving Day, attorneys for Democrat Al Gore
went to
the Florida Supreme Court in an effort to force Miami-Dade County to resume
manual ballot recount. (See )

Broward County Tallies Ballots on the Holiday
( - While most people are counting calories on this Thanksgiving
holiday, Broward County elections officials are counting ballots - dimpled
and all. The manual recount resumed Thursday at 9 a.m. EST. (See

GOP Congressional Leaders Prepare to Deny Gore Presidency
( - Republican leaders in Congress are mulling various
strategies to
deny Vice President Gore the presidency if the manual recounts and dimpled
give him more votes in Florida than George W. Bush received.  (See )


* Cheney: Surgery Revealed No Pregnant Chads
* Recount Looms in Washington Senate Race
* Federal Judge Orders Ten Commandments Removed
* U.S. Should 'Trust but Verify' Beijing's Missiles Promise

"Looking for talk radio?  Visit the Radio Uplink at"

- Original Message -
From: Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 11:59 AM
Subject: [CTRL] GW.Bush, CIA  the Manhattan Institute

 -Caveat Lector-



 As always, Caveat Lector



 Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:655013"GW.Bush, CIA 
 Manhattan Institute/A
 Subject: GW.Bush, CIA  the Manhattan Institute
 From: Alex Constantine A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
 Date: Tue, Nov 21, 2000 4:54 PM
 Message-id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 GW.Bush, CIA  the Manhattan Institute

 From: Dana Redding

  GW Bush, Jesus and
 the Manhattan Institute

 by Robert Lederman
 (718) 743-3722

 You have to admire the nerve of G.W. Bush. It takes a kind of goofy
 audacity to claim that Jesus' teachings and the CIA-derived ideas of the
 right-wing Manhattan Institute are your twin sources of inspiration.
 Bush publicly credits the Manhattan Institute with inventing his entire
 "compassionate conservative" platform and persona.

 NY Times June 12, 2000

 Bush Culls Campaign Theme
 From Conservative Thinkers

 "Gov. George W. Bush has said his political views have been shaped by
 the work of Myron Magnet of the Manhattan Institute."

 The Dallas Morning Star 4/16/2000

 The Godfathers of 'Compassionate Conservatism

 "In Austin that day in 1997, Mr. Bush told Mr. Magnet that his 1993 book
 The Dream and The Nightmare, had changed his life..."
 This past April, G.W. declared a new public holiday will be celebrated
 in Texas each June 10th-Jesus Day. [See:
 /A Even many Christians found this
 unprecedented crossing of the line between church and state to be
 troubling. It is however entirely in line with the teachings of the MI
 (Manhattan Institute), which advocates having religious institutions
 take over many of the present tasks of government.

 The Weekly Standard 8/23/2000

 The Political Theory of Compassionate Conservatism

 by John J. Dilulio Jr. [A theorist for the Manhattan Institute]

 "In every instance where my administration sees a responsibility to help
 people," [G.W. Bush] promised, "we will look first to faith-based
 organizations, charities and community groups."
 While Jesus' teachings are well-known even to most non-Christians the
 ideas of the MI are much less familiar to the public. MI was started in
 1978 by Ronald Reagan's CIA director, William Casey, and has become the
 nation's most influential, though not best known-as befits a CIA
 operation-right wing think tank. While I personally have great respect
 for the traditions of the world's religions, including Christianity, the
 CIA promoting religion may not exactly be what Jesus had in mind.

 NY Times Monday May 12, 1997

 Turning Intellect Into
 Influence Promoting Its Ideas,
 the Manhattan Institute Has Nudged
 New York Rightward

 "Currently housed in an unprepossessing warren on the second floor of a
 building near Grand Central Terminal, the institute was founded as a
 free-market education and research organization by William Casey, who
 then went off to head the Central Intelligence Agency in the Reagan
 Casey was a top American intelligence operative who, among other
 endeavors, helped the CIA bring thousands of Nazi SS officials into the
 U.S. after WWII as part of Operation Paper Clip. These Nazi SS doctors,
 scientists and intelligence experts who were directly involved in the
 death camps, in 

Re: [CTRL] Gore Attorneys Seek Emergency Hearing

2000-11-21 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-

At last, the Florida Supreme Court reached a decision favorable to the Al
Gore camp. And that makes Gore attorney Kendall Coffey and company very
happy. Now we can recount to our heart's content and magically find more
votes for Gore to push him over the top to the presidency. At least that's
what Gore strategists are hoping will happen.

Referring to the "respect of the rule of law" Coffey is clearly attempting
to take the high road and hijack what the George W. Bush camp has been
saying all along. While that may be smart public relations, it's pretty
transparent. The only reason why the Gore camp has most recently discovered
respect for the "rule of law" is because the state's Supreme Court ruled in
their favor and allowed for the recount to continue. Bush and his advisors,
while upholding the "rule of law," have argued that after two, and in some
places three, recounts, it's time to pack it in. For Gore, that is.

All throughout this Florida recount fiasco the public has been subjected to
the likes of that charlatan Jesse Jackson and his misguided accusations of
voter tampering, Gore trying to lure Bush into some strange meeting of the
minds and sleazy Democratic operatives attempting to sway elector votes.
None of that has worked, so now the Gore camp is jumping for joy after a
mostly Democrat-filled court heard their cry for yet another recount.

Still, what makes this all the worse is that these so-called "dimpled"
ballots will now be counted, as ruled by Florida's highest court. People
down in Florida will gingerly count those ballots where it's not clearly
punched through. Naturally, the Bush camp objects to this highly subjective
method for choosing the next President of the United States. After all,
nearly 10 years ago a Democrat elections official stated that those kinds of
ballots will not be counted. Yet, the Gore camp and its friendly sunshine
state supreme court have chosen to re-write the rules in the middle of the

In a statement after the court's ruling, Gore expressed relief and
reaffirmed his belief in the "rule of law." But one wonders which "rule of
law" the Vice President is referring to -- the Constitutional rule of law or
the "litigate-till-we-get-our-way-rule-of-law."

If anything, after several recounts, the fact that the Gore camp chose to
attempt to win Florida's 25 electoral votes through the courts speaks
volumes. They will do and say just about anything to get elected. Even if it
means dragging the country through a lengthy litigation process, with a
state supreme court made up mainly of Democratic-appointed judges.

A.C. Szul
"There is no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." --
Bruce Thornton, "Plagues Of The Mind"
- Original Message -
From: Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 06:31 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Gore Attorneys Seek Emergency Hearing

 -Caveat Lector-

 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Gore Attorneys Seek Emergency Hearing

 By Roberto Suro
 Washington Post Staff Writer
 Tuesday, November 21, 2000; 11:05 AM

 WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., Nov. 21 -- Lawyers for Vice President Gore are
 an emergency court hearing this morning to argue that local election
 officials are failing to count hundreds of so-called "dimpled" ballots
 should go in the Democratic column.

 So far, the laborious process of hand-counting votes in three South
 counties has produced smaller gains for Gore than had been expected in his
 effort to erase Texas Gov. George W. Bush's 930-vote lead, and lawyers for
 the Democratic Party grew concerned late yesterday that the recount will
 to produce the trove of Democratic votes they have been counting on.

 In papers filed with Palm Beach Circuit Court Judge Jorge Labarga late
 yesterday the Democrats contended that the local canvassing board, a body
 three local officials which is overseeing the recount, has failed to
follow a
 previous finding by the judge allowing the counting of dimpled ballots –
 paper-punch ballots that show a clear indentation but were not perforated
 the voter on election day. A hearing on the matter has been scheduled for
 9:30 a.m. Wednesday.

 The Palm Beach canvassing board has completed a review of the hand recount
 103 of 531 precincts, producing a net gain of three votes for Gore.

 "I have not seen much of a vote shift," said County Judge Charles E.
 who heads the county canvassing board overseeing the Palm Beach recount.

 Democrats have challenged the board's findings on 276 ballots so far that
 they claim should be counted for Gore. The board concluded that in each of
 those cases the ballots lacked sufficient evidence of the voter's intent
 be counted. In some cases, the ballot showed more than one dimple in the
 presidential vote, Burton said. Another example he noted were ballots that

Re: [CTRL] WP: Is the Press Helping Bush

2000-11-06 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-

That's just Kurtz for you. Check out and you'll see who
the media has been helping.


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 06:06 PM
Subject: [CTRL] WP: Is the Press Helping Bush

 -Caveat Lector-

 Is the Press Helping Bush?

 By Howard Kurtz
 Washington Post Staff Writer
 Monday, November 6, 2000; Page C01

 If George W. Bush wins the White House tomorrow, some liberal
 pundits have already figured out whom to blame: the press.

 If only journalists had been as tough on Bush as on Al Gore, the
 argument goes, the governor's weaknesses would have been exposed
 for all the world to see, and the vice president wouldn't have
 been forced on the defensive over trivial exaggerations.

 One flaw in this theory is that the media are not as all-powerful
 as some of their practitioners like to think. While journalists
 play a crucial role in framing issues and fanning controversies,
 the voters also have been exposed to eight days of conventions,
 41Z2 hours of candidate debates and thousands of hours of paid

 Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer, not surprisingly, sees the coverage
 tilted the other way. "How many stories have we seen in the press
 about the Texas record, and how few about Gore's record?" he
 asks. "There has been ongoing scrutiny of every piece of news and
 data coming out of Texas, as if George W. Bush can be blamed for
 everything bad in Texas. The governor has been judged very
 harshly every time he flubs a word. The vice president has
 received no such scrutiny. He confused 'mammogram' and 'sonogram'
 and there was barely a peep."

 Here's the indictment delivered by three commentators on the
 left. Washington Monthly Editor Charlie Peters: "The media's
 approach to George Bush's misrepresentations, as opposed to those
 of Al Gore, has been notably sotto voce, even though it seems to
 me that Bush's have been a good deal more substantial than
 Gore's. . . . The unfortunate result of all this is that Gore's
 credibility rating in the polls has plummeted. If Bush wins this
 could be the first election decided by the press and the irony is
 that I'm sure most reporters will finally cast their own votes
 for Gore."

 Salon's Jake Tapper: "With the media curiously refusing to shine
 a light on the things Bush doesn't seem to know or understand . .
 . Bush's stylistic superiority during the debates furthered his
 momentum. Call it the 'soft bigotry of lowered expectations.' He
 faked his way through it. . . . Raising questions about his
 fundamental competence seems partisan in a way that tweaking his
 candlepower does not."

 The Nation's Eric Alterman: "The media have given George Bush a
 pass on pretty much everything that matters in a president. . . .
 Reporters have simply assumed the enormous policy differences
 between Gore and Bush . . . to be of trivial importance . . . For
 while [the media] was focusing on 'Bush the dummy' and 'Gore the
 liar,' reporters did not notice that Bush had a far more serious
 credibility problem than the vice president."

 To be sure, if Gore had said, as Bush did in the second debate,
 that the Europeans should put troops in the Balkans (they already
 provide most of the peacekeeping forces), it would have been a
 far bigger story. And hardly anyone focused on Bush holding just
 one news conference in two months, although Gore was chided for
 doing the same thing earlier. The media simply created different
 narratives for Gore (the exaggerator) and Bush (the lightweight);
 the governor was covered harshly in some respects but not in

 Still, as Tapper observes: "If he's so dumb, how come he's on the
 brink of becoming the next president of the United States?"

 Going Negative

 Those who believe the media were easier on Bush will find some
 support in a new Project for Excellence in Journalism study.
 Examining television, newspaper and Internet coverage from the
 last week in September through the third week in October, the
 report says Bush got nearly twice as many positive stories as
 Gore. The majority of all stories were negative, and in the
 period during the debates, fewer than one in 10 pieces considered
 the candidates' policy differences. Two thirds, by contrast, were
 about the candidates' performances, strategy and tactics. Not
 only were 24 percent of Bush stories positive, compared to 13
 percent for Gore, but Bush stories were more likely to be related
 to issues, while Gore's coverage focused more on his campaign's
 internal politics.

 Television framed half its stories around political strategy, the
 project says, while newspapers were most likely to write about
 issues that affect readers (32 percent), in part because of
 editorials and columns. Regional newspapers, meanwhile, were
 three times less likely than national papers to write about

[CTRL] Watch Out For This Fella On Tuesday!

2000-11-05 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-

What for this fella come Election day:

/snip/ABC's George Stephanopoulos asserted Bush's excuse that he
didn't want his daughter to know "doesn't quite pass the smell test." Diane
Sawyer contended Bush may be covering up more embarrassing stuff/snip/

What will he say when Bush wins? How will the media spin it?

There's more at


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] WT: Letter shows Gore made deal

2000-10-21 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-

And to boot check out the treatment of W in the hands of Dave -- front page
video online

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 09:26 PM
Subject: [CTRL] WT: Letter shows Gore made deal

 -Caveat Lector-

 October 17, 2000

 Letter shows Gore made  deal

 By Bill Gertz

 Visit our Election 2000 page for daily election news and analysis
 Vice President Al Gore, at the urging of Russian Prime Minister
 Viktor Chernomyrdin, agreed to keep secret from Congress details
 of Russia's nuclear cooperation with Iran beginning in late 1995.

 In a classified "Dear Al" letter obtained by The Washington
 Times, Mr. Chernomyrdin told Mr.  Gore about Moscow's
 confidential nuclear deal with Iran and stated that it was "not
 to be conveyed to third parties, including the U.S. Congress."
 But sources on Capitol Hill said Mr. Gore withheld the
 information from key senators who normally would be told of such
 high-level security matters. The Gore-Chernomyrdin deal,
 disclosed in a letter labeled "secret," appears to violate a
 provision of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Act, which requires
 the Clinton administration to keep congressional oversight
 committees fully informed of all issues related to nuclear
 weapons proliferation. The Chernomyrdin letter on nuclear
 cooperation with Iran follows a report in the New York Times last
 week showing that Mr. Gore reached a secret deal with Russia
 several months earlier that appears to circumvent U.S.  laws
 requiring the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its
 conventional arms sales to Iran.  That arrangement also was kept
 secret from Congress, raising concerns among some lawmakers that
 the administration may be hiding other secret deals. Gore
 spokesman Jim Kennedy said: "It's obvious that the motivation for
 this leak is political." The letter "simply appears to be part of
 the overall United States effort to encourage the Russians to
 break off or limit their nuclear relationship with Iran," Mr.
 Kennedy said in a statement last night. The Dec. 9, 1995, letter
 on Iranian nuclear cooperation states that the two leaders'
 discussions as part of a special commission had resulted in
 "clarity and mutual understanding" on the matter.

 The letter said there were "no new trends" in Moscow's sale of
 nuclear equipment to Iran since a 1992 agreement. It also states
 that Russia and the United States would seek to prevent the
 undermining of the nuclear arms non-proliferation program."

 Mr. Chernomyrdin said Moscow's program of building a nuclear
 reactor in Iran would be limited to training technicians in
 Russia, and the delivery of "nuclear fuel for the power plant for
 the years 2001 through 2011." "The information that we are
 passing on to you is not to be conveyed to third parties,
 including the U.S.  Congress," Mr. Chernomyrdin said. "Open
 information concerning our cooperation with Iran is obviously a
 different matter, and we do no[t] object to the constructive use
 of such information. I am counting on your understanding."

 A classified analysis acompanying the letter stated that Russian
 assistance "if not terminated, can only lead to Iran's
 acquisition of a nuclear weapons capability." "Such a development
 would be destabilizing not only for the already volatile Middle
 East, but would pose a threat to Russian and Western security
 interests," the analysis stated. Russian promises to limit
 cooperation with Iran's nuclear program have been undermined by
 numerous U.S.  intelligence reports showing Moscow is providing
 nuclear-weapons-related equipment to Tehran outside the scope of
 its declared limits, according to U.S. officials.

 A senior State Department official, Robert Einhorn, told a Senate
 subcommittee hearing earlier this month that Russian nuclear
 assistance is a "persistent problem" and that Russian companies
 linked to the government are providing Iran with "laser isotope
 separation technology" used to enrich uranium for weapons. Asked
 about the letter, congressional aides close to the issue said
 they knew nothing about the details that the Russian leader gave
 Mr. Gore. "All this nuclear cooperation is sanctionable," said a
 senior congressional aide.

 The secret Gore-Chernomyrdin dealings have become an issue in the
 presidential election campaign. Texas Gov. George W. Bush stated
 during a campaign stop in Michigan last week that the reported
 deal on Russian arms transfers to Iran was "a troubling piece of
 information." He demanded an explanation from the vice president.
 An earlier Gore-Chernomyrdin agreement, also obtained by The
 Washington Times, reveals that the United States would not impose
 sanctions on Russia required under U.S. law in exchange for
 Moscow's promise to end arms sales to Iran.  That agreement,
 called an "aide memoire" and signed by Mr. Gore and Mr.
 Chernomyrdin on 

[CTRL] Gore All Confused?

2000-10-16 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-


Yes, Gov. Bush did well in the most recent debate. As a matter of fact, he
did very well. Some would even say that he surprised his opponent, Vice
President Gore. But your suggestion that Mr. Bush did well on his own is
only partly right. Mr. Bush did well not only because he's an intelligent
and charismatic leader, but perhaps due to the fact that Mr. Gore has sadly,
yet to decide who he wants to be. Mr. Gore is a confused soul, and that
confusion only continues to help Mr. Bush. Big time!

Instead of standing on his own two feet, and promote his own stands on
issues, the vice president agreed with Mr. Bush on many points. That made
Mr. Gore look weak and the Texas governor strong.

Mr. Gore will not win this election unless he allows voters to see who he
really is. Pretending to be someone he is not will lead him straight into
the private sector and help catapult Mr. Bush into the presidency on Nov. 7,


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Media Strikes Post-Debate Spins for Algore

2000-10-04 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-

The media is at it once again.

One would think that after the lies told by Gore during yesterday's
first Camp 2000 presidential debate, the national media would catch
on. Nope. Instead, the media spins for Gore. Rush Limbaugh was right
in wondering out load whether the national media will even bother.

Just check out the most recent info at the MRC's Media Reality Check

Gore lied about being with FEMA guy Witt out in Texas. Did you see
the interview with Charlie Gibson? The man actually looks to his
right as he lies right thru the interview. [Shifty eyes, shrugging of
the shoulders, etc. See link below.]

Why does Gore tend to lie and the media continue to cover for him?
Don't the reporters and copy boys and editors and everyone else over
in media land care that one of the candidate lies just so that he can
semm to be part of everything. [Maybe Gore did invent the calculator,
as Bush wondered?]

For example, in today's analysis, MRC's Tim Graham writes, "Gore
looked away and mumbled: "Well, I was there in Texas. I think James
Lee went to the same, went to the same, uh, fires, and I've made
so many trips with James Lee to these disaster sites. I was there, in
Texas, in Houston, with the head of the Texas Emergency Management
folks, and with all of the Federal Emergency Management folks. If
James Lee was there before, or after, then [shrugs shoulders], you
know, I got that wrong then, but uh, it was basically a compliment to
the way our FEMA team had handled things, and it was in the context
of a compliment to the Governor for the way he handled it for the
state of Texas."


See for yourself and you tell me if Gore doesn't look shifty enough --

And, in that same clip  still, does Gibson actually look like he's
believing anything Gore is telling him? Not from _that_ clip.

Does anyone honestly believe that if it were Bush saying all these
things the media wouldn't call him on it? Already, in today's post-
debate "analysis" the media is calling Gore the winner.

Winner? If anything, Bush had Gore running on the defensive for most
of the debate. Gore didn't even answer the questions, instead
choosing to go with soundbites and quips, most of which turned out
clumsy anyway.

And what about those deep breaths and sighs? Is that presidential?
Gore says it's those mikes that'll pick up anything. Then why didn't
those same mikes pick up sighs coming from Bush? Maybe that's because
Bush was relaxed and composed on stage, even with liberal man Lehrer
blasting away [see everything you wanted to know about this PBS
fella --

However, some in the media admitted that perhaps this
pundit "analysis" wasn't really worth anything after all. See

Incidentally, talking about media influence, according to today's
Washington Times, Bush is scheduled to appear on the Letterman show
on Oct. 14. Will be interesting to see how he handles himself against
Dave's "wit."


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: MRC Alert: Bush's Message Make-Over; Gore Flub Made Up Costs Skipped

2000-09-19 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-

FYI -- subscription info below.

What media is telling us about Gore's mess ups? It's Bush all the time...

- Original Message -
From: Media Research Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 10:43 AM
Subject: MRC Alert: Bush's "Message Make-Over"; Gore Flub  Made Up Costs

***Media Research Center CyberAlert***
Tuesday September 19, 2000 (Vol. Five; No. 170)

 Bush's "Message Make-Over"; Gore Flub  Made Up Costs Skipped;
 Lynne Just Like Hillary; NY Times Found a Biased Network

  Distributed to more than 5,900 recipients by the Media
 Research Center, bringing political balance to the media. Visit
 the MRC on the Web: Past CyberAlerts
 are available at:
 Subscribe/unsubscribe information at end of this message.
 When posted, this CyberAlert will be readable at: 

 1) Al Gore stumbled over words and a newspaper revealed he made up
 numbers in a speech, but ABC, CBS and NBC ignored that and instead
 focused on Bush "road-testing a new image and message make-over"
 aimed at the middle class. ABC checked Gore's appeal among women.
 NBC found a woman turned off by the "conservative Dick Cheney."
 2) CNN and FNC showed Al Gore flailing as he could not remember
 the word "mammogram" and picked up on a Boston Globe story
 headlined: "Gore Misstates Facts in Drug-Cost Pitch."
 3) Actor Alec Baldwin, in a clip played by FNC, claimed that "if
 Bush won it would be a good time to leave the United States," but
 he will not necessarily to leave. "I might go on a long vacation."
 4) "In many ways," CNN's Bernard Shaw insisted, Lynne Cheney "is
 the Hillary Clinton model of a political spouse: outspoken,
 involved, active on the trail."
 5) FNC "was the only news organization that we felt was biased
 against us," conceded Lanny Davis in inadvertently indicting the
 other networks as pro-Clinton. The New York Times discovered bias
 at a network, a "conservative cable channel."

  September 18 Notable Quotables, the MRC's "bi-weekly
 compilation of the latest outrageous, sometimes humorous, quotes
 in the liberal media," now online thanks to Kristina Sewell and
 Andy Szul. Amongst the quote headings: "From Frat Boy to Rat Boy";
 "Dick Cheney, Bathroom Bigot"; "George Washington Crossed Line";
 "Firestone Failures? Blame Reagan"; "One-Sided Take on Taxes" and
 "Oprah: I Wanted Tongue Too." To read this issue, go to:
 To see it as a life-like Adobe Acrobat PDF file, go to: 

  1) A bad day on the campaign trail for Al Gore as he flailed
 about trying to find the word "mammogram" at a campaign stop
 intended to demonstrate his concern for women's health while his
 aides had to react to a Boston Globe story about how he made up
 numbers in telling an anecdote about how the same arthritis drug
 supposedly costs more for his mother-in-law than for his dog.

 But unlike when George W. Bush makes a flub or gets a fact
 wrong, viewers of the three broadcast networks and MSNBC's The
 News with Brian Williams heard nothing about either event as only
 CNN and FNC bothered to report them. More on the two events in
 item #2 below.

 ABC, which did pick up on a Globe story about a glowing
 rabbit, CBS, MSNBC and NBC all ran full stories on the campaign
 Monday night focused on, as Dan Rather put it, how Bush spent the
 day "road-testing a new image and message make-over" aimed at the
 middle class. ABC also looked at why Al Gore has won over women
 and NBC examined the undecided swing voters in Pennsylvania,
 specifically a woman "lawyer who once favored Bush, now undecided.
 Why? She says Bush's choice of conservative Dick Cheney..."

 Here's a rundown of the campaign stories aired Monday night,
 September 18, on the three broadcast network evening shows:

 -- ABC's World News Tonight. After opening with the latest
 Olympic results, ABC went right to the campaign. Dean Reynolds, as
 transcribed by MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth, outlined Bush's new
 "The stop in Little Rock marked the start of an effort to
 reignite Bush's campaign by refocusing on his cradle to grave
 concerns for Americans and their familiesDuring a twelve-and-
 a-half minute speech, Bush used the word 'families' 41 times, as
 he explained his plan to double the child tax credit from $500 to
 $1,000 per child and referred to other plans outlined in a glossy
 new pamphlet called 'A Blueprint for the Middle Class,' a pamphlet
 with a woman pictured on every page. That too was no accident."

 Reynolds recalled that Bush "once enjoyed a majority of women
 voters' support" before the conventions, "but it's been all
 downhill since for Bush, whose latest 

[CTRL] No Mention: Classified Material Gone?

2000-08-25 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

Airbus with 143 on board crashes

snipOne passenger was believed to be an American. A State Department
official in Washington said Bahraini officials had informed them that a
boarding pass indicated that a U.S. diplomatic courier was aboard. The
courier's name was not immediately released.snip

That's all? No mention of the classified material that "courier" was
allegedly carrying? Why was he/she on that flight carrying supposedly
classified material? Why can't divers find that material? What was that
classified info all about? (Again, under a Clinton/Gore administration, more
secrets are out?!)

And, naturally, does the presence of that courier on the ill-fated Airbus
flight possibly have anything to do with it "crashing"?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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[CTRL] Fw: MRC Alert: Bush's Contrition for GOP; Greedy Drug Companies; Mayberrys Move

2000-07-11 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

- Original Message -
From: Media Research Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 10:44 AM
Subject: MRC Alert: Bush's "Contrition" for GOP; Greedy Drug Companies;
Mayberrys Move

   ***Media Research Center CyberAlert***
 Tuesday July 11, 2000 (Vol. Five; No. 113)

 Bush's "Contrition" for GOP; Greedy Drug Companies; Mayberrys
 Move; Jacoby Suspended

  Distributed to more than 5,800 recipients by the Media
 Research Center, bringing political balance to the media. Visit
 the MRC on the Web: Past CyberAlerts
 are available at:
 Subscribe/unsubscribe information at end of this message. 

 1) ABC and NBC picked out this soundbite from George W. Bush to
 the NAACP: "There is no escaping the reality that the party of
 Lincoln has not always carried the mantle of Lincoln." ABC's Dean
 Reynolds added: "Bush is associated in this community with his
 proposed tax cut that many see as benefitting the rich."
 2) ABC's Jack Ford condemned the pharmaceutical industry for
 "making enormous profits" while people die from AIDS: "The terms
 'greedy,' 'insensitive,' 'uncaring,' 'inhumane' have all been used
 by critics to describe the pharmaceutical companies."
 3) Jeff Greenfield's greatest worry in life: "We are the most
 wealthy country like ever in the history of the universe and we
 have, we don't have, we don't have a decent rail system."
 4) The Mad Mayberrys. Friday night only the Fox News Channel
 bothered to update viewers on how the Mayberrys, the family
 renting the run-down house from Al Gore, gave up on him and moved
 to Ohio after he failed to fulfill his promised repairs.
 5) Even Boston liberals agree with columnist Jeff Jacoby's
 reaction to his suspension by the Boston Globe: "This suspension
 is a brutal overreaction to something that even the Globe will not
 call plagiarism and doesn't characterize as a willful violation."

  Now online for your viewing pleasure or pain: A clip of
 the June 28 Dateline NBC piece by Keith Morrison in which he
 previewed the wonderful opportunities and benefits for Elian in
 Cuba. A few excerpts:
 "Cardenas boasts twice as many doctors as you'd expect to find
 in an American city the same size. Elian is more likely to become
 a healthy adult in Cuba than in any other Third World country.
 Housing? Even the government admits it's inadequate. Most
 apartments and houses are old and small and often crowded with
 whole extended families, but no one is homeless. Certainly not
 Elian, who will return to a house and bedroom considered swank by
 Cardenas standards
 "Elian will almost certainly rejoin the Pioneers as almost all
 Cuban children do. It's very much like the Cub Scouts, camping
 trips and all, but with a socialist flavor and a revolutionary
 spin. But besides politics, what will he learn? Cubans boast about
 their universal free education"
 To watch a portion of this story via RealPlayer, go to: 

 Correction: The June 30 CyberAlert Extra twice quoted Bryant
 Gumbel, in an interview about the Supreme Court's partial-birth
 abortion decision, asking about "DNX and DNE procedures." That
 should have read DX and DE.

  1) "Bush's speech here today was, in many ways, a political
 act of contrition," ABC's Dean Reynolds declared on Monday's World
 News Tonight in a piece on George W. Bush's speech before the
 NAACP convention in Baltimore. Like NBC Nightly News in a brief
 snippet shown by Tom Brokaw, ABC played a soundbite of Bush
 conceding, "For my party, there is no escaping the reality that
 the party of Lincoln has not always carried the mantle of
 Lincoln." Reynolds piled on: "Bush is associated in this community
 with his proposed tax cut that many see as benefitting the rich
 and with a death penalty that disproportionately punishes black
 people." The CBS Evening News also delivered a full story, but
 avoided using the soundbite of Bush bashing his own party.

 Anchor Peter Jennings introduced the July 10 report from
 Reynolds: "For many years, Republicans conceded that a majority of
 black Americans identify with Democrats, but Mr. Bush this week is
 promoting the notion that he's a 'compassionate conservative.'
 He's done so before."

 Reynolds began, as transcribed by MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth:
 "George W. Bush came to Baltimore to get black Americans to give
 his candidacy a chance, to underline his insistence that he's a
 different kind of Republican, and to show middle-of-the-road
 voters, both white and black, that he is more moderate than they
 may have suspected. Among blacks, Bush has his work cut out for
 Reverend Harold Carter, New Shiloh Baptist Church: "If he
 thought that we could turn the tide, he would more than want our
 votes. At this point, I think he wants to be 

[CTRL] CBS' Gumbel Caught Spewing Vulgarities On Live TV!

2000-07-04 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

Unbelievable that TV personality like Bryant Gumbel cursing in such a vulgar
way at a guest?! -- check out the vid clip at

Definately a keeper!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Report: Media Justified Clinton Admin

2000-05-23 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

FYI, see study at

...We would like to think that the Cold War is over. But for the people
of communist Cuba and the people who've fled it, the Cold War remains. In
all of the coverage and controversy over the arrival and seizure of
six-year-old Elian Gonzalez, the media have taken the stark contrast between
American liberty and Cuban tyranny and muddled it to the point that much of
the American public thinks Cuba is no different than America, or worse, that
Cuba is better than America. The Media Research Center has compiled a record
showing how the national media built the public-relations rationale for
Elian's eventual return to Cuba, and then justified the government raid on a
private residence to insure a political victory for the Clinton
administration and the communist regime of Cuba. Is it any wonder that the
public told network pollsters that they approved of the seizure of Elian
after being barraged with liberal arguments? Analysts identified four
patterns of distinct liberal media bias:

1. The news media have deliberately undermined the moral legitimacy of Elian
's Miami relatives specifically and anti-communist Cuban-Americans in

2. The news media have consistently praised the actions and "achievements"
of Fidel Castro's Cuba, claimed it was better for children than America, and
played up the paradise Elian could dwell in among the Communist Party elite.

3. The news media have justified Attorney General Janet Reno's actions and
arguments, and lamented any resistance or delay in returning Elian to Cuba.

4. The news media have dismissed congressional criticism of the INS raid and
calls for investigation as unpopular and unnecessary.

If the media were interested in a balanced presentation of the Elian
controversy, they would have scrutinized the administration more than
justified it; they would have explained the regimented reality of family
life in Cuba; they would have balanced their questioning of the motivations
of Elian's Miami relatives by questioning the motives of the reunification
camp; and they would have encouraged more discussion and oversight instead
of trying to cut it off.

Entire Study Available At


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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
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[CTRL] Media Spins, Then Spins Some More...

2000-05-21 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

21 May 2000

Media Spins, Then Spins Some More...

WASH., DC, 21 May -- On almost every Sunday morning talking head show, Newt
Gingrich was the target. And none of these supposedly non-partisan, balanced
media masters sounded like they missed him either.

Whether it was ABC's Cokie Roberts or NBC's Tim Russert, questions flied
about Rep. Rick Lazio's support of the former Speaker of the House.

Why? Gingrich isn't running for office. As a matter of fact, he's retired.
Yet, the media continues to harp on this non-issue. Like a dog with a bone,
the media just won't let go.

The questions ranged from Lazio's support of Gingrich to his support of the
highly successful Contract with America. It went on and on and, flipping the
TV channel, expecting to see Hillary Clinton being grilled, nothing of the
sort was happening. Clinton was no where to be found. Instead, surrogate pit
bulls like Harold Wolfson popped up here and there.

Where's Hillary Clinton? Perhaps she's being interviewed by some upstate NY
DJ who asks her nothing but puffball questions?

Can anyone imagine the questions by these same media masters to the likes of
Clinton? "Mrs. Clinton, you stood by your husband, Bill Clinton, even after
he lied to the American people about his adulterous relationship with a
White House intern. Why?" Or, "Mrs. Clinton, why did you try to install such
a socialized health care system as the one you worked on back in 1933?" Or,
"Mrs. Clinton, why are you running for a Senate seat in a state in which you
never lived and never held office?" Or, "Mrs. Clinton, do you identify
yourself with those in your party who are considered by some as the extreme
left, Jesse Jackson, Ted Kennedy and Al Gore?"

Would Russert or Roberts or Donaldson dare ask these kinds of questions of
the First Lady or would they continue to bombard Lazio those silly non-issue
barbs about Gingrich and those oh-so-terrible Republicans like Dick Armey?
(Not likely since the media gets too easily intimidated by the title of
"First Lady." And, that's exactly what Clinton is counting on.)

Oh, when are the media spinmeisters going to ask about the extreme left, and
the likes of Jesse Jackson, Bill Clinton, Tom Daschle, Teddy Kennedy and Al
Gore, among others?

Instead, the talking heads continue to pester about some kind of media
exaggerated extreme right, asking Lazio about people who aren't even running
in the NY Senate race. Is that fair? Or is that just dirty pool?

The media needs to stop spinning and start asking questions that matter.
Otherwise, the generation-old label of media bias will be get become tougher
and tougher to shed.

A.C. Szul
"There is no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." --
Bruce Thornton, "Plagues Of The Mind"

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Re: [CTRL] Alien Presence? Evidence. . . WAS:Re: [CTRL] EXOPOLITICS - Book Review by N Molloy

2000-05-21 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

Yet Skinner finally saw the light on the season finale.will Mulder ever
come back or was he abducted forever?

- Original Message -
From: tenebroust [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2000 09:51 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Alien Presence? Evidence. . . WAS:Re: [CTRL] EXOPOLITICS -
Book Review by N Molloy

 There is absolutely no "hard" evidence of extraterrestrial visitation of
the Earth.  There is quite a lot of anecdote, and supposition however.  I
would also venture to say that there is NO evidence of ANY kind, "hard" or
otherwise, but I won't try to press that point.  Interpretation and inherent
beliefs cause one to see "aliens" everywhere, just like Van Daaniken (sp?).

 On Sat, 20 May 2000, nessie wrote:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
   The Rare Earth authors overlook the hard evidence of
  extraterrestrial presence on Earth.
  Which is?
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gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Media Confession Scared of guns

2000-05-20 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 Media Confession: "Scared of guns"

WASH., D.C., 20 May 2000 -- Reporting live on MSNBC's "Morning Blend," host
Soledad O'Brien confessed that she is indeed "scared of guns."

O'Brien made this statement right before her interview of Bill Powers, NRA
spokesperson, who was at the NRA's (see hugely
popular convention in Charlotte, N.C. Nearly 40,000 folks are expected to
attend the event this weekend.

Perhaps O'Brien's fear of guns is indicatory of the media's bias against
guns (see Or, maybe
it's just Ms. O'Brien who has never fired a shot in her life and doesn't
realize that a gun can be used in a safe and defensive manner?

Statements like those by O'Brien lead casual observers to question whether
she was the right person to interview the NRA's Powers? And, if she's scared
of guns, is she scared of the NRA and Bill Powers too? If so, what kind of
questions would one expect from such a reporter who's interviewing a NRA

Those are not easy questions to answer based on a one-line statement, but it
does indicate the level of discourse being promoted by today's media. How
many other network or print reporters are "scared of guns?" Is it 20, 30 or
1,000? If it's more rather than less, what kind of media do U.S. readers and
viewers get when they open their morning newspaper or flip on the TV news?

Is it a media that knows nothing about guns other than what they're spoon
fed by anti-gun fringe groups or is it a media made up of ignorant men and
women who refuse to pick up a gun and engage in some fun target practice?
Sadly, it may be a combination of both.

Certainly, those who are familiar with guns know that these weapons are
nothing to be scared of if used in a safe and defensive manner. For years
the Eddie Eagle program, among others, have been promoted by the NRA folks
as a educational tool against the ignorance that pervades our media and
society. Yet, many discount these efforts as just another way to get guns
out into the masses unchecked.

It's time for those in the media who are "scared of guns" to visit a local
gun sporting club and buy a gun. Any gun. They can then inquire about taking
classes on how to shoot their newly purchased gun and then, perhaps, they'll
realize that guns aren't the enemy but those who choose to use such a weapon
in an unsafe and dangerous manner.

A.C. Szul
"There is no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." --
Bruce Thornton, "Plagues Of The Mind"

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] How the CIA Spied on Princess Diana

2000-05-16 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

While some of this may be interesting to some, nothing here is new. Agencies
track lots of folks, both famous and those not so famous. How else does one
keep things in check and avoid catastrophe?
A.C. Szul
"There is no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." --
Bruce Thornton, "Plagues Of The Mind"
- Original Message -
From: Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 11:00 AM
Subject: [CTRL] How the CIA Spied on Princess Diana"
 As, always, Caveat Lector
 Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/"How the
 Spied on Princess Diana/A
 Subject: How the CIA Spied on Princess Diana
 From: Alex Constantine A
HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"alexx12@mediaone.
 Date: Sun, May 14, 2000 1:53 PM
 Message-id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 London Evening Standard
 How the CIA spied on Diana

 America's three intelligence agencies spied on Princess Diana for years
 and learned some of her most intimate secrets, it has been claimed.
 Details of the monitoring operation - contained in a l,056-page dossier
 - are still classified as top secret a year after her death, according
 to reports in the U.S. yesterday.
 Much of the material was gathered as part of the security surrounding
 Diana on her numerous visits across the Atlantic.
 A spokesman for the National Security Agency admitted the existence of
 the files.
 'The documents are currently and properly classified top-secret,' he
 said from the organisation's headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland.
 Sources say the top-secret classification was to keep the lid on how the
 U.S. spy agencies gathered the data.
 The NSA was aided in the shadowy operation by the CIA and the Defence
 Intelligence Agency, which is run by the Pentagon, according to reports
 in the New York Daily News and Star magazine.
 All three agencies are believed to have tracked Diana's every movement
 and conversations on her frequent visits to America and sometimes
 elsewhere, both before and after her marriage to Prince Charles had
 The secret checking on her personal life is believed to have gone on
 until her death in Paris.
 Insiders say much of the material in the dossier came from eavesdropping
 on private telephone conversations between the Princess and her most
 trusted friend - Lucia Flecha de Lima, the wife of the Brazilian
 ambassador in Washington.
 Diana is said to have poured her heart out to Madame de Lima about her
 relationships with Pakistani doctor Hasnat Khan, Dodi Fayed and others.
 The CIA is believed to have turned over reports to the British
 intelligence community.
 Yesterday, the CIA would not comment on the dossier, while the Defence
 Intelligence Agency said it only deals in military matters - 'and she
 was obviously not military,' said a spokesman.
 The NSA, whose experts specialise in phone taps and intercepting faxes
 and emails, said it had nearly 300 pages of top-secret information on
 Diana that it had either originated or now controlled. This led to the
 disclo-sure that the CIA and DIA had more than 700 other classified
 Sources say it was not just her romances that the agencies kept watch on
 - virtually every aspect of her troubled life was monitored.
 Even phone conversations about her plans for Prince William and Prince
 Harry were listened to and then reported back to London.
 'The British and American intelligence services are joined at the hip,'
 a source told Star magazine. 'They share just about everything.'
 Aloha, He'Ping,
 Om, Shalom, Salaam.
 Em Hotep, Peace Be,
 All My Relations.
 Omnia Bona Bonis,
 Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
 Roads End

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 and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and
 effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] OT: Fw: Global 100 Web Sites - Issue 108 - Edition 17 - 24 April 2000

2000-04-25 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

FYI -- some good sites that rank in the Top 10. Worth a look.

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2000 08:31 AM
Subject: Global 100 Web Sites - Issue 108 - Edition 17 - 24 April 2000

 Thank you for the votes you've sent us, or the interest you've shown in
  Global100 Charts. We are proud to present you the new list of this

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 |* * *  G L O B A L  1 0 0   W E B   S I T E S  * * *

 | This Is Pop-Culture? GE
 | this week's Smash Web Site! (Web Site of the
Week) |


  The following Top 100 contains the most popular web sites at this time.
  Vote for a site in this chart if you think other people should see it

  Main ChartIssue 108 - Edition 17 - 24 April

  TW  LW  NW TitleHyperlink Cat

   1   1  62 WorldNetDaily {!} 44x#1 NE
   2* 14  44 Town Hall NE
   3   2  47 Blue Mountain Arts GE
   4* 33   6 Media Research Center GE
   5   3  61 {!} NE
   6^ 11  56 Theology OnLine 9x#1 GE
   7   4  11 Enigma: Screen Behind The Mirror MU
   8   6  61 Jewish World Review NE
   9   8  61 Free Republic GE
  10   5  56 MU

  11^ 12  10 HeroicStories RE
  12  10  51 The Federalist RE
  13   7 102 ZDNet TE
  14^ 19   7 Virtual World GE
  15^ 16  17 GE
  16   9  67 Ask Jeeves GE
  17* 28  72 NASA {!} TE
  18* 79   4 Parents Television Council TV
  19^ 22 100 GameSpot GA
  20  13  11 GOP Infighting GE

  21  17 104 RE
  22^ 27  87 EBay GE
  23  15  62 Lockergnome 5x#1 RE/TE
  24  24  13 Quixtar GE
  25  23  61 The Washington Times NE
  26  25  62 BBC Online TV
  27  21   6 Teq: Terra Est Quaestuosus GA
  28* 38   2 Final Fantasy: The Movie {!} MO
  29^ 37  11 ICQ GE
  30  18   2 The Heritage Foundation GE

  31^ 36  49 The American Spectator Online GE
  32  20  39 Yahoo! GE
  33  30  23 GE

Re: [CTRL] *NEW* new Area 51 Images posted on new site. *A DIVERSION*

2000-04-18 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.
Title: Area 51 Images Said Posted on Web

If anything, this is surely a diversion from the _real_ "Area 51" while the 
tests on the 'lil green men are being done at some completely different 


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 09:54 
  Subject: [CTRL] *NEW* new Area 51 Images 
  posted on new site. *NEW* 
  on "" mid-way in this article.BardThere's not a 
  dime bit of difference between a DemoRat and a RepubRat,they're simply two 
  wings of the same bird of prey.BUCHANAN-Reform


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  Monday April 
17 8:01 PM ET 
Area 51 Images Said Posted on Web
By MARTHA WAGGONER, Associated Press Writer 

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - The truth is out there - on the Web. Photos of 
Area 51, the super-secret Air Force test site in Nevada that has long 
tantalized UFO and conspiracy buffs and fans of ``The X-Files,'' are 
being posted on the Internet.
``This is the first glimpse into the most secret training and testing 
facility for the Air Force,'' said John Hoffman, president of Aerial 
Images Inc. of Raleigh.
The company planned to post five images of the site, divided into 
four frames each, in collaboration with Microsoft, Kodak, Digital 
Equipment Corp., Autometric Inc. and the Russian agency 



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The partners 
launched a Russian satellite from Kazahkstan in 1998 to map Earth's 
surface and Area 51. An open-skies agreement signed in 1992 by 24 
nations, including the United States and Russia, made the effort 
The Air Force only recently acknowledged that Groom Dry Lake Air 
Force Base even exists. The 8,000-square-mile base is 75 miles northwest 
of Las Vegas, in the arid, rugged Nellis Range.
Beginning with the U-2 spy plane in the 1950s, the base has been the 
testing ground for a host of top-secret aircraft, including the SR-71 
Blackbird and, more recently, the F-117A stealth fighter and B-2 stealth 
The base's airspace is restricted; aircraft are not allowed to fly 
over it. But satellite overflights are allowed as part of an agreement 
to verify arms-control compliance.
Among UFO aficionados, it has long been known simply as Area 51, the 
base's designation on old Nevada test site maps. They believe that 
unidentified flying objects from other worlds are hidden at the base, 
where their parts are copied for U.S. prototypes.
The images, with resolution good enough to distinguish a car from a 
truck, are better than earlier telephoto shots from the nearby 
mountains. The only other known image purportedly was shot by a 
satellite in the 1960s. It is much fuzzier.
``There are runways, there are buildings, there are buses, there are 
test sites, but there aren't any little green men or super-secret 
aircraft to be seen,'' Hoffman said of the new photos.
Several government agencies are aware of the images and haven't 
responded, said Hoffman, 52, a Vietnam veteran who recently retired from 
the National Guard after 23 years. ``I've had no feedback from anybody 
that indicates anybody gives a hoot,'' he said.
An Air Force spokeswoman would not comment Monday on any security 
concerns about the images.
``We acknowledge having an operating site there, and the work is 
classified,'' spokeswoman Gloria Cales said. The work involves 
``operations critical to the U.S. military and the country's security.''
Aerial Images, at, planned to 
offer a link to the Area 51 pages. Viewing the images is free; 

[CTRL] Elian's Getting Same As Monica

2000-04-18 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

Elian's Getting Same As Monica

Remember back to when Clinton  Co. publicly demonized former intern
extraordinaire Monica into something that she was not?

Remember how they tried to paint a picture of a young woman who was sickly
obsessed with Clinton? Of how she supposedly wouldn't stop calling him?
Followed him, and perhaps, at times, even stalked him?

Why do that? Why paint such a picture? Simple. So that Clinton can then say
how this little girl --in comparison to his old age-- is chasing him and he
has to let her down gently. Thus deflecting any possible accusations of him
pursuing an intern at his taxpayer-funded office, the White House.

Well, the same treatment is being thrown at the Cuban boy, Elian, who
survived a daring escape from that island of tyranny south of Florida.

Have you turned on the news this evening only to hear that a doctor is
questioning little Elian's "state of mind?" It's starting. They failed to
make their case, so they're turning to dirty pool. How many folks even know
that the Doc making these conclusions is a big 'ole FOB?

By spreading word that the boy may be going nutty in that house with his
Miami relatives, the Clintonites are hoping to paint a picture of mental and
emotional abuse of the boy by those same relatives. Make his Dad look like
his savior. Build up his Dad, so that the people will support a forceful
raid by DOJ hacks in the middle of the night.

We did it for the good of the boy, they'll tell us. We did it to reunite a
psychologically-troubled boy with his father, they'll announce. We did it
for a boy that is being brainwashed into thinking that he will be better off
here in the States than in Cuba!

That's what Clinton  Co. have resorted to, since they're losing the public

After recruiting fellow liberal pinko Dan Blather to interview Elian's
loving Dad on 60 Minutes the other night, the Clintonites believe that they
only way to get this sorry episode over with is to make the boy look
psychologically and emotionally unstable so as to make their point that he
ought to go back to Commie Cuba with his Dad.

In the end, it's not the boy who's gonna look nuts, but the Clintonites who
insist that little Elian will be better off in Cuba, under the watchful eye
of Daddio Castro, rather than remain here in the U.S. where he's guaranteed
a much better and happier life.

A.C. Szul
"There is no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." --
Bruce Thornton, "Plagues Of The Mind"

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: great campaign source/search engine

2000-04-14 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 10:05 AM
Subject: great campaign source/search engine

Folks, Cool find! Great source for online Net Campaigns at

Add your site or run a search on media, politics 

[CTRL] Media Covers for Candidate Gore

2000-04-09 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.
o. . . Elian should never have been forced
to choose between freedom and his own father. Now we must take action, here
on our own shores, to make sure that Elian's best interests are served.'"

Nothing better sums up the problem of not reporting these kinds of Gore-isms
than a quote from Mark Mellman, Democrat pollster and part-time adviser to
the Gore 2000 campaign, as reported by the October 27, 1999, Wall Street
Journal: "If you have a pattern of flip-flops such that it erodes a
fundamental aspect of your character, then you have real trouble."

The Post's Sunday story not only fails to quote any GOP officials, but it
attempts to spin in favor of Gore. By failing to mention any Gore-isms, such
as several mentioned above, the Post tries to spin Gore's appearance and
wardrobe and "self-deprecating jokes" as being the single biggest negatives
of presidential candidate Gore, while ignoring gaffes it would certainly
mention had it been Quayle or Bush. While one can't definitively prove that
was the intention of the reporters and their newspaper, it most certainly
seems suspect to the causal reader.

While not mentioning by name, the Post piece cites its sources as "many
people," "many voters," "some Gore allies," "variety of people," and, my
favorite, considering it gives such an impression of unbiased news
reporting, "campaign officials." In a piece supposedly meant to be a
"hard-hitting analysis" of Gore and the voters, no where is there any quotes
from a Bush or GOP officials, campaign or other. Instead, the reader is
subjected to the wisdom and unbiased scrutiny of Gore "campaign officials."
Is the Post for real? Do they honestly believe they're offering a
well-balanced, unbiased portrayal of the relationship between a presidential
candidate and the views of the voters when it comes to his actions, behavior
and record?

Towards the end of the piece, in graph 32, media advisor Bob Shrum, is
quoted as saying that Gore's inability to connect with voters is the "oldest
and deadest chestnut in this election." Surely, Harris or Connolly could
have found someone to counter that claim? Perhaps if this were a
"hard-hitting analysis" of Quayle or Bush, the Post would have had more

For example, think back to the Post's extensive coverage of the Bush and
cocaine non-issue. The Post jumped all over that and continued until folks
got sick of hearing about the unsubstantiated rumors.

In addition, all throughout, the reader is fed phrases like "polls and
dozens of voter interviews" without any specific reference to who actually
did the polling, where these polls were held, who was questioned, as well as
examples of the questions themselves.

In its futile attempts at spinning, the Post refers to Gore's "playful
 side," "intellectual self-confidence" (even with all these gaffes?) and how
he is supposedly a stronger candidate after "his very successful primary
season" against fellow-liberal Bill Bradley Huh? Does anyone, including the
Post, expect anyone to actually believe that two ideologically identical -
and former Senate pals - really, truly engaged in battle?

If anything, most of those so-called debates between Bradley and Gore were a
big yawn. That said, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to suggest that perhaps
Bradley was thrust into the spotlight - health problems and all - to simply
make Gore look more credible and capable after his own campaign went into a
tailspin and couldn't get off the ground.

What about the argument, dreamed up and fueled by the establishment press,
that Bush can't win without the independent votes? Perhaps the Democrats
should be more worried about Gore, who, according to a poll mentioned in the
same Post piece, seems like a strong leader to just only over half of
independent voters, while Bush gets 66 percent.

Rather than present a balanced analysis of presidential candidate Gore, the
Post opted to offer its readers yet another press release, promoting its
candidate and ignoring any serious, documented Gore gaffes that tell us much
more about the candidate than simply his silly 'ole suit and tie makeover.

-A.C. Szul Jr.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let u

[CTRL] Fw: The Latest Issue of MediaNomics

2000-04-09 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.


- Original Message - 

*MediaNomics, Friday 
April 7, 2000

The latest issue of the Free Market Project's 
regular newsletter, MediaNomics, is now available on the Media Research Center 
web site,, with 
three new stories:
TV Reporters Aghast at Stock 
Slide, but Not At Government Prosecution of Microsoft
After Tuesday's market turmoil, the network evening newscasts tried to 
explain thefrenzied selling by pointing to the usual suspects: inflated 
stock values, margin calls, uncertainty over the Federal Reserves next action. 
Only one correspondent  CNBCs Ron Insana  pointed to the governments pursuit 
of Microsoft as a cause for the plunge in prices, even though 
thesellinghad obviously accelerated after negotiations between the 
company and government lawyers failed over the weekend.

Media Mavens Are Mum on 
Potential IRA Changes
If you listen to the media, its a "national calamity" that 
Americans dont save enough of their income for their retirement years. Last 
month, a bipartisan group of congressmen proposed boosting the amount 
individuals can set aside in tax-deductable retirement accounts  but, in spite 
of their professed worry about national savings rates, the media have generally 
failed to report the story.

Kudos... to CNNs Brooks 
Among the medias most enduring myths is the one about how 
Ronald Reagans 1981 across-the-board tax cuts shifted more of the burden of 
paying federal income taxes to the middle class. CNNs Brooks Jackson showed 
that the richpay a far greater share of the nations taxes now than they 
were when Reagan took office, even though the top tax ratesare far lower 
than they were 20 years ago.
If you know someone elsewho'd like to 
read MediaNomics, please forward this e-mail. If you'dlike to receive 
notices when new MediaNomics articles are published (or to stop getting 
additional notices), send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[CTRL] FYI, Leonardo: ABC's Liberal Laughingstock

2000-04-06 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Leonardo: ABC's Liberal Laughingstock

ABC News President David Westin fired 21-year veteran Bob Zelnick because of
the "appearance problem" caused by Zelnick writing a biography of Al Gore
for Regnery, a conservative publisher. Last year, Westin strongly objected
to the hiring of "reckless" Internet star Matt Drudge as an ABC Radio host.
So Westin looks a little funny trying to deny ABC intended President Clinton
to be interviewed by 25-year-old movie star Leonardo DiCaprio, now promoting
a big liberal Earth Day rally in Washington.

Does DiCaprio have the gravitas to be White House correspondent for a day?
In the March 1995 issue of Details magazine, DiCaprio asked, "Who's Newt
Gingrich? Oh, wait a minute, I've seen Newt on TV. He's that funny-looking
guy. I haven't really been following politics lately."

A look at DiCaprio's current talents on the official Earth Day Web site is
not encouraging. In the kickoff press conference, DiCaprio interviewed Earth
Day organizers with multiple insertions of "wow," "cool," and "scary stuff."
(DiCaprio has endorsed Al Gore for President.)

In a separate Yahoo! chat, DiCaprio's answers suggested he hasn't exactly
hit the books to determine his political positions. "I watched a lot of
television programs, documentaries, and movies on wild life[sic] and the
environment and was shocked to find out what we were doing to Earth. Now I
am in a position to make a difference, and I really want to."

When asked to define global warming, he wrote, "What global warming is, is
basically temperatures around the world are rising, becoming extremely
dangerous for all living things around the world." When asked what is his
first environmental concern, besides global warming, DiCaprio again
underlined his video education: "Saving endangered species. I saw a program
when I was very young about the wildlife that is now extinct."

Even far-left Earth Day chief Denis Hayes noted DiCaprio wasn't exactly a
Ph.D. in an interview with the Boston Globe: "'We're trying to reach a
broader cross section of America, and sometimes you have to go out of the
box,' Hayes says. Yes, he concedes, it is 'somewhat frustrating' that
environmentalism has come to this. But there is no choice. 'Sure, it'd be
preferable if policy issues could be discussed on a higher plane, but we
live where we live.'"

DiCaprio's Clinton interview is slated to appear in an hour-long ABC Earth
Day special hosted by Chris Cuomo, son of Mario Cuomo. But ABC is not the
only news outlet preparing a one-sided Earth Day special.

The New York Daily News reported on March 24 that Di-Caprio is insisting on
writing an essay for Time's Earth Day issue "all by himself." He'll be
joined here, too, by Bill Clinton, marking the President's third bylined
Time piece since December. Sources told the Daily News the issue would also
feature green activists Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Stewart Brand, and liberal
writers Mark Hertsgaard and Roger Rosenblatt.

To make the next month perfect, perhaps ABC can hire as unpaid
correspondents Rage Against the Machine to interview Clinton before the
Washington protest against the World Bank and International Monetary Fund,
followed by Ellen DeGeneres for the gay and lesbian left rally, and then
Rosie O'Donnell for the "Million Mom March." After all, Westin told the New
York Daily News he wasn't opposed to using "informed celebrities" for


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Gore Flip-Flops

2000-04-06 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

   "If you have a pattern of flip-flops such that it erodes a
   fundamental aspect of your character, then you have real trouble." -
   Mellman, Democrat pollster and part-time adviser to the Gore 2000
   The Wall Street Journal, 10/27/99
   * In 1988, Gore told tobacco farmers: "Throughout most of my life, I
   raised tobacco.  I want you to know that with my own hands, all of my
   I put it in the plant beds and transferred it.  I've hoed it, I've dug
   it, I've sprayed it, I've chopped it, I've shredded it, spiked it, put
   the barn and stripped it and sold it."  (Newsday, 2/26/88) (Gore made
   statement almost four years after his sister's death from lung cancer,
   six years before his anti-tobacco speech at the Democratic national
   * For the period 1979 through 1990, Gore accepted $16,440 from tobacco
   political action committees.  (The Washington Post, 8/30/96)
   * "Tomorrow morning another 13-year-old girl will start smoking.  I
   love her, too.  Three thousand young people in America will start
   tomorrow.  One thousand of them will die a death not unlike my
   And that is why, until I draw my last breath, I will pour my heart and
   into the cause of protecting our children from the dangers of
   (Albert Gore Jr., Democrat National Convention, 8/28/96)
   * Between 1985 and 1990, Sen. Al Gore voted with the NRA 75% of the
   time.  (National Rifle Association, Key Vote Analyses, 1985-1992)
   * "In this presidential race, there are some who believe the urgent
   matter related to guns is the need to extend new protections to the
   manufacturers.  I believe it is time to have new protections for our
   children and our families. . . .  Some want more concealed weapons,
   can't conceal the fact that they are doing the bidding of the NRA."
   Gore Jr., The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, 7/16/99)
   * "It is my deep personal conviction that abortion is wrong.  I hope
   that some day we will see the current outrageously large number of
   drop sharply. . . .  Let me assure you that I share your belief that
   innocent human life must be protected. . ."  (Letter from Rep. Albert
   Jr. to a Constituent, 7/18/84)
   * "As you know, I have strongly opposed federal funding of abortions.
   In my opinion, it is wrong to spend federal funds for what is arguably
   taking of a human life."  (Letter from Rep. Albert Gore Jr. to a
   Constituent, 7/18/84)
   * Gore Voted to Extend Civil Rights Protection to Unborn Children.
   Gore voted yes in 1984 to amend the Civil Rights Act of 1984 to state
   unborn children are persons from the moment of conception.  The
   text of Siljander's (R-MI) one sentence House Amendment 942 read: "An
   amendment to define 'person' as including unborn children from the
   conception."  (CQ Vote #242: Rejected 186-219: R 112-40; D 74-179,
   * "And know this, I will always, always defend a woman's right to
   choose.  Every time Congress has tried to play politics with that
   fundamental personal right -- imposing gag rules, and attaching
   language to any bill they can think of -- we have stood up to them and
   stopped them."  (Albert Gore Jr., Remarks at Women For Gore event,
   Test Ban
   * During the 1988 primary season, in a televised debate with Dick
   Gephardt, Jesse Jackson, Michael Dukakis, Paul Simon and Bruce
   laid out his objections to a comprehensive test ban treaty, stressing
   need for verification and continued testing to assure the reliability
   U.S. nuclear arsenal:
   Q:  If you're elected president, will you suspend all U.S.
   nuclear weapons tests, upon taking office, and then proceed to
   formal test ban treaty?
   GORE:  Well, just as President John Kennedy made our world
   safer by getting a treaty banning atmospheric explosions, I would seek
   treaty with the Soviet Union banning underground explosions as well.
   before doing so, I would pin down the answers to two questions that
   important to our national security:
   First of all, can we firmly verify whether or not the Soviet
   Union is exploding low-yield tests on its territory?  The evidence now
   coming from the scientists indicates that there are ways to negotiate
   cooperative agreements with the Soviets to make that possible.  But we
   the answer before the test ban rather than after.
   Secondly, do we need continued tests in order to assure the
   reliability of our own nuclear devices?  Again the initial evidence

[CTRL] Fwd: Gore's Lies -- Forward this to every person of voting age

2000-04-05 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

FYI...some good stuff. Read on...

  You may have gotten an e-mail forwarded from Al Gore's Campaign
telling you
  how rotten George W. Bush's record in Texas is. Thanks to the
  work of Jennifer Strong from the GREAT State of Texas and other
  Americans, more Gore lies, exagerrations, and diversions have been

  This is Gore's e-mail, followed by the facts.

   Subj: The great state of Texas

   The state of Texas, under the leadership of Governor George W.
   Bush, is ranked:

   50th in spending for teachers' salaries

  FACT: Wrong, Prince Albert. Actually, Bush's Texas is *9th* in
Teacher Pay,
  not 50th, factoring in cost-of-living and teacher experience. And
thanks to
  George W. Bush, Texas teachers got a whopping 33% raise, lots more
than the
  national average.

   41st in per-capita spending on public education

  FACT: Bush's Texas is #1 in improving test scores, especially for
  African American students. Thanks to George W. Bush, state education
  per pupil is up 37% since he took office.

  What happened under Gore and Clinton? While test scores skyrocketed

  they remained stagnant nationally. Next time you see Gore, ask him,
  had eight years. Where are the better schools you promised?"

   49th in spending on the environment
   1st in air and water pollution

  FACT: Only because of an antiquated pre-Bush law that exempted older
  factories from having to clean up their emissions. Bush was the
  Governor to make them clean up. As a result, TEXAS IS #1 in reducing
  waste emissions under Bush.

   48th in per-capita funding for public health
   1st in percentage of poor working parents without insurance

  FACT: Under George W. Bush, Texas was the first in the nation to
allow a
  patient to appeal HMO decisions to deny care. Bush's Texas also
  gag clauses that prevented doctors from discussing all treatment
  their patients. And Texas law insures that people with pre-existing
  conditions will not lose health insurance when they change jobs.

  What happened under Gore and Clinton? They promised to reform health
  have done nothing. They've had eight years, and eight million more
  are uninsured.

   47th in delivery of social services
   5th in percentage of population living in poverty

  FACT: Take notice: Prince Albert apparently believes it is terrible
  people actually need welfare "delivered" to their doorstep. Unlike
Al Gore,
  George W. Bush believes that freeing people from the chains of
welfare and
  giving them independence is a GREAT thing. That's why Texas was one
of the
  ten most successful states in implementing welfare reform. Texas was
  successful that Gore's Administration tried to stop Bush from
  innovative, faith-based solutions to radically reduce the welfare
  more, lest Bush get the credit.

  Also, under Governor Bush:
  - Texas is #4 in personal income (i.e. people are richer)
  - Texas has the lowest unemployment in 20 years.

   1st in executions (avg. 1 every 2 weeks for Bush's 5 years)

  FACT: Uh... did someone forget to mention that Al Gore is for the
  penalty too? Actually, Green Party candidate Ralph Nader is the only
  candidate who opposes the death penalty.

   Forward this to every person of voting age

  This part we agree with!

  For the full report of Gore lies exposed,

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] **CNN's Shaw Explodes at Peggy Noonan Over Hillary Book** Watch Video

2000-03-29 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

FYI, there's a video of CNN's Bernard Shaw flipping at former Reagan
speechwriter Peggy Noonan over her new expose on Hillary Clinton --


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Vote for MRC site

2000-03-26 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Go to and vote for the MRC site today! Just click "Vote
MRC" on the front page and cast your vote for the MRC site.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] CIA Hiring Theatrical Special Effects Designers...Why?

2000-03-26 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Sounds like an excellent employment opportunity.

A.C. Szul
"There is no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." --
Bruce Thornton, "Plagues Of The Mind"
- Original Message -
From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2000 04:07 PM
Subject: [CTRL] CIA Hiring "Theatrical Special Effects" Designers...Why?

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 Theatrical Special Effects - Wardrobe/Production Design

 The Central Intelligence Agency is currently seeking a limited number of
 persons on a part-time basis (32 hours/week) qualified to design and
 construct clothing and accessories for use in creating necessary special
 effects. The position acts as an interface between the technical side of
 construction and the needs of the customer, providing product
 quality control, and customer feedback on products.

 Qualifications: A degree in wardrobe design and construction, plus a
 of two years practical experience, or a minimum of four years of industry
 experience, is required. Candidates must possess experience in design,
 patterning, and construction of garments and accessories, as well as good
 judgment, initiative, and the ability to work independently within the
 operations based environment.

 The ideal candidate also has a familiarity with fabrics and textiles, as
 as a background in fabric dying, tailoring and draping techniques. Strong
 written and oral communication skills, record management, and
 skills are also needed.

 Benefits: Salaries range from $16.98 to $38.06 per hour. The Agency offers
 comprehensive employee benefits program.

 Required: All applicants must be U.S. citizens and meet stringent
 medical, and personnel requirements, including a polygraph examination.

 To Apply: Applicants should submit a cover letter and current resume
 outlining their objectives and qualifications, and should be prepared to
 present a portfolio and a writing sample at the time of interview. Please
 send your resume to the address below.

 Recruitment Center
 Attn. Craig
 PO Box 12727, Dept. INTERNET
 Arlington, VA 22209-8727

 An equal opportunity employer and drug-free work force.

 Return to CIA Web site at

 A HREF=""
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 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] G.W. Bush Uses Drug Smuggler's Plane - II of II

2000-03-26 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Isn't this stuff getting tiring?

A.C. Szul
"There is no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." --
Bruce Thornton, "Plagues Of The Mind"
- Original Message -
From: DIG alfred webre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2000 04:48 PM
Subject: [CTRL] G.W. Bush Uses Drug Smuggler's Plane - II of II

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 The CIA Gets Busted --Yet Again

 The circle was completed with the discovery that "Zero-Eight-Foxtrot,"
 as well as several other planes used by Barry Seal, was in reality owned
 by the same company revealed in 1998 bankruptcy proceedings to have
 owned the notorious CIA airline Southern Air Transport (SAT).

 Congressional and public records from the era establish Southern Air as
 a legendary CIA proprietary - second only to Air America - and as being
 connected to Secord, Singluab, Rodriguez, Casey and George H.W. Bush.
 Among its long list of dubious "achievements," Southern Air had owned
 the C123 used by Seal in the Nicaragua sting operation which made Barry
 Seal famous. That same aircraft was later shot down over Nicaragua in
 1986 and the lone survivor Eugene Hasenfus was captured alive by
 Sandinista soldiers.. That is what started the Iran-Contra scandal to
 begin with. No one knew--or admitted knowing--just who owned Southern
 Air Transport back in 1986, although government officials all swore up
 and down that it wasn't the CIA.

 Southern Air's ownership by Greyhound Leasing, which became the entity
 called Finova, was only disclosed after no one was looking, when SAT
 went into bankruptcy in 1998. This is the first time the holding
 company, Finova, has been revealed for what it clearly is, an Agency
 front, set up in Arizona and headquartered in Canada to escape American
 financial disclosure requirements.

 Suddenly, on June 14, 1984, after passage of the second Boland Amendment
 and the consolidation of Contra operations under Oliver North the plane
 was sold twice in one day. According to journalist, producer and author
 Dan Hopsicker, "This was at a period in time when Barry knew he was on
 the way out." The plane went first to a mysterious Morgan B. Mitchell of
 Vale, Oregon, and then to Chevrolet Dealer Merrill Bean of Ogden Utah.
 Bean, curiously, gave the Dover, Delaware address of the "Prentis Hall
 [sic] Corporation" on his FAA registration. Students of the CIA have
 long been aware of the Agency's affinity for hiding its assets in
 Delaware shell corporations. But, to be fair, many other companies do so
 for reasons of convenience. In an interview Bean stated that he had
 incorporated in Delaware as a legal necessity because of the needs of
 his investors. "Delaware is a very convenient place for many kinds of
 corporations to incorporate and many large corporations and
 multi-nationals do so," Bean told FTW. "Because other companies I was in
 partnership with were incorporated there I chose to do so also. It was
 much easier that way and it was a requirement of the partners who were
 investing." However, Delaware officials in the Secretary of State's
 office said that Bean's company, Prentis Hall [not Prentice Hall], does
 not exist. And in the FAA records connected to Bean's ownership of
 "Zero-Eight-Foxtrot" we find yet another unexplained gap in FAA records.
 Whenever major mechanical repairs are made on an aircraft, the involved
 mechanic is required to complete an FAA Form 337. In December 1989, FAA
 certified mechanic Irvin Strayer installed some routine de-icing
 equipment on the plane. The mechanic, reviewing what should have been
 original ownership documents, listed the owner as United Insurance of
 Ogden Utah. Nowhere in FAA title paperwork does United Insurance appear
 as an owner. And a spokesman for the Utah State Department of Insurance
 told FTW that there had never been a United Insurance licensed to do
 business in the state.

 "It was an insurance company that a group of car dealers had formed to
 handle title and financing and other insurance for car sales," said
 Bean. "I bought the other guys out of the airplane and had some repairs
 done before I sold to Corporate Wings." Someone should have told the
 FAA. Or perhaps someone changed the FAA's records. Stranger things have
 happened. Bean does not recall if he changed the records to reflect this
 or not.

 A Likely Suspect

 In what will become a long litany of links between Barry Seal's
 activities and the financial fraud of the 1980's, Merrill Bean was also
 involved in what The Salt Lake City Tribune called "the worst financial
 disaster in Utah since the Great Depression." That disaster was the en
 masse 1980s failure of Utah thrifts -- hybrid financial institutions
 that offered high interest rates and consumer loans -- and the collapse
 of the insurance fund that was supposed to protect their 

[CTRL] Grassroots Call to Action! Gun Rights Threatened Today....

2000-03-22 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Adapted copy of the NRA's recent grassroots Fax Alert on the SW move,
contact information of other gun makers and links at

Pass on to friends, family, other grassroots websites, listserves, bulletin
boards, Newsgroups etc today!


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[CTRL] Fw: MediaNomics

2000-03-16 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

Sign up info below.
- Original Message - 
FYI, the MRC's 'Free Market Project' (FMP) now has a list for folks to 
receive info directly to their e-mail inbox.

FMP tracks how both news and entertainment media portray various business 
and economic issues, and works to educate the media about the principles of free 
enterprise. FMP is currently featured in the March 20 issue of Fortune.

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weeks alerting you to newly posted information.

Feel free to distribute this e-mail so others can sign up 

[CTRL] Vote For MRC today!

2000-03-16 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

and submit your vote for the Media Research Center's web site

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The more votes, the better. Feel free to forward to your friends and family.


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[CTRL] Fw: [aij] Russian IJ dies in air crash

2000-03-12 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

What US papers, if any, reported on this? Are journalists targets in the
Wild West Russia? Is this a conspiracy?

Chechnya and USSR fighting over oil = death?

US and Middle east fighting over oil = damn capitalism?


--Original Message -
From: Fran Casal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2000 08:42 AM
Subject: RV: [aij] Russian IJ dies in air crash

 -Mensaje original-
 De: Tim Fuell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Enviado el: viernes, 10 de marzo de 2000 12:27
 Asunto: [aij] Russian IJ dies in air crash

 From: Tim Fuell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Moscow air crash kills reporter
 A Russian investigative journalist and a Chechen oil baron were killed
 with seven other passengers when their plane crashed in Moscow
 yesterday. The Yak-40, scheduled to fly to Kiev, the Ukranian capital,
 rose briefly after take-off then crashed.

 There were suspicions that the crash was caused deliberately by someone
 wanting to silence Artyom Borovik, 38, an investigative journalist who
 was behind the Top Secret television programme. A colleague, Dmitri
 Dibov, said: ''This was a terrorist act.'' He said he had joked to Mr
 Borovik that it would only take the deaths of him and a couple of other
 journalists to wipe out the Russian opposition.

 The death of Ziya Bazheyev, Chechen president of the oil company
 Neftenoialians, also provoked speculation. The company is linked to an
 oil pipeline between the Caspian and Black Seas via Chechnya. The
 pro-Moscow Chechen had survived two previous air crashes.

l -
 The Times

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Wear Lead Underwear

2000-03-12 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-


NEWSMAX: At six major airports around the country the federal government is
currently using highly sensitive X-ray machines that can view a person naked
- including revealing private body parts. The Customs Service claims they
are using the X-ray devices to help root out suspected drug smugglers.
Customs Service officials said they use the "Peeping Tom" machines only with
travelers they consider possible drug smugglers. Not all suspects are
examined by the machine - only suspects who don't want to be frisked.
Frisking typically includes a hands-on "pat down" of the person, a "strip
search" - removal of a person's clothing for inspection - or a more
intrusive body cavity search . . .
"It's an electronic strip search, and its extremely graphic," Barry
Steinhardt told the Wall Street Journal. Steinhardt is associate director of
the American Civil Liberties Union . . . BodySearch creates a permanent
image that can be transferred from the X-ray machine, prompting fears that
some employees may save the images of naked people - including celebrities -
and hawk them to magazines or publish them over the Internet.


A.C. Szul
"There is no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." --
Bruce Thornton, "Plagues Of The Mind"

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: MRC Alert: Gore A Bush Victim; Exploiting Tragedy for Gun Control; Sarandon's Pick

2000-03-09 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

FYI sign up info below.

- Original Message -
From: Media Research Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2000 12:53 PM
Subject: MRC Alert: Gore A Bush Victim; Exploiting Tragedy for Gun Control;
Sarandon's Pick

   ***Media Research Center CyberAlert***
 Thursday March 9, 2000 (Vol. Five; No. 42)

Gore A Bush Victim; Exploiting Tragedy for Gun Control; Sarandon's Pick

 Distributed to more than 5,700 recipients by the Media
Research Center, bringing political balance to the media. Visit
the MRC on the Web: Past CyberAlerts
are available at:
Subscribe/unsubscribe information at end of this message. 

1) Dan Rather warned that Gore will soon be the victim of Bush's
"negative attack ads and phone banks," but setting up a piece on
Gore's day, Rather stressed how Gore was "reaching out" and saying
that the Bush agenda "is outside the American mainstream."
2) The three morning shows on Wednesday all raised Gore's 1996
fundraising practices but none mentioned Maria Hsia's conviction.
3) Today demanded that Gore and Bush react to the claim that Bush
is a "Pat Robertson Republican." NBC's David Bloom castigated Bush
for his campaign's tone. Katie Couric admired how Gore managed to
"craftily associate" Bush "with the extreme right-wing," but ABC's
Charles Gibson amazingly noted that Gore "was pushed to the left."
4) The MRC's posting of video from MSNBC of John McCain telling
NBC's Maria Shriver on Tuesday night, "please get out of here,"
was plugged by the Drudge Report and Shriver conceded she
parachuted in for the event and had never previously seen McCain.
5) Dan Rather exploited tragedy in order to push a liberal goal:
"There was a deadly ambush in Memphis today and fresh fuel for the
hot campaign issue of gun control."
6) Tom Brokaw denied there is any liberal media bias, but conceded
that John McCain's conservative views don't "square with a lot of
the reporters who have become very infatuated with him."
7) Actress Susan Sarandon has picked Ralph Nader as her
presidential candidate because he's identified "what's happening
to our food and water" and "he can speak the truth."

 1) Day One of the fall presidential campaign, which got
under way Wednesday, presented CBS Evening News viewers with a
case study in the biased framework through which network reporting
will describe the Bush versus Gore battle. Introducing a story on
the Bush campaign anchor Dan Rather focused on how Gore will soon
be the victim of his "negative attack ads and phone banks." But
setting up a piece on Gore's day, Rather stressed how Gore was
"reaching out" to Bradley supporters and saying that the Bush
agenda "is outside the American mainstream."

ABC's Dean Reynolds insisted that "his primary race
transformed Bush into a darling of arch-conservatives." ABC, CBS
and NBC picked up on Gore's admission that fundraising "mistakes"
were made in 1996, but allowed his attempt to blunt the issue
succeed as neither network mentioned how it went beyond mistakes
as a Gore fundraiser was convicted last week.

Here are some notes and quotes from the broadcast network
evening shows on Wednesday night, March 8, the day after Super

-- ABC's World News Tonight. Linda Douglass summarized
speculation about what McCain will do next and then Dean Reynolds
looked at the Bush campaign. Reynolds asserted:
"His primary race transformed Bush into a darling of arch-
conservatives when he really needs the backing of moderates who
supported John McCainHe'll try by emphasizing compassion over
conservatism, overtures to African Americans and Hispanics, calls
for improved public schools, tax relief for the working poor."

Next, Terry Moran checked in from the Gore camp, beginning his
upbeat piece: "With a victor's bounce in his step Vice President
Gore boarded Air Force Two carrying a new message: He's the reform
candidate. He is calling on the Republican to renounce television
and radio ads and ban so-called soft money. That might be a tough
sell given Gore's notorious 1996 appearance at a Buddhist temple
where campaign funds were illegally raised. But the Vice President
is trying to blunt that criticism by saying he's a changed man."
Gore: "I've learned from my mistakes..."

No mention of Maria Hsia's conviction which World News Tonight
gave 19 seconds last week.

-- CBS Evening News. Phil Jones handled the top story on
McCain speculation, concluding that the burden is on Bush: "At the
very least, all this independent talk is a signal to Governor
Bush, if he wants McCain's support he going to have to deal with a
maverick on reform issues."

Now compare and contrast how Dan Rather introduced the next
two stories. First, a piece on Bush:
"As for George Bush the younger, there's every 

Re: [CTRL] McCain Cartoon/McCain blew another gasket

2000-03-08 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

The video of that ugly exchange is available at

A.C. Szul
"There is no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." --
Bruce Thornton, "Plagues Of The Mind"
- Original Message -

 Funny cartoon.  Last night, on the way to conced many of yesterday's
 races, McCain was accosted in the hall by Maria Shriver:  "Senator!
 Senator!  Wh..."

 But, McCain interropted:  "Would you please get out of here"

 As Rush is saying, fortunately for him, he was not just another
 Republican, else he would have been summarily barbecued.  But, with
 their darling wounded, the media tried to apologize for him:  "He must
 be having a lack of sleep from the campaign."  "We see what kind of
 strain a campaign can put on you..."  etc.

 What I see is one more demonstratin that McCain doesn't have both oars
 in the water.  Perhaps it is his conscience that is putting a strain on

 Lots of others retire to Arizona when they hang up their spurs.

 In McCain's case, he only neds to go home.  Do it.  For God's sake, stop
 embarrassing yourself

 Warren Wetmore wrote:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Great cartoons worth checking out!

2000-03-08 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Folks, several great cartoons worth checking out and bookmarking via

There's a handful to choose from..


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Double-Talk Express

2000-03-03 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-


--Original Message--

This is a hoot!!


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Reagan / McCain Exchange

2000-03-02 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

Kathleen makes a good point. Also, McCain doesn't seem to know how to 
listen. He just kept ranting and raving about those non-issues that he wanted to 
force down everyone's throat. Flashback, perhaps?

-- Original Message - 

  Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 09:20 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Reagan / McCain 
  How was McCain rude to 
  Can you specify 
- Original Message - 
A.C. Szul Jr. 

Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 12:09 
Subject: [CTRL] Fw: Reagan / McCain 
-Caveat Lector- A 
HREF=""/A -Cui Bono?-Fascinating 
how someone who's claimed to be the "Reagan Republican" can beso darn 
rude with Ronald Reagan's son. Go figure!-A- Original 
Message - TRANSCRIPT McCain on Michael Reagan 
Show Date: 2/29/2000 Michael Reagan: ...This is an 
interview I tried to do earlier today with John McCain...It would be 
choosing the judges. If John McCain becomes President of the United 
States and will they be liberal judges, or will they be conservative 
judges. That's an issue many people would like to get an answer to. 
Is Warren Rudman going to be the Attorney General? Thatwould be 
a good question to ask. Why don't we go now, Sen. John McCain. 
Senator, how are you? Sen. McCain: How are 
you? Michael Reagan: I am just fine, thank you very much. 
Where are you, areyou in Fresno? Sen. McCain: 
I'm on the bus, I'm on the way to Bakersfield, I'm headed through a 
lot of very beautiful fruit tree areas. It's very pretty here in the 
valley. Michael Reagan: Question I want to ask you, first of 
all, have you decided now to get into the debate that's going to be 
taking place on Thursdaynight? Sen. McCain: We're having 
the debate will be by satellite from, we'll have to stop on our trip 
back to New York and we had to cancel some, some ah of our New York 
schedule, but we'll be there by satellite. Michael Reagan: 
All right, let me ask you this, because I think it's an issue, just, 
isn't being played out within the campaign there's so many other 
things that are being talked about, but as President of the United 
States one of the legacy's you would leave would be the judges that 
you would appoint as President of the United States of America and 
there'ssome great concern if Warren Rudman, who is your overall 
campaign chair, would be in such a position in a McCain 
administration to appoint judges like Judge Souter to the bench as 
was done during the Bush administration back in the 
1980's. Sen. McCain: Ah, Warren Rudman did not appoint Judge 
Souter, PresidentBush did, remember he was the 
President. Michael Reagan: Yes, but... Sen. 
McCain: Second of all, Warren Rudman is a fine, decent man who 
served his country in the Korean War, Attorney General of his state, 
and aSenator who was highly respected. It was, It was President 
Bush that appointed Justice Souter. Michael Reagan: 
Right, but Warren Rudman... Sen. McCain: Warren Rudman is 
seventy...let me finish, please, could I finish? Ja ah, ah, Warren 
Rudman is 70 years old, he's been, he had a serious illness. He's 
not interested in playing any active role in aMcCain 
administration and I resent enormously phone calls that were made by 
Pat Robertson saying that he was a vicious bigot. I think that one 
might be Michael Reagan: Senator, Senator, Senator, Senator, 
Senator, McCainTalking Over Michael Reagan: well worth talking 
about as well...Senator, I'm not, Senator Sen. 
McCain: I asked you, Michael, if I could finish, can I 
finish? Michael Reagan: But you did finish [McCain 
Interrupt] Sen. McCain: Can I finish? Can I finish? Yes or 
no? Michael Reagan: What else do you have to 
say? Sen. McCain: Can I finish, or not, I mean 
otherwise Michael Reagan: Go ahead Sen. 
McCain: OK. I don't appreciate him being called a vicious bigot 
byPat Robertson in personal phone calls to hundreds of thousands 
of Americans.He is a fine and decent man and he will play an 
advisory role to me becausehe is a fine and decent man who 
enjoyed a sterling reputation as UnitedStates Senator and 
Attorney General of the State of New Hampshire. Michael 
Reagan: So, Sen. McCain: Now I'm finished. 
Michael Reagan: Very good. And what I was trying to get to is the 
fact that, yes, Warren Rudman did not appoint him, Warren Rudman's 
the man who sold to John Sununu who sold him to President Bush at 
the time, and what (McCain Interrupt: In other words.) I want to 
find out. Sen. McCain: In other words, in other words, in 
other words President Bush and John Sununu did not have any min

[CTRL] Fw: Reagan / McCain Exchange

2000-03-01 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Fascinating how someone who's claimed to be the "Reagan Republican" can be
so darn rude with Ronald Reagan's son. Go figure!

- Original Message -

 McCain on Michael Reagan Show
 Date: 2/29/2000

 Michael Reagan: ...This is an interview I tried to do earlier today with
 John McCain...It would be choosing the judges. If John McCain becomes
 President of the United States and will they be liberal judges, or will
 they be conservative judges. That's an issue many people would like to get
 an answer to. Is Warren Rudman going to be the Attorney General? That
 be a good question to ask. Why don't we go now, Sen. John McCain. Senator,
 how are you?

 Sen. McCain: How are you?

 Michael Reagan: I am just fine, thank you very much. Where are you, are
 in Fresno?

 Sen. McCain: I'm on the bus, I'm on the way to Bakersfield, I'm headed
 through a lot of very beautiful fruit tree areas. It's very pretty here in
 the valley.

 Michael Reagan: Question I want to ask you, first of all, have you decided
 now to get into the debate that's going to be taking place on Thursday

 Sen. McCain: We're having the debate will be by satellite from, we'll have
 to stop on our trip back to New York and we had to cancel some, some ah of
 our New York schedule, but we'll be there by satellite.

 Michael Reagan: All right, let me ask you this, because I think it's an
 issue, just, isn't being played out within the campaign there's so many
 other things that are being talked about, but as President of the United
 States one of the legacy's you would leave would be the judges that you
 would appoint as President of the United States of America and there's
 great concern if Warren Rudman, who is your overall campaign chair, would
 be in such a position in a McCain administration to appoint judges like
 Judge Souter to the bench as was done during the Bush administration back
 in the 1980's.

 Sen. McCain: Ah, Warren Rudman did not appoint Judge Souter, President
 did, remember he was the President.

 Michael Reagan: Yes, but...

 Sen. McCain: Second of all, Warren Rudman is a fine, decent man who served
 his country in the Korean War, Attorney General of his state, and a
 who was highly respected. It was, It was President Bush that appointed
 Justice Souter.

 Michael Reagan: Right, but Warren Rudman...

 Sen. McCain: Warren Rudman is seventy...let me finish, please, could I
 finish? Ja ah, ah, Warren Rudman is 70 years old, he's been, he had a
 serious illness. He's not interested in playing any active role in a
 administration and I resent enormously phone calls that were made by Pat
 Robertson saying that he was a vicious bigot. I think that one might be
 Michael Reagan: Senator, Senator, Senator, Senator, Senator, McCain
 Over Michael Reagan: well worth talking about as well...Senator, I'm not,

 Sen. McCain: I asked you, Michael, if I could finish, can I finish?

 Michael Reagan: But you did finish [McCain Interrupt]

 Sen. McCain: Can I finish? Can I finish? Yes or no?

 Michael Reagan: What else do you have to say?

 Sen. McCain: Can I finish, or not, I mean otherwise

 Michael Reagan: Go ahead

 Sen. McCain: OK. I don't appreciate him being called a vicious bigot by
 Robertson in personal phone calls to hundreds of thousands of Americans.
 is a fine and decent man and he will play an advisory role to me because
 is a fine and decent man who enjoyed a sterling reputation as United
 Senator and Attorney General of the State of New Hampshire.

 Michael Reagan: So,

 Sen. McCain: Now I'm finished.

 Michael Reagan: Very good. And what I was trying to get to is the fact
 that, yes, Warren Rudman did not appoint him, Warren Rudman's the man who
 sold to John Sununu who sold him to President Bush at the time, and what
 (McCain Interrupt: In other words.) I want to find out.

 Sen. McCain: In other words, in other words, in other words President Bush
 and John Sununu did not have any minds of their own. That's, I don't think
 that's the way it happened.

 Michael Reagan: That's - Senator let me ask you this. There are, there

 Sen. McCain: I don't believe that's how it happened.

 Michael Reagan: Well

 Sen. McCain: John Sununu knew Souter just as well as Warren Rudman did,
 they're both from New Hampshire.

 (Reagan talking over ) Michael Reagan: The question is, the question is,
 what kind of judges would you appoint to the bench? Would they by Souter
 like? Would they be judges in the make of a Bork, a Thomas? What kind of
 judges could we see from a President McCain?

 Sen. McCain: My record is very clear as to who I have supported and my
 record is very clear in public statements that Justice Scalia is a Justice
 that I admire very much. I also happen to admire Justice Rehnquist, Chief
 Justice Rehnquist, who is from the state of Arizona. And, ah, but Scalia I


2000-03-01 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-


- Original Message -
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 01:27 AM
Subject: THIS WEEK
the Common Conservative

March 1, 2000

To visit the Common Conservative website,
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This issue the Common Conservative brings you:


From the Desk of Tom Adkins
"Get The Knack!"
A rock  roll lesson for GW

Tax Bytes by Charles E. Perry
"Atheist Wins Suit Against Church"
The court has spoken...

The Bottom Line by Thomas Lindaman
"Giving the Devil His Due"
Your legacy awaits you...

Citizen Kane by D. N.  Kane
"People of the Lie"
The next generation...

Too Sense Worth by Ray Patrick
"The Gay Plight"
Struggle or Strategy?

Shelley's Sanctuary by Shelley Goodge
"Pay and Pay and Pay at the Pump"
And relief won't be coming soon...

From Across the Pond by Christian DeFeo
"Tears for the Beloved Country"
On the edge of anarchy...

Conservative Considerations by D. K. Zimmerman
"The Hero Candidate"
McCain is No Reagan

The Rocky Mountain Way by John K. Bates
"Is Conservatism Dead?"
Part 2: How to Revive Modern Conservatism

Special Contributor

The Aldrich Alert by Gary Aldrich
The Patrick Henry Center
Weekly newsletter published by the Patrick Henry Center for Individual


Special Article by Bob Bob Bohacker
"The First Cousin Speaks"
At the Inaugural Ball

Special Article by Thomas Lindaman
"Through the Looking Glass"
Mirror, mirror on the wall...

  On Review

Kane on Film by D. N. Kane
Cinema critique from a Conservative viewpoint...
This issue: Kane on TV: "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?"

Conservative Bookshelf with D. J. Olson
Intellectual ammunition to blow liberalism out of the water...
This issue: The Discovery of Freedom: Man's Struggle Against Authority
by Rose Wilder Lane

  On The Lighter Side

StrongArm Tactics by Mark Armstrong - Political Cartoonist
The crayon is mightier than the sword!

Limericks From Linnval by Shirley J. Bailey
Shirley spanks those liberals in verse...

Historical Trivia from Joshua Fletcher
Posing questions from the past...

The Right Frame of Mind with Dr. Genghis K. Perriman
Advice for the terminally-Liberal...

Guest Writers
This issue the Common Conservative brings you 3 guest writers.

"True Confessions" by Don Lynch
My Life as a Leftist

"Basketball is Life" by Cindy Sanford
Life's lessons on the court...

"Media Bias Against Business " by Andy Szul, Jr.
It's here to stay

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[CTRL] Fwd: MediaNomics -- Who's Running the U.S. Economy?

2000-02-28 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-


--Original Message--
The bad news is that the news media just can't shake the myth of the
all-powerful central planner, whose decisions mean either boom or bust for
the whole economy. But the good news is that Federal Reserve Chairman Alan
Greenspan doesn't seem to buy it -- not even when the media are singling him
out for credit for the long-running economic expansion.

It's worth paying attention when the Washington Times praises a story
published by its longtime nemesis, the Washington Post -- and even protests
the fact that the story wasn't splashed on the Post's front page.

If you know someone else who'd like to read MediaNomics, please forward this
e-mail. If you'd like to receive notices when new MediaNomics articles are
published (or to stop getting additional notices), send an e-mail to

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] A Hit On McCain

2000-02-21 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

GOP Primaries Heat Up On Heels Of Bush S.C. Win

WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 20 -- By staying on message and focusing on his
record as a "reformer with results," Texas Governor George W. Bush won the
South Carolina GOP primary, effectively restoring his lead as front-runner.

While many in the media warned of the Democrat and Independent influence in
the South Carolina GOP primary vote, and how it may help further boost
Senator John McCain's candidacy, Bush trounced his opponent, 53% to 42%.

Ambassador Alan Keyes, the only other GOP candidate remaining, received 5%.

A breakdown of the South Carolina vote shows that McCain continues in an
uphill battle in winning the GOP vote as his presidential campaign rolls on.
Last night's results reflected that a stunning 3 out of 4 Republicans voted
against McCain.

Earlier today, appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press" with Tim Russert, McCain
rejected the notion of moving to the Reform Party should he continue to lose
against Bush.

As seen in last night's concession speech, the agenda behind the real John
McCain is slowly rearing its ugly head. No more was the supposed upbeat and
positive 'Reaganesque' approach. Instead, as several Sunday morning news
show talking heads pointed out, it was a frustrated, angry and temperamental
McCain who continued to throw out a barrage of accusations at Bush of being
a hypocrite, while predicting his opponent will take the "low road."

"I will not take the low road to the highest office on the land," said
McCain last night, implying that Bush will do so. "A choice between my
optimistic choice for conservatism and the negative message of fear," he
continued, suggesting that Bush's campaign will follow a negative route.

"A choice between a record of reform and an empty slogan of reform. A choice
between experience and pretense," McCain added, further implying that Bush's
"reformer with results" is an empty slogan rather than a reflection of his
record as Texas governor.

Interestingly enough, according to ABC's Dean Reynolds, reporting from the
Bush camp, Texas governor's aides believe that McCain's campaign is in
"meltdown" based on comments made last night in his concession speech.

McCain's web site,, which the Senator, along with
many others, hawk as playing a big role in his campaign, does not seem to
include last night's concession speech, instead offering the candidate's
speeches up through only February 9.

Maybe that has something to do with the fact that many observers view
McCain's concession speech as a mistake? On today's ABC's "This Week," Cokie
Roberts and other pundits agreed that not only was the McCain speech a
"mistake," but that his negative advertising comparing Bush to President
Bill Clinton is also a "mistake."

"He's going to spend the next 48 hours explaining that speech," commented
ABC's George Stephanopoulos, referring to McCain.

In contrast to McCain's campaign home page, Bush's site included
the Governor's remarks after the South Carolina win.

Rather than attack McCain, Bush went after the Clinton-Gore administration,
saying that "Clinton Gore have the unfortunate legacy of the highest taxes
in America since World War II. In stark contrast, I know the surplus is not
the government's money, it's the people's money."

According to exit polls conducted for The Associated Press and the
television networks, about 23% of the voters said Bush was the real reformer
in the race. Instead, McCain, who has run as a "reformer" since he began his
presidential bid, was chosen by only 17%.

Apparently McCain's reference to the "Iron Triangle," which he says includes
the special interests, lobbyists and legislators, has not resonated. Polls
show that McCain's continued negative advertising is backfiring rather than
hurting Bush's candidacy. Perhaps this has something to do, in part, to
McCain's role as powerful chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee where he
exclaimed on "Meet the Press" that he's "proud to rule over the special
interests." Yet, according to various news reports, many of McCain's
Washington, D.C. fundraisers are the same lobbyists who have business in
front of his committeesnip


- Original Message -
From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2000 07:28 PM
Subject: [CTRL] A "Hit" On McCain

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 Vol. 6, No. 1271  -  The American Reporter  -  February 21, 2000

 by James De Pietro
 American Reporter Correspondent
 Washington, D.C.
 WASHINGTON -- Early this week, every member of Congress and 130 members of
 the media received free copies of World magazine, a product of God's World
 Publications and its corporate parent, a South Carolina 

[CTRL] Memo to W

2000-02-19 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

snipMemo to Mr. Bush: Kill the "compassion" thing. It is 
analogous to the " kinder, gentler wimp" thing. Bury it quietly. If you possess 
leadership qualities like courage and strength -- and we have it on good 
authority you do -- show it! And as for your political tactics thus far, this is 
not your father's campaign ground

snip...The Family Research Council, an excellent advocate of many 
conservative issues upon which Mr. McCain has equivocated, issued this bulletin 
following Bauer's endorsement: "Gary Bauer resigned as President and Chairman of 
the Board of Family Research Council in January 1999, and he is not an employee 
of Family Research Council." Firewall!

snip...In other words, Mr. McCain, like many of his Potomac 
brethren, subscribe to the Reagan antithesis: Government is the solution, not 
the problem. His legislative agenda has been all over the board, for reasons 
known only to John McCain. He does not offer a clear perspective on the role of 
DIGEST, The Internet's Conservative Journal of Record,18 February 2000

--A.C. Szul"There is 
no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." -- Bruce Thornton, 
"Plagues Of The Mind"

[CTRL] Fw: The latest issue of MediaNomics

2000-02-19 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.


- Original Message - 
The latest MediaNomics is now on 
the Web, with two new stories:

As Oil Prices Rise, Free Market Ideas Are Left Out in the 
For a while this week, the nightly news could have been "That 70s 
Show," as consumers griped about skyrocketing oil and gasoline prices, and TV 
journalists wondered what the Democrat in the White House would do to fix the 
situation. But unmentioned by any network was the fact 
thatthe Clinton administration had welcomed OPECs decision to slash 
production last spring,the move which led to depleted inventories and 
higher prices this winter.
The 1980s, According to Mort
In this weeks issue, U.S. News owner and editor-in-chief Mort 
Zuckerman advises Republicans to drop their advocacy of tax cuts and embrace 
Clintonomics. Thats not an argument likely to persuade 
GOP tax-cutters to change their minds, nor is Zuckermans assertion that the 
Republican Party "is still hooked on nostalgia for Ronald Reagan and the sense 
that he won in 1980 by promising tax cuts."

If you know someone elsewho'd like to read 
MediaNomics, please forward this e-mail. If you'dlike to receive notices 
when new MediaNomics articles are published (or to stop getting additional 
notices), send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED].

[CTRL] Media/Clinton Hype Hits Home

2000-02-19 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

snip...HACKER HYSTERIAWhile the White House and the media 
were going into full panic alert over what they called "denial of service 
attacks," i.e. a few hours interruption in the business of a few big 
cyber-corporations, the virus fighters at the McAfee company took things more in 
stride. In a message to subscribers, theyexplained how the attacks were 
accomplished using computers of the unsuspecting:"A hacker breaks into 
someone else's computer, and places a special program (called a "Zombie") on 
that computer. The hacker activates the Zombie program, which begins sending 
data to the computers of one or more major Web sites. These "packets" of data 
mimic the signals sent by a legitimate user requesting information from the Web 
site. The Zombie program sends out somany data packets so quickly that the 
Web site servers are overloaded, and are unable to respond to requests from 
legitimate users. At no time during this kind of attack does the hacker actually 
break into the data stored on the Web site's computers. Therefore, there is very 
little danger that any personal users' information is at risk of being stolen. 
The reason the hacker breaks into a third party's computer ~~ is to use it as a 
launching pad for their attack. If not for the fear of getting caught, they 
could just as well launch their attack from their own computer. The Zombie 
program, by itself, does no damage to its host computer.Unlike the 
political elite, however, McAfee did not call for new repressive legislation, 
retrofitting the Internet, or beefing up the police. Instead, pointing out that 
the hackers mainly used computers that have "always-on" connections such as DSL 
or cable modems, McAffee proposed that "the simplestpreventive measure in 
this case is to turn off the computer when not in use."These folks had 
better stick to computers. They'll never make it as politicians or 
 -- UNDERNEWS, February 18, 2000,
--A.C. Szul"There is 
no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." -- Bruce Thornton, 
"Plagues Of The Mind"

[CTRL] A Media Bribed?

2000-02-14 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

AMedia Bribed?

Commerce Committee Chairman McCain and hishandlers continue to bribe 
the media. How? Easy accessibility.

Wherever the Chairman's "Straight Talk Express" goes, so do the media. The 
David Broders of this world, along with bands of other beat reporters, travel 
with the Chairman on his bus from state to state. Easy accessibility.

In a Valentine's Day segment on the PBS McNeil Hour Newsweek's Evan Thomas 
admitted that the media has been "too forgiving" when it comestothe 
Chairman's many gaffes. Thomas went on tocomment that the press would have 
reporteda lot more about the Chairman'sCommerce Committee letters 
scandal had it not been for his "disarming 'Straight Talk Express' ". Easy 

Yet, could this be the only reason whyChairman McCain has 
raisedmillions on his web site? Could "easy accessibility" be the 
sole reason for his rise in the polls? Possibly. After all, few have argued that 
themedia doesn't have overwhelming influence in people's thinking. 
[Remember, when last did the major mediaever quote Zogby's polls until 
they showed McCain's number's rising.]

Recently, serious questions of hypocrisyon the part of Chairman 
McCain have hit, and some say even paralyzed, his campaign.Questions 
involve howthe Chairman couldrail against special interests and 
promise to bring "government back to the people" while raising large amounts of 
money with the help of Washington insiders/lobbyists. Others point to the fact 
thatmany Washington insiders/lobbyistswho have raised money for the 
Chairman's campaign have current business in front of the very same Chairman's 
powerful Senate Commerce Committee.

While his campaign continues towrangle with these questionsand 
others, the Chairman and his handlers continue to bribe a media with "easy 
accessibility". Why bribe the media? Simple. An aggressive media is less likely 
to expose the Chairman campaign'songoing hypocrisy. 

Easy accessibility + perception of "Straight Talk" = bribery of the media. 

Unfortunately, while many wonder how much longer this bribery of the media 
lasts, no one is questioning what the Chairman's campaign may be trying to 
desperatelyhide from public scrutiny. Why did the Chairman and his 
handlers choose to take the media for a "ride"? Perhaps they were worried that 
an aggressive mediamight expose the real Chairman McCain.


[CTRL] Bruce Willis Is Our Guy

2000-02-12 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

**Here'sseveral great reasons why N.J.-native Bruce Willis, 
successful actor, entertainer and businessman, is our guy:

o  Pro-Gun Rights 
"Everyone has a right to bear arms. If you take guns away from legal gun 
owners, then the only people who have guns are the bad guys." -- Bruce 

o  Doesn't Fall For Liberal Media BS 
"It's insulting to movie audiences. Anyone who goes to the movies knows 
that when you see someone killed on the screen, that actor gets up and dusts 
himself off after the take is over. In my heart, as a father, I think what 
causes violence -- violent children and violent young adults and violent adults 
-- is not having a good childhood, not having a father in the house, learning to 
become a sociopath instead of a good human being. It's as simple as that." -- 
Bruce Willis, whoresents remarksmade by government entities after 
the Columbine High shootings that onscreen violence influences people's 

o  Family First 
"His priority is his daughters. He's never available for films during the 
summers, because he wants to spend the time with his kids." -- Arnold Rifkin, 
Willis' former agent, longtime friend and producing partner 

o No Regrets 
"I don't play the regret game. Because how do you know the thing you're 
regretting isn't the thing that led you to something great?" -- Bruce 

o  Straight Shooter 
"He's outspoken. He's politically incorrect" -- Mary Roach, freelance 

o  Enjoys Life, But Remains A Realist 
"I think about my death at least once a day. I say to myself, 'Am I living 
my life? Am I enjoying my life today?' Because this is not a rehearsal. This is 
it." -- Bruce Willis

o  Unselfish 
"When we were shooting, Bruce would go to a great French restaurant and buy 
it out. He'd have them come out 20 miles to where we were shooting and cook all 
day, whatever we wanted. On his dime." -- David Willis,brother and 
producer of upcoming Bruce Willis flick "Whole Nine Yards"


oOne Word: Demi
Married to Demi Moore for many years.

** [Info Source:] 


[CTRL] And Gov. Bush said.....

2000-02-10 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

snip Asked how he squared his old ``compassionate conservatism'' 
with the new``Reformer With Results'' slogan, Bush tried to explain it 
this way: ``Areformer with results is a conservative who's had 
compassionate results in the state of Texas.'' snip
--A.C. Szul"There is 
no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." -- Bruce Thornton, 
"Plagues Of The Mind"

[CTRL] Chairman McCain, Lobbyists and Big $$

2000-02-10 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

From the fella who brings you the "Straight Talk Express." From the fella 
who rails against "special interests." From the fella who wants to "bring the 
government back to the people:"

snip Three-fourths of the 44 members of McCain's ``victory 
committee'' for Thursday's fund-raiser were lobbyists, most of them with 
interests before the Commerce Committee.The list includes lobbyists from 
CSX and Union Pacific, as well as the president of the Association of American 
Railroads. McCain has introduced legislation to renew the Surface Transportation 
Board, which regulates the railroad industry.The railroad association 
president, Edward Hamberger, has known McCain for 20 years, said Steve Hart, 
senior vice president for policy and communications.The victory 
committee also includes lobbyists from the Fox television network and the 
National Association of Broadcasters. McCain has introduced legislation to allow 
the networks to increase the number of TV stations they own so they can reach 
half of the national audience, up fromthe current 35 percent.McCain 
also is playing a leading role in negotiations with the House on legislation to 
renew the Federal Aviation Administration and on a bill that would privatize the 
world communications satellite network and end Comsat's monopoly in giving U.S. 
companies access to it.Three members of the lobbying firm of Higgins, 
McGovern  Smith helped to raise money for the fund-raiser. The firm's 
clients include America West and PanAmSat. The Senate version of the FAA bill 
would make it possible for America West to offer service to Arizona from Reagan 
National Airport, while PanAmSat has lobbied to end Comsat's monopoly. 

Nuff said.

[CTRL] Yet Another Reason Not To Vote McCain

2000-02-08 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

snip Final question, in the middle of this campaign season. Senator 
McCain is running as an outsider -- in part, against you and your legacy. 
Yet, his economic platform looks surprisingly likeClinton-Gore economic 
policy. Does that make him a more formidable opponent for Al Gore? 

 --Question asked by CNN MoneyLine reporter at the 
February 7 interviewofPresident Clinton
Just one more reason _not_ to support Chairman McCain for POTUS.

--A.C. Szul"There is 
no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." -- Bruce Thornton, 
"Plagues Of The Mind"

[CTRL] !

2000-02-08 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

FYI --

REAGAN2000.COMReagan 2000 is a campaign dedicated to individual, 
family andcommunity rights and responsibilities in acts of self-governance, 
asset forth by our Founders in the Declaration of Independence 
andcodified in its subordinate guidance, our Republic's Constitution. 
Inaddition to providing an exposition of President Reagan's 
leadershipof, and contributions to, the 20th century's conservative 
revolution,this site will soon contain the quintessential conservative 
platform,a template for citizens, for candidates from all levels of 
governmentand a touchstone for American conservatism in 
perpetuity.Visit --
--A.C. Szul"There is 
no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." -- Bruce Thornton, 
"Plagues Of The Mind"

[CTRL] Fwd: Federer Making Second Try To Unseat Gephardt

2000-02-07 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

FYI --\Politics\archive\22\POL2207a.html
Federer Making Second Try To 
Unseat GephardtBy Jim 
BurnsCNS Senior Staff Writer07 February, 
2000( - Republican Bill Federer, an Oakville, 
Missouri author and businessman is making a second try at knocking off House 
Democratic Leader Dick Gephardt (D-MO) in this fall's election.Despite 
his 16-point defeat at the hands of Gephardt in the 1998 elections, Federer is 
optimistic about his chances this year given his improved fundraising efforts, 
electoral trends and Gephardt's congressional record and greater interest in the 
race from establishment Republicans.Missouri's third congressional 
district consists of the south side of the city of St. Louis, the city's 
southern suburbs and rural St. Genevieve County on the Mississippi River. 
Politically, the district has voted heavily Democratic since Franklin 
Roosevelt's New Deal of the 1930s, but Gephardt's popularity has been steadily 
slipping, according to declining vote tallies in recent campaigns.In 
1976, Gephardt won his first term with 81 percent of the vote. By 1996, his 
reelection margin slipped to 59 percent. Just two years later his reelection 
margin slipped further to 56 percent after spending over $3million on the 
campaign. Federer links Gephardt's declining popularity with his straying from a 
more conservative agenda that reflects the values of his constituents. 
"When he first ran he was a conservative. It's a conservative district," 
said Federer. "He co-sponsored a pro-life bill with Henry Hyde, he voted for 
Reagan's tax cuts. But, then in the mid-80's, he decided he wanted to run for 
president and he totally abandoned his pro-life Democrats, the people that were 
supporting him."During Gephardt's early years in Congress, he was 
pro-life, opposed raising the minimum wage and voted in favor of Ronald Reagan's 
1981 tax relief plan, according to National Journal's Almanac of American 
Politics. But by the 1990's, Gephardt's liberal shift became more apparent when 
in the 102nd Congress he voted in favor of funding abortions for women in the 
military overseas, though he did twice vote to override President Bill Clinton's 
veto of a ban on partial birth abortions. By the 104th Congress he was a 
supporter of a bill to raise the minimum wage.Gephardt's shift continued 
leftward, according to Federer, when "He began to vote for bigger taxes, cuts in 
defense, more federal control of education, federal funding for abortions and 
Title 10 where you can take a 12-year-old girl across the state border and get 
her an abortion without the parents knowing about it. These are the radical 
things that he has done," Federer told's 
position on certain issues important to many labor unions could also work 
against the Democratic leader in his home district. According to Federer, union 
workers in the district, a strong force in the Democratic Party, have not been 
treated well by Gephardt."Gephardt is one of the chief promoters of the 
International Monetary Fund," said Federer. "He's basically taking our tax 
dollars and sending it to Third World countries and the result is they end up 
building factories to make stuff cheaper than we can."Repeated calls by to Gephardt seeking comment on the upcoming race went 
unreturned.The financial aspects of Federer's campaign are also greatly 
improved compared with his candidacy of 1998, a year in which Gephardt outspent 
him by a 17-1 margin."We've raised over a quarter of a million dollars 
this time, which is more than we spent all of the last race," said Federer, who 
noted that two years ago Gephardt "spent the fourth largest amount," for a 
congressional race but "received the lowest re-election margin of his 
career."Federer also believes Gephardt is vulnerable because he has not 
lived in the Missouri district he's represented for almost 20 years. Gephardt 
has maintained a home in Sterling, Virginia, a Washington suburb, and Federer 
recalled that the Minority Leader's house was featured in an article in the 
December, 1999 issue of Washingtonian magazine.Federer claims 
Gephardt has been using his mother's one bedroom apartment in South St. Louis 
County as his Missouri address even though the house has been vacant since 
Gephardt's mother moved into a retirement home almost a year ago."You 
drive by there and its empty," Federer said. "It's his 92-year-old mother's one- 
bedroom apartment, yet, she's moved into a retirement home, so it's vacant. He 
has a vacant apartment that he uses. He cannot even fulfill residency 
requirements in the state."There is more to the race than just who wins 
Missouri's Third District congressional seat. Republicans have a five-seat razor 
thin majority in the House and if the GOP is unable to keeps its majority in the 
November elections, "Speaker Gephardt" may run the next Congress. Federer thinks 
the idea of a 

Re: [CTRL] John McCain, Warmonger

2000-02-06 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Frankly, I don't trust McCain, someone who's been part of the establishment
for decades and now says he wants to "bring govt back to the people."

Who's he fooling?

The media and Dems _wants_ McCain as the GOP candidate. Why?

Simple. Media and Dem pals are pumping up him and his presidential campaign
because they know Gore can beat McCain but _not_ Gov. Bush. So, knock out
Bush now by pumping up McCain and then simply "expose" all the crap against
GOP candidate McCain and Gore/Dems/media get the White House.

They can't do that to GWB since he's already been tested over and over, ran
tough race in TX and has a proven track record as a conservative Republican.

A.C. Szul
"There is no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." --
Bruce Thornton, "Plagues Of The Mind"
- Original Message -
From: Bill Riggs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2000 08:30 PM
Subject: Re: John McCain, Warmonger

 Surely you don't buy this libertarian-fascist screed, do you, A.C. ?

 I'm all for McCain bashing, as long as it is directed in the right way.
 was the man who broke ranks with the Congressional Republicans to support
 Bill Clinton's defense budget in 1998.

 John McCain, Scab !!

 Bill R.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 'Brill's Content' March 2000 issue

2000-02-06 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

FYI, at 
"Current Issue" click the link "Letters to the Editor." The hardcopy 
copy, found in the March 2000 issue, was edited. -A

What?Give me 
a break! Has Brill's Content resorted to attacking op-ed 
Your December/January 
2000 Notebook questions the ethics of famous Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan, 
who penned a Wall Street Journal op-ed on the GOP involvement in the 
Clinton impeachment ["Working Both 
Sides Of The Street"]. Noonan may have had an existing relationship with 
some of those involved in that sad chapter of our nation's history, but so what 
if she or the paper didn't include specifics?
What Brill's Content 
really ought to have reported in the same space is how some current 
journalists who are ex-employees of Democrat politicos "report" the newsGeorge 
Stephanopoulos, Bill Moyers, and Chris Matthews, just to name a 
At least with the 
Journal's op-eds, its readers know where they're coming from. Today's 
television news viewer may not.
Andy Szul Jr., 
Alexandria, VA

Re: [CTRL] Bushies' Slippery Tongues

2000-02-04 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Sure, if you have every word and action caught on tape you're bound to be
found by some as not as slick as the slickest of them all -- Bill Clinton.
Perhaps it's time to return dignity and honesty to the White House?

A.C. Szul
"There is no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." --
Bruce Thornton, "Plagues Of The Mind"
- Original Message -
From: Alamaine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2000 06:24 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Bushies' Slippery Tongues

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 And all the while I thought Dannie Boie was reaching out on his lonesome
 when he really got to talk like he did ... and be understood!
 for the article's writer, he ignores the difference between the "English"
 "Britlandese") and "American" (spoken by 5 or so times as many people as
 Britlandese) languages.  Then there are the American dialecticalities, one
 which emanates from Tejas.  AER

 From The Telegraph (UK)


  ISSUE 1715
 Friday 4 February 2000

 Bush image damaged by his slips of the tongue
 By Ben Fenton in Washington

 WITH nine months of public speaking left before the presidential election,
 oratory of George W Bush is coming under increasing scrutiny as he
continues to
 test the limits of the English language.

 Like President George Bush, his father, the front runner in the Republican
 presidential nomination race has already won a reputation for verbal
 contortion, linguistic gymnastics and the accidental coining of words.

 The governor of Texas can lay claim to having invented "tacular",
"mential" and
 "bariffs" and has begun to explore new forms of eloquence. He told
children at
 a New Hampshire school who were celebrating "Perseverance Month" that he
 happy to be joining them for "Preservation Month".

 Proving it was not just a slip of the tongue, he added: "I appreciate
 preservation. It's what you do when you run for president. You gotta
 Having described himself in a Texas re-election campaign as "the education
 governor" he recently told an audience: "Rarely is the question asked - is
 children learning?"
 Mr Bush, who was heavily defeated in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday,
 demonstrated evidence that his malapropisms are hereditary.

 President Bush was renowned for putting syntax, vocabulary and meaning,
not to
 mention style, through a cerebral shredder before issuing his own
 remarks. "I mean, I think there will be a lot of aftermaths in what
 but we are going to go forward," he said after his candidate for a cabinet
 was rejected by the Senate in 1989.

 His ability to trivialise the tragic was demonstrated when, on being shown
 around Auschwitz, the then President said: "Boy, they were big on
 weren't they?"

 He also showed the way for his son by combining two words in one. On live
 national television he once refused to answer what he called a
 question" and later refused to "hypothecate", presumably a combination of
 hypothesise and speculate, on another reporter's inquiry.

 His 53-year-old eldest son forges neologisms wherever he goes. He told an
 audience that they lived in a "world of madmen and uncertainty and
 mential loss". Last month, he risked the wrath of the animal rights lobby
 he spoke of a desire to "rip down terriers and bariffs".

 Governor Bush has worked hard to eradicate his father's habit of rambling
 the podium during press conferences by using cue cards to answer even the
 "hyporhetorical" of questions. But he has not eradicated the vagueness of
 expression that led President Bush to refer in less than inspiring tones
to the
 "vision thing". Both men are masters of not quite expressing thoughts.

 Mr Bush Jnr told an interviewer: "When I was coming up, it was a dangerous
 world and you knew exactly who they were. It was us versus them and it was
 clear who them was. Today we are not so sure who the they are, but we know
 they're there."

 Father and son have recognised their shortcomings. "Some of the best of us
 mispronounce words," George W told a classroom recently, echoing his
 famous observation that "fluency in English is something that I'm often
 accused of".

 But the difference between the two men is that President Bush was never
 of as an unintelligent man, merely one who could not express his thoughts
in a
 way that made much sense to the rest of the English-speaking world. His
son is
 facing increasing questions about whether he has the basic qualities
 in a President, including intellect.

 He has publicly called the East Timorese "East Timorians", the Kosovars
 "Kosovians", the Slovenians "Slovakians" and the Greeks "Grecians".
 In the light of growing doubts about his oratorical reliability, not 

[CTRL] Fw: Latest Issue of MediaNomics

2000-02-01 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Original Message-From: 
Richard Noyes [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Monday, January 31, 2000 10:41 AMSubject: Latest Issue of 
The latest MediaNomics is now on the Web, with two 
new stories this week.

First, two liberal public policy groups, the Center 
on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) and the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), 
got a lot of attention recently when they released a report alleging a sizeable 
and growing income gap between rich and poor workers. Their report received 
little critical media coverage, but perhaps none was as glowing as a pair of 
reports on CNNs Newsroom, a half-hour cable news program produced for 
use in classrooms all over the world. But both students and regular news viewers 
should have been told that there's more to the story than a flawed report by two 
liberal interest groups.

And, all too often, it seems, the media fall into 
the trap of equating dollars with progress. But MRC news analyst Paul Smith 
caught CNNs Charles Feldman offering a contrarian position in a report that 
aired on The World Today on January 13.

Also, last week's articles on CBS's unscientific 
take on global warming and the media'shostility to tax cuts are still 
available.Visit the MediaNomics archive:

If you know someone elsewho'd like to read 
MediaNomics, please forward this e-mail. If you'dlike to receive notices 
when new MediaNomics articles are published (or to stop getting additional 
notices), send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED].

-- Rich Noyes

[CTRL] Bill Federer vs Gephardt

2000-02-01 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

Based on numbers from the last race, Dick Gephardt seems pretty vulnerable 
to Bill Federer --

Federer is running against Gephardt, who many say is vulnerable more so 
than ever before, considering the district is becoming more Republican. Last 
time around, based on numbers in the Almanac, Federer did pretty well against a 
politician that many thought is invulnerable [I think that was the lowest % for 
Gephardt ever.]

Any good stories --whether national or local-- on Federer?


[CTRL] Internet Fundraising

2000-01-21 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.


Internet fundraising seems to be picking up speed. [Or is it?] As more 
folks areable to access the Net, there are more opportunities for them to 
contribute money to their favorite cause, non-profit, candidate or other. $25 
here, $50 here, and so on.

Would appreciate any links to sites that deal with Internet fundraising. 
Sites that have been successful [relatively, speaking] in this area. Contacts 
with whom I could follow-up -- especially those who have experience in this 
field. But they don't necessarily have to be experts either. News articles on 
Internet fundraising, etc.

Reportedly, both McCain and Bradley have done quite well in this area. 
Maybe you know of someone who's dabbled in online fundraising? The advantages 
and/or disadvantages of this practice?

Any leads, web sites, contacts, news articles, thoughts, suggestions and 
the like would be appreciated. Feel free to drop me an e-mail off-list, unless 
you think others might benefit.


[CTRL] There Goes The Wash Post Again

2000-01-21 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

"The Press, The White House, and a 'Lil NY Senate Race"

Remember all those supposedly hyped, slanted, one-sided, right-winger 
stories about how the media is chock full of Clinton lovers who have protected 
the Clintons no matter what happened during the past 7 some odd years? Bunk, 

Just so happens that the new White House spokesperson for First Lady [and 
soon-to-be-official candidate for NY Senate] Hillary Rodham Clinton is a former 
colleague of the always honest and completely upfront Washington Post.

Lissa Muscatine, who was a former speech writer for HRC, replaced Marsha 
Berry as spokesperson earlier this week.

There's more. Turns out that Muscatine still has some pretty heavy 
connections with the Post, a paper that some say has been too soft on the 
carpetbagger soon-to-be candidate from Arkansas. Brad Graham, a Post national 
reporter, is Muscatine's hubby.

Not that the Wash Post would report on HRC any different if she chose 
someone else to replace Berry

Can anyone say, "Yah, right."


PS: For those interested in some more on how horribly rotten the press has 
been to HRC [please, hold back your tears], check out a RealPlayer video of a 
Buffalo talk radio host being way too tough on the delicate HRC at

Re: [CTRL] I Need Help w/ISP

2000-01-18 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

I've always been and continue to be a proud fan of Erols. See

A.C. Szul
"There is no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." --
Bruce Thornton, "Plagues Of The Mind"
- Original Message -
From: Dolly Spahni [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 10:45 PM
Subject: [CTRL] I Need Help w/ISP

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 I hate to write to the CTRL group about this, but I don't know who else to
 ask, and I would think that some of ya'll would be in the know about
ISP's. I
 am currently using AOL as my ISP, and I tried EarthLink, but both of them
 were very slow, and EarthLink was not very user friendly. I am looking for
 ISP that is not more than $22.00 a month, but offers at least 3 email
 accounts and has a pretty fast connection and download speed, and is user
 friendly. I have gone to many sites that tell about the ISP's but none of
 them tell you what their customers think. If it wouldn't be too much
 could you e-mail me if you currently have an ISP that fits this. I would
 really appreciate it. Thank you so much for your time! Dolly

 A HREF=""
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 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OT: Fwd: ATT Plans To End 1-800 Info!

1999-11-25 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

FYI -- Do you enjoy the convenience of dialing up 1-800 info? One may
not always be by a computer. Or, not even have one hooked up to the Net.

Let the FCC [] know you oppose this move by ATT
[]. And, feel free to forward this to your friends
and family.

 On November 12, 1999, ATT announced plans to eliminate its toll-free
 800-number directory assistance, effective March 31, 2000. This is the only
 service that allows customers to obtain 800 numbers, free of charge. ATT's
 plan to shift to an Internet directory will deny many consumers access and
 harm businesses that depend on their toll-free connection to their
 customers. Only one-quarter of all Americans are connected to the Internet;
 the rate drops to around 10 percent for low-income, African-American,
 Hispanic, and older Americans. The FCC is taking comments on this change
 through Dec. 8. Reference "NSD File Number W-P-D-443" and send comments to:
 Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th St
 S.W., Room TW-A325, Washington, D.C. 20554 (Also send 2 copies of your
 comments to: Network Services Division, FCC, same address, Room 6-A207.)
 [SOURCE: Communications Workers of America]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Billboard Company Refuses RNC Sign Near Gore HQ

1999-11-23 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

FYI.  Today's NYTimes ran the photo mock-up of Gore hugging Clinton,
after proclaiming that BC was the greatest president. See URL below.

 ( - A Nashville billboard company is refusing to
 honor a contract with the Republican National Committee to let
 the GOP advertise a few hundred yards from Vice President Al
 Gore's campaign headquarters. . .snip


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd:

1999-11-17 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

FYI -- see
Choose Nov. 15 "Notable Quotables"

 Bradley's Stellar Stock Offering

 "[Bill] Bradley could again call attention to the
 compelling narrative of his former life: a story of hoop
 dreams and hard work that resonates deeply with
 nostalgic boomers. Even Bradley's soft speaking style,
 at times a healthy alternative to Halcion, was now a sign
 of gravitas. The results have been staggering: when
 stock in goes public on primary day in
 New Hampshire, the campaign will have easily
 collected all the money it can use."  --Newsweek's Matt
 Bai, November 15 issue.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] EgyptAir Crash A Criminal Act?

1999-11-15 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

On 11/15, acording to the AP, "the chairman of the National
Transportation Safety Board questioned ...whether his agency would
continue leading the investigation of the crash of EgyptAir Flight 990,
raising the specter that the plane was downed by a criminal act.

A "criminal act?" If so, by whom? The pilots or perhaps a passenger? No
distress call, so it [whatever "it" was] must have caught the pilot(s)
by surprise. [If one believes the gov't that claims no distress call was

"...A federal law enforcement official told The Associated Press that
the question of whether to open a criminal investigation was raised
because 'one view is that a crew member is heard on the cockpit tape to
say something religious in nature'.''

"One view??" "Religious in nature??" Either it was "religious" or not.
Or is the gov't already attempting to confuse the "mystery" even more?

How good are intel agency translators? The language is Arabic,
considered difficult by some to translate. Was it more along the lines
of, "Forgive me God but I must plunge into the ocean to cleanse me of my
sins..." or "Oh my God, it's a bright light!!"

The story gets more interesting, and troubling, by the day. What gives?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Media Shenanigans/Bias in Ukraine's Presidential Elections

1999-11-14 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-


While tomorrow's newspapers will announce the re-election of Ukrainian
president Kuchma over his
Communist opponent, Symonenko, it's interesting to note the media's [aka
state-sponsored TV] role. Consider the following excerpts from the wires
[see references to "bias"]:

...Symonenko complained earlier about official media being biased and
stoking fears of a ``red menace.''

In recent days, state television has fed viewers a steady diet of films
painting a grim picture of the
Soviet era.

An international observer also voiced concern about the media. Dick
Thornburgh, head of the International Republican Institute delegation of
observers, said Ukraine had still to make progress in guaranteeing a
free and accessible press

``There is a continuing concern among all observers about the way media
have been utilised on behalf of the incumbent president,'' the former
U.S. attorney-general told Reuters..

Vera Nikolayevna, 70, said she had been swayed by massive election
propaganda in favor of the president. ``Who is Symonenko? I hardly heard
or read anything about him,'' she saidsnip

  --Yuri Kulikov, "Ukraine's Kuchma Wins Election Hands Down" Sun.,
Nov. 14 8:00 PM ET,


After all, what's really the difference between [media] "propaganda" and
blatant [media] "bias"?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: 'ET's' Tower?

1999-10-11 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

 Denver -- Cattle rancher and XF-tv series watcher Judy Messoline hopes that if she 
builds a
 10-story UFO watch tower, aliens --and tourists-- will come to her spread near 
Hopper, Colo. She
 plans to charge tourists $2 each to climb the tower and watch the sky. For aliens, 
she's building "a
 landing pad for the UFOs."
   --The Washington Post, 10/10/99, from news services

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [Fwd: [BIOWAR] Fwd: Is NYC being used for bio-warfare experiments? 9/22/99 NY Times]

1999-10-02 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

Folks have been wondering the same thing--is it all for real or just a
big 'ole experiment? Anyone from NY, NY on here care to comment?


Original Message Follows
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Is NYC being used for bio-warfare experiments? 9/22/99 NY Times
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 20:25:50 -0500 (CDT)

Why does the Federal government want to expand an existing
bio-warfare research lab right off the coast of NYC, the most
populated area in the U.S.? Have 8 million New Yorkers been
chosen as the lab rats in an ongoing bio-medical research
project? Is Mayor Giulianiis bizarre mass daily spraying of toxic
pesticides on NYC part of an experiment or a response to a virus
that already escaped from the lab? Is the mosquito epidemic
merely an excuse to  get people used to being sprayed with
chemicals from the air? Is the timing of todayis NY Times and
yesterdayis Daily News articles on this lab setting us up for some
bad news about what is really behind the encephalitis scare?
Please note: birds are a major part of the experimenting that goes
on at the lab right now. Birds are also exactly where mosquitoes
get the encephalitis virus. While a mosquito may not easily fly
from Plum Island to Queens a bird can do it without any
problem. Do the people of NY deserve answers before any more
spraying is undertaken? The NYC Dept. of Health, the Dept. of
Environmental Protection and the Mayoris Emergency
Management Services team are unable to explain their total lack
of air sampling on the distribution of Malathion and the other
two poison gasses being used. They claim they are using three
ounces of Malathion per acre yet the planes make repeated
passes over the same area meaning they have no idea how much
of the chemical is being dropped per City block. Last Saturday
my home in Park Slope was sprayed nine times by the same
helicopter. Is Mayor Giuliani bravely trying to protect public
health or is he the Mengele for the New World Order?
-Robert Lederman

NY Times 9/22/99
U.S. Would Use Long Island Lab to Study Food Terrorism

Related Article
i At Bleak Asian Site, Killer Germs Survive (June 2, 1999)


  PLUM ISLAND, N.Y. -- Alarmed at what the Clinton
Administration views as the growing threat of biological
terrorism to America's food supply, the Agriculture Department
is seeking money to turn the Plum Island Animal Disease Center,
one mile off Long Island, into a top security laboratory where
some of the most dangerous diseases known to man or beast can
be studied.

The Agriculture Department already operates here at Plum Island,
just across Gardiners Bay from the wealthy Hamptons, a
laboratory where such dreaded foreign animal diseases as
foot-and-mouth and African swine fever are examined. But the
department is seeking $75 million this year and $140 million
over the next two years to upgrade the center to handle even more
dangerous animal diseases that can affect humans.

While there are four civilian and military laboratories in America
equipped to study such diseases -- technically known as
Biosafety Level Four facilities -- their work is focused on germs
that primarily affect humans, not domestic animals or plants.

Officials say the proposed expansion and upgrading of Plum
Island is part of a new effort by the Clinton Administration to
deter terrorists who might spread germs to destroy American
crops or livestock for political purposes or financial gain, a threat
they now see as equal to that of terrorist attacks aimed at people.

"Given the contribution of crop and animal exports to the
nation's prosperity, we must do far more to protect our plant and
animal resources," said Senator Richard G. Lugar, the Indiana
Republican and co-author of legislation in 1991 and 1996 that
provided money to bolster defenses against unconventional
terrorism and stop the proliferation of such weapons.

"This is not about food per se; Americans would not go hungry if
we were attacked," said Floyd P. Horn, the administrator of the
Agricultural Research Service, who helped persuade the
Administration to include his agency in January in its
counter-terrorism plans and programs. "But such an attack, or
even a credible threat, would severely disrupt America's
economic and social infrastructure for weeks, if not months or

Plum Island, which was once operated by the United States Army
Chemical Corps, was designated as an animal-disease research
center and transferred to the Agriculture Department in the early
1950's. It is already what scientists call an agricultural "Biosafety
Level Three" center, which means that its containment areas,
which hold germs dangerous to animals, have filtered air, sealed
doors and negative air pressure that prevents germs from leaking
out of the labs. Liquid waste is decontaminated.

All who enter the labs wear white lab coats and slippers. After
leaving the containment 


1999-10-02 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

Home Page
Sherman H. Skolnick


PLEASE NOTE: the first sending of this story on Wednesday, July 14, 1999,
CALL THAT? CENSORSHIP. Apparently, the Establishment did not want this
discussed on the same day as the Chicago Sun-Times Story, 7/14/99. Also
please note: Admiral Engen, expert on Air Traffic Control, former head of
FAA, was murdered just after the apparent assassination attempt on Gore.
The press fakers said his glider somehow fell apart in the air, killing
him. Some believe he was among the small group of admirals and generals
that have since 1995 sought to arrest their Commander-in-Chief Clinton for
treason. If Clinton arrested them for mutiny, they intended, if they
survived and were not assassinted, to defend themselves at Courts Martial
charging HIM with documented treason which they had. We are about the only
ones writing about these very brave flag officers, and about certain murder
plots. Savvy historians compare the current dark period of American history
with that of Caligula in Roman times.POST THIS STORY FAR AND WIDE FOR THE
PUBLIC GOOD. Sherman H. Skolnick 7/15/99.Message-ID:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 14:26:50 -0700
From: Sherman Skolnickone X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 [en]C-AIT (Win95; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Plot to Assassinate
Vice President Gore? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

moderator/producer, public access Cable TV Program "Broadsides" in Chicago
and chairman/founder, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts

Two or more airplanes were all headed reportedly for a crash with Air Force
Two carrying Vice President Albert Gore, Jr., as his plane flew over the
Chicago area. The incident apparently occurred July 9, 1999, but was kept
embargoed, that is, delayed or suppressed, until an eleven paragraph story
ran in the Chicago Sun-Times, July 14, 1999. So far, others in the mass
media have steered clear of the story? Why? Like the murder of President
Kennedy, were the mass media either informed in advance or ordered how,if
at all, to run the story?

One of two major newspapers in Chicago, the Sun-Times is owned by British
tough-nose financier Conrad Black jointly with reportedly mysterious Red
Chinese and ethnic Chinese billionaires who have an unpublicized armlock on
the Chicago markets. Their fortunes based reportedly on dope smuggling into
the U.S. primarily through Chicago, of high purity heroin called "China
White", clandestine weapons deals, and the harvesting of human body parts
sold to U.S. hospitals. The body parts, sold as casually as auto pieces,
are from political prisoners in mainland China arbitrarily condemned to
death as the orders come in for hearts, livers, kidneys, and such. [So as
not to damage the human body parts, the political prisoners are not shot
but rather, beheaded.] The illicit funds are a massive river of loot
reportedly laundered on the Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercantile
Exchange, and the Chicago Board Options Exchange. Although an open secret,
major newspapers, such as the Sun-Times, and other financial papers like
the Wall Street Journal, publish virtually nothing about the Chinese and
the Chicago money laundries. The Chinese funds are disguised as soybeans
and foreign currency trading.

Are the Chinese through the Sun-Times story blackmailing Clinton into
silence about nuclear secrets sold or given to the Chinese? Under a a
headline "Quirk of radar jars VP's plane", the Sun-Times had details such
as "Gore was in the government 747 traveling from Seattle back to
Washington when the pilot received urgent instructions from air traffic
controllers to make a jarring 60 degree turn to avoid a crash. Radar showed
a second plane 25 miles away--only a couple of minutes apart--at the same
33,000-foot altitude and in conflict with the vice president's aircraft.
Air Force Two was traveling about 600 m.p.h." According to other sources,
the FAA and the Sun-Times are reportedly concealing that yet a third plane
likewise almost crashed into Gore's plane.

Aviation sources familiar with air traffic control say they never heard of
a situation where two or more airplanes were all headed for a crash with
another plane. Foul play, they contend, should rightfully be suspected when
two OR MORE airplanes were all somehow steered into a possibe crash with
the Vice President's plane.

Here are some other factors that assassination researchers would consider:
1. Reportedly fronting for the Chinese in Chicago in the reputed
clandestine deals as well as blackmail and extortion, is Rahm Emanuel, for
many years Clinton White House Senior Advisor and now a heavy-hitter with
Wasserstein  Perrella,

[CTRL] [Fwd: sacbee Voices - William F. Buckley]

1999-10-02 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

FYI. Interesting piece by Mr. Buckley.

Here is an opinion on Buchanan's historical revisionism by the dean of American 
conservative columnists. A footnote to Mykola's post.

[CTRL] FWD: CEMB - New Popular Discussion Group on Media Bias Presidential Politics 2000

1999-09-08 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

FYI --
Is media bias a conspiracy or for real?.How does the "coke" rumor
continue to impact Gov. Bush?What part did the media
play?...Is there bias in today's news reporting?.How can you
help make a difference?..Will national/state/local media bias help
or hurt Gore or Bradley?

These questions and others are explored at the "Coaltion to End Media
Bias" [CEMB] discussion web site. Sign up today!!  See

The "Coalition To End Media Bias" [CEMB], composed of various state
field directors and volunteers, is a national grassroots effort formed
to help end media bias using various communications tools, including
Op-Eds, letters to the editor, and petitions, in conjunction with
additional online grassroots/communications activations via web sites,
discussion listserves and newsgroups.  New members always welcome.

Sign up at

Feel free to forward this inivitation to friends and family and
anyone else who you think might be interested in getting involved and/or
staying informed. Forward to other lists, post on web sites and

CEMB is growing daily. Join today and tell a friend.  CEMB is a
volunteer organization. No paid positions. Current opportunities include
PR associates, state field directors, writers, proofreaders and
grassroots coordinators. E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more
information on current openings and visit

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Campaign to End Media Bias [CEMB]

1999-09-02 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

FYI, the Campaign to End Media Bias [CEMB] has lifted off and needs your
support.  The media's blatant bias has gone on too far. See attachments
and e-mail Sharon Caliendo, the coordinator, today at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 15:40:17 EDT
  Subject: Campaign to End Media Bias
  Dear Bush 2000 Egroup Member:
  We are now launching a Campaign to End Media Bias
  and would like to invite
  you to join this national effort.
  During the last several weeks, the hypocrisy of the
  press has become obvious
  in the media coverage of the "cocaine" rumor and
  Texas Governor Bush versus
  the media's blatant non-coverage of the continuing
  White House scandals.
  We have decided, as consumers, to take a stand
  against this continued media
  bias and ask your support in returning fairness,
  ethics, and unbiased
  reporting to the members of the media and their
  We have prepared two sample letters for you to use.
  The first is a letter to
  sponsors asking their help in the Campaign to End
  Media Bias.  Included is a
  list of 65 of the top 130 companies.  We recommend
  you fax or snail mail
  these companies.  The remaining names of companies
  will be sent as the
  campaign progresses.
  The second letter is for media outlets advising them
  of what we are doing.  A
  listing of their email addresses is also included as
  an attachment.  This
  morning we received a resource for over 35,000 media
  sources which we will
  use in the future.
  Please take a few minutes to fax or email some of
  these letters.  We need all
  the help we can get.  If you have any questions,
  please contact any of the
  addressees of this email, and we will be glad to get
  back to you.
  Thank you for your continued support in electing
  George W. Bush the next
  President of the United States.
  Sharon Caliendo
  CEMB Coordinator
  FAX:  405.579.9405


1999-08-30 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

FYI.  These grassroots letters are popping up everywhere.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [Fwd: FW: MI6 the Media - Super Sleuts]

1999-08-30 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

I vaguely recall a site that talks more about this same topic, but can't
place the URL. Anyone?

  Original Message -
From: Para [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 1:40 AM
Subject: MI6  the Media

 MI6  the Media

The allegation that Sunday Telegraph editor
Dominic Lawson is an MI6 spy  has raised the
spectre of links between the media
and intelligence services.

A former agent, who cannot be named,
provides a compelling insight.

"M16 has an entire highly secret department
dedicated to manipulating media opinion"

Journalism and spying have a long and intertwined history.
Graham Greene and Somerset Maugham are just two of the
better-known journalists who have crossed the blurred line into
the intelligence world. Both professions have a great deal in
common, benefit each other and compete with each other.

Inevitably there always has been, and always will be, close
contact between the two sides.

Until the recent allegation in the House of Commons by the
Labour M.P. Brian Sedgemore, that Dominic Lawson, editor
of the Sunday Telegraph, is a paid agent of MI6, the extent
of the co-operation between M16 and elements of the British
media has been a keenly guarded secret, kept quiet even
within MI6 itself.

Lawson denies the allegation, but there is nothing particularly
wrong with journalists mixing in the intelligence world and using
spies as sources, as long as the information from such sources is
treated with the same scepticism and impartiality as information
from any other source.

However, clearly there is everything wrong with a journalist or
worse an editor, acting as an agent of a state intelligence service,
particularly one as politically unaccountable as MI6.

Most Western governments recognise the dangers of such
collaboration and have strict rules and guidelines governing the
degree of contact between their intelligence services and their media.

Even the CIA, which wields more power in its country's policies
than most other Western intelligence services, is prohibited from
cultivating contacts in the American media.

But no such strictures apply to MI6. Indeed, MI6 has an entire
department, known as "Information Operations", or "I/Ops" for
short, dedicated to manipulating media opinion. The existence
and operations of I/Ops are kept secret even within MI6 itself,
such is its obvious sensitivity.

Normally, it is only when officers reach a relatively senior level
and are posted overseas that they are briefed into its activities
and key assets.

The scope and objectives of information operations performed
by the intelligence services are varied and often highly imaginative.
The bread-and-butter work is in massaging public opinion into
accepting controversial foreign policy decisions. The plethora of
media stories about Saddam Hussein's chemical and biological
weapons capability was no accident - the ante was upped so that
there would be less of a public outcry when the bombs started to
fall. Sometimes the objective may be to influence events in another
country or organisation in a direction favourable to Britain.

For example, MI6 made a determined (but unsuccessful) effort to
plant discrediting stories in the American press about Boutros
Boutros Ghali, whom they regarded as dangerously Francophile,
in the run up to the 1992 elections for UN secretary-general.

Often, the intelligence Services may use information operations
simply to defend themselves against criticism or public hostility.
They worry about their public image, not only because they need
political support to justify their existence and budgets, but also
because it affects staff morale. They therefore expend considerable
energy behind the scenes to ridicule their critics and publish their

The results of these tactics can be seen in the ferocious attacks in
certain newspapers on those who publicly criticise the intelligence
services, such as former M15 officer David Shayler. It is no
coincidence that the same newspapers carry an abundance of "scoop"
stories on intelligence-related matters.

So how exactly do intelligence services manipulate the media to their
own ends? Three main tactics are used to get what the intelligence
services want us to believe into the press or on to our TV screens.

The first and most straightforward is simply to give off-the-record
briefings to trusted journalists. We see the results of these briefings
regularly in our media, referred to obliquely as "intelligence sources".
Such sourcing is so omnipresent in the British press that we tend to
accept the veracity of the information without challenge.
However, the intelligence services cannot afford to lose the trust of
their media contacts, or the public at large, so a basic rule is never,
or at least rarely, spread false information using this method. This rule
is only broken if the stakes are 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Interesting quote]

1999-08-24 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

"Clinton is campaigning for Al Gore who wants to be our next president and
Clinton says that Al Gore was involved in everything this administration
did. I'm no legal expert, but I believe the term for that is 'accessory.' "

- "Late Show" host David Letterman

[CTRL] [Fwd: FWD: Why Bill Clinton Is Supporting Hillary for NY Senate seat]

1999-08-22 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

FYI.  Interesting view

Word is that the only reason why Bill Clinton is supporting wife Hillary
for NY Senate is because when she wins the first thing historians will
refer to when mentioning Bill Clinton is _not_ that he was impeached but
that he was the first President who's wife ran and won a Senate seat.

Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit

[CTRL] News You Can Use and Much More

1999-08-18 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-


Interested in tracking stories on presidential politics and other
interesting articles? Psst, have you heard the latest about local, state
and/or federal issues?

Get the latest scoop and subscribe to the Campaigns and Elections List



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [Fwd: The Operetta Clinton]

1999-08-18 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

This libreto was sent to the UK journo's Fleetstreet list.
I'm forwarding it here because I know there are music lovers among SPJ-L

Frank Nowikowski
Buenos Aires


(Program notes translated by Rodgers Wood)

Cast of Characters
Bill Clinton, tenor - philandering President of the United States
Hilary Rodham Clinton, soprano - his long-suffering wife
Monica Lewinsky, soprano - a conniving little White House intern
Ken Starr, basso - puritanical special prosecutor
Henry Hyde, basso - a true believer congressman
Linda Tripp, contralto - double-crossing friend of Monica's
Paula Jones, contralto - a wild woman from Arkansas
Sam Donaldson, baritone - a television news reporter

The Basso Cabal
Richard Mellon Scaife - radical right-wing newspaper publisher
Newt Gingrich - a foot-in-mouth specialist
Pat Robertson - fundamentalist minister

Bill McCollum - another true believer congressman
Tom DeLay - a third true believer Congressman
Trent Lott - Senate Majority leader

The Media Chorus
The Chorus of Lawyers

Act I

Bill Clinton has been elected President of the United States by an
overwhelming margin. The Republicans are angry and are trying to
regain power.

As the curtain rises, the Basso Cabal is meeting with Ken Starr with
the object of finding a way to  remove Bill Clinton from the

The opening chorale "We Must Find a Way" (Creato Grandissimo
Flooza Scandala)  is sung as a sextet. In an impressive recitative,
Scaife sings "Where  Will We Find a Helper?" (Dredgi Uppa Un
Grande Bimbo).
The six exit.

Paula Jones enters stage right, holding a mirror, and begins singing
the plaintive, "Why Can't I Find a Man?" (Mi Schnozze Es Humongo).

Tom Delay and Newt Gingrich enter from stage left. They see Paula
and sing the duet, "Why Not Her?" (La Flooza Perfecto). They meet
and invite Paula to a small cafe where they hatch their plot in hushed

Paula tells them of her meeting with Clinton in a hotel years earlier
and how her fortunes have collapsed since then. Delay and Gingrich
offer to help. They sing the aria "Your Luck Has Changed" (Nose
Jobbo e Molto Rewardo).

Act II

The Cabal reconvenes with the news of Paula's revelations. They sing
in jubilation, "We Must Tell the World" (Phono E Tabloido). The rear
curtain raises to reveal the Chorus of Media who sing the chorale,
"Tell Us More, But Only the Truth" (Sexua Scandala Hypo Per

Gingrich enters with Pat Robertson. They sing the duet "He Must Go"
(Hypocritti Pious Crappola). Robertson offers to donate time on his
television program to expose the charges. At the Cabal's suggestion,
Paula initiates a lawsuit.

The Jones scandal becomes the topic of conversation throughout the

The Chorus of Lawyers enters from the right to sing the jubilant
grand chorale, "We Must Do Our Duty" (Multi, Multi Grande Moola).
Ken Starr meets with the Basso Cabal to plan the next steps. They
sing the aria, "We Will Save the Country" (Sleazi Connivo). Starr
promises to convene a  grand jury which will send charges to the
Congress. He sings "The Truth Will Be Known" (Whitewater Non
Starto, Probo La Flooza Epidemico). The Chorus of Lawyers sings a
reprise of "We Must Do Our Duty" as the act  ends.


Linda Tripp enters the stage arm in arm with Ken Starr. She is
wearing a headset. She is singing "Monica Is My Dearest Friend" (Mi
Es La WickedoWitchini Occidenta). She tells Starr about the secret
tapes that she has made of conversations with Monica Lewinsky.

Starr takes them from  her and sings, "We've Got Him Now"
(Presidente Droppo Pantalone).

Starr hurries off to the Grand Jury to call Monica as a witness.
Monica enters the grand jury room where the Chorus of Lawyers
ask her questions. They sing the recitative, "How did it happen?"
(Panti Thongo, La Flasha?). Monica replies in the long passionate
aria, "We Were Meant For Each Other" (Non Smoko El Producto, Phalli

In the third scene, Hilary and Bill are sitting in the Lincoln Bedroom
discussing the revelations about Monica. Hilary sings, "I Will Stand
By You" (Su Jerchino Estupido, Mi Removo Su Equipmento).  Bill
replies with "She Was the Only One" (Non Counti Gennifer, Paula,
Plusi Multi Bimbo Forgetto). They embrace.

Act IV

Sam Donaldson is interviewing Henry Hyde in the Capitol Building. The
Chorus of Lawyers hum in the background. Hyde sings the aria, "We
Believe in Something" (Impeacho Hippi Bastardo). Donaldson sings a
recitative in answer, "We Only Want the Truth" (Toupee Eslippo).

The great trial begins in the Senate. Trent Lott reacts to public
opinion polls showing that the president has 76% approval ratings. He
sings the poignant aria, "What is Right is Not Popular" (Parta
Republico Committi Suicidio). The Chorus of Lawyers sings the
chorale, "Principles Come First" (Mi Adulteri Non Counto). With great
flourish, Henry Hyde, Bill McCollum and Tom Delay stand before the
Senate to present their case. They 

[CTRL] Gore Blows 5K on Air Conditioning...First It's Millions Gallons of Water, Now More Tax $$ Wasted.....

1999-08-18 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

** Candidates are to get bill for expenses state incurs, Shaheen says
State House Bureau
  CONCORD — Gov. Jeanne Shaheen has ordered state agencies to charge
political campaigns for expenses from the use of state facilities.
  Shaheen issued the order Friday, after The Union Leader reported that
New Hampshire Community Technical College in Stratham spent $4,848 on
conditioning during a visit by Vice President Al Gore last month.
  "When it came to our attention that someone in control of a state
building had made a unilateral decision to incur a state expense, we
thought it
was appropriate to remind people what was appropriate in terms of
campaigns," Shaheen press secretary Brian Murphy said yesterday.
  "Allowing Presidential candidates to use our public buildings to meet
with New Hampshire voters is an appropriate way to promote citizen
involvement in the Presidential primary," Shaheen wrote.
  "There is no question, though, that Al Gore is the vice president,
and that left us in a gray area," Westover said. "It would be a
decision today, as he has emerged more clearly as a candidate."
  "Obviously Gov. Shaheen agrees with the Republican Party and believes
the New Hampshire Community Technical College expenses on behalf of the
Gore campaign were inappropriate and should never have happened," state
executive director Jayne Marcucci said yesterday.
  "Certainly I hope this means Gov. Shaheen will pursue full
reimbursement from the Gore campaign," Marcucci said.
  The Gore campaign has declined to comment on the issue.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [Fwd: FC: AOL removes link to Junta Homepage]

1999-08-18 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

Here is an items that might be interesting for the Politech list-- it
raises issues of de facto censorship of information (and certainly in this
case, much of it lies, disinformation and propaganda) from an established

AOL removes link to Junta Homepage

Free Burma

Contact: Dr. Zarni, Free Burma Coalition, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 202-777-6009

For Immediate Release:

America Online Chooses, Then Deletes Burma Junta Web Page

Dulles, Virginia -- August 18, 1999 -- America Online, the leading
internet Service provider in the United States, has made an abrupt

On Friday August 13th, AOL chose the site to be linked to
AOL's Asia Forum.  The problem?  The site is operated by the ruling
military junta of Burma (also known as Myanmar), identified by Reporters
Sans Frontieres as one of the world's "real enemies" of the internet.

The Burmese junta jails citizens for "unauthorized" use of fax,
photocopiers and computers with modems.  Internet service, including AOL,
is unavailable to all of Burma's 46 million citizens, save a few
"authorized" friends of the regime.

Ironically, an email message from Burma's Office of Strategic Services
(the secret police) alerted exiled Burmese democrats to AOL's gaffe.  The
message copied AOL's announcement, which gushed "We think you'll notice
dramatically increased usage because of this exposure."

Though an international pariah, the junta makes extensive use of the
internet to distribute its propaganda.  The website in question,, is mostly used to lure hard-currency-carrying tourists.
But elsewhere the page compiles vituperative articles from the
junta-controlled press. Burmese democracy leader and Nobel Peace Laureate
Aung San Suu Kyi comes in for particular scorn, often called a "sorceress"
or a "lackey of colonialists."  The more than 100,000 Burmese refugees
huddled in Thailand are labelled "terrorists," though groups such as
Amnesty International say they are vicitms of rape, torture, forced labor
and murder.

"We informed AOL of the fact that the junta operates this page, and gave
them some information about pervasive human rights violations in Burma,"
says Dr. Zarni, Burmese founder of the Free Burma Coalition. "It looked
bad for an 'information technology' company to be leading its users to the
propaganda page of a regime that has closed the universities and
restricted all kinds of information, including the internet.  To their
credit, AOL reacted quickly," he adds.

AOL informed the Free Burma Coalition on Tuesday, August 17 that "we have
removed the website in question from the International Country Pages."


 Thomas R. Lansner
  Assistant Dean
Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs
  420 West 118th Street, New York, NY 10027 USA
212-854-8690  fax 212-854-1657
   email   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

POLITECH -- the moderated mailing list of politics and technology
To subscribe: send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with this text:
subscribe politech
More information is at

[CTRL] [Fwd: MOSSAD: How Why JFK Jr. Was Crashed]

1999-08-14 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

snip...THAT is why Lauren Bessette's suitcase had been FLUNG out
of the airplane, and was found miles away...snip

From: John DiNardo [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Aug. 7, 1999

Texe Marrs, in his weekly shortwave radio show, tonight,
Aug 7th, reports that a bomb exploded in the tail section of
John F. Kennedy's airplane.  The show, POWER OF PROPHECY,
is broadcast over 5.070 megahertz shortwave at 8 PM EST.
Here is an excerpt, transcribed from the tape recording
that I made of the broadcast:

I'm already getting reports. One comes from a retired U.S.
Navy captain who has done an analysis of what really happened.
Other reports are from my Air Force pilot friends.
It appears that this is what happened:

John F. Kennedy took off in his Piper, with the two ladies
aboard. They flew first about 5,700 feet up. And then, as
they approached Martha's Vineyard, he began to descend.
When he got to an altitude of about 2,400 feet, there was
an explosion in the back compartment, blowing off part of
the airplane. He was unable to maintain control, and the
airplane spiraled downward in a graveyard spin.
Some people said that he made a pilot error. But, in fact,
if the plane had been in good shape, all that would have
been necessary would have been for him to push one switch,
and the plane would have gone on automatic pilot.
And the plane could even have LANDED ITSELF, with the
computers and the engineering that it had onboard.
ONE SWITCH is all that he needed to have taken care of.
But he couldn't!  The plane was uncontrollable.
A bomb had gone off.  THAT is why Lauren Bessette's
suitcase had been FLUNG out of the airplane, and was
found miles away. As a matter of fact, as I make this
report today, it just came out that there was GOOD
WEATHER!  The bad weather was eight miles away.
There was NO haze at the time!  There was NO fog!
There was NO reason why he couldn't see the approach
landing as he was coming down, piloting that aircraft.
As a matter of fact, they have now recovered the
engine of that aircraft, and the FAA report --
my sources tell me -- stated that the engine was in
GOOD condition, and running.
There was a bomb.  It was assassination.
This is Texe Marrs. You've been listening to this

Texe Marrs went on to say that John F. Kennedy Jr. had
done a thirteen-page expos'e on the assassination of
Israeli Prime Minister Rabin, who wasn't moving fast
enough to fulfill the New World Order's plans for
so-called "peace in the Middle East".  Now, according
to an article in the Jerusalem Post, "Bill Clinton
could start reaping the rewards for his work of
putting Barak in place" as prime minister, and ousting
Netanyahu. What I.O.U.'s could Bill and wife Hillary
have wanted to cash in? Well, Hillary was obviously
intending to run for the seat of retiring U.S. Senator
Daniel Moynihan, of the State of New York. But, Texe
Marrs reports, John F. Kennedy Jr. had been approached
by the powerful men who run the New York State
Democratic Party machine, and these men had offered
to back John F. Kennedy Jr. in the campaign for that
U.S. Senate seat. Additionally, JFK Jr. had strong
support from the Orthodox Jewish faction in Israel,
which was and is in fierce competition with the
liberal Jewish faction, the latter being
supported by President Bill and Co-President
Hillary Clinton. Bill and Hillary were cashing
in their I.O.U. by getting Prime Minister Barak,
who was COINCIDENTALLY visiting the Clinton White
House during the week that John F. Kennedy's plane
had crashed (was it before or after; I don't know)
... by getting Barak and his faction of the Israeli
spy agency, the Mossad, to create the accidental
plane crash of the man who was a threat to the
liberal faction in Israel. This liberal Israeli
faction is and has been in a power struggle with
the Orthodox Jewish faction who want no part of
the Middle East Peace Plan. The Orthodox Jewish
faction had, some few weeks before the plane crash,
met with John F. Kennedy Jr. in Canada, and had
agreed to finance his sagging GEORGE Magazine
business. MOREOVER, Texe Marrs reports that, on
Labor Day, a symbolically opportune holiday for
the Democratic Party, John F. Kennedy was going to
announce his candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat
from the State of New York. Again, he had solid
backing from the Wagner clan and the other power
brokers who control the state Democratic party.
These people were offended that Hillary, on the
outs with them, would dare to seize upon the
Senate seat that they owned. This Hillary factor
appears to be the major reason why the New York
power clique wanted to launch JFK Jr. He was on
their side all the way. His uncle, Robert F.
Kennedy, had been a U.S. Senator from New York.
And so, the wheels were set in motion to 

[CTRL] [Fwd: [DW] Iowa Caucus Links]

1999-08-09 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.



*** Democracies Online Newswire - ***

The Iowa E-Democracy web page contains links to up-to-date
Iowa-specific presidential caucus information and sites for
interaction.  Below are the site names and URLs as of Monday,
August 9, 1999 from

If you are aware of *Iowa-specific* web pages or e-mail lists from or
about a presidential candidate, please submit the details to:

To join the Iowan-to-Iowan discussion and information exchange on the
IA-CAUCUS e-mail list, send a message to (please read the rules):



Iowa Political Hotline
Iowa Pulse - Lee Newspapers
Iowa Caucus 2000 - Cedar Rapids Gazette
Campaign 2000 - Des Moines Register
Countdown - Radio Iowa
Iowa Caucus Project 2000 - State Govt
Iowa GOP Caucus 2000
Iowa Democrats Caucus Page
Iowa Project 2000


IA-CAUCUS E-mail List (via Iowa E-Democracy at EGroups)
Iowa Pulse - Talk Back
Des Moines Register Forums
IA.TALK.POLITCS Newgroup (via Remarq)

Compiled by Steven Clift [EMAIL PROTECTED], E-Democracy

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*** Please forward this post to others and encourage***
*** them to subscribe to the free DO-WIRE service.  ***

[CTRL] FWD: Alert: Call CBS And Set The Record Straight On The Second Amendment

1999-08-05 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

  Grassroots Fax Alert -- 8/3/99

Call CBS And Set The Record Straight On The Second Amendment

Last night, CBS Evening News's "Reality Check" segment tried to
recreate American history in its discussion of the Second Amendment. The
totally ignored recent scholarly research and falsely claimed that the
Amendment is not an individual right. To counter this revisionist
history, the National Rifle Association has launched a campaign to
provide CBS News
with its own reality check.

"Clearly, the reality of CBS is not in step with the reality of the
view of the  vast majority of law-abiding Americans, nor in line with
the view of
most  constitutional scholars. The national media elite at CBS wouldn't
reality if it stepped in front of Dan Rather's limousine," said James
J. Baker, Executive Director of NRA's Institute for Legislative Action.
"This alleged news network completely ignored a mountain of recent
research from constitutional scholars who agree that the Second
Amendment refers to an individual right, just as the First and Fourth
Amendments do."

"Every American, every journalist, who values truth, accuracy and
balanced reporting should call and express their outrage at CBS'
effort to disguise their editorial bias as news," Baker said. "It is
little wonder that their ratings continue to diminish."

ACTION ITEM: Please call CBS News and your local CBS affiliate to
express your outrage over last night's so-called "news" report that
blatantly ignored the over- whelming majority of recent scholarly
research. CBS Evening News's main phone number is
(212) 975-3691, and the phone number for anchor Dan Rather
is (212) 975-6677.

Among its many "oversights," CBS failed to cite the 1990 Supreme
Court reference to the Second Amendment in U.S. v.
Verdugo-Urquidez that stated, "`the people' protected by the
Fourth Amendment, and by the First and Second Amendments ...
refers to a class of persons who are part of the national
community." Each of these Amendments protects individual
rights. The network also neglected to report this year's federal
court ruling from the Northern District of Texas, U.S. v. Emerson,
(see FAX Alert Vol.6, No. 12) in which the federal judge overturned
a federal gun law on Second Amendment grounds and argued,
"The rights of the Second Amendment should be as zealously
guarded as the other individual liberties enshrined in the bill of
rights." And the list goes on and on.

Mr. Baker sums it up well, commenting, "The bottom line is that
CBS failed as a news organization last night. They even completely
ignored statements by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
in clear and full support the Second Amendment as an individual
right and in anticipation of ruling on a future case to that effect."

While CBS works to dismember the Constitution, NRA-ILA will
continue to work tirelessly to preserve the Second Amendment,
and the entire Bill of Rights for future generations. The Bill of
Rights, including the Second Amendment, and the NRA were
here long before CBS was founded, and we'll be around long
after they're gone!


Posted: 1999-08-03

VA-ALERT is a project of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.
(VCDL).  VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization
dedicated to defending the civil rights of all Virginians.  The
membership considers the right to keep and bear arms an essential civil

VCDL web page:

VA-ALERT maillist

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OT: Arnold on Letterman [8/4]

1999-08-03 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

"For goodness sakes, even OJ's got a girlfriend!!"

  -- Actor Tom Arnold on Dave Letterman, 8/4/99, after telling
Letterman about his dating experiences

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FWD: MRC's Bozell on Patients Bill of Rights

1999-07-22 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

FYI, interesting observations by Media Research Center's Chair, Brent
Bozell, on TV/media coverage of PBR. No wonder there are folks out there
complaining about HMOs, especially after they're fed such filth by the
major news networks. [Isn't it something like 70% of folks who get their

news from the evening news broadcasts?]
MRC [] is a media watchdog group.

  *Touting A "Patients' Bill Of Rights"

  By L. Brent Bozell III
  July 22, 1999

  The first fight in any political debate is over semantics. Who
could be against the "Clean
  Air Act"? Who could oppose controlling "assault weapons"? The
"right to choose"? The
  800-pound gorilla in the semantics debate is, of course, the
"objective" press. The
  media have the power to make or break the slogans partisans use.

  It is common practice for the liberal press to attach the word
"so-called" to GOP
  initiatives. When the Contract with America became the "so-called
Contract with
  America" in news reports, its proponents were placed squarely on
the defensive. So
  prevalent is the "so-called" curse that the media now attach it
to organizations
  themselves, thus bringing doubt to bear not on the issues, but on
the participants. When
  Dan Rather files a story about the "so-called Christian
Coalition," it's a clear message to
  the viewer not to believe the group, period.

  The Democrats, on the other hand, have no such problem. Whatever
they say, and
  however they put it, is accepted immediately. The latest semantic
manipulation in the
  Democrats' favor is the "patients' bill of rights." The vast
majority of press reports from
  the Senate debate on regulating health maintenance organizations
refer without quotes to
  a "bill of rights," which offers "protections" for patients and
doctors against mean,
  cost-cutting HMO bureaucrats. The Democrats are the champions of
  wonderful-sounding idea and the Republicans who oppose it, are
well, monsters. So the
  Republicans have (again) knuckled under with a watered-down
version, since who
  would want to be against "rights" or "protections"? In USA Today,
reporter William
  Welch began: "Senate Republicans, ending a week of bitter
partisan debate late
  Thursday, approved a limited set of federal rights for patients
in managed care health

  Reporters ought to be dropping "so-called" into sentences like
this. First, what are
  patients' rights? To hear the typical Democrat talk, a patient
has the right to walk into a
  hospital and order whatever procedure he wants, and cost is no

  The "patients' bill of rights" is a completely perverse abuse of
terminology, a direct
  opposite to our classic understanding of individual rights,
specifically the right to
  property. What the Democrats are supporting here is their classic
understanding of an
  "entitlement," something that everybody should have no matter how
much everybody
  "else" pays. If Republicans weren't duck-and-cover types, they'd
call this the "patients'
  bill of entitlements." And if the media weren't so blinded by
their support of the
  Democrats, it might occur to them, too.

  The media also tell us that this "bill of rights" is being
advocated by "consumer groups,"
  while those who oppose it are simply bought and paid for by the
insurance industry.
  Now consider these "consumer groups." Many of these groups, like
Families USA, are
  strident left-wing advocacy groups who would love to see
Canadian-style single-payer
  health care installed in the United States. Do they favor
"consumers" or some hidden

  Question: If insurance groups are protecting their profits and
"buying" politicians, then
  who's "buying" the Democrats? You'll never see the press
investigate that one.
  Reporters are not explaining how the Democrats' push for a right
to sue HMOs is a
  favor to one of their biggest donor groups, the trial lawyers.
Somehow, the trial lawyers'
  push for expensive litigation puts them among the "consumer
groups," too.

  By contrast, note how quickly CBS reporter Bob Schieffer puts the
Republicans in
  someone's pocket: "Pushed by the big insurance companies, the
Republican majority
  stuck together as expected and killed the Democrats' HMO reform
plan, plank by
  plank. On near party line votes, Republicans killed the
Democratic proposal to give
  doctors, not insurance companies, the final say on treatment."
Schieffer also brought on
  the new president of the American Medical Association to express
his outrage.

  But do you remember five years ago, when the AMA and those people
  about choice for doctors were the cavemen who opposed the Clinton
health plan? If the
  Clintons had their way then, those same doctors 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Journalists' Guide to Gun Policy Scholars and Second Amendment Scholars]

1999-06-10 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

If I might be so bold as to intrude, the recent discussion
on Safire and gun
control is a nice segue to a recent project of mine that I was hoping to
pass along for your info.  It's a new, entirely free, entirely nonprofit Web
site that I have put together:, The Journalists' Guide to Gun
Policy Scholars and Second Amendment Scholars, featuring top experts --
liberals, moderates, and conservatives -- whose research has led them to be
skeptical of gun control.

In the very kind words of a few journalists who've had a look at it,

"An invaluable resource for journalists and scholars,
regardless of their views on the constitutional and policy issues raised by
gun control."  Jeffrey Rosen, The New Republic.

"Whether you agree with them or not -- in fact, especially
if you disagree with them -- intelligent gun-control skeptics deserve to be
heard, and Prof. Volokh's directory makes an excellent starting point."
Jonathan Rauch, National Journal.

"Helpful and informative for any serious journalist."  Cathy
Young, Detroit News.

"Great site -- very helpful for journalists, especially the
indexing by specialty and the experts' c.v.s."  Robyn Blumner, St.
Petersburg Times.

If you or your colleagues write about guns -- gun policy, lawsuits against
gun makers, the Second Amendment, state constitutional questions -- I hope
you'll find this site very useful.  Visit it, bookmark it, tell your
journalist friends and coworkers about it.

* * *

credible, articulate
experts -- many of whom teach at top research universities such as Harvard,
NYU, Duke, the University of Texas, and UCLA -- who can help you answer
questions for your readers, listeners, and viewers.

Most of them have made national names for themselves in
other fields as
well:  Two, for instance, are among the leading liberal constitutional
scholars in the nation (Profs. Sandy Levinson and William Van Alstyne).
Three have clerked for Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court (Profs. Nelson
Lund, Scot Powe, and Eugene Volokh).  Some of them started out as gun
control supporters but changed their views as their research progressed.

* * *

WHO CREATED THIS SITE?  This site is entirely my own
project.  I'm on the
faculty at UCLA Law School; I originally went into the academy as an expert
in free speech law and cyberspace law, and most of my teaching and writing
still relates to those areas.

Several years ago, though, I became interested in the
criminological and
constitutional questions related to guns, and have since begun writing about
this subject, and teaching one of the few firearms regulation seminars
taught at U.S. law schools.  Before going into teaching, I clerked for U.S.
Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and for U.S. Court of Appeals
Judge Alex Kozinski.

In case it matters, I might mention that I make no money
from this.

Eugene Volokh
UCLA Law School
(310) 206-3926

[CTRL] CRP: Lobbyists Gore, Perfect Together

1999-06-10 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

The DC-based Center for Responsive Poilitics has found that, during the
period between 1/1/99  3/31/99 Al Gore [aka Father of the Internet] was
treated best by lobbyists, out of all the presidential candidates,
collecting a whopping total of $1.4 million!! That's twice as much as
the lobbying industry gave to TX Gov. Bush. And, that's not even
including "donations" from the Buddhist Temple visit.

In addition, interestingly enough, even though Gore has tried repeatedly
to get chummy with the high- tech industry, Bush still received more in
computer industry contributions than Gore, 37 percent vs 33 percent,

Never mind that Gore has tried to portray himself as a pro-silicon
Internet expert. He's just no Bubba. Never had it, and may never will.

Above information gathered via WashPost, 10 June 99


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] FWD: GAO - Medical Readiness: Safety and Efficacy of the Anthrax Vaccine

1999-06-08 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.


 -  Medical Readiness: Safety and Efficacy of the Anthrax Vaccine.
T-NSIAD-99-148. 7 pp. April 29, 1999.


June 8, 1999

The following items were added to GAO's World Wide Web site in
Portable Document (PDF) format.

-  Climate Change: Observations on the April 1999 Report on Climate
   Change Programs. T-RCED-99-199. 7 pp. plus 1 appendix (1 pp.) May
   20, 1999.

-  Community Development: Weak Management Controls Compromise
   Integrity of Four HUD Grant Programs. T-RCED-99-175. 8 pp. April
   29, 1999.

-  Medical Readiness: Safety and Efficacy of the Anthrax Vaccine.
   T-NSIAD-99-148. 7 pp. April 29, 1999.

-  Satellite Control Systems: Opportunity for DOD to Implement Space
   Policy and Integrate Capabilities. NSIAD-99-81. 21 pp. plus 2
   appendices (7 pp.) May 17, 1999.

-  Social Security: Criteria for Evaluating Social Security Reform
   Proposals. T-HEHS-99-94. 21 pp. plus 1 appendix (1 pp.) March 25,

-  Superfund: Progress, Problems, and Future Outlook. T-RCED-99-128.
   14 pp. March 23, 1999.

-  Year 2000 Computing Challenge: Much Biomedical Equipment Status
   Information Available, Yet Concerns Remain. T-AIMD-99-197. 15 pp.
   May 25, 1999.

These reports and testimonies will also be added to our
WAIS database in ASCII and PDF formats within the next 24 hours.

This database can be searched from the World Wide Web from the
search page at:

If you are using speech synthesizer equipment or lack World Wide
Web access you may search this database with GPO's public swais
client by telnetting to:

Any individual report may be retrieved directly from that archive
in text and PDF formats with the following URL:

replacing RPTNO with the report number (e.g., GAO/OCG-98-1).

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unsubscribe from the mailing list.

Thank you.

[CTRL] FWD: DEA Agent's 5-yr old Son Killed in Caracas

1999-06-07 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-


 6/7/99 -- 11:20 PM

Five-year-old son of U.S. drug agent killed
in Caracas

   CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - The 5-year-old son of a U.S. agent was
   killed when a large rock was thrown through the windshield of the family's
   automobile as it went under a highway bridge, U.S. embassy officials said

   Andrew Dodd, whose father, Brian, has worked in the Caracas Drug
   Enforcement Administration office for the last three years, was killed as
   the family was leaving Caracas early Sunday morning to go the beach.


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Say NO To Socialized Health Care Today!

1999-05-28 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

FYI. Remember the Clinton's top-secret meetings on health care?

Do you want long lines like what they experience in Canada, under a
socialized health care system?

The heavily-mandated heath care bills the White House supports, along
with liberal lawmakers, will increase our health care costs!!  Even CBO
says so. As do other independent pollsters.  See below for yourself.

Check out the links below and make a difference today!  Forward to your
family and friends and let them know this important information that
affects everyone.

 From: Health Benefits Coalition (HBC)

 Congress is currently debating the future of our health care system.
 Unfortunately, some members of Congress are promoting legislation, such as
 the costly Patients' Bill of Rights Act of 1999, which will mandate a
 one-size-fits-all health care system that dictates to Americans the type
 of health care coverage they receive from their employers, health plans,
 and providers.  This legislation also allows employers to be sued for
 medical malpractice.

 The Patients' Bill of Rights, and similarly onerous health care mandate
 legislation, will have a devastating impact on our health care system.

 The Congressional Budget office estimates that such legislation would
 increase health care costs by a whopping 6.1 percent.  As a result, the
 Patients' Bill of Rights could raise the costs of a typical family health
 plan by an additional $350 per year, cause employers to reduce benefits,
 and dramatically increase the number of Americans without health
 insurance.  For every 1 percent increase in health care costs, 300,000
 people lose their health care coverage.  That's nearly 2 million more
 uninsured Americans!

 To help stop more lawsuits, more uninsured and higher health care costs,
 visit HBC's website and urge your members of Congress to oppose the
 Patients' Bill of Rights and expanding lawsuits.

 To easily e-mail your members of Congress, please visit:

 To sign a petition opposing the Patients' Bill of Rights and other harmful
 health care mandate legislation that expands medical malpractice lawsuits
 to employers, please visit:

 Thanks for helping to make a difference.

 The HBC represents more than three million employers who provide health
 care coverage to more than 100 million employees and their families.  The
 HBC opposes federal intervention into the health care system.



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Klinton/Gore Hurt Military Readiness

1999-05-27 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

 snipSince 1989, the Navy has been reduced by 36 percent,
   the Army and Air Force by 45 percent and the
Marine Corps
   by 12 percent while the overall operational
commitments have
   increased at a rate of 300 percent, according to
the House
   Armed Services Committee. While defense spending
as a
   percentage of the federal budget has been driven
down from
   25.8 percent in 1989 to 14.6 percent in 1999, the
   services have had to cut back on funding for
vital resources
   while upping their operations tempo, or OPTEMPO.
In fact,
   since 1991 Clinton has ordered 14 contingency
operations and
   the Army has been used in 29 substantial overseas

   deployments, compared with just 10 in the four
   . . . . As Inhofe puts it: "We are in the most
threatened position
   since the Revolutionary War. Through his veto
power, he has
   starved the conventional forces Secondly, we
would have
   had a defense against a limited ICBM
[Intercontinental Ballistic
   Missile] in place in [fiscal] 1998 if it had not
been for the
   president's vetoes."..snip


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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1999-05-24 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

23 May 99

According to Klein [aka Anonymous] and [Bill] Safire, both appearing on
Meet the Press, if Hillary [Klinton] runs for NY Senate, Gore has the
most lose.

Yup, Gore.

Imagine the following scenario, in February, 2000:
How do you [really] feel today, now that you're running for NY Senate,
about health care reform?

CANDIDATE HILLARY, IN ALBANY NY: I believe that the US needs serious HC
reform, something like, maybe, what Canada has! [loses 20 points]

GORE: Mr. Vice President, Hillary Clinton, who as you know is running
for Senator in NY, said the US ought to have a Canadian-style health
care system. What do you  think about your former boss' wife's belief
that we ought to have a socialized health care system?

CANDIDATE Gore: Uh, I think she's a really swell person [loses 10 points
here]. Uh, I think her ideas on HC reform are revolutionary [loses
another 10 points here]. Uh, I think she will carry on the policies of
Bill Klinton. [loses 20 points here].

And so on...I think you get the picture. Maybe, Hillary can get away
with  those kind of answers in liberalland NY, but Gore agreeing with
that in dairyland Iowa? Nope.

Prediction (23 May 99):
WINNERS: Senator Guliani, elected 2000, wins against Hillary by 20
President G.W. Bush Jr, elected 2000, wins against Gore/Bradley
ticket by 40 points

Add 'em up folks.

"The sharpest tool in the shed." --anonymous

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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1999-05-16 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-


 CBS’ 60 Minutes, recognizing the US has moved to the middle ground,
 both politically and morally, tries to divide Conservative vote

 May 16, 1999, Washington, D.C. – In another futile attempt to stifle and harass the 
conservative movement, CBS’ 60 Minutes airs interviews with several key influential 
political leaders and blatantly editorializes that the conservative movement has been 
   Attempting to capitalize on activist Paul Weyrich’s recent defeatist letter  
outrageous comments, 60 Minutes seeks to convince viewers that conservative values 
are dead.
   With the crime rate in America lower more than ever, fewer teenagers and 
female adults choosing abortion, the Republican party remaining in power in both the 
Senate and House, and US President Bill Clinton desperately clinging to a 
middle-of-the ground agenda, conservative values have had more of an impact than ever.
   While some so-called conservative "activists" like Weyrich have chosen to play 
martyr and follow the path of defeatism, others, like true believers and leaders Gary 
Bauer and Pat Robertson, strongly believe that the good fight must go on.
 There is still much to do, comments Bauer. Much needs to get accomplished, says 
Robertson.  And this can only be done with the help and support of folks who still 
believe in good-old fashioned values.
 Values that extend the beauty and joy of life, for both young and old.  Values that 
agree with much of the courageous GOP agenda. And, most importantly, values that are 
still held by millions of Americans who know that this great nation was not built on 
defeatist attitudes but the confidence and belief that good will ultimately prevail.
 There’s no reason why the defining word "Christian" should be taken away from the 
popular group’s title "Christian Coalition," as 60 Minutes would like to see happen. 
After all, the group is a coalition of Christians who collectively believe in similar 
values.  They are Christians and it is a coalition.
 Does anyone dictate the title of any other groups who have done so much good for so 
many people?  If it were up to shows like 60 Minutes, the media would simply dictate 
its own ideology across the board with no consideration of public will.
   While Weyrich believes that he has lost, there are millions of others who feel 
that the US and the world deserves an alternative to the left’s muddled view of they 
way things ought to be.  Weyrich, personally, may have lost. That’s his business, and 
should not in any way detract attention from the widely-accepted conservative 
message, as the media would so much like to see happen.
   Whether it’s a letter to the editor, an opinion piece submission or contacting 
your local lawmaker, let the media know that you support prayer in schools, the life 
of an unborn child, and the right for every taxpaying US citizen to bear arms.
   Don’t allow the media to pollute your life with its filthy and backward view 
of the world.  Let the media know that it has failed. And failed miserably.



"The sharpest tool in the shed." -- anonymous

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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