-Caveat Lector-

Ed Britton's post from WorldNetDaily only told part of the real story.
According to that same publication (a writer named David M. Bresnahan),
Operation Last Dance may have been a practice drill in case the military is
called upon to take down citizen militia groups.

And that's not all.

The same article (link below) quotes a "former Special Forces member" as
saying that the US military is worried about foreign terrorist attacks if
we are perceived as weak or confused due to the Y2K situation after Jan. 1.
 He quotes Col. Stanislav Lunev, a former Soviet Intel officer, as saying
that about 80 suitcase-sized nuclear devices have disappeared and are
believed to be in the hands of a well-heeled terrorist organization.

If that doesn't send chills down your back, consider a 1996 Joint Chiefs of
Staff document  (Joint Publication 3-12.1, 'Doctrine for Joint Theater
Nuclear Operation') which allows for the possibility of using limited
tactical nukes in response to terrorist attacks. Does the scenario begin to
unfold for you now?

Maybe someone else can speak for the veracity of both the WorldNetDaily and
Mr. Bresnahan, but I've read a number of other official government
documents which have quietly warned of an increase in terrorist activity
after Jan. 1.  None were this chilling, however.

The link is


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