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Friday, March 2, 2001
NBC to air 'Biblical Mysteries' specials

Modern-day 'Indiana Jones' attempts to solve ancient puzzles

By Julie Foster

2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Beginning with a quest to find the Ark of the Covenant -- the biblical
chest containing the Ten Commandments -- a two-episode series that
attempts to answer ancient religious mysteries begins Sunday on NBC.

The first of the series, called "Biblical Mysteries: Ark of the
Covenant," is described by NBC as an "action-packed, one-hour
documentary" in which biblical scholar and "modern-day 'Indiana Jones'"
Mike Sanders journeys to one of the Middle East's most dangerous
territories to find the elusive ancient ark that once held the stone
tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments.

Eventually led to a Palestinian-controlled village reputed to be a
training ground for terrorists, Sanders gets set to uncover what would
be one of the greatest archaeological finds of the age. The
disappearance of the ark -- which was constructed under strict
instructions at the direction of God, as recorded in the book of Exodus
-- has confounded scholars for centuries, but Sanders believes he has
found the sacred object buried at the site of a former Egyptian temple
in Israel's volatile West Bank.

Also set in the war-torn region is "Biblical Mysteries: Sodom &
Gomorrah," which features Sanders' quest to find the ruins of the
ancient biblical cities, ultimately taking the explorer to the bottom of
the Dead Sea. Employing the same Delta mini-submarine used to explore
the wreck of the Lusitania, Sanders searches for solid evidence of the
destruction of the cities.

Believed by many to be merely figurative places used in a metaphor about
the consequences of sin, Sodom and Gomorrah are mentioned in the Bible
as having been destroyed by God. Yet Sanders' belief that the cities
actually existed is fueled by NASA satellite photographs showing
anomalies in the Dead Sea.

Located between Israel and Jordan, the Dead Sea dive was preceded by
years of negotiations to obtain clearance from the Israeli army, the
Jordanians and the Palestinians. At the last minute, according to NBC,
the Jordanian government withdrew permission for diving in its
territory. But the expedition continued, sparking what NBC publicists
called "an international incident."

The two missions are significant as Sanders and his colleagues attempt
to prove that the Old Testament of the Bible is not mythical, as many
scholars believe, but a literal, historical account of the ancient world
and the works of God.

Sanders, who was born in Leeds, England, now resides in Irvine, Calif.
He has published numerous academic works on Egyptology and biblical
archaeology, in which he explains how simple errors previously made in
Egyptian chronology have led to what he believes are inaccurate theories
about certain archaeological findings. Sanders' extensive research has
fueled fascinating new theories in the field of biblical archaeology.

Both specials are produced by Union Pictures for Channel Four in the
United Kingdom and Alexandria Productions, Inc. for NBC. They air on
consecutive Sundays, March 4 and 11, at 7 p.m. Eastern.

More information about the work of Michael Sanders can be found on his
"Mysteries of the Bible" website.

Julie Foster is a staff reporter for WorldNetDaily.

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