-Caveat Lector-


'Christian Zionist Embassy' Vilifies Christian Leader for Criticizing Israel

December 08, 2002, 08:58 PM

"The letter, written in a vitriolic tone, demanded that the Orthodox Patriarch of 
punish and banish Rev. Hanna Atallah .."

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM - The so-called Christian Embassy, in West Jerusalem, run by a
group of European and North American Jews, has sent a threatening letter to the 
Orthodox Patriarchy headquarters in East Jerusalem, demanding the dismissal of an
outspoken Orthodox leader for criticizing Israeli state terror against Palestinians.

The letter, written in a vitriolic tone, demanded that the Orthodox Patriarch of 
punish and banish Rev. Hanna Atallah because of his incitement against Christian 

The letter also recommended that Atallah be declared an enemy of Judaism and Jews.

The Orthodox Church dismissed the letter as insignificant, adding that the so-called
Christian embassy of Jerusalem was not an authentic Christian body.

Those people are not really Christians, they are Zionist Jews in heart who bear 
names and titles in order to deceive common people, said a source at the Orthodox
Patriarchy offices.

The raison d??tre of this group is to enlist Christian support for Israels genocidal 
against Palestinians, Muslims and Christians alike. In light, I would like to ask: 
Since when
supporting terror and murder and all other acts of repression represent the way of 

The Christian embassy, while ignoring Christian Palestinians, often raises money to 
Jewish-only settlements on the West Bank and Gaza Strip and also finances the transfer 
Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union to Palestine.

-IAP News (iap.org). Redistributed via Press International News Agency


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