-Caveat Lector-

There was a report a few minutes ago that the CNN feed in the Gulf
area said all the overseas absentee ballots were stolen from
Pensacola, Fla p.o.  Did anyone see this in the U.S. feed?

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Sat, 11 Nov 2000 15:14:18 -0800
To:                     undisclosed recipients <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                PROOF OF VOTE FRAUD!

This was posted to a list I'm on, and is forwarded with permission.
It's a long, very worthwhile read, and I hope you'll pass it along to
anyone who might be interested.


Ref:  15,000 Bush votes were stolen in Palm Beach, FL.   15,000
and Perot votes were stolen in 1996 *, no wonder they knew how to

*9 Nov, 2000 CNN; Jim Smith, Former Florida Secretary of State;
WSJ, 11-10-2000)

The news media is focused on the Democratic Party spin that
were "confused" in Palm Beach, FL.  They are ignoring the 15,000
and 3,400 Buchanan votes were stolen by fraud in these 19,000

There is explicit statistical evidence of massive ballot tampering in
Palm Beach FL. These ballots show Democratic voter fraud....NOT
Republican fraud or "voter error."   Consider these "unusual" ballot
problems in Palm Beach, FL - every one of them adds more Gore
and removed Republican and Reform party votes.


The voter fraud in the most heavily Democratic precincts Palm
County is so bad that Democratic officials are claiming that over 26
people per minute "were confused" and voted twice for President!
means that more voters were being handed new ballots per minute
new voters were being signed in. (19,200 "double punched"
ballots divided by 12 hours, there are approximately 100 precincts
Palm Beach County.  The errors are concentrated in only a few of
of these precincts, ALL predominately democratic and ALL with
Democratic voter officials.)


ONLY in Palm Beach FL were 15,000 ballots "double punched" in
the 1996
election.  (This is unique among the entire nation!  It is an error
rate TEN TIMES larger than reported in ANY other district in the
nation using that kind of ballot!)

ONLY in Palm Beach (and almost ONLY heavily Democratic
precincts) were
19,200 ballots rejected in 2000 for double punching....(This is a
error rate overall; in the rest of Florida there is less than 1/2 of
ONE percent "double punch" error rate!  (Unofficially, this error rate
was 15% in predominately Afro-American precincts, and 10% in
with large numbers of Jewish retirees.)  In strongly Republican
precincts, the error rate was the "usual" 1/2 of one percent.)

ONLY in Palm Beach did this "double punch" error happen ONLY
in the
Gore-Bush-Buchanan selection.  (In a truly random "error,"  the
mistakes happen in every race, all at about the same rate.   In Palm
Beach, the massive errors (over 19,000) ONLY happened in the
Presidential race.)

ONLY in Palm Beach has the news media complained about
ballot confusion.  In the 43 counties in Missouri, also mostly
Democratic voters, which use the same kind of ballot, there are NO
complaints about "confused voters" at all.  (St Louis Post Dispatch,
Nov 8, 2000)  Therefore, ONLY in Palm Beach FL do the
Democrats have
to "explain" a massive number of incorrect votes.

ONLY in Palm Beach did Gore GAIN 750 votes in a recount.  In 64
out of
67 counties in FL, the average gain was 5-7 votes, and the
were equally split between ALL the candidates, in proportion to the
original number of votes.  This means that Palm Beach FL had an
rate in favor of Gore more than 120 TIMES greater than any other
county,  (Two other heavily Democratic "inner city" counties (Flagler
and Pinellas) had changes greater than 400 votes.)  In a statistically
valid recount, half of the errors would favor Bush, and half favor
Gore.  This extreme change from the normal in only three counties
shows massive "favoritism" towards Gore in those three counties.)

In Palm Beach Gore got more votes than there are registered
Democrats.  (Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections:
Democrats = 296,122 while Gore voters = 296.696.)

ONLY in Palm Beach did Bush receive LESS than 65% of the
Republican voters.  (Registered Republicans = 231,626 while Bush
voters = 152,954.)  In every other county in FL Bush received MORE
votes than there were registered Republicans.  In the rest of the
nation, poll results show more than 90% of registered Republicans
actively supported the Republican candidate. (Also, unique in the
entire state, the percentage of Republican voters COUNTED as voting in
Palm Beach was much less than normal, despite the pre-election
attention to Florida as a critical state; and massive Republican
get-out-the-vote campaigns.)

ONLY in Palm Beach did Buchanan get less than HALF the of votes he
received before in 1996.  His losses in that county in 2000 were much
greater than in any other district in Florida. (Buchanan received over
8,000 votes in 1996 Republican PRIMARY (where only registered
Republicans can vote; but he received only 3,407 under the Reform
Party from ALL voters in the 2000 Presidential election.

(Pat Buchanan has relatives who lives in Palm Beach County, and this
local support greatly increase the number of local voters who choose
Buchanan, compared to every other region of the country.  There are
over 14,551 members of the Reform party in Palm Beach County - which
indicates that less than 1/5 of the Reform voters voted for their own
candidate.  The Fraud is NOT whether Gore voters were "confused" and
voted for Gore, but rather WHY Reform Party and Libertarian voters
were prevented from registering THEIR vote!)

ONLY in Palm Beach County did the Reform Party candidate for Senator
get MORE votes than the reform Party candidate for President
(Buchanan)...in every other county, the candidate for Senator for
EVERY party got FEWER votes than the candidate for President from that
party did.


There is a simple, single explanation for ALL of these 19,000
problems in ONE set of ballots in ONE district in ONE state.

15,000 Bush ballots, and 3,400 more Buchanan ballots, were
double-punched to imitate a Gore vote, AFTER legitimate left their
polling booth.

Assume 35,000 ballots were stuck with a stiff wire.  It would take
somebody a little bit of privacy and about 15 minutes.  A ream of
paper is 1 inch thick, 35,000 many ballots can be carried by one
person in one small box, damaged, and returned to position very


  3,000 = Buchanan

15,000 = Bush

15,000 = Gore

  1,250 = other parties

     750 = "blank" - No vote for President; other spots may be
filled in.

After  ....

3,000 Buchanan + Gore = thrown out.

15,000 Bush + Gore = thrown out.

Gore (+ Gore) = GOOD VOTES for Gore = counted already

1,250 + others + Gore = thrown out.

  750 = "blank" + Gore = Gore gets recount!

Stamping 35,000 ballots with a wire THROUGH the Gore slot gives:

Every Gore vote = still a valid Gore vote. (No change in the total, no
change in the recount.)

Every Bush, Buchanan, Workers Party, and Libertarian Party ballot IS
IMMEDIATELY INVALID. They will be thrown out because they have two
votes. They NEVER were counted in the first place = no change in the

EVERY ballot that HAD NO VOTE becomes a Gore vote.

The recount immediately ADDS these (751) ballots to the Gore column
BECAUSE the original count had NO vote for president!

(Isn't it LIKELY that at least 750 people were disgusted with BOTH
major presidential candidates and made NO vote for president?)


2.  RECOUNTING them by hand...since the voting machine will reject
them....if the percentages match these numbers THERE WAS FRAUD.

3.  Finding out WHEN these ballots were thrown out - OR NEVER
COUNTED AT ALL! will tell you when the fraud was done.

.... If the ballots include an equal number of Bush + Gore" and
"Gore + Gore" ballots....then that shows that this set of ballots were
tampered with and never counted in the first place ... because they
KNEW that they "all" be excluded.   IF the ballots include "no" (or
very few) Bush + Buchanan, or "Buchanan + somebody + Gore votes"
 else....then it shows that they were deliberately tampered with to
exclude (throw out) otherwise valid  Bush votes.

Obviously....EVERY tampered ballot WILL include a GORE vote!   That
would "justify" the Democratic "claims" for Fraud BY the Republicans.

To verify this....count the doubled ballots, list each with what
OTHER votes were cast.  No "legitimate" Gore voter would choose other
Republican choices, or at least very, very few would.  IF almost all
of the Bush + Gore ballots had mostly Republican choices, or blanks
where there is a Democrat running unopposed, then that shows a Bush
vote that was destroyed.

ONLY where the Gore + Buchanan ballots shows almost all Democrats,
those "one or two"  ballots will show the few cases where some Gore
supporter actually got confused!

BUT the Democrats are claiming that these are "double -punched!
 They know...and were told early this morning! to collect 3000 old
folks who could claim they were confused...They quickly needed a cover
story to explain that the ballots were "confusing" to create the 3000
Gore - Buchanan "voters" that they need.

But today...even the local democratic officials couldn't "find" that
many confused individuals so quickly.  Now, they claiming "hundreds" -
and can't even verify that many.  No lists, no names, no verification.
 Just their verbal claims on TV.


THEY HAVEN'T EXPLAINED why 15,000 ballots were double-punched in
1996 AND in 2000.    Other than that the election officials did it

Much simpler to stack the ballots up so they all can be read by the
machine.....that way the "holes" line up!

Don't bother reading them or even looking at them, it's faster that
way.    just grab an unsorted stack of ballots from the box.  Get
about 100 -150 ballots - drill a hole through the Gore punch, or use a
stiff wire - it will take you about 5 seconds per stack.

(If you use a drill - the "holes" will look funny - BUT these
ballots are NOT meant to be counted again.  They were meant to be
thrown out as duplicates!   If you use a stiff wire...there is nothing
to see.

IF THE HOLE WAS PUNCHED BY WIRE - THE hole will be ragged and torn,
the paper will "hanging" because the ballot below will prevent the
hole from being torn cleanly!

Put the stack back in the box...grab another bunch.

The "good" Gore ballots will still have the original "hole" punched
out ... and so will get "re-counted" along with all the rest.


To test this theory....Manually count the double-punched ballots -
looking for fraud under rules of evidence - this has become a criminal
CASE - the examiners do not have to look for "missed" Gore
votes.....The Gore votes ARE the evidence of fraud.

A Republican voter will have in almost every case have punched Bush +
several other Republican candidates.

So look for how many "Bush + Gore" ballots have mostly Republican
choices below.  THESE ARE FRAUDS.  They represent Bush votes that were

A "true" Buchanan voter would have punched Buchanan and a mix of
other candidates....A Libertarian voter would have almost "had" to
select other Republican candidates....since there are few Libertarian
candidates for every position.

Either of these are frauds too!

A "mistaken" "Gore into Buchanan" voter would ALMOST CERTAINLY
chosen the Democrats in the rest of the ballot.....or, IF AS THEY
CLAIM, those "Gore into Buchanan" voters that were "told to push the
second hole" really meant "only followed directions" ---- THEN the
rest of the ballot would be solid  Democrat, or blank.

After all...nobody "told" them to vote for anybody else!

The few "Gore + Buchanan" ballots that are totally blank below - or
have many other mistakes on them .. are the only ones that "might be"
mistakes.....two or three people are sure to made errors.

NOT 15,000 voters in 1996....and 15,000 voters in 2000.

When NO OTHER county in the nation has that many errors.

------- End of forwarded message -------

I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole
people. To disarm the people is the best and
most effectual way to enslave them.
~~ George Mason, during Virginia's Convention
to Ratify the Constitution (1788)

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