-Caveat Lector-

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From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Fri, 10 Nov 2000 22:32:28 -0800
To:                     undisclosed recipients <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                United States of Albania?

This is the most chilling thing I can ever recall reading, and
unfortunately it "rings true." It's also somewhat long (for those of
my young friends who attend public school, and therefore whose
attention spans are short <g>), but definitely worth the read.
Remember last month when the Russians were voting on sending
watchers" to the U.S., and folks over here thought they were just
joking, or being evil, nasty and presumptuous? Hah! I'm beginning to
suspect they simply had "advance notice." And were we not being
nasty and presumptuous" in our intrusions into Serbia and the like?

My God!!! I admit to being a total amateur in the political scene, but
I do have an IQ higher than my hat size.  Never, in the depths of the
unConstitutional Viet Nam war or anywhere else, have I ever been
ashamed of our beloved country. I am now. As an e- mail buddy of
suggests, perhaps it's time to "dust off the muskets."



United States of Albania?

     Daniel McAdams
     Thursday, Nov. 9, 2000

The "people power" that has taken to the streets of Florida
today, courtesy of the Democratic Party and the Rev. Jesse
Jackson, is not so different from the mobs that have taken to the
streets of the new democracies of Central and Eastern Europe
when a
vote was being stolen. And no, they are not "defending democracy"
rather they are a critical force-multiplier in the cheating process

The pattern may not be familiar to the American public, but as
one who has observed elections throughout the former
communist world, including those that have ended in violence
and massive fraud, the pattern, to me, is unmistakable.

What is happening in Florida – and to a lesser degree in places
like St. Louis and elsewhere – follows a game plan that has yet
to fail: first rule is, delay delay delay. Do not let any official
results be announced. The longer you can delay, the more doubt is
on the elections and the more time there is to manipulate the

Second, latch on to a legitimate issue and marry it to an
illegitimate one until the original issue is completely lost. In
Florida a recount was automatically called because of a very
close race. But who now is talking about the real reason for the
recount? Not CNN, not the networks and the liberal talking
heads, not the American people. The issue has successfully
been reframed.

A group of seniors, who had received a sample ballot in
advance of the election and presumably had made their
selections, are said to have been somehow tricked into voting
for Pat Buchanan instead of Vice President Al Gore. The claim
of foul play flies in the face of reason: The ballot was designed by a
Democrat with no malice intended. It had been publicly available
before the elections. This was initially said to involve some 3,000
voters, which conveniently would have bridged the gap of George W.
Bush’s 1,500-vote lead.

But this wasn’t enough. By the time the fraudsters had gotten
America’s attention yesterday with this spurious claim, the
stakes were raised even higher. Some 19,000 ballots were said
to have been invalidated in Palm Beach County because there
were multiple votes for president. This was blamed on the
"confusing" ballot. The rules are simple, though: if while voting a
voter makes a mistake, he may request a new ballot and correct that
mistake. Florida voters get up to three tries to get their voting
right. Seems fair. Several individuals who took advantage of this
"second chance" were interviewed on television.

With chaos successfully reigning, the accusations and claims
have grown exponentially. Yesterday a Democratic Party official
was interviewed on CNN claiming "thousands" of examples of
"voter intimidation," where many victims were African-American.
She was unable to provide a single verified example, but no
matter. The goal is merely to take advantage of the delay to
introduce new factors into the equation. No longer was this
about a close race, but about racial discrimination. This opens
the door for the federalization of the Florida election, which
appears to already have begun.

The next rule in the vote fraud game as I have witnessed it in the
former communist world is, if you cannot overturn the election results
the next best thing is to delegitimize the election.

Americans will no doubt be shocked to find themselves
compared to Albanians, but the 2000 presidential election here
is shockingly similar to that in Albania in 1996. There, the former
Communist Party pulled out of the elections just before the polls
closed, claiming massive vote fraud – despite the fact that there had
been little evidence of fraud. The move was calculated to throw the
entire process into chaos so as to buy time. Ultimately it did not
matter that the anti-communists won. The elections were claimed
illegitimate and therefore the government that took power was
illegitimate. It was hobbled by the claims, fraudulent though they
were, and soon overthrown.

The same thing happened to Robert Kocharian in Armenia two
years later, though he survived only to be hobbled by legal
challenges and questions about his legitimacy.

Whatever the case, today the fraudsters have their sights set on
their holy grail: a re-vote in Palm Beach County.

There is no legal or logical reason for this re-vote to take place,
for the reasons above. But all it takes is for one judge – and thanks
in part to Republican "bipartisanship" Florida, judges are notoriously
liberal - to find a "reasonable doubt" as to the fairness of the
elections and issue a stay prohibiting the secretary of state from
releasing the results of the recount or from certifying them. Then a
re-vote is likely inevitable, and the 2000 presidential election will
be overturned. George W. Bush will lose and the United States will be
one step closer to being a Third World banana republic.

Final advice to Republicans: you are being hit with something so
sinister and so alien to our democratic traditions that you have
not known thus far how to respond to it. Get over the shock of "it
can’t happen here, this isn’t Albania." You must recognize what is
happening, or you will lose more than you have already. Do not give
one inch. No compromises. No new elections. No switching ballots. This
election is being stolen. It is up to the Republican Party and all
good American people to defend their vote.

   * * *

McAdams has observed elections in Central and Eastern
Europe for the British Helsinki Human Rights Group. He is
senior research associate at the Center for Security Policy in

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..in New Hampshire, Senator Bob Kerrey, a
Bradley man, showed up at a Gore event and
was greeted by Gore's union thugs, who kicked
mud on him while calling him a quitter and a
cripple. (You know, one of those former Navy
SEAL "Medal of Honor" recipient ... quitters!)
When Mr. Kerrey, who lost a leg in Vietnam, was
asked about Gore's thugs calling him a "cripple,"
he responded, "I am a cripple. That's the first
honest thing they've said in 10 days."

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