-Caveat Lector-

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From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Wed, 16 Jun 1999 15:04:34 EDT
Subject:                VOICE OF THE GRUNT, 1999-06-16-B
To:                     undisclosed-recipients:;

VOICE OF THE GRUNT, 1999-06-16-B
Time and Date: 1805 HOURS (GMT), 10 June 1999

Kosovo Calling:

We were supposed to go back in, but we were held back when the peace
was signed. Instead, we were launched, and in the air, because the
Russians were trying to get there first, they were going to drop us in
front of them, near Pristina, and "hold" the Russains by ourselves, until
British Paratroopers could get to us. However the Russians say they will
stop at the border.

Anyway, I am in Blace (Macedonia/Kosovo border) right now with the rest of
the boys. The Brits were ready to go yesterday, but the US Marines were
ill-prepared. Consequently, everything has been put on hold until they
sort themselves out. We will be going into Pristina tonight to secure it.
We will be going in with the Paratroopers. We are going regardless of the
US Marines being ready.

The British troops really feel let down by the US so far, hopefully they
will get it together shortly. We might have to "liquidate" renegade units
after securing Pristina. Hopefully the Russians won't start anything. We
will be keeping our "eyes" on them. The British Paratroops are just dying
for a fight, as are the Ghurkas. Our new tasking is to find the landmines
once we are all in. We know where the majority of them are. Then we are
going to guide the Top Brass to the mass graves -- they are great hiding
places! A bit quiet though; even the birds don't go there. No sound, no

Everybody knows we are going in tonight, they are asking us to leave some
"fun" for them. Word is we might be home in a month, but the rest of the
British soldiers will remain; wonder where I will go next. Hopefully they
might let me return to some wine, women, and a normal life.

Watch CNN if you're into disinformation!

SAS Warrior
SUMMARY: Remember all those Newsreel films of maneuvers in 1940? The ones
where a truck had a sign on it "labeling" it a tank and the grunts were
using wooden machine-guns? That'll be the next step. Part of the oath is
still "to serve protect and defend the constitution" right? How do we
maintain that oath by having "paper readiness"?
************************************************ By Ranger "D"

 I write you this day with a heavy heart, my tour in the Special
Operations Community is coming to an end. I served five years with the 2nd
Ranger Battalion, two years with the 3/87 Infantry, and six years with the
5/19 Special Forces as a Voice Interceptor. I have been and NCO since the
late 80's and have served our country in combat with the 2nd Rangers in

 Given my SRB I believe that I have a certain amount of knowledge to
pass on to new soldiers; knowledge that will keep them alive if ever sent
into combat. However, the current status of our armed forces has forced me
to walk away from my position as an active Army National Guardsman.

 In the past four years, I have been unable to train my men in any
way. Each time that I have organized a live-fire exercise, the training is
canceled at the last minute to support such events as battalion
inspections and change-of-command ceremonies.

 When I try to requisition weapons to take on our parachute jumps, I
am told that we cannot jump weapons. If the weapons are broken on a jump
or lost, it decreases our unit's "readiness" on paper. Never mind that
some of my men have never jumped with their weapons.

 During a garrison drill I scheduled a field exercise and was told
that we'll stay in the barracks and complete our monthly inventories in
order to improve our "readiness." Never mind that my team has not worked
together on a simulated combat operation for over a year.

 When I want to take my men on a nighttime foot movement, I am told
that an injury will lessen our "readiness." Never mind that my team has
lost the ability to move and navigate at night.

 When I request live ammunition for an exercise, I'm told that it's
too much trouble to plan and seek approval for such training. Never mind
that some of my men have never fired a live round outside the sterile
confines of a rifle range.

 Everything that enhances our unit's "readiness" is, in actuality,
the Army deems detrimental to actual readiness. I've been able to tolerate
much in my thirteen years of service. If I could enjoy just 1 day in 5 of
military service, I'd be willing and eager to continue serving. It's just
that all the skills and experience that I picked up while on Active Duty
will just deteriorate in this environment. Does the Army want us to view
all that time as a waste? I can't even give subordinates reason to stay in
the Army!

 Having these feelings, as a professional NCO, I must resign my
active position with the Army National Guard. I will transfer to the
Inactive Reserve and eagerly await a change in the current status of our
armed forces. As I previously stated, I love being a soldier. In the Army
today, I am doing anything but. I hope you will find it in your heart to
pass this information along to anyone who might listen.

Thank you for your time sir. Rangers Lead the Way!
SUMMARY: The author writes of the one of the biggest links in the Military
Industrial Congressional Complex: the General officers who retire to
industry and keep all the percs and power structure whirring around them;
and at our expense. *************************************************** By
Sheriff Justice

 I've been thinking about this. I've been around it for a long time.
When I wasn't commanding artillery units, I was in the weapons test
business. If you don't want to make General, that's the thing to do. Ha
Anyway when you're close to it, sometimes you don't see it, if that makes

 But take a small step back and man it hits you in the face. Short
story. The last time I saw MG Lewis (Ret) was during a ride to the
Pentagon. I was the XO to General Cianciola and awaiting orders for ADEA,
my second 06 command. As I said before, he was trying to get me not to
take the job. HE was going to "kill" ADEA. Anyway, he said if you don't
take that job I'll have you assigned as the head of combat developments
for field artillery. Of course I knew his buddy and later business partner
MG (Ret) Halada was the CG of Sill and all Lewis would do was call his

 But what he was really telling me was that if I did that I get back
in the "family" and get promoted to BG, as "they" controlled the board.
I'm not saying I'm anywhere near the patriot you are, but as we stopped at
the South entrance, I got out and told Lewis "no thanks," I wouldn't work
for that sorry bastard regardless of what happens to me. Well, "they" got
me and that's the end of the story but "they" (in a much larger sense)
have gotten so many more.

 You see in the weapons development business, promotions are tied to
"fielding of systems." When you "gore" a favorite cow, man all hell breaks
loose and it becomes very personal. Hell, I was as stupid as to believe
all we wanted was what best for the Army. Wrong answer; what we want is
what is best for the Generals and who their buddies are in industry so
they can get a job when they get out.

 We should do a survey of Lockheed, Hughes, Raytheon and all the
rest. Right off the top, almost nine years removed from the "process," I
can name twenty Generals "working" the "building." The ones I know are
connected to the other Generals and they're all working the "system"

 Wish we could get their salaries, but I know for a fact none of them goes
for less than 200k. How they operate is by using the people they "helped"
promote, when they were on active duty, and then the person who was used,
in turn, thinks that he'll have a job with that General when he retires.
It's a cycle. It's a system. It's a club.

 If I can help with your project, please let me know. By the way
Dennis has motivated me to do a paper on the counter drug business. I've
been involved with that for the past nine years. Left the Army as a
Colonel, the next "day" became the oldest rookie deputy sheriff in
Florida. None the less, I don't know if you ever met General McCaffrey,
but he sure could have done a lot more than what he's done.

 You know, there's something much deeper about all this "General"
stuff too. I don't profess to understand it all, but it seems that when
they retire they still want the power. But to get the power, in the "new"
environment, they have to change. The amount they "change" is equal to the
amount they sell out. Perhaps I'm all wet about this, but bet I'm not far

 What's sad is that they should be giving something back to a system
that gave them so much. Instead their milking it and selling out to folks
who never heard a shot fired in anger their whole lives.
==================================================== ARTICLE 9
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *******Medal Of Honor*******
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *GERTSCH, JOHN G.

Rank and organization: SSgt., USA, Co. E, 1/327, 101st Airborne Div.
Place and date: A Shau Valley, RVN, 15 - 19 July 1969.

Entered service: Buffalo, N.Y.
Born: 29 September 1944, Jersey City, N.J.

S/Sgt. Gertsch distinguished himself while serving as a platoon sergeant
and platoon leader during combat operations in the A Shau Valley. During
the initial phase of an operation to seize a strongly defended enemy
position, S/Sgt. Gertsch's platoon leader was seriously wounded and lay
exposed to intense enemy fire. Forsaking his own safety, without
hesitation S/Sgt. Gertsch rushed to aid his fallen leader and dragged him
to a sheltered position. He then assumed command of the heavily engaged
platoon and led his men in a fierce counterattack that forced the enemy to
withdraw. Later, a small element of S/Sgt. Gertsch's unit was
reconnoitering when attacked again by the enemy. S/Sgt. Gertsch moved
forward to his besieged element and immediately charged, firing as he
advanced. His determined assault forced the enemy troops to withdraw in
confusion and made possible the recovery of 2 wounded men who had been
exposed to heavy enemy fire. Sometime later his platoon came under attack
by an enemy force employing automatic weapons, grenade, and rocket fire.
S/Sgt. Gertsch was severely wounded during the onslaught but continued to
command his platoon despite his painful wound. While moving under fire and
encouraging his men he sighted an aidman treating a wounded officer from
an adjacent unit. Realizing that both men were in imminent danger of being
killed, he rushed forward and positioned himself between them and the
enemy nearby. While the wounded officer was being moved to safety S/Sgt.
Gertsch was mortally wounded by enemy fire. Without S/Sgt. Gertch's
courage, ability to inspire others, and profound concern for the welfare
of his men, the loss of life among his fellow soldiers would have been
significantly greater. His conspicuous gallantry, extraordinary heroism,
and intrepidity at the cost of his life, above and beyond the call of
duty, are in the highest traditions of the U.S. Army and reflect great
credit on him and the Armed Forces of his country.

*Awarded posthumously
SUMMARY: The author gives us a brief look at MPRI. I really appreciated
his observation that the American Sportsman / Hunter is outfitted and
armed better, for less cost, than the American Soldier.
******************************************************* By A Retired Army

 I know you're very busy but I couldn't help but note your reference
to MPRI. Once again you're on target. This outfit is a spin off of Cyprus
International, a company that assists defense contractors with bypassing
the channels to do business with the DOD.

 For years it was run by MG Vern Lewis (Ret). He's a whole story in
itself. By association, Cyprus virtually directed development of field
artillery systems. Lewis' buddies were Commandants of the Field Artillery
School and later his employees or business associates.

 He started MPRI and hired high visibility people such as General
Vouno, the former IG of the Army (the real fat guy, that help enforce the
over weight program that ruined so many careers when it was noted on
EERs/OERS that the individual was one or two pounds over weight), the
former Commanding General of Fort Sill, etc. Retired Colonels did the
"staff" work while these fine folks connected with their old buddies in
TRADOC and the State Department.

 I felt the wrath of these folks when I was Deputy Commander of ADEA, at
Fort Lewis, Washington. Our mission was to find more cost effective ways
to get off the shelf equipment for the Services. It was great fun to see
how we could get better equipment, in a shorter period of time, for less
money. You know the American hunter is better equipped, for less money,
than the American soldier.

 Anyway, these guys hated us. Ultimately, we were shut down. It was a
shame. Strangely enough, after I retired, Cyprus tried to recruit me to go
to Bosnia and train folks. That's when I decided I'd never work for a
Defense Contractor.

 These Generals would sell out for anything. Lewis one time bragged
to me (this was in 1987) that he made 880,000 dollars that year. This was
before he setup MPRI. God knows what he's made now.

 I believe in capitalism but using the "system" and their "rank" for
personal profit is wrong, no matter how its explained nor how the laws are
written. It's interesting to note that Lewis' prime "stooge," MG Halada
(Ret), former CG, Fort Sill and MPRI member, was taken off the three star
list for trying to "fix" the BG board.

 Its no wonder a lot of folks, former soldiers, has lost respect for
the leadership of the Country. With few exceptions, I see no one out there
that sets the pace with style and class.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VOICE OF THE GRUNT Volunteers:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ David H. Hackworth, Taker of Names and
Spiritual Leader Robert L. McMahon, Editor and Chief bottle-washer Barry
"Woody" Groton, Assistant Editor and Medicine Man Ed "Edgar" Schneider,
Copy Editor, Man of Letters and gentleman Larry Tahler, WebMaster Guru and
Crack-shot Judy Bowyer Martin, Administration and Brains of the Outfit
Kyle Elliott, Book List Editor and Most Over-worked James Higday, MOH
Editor and NCOIC ===================================================
EDITOR'S NOTE: As a rule of thumb, please try to keep article for possible
publication to 700 words or less. We do make exceptions and will not turn
away an 800 to 900 word piece, but please make every editing effort not to
exceed these guidelines.

If you believe you have a story that is longer than 700 words we will
consider running it in parts. Keep the piece focused on the story you want
to express, not impress upon the reader.

Thanks to everyone for keeping the communication lines open and the ideas

Semper Fi,
Bob McMahon
You can now find copies of Hack's previous columns at:
http://www.hackworth.com. These are found in the Defending America
Section, under Archived Copies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GLOSSARY OF MILITARY ACRONYMS: We've had numerous requests from troops in
different branches of the military to establish this link so that we will
all know how "all you others" talk that talk. Please see below:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONGRESSIONAL E-MAIL ADDRESSES

Congressional e-mail addresses can be found by going to
(www.hackworth.com) and accessing Congressional e-mails at the bottom of
the first page. ********************ORDERING

 We still have Trade copies of About Face. These are exactly the same as
the hardback, except they have a soft cover. Cost for an autographed copy:
$26.00 (including handling and postage).

 If you are interested in ordering Hack's books (About Face*,
Hazardous Duty**, or The Vietnam Primer), check out the instructions at
our web page: http://www.hackworth.com.

 It takes about 3 weeks to process the book orders. Your patience is
appreciated. Please mark on outside if envelope "Book Order" and make
check out to:

 Twin Eagles Ink
 PO Box 5210
 Greenwich, CT  06831

*About Face available in trade copy.
**Hazardous Duty available in hardback.

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one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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--- Ernest Hemingway
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