-Caveat Lector-

'part two' of:
<a href="http://www.sirius.com/~holy/mushroom2.html">MUSHROOMS and
MANKIND</a> Ethno-Mycology 2, by James Arthur

Forerunner to Christianity and source for much of the world's Mythology

[NOTE: Egyptology is really a dogma entrenched predjudiced study of the
Egyptian theology. The true name of the study of the ancient land known as
Egypt should be called Khemitology, as the true name of the land is KMT or
Khemit. This will be classified, and discussed, in a section of its own.]

[Image] Figure 20.   Egyptology and the Mushroom
Andrija Puharich, in this book "The Sacred Mushroom (Key to the Door Of
Eternity)", described hieroglyphic, and linguistic links to the Amanita
muscaria. The typical (and obvious) mushroom pictogram, and the Ankh are
theorized as symbols for the mushroom. Although much of this information
was extracted while one of his psychic voyagers was in trance, this link
has proved to be important to understanding Egyptian theology, and as we
will see later in undersanding Khemitology. With the help of Egyptian
associations to Mithra, the lion headed god, the function of the TUB (in
the center of the Kings Chamber at Gizeh) is a key that will unveil the
"Stargate". The Aten (winged Disc) symbolizes the mushroom cap with the
mushroom gills being stylized as wings. The title of this book is profound,
as the mushroom will be discovered as the literal "key to the door of

[Image] Figure 21.   The Egyptian Scarab
This representation of the Egyptian scarab beetle contains symbolism for
the mushroom. The wings (gills), sun-disc, and moon-disc. Look at this
closely as you will see the same imagery used later. This is one of the
views of the mushroom. Looking at the cap from the bottom. The gills are
prevalent. The scarab is considered hermaphroditic, or self generating much
in the same way the mushroom regenerates. Male and female within the same
organism, it is an appropriate symbol.

The central chamber is a place that opens the stargate. (keep in mind that
these rituals came later historically than Khemit) This TUB is known to
have played a part in a ceremony that was to prepare the initiant for entry
into the heavens. The question is: How was this used in such a ceremony? A
clue is found in the enigmatic salt deposits found all over the walls of
the inside of the chamber. The ceremony induced an "out of body"
experience, teleporting the initiant out of body and into the stars. The
Egyptians may have had a certain place in mind that this chamber was
designed to help direct the spirit towards. Likely possibilities would be
Sirius, or Orion. In our time, if one were to try attempting to recreate
this journey, there would likely be a desired direction toward which you
would want the small portals leading out of the chamber to point.
Astronomical alignment should be observed as there is evidence that these
portals aligned with certain regions of the sky at specific times, and that
the initiate was thought to spiritually ascend through these portals. There
have been theories suggesting that these portals were used to direct the
spirit of the initiate to certain points in the stars. However, as it is
thought that the spirit can penetrate solid objects, a guiding barrell
seems an unlikely conclusion, yet all things considered, the jury is still
out on that one. Buoyant salt water in this tub would provide a very nice
sensory deprivation tank, for death and rebirth initiation. Much like the
tank that was used for Amanita research in the movie "Altered States".

[Image] Figure 22.   The Great Pyramid
The Great Pyramid at Gizeh is the sacred place of initiation. This
structure's relationship with sacred geometry, it's effect upon, and
possible manipulation of, multi-dimensionality, as well as strong theories
dealing with energy production, make the enigmatic structure one of the
most interesting phenomenon on our planet.

  The Sacred rite of the initiation.

  The Egyptian mystery schools gave birth to other secret initiatory orders
such as the Rosecrutians, Freemasons, Templars and more. These modern
societies elaborate upon, and use as a model, "the tiers of learning",
which the Egyptian mystery schools incorporate. Later mystic societies
perpetuated the systems, although in a degraded state, due to the actual
pyramid not being used in the highest of the initiatory levels. The pyramid
was replaced by a room and the sarcophagos replaced by a simple coffin.
Perhaps there are still those who recognize the value and importance of
these artifacts and still do use them, but if this is so, it is not well
known. The likely importance of this, were it to be known, to those who
have devoted their lives to this pursuit, they would not settle for the
symbolic replacements.

  Those who aspire to take on the task of advancement, in the orders, are
required to prove their worthiness through their proficiencies in the
sciences as well as passing severe trials of various sorts. The ancient
temple order initiations can be viewed as a gradual process of learning
accompanied by levels of accomplishment entertwined with secret oaths,
which were rewarded through the revealing of hidden knowledge. The process
of advancement was typically a lifetime endeavor, of which 22 years was the
base period (according to Masonic tradition). This base period encapsulated
the study of sciences such as mathematics, geometry, astronomy, and
astrology (which can be more appropriately termed as astro-theology, as it
was concerned, not only with the astronomical cycles and constellations,
but the esoteric principles of man's evolution, and the mythology of the
gods). Motivation for a person to swear oaths and submit oneself to such a
long term commitment of study certainly has a lot do do with an eventual
hoped-for-culmination in the highest of secret initiations. Specifically
the initiation that could take place only in the central chamber of the
great pyramid at Gizeh. The imitations of this ceremony, in the later
societal orders, are only a shadow of the real thing, completely void of
the key mechanisms that make this rite what it really is.

  This highest of initiatory rituals, in theory, is to be conferred upon
those who dedicate their lives, and swear their oaths, to proceed along the
prescribed path. However, in reality, the Egyptian mystery schools were
supremely exclusionist in nature, as are the latter societies. The true
nature, of this very culmination ritual (which will herein be described),
is obscured to the point of near complete extinction. Those who have
dedicated their lives to this end have done so without the actual expected
reward. Egyptian heirarchies seem to be much more likely to confer this
culmination ritual on those with the proper bloodline rather than those who
rose through the ranks of the typical initiates. These initiate pools were
more likely a sort of servile knowledge gatherers, and developers, rather
than really prospective initiates into the highest ceremony.

  The great pyramid at Gizeh is thought to be the permanent record of, and
the physical representation of the esoteric knowledge of the highly
advanced Egyptian (Khemitian) acomplishments in the sciences. Mathematics,
geometry, astronomy and astrology are all encoded in the very structure
itself. The anomalous energy fields associated with the pyramidal structure
indicate the maifestation of multi-dimensional fall out, perhaps the tip of
the iceburg in terms of the understanding incorporated into their creation.
This utilization of the deeper forces in nature must be considered when
contemplating the construction of the monument, and the enigma that the
feat can not be duplicated even today. On the spiritual level this
multi-dimensionality has a far greater importance as it becomes one of the
mechanical instruments utilized in the highest rite of initiation. It also
demands consideration in many other areas, as the phenomenon of energy
fields and multi-dimensionality open doorways of understanding and purpose
that can barely be theorized upon, let alone be explained in full. The
surface of the enigma is barely being scratched upon even after thousands
of years of wonder.

[Image] Figure 23.   The Kings Chamber (Isolation Tank)
The ultimate sensory deprivation tank. The massive harmonic and energy
invoking central chamber in the great pyramid at Gizeh.

  This highest rite of initiation, in order to be done in its proper
method, is to be accomplished with the assistance of the multi-dimensional
effects of the pyramid in conjunction with the multi-dimensional effects of
the Amanita muscaria's unique form of the death and rebirth experience.
Another important ingredient in the rite is the sacrcophagos within the
central chamber. It is more than an interesting coincidence that the word
sarcophagos literally translates as "flesh-eating". As the mushroom is
refered to as flesh, in most ancient traditions. The sarcophagos is where
the initiate would lie down, during the rite, consume the sacred flesh, and
drink of the waters of life.

  The ritual itself, inside the great pyramid, was a three day long ordeal.
It takes place in the central chamber where the initiate was placed in a
death-like trance. This death-like trance is induced by the Amanita
muscaria, whose unique properties have been previously shown. Christianity,
which owes most of its myths to Egyptology/Astrotheology, depicts this
ritual as the mushroom induced death of the god on the cross, burial in the
tomb for three days (wherein there is a descent into, and a ministering to
those in hades), and then ressurrection, after the stone is rolled away
from the tomb. After the death-like state is induced, the initiate decends
into hades and does the work of lifting up lost souls through ministering
in charity, and good deeds. This deathlike state is something administered
by the priest in the ritual. The heiroglyphic symbol for priest is a
horizontal line with a vertical line to the right, and a connecting 45
degree line at the radius, a pitcher balances atop the vertical line,
pointing left, and a jagged line (like a river) pours out of the pitcher to
the left of the bottom horizontal line. This symbol for the priest is
similar to the astronomical sign for Aquarius. The priest is the
waterbearer, or the one who knows fully and understands the true nature of
the waters of life, wich he pours out, or reveals to the world. For the
true nature of the priest is the one who can reveal the true waters of life
(Soma) and can dispense this knowledge to those worthy of recieving it.

After three days, of this death and ressurrection ordeal, the initiate is
taken at the close of the third night to the entrance of a gallery, where
at a certain time, presumably the sun-rise, he is taken out of the pyramid,
where the beams of the rising sun struck directly the face of the entranced
initiate, where he was given passage to the heavens, initiated by the god
Osiris (the Thoth and god of wisdom) and became as a god himself. Some
theorists claim chambers that faced eastward in The great pyramid must
still be hidden. Some theorize that the pyramid may be truncated, or the
initiate may have been led to the northern opening at noon. Exactly how it
was done remains a mystery. Hopefully the theory presented here will spark
further research, and eventually this will be understood as it was meant to

  According to Manley P. Hall, and also echoed by Peter Tompkins; "The
candidate (the illumined of antiquity) passed through the mystic
passageways and chambers of the great pyramid, entering its portals as men
and coming forth as Gods. The candidate was laid in the great stone coffin
(sarcophagos) and for three days his spirit -freed from its mortal coil-
wandered at the gateways of eternity. His "KA" (as a bird) flew through the
spiritual spheres of space. He discovered that all the universe is life,
all the universe is progress, all the universe is eternal growth. Realizing
that his body was a house which he could slip out of and return to without
death, he achieved actual immortality. At the end of three days he returned
to himself again, and having thus personally and actually experienced the
great mystery, he was indeed an initiate -one who beheld and one for whom
religion had fulfilled her duty bringing him to the light of God."

  Through personal experience I can see plainly the truth behind this
initiatory rite. While experiencing the effects of the Amanita muscaria one
surely ascends towards the heavens, and descends towards the abyss.
Interesting that the underwoeld is called Amenta which I see as accessible
through the Amanita, the lingustic relation is astounding. The experience
of the abyss is easily recognized as every atom of the self is dashed to
pieces in the self introspection and judgement that accompanies the plunge
into that vortex which spirals downward to the complete annihilation of the
self. The flash of ones life before ones eyes leaves no stone unturned as
each and every event of ones life surfaces into the consciousness. This is
where one learns the humility of the adept, the infallibilty of perfection
and the inevitability of error. "Judge not that ye be not judged" becomes
ever so clear in retrospect, and the "heart that is light as a feather"
suddenly becomes the most valuable element in the universe. The profound
effect of direct sunlight, especially the sunrise, is something that can
only be described as a "Born into the Light" experience. Each atom of the
body can be felt to change somehow as the light travelling through the body
can be distinctly sensed each micrometer of the way. Once it finishes its
course, and the complete body is engulfed, there is an incredible "stepping
through" experience, wherein the glorious beauty and extacy of the heavens
unfold. This is an experience of the most profound and unique type. As far
as I know, it is the only entheogen that produces this effect, and in fact
this IS that proscribed experience that all the extatic religious writings
refer to. This initiation ritual is certainly a prescribed methodology for
the ultimate experience that a human can have. Knowing the up-and-down
effect that the Mushroom has, which is much like an elevator ride, reaching
undefinable realms of the heavens, followed by a sudden plunge to the
depths, then an upsweepng again to the ascent, it can seem random or at
least unpredictable at best. This Egyptian guided experience, that holds
one down in the depths for three days, then by design moves the initiate
into the sunlight to begin the ascent, reminds me of a sling-shot. The
further back (down) you pull the projectile (initiate) the further (higher)
it (he) goes. This, combined with the multi-dimentionality associated with
the enigmatic attributes and energy fields of the pyramid itself (the full
understanding of which is NOT available to us - and in fact our
understanding can only be termed as infantile in our times) makes for an
enigmatic voyage of the soul of man. The concepts and mechanics of which
have been locked away from our limited understanding for these thousands of
years, beneath a myriad of symbols and relics. That it must have been
known, due to the recurring cycles of the evolution of man, that at some
point in time, the secrets of this mystery would be re-discovered, only
adds to this enigma of the past. The prophecies and revelations of those
mystics the world over, who tell of an ushering in of the new golden age,
remain void of fulfillment. But perhaps not forever.

  In the past, as today, the acceptance and challenges of these steps of
initiation could have been the product of man's desire and search to
understand the meaning of life, or the desire to help mankind progress,
through diligent effort of individuals with compassion. These are admirable
motivations. However, there is always the threat of a more sinister motive
which is the desire for power. This dark desire seems to be the source of
the obscuration of this entire concept. It is my opinion that those without
pure intent (hearts as light as a feather) would be unable to withstand the
powers invoked in the fullness of this true ritual. The results of which,
for those dark souls, may be death or insanity. This failure rate may be
the reason for the falling away from the use of this rite in its fullness.
It can be demonstrated by the condition the world is in. After all, it IS
those secret societies (which follow this Egyptian model) that control the
finances, governments, and religious systems that currently plague the
planet with perversions of truth and fascist agendas not becoming of the
truly enlightened.

KMT or Khemit (Al Khemit) The ancient name for Egypt

Al Khemit: (Ancient Egypt) The heart of the lost civilization
Much has been said about the great pyramid at Gizeh, and the ancient
temples of the region along the nile, yet even after thousands of years of
wonder there still remains a hidden and vast amount of information that
research and study can not explain. One of the biggest problems in putting
the pieces of the puzzle together is there is so much erroneous and false
information about it, which is accepted as fact. Dates of 2,500 to 3,500
BCE as the dates of construction of the pyramids at Gizeh, and other
structures in the region, should be taken with a grain of salt. Taking into
consideration the proliferance of obvious dogma associated with nearly
everything concerning Egypt, including the very name of the place, which is
actually Al Khemit or KMT, Egypt being the Greek name given after their
occupation of the area, it should be no surprise that much information is
hidden about the true religious history of those north-african peoples. A
land that has been stripped of its history, religion, and even its very
name by those who conquered and re-conquered the area. A perfect example of
the dogma is the accepted Egyptologist's explanation of the construction of
the pyramids. Two technologies/methods were needed and are described, in
the ancient texts, for construction. One is the blocks had to be quarried,
cut out of solid granite. The tools in the Egyptian museum, in Cairo,
supposedly used for this are copper chisels, and round rocks. Anyone who
has ever tried to dent a granite rock with a chisel (let alone a copper
one) and has seen the precision of the cuts in the granite artifacts, knows
this is impossible. A round rock beating another rock (granite) is even
more unlikely. It is known that some of the artifacts were produced by this
method, but those items are obviously produced in this way, and do not show
anything like the precision craftmanship found on the sarcophagos in the
pyramid of Khefren. In fact the difference is obvious and astounding. Then
there is the problem of moving the granite stones into place. The standard
explanation of floating granite blocks on boats and rolling them up ramps
to the top of the pyramids is dumbfounding. Some of the grainte blocks,
statues, and obelisks weigh in excess of 1,200 tons! That is about 2.5
million pounds. You can not roll a 2.5 million pound chunk of Granite
across sand (or even hard pan) with logs or anything else, period. In fact
the largest cranes on the planet can not even lift anything that heavy.
These two feats of wonder, cutting the granite and moving it (lifting it
into place), which cannot be done today, even with our highest technology,
point to ancient abilities beyond our understanding. There is much
speculation about E.T.'s building the pyramids, and speculation about
cutting the granite with laser beams. This is another explanation that does
not hold water. An engineer friend of mine Christopher Dunn (Author of "The
Giza Power Plant") has witnessed what a 2,500 watt laser beam does when it
hits solid granite, and it does practically nothing! Anyone familiar with
lasers knows that a 2,500 watt laser is extremely powerful. It can cut
through solid steel like butter, but granite is another story alltogether.
Those humans indiginous to the land of ancient Khemit who have passed down
an oral tradition of who built the Pyramids, and how, may hold the key to
unraveling the truth behind this mystery.

[Image] Figure 24.   Winged Isis
The winged goddess Isis, mother of Horus and consort of Osiris. Compare
this image to the images of the upturned mushroom cap, the thousand armed
buddha tanghka, and the winged scarab. The wings again symbolize the gills
of the mushroom and this positioning depicts the upturned mushroom cap.
Many of the Khemitian goddesses are interchangeable, as are the gods, they
are more like mythological titles than actual names. Much like the word god
itself is more of a title than an actual name.

There is a body of ancient knowledge, passed down orally over the thousands
of years, since the land of ancient Khemit was a flourishing civilization,
that has been preserved behind the scenes of governmental and religious
influence. The first point being that the ancient Khemitian society was
matriarhichal. Actually the term matriarhichal is incorrect, but it serves
the purpose of explanation in contrast to the systems of society and
worship which are patriarhichal. Matriarchichal worship is simply the
worship of the goddess, as the primary deity, as creator of all things,
rather than the male aspect being the central object of worship. The female
deity does not actually dominate as in the male dominated partriarchy.
Rather the goddess is raised up in the spirit of love by the males. The
concept of the matriarchical system, as a female dominating societal model,
has been adopted in recent feminist movements. But the entire concept has
actually lost much of its true meaning thanks to those who try to adapt the
obvious dominant position of the male in the patriarchichal systems to the
female. In the ancient system the female was the primary object of worship
and veneration, yet the concept of dominance is strictly a patriarchichal
concept and was not an issue in the ancient cosmology. The female, though
the primary object of worship, did not have the need nor the desire for
The switch from matriarchichal society to patriarchichal society, on a
global scale, accompanied the demise of the lost civilization. An
incredible mythology exists in the ancient Khemetian tradition that sheds
light on the entire cosmology of the matriarchical to patriarchichal shift,
the cycles of human evolution, and perhaps the very reason why the mushroom
is hidden from mainstream view. The mythology is of the goddess Nut and her
male consort Geb. The goddess Nut (pronounced Noot) is depicted as a female
with her feet on the ground arching foreward curving her body to where her
hands also touch the ground. Geb is reclined on the ground underneath her.
Her body is filled with stars as she is the goddess of the sky (or
firmament of the heavens). Durring the day the sun passes through her in 4
stages, mid-morning, noon, early afternoon, and late afternoon. The last
stage is when the sun leaves her body and passes at sunset into the
underworld (Amenta). This is called the Amun state. There are five states
of the sun during a 24 hour period. This cycle is transformed into a longer
period of time that encompasses a sixety-five thousand year cycle. This
cycle is thought to recur again and again over the aeons of time, the
position of the sun corresponding with the state of humainty as pertaining
to the level of enlightenment, or the direct knowledge of the gods present
on earth. The Amun state, or the period of darkness, is where we are now in
the cosmology of this myth. This Amun state is known as the hidden (which
is what Amun means) wherein the true nature and direct knowledge of the
gods is hidden from humanity. This corresponds with the matriarchichal to
patriarchichal shift which happened around eight thousand years ago. The
sun (or light of the world) is not in the body of the goddess Nut, but has
passed out of her under the earth into the hidden state or the place
reclined upon by Geb. The Amun (hidden) state is portrayed as lasting eight
thousand years which puts us in this time-line at the end of the period of
darkness. In other words The sun (light of the world, symbol of
enlightenment) is about to be born upon the horizon and enter into the
firmament of Nut’s body and a new state of enlightenment is about to come
upon the earth. This must be accompanied by a switch to the matriarchichal
system. However the matriarchichal concept needs to be understood in its
actuality rather that as a shifted and superimposed form of the system of

[Image] Figure 25.   The Djed Pillar
The Djed pillar is associated with the Cedars of Lebbanon. Does this image
look like a Cedar to you? There is certainly a reason why this is shaped
this way. Of course it is not actually the cedar, but what grows underneath
which the pillar symbolizes. Osiris, who happens to be the god of the
underworld, the god of the moon, of plants and vegetation is connected.
Some say it symbolizes the penis of Osiris, which was never found after Set
cut Osiris into 13 pieces, and hid them. This makes sense, but for
deepening reasons. Isis found all of his parts and re-assembled them,
except she could not find the penis. Using magic she fashioned a penis for
him from a living tree (or part of a tree) and used it to impregnate
herself on Dec 21st (winter Solstice). Osiris lay dead for 3 days (as the
sun stopped it's north/south motion) and on Dec 25th Isis gave birth to
Horus. Other stories say that Set put Osiris into a coffin and floated his
body down (up) the Nile, Isis found him grown into a Cedar tree (djed). The
Djed was used in fertility rites and rites of passage for young females as
a practice phallus. This is remarkably simlar to the Hindu myth of Rhudra
the red god, who was murdered in the forest, his penis severed. As his
revenge, his severed red penis returns every year as the mushroom.

[Image] Figure 26.   Amon and Amaunet feeding Horus the Ankh
Amon (the one with the feather crown seated to the left), in this relief,
is holding the arm of the initiating Horus. while he pushes the Ankh into
his mouth. Viewing this relif head on, Horus has his mouth closed
(pictured). If you step around the pillar, to the left, you see an
incredible optical effect. Horus opens his mouth wide to accept this gift.
Amon is accompanied by his consort Amaunet, and Horus (ready for his travel
into Amenta) is accompanied by the lion-headed goddess Sekhmet.

[Image] Figure 27.   The Djed Pillar and Ankh Combination
The Ankh and the Djed are both symbols for the same thing (or perheps 2
types of mushrooms). This Ankh with the imbedded Djed is a clue that they
the same meanings. The Djed that grows under the Cedar and the Ankh which
is symbolic for the mushroom and the cross as well as meaning waters and
life, or "The waters of life", the juice extracted from the mushroom. The
Ankh is often displayed as being poured out of vessels, in streams of
ankhs, which are interpreted as water. However,it is not just any water. It
is the water which has the magical properties of eternal life.

[Image] Figure 28.   Mushrooms in temple Heiroglyphs
It doesn't take linguistic translation, or interpretation to read this
heiroglyph, or at least this part of it. This temple wall was burried for
thousands of years and still manages to have some paint remnants. Notice
that one mushroom is red and one mushroom is blue.

[Image] Figure 29.   Single Mushroom Heiroglyph
This heiroglyph is located outside the exit of an underground tunnel which
was/is used in a death and rebirth rite of passage ritual. After passing
through the tunnel (which symbolizes the womb) one has been through a
profound initiation. Especially if one is fortunate enough to do the ritual

[Image] Figure 30.   Huge mushroom shaped pillars
The pillars which are at every temple in Egypt are shaped like giant
mushrooms. These are shaped like the Amanita, some are shaped like
Psilocybe. others look like tree fungus and are decorated with pictures of
an incredible variety of plants. As the ultimate alchemists, the Al
Khemitians revered thousands of plants in their artwork.

[Image] Figure 31.   Mushrooms on temple pillar
Here we have the top of one of the temple pillars which depict mushrooms. I
cropped the rest of the pillar and zoomed in on the top so you can see the
mushrooms clearly. Notice the similarity in this design with the 11th
century painting of Jesus, which I call Jesus as lord of plants, with the
four mushroom- type images across the bottom. HR>

[Image] Figure 32.   Ankh, Djed, Disc, Snakes, and Wings
As common practice the symbols for the mushroom appear severally in one
artistic depiction. Note the disc (center) and compare it to the picture of
the bottom of the mushroom cap, the way the top turns under all the way
around the cap is shown by the outer ring of the disc.


Mithraism, a forerunner to Christianity, source for many of the borrowed

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