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Date sent:          Fri, 03 Sep 1999 10:06:37 -0400
From:               Santelman Associates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

            Area Buchanan support holds firm
            Rumors he’s leaving GOP don’t sway backers.
            By JOSHUA TRUDELL, Telegraph Staff

            Presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan may become the second
            Republican to leave the party in recent months, and several
            area supporters said that they would jump with him should he
            move to the Reform Party.

            "Wherever Pat goes, I will go," said Mark Santelman of Nashua,
            a Buchanan activist. "I’m an unrepentant Pat Buchanan

            Rumors have swirled for much of the summer about Buchanan
            leaving the Republican Party. Earlier this week, campaign
            adviser Bay Buchanan, the candidate’s sister, and several
            other aides said that he is considering leaving to join the
            Reform Party.

            Reform Party officials said that they would welcome Buchanan.

            James Fallon of Hampton, who has donated $750 to Buchanan’s
            campaign and called himself a "very enthusiastic" supporter,
            said that he doubted Buchanan would leave the Republican

            "I’m not at all sure the Reform Party fits Pat," Fallon said.
            "I know he and the governor of Minnesota" – Jesse Ventura of
            the Reform Party – "don’t see eye-to-eye."

            Santelman said he would tell Buchanan to go. "There’s nothing
            of value in the Republican Party," he said. "There are good
            Republicans, but the party as a whole is nothing to be proud

            Mark E. Johnson of Hollis, a 20-year Republican supporter who
            gave $500 to Buchanan in 1996, said he could easily follow
            Buchanan to the Reform Party.

            "It’s been more and more difficult to find out where the
            Republican Party stands," Johnson said. "I have no problem
            finding out where Pat Buchanan stands."

            Johnson suggested that Buchanan could put former president
            Ronald Reagan’s political coalition back together, merging
            blue-collar Democrats, conservative Republicans, and the
            voters that Ross Perot drew in 1996.

            Paul Busta, a supporter from Windham who donated $250 earlier
            this year, said that he was skeptical of initial rumors that
            Buchanan was leaving, but has become more convinced in recent
            days, with reports that Buchanan and campaign advisers are
            huddling at his Virginia home.

            "The rumors are going around, but they went around four years
            ago, too," Busta said. "It seems a little more likely when you
            throw in the nearly $13 million the Reform Party has."

            Busta said that he would probably continue to support Buchanan
            if he jumped to the Reform Party.

            Buchanan’s campaign has struggled in New Hampshire after two
            strong showings in the past two campaigns.

            His campaign has drawn only seven contributions totaling
            $3,050 so far, while his 1996 campaign, which won the New
            Hampshire primary, had 86 contributions for $36,975. In 1992,
            when he finished second in New Hampshire, he had 42
            contributors who gave $22,000.

            In early August, Buchanan issued a statement insisting that he
            was running for the Republican nomination and calling reports
            that he was leaving the party "unsubstantiated and untrue." In
            the same statement, he said that his campaign would be
            renewing efforts at an Aug. 14 straw poll in Ames, Iowa.

            Buchanan spokesman Bob Adams said Wednesday that if the
            statement were released today, it would still be accurate.

            "He is a Republican candidate for president. That’s still
            true," Adams said. He added, "That doesn’t mean he’s not
            having impure thoughts, however."

            Buchanan was fifth in the Iowa straw poll, which seemed to be
            enough to sustain his campaign. However, on the day of the
            poll, he already seemed to be hinting that he was leaving the
            party on two nationally broadcast television shows.

            "I’m going right now down this road" toward pursuing the GOP
            nomination, Buchanan said on a "Face the Nation" broadcast at
            the time. Then he added: "I don’t know exactly where I’m going
            to be in August of 2000."

            Reform Party national chairman Russell Verney said Wednesday
            that Buchanan’s campaign had not officially contacted the
            party yet. However, Verney said that Buchanan would be

            "He is one of the few candidates who could adopt our party
            platform with a straight face," Verney said.

            The Reform Party has a platform on government and economic
            issues, but it does not take positions on social issues, an
            area where controversy has surrounded Buchanan with his
            adamant pro-life stance.

            Verney said that Pat Choate, the party’s 1996
            vice-presidential candidate, is a longtime friend of the
            Buchanan family and had urged him to join the Reform Party.
            However, Verney added, he did not think the two sides were
            anywhere near an agreement.

            Ventura, whose supporters recently gained control of the
            Reform Party, is reportedly not wholeheartedly behind the idea
            of Buchanan joining.

            Whoever the Reform Party candidate is will have access to more
            than $12 million in federal funding for their campaign.

            To date, Buchanan has only raised about $2.4 million.

            If Buchanan decides to leave the Republican Party, he will be
            following in the steps of Sen. Bob Smith, I-N.H., who
            renounced the Republicans in July during his own presidential

            When Smith made his announcement, Buchanan supported the
            decision, stating, "When a man as conservative and principled
            as Bob Smith walks away from the Republican Party, perhaps the
            problem is not with Senator Smith, but with the Republican

            Joshua Trudell can be reached at 594-6584 or by e-mail at
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]


                        The Telegraph
                        Telephone: 603-882-2741
                        FAX: General 603-882-5138;
                        Newsroom 603-882-2681
                        Mailing address: P.O. Box 1008, Nashua, NH 03061
                        Street Address: 17 Executive Dr., Hudson, NH 03062
                        E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Copyright ©

-----------------  end  ------------------------

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