-Caveat Lector-

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: GMO's: Monsanto Loves Both Bush AND Gore
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 23:11:12 -0600 (CST)
From: "Emilie F. Nichols" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

From: Drusha L. Mayhue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 9:30 AM
Subject: [toeslist] Monsanto Loves Both Bush AND Gore

Subject: ED-COM: Monsanto Loves Both Bush AND Gore, but gee... Nader isn't
even mentioned
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2000 07:33:09 -0800

Monsanto Website Press  Release
Reference No.:3976
David  Safford
Bureau of National Affairs (BNA)
01 October 2000

Bioengineered Crops Hold Great Promise For Future Of Agriculture,
Candidates Agree

Agricultural biotechnology will find a supporter occupying the White House
next year, regardless of which candidate wins the election in November,
advisers from the campaigns of Vice President Gore and Texas Gov. George
W. Bush said Oct. 5.

Speaking at a debate on science issues sponsored by the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, representatives of each
campaign said biotechnology holds great promise for the future of
agriculture and that any regulation of it should be based entirely on
sound science.

Gore's chief domestic policy advisor, David Beier, agreed that science
must guide the nation's biotechnology policy, and noted that the vice
president supports the Food and Drug Administration's pending rules
governing the approval of bioengineered crops.

Those rules, which are expected to be proposed this fall, will require
biotechnology companies to consult with FDA, and will set out guidelines
for voluntary labeling of foods derived from biotechnology.

"We have supported voluntary labeling methods, so that we can be careful
that those labels are accurate," he said. "It would not be particularly
availing if labels ended up with a skull and crossbones saying that this
particular product is dangerous if there is no scientific basis for it."
Beier also emphasized the promise that these new technologies hold for
feeding the poorer nations of the world.

He said that "agricultural biotechnology offers tremendous promise to
stabilize the world's food system," citing the need for some countries to
produce enough food for their own people.

"We have to be very careful in how we in the developed world deal with
this particular technology," he continued. "The challenge isn't just what
should or should not be on the label in Europe or the United States, the
challenge is: 'What can this technology offer to the developing world to
help confront those international issues?' "

European Reluctance

Speaking on behalf of the Bush campaign, retired House Science Committee
Chairman Robert Walker (R-Pa.) said Bush is "concerned" about limits that
European nations have placed on the importation of genetically modified
American crops.

"He is concerned about the fact that the European Union has banned some of
our crops from coming in there just based upon the fact that they are
genetically modified," Walker said. "He has taken the position that he
will fight to ensure that U.S. products are allowed entry into the
European Union, and that accepted scientific principles are applied to all
regulations in this regard."

European nations and citizens generally view foods derived from
biotechnology with skepticism at best, and with deep distrust at worst. A
number of European nations have banned the sale of genetically modified
crops, while consumers are shunning genetically modified products. Critics
of the European position on agricultural biotechnology have claimed that
those countries are responding emotionally to the issue, and are ignoring
scientific evidence of the safety of bioengineered foods. <<...>>

Copyright 2000 Bureau of National Affairs (BNA) All Rights Reserved

Content, unless specifically noted as sourced from Monsanto, is from the
source noted and does not necessarily reflect views or positions taken by
Monsanto Company.

Visit "Resources for Democracy" at http://bozeman.bigsky.net/drusha
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