-Caveat Lector-

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Ritual Killing of the Divine King - Part I
   Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 21:58:56 -0400
   From: "Timothy Aho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     To: "Watch Unto Prayer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: The Watchmen
From: Watch Unto Prayer
Website: http://watch.pair.com/pray.html
latest clue in the assassination mystery unraveled by Barry Chamish's
online book, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, links it to the modern Knights
Templars.  This is no surprise to those who are aware of the designs
which the modern Freemasons have on the Holy Land, i.e., to seize the
Temple Mount and remake Jerusalem a Masonic city from which they intend
to rule the world.  To appreciate the enormity of the dominionist
ambition and influence of modern Freemasonry, you will want to read
Barry's update on the Rabin assassination.  It seems that the coroner
who presided over Yitzhak Rabin's autopsy also conducted another autopsy
on one Alisdair Rosslyn Sinclair -- a blue blood Knight Templar who
would have been a front runner in the Merovingian campaign for election
as the King of Jerusalem.
                              YITZHAK RABIN
  A.    RABIN'S LAST DOCTOR by Barry Chamish

    We now enter the realm of the truly bizarre as we look at the doctor
last examined Yitzhak Rabin, the State Pathologist, Dr. Yehuda Hiss.
Israelis know too well that their government's coroner is corrupt. In
September 1999, Judge Ruth Orr overturned a conviction against a Jewish
resident of Judea and Samaria for the shooting murder of an Arab boy
she accused Dr. Hiss of forging the forensic evidence against him. It
the second time in a year that a murder conviction was overturned
Hiss had falsified an autopsy for political purposes. He had earlier
caught doctoring the facts to secure a wrongful rap against the parents
of a
murdered child.
    His biggest fabrication of all occurred after the country's most
scandal was proven. In the first decade of Israel's existence, the Labor

government kidnapped over 4500 babies, mostly of new Yemenite immigrant
parents, and sold them off for adoption and medical experiments, mostly
abroad. Through the efforts of Yemenite groups fighting to expose this
crime, three years ago one mother, Margalit Omeisse was reunited with
daughter Celia Levine, given up for adoption to a California couple
half a century before. Besides looking like twins, the Hebrew University

genetics laboratory proved they were mother and daughter by DNA testing.
Hiss retested the two for the government and lo and behold, found that
Hebrew University was wrong.
    And that's why his nickname in certain circles is Dr. Coverup.
    People started calling him that about a year after the Rabin
assassination. He conducted a partial autopsy of Rabin and concluded he
shot twice in the back from medium range. In 1996, Rabin's hospital
were uncovered and over ten doctors and nurses signed very different
accounts of Rabin's demise. He was actually shot three times, twice from

point blank range and once frontally in the upper chest. On top of that,

Rabin's spine was shattered and Hiss categorically reported that it
Because the patsy Yigal Amir never shot from point blank range or from
front, and because the assassination film proved Rabin's spine could not

have been broken since he kept right on walking after the shot to his
somebody must have asked Hiss to alter the medical facts. So he did and
the government's commission of inquiry into the murder adopted Hiss's
as the official version of Rabin's death.
    So we knew that Hiss was corrupt and that he molded his reports to
government orders. What we didn't know was that he is also genuinely
ghoulish. Avi and Nitzana (Darshan) Leitner are Yigal Amir's attorneys.
also represent another victim of Dr. Hiss, the family of Alisdair
    On April 14, 1998, 47 year old Alisdair Sinclair, was stopped by
officials at Ben Gurion Airport on his way out of the country after a
day stay. They found 9000 Deutsche marks in a false bottom of his
and he was arrested without charge. The police thought the false bottom
suggested something illegal though hiding a large amount of money is a
legitimate means of thwarting theft.
    At the airport police station, Sinclair was found strangling on his
shoelaces. He was rushed to hospital and pronounced dead. From there his

body was transferred to the Abu Kabir Institute For Forensic Medicine
straight into the paws of Dr. Yehuda Hiss, who conducted an autopsy
concluded that Sinclair had killed himself.
    After that, there was a problem with the body. Sinclair was
his parents weren't alive and he had been living a rather rootless life
Amsterdam dealing in vintage guitars and strumming them at local pubs.
took three days to track down his family in Scotland and the police
to bury him in Israel. The family refused and paid about $5000 to fly
corpse home.
    On May 13, another autopsy was conducted, at the University of
and guess what? The hyoid bone at the base of the tongue was missing and
was the heart. Both were removed by Dr. Hiss. But why? No problem
why the hyoid bone was gone. It would reveal that Sinclair did not hang
himself but was strangled by other means.
    But the heart..? Avi Leitner can only say, "Our best guess is that
is involved the black market trade in human organs. We can't prove that
yet, but it seems the most likely motive for removing a healthy heart."
    Incredibly, a most unlikely source provides an even spookier motive.
let's get on with the story first.
    The Sinclair family started investigating Alisdair's recent life and
none of
his friends thought him remotely suicidal. Nor did they understand why
was arrested for carrying perfectly legal currency in the first place.
    Israel police explained that they suspected he was a drug dealer and
interrogation he admitted to have smuggled in thousands of Ecstasy pills
week before, though he did not know who bought them. Alisdair's brother
James, of Selkirk, Scotland mocked the police version, noting
that since he wasn't caught with drugs, he had no reason whatsoever to
confess to the supposed crime.
    Enter the British government. Tel Aviv embassy official Suad Andraus
furious, stating, "People don't just die in lockup." The British
demand that Dr. Hiss explain what he did with the heart and then return
    Hiss explained that as a drug smuggling suspect, the heart would
shown "signs of longterm drug abuse." Fine, so why didn't he return the
heart with the rest of the body? According to Hiss: "It's true we didn't

inform the family in Scotland that the heart was missing. Frankly, we
want to upset them."
    How thoughtful, and returning the body without the heart wasn't in
least bit upsetting???? Hiss complied to the second demand and turned
the heart to the Sinclair family, or at least a heart. A not very
heart, at that. The Sinclair Family demanded DNA proof that this was
Alistair's heart but Dr. Hiss refused, citing the $6000 cost of the
The Sinclairs found the cost prohibitive as well but this time, the
authorities did not press the issue or conduct their own tests.
    A frustrated James Sinclair expressed his disgust with the
inconsistencies of his brother's strange demise.
    Alisdair never had a police record and it is unlikely that he would
turn to
drug smuggling. And he repeats,"Why would he admit to anything if his
suitcase was empty? My brother was an intelligent, well read man. He
    Currently, the Israeli Police are conducting DNA tests and James is
awaiting the results, clearly unaware that if Dr. Yehuda "Coverup" Hiss
his hands in the testing, the findings will be as honest as those of the

Rabin assassination.
    And now a most unexpected motive for the whole affair. It was
in the Jerusalem Report, a staid, establishment newsmagazine which is
as a fount of disinformation on behalf of the country's Labor Party.
This peculiar passage may be of interest to those questioning Britain's
early and deep interest in Zionism, their reverance for Chaim Weizmann,
Balfour Declaration, The British-Israel Society, the Round Table
policies of
Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner and the like.

    "According to Alisdair's brother James, family lore has it that the
Sinclairs are descended from the crusading Knights Templars, who
to Jerusalem in the mid-1300s in search of holy artifacts from Herod's
Temple to bring back to Scottish hero Robert Bruce. Alisdair himself,
James, was particularly proud of his middle name, Roslyn, the name of a
chapel in Scotland whose floor plan is said to be based on Herod's
James mentions these details in attempting to reconstruct his brother's
motive for travelling to Israel."

    How does this Medieval history explain Alisdair Sinclair's missing
Whether it does in some way or not, one thing is certain: The doctor who

last examined Yitzhak Rabin is one very, weird sicko.


To acquire the author's three most recent books, includingWho Murdered
Yitzhak Rabin, write [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please visit  http://www.webseers.com/rabin B.    Rabin's Last Days

October 25: Law Would Cut Off Aid If Arafat Declares State.

Should The PLO unilaterally declare a state, US aid to the Palestinians
would be cut off under a new law Congress is on the verge of enacting.
The requirement was added at the urging of the American Israel Public
Affairs Committee (AIPAC). The legislation, the Middle East Peace
Facilitation Act, is contained in the foreign aid bill that made its way
through a House-Senate conference committee just after midnight

Rabin was in Washington for barely a day and two of the most significant
pieces of legislation since the Oslo Accord were signed into law. The
first declared Jerusalem as Israel's official capital, the next would
essentially stop diplomatic recognition of the Palestinian Authority if
it declared a Palestinian state.
     Rabin is putting the brakes on the Oslo process. He coordinated a
strategy with AIPAC to prevent the division of Jerusalem and the
declaration of a Palestinian state. He has now, without a shadow of
doubt, declared war on Clinton (CFR), Christopher (CFR), Kissinger
(CFR), Peres, Beilin, the UN and all Arab leaders, especially his other
"peace partner" King Hussein of Jordan.
     Rabin had been in the NWO game for over two decades. He must have
realized the consequences of his actions. He must have known there would
be mortal retaliation. For whatever the reasons, Rabin decided to die a
hero's death, defending his nation against raw evil.

October 26: Barak Meets Crown Prince Hassan. Interior Minister Ehud
Barak met yesterday in Amman with Crown Prince Hassan and with the
Jordanian Chief of General Staff, Gen. Marii. Barak, who visited Jordan
when he was still chief of general staff, was invited by Hassan to visit
Jordan as a minister. The trip was organized suddenly yesterday morning,
and Hassan dispatched the Royal Black Hawk helicopter to fly Barak from
the border to Amman. . .no details of the two hour meeting were

Jordan again! First Shahal met the Jordanian security establishment,
then two days later Barak was rushed to Amman for reasons not disclosed.
What possible reason could the Crown Prince of Jordan have had for an
emergency meeting with a mere Interior Minister? This is the time to
remind readers of Barak's close ties to the CFRers such as Kissinger,
Edgar Bronfman, Lawrence Tisch and Warren Christopher and to recall the
Jordanian royal family's membership in numerous secret societies ie.
King Hussein and Rabin were both high degree Masons. One must not rule
out the possibility in Rabin's case of ritual as well as political

                            ALISDAIR SINCLAIR
Alisdair Rosslyn Sinclair [surname derived from Saint-Claire] is a
descendant of one of the original Knights Templar who captured the city
of Jerusalem during the first Crusade of 1099. According to Masonic
authors of The Second Messiah:

     "The [original Knights Templar] of whom little is known are
     believed to have been representatives of the ruling families
     of Champagne, Anjou, Gisors and Flanders. The leader of the
     Templars was Hugues de Payen, a middle-ranking noble-man in
     Champagne who married Catherine St Clair, the niece of his
     crusading partner Baron Henri St Clair of Roslin, in 1101."
     [Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, The Second Messiah,
     Element Books, Inc., 1998, p. 74]

The Sinclairs are recognized as "hereditary grand masters of Scottish
Masonry" and rank high among the "sacred" Merovingian families deemed
worthy to assume the throne of Jerusalem. These deluded power elites
base their fabricated claim on the blasphemy that Jesus Christ sired
children, whose descendants intermarried with the bloodlines of the
thrones of Europe, infusing them with the holy blood of Christ.

     "There are at least a dozen families in Britain and Europe
     today--with numerous collateral branches who are of
     Merovingian lineage. These include the houses of
     Hapsburg-Lorraine (present titular dukes of Lorraine and kings
     of Jerusalem), Plantard, Luxembourg, Montpezat, Montesquiou,
     and various others. According to the 'Prieure documents,' the
     Sinclair family in Britain is also allied to the bloodline as
     are various branches of the Stuarts. And the Devonshire
     family, among others, would seem to have been privy to the
     secret. All of these houses could presumably claim a pedigree
     from Jesus; and if one man, at some point in the future, is to
     be put forward as a new priest-king, we do not know who he
     is."  [Michael Biagent, Richard Leigh, Henry Lincoln, Holy
     Blood Holy Grail, pp. 409-410]

The cloning of Dolly the sheep in 1996, which gnostics considered to be
the "Molecular Logos," occurred at Geron Biomed, the commercial arm of
the Roslin Institute in a village in Scotland, which is also the site of
a very famous Knights Templar shrine, the Rosslyn Chapel. The village of
Roslin, site of the sheep cloning experiment, is also near Rosslyn
Castle, which was the home of the St Clairs [Sinclairs] who financed the
Rosslyn Chapel around 1450. For more information on Rosslyn, please read
our report on The First Human Embryo Cloned. The Grand Master of the
Priory of Sion from 1984 until at least 1988, and probably longer, was
Pierre Plantard de Saint-Claire.  Pierre Plantard de Saint-Claire's son,
Thomas, is therefore considered a likely candidate in the Merovingian
lineage for the throne of Jerusalem. Bill Kalogonis has done some
research on the possibility that the Antichrist will come from the
Sinclair bloodline.

     Holy Blood Holy Grail Connections:

     Biblical Connections:

     The Labyrinth of the Grail:
     [synopsis of a book about the historical and esoteric
     leadership of the Sinclairs]

Politically speaking, Alisdair Sinclair may have been eliminated to make
way for Thomas Plantard de Saint-Clair or some other candidate among the
Merovingian competitors for world domination.  However, the rationale
behind the bizarre removal of the heart of Alisdair would seem to be
related to the Templar superstition. Another theory comes from an
interesting study in pre-Christian superstition which is being revisited
upon civilized society through the most outrageous acts of barbarity:

     Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare

     "Sir James Frazer writing in The Golden Bough: A Study in
     Magic and Religion, explains that when the 'divine king' is
     murdered by one who is himself stronger or craftier, tho'e
     powers of 'divinity' which were the king's are
     'Sympathetically' and 'Contagiously' transferred from the
     vanquished to the victor."

The highly irregular circumstances surrounding of the demise of one of
the Sinclair pedigree bears the earmarks of ritual murder.  We will now
take flight into the irrational world of the Knights Templars for a
precedent which may present clues as to why. . .

                            ROBERT THE BRUCE

 In The Temple and The Lodge, by Michael Biagent and Richard Leigh, we
read of the strange request of Knight Templar and descendant of the
Kings of Scotland, Robert the Bruce, that, upon his death his heart be
removed and taken to Jerusalem to be buried in the Knights Templar
Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Robert the Bruce's heart was transported
by none other than Grand Master of the Scottish Templars, Sir William
Sinclair, and a few other knights who never made it to Jerusalem.  In
Spain, Robert the Bruce's heart was thrown into a battle against the
Moors and saved the day, but William Sinclair and most of the other
knights died.

     In 1329, Bruce died, to be succeeded, as he had arranged, by
     his grandson, Robert II, the first of the Stuart dynasty.
     Before his death, he had expressed the wish that his heart be
     removed, placed in a casket, taken to Jerusalem and buried in
     the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. In 1330, therefore, Sir
     James Douglas, Sir William Sinclair, Sir William Keith and at
     least two other knights embarked for the Holy Land. . .
     [Michael Biagent and Richard Leigh, The Temple & The Lodge,
     Arcade Pub., 1989, p. 39]

We find in The Hiram Key an explanation for removing Bruce's heart to

     "Before dying [Robert the Bruce] had taken a vow to go to
     Jerusalem and fight the Saracen and as a mark of respect his
     embalmed heart was taken by Sir William St Clair and Sir James
     Douglas on a last crusade to Jerusalem, but unfortunately they
     were killed in battle in Andalusia en route. Bruce's heart
     never reached the Holy City and was returned to be buried in
     Melrose Abbey whilst Sir William was buried at Rosslyn."
     [Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key, Element
     Books, 1996, pp. 300-01]

The Knights Templars had occupied Jerusalem until 1291, when the Holy
Land fell to the Saracens.  Following the dissolution of the Knights
Templar in 1312 and death of their Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, in
1314, many fugitive knights fled to Scotland, which was not under Papal
control and where they were welcomed by the St Clair family. It was
during this period that Robert the Bruce rose to prominence as the
central figure in Scotland's struggle for independence from England's
domination and  restoration of the Celtic religion.  According to The
Temple and The Lodge and other Masonic literature, Robert the Bruce was
well-connected to the sacred Merovingian bloodline:

     ". . . Scotland, under the aegis of the Dalraida king, Kenneth
     MacAlpin, became a unified Celtic kingdom. Around 850, Kenneth
     was installed at Scone, as monarch of all Scotland. . .Under
     Kenneth MacAlpin's descendant, David I, the feudal Kingdom of
     Scotland finally emerged in 1124. . .David himself was
     thoroughly Celtic, the son of the Celtic king, Malcolm III. .
     .Among King David's entourage was a Norman knight, Robert de
     Brus. . .Although the Robert de Brus of King David's time was
     of Norman (and possibly Flemish) descent, his great grandson
     married David's great-granddaughter, the niece of the Celtic
     kings Malcolm IV and William I. The Robert Bruce who was later
     to figure so prominently in Scottish history could thus claim
     blood descent from the ancient Celtic royal house, and
     eventually back to Kenneth MacAlpin of the Dalraida."  [The
     Temple & The Lodge, pp. 18-20]

It seems that by 1300, the Scots could not agree on a ruler and so
Edward I of England was invited to arbitrate among the warring claimants
to the throne.  Edward appointed John Balliol, the grandfather of Robert
Bruce, also known as 'the Competitor,' and then annexed Scotland to
Great Britain. The Scots rebelled but were defeated by Edward who exiled
Balliol and proceeded to dismantle the Celtic institutions.

     ". . .Edward embarked on a systematic campaign to eradicate
     all vestiges of political and religious, of the old Celtic
     kingdom. The Stone of Scone, most archaic and sacred of Celtic
     talismans, was accorded special attention. At Edward's behest,
     the inscription on it was erased and the stone itself removed
     from Scone and brought to London. The great seal of Scotland
     was smashed and coffers of royal records were confiscated.
     Edward appointed himself, in effect, an ad hoc defender of the
     faith -- the archetypal Christian king, promulgating the rule
     of Rome. To bolster this image, it was profitable to emphasise
     the pagan aspects of the old Celtic kingdom, which were
     portrayed as heretical, if not pagan and satanic. By
     disseminating rumours of sorcery and necromancy, Edward was
     able to show moral and theological justification for his
     crusade to annex Scotland." [The Temple & The Lodge, p. 26]

Just a few pages earlier, Biagent and Leigh sheepishly admitted that the
Celtic religion which Robert the Bruce sought to restore "may even have
included ritual human sacrifice." [p. 19]  The Scottish rebellion
against England was led by William Wallace, hero of the modern movie
Braveheart.  The Temple and The Lodge describes the ascent of Robert the
Bruce to power via ritual human sacrifice:

     "It was against this turbulent background that the figure of
     Robert Bruce suddenly emerged, fomenting rebellion in the
     south. . .Wallace was knighted by a prominent Scottish earl -
     possibly Bruce himself - and in 1298 was elected sole Guardian
     of the country. . . Following his defeat at Falkirk, Wallace
     was forced to resign as Guardian, but this did not terminate
     the revolt. In the autumn of 1298, the rebels appointed John
     Comyn and Robert Bruce to preside as joint Guardians and
     continue the struggle. They, however, soon fell to squabbling
     among themselves, and the friction between them . . .
     deflected them from concerted action against the British. .
     . ". . . Wallace was dead, and Comyn firmly under the English
     thumb. But in March 1302, a year before Wallace's capture,
     Bruce's father had died, leaving Bruce with a direct claim to
     the throne. Three months later, in June, he had concluded a
     secret agreement with the Bishop of Lamberton. . .It is now
     generally accepted that the agreement involved plans for an
     independent Celtic Scotland, over which Bruce, supported by
     Lamberton, would preside as monarch. Before any such project
     could be implemented, however, something had to be done about
     John Comyn. "The Comyn family, which included the earldoms of
     Buchan and Monteith, was an old one, and could match the
     Bruces in power and prestige. . . On 10 February 1306, at the
     church of the Grey Friars in Dumfries, Bruce, with his own
     hand, murdered his adversary. Comyn was stabbed with a dagger
     and left to bleed to death on the church's stone floor.
     According to several accounts, he did not die immediately and
     was carried to safety by the monks, who sought to minister to
     his wounds. Bruce, hearing of this, returned to the church,
     dragged him back to the altar, and there slaughtered him. .
     . "There are aspects of Comyn's murder that cannot be
     explained entirely by the betrayal of a pact, or by the
     long-standing antipathy between Bruce and himself. . . .it
     appears to have been carefully premeditated, perhaps even
     rehearsed . . . Nor is it possible to ignore the setting of
     the murder. Churches, after all, were deemed to be sacred
     ground. . . it bears the unmistakable stamp of ritual killing
     -- an almost ceremonial killing of one candidate for a throne
     by another, on consecrated ground, in accordance with archaic
     pagan tradition. Nobody at the time could have been unaware of
     the powerful symbolism inherent in Bruce's act -- a symbolism
     so powerful, indeed, as to transcend the act itself." [The
     Temple & The Lodge, pp. 26, 28-30]

In 1314, the Battle of Bannockburn was won when a Templar force led by
Sir William St Clair came to Bruce's aid and this victory settled the
issue of Scottish indepen-dence.  Scotland remained an independent
kingdom for the next 289 years, when King James VI acceded to the throne
of England and united the two kingdoms in 1603.  In 1320 the Declaration
of Arbroath proclaimed the independence of Scotland, insinuating that
the Scots were descended from the Israelites previously in bondage in

     On 6 April 1320, an extraordinary document -- the so-called
     Declaration of Arbroath -- was issued. It took the form of a
     letter commissioned and signed by eight earls and thirty-one
     other nobles, including representatives of the Seton, Sinclair
     and Graham families. This letter adumbrated the legendary
     history of the Scots from their alleged origins in Scythia and
     their conversion there by St Andrew. It described Robert Bruce
     as their deliverer and hailed him (with biblical comparisons
     traditionally dear to the Templars) as 'a second Maccabaeus or
     Joshua'. . . [p. 38]

Other Scottish nobility and signatories of the Declaration of Arbroath
include Clans Leslie, Stewart, Monteith, Robertson and Bruce. Please
read our report on The British-Israel Conspiracy for information on
modern descendants of the "sacred" families who currently promote the
British-Israel deception.

     In 1322, Edward II launched his last, rather half-hearted,
     expedition against Scotland. It came to nothing, and Bruce
     retaliated with incursions into Yorkshire. In 1323, the two
     countries concluded what was supposed to be a thirteen-year
     truce, which lasted only for four. In the mean time, Bruce had
     become embroiled in a new squabble with the Papacy, then in
     the throes of its own schism, the so-called 'Avignon
     Captivity'. For some time, Edward of England had longed to
     ride the Scottish Church of its powerful nationalist bishops
     -- prelates such as Lamberton of St Andrews, Wishart of
     Glasgow and William Sinclair of Dunkeld (brother of Sir Henry
     Sinclair of Rosslin, signatory of the Arbroath Declaration).
     To this end, the English king had badgered successive popes
     not to consecrate any new native-born bishops into the
     Scottish Church. In the Avignon-based Pope John XXII he found
     a sympathetic ear. Bruce, however, aligned himself with his
     own bishops in defying the Pontiff's wishes and in 1318 he was
     again excommunicated, along with James Douglas and the Earl of
     Moray. A year later, the Pope demanded that the bishops of St
     Andrews, Dunkeld, Aberdeen and Moray appear before him to
     explain themselves. They ignored him and, in June 1320, were
     also excommunicated. Throughout the course of this row, the
     Pope had persisted in refusing to recognise Bruce as king,
     pointedly referring to him only as 'ruler of the Kingdom of
     Scotland'. It was not until 1324 that Pope John XXII relented
     and Bruce was finally acknowledged monarch in the Church's

It is noteworthy that Pope John XXIII was the Roman pontiff who, on June
24, 1961 would lift the ban of the Catholic Church on Freemasonry. June
24 is the feast of St John the Baptist whom Masons consider to be the
messiah rather than Jesus. Knight and Lomas state regarding this feast
and the liberation of Scotland cum Masonic religion: "A point of Masonic
interest concerning the Battle of Bannockburn is that it was fought on
the day with the longest daylight in the year -- a day still celebrated
by all Freemasons as the Feast of St John the Baptist." [The Hiram Key,
p. 299] The Temple & The Lodge describes the transport of Robert the
Bruce's heart to Jerusalem for burial in the Church of the Holy
Sepulchre. [Note: Biagent et al do err in stating that Stewart = Stuart:
See The Jacobite Heritage and Fantasy Royalty.]

     In 1329, Bruce died, to be succeeded, as he had arranged, by
     his grandson, Robert II, the first of the Stuart dynasty.
     Before his death, he had expressed the wish that his heart be
     removed, placed in a casket, taken to Jerusalem and buried in
     the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. In 1330, therefore, Sir
     James Douglas, Sir William Sinclair, Sir William Keith and at
     least two other knights embarked for the Holy Land, Douglas
     carrying Bruce's heart in a silver casket hung around his
     neck. Their itinerary took them through Spain, where they made
     the acquaintance of King Alfonso XI of Castile and Leon, and
     accompanied him on his campaign against the Moors of Granada.
     On 25 March 1330, at the battle of Tebas de Ardales, the
     Scots, riding in the vanguard, were surrounded. According to
     the fourteenth-century chronicle, Douglas removed from his
     neck the casket containing Bruce's heart and hurled it into
     the attacking host, crying:

                  Brave heart, that ever foremost led,
                    Forward! as thou wast wont. And I
                  Shall follow thee, or else shall die!

     Whether Douglas, in the heat of battle, had either time or
     inclination to compose his thoughts into verse is, one
     suspects, questionable. Having hurled Bruce's heart at the
     foe, however, he and his fellow Scots did proceed to follow
     it, charging headlong into their adversaries. All of them
     died, with the exception of Sir William Keith, who had broken
     his arm prior to the battle and so did not participate in it.
     He is said to have retrieved the heart from the field,
     miraculously intact in its casket, and to have brought it back
     with him to Scotland. It was buried in Melrose Abbey, under
     the east window of the chancel. Early in the nineteenth
     century, Bruce's grave at Dunfermline Abbey was opened.
     According to popular traditions prevalent in the age of Sir
     Walter Scott, he was found with his leg-bones carefully
     crossed immediately under his skull. In fact, this was not so;
     there was, apparently, nothing unusual about the corpse. But
     the traditions are indicative. It is clear that someone had a
     vested interest in linking Bruce with the Masonic

Continued in Part II - Modern-Day Knights Templar in the Holy Land

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