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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2004 00:34:08 -0500 (Central Daylight Time)
From: Chad McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JBirch] Fw: [ANTI-homosexual-lesbianmovement] Discrimination
    against white, heterosexual male found

-------Original Message-------

Date: 09/24/04 11:37:55
Subject: [ANTI-homosexual-lesbianmovement] Discrimination against white,
heterosexual male found

Discrimination against white male found

By George Archibald

An English professor at the University of North Carolina illegally
subjected a student to "intentional discrimination and harassment"
because he was "a white, heterosexual Christian male" who expressed
disapproval of homosexuality, the U.S. Education Department's Office
of Civil Rights has ruled.
    Professor Elyse Crystall violated student Timothy R. Mertes' civil
rights, the agency said, by improperly accusing him of "hate speech"
in an e-mail sent to students after a class discussion in which Mr.
Mertes said he was a Christian and felt "disgusted, not threatened" by
homosexual behavior.

    "The e-mail message not only subjected the student to intentional
discrimination and harassment, but also discouraged the robust
exchange of ideas that is intrinsic to higher education and is at the
very heart of the Constitution's protection of free speech," Alice B.
Wender, the Education Department's southern regional director of civil
rights concluded in a letter to UNC Chancellor James Moeser on Wednesday.
    The ruling was hailed by Rep. Walter B. Jones, North Carolina
Republican, who requested a civil rights probe five months ago after
learning about the student's plight from a Raleigh talk-radio show.
    "This vindicates this young man's First Amendment rights to speak
out, as he has acknowledged, as a Christian," Mr. Jones said. "So I'm
going to look at this as a victory for students in this country who
feel that they have a right to express themselves. If you don't have
that right in a collegiate classroom, what rights do you have?"
    The department's letter said no penalty or further action was
necessary because Ms. Crystall had apologized for her actions and the
university had convened faculty workshops to discourage race and sex
discrimination against white, male, Christian undergraduates.
    Mr. Moeser, Ms. Crystall and Mr. Mertes did not respond to
inquiries yesterday.
    The federal ruling comes as Mr. Moeser and UNC administrators at
the Chapel Hill campus have moved this month to shut down a male
Christian fraternity there, Alpha Iota Omega, on the grounds the
student group is violating the university's anti-discrimination policy
because it excludes non-Christians and self-professed homosexuals from
membership. The fraternity has filed a federal lawsuit against UNC to
protect its membership policy from university interference.
    "This adds another example to what is a problem at the University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and also, I believe, it's a problem
across this nation," Mr. Jones said of the UNC effort to shut down the
    There have been similar efforts against Christian student groups
at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash., the Pennsylvania State
University, the University of Minnesota, the University of Oklahoma
and Southwest Missouri State University.
    The civil rights probe of UNC involved "a discussion seminar on
diversity issues — required for graduation" for which Ms. Crystall was
the professor, according to Ms. Wender's 11-page letter announcing the
agency's decision.
    In a session in February, students told investigators that they
were discussing one author's views "that society affords whites,
males, and heterosexuals privileges that others, for example, blacks,
women and homosexuals, do not have," the decision letter stated.
    A topic of the session was "whether heterosexual men felt
'threatened' by homosexual men." Toward the end of the class, Mr.
Mertes stated that " 'threatened' was the wrong word to use."
    According to the letter, Mr. Mertes cited the example of "a friend
in California who is a Christian and who was propositioned by a gay
man. He got a love letter from this man, and he felt dirty and
disgusted, not threatened."
    Mr. Mertes told the class "that, as a Christian, he felt the same
way," the letter said. "He would not want to have to explain to his
6-year-old why two men are kissing at a ballgame. [Mr. Mertes] ended
his remarks in the classroom by saying that the only way to regard
this activity as a 'threat' is that homosexuality could be a threat to
life, e.g., reproduction or procreation."
    Mr. Jones said Ms. Crystall "didn't challenge [Mr. Mertes] in the
class," but instead afterward "went around the environment of the
classroom and e-mailed every student" to attack Mr. Mertes by name.
The attack caused him to receive personal threats, and his car was
vandalized, the congressman said.
    In her e-mail, Ms. Crystall told students: "I will not tolerate
any racist, sexist, and/or heterosexist comments in my class. What we
heard Thursday at the end of class constitutes 'hate speech' and is
completely unacceptable, it has created a hostile environment. I am
deeply sorry and apologize to those of us who are now feeling that the
classroom we share is an unsafe environment, for those of us who feel
vulnerable or threatened. I will do my best to counter those feelings
and protect that space from further violence."
    Naming Mr. Mertes in the e-mail, Ms. Crystall wrote: "What we
experienced, as unfortunate as it is, is, however, a perfect example
of privilege, that a white, heterosexual, Christian male, one who
vehemently denied his privilege last week insisting that he earned all
he has, can feel entitled to make violent, heterosexist comments and
not feel marked or threatened or vulnerable is what privilege makes
    The department ruling said Ms. Crystall "went beyond a permissible
reference simply describing the student" and illegally targeted him
for a charge of "hate speech" because he is "white and male."

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