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United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 14:38:43 PDT
From: carl william spitzer iv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JBirch] WS>>Labor Secretary Chao: U.N. a Threat to U.S.

          Wes Vernon, NewsMax.com,

          ARLINGTON,  Va.  -  President  Bush's  labor  secretary
     warned a gathering of conservatives that Americans must  pay
     more attention to the United Nations and its related organi-
     zations,  which she noted were chipping away at U.S.  sover-
     eignty and threatening freedoms.

          Labor  Secretary Elaine Chao, making her  charges  late
     Thursday  at the Conservative Political  Action  Conference,
     explained that powerful tax-exempt organizations were apply-
     ing  pressure through the U.N. to have the world  body  make
     decisions  for Americans' lives without any input from  U.S.

          These  efforts are being made without the knowledge  of
     most Americans, she pointed out.

          Chao cited a recent case where a labor union complained
     to the United Nations that the U.S. government was violating
     international law and international standards on the  treat-
     ment of government employees.

          The idea that tax-exempt U.N. and allied non-government
     organizations would presume to dictate to Americans how they
     live, work and conduct themselves on their internal business
     was  a  major  theme late Thursday at CPAC,  not  only  from
     Secretary Chao but also from panelists who preceded her.

          Foreign Parasites

          Tom  DeWeese, president of the American Policy  Center,
     charged that the goal of this unholy alliance was to  "erase
     national boundaries," redistribute wealth on an internation-
     al scale and steer decisions on American affairs from repre-
     sentative government to the "global village," with all of us
     as "global citizens."

          He  and another panelist, Jeff Gayner of Americans  for
     Sovereignty, called for the U.S. to get out of the U.N.  and
     to force the U.N. to get out of the U.S.

          Secretary  Chao cited not only labor organizations  but
     also groups in other areas of concern, such as Environmental
     Policy Institute and self-described human rights groups that
     have  used their tax-exempt status to try to bring the  U.S.
     into  line with their worldview, without a  single  American
     vote being cast or even an awareness on the part of most U.S

          The  long list of accredited left-of-center  NGOs,  she
     said, have become "key players in laying the groundwork  for
     international  law" and, she fears, "one day, the U.S.  will
     be pressured to adopt" the globalist agenda without a single
     vote being cast.

          Social Engineering

          The  internationalist-minded  NGOs, the  secretary  ob-
     served,  are encouraging the U.N. and its offshoot  agencies
     to  pressure  the  United  States  into  policies  mandating
     "gender  neutrality" and "reallocating defense  expenditures
     for other" left-favored causes.

          "Conservatives  who  ignore  the U.N. do  so  at  their
     peril," Chao declared.

          DeWeese  said the international tentacles of  the  NGOs
     reached  down  to local governments around the  country.  He
     said  they were working with city and county governments  to
     use  familiar  programs to forge ahead with  such  ideas  as
     "sustainable  development," and "smart growth,"  euphemisms,
     he said, for pressuring us out of the wide-open suburbs  and
     into  crowded cities. These policies also make housing  more
     expensive, though liberal politicians constantly bemoan  the
     lack of "affordable housing," a shortage they have abetted.

          "If  you  love  liberty," the  American  Policy  Center
     president  told  CPAC,  "sustainable  development  is   your

          The job-killing, China-boosting Kyoto "global  warming"
     treaty  and the International Criminal Court, both  rejected
     by President Bush, are just the tip of the iceberg,  DeWeese

          "Few  Americans  are  aware of what is  going  on,"  he

          It goes to the philosophy of these particular NGOs that
     all  living creatures are the same, perhaps  crowing  humans
     together in cities, with the animals looking in.

          Gayner said Americans would have to use the same mantra
     with international planners and their NGOs that former first
     lady Nancy Reagan used with the drug culture: "Just say no."

          "The  World Court and the International Criminal  Court
     are building blocks to the control of the American  people,"
     he said.

          He  praised President Bush for his State of  the  Union
     statement that the U.S. did not need a permission slip  from
     foreigners  to defend its own interests. Moreover, he  cited
     polls  showing near unanimity among the American  people  in
     agreement  with that. Yet the pressure for world  governance
     continues unabated.

          Gayner  urged support for a proposal by Rep. Ron  Paul,
     R-Texas, to end U.S. membership in the United Nations.

          The Enemy on U.S. Soil

          Panelist  Tom Kilgannon of Oliver North's  Freedom  Al-
     liance  noted  that U.N. Secretary General Kofi  Anan  lives
     "like  a  king"  at the U.N., where "Castro is  a  hero  and
     George W. Bush is reviled or barely tolerated."

          "Kofi Anan is no friend of the American people, and the
     U.N. is no ally of the Untied States," he declared.

          Secretary  Chao said she was encouraged that such  pro-
     American groups as the Heritage Foundation and the  American
     Conservative  Union had persisted in their efforts,  against
     heavy  resistance, to obtain accreditation as  observers  of
     the U.N. General Assembly.


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