-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 13:34:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Same Old Bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [THE-DIALECTIC-OF-THE-DIALECTIC] TWO-WAY Conversation with God ...
    via EPCOT, Florida

On Thu, 12 Jun 2003, Same Old Bob wrote:

> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Party of
> Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > So he doesn't just chat with you, eh?
> > One thing at a time. First He LECTURES to me through the language
> of all that is good in the world:
> > "This is my Father's world,
> > He shines on all that's fair.
> > In the rustling grass,
> > I hear Him pass.
> > He speaks to me everywhere."
> In other words It doesn't chat directly with you.

The university lecture is very direct. Like God's Lectures, it
incorporates features of verbiage, pictures, show-and-tell etc.

 Rather you
> intrepret It thru It's creation.

Since God is at the top of the Creation Science profession, creativity is
His forte. He speaks to us through what He creates. Would you have Him
speak through what He doesn't create?

> > > That isn't exactly what I meant by conversing.
> > Look at it this way. In some universities you get guys who are at
> the top of their profession and they walk into a class and lecture
> and then walk out. The nitty gritty of discussion is left to lesser
> lights in seminars.
> I didn't attend the seminar.

It is best to avoid the seminars of the religiocrats lest you become
spiritually corrupt, ie a liar, like them.

Just stick with the LECTURES. Pay close attention to what you are being
told in lecture.

> As 'God' is supposedly omnipresent, I'm waiting for It to bring the
> seminar to me.

The lecture is all around you. See "This is my Father's world...." above.

> > God is at the top of His profession, which is Creation Science. His
> seminar leaders are bozos and can't create spit. Just ask them to
> create one UniverCity as a "shining city on a hill" to compete with
> the pagan gods of Mount Burnaby, <http://www.UniverCity.ca>.
> What's your beef with Burnaby?
> You're not 'God', POC, but you seem to confused yourself with It.

What is the confusion? God is God. POC is POC.

> > So why should He engage in a more detailed dialogue with them?
> I'm not interested in reading the book. Books are often written by
> ghost writers.

God speaks to us through books too...GOOD books.

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow".

ALL blessings, ie all that is good.

 As 'God' is supposedly omnipresent, I'm waiting for It
> to give me scoop firsthand. & admittedly I'm hardheaded & limited.

But you are pretty honest in your ignorance so there is hope for you,
unlike the religiocrats, filled with vanity and self-righteousness. Who
said, MANY would come to Him and say, "Lord, Lord" and He will reply, "I
knew you not"?

> Maybe It will have to give me scoop more than once for me to
> understand / be willing to stand under.

You are on the right track. "Quaecumque Vera" (motto of U of
A)..."Whatsoever Things Be True". Churchocrats HATE TRUTH and Jesus Christ

> Re 'standing under', I don't want to be fooled by demon.

Ergo, stay away from churchocrats who are demon possessed.

 If presence
> isn't 'good', presence isn't god I want to stand under.

Bull's eye. Goodness is the EXCLUSIVE property of God and all those on
whom He confers it. St Luke said of Jesus Christ "(He) went about doing

______________ is a good feature because _________________________

would tell us all about that "shining city on a hill", UniverCity if you
will, and answer the question, What would Jesus build?

But religiocrats like the CHP hate the very idea of spelling out a
"Culture of God" even while they trash so-called pagan cultures to
transform them into the evil which they represent.

> > They are lucky He doesn't decide to
> > cancel His lectures for them altogether.
> You still seem confused re YOUR IDENTITY vs Its Identity.

Not at all. What is the exact point of confusion?

> > Some day of course He will in
> > that the Division Bell will ring and many who are first will be
> last and
> > the last will be first.
> Did It tell you that or did you just read that in a book?

God speaks through books too. If you meet a person who cannot use words or
chooses not to use words, He may give you type or print in a book.

> I'm only so interested in what men / ghost writers wrote in book.
> The whole "God told me to tell you" shtick doesn't make sense to me.

I gotta shtick
You gotta shtick
All O' God's chillun gotta shtick.
When I get to heaven, gonna give up that shtiiiiick,
Cause there aint no shticks in God's heaven."

Sung to the tune of "I Gotta Harp"

> Omnipresent omniscient omnipotent 'God' should be able to converse
> directly with me.

Sure, but He calls the shots, right?

> Mystics, including Catholic mystics, seem to believe that 'God'
> converses directly with them.

Lectures ARE direct. Try some other phrasing for what you mean.

> Are you Catholic too, POC?

No. I am a follower of Jesus Christ.

> Do Catholics do Doxology?
> We recited Doxology in Protestant church in which I was raised &
> baptized.

It makes a lot of sense.

> > But the vain ones of Now TV, TWU, Missions Fest et
> > al prattle on in their vanity. "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity".
> You're extremely vain yourself. Don't you recognize your own vanity?

I'm the smartest man in the whole wide world. Is that vain?

> You seem to believe you have greater understanding, greater
> integrity, & inside scoop on Mind of 'God'.

I am telling you only what others have told me.

> I am having hard time separating Wheat from Chaff re your trolling &
> contrariwise professing.

Just stick to the points for agreement/disagreement and all will be well.

> & Riain the queer piss fetishish Jew is a lot like you that way.

Jews like Riain are Anti-Christ (See I John 2:22) by THEIR admission so we
are not so much alike. Same number of chromosomes.

> > You would not expect the top computer lecturer to say one word more
> to a bunch of ingrate students who learn nothing, who aren't worth
> shit, ie are "not fit for the dung hill" and have no respect for him.
> I missed Its lecture. With It being omnipresent, seems like It would
> give me lecture PERSONALLY.

Why would you expect a lecture on a 1:1 basis and not anyone else getting
it? That's undemocratic.

 Weren't old time universities more like
> that, one-on-one imputation of knowledge?

Dunno...but what's the point?

> > Maybe he won't even lecture to them again.
> How about to you?

He lectures to me, you, everyone, constantly. Few pay attention. "The
flock is small".

> Still sounds like It never lectured/spoke directly with you. Sounds
> like you got your stuff from book written by ghost writers.

See above re the omnipresent lecture of God.

> Then it seems you got incredibly arrogant.
> What part does Love play in your religion, POC?
> Isn't Love the Holy Spirit?????

Love of what is GOOD and only that. Reliogiocrats HATE the very idea of
articulating America-the-Good for example.

> Paul was homophobe, misogynist, & friend of all governing tyrants,
> but still I like his I Corinthians 13 -- meditation on love.

Who cares what bozos say about Paul? "Suffer fools gladly, seeing ye are

> > Why would you expect God to say more?  Prove you understand the
> lectures and then let's see what happens.
> I still say lecture is bad analogy.

It is not analogy. It is actual truth.

> Omnipresent 'God' doesn't need to lecture to group.

Why not? It is His choice. His creation.

> Omnipresent 'God' can converse anytime anyplace with any individual.

Yes, if He chooses.

> I'm more more interested in Living God than any goddamn Book.

WE AGREE. So let's hear it from the choir:

"Heaven, heaven....
There aint no shticks in God's heaven."

> > POC
> > (Learned Elder of Zion)
> Or whatever.

Whatever is the proof that the religiocrats have been paying attention to
God's lectures on creation science:

_______________ is a good feature because ________________________________

Start with the Reedy Creek Improvement District legislation in Florida and
ask Gov. Bush to revive it under a Whitehouse "faith-based public works"
grant to build EPCOT as Disney wanted it to be.


> Bob
> ***** Let us talk about what we are not supposed to talk about until we know 
> good-speak from bad-speak; Whitehouse moronspeak from smartspeak. What is the code 
> of totem and taboo under Whitehouse-Orwellian "newspeak" as it was called in 1984? 
> What is "doubleplus ungood crimethink" in Orwell's classic? *****

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***** Let us talk about what we are not supposed to talk about until we know 
good-speak from bad-speak; Whitehouse moronspeak from smartspeak. What is the code of 
totem and taboo under Whitehouse-Orwellian "newspeak" as it was called in 1984? What 
is "doubleplus ungood crimethink" in Orwell's classic? *****

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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